top 50 most downloaded usa social app The Most Popular Social Networking Sites In 2021. As we move forward in the digital age, continues to gain importance in our daily lives. However, 2020 saw it take on a whole new significance. The Coronavirus pandemic has made it more difficult than ever to connect. Social media has helped combat this and alleviate some of the pressures and feelings of isolation in these trying times. However, the role social media plays in our lives is continuously changing, and it's not always positive. We've seen social media used as a tool to spread misinformation, divide people and sow negativity. It's essential to continuously evaluate how social media is affecting us, and one of the ways to do this is to look at which sites are the most popular. Doing this reveals what people want most from these platforms, mainly to share their lives and connect. Below we've compiled all the relevant stats you need to know about the most popular social media sites in 2021. Social Media Users Around the World in 2021. According to Internet World Stats, about 4.92 billion people are connected to the internet worldwide, which is just a touch above 63 percent of the entire global population. This is up from 4.5 billion and 59 percent in 2020. These numbers might seem impressive, but think about how much more we relied on the internet in 2020 than in any other year. That 37 percent of the world's population is still not connected speaks to some of the harsh inequalities that still exist regarding the internet and all it has to offer. In 2021, there are 3.96 billion social media users. Interestingly, nearly 20 percent of all internet users – just under one billion people – do not use any form of social media. So long as this group exists, there will be room for social media growth, but if we look at what's been happening over the years, we can see that things are leveling off. There will always be a percentage of people who won't use social media, but as we move into 2021 and beyond, it will be interesting to see if this number goes up or down from 20 percent. The Most Popular Social Media Sites By Number of Users. Now that we have it clear that social media is a huge part of people's lives, let's get into which sites are the most popular. Some of the numbers won't surprise you, but others will. This data is from Statista: Some interesting things to note about this data: · , YouTube, and are unsurprisingly the most popular social networking sites in the world. These three have held these positions since the first data was collected. · Social media use continues to grow in China – WeChat and QQ are both exclusively used in China yet are both in the world's top ten most popular sites. · After showing promising signs of growth over the previous few years, TikTok has exploded to become the sixth most popular social media site in the entire world. · Despite not making many headlines while doing so, LinkedIn, the social networking platform dedicated to business professionals , has grown to be the fifth most popular social media site globally. Only time will tell if this growth continues throughout 2021 and if TikTok will make its way even further towards the top. In the past, this hasn't been the case. Sites such as grew quickly to about this point until their popularity eventually waned. Some claim this trend keeps repeating because Facebook has too much control over the market, which is a significant issue in 2021. The Facebook Family – Will 2021 Be the Beginning of the End? We must never forget that Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp are all part of the Facebook family of apps. Together, they represent a massive portion of the world's total social media users: We know that there are only 3.96 billion social media users globally, which suggests that everyone who uses social media has at least one account with Facebook. Because it's gotten so big, some have started to claim it's too big for the market to be competitive. In December 2020, the Federal Trade Commission and attorney generals from dozens of states filed an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook. If successful, this litigation could force Facebook to split up, meaning Instagram and WhatsApp would become their own companies. This is far from guaranteed, as Facebook plans to fight this and have considerable resources to do so. Still, it's undoubtedly one of the top in the world of social media and could have a significant impact on Facebook's grip on the top position. Time Spent on Social Media in 2021. On average, people spend 142, or 2 hours and 22 minutes per day using social media. However, this average is global, and some people use it much more than others. Here's a breakdown of daily social media use around the world: As you can see, Latin America and Africa are well above the average, whereas Europe, North America, and Asia are below. This could be because internet use in Latin America and Africa is growing, and social media and internet use are restricted for most people in China. The Most Popular Social Media Sites By Frequency of Use. Another way to measure the most popular social media sites is to look at how often people use them. The Pew Research Center collected some of this data, which you can see below: Some Stats About the Most Popular Social Media Sites. Depending on how we measure it, the same social media sites are the most popular. Facebook clearly stands on top, especially when you consider that Instagram and WhatsApp are also part of Facebook. To demonstrate just how popular these sites are, consider the following stats about each one: Facebook. · Each time someone visits Facebook, they spend an average of 10-12 minutes on the site. [We Are Social] · 88 percent of all Facebook users access the site from a mobile device. [Hootsuite] · Facebook's revenue per user has doubled in the past three years. [ Kleiner Perkins ] · Overall, 74 percent of all Facebook users go on the site at least once a day [Pew] Instagram. · Over a billion people use Instagram, but 80 percent of users are from outside the U.S. [Statista] · 72 percent of teens use Instagram daily [Business Insider] · Instagram users "like" 4.2 billion posts a day [Time] · There are 95 million new posts each day [Reuters] · 63 percent of Instagram users use the site daily [Pew> Tik Tok. · Tik Tok now has more than 600 million active users, making it one of the world's most popular social media sites. · There are about 13 million new videos uploaded to TikTok every day [Sensor Tower] · 42 percent of Tik Tok's monthly revenue comes from the U.S. [Sensor Tower] · 14 percent of young adult internet users in the US are on Tik Tok [Forbes] · 28.56 percent of Tik Tok users open the app at least once a day [ eMarkerter ] . · 500 million tweets are sent each day [Twitter] · Twitter became profitable for the first time in 2017 [Recode] · User growth shrunk from 2018-2019, suggesting the platform may be in decline. [ eMarketing ] · 71 percent of users are reading the news on Twitter [] · Just 42 percent of Twitter users use the site every day [Pew> WhatsApp. · 65 billion WhatsApp messages are sent each day [Business Insider] · WhatsApp is used in 180 countries around the world [WhatsApp] · WhatsApp has 1.6 billion daily active users [Tech Crunch] · There are 100 million voice calls made each day on WhatsApp [WhatsApp] YouTube. · YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine, behind only Google, which belongs to the same company as YouTube. [Pulse Marketing] · The average mobile session is 40 minutes [YouTube] · There are over 1 billion mobile videos viewed each day. [Statistic Brain] Snapchat. · 73 percent of all Americans aged 18-24 use Snapchat, down from 78 percent a year ago[Pew] · 47 percent of U.S. teens think it's better than Facebook [Fool] · 66 percent of all Snapchat users are under the age of 25 [Hootsuite] The Most Popular Social Media Sites You've Never Heard Of. Looking at the list of the most popular social media sites, we see many of the ones we're most familiar with. Just a year ago, in 2019, Tik Tok used to be an unknown, but it's become a sensation, at least amongst the US youth. It was one of the most downloaded apps in the United States not too long ago. Yet there are quite a few most of us have probably never heard of. For example, what's QZone? It turns out, many of the world's most popular social media sites are specific to China. 1. China has severe restrictions on internet use. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are not allowed to operate there. 2. China has the world's largest population. This population is getting more and more affluent by the minute, meaning they have more time and money to access the internet and social media. It's hard to say if these sites will overtake Facebook and YouTube as the world's most popular sites, but as long China maintains its strict regulations, these platforms likely aren't going anywhere. Here's a little more information about these hugely popular social media sites that are relatively unknown in other parts of the world. WeChat. WeChat is very similar to other messaging apps, such as WhatsApp or LINE. It's used almost exclusively in China, where Facebook, and its family of apps, are not allowed to operate. However, because China's population is so large, and because so many people use WeChat, it's made the top of the list of most popular social media sites. Here are some more stats about WeChat: · It was first released in January 2011, making it one of the newer social media platforms worldwide. · There are 1.058 billion WeChat users, and 902 million of them are active daily [Tech Node] · Each day, there are around 38 billion messages sent over the WeChat platforms [ Tencent ] · Of the 1.058 billion users on WeChat, just 70 million live somewhere other than China. [Business Insider] · 98.5 percent of Chinese people aged 50-80 use WeChat [Tech Node] QZone. QZone, which is also owned by Tencent, the same company that owns WeChat, is considered by some to be China's most popular social media site. This is mainly because QZone operates more like Facebook. It allows you to write blogs, keep diaries, send photos, listen to music, and more. This is different from WeChat and QQ, which are almost exclusively messaging services. Currently, there are just over 548 million monthly active QZone users, 542 million of which are mobile users. QQ. Yet another Chinese social media site, QQ, is WeChat's biggest competitor. It's an instant messaging service that also allows people to pay for goods at participating stores and restaurants. We don't know much about QQ in terms of usage, but we know that it's growing quickly. To give you an idea, consider that right now, there are over 800 million users on QQ. However, in 2014, there were just 200 million users. Interestingly, QQ is also owned by Tencent, the same parent company as WeChat and QZone. . Often referred to as the "Chinese Twitter," the social media site Sina Weibo, commonly referred to as just Weibo, is rapidly becoming one of the most widely-used social media sites globally. Here are some stats about this relatively unknown social media site: · Currently, Weibo has around 430 million registered users. · It has around 195 million daily active users. · In 2017, Weibo pulled in $1.15 billion in revenue. VK. Formerly known as Vkontakte, VK is the most popular social media site in Russia, making it the only unknown social media site not specific to China. Because of Russia's smaller population and VK's limited reach outside of Russia, it's not a significant player on the world stage. It only has around 80 million monthly active users. This is no small number, but it pales in comparison to many of the other social media sites currently in use around the world. Conclusion. Social media use remains immensely popular, and these statistics show that most people spend most of their social media time on only a handful of sites. However, if the last 20 years have taught us anything, there will surely be new sites for people to use. It will be interesting to see if any of these upstarts can eat away at the massive popularity of those sites we currently use and love. Most popular social media apps in the U.S. 2019, by reach. Facebook is by far the most popular mobile social networking app in the United States – in September 2019, 90.9 percent of U.S. mobile users accessed the mobile app. The company’s other mobile social media properties Facebook Messenger and Instagram were ranked second and third with 64.92 and almost 57 percent audience reach respectively. Mobile social media. Accessing social media is one of the leading mobile activities in the United States. The ranking of the most popular mobile social networking apps in the United States as of June 2019 was headed by Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter. Facebook was also the undisputed leader in terms of monthly user engagement with almost 788 minutes per user per month. Social Media Apps. We have gathered a list of most popular social media apps used in the world. The list has 250 social media apps as of October 2018 and keeps growing. Updated periodically, the list is available in 32 languages which are listed index. We are also running a Social Media Addiction Test if you are interested. List of Top Social Media Apps 2019. Classmates connects people with their high school friends in the U.S. and also allows for the uploading of high school yearbooks. Members can also plan their high school reunions. Tingles is a video based on ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) which allows soft-sounded videos to trigger positive, euphoric feelings. It has several million users. Quora is a question-answer based social network platform where users ask-answer questions. It has about 200 million users as of January 2018. Ask is another large question and answer social network similar to Quora. It has about 160 million users. ProductHunt (New) is a social networking website which gives priority to content about new products. (New) is a that allows it members to rate the beer they are consuming, earn badges, share pictures of their beers, review tap lists from nearby venues, and see what beers their friends are drinking. The site has roughly 3 million members. Doximity (New) is a social network for U.S. clinicians. It has over 800,000 members. is a US-Florida based social network bringing together users and children impacted by crimes. is a Catholic social network founded for the youth in Australia. It has about 70,000 members. is an Italian social network where users can create websites free.It has about 2,5 million users. is a social network where users can listen to DJs, create and share their lists with other users. BranchOut is a Social network for those looking for jobs and future carieers. Koofers is another educational social network with about 2 million members. It is popular among college students. Edmodo is an educational Social network where teachers, students and parents connect. It has about 50 million users. is a Social network for patients connecting patients with similar illnesses to exchange information. is a medical and support-community based Social network with about 43 million members. MyHeritage is an online genealogy network that enables users to create family trees, upload and browse photos, and search billions of global historical records. The site has 80 million users worldwide. 23andMe (New) is a DNA analysis company that connects its customers with their relatives based on a DNA analysis. It also identifies if the person is likely to have any health-related issues based on DNA analysis. Ancestry (New) is in the business of finding your ancestors — i.e. building genealogy networks. The site has roughly 2 million paying members. is a Social network that allows its users to create their family tree and invite other relatives to join. It has about 180 million users. is a social network that connects musicians and artists. VampireFreaks is a community for gothic-industrial subcultures that has millions of members. The site is also used for dating. (New) is a location-based dating mobile app that is used by over 50 million users. Crokes (New) is a community or social network for authors. It is similar to Twitter, but limits posts to 300 characters. Goodreads (New) is a social network for book lovers, who can recommend books and see what their friends are reading, among other features. The site is owned by Amazon and has tens of millions of members. Academia (New) is a social networking website for academics. The platform can be used to share papers, monitor their impact, and follow the research in a particular field. The site has over 55 million users. is a Social network dedicated to books and book reader community. is a Social network with lists and autobiography. is a Social network where members can organize scientific work, researches, collect publications, and contact likeminded colleagues and researchers. ResearchGate is a social network where researchers and scientists can meet, discuss and exchange their knowledge. is one of the largest literature based social netwoks where readers and authors connect. It has about 65 million users. is a social network where readers can connect and exchange ideas about books. is a large social reading network where members can read books, audio books and magazines. Grindr is a mobile social network for gay, bi, trans, and queer people to meet and connect. OutEverywhere is another gay social network where LGBT people meet and connect. is a Social network for the LGBT community. It has more than 100,000 members. is a social network where users like, review and share content about films. is a social network in Russian and English which brings together artists,musicians and painters. It has about 100,000 users. is a Social network and educational website for people in TV, cinema and film industry. is a Social network bringing together people with smilar liking of movies and TV series. is a Brazil based Social network which allows its users to list, rate and recommend the films they watch. is a Social network for entertainment. is a Social network for music community worldwide. is a subscription based Social network for cinema community. Lingualoe is a language learning-teaching social network. It has about 4 million members. Amikumu is another language learning social network. It helps the user to find the nearby speakers or learners of the same language. is a Social network dedicated to teaching and learning foreign languages. Italki (New) makes connections between language learners and language teachers to help learning new languages. The site has more than 1 million students. English, baby! (New) is a social network and online curriculum for learning conversational English and slang. The service is used by more than 1.6 million members. Busuu (New) is a language-learning social network. The site connects learners to speakers of the native language to make the learning process easier. Social Media Addiction Test. If you think the above social media apps list is missing any social media apps, please contact us with the missing ones, we will add them. Read About page to learn more about the creation and structure of the list. Social Media Apps. We have gathered a list of most popular social media apps used in the world. The list has 250 social media apps as of October 2018 and keeps growing. Updated periodically, the list is available in 32 languages which are listed index. We are also running a Social Media Addiction Test if you are interested. List of Top Social Media Apps 2019. Epistimo (New) is a new social network with some interesting features such as the Bartering Principle, Mutual Growth, Democratic and Transparent algorithm. It rewards every user action with an equal credit. If you follow a user you will earn a follower, if you like a post you will earn a like etc. (New) states that its mission is to make available online the natural bounds that already exist among people. Vero has about 3 million users as of March 2018. Befilo (New) is a new social network where everybody is automatically friend with everybody. Users just join the network and automatically friend with all other members. Zoimas (New) is an anti-addiction social network which keeps users online as little as possible. Users can login only once in 12 hours, be online max 15 minutes, post only once each login and have max 150 friends. Desentric (New) is a very new social network. It is similar to Twitter and it has some interesting features such as democratic algorithm, transparent functions, mutual growth principle and incentive for founding members. Facebook is still the largest social network in the world. It is said to have around 2 billion monthly users as of December 2017. has about 320 million users, who can post tweets limited to 280 characters. Instagram is a photo and video sharing social network. It's part of Facebook and has around 800 million users as of January 2018. is a social network where content is added in the form of pins and it has about 200 million users as of January 2018. LinkedIn is a social network platform that is mainly used by business professionals. As a trademark of Microsoft, LinkedIn has approximately 500 million users as of January 2018. Okuna is a very new social network which started in 2019. It describes itself as privacy-friendly, open and accountable. Reddit is a content sharing social network with over 500 million monthly visits. Text posts or direct links can be shared on the site and voted by members to determine popularity. (New) is an ad-free social network that allows its users to read and write messages of up to 300 characters, called gabs. It has roughly 200,000 users. is a new Social network, something between Instagram and Twitter. It is becoming popular fast and adding new features that don’t exist on the other two. is a global community Social network that brings together artists and creators. Woddal is social network that allows people with similar interests to come together and share information, photos and videos. is a social network where users can join and create communities with same interests. MeWe describes itself as the Generation-Next social network. It offers its users a good deal of autnomy over their presence and security on the network. Raftr is an events and communication platform for college students with an exclusive social network for each school. OneWay is an alternative social network that focuses very much on political freedom, the right of free speech and liberty of conscience. EyeEm is a visual content based social network. It is considered as an alternative to Instagram. But it has a more authentic content provided by 22 million users. is a social network that connects activists from around the world to primarily discuss political and environmental issues. The site has about 40 million users. GirlsAskGuys (New) is a opposite-sex based social network platform in which opposite sexes ask and answer each other questions. is a video based social network where users hang out as a group through a FaceTime functionality. is a Social network dedicated only to men to talk about and share men-related things. is a dating Social network that brings together people with same interests. is a social network where users can set goals and interact with other users with similar goals./ is a large educational social network by students for students. It has 80 million users. Opportunity is a business social network with a matchmaking algorithm to connect professionals for business and relationship opportunities. It has several million users around the world. Tiktok is a short form mobile video share social network. It has about 150 million daily active users and is very popular in China and Asian countries. is a family and friends based Social network. Its motto is to make social networking easy and simple. DeviantArt is an art-sharing network with over 38 million registered members. Flickr is a photo and video sharing social network that supports tens of millions of members and over 10 billion photos. My Muslim Friends Book (New) is a social network for connecting Muslims across 175 countries. The site currently has roughly 500,000 members. BlackPlanet is a social network for African Americans that focuses on dating, showcasing talent, and chatting and blogging. The site has around 20 million members. Steemit could be seen as a combination of Quora and Reddit. Users can publish their posts on Steemit and based on the upvotes, they can receive Steem crypto tokens. It has about 10 million users. Amino is a mobile social network that has large online communities about almost any topic. InLinx is considered as one of the new trends in social networking. It brings together many different features sucha as; interaction among families, friends and collogues, dating, making new friends and digital marketing. Twoo (New) is a social discovery platform that allows its 181 million members to create profiles, upload pictures, and chat with other users. is a mobile phone based social network which allows its users to view the profiles of people nearby at that moment. is a social network where you can meet new people and play games with them. is a social network where users are encouraged to share cool stuff. It has about 4 million members. is a decentralized Social network that offers many different ways to share your posts and to socialize with other users. Yooco is a social network platform which allows its users to create their own social networks. is a social network that facilitates a group of people to meet in person around a specific topic or theme. It has roughly 32 million users. is one of the world’s most widely used dating networks. It has over 360 million registered users. is a social network for making new friends. The site has about 20 million unique visitors globally. VK is like Facebook but more popular in Russia and neighboring countries with over 400 million users. is a blogging network with over 350 million blogs and over 500 million users. The social network supports both web and mobile. is a Social network that allows its members to create connections in the physical and digital world. Social Media Addiction Test. If you think the above social media apps list is missing any social media apps, please contact us with the missing ones, we will add them. Read About page to learn more about the creation and structure of the list. Sensor Tower Blog. Top Social Media Apps Worldwide for August 2019 by Downloads. TikTok was the most downloaded social media app worldwide for August 2019 with close to 63 million installs, which represented a 6 percent increase from August 2018. The countries with the most installs of the app during this period were India at 44 percent of its total downloads and China at 8 percent. The full top 10 ranking of social media apps worldwide by downloads for August 2019 is above. App download estimates are from Sensor Tower’s Store Intelligence platform. Facebook was the second most installed social media app worldwide last month with more than 52.5 million installs. The countries with the largest number of Facebook installs were India at 24 percent, followed by Indonesia at 10 percent. Instagram, Likee, and Snapchat rounded out the top five most installed social media apps worldwide for the month. Store Intelligence users can see app download estimates for the above apps in addition to historical performance metrics on the Sensor Tower platform. Our estimates include downloads for the App Store and Google Play worldwide between August 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. Apple apps and Google pre-installed apps are excluded. We report unique installs only. Android estimates do not include third-party stores. Figures represent aggregate installs of all app versions, ex: Facebook and Facebook Lite. Sensor Tower’s Store Intelligence platform is an Enterprise level offering. Interested in learning more? Mobile Insights Analyst. Follow us on Twitter for even more insights and relevant news on the app economy. If you're a member of the press and are interested in mobile app insights for your reporting, please contact us to learn how we can help.