EET/S3/10/10/A ECONOMY, ENERGY AND TOURISM COMMITTEE AGENDA 10th Meeting, 2010 (Session 3) Wednesday 17 March 2010 The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 1. 1. The whisky and spirits industry - an update on recent restructuring announcements: The Committee will take evidence from— Bryan Donaghey, Managing Director, Diageo Scotland; John Beard, Chief Executive, Whyte & Mackay; and then from— Stephen Boyd, Assistant Secretary, Scottish Trades Union Congress; Derek Ormston, Regional Industrial Organiser, UNITE; Harry Donaldson, Regional Secretary, GMB. 2. The whisky and spirits industry - wider issues and challenges: The Committee will take evidence, in a round-table discussion, from— John Beard, Chief Executive, Whyte & Mackay; Bryan Donaghey, Managing Director, Diageo Scotland; Harry Donaldson, Regional Secretary, GMB; Stephen Boyd, Assistant Secretary, Scottish Trades Union Congress; Gavin Hewitt, Chief Executive, Scotch Whisky Association; Maggie McGinlay, Regional Director for Aberdeen City and Shire and Director of Food and Drink, Scottish Enterprise; EET/S3/10/10/A Ewen Cameron, International Manager Food and Drink, Scottish Development International; Chris Taylor, Head of Tourism, Food and Drink, Highlands and Island Enterprise; Donald M. Blair, International Drinks Industry Executive. 3. The way forward for Scotland’s banking, building society and financial services sector (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report. Stephen Imrie Clerk to the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee Room T3.40 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5207 Email:
[email protected] EET/S3/10/10/A The papers for this meeting are as follows— Agenda item 1 Briefing paper from SPICe on the whisky industry EET/S3/10/10/1 Written submission from Diageo (to follow) EET/S3/10/10/2 Agenda item 2 Note by the clerk EET/S3/10/10/3 Agenda item 3 PRIVATE PAPER EET/S3/10/10/4 (P) EET/S3/10/10/1 he Scottish Parliament and Scottish Parliament Information Centre logos.