Albuquerque Citizen, 04-12-1909 Hughes & Mccreight

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Albuquerque Citizen, 04-12-1909 Hughes & Mccreight University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-12-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 04-12-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 04-12-1909." (1909). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIiN ARRIVA S A TT WtAIHER FORECAST No. I 7.45 P. V No. 7 10.55 p. m t- - X1VIUBUQUERQUE CITIZEN Denver. Colo., April fair No. 8 6.40 p might and TaesJa. Colder south portion No. 9 1 1.45 p. 1-- WE GETT THE NEWS FIRST tonight. VOLUME 24. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY. Al'ltIL 112. 1939. NUMIiEK 77 V WATERS-PIER- CONGRESS HAS STOPPED HOW ONE DAY'S VOTING ALllCH SAYS TARIFF RICH WIDOW, SLATED FOR CE CO. 10 NEXT PRbSIDENT OF D. A. R. THE DEEP WATERWAY CHANGED MAP OF MICHIGAN DUTIES Will BE PAY HEAVY FINE PROJECTS ORJIf Whole Work Will Walt Until Senate Finance. Committee Supreme Court Denies Ap- Commission Investigates Has Charge of Payne Bill plication for Re-Heari- and Makes Ke. Which Passed the In the Texas port. House. Cast?. M MWtM lAftW--J jj ARMY ENGINEERS jj j THE DECREASES ATTORNEYS CLAIM OUTNUMBER ADVANCES IT WILL ALSO HELP ISJONFISCATION. v :C g Lumber Duty Will Problem of Convt-rtln- Rivers and be Retained as Supreme Court Upholds Texas x v Lakes Into Transportation Passed by House. Sugar Sched- Court Decision and Refuses System Will be Thor- - ule Remains Same and to Grant Another oughly Stud-te- d. Wool Duly Goes Trial In We Back. Case. Washington, Washington U. ('., April !2. -- It April 12. The S. nato Washington. April 12. The su on preme court to- seems to lie the determination or committee finance met at 19 of the United States - "l o'clock this morning to consider the lay denied a motion for a Congress to lay all plans for in In tho caso Waters-Pierc- tariff bill pa.ssed by MRS. MATTHKW SCOTT. FROM I.ATI1ST PHOTOC.RAPH. of the e Oil ternal waterway improvements until the House ami company, in which the nuprome a full membership was present. Sen- Mrs. Matthew Svott. wealtlfy I'.loumlnxton, III., widow, is the admln-nc- y the comniis:-!-' m appointed to consid- court recently affirmed the division istratlon candidate for the preside general of the exclusive and highly courts.-Importin- er the subject shall have made u re- ator Aldrlch, when asked to make a of Texas a fine of summary political Daughters of the American Revolution at the coming congress of 11.6(10.0(10 on port. This 1I1 termination probably of the changes in the bill the oil company and proposed to be made by the Senate, the organization in Washington, April l'.i. She Is the choice of the famous ousting It from the state. will hold even if the report of the en- Mrs, McLean, years Daughters gineers now is said: Donald for several president general of the The request for a was under consideration who conlldently predicts filed to be to project "In the main, the rates In the tari- her cleetlon. a shifrt time ago and it was de- - found favorable the Insurgents, present of Daughters, decided deep-wat- er ff bill us reported from the Senate alwas ranks the have clared as a reason for the applica- of constructing a chunnel upon Mex- llnance committee are lower thun Mrs. Wm. C .tory irs their oindldate. tion that the decision of the Texas from St. Louis to the Uulf of 1.1 PKN1NSULA K STATK. aot-u- a' rage completion Con- ico, thus ipracticnlly establishing the TI1K WF.T AM) DltV MAP OF l.oWKK those passed by the House. The The hattV In prospect this yiar will over the of court amounts to confiscation. of Is tinental hull, the memorial D. A. it. wants to entire of the project a Twentv-eve- n counties of Michigan voted on one day on the question of number decreases ubot'.r million dollar marble the feasibility for thiee as many build in Washington, figured in many stormy scenes. COOK P'lOUVFl) IQMSKI.V fall i p oiistinu' saloons- - Nlncteioi went ilrv. jind eiirht wet. The black areas show times as the increase. which has canal from Chicago to the mouth - W1IK.V "f the Mississippi. the counties that voted dry. the crosses the wet. Shaded areas are coun- Sin h Increase- as have been made IIRKAR WOF1JKNT RISE. at-- necessary to preserve sm-metr- y San Francisco, April 12. There is a feeling that, while the ties that had already ousted the saloons, and in the white no elections have the "If that not yet reached the upper penin- - of the schedules. bread don't rise I II Jump Into the engineers may find It possible to con- been held. The prohibition agitation has. SAND ON THE TRACK SAYS VACCINATION sea, Slupme. of "A number of articles in common F. H. baker on br.or.i struct a deep water channel through sula the state. o uc-- have been dut- the steamer Mariposa. Is valley, may fix taken from the reported to the they such a price re- have shortly as iable list of the House bill und said before hn diR.m. for the construction to make the stored to the free list. Iron ore, id CAUSES CANCER peared from country hesitate before undertaking the deck of the Mari TRIAL OF DONAHUE SIXTY SERGEANTS r stored to the dutiable list at 25o posa, on March 24. while the veiel the work. Congress, under the ad- a ton reduction, or 13 cents a ton was ploughing through W IVw - the tronle vice of Theodore E. Burton and oth- throughout in the schedule A duty llili inds of the Past las seas en er men who have been Intimately lays Traffic cm Dawson New York Pliyslelnn claims route from Tahiti to San TOMORROW TO INSTRUCT GUARDS on lead ore of 1 hit cents a pound is 'l Francisco. associated with rivers anil BEGINS way I.Ine, luit Cance l' Was l iiknonti I'ntll harbors retained. The House rate of $1 a lui'iiiiitloii W Fiuploycil. When the Mariposa In pott work, never has shown enthusiasm to- hs arrived thousand on rough lumber stands. Kl Paso. Texas. April 12. High the olhYcrs reiportinl the Jisapnenr- - ward the ship channel project that New York, April 12. Dr. H. lk-e- or Imported hardwoods are restored to In W. ance of Slupme and the s the middle west hoped it would show, WJincMMt-- Have .Summoned and Tuft Authorise Incmtscxl Forre winds the several days have circumstance Rctidy Officios Fur the free list. The sugar schedule of resulted in u delay to traffic on the Clark, a well know n pliysli'lan. Insists surrounding It seem to Indicate that Speaker Cannon. although coming llotli Sides Arc to lluve average I' Is t can- - Army, the House will stand."' The Dawson railway line In northern New j at iCeinatlon "misc of nervous, we rrieil, and exaapernW he-on- from a state which would bo benefit- Cone Heard. die He' rates on cotton remain and the com- Mexico, by banking sand on the raHs-.-- shvi: , dougN w i.'jld not rie, the ed greatly by the building of fl ship has restored rate on the A cancer was practically unknown Unless a continuance should he 12. to mittee the Lnst night a freight train near Taylor chief baker c'omaii.tteit suk'lefe canal, hag been held from a lentous Washington, April In order wool rate until cow pox vac cination began to granted the second trial of John schedule to the of the wan stalled and three curs were de- According to statements by help--e- rs support of the plan by his undoubted provide the organized militia of each present be Cancer, I believe, is Donahue, on the charge of killing noncom- law." railed and the firemen anil i ngln. cr introduced. In the kitchen despite .Nlupmo's cost will be great and state ami territory with a be- a belief that the Justiano Chaves at the Summer gar- army The differential of $2 a ton were hurt. eilsease of cell life, a ellsturbance utmost efforts, he found his bread be missioned officer of the regular is that the whole matter should den last July, will be begun in the tween pir Iron and scrap iron of Its equilibrium, manifested by the' heavy and unsatisfactory tei cautiously. for Instruction purposes President con- Unable Second Judicial court tomorrow eliminated but the duty on both pig SOLDI FKS HI NT KIOTI'.KS. rapid growth of cells anil the account for the actliui of the yeast. Taft has authorized an Increase of iov-ein- The Inland Waterways commission, morning at 9 o'clock. All the wit- and scrap iron is retained at $2.50 a HI Paso. April 12. Although sequent building up of a tumor. J Slupme Is to the noncommissioned .staff of the liav'e said have remarked that appointed by Theodore Itoosevelt. nesses in the case have Teen sum- Ijimv sergeants. ton. a reduction of $1.50 from the Creel of Chihuahua, is creditctl to do witii nt least 200 eases of If the next hatch was not better he Congress, bv sixtv - cancer, he re de'clure I never without the sanction of has moned and counsel on both sides are ser- Dlngley rates.
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