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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-3-1920 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 08-03-1920 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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VOf.VMK II aftftOOMTKD riK8 xr.w ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1920 w9 . am 91 W aWlb. H 1 j) IHMI Httii.fl 1ffKU nninain DEEEH

7 INDIATJa V This Is a Sad, TENNESSEE MAY New Peasant Premier of Poland, CAPITAL OF Sad Story CHIC.UIO. Aug. I. Thla atory Battle Line and Peace Town ARE KILLED BY hita a aad beginning and a aad end- E VOTE TO ing. POLUHD SEEMS It bJna with a death. The death of George Krancla Orlffln, f'hli-ag- millionaire, who died hud L TNI G api lug. WOMEN OF U.S. Only one day of aadnena, though. JF fasTflPKXA "0VSOOt Kor hla widow promptly got mar- o QTOBMEO ried again. The very neat day aha fBAJLTC5 7 pyov became Mm. Henry Baatedo. The. nttiui In Hrad. Legis- Bolt Hit Wagon in arene; Special Session of N'et Itrndlng of the " Americans Flee From will. The old Orlffln home at August 9 I I i MN9K t Which They Are HI9 Aator atreet, with Ita lloo.OOti lature May Warsaw as Bolshevik - cellar, waa left to the wldow-biid- MOSCOW1 7 Riding You've gut It right. A cellar Ratify Suffrage filled with choice atock of liquor. -- Army Advances . , . ( i All kind! Iture brand a I a An Indian man and womnn and live Next chapter: Mra. Haatedo an- nounce ahe will not live In o. : av Tag aaaeaiATie pnmm children, riding In a wagon tu their IJAYTON, 0., Auk. Anollior : fhe wauta to aoll the houae 7 tRU3su.r- - J LONOON, AuaT.. 3. The Ru- - home In A com IS --inllua weal of with the $100,000 cellar. h)ichI fur aid to secure ratifU-a-- t It. niflns occupied Aug- lit gurus, were killed ly lightning yea-- Hot let y la aghast! liualneaa uf timi nf 1 lie woman ufl'ragc Br4t Litovk tcrday aft ouii during heavy elec- - to the office of d aiiipmlmrnt Tpiuiviwve ust 1, it was gmiouucVd in Mon M. Mra. in wan trlftal storm. A com It la 7G mllea went Ahcrafl, Baatedo'a day 'g offlvial Btkteuwnt from Mos of Alhuquenm. mtorney.) Everybody la homeleaa. made today to Governor Cox, Orlffln la V cow, received todgy. Further Thi word wan brought lo Albu- - The home exactly the dnnoi'ralic prmidpntial candidate. Bfcwr-TiTovj- K home everybody CODZ goviet to- Mtinrquc today by II. K. Rohlnaon, an- - wanted. .Mrs. Abide Scott Kaker, political proprpHM of the tronrm perintrndent of the Indian Irrigation (Htory heromea aad again. Offi- ) Wgrxaw ward on the from nervier, morning' cial dry ruMnga are laauvd.) chairman of I lie nutional woman .Kiev ( rod whu returned thla in- I Kmlliig. Bialyntok rerKirted in rrtim a trip to murium. Oeurgr M Had party, hrotitfht him reports that the I'oat nf th eervloe accompanied him Attorney Aahcruft atlll haa the On the Crimean aeetor vn the trip. houae to Nobody wanta It. uulenH efforts are iucreaned. Ten- -' a drug on neNKee'a - i fierce Ughting jh reported aUiti Mr. Hobinann and Mr, Post made It'a the market. The legislature would refuse, LEMOantO a, 1 : $100,000 aold! a the line of Kongkaia. tha trip to IjHRinm yesterday by auto-- cellar can't be ratitrcatiou. She will go on a aim-- ! the river mobile Intending to ainy until they Mra. Baatedo muai drink the hud covered a large pari of the ter- $100,900 cellar dry. ilar mission to Senator HardiiiK. ' All advice) today Irtdlcate thM the tiary there In their automobile, but Or live there and Invite her the republican candidate, today or altuatlon In Pohsnd, from the t'oihU-allle- d i wua norm ao, Mr. Ftublnmni fiienda In to help. auundpotnt ia, approaching an id today, they guv up trip, Or It hoapltnla. tomorrow. that the ad) to crtala. it nd decided to return to Albuquerque Or give It tn I nrle 0am. M. Wttai, aaw praailir ef Falaao, neMlB M. OratMkt. Ii the artate teadar ef taa aem-rf- by train. They will return to lguna Or pour It down the alnk. NAHHVIlJi.K, Tmin"lAu. 1. paaatat pnp la tee Myai ar ParUaatal. A peasant hlaisf. taa leiuj aaea The pollah deh'gatlon which wont In drive, In a few daya and back the TeniitNi,'i will wotnnn uffrHBO. th leader ef tha peasant eaatar, clararty pUyUf raaieala aad "asTvativM agaiart to Baranovltchl to nefrotiat an .ami-l- it cur. Thin In or eaek ether te aaeire auppert rat peaaaot leiislatiea. Orabshl waa eaited affeer the fell heavily In the lirllpf IcHillnn Ice not only failed tu obtain Lcrina Ruin and hall both nurrrtiffltita. ImperUUstie drive ea Bnsala became a disaster far Petaad. Wlioa la akawa here the forenoon and lata In the afternoon edlturs and dlliens from the Jluaaiana but waa aent back Keneriilly. draaeed tu lha simple garb he wears ta the Sayai. Mae shewn where Pelea ..ugunu, according Mr. iluinn-ao- raasaal the It'-- at to 11 tw My to Wamaw uy the aovlet author ' TO- - tneun. that Tenni'mtte, will and Balahavuu are aagetiase paace a Sartiemieht (arrew), aaar Minsk. The lie the ih atnte. and delagaua oeessed the haute Une heavy aetted liae), ea the highway raaalag fram who demanded that tha etnlemriesi with obtaUn up peace ratlfiratlon to Baraaeviuhl 4 light alack Une). n .wrroj1 a mandate to taao Big Crowd Clamors ouo more women In Amerlr negotiation. Thla will delay even will beeome g voters, lo add their the the armlaUce For Money Put in strcnRtll to the 17,000,000 who of alrettdy vote with alate auftraae. ROOSEVELT MISSES SCANTU FORMALLY tlatloiut until tomorrow at tlw car' Ponzi Company llundrcdM of telejrrnmfl rerelved Dn7toT",t. lleat. htu-- by Muffraxlxtn and offlelala ahovr Mcturwhi:t. the. resjiftanca uf Him But No (hiil there la ronfualon.ln other atatea Resume Service Pollah ariny, v Tea eoitsa Speeches Outside on two rhlnjtn: TlilPTrn in nnurnimn rwtilcti .apparcruly hud RONTON. A ur . Tha line of (ina Will artually lie a been atlffened hsa again relaxed dim "fcO Ohio lllera UUuItU Au uniloua note hold era in the per Have Yet Been atieclal aeaalon of lha Tollncaaee taa aeeaciATie Miea bUVttloUh der the treiHenduue pnwaure of ih vint In ninety daya" Investment pro Agreed Upon leatalatnre? Aug. U. tlty official Holohevlk arm lea. Wacaaw, from lioaltlon of Charlea Poml. who c)almtt Two When? prepared contempt men the Kuaaian evip now oniv tn have made ,mllliona by foreign to Inalltute prui dUimnt, aeenia orHliij-nu- l begun KiWtdn! Ktwlfia Aug. t. Democrats to Make Ef- ceedinga agr lrtl the atrlklng train- Huertas Representatives! If doomed ttf form outalde B TM menaced. tu cacilun:. .drala. t AttoCltf A- Mill Although Governor H- Itohcrta rmattwrkjr re- - the office of the Hrourillea Exchange MA It ION, O,, AUgTs.To men of the city traction ayatem to- Aiitrrtnuia have company long daylight today, what haan't actually laaued the call for a fort to Get Candidate Make Lffort to Patch' carved official iattsivatkfnetrrl thv" before epeclul will ao Auguat day , wh tha company waited for that flnntiirlng for the rat urn of thoif teql Hcnutor Harding may deviate aeaalon. he do ' i atay at their own rtak. ' money, from the front porch campaign policy 0, the duy after the primary election. To Change Itinerary more etrlkchreekers) to arrive before Up New Revolt i.Vimcldent with tho aetioua military The legislature will convene 9, eorvtce, Offl-oia- Indicniloria we're' rfor the largeat hog not yet been determined, J.hough, Ana;. '"! ST"..., attempting; to reimne developmeota conwa an announce- The raaaiMt TtAlrt ta waiting to . ment Momrrav .crowd Mn Pontl bugan paying back a atieoaiavie PMea wild cam would- o av YM.' .MI.T,B from that aovitt gov" the generaPlmpreaaion prevalia among laaue the epeclnl aeaalon proclamation tni M. erntnafUt hss urktw mmt on In por- - money wevkfigo.' NKW YOltK. Aug. 1. The com- City atlnmeya contend thut the IXK ANOKI.KH, Calif., I. the While hla engaged In seMHng many republican leaders that there la hecauae he la running for Au. I tiuna of Hoktnd which tno Hoiahnvtki' clrka apeak-ln- g union violated temporary In-- 1 with tnveftora. Ponal hlmaetf kept up will be aome apaecheg made by the and he fee a he will have a plete (ltlnerury of the weatern haa a A pror:amatlon pronounclni vacant nave over run. freer hand in writing tha proclama- Domed aomo en- - hitareat ..i Hla affaire by laaulng ata te- presidential Ohio tour of Franklin D. Itooeevelt, Junction time alio t,. covernorahlp of the northern Meanwhile to the north and north- Will- candidate outalde tion after hla political fi.lo la derided. east of the Vlatula. In great a?nit rn on ta, Inatltbtlng a aull againat democratic vlco prealtlentlal candi- the train ntt, from atrlklni'. trlet of Iwer California waa ra- iiubllr-ll- y before the campaign cloaca, However, there la no doubt ahout hla circle, the work of building tntnuhee iam H. MrMaatfr, hla former date, beginning Chlcugo Auguat 11, it wna raid befora noun that court today Clly. agent who yoaterday crltlclaed "No one In authority hue aald thero eurrefa In the election, in her from Mexico and erecting harbd wire defense ta I'onil'e opemtiona. and conferring would under no clrcumsuncca ho any "We have taken a poll of the li gla-l- a and ending In Jndiunapolla, Auguat JVZ'ZTLT'li,, car ' being oarritfrf. on with haat. with officiate, lure nnd we have a aafe majority SI, waa announced nt democratic ...... j ... Kill ri'iirrumliillva in 1 jm It ta ea.lmated thut about HO deviation from the front porch cam- In each houae," an Id Mra. Carrie lie atlll inalated he had enough headquarter hero today. The tour have delurd In many In.tancea thut Anaelea. of tha da facto Me.lcan ov- - ; on'" ,wV tmtfiey to meet all demanda. . paign,' Henator Hary 8. New, of Chapman Catt, head of the inter- will be made In a apeclttl car. No cara will not allowed run. Warww, many (oll( to e. woman the be to arnment - The ault againat McMaatera waa a Indiana, chklrman of the apeak er' a national auffrugc alliance. Colorado poluta are ached led and Chlaf of Police Hamilton Arm-- : number of wom-- welfare woik- w," Civil gptlon for the recovery of money. bureau of the nation:. I campaign com- Clear Majority. Mr. Itooaevelt Will not' touch tho ntroug haa been in corrterent i nearly nf th,, ni iuhl,.h hM lha "M.r, am adii naiv. "We a majority HV mittee atated today after a 'confer- have clear without aoulhweat. ull with other city offlciula and aignuture of M. AlleMio ltoblea, prt-- 1 considering Hie new mumhera whu nfflcei-- of the traction company. aecretary tn Adolfo de ' I'AHT ;L.VRllii ence may TO AHK vale la Huerta, Three Congressmen with the candidate. "It will wrupy IS vacanclea. If there la COMKA10 Mayor liewey C. Bailey haa declared provisional president of Mexico. It WAKKtW MAM t'AMi'V uny I'lght t over I'Olt hl'tlAKlNtJ DATK. i well be that If occaalon will arise he all. It will be that picketing will be at toped at the declared Kfc.elun Can lu without legal W1ARHAW. Aug. Utov, Favor Independence will apeak elae whore thar from hie factional difference Inalde the two IKNVKH. Aug. S.Jamea It proer time." ll la Understood that lunthorltv tn mlaln lha nwnrnnrahln the km great furtreea guarding Wj part lea, and not the demo- - aecretury of atute, und one of (hivernor Oliver H. Khuup dia-- j front porch but this la for the future between haa aaw from th euat, hue apparently4' For the Philippines orotic and republican partiea.' Hie prominent democratic leu d ere In the poaalble need for atute TRY I.Ms T FIX IT fallen before. trwmhndoua ayawult by to determine." The reaaun the outlook for early Colorado, when, shown a copy of troopo with clly orriciala, hut th'a waa TlKM BI.K WITH CANTU. the Huacdan Hotwheviki. North . of'i Henutor Now derlurvd that no ratification ia ho hopeful, however, r'ritnkliu . Kooaevult'a Itinerary to- not with Hn intent towurd an immed-- I MKXICAI.I, Lower California. Aug. thai place, auvivt forcee have amaiii- - plucce or dutca for Harding haa u party alant, before the Han day announced ho would telegraph lute cull to aim". a. Ueneml Angel Klorea and He nor ed their way forward In their drive Senator Franclnco Air, llooaevelt Immediately uaking weper ganga neen going of Independence Philip-plne- a convention, there wua1Htln have Jlmn !ruti repteaentatlve of the de ( weal ward to a poni only aUty nisv fnvr for the to rpeuk have been made and that liope - he apeak In In city. 'l'h.)" t by mem- - In Timiieaaee tluU the demo- that Colorado. over the trackage the u Hucrta provlaional government, rust of thla city. w - were made today three any placee or da tea "are preai-de- In mentioned crutic purty could put ovor a An Mr. llooaevelt will be Halt aay that they have found many ep",ra early today were on the way to Loa Appiicai,oua paaaport visam oy bare of oongrcaa at a banquet given at thla entirely unauthorised." City Ogdcn, 2fl for here by Philippine of tie thla year. Luke und Auguat and lioiagea wnn inm ui wouu snu nivini Angeles where they expected to tele- - oeiaoi.a wiaiime: to Lava Warsavw the Chamber Hurry M. Daogherty, the eeiielor'a But when Cox waa and Cheyenne Auguat 1 7, Hecretury d and aeverul touguca had been remov- to Mexico City i Commoree to the party of congroaa- - j nominated graph the reeulta of have more than doubled el the Ainei manuger Intimated to- atailed out with n bang tu bring rutl-- I aaid n Hpeuklng date could be ed. I la their Intention lo have tha a conference held here with Oovernor lean consulkit since the beginning of men touring the far euat. question euaily Colorado, entire yauin cleaned thla afternoon. day that the of currying the trillion in Teniieaaee, the politician! arranged for Ciintu of Iwer California. the soviet offensive which now . m "Your government la mure developed campaign Into euat went good than government of Cubu the) both the and ittlrred. They bvllce he haa a tha at muy bo dlacuaaed m conference of e they want to to which t.'oiutulate empKiye ump lime the United Hitttra recognlaed at chance of and j emo comiKise the difference were worked Maid aeverul national cuaimltteemen In do everything poaalblo to help him. Airplane Set on Cross Continent caused t'antu to break off relations day tkindwy and did ncH leavo lkcg Cuba.' Congrfaamen Htephm J. New I'urter, chairman of the foreign af- York Thuraday, Di'nHecrati lu Power. Willi the federal deek until late 4 alghL Sen- Fire by Rocket and Aerial Mail Plane a war measure, faire committee, "it may h that af- -' "It muy be tuken for gran tod," (if the HO membera of the lower a ine mitttury if ter we grant your Independence you! ator New aaid. "thut Henator Hard-lug'- a houae, 30 are republican, and of Iho thorlttea liave prohibited h sale ul will do like Culm, get into a llliit campaign will bo conducted i3 aenatora. 7 are republlcuna. They Two Are Killed Wrecked at Omaha Advisory Board to ulchullc beveru' with the i uccaalonully will along aane dignified nee aeu a trying to uf beer In thi Warsaw dtetrtct. Thi4 fraoaa and mother the and that what the democrat are ana have to come out und apank yuu. befit a campaign for the preaidgncy du Cox and they are going to try sir eavee v I Help Republicans order will stand uuiil revoked for tni aiiMi.fu tea aseoeiatia . wu a, larw "1 regret the uttltude uf aune of the United Btutea.' to do the auine tiling for Warren U. t.DH ANliKI.K.H, Aug. 3. All OMAHA. Neb.. Aug. S. He- -' g baaed on Adopted by In newapa-pera- I reaent any newa- - waa toduy bv flight of air- - ft poiun diet iam Apnu in cwin Ha added, however, that It la going j Hurdlng. alarted the aumptlun of the the Uirect campaign xuc paper or any man atteinpia In oft of planes biasing a an aerial - , , nss ueen pronioura una nittny niuv that to be a real campaign with "no loaf- - Henutor Harding hue wired: "If corouer'a ac of the deatha trull for gone ducemenl uf party violation nf wurk any oak Omer l.ocklear and Lieutenant mull route from Now York to Hun S. clan, uctura and ariiat hav ing," but "plenty of punch." of the republican membera CHJCAtlO, Aug. Republican lh tttint before the Cnlted HUttea." j my opinion h to their courae, I Milton Kllioii, uviutora, whoae air- Kranclaco, waa delayed temporarily national commliiemen. past und would curd tally recommend an Im- plane luat niglit cruahcil to the ground today when one of the machines lu will alt In hluarfo sin- - present with HOVlKT OX HHMI-1- . , mediate favorable action." In the Hollywood aection without attempting to tuke off failed to rise! atoia ami coriWitnen aa an aavp Pardons For All Governor 'ox not only haa wired having righted from a tall apln started uom ine grouno unu cioanea lino an; ovy p,mid to help direct the IX POLM ; In Kapp Revolution TODAY'S RESULTS urging ratification, but he haa three at a height of 1.U00 feet. houae. pign for Henator W. (1. Harding and LO.N'UON'ft Aug. S. A provteivu-t- purauniil repreavntatlvea here urging The trngedy cume during an exhibi- The radiator of the macvlne waa imernor rulvln didgc. tt waa soviet has been formed In the (orw c r-- the leglKlutora to ratify. tion for a motion picture production. in. the propellor hmken tinoumed ul uatinnul headiuurtera tor Poland thut have oven ootupieo t AMERICAN LEAGUE K110 wing Hick- - tf TNI A..OC.t White, etate chairman of the Spectator aaid Lock leaf attempted to n amaahed. Captain Kddle jv. avlet trooiMf, according to a wtmUaii 3, party, right a height of 'enbnckor a alight on 1'ueblo, for- - aViowovv. F Kit LIN, Aug, Paiduna will tin' 800 re: fl. II. b. militant nutional woman'a haa the machine at ausiulned bruise ir. Hubert Work f mesaugo reeeived herv from granted all poisona conwrttcd with opened headquartera and the mllltnma Sun foet hut failed nnd thut the ma- the head but none of the others were j ,m.r national committeeman from today. tint Kupp revolution hero luat :nuruh New York . . .0IM1 .00 000t 60 have rnl Hod a f 10.000 fund to make chine buret into flkmea at the earn Injured. The houae waa demollnhed. Colorado, and one of the leader lu Julian Marchlvwskl is churii mun of Chicago . ., . . . nuo uou lux- 11 I U. under the of the goveromeitt - I a campaign. Mra. Cutt of the time. They aaid it appeared to them The plane, pllotrd by Captain H. j the campaign for the nowb formed body, adds tha di amueety tilll which waa adopted by Butteries): Maya a ud H ul ; r'aber been at um ping the etutu tho plune whn Ignited by a rocket. Hurtncy. waa the lust to start. After; Major Oeneiul Wood, arrived today Ho haa fatch. the reienaiag today atier a lung ana and hulk. a week, and now haa heudiuartera at . Five acurchllghta played upon th the accident they returned to ini in Join the lulviamy iMwrd. John T. The new soviet nax laaued a meul-fat- o us It apln, off on Aduma, 1 ex- animated debate, rkiom: n. H. li. Hotel Hermitage. Tho league of alrpluue started Into the field but a.'ain hopped their Iowa committeeman to the luborera of Poland, Envcptlptta will bo- made hoWver. women votere ia entrenched at Hoti-- und Lieutenant Lock tear, the pilot, w i at ward flight taking Captain ltiuk-o- n peeled thla week; Jim K cm ling, new horting them to rise "agalmH I'lU. In the caaua of load era and thoac guilty Hoaton loo tfl ViiO S 10 0 Maxwoll. dropped a rocket which he followed back cr Tha damaged much Inn committeeman from Indiana la due bourgeoisie, land owner gov ouu ouo ft Udakr's of ordinary criminal offenav, who Detroit uiu l Jn order thut there will he no allp with Hie nfwe of hla machine. will be ahlppcd back to Mitchell tomorrow; rWnalor Hurry New of In- ernaient." The manifesto declare will, be Hiul. Hutterlex: l'niioi-k- Okrle aud Up, repairs. will from Marion Ohio placed on 'Ayree between the cup and the all field. Long island, for diana return that a staJbhi peace between Ituu Mchang. Htunuge: mid Maninn. forcea will work hard till rati- tomorrow afid Itopnwentutive J. W. and Poland ta vnry pwaMble thntugu no OiMiri of Iowa la already aovieta Hcore: U --H. K. fication id acrompMuhed. To date Insurance Agent's hre. of the worker. etubhom oppoaltlon to a u ftrage haa 'Crank Is Again Th crnfereen will hold their flrat Waahluglon 130 uno & 10 1 developed. License Revoked meeting Thuravlay wlum he rieaklng JILIAN MAKCHLKWHIil Ob'ViMand ...110 161 00 x 10 U 1 Arrested in Kidnaping campaign Will be mapped out. Itutierlea: Kuchury, Auoatit, and IK A OKILAV I'lclnich; Culdwoll, Clurkc a at as? ooenseeeMeiNT Coughlin WAHHIN'OTOS. Aug. . Jullnu 'Weather Destroyer Named HA NT A KK, X. M.. S. Of MM,rvh.l. wr ru im BuJy and O'Neill. Auf. John BoyKardCoalBoar1 wstkt hMlrffiiMii if Ihe K. jttockmtu, an rgent I TfTM NEW Insurance .f provisional eovlet formed In ttt 4T OP In Honor of War Millv. 'Mora county, haa Ii nia v ni MKKICO, AliBtJQtJialigUD ii thi eeoiTeB XArkflr ran RsaruM Kuland owupKnl by UotalievlK NATIONAL IXA0TJE ievked 4y the tJ i corpf efc. 1'HILAOKLI'HIA, Aug. S.Kederal wua hlentlfled n Poiieh clrclea fte aTaart B- - Hero of fat Hadiaf Arizona lion lomntiaalon. Tha aoilon aa auihorit ls announced today that the today ua a Oecman-1'u- l aud s Hcore: It. H. K r. Kag n tomp- - t.iki under racommcudnf ion of 'he 'man arrested at Harbor, N. J., s m aeoiaTia dnitiocrul who has iiwii in Mw Highcat e : 1 . a. an- - iff 1'lttaburg ...... 1'iO ooo.tioo I av ai.)w n (end cut nf tnaifiHii.-- who iut.. in itiiniiaMlnh with thai W AHI Nt iTON Ann. The the itirfeLnn revolu'lon. in 1 6; !! via asieaia! laeae since gj Hoaton 000 000 002 2 ft o "twlated" son of thnwli coiiimiMlon, wpoluted pro- j te,mper-r- J RATH. Maine. Aug. 3.The ebHrfr! that haa kldnuplng of the Infant Ueorge cai charge of difasMininatlng a suvlet P loweat Haufer; cowu-uu- fro-- one I Ilatterlea: I'onder and biuit deatroyer I'ruitt was an iiurance nun H. I'ouv i in la tne inotvidua wno r iwunu ' paganda In Poland. Authur of aim e. f ; year Hoott O'Neill. pan; hedult'a In Industry, met her I and launched yeuterday in connection with ti another. wrote letters to the Coughlin ana that work of iiWerpretai of c, 1 ago. 2i daily centen-nar- y today and started at once on ih pre- Mttrcltiow-it- l, U i m range temper-etu- thla city'a celobratlon of lha algned himwlf "the crank." doctnntja, El i Hcore: It. IC K. mm In- were paration f Ita report. was u, of Maine a alate and the Other a la lie refuaed for th the war. said 21: mean - The coninnawiou haa Just concluded h.t temper- rinolmmtl ....000 010 000- I 1 I auguration- of William King of thla prevent. in tsioeiia. lotvina tr (.i dally New York X1S MO lOx ll 1 2 city ue Ita flrat governor. Harding Makes Up hearing which emended over a per-lc.- d come under the cnditu)K'lf-- r i -- ature, 74; rela- report " Hutterieui Kllur, Hing, Flahi'r and The deatroyer waa numed In mem- of several wcka. The imperkt) Rutt!n govern m m; i t tive humidity, Win go, Iturlden; Toney and Hmilh, ory of rporal J. H. Hrultt, of Phoe- The First Page of Wilson's Physician piikbahly will tie rady fr aulinilltal radical acllvitiect. p. m- - 4; rela- QonasUea, nix, Akiaoua, a mem'her of the murine to I'realdeitt Wllaon In Un day or tive humidity. rnnpa who waet k'Hed at Hlano Mont Vacation two weeks, it waa mid today. a. m.. pre Score: II. H. K His Newspaper Takes a C ridge. France, after having captured TRACK H ANHKI OCT. Direct Tr&Li clpltation, .1 1; St. Loula ....000 000 101 4 14 S eingle handed two machine gnnu, v MARION. O., Aug. I. Senator v eacaa ORAM) Colo., Aug. I. maximum e. Biooklyu 100 004 0lxl0 14 1 killed two Gorman and tuken forty ' thi aaeeeiaTl JI'MTION, Clly to the presi- Aug. . Ad- - -- ttntuy mm Id A Mexico loolty of wind, mllea per hour, t4: Muy, Harding, republican WASHINOTON, Rear Report her IVnvnr' Battcrlva: llalnea, North ana p'laonrs. t. prevailing direction, char-aot- dential nominee, la going to prove wn IpuI ra 'V OfuvSAn l H ti Rio Oiuitde eotinii ucilon gnnga were nerthi MoCarty, Dllhoefer; Cailore, Muniaux The deatryer waa rhrlalened with - of the day, cloudy.. and Elliott. elder by Mr, ileorge H. Prultt. to the puMlo that he a real Wilson phyaiclan. atartvd on hi va- on the way to Narrow Canon to re Htate WetuJier. nun Corporal I'rullt. She waa printer. Today he threw aaid hi cation today, explaining that he wa. plate l.lno feet of trark washed out MKV.U'li ( ' her of r. - t New Mexico: Fair In writ; Score:. IL H. B accompanied by huettand, by coat, rolled up hla aleeve and going by direction of th president, n cloudburst lat night, e The waah-O- Ausrust ( dir.- her and OuU-- v poaalhly local ah o in 1 "made up" the first pae of hla aaid preside pt waa reiKtrtcd to be tietwten b were Chicago 001 000 0031 0 Rev. William Starlet t of rhuetiix, Orttson the hatfuut . aat portion tonight or Wednrtday; Philadelphia ..0O1000 000 I 9 0 who waa delegated iy Governor paper while motion picture ma- shown such marked mpi ovement of and Lumberton. Karly advice aoy Jur.-a- Utile change In temperature. KUlUer; Campbell to4 repreeent the eta.te of chine reoonteci hta action. late that it waa not necessary to Tnit the atorm wna general In tha region The aervire Bauerlea: Alexander and phyeician. rM!vial rwtt'i to.; Bixey und Whiat. , Arleona. hliu In the car of another about th latter pl&ce. tuesdat; august s, two tea TI IE ALBUQUERQUE- - EVENING HERALD DOlJ'Ti" FOB WIBHlStt. s Moines dlstrlrt cool ntlnos in the nnrt s nt ml It. ( Motorcycle Club ndiU'A Iho list of Idlo, Tint wb jm wild f psrt- - PROHIBITION CANDIDATE AIRPLANE HUNTS Wrro to hoM h ? could rrnl .your LOFTiSlDEATli DUE' ' (he Inriror 'n Ihe Albls district Of 'Albuquerqui mliint eotfld set) yoof H- reported no workhiR ypsterday wph "prTrt'jo hn- DOES FAMILY WASHING 8ell II. '. To Be Revived rrsumlnfr opprnilons to.luy, (leorirp MOWf Iowa op lni IhrsWs tMswIflM ltimri. Heaps, Jr., of tho VhaL J4" HNMorlatlon snidr 1145. nrn Athutiucni lie's Molorryclp rluli, nilom which went out of rxisletiep several yfam ncn a n remilt or no many nt the members Joining (he unny. Is in Country Girl and fiance Released he rennrnnlicd tooirht. A npnonil Scours After Coroner Jury naif for nil motorcyclists to bo nt tho Six Bandits Escape After shop of the AllMHnnTqun Nnvflly - work nt 8 o'clock him been Issued. an Auto For Your Summer Reports A m'orp. It In mi til. Iuivp, ulrciidy in tlitir Intoiitii.n of Jolnluir. It In probable thul hcsiden uiiikiriK steps HtlClAOO, Auk. . iMamual T. A. tfor rvorirnnlKA'lfin imil election of DAVKNPOHT. lu.. Au. I. An air- Reading IXkfOrt. hend nf tll Jcwi-h- houtw off lers, thu club will discuss plans plane driven by !,lnutenant K C. hl nnrtii". wTin ilU-- unilor torlnr for holding motorcycle races hero oil Krcil AViillncP, both men WANDERING cilrciinnMaiicc, In 1.0 ruse aev-r- u Hrlrrly nid A SPORTSMAN'S niyntprtoiii special ncmsiona win tltc In lt Frli'ny, rurne tn lilu nrmrrl. wim tiirti'd .1. !. .Mllliiln Hlmrtmrnt Vst years into. or humlltM robbed HijurKM, n J the nix who aaln. "rropi .uiiorru rommpn liil HiivltiR" vlalf-n- t oa Ihn floor or hl al'urt tho Mollne bank flt InHt TALKS WITH T. R. mnt after nltllnf a dour," Old Indian Fighter today. when honrd irorn, ino rnrnnr'H Jury tnduy. nvlntors wprih Hcoiirlnir Hrnry nnd John J. I.eiiry. Jr. Mian year oln Regains Admission Mrrrpn rnunliPH In Illinois. The Ruth Wkn0. tt.Z. - In batik Koiik i Wh.l wtm 4lMf wi'li ImndHB art- known to hnvo cscaiicd HISTORY Or THE WORLD WAR wlirn hit tlltM. Hnd Ktty flhnyne, To United States thnt dlrpollnn, her (Lirfrn' TTlenhM fmm Tho robhrrs shot Cluulm Mohlor, a lly Kianeln A. Mari-h- wr of shop Mareli- fullowinir 1h' InqueftC. i bnrhrr, wlirn bn mn nut his Inlioiluello.i by Cl.wnil f NKW YOltK. Auk. 3. Ith hin.l acroKK tho stri'pt to ftlvn the alarm ljHfry, Ii'IhIiiiuiii, who llfly yi'iir um may us WORLD WAR Hjiiii'h and he dir. Pollrc nrrlvrd AMERICA'S PART IN THE Cloudburst Flood wrvMl In I'nrtf iirmy iir.htint: tho bandltH Wfio loavlnic nnd a ro- - ImllntiM In the wim, tutlny ltnit volvpr bnltlp piihupiI on Iho St touts, den. John J. rrmhlnir. City of 'Toribpah? ildlitlttHlH'o to th I nlt.'il KljiltK :tflrr but tho bandit car got nwny. Railway Washed Out nhavhiK bin-i- t ilitilni'l throv nmnihH at THE LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT A omul f t.'no fiiriii-h- l.v ll.r Consul lly Win. I'. I.rvl. niihow tin- p.iHMiiillliy of ilv Panama lilt luiliiitlun liy Wi n. II 'I'afl olt ulilh TfiS'Af'A'H a Tone- - Indian lluhti'r tp Imprisoned t Au. chnruo imd rci-- iv.'il from General pftn. resident,, tpduy woro cIcnrliiK tho I.Hi'i-- iiiiiiiiiiiii"iumiiI mmim ' riepoiilted WanhhiKtMn Hllitvinu fr hut. iiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiliiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiim nun rlty of ileum"', which wim to may hi i ho I nliiiJ Htnti'H ul In Lower California )HHt nifrht whrii a. cloudburst from mix ninnthM. tho hills carried It, down th 'maln "Thitnk 1m! Hhult w.'i' Ann i leu ptrftft. At one tlnib ihe. struct wm Aitnln." comttiiMili'il li'-v- ' vtlu-- told (MUtWi I, Alir- .1. .1 ihi ii M. I Mil, three feet under wnter. thin he could "Klrvi-- w ' !.' eniiMUl K'neral Panama in Co. Hoirnon were flooded alliV ievornl toibiy I'vm Uvfii ttll hi- wlilli jiiiswd Ihronuh I'hieiimi today-m- A. Matson & l,y kntK-kllt- - l In- v 0. "woro uiTlf'd',i1oig: Hit- iImoi' WiiNhliiu-to- automobiles ' ut nf rmmti his wiiv lu wIi'.tp he (ho wiitorli. Thunder nnd lltihiniiin for whirl! I fuinlll MMiif ltfl tn Id will romplaln to htf of Central I 206 West c.ii)iiiinU'il the ycurii ItKO, hnM I run lM s inn-o- Iniprii-'iii-i il iir thre wei ks In Audieneo In two theater wore I hf if hitttlHM W huil Willi Lower I'alirornla by Ihe t'autu foire. ohllRi'd, to remain In their eeulii .ey-ei- -l thr Hill was Jailed for IhUIiik ph iures 111 hAllr heforA the flood illmidell. Ijicry rtmt nirtii in i hi ptmnirj Sun Antonio iMd .Mor. The out (event! n l"iy ' lifter plrtnit, ill-- WarnliiK "f ehnotle Midhevlr'iii In ltef W'ahft H H H i i H fK of tn toy,' ri-- urhi-- IIUKHMI H H U t H H t H rired fset of Irork the TMflll tiTin the ui All Aim was Hinmdeil by Hill. MH H H II Ml Tonomih'rnllwav. No't trail werf op to Jrnlnnil "1 have JiiHt returned fnnn l.ower mlr'l today l.oirV was Ut ('iilirornht by way of Mexico, he Wheat Leaps Upward said. H "In Hun .Xnt'inio lnl Mar and GoVjf In Chicago Market I was thrown In Jail foi' Co Receives three for lukini: pictures. Horse- - ShoerarioS The home Rev. S. Watkins, prohibition candidate for pres- T)iM'ef(ii-- learned tniteh nboiitthe3 of Aaron ( "a ii tu ninvement. l Mntu. wants Cilh'Ad", Auk- :t. u hi'iit mmlp u ident, at Germantown, Montgomery county, Ohio. In foreground, Lower t'aUrnrniu from g A Rabbit's Foot ndvaiK t' ill prlci" toduy un h Fi- Iro." nn It of npiMuliitlvc Imyliit; Rev. and Mrs. Watkins and their son, Willard. 3 Mtlinilluti'd hi war tnlk. In TlATTi V l litiv J.'ll llttl inoiv thmi h hIiikIc hour, un i;i;itMANTtV. Ohio, Auk. .tn than her Ideal Huwhand. kis Mir. Some Illinois Miners jl J r u nf foodi luck are pouring: In pn io- - exlremr- tipwnnl mwIiik of Ibre Im vh.iv Anmn H Wiitkins em WatklliH? rnor Cox. lb1 recplvcd two tdiiy, bunhel had tnkin pliu-t'- Mnrrh ih- -a In' 7,nMi.tioa v niifD'H vniivi Unit "We'n lliiity llrro." Fail to Return to Work m homo-hltn- n by livury tnui hinit $2.:ui tin iiKahiNL fpathprwplirht worn $.15 other prehidrntinl e,.ndl.lale have) ,,, MrM vVatklns ilmn't very Jxiu l1llni whn rh tuft tibltMh pit tho t yi'Bipniuy'H nuin l.ern nirtlnu with. .m.IhI Wm.- - ,.,,,. , , Svi,ii,. Ihm.m., - l - IIIllVK lhl RV THE OCIATH RIt tv i"M In The iimrk"t lioundi'd upward fifrntti In Kiio.l an ele- tml. hi enn.1l- v. 3 world's Uutlln rerord for kins as V(.l hll,.,v ,.ro," Hn- mis. HAItltlWINItrkd, Ills., A UK. 3. nt Houdvlltp, Mnwrt., at thp In Mt mid ncrvnim at date famly wiiHh.nit every? Mhmiid S two minute flut .huh ihe vhni more fi.Iks w.'i.t who IhHHallsrai-nui- ramie miners with Augdrit 4, nnd tv foot, virtually topmot point of In di.y nf 100S. rabhlt'n tho w,'.''hi . are emili'lilfd live to In re- -' h m-- iidvnm plan for a return work the fcvttor Hnt wimnr wm, with Mnn nt a IIIh wire presents hint to Hie women: was ii republican when hIii lA'W-r- r icca ...lih-a- wnikiiis spoiifi. lo orders finlil I'renldei.l 17 (4 i!Pn'M llu:.l..,t..l of Whx,i., XiXrfd. Tho IH'bhlfi foot of a hunhi'1 diirliiR toda llrMl iim-- him. Inn win' f'linv.-rli'.- him l pre- - Iioui-h."- is, of ulled Mine Workers wan n I rl.nilii d to He di'i'K it hit: wanhlnu In two uln-l- the 3 mounted hrdimely Bold wNHlon. N'crnihi'r to llu i;irty IIh'.v vented Ki'iieral ri nnipllon of work In iiovi-rno- today un flnlMliPil it t nu nlnnwt hln-t-- Miiys MiM. Walkltis. " Ank til- 111 t'ox but w.'r HChuiil limrlll'l- this dlKtiii-- today. Invihvtion from Sfodtt" C. It. uMcnnt of lAty. (In the Klau'hltiK and lie' hull-- ' Ijiiini-v- 3 ' lihlu. or tn t n tfii Kit or conimprro t ink." "Anil lli' miivh. Mlin w.illli! limit Mliic lirti Bags, t'ninildalcH iiri.Mlil.'iil Ii.- TrlinkS; Cases, Steamers l"at u,"""!",",n Two Typhus otlirr Iiii'c hiiv.. n hluli In llii' ft.iiiiiIlM ..r HKS M'UNKH. Iowa, Auif. 3. - Five : Suit eariVJol.T More hi'i'ii iipiwiillim l.i lhi H.iini'li v!lli rcl.iiliU. un iiin ty Imil h.' mi ,i i nl iiiriHiiiH. with II. II.' It it Hi nil.'i-- - and Wardrobes Cases in New York Itm Aiirnn H. Wiiihlnw' ih'i-il- si'.Ml- u II. v t. I,;i.-i- l Ihinli.-r- Boy; 15, Accused of III!' III. . . . , i 1,1,11 Ii'ii't lliull i.Hii ih' m.ii.Ik...... ;,, i, ,,r l.i.riiuif hi' We believe that our line is well worth your con- - lllllZllll.MH H V,. I,.,,. .l, tllKl I.I IiHIK'IIiI.K. in--' . llt . Killing Youth NKW Yt U.K. Aiik. Two more IIIh III llllll.-- . sideration, a carefully assorted II'.., pli Kill.'.' Ii.' 'I'. H ii Itllll lltlll representing uses 1m lay jnil . Boy Scout Camp of typhus developed hi' h'i ili'. in .n lini; I" sinoiiR KteeraKc pitKUfliRi'iK nu (Im iiinflliliili' f.r "'i. P""r selection of Standard Sized Baggage. llCM'll till' WIIXIHIIH. Hi' IlilM II' III" KlH,..l:l"l "I Hi'1 WlULI. '" l' l relic nner i ne panemr', lllllllli USE- OF CHJOHEL iiiTiie. 11 - IIILVI. II II' II boys a Rid pineli anil ten, wero lukeu ll.lllIU lll.'l- "' JI'IH". ill"'. """ "'V ... - . mily rhil.l. llliinl. It is line pleasure in recommend- nrn-'AiiU- N. "Ami nilKlilv u nt II." 'l u". Wi. mi- Hlvlim mil' a that we take Y.t auk. to Hnlt'nian Island, where the , . .In. ul Inn. All' Hi. I H IV. ' fpMMioiui nwdn today by three boys pimsenitem satlUary In- ' underwent H" I..I1H I lir- I'LilhrB Hum .mil i, I li nlly "I "II. In;' "'' "' ing for allen that Nornuu Knltry, l.'i yvam spection. r Mercury and Acta, I l, iiiui'lilni'. wi'lims Hi. in im.1 Hi.- ililnux nun . .. Says Drug la fild. waa LbRi, staler at lilw.ir4 pn typhus was repotted withliiit Iv;""" , CONSTRUCTZON-STYLE-FJNIS- hoy wus cu' .f juiko uynnmito on xour H j a wKiut who shot dead w fieri ship Hiinilay iiltfht w'.'.'m.'il m II- - v. WiiikliiH H .r..nw..r ., the arrived' '"ir'ilii. urn l.. Hi" illi fli. In the wouda nvur Kbnoer on ' Mllllnry lu Liver, from Havro. i.ri'slil. in .if Ihi' I Hi;, ii ivli n ,,r i ;iu:llhll ill Ihe Minim And enables us to give the very utmost in value . V"I"KI mIIIiiii- nf HiIh I. .mi. The boy Ihi confession al- - ll r itiiiii inn Ihi.y uU'" Hi"lr lecea; were In dtinp wjieu f'uKKruii. Pos6d as Countess (tudsoii Ik imiklMR a hard riphl at prices within the reach of everybody. g ciunpaaloiL rodn up ou a bl- - niralnsl lalmuel in Hie souih. Kvcry and Morrv-Cn- & Company .1 ... I I'll III II IT i vyvkr..sKii i.' tt ta 'tiMcirrii first snoi To Obtain Money Tha - Armour Ul l.,.u nnl If ir Your Inspection Is Cordially Solicited I true, rokuiKuUM bluvrlo and Inrrpnttt Canital '11 ' ilc of calomel. They nil ihM Vo t(v(i h)i wnno r(.liM)11 ,miMn-- lAvvr whn ?oy turned run fheil a. (leral-din- RTrtMNH. roln.. Autr. ''rune Is tukliiK Hn place. nuihor iihot thaiilli lln. m Dlxun, Hunday wio no tnnk ln r 1h dang'Tous nnd people cell Inland, Round of Events v tmi AMocifttio rn(i "Calomel llfciu her Jail at irnnil B. It, while Tone STRONG BROS.Fumi.ure Si'iini-iH'l-- l Ills.. Auu. Armour know fiodson's l.lvcr Bubonic Plague Nebr., nnd uhn hint posed lu Heuvei betli-- rc- -, ns u HiikhIimi inm'pany. meat paekers, fl.lcairo. I" l"(fccily safe and Klves the daiiKhtcr of and a prominent local dri.K- - Corner Copper and Second. 1 a. i it ltN. l sii-eLar- of Ibis suits, said Conference 'Opens WM'klnir piiiiii'Iu ynunufi sier, t.KM: Mll HHi. in im slat i.iv,.,- Is person believed to employed wIIih llesolulii. ufler leiivlni? prohi MMn,1M Tone iilllllllllliliilllllillillllliliiiilliilllilillillillliillllllllllllllllH have her Thc murnimr an Imrease of capital mmRi m. ,lV A Galveston to obtain money in Sierllnn. bit Ion shores ou Its first MphiMh o Rlllll.Htlt(i.l (.v.ry diuBKlst. ln cup HhaiuroeU, Hum f Itl.'MIU.fMiO lo $ latl.OOO.O'W. Uukc holtle cokIs but fi few cents, and keep the from Ihe 111 every hruke Us while out - Their tax on the lncrus miiouulod ii fails lo kIvp easy relief In V Man Is Killed siuirKif-ooc- - tM'MeR)vafc ssa in side the thrcc-nitl- e limit. $io:.,iiji:i. ;iase oi liver ouii wt- OA r.V KHT N, T.. Auir. S. in stlimlloii. you have only to ask for Health DfttCffrs from cltlo alonv the Fight With Robbers Cn and Hardlnn plun tu p'.aec ItciiootM for lucfcanu. your money bin k, coast, atara health olTirnrs from ' of cam- - IhidHon's l.lvrr Tune Is a plcnsalit-l.'isttni- rulf iihonoiriauh records their riHCAtllt. Ait. 3.-- IHlll.OOO,- - a nunibar of Interior states and CIIK'AUO, Me jiali.n MpeecheH In every home wiu-r- purely veelnble remedy, -- An, liali IncieaMe In the capital Htock of nurt this t'fnh UnlTAd'Bbttra nubile Ourk, a detective, wiih fatally shut n hiiiinlesK to both children and adults. toduy .T 1 He to me heultl scrvlra ussenibled here day In u Imllli' ,wilh iim whu WILL SOMeBOOW THM Armour I'ompnny. eetiirted T.ii.e a Hpooiitul at umht nnd wake 'btfnfenTOrtB com- Ihrei ii ( voted siell for a on mitlirtn' of atteinpied tu nli ihe oitn f the Illi- ' Ropjft weacrt-r- of slnle tod Was Up leellliK line; no blllollstieSH, luBUo. ' S wcirk- - adai-he- consli-pale- bating bubonlo ,'liuH.--r ii to Hive (ho company laiwer In acid lomneh or Message nois Our ( Maiiufut'iirlnu V. s The bandits were driven away h iiiC capllnl, lt was announced hero bowels. Il ihiewn't Will"' New-Yor- k- the deLtve'M, Jlfiy yl'ialnim: lodny. cause liieoiivenleiu e all the next day Democrat itlvu. $U,-- niotipy;. ... , . Tiie company has uln ndy sold i like violent calomel, Take a dose Jit Will 'Renominate' tiiin.lKili in I'Otiverlihle mites and part calomel loiluy and tomorrow you will of ihe m-- Ishiii) will he used ti reel weak, rick and niinwfnicd. Imn't to Labor Governor Smith 'Qn With Dance' these notes and others that may lone a dav's w ork! Take lodson's Jhe lie sxrit. The new Hlock Is lO bQ l.tver Tunc liiHleiid and feel fine, full 0, m put on ihn market net year. oi vinni and umblvlon. thc asKivn mmitm r Tin wnilil is fiitrriiiit I hi' I'liiiiili I'vi'lr ul' its 8AHATO(IA HI'ltlNOM. Aur- Li"1""' I lOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiitiiiiiiniitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Iietlsrlna that no apoloiri are ili'Vi'liiiiiii'iil in unii'li fi'i'l aiii I'li'inciils imw Gov- - Ihe record In onic of I'lilliil iili'iilislii- will Ink" n lit' i , t ernor Alfredfr E, Hntlth. Frank F. Mntt Imlil linsiiii'HK. of tlsthestown, paved 'the- way for the u phonoKroph. only way in The linen i.y..S Mf llllVP pilNSI'll In 'hi- iheres BornorTi 'reninntntrtlon ky nil Iho way throuirh - todtvy us make 'cm Jlsicn NeiuVidlorlRecords llii'itnli hit tin' CiTiili llii- Kl I, nnd tin- nor nrwplr'hfrtt trhTtitry in hiive a Jxk bund play between raarrrnitn of tho unofflclftl democratic Heiileuucs, Ci'iii'ilixiiiu. Plate convention. (Icfman lian(tmen ro on strike for JUST ARRIVED l ipore pay. Alter reaoimr rep""" This iirw i'.m'Ii. will ii.iuiiT us ,i he, Lift) peaec'-llui- mnideiM In tlerinaiiv. to mm BULLETINS IniiiT iiiiiliil ) il ! ill'ni 3. Hhortly Hie next move mr nu' win . I '..Mi V IiXVJiSfOPTY In. Autf. - llnillN rri'in Al.,l" lllostnililH" X'lrlur l.lBlll llii'lu I'll .ii on strike fur mi silii-s- innl "l.ivp 1,1 before nrM' today sovort men held lie k lil'IIIM IIOIII Vlclor l.iKlit Oin'i'ii l'iiinp,i.i.v "i nml live,"' nml Ihal. (ijirt thp ('ominerclul Hav-Iii- 7 duy. .Nu. ;i;n07 i.:i. iiw robbed jkv f uin we i'inisiil.' ii'iiiiicii(li ns n mo issui-- . nil HonK Mo line. Illinois, of a ...... l of j YuiiiiK liirtv wunlH In slioot Th" N. I..hil Hl.'. 1 000. auitl estlmstt-- nt 20. Hirordlnn N la in n nml I II it. lllllll'.l Il.'iirv llinr pollceY Kara hart'el. Tn to tlie The rollbeni inadu snyti she Is "Just crazy" lu make Nil. IHII7II lltlll K.lli riiiii'linii liiii'iiiiiniiiiislv with this I heir csciiye lp automobUe. tn i ihe trip, Thnl's all Hie iualllnu-ttuii- .t i II. ,' W, Hilly Miirniy lyi'li' fiivli of us must nlipi that are necesmuy. I l.iiv III" i.iii iI ul owl tiliu'k .Im. inn k1vh Hilly .Miirrnv mi. I riri'li'iiw Ijinirlct with Imtmiiic mimlcil Mnlnes (lu ) citixeii, while K.Vi n. IHII77 mill - - i Man (IIhcov- - nml itiiMzi- Hint wi- ii pnH f it Judge Give workluff In lahotatoi, All Hlii r - ll Hlnr Trio hit iTiilily. Wi- NewBoarding House llil !.. Tint Ml Klnr Till must iiiiiiit coiisficni-- to pcr- - fcHUG-CHUGi- - .Nu. iHiurw nun h.v ,l"'lll, nml ii H wt thus JM '.&fiStiii, n, 'RiisHttin, has a I...V.' N.'Hl l''nx Trill hiHl'llh Hinltll'H ('rrlirKlrii take nur ( plm-- - boai-rtln- A'H Vox HnitlirH in tin- new lifluse. , Ho has nen YinniK Trol, JiiKi'tih l'. ciTiit nf social ,(.. l at' Nil. IKI17H lllln N.ln , hart if free mfHts lh.e Q H0MK nicicrac.v whciciii the cnpital of liram, lunch room, according: to officers, K KW YOUH- - t ollcut-- ulrls would do 3 the cap- , RED SEAL RECORDS (if . but beirlnnlnv today he In to have wWl lo adopt la'luic dm mi lioHtitHS 'Sr ital money, the capital f ,( t1(1 In i;.K li HhlniiiK Hour Knillin de nnitnrxa free mal the county Jail. as m profit Mm, m Mtn hmwi Ktatlon-nate- r san . Nu. UIKNH lOlli $I JA cral puhliv work out Ha wag arrrsted by Allen, (tiiiMt Ihw1isn ai the slimmer their coiiHictinK policies lost of- I ( ) Kd HlocUtr nlnht. riHr aarib-t- l of tin Hotel McAlpln. linnet minn Kmtny Hestlnn in a milliner happily acccpiahle to all, ficer Sinclair muted In police court It's i'ircnti,fy work. No. H7.1I0 HUH $1.25 we hh mprninit olskl M individuals will lie thl ilit bd nays MIns Allen, "sinl rcinln jhi M.niiina m xc i n dl ('asa.. Ocvn-ldin- cxcciiti,,E nut trusteeship In u Ju lhvl'-'.- "f K"iiu Intg thu mw-c- r. - ph'tity 'or lnitiniH nml bruin No. Mill I IOIii 91.2,1 wil1 our worm and luiuk) room with a crowd of Willi iliiMii'' I koIiiic niir (Vcator. tin Nu. II .Minor Heheran. . Klotiinley at truln time. to .juurut in Uitatlet r prctiiil'n all tlirHi((h itni siimmrr. No. 6 IHHU I (Mil for his ' SI.H5 ('lin hs vald " 'IIh iIhiiii In IIm- - thliiif IM Iho meulK aid thi offher "and In t I,. My Miiliel iiiniiMciiK-ii- I Topic an w i IN u suhxtltllle for Itnnolltie. Ills lciicii Homo. fhirrlnoit A' haa eatvn time imea Hn wocms nsirt. l a.-- A Interest tircil or tilun prli-C- nun only dlirienhv now Is In perfecMiiR u Nu. ttlHOIIOHi Paid on Savings to i tw retiiow "oy ftatwit, tlsvy IiiIm will ralslus. s- lMiaJ - umrni tmiiblt1 lliat roii eiiibuie'or Ihal take lull udiieiiiiii and Tnritlitclle lascha llelfetl ;rr auits 4 sr f Hm of Hm 4iJM Ui fortiii No. tl.T.-- Accounts 1 Hit utlH"! d Mte slrl tin-o- 7I2H lln Jifitcf 4. f .' .Mln Allcp .HN Lctl ItllS? (li'iuiatiy ln'l coiiiielliiR lu lumu days. turn for obvious l.iu t NmlH Mrne. Hmoei' and Miss t.oulsn Homer a niiiiiy ts'oph' ibUHf now hh com topic KtinieN this Nu. N7570- - HMfi f.AII uiwil,ti iJic niiiiilM'r 11 C4im reaHons. Hut still Hm-- developed f ' ao. MeCurmiick-Krelril.-- r Resources over, wine pilw" eprllitei-- alul liiaral lion en Nl:;hl a tiC'idrt $700,000. runners dnrln ih latter pn of ibo Nu. 17.171 mm rv i cestil wur. ' ' litiii Ilaiiuhe it 1. . I'htlsdelphliL (tnhCHtia I -- 7ft for the Nu. 7 IH27 'lit II Aiblctlc tryouis , f In Aniwerp are I'reludc In t! Minor. . Hertrel Itiichnutninnf olvmpic uiimcs Nil. 74U2H mm SI.1A Citizens I b- Hm held ull over the country, National 'Baiiik lAs&ee Fuels Go. Hud as yet no cur riib-- has irello Km lu nolle-di- Tltta Itiiffu to M't ui i record in sliap-banai- .No. hMtV--'l lilii HI.75 for America. al il'jinc. KriM'stlue' RclHima'uii-Helu- Albuquerque, N.' M.T No. H2t IUIH $ 1.75 After reiidlnw accounts of cafleriier COAL and JVCfOR wkK offelS self lo SeletKO on beiliU VTE BANK ; OF, PERSONAL' SERVICE'' hH MiV In rocket. Akron. i , 1 u,.i.i roriii hum oners scii RosenwalcTs Vidor Dept. B"0, a 1 I 5 Wlie e '".o PKorie 251 I j applied for II. or ihoiiirhl of thai l'lorNFlrsr I MUKle. j ( Hjiyrltflil IViO, N. K- A.) 0i TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1920 THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD

i Use Howard's Buttermilk CENTRAL OFFICE '. Cream and so Should You t1

; : ) Every Tirimme(dl; ihlaii: ' - 1 i Testifies He Knew 'Cop' Rabbi Bergman Says Was on Corner and Four States May Join Was Careful in Plan In OurMammoth Stock Reduced for This Sale 1 1 'IV. 4 . Cnrl C. 'Mfir' wnn titklnpr extrn A central ofYtcr mny h rutnlilinhert unl i im ry prncn u un not n fxwoil for nil charity otkuii bunion nr thp 1hn nfrri limit whou he wttn hiillfil ntateii of New Mexico, Arttona nnil 3 BIG LOTS ON FLOOR liy lrtnrovel liiprmun W. J. Colorado nil part of 'JknH. Thin la Kiinnp af Kttlth ntn-e- i unit Central tho niinoiincemenv nf Itahhl Mold We have taken our entire stock of Trimmed Hats and di.yjqej tUero into three big lots for quick nvru Intn Huixttiy nfii, noon IiPiftmun, Who ham jimt reiurneil from tn the uttlmnny of Mr. iMnver. wluin ho held coiiferpnceH selling. The first lot at $1.95 is comprised of hats formerly priced up to $7.50; the second lot MaK? when ft uiMtnrtil tn Of IhP il illri' with the Ifiuli'in lieiiver at $3.95 consists of hats formerly priced up to $1 2.50 and the hats in the third lots were origin- lit court tltl morn In pc mi the rhtirfc; of chm Mien reKonltnir the I Xi'l'l1ll1K till Hpt't-- limit. of Hliell nn office. ally priced as high as $25 In these assortments will be found every Btyle, every material and "Thfi-- Witi twit tthfiiil iik," rain of According lo Mr, IterKitinn ft rrn ' until Mr. MtiK'' In ixnln mtlon- "which triil oirice would help the local etinrl-ttc- mmm nil the bet trims of the season. "' siting alnAit Hi 12 mltea nn ' wt or oruunlxailonn to keep KttPr tnh i- ri ' hour. Ah I HtiiriMii o iti'lv? piiNl - . " . , on 'iiilKrnur' tnillirenm." Ancord- m my who whm In th I Kirk liiK to the ml ibl nioitt of t!ie chpi i mi It I, ilrlvw Thi-r- Hat&fOriginally Priced at 'lum't fii't. ny VM lo" Viniril live lenellu llie MHfll .VI In n on the rnrniT.' hureaii wen- previously henefllcil In ... Knowing thlM Mr. M Haiti th H Thl Hood lookln youn wominMv tno Denver acconltnic lo couiparlHuiiH Butttrmllk and l $7.50 Reduced to ho look cxtiiiilonlliUiry run not to lliliile lit I tn liver. Creim limplt rcmtdln to K tlMI fllMl. l Hill h lok.l- 111 the AIMxiuoriiiie bureau nnil tho Den Kep l,ic, nanm and armt in i. III liiilli iii in- when In- I'harl'lett of Oenver nre in ulfill condition. Mil, tmoolh and twaull-u- l (hut U mil- f ntiil nhowril .'o lake it the iiiicMtton of u reutrnl Kuaranlrcd ba sure you Ret tilt un iMiur. Hi t lit h' .lu.lKrit from with the other rltlen In the d lu- Howard' Buttermilk Cream ih nfrici'p ui'IimI l hut thf i.frit'fr let In neiHInieiit before Iwiil u m Tor ll leant tht lllifliltind Phainincy IMimiii. :in nnd hfllfvil hr mail Intuit Puliu-- Mi" l nri-i- action lit taken. litiiK lniiiiny $1.95 Nin)iinir him. Hil ihi nfflerr l niliurntHi tl ufU'r lit' hail moppi'il him. 'Chili9 Banquet --These hats are . inostly rhl ofripi-- Knoup uvnhwl In rutin Town of Engle Gets Host Haying- - thnt "If I won I'm ha mimed Injunction Against Says Canning Idea sport hats of straw in all col- I win not iiwnri' of It." Mr. Muir' hoIiI h' iHt not unuYr-Riai- Railway Originated in State ors and a score of shapes. thnt tin offln-- r huil rltfil h'ni Santa Fe linn court. . The trimmings are very "After ulnppinif tin." mjiM Mr. A Injiincilini nicalift Ihr The S "hili" l.aniMM ' ,T?ven at the Ma kit "Thi nfftrcr wild nothing, lie Simla t:irn;id han In ei KOcuiA'ill Alvnrdn hotel hint tiUTht by C .1. smart. There are also some wrot" rtomcthhiK ilown anil I by Linen A. Temple, n cjtlvti'n oil Wiilde i, ftecretary of the Itoyal I'ael:-iii- I thnt would In' nilliil If wiinii'il. Kivfle. re-i- t rn lot iik the AtchiHott j eotitiiany of Lon AiiK'eleM to ihe poke shapes in this lot that I iPil not know that I win MippnyiMl Tnpi ka and l'nmu "e railroad from Itoiid-I'llln- force wan not only a in nppmr In nini until I nnj Ih- -i I'lKlliiK off ihe water nopply of i ticcc' leu wan novel In many are exceptionally good val- Kvp 1'iiuitt e Hiclit'K ilnrf H?nilil." Knirle. i nf Mulexmen lor .,IT officer K Hoop hi'ic wild that TIiIn Injtihi'tinn In th rcrMill of thei Ihe local whole.i ilc hmur viv held ues. ! ..Ml. Mr. Mhkcc to appear at o clock bn.ulit vi.'ral d.iVH an ihntj In r. yinterilay m oni r l hut lin y Moiiiltiy rnornliiK- The John ihe Ha Ha wax riililn off I lie) tliii:ht 1" present. Miikcc, r of M r. Mnir'1 who If Mr. WaUlcii in aihlliion I i makfim broth VVater Hiipply of Kittle, wlil:h i t iih-- ih- Originally ir.f wan In (he hack cnt iravc m:itlon on he Kin t ii atide I UVi' loll a lalk on canning mid produc- Hats Priced similar tn iha,t of Mr, Mukc". f ihe Hanla le. tion of hlK ci iieeru atave u hIioi'I The till' WllH fMleil lit the lltue, Mr. The beiillim Will he held a) IlilN-- . ii' the ehl',1 Aeeordlntf $12.50 HtiyhiK way ' ViTfhiM. to Reduced to MitKee liny wen o i iheir Imhii, Monda'. Anunt . to hif the flint chill ever iii Um inmiiiialtix. canned In the failed Stati-- wim put JlHlKi W. W. .MHMla helievcil wants inhim: UiN up by u Fii.'iiebniiin by Hi name of Mr. MiiK'1 JitMi If leil III troliw n Mill-- ' UaUalt who tiiri"d a cannei' nl l.:t last tn unit r lo tani two ear unl HKATTI-- Avh It. Khriii h- nii'fi ii mimbet nf y.'arx iko. II ilHinhKe l he imw, num. who iiiiide Ihe IIihi t!lht from llfiH Hinee Kinwil lo where Ihe Itiiynl hen- Caxcaih'l peAph alone expect lo can 'Jl million tn Vakinili. 'over the $3.95 v moiinialu4 with ii i'ii run of mail. In peppt m thltt Ihe product of ..t nrulim Hlate or city liiMpecllon of all! iheir own field which coiimIhih of in,, . White Milans and black iilrplaiieH. "Kami um elevilnr innpec-tloli.- " mju ai linl'ia he HiiyM, "it will Klve the I1im; The Herald' nffirlul ihiK nampN-- r and white sailors lead this lot public K renter wifely. " wii wa I'Mciidi'd an mvltalioii to attend thi Imiiiomci was triable in he of good hats pr.'Ki-nt- no In, order, in hack up hl at $3.95. The HtatementH Willi reitard lo ill unl- - sailors have all kinds of Rambunctious Ram ibn nf hlH product. Mr. VV.ilH'n fur- nished Ihe Herald wMh a "nam crowns, both round and Of the White House pie" which coMMifled of 'J 4 reKiilar ranH of hill. Decision on Route to Be Flock Is Exiled square, and the sport hats Wealthy French women tim Hum- - in Reached at Conven- pnifiie an a hani for the puipoHf are all the approved styles A Ml VI ITi IX . A n Tho W lie. nf reddish hMYU hair Willi tion at Clovis pr lambunciliiUM ram Iium rich golden liuhtH In it. of the season. been exiled fl olll lll( lai ip ll of vr.rt f'lvllVIH, N. M.. A uir. a. Ilemark-ntd- e Kden, the white houtw KinundH. protrreKH Ii:ih hoi'ti made In mnrk-Inf- c In diMtiniie thin noble Hats Originally Priced to $25 Reduced to the Abo I'nw hnrhway throiiKh uf pure bred Shropshire ramlfica-lioii- it MeXicr) Ti'VaH. New an The mute up- - ! not only Hie diKtiiiy n u Here-for- Think of it, of the hats in this assortment were priced haw Imh'ii marked fur aft Dm- some as Texan, hilt the pcitmiiM nf while h"liu and b ihe lime of tht loiit and what la worm1, on mih high as $25 and were good valuji at that price. Almost any style, material and trim may be Abn Purm IliKhwny convention, which deMteil, not ki ntly but will hft held In CIuvIh on Monday, found in this assortment. Included are Leghorns, Georgettes, Milans and Liserettes, all diiiKh' Ward mi thj ureeiu-- - A iiKUtM it. It in exttected l hat I he Ward of Mie executive run suitable fir afternoon or evening- wear. A great many of these are pattern hats and some markiuif crew will have reached the all r an unvracefol flight thioiiKh nre the famous Cupid huts. They are trimmed with ribbon, beads, flowers and conventional i M ean lo i icenn highway ut IVIcn the n'r. the pernou m her uiajcnty, I IM t Complexion so season. on he i rn nl l iver. Al he ihe white hoiinc conk, uiul rfiinitly trimmings, popular this i f $5.95 will lmi convention. urniniremeniH nut rn K' every llvlmr Ihi-ii- thnt 'y&j bp made- to cnuiilele the marklnKi entered the irrouudM ll;lH been I h rnu s h 4 'a ny m, A nm rl o. 'a n Kent "mniewhere in irKlnla." .Imt " hand'". While Icer, Miami. Canndliin when no nnn will nay. Tint exlln jyf DHt1 tell and rflnal nm) UlfitrhiH. Texan. In ilbyrai f tht riimhuiicllmm The convention will Incut. the route ("klahomu nmt rain Ik bin thi forerunner of tho Nadine Face Powder from H1kk1'" through d itd MK'Kia bin of Ihe while hntnaj ) Knncnn to the river at ifP puxn Unci!. ft J This aqulatt bMutirWr Im It will pribably (IrayHon, phynllnn to J parti an Indartnabl charm Kntil. Okalhnnui. Admiral Ihmtitfh Arnett and th. pri'Hid nt. arihWeibtK' n utiery . a charm and lovellnaas Bros, Itiio Kannan by II and then north ihe un the KUliJei-- today, ibil.ired that which tadur throughout . Roseiawaldl - way of Wichita and Kiuporia to Kan- every fini;le mie of ihe remaining L lh day Rd Hnar lo lha V hiim City, at Which ponu n win con- tilicep liimlm will fx illHpiwed JJ mamorir. Xatioiuil Ola Trailn and nect with the of to friend of ihe chief executive U Itt cootnaaa ta rafraahtne. to eimt, diff.-nn- t route the In piiriN of the country. ill and 11 cannot barm tha lan- - in a movement nn foot to nd There II tlffTaat akin, Is the ro'lte t Albuiueriuc the laiReMt f The Herald the New Mexico Paper that Takes the "Want" Out of Want Ads By Giving RESULTS city In the tmo. Thi will he thniah-e.- l ft told In Ita araart baa at t nut ut the convention and will jl laadlnc tollat Sou atart or by probably, adopted ai tho movement II mail 6U. t "" bun ii ironir lollowi.iK. arcordiiiK LrZk NATIONAL TOILET CO. Y- --' - ' ' 1. W. Joneti, iiecretliry of the CIovlH BEAR OIL hamlier of commerc". Tin markliiKN nf ihi Abo lloute nre y dimlncilve anil can he cattily Foryour liatr vi You M ii- u(1 by aiiiolHin at ti onr illHianee. N Mia 9aJjM tht itun'l um srfumtl lotion, band of red and yel- j lhay The roor iiro , for ! bar oit, with low, thi' Indianw favorite colot-M- over tbdf poual ng rdinW front ar- tha iafds. knd forMtt ( which ti a broad Nttur Afwtaliablaj formula la ur will he r Klslcred KOTAINO. Itxliana alitir far row. Thin mark! tratp. In the patent offlco at hair and Aitodlttut,: toppli. t'Al.UNi) HAtft: mni InduHn fJtiW UHOW1H im Kaar taaaa whati all alaa falM. AUG. BOUT Kansas Is Naming lnatlaata. Uu0,Montifrun4 TUESDAY, SHARP, FIRST iMriib'M, r'or women, 33:30 rtiD, chilJrai' Kawp tha dTli Tickets Today at tranl. .aw ollwri. ftMlllfvtr ATALKO al tha draa alara: a ttnU -- "X ar im.i-- c ajga. rrw wv VTBk ST : State-Wid- e Primary lailtar o aiaaiaai nr fai anO auaraau, Ut JuUu Bart BrIMata. Bta. F. New York " Ana BJfB E KASHAH CITY. Kan.. Au. J. - U In cnndl-ilaie- MLL-SJ- CARD iixii h lortny nomlnnllnu XING Ku for nenalnrinl,, l ami j O.J sia'e oITIppb nnd ilckfiiR ten ' dec torn for cmh party ut n I C3 Mtate-wld- o .primary. I TERRlBLnWOLLEN CARL BENNY VERSUS "A Wferi , Deiibecl Tartan 0)

by Black-Drangh- L ReLtTeJ 12 ROUh'DS OVA Rotiville, dt.-M- rt. Kate ue Able, el Why Pay More this place, wrllesi' Mr huband Is as 8 DKN I It MMYiiVV.HQW. engineer, ted once while lilllne, he mumor W hlcisell with a piece ol heavy ma. For a! Ready-Mad- e Suit chineryr across the abdomen.. He wu so ure he rauid oot bear to press oa SAILOR HOLCOMB YOUNG JIM FLYfK) himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He When Wa Will Tailor a Suit , vs. welched 105 lbs., and lell all unto he " ROUMOS SEMI-FINA- ! weighed 110 lbs , In two weeks. 8 L . He became constipated and It looked To Your Measure a like he wouMdte. We had three dilferent i doctors, ye with all their medicine, ha) At Lower Cost? would turn up . , One-Rou- bowels failed to act He Kid Kerrera vs. Young Joe Rivers nd Hart inez vsaFishting Sarxhsi a ten-ce- bottle ol castor oil, and drink succession. Jie It Iwo or three days In I l Ml :l.l.IIX Alt V i ktain ir.iKi:it did this yet without result. We became $35 and Upward ha mllMed so. He was swol H.nm -- . len terribly. He told me his .sutierlni tin could only be described as torture. I sent and bought Tbedtord's -- I made Mm take a big dose, SPECIAt FEATURE BATTLE ROYAL and when It began to act he fainted, hi was Ir such- misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, TAX--Rings- and wa both feel he awe hi tile lo nnipPC IKCLUOIKG WAR .de $3.03, Lower Thedlord's -- Thed lord's ht will help yoa Foor Gallery Ladies and Boys 55c 74i rillUCO $2.00, $1.10, . keep til, ready for lb day's work. Iff KI NCI THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, J02Q

Major Standing , M KtWl lTS HOHKOllMl vvva'H Lu j I1K.AKD OF CHAPIJf FLOATS Lively Fight Card to Start " ''' Tfallonnl I.Mira LONION. Annemnd,. premier EUMTE . Hrooklyn 1. r" , W. Ht. Ixul 4; of Kntnce, and Am(en Chfimherlln, S; 1. of Hrltlnh nnbtnet, . At Tonight Armory llrotiklyn . is; Yurk Mnclnnntl tha had 8:30 at .w never of Charlie Chnpllnt- - . ,5M1 4; I. heard until ...i la.iii Fhllatpht tha other ' day, a crtle' hare aaya FOR iJBOH PARADE Kverythlnt la ready for Npw York . . .41 .tiJl piirMurh ; Bixinn l' ., .411 fi .r.u iioyd (eome haa been a Chaplin fan the aotind of tha fong, I'ttMxirRh ' lopv . . . .to- AmcrUiiii iMiruif tttf a time. which In tha of ctilmm aim worda tha HI. -- . . ,Vcw ; niannpremrni, open ut ..4A hi ,44 York Chliuro 0. Cifcho-Hluvakl- a la tha flrat- country will tha Mom 411, .4TiS Mvelleat card avar fin .,40 Olrvolnntl : Wiwhinmon 0. In Knrone to adopt tha. aught-ho- Construction to flxht I'llllHllFlpllIlt . . 5S Work on acen In Alhuuaniia. Benny rtamnn !; dnv bv law. Begin Sunday; Prizes Cordova and t'arl Maekey Amrrlitltl Iitrilfl- Ht. ull 10; PhllMftAlphli fl. each hava trained their W. pet. SIMPLE WASH REMOVES a c e a I n i a City TaMtfo. Lucaa For. the Best ni ii tn the f h. Ovcli" d ... . .1X7 tat of Ohio, ct RINGS Ulf2SR IYE8 Tha referee haa hern choaan Ni-- . . Countyaa. Ynrk .It Frank J. rbanar makaa oath thai ba la , and the preliminary boxer t'hlrntiQ . , . . .11 .10 aanlor partnar of tha firm of F. 3. Chny AlhiKiurrqiia people will be aur-- Prepnmtlone the mnK elmhn-- i . tor ara, waltlhB anxlouily for 'Ht. Infill ... .47 .40 Co., dolni tiatnaa In tha City of prlavd how quickly aim pie wllcbhaart, rnje Jjthr May parade ever held In j the fray. Wallilnicton . ."' .44 Couniy an4 taia aforaaalo, and that .4(11 Urn) will pay tha turn ot ONE camphor, hydrant la, te., aa mixed In Alhunuerque will started In ear-- 1 Tha card la to he 1 itNmton aald be H don't horn till mlflnliht DOUinl for any oaaa at Catarrh laavoptlk rye wuah, reUavee Moodahot day gen- - rnuiiiiR ht boning in all. and tt I lMrolt by tha uaa of iwh Hun morning when the At luiirt ha oB .JJO ha curad - r- - will begin :10 o'clock 1'hllmlollihlii eyi'a and dark ringa. yottng- lady era! committee of five named to at Oh no. h doMn't work io hard haLl gATAwyij.jMjuyN. Tne DM t'M do Willi tonlirht In tha Armory, 'who eve tronhia and vary tanae the unit celebration Ht't plyln worn to before ma and nubirrlhed in had meet With repreneniuuvea, from the. hufh Muckey and Cordova mereir (ol. ITMIKIITNON HKAITOWTIOD. , ring waa by a flnlahed training; yeaterday aiy rt.ce, thia day of Moamber, dark relieved YBafoue lornl union tn outline the . ialnglr- Wa ng n and are taking today to WAHHINcmiN, Au. Wllllni A.Baat) Notary piibMe. wvek'a uaa of lAvuptlk. ItrvtfTnm, tm me.i to ie neio reap-- , A. W. Oieaaon, In Uhor Temple At 18 o'clock. rrat up for tha 11 rounda of 8. CulbertMnn. of fCnnmtft, was HAf.L'll CATARRH MKDH'iNK Utntr. guarnotee a nmnll bottle to help ANY rteprewentetlveti of the vet'otiS tMixing. for which they ara Thi Herald ii th New Mexioo pointed today hy Prrtilant Wlltwin mm en lntmaltv and acta through the B!od CAHK weak, atruined . or inflamed In heduled, ea the Mucous turfacea of the cmfia who attended the meeting paper that taket the "Want" out a memlter of th Vnltrd Hlatpa tarltT Druggima, 7So. Teatlmontala frae. eyre. Aluminum fdp rKHK. Al- - Ijthnr Temple laet nijrht announced Cordova apent yeaterday Ada by S r. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Obio. Mtrndn Pharmacy, Kimt and )olri. ihiu uii the foin wi:i mnntiiK. chopping and tto.. .of Want brliurins KeiulU. rnmralMlon. Hunday. The nmmbw of the CSX Ina; a little with hla aparr committee In charge annouiued thtJ j liK partnera, Cordova and morning thm It In my that fimt Mat-ke- huva announced and second will he offered for i that rhey hava trained to the flonm aoeordhi tn elnaetflration. top condition. Mac key yea There are to be prlxex' for the mutt terdny only hoxeri with two rmUnJ flnn'e. for the in out elaborate aimrrlnK )artnera and lined float and for the-- hem dinp'.aya. the weight machinea to und . Merrhnitta alone) Vntral avenue ' looaen up hla muaclea. other bttmnewe atreet alone which "'I hla hoy Cordova," an id the line of nturrh In tn extend are to Mnckey todny "haa panned Beres how Joes he culled upon hy tH mminitteee 10 loo ninny remarka about decorate their, plac nf r'iclnewt In me; about how ennlly he la ervanre nf the day. It a likely, icolng to win. Thereforn thni a committee nf five- pereon not m iiolng to aplll aim for affiliated with aiiy labor organisation the benfllt of hla follow- - will h named at .ha Hun-da- y era." iieally mm f?sh story morning lo ac judge of tha starred Nut only doea the main thnne vh announced front. Amoni iwiii promlne action but j laat night that tney wnuJ.t vem worK J Kid the prellmlnarlra alno. on lha floale at on' lire ine Young carmen, th hntiermak-e- and Joe CLAMBERED iloTrn. (he It I vera have pernoniil WI and lha local pulnlera' union. a In l Inns- - giiidite, each with tha ... Thai the parade ha Nie according to dope- - THROUOH HEAVY thlcaata. a meni-hi- .r ttthcr. rat la without oueMlon, phi Htem, and they are going fo .f i he committee thia morning. .... nrgiinlmtlonn In arltle It with the glnvra to- AND WE rowad tha boat. There ara 23 labor night. Young Hnncheg and tha clly and all are enpecied to par ... ticipate. Tha I locaie nmii" Hue Hound Murtlnei make OUT TO a rocky ledf. Mibiidntmhln of mora than l.auO. A up the other half of the ... prellinln&rlca. prlve la m he offered for Kach WHERE BLACK biua hid. alan la to be I .eat munching body. (our oc ... AiitMMirh Lhor Day mattra rounda. roar.. aeml-fln- ha THEN JOE lat out a cupied the nttenlon tn the menihera The la tn an .' . meeting Uat night, the meet-U,- Hghi'roufid uffutr. the at the ' FOR HIS cigar box. mam raited nrtnoluully to 4m tout being Hnllor Hoi tha cooperative stnre. C. O. Wllllama. comb and Young Jim ... prudent of tb etore at r'lynn. Thia promlnea to HAD! FISH llnet tn It C..tluo, W. ft. PatWnon aecrriarv J'f j lie ao ftinl, according to the ... th machtnlnie union and H. j management, that unlma INSTEAD OF tmokaa. . Xrown, organiser fop the cooperative I lie puirona read the pro- j ... atrra In thia dlnfrtct were thr prln gram they ore likely to AND HE rafuaud with acorn. ripat peakeaa. Following lha aperrh Hiiniuke It fur the main . . . bout. OUR CIOARETTES. in tha Mora. p Ilenldea the 2 rounda of hoxlng the management an- .... nounced today that there Ht SAID tuay war noL Millionaire Socialist would be an additional nur- - ... priae. It la reported to be EVEN FIT (or bait. And 19 Others Guilty lir.NX Y CHtlOV.. a comedy affair a battle ... Of Plot Against U. S. royul and highly amusing. HE'D HAVE a man'a amok. OR NOTHING. Announce Names j ... CHrCAfJO. Aug. -- .William nroaa With The Amateurs AND FOR an hoar. l.loyd, millionaire nociallMt and la Of New Professors - ... commtint.vt-.a- other mambcra of the Thr I Kelilii ikI Rvila tl"d 1"' I'lrnti'. HE GOT nolhluc. pony night were found for plorr In thn Twillirhl league com br ovtrr f llihd In h report to the executive ... guilty by a Jury of conaplrncy to yeMicrdiiy hy r'l'fncotfM, uni- NOT EVEN a govtrnment, I, dftciitlnir the mittee of the regenta of the bit. throw the Cnited fMatea The iwore wa. 13 lo I. David K, The drfendanta were given varlona versity yeaterday, Prvaldent ... gatttng l.ujnn hit out a thrva hmnrr for Hill named the following men who VHILE WE pullad 'eut la. aentancee. mnei of them from the Ked. and YlKtl nod flro'Ka enoh t In !h one to five yearn tn tha penitentiary, have eignrd con recta to teach a two biiffKer for thn annta team. i.nlverniiy the coming year: 'AT LAST ha gruntad. a few being glvn ftnea in addition, Ilent of Ihe Krenrhlea ulao hit a two 1).. "were eenienced to one H. Heeeler, A. H., M. A.. Ph. , . and aeveral iHiKKe.'. Pennaylvanla. He n In l.Ioyd got henvlea; I'nlveraliy of "GIMME A clfaratt." year Jail. the Hlanulnff of' the lenma tndny. 1'roctor Bherwln. nentence, one to five yearn in the VTi I Profenaor R . Pet. Frederick Kennel. H. H., M. A. ... penitentiary, and a flna of $S,00. B. O. P-- .T..1H AND IT juat happonad. Bun Pranrln-'O- . of Chlcugm He haa hud Ma Bedacht of a In . a waa ajltVin one to flvtj jrvara .'Mid teaching and liulneaa experience reported" Plraten ml econ om- II LUCK changed than. priaon $,.000. It. ln S hi lie admlnlatiutlon and in and fined lliKhin.'d it a. f)ther u(uiencea follow: . i n 4 R., I'nlveralty SO NOW Joe Dayton. Kahaas, mHvti 0 ft .HU0 Hoy W. Johnnon. A. aweari. I K. Katterfeld. ItooHtorn Michigan, will be athletic director. farmer, one to five yeare In tha Town Hcouta O 1 .000 of ... til lengue. ChMrlee K. Coan. A. Ii.. Ph. !.. THAT THOSE c'.garcttea. penitntUrv. "Withdrew from California, will aucoeed lAidwig Lore ft alleged ro author nf The achdulr for the remainder of of ... th- - the) Profetteor Roncoe It. Hill. WERE SO blamad good. Ihe com mun 11 labor party platform week tn Twlllrfht league mcehani-cn- ' a, Ihomaa T. Kyre, B. a. In l end author of alleged radical unlvernlty, ... one five years In the Today Ira tee mreet the B. O. engineering. Purdue HE BAITED a hook. to. the P ProfettMor I.eupold. perlientlary. P'n. Wnlii-'Mlii- the White Hox play will succeed Arno plrtit.-- Ilnrry ImuHhei-ty- H. 8., In en ... K. Kngland, Mnllne. Ililnola, Hightatid Kcda. Thuidny the U 'oollege WITH ONE of them. . member of ihe eommuntat labor party ploy the KreiU'lilee. Fridwy the U. gliifering. Pennsylvania Htate p'luy llcda. will do work In the department of ... eommlttee, one to five P'a. HlKhliinvl The Htate eiecutlva t. engineering. AND CAUGHT a whale. will agree (hat yetira In penitentiary. fiond Tlmt tltib will piny an off MAXYacifarainnker Carney,, uluth. Mlnneeota. 8'beriule game With the WVhUe Kox ... 1 Jack Thurwbiy. nglund boanta 1&.000 amateur PARTICULAR FISH, he aaya. hey let editor of "Truth," and member of the noccer tenmn and 00 profeaalonai fiarty'e national executive committee, ... jou know you're amoklng. And jet cluha. one tn five yen re in the penitentiary, "KNOW THY SONY ISTIIK KMMi.W HIMSELF AMONG them. they're mllil unlit anil aniuidli. What'e nd tl.AOO fine. MIN.VWAI'til.lH "Man. know "DOM'TS ' FOB WI8HIMO. ... lt the lecret? Joat ktinwlnir bow to blend Hamurl Ah,' Chicago lawyer, one waa vuiUf of old, but here Don't wtta fuu Imd a jnii Find It. ARE JUST the aorL year In Jail. Mlnneibpolia they my: "Mull, know Ixm't wib fum coulti rent yonr apart-ain- i choice 'l'urklah and Uouiclic tubaccoa eon." pledg- Rai it. Dr. Oecar Jaur Brown, Pa Kath, thy father here ha THAT THEY eatlefr. I ed to become iictUiiltlled pnn't wlk yea eosld sell your kouis right Ililnola, one year o Jail. l it. N. J. Chitatenaei, Chicago, one year with their none and Kpend nf leui HOW1 In tail- oih hour u diy uud our evening a By nlng Ike Hnralil Oasio'lH Pol am fit. Kdwln Firth. Indlanapolia, printer, week with them. Pbttn 346. Pbnne one yeer In Jail. I H. K. Hunkln. Chicago, one year In Jail. Mele'KJar, Chicago, ona to flv yearn In th penitentiary. Charlea Krumbein, Chicago, one year In Jnil. J. .eialnger, Chicago, one year In Kdgnr Owenn, Mnllne. Illinois, one to five yearn In th penitentiary. A rthnr Proctor, Ch Icago, one to five yeara in the penitentiary and n omm fine. c : lr. C. F. Pa nd berg. Chicago, one year In jail. Jlw 'CICARBTTBS. Perry H. flhlpman, Rock Inland, llllnoln; one year 'in Jail. Alorria A. Htolar. Chtciigo, ona year In Jaii. John Vogel, Chicago, ona year In Great Demonstration jail. - ' Tha aentenrea .are for tha ntnta eniteiitiury and the Cook county jail. t Sale of famous THR NrJtAl.n WANT Al PAtiK has e'rlannlfleaiion for every pur pone and remihe for tluwe who uae them.

MOTHER! A ; "California. Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative MT IT a Detroit Vapdr Oil Stove i Two Days Only Watch This Poper for Full DiUih ForWhite Shoes of Canvas, Buck or Suede Shu ite deana and whitena toiled white ihoe by removing the ctaina and dirt not by covering them. It keeps the thoes looking like new. , Quickly applied with the dauber attached to each stopper, Eaaieat to Use. VH1TENSHI Sold by Grocer, Shoe Store, DruggUra, Notion Store and Repair Shop CLaUKSv Arcept 'H'litifornla' Hyrup of Flga only UittU for the niuns California S. M. BDCBY V CO.,. Inc., New York ttuit JT en ihe ttven you are aure WIF IT'S WE HAVE IT" Aim Manufacturers Biaby'a Jet-O- Brown) anal jour te (he hecf and moat HARDWARE, of AA ItMrniVtM phvnie for Oie little Blometh, Firsthand Copper ' Phone 74-- Jet-O- Pasta Shoo Polish ' t Itvi--r and bowfl-. 1.'lillrtn--n love Its ffuitv uute, Kull directions on each m bntitc. Vou must ay "Califorma.." TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1M0 THE AtnUQUFRQUF. EVENING HERALD

teneui Kfl handed In h.r TWAM A I State Capitol News Now, Ain't That a Man for Yuh? By Grove lion a the hcatl of tha Mu-ji- c and) KM NEW REVENUE , MV I 4Ar ilriArtment at the New Mesirw K ily gn v t M BO-C- -I VOI "r 6A1.B- - TJTTft "OKI OlWl . V.ATfi n TMIUK- - WNirrtheJ ' Dniveralty. Mlaa hi,. I ihc n- r Hnccal A 'COOT T!i-- n woivm- - wi-- vontxrr out ,vs B o.w-- 1- mix It. he Irff FEWER DIPHTHERIA O cam 40 - Vtjaa enra ago and i,muc-riOKr-T- wiM-OO- Ov' and ur .u, COLLECTOR HERE Hu6AuO - during her service aa a member of Hin W Tr tlMVLlL HI LI. M- - police hold II. e clt( fVW 0 the Normal Unlveralty faculty haa STATE mode an, enviable- - record. Mlaa fiana-c-al . CASESJH la to e married tn Mr. Frank "DANDERiflE" James A. Hall to Take Htraaa, of the Flrwi- - Xi.H.nul bank, mint time about the middle vf Over Office About Aurust. Dr.. Waller. Goes to Las fARItl'V--0-. O, Onkey, a rail- tops Hair Coniing August 15 road man and a cltixfft of t'arriaoao, Gn; Vegas to Select Health me with an accident which cauaed Ookey wna atand-In- g Doubles Its Bjauty. Jnmeg A. difilh. Ilrakeman Officer - Hall, the newly appoint- on top of the caboose, when the ed Interpol ft even tie collector for thta i ra In gave a lurch, after the "push- dtalrtct, l In AlbmiuerquA looking er" engine wa whi'-- caus- CP1?' V t tMHIMIi M H T ed htm to Iooh hin onler RANTA rR, A.m. i. Dr. C. B. over the office and making arrange- hutanre. in ment to move here hla family to avoid falling hn in auld to hove Waller, com mae toner of the' atate with Jumped, luntiing, on a department of health, haa gone to from Portnlea. Mr. Hall, who pile of rocha. Vega Carl A. Huirh of ex- liAToN The whole I n Ml ile of tha In confer with the bmrd 'ovi. Hanta Fe al- of county commiaalonere of Hun pect a to take of the office oil hua burned out, a of thtt though the flra omMUilea of the Mi(ui county, on the matter of ap- hunt the middh month. He Kc city up pointing a cmiwy heajth officer. received h a appointment a few dnya Hania and the put a hard (1 A. ago. aoon a (he papera f ght. They euoceeded In keeping It Dr. IsuckMt, chief of the lv and aa final build- lalon of communkab of come through frnm Washington, he from aprvading to other ahop ilia atate of Aim,health, will take over the local office. ing, it la thought the blae waa dMiriment haa at it rt ed from apontancoua combua-tio- gone io Madrid, a coal ramp In aotiih Mr. Hnll haa been law ern Kuril county to Investigate a in tha at at aince li moved )i0. T w you VEOAB A number uf the reported nilbreak of dyaentery. The to tha atata In 190-1- Hie activities life MW ceov' i.ooKi-- t iMOudirt t department hag no detail f the out along; legttl mem- - 6AiO I pnlltlciana of the Went Ride have line have Included c o h 6 gotten, together break, and no report on condition bership in t'onven-lio- n t'u oeeigbell and formed an the mtiftitinnti KlO I've herb a wiiK-- will be available until Dr. l.uckett a of 18 If) aala-tan- t Te will back Iukt the atate in and WHOLE &OLtO gov- rt'inrn. dla:nt attorney for the fifth Ann Jo for the nomination for IHphthcrla ftliowa Ihrmm Judicial nltHilct. i,arr -- I I t ernor when the rpubtlrana meet fn Dipt herla ahowed a decided da Ov XJ X A Ihalr atate convention In rleptember. rrtmne laat week, tut both Jtrrnalllln A public meeting wna held at which and count ten reported large Brazilian Defeats many of the tea ding ditxena of the intmt- -r of canes of tutfrculoxle, nc Weat Hide and frm other polnta In A few centa huya " i tuwrine." cording lo the weekly bulletin on American in Army the county were preaent. A vnb waa After an apullralon of "OandeHne" ioniniu.n4cahle dlaeae, tawued by the Type taken and thoao preaent balloted you can not find a fallen hair or any at it in department or neuitn. me Revolver Match to aupport the candidacy dandruff, bealdea every hair allow total of all communlralbe dicaea of iMr. Armljo, who la One nf the lead- new life, vigor, brlgbtneea, mora colur for the week wan 10, n riecrcaee of ing aitorneya nf thla Judicial diatriot. and thlfknena. I rrom th week cua before. nKVKIII.Od, HilKlum. Allir. . I diaeuaeg ftai1Li'y!tLl JJL The reported Oiillh.lmp PaimfiiM. 'Jl'lff' flfnww - throughout trie atniw are na rniiowa: n HnislUan, VIliNtaaDY hotlnv with im Annrii-n- nrmy type revolver, ixorod In I hi. olymplr Chancroid: Kddy 1. luility,in Ulpiherla; Attn I, 1, rrvovPP inntch wlnnlnii rlmt loni, Omni place In iMnf Olympic . 7. the tnrcf moteht ' Tisuh Hon Miguel Taoa I, loud oa luiofTirini The tut Knaun In Evrry (iamt tlonorrhea: I ornalilln , Kddy S, ihr rmitB. Hf iipr.aifrt ly I wo polnl, llnytnimrt l'. Hrark.n, l.unu 1, total 12. hlw jrALUMINUM WARE 4, Ke 1, nrarmt cfimpetlior fnun lh JMeaalea: HeriinllHo Rmtu (In Tnao . total ?. I'nltnl 'llm. tho nnnlTlrlBl th rpll.d Hlntc. won lh 6 1'ai aiyphoid fever: (Irani 1. nnrt Mm Hyp hi tut; itermtdllo 4, Dona, Ana 1, inn'rh. r. ond place In ilia Indi- total ft. vidual cnmnvMltlnn, Tuherruloala; I'erniillllo 28, thrveo Kollowlnff are the Amerlrnn nnnffl. a ahot and mw tiillcaplH full to tho 1. Uiunt 12, Umo I. total H2. olal wnre. In Ihe nrtny shoot-In- n grouuii. it ran for aid and when It Typhoid fever: I'lmvea Kddy t, ul 0 metre lodny: WILL RATE INCREASE What''. Doing ived huttrell waa atundittg over (lllle.dpie'a body. gave him ItoiMiHVflt 1, total . Team avent: Alfred P. IJlne IDS: I.utirell Mi up, diaouttH Whooping cough; Sun .Miguel 4, Knrl T. 2j Lnula Hor- - Around the State air nut rfua.d to the Frederick J. killing or the can me. Taoa 4, toiu 8. ant Michael Kelly, 2!, anil Jumea ('aM Htttlrd II. Ton, JV VK'IAH Mlaa Mario Iuiae kntr Hmook. !l. 1,110. ROY-T- Hoy echo;.! braird haa Four Informal tauten have been Individual event; Itrucken 112; j I rlowl hy the- .N'ew Mexico ctrporntln U4 contracted with Thm. Mctlrnth, SAY "DIAWONO DYES" Frederick llariint Ijine Jl.4 build-iti- g commiaaion, Th-ee- rauane covered and Howard A. Haylea owner of the Trinidad i.ucero fi'inpiainta that had been made by 'Hi. lur the entire ground Hoor of the y ihtppara and other again, the roll-wa- I Economist Says There building, to be ueed aa ai'honl rooma Don't alnak or ruin yonr malarial ta uompunlca operuting within the Charlie Chaplin , for the coming term. Thla will make poor dye. lni.t on "Diamond Dyoa." atate. Should Be no Appre-- aix comftkruibie rooma large enough Ea.y direction, in arary packam. No. HOt, petition for refunda Sued for to accommodate the at hni thui lntr. I'nder Divorce ciable Advance TIiIm will give ample hy Five Mining arrangmet ' made the highly 111...... ,l.U...... xt Ilia lu.nily aa(t company, at Valedon, coveriiv alleg I ed overchargee amounting to nearly ev ?Hi aattcii build Ihe new tie fore another GIRLS! MAKE A fi.OiHi, on ahipmenta or carhidt , cora I .OB ANOKl.KH, Aug. 1. Mildred WASH ( IT N, Auk. a. Hull road a'hoo opeita and can be done, rAcriirce finuiicltil or other- - j and ( II, haa horn referred to lit llarria Chnplln haa filed unit here rate Increnaea authortwd h the without " I want you KitchenTequipped cninniltMlon. divorce from Charlie Chnplln. Hhe fial ennmerre fontmialnn "ahouM wine. to see my with lndcr o. Mf there luta been a legea eruelfy. luive no appreciable effm--t on phcea CAFIHIZOZO Word haa reuched LEMON BLEACH atb.latory MHlle me nt cJf ih- - cnniro-vm-- Mra. Chaplin of the vkMt muJorliy of thing which the aherilf a office that u gnu Jight ' married the motion hud plate Kivheuton; between the Houthem liciilc picture cnmt'dlnn on 2X. IttlH. the ordinary conanmer purrhiu', taken at tout, Universal Aluminum Ware" October uuulyala p ohm lido oi.v Uif particlpunta wna rtnad and j company and uuttlcmin na to 'tie hut the mnriinge wna kept Mucrct aiordlug to on of the ft tug, f brirtg"a on four lite other iwo bmhy wounded, and t ruitle guardg ami inontha, ane imMena In her complaint effect of the advnnved ruiea. mad I wuy n f to bring a he rompaiiy'a right of 0iwmn on the pleu of t'hnplln an- public by W. J. econnmlat iiueauna the anerif Lemons Whiten and Double UNIVERSAL Aluminum Ware shines like that nil poyalcwin along. Hhvnff Uui-a- and j l.iirhon anil I'linoi rla atation. nouncement of the marriage would lur ihn rallii.nd labir Under No. Hi 4, arrungemeuta hove lie that "there would have Jr. junnaon imrnuuie,y itir tne Beauty of the Skin silver wfears - Interfere with hla profemtioniil career 1 like steel. It been mad with ttie A hei-- no for an luraf an ad- - a viia, which la nbiMit :oi.ea north. cannot rust, Mra. Chaplin aaka tluit ahe comliliomi aa niad. and Ke railway he v..ute" If ihe roadH hud been be tier land found repi Iviueexe the Juice nf twti '.einona absorb odora cf cookinc dent easily or crack. Above io hJive truina No. 1 and 10 ifUkf awaidcd her ahare of the commiinlrjr nianaaed. made free of "water" in The dead num a nam waa '1', 1. Hin- - into a bo(le containing three ouncea atoiui at the atailiMi vt Mho" property and that Chaplin he rent rain, cupba.lxiiti'.it, and were "not them-aelve- a nuxil. and tla two wounded are broth-eii- f of (irchiird White can be had all it ia unitary thoroughly clean and easily ed t which cleaned. iiiKer, hod to pn.vMa adequate from disponing of pic urea he la vlctlma of profiteering to the nuinM jHturkey, all ruuehera. Aa nt nny drug a oro, ahake weti and you waltliiK room (n rill ilea at that making, auld lo he worth 7fi0,000 client of tr.oo.OOH.flMtf a ur," In ii cur aa ct.ttM tut leurncd the trouble quarter pint pending adjudication grew of a away he twee n have a of harmVa and There are no crack to collect and grime of the ault, purchase f auppllca and cUipmcni. out right delightful bleach tor few icta. crease I'nder No. 9(X a ut ! .lodge Jnckaon laaued an order "Htlll there la no occnahm for ulurm the fttarkey a laudM, i ami llinurd'at MtiMaage aweetly fragrant ISJ iHiJif-ilug- thla lotion sharp to scrape and )ina lieen aei uivri Troni (he lallwiiy rea'.ralnlng lemporuiily dlapoanl of In praient proapect of an addi th KtaiKa Into neck, no corner scrub. All corners the milking the fuce, arm and handa twh 4iinpani'a to cover an alleged picture, the order re lion of a billion ond n half doihira HATON J'he lurgegt trout reported di y, then ahi ftly mae Ihe beauty ef and walla are rounded ; eaay to wash, wipe and dry." on a cariaad of Wann ithlppvd lurnable next Monday. to lh aitmial tntnapoi-uitio- hill nf for tola acurtuii. unn probai.y th your akin. from 'Mmimuinuir to ftiyetivllle, Ark. the country," the ataU-me- aaid i in inany, waa brought Knmoua atage beuutlea uae lemon WHir Hiipfrfy InvewtiavKtl "provided thla Item la not multiplied i In fiom ihe tfugarne ltudy ,H JtiicH in oleuch nnd iirlng i.iat eoft. WHITNEY HARDWARE CO. A inspection Hnnta a pre- - j Whu t complete oi the G.O.P.Hats or flvp tlmea before it hhemi and Miv Chief arlton, cleur, complexion. I.emona 76 Fe water anppy and the watersNMMi-l.u- nted to the people for payment, the former Ofing the auucevatul ang-Ko- r ha alwaya lieen uad aa a freckle, Phow K. 7. HEAD, M&n&fer ben omipicted by Dr. C. Id. Inaiance, by no compu- - ier. The trout wua ol me rain-bo- xunhurn and tan remover. 'Mnke thli wtt Wulh-r- , commka ioner, and H. f. Gray. tuilon can the t:icrad freight rate Karloty, Si inciit-- in lengib, and up and try It. of the riivialon of aanitatlnn ami be Juatlfy liicreaae of 4 Si pounoa. It w.ut vl4 , made to an wetrued taken HiMiliary englneerliia-- of the atute one cent per pound In the price of wlib a fly. Ja.nny vbwed und limit h depa.i tnwnt. Hample of water or five cent a per pair In the mired the aplt tuuu epeennvn. In city - taken from the hydiunta the price of aboeN, n.- ten cent In tho , U ihWKI.I ceonre IMneau. who and from dliOient place; In tha price of a aiiit of clothoa, or one mt,t ,iU nodln at tha armory atream utMve the roHer'ilr, have been fnurth of mie cent In tha prltv of munuay night m tli beat wicai.tng MeiM to the luborntury at ALbuquer-Hu- e loaf of Hence the pulillc ; ,llU,,., Ho..well haa ever will ' u tie Home brd. for ami man. ahould he inlormed und the forcea Hy ( u,,.,.!. unul Auguat 4. when In the futuie MeHNra. Waller of the government ahould be on tiiiuM hJ w n Klortin. 1 he m.tch (tray will hold a conference with ace , am a und in that no unJuHtlilaMehurden Auguat a Mil hn to de. i.le tha tie re-l- An Extraordinary Sale Frank fci. Andrewa. euperviaor of the Imposed on the people." .utiiiig Thuraday mghl. there foreat, a j", com- - and Hntila national and Yj r foal. Mr. aald. wna one wil, bH lln Unus lm,t( t wm lv t in live of the K,intu, Ke Wuter and modlty the price nf which would be h(l KloiKn ia Hi Kl I'aao. Klght to plana for fllin , compiuiy. riwun "dlrenily nod appich.bly Increuaed rt..,.t, h tn nwt Alatauda In the a mure thorough utnliatlnn of th. i ii mr ftiiiRtiiiHT tty i n- - nie mniii" "i ineaiillmi' water ahd. A huge pail of thie Ilia amount being from "Uf to II. Sb bnundar-h- a JJVH VKtlAfi Owing to condition1 of water ahed lla within the Extraordinary Shirts of the Hama Fa N.itUuial foreau. colt. ent;rin To" wnld. me.t - marke,. th. new hleh lriMurani'4 lNrmt o. .u -- i.... ' a. hool . buiiditrg"' will nol be alar led in Permit to tmnaact biialnexa In Uvl of the ..dviim". would be let., than ' --tudai.ta for New Mexico haa been laauvd, by the a rent a pound. on a ault of clothea' 1 " , . Men, we're tickled to amte rnrpoi-atloti- to the on A Mamie cona. nd ie- - ieiHi mr :i"wutii romtnihm made Ihe ""i'"'yeara, n (iurglnn Fire lumitaju com puny, of ta, led on the I'aclfli', the increa'dVn"r prevaiien um nun iew "" death to offer you these Salt Uk Oty. The permit had been freight would amount to nine centa, . ooarn oi enucufion imi uuun r by of ih ' the erection of a temporary grade recommended the office he aald. wood. high grade shirts $3.00. atiLl Inaur&noe oemmlaalnner. "The great Induatrleg of th coun hui'dliig lo be constructed of at 4 latngtva NaiiM trv'.coiild nfford to deduct the i .'OHt.A J. M. tlllleapl. a well We consider it a real mer- The Weltimr-Hurrow- a Drua; com- incr.aMfd freight rate from the price' known ranch and cntilemnn of Cor pany, with principal office in Roma of their product," he added, after onu. wna ahot by Haarhul .uttreii. chandising achievement to Fe, hn a tiled an amendment to Ha prcaeniliig anine atat atlca on profile the bullet entering abova tho right corpontta nam eye of left charter changing- th or prnnucinr roriioratrnna, t and coming out bak the be able to do so. They to tha i. V. Oollftia rompany, The ear. OHkaple waa dead tefnra aid are aiock of tho com puny waa acquired A HKI1AI.II WANT Af reached him. The only eye wttnet all good shirts; you I'erently hy J. F. folliiia. a cmrlo will bring ceaulia. 1'honft Kla and km a amalt noy who eaya the min shirts dealer, of Hun la Ke. The two enior-piM- "A luaert vour nd. were talking nuleily when he heard would ordinarily pay $4.00 will be combined and operated 1) under the firm name of the J. K. company. or $5.00 for even here at I'filUna Rosenwald's, but a fortun- MOTHERHOOD ate purchase enables us to B sell them for $3.00 apiece. VOHAN'S RIGHT How Lydia E.. Pinkham'f What Opening a Buick Fac- -- W Vegetable Compound Helps the oi , to Mke Women Normal. tory Branch at El Paso Means to Wuhirurtou IuA "( ini in aucb Ik onnditioB that I avnt npwtad to bn New Mexico Buick Owners II II Mil iiiidran ana my uoi auvlwd ma lo tak. Lidia K. fink-- BeautifuHadras 'a VeaeUbl Coapnunil. It lm. y bealth pravad n 1 COMPAVY Percale, and Soisette iul raatoretl nor- ' I"' Bl'K'K MOTOB ofhaned mal coaditiuu of wi THEfn tory brnnch at Kl I'uao Augimt lat. I now ta Important to New Meilco Buick yatan tbat It in una paoy. L own era Inasmuch aa will apeeil up tJitlck Shirts This liriiUntil aba waa about If 1 Hervlte In ihe Houthweatern Hla lea. year old I waa The MrColIough llulck rompany carrlea Special . . fare mirroui, and ol all tlmea a luage atock of lluick parla. Ii Sale .. ail tbatlalathiaklD ia pbyatcally linimaalble, however, to carry IMi all parta for all Huk-- niodela nt nil tlmea. aomatbiDf terrlbla waa lurng to kappas. anyooa conila my heart The eHliilillabment of the Kl I'aao Kuctory II I beard a Hoick telegraphed would and I wanted to run, branch mean that part (As long as they brat laat for In the evening wuuld arrive early last) Da I took tba Vantakla Camoouod morning. nt airala and It kelpwi nia woaderlully. Yon may publiaa mt aa tha med-Ici- HervlcV audi ita thla la one of ih Jfiya wi exceptionall- ia aural fremi." M r a. I of owning a Hop k autumoiille. and remem-le- r, The Madras. Percale and Soisette in these shirts of BaxTA, B. h. No, 4, Sot 44, Waahlnr ' "Wlteii hiter aututnobllea are biiijt y food wearing quality and of a trad tbat tailors so nioeiy. Tha colon art jrut tha colors toa, Ind. f'w ' Huk-- will buDd Ihem." , that man of good taata ask for. Soma of them are the wide candy strips combination and Amont tha vlrtima of Lydla I. t sixes azrd Vegetabla Compound la it abil- others are the alternate white itripe variety. There are all all sleeve lengths in ity to correct atetUlty In many eaaat. a this assortment. Tbia loot ia Iwall aatabliabad a by tha abora Utter and koiulrada M AItIO. WlUrdiAg Botiftcntloo ol otbera we bara publlihed iai that day fcatfvluea, July aj, rtnlved tlie frcaklah caniHilga of the auiurona, I lat' In many onev ahndleaa. "go. mI old daya.M H"e.p4e ha la other homaa. iabove, all lyptfbtsf hk .wjuntlca, McCollough Buick Company thtra ara children bacnaa ol tha ma A-- Roseriwald'sMen'sSh liottoni fact that I.ydla K. Vlnhhara'a Vofatabla Up in t od ootinir( la ltd coimiy, HciMN-- conoty and) 341 Oold matiai wanaaB orpuii, - West Pbaos 1200 tJoniponna - ' Ilailfng rounty. by Mtrntt naaltbf aat ttrorig, " hoUegraplkur Uob Jormaa,) THE ALBUQUF.RQUE - EVF.NING ? HERALD TUESDAY, AUGUST 3,' 1820 page with power to compel Wood to teatify republtcait pnrty, who are counted lditowal Closing before It. npon to supply the aincwa of war for JFive Mivute Chat WhaUs.Behind the CodPd ill aampaiKii. a. c- - aixucuiuicue.. ftut Governor la atiio lre preKldonttal candidate' Coolidae.- ,lf ' on Our. President Mr. Mills? ' I lh Of Wood's Woolen be Rranted White a he might Cuba sa lavga aa PennevlvanU J I re'iuit N N G H ER A L D i M . olTend the big btitrine friend of the area and fieorala In population. EVE ' iv tlMTTf I1FNI.K. Hlsn saying "eloaed for two week MTWTTWO Publisher! i, JAMES MORGAN IdAWUKNf Mhu.. Auk, I. One aie appearing on ,lnrcfl.m Krex hna n strike lmf haa 1.1- " , .... I ...... , A . . n.rrfl ln,t' mtin called ttu t nrlpi'l nofly .hnlf tb lndiitirltU Home workmen have already been lUopvilaat, Jatttaa auntm.) mm Pwbi fe.mUy lire or rny ut eniuiaelted to uak. for aaaiatance from ri.-, iu:.n t'K. at lUr14 BIIOhfc, Jr4r si Coj;jff tisi.oOO people. charily have ' PRESIDENT FOR A MONTH oraauixet, the intlla The nmn It Will- iH'en closed tinea July ft. ' t " ;.! V a.. ViTiw-- in" t li yuiuih cV at jU tuq u 'isw V w t nt4 k iam M. Wond, preti-d-- of t'i.Q,-f-t- of Mur-- 5, tHT. , of th Ameri- - 177 rbniary t, bliih f ti WOf rIHMH . HijliSlUili'TlON RAil'KS can Woon com-dhii- ...Tl rnU Manrjr Hafrteon at - Ilervntly urt Hero are aome extrSota culled , . 7.o0 . t" in t tTin' t i.l... .. rktay, ,V. Indictment ohnrln from virlcui atatemcnui - 1781 Eptarad army. Inn htm with M. Wood: liKHAIiU TELEl'HON'E 345.. the - ' buaine nn rooka I nm MOt-1- wna.qiinnh- "With the 4 Oevarnsr of tarrltery cd hiH'auae a. ftMleml tn aa difficult a position aa my em- Tin of Indiana. Jii'tao r u d ihni i ploye." ' v .' . . I KOHEION ADVKRTISINft KKPRKSENTAT1VK3 It re- ' - 1111 Btltl f Tlppacano. rlnth wur not ctoth-IM- f. "There will poltivey be no ' YOU SPEW Know, i.anjis arT " ' ' 6 FOOLISHLY a.raaa. Knr TnA N. y. kun, KatlHIar. tVeam. til. ' . duction (In I was the till Flftt r.opl.'t sf conerata, n wa. Wagea rkoaa,' Madtf.ja ta.ra,.04' .. . 1'bOBa, tianUaa,. 7030. . lllt-1- Whnt exnlnnation leader he raining of and .Mamtxr f Ohio aartita. ora Wood give fori l it .he the Ian mun on earth-- 1t25.? Ulltad atatoa aanalor. lrfving of t nvlr reilue ,them." ' IS A DOLLAR: . JilKM JSElPtiif ASSOCIATED. PKESS TVnh-hbl- y THE 12 Mfniawe to Colombia. v. rlhnd 1 K , 0 0 0 "Others are keeping open. Taa AaanelXMt I'm. 1a crrn.t.rlj .nll!l4 to taa H .for avpwlillratlaii f all oaw, ' .vis; people hnve ardent for kind of goode ll.rv.t-h- .. : H3 Cndidt for prealdtnt. Mkjf i.m worklnir here LpST-GO- r :i tw it or otaarwiM rr.lllo ia lata papar aa laa'lka lacol saw we don't have," NE FOREVER! .ahllihnil a.r.ia. , 141 North 4, Iniufjurat.d ninth oth r at Amorwiin Wo..h,n nomimny "Borne have even gone so fnr na i , prooldant, April n. riounf- Tl'KMDAY, Al'WST 3, 19'20 ' qd 8. throtiiThwwt KjiglandT He to the truth of our yearly Every dollar you save and deposit with 4, din in tho While any llinl onli-r- have. brn canceled! tttaletnent of earnliiK. forgetting it Houoo, aged C3. and that hfrn la no longer any would be criminal to falsify those this strong bank means not only a dollar , ' ROUND Op speeders for wonlona. rigure." , ' the' Him In .the naino felty other titer, "Isn't It time public saved, but a dollar, drawing 4'i. Interest fltnirinhlna mllln at mnnlna full agsi? if to play fair with tho (hp rmlii-- roimilinp: uprarlrni" recklwm nviltlnm Henry , . CTIVITY of in rp anS Bar liuic! - American Woolen company and ita steadily! .... , ., , .. AI.THOVOH - A mitDinnliiln Hrivprs ia unod work. I'osHessinn of an automobile elwlert- to the preal What Tetlpr Tell. president'" 'b iodine (Tmn carry authority' or privilcK lency aa tlinJor'"Wnrrnillilmef la A plotbina; merehant ut Twrnce Choose wisely the manner in which or driver's nut ' nhowed n. . Ural tif uiir fruiKlvil. imrdilliui nun int tho orlKl'tpl nf letter he rncinnRpr of nthi-rs- 1 lip city k law a to automobile traffic reefdved A It la bellved hy many people that Sav- thclives Imlgna, was hnrn one. fnun Alfred Direker t'ohn, you'll use your dollars by starting a regulation ml spppd iiniitR arr very ilctiuitc uml eiuily tini'.rrstnnd he t nf th Important Chicago clothing man when the mllla are reopened it will first fnrAlllea Df VlrKlnla," In a ninnot It hud nvldcntly berrt avnt be on a. lower wage scale, though ings with this bank NO W I ... kIuiuIiI be from rigid .No in- f Account and no one exempt their enforcement. Ikiuho oa the honka Of the arlflncrntli broaUcitift. It reudr Wood denies this. ' f . ... dividual is above the law and the individual with influence nhould be James. As a son of Honjiiftlln Hnr Tn ttMi Trade. Hy that lime the plight of the ... . The abittilnir Amerl-rft- n work Ins; people may so subjected. to the name strict regulation aud the name penal tiea an are rlaiin, alaner ot the Ieclaratlon, wtf f down of the be desporate woolen nod other ml I In will mean that they will accept a reduction with- the driver or "chauffeur who become hlonil nf In hia vein enforced airaiust careless taxi tho I'neahontna th of a Inrgo uuantUy out n fight. A fight on the unions & Savings Bank carelois. and oa a rieacenrtRnt pt.a t'nimiveltlin of fall wnolena which., wo hud on may then be atartud. State Trust should be officious with persons liilnnot who slyitptl Ihe'dratli warrant order and in turn mild. The a vera a wage now ta oniy ' There no undue or interference We will, , , APKIUATEll WITH of a Una, no prealitetu haa had a therefore, not hm able to about $- a week. j who are obeying Ihc law povfrniing automobile traffic. fill many atylea thai were bought hy "' lonaer. nmre hlaierie llnrniie. Will CiNitltlge) Act? " There ahnuld be the moat enforcement of the law againiit our trade. . We rcgre't thia Mayor William T. While of Ijiw-renc- btaH national bank riid In ability William Henry Hnrrlsnl) excecdinjfiy. but the matter ia quite every person who K''t the idea that lie can defy the law. lie i a who referred so flatteringly to fell below the ataiolartl nf hia (ireOe out of our control, oa you can reudily Wood at the meeting called to pro- Altniqnrrtllie Nrur MealcM) dantrerou factor in any community and he become especially ceaanra. Ho waa elected not becauiH tee. test against the hitter's Indictment, . So much for Wonfl'g atntemont. He when he ia in charge of the wheel of. an automobile. be waa a ffreat atateaman or a areat had the temerity tn ak Wood why hna anno in plennant "Cuddy Hunk." he hail shut the mill. Wood prompt- IfK timer lo Hove Ymie Monejr T'lail In s aMitler, hat becanoo he was thornuxhly an laJnnd near New Bedford, Mafia., Ka MmH'y." .', ly rebuked him. White Is now KKnd 'our lita STEERING MRTLARRAZOLO , : representative of tho aev West, which While laitwrtviee worrier. nuking Oovornor iTnolidge to waaltatlered to ore In the While Honaa Trunin In Woolen. call n m peel a) seNeton of the legisla- Dig profitH have by MOUN'lXn JOVHNAIj, aa official apokcaman 11 In been made ture that could appoint a oommittvo for the fur the rat time a man created !u w.iulen mnnufaeturrra inro 1)14. Ilaea. political machine, today own tmaao. ' The mill profit ban incrnaed Hit, per !UWIIilllllHIUlllllWIIWIIM mmummim llic governor to take the Held in defense of his nine points. At Harrison's Inamruratlon th cent on an urd'riary milt of cloiben prealdeifey ' entered an eclipse and 1 per cent for every day In the year. Mireh aa we dislike to intrude into a tight little organization matter L'efore war Die a waa helil 110 yenra hy aecnnna'r th vera K" annmil of thia kind, we feel like auggcHting that it isn't the governor 'a nine for profit of the American Wonlen com- charaeiera, who did not luld-17-1- pninta that, neoil defending it 'a Governor Lnrrazolo, Mr. relanad, hut pany waa SI. Ouo, ooo. Durliur 8 just now: With mea o It Inrrearteij nverugo Magee, who rule. of the eminence to nn of aceofding fo our infnnnation, went out after the job' of 4'lay and Webster, Calhoun and Hen. nearly $!i.00(l,000. piloting the Iiarraxnlii.iortuiica, seems, to lie flndiug it tiopicwhat dif- The department nf Juatlce hna chanted that the company's profit to get up any speed. ... i ficult for the first' quarter W thia year were "Another doac of point might stimulate, the candidate, i within of lut- entire capital Mock r at the rate of Every dollar that goea into the Boy Remit organitatinn work ia 400 ier cent a year. It aeenia to many Ijiwrenr peo- leedlTea good Free for a thoiisnnd per cent return in. better citUcnahip in Albu- ple that the American Woolen com- querque. pany hnd made enoiiKh money to run Grode-totif- 1m mill for aome time nt ama'lor At e profit even a mnnlnai profit rather Rosenwald' s One of flovernor I.nrrarolo'a nine pninta advoeatea public econ- than throw ita Inyod employee out of omy and elimination of usclcaa jobs and iiscletw job hnldcra. Being Work, fJiia Mllln ' aincere in matter, our governor will of oonrae proceed at once to Before CKwcil. , . . i ' ' hia preaen enmmissjoner. Thia official .(jiiv) IdCt ua look Into facta precedent to eliminate tate insurance ,.!. draws a nrec.aalary, hw-p- office duties, and to go to the cloriri; of the mllla: doesn't bother A proreaa of ndjuatment had been Until delicious iced his office for weeks at a time. On. to it governor. , going on for aomri.tlme in the woolen further notice tea market. Haw wool hnd gone down. : Hifih price hnd kept many people TAKE IT EASYTcARL! from buying clothing, so .it waa not brewed from Ilfeld's President Tea will poRHlhln to mn,ke tdu per cant profit. in hot weather ia had for health. It is bad for Thp only wayt3U0 per cent could EXfilTEMEXT orators and ordinary he made on the stock that the com- statesmen aa.well for pany had on hand waa to halt pro- be dispensed free at Rosenwalds people. It should be avoided. duction and let tho reaulting acurclty " AY do not know jnat what has happened to create iuritation un- of woolen, keep p price. ' Groce-tote-. der collar of our leading Magee . Y ifrlf Jie i'lty. . i, the statesman and emnire builder. Mr. Now viHlt ljiwrunce of the Journal. It la evidently. something aerinua. Our advice is to The on'y store thut aro buay are the "money lent" nnd "liberty take it a little mora calmly and .philosophically, whatever the irri ' ,lhe tant may be. bond houabt" plttcea, Uuker miy they are selling bread The reason Tlfeld'a President Tea is freighted from the Orient to Chlcaito If, as an evidence of this disturbed condition, the leading advo huu no cukea. so mm-- nt or some eastern point for packing other1 better than oilier teas the cate UoTernorljarraioIo advertising Agents of plan a are rapidly Hiinio price ratlly underMtandablc ANIi TltKN TO ot for insists upon draining the town or Ita heat work- TH K Tom ' The t'haiies llfeld t'onipuny operates KKRIOHT Hnghea as a candidate for governor, we simply cannot help it. William Hnlv Harrl.nh" men. ' five lurae wholesale hounes. Tea for I'l tM JAPAN TO AMU'liliEKQl'K Mr. Magee owna the Journal; hide, hoof and horna. so every Depoaftora ore cloalng their ibe4 houses la imported directly from IH I.KHH ON TKA THAN KHOM He Rays too, little while. He says nobody ran dictate to him or advise him except Iftttnrix Cans and Houaton. Doaff at the nanka. the Orient In the ordinal, mckagis. nilCAllO TO AIJtrgPKHWPK. The laa and Davit. Caae and WacK remilt Is obvious. Hotter tea for lenn in newspaper atatement and it follows, aa of 8w All the freight paid on the tea Is from money. a a matter course, that nnl and Humnir in the dl Albuquerque. aa he anat, tile Orient lo In tenrn hdwill do pleases about, front page apace. tl net I on and learierahlp puttied from !o come and what delicious Now, the ten shipped Into Albu- Ten can brewed from HMd's I No matter how high his temperature runs, hnwever, no empire tlM) be Whlt HouM to the rapltol. It TRAVELLERS querque by eastern wholesalers is ll builder and atatesman should permit- hia excitement to divert him wna an Itrnohia period In our polltlci from the'tmth. especially in a matter of local reeord where the record when hoth partlea wore dodging the CHECKS is open to all citizens and where all citizens are familiar with it. Irrepreaaltjle iKne nf alnvpry, and the In hia eruption on page one this morning regarding Tom Hughes amaller the candidate for president! the better chance he had to and ,the, governorship Mr. Jlagee states: , .. dodfe tha queition. i t "When the eity commission haa before it" any issue in- volving a conflict between labor and the In the teeth of a piercing northweat SAFE business interests' wind, the old fnrmer prettl t, i . ia .i' it easy. to tell where Mr. Hughes ia. Ho ia in Santa Fe or linreheadod and dfadaiul'ifr the protecs CONVIJTCENT Also a Van Camp Demonstration El Paso.'.. tlon of an overcoat, rode horaehack to EASILY CASHED In connection with the demonstration of llfeld's President Tea nt Itosenwn'd'e Qroce-Tot- e, This seeks to leave the impression that Tom Hughes haa absented the co pi tot. After addressing a great Vdn ('amp's celebrated Pork und Jlouns, t'hlli toiwt'arne, etc.. arc being aurvcd. BELT IDENTIFYINO . . I himself from meetinga of he eity commission when difficult issues crowd that ahlvcred In Ha ahawla and : . ' were at stake there. Mr. Magee, of course, knows thafthis is not true. furs, he lntlflted, though , KEPIJ.CKD IT LOST He knows that Tom JIughea haa been regular in hia attendance at the on remounting hia horse and leading; meetings of the commission and that his position upon every question the Inaugural parade. that haa been before the commission, hna been clean-cu- t and definite. No sooner m the Drat Whig presi- Allow us to supply He ought to know ( is d.fnVult to tell flhs about a record of this dent In the chair than the. cfnlma of factions and the clamor for patronagn yv- - kind, by imiendo or otherwise. , . aualled blra. Claj had declined Groce-tot-e i .It is just possible that Mr. Mf?ce does not understand a man who Rosenwald's cabinet honors and labors In the goes tils business, to straight-foewar- d about attends his job and takes definite, confident expectation of playing th stands upon public matters and sticks by those atanda when eatter and more powerful role of the Maybe First National Bank, A' taken. that is one of the hot weather irritants that is running power behind the throne. The Im- np,nis temperature. perious manner of the .Oreat Com- Albuquerque, N. M. i , A eat oan advise a king. tYe are going to advise our leading moner wounding ,the protldentlal empire builder, statesman and political manager. This is the advice: pride, ht was reqneatcd to make hia IIMIIIIIIIIIWIItlllsWIIHIWIIW i ;In empire, building, statesmanship, political management, ora calla at the White House aa Infre- Bssawi mm mm tory or running a newspaper, always tell the truth, especially about quent and Inronaplcuoua as he con- veniently could. Thereupon uraa a ili.o n an SBsuaWsiiaiiss ji i.ii wummBmKmmwmM iawitiawsirrfcot matters witn wnicn your audience is perfectly familiar, hia total I liailii abtenre became etnbarrastlngly con- r "' '. spicuous. i Uneasy lies the policy that gets the laugh. one clear elec- 'If The mandate of the oi it tion of 1H40 wan to turn nut the Demo- V 1 0 crats and give Hie Jobs to the YVhlirM. it , Third Party, Stuff Ktmlghtwny a hungry horde fell upon Hnrrlton and literally devoured him. In a month to a ilny ho waa rtPtvl of ptuumonla, the first president to n aV Ur- TV die In oftle thronirhout the wore than AO uun niton I jreara of Its exlatence. iagMToaaaajB3Bs OM ttHINO'rt Thl I; r I cfont of admlnlttratlot s Is i.rT'a com-- ' n pnthotlc Utile story nf a simple, lonely old mm, lured from M jrm to be the sport of MillHru. filing In body and hurried In utlntt he waa COFFEE I s ;;tx)iTpi5isoT; without the Core and cnmianlnnsblp 7 good U original only refined It , -- of hia wife. Anna Hymtnea Hnr It the and it not an imitation. rltotu daughter of a New Jersey colo- coffee, i i i It is not eienilve. .' ' v nel In the Itevofutlon who became It It refined from the beat coffee. one of the plooeer soldiers of Ohio. It is all of the coffee that it good,. It is not not de - i ;i LVJ i Broken by the hard toll of a frontier It is 100 pure coffee. caffeiniied or hotiKehold fand sorrowing for the lots Undissolves instantly in hot or It Is not 85 chau, fvoody fibre, of tight of her ten children, this wife . cold water. - . ot grounds. - af one prealdent and grandmother of " It is healthful and delicious. ' ' - another, atltl ,wns making rvadjr to It U not waiteiut. "J' It Is easiest to make. ' tnka up lur duttca an mlmrcHS of I ho It harmfuL .., It it economical pound of O. it not White Houfw whep he jjews ff her will make C Is not "cook" baohntid' rifMith romp to her. Washington's Coffee k necetiary to at many cups of coffee at ten no cone pot or percolator ALBUQUERQUE FOUKDRV - pounds ofroasted coffee berries. needed. ' ' . MACHINE WORKS It is always the same in quality. It it not Just "ahotftcr brsni" firitloa aiul liailiiitfa ' It to sold in handy titrtight cans. of cqffeei VMM 6ETTY Bet,!. TO Txal , . atniuliiKUit. Btmrturalia I IfNT - .MKilna Lb Vriirt-- . ntoaat, nmwh cnwiitorra Founders olwhlutrto 'U.4:'kiuiifcLa. OflU-- N, "-S- ''' Wuraa awl anjuqttcrMuo, hi. i t. ( TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1C-- THE ALBUQUERQUE F.VF.N'IMO t lERAI.D


of your time spout in reading FOIl 8ALK ! Look Homes NOT A HOI BR BUT A BOUC at - dnfthM ptni'l'-tri'r- this page" will gave you many $5tnVf Gozjr Homci- , modern; iiiam hent: Who's Here arllln, large .alerpini FUEL Tkla It yar opiartonllf lo hr.T nn 4Hy ' ' ' ' tcrina on nf ihe brat amall hrtana w gitniKo; fine $7,'iU.l0. dollars. will keep' you in - 'lco iMnr room modorn 4 It v.- Oillup I.umVI CorVilloe have Irrr beta ablt W r. Da aura K noun. fnrtilMlieil; TODAY'S AlFlTlVAr.S Al nomi. tu'd itnod porohM, Uallup HtovetiorAnthre. look bloro to lalo. rt'iue Ml. 00 per month! (4000.00. .1 j close contact with a market whlto ataceo Imngalow, plenty of ellade fl.SOO Cord LOCAh HOTF.I.H mnrtfm, completely fnmlthd, I rile, ell eleeet Slmtm f'oeli U W. II. M. MILLION , through' which all tliiuga can sleeping porches, furnace, lavalorlee Clnod four room, modern. Wood; Ntlv Kli.rflliml- - Mmer Kkoioi-j- i sue w uoiu In vndroorae; near University. nlue lot, pherio. rlbee In. .$1,000 Cokei Mill WAodr Wood. rtoikiotf J. 400 W OOMItN be bought, sold, or exchanged. $3B0O brlrk mad em, tor or let, fine'1 f R. T. end Hun. Kl I'u'jo. ' - trssr"orer i ahed. H. Fourtk bt. V. - J. 4.'. liryHiit. HenlN Vi: t i w. Mcdonald- HAHNCOALCO.- . room bungalow eowi- Iteli-n- 7,00O brlrk fast' A ONE W. K lNir,'iltron, knl It IW faaiuroa, hardwood BlAl BITATB HKRE'H RUd, k TnM IKtOaAHO rilONE 91 IHnrir fotir nnm 8IO llh K. W. Il'.iliii. Kl Classified flropUoo, furnaro. Lu rrk lot Bouk Tklrd. . 0 W. kit. elrkit H. Ilopklna, Arimrillo.l". loctlra. rk lari crnrd IrAiit Hnrrk; balk: f. ... eotlMI. II IrUlendv. Kkngv, Llnoktklk, K. K. Jonard, Antarillo. Advertising Rate; Card ' Afoo alkoff' good kaalaaaa' m4 'fMrSaaw Wlaeew HkalM larl4re. ' ). rt lliK h, 41ilia. . o. 3(100 JANUARY jUoporli. Kew York Block A. Klcliw.-ild- iiba. ' I ' KrfBCTIVB llOilO. ; - ' ROME INVESTMENT ACKKHHON NKW It'i-l- i. Alnni'igordo. Penny H word first . NOTICEI MrOVnnY YOKIv. Aub. MArriitifllif John Insertion. A. FIvEISCHER Ho. Tliotie 414. - a word each BOM H INVKKTMBNT 18 ItlOIIT ISO Fntirlk. jrnin--r mt- wni; oxohnnnw wiMtk; . W. tH'iMixnie. T"xarkna. aubaeqaettl later ft RAX BITATK. VMIK AND ADTOMOBILC Ksute-eok- Hon. BaJ ImireiRe. Nli'Vllnr U. '1 ! INSURANCK. LOANfl. Kline'a Transfer Vnwr t room'hottkMi with 1rnind per cent culiloi. Murmy. Vauatin. Minimum Classified aharga l.te. renting for Tiililo fiiti Mhuio. Hi lkott 474, , 111 Bwalk IMnrtfc. furnlkhed., ending, classified, 16 cant a word Will Tv c.r. l rdrnltkre fNO per inontli, on comer lot, Ntfw Vurk egrlmnico n MnAlrotif V. K. Jom-a- , per month copy change permitted twice a n tti ltix llrnwr. Urnrr lUntink only Sr,00. Flliure out 1 per A. Hull. I'oriuMn. week. ' I'huii 6(11 Ml, for V c nt dim:uuiu. t Ja: a , . Investment and eeo If you can tlPO. KIllIl'V. luHUllM'li. l.ttslneaa and 'pf"ltie1 eardO $8.75 FOR RENT AND the Thnu lonrta gtiortK, unrhnngptl. per inck month. $ 3 BO. MinilT DAT Br.RVICB It If you wnnt a lnnie you ' W. KmeiMia, nr Half inrh, na Jieat then i Cull mimoy alcady; hlirh 8 pr II. rronlinen. Ads ehergod e telephone gnbaerlaera Ctnafnrtabl adnbo horn n. It. . Al.iiiiiwiliielr. corner. Mhari and garden. Near A. h. MARTIN CO. will ttave money b feceinff writ; low per ront: rulina rttt rtn per cloclnir ront; C'hne. famtti'lli Koji-a- City. ilwIM ml token after ft p. m. in). Vnfarnlahm, 'ftft per anowtk. KKAI, KHTATK . ' criil; hil Pr No ad run for an Indefinite period A House That is a Home Fire end Aete laeereeee, ul 0 pt-- cent; liuti loan iwr iavcU'an Wlu.i'U. bo discontinued later-tha- ni lm. Al,l AltAIKF 1'i o'clock noun. 'J 16 Pkoee ISA. KK1XT" c?nt. d Display classified fotiu Jom il 12;I0 REATj fc3TATE'"ElCnAN(fB Six large room. porchee, S fire Wl Uole An. Haytean.ytM. Imu: JOT o( publication. t. It 0 W. Copper. place, boating plant, walk, out. Amorfi-fi- Hupftr, ..117V, W, '. IX'II, The will U tWstKWstble' Tot Ml rhon 7. (.'. no IncorrectHtia bulldlnge, flhadee, etc. Vei7 comfort-.abl- o A; T. T .. 54 A. llcihuo. Insert!.' il-- .. Baufort. King- Igal advertising at legal nlM.' only $4760. .. Air. arid lln. If. M and man. ArlK. 9 nimteii on big lot, 1 ix room Atrhixon SIS Now FOUR WHOM HHINC1I.B '4 balk 1 two ; . Mr, Clydn jTorcylh. ' J. A. HAMMOND porrhaa Htw rrtnin FORDS Chlno ..JIM and ilr IlDNaALOW UMfiirnUhrd; good invratinvnt:' 4.nj, O. V. . . ill 4 York. Kaet Torma. 40 aeroa your own, prlc. !...... with nleonlns nnrrli, In ono nt lh l4 Hllrer. riion, tS2i n. land at Ft)f KbIp, Trade or Uinit IriHptrmlon . . 4fl'4 um Mlhlcn. 1m Juntu. . tiont rOHiilciiliill liloi'kn 0( llln Hlfcli- - S1IELLEY REATiTY CO. N'oHliorn I'mlflc. .. 73 14 . t'. T. P..corr. lunOii. Huiin In Rood . ." U Hchwurtit. tlilcugo. . condition. . SQtrARE IEAla GARAGE ftfinllntf Phon S14 WmI Oold Ave. H'tuiht I'Hcirir. I. . H. hulla. Ih'iniT. look SCO. j DO YOU WANT A 1IOMRT in , .Yi-wl- And at the piico. $3, t ...IIS Wrhln-r- f.'olo. 412' Went Copper Ave. I'nlitii I'acirk' .lln'A Ilrln . ' It. Invr-r- If d(t. UI ynut wan J- : tow atitiplr It. H. K. I'rtlMVton, N. - bv knoaea llalod I rem two r ihrao Mimty IKimla! i.. Liwe. ' Duke City Cleaners TnAXTONAm) CO. .'SALE1 Itog'-ra- , B rtHim lo Irn room. I'riroo ranerha from FOR I'lioroftKtnfciivr'AftiM in NKW yollK. Ana. S. l.llirrly bond N. W. lalnnd. 9 fct Ml o krj.tMtu H. Kvi'rgi.11. folo. REAL. ERTATK ant INRURANCH and In orrrr lorallon In 8 twa modern ttre bungalow Jn rlimliia prU-r- toiluy wcrr: SVj" H.' DoiiKla". W clean hats, inrn'a and woman1! towM. Wairh our ada (Ml, Lna Vnit.m. , OoJd. for apodal vluea. rump)! with glaed In aloewifl iirrh. DR.'; firm At tail. 44: .crond 4m lla flnra llrenlman. olothlnc, run, ctirUlrto, draftarlM, Third had frohl and bark firreeiiod porrbr. all Ilia ROYAL 0. TRACY Mr. und V. Iornla. b lafot kulIMn feature, Inrlntllng hnfr IM'llL.C lln to. 120 West Quid. Phon 448. D. K, B. KELLERS BUM w It SkU.ot: fourlll Vtitna bath and ire 'eJieai. rentent baaomeat h 1 loom a, Hui-in- . bjilUuiifi third 4Kb FromptnoM our motto1. hot heat, poliahed giva Walton 4n 4.:.'. victory victory m itcix PKNT Sft Phono air, floor; e"l 81 Wviit in: S!'6.; Kt. K. ItiiwlilMT,:. Kl , roil Apsrinirnig liil?ieiliat, poaaroMnn. Hllualed In (tie Crntrl; 4 1, a l'"o: 1 OftprtaKa Tint Naifonkl Bdbk.m Ward In Vlult Itny, (InlVHnto' Knrmlfc l5.0. r. M.- t'arti-r-. Kanena Cltyi Volt R ft JCt Two and tkreo room turnlahod Poiiilk the brat renlilenlal nnl ahttw Klecuiclty A. HI. Lnulk. 1 I and prlred right. ui yoit. Afluilnlitirrvd. Now York ('otloa. J. tlrlot, aparlraenta at 4a Houlh Hruadwar. (i 6 p. X. T. llouri, tu 3 u. H.: 2 lo m. NKW YOIIK. Auk. S. Cotton Julin t'olllm Itorhrnor. G. 7 - Klngetnff. Henry Mathews APARTMENT. nlelr fnrnUhcd. n roonit and A. STARES Miid to 8 p. in. Huntlnya tiy dp- rloked eiiay; OrlolM-- S10A4: .1. I,. Bnrtiiilgil - Ind. alrrping tmreb. Ao alrk or cblldroo. 400 KKAL EMTATB AND lKUHAiClt pulnirauitt; phon ofTue GSk V; rrt.1- S29.H7; J'lnnary $29. Si; Hhlrl.y Tipton. Boutb WAT-- Orrrnihr City. Transfei Company ttovfalh." KOf t CholM lot, ft., adjoin Ilk Weat Oold Ave. flone 141. Urnce 1441 M. Ii 6. A. K. Ilatrh. Kannua log Mhi. S.S li; My !'.'. ' ptoffict. Boa Kiogabarr, ai W. Speclallglrm tn Nfrvoun nut W. M. Pnwrm. Lima, Ohio. YOUR BAGGAGEMEN L4R RENT nlcolr furuliked Onld or phono 4AT. llHnaa a apartmtnt (or lfgbl liouaakovpltig. aoa Inmintiy. . Chicago Zoard of Trade 1. o. rtandt. Irenver. Because of Service A.1 R. ki lOK HAhC Ckolra Int4 oa Kat HlWer, S. I'nhen. ATTORN EVA IS ' CIIICAtlo. Aug. Hhnip nw Iinr.Kl Paao. IHione 939 (antral and Univeraiiy HelithtB; on 'ilamonda, Joe T. Jlttohdl. RKNT A of la CONFIDENTIAL lean ba JoWalry, In tho price of wltcet took tOlf anlto nice, clean, newly Urm. Now tha llwi to bur that lot for autotno-blloa-. fnrniRhed watches, Llborty onda. ftianoa. JOHN LEHHr.S lilnre-lodn- owing more or Irna to room; cloao la: near car Una; iho homo you plan to hi)d. J. A. JJam- Lowest 117 Booth grnileinen preferred. , lufl Hoatb A mo. rata. Hlnaua'4 Ktnopeun war comiill-catlon- k Albuquerque Men first. Bonded to tba alaia. 1, AroiQe Hiirnilark tlmt notice: low Bio.. Ni: 477.1 nilklit bring nhoiit rnlerg'd fOR RENT A now rlattr housrkarplng FOR BAlIWIpewi1teM J Iglrlemamln tor food ail ppl Ifk front tlie Return From Ete - 'TIXINO CLOCKS' apaftmarit. furnlnhed rnmplote. ft. IB JHirtornACToit nd watcboa U iny profession, t keep - t ni'Oil niHir-n-. UrninK Mir. win..,, Iho Town Clock n HALE One Ramlngtnn No. 0 typawriter f:fiTmrnAf?TOR. 8 7 Park Conference time. HnV about rood condition. Will acll ch.kjj ranuM front In renin lilahrr with yourat HetUiactlon l'J3 Pt, j r (luarentned. FOR nooom I . J4 VtNortk ."rroad "bona tja- UecemlH-- S2.I7 to $3.20 and Alurch KIMU CLOCK HOHl'lTAb hPT Bnnth Cornell ivinur, l'kono 3400 TAYLOR S18 HKNjr JOHN as J !7 " .!;;; Hugtl 4"aldwill. W. ... Wtin Central. Nlrolr furnthed kovarkeeping FOR BALK iKn:trnv: agkncirh ""1 fjooper. ii-i-- uijjuu"XAjTr-ri-rL- r He TtPKWRlTERB All klnda. '""'.rr B. hevi-Ju- 419 North rend. ( Ilorrtrn John Ilunia both now and aeeond hand, bought. oM, eilH PRtVATIt Harrat Itorvlon Invaaiiaatlona. tiling of a rmictlon I. end Typowrit-o- r LICENSED AUCTIONEER from the ronforrnen FUR roatod and ropairrd. Albuouarqao Pknna 477. fk Aaa.rtcea ' moved on with and an returned RKNTHVepirig perch and 818 Kxcfaango. k'kom 60 fetoulk Dataetiraa A. ('urn whent hold at lOHT A. twinr-- or Finder Booth Brood way. lj. IT aorlaltoa. i dry which krri. return KoTjrib Hi. of continued weather.; Ketvn I'urkn'n week. The 41T W. Fruit nd receive reward. Personal Property Appraiser. Af'tn opening H to oentfl higher, lut rXiR RKNT Oralrablo room ana block oft IHIKSSMARI.NO 7 SS waa held for the purpiato if LONT Toole frr-- on between Ala- yifik. FOB St will! rVitenilM'r 11.31 to SI.SS and mrn In touch with auto, Central. a07 Nonh 3!4-W- . - ling the meda and Albuquerque. A spade, Jark, 110 13. Third. Pliohe PLAIN Hoolk Kdilk. tl.-'S- 'i lo SI. So. the mar- Y. M. O. A. tho pump. FOR BALK Used eara. 105 Booth riftk. ,.lnt. tio , tho and arouajng etc. Reward. Return lo 1'. F. TOR RENT Bleeping room and borek. 801 Kol ncoreo a anani luriner amem-v- of the men In the Y. Real Estate Office, l'hono 0411, Kdith. Phona 1U40 . PLAIN. anil fanny aawlner prlera raa.onabl.. oata were governed by the aecrnt ! Bulb J. FOR HALE Mltrboll ear in A i condition. Prompt BcrTice, Reasonable Pricot all 1101 Norlb A.Mitniucroue men who wont All new gflelrl t at Third. of grain. Kturltng 4 cert. The WHT Indian b. yel No. 54424. Take FOR RKNT lireai a, bargain. -, a w nther to madii a In Mr. Hum tourlim Room with board. for an Irk sala. mar ha seen al Am.-r- l i rn'im-moc- ew word from front of Western Mcai Co. far rt.- DltKrtBllAKlNO end plala 14 E. lilgncr, 'k to iv cchib, i Caldwell, tncy Rmudi Broadway, Photo 1341 R. can (Jarage, Interenied call aorlm. nr. According to Mr. 10 western Meal Co. UH bod I a Hi. If al 617 Weat iron. retnHlniug firm. . ... VLOtl Flrsl Vrutt or phono and ini-- Ull v - Reward. , . litt J. etrengtn r,.i.T LKfri'P HOt'rKKEBPlNd rocraa 'for rtat. Generat Contractor Ptovlalonn rcllci ti d the ot tho nverago traveled Highland Hnusa, illawKIiliANBOlin SS;rerra!e. buyeia howovcr, wera nof dllance ht FOPND ' JOBBINO A SPECIALTY hour firr tnr whole trip inciuoui FOR SALE i plentiful. of IMLe'e I'cek 2 nillee. ton HENT Two rlean. newty furnlahed 315 West Copper. P&one 236 WMVL;V'i,.J. ..iVl f.'L7r.TL"K!:l later dealings the wheal market av- - rtUM Ono email Ml automobile merh att bed rooniB ; dealrable tfJpcation ; rofaroucoa !l " - Mr. Caldwell alrt,i atuted that the ics mall mar have nam roqirirrd. 1S1T Pttlirr1. .oaiaaimil. tonHriMhowed 'oxlrmirdlnary etrengtn. in- ,,. zj lv..r gallon. 'Una I'tol. Owner Phona lia'i WT thrci ra.mbw. a.iula.lion - by paring for thla ad. Louie Uenuen, Her-ol- Itondmpr, Urccnlly ovorhnulcL nnitnine ! e rrhabl. aaiabllabvd g. created retlmati of French and Hal- rt , Included the trip to lira oflire. rOK RKNT Room and ateoplng Krc with In fimt-rlnt- All Rood tlron. J.' H. Liebkmann Hanne.a llanaa, Maaiar rbotoerae.ara, itun ImiHirt reiiulrementa counted in ' ..r nib- board, condition. ...B,t. iMb. alt koma aooklhg, raaaokabla. 18'i& Mechanically perfect. Vriv9 rlffht. Docorating ml Paper-bangin- WANTi:i Mule Help Eaal Coatral. Piintiug, HITHINKHIl g "'ncw of urgent Innuh-le- for wheat' lumlu royal comml-klo- n. The l"-- t nntKe WANTED Mexican leaiiixlora and laborers rOR RENT Rdnmi lor light" bmisohoeplng. "4)lt 8ALI; Itnomlne hoii.a, w.ll' lorat.4. by the Brlllxh '"'''""''' ffJVa. ftulk 8U7 Phone 462 463 Kirst-aa- to lower: top native for California. Kroe traniHirtatlii, 110 North Thirit Inaulra at ailkn alk. or All'. 'Work- . Krllr. SIS Weat diild. I'bob. 4H7. clow u. neivollK, 1Mb lo 17i, ccnla Jow ewea hnuth Third Bt. Holt 801 I.orth Thlr. Irory l,hunv127BJ net .iiigiier wun ncccinocr ,. pi . U40 Weat A BtAWlS rawr.WHbai(ke)4j.saH. . : . f runsina lower;, sat WANTED Bo kkefper, young man BPECIL ht'MMfR RATna by week or FOR SALE can erll ncr.a.a ,.,nr buklna. tin 1.1 uu,.ua...... ,Iu M,.wlHt,,t Ixivliti. on ' " vt furred. Only experienced man moe.ll. Rrooa Uotcl, over Now Moalco Cigar i "n'l r.!kUV,Xmk. ."n ('"' leading voinn.liielon houwa PlDdUCS apply. J. korlrr Co., Hdw. Drpl Co. Toarlat Irgda ollcitrd V.)2ii & 'li.. V;i'"H. P'" One lutmt model Mux well CHICAGO MILL nllnrk aale. la led' to upiurnk III corn. .The cl'lH.'AOO. Ang. 3. Butler lower: lb., Wlirlafe an.if lurtbor , r young men rOR RENT Three furglshoi aod two an yue ea.e inn goeoa na ran aao u. na ta wae ft a veiue u.-- tfa furnished rooms Atilomoliil cioho Mitona. t la la creuinerv 4i4J 0o. 18 and 2'l years old In leara tho ah and fur light koaiokoaplag. fully equipped. LUMBER" COMPANY tba ehi. mural. b. Unuearalal r with Henlemuor l.4 lo ( ,,ehnliee.l : receipts 1I.0S1 buftln-s- Hleady Phono SDM J, 8.13 Konth Third. ilrpartmai Hanna. l,l, j door work tha year 'rouiin, Hanna k 11.411, ' : December tu Apply Whitiner-.larkao- A Co., at saw mill. GENERAL PLANING MILL and tMiV Clliein. ELOIN HOTEL---- A fowls He; fry. aanltarr room and MATUIMUNT 14 Poultry, alive higher; WANTED Ten boya to register now; atari apartments. By the day, Phone 612 Third and Marquette Oloao: , brollent SH42o. work Neptembor 1st; 17 yeara old or who week or mouth ' List W riOil Pkana 086 J. UK.ri.VKI) m.ldtn. wortb S90.O00. l.ka. When! Pre.; fr.St: March SJ.SS'i I'ouibc firm, recelpta t ear: hava from achool. Waatara Union rOIl RAI.K Mleorllenraxia to rnrra.ponil with a fair)) food Itxiklntf Corn Hepl., St. 42', Doc, l 76?4 hurrcl; Kaneaa anil Telegraph Company. Phone 8 S7.UO7.uO FOR RENT N lea fatal furtilahcd room; best lualrlmioilally Imlined. W rito Ooih Hept., Iec.,' 7Co. Mhwourl eurly Ohio. 3.i0i.7i; BIIUDV H MILK Beat In town. JintlnianArc, Hi... Loa Anitrlm, Cat.' 70c; WANTKD Voting man to Iticrraaa their pay location In town, only ono lilock from I'ork .Bept., S2l.r; ct.. S2S.S0. Culllornla whiles $4.60. Rolilnson jiark mail rmlood prtferrod; 110 HAMS Baby SIS.70; t)ol.. . rhock by taking advantage of beginning run carn.jr. C'brap. Pbono PHONOGRAPHS laid Hepf, ilK.W. 1. ratea at tho New Modern Itnalnoaa Collrice, aick. rnons it.iaij J, r.ok-J- AOIHNO MAllllrt.) ' ltilM rlepl, 116. 2; Oct.. Ila.22. K ANHAH CITY. Mo.. Aug. tlratll Hldg. Ten Hollars per month. Day llrunawlck and VIrtor rhonojraphi Jliitler and egge 'unchanged. night alaasea. ' ktr. Mrs. tfatherlaiwl. lOR RENT LtrM hnn.akaeplng reomaj two Hold on Tefma. 0AI1TOS 'AdSlM. an 'faiaolallns ilarbleaa cent and and no FOR RALB Dayton slicing mahlna la good t njatntalaatf.- - Livestock lleite unehanged; broilcra I vnra. room lorni.nae apariai.nia; ai.e condition. Highland Meat OeririatV Halad 'and Mirvic. fbwkaj farni.b.d room.. On III,. M. alak. Market. Victor, Drunswirk and lOll Bt lower, SSc; sprlnga 1 cent lower, e ur Fourb Aug. recelpta WANTKD Hrip d04 Bo.lh Tklrd St. ; pbone 441 J. Hecords. JljPonlb DKNVKIt. Cattle CCnte, FDK HALE violin, in good condition,' ' Leef fnt I.I ;t; Aii .noth-- i h as I.tlflO: market .low. etcady: WANTEDJ-Waltro- aa. 4 lH Ho nth Broadway, or phono Manhattan Ctfa. a Albuquerque Muirfc Stor $!i.r,04i 14.00; helfere nMH'M"-- erialtiwts. Urtnie-- til. j row. and n. init ltnvT WJI-- , ITt-W- .. ,,U Kind It. 111 W. Central. ahona moticb or ' ETTtuiMTigT.' or: rmAL' $7 ooifi; eiockerg arid fwdcra n-- alak yd eauld fled WANTED A kot4arkDrpr. Metkodist Ha it a- - ACCOUNT ArlO D1UTBIB0TI0M wlah yoa mnl& raal yuer FOR HENT hoe: two aleeplng FOR H A Nearly new standard make hi- $7.llrs.:r,: ehlven $S.SII IS.00. Ion't lorium. orrhes. 8J0 Hoiilh Broadway. Ho. 19J4. to it. eyrie, Jnquirr 111 Hoalh Wallrr. Phono Hog receipt I. ion; iiinrkct 2i wiab yea eould aril yokf fconia aitng R In ol lb of llrr Pon't WANTKD Al note, a girl, to do light house-wor- tbr Probata Tonrl Countr r,ll lente li.Vftt'; lop $l.tl0; bulk' ' H'MHK FOR HENT Thn a room! and THOS. F. KELEHER? nr I., Hlala nf Nf Maalro. . .. r,. '....' Apply Mrs". H. Llvingslun, 1.. H..WT 7fi porch, t 913 a mohik. , f I..., will .Hrf T...a. H.V"Ti io.oo. West LW ftirnisnrd;- Hub FtR HALE Jessn French piano. In prrfepl I. ih. artist tiv using the Htrald s CUaained CMumn. North First Bt. Leather and Finding, Baddlea, I'miuia. n tiin.i..... i.,. i it. Mlnio 8.000: 34&. eonrlltion. Bargala. Owner. lea vuig city. fj' S.&tl; lutulu FWmo 4X Phono Voditii woman employ M. f'ily of Alliiiqnrnioa. t'ounly ol Barnalillo. atendy: yeitrllllgg $3.00 VANTKD In their RENT 5 Call i:4U Hamesi. Cut Holes. Wa hour of fiH Furnished rootn bouse. North Paint. rt.w M.airo uarraava, uaariaa u. ui..- $i;;.ne4M4.ou: wethers; lelsura Using advantage KMlh, ;i.r, rtii, KtirnUjied 4 room North ginning tho Nnw Modern Business BALE- Chrome Boles, Shoe Store ntsti, sMii.r. rales at Refond, ;ttvrnj. Cnfurnished WVat FUK Malriier plstnaf iretrlgarstor. terprool NOTUE IH HKRERY OIVEN: Uwi' $l.liUtT.tll. Santa Fe. Time Table t'ollrgr,- Oradl Bldg. Ten dollars per month I Mllver, '.l 'Mi. Cnfornished H4inth alia lusfhtiu. ileal make, rrlea roaaoa supplies. Oashtnan, of v Ori'gg Nhorihand. Touch Typewriting. Mr. Adtlrcae Bug 838. Tha;'t'hartea O. as eroeutur KANHAU CITY. Mo., Ah. . ' John, !.' I'nfurnloru'4, 8 moma and able. P. O. la- of Celestia and Mrs. Motherland. ', the will and te tain rut P. 55,000; nU't-r- k lee ping porch. South High. '20 00. Real Phone 1057 J. 408 West Central Ia of of Albuquerque, rani FOR BALE We h I'lllsl'ury. the t'lty ! EaUta A,. change, 400 Weat Copper. Phouo are paying ifhast prlee Countr of Hrmalillu, New Mexico, doceosed, Ht.'.trlv: $15.00: hulk lir.OOeJia.eo; .SITUATIONS WANTKD for alt kinda of Junk, also Junk automob- prraeiilrd tor final soue- Sii-ent- a2B''. ile-, Co. 114 Weal has reirleresl and wHik to lower: noathwetura Junk mint, and filad la aid rourl, his final M.KO! VLnrlliiK liulfi'ra MAN DEHIKEH WOHK Kornitan only., (SAr,fr ' l.ead. Phooa tillr Id atli IXin Htmai IT !. count ol hK adinniisirallon of said ri fin- ai.itnsm n s.nlw luwrtrr hulk W E8THOUN D Day. ply "O. rara Herald oflire. the last will and t Hi k." and as rieMiinr uf j oo low- - Arrtea. psrart. MA ' KOK RALE all kind, inrliid is.KOlf ralviH inomlv fi Train Ktlll I.K itlraetlva' a Is room eollaga. Furniture nf( WELLS & PERRY of t eloalia I. I'ilUlmry. decrsnid, .!; Scont 7:3Wni astopnt it tirt h r with hi a retkirt anil a It - hniL T.nm t? Ml! sulil liita eitrlv POSITION WANTED Jf 4touth tiadway. ' Ul lu tit 8 Calif. Limited. . l.'.em 1'.):4:PM 1 rug- -i Monday, I rttocht-n- .ll japrlnga and w.llrrss. drr.ser. i INSTALLING BIlU KEl'A IRfNG final dinlrlbullon, and that the US AOtti ..HO; ami roctlfiB lltOitsia 11 .naut In A ft yon iiiairn I utile, laumm atovr. Haii. rntit-h- 1 day of Hepirniber A. 1. IW'JU, at tea TKargo Fat Man and wife, whiti want hulrl rOR HALE modern ke...... htklh weak to tb conlH lowvn titiarantlntf 8 Tfce NaaJo l:JiMo. H;a(iaB aroutiri. More garage; el y ; - r v " o'clock in Ihe foreuoon of said day, al the or raff. irt clns all than air furnished good(.location. """- WIimIiuIHh, 37 ruTH. HOUTHUOCND. , expe will work Address Y., eara Machinery, Pumpn, Qaao. court renin of said court at th court boiitc itt yfars' ririire. reasunabla ,!. Albnqu.'T- Huari-ori'lnt- 7.&00; mantot to tftpm Mtalo salary whofl l'hono looa. t Kngtm-a- . in said County uf Herualllto. Old ib Na. hit l Kl ra Exp... imrtlcalara and lino und Steam anu 26 ninntly lt:Husut- atisM ering. IR HALE A double mnriera attartirtent; que. New Mexico, has been Mtftt centa Iowit; 24 chcv low- NO, 8l7 k.t l'asb Eap.. . sell) nieil-lut- n ... ranted for 8.70: ortc 811 i0. .1. A. Maui. PRIVATE KALE nf valuablt anllvie lumi a the time and place for the er; Pp $15. bo. bulk llRht und EAST BOUND. 1 said account the Verlng J. KNAUH ond. 8J4 E. Silver, l'huna li'J3 B. lure solid walnni bedrnoiit suite bed. 110 SS4-- mrnt of final and 1S.&U; bulk heavy $14.50 G:l)0pm J. dressier, rmumnda. ' This outfit woald sell oulh Third. Ibonc uf said report and petition at which lime tlli.lfttV .To. 3 Tko Karalo ., . , . S:0t 1" any person in said 18.:i&. v, C.Mf. LtutitMl :tiUpm 7:Uiput I.vj'j K Hoelrvanl Kl FOR HALE In Koarth ward, nleo homo. lot the east. Il la offered at low and place interested :3M-i- l'a.. Tml. exceptions 8.008; I.Ktpr No. g Hanta'K4 fcigtrt. :i "'Pa ' AOkUS: large porches, inrluding sleeping pnri ur tfuica tae. smin wainut may appear and file his lo Hltti rerfpla Eadt g.UJai tvoreh; the place I largo 'light oak' and bed. ald account and at such lime and place a luntlMl tfurt ; ottntn lo Jft t'cnlH So. iu Tke Hcoot .... Tate WANT II Ji'.t for childroa. Inaalra dresser such wk ellaocllaBeoH Owner. 618 Marbl. ui r foppor. fhona lUU'J. I'llOri'KNIONAL CAItl'S heeriag of any and all objections to lowt-T- ; quullty plain; bulk guod and FnOhf ROBTHr- final account and. Ike orllleuieut thereof Na. (tog rrom Kl 1'oso. . H, rhf.lff nativoH $13.3U 1S.&0; bulk rilH UKNKKAIl Hnaaaslraninc tail lalt IHR HALE Fife wnnt hoiiivo. alrirtly mod akall be beard. Ka. hiu From Kl 1'aao. 7:(Mu I.IVB NTmrK DI(S. AND BERGKR l given account rit'lN $0.7fte7.OO; hcf "toady to n era, hard wood floors, etc.: beat lorallon 1n SHERIDAN Jiotlce dirt her that said h0. couneMtv at neifn wun n r llANr I.AUtlUKr, viirt graneuee. - la tor final settlement and the said estate 25 boat $8.00 Clovls, Fecoa Valley, fcanse City yud talf rliy; nan bo bu light fiimiihed or unfumlsh- FOR HALK nice young Jersey i1 - II6IW. nog .Extra fresh limited to la ready for distribution and on confirmation lor; fii; gnud it ruts). Address a. iv., eara of uil hb row; U)U UKNiTO-UltlNAIt- NM ' for oulvk.iale. litoJ niNHARKS final account final dlslrlbmlou uf CV!: 8uB Vlth t H.rsltl. N. Hi uf said lliCAUO..Au. i. Cnttlo twi'lpU 'eoiiMtt WANTED IV knf plaae bej.a.' Fkoae t7t. First rest. A HIHKABKrj OK THM 8KIN aald e.tate will be Itntned lately had. ' from CluvU and vast ajid aoujh uf Nil Mexleo, l.uoo; mIuw h n u It butitior poiit Dated at Old Albuquerque. New CluHa.' .. : ... HA fiKe Km mil nr FOR HALE Twenty fire HoUtaln bet fan, thla '26th ilsr of July, A. lft'JU. .runt; frly at oik $!7. bulk cholt'o I res n faU. l.ntafclpaoo A (J. Waaeernian Laboratory In Connection I. WANTKD TO BUT voodU f.H.I. toia Co.. f. i CHAR1.EH O- CUHHMAN, Executor. 81 r,.S5 .76; grunay emtio moatly Rn 84 ft, pbone 9414 4 T not evar yaar .no e Bail qui. P. O. hoi FOR HALE Kitchen table and mahogany l'hone its.' Jly7-Au- g ;t lo l7 $.itnti M.fto: wood cOTtn atrudy;, t lop center table. North Third Ht. ' ah c Mock $b.50p For Household and Piano Albaiinerqua Rrpaif Shop. .AT MILK FED BROILeRB-Sele-rt yoong ritlvna Bank ldg. Alhtiqiitmue. NOTICE TO CBBDITOES. othii wtik bulk Hlrlctly eggs lO.L'ft; cunne-r- 4 4. Mov-lngt- f -- LAITINoV-Akor4la- e. ' eorkreia. fresh a Ely'a Ihe Court, Ueraalillu CouMty, $4.00 lb; butrhvr alOa ket .key Poultry Tarda. ftoatk Eighth; la I'rubale ' Baige etc., pl.UInc, ell ali.a end wiiltka. Pkeu 14. FOR BALK One' nak dining table? oae kmod 6i8 phooa ' N. U.: bulla $8.018.8u: bohnrna $. 1108. DR. S. C. CLARKE A. Crane Apia., Sit Me. HareWtk. atov; one full slse Iwd coin piste, and - la the Matter of the Estate ef Llllle j.7,86; oponed atrong; Blocker katkT'balkdfcM aef kfwbjrk i.s TsrSsTafssTSsr Eyr, Nose " Deceased, Me sow fmit Jara. Call 188 Howtk Caraell. Ear. aad Throat. 0iea' Flttetl. Keepers, alow. , WANTED BaMnd-kan- FARMU m Hldg. Pbona 888. la hereliy glrert rthe kleyalai; .pat eaak RANCHK8 Harnett Notice that rfcclpti 28,000;-Disrkt- itctlvp. Broad ar.ll ma- Hours: 9 to 18 8. H. aad it to ft p. at. was of the llrtsr nald. Blarda Tradlag Ue, I0 IUH SALE One new "While" awng Oflire appointed eareulor elnve llphtii 'off eonin oaoono bi. i.l.pooBa I.e. chine; Ratiitary- ateel touch baby rarrkagn: IAIH SALEf Imprevad farm of 109 acraa, stale July U, ltt'20, and all porsona having dteudy to IS '. lotror; frull Jara end other things,, Ull North Pliuu, norlb of town, near lourtb atrart. Alt' THE MURPHEY BANATOHIIIM. claiias attains! said ttta are required .lo I'teiist: '.op $18,18; bulk lifiUt soul WANTKD To bey t'J eallbar .uueiatla or Phond !47K.trV'. dra.a Htileblli.oa A :.., V. O. Box H45. For Ihe treatment of Tuberculosis, present tha same within the lime and In but. hfiM $14. 8U4t ltl.00; bulk twrkluv AND BTORASrE' rrpaatlnit rlfla. Mo.t be te eondtllon Now Mexico. Cilr ulfiie; Wrlthl gim-- $13.(0 $71 pfgH lo and raaaonable. Box 0, WANTEIV-To- . Hldg., trur.' Adrirrn- ear. liar a.U roe few pounds of iOPt SALE4.0 earn 'telinrrbltbrnaat, feed Curio opposite uoatofflc. Office ' ' aid. - - m h.... lit I.. 11 a m In A t. in Esocutar. CrailTjai petaa- ius per pouad. Eraalag ana or excoanfe ror rare car, a., j rt'CflpiM 17,000; Rera.'d bualnaaa Mflaa, ryeeu. t m. Dr. W. T. Murpbey and Dr. Cart Malky.lulr'J" 87 Ante 1 Hi Hh$up ahr?p and KODAK riNlHIltMO Ab.eleta corUlnlr rin.niu, of boat raaulta, Uirti-- eervt. Ully Hiumo, oj Waal'-- uaolral, Aieweuarou., wiBa'OiiwArwewwv.N. Hs. ONCE A WOWR'OWNEiliA LWA YS A BUICK OWNER WANTI:n HHiH- - - , WANTKD To buy live er .It root - drnca. Will pay nab. Call 401. OTTO ' MEUOM'lVli'b'WtatTDrtrrO WANTUD ltjr a or Aulu.t Hill, i . ww I I V stLMs I I . ' " T 1 lodarn h'Miaa : luroi.are or uniuroi.nro. J J " ua,s. i t lO rt Will lake Itaaa. K.lomair.. tall J1 U AUTO' " yourlb. siraUr,rTtWtATeTnrP'

RIMlMtt -- -- WITH BOAltD f en rr. z ; f . iikmi whci SL"ir i av, . .,,.,.v; .. fnS M!M ItiUun, p.irrk ini b.iaror l rr it ii jv.t jKcv.t r"':kJ"h:. ,ri-- ?&r grnllruiao b.alik aarkrra; - balk hoNaa In J- aE 1. IT1 ' .1 kiajLJTLJ ..771 "fi... . '"-IM- --d . ' a aim roaniHtlon. Waa It U M Iff. fil f .1 1 It Vrv "vTm-ni-A ' - f. V i if Til II V to-- , T P(IK RKNT A l..,Mn sleeping poreTf, Much Parked 3. Jl room and board lor twe. raoa ioui-- ".'in V'r Control. A NICE. Urge, rmd and alrr porch, w lares mom. next lo balk1- - Mh boa Puitablo f(r two ui on ur laUlra. T tervi. e, )I uacrssary, 5 auraw-lo 11J8 Contra I. FOR KERf Room eud boai-- In an elegant aonir. nati cam inr nrrir'i rtiuinii ur j two ainglo men. Cnnval"enla not nhjeelfd I I,.. Alu sleep. ng pnrrh for rftl Milk' ' board if dsalrad, use of garage Inrluded f I I Vbooe 8'J80 J, or call t iOlU HUrer.) Ahem I' r ' THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1020 'r 1 fTBI at lts(taeniae' a Alwara, RsSw Ccdiiicns t'tiiett) I Worth i J. KORBER & COMPANY IT " (H Lna by way ' North to Vetrai Theaier WJilla AUTO ' ' V'luni or Hanta Ke good. DEPARTMENT Kut by way of Motiartty, iitlolliiili Ld Vaughn, good. 308 North Second St. Phone 783 Eatanda and All roads to the coast a;aln TODAY ContinuousIShow iiil.Dally, 1 :30 to 11 P- - M. Open, with alight rtetotua at AND TOMORROW . lsleta and Io t,anaa. ' Those gxlng to California You Do Not Have to Wait forYour TODAY by way of Gnllnp will uk trail west at Loa Lunaa. Those going lha sou I hern; AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES trail will continue loutb Helen. - br Hoth roada are well atgned WHEN YOU ORDER PROM US. We have the .took and hy the Auto Club of Southern 0'7 California. both local and expreu eervice are given attention and eer-vic- e Information, road 1ngg and S mane 06. RIGHT NOW. Just remember that when next von need IllJftwx cratch free. Phone f anything for your automobile. WHITE GARAGE Co. Fourth t. and Copnr Ava.

LOOK DOWN KmttlMh Lutheran church will meet at THIS BARREL-an-d I he. homo of Mr. H. liurko. 81V N'drlh My Back see the clear Supper Table h'Avxttv.ih ntipet, Thuraday. afteriiuon hravcejrcabovrtltffunf hi 2::iq u'cluck. A boi MilTifnl m frtMiore) f Its the eye at Gossip one foot' whin a truck being; puahed From the Famoui Story by by an employe of tha Harvey curio 4 Hie hntlrpr timit, Si S. 4th. department, ran Into him at the Hanta.' a Rupert Hughee BUCKJONES Swf. Fa atuHoti laat night. THI NEW MNMION OV TMB u llrMlll I'C'HuiiuiibMll" Hetkrr. hu KUm iiiKMF(l tlirouplii AllMHiiieiquv Humlny V. iit K. imtlniP. of New York, race prVHttd JyWULlAU FOX , rn rmile tr iAm Anirlfn from Nw home king-- waa In Albuiuerrue laa. r a York In Bti nitrnipt to brt'uk the night en route to hla homo from tho ALSO THE 4ho SQUARE ipmI rcitl wan ilflyt(1 I'actric vimat. Wlnnlow nnd KlaKHtarT Uy a TIm Y. U'. . A. mrctcrla In In BARGAINS o'lUj'Uitirni iipconltnii to word tle proviaa o MCUlrtng new relMna; pa- IN PIANOS AND PLAYER SHOOTER hire. Mo nriiHil in KlmtHlMfT .t per tblt nriernoon, but according; to :no chutig-tut- The moat chamun torrattbr ii'ftof k hmi nlirhl fcftfr f MIhm Mary I'alne. itie enrutefia di- - PIANOS riri-- or bin I'tir Id In crec n in maiir gr and yrar tJniM. l ector, no men will he auaupeiided l ItrollHlHNHl itf Antviifati Vminmi on HiTottnt of the repairs.. Half of Several need Piano at low hewillcreeiiou will Mold n rtr'liil mei'llnp of tliu the work will be doiio Inlc ufleriiouli. LostCity ai $100. HoMiiHtfitf) TiM'inlHy I'vfninir. Homo I hen i he rcgu lar au pocr w II I hu btiHlricKM of IriiiMirtiince, OiRuriHlaUi nerved, and the remainder of I he Playen at low ai $300. Hun uf h "Y Kit(i" All mcinbera work compla'ed tomorrow niuriilnR. An absolute guarantee with mi' urn'H to tNfiiie. Ma My rn hlrli liMrtttlliiir WrrTIIUCTt5 . With JuaniU Hanien "Mutt & and fanclem are 'Scratch mytUati - Alo Jeff" Latest "Fox New" ItiM It. etntrrnni ml i'ariwllu. to plate an exhibit In the rabbit ahow eacr. piano- :nrcta Wi rt" muiTit'd laat cvpiilnjr at doling the Harvest accordi- Eat term can be arranged. Hn 1'Vlipe chuirh by Kathtr Ifumiu. ng- to reports received by the mem- STARTING THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th (ttitirrrcx la an employ of thr ber, of the Itubblt association who ttioificfla. They art at homv me; at the I'hambcr of Commerce l$2i t llianlte street. laat nlffht. The next meeting of the RIEDLING A riHitth Mimjr (if ilit a rim of na- aaaocluiloii la tu be held August 1. Visit Our Store and Let Our Silent Sales- tional loivata In Nw Mxlro ami Music Co. Constance Talliadge ArUuna bfarhttr aitw tlmlM-- tyt man Convince You of Your Trading Point. MliriWM u total of 10,300,000 uf Sheep Inspection Ill V. OnlraL I'hi.d which H00.000 arrra liuve hitn ritl Rules Agreed on at ovar. Tin totul loriRlnal aiiinU whm Watch This Space Daily for Bargains ati.tioo. OOO.Odo fii't of which 4. ooo,' Colorado Meeting in "SCANDAL" 000.000 hua hcfn rut up to ilti hvh-fn- Icavitipr uvr Xft.b00.000.000 rift of vtiKln timber ail 111 atundliiff. The U reader Now Mexico nheep railg-- I prcnt'tH ihIp of cutting la armiiid Ink n olorado are to b Innpecled Broadway Central Grocery SEE THE BEST AT REGULAR t or over an area of t ai ( ly 'uloradu hiapcutora .before being DUPLEX ADMISSION prnxlniu'.ply X&.ooo acrra pt?r year. ; aent hack Into New A ex too. The I'OltXI.U IIIIOAIIWAY ANI CBNTIMI. u Thr Kititthta of F III Ian laat lilicht lni.pN-to- la to make m report lo the ltiillatt?d a lara;f r!aia uf candiilatfa .Vew .Mexico men of the? aheep wh'th- - TRUCKS Into the flrat ltfrre. It waa er dipped or not. The Ni-- Mexico by thf lodiro to hold a roll cull Inrpectora at the Colorado border are Duplex Truoki go anywhere ; on AuKtifft 23 and a not In I for incni to relnatH'ct the eh p ig-iir- of ' they are not quitters. bi'ia and frlcnda on AiiRiiat Xn. tl)' t'olorado'a 1iimjhc tor' report. Ilp-- ' pl'tu: Is to be In aUHte when People, You Prairie Rose Coffee CHAM. W. A. ifitiitdalnt waa math till, nmrii-lr- done either i I'OiTDIt. IH.lrlhtilor by Lorenxn (lonanlua afiitiiiMt thn It la voualdered oiih . f'liiirnl a, Inapentlon Our Standard Popular Seller ruvlanioa bnnlin prM luiora of tho Theae tire tho lit tent rillen Know rilliiw BH3 . . tfn S3S MbtTty euro, (lhBulca H.I.mi that adopted at the meeting laai Kridu A fltio article In a muirt Jir. MTHEATER $is H la duo him for work hu did In Ht Ahimomi, t'oln., which WHM lit ten I' 1 Iriiig. Co. LAST TIME TODAY thi cf. led by I mil Hadlllo and M. A. lion-- ! Indiatnr nva tllokel Auto Alio PRafURIE ROSE COCOA iileN sheep aunUtuy himr.1. lUrry f.lthirow. formerly . Tltr ruibMi np.tifilatd iHiHlcr of tin Ir. of thla' A I HUDSON AMtr I flit im Jar. POSTER JJJ r . I. HchlHlder atil I'luitiea A city, ianmd through here lust night ankk itiart eVlwpcr. la Ir. A S Tif r"y Albuiupniup and Kl I'aao way HIGHEST 0 L S EVE WAY to b liiHtatlcd thin week at tha New j uimu oi iNnver rmei aiaie inr.pacior on lila from hla home In Lns It liut the) Alhuqutriiic Iabtl. ' of (TfikHtiaUo-an- W. K. Howe, ADV. CO. Mexico Huttery A Tire rontpuny, 214 lr. in HriK'h. I'ultf., to lHnver. where ho THOMAS H. INCE Presents North Kounh s'roet, Kd. Hwopv an iMctor. uT Itie oloi-ad- animal bu-- i waa called by the ibmih of hla father. Our JohU'ra lia utile It. EXCLUSIVE SIGNS tiount-i- i'.au. He will atop In Albuquerque .on hla thin mornit'ff. The dim liter St ha a arrived and according; to Mt. Aroordtfg to the .epurt made ut wav back to Long Heuch for a short PHONE 726 817 W. GOLD tho nteeting by the bureau of animal with hla friends. Aik Tour Grocen for It. eiwopf will be the means of ex tend Inn ' . the Ufa of a aturaiia battery at lauat Indu.iry of (o;oi-hOo- the aheep In .Mr. and .Mm. Jackson Chase of RAY nre In condition, CHARLES year. Colorado excellent (Mtlcago are vlMltma ut tha home uf $1.50 surTs --IN- very 11 acaohlng. $i.5o Vufcmel PHi'liard nf Hanta lVt wma thcie itvliif Thomas K. Uuurke, Olwatfl and 7nihj1 rreised, TO, nki'ii very nick on Hanta l,aa a K. manager 1 1, h M.ititi(;i; i K iiNKics. Mr. Tho tnn rtotirke. PRIVATE SALE t ui.c.viHiA kani.m; ;c. ycatorday evciitnK and waa removed of the Knultuble Llfo Inauriince com- Fonr Praising TiektU. ll.ftO. Pheas B0 W to Ht. Joaeph Hattuiorluni for treat- hee Itfty flawklnn, Albwiuuniuu; pany, la attending the IC(Ul(ahlo of All Kinds of TlqcK Andy Adeluldn p. Wall. Alhtihueniue. Vul-l- 'Alarm HI la aome If karf'na' mora '''pitnrll"'thut III oM fffft cut. Bnt ha waa inch ft ment. condition better Agency ceinierence at Yoaemlte kmltil, i thlN mot'itlna;. Jeremloa Caatun'nn. l.oa I'sillllaa; Cullfornla. Furniture - - Orted Lord I Anil I Han. ma Oh Ilia OTHEB TIic laailhw Akl Mortcty of Ht. l'aul'4 Uomitlla Hunches, Iais Padillaa. LAND fallow knew ml Joseph It, Wilson, attorney, who Waal ft'va nl tkallWior, ui tkaaaaadal Daiatfey, teaf A good speculation on auhiirhan hm rati i u haa been In Philadelphia and New 500 West Copper aw AnHr'a Jort aka BOKNIHO lla plaoa York for two months, returned PHONE 1003 phiperiy very cloao ln on Norlh Attn Ita'tt i'oiitaiiiltiu; kiiiim or lit "Ilia; MitIihW Faradr. 1'orUanil, la at the Alvaradu until Koiirth ati est. Two tracts pf 10 be can obtuln another hnuo lor hla rea each, at bargain price. ADDr ATTBACTIONS fiunlty, who ranmined In th4 east. a a RUTH ROLAND IN "THE ADVENTURES OF RUTH" K. 1. Iden'e mother and father nr-rt- "CURRENT EVENTS IDEAL THEATER yuaterday from Bowling Uroen, BEBBER CITY REALTY CO. vieil Ml. Men. Mr. BBOOLAB , Indiana, to .den rBIOUS. is attorney for the Hanlu Ko railroad. OPTICIAN 307 Wnl Uuhl. I'Imhio 5(2. 1)1X1 SHOWING THE WORLD'S FINEST PHOTOPLAYS (leorge I. Downer spent yestordiy CITI.F.N8 HANK lll ll, in Hnnta Ke where he hud ttwnaacted bunlncsM wilh the rederal oourt, .Mr, PRESENTS TODAY AND TOMORROW low rvsr Is rtMJilniHiit attorney In thei C H. CARNES Hanta Ke law oftluea hero. j -- . DON'T Sir, tleorge H. Downer ami chll-- wnli-- atep, hut watch your Optomclrist A CHAUVIN dn-- huve rt turmsl rrom a vacai; watch. When It needa repairing l tilt which Included New York City "Eye Classes That Satisfy" A FAIR PAINT CONTRACTOR and Montreal. Mrs. Downer alao It d"'" t ' i M'IIAMRT IJ K':fcAI viHiu-- ine rrcuen ruiivi-n- ai uiu.'UtM'k ii'it IIKHIATK)N With Fair Prices on Painting, Paper Hanging, let C.iniidH whmeUhf. attended l YlW'K HHfkM inT Ha. rouiih M. and Tinting riHNta I0&T fiir Appnlnlmral. Mlaa laOU Hug hen of Denvef Is vlalt-in- g GET YOUR WORK DONE NOW .Mr. and Mia. Thomas Hughes. a . A WaU Paper Will Be Much Higher Next Sprta. Kobcrt Hopkins, former resident LIBERTY of Albuiueriue, la visiting In tha COAL wll Ht Mixed A COAL and WOOD We our Iit I'uiiil, d ft city for a few day. i .'. YARD u gnllini J't.JjU Illcnrdu Hanchea haa returned to B Hulphur Hot Hprluga, Phones 4 or VAI.SI'AK U the city from Gallup American Block Our Hpeeinl Stile on now on for this df TP whera ho hu been vlaiUng (ur two Win. n. Wallnu week, Ht a gallon (PUalll week. 8ugarite Lump Jloubt'u r EYES EYES EYES EYES Mra. Herbert Mendenhall of Hun' a A. CHAUVIN Whrwvmr iMfif thay followd hmr and r'e. who haa been the guest uf her Red Cedar Wood and thi ' sinter, Mra. Aldo l.eopold, returned lu. m Kindling Phone 639 Corner Sixth St. and Central Ave. arcAaef Akr soul with pitilitt "scrutiny hi-- homo yesterday. New Home for Sale 'DOM'Tl" FOR WIIH1MO. Phone 279. Modem, 5 rooms, furuace, hard Tton't vied yos eosl (Ind Job Kind It. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Iua't wus ua cosid rent year apart- - wood floors, built-i- n features, unxt sifnt asn x. 0,'un lion l wl.k o onild a.U kona BHOjJ front, Hue locution and view. f. fjjjy ELECTRIC SHOP arrange terms, HOW f PHOMB MM. SOt 1E00D ST. Canning Br u.ln, laa H.rald'a Ulataln.4 Tolumna. rraa Call aa. Dallvarr.iBatck'a Ola SUntf j. A. HAMMOND Pkuua sa&. I'kuna ai. HU K. Hllx-r.- . fliuiia 133S-- MALONE PHONE 188 Ballara ka "TRILBY" TAXI Exuart Waldtaa An Abiolutely Dependable .it- - Cf " 100 STEEL CO lac. ft Hade . CALL 't 860 Tal. ssia-w- . Saca.a St. w MESSENGER WATCH for LADIES r by Huraa-lir,l,L'vr- b iirttsd Ha.hlb imw 4t. j The GRUEN WRIST WATCH Easy ir IT'S ST01AOB CALL SSOWB , ABSOLUTELY. MAURICE TOURNEUR NOTICE ABOUT IT "TOV eaa pal up dsa BROWN'S TRANSFER' AND GUARANTEED Y of lairs aaally aad TIm UlitlilMar HJhhj, Mmp luia uiutitl thai bat STORAGE . S2B.00, $30.00 up to $70.00 . wlthaat A Sapwb in sis H. Ixm't funr-- t of aporkiag sad wstcalnff Prntatiun 216 6. 1st. Phone 678 mikatiwra, Thad.ll-or- y of an UmqwalM Story Momtaya K. A II. (ima INmblv Hiamii of flarac ( freah !).). Frit' (mil ami Mall Irelta and Tafatablat la imli'ra Mllrll4Ml. I'lnma 4H0. Holds Mqoart )ara. Art' you buIiis for Ilia tlnm-'.- ' Uaas nlw on bnraar at SHOE REl AIRING 4'ImnI li'acjior etowa. Can chla Htsli who Mania hr imim la flat Bfeaa Bapainna.' oata raa aad 1. T. Willi will lak eacaiort by aaiag B. Ka.ta. SQe. Fir Dallvarr IHtrtiiu hr iarr of Jacob Sandler. 408 Wast Central rixir Iioiims No lrk. No tlillilix n. I'lioiio S7S-- PRIVATE SALE of AU Kinds of BE WISE. Let us fill your ADDED ATTRACTIONS . Furniture bins NOW with good, clean Coat ResI Goldwyn Bray Conserves Food Fuel Time One Comic 500 West Copper dlreot from the ' oars. NEW HAPPY HOOLIGAN in PHONE 1003 8TATE COAL 00. Phone 35. Baaldes makina paaalMa sa abnndaot Sec aupply of fond, Conaarw will eawa. yoar "Great Umbrella Mystery" toca and tlma by oooktoaj a oomnlata maat roajft or ate w. ceokad asablaa, soupf, Alio ONE REEL FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY . Conscrvo diaaart orer oaa bnraar without watch. Canvzs Perch Curlsins snd Awnings UTABUSHE0 If Food la cookad In tea own "BUBBLES" II MM Inf. tnolatora MADE TO ORDER B a and baa dallclona fiiTor. Tha foal aarad TO a in Our fcjr beodxaji raicis. OOMTnOODI, I if.'m. Conaarro will pay for It In a abort Uaaa. Ko Obligation on Your Part to Have Us Come and Measure It will ba worth your walla to atop and Prom chapel to an outlaw'! life to avenge the murder of ' lot aa ahow yoa the Your Porch or Window. Store Coauarro. hit father! Tbat't Harry Carey In "Bullet Proof." There uniuual romance, too. Tents, folding Cots,' Camp Chairs, Camp Stoves an Reclining Chairs STAR FURNITURE CO. SEE HARRY CAREY IN "BULLET PROOF" The Albuquerque Tent & Awning Co. 7 w f f ?t 409-- W W. Better Even Than "Overland Red" Aug. 8 & 9 619-- il. Phone .. 113 .Gold 401 South Tint 8l t Phone J