
Twelve Pages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Pages


(IVIII MAH tWU'HTKD. HtIRM Til rtlMFRII. DIYORI'E RRPflRT. T«d K*)mo)f Ovid. He was token miUE SOdETI Truuk station, baa been transfared to COMERCmLClUB court and during the yenr flfty-tbren COUilT HOUSE FME lietore Justice Fred (’arpenter and i’niiipeil. lie left the Nrst of tbe week new ceaea were added. Twenty-six plead Rullty. He was lined 110 and to lake up hie new duties. The aiteat. were granted and four were dtapoead rosu aiiiountlnR to fS.Ku and aen- M. H'. Halbaway, who has previottsly of In other wnjra. SUPREl JUDGE tenred U> serve twenty dajrs In the miDS MEETII6 Iteen at I'onipell. has tieen transfared ELECTS OfflCEIIS WUUIBECOSTIT ('ounty jail. In default of tke pay* to this city. niRRA.NDKRV IRRPBf'TMIN. inent of tine and costs not to exceed Comraandery Inspection will be held J| IMO' KKI.LV H. HKilU. Tl» HK len nii>re days in the county Jail- FiRNT IMiNI'.kL HKHHIOK IH UBI.I» HrFFFRH NTRtIKF. FRV.Nb \ IIIMHNII THF NKW Kebrunry 10. At six o ’cloek n ban­ RANT VALPARLF RflORH KEPT Iff quet will be served and work will be­ KBIBAT. .Mrs Ceorge 8tead sulTered a stroke PRKMIHFNT. WtHinEX rABIRETB. IlIRTHH. of paralysis the lattpr part of last gin In tbe Order of the Temple at 7:30 Horn. .Monday. January 31. to Mr. week. 8he had gotten up to get o'clock. The (Jrand Junior Wnnlet< .:nd Mrs Kobert Sbaw. a irirl. , umelblng tor Mr. Stead, who has will be present as the Inspecting offi ­ DISTRICT JUD6E OVER 10 YEikRS Horn. January 3a, to Mr. and Mrs. IIIR8.tE. OOOIIE. PRESIDENT lieeii ill for some time, when the cer. The wives of the Knights Tem­ 'Mlver .Nelson .Sciiram of tireenboah. was stricken Her 'laughter. Mrs. MANY QUESTIONS DISCUSSED plar are invited to lie present at tbe FUK-PHUOF iULT IS NSDED a hoy. Kenneth Hart. C. C. 8lesd of Jackson, la here at banquet. Hlt« IH:( iTtlti^N UK.'ilKKAl.LV IT. Itorn. Februan I. to .Mr. and Mrs. IIIIIFi TflKM A.Nn tmiER HPPI. present caring for her |«rents MTV IIFilTIFI’l. CA.'HPUUN T4I IVler Miller of ttreenbuab. a Eirl. FIRRFRIP ISIHTITI'TB. MI'PKRTIHHRH MHOI7LD IFfTBin. HFI.lt IIT IllfHlFR COrKT. i'FRK .iRF FLKi'TKI*. BF PI T D.N. One Day Faniiem' Inatll.ite will be rHJNHKN N.tMF. IIATF: THIH rONDITION. HKFATI.Y IRPROTIR. At a neetlng of the stockholders held February IK. In Maple llapitU. c T lialtcock. who went to Harper Charles Ft. Cook of Allegan. Ibe stale of Mart llnspiial Monday evening, it FI)*K>-\igbl Advrrlisiag HeheaN-s speaker, will be present A numbei lUek on liiilleatnre \rl Has Hell Hospital in Detroit about two weeks beeietj Has (arewn Itepidly la Uie was dec ideil lo change the luune of SCO for iin o|>eratlon on his lep le of interesting queallons will be dis ­ Over btSJMW Berth ef I»min Reregffil H««riti-i| niiH Is New Horkiac Past Few Heetlis That It Has the hospital from Hart Hospital in \re Ipl T«i ttet a Cold He- I'ch hatter. cussed. Have Keen Piled on Fleer Or Vnwlber lt«M>k. .Miss Hertha Kelly, who has been Heen Hrpaalied. 8t Johns lfo4pllnl rcpllon in ibe Fiitarr. oiilte 'erioualy HI in a Iletroit boapl* I’ntll Heeently. i:il with I neuninnia. la preatly Im­ C. C. 1 KEIS nESDS II ' C4iti.|.uian. Jiidite proved Members <ntl. apo and olHcers for the lime lieinp 'lent, (•eoi'ge Sltaver; sc reiary. W. IHil.D lirNINFHS HFSHIR.N ANR value of a -et of tifty-six books In his IHU I'Hfl.FH (ilVFH I.FI-n’IlF. -t niTIcc These liooks contain a com ­ Tn' ."•’ari • ho srati'..tc of ' RNE SHOWING AT SHOWS were chosen until the first meeting, H. lirinsor., trcanurcr. U. C. liexter; RFCIDF .NFVFKAI. MATTFKS. I i nlierhU) oi M- hisan. i: now w hen an election could tie held. HFTIDMHST IMM.LV.tNN \r dire* tors. F .M Spaulding, A. <•. plete record of every drain construe- \car.‘ old M'- vtn t'vt cpiintiHll.^ *ou4' .Old Dr Kiigcni- Hart. ted In Clinton county *lnce 1337. at Mrs A. D Lyon, secretary, read her A uuiuiier of Important matters which time thi* work was taken from ' ;i at .iBinted siih iiii« prt>ic:-1 TTHV A H l|irr\KFIP>* lilKUN •eport .ind the treasurer. Mrs. O. W Meiubcr» of the Congregational aft ? bin ar.tti' ,j X txf prji i.ted Tu-sday "Venliig the Second (Ju;ir- A.I- Iito .gni before tbi* club. disciisR- Church Auxiliary met Tuesday eve- the hands of the township offlears and \H \ltl>FII MVNV PItl/.FN. ^tnnpor. also made a report of the tl- cd nun at (loll i.tkeu on them .Aiuoiig itir iiioft Uiaii lificcii —ir .ti ‘ rniiol naiirial condition of the society Kol- lerly (''infcr'-nc ' wu- lield tiy the 'iluK Fcbniary 1, with Mr* Murrett put into the hands of the county com ­ til •!»> T"l. jiMT' ; *•> he wn? tdfftcl M''lh«eli>t cl(iir«'h The regular biMi- (he ■; W.IS a ( lOiiinUUIcatluii frtMi. rink .V frirly kcmv I aiiendance was missioner. lowtnp these reports, the directors ( hicuk'i. .tsking lilt- aid of the diih in ; : .1' of lilt- ' t Til -f'l ud l‘iirret| III !; exhibited by Sutton A were dele/! Kor one year. Mrs. M. •u - ii.t-eiiiig wa first hold and s|4\ pre-eui Mr. Creen said Uiat oach volume ■il «' lit' «lUiilt-.tUiMt. ill Ilf pri- ( lal mniferji of flnnnco were dtscuss- I- ring an ippropriallon fnmi the i-ost Il'U) worth of clerical work and \ihlttaker ;il the l»einv**rnment Tor u >tiv an«i postulllce Til" ttieeling was called to order by 'fiiirif. .i|.is *;!ittii and ;;rcat- I’v Show last week made a remark- tw»i years. Mf'i. .M VanDeusen and isl. A rcisirt sliow-eq that in the lust the pre«ident. .Mn. H Cleland. and the complete net represented over I) ii;t itviHCtl 111: iiiat Ht the olec- thr"' months the meuile'rahlp of in« milluing for that <-it>, it l>e|trg claim |32.(>0«>. "In rase of loss by fire or able showliiK. The tiriii had prixe '-rs William lllrd: for three vears. cd that owing to congustiun malls a short hiisines* -essiun followed. It itoi. aaaitist :i dt-rDf-cmiii tipiMineni. winner? In nearly every class, apalnsi Miss C. A. Slmver. The directors church hud increased twenty-live was decided lo have an apron sale otherwise," said he, "they could not W'Hi had held Hit' ollicc n embers liev. {'. J Kruse's -Htlarr were dfluretl. .V rttsolutlon favoring the l>c^t bird*, in the st.atv, as follows: then elertod the following ofllcars: (he .ipprnprtatlon was iMV.Had. :>nd coffee the last week in February Im- replaced for much less than SIM.-’ .I 'luxc .'»«itrl liSM . rrp ilallwii of be- wah increased lluo'di. at the home of Mrs. J, T. Mlllmati •UK); and then only by rc-surveylag First and llfih pullet, third hen, fourth Cresldent. Mrs Marion K Dodpe; first Dr \\ H Phelps, district supenn The iiuitter of putting on a cam­ tna as well versed in ttic decisions of cockerel, tiflh eock In open class; flrst vice-president. It. C. Jefleiies; second paign for a city beautiful, along tho The anniversary chicken-pie supper all drainn in the county. Thla would flit MlihlKaii Supreme Court as any lend'Mit. of l-Ansing. gave his lecture will he .March 17. and second - ock. secoml and third vice-president, Misa Jessie f'rlchlon; on A Mode'm Pollyanr.a." which was lines of a 'umpaign ■ oaductetl at not give a record of work that bod otl.fr ji.d»;f or lawyer In the state, cockerel, tlrn fM-n In pullet raatinp, third vice-president. .Miss fCmmu A rising vote of thanks was given lieen completed In the past, which is ureally enjoyeil. A very K'xm I crowd lNi4enport. Iowa. was favorably tntl til se tlctisioiis liutf botii. as a iirsi and sii-oiid hen. second pullet in Kcy*s. -ecreiary. Miss .\pnes llo|ie; thougiil of by the club and the presi­ to c I-. StlHhiiry an'l to the boys who invaluable to us in Ibe re-constme- k'Mieial thinir .ilway^ iphidd i>> the wa- present, the chixrch l*eing iienrly heRied at it itnmage .Sale A program I'K'kerel mating. treasurer. Mrs, O W .Miinger flll«-d dent WL Instructed lo appolM a com ­ ilng of old drains. ' hlpher court The llumane society, which has mittee to have rharg«> of Ibe matter was To have * .osed thr meeting, but Blue prints and original drawings Kei'riitly he publiitlietl ii lamk on only been active for the luut few The hoiiseh'dder.s of the city are to those wh'risiM« seventy members. and l>esi Kept y.irds. They will lie Creen has the blue prints of the ter­ larye t.Ce A' the j retent lime he dtvideil into thre«? classes, those who ritory lieneflted by tbe Hayworth Bx- is wtirktnK on a laMik which will fc MEET IN ST. JOHNS TUESDAY e TFlIF.'vTKII HOHKKKV active member in every town and IT MFFTINK. can be used for years to coma. township In the county A M. Tuttle of Innla explained the There is a $2S.0tH) policy on tba iroit and Suirtnaw Ills h, the Clinton scut in will be given prompt attention Five hives were represented at the agency for the nierchanta of his city, IIAMM'KT T« BF HFKVFR. the entire contents. In the county < ounty V -M. C. A. leaders will hold by the officers. Many iinaigne*] coni- which is MMin to be adoptet and nin • Iher that the hvler amendments were .Ma'-cnttee Hally, which was held Fri­ by tbe Ionia Coinniercial club. treasurer's office all records and lit onsiitutional. were I till, altirmed n meeting at the assnetatinn rooms In plaints have t>e«o made but these are day. .lanuury 2>, at the t*ythian hall. Imoks. except tboee that Mr. .Sraadlar li> the Supreme "’ourt resullinx In .si Johns A bii'*lnes* -esslon will bu given no Xittenliau. Everyoae who is A resolution was iiassed to ask the The Men ’> cluh of the Congrega ­ Mcmb^TH were present fr«»iii the Pe- hu Iness men of this dty to sign an is now using, are also kept tn wood 111 amctidii.ent to the consiltiitloii. the fir* t session of the meeting and iniere-iiHl in humane work of any •vamo, Ionia, Fowler. Hew, uiid 8t tional church will give a luinquet cabinets. In the offices of Hegistar ot The i.rrttor^ where .fiidae Searl will tie ojien only to 'he leaders. kind t * cordially Invited to become a agreement not to take space in any Friday evening to the lovdies' Frlend- .lohn- Mtvcs. .'idvertising scheme until said scheme Deeds, i*rnbate Judge and County ri'ii.'tf ha:- ne»t>r Ihh*!! representetl Th" regular program will open at u emiter of the society. In the forenoon a < |ose«l door ses­ H- Class of that church The tuinquei Clerk, there are vaults that were con ­ on th. II! reme tiench and It Is ex- 1 I" with the following program! has t>een n ferred tn the secretary of Hill be served at fiMHi oclock. after sion was held. At noon a pot-luck the ctiih. and received tbe (>. K. of the sidered fire-proof at tbe time the pres­ I>ecit-d liiat he will he -troiiKlv ip* The Kind of Young Men the Ktisi ilinner -sas erved. after '-vhi'h the which the following program will be ent building was constructed. It la held .ill members of the liar In ness World Demand; and What a V u'ivertlsing committee of Ihe Commer ­ hotird' Solo. "Tin the 8 anala of thn meeting was called to order by the cial ciiih It Is believed that If the doubtful, however, if theae vaults this tllHiro' are tinaiiimuus in his .M (*. A. {.er.der < an Do tn D«veh>|i BASEBALL ASSOCIATION IS president, .Mrs Hannah iiiirlingame, iH-scrt Hrow C.cdd," I>ouls VVashburn: wnuM prove flre-proof. as the shelv­ ..pptft rec.irdloe t»f pariv loii* liliii." Mon Cniemait C Vaughan, St bui4ine>^ men will sign such an agree ­ ivelcom** address. Dr. K-igeae Hart: and roll call followed. Mrs. Lyiuan ment it will Mivc them a good many ing Is Isrgely of wood and the roof •• tioii iohns; dlsriiBsloti, F C. Smith. Alward, i ommander-elecl, gave tbe response. Mrs. F C. Mason; “The 80 - f*vlil: "Th» Kind of Young .Men the FOmNED BY ST. JOHNS FANS dollars every yt-er and stop a lot of I lal Life of the Church." W H Rnin- I'onstructe*! In form of an ar^ of Agrtculiiinil World Demands and welcotnc addreas. which was respond ­ fake and worthless advertising Hon Kveryone Is Invited to join In ) riek. not supported by steel. What the ^ M. C A .l.e«der (*an I»o ed tn by .Mrs. Anna 11. ('urtls. great ami discuss this matter. .Solo. A room in tbe basement la also to iK'velo;. Him." Austin Cowles, .it OFFH'FRS \NI» IIIHFI'TORK FLKr* deputy commander of Ionia. Mftlcers "Where Hoses Olaam." H. K. Wals- used to store vouchers, contracts and SCHOOLS TO STUDY WAYS OF • ere rben installed by .VIrs (‘urtls as other documents which cannot be ac­ tohns. dl«ci««slon. Uev W M. TFII FKIIMT MOHT. •vurth. 'rh'>mp«on Dewitt. The Kind of follows. f*ororoander. .Mrs Lynan ?M* ROAD QUESTION IS TO BE H is ho|ied that some good ideas of commodated in the offices. Theae pa­ PREVENTING TUBERCULOSIS loung .Meu the ''hurrh Demands and vmni; past commander. Ixnra Ueth settle some dispute or ralsundar ‘‘V hut ih Y. M. C -A Leader i’an Do Pursaiint to .i lall sent out by a VOTED ON IN TWO MONTHS 'h:it lien-'flt may Ik - derived for the to Ib-veloj? Him. Ue\ Williaiii Ilos- ttichmund, record keeper Mrs Han­ « rcji from this m'-eting For sever -tsiidlng, ind th.is save the county nil l.i rns II t\ i IIFI > si M Til few tans, almiit 'In liaseliall Imosiers nah Murlingame. ttnanre keeper, Fe- money and possibly litig.-ition. • '.e Ke«l/ic .St lout discussion. uit'ndexl a ueetitig held .tt the en- nl Months the Men's Cluh has beai. ST. JttllNs TI t< III Its. tpi t* M Cllleit, Fi»'*ler Ten iidn- llita liaiiley chaitiMin. Sarah WimmI- mil. >4M IIFCIDFR Mint II M \Y 'iavtng omr suod liecUnK- In which Mr VanDeusen. register of deads, gln*' room- lust Friday night, and «»r- h ry; sarge-mt, Pella Clark. M of A. •ivs. 'Only about 3o per rent of the ;tes ol K'-neru (P .ciission lollows \(M’ Mii.i. vtiTi:; Idg things are started. Kvery one • ti opi MI |»r .1. ti-r-. real hern gnni-cd (he it John*' Itaseiiall .isiwt> Vila Pinkham, s'-nilnel Funny Jury: ha* an opp rtu'ilty to speak their property owners in this county have •1.1' .. iipi'iill. :.detit o| iii.tr'ution Imo • .iiiud.iv 41 bonl cIsskus . unit < iation. picket. Ida Hulbert InHirucflons I'lc and make any suggestions. at *lracl.« showing clear titles tn their K!'-*i '.4.' ■:e-iiuu;i’e 1 the The meeting was • a!le tif vvhlrh have l>een put Into ' i-ek r :Ti-;'it: ' iih Mund.i) . .March . . llni lo I oil •• t.l|i| eiVk. 111 gener- l y c .S. Clark, uresld* tit of last yoar s 11 wns vntetl to hold the next rally » r-,rt:' . He of tllt» wuv Ilf chosen to preside at the im-etlng 8. Two IVwamo yn -ne ladle- gav*- some urited to consider providing, at least pr''‘t.tt!r !l|!.« 't uii.: 1 le i -4 pull musical Bcl'Mtlons, The nn-etlnc was iii.i uu Ih" road -iiic Have you one large, modern, flre-proof vault L Mar-hall was chosen to act as (icctdcil lo ay "V" " to the prnposl- ifhi . In.lo tii, I ‘ I'reiih .Mr W.W.A.AND R.N. HOLD JOINT liou iliai wlli heii'-iit every part of EVERY COMMUNITY HELPED -nd t-ap^Ts as are not adeqiiato- ii.i: 'tiiw It’ ' -■» i: . T t .^iM). "FiOtl Vfti'r talks by M. |» Cage. I.ee De­ t liiloii "lunty' Have vou dectde prniei led now Increased Insur ­ ii;.; i- pf' K'C y IliC it Wcdnc*- INSTALUTION OF OFFICERS witt. Con .ifeplian. Willard lolly. Wn: iliai tt Is high Hill'' that thl IMMIKTIM. IRMMI •■o carelessly ex|Htsed. tre C4l tf he would manage the team the Will ell his personal propctly at A- iia.-' i.eforc tmen rlatt-d. Clinton Tliesf h.ilft.n iii-i tH..4n sent to lltMflFT Fol.I.IIHFII. coming summer He said he would aurllnn on the iHivc 8t".idman farm, ro.iiitv hBc rccotv**-! In the building of THINRH HIKIIMl uu. tin p. rtnier.den' t ; :o44r^^ .»f tlve on • ondition snfRclent money waa 4 miles north of 81. Johns K D talc reward niads only a very small .untIred or over 'ti.i! •a.-h teacher WiMNluien and Uoyal .Neighbors ■'ubscrlhe'l by Febriiarv xth It lie- lllxhy. auilloneer 8e«- ;idv in thl- percent, of the money that it has i>ald Any eflnrt on the part of any or ­ ANOTHER NEW DRAM TD BE 111 !} I.HVe Ollf bebi ;i joint Installation at WiMidmen ing the sense of the meeting that the wi-ek's Issue Into the si'iie, while other cnunlles ganisation In a city to give to the The laiiiiMipti for the eliniliiatiun Matl. Thunutay. January IPIG money could he raise*! If gone after. that have (lald in inuth smaller sums . eopi' the things that enter con- DOG IN DEWm TOWNSIHP •r tultereiilosis III .Mit hiaan. says Mr Uoyal .Neighbors Installed oltlcem Isaac Hewitt ma \H MNIN 4H >e e\er> means in their p«>wer to chancellor, .Mrs. Mary Itevington; Inv 'vere elected: sell pertonal property, llvesnvck. etc •iiuatlnn as It is, hut now that Clin­ issue with Ihe statement that every HF\TflFI( RKKRITH. make the week efT»*«llve It I.. Mix by, auctioneer Advertise ton county lia? a chance to get back community Is made Itetter t>y having a Thr biilletlna have Jur-t been re­ ffcorder Mrs Mary D ('lark; outer President. (' 8 Clark. iie<-retarr. entiiiel, .Mrs, Maud Headle; tnnar 1,po ichnendorf; treasurer. F. I* nient in next week's Issue t-x.v.iHNi (if ih< money it haa paid in. are strong le< ture c miles south anil IH miles west nt signers among tbe property ownara Itannister R. I-. BIxby. auctioneer. There are inanv other reasons just of beuefltIUig the community. who will ba banaltted. As soon na tba • ouncti, A. K. Hniclikiss; worthy ad- gcfvd hall teem this veer. If everyone The three numbers, one of which vlror. Dan W Fenxie; banker, T. H. Nee adv. In next week's Issue. aw important and just ns htg na this weather la settled this spring tba HONEY OWENTDTOWNSRiPS gets hIs name down quick. reason mentioned. The hMellt of has already lieen presented, are the work will beglo. Clark; clerk. Ouy Kaeglo; escort. two such roads wo-ikl he to the people sirongaat attractions of their kind to Ceorge A Kelly; Inner sentinel. N. reniblttjitlen FMe -Febranry tt. The drain will start from a small of Ihe county, aw they pass entirely be oaenred through tba famous Rad- lake to the north of tbe Fred Sever­ RFHITT \Nll HINHH.1M KIYF. H Aldiich; miier sentinel. Ferdi ­ TYiere will be a combination sale at path liyreiim Hureau. wblch haa thw UayoHNid's Feed Ham. 8 t Johns, through len townahlpa nut of the nine* ance farm and will ran a distaaea of R«H*T IT THIh TIRF, nand Madison; managers. C. A. l*oU OPEN KINR TD BE HELD te«m In tbe county. The lax part of reputation of handling only the bast and C A. Smith; physletna. Dr. PVbr'iary 13 I.lst wbnt you have to two miles with aa outlet la a ooimtr tbe quaetion is vary important ns tbe and most expensive atirnctlona. MIsa ditch near tbe Frank Day farm. FU- .Squnlr; installing officer. Hon Wm. sell on or before FAsbmary K. for Katherine Hidgeway. wbo has estnb- BY H8IGRL AR! SBIEIY proper advertising, with Angust Mill­ higbasi tax for nay year to a tax­ lean inch tile la '-oatemplated for tba The state treasurer's eherk for IS.* Hmlth; eecort. Oeorge A. Kelly. payer owning |£,0bo worth of prop ­ llabad her reputatton on lecture plat­ band of tba drain, t'oatractora wlR law has reeenti) been transmitted to After tbe Inatnl Iation ceremonies ■ er, auctioneer, or H. C. Raymond, form as a reader of the very btgbast manager. erty Is only t2Ji4. This means that encounter aavaral placaa wbara a County Treasurer Ceorpe A Hmedley PARRIK JACORtURONn A?fl» t'RAR- every farmer that owns t&.OdO worth rank la now tbe bigbeat snlnrlad rend ­ depth of 27 to 30 feat will have to bn to pay Ike alx townabtps of the ootia- of the Uoyal .Neigbbora of Aoaerlca. of property will only have to pay er and entertainer before tbe Lyceum obtained before tbe proper fall la ty for tbe aute rewards wblch aro presented Mrs. L. E. Inchnrlns. pnet IBFinB Tf» RR NTI'RIRII. Nemnni W. RMar Feb^ Id SKidS lo pay hla entire share. audience The ladles are facing tba dne tbeni. ttlapbam aad Uewitl town, omele. with n benntifni embtenantlc Will sail his pareonnl property nt pcMalbtllty of having to meet a large -iblpa baretn received tbe larpeet eunM mg. na a tobao at their approdatlon auction on the pretn ions 2 miles wool deMdt aad every parson la the dty and ^ mile south of FVtwIer. August IHNHOLITIfllV NffiTire. notli belnp over tfun. mu ibis la only of her work, after which a short pro ­ Two wall-known raualcnl artlata. The partnership heretofore exlat- who bellevea In boosting tbe boot a asall part of tbe amouat they have Caclle cbnminode and Carrie Jncoba- Miller, auctioneer. See adv In next things In tbe life of the dty ought OUQKiTDK____ gram waa rende red . week's lasiie ing under tbe Arm name of Snitxgan pivea. This report pives some idea ot Plano solo. Miss Ethel Rlcbnrda; Bond, are to ba atudlad and aama A Hpitxlejr, baa expired by IlmlUttan to see to It that tbe expanses of this tbe PHNie) ibai some of tbe town* reHUtloo. Atbel Hendle; roeni aolo. of their salartlona hanrd nt tbe next ' and tbe firm baa dloaolved by mu­ excellent courae are nmt He aare to sblpa of Clinton have received for ibU __ __ „ _ _ _ toeeting of tba Mnaleal Art aaalaty. Renr y R. Woningne Feb. Id. buy a ticket wben you are appranchod m TunonME iBT Miss llemice Znrbnrtns. who reapond- Will sell bis personal pmpertv at tual conaant. All debts owing* the purpoee Hlapbam rmetved from tbe .^t-beiutlfuVly to an encore byVdu^t »«« "T*.J? ’*?***^^ aatd Arm are lo be racelva^ by Joa. beeauae you believe In tbe aplrlt la auction on Ibe prerolaos. .IVy mil* a which this service la rendara d MBFARATC I'ALINRAR RAN IRR awo'int of tS.IM. 1^31. Dewitt. tA23; with Miss DoroUy Dnrkaa; pinao ''W^mry >. nt tbe borne of Mr. nad A. Hpltxlay at tbe oM stand, nad all DppiPlii. ttSS; Reeex. IS^; Creep* K^lv who rw-1 Mnaon A epIeiMHd pm- south and 4 mlNm anat of St Johns RARE FRR Ifl I'ARRR solo. (iUdys R. M. or IH latlos north of Price store damntids upon tbe said pnrtaeratalp. W4IHATR I'LITR MRRW. boab. I4«i. aad HIley, |3A«. to an encore Mra. ffataa ■ ** h« Rnaala were read, bean on oa landar. A g oad mnay tlnna ptvan out at any IIwm- wben tbe atate Two boreae httcfcnd to a high spring gram Is aa follows; INirt I Roll auction on tbe premtaaa 3*4 miles weat next 30 days. Dated tt Waatpballn. by Mrs. (’ ('. Vaughan and Mlaa Sarah a caae la (Had aad vary little la doaa baa aome to ptve It h paid to tba wagon, owned by John Weat of ttraan- , aall. Muaicnl Currant Rvaata; paper, of Hebwnb ’a croaolng. or 3H rolloo soot Jan. 13. ItlS. foueb Several topic* on i’urraat fartbar than that. This, bowovur. roppty traaaurer and be plvea It to tbe bush, hewams fiigbtanad on t'ltoton ' "Roeollaettan of My Mnatcnl ChlM- of Rlloy town ball, on Hoc. 34. Riley A.VTHOMA- SNITBCEN. Kvenis were dUc'ieaad by tbe clnb. does not take tbe case ng of tbe onl- varloas tnwnehips for mod conatmc* nvanve Monday morning and ran hood.*' C. cbnmlnnda. Mrs t»a—all; tnwnnbip R. L. Rlxby, aartloneor. 30w3 JOB A. BPfTKLFn*. After a hunvoroua roadlag by Mra. R. oodar. Sneb canea have bean plaeog iloa. eoatb on that street, dnahtag Into tba piuio aalactlotts. y an fla4 tba plaaaarM aad tnapIraUasa *'wblrh IllualraMO vwry wall wby w« at lU WMImt aiKMl. Ml. 9L ' The Price of Gftfoine ttt HaaklaaS. havan't baaa gattlag mars toraigm aMaMsaa. by Um It labaa Tba littia baakwona la a aapaaala trada.~ A ffoutk Aamricaa Arm, a ^Haiiaa CoaMby- abort tlam hafora tka wfir oroka oat.' Should be conBidred when you buy an engine for farm aarvice. Tha demand problaai. Taaabara akouM aaa lo It •• that thar )aia wMb tkalr co airaiaa la aaat a ragiiaat tor samplaa of a oar-! ia ever mcreeeing — the Mtpply remains practically the same. The price ia tba ayor ta sfaaa4 tka aebool graaaka. tain line of marhiaa toola to Uiraa! bound to go up. But don’t lit this keep jrour noae on • the grindstone of Such cblldraa akoald ba glvaa baaa> grau. aa Araaricaa, aa Kagltsk, aad farm drudgery. balla aad faatballa tor ChrlataMw la* a Uanaaii. j •taad of haaka. ■vafT' ttaaa tkay oaa a Tka Amartcaa Arm wrola a vary | ONB rjUB lUM MONTHS ba forrad oat lato aeClva play arMk pollta lattar la iadlffcreot Spaateta.j UUb-bm Tw ‘T’ Fn MONTHS otbar cblMrae. tkalr poarar for aotkm autlag tkat tkay woald ba vary glad to tka world haa baaa aaatatad. to sappiy aamplaa. bat tbay woald bava to fallow tba oaiial custoai of ftm Macs REMESENTCO FOk roitElkk FAMMEMr INSmi^TMl. aaklag for payniaat for tba samplaa AovnmstNo sr the Tka attaatlve raaSar of ooaotry la adraaoa. Kerosene Engines nawapaitam muat bora baan laapraaa-' The Kagllah Arm wrote a lattar ad with tba anonBoas aoMNiat at ta> j Don ’t wait until your murk aftar tbe aama maanar. about alructloo with wblah tka fannara oral tbe cMly diffaraaca balag that tbay ■W VONK ANo ’cMICAOO >*«tna dala«ad. Thara are aorar waat | Spring work begins aspertad to Mil tba samplaa. to ba :m18 Ik AlXTHCHUkClPAL CITIES bullatlaa. axsarlOMat and you are too busy paid for aftar the aaaaa ware dallv* oo station raporta, farm papan. Proai* to give them atten­ erad. Tbe German Arm wrote a very ^ ~ inaot la all thia aditrotWioal coot* palaataklag latter, stating that tba i •• TImstO m TWBIITT.SIZTM TBAB. palpn ara tka farmam' InatHutaa aod tion. complete line of samplaa asked for j acticultural larturaa wblrh an bainc would bo made up and shipped with- j ^ totarad aa aaoond.«laaa mattar at tba ^allvarad to arary oatobborbood. More Power Than nut charge to the Arm that asked j ** tfaeFwdCoM poatoAoa at St. Johna. MIeb- Tfia farraar la gatting ao much in* Anything in lumber for tbam. They also said that lf|aa is PoMible with Isaa iiodar tba art of formation, inatrnctlon. and eoligbtan* that you want quick these samples were defective in any j •X mHalf fiagoiimt March 3. It79. manl. that ha la in dangar of mantnl can be found in our rartlcular, or if (hey failed to meet! J* indlgaation. Ha naada to pick and a j the needs, ideas, or customs of the j ** THE PMOHLEMH HE RKT.IIE rhttoaa, and thoaa raspooatbla • for large and well as­ • {people who were expected to iisaj aa TB.ISE. X4I. t. trading ont tbia information naod to sorted stock. 2 j them, to be sure and let (hem know, j XX •Ift it ranfully. Kafaranca waa mada in tba pnv* • snd more samplCM would be made up. a I also without charge. It is needless ioua aditorlal in tbIa nriaa to tba Thara la always a qiiaation as to problatna a inarrbant baa to moat In how much an atidtanra of farrrars Make up your list • to say that (he German Arm rot tt.e aa Fairbanks-Morse Oil Engines are more successfully operated on low grade tba luattar of raturnad goods. It Is gata nut of avao a wall arrangad In* and bring it in to* order, though the coming cf the war ‘ XX fuels than any other engine on the market. They are the oldest manufac ­ of course a two sidad qiiastlon, with atitutr or maating of inatnirtion. In day. of course blocked any regular dellv- . J* turers of oil engines. two pointa of vlaw to ba lookad at. many raaaa tba adrira llowa in ona ••n- •• A woman mav go into a atorf and I This story no doubt illustrates why j aa maka a purcbnsa that showad poor wtginaarr or conatnirtion man I M» many American rosnnfact' rers Xe BEWARE! REMEMBER! indgmant and which aba ragroU aa tachniral problems, moat of them I have found it iuird to get foreign XX I trade. They ex pet t im ediate re-1 s • soon aa aba gata home. It ia not al* *'**"'' ‘ *»*»«* • e that you can ’t make a kerosene engine out of a gasoline engine by putting ways easy lo maka a daciaioo on tba prrmanontly PARR turn*, and are not content to build ' ea kerosene in the tank. They absolutely must be built and designed for it and spur of tho iromant. and with a great arraaslbla Kaw farmers ara arar slowly for the future Rucc»Mful built by men who know. This construction is expensive, yet Fairbanks- ean taking any nntea of an agticul* many pa<>ple hindsight is batter Uian tfsde is not secured In that way. but Morse, by the expenditure of thousands of dollars and S3f8 tematizing the foraa'icht. tiiral lacttira Is the result of patient effort which doe-' not exivert that a business can greatest engine factory in this country, have brought the price down so ridic ­ If un<:ar a.ich i iicumstances a cua* tki much informaiton is now avail* be proAtable at the very Ikagianing. tomar is larnittiail to ratum tba able to farmara. that It la hardly ulously low that you can buy good.. i.:^aamiOK that itiay ara not worth their while to give up time to Inju.ad m .my way. and ran ba put *"«» ngricultura lac- ♦ ♦ FAIRBANKS-MORSE KEROSENE ENGINES right U k into stock, a graat aarrlca tn^ormation la vary ♦ I.KTTr.K Ttl KDITOH ♦ Ik doue by the merchant, lie bns ca- authoritative. The sfiaakera should :♦ ♦ !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ for what other dealers and catalogue houses ask for inferior makes. luantari hla friandahtp with a custo- never be mere theorists. They should these conditions, if ao. tbay are: laar, and saved bar from Tanking a be men who have worked ont certain 114 H. P. 3 H. P. 6 H. P. problems of every day farming by worth all tba tiaM> it takaa to attaad 1-o.t Vngcles. Csl., .Ian. Ifi. mistako aha would many times regret . I Johtif .Vewa. them. In an hour farmer could, He ha.4 made tba strongaat bid for **'* ’***1 teats in Aelds like those the onn $35.00 900.00 $110.00 her . lure patronage. farmer ploughs. Their information learn luore than he might gat fromjthi- cliv has had a rainfall of should be so conclusive that the years of haphazard isolated expaii*| itiches .ince I have >«cti Ik tip to There ara a great many cases, how­ Equipped with throttling governor and built-in magneto (no batteries nec- farmer could take it to build his bus­ iiirnt. .Vnd the Information ia worth i*'***-^' ever. vary different from tbia. and es.sary). F. O. B. FACTORY. iness plana on. The Information preserving in written note form. 1 -nt to I.<»ng lleech yc-.!«i day very oxasiiarattng to tba store pao- and cj,l!ed on Mr Itnrri-^-.n itbeniiau. should invariably be tiaaed on the pta 3dany parsons will buy a pair who I.-: lufwted out on the IMer in a soil and i-limalic <-omlllinns prevail­ GI.rmG KIIKKIGA TBADE. .nbell -fore M** i* Ustkliig well atid of gloves. Jab down between the An­ ing In the Incalitv where the address pros|cri.iis nrd 'ake* ------SOME MORE BARGAINS------gers to put them on. which splits the The .National Foreign Trade coo* IW'-r and is delivered...... n. , ' re**^* u V .'irtlclc* and ili<; only fa.iU glove Than they demand anotbar veiitlon that met at New Orleans ^' be could And was what I -aid ..how* One 13'4 H. P. Gasoline Engine 3 H. P. “Hercules” Engine, absolute ­ I‘(kbably the majoiitv of the farm January 37-29 might pair. A great many merchants will well have Ms* the real estate men that took ::.e to SI 5.00 ly new, give them the •■ecund pair, which win institutes held every season meet teiied to a bit of personal experience Sun I’etiro t’c mrd to think that i wai. a iitile II weak on some of ______tso.oo ______split i' St the anme if mlauaad in tba I the other things mir.^ way j ! tailed on .llllc liraitiuni and he Appleton Manure Spreader, large ca­ Rawleigh Schr3,»cr H. P. Gasoline .Vleri har.lv say tbnt there ara peo ­ ' liif»*rm«l !• f (hit liar* .Mcflcll.-'n vis* ‘ Itcd hill' .t s t»;ipie of weekw ago. AlHe pacity, return apron. A bargain to Engine, absolutely new, and a bar­ ple wild III order hats nr gnwna salil he !isd not reen hiir for 17 year* first buyer. gain at t(- -ar ! o. c p.'*il>. Having used [••lit knew iini alien can-.'» in the t(-= '* will -end theiii back lore Mci'lellan llv«- in Missnuia, S2S.00 930.00 Th- . - ai aaes wher^ it wu .ld seem I .Mont.tn.i ‘i»- K in n rrenjanv I.iilH- iii." .ilr III'' nt Sa' I>*'cii ixnd wra- i if tliev ordered the "'xs Ih ii eroh tin hi ;.v ilorr vt n he (dllet! e to vea! ■ -.oinc ooa ion. wttii no ■'V- .M. It!;; "..-Tt’ Before you buy any of the equipment lasted above be sure and look our ; btiying the gooj They J ns 1; ‘-.m a I’Oj.ul, t'-n of stock ever. We will save you Dollars. ^ '■'» ."'tl I I, dn town tjulie .1 jr”!K ti.-n. .ick a little -.-ilavl. ao fc; f'M f that t nils ••r lia- ti' 1 rl n-.it iuin. .T . f .•« !c t|dli;-t arc ;u c ...... I- r filo?' HI"? thf r|M a' .t t ;.,;i We Have a Full Line of the Following: ■ If. Itv. '• i:.' p’os; i ; o.i*- ^ Tlirri , c!al! *rii*|c • aj t-rs a O'-Ia r- . • fto in niiiing «1- , '•! Il•*:fl .i <;i:-<>iiite fliglMe'. 1 '»rB lluskeis I nter) Itrlndcrs iT.-.i-K ar d. u--^ii;s. I .sttcr ‘ , lift .v;;r:. mid clear Scro^t'nc Kuirlne«» n : I 'rtiaae m:-rfe three lllg its ( '*m 'bcllers Kiaer) M heeU ! ''‘Jisnt-s hoiild unite to |ir»‘vent I - *»nwlng (•mrit'i < re.im .neparaltirs .11 the rliy ..jid |t>ok one 1 t»rd '■* H Niw- ( uludiltl* iuiiiitir itr.' italteriws. rei'.xrtt: a’'<>d- a g;;; 1 deal thi win- '3%- ( PS-'M'-'C.-l .'Ch ttn.c Costs $’..u0 to r-* feed i.riuder* sevi^mtwr Piillej- • r . <1 ni.iiy oi the.n feel that the u , akc tl" trip It -tart- from and l^tlag of all kinds 1 rirtioa Pnllc)- Kiulder ( utters theni^!‘l*- i">m impofed .i*on. . I.VI1t(^ r-ji h" l-.s;'.h nm! rjrcles around l^llej* *>pra)iBg (toIrttiF. band ur iHinwr flrctric 1 tghi Plant- ov-r fi:; city and Ales quite low. ''kafliar nad llanver* MaskinL' Murbtaes MiUwr Hy«twais It u .1 littiicult matter to di.tinsuUh j I li.vfi dll R-?r w ith Mr. Moore and «# bri V een ro&»4>ii4l»ie bthI unreas-'nalile j Ml :riK I :c i., . Angelc'i m 4;iiu p m ee re"; o ts T-» - snii/lit •b«> ! I not ex (n .-i'.sr. i;.. ; of 111II..V 4', JX p»-< t |t »1>. VVhc e Koit'- ths.l i ’ll I. . *• ee arc i. • —cflve ««»• reiurLeti he- } Ti’cn I 'luife H farming 'uintrv JJ I it I a mg lleach and .the city, ee R. S. CLARK tall 1* tl . 'im-' II.tide an error ' Tb* gr nd is verv wet and the •• of Jvdgt. • t i: hr yinT or latng them, loxdn, no* i-elng ptived, were verv Xe 3 Blocks West of Steel Hotel. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN XX muddy I ee and ■ - -uih a reii.rn Involves ww the ■ r< ant in a lo%» the pi.bile 1 arrtvisi in Is»h Angeli at I'4.% ** wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww •nd, SK I was crossing Spring street, ••••••••••••••••♦•••♦WWW— abouln ealicc that s .ih return:, are aaw three large boys barefoot Spring a chs g on the Lustnesr The pub­ I>o you Italiere in proiect:on7 Of Iiig himself up on the altar of good •tieet raas north and south I look ­ lic ir the end will have to pay for course yu'i do. it s one of the laws at c tixenship when In reality he is stmti- ed north up the street and «ould see Its on dock tu gn around with mw. hwiptng lumd during Mr. Daatoa's ill- I Riley spwnt Munday with Mr snd Mr. then. 4K a part of overhead expanse life: we protect tbe family by furnish­ ly playing to the grand staad. the mountains and snow it s«emed I wa* vary glad to mswt somw oaw nous. Mr* Hwnton wspoctolly tor tko I.WWI* lirnwn and faiiiily. ing them with comfortable shelter; as If it were but a little ways to tbe from home Hw luild hw saw saow hwlp Ihay havw gtvon hor with tho .Mr. snd .Mr*. Kd. t'rsssnmn aad with homes made pleasant in a bun In tbe olden tlaie you bad little to snow. Poor of all kinds sit or stand all tbw way from Chicago uatll bw gm 'liorwa. Tbwir ktndnom will bo woll son. Alnsond. sprat from Hstuntoy un ­ TliK IIINlkfltlBM H.IBIT. dred ways; wo protect them against lose. You could to) your pocket book un (he Ftreet Milling nww.pspwrs or,hwrw. (I cmt.wrwd. Mr. Hoaton to still OM- til .Monday si Grand Itodits. ttne of tbe proniiaent ideas of mod- cold and storm: we protect them to down oa thw atwp twtaldw tbw door with i panril* nr Mirwihinc to try and make* .Nwxi wwwk I will try and giro you I I - thw hoosw with emtokm. Mrs. A. H. Uscon Is goittng along ern tcV.ooi life is to interest the pu* •*«' of owr ability agalnat evil aa- 't. loaihcr atrap loowwly banictoic for!a living. t-haagw. Mr*. I,wwls Itonm rlsltad Manda Anw wttb bor brokwn arm. tbw coovwnlwocw of tkw visitor to poll pil. in good bookr and help than, ac- •‘IT ^ Mr. McNally of the lland-Mc.Nally Yours truly. and rwlstlvo* in St. Johns a co'jplw of The (’oBgrogallooal choir of Bi. w a •here there ia tlaager. It Is thought- for an wntraaow. fwwUnp pwrfwctly aw- Itobli.hing rouipon). has a homw at A. W. DI RKKE. day* tost wooh John* will bw entwrtalaod Wwdawsday quire tbe reading babit. Tbe daff* fui^^os all tbe way aloug down the cuiw bwwauaw ftft)- lo one It was waipty. Attadwnu which la eioww by ihw moun­ J. K. Hakwr of {.anslag. our old wTwoiag. PObruary 2. at tbw hossw of eared old reading boobs of fonaer liae froai the tIaNi of fomlefclag the. You coold pot all tkw ptoiw aad iwwwto tain.. Roport baa it (bat a company groworyasaa. Mponi pan of tost wook Mr. aad Mr* J. fT. Shunwkwr. In tkw booM la a flve-eaat mat^ box ♦ ♦! years, with tbalr bltolella selecUaas firat raaf-iiwo for tbalr oomfort sad of young pwopio had a lunch on# day vtolttag old frtoods. of poetry, pbllaeophy. ead oratory. “P »•»•> “• aad no oaw wooM bw brassy sooopk to at tbw hoasw antoag tbw Aowwrs. wont ♦ .ILM IMN LAMB toi At «omw thaw to bwr llto. aaarly carry It away. Tkw doors aad wta- up la tbw iBonntalaa and imowfaatlod ♦ ♦< Mwriw Duatop of Laaalag spoat Pat- bavw diaappwirad. In many .ebowU adloue aad face tke world oa tbeir own urday aad ftaaday with bor graad- wrwry girl rspaids popplag hor okow- account as dM we. dows of yoor kooisa wovw Iwft iiatoot- worh othor. and tboa to tbw Baorh and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tbw rmidtoft booka conalat of blsh wood: tkorw was no itaaprr Mt froai bathwri in tbw oewaa all tbw aamw day. paronts. Mr. aad Mrs. Watts Boatoa. fog gam as tbw moat tospoitant ae- Mr. aad Mrs. Marl Paaalagtoa ofj compllskmoot. ctoaa tUUMtord wiirk. of Artlon and Ww btilM hanm for ibw protoedon of l.urplars or thiwvos: tho Itttlo yoo hod MIsa Manrarwt Morrill wool out to John l.owkor a tsiwpbnaw la- ^ ^ owr atonk. Morw-onrw is glvwn thwnw that was not to oso tkoy worw wol- dlnnw with mm now day last wook .tallsd tone wook. oUiwr ctoMtea that yonne folks um bmmtoff n«d fwwdtaff oE omr coosw to tobw. Yam worw m boilsrwr In and akw dirwetod ssw to Ibw rbomtetw skonM wnjoy. sioek tbnn wmm givan to tbw bonsinff Mra. Willtom Itooraom of .Niton Is protwrtlon bot oot bovtap aMsefc to pro- Shop Hbw suapoalod that 1 soy sams Ttaltlag hwr brotbors. Goorpo sad Prod With tbw mniorttr of cblMrnn tida mhI cniw of tSw tomUy dnrtoc thw pto- tort. wkwB tkw sakjpot was kraatbsd ibtafi la tkw sapor aboot tbia plaww. Myors. croatw. a famlltorlty with tbw prtatoA ^ you wxda nwd. "Blcaaod bw aotkiaff.- It Is a noTwNy In a way aad la sup- Harry Ynuag sad atotor, Bdltk. of ___ ^ Ao tSoo to protowt tboai: K woo mat amr pBswd In bw a rsprsasatattoo of a pome inai mnwrwww woy mwni ooi ^ot oor tooMIlty to do bottor Olivo spool Suaday wttb Mr. sad Mrs. Today It's difforaat. Too bars prop- notch mwtaaraot to Ibw bock at tbw John .Norrtii aad toadly. nooair*<. Hot thwrs to nimnys n eor* (|mb wo did do; tbw ntook dortato Bmow oitr sspHsrpd all oror yxMnr toms: yoor room aad a soft drlak ptocw to tko Mr. aad Mrs Oral Hlldraik ■ttaad tolo proportion of cblldroo wbo oood stniMltoe doyo worn torfoots If tboy boois lo woll toratokod: yoo harw both front part. Tkw waltors arw all drowa- cd tbw fnawral of Royal Mlllor, bold •o lowItooMot to books Too toko '(■ol bolf tkw coro aad otioatloa tkat to od llbw Holtoad-Datcb. oxoopt tho at kls bomw ta Watortowa Tkaraday. •iM. oauw. UM.. .c imiiw *!»«« '.>««■ **" paoora. tho looo of wMck wooM omos wnodon tbowa. This plocw pata up a Mr. aad Mrs. P. J. Slaab of xrsai a loss to yxm sack aa yoo dara aot eon tt-cwot diaawr aad to potroateod by Olivo spaat Prldoy aftoraeon with Mr. to otkor ckHdran'a pkiy*. tkoy bar- ^ .oaM* way. twsspkMo. Y ob iwod pratoaUtm bo a groat many huakwai I pM aad Mrs. C. T. Honk woll. row to •wwk sbsiros Tkoy xnMto oooow oa waaptF poahst bank la tki ta convwraatton wtib a booMtom manipaii I Mr. aad Mra. Aitbor Ikylor of Claro tbotr wyootobt to poor Itakt. aad tkoir ** ^ 7^ boaaw aow-ada^ Is a tktoc uakaooa wbn sot oopnottw uo aad bw lafu••Mdrmad Prldoy with Mr. aad Mrs. Ptaak coonan raootmAm m low loooor- IM.in* “T IbO)’ ^WOOld: yOO kOVO b—^td tMW Oor sivlltaattaa has ckaatood; oar iw raw that tkw llllag and doraratlag of Itookor, Thoy will toonto kora. tottoaoMpa la orory way harw ckaaasd tkw plaww costa |iH.oap. Mrs. Arthor Wyhoff of BL Jokoo Sock cblldroo INo in a drasm ptM- akwo bw bod bat a tow tbooaoad In tbw noting part of tbw piawo wpoat Haturdoy aad Bonday wtih Hr. FORD? wwrld. Tboy walk. talk, aad iklak dollars; Ito vory waay to dtotrlkato. kot Tbw Ptatw Bank of dt. Jokaw boo tbwrw arw wlgbt paowla wbiwh srw a aad Mra. (toosjto Myora. to tbw booh Of ospkwrr. Tbotr ko- *>0 r«o boar of aay of tkom oaloodtok kw*** pass xrltb tkw tkaos; wo boro amrrwl nf bwooty. Thw cwfitag Is Prank H'jbkard to vtolttag rokitlvaa In l.analag aad llatiwit raos arw rraatoras of Action CO 'bot tkoy aHU- waloy wkot tboy m d madw prsrlslaa to giro tbw poMto o arrbon mnalag both way* aad roat- tboy oood to wajoy bototo tkoir tow mfw ntorw to atorw ibwtr valoaktoo; wo Mr. aad Mrs P. M. Trawbrldgw of| oro so booy toolaff xskat aCko- aad lag on Ihw boory ptors to tbw ewator bondrads lanontod np into tbw tkeo- bovw burplar and ftrw proof raoHo; ^infxwo tbw room, aocb oaw about 1* toot Mwrtw Baocb callod oa Mr. and Mr*. Iwofftaory chomwtars bavo daaw, saoda? Nn? Tkon dwa’t boHwro tkom: bovo aatoty dopoolt boaoo wklik Il ITS with all the dash and READY! swing-that adapt them so nicely ^drts Ttie Kuraka CaoMtary aaaoctatlaa Spring to present day modes of dress. will inaat with Mrs. John Xaigl ar, Thursday. Fabruary 10. at 10:00 a. m. Tha furnace Is batac laalallad at Footwear the K. V. ckurcb. WiMt Ebe TImi JA K Shoes? The ramalaa of Hugh Murray, who died at tbair honM naar Haantatar The Gypsy Btiots are leading the pace in velvet, last weak, wera totarrad la tha Bura- ka cematery last Friday. OtiMr $6.90 to 9S5 hrtinzi: and dull kid. Uucie Martin wan booM from Datrolt a part of laat weak. fMli. udng plaato iwb Mrs. K. KIniey vlallad frlaods at Bt huttan trtmiwad; Invist on j ^ K She built on principle. They Jokns last wsek from Thursday uatll paint. I ia faced with ■ntin; fit the arch. >atur(la>. girdle fastaning in Beryl Fox of Elsie visited bla fldand. buttan triiwmad. tio. Iteynulds (SreRory. hare over Sunday. tlliwtmtnd at laft. Mm. Dan'l Hixson Is risillag at tha A iliirt of aoft Maal ita EXPERT REPAIRING home of her brother and family at ttataloblni foatura. ovamklrt ndiiak Detroit la oat In axtanding half way tha .Mr. and Mm tioo. llldanour of De­ akirt. It la la witt visited friaads aad ralatiras in fa linfl t balow of Taffeta this ytrinity duriUR the past waak. aad axtaada nearly fall Tlieron Shaver & Son Mm. Myra Williams passed away at laagtk of tha akirt. The the home of Frank Brown of Duplaln in e«it. Bntlra over akirt "SHOES OF KNOWN QUAUTY" Sunday of paeumonia. aged about 70 Vaivat years. valaa at |7J0. Mm. Illackbiim Tripp b spaadlng the week with relatives in tM. Johns. MAIL Iammi M’ealherby was Iiubm from moot. III., and Bmeat Read, who ra* iiesday. Flint last week on account of balag ORIMim •idow at borne ; one alatar. Mra. Arthur Jamas TerwIlllRar and Thomas Har- ill. PILLBD lier of near Wiednian were Ruests of Harlow; an uncla. John WblUcra; I*. I. ilamaby was home from Flint an aunt. .Mra. Ilartha Cobb of Boaton. relatives hare from Tuaaday until : oyer Sunday. MPLE RAPIOS Sla}«)t.. and a boat of frianda. Thiiraday. J. W. IMnknay returned the iwat Mr. and Mm. Owen Steams, who week from an extended visit with hla have been vIsItInR relatives In Ohio Raiiln Hablnaan t*a aae« twny. for three weeks, relumed home Mon ­ .Martin Itoblnaon. who auffarad a hon. .Norman IMnkney. and wife near day llMtnar). llhai a. Tlif whole community wan nhorkad M>verc atmke of paralyala. Friday. Robt Kelley of rievalaad. O.. I . January 21, paaaad away at hla home itenj. Roberta and sister. Marian, of wiVir’,he*RX‘"he^;.;";::j"‘** «»• ‘«l •»“ Tuenda.v mominx to hear tliat tirand llapMa visited J. 1). Smith and come to work on the farm for B. C. bad taken Dorr Head. Mr. Head waa S mile Mouth and H mile eaat of tbla Ilsdiay this season. I vUlaffe Saturday avenln*. Mr. Rob- family from l-'riday until .Monday. and Ortnold will entertain the yisiiom on Monday. •t hiialltnK. lnduatrl(lu^ younic man. .Mr^ Ktta Near and lady friend of ness of the Teacher v ** * IbiPi*** society at her home Wadnes- An hie Stratton was an Klaia bual- F. B. Uraan does not gain vary feat .10(1 iboMV acquainted with him apoak I Inaon wa* a vary icantal character .?r. and Mm mu MllFar^ilSi at 1 *"* "•“ *'"* ‘* “> and Is not able to be nut. ' and kind nelKhbor. Ha laaraa to i^anainR were the Rueata of Mr. and only In praiae of thia character and .Mrs Frank WiRRina and other rela­ vttation to all. . The V. I. S. class mat at the borne ot | Nrs. tJao. Hettinger received worn (llapoaltlon. Dorr M. Iteed. aon of W. , mourn their loaa, hla wife and the home of Mr. and Mm. Rart Mc- Dr. Foo from the Hart hospital injMm. F. E. Kelsey on Wadt-wday aaa-1 sarloua lllnaas of John Hat/* tives the first of the weak. Kinsiry in Duplain laat Sunday. S and .Mar>' K. Iteed. wae bom in ' one daiiKhler. Mra. Minnie ('hapman. Mra. Minnie Smith want to Caraoa HI. Johns and a native of China, will' ning. tlngar at the home of hla daughtor la i^banon tnwnalilp. Clinton county. . three alatera. one brother, and other Sunday where she will spend souta speak at the M. E. church on China (Iruyer lioavitt traaaactad buslaoea I Ohio. Mr. HPiUbh**Hattlusar’ !•la o**one of relatl\ea The funeral waa held at the September I. I nap. and departed thia time with relatlTnn. next Sunday evening. jin owoeao on Saturday. I'early pioneom of this county. life at hU home on the farm in Dab- home Tiieaday afternoon at 2:00 p. .Mm. Minnie t'rspaer and lltUa Rev. M*. H. Thompson will take for ('has. Hammond was an Ashley bua~ anon January 25. IKI6. aaed 26 yeara. m . Kei Millard ofllrtatinR. dauRhIer returned In their home in his subject next Sunday rvanlag at visitor Monday, ADTEKTIHE IN THE IfEWH. 4 montba, 29 daya. lie had !. and will erect a liouse on it in tha R. U. Iwtu was a business vlaitor her home in Ovid Saturday, after a Mr-. NVullace Slater of 0\ld rallao i EARLY short visit w ith her dauRhter. Mra spring. I in Ashley Friday. on friends in town Salurda). Mr. and Mrs M D. Smith rlsttad ' ...... J. H. (iardbani was in Elsie on bus­ , Myniit Sowlaa. and aon, Clyde llrittan. Dr It. H. laxtehaw will orrupy the Mra Cleo Foley relumed to bar Mr and Mm. John Read in Bingham Hlsaaar Inatallstian. iness Friday. , pulpit of the Christian (’hurch Sunday Thursday . Bannister Arbor No. 163.'> of the An J. Cox transacted bustnaas in North home In Detroit Tuesday. Her moth­ eienmic. er. Mr- Sowlea. returned home with The .M E Aid society served a din- '‘ I*®* Order of (lleanem held their an- star Thursday, Tlte annual open ui(*elinR of the ner at the Orange Hall laat Thursday. ■ installation of oMcem at F. New- yim. P. E. Newsom and Mra. A. E. her. I ladies' Home and ForeiRti Missionary Idem -(iov. Dickenson of I.ainalnic The attendance was good. The fol-1 hall on Wednesday evening laat Sutfln visited friends in Elsie Thura- Society will tie held at tlie home (^ lowiuR (ifllcerH were elitctad: Prasi-' ^’Rli Companion J. E. Decker aa In- dny, and Itev Kilpatrick of Fowlenrllla lec­ Mrs. .\va I'ayne Tiiursday A rhick- tured here Sunday In the Interest of dent. .Mm liiice Forbes; vice praal- stalling offlear aad wh«» was ably aa- .Mm. Wm. Mitchell .spent Thuraday do they comtt back and bring • SSs. ^aeliet af tbta 1 en (iitiiier will be served to all who dent. Mm Mattie Richantson; seem-i aisled by t.'ompanlon Anna Kerr. The in Ashley on business, •MMMUnal earlr the Antl'Saitxm I.. Thomas was an Klale business others with them.^ Because SeMenlytepeetnM —a------I Will Itobiiison of Camoti City has •Mm Emma Schavey ; charge of flower 1 stalled . C. O.. Jas. Cartwright; V. C.; visitor on Friday. vIsitlnR her sister. Mm. Harry Ter- lieeii here the |tast week on .wrount we saved them money. No Oer llliMireaad Ceaelee •entataa taS de> { willlKer. ('ommiltee, Mrs J. K. McLouth. jo.. William Sharp; chaplain. IJlIle B., Mr. and Mrs. Wm Marble and fam- ■crieUaw mt tMa WaediMfwl Tawwia mmd I of the serious Illness of his tirother. Mr. and .Mm Fayette Smith of Wa- Mitchell; secretary-tmasurer. Jennie Ry spent Sunday with friends In Owoa- hundradael atiiar iSati QaedaCaadawend Chaa. F. Jackson of Owosso was Martin Ttohiiison. further argument neces»ar\'. FarmSaada. AlaaTMIOMST AMMHMM I the Kueat of fiianda hare Tuesday and lertown visited .Mr. and Mrs. M. D. | L. Oander; conductress. Irene Hoffer- go. , COfRBINATIOM OVPBIIS .\rthiir Thompson went to Ann Ar- Smith last week Tuesday. iburt; conductor. Wm Mitchell: lec- Mr. and Mm. (lemne Smith of Owos- ; Wednesday. Imr Monday for treatment for his eye« ava* meda Wr anr aaad bewaa* Sawd tba ! l>rBln Comtniaaionar Louis F. (■raaii Jerome Dills attended the funeral of turer. ( has. U. Kerr; I. O.. J. H. Oan- go am spending a few days ham. 16 lbs. Gran. .Su^ar $1.00 • New. Yau will ba wed raaeid. " He was arrotnpanied by his brother- Royal Miller in Watertown Thjmday der; O o.. Archie Mltcliell. Mr. and Mrs A. F. Ryder warn Sun- and Ally. Fklward W. Fahlinjc of 8t. in-law. Jack Cross, of Ithai'a Tha C. E. DaPuy Csw PswtiM. ' Johns were in town on buainaaa Wad- A son was Imm to Mr. a^ Mm.| ------jay callem at the home of Mr. and S lbs. Gran. Suj^ar 50c Mm V .s Moss will spend the win­ Uesley Welsmiller in south Olive. 1 tn Bid Resident Read. Mrs. R. (1. Letts ter with her dauRhier. .Mrs. i) M. Sny­ ” I '’***• ..' M'irray. an old resident of Mm. Coldle Shinen and children vts- ( nervous and restless, besidm robbing Gmver I^vltt was in Ashley on aca Shredded Cocoanut. lb. 19c the Ikx Iv and mind T prop«-r nouiish- business Friday. - - (Strictly freab.i prit.c. .A full line ot l*incap|)les. I'caches. .Apricots, ment. Watch your rhihi. Examine Mr .Mnrr.uy of Otsego was transact- \FTKR I.l.tHRlFPK tHRiPPF WHWH.tTt tTt i •'.Alfalfa Tea", per lb. 35c the st'-ol and at ftmt duns of worms Valentine ing business in town Monday. k.tsplterries, l*umpki'\ 'I'omatoes. I’eas, Corn. Lima give your child a treatnumt of Kicka- I. K. Weeks of Flint visited friends ( ougbs that “hang on ” after la- (The new beverage.) t poo Worm Killer. They kill the grippe cxhaual the strength and low. lb*;itis, >»ucr')tash. ()livc < )ii. and .Monarch Ctilfee. the in town over Sunday. 4 Pkj»s. Corn Makes 2& worms, act as a laxative and expel the Wallace llmwn was In Ashley on er the vital resistance. F. G. Pravo. lirdford. ind.. writes: "An attack of best coliee ill lohn- packet! in t\\t» pttuntl tin cans, wormi. and p(>i*onous waste Tone the business Monday 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25c -ystem ind help restore \our rhild'a Day V lagrippe left me wRh a severe cough. Vant Cregn transacted businaas In f )r 65c. < lU.irant'ctl ctpi.il ttj any cttflee pack«‘d in I health and happy dDpodtion. 'blly Alma Wednesday. I tried everything. I lost in weight I (ial. pail Lighthouse j 2.*.c at your Druggist. and got so thin it looked as If I would tins. reo. 4rtlless of prit t*. ! The Misses Sylvia Moore and Jaun- pancake syruf) 45c Will soon be here! It. Sebrlng made a bu.inesa trip to |i .Mma«i«. on.... Wednesday__“"u »®*l 1®'** bottles cured me rile .Monarch lane is sold bv ♦ ♦ m _ I am now well and back to my normal W’f can ovf voti some Frank Kennett and F. K. Wise IH’YliR.S know a ♦ lIRFFMirsil ♦ were business visitom in Ashley on weight ” Fnlay'a Honey and Tar geth ifood ihinir when they see ♦ ♦ s|M*( i;t 0*1(1 valiH'S in M’edn*--day. right at the trouble It la a safe, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ reliable remedy Van Sickle A Glas- it. ••we rp: it." J. W. I,etts was a business vialtor in pie. Mr- l>e||pha Tripp .pent the past \ aleniinesICS at Ic, 2Cf 3c, Elsie Thursday. week with Mrs. Arthur Tripp in St E. D. Cronk was in Pontiac on busi­ D. C LeBARON ,Johnr Sc, lOc, ISc and ap to ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Don ’t fail to make "OCR ness Thursday. Mm I.oftle Foster attended the fun ♦ ♦ SOc. .1. Sehofteld of Elsie transacted hus. ♦ HlirTII BVIII ♦ STORE" your headquar St. Johns’ Largast Grocery eral of .Mrs. Dorr Stow>.|| |ii St John inear here Wedne-tdsy. ■ last Wednesday lit .lilt it til (lesions in ♦ ♦ ters when in town. St. Johns, Michigan. Howard G. Fink spent Sunday with ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ivan Hslner went m Dolley last his iiarents at KIwell. He was ac­ I week til spend a few days mechanical novelties, .Mrs IVNirl Blank and son. Morrice, companied home by his wife, who liad 0C3OI IOI301 lOCKM foh.lers post cards, etc. visited there the |>att week .M Dills i^ in n rritical (xtndllion 'pent the past week with her imrents. (-.lUaed from lieing trampled by a Rerce & Hobart 'Ir and Mr* It C Brewer, of near Mr. and Mm. l*rosper Manchester of Ashley were over Sunday guests of critter in tb'- yani Sunday night. He I’rtce waa I'adly rut on the top of hla head Mrs. D I Hlxon went to lietmit their ron, Harlow Manchester, and Caah Grocery Let Us Show You ' family of this place ami otbi'rwtae injured, and Monday last week to rr.re for her sisfer-ln- „____1- It # . mt*rnlng be suffered a atroke of par- H4.th PliMea VU ML Jalma. MMu Isw and little son (.eorgr Ha.kell of ^«na- .^e right aide, and haa no acte«| biialneax in town Wednesday. Silo Mr and Mr. Fmnk I’erry attend- I bu s your coni'll still Ij tiae of hla right anii or leg. (••I the January larty of Duplaln laat Mlaa llrader of Ithaca *vaa a pleae- VVedneda' «! the home of Mr. and stick to you.** ant caller In town Ttieeday. .Mrs James IJbey. I .Norman Murray and mother, Mra. Mm ladtle Foster and (Srandnsa IVy a Ivottle of our Mnrmy. of Eureka were buaineea . Hush were quite surprised last Wed ­ t callera here on Friday. Ralamaro«> Rlaxed tiln silo users are boosters I Con- nesday night when over fort\ of their White l*ine with Tar • Mra I.ew|a weeka and children of aider tno viuil point«» that make for silo ••Klciencv neighbom walked In. bringing with Couph Syruft and ^et Flint were vlaltnm at the home of and voutno wiirclio..s((tli- Kn'araaaoo. Cati‘th< »p j Seth Monoel and wife over Sunday. ill T*hr*y’m unsurpuAoetl lor durabnit\ aJid S4.|idity | . them well fllled baskets. The evening ' was pleasantly spent and all report ­ prompt relict. John !*haw of lainaing wa« In town c*f Cv'>nstmctlon. ''<.n;lnu. ..f>->e! inxdoor frame— | Satitrday to attend the funeral of Redwood *1 ('rs. DnuL> tfiated waiis keep frost 'd a good lime M(. and .Mm. Richard Wellings will Hugh Murray. out and ario;:}*are in. vu- iicred by its weight do j S E. Beck of Darand waa a town •' 1 upkeep—fireproof —pul. entertain the (ireenbush Farmem* Watch diis space ior an­ ■ club, Thursday, Fabruary 17. caller on Monday. Write for >ur latest booklet on TILE or WWiD Mary Ingersoll la on the slek Hat i Pari (’nx waa a vtaltnr at ('arland etave silos let “f*. irlr in-y»-ar'’ salea plan whh 1 Mr and Mm Ralph Sllvemail apent ‘ Monday oaniutt f.".Il to tnteresf i~e u.iisaoaaxi aad the man Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ray Cllson j Mm Imaa DeMott and brother. nouncement of demon ­ who buys a s.lo this year. in St. Johna. • Jeade Murray, of Flint ww here on I l,eora Reehe of Stephen. Minn.. Curtiss 4 G>rkm Haturdav to attend the funeral of tbetr KALAMAZOO TANK 4 SILO CO. I ‘ spent from Friday until Monduv with I ^r.ijvjjisi.s i uncle H. M’ rrav KALAMAZOO. WKB.______| her enusins, Wm ilaebe aad family ‘I Want Humhherger we« a huaineae stration of the New Mr. and Mrs. \N*m. Krall altendea 21 ('linton .Avenue 1! vlaitor at ( arland Mondav the funeral of the former's sister Mr- il tl. J. Smith tranoacted bualneaa In it'^-orge Hoemer. in St Johns Sunday. Si. Lthns. Mich. I Ow*- >0 Monday Rom to Mr and Mm Peter Millar, Fran I Klter wsf a .Shepherd vialtoi !%aride8 Suction Feed E. FOERCH, Salesman St Johns, Mich.j February Ist, a daughter. 3L. [ on Tut 'dav ' Mm Raodaie and ann. Mdd. vtstted reiiiilvea in Mt fHonoant laat week. eeawewoeaeeaeaaaeaoaaoaaaaaaaaee —eewweee we eeeeeeeeeeeeWeeeeeewaewwae Cream Separator ew«*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4>eoee*«eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#eeee - W Smltti left here on Mondav for F!liit to ^1att mlatlvea. •• Mm Geo Krom attended tlie ftineral •• #• :rf .m annt at Klaie on Tueeday Hert Kirby had the mtnfortnne to •• ee ■ >♦ ►'la foot unite badly with an axe lilli ''uttlng wood nee day laat week ee .Satr Trrker of St John- la TfaRing American Bargain Store ee friend* here lhl« week. Byron Danky’s HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES ARROW SHIRTS AND COLLARS

Clean Sw« ep of I*ur CLEAN4JP SALE SUPREME Now—for Final Wind-Up of CLEAIMJP SALE 3WBMC and Fur Lined Orercoats Wilson ’s Great Remodeling Sale Here is an opportunity to buy that coal. I 'oi/t A still deeper slash in prices on all seasonable goods goes into eiffect Saturday. February 5th fail to see these bargains. Positively the biggest bargains ever offered will be shown at this Great Remodeling Sale. Re

member—Everything must be sold regardless of cost. Come tomorrow. M RTr Oa our eoUrs atoek of Sweatera. Draoa Rhlrta. riaaael Shirts, .Meek- Our Entire Stock of Men ’s anti Young Men ’s We’ve Dividrti Our Stf>ck of Men ’s .and Young Men ’s Vo«r siia wear. Caps. moves. la h«r«. Hoatory. Duck and Sheep laned Coots. Overcoats at One-Half Off Silks in Three Great Lots Roys* Trousers. Mmt. Kac. tlK«t WrmtiU ( Han .Schalfner & .Marx Inciutied t arr mm $12.50 arr mw $9.00 EXTRA HPRCIAL- «t±m Krc. ys’ Clothing ular $1.30 to 12.00 "tVe fit Km. MaNt «alae«. val'nea. aow Mm. auw ralsa*. $4.00 lira. #L3n Halt er $6.00 Rec. H u H * the hani saw Bow $2.25 89c O’rwat, new n*eoat, new $3.75 to lit.” KXTRI HPKniI. Hm. Mt.os lalae*. ItfK. valBfHS $1.75 Krc. <|jim Itoit er Rec. $4.0B HbH < Oae lot of Boys* $3.75 Hefttilar $1.00 valuea to tl'roal. BOW $5.00 llVoat, new $3.00 Knee Pant Hulta, rioae out at raluen to $$.V0. now Rm. 44aw Talsw«. EIJ«w «ali.«>«, Rea.

Ine lot of all wool Odd Men's Suit THE STORE FOR DAD AND THE BOYS’ Toata. -mall site*, Kxtra Hpsid al at $1.23 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN One tot of rair- WILSON BROTHERS alar #13 aad #IS Far Caala nt __ $8.98 klMNl HHHWWIIIIIIMlillNIIIIllimnilllHIlWlillMUMilllilU lilili'illlHItllilM ,mnM»MHti;iMV!:i.;!itiiiiitnHiwm»MiiiiiiHwwit;'.MnttwMiiiwwiiiiMiiwiiiiwiiiiimiiWdiiiiiiiiiiHiwi>iiiRiiiiHutiiJ


♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IMIc:. Friday evf>ninE. 'over the week-end. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<#♦♦♦♦♦ lor 1. few days tlve* In Owoaso W’edneeday. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Mr and .Mrs (leo. Wright ana Mr. nd .Mrs. M*. 8 Hal! entertained ^ ^ I'lalr llayhoe of Mason, who has Hoy Skiitt visited Sunday at the ♦ ♦ ♦ HKKLF IIE.I('H ♦ (lauchter. Ilertiiro. of lutnslBK were H tew friend ’' at a «ix o'clock dinner ♦ RIVFKHIHF ♦ Ve-:i wo: king in I* iialtcmiao ’a bar- hoa.e of his aunt. Mrs. John illch- ♦ PRICK ♦ ♦ ♦ Snnd^.. ialler< at .Merle Itoarh. la>t \Ve.lneMl.iy evening. ♦ ♦! I r liop for the past year, left Mon- mund. 4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .Mr*. I lean .Sperry and son are Miss .Mary Hamilton of Urand • ;t> for .Marshall, where he will run Henran Vustin .ind family viaitad -Itendina a few da>: .at Middleton a burber : hop. Sunday at the home of hU i>arenU. with her niotaer. Mr*. M'inslow laHlgo •ent .Sunday at the home ot It. Plowman spent Friday and Mr. and .Mr-* Kd Cook. .Mr- .Minnie (Irinoid* of (Irand Mr. and Mrs Theodore Schavey .Mr. and Mm. Meyer .Austin. Mr Ju'itea Ma' >r. of Kllendale. X. Saturday :u I.aiiHiiiE Ledge vkstz the guest of bor sister. pent .1 few days in Crand I.edge last Charlei- Cook U lutiving hts Cimlly ■ Friday U: da few woeks Mri; ^ . A. Hair.llton returned to '.eek with hi ^D. Wm. Schavey. and to Owoaso where he .*ta a in.nil route. ' ith her A«*a .Vrtl. ir. and other .Mr and Mrs M. Ultz/ard spent San- J.wk»on Snnd ’uy ev-nlng after spend- Mr^. .Vellio Williams, from Saturday lay in laitmiriK * ♦ 'inlil Monday. fai.'dly. .Mr. and .Mm. Edgar Shepherd vlstt- remtivea. ♦ lUTII ♦ ini few d-y< w'lh her parents, .Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. Ulenn C'nie were Hun •1r and Mm. i’lper Iiavo mored Into Will Amnn, who has worked the ed the homo of Mr aiwl .Mm. Henry • Mr ( ..rroll and rr’vnddaughter, ♦ ♦ .‘.no -Mr*, lid. Cook. ,aut yisr H»r ICarl Ttirker, shipped elder .Sunday, . Arit-;.. .\rmaf»--^s. . u few days day ail* at the home of Floyd the hultdina formerly the postofllce. hi h'lu-ohold goods to lirerkeniidge Mr. and .Mrs t'harlcs t .irroll vls- PIOWII.UT M.” MaMhn ( lark I.h ill with the u:id opened an up-to-date restaurant. l«.«t ■ Ith h r dnu:.;.ter. Mm .Mr- I Molnet and .Mm. C'bas. 'r;p Mr. nti ’l .Mrs. Harripon S4'havey ana Monday and will work In that town ttel Sumlay at he homo of his par- helli’ (iilii- -n. John;. A" tin .Saturday in St. Johns. Tlu- M K I. \ .S -ill ee« with T <• r 'Ih I nif Fanners ’ club will .-'-n.' vlalietl Will Schavey and famllf Iho pro.cnt year I.ewia Tucker and iT.t'- In KIsle. HI; father has cryal- 1 ; l* ..as* I”!- <;. .''.nghan. has M-- Sam Th iraday after­ ftir.ill; <.*ver oufle*. froi.i .iromd Merle !?r;: er »a\t< u of Mllf»’r l \ fed hl^ :>i . ii ..;!d 1 ’ ll .It ■ on. Krerv- I’.ert Tavlor i* entertaining his un .or .Mr T : ker the ; nining seaaon. tbU place, pa^'se*! away at his home py it the tirsi Mr^. Maude VanLie-.i returned home Mr. .vn»w|r M Id r ne~r ili'~ - 4 iir isi! of St. John* wrs.; i>> f-iiT.ls in lit!, pl-vee. '>Tld last T'uro! n> While ♦e«»*eees*we<^»e e^eeeee- .1 g r?i oi .M!. s Miirgie Pennell from .Mr and Mr*. Alvtn Lnm were in *ie»'. !>»'<■. ttr ■ r|,,r)r- dr'O, ’ w|t» rridii) until .^ ndav. Elsie .Mjind.-vy. L' . h r.‘ t' ' ; I ‘'i ; »,u on etid Word ha. . ♦•on received that a son. Elder i.vmrge ('rr-:i ded the ap- ■ ti '■ ..;;ie t;.tn Har*.- F.irl. l»om to Mr. ami 'Im. , iiilme' * nt .VnrPi *>%». v.-» ehnreh ii;L r i;ot . -anng it ’'ruuK Mor'on -f C'irtU. C. I’ Mr. ‘h’.:.d..y aftetnoori, .v Itov. K'liisman O it , - n • r ... * ’ ‘'’i* s- 1 f TTu^r Dewitt hoy Is ill 'vlth the grip p.«- I , ’ .. ii ' . lit ;ed .M’ 'the l.csnn Monday to work .Suru’l Mitchell ha:* his nc' ho>t*e f’« • ;;;.hr )■ » * .);> .•«.'n|-c -esson for Henry N Wehh wired for electrk light" 1(1 111. I- .1 >:i rij:ht Her Mar‘»ie Pennell had the mis I n into -mail i *< f >r» !f!; f«i pm'n h-T left vrlst tpilte WtH I PttX !MIM •*r .»• Min- eaea e»e»e» . -!lv hile »o!'«r -tkating FYlday . r,1\ .. , ’ ■ an-.» ♦♦ 'Irr. .*t .ide VarFJeu left Mi^ndav' P..ln Is a rialtor to every home and W l K, . , to .1 IM s'.^ Po ”t ‘‘urtin on re>e(pf of a te>e- usually it i-'maa auite . nevpec tedly. ;• f 'f He “ taken to his n -•■•j-r iirtflng her f.vther-lr'-law. Fr.-vnk Put yo ’t are prepared for every emvr- Inc'.ie in an .iiii'i i.a .UMO ,\:nl.lev. -"-d .Si t'day of pnenmor'a genev If you keep u a ..vmall ..bottle of -■■oti:f** r-. ’- ' i.s f.in ral was held at Port Huron '* is the Darwin lUde »•> I -f "a*! Victor , Tuesday. greatest pain killer ever discovered. I*.-. • •JlllldJ'V V!!' 111 .Mr.* Hen- I Tfnv ive-ham spent a few dsys In Simply laki on the skin—j.o rchbing rj M'.u'uuuc. i Detroit attending the a"ntom'»»Si : rhow Is really wonderful. nia:i*. -ipert u re» ..IV* last week i Mr. and .Mr- F’ovd WlllUro* s|.ent Solster Berkeley. Cal., vis'tlrir rr-'iit'v,- **. - - few .i^m In I.ansfng last week, the <;icjijier- of I'm \ or in-tall- ■ rue Sts ■* 'tr ;i.nd Mr- Charles Rouse "round the Panama Lxpoaitton (».f*.t-cm ter I • .-i t "day night. i Mm. M. J Van Fleet accompanied J W .After installatii.ii t < lui ntliem en ­ * her dang»>f- Mrs Chas. Cole, to her "*•» !»«*» » couldn't turn. I joyed .zn oyster *npp»-■ A fes guests I home fn laming Tuesday where she 8lmn a Liniment freely and ■reri prceni ! will spend .-v week or ten davs. **» ^ Tn my snrpHse. neit PRICE Mr and .Mm. Henrr Rouse spent “orainK ‘h® aliancsa ua»*® •• ««*» aa «ew.*' llvem isn't u Uvldiieadevl man in the Mr. and Mrs tiny Richsrdaon and MBrch. 1913. At druggists, thr asylnni* of thi* onnntr:. " "That eer- ,on of Past Dewitt spent Sunday with------— talnly Is a line showing." saM the is one of the first thinfis considered his parents. Mr and Mm. Then. Rich-!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Imldlieeded man. as he protudad his j ardson. : ♦ ♦ chest. ‘lint.” rortlnued the other about a car; oftentimes it is.the last and Tlie nest number on the Tactnre ♦ WFHT .IHHLKT ♦ man. '*the penimtiaries seem tn be I Courae will he a mnaleal niiasber glv {# ^ Dill of them.” only element entering the purchaser’s i en by the tirant Trio. This eater- '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tnlBinent will be held at the Raptlet' —------Wise Peei. church. M'edneeday evealBC. Febru- John Heum and Petr David were In "Du you OMII your poems or take mind. •*T ftoroeeo loet Seturday on buelaeee them to the editom ynureelfr* "I Mm. Ross Rama and daughters. st,re Homlll bae sold his term aad mall them. Rejection is had eaoogh Marion and Dawn, left Thureday fttr ng psets to go to lAoatlac in the near without running the rtek of ejeetloB their fnture home la Detroit futam also.** —ItoetOD Traneef^ Charles Cole of Lmiag waa la j|r. aad Mm. F. Heialen speat laat town Rviadav to hla Wedaeaday with Mr. and Mm. Veeta VMun Mrs Thee IHrhardeen vtoHed_ her Rroaof. ooor Perrtaton. daaghter. Mrs. TrntoWe of Meet I^-j |*oio iJavtd was In llliaoa oae day URKAOD Satisfy yourself, decide after going into details stag, nalurrlay. , oa Mr. aad Mre Lsrata Walter aad IM- and select the car that in all respects most near ­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ lie sea. Marloa. who have beea vle- 1. Hieads In Baet Waahlagtna. re- SOLVENT ly meets your needs. Selecting and buying your J rABLdWP ^toraed to their hems aear Reed CItjr, * X THuroday. car is easy when you decide on a Studebaker Mr. Ooy or MeLxwell. It goes without saying you will Rt. J( Ixmls Ringer, aa * of Mr. aad Mra. lattor'e parsots. Mr. aad Mra. Jaek get service. Henry Ringer, fall oM the wood pllo Harp. Boar Waahtagtoa Ceator. aad broke hla arai Oaaar Moao. who has boaa Mak' Rom to Mr sad Mrs Miloa Chaaloa. for several laonths. pooaed to the m>sK\niSss!S ‘JasX!S tiraat tlpyoad last Raturdav nsoralag Mr. and Mr*, j TnMn of Cor-j at hla booM la Waahlagtoa tovmairtp. 2* M. *jf«_jji * itnaa ape*! y nMlit aad I Bea tllllman waa In Owovee loot Thursdar with her mother, Mrs Jaha; Ratnrdav on bastaess SLT -sr sEs RlchoMiad Ray Fraoman. Mrren Rurh aad John ZStSTuSt^^rnSSitiimmSS^m^^ Mrs. A I. Rkatt aad daughtor, Mra.. Isivor tan ng the ead of a since a% Oltfe Crane, aad little daughtor, i Waehlagtoa COater last Raade y eva- Imara. are vlsttlag Mr. and Mra. Clay-1 nlag as they were oa their way to toa Teel of Ftmtorvllle. >rhareh. The hofo. horae aad hoMM Wm. Mlia Clara I.eavltt vlaltod har j were all pHod In the dtteh f^trtaa- fiiond. MUs yioreaoe MMrhall. h. lately the bapa wore aat hort. hot nSnsT UnifHi Phone ITU jOwosoo for a few dope. MIee loarm I snaii. nhat scared ’The boggy top srao _^___ _ - ^ •• wIB^atJi oarects to soon loavo tor Meatoao. j tom froa tbo haggy. Two of tho hope Chorlos Rlehmnad has parrhaoad t.j stayed all night at Ron fllHaam'a aiii tag dpi^. Pem nerag toeTSn. small farm ta retamod ^toat MB asMse wito year name Md Mloa .MeIRe Tabor vlaltod rolattvaa Lary Is la Owaaon a few dapa. Ray Ha Alvah IsMvItt lapaata to atovo Ma Radbi Thn mm ef Mm men.^haa diaaBtead Hewafd rnulBinm the EXCHANGE SHEET Dr. E. A. Batttt has mad maats to have a dawa tew the Ceatral Pharmaey. I Aaaon Camtll and Milan Bmuoub Law Hchlckloa. who ha were t.nder Uie dartor's ears laat auBaver faam Taharmlaaia week. time, pasead away aaviy Haaday?~lTile Silo Me. Ile»w|ck, the new editor of the ing. Funeral sbtv Ibbb at the M. B. | • KIsle Sun. haa nMved hla fanUly to church Wednesday aflemooa. Bnilal • town. Hi Fairfield cametery. Hhituary next * MIDGET MILLS j !^. Praenian of Minneapolis. Minn.. I week. . e ;tia*.H«i ted buslaeeB with our ifiihoel Mrs. MMIIinm* pnaawl away from the • board the flrst ub laat week. I hoaw of Frank timwn early Baaday , X ST.JOHNS ••• MICIHGAN { Miss Huxel White waa a guest of , raamlng. Fmieml and bntini at Bn- a m (Miss iTaxel t rane the last of tha i raka Tuesday aftemoaa FMrChar .* . week. particulars next week. I # 8- I Orr rtudenta Anlshed creditable ex> I (l)iv R Sampson, formerly of tke e jatultiatlona laat week, it being the bsu I Rial# Hun. has moved hla family to * I of lh«« seme'.ter. MlUsdale. wkerc he has a position on e , *Mik^ Clara Tufford is suffering an a dally paper. * Strais^t Flour Hended Flour attack of grip at the hoine of her cou* Mrs Hhnw of (Irand Rnplda will ^ :»ln. Mr^ Kant (llbson. Hr. •Tlie KW ; talk on “State-Wide l>mhibRlan** at e FOR ONE BUSHEL FOR ONE BUSHEL .Mrs. Maytne Croat leaves this weak **Ever)' timt mcuher {rt-i* ou' Calc- ; the M. E. church in the aftemnon and * * • I for a muotli's visit with Mr. and Mrs. evening of Wednaeday, February 9. • I Fred M olf in Florida. iTirt 1 hno*-.- tlv f./s Roinj; to K. No ore who is Interested in this vital ' • Tlioinas Harrington is up and ont to Bit fct our hfxrae. Drltctoua, I question can afford to mlas this X Whitm Whmat ! Rrd Whmat- Whitm Whmat kmd Whmat again, after a week of la grippe. tender, tv. ‘pMoj! dinir^ntits, hucuit*, chance of hearing It discussed by one e I*aul Murrey, one of our forntar cxlurv ai.i jiL*'! I VI* nc ’.'cr teen a bake- who is well prepared to give factii • hotel keepers, has lieeo doing bjal> day failure v\>'.h Calfmct. Mtsher worth knowing. • nes>- In town for a week. La grippe does not seem to he leas- e \ BBv. *: ’t the liakinr; Powder that m lb*. FLorm 4R IlM. PI.OrK M IbB. PLOrB 37 IbB. PLOrM Kvery meiubex who <«n la naked to ening in this vicinity and our local | * be present at tne next !iieetlng of Um n«:.rcr uniform resuiu.” staff of (ihyaicians being one abort. . p W. R. c. Haturdny and to bring R-c*|ead Hir.li—t Assaadt the other two are more than bogy, the I • thing that boys like for refreahineuta..1 heavy mads mnktng the work atlll ^ OB OB OB OB as we have Invited the Roy Heents to harder. ; • supper. Hr. K. A. Pettit haa moved hla fam- * S« lb*. PLOim SA IbB. PLOrR SI IbB. PLOUB S2 IbB. PLOITB Mrs (’has. Carter is reported up ily Into the Mrs Amanda Mooney ; X and about the bonse again, bat Mr. bouse on east Pine street. e ABB ABB A.BB AND Carter la 1.1111 under the rare of the I The death of Mrs. Mnrgnrat Bhel- X doctor and nurse. don of Flint oecurrad on Bnndny. Mrs.' • t IbB. BBAN t IbB. BBA5I • IbB. BBAN • IbB. BBAN Our school board showed their pro* Hhelden was a resident here for many ; • gresalve spirti the Drat of the week yanra prevlons to the death of her ^ S IbB. BIBBLIBOH S IbB. BirniLIBOfl S Iba. BIBBLIBAB 3 IbB. 1IIDDLIN4M by aubsriibing for .Nelson's Rncyclo- hasbnad. Rnfus Bheldon. The remains e pedia for the school. This work, nl- are to bo brought here for hwiinl. i • thnugti higii priced, is unique. Inna- Obituary next week ! • much as it la revised every year, mn- Frank Sheldon of luuislng was here e The Hock Widi Hr i seqi-ently is at all times strictly ap- the first of the week attending the * to-dale and is ho Im> lad that parts can ‘ burial of hla mother. Mrs Margaret , • SUp Joint be removed and naw sheets put in Sheldon. i * Tke Midgei MiHs reapectfal^ aubnak IUb exchange their place at any time. "Mothiag la I n. M. Realey was laid up with grip ' e ton good for otir children.** has be- a couple of days last weak. i * Strongest construction < otne ;ilmoat an Ameiimn proverb, and finest appearing of kwet for Ihe informatiaa of those who «re not hi- so let the good work go on. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hr. Real overtaxed hla strength Inst ♦ ♦ any tile silo on the mar­ week and has been laid up again in ♦ RBOTE ♦ miliar with owr Tallies or amoont of the two lands conae«ilienee. He ia gaining nicely, ket. however, at this writing and Intends ♦ ? to ‘make haste slowly** toward a sec­ ond recovery. WmfPm mUiCB JBVPm iJHBm of flour that we will give for otie hushrl of wheat. Mrs Joe Renslnger llttte The .Misses Kcdle Peek and Minnie daughter. Oretta. of Ovid are spend- ' Coon of the Ionia scboola spent the Ing a few days with her slater and If you are going to buy a week-end with their parents. t'.. brother. Mrs. Oleon Walters and Mr. j silo this .Spring see us be­ We earnestly solicit yxMt wheat in exdiange for Frank Howarth of the Kirby Cafe and Mrs. Howard Rldenonr. has been having the grip for the past Mrs. (!lntr Hratth ia spending a few fore ordering. 8 week. days with friends and relntleea tn | either M F.NnF.D BREAD FLOUR or for our Ur. Arnold. Hr., of Owoaeo sms call­ Lansing. ed to see l>r. Ileal on Haturdny. f*'.pa . . wiju-.iJlakln^PowfiersowruA I • Klfle Rxelby began work for T. B.' Mrs 8. R. Walker it convalesreut I savjyoa xnonvy*. Calumtdoaa it* aP»ire i Jonas Monday. RSOARK STRAIGHT hOCHlGAN WHEAT FLOUR. They after the grip I um I far aupatio;- to sour ndik and — Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Oiffela. Mra. Wm. Mrs. FairmBB of FBIrfleld has been Woodhams. Mrs fTma. Poet. Haaal t Bieaka Wnat af Slaal Bmal 3 i the guest of her aiater. Mrs. lAxgle are both good ones. i Ploarman and Vida Rnlcem apent Bun- HT. JOBNB, MICH. ~ Mailer, for several days I day evening with Mr. and Mrs CTma. | 8 Mrs. John Rowers, an aged resi­ half milBB northaaat of town. Fna Sheehan. dent of IbiplBtn township, pasaert Mrs. Howard Ridenour spent Wed- ; away at her home three mile* sonth eral sarrloea ware bald from the Dnn ^ w ^ and u half mile oaat of here, early kard chorch on Sunday, with burial i neaday with her Psr^u. Mr. and Mra Sunday morning. in Ford oamecary. , Klnerroan of Price. ^ ... Nra. Rudolph Bnehlar apant ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I Rev J II. lifiswoM of ('(are la the age on liiidge street in the Hurtch Reckwith left Thnrad^ Sunday with the latter's pnraota. Mr. W Linman baa so far recovered Mrs Hattie Finch la asslatlag Mra ♦ ♦ nea pastor of the Prce Methodist building. Ardall Finch In oaring for her moth for Ohio when* she expecU to tench Albert Miller, in T ■Ingi rliurrh. who will take the place vacat* Mrs. Harry LAwrenre la Tisiting ***" recent paralytic stroke as to for two months. burg. ♦ ORAND LRDOi: ♦ l» able to move about the house by J'J* ®* ‘*y* ^**® *• "Wleally ♦ eri by Rev. C. A. Watson. . friends in ('bathnni. Ont. I.w Ray Callignn of Lansing waa a call- ______Mile. Ut.Fk ... fo ToleAo hv ***** •*** * '■•***• *^*** "“T I I er at the home of Otis Rnlcnm Batur- _ . -__ .. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs James Hayden passed away at .i.***j*^ rnllivl to Tolete by ,.ai|ers and write letters the home of her dauRhter, Mrs. Jack to absant Mra. Cinraaca Hoffman «ad infant g»y. rreaervmg raaeti MMmaff. the death of his cousin. Harry Tall- friends son of Owoaao are guaau of her Hath- j p, g. oreen and Brvin Hadley who A pencil drawing can be praeervad \V. It. Clark left .Monday (or several llollens. so ith llrkUce street. Tiieaday man who was drowiie.1 while skating wn, Holden, who haa been a great “r. KoiMe Deal Kvenlnx. She was brouahl to the have been very sick with the grtp. are .iidadnitely against blurring If It la aeeks' visit on the east roast of Flor* ""iJi!** . *""T 1 'sufferer for some time, died from an R. J. Fox waa appointed lire mar- { better at this wriUag. ; immarasd in a bath of clear cold wa- Ida home of her dauRhter a week ajco The funeral of Mrs. Kdwtn Hllmore ■ where -he might receive clone medical held Monday at her iate home on sci.te attack of paenmoaia on Friday. • shal at the last meeUng of the vUlagei Mra. Rdw. l*oat of Ovld was a caller, ter. thdn In freeh milk -*Popal«r Bel- attention, her bume being In Delta, virion street January 2s. at his home four and oae- ■ council in place of C. M. Sheldon, ra-int Rrvln Hadley's Tuesday. ence Monthly. where she had resided for the past (' J Tucker has sold his stock of ' forty year.x. iiaxaar goods to A. A. Hnughtaling of ) Mr and .Mr^ W R. IMngel and Mr. l&OdlyOraaii ^ri^} and Mrs. A. H. loanee attendad the fun ­ I'harlotte. || ^ (Hi^kesiAward) eral of Royal Miller in Watertown Thursday. •NtlB FFFI.H FNTIHFI.V WFM- ^iv«n io Robert Imtv will have charge of or ­ Those who bare hnckai he. rbetima- ganising the milk routes out of the tiam. stiff and swollen joints nr other [j ” DictionBries city for the new factory which they j symptoms of kidney trouble will be j af Ikel^maxim- I hope to have ready for operation by j tot created in a statement from A. H. ^ RDcificExpoiiKon^ ■ April 1 • I Francla. Zenith. Kas.. v.ho wirtes: I The ice Went oMi of the river Hat-I**i had u severe pain In my hack and woff ^rtuiMh) iiradv and < arried away part of the. rould hardly move I itle entered their home and I Sgpdnori ty of Edacaflona^ Merit. weakened find these safe pili< give] currle;i ruy. I had lieen arresteil, one of the men ♦ ♦ ^ ejrrf”" Wliat "Wlul , was wearing a suit with the name J H. ♦ KIIFrROTTRM ♦ is isAil• "How iMtint pn»- I Schoneberger on the inside pocket of ♦ ♦ Than Oth^s aikl iliaiMis«iii4jM'rs. his coat The sheriff .ind Mr. Hchone- Mwa than mott IhiMMiii Tanas. I berger went to Monroe Thursday to MMM Ooofraphicsl SaNactx. 12.tl0 recover some of the stolen property. MmPWM—* Bdriax. Oaar MM Mm- | Mr and Mr- Alvin Horon visited traiaaa. ZTMFasm. Tkaaalydictlan-1 Mrs Helen .Nixon of I-ansiag and her bmther. ilrover Heiheck. near Valve-in-Head Tjrpe Said to Be Most ElfBoent aryadii Bw dhsdad pass- a ilrakc af | ' Mrs. Will Irish of Detroit were mllad Ovid Sunday. ! here by the serious Illness of their A son was Imrn to .Mr. and .Mrs. W. '• parents. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kincaid Welsmiller. F'itlay mfwning, Jnnuarr I .Miss Rith Williams Is employed in M. With jvasoline ctinstantly ascentiin};; in price and are one and the same ihinj; in motor car operation it Miu Ruth Wikm I's dressmaking par­ I O *1- f .Mrs. I'nderhill of 8t .lolin» visited tifccndinj' In (|uality, it has become neces.sar) ’ for can verA* readily be seen that the Valve-in-Hcad Vv;raUaa.. stc. | lors tn Lansing. at .Mrs John Johnson's Sunday. Has. a wt o< e Mra. Oscar Hiiilth passed away at The Richardson Rmbmlderr cinb motorists to take steps to offiiet the ilisadvantaf'cs of motor bfrars a ver)- direct relation to the pocket-book Kirk*< Mas"i( i her home on .North street. January 34. nm saw* ikis I will maet with the Misses Keck Fri­ papar. I ' .igad 48 years. Hbe had been ia poor day. February 4. e.xjtensive and inefficient fuel. of the autrunobile user. .And as the price of jvasoline bacl 8 bealtli for some time, suffering from Mias ♦’ecll llames. who was «ick cancer lleskies her husband she is j^oes up this advanta(;e of the Valve in-Head type of "rvfrad by nine children. i Ihe latter part of the week, la much The Huick Motor Company, almost alone of the tilllam a Foote hsve opeued a gnr- I belter. moifir becomes increasingly apparent. j Mrs kM. llrown entertained Mpa. .'tutomohile inanufacturin|r concerns whose product i.s j rnderhill of St Johns the first of the .suld .It a price within reach of the averaf^^e man. has “In all types of motors except the Valvc-in-Head I weak. The Hold Cemeterv aseticialion will made a spt*rialty of thu carbuprtion question. The there is an absolute waste of power, which means a hold Ha fair at Hempstead's hall IM- dt sijvnrrs of the Huick had an eye constantly to waste of fuel, and this waste has been caretul4’ com­ day evening. Febrnarv I*. The next meeting will he at the home of Mr. ecttnomy, krhen they desijjned this year’s Huick sixes. puted by Huick mfvineers to be in th<; neighborhood and Mra. Ai IHirker, February 23. Mrs. A. Horon and Mrs. Wm. Roron They had the fuel question constantly in mmd. and of fifteen to twenty |>er cent of the entire energy con ­ callad on Mrs (*bna. Flynn and Mrs. M'. Weiamlller the latter part of the that their efforts bore fruit is proven by the abundant tained in gasoline. week testimony from Huick users all over the country ’ “Hundreds of users of the five passenger Huick Dropsy Trootod Frer | concerning; the mileaj^e obtained from the new touring car have reported gasoline mileage averaging ! * - Huick sixes. m the I Mr Itr Mllee. the Orset Npefleliat. Whei all the way from fifteen to twenty-three miles per j WswAs s 82 72 Trial Trwwtmeei Kree. j “With gasoline at its present hijvh price, the gallon. 'Phis is exceptionally high. It is plain there­ i Many Curod otbers Fhlled. || advantaj^e of the Valve in-Hcad type of motor is more fore. that while little can be done toward keeping the Mutual Benefit AI liret n.» there Is ar*ml hortwse of NmmHgrhf N. J. of hrssth rewgh reint sfislU. sotee- and uses a hi);her |>ercentas;e of the rnerjfv contained set. in a very large measure, by using the type «»f car I times neensM eed vnmtttwg. evsn kwiret- 1 tnic of the hmhs eiwl a baas ring ene ' in fue-l than any other type of )i;asoiine motor. The which makes the utmtfst use of the fuel supplied. asmh ' wretched lU-sih if the ,lr>t«a« la eat re-] Is thr must satisfactor)* yi>u can |H>SNrsg. Sf*«* rnorctl abs»*nce of valve pockets in this motor means that The higher gasoline is in price, the more important Detroit Frw Press rvrrj* Monday. Hr. Mites tern hs>n kmvwn as a teadtag L I ssertaltct In these diasaaea ftw Xa ysars there is less heal to trscape into the water jacketed it is that as much |>ower be derived from it as Wotilcl you likt* to represent in your county, the ■ tits me-rai ft- Af a UTi Trsatmeet I frsc tn ail la -rtalnlv worthy 1 area .->urroundin^ the cylinders, and as heat and power pitssible. company which, just liefore Christmas, sent Mrs. Km- ■*f “■ •no* • •- st.i.'retien Toe mar eev-1 eealn bare stirh aw iiapai leiill) ma Csibbs a nice check, aithou{^ nothiii|f had ber*n The . If TOO waat to b«r or ooll creasing ••mphaals has bean placed * lot jrmtr wuu bo teovo la upon those ibtagii. which will pro- Abo tkla ootuaiB aad wateb ro* j mole the efllcienry of county olHeera hi diM mRgnifirRRt ipoctRciR are used: isud leaders, and a concentration of aalts effort upon the central objective of 2S00aMiieen Increaseil to FOR HALE The Janies A. lUackmer |S17o(i. while the total budget for the Save Y or Tried Our farm of 130 acres. 2 miles west of I veer is $2u«Ni The ttnanrial uauvaas Mrs. Ileerge H. Heeraer. l*ewamo. Mich Inquire of Kuel' has not yet lieen completed anywhere, Following an illness of only a few A Aiueden. I'ewamo, Mich. 2dar2 | Look! LotJd Lo<^! while two important Helds, where , , . , . days. Mre. George H. Hoemer peseed F<1K HALE—3 acres arojnd with' work is l>elng carrl^I on, have not n^ay Thursday evening, January ^7, \V<; havf just rrct*ivrtl a stock tjf CL()\’Ek. been canvassed >1 ^U. hsiti. at her home, about a mile east MILLER'S CREEK? good buildings of all kinds. 9091 Home have askecket-b«K)k. Fowler. Ten-room house, furnace. .*4ane. .Niagara county. N. Y., Deeem- hot and cold water. Rood outbuild- ' brought out during the re^t j^hen about a year and VVe also have a j^otul supply »>f I>.\IRY dal canvass. The Hrst 41 iteople, half old she moved to .Michigan MILLF:R S CRF:f:K is all coal and Ings. Rood fences. F. H. tleiler, i canvassed, pledged 1126 more, for the Fowler. Mich ______27w 4 , I with her parents, but when she was FKED.S. BRAN and MIDICS, TANKAC.R. OIL I comInK year, thanthe same people nine year, old they moved beck does not have the clinkers and reluse like FARR FOR SALE OR RE^fT —Will MK.AL. .All kintls t)l l*ol'LrR\ ’ FEl’.DS anti Rave last rear. Does this show what to .New York. In 1896 they returned other soft coals, it hums to a clean fine ash sell or rent my farm of 3d0 acres. i these people think of the Y M. C. A., to .Michigan and came to 8 t. Johaa. T()NIC and whether they have faith In Ita a part or all of it; located miles I ^administration and work? Many In 1898 she waa married to OaoVRa with practically no soot. south and east of Fowler. Cood ' M. Hoemer. To them three chlldrmi buildings and fences. Money-maker | j 01 others have inereased their suhaciip- were bora. Mary, aged alxteen. Ixrals, for the light man. Corwin Btnrgls. || G«f O bt PriemB Before Buying I lions and many new aubecribers have CALL 49 for a trial ORDER. Fowler. .Mich Union telephone 69. •been se,iire.l. Without personal cal- llesidae her huaband and cblldrao. lection. tl2s.Kr> has Iwen received dur ­ 27tf n Mrs. Hoemer la anrvlved by her fAth- ing the month of January. er. laidwlg Knill of Du plain, two FtiR SALK :eoo bushels of com. Ad ­ The llnancial problem of the A’. M. U. A is no small one The aastwia brotbera. Fred and William of Du- dress Orrin Stevens, Dewitt, Mich. plain; a alsler. Luuiae Krull of Lan- CRESSMABTS Feed Store nontlon plans loto meeimeet iisIts (iiiiigauoni^,obligations, v . i •lag. « ew# GEO. F. DIMOND & Ca Union phone 26w2pd month by month, as it goes, and most ;‘"«*' “ »»»-‘*rother. Frmnci. Korff of FOK HALE—niark Uerrliemn mare. 4! slncer**ly thank* its aiibacriberH for *^****®k- years old. weight t.*>0o I) G. Krehle. en.iblinr It to do so. so successfully.' Funeral services were held Sunday itotli phones 27wlpd I'erhaps you have been one of these at 1:30 at the Methodist Episcopal subscribers. If so. your money has church, of which .Mrs. Hoemer was a locsrai FOR hale a few .\o 2 Spys. .60c- msrai losaoi lOBO been invested, not in things, but in member for several years. Rev. C. J. |ier bushel at the place. H U. i the m.ikiUK «if our young manliocNl, Kruse officiated, and intemient waa Keys, Clinton phone Th4 27lf, which someone has called “The nunic in Mt. Rest <‘emeter>. ^ Gr«*ateit Cower M4m»e in America.", ■■■ Rdnoce 0*0811 LEO.N E. GRUIIAI’fJH. Martin Heblasea. WANTED I Your Opportunity Martin Robinson, late of Essex township, died Sunday at his home at M t.NTEII--.Married man to work on^ the age of 6h years. For the peat SqMffMtors farm by year. G«km 1 wages Wm.« A No. 1 Meats at Right Prices three years Mr Robinson has devoted.^ Hunt. Fosler, .Midi 20w:tpd. his time to the manugenient of the R. h You will find our Improved Farmers’ Chibs H VanHcoy esute Funeral services I LIHT VOrit FARMS with us We riie Marki*t Arounii th«* Lornur is now prr|y.ir,*tl to REMA.NUK the Ideal separator were held Tuesday at the home and for )rour farm or . No want to list a good up-to-date farm burial was m. de In the Howie ceme­ with two R(Md turn*, and modem st*rvt: thi* jnihlic with lh«* vt*n* l)»*st ijimlity of inr iis at matter what number of rows l>Sf;X FtRMEM'i* UI.riL tery. .Mr Robin-.on is survived by a you keep, we have the correct In every way with r*hm| soil and li widow ami one daughter. fen< H. \\<> have roim I up-to-date th»* lowest |>iyssil)li* prices »*r,* ar* .i (••w o* our T’i»* Er A Uarr crH’ I'lub met at size for you Jack>i>n property to e.\chinR S>ne.' ’ and Rev Ilwre-mnde Melwgnn, Fraak- Mllianl leTI!Il To rent of 4o to 60 I'erk Chops \7c Rucen. books. .\n pionuiiticed them neat and to 4omc. This Is the reason It a-res, ,»sh rent .\ddresr l*.iul .Mr. and .Mrs. Hunnas Bauer. Is guaranteed to you for 20 ta-iy, and fnll of good things for us Mrs. H'Jslo Walker pd. Vitek. St. Johns, or call t'llnton t«i work on. years. :ill'me 27tf Mr .Matter led in the disruaaioti (’tHD BF Ttl\NKH. .f ■ Fann Clans for the U..mHig Year." \\„ to thank our neighbors The Reliance tuu the most Stoerck & Fehrenbach U ''.tggesied Uiat the sunmer ’a m.,i friends for their kindness during sanitary bowl on the market to ­ FOR RENT iiipplv of wo«ul be made reedy; seed- t|„. niness and death of our loved day. no crevUee or tubes to serub nr pick out; everything in sight St. Johns. M n;hii,Mn t (»m Uniked up and each ear tested: one. and easy to get at. You can wash the bowl in 2 minutes by the FOR IIFNT .Newly fumUhed. steam , s,Silieans an4 North Oakland street. _ ___ I *hc wintfi Ixiuise Krull. Call and let us tell you tnor** about It. 22wHpd. I very pleasant ami prntitable din- will do pruning of fruit tree-, rines b'uir -ism «am** to a close. After UtKII UF THANKH. FUR 111 >T .\ farn Inquire of G. and sliriil- .tnd iHtsaibly .oiiie work inging ‘Mv dill Kentucky Ho ne." mil We desire to thank all friends and W Fox , .Maple Rapid:*. Uni n t J will In* done in spraying. The classe.-* ' all was iju.ii* genemlh r*' ‘.pone,K‘k milk by “New Year Bes- iutions. ” .Mrs **. the sickness, death and burial of our 'ash ('ream Htafiea. Ullaten Cbeae 82. HL Johns, Mlrfc. : School Notes ; «»r cream fe-** or test >amples of seed .\ Malt hi » • rea^^«ll Ku,*- a g (remise*. G pigs.) . , ...... , . : i»*«l Tlu.! we unit*' In the Uoniniun- George Hudson and family Owner may base same bv |m)lnR l(us«cll .Stevens, a member of the ject '!“• '”!! Itv Day c er, Ises at the l.owe church. • •hnrve John HiirgwhHt 2Hwlpd. senior clase <4 the high school, left <'trlciilutu for the thitd year this sem Febriiarv 2::. Inst,-ad of our regular I Aim tlF Til AN KM. Tuesday motning wllh his parents ;-ter It follow* n half a year of meeting I wish to thank the business men l.ttHT Between fie* Howie cemetery f«,r Hartford. Uonnertlcut. where they ioo ’cqry. which is taken as a prepar The tiuesilon Ik >x contained some_ and cltlTcne cf HI Johns for their and Joe < ampt>ell s. Mack plush will :i:ake their home story uibjert Uoii niesfisl getrgraph) practical u.:esilon-. which vie^ well ireaimeut at all times, dur- rol - fig of .1 tiger iMi ‘me side • Ul; -'»»s In .igrlrtilture are planning is .ilw, taught thU >emeitter. dls. ;Fr-.sl .\H the roads were baa 'r* Kcw.ird if left at \V R. (HtgomUs to do Bf,me very praclbal work this Tei.’hcr- 'f ihe high school feel and n sn*- .'lad far in g,*. ’h,' meeting the Hrand Trunk. here It Is wllh very GRIP Furnltur* .'Vtore .m Johns, .Mich. ,inilng semester. The) will teat milk ver* well satisHed with the plan of :i,||oume«l to tm-et at th, i»we church LT*' * obllgeil to 27wl I and , ream with a Babcock tester and reeelal .Hons from Ua.Hliliigtun oi Lincoln: for the rtowers sent b) the school •MI*RRAY BREAD" | t question. ' Hhould the rollittiry spirit , blldren Its Always Good S Ia H H. E. Mrklaslry aad F. «. S program had been preimred. The .\delphl,' soelety met IVednes- IK* fnsier«*,l ;ii our schools." .toewerod l»«l Ufi.. I’eter .Miller and children, and Gocm I All A e Hrittea do year (anwaler e ••v Urank Williams, song. Kva May Just Try it • Merlu First elass werfc gaar- J day evening at the high school wllh LI""" V."?."’"* V.V.’.r V.'." I IVIL HEHVK’E EX AMI.N ATMlJI. e anteed. (liaten phone AM. e Ihe following pnigram De.N ItKA.N W KKI.l.EY. For all eaaas of cruelty ea- Mesor; Hind,-- Bird, Wuin '** karuiers i |iib to be held at Ihe ippiy to ,vot -en who are divor, ed but Judge of Crobate peelally dumb anlraala. write At a meeting of lb, Athletic Adv 1 s--''f Mr a,id Mr- Tliutnpeoa. Fe.,- they are eligible for appointment only down to white ashes and clinkers In the 'natter of the estate of to or call the president. Mra. cry Board last week, sweater emblem* r nrv In. 1:M,., i- folfuw ur Hong. i,. < lerk. Applicants must be physl- .Ipelleaia I'ehl. deceased J. B. l>odge. or eecretary. Mm. were ...... lo the following mem- Maud Uiitler .,n,l V,»ra Gordon; read- , allv sound, and male upplIcanU be are few. .lo-epb H Cnhi, having filed in sntd A. D Uyoa. Iwrs of ihe 1916 football team; Rob- ^‘•g. Mr- H «’ Ualii er; "i .-re of Fruit not lees than * feat. 4 Inrhee In height court hi'- t-rtltlnsj. pr^iing Icr license ert 1^00 I,, lionvld Ulark. Ia>«|s Trees." Itert Taylor, violin mualc. m (are feet, and weigh not than to sell the tnt»re4t of ^td estnte In Thornton, n. <5. VanlHnnen. Freder “ "ank Fa-ier reding. Eurl Ride- *,26 pound- without nvencMl or bat. Have your bins filled NOW before cenaln real e-iaie there.n d«(-crlbed. irk Jacobs. William Mulder. Harry i '^••slem Trip. * Abbie nills; appllratlon hlanke and for full It Is Ordered, Thai the 21th daj ef MuDc. Dee IVrlton. MarfSi., INitnam. *•* 'Hmi . o\. Ella IG.ward. < or. information 'eiattve to the examlna- the long, hard pull in February. Fehraar). 1. II., 1918, nt ;sn oVI- eg M J^wrenre Tov. niecnd Uharle.; Brit- H. cy hoq quallb, .itlonv. dutle*,. salartae. in thi foren«w»n, at -c.id ..mnate itfllee, Antes ion. Finer Glffrla. Rolatid I-ee In vacations, I'mmottona, etc. addros- Ian- be anr- •’•rer. frhlay «f,»rMn»»n. Jaw- iit-ers. Uoatofftee. xt Johns. MIehl- JOHN F. PARR fore -1,! ! ewurf, at saM tine and place, Union Uhoae 60. chotj^llc esm;- uarr 2- On arconn; of refialrs need- e^in to iviw eg whv n license to sell Richard D T IGilliiter a M. of tb« o:! .m fl»c. hnil (I ,(•> .t««l to hold the '’iiereef of *ald eetate In saM Unpersity of MI'higar. will give "Th- • rre-tl- c* for ihc rt-main-ler of the r real ehould m* bn granted; IMvals " by r^heridan uc-it week Wad- winter st tne Uoiwes <»f fhn raentbarp FWIMHTE ( (M RT XKWHi It Is f ::-ther ordered. That public ktgt< arh-*vo| taking the namwa in ;«l| hsbrtical cr The will of Robert HertHsnn of '!e-*av evening at fh» *rha will of l,aey niaaaoa, lata Monday adnilltad to probate and Joa- aotu'* rnercof hr given by pwhIieatCm building St 'ip-nu. ff?: ' ''•nt and The next fiNwtiai; will be held '‘^“»* d^***-**!. was admitted to pro- at of s 'ipy M »hi* order, for tnree sne- othi tweaty-dve cant .*, the basne of t .unpwiinn Henry Bat '■'T laat woek and Kllen Harbiaoa ,^*a^ wowiaylonday admittad to probate **9** H* Fohl waa appolatad admlBts- oaw,r' “e weeks ?i*avk«!w« to oaid day e. . . H. Gall. . of^ Watertown aew-phper printed and circulated in IDYFIITIMED I.FTTFRH. RebI Relafe aad fa-ev III . aU., B, vv. *re; bv run ndn ms; •**»»•" Vargar was Thuroday. ap- claMsa In the loMdada aaM rownty. tN. Fahnianr I. I=»l« Mrs ’Ha IMck rr-MtAii in, Uetcev Barrett; raadlag. pointad admialslralor of Hamuol Tar- **** ‘^*'^ eatnta waa boM Mondny. u______^ Fitch DEAN W. KRU,KT, •ee a4 II. LaMarwa ard ularenew Ray Miss t'ertrttda a ftarrett; dl«-«stan of the duoa- gev aetaia - *® ■* 11, *■ ***• lenkseatauTof bT w^ Taoa^ Taylor W If Vant'onsant. I* M A true oapy. Jadge of Prohala. T Imndfng Ufiaton county to bnIM Alra V. rallbt wsw Thursday ap- DanJamln W. mmvm wwm AMHKA U. KING. I rosda. lad by Honrr flcott: rlaalng potalod ffoardtan of flsarps WaMor ffnMilad Monday lo Barit. ■■t. ______riarli af Frnhan tTmt *o«iff Uatlln. a minor. H m will at Ai FbRI waa RRWR WART ARTIv TR¥. ▲. J. a. jMy iB at jaa** mm- SONALS iekm C. Htaks •t to Dotrott W«a* Mrs. W. J. DtirMMa of DvM ImMi rotumod hooM oftor botas at tba at Jolias hospital. Mlwt I^ooaa Daekor cif I^aaiag tt It I 'w. ! spool tiM wook oati at ths boais m ; Mrs. a. M. BlUaam. I Mrs. Uoo PMowa of PosraaM, aad i Mrs. JaoMO Loas of Rowier, w«ro la iBouro Witt U. Ij. Hoat. ; ill. Johns Weitaooday. The Best Time Ever to Purebase ' Mrs. A. R. (Melaad spout Sunday in (llooao* flttod Dr. ftqualr. tt I Durand with bar siotor. Mrs Ashloy ' Pries. C. n. DnHols spent Sunday In 8 t Mias Judith Clark was In Mason Johns. Saturday rtsitlac rslativao and n. R. Hunter of Orid, was In St. frisads. Johns Priday. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Jonas wars In rioyd .Nason went to (Irand Rapids i owooso last week at the home of J. a New Coat or Set of Furs Siinday nicht. c. l*ottsr. H. F Walbrtdcr waa In lABsInp on porter Perrin of Montpelier. Vsr- LiislnoK). Friday. : mont. risltsd his sister, Mrs B I. William Mullins t>f Fowler was la ||u||. Friday. St. Johns Sunday. j y putaaai spent Mr« « SturalH of Fowler, waa In Orid with Mr. and Mrs. FIVE DAYS or WONDERFUL BARGAINS .m Johns Friday. I ilobert I^we. Mls-^ .Xanes Sutton 4if Fowler, was.' |||,„ Caroline Simons of I.aiialna In St Johns Friday. 1 s|irnt Sunday with her sister, Mrs. U. Mrs S. 8 Thoma of Pewoma. was|(*, Raymond. In St. Johns Friday. j .Mrs. J R. Campbell went to Fow- Mrs. John Watson of Duplaln. wan ler Saturday to rlslt her mother. Mrs. In St Johns Friday. (:«orae llaldwln. 5 Good R.easons WKy You Shovild B\iy Now — Mrs. E. M. Bertram of Fowler waa I Mrs. Ella Jacobie and son. Rudolph, in «t Johns Monday. ;«f Umoklyn. N. T . are In 8 t. Johns Alra Halllnner of Ovid waa in town j for a few days Saturday on bnsinsss. Mr and Mrs. Louts Kpkey of Fow- REBSON NO. i—^Too save mm/f Man oo every pordme .Mrs. E O. Walti si*ent Friday la |er attended the funeral of Mrs. (ieo. tivid with Mrs. A. Browrn. | H. Iloemer Sunday. Miss Seraphine Martin of Fowler.' (• jontm of lieuaal. spent REASON NO. 2—^Too have the pick of oar stock. ''SH In St. Johns Friday. j* f,.*- ijjijr* last week with her moth- Max I.eRamn was home from nilt|er. Mrs C. A. Hoover. Rapids over the week-end REASON NO. 3—Yoi wH pay condderahty more tor a coot or tar oeit year. Mrs. James Hatley of I.AnBlna ran ­ I .Mr and .Mrs. Joseph llrnwn spent g'd on friends here Monday. I Sunday In lisnslBK with their dauah- I ter, Mrs Foster Elliott REASON NO. 4—Yoa caa boy with amrance yoa are tfetltag the newest Ryle and from a nNaHe firm. Miss Pauline Post of lamslna visit­ ed relatives here last week. I Mrs. Anna Heed went to l»wsll Robert Culp of^ Westphalia was I..Inj,,.,^. I Monds) to s|»end^ ^ the_ ___ week_ with her REASON NO. 5—Yoo wll feel wel dreaaed hi one of oar gomenlL 8 t. Johns Friday on bnsiness sister. Mr« W. 8 . M4»ore. Millard MoCreery of Ovid was In Mls^ l.oulse Heldersieadt and Mrs. 8 t Johns an business flsturday. C F Ptilfrey spent Friday In Fowler, Saturday, Mrs. liSBa Jarvis of Ovid spent wlih Henry Heldersieadt BeRir\rvir\g Saturday. February 5, Monday, Tuesday, Wedneaday. . Thursday, ‘tunday with Mrs. D. M. Pntnam. Misses llemlre Hodae and Ruth Miss Jennie Hleks attended a dane-i smith .spent .* o P Dewitt the week-end with Mrs. Sam Stead. Mr^ Kmmeline Youna went to By- Albert DeCamp of lamslnp spent ron .Saturday to rwre for her dauah- A Fmr Sode Where Thou^its oi Sunday with friends In St Johns j ter. .Mrs Emma Jacobs, who is 111. No.1- Anthony Hiifnaael of lauisinn apentMr and Mrs C Haaas of Bay City. Sunday with his brother in Dnilaa. s|>ent u few days last week with Mr Your choictr of any cloth j;ar- t'oxey Smith and Rex Senine of and Mrs Robison of Merle Beach. ment in inir .store, valur up to I.ansina were in St. Johns Sunday. Mrs John Wheat returned home Profit or Costs are Forgotten Robert Pollster and Hurt Johnson from lietrolt Saturda> where she rls- $16.^0. to be closed out at of lauistna were In St. Johns Sunday. i lied her daiiahter. Mrs. .Vltiert Stoll. $7.49 Mrs A J. (tiiawoM went to Three Mrs J. A. Imke. who spent several Rivers Sunday to vlait Mrs Lynn Bea- days last week with Mrs Arthur Furs xvill be much higher next year. Can you afford to let this Hotchkiss, returned home last Friday. XV. R. Osaood was in (Irand Rapids XIr and Mrs. Jesse Winslow were opportunity go by? Fully $1800.00 xvorth of the newest styles in l.nst week attendinr the furniture ex- nailed to Ithaca Saturday by the Ill- Cont Special No. 2— Mbit. ness of his mother. Mrs Dell Wlns- fur sets, separate mufs and scarfs in nearly Mrs. J. H. nillet spent Monday In low. Your choice of any cloth coat. every fur that is worn from $3 to $125 each 5 days at K off Ionia with her sister. Mrs Walter Traverse city, Women ’s and .Misses’, x'alues spent Thursday and Friday of last Mrs. Herman Ike spent Monday in with Ills mother. Mrs Mary M up to 5JI.CX). at...... This means you save 33K cents on every Fiiwler with her mother. Mrs W H. pip,. $8.49 *** ‘®*'- XIrs .X. (J. Jones returned Sunday Mrs r. R. Simons of Dansville is niaht from (iwosso where she spent a dollar. Now is the time to take advantage vifltlna her dauahler. Mrs R. C. Ray- ,javs with her mother. Mrs J K mond Potter I'rrmtH-ulor K. XX’. F4*hllnK and Coat Special No. 3— of this unusual opportunity. 8 BOI Dmtn Cotnmisnionvr I.. F Crown wore In Maple Rapida «»nc day ]a«t Your chtticr* 4»t any cloth co.ii: week. •Xlra. J4»hn McKinley md daiiahter. wf hax" many beautiful ones, Mra Fr»Ml Miinyer left .Saturday for all sizes, valucy up to S25, at Storage Detroit, where they will make their $9.98 hon e \ <>ur Choice of 42 Winter Coats Mr- Mary .Mllla iif Davifon and Mr- (;«*orite Cordon of Film were at the Finest materials ever shown, Battery home of Mr*!. Charh- Fowler lauf week Coat Special No. 4— including Persian, Lamb, Him­ Mr .ind .Mr- R C Steel of lain- KlnK nttendi-d the Coffe« Pot club Mon- Your choli'c of XX’iiiucn'ii and Ml**- alaya Cloth, Scotch .Mixtures, Service ilay ••\enlnir at the hotue of R c e*' clotli cuata. many fall allk llaad. Plaids, ail sold from to Alllann lutiK, ami m<>»t In niaik, Karmenta that XIDt Mav Moreland returned to sold up ti< The above I* a $30 IKI, now ...... (inot.. Monday, after apendinc a week very unuruul <>p| rtunltv ------$5.98 at Moss Garage wph her mother. M*"- .s M BHrranl. ami other relattvea Mr .. C F .Meyer« Mr>* J. H Ia»e of F«>« ler and Mr- Xnini It Curtl- —\V«- 1 .in char^'' your «f Ionia .ittemled the Mn< .»!»•• Rally In .->1 lolin: Friclav li.itt* n on In.ri notin'. Mr K H I-von ret’ rmil Sund.i) nivht fr*ui, Ann Xrtior where «he ! .ikf \(iur iiitl b.illcrx' miont :i . ,-ek With her dn'iahter. in • r t tifW kV- . i .mil -on, .Ned I.von K'ta V Keyo f If'.ro, Okla.. <'aiiie |Geo. H. Chaipinan, StJohn^ 4 iinv rei iiC- nil ox efts to n:ake his ho’ e here 111', wife and dauahter Su|i)il\ \ III with a hai will ,.:jn him n the anrini: I Tv to I; a U cit \«>lir ‘I:! Mr .iiid Mr- Wllliat Krull of Krie coumr .N Y.. atterdeil the fiiner.-il of IS rcpainMl .uul r»*i:haro«'«l. Mrt* C4-»>rae If Moerner here S'inday; They retvniiMl home T .emlay c H (Mark w»» in tfand Rapid* ' *p«*nt the «i-,*k-enil with her paranta, aatliuial Hund.i) achiKiI .Monday ere- —Carry in .stock rcji.iirs Alhorl St -ad of North D.ikoia ami T'.e-day "c Thiiina* Fiahbum. nlnx. Their recular hu.iness meet F'eil Stf>ad Ilf Saekai hewan were eall .X. 1). Smith "a- n i.raud Rapiil* Mr*. U Randolph went to Fowler Ina wa* held for all thi- inak's ♦ •d lere thle Wee', be ■' »• of the t||. •V'^.*da> .Xkmdav to vl.«R Iter ilauahter. Mr*. AnntwiiceineBts Sodal Events of l'att**Tit-s. lie-- of t»ieir iwirenl*, Mr .ml Mrs Dr H. D .H*|ua.r 'va in Detroit < h«rlr Hillman, for about a weok. .xtr* Jame- lloxert- 4-ntertained the Ceorae Htead \Vi^lr..->day »'»'* ^ RI*hop left Mon- Fatnrr Rvent* ef Impertnnrr Pedro club Tuesday afternoon. XX’ 1., .Veleon of XV uu Im>. S it., and VI-" I>fi p..wi.r wak III day inornliia for Utllijl4>n, .New Hamp- TkreoiRioat the I'onoty. Krriits of the Meek la IM. Jt V'< 4 ivc till* h’loyd .\el*«Mi of Ionia vmited their u^. LV when they will v|.|t a month. n-otlier. Mr*, c D Chatham. S unday Ht John* Monday ’’ .... iMa** .No of the Consrepatlonal l)iMii*til of moilcrn » (jvii|4- Ml*- Berth, .on-rae ..f Fowler w.a ''r Sunday *chuol met Wednesday ere- ani .Monday at the hotr • of XIr and *i*eiMl the Utter part of the weok wlUi np-nt lusi instaMcil and Mr ’lark Fteldi- ,n Ht J.ihn* Monda' r.iallve. In Urand Rap Th4> Qoxl meetlna of the XX’oman'al nina with Ml** Helen Burk. ti'.f ».\|>»*ri4Mu:* ot .1 in.in Mrs hMward Foley of Inornli •xho I^m> Fare of Maple Rapid*, wa* Hoclai I..caaue will be Tiieeday eve- XIr*. *n c Clark entertalaed the hai be-n vDliInc her iiarent' . Mr In Ht. John* thI* week ' iilns. February h. in the parlor* of Embroidery Club Thursday afternoon. C W. Itlrhanlson 4)f Klrti.iiifflinni. who has liturn in I Ifir.iit ^nd Mrs llvron Howie, in Maple Itap- Jtidre D. XX' Kellev wa- In .Mason XXllllam IRid^ of the .XleihodUt church. u ..n Kii.tn,-.. lauiMiiK havc re(um«4l home after a .Xlit.. spent part 4>f last week with C. E. |M*rf4'rtiii;4 hinr-flf alonj; Wr. reiiireed home Tuoeday W’hlle v\.Mlne*day 4,n bu*ln.— ^ ^ ^ „ Mr*. fVed Hwain entertained VanSIckle and Mrs XX’. J. RichardaoB. these lini In Maple Rapidii -he hail the mUfor- IKMI ('a*teel and l-«*n Cramptou The \X' IL c. will hold their thim­ bridae last ’Thursday .'ifteraoon. » M* III I -eaV her rtpht .imi Her Sunday In Lan-ioa. * ^ moth.T 'rt'imid to I'e»roH up*, her ble party at the hall Wednesday af- Ml** Alice Him. spent the weeh- home Monday, after s«' Garayc XX/rstWe«t HiyhsniHifham 9St.t. ■ relatpe- exoect to leave Friday for g tj}*?ir hotiif' Mrw. Rt»th Keren will ac- h r. were In Ht John- XX’edne*day. al*o attended »he Black Kat club FrI- Mr*. XX’ 11. Holloa. 201 (ilhbs street, r.'Mi club last Saturday eveatna at FNIDAT. PKNKrXRY IMk ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN Q'ente^jn her and -panti a few week? iUettlenani (oivernor lairen Dicker- dav evenliia 4wi*t. I..eader. .Mr*. A G MrCIIntoek. her hoBH* on Dtiawa street. The DM FatarlMa, ;4>i, called on I’ A HuUe .M4«dny. i Hydnev Camder of lleiporta retum- O I In Co| 4>rad«t. HRACK ('I’NNARn Mr. and Mr* c .1 XX’eller of imla' •.! home XX'edneeday after vUltlnir Fourteen couple* enjoyed a danc- ’ • re In Ht John* Monday on bu*l»aea. ■ Mr* lle--l*< Fhelp* *lnre before The laMlIea* Aid society 4vf the South Hiutei XIr. and Mr. II E Mack vl.lted rel-1 ('hrUturn* RInahani church wilt meet at the home Ina party at Marmnnie Hall last Fii- FRXXriH FORD locaoi attvea In Detroit the llr*t of the wnek. Ml.ae- Catherine and Amelia Sel- of .Mrs Jams* Hathaway. Thursday. dav even ina. la ' J4vhfi Cherpe* ami dauahter. Sophia ' tn^rt an 4l Mr and Mra. X IT, Htockwell February loth, at 10-00 o'clock In the of IVwaino were In Ht John* Tnea. j attended the funeral of Joseph Hel- forenoon Kverx- one Invited Members .xad past members of the ( imwrecallaoal choir were entertain ­ “The Cannpbel’a »l»y bert In Ithsra Wednes 4iay. E L Hoaan of Chlcaco vUltsd hU ------Ktia Sadler Shaw, .National W. C. T.l ed at dinner XX’ednesda) ntaht at the Horses! Horses!! Wanted!!! *t»ter Mr* F M .Hpstildlna. the (Iml ■ home of J. C. Shumaker, south of St. Confiing” ir. Fraaaellst. will sprek on thel of the week Jrthns. la I .lets lOBaor* iov90cr= I ‘IJquor Probten*. ’ at the Baptist locaocsj Alex Dnan of Detroit .pent the lat­ imiiiiiiEs I church. Thursday evenlna. February! g/itai I'eaple I'sed la TM* Urant ter part of lost week with ht* «l*ter. ■ lu at H 041 o'clock. Members of the Men ’s Club of the Pletnre. Nal I.e*a Thaa I Yaniw (lid mr IS*m» |h« Mnal he l« Fair Fle.h. Mr- 8. A. Wrlahl Msrri. ; *t tho ('nowrenatloanl par­ 4'onKrewailonal church will afre a tanquet Friday evmlna at the Coo- D ditered al ley Cllley attended a X M (*. A. untisae. bv ((ev Wllllafn Roacoe Ked- WEnNEMDAV. FFRMt'ART MR Instltnte In Fontlac T' .ind In xie Monday. Jannarr II. 19(S. Mr arewsiloaal church The Indian of the lain.In. XVednesday. Ford MH c imh and Ml*. R«tella Oraft Cl’T YOI R HAIR WITH Friendly class will he thefr aneata Wnilam Fax Presents Mr* C. t; 8t*n4l r>f JarV-4on is la 4vf F-ule town-'hln. Clinton county BETTY XXNHEN Fowler Tuesday, February 8th Ht. John* eariBr fo* her porenu. Mr. ■ A IVTTROIT SAFETY The J'lsl Ate chih met Monday •▼*- In • ina with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. X'aa- and Mrs. (ienrue Htead Mlsi. H' il Bomn snd Beniamin Cennt TalsfaPs Xla»trrplierv and at Mlaa Irma Hensenawr went to Ionia (Blltsoi were united In marrinne the HAIR CLTTEI Itcusen. Sweale •tree! '(enday to v|e|t her mnitpnrsnts, Mr first of the rek at the 8 t Rweph Y 'wa }t v.vur owe i-si a* saativ sad Mr*. Edward fl4;>r*lBaer. rect« rv Rex J. T. Idmeh oMHatlns se rou oaa cemh II. Cut It aav stvie The Coffee l*o( < luh met M«wtdar “Anna Karenain’ Raymond’* Fited Barn, St. Johns J4>hn lluster of liliifftnc. lad., spmt Th* .-err* iony wa* wilne-.od by An wr' hartwr mo On It Jest ttw evenlna '•^th Mr. and Mrs. R. (5 Al- ( fw reil want It save* Mlw 8 . Durhee entertained the The ■riindwny HnnlHInMn, Mr. and Mra UraU Waahbwm were! WXRBUHF I.irFTVMFR. tunsw twalli aad aw* it. We wM iaall Flwell Bi ) rinb Tasaday after- II to rua reofptete M rwsliu ef It Ab-, CARTER DeRATBR m t.a*r"lna T « •d 4tv eveoiira. fSMmi** J HIraina, Victor; Mav- ■«kiie ■atl«f*rtl4«e paarseteeil sr wer* M^ C 8 .HmSehl went to Flint i hello Ktcpke. XX'ankasha. WIseanstn. refoaded FfiMRX lleN.ITKR The .N Bridae club feet Monday Weinburg Brog, A Co. Monday to spend a fen daya wnh bar Ford MeCntarh. Raale; Ratalla We aav rsewlarir smalsred anewt* MS. to daafriiter, Mr* Howard Keeney. 4 Craft. Ionia frninty. a week. Seed It fsr airset'a natflt, iarlaS- i •vwetnp Il Miss j Tdtth narh. mam D€troit, Michigan Mrs Fred Klnsahurr of DetmM lei Renjamln (lllllstHi. Rlnphtun; flyhil law •peeial Hair rmter aad fed partt4W»- street « speadt np the week with her parenta. • Horan. (Mire. lar* Ad OrrSa : Mr. and Mr* M F. Waahhern Albert J PHI. Dewttt: Helen R. nimtnrr nAnvrr hair cxi ttrr ool . 1 Mm. I Mlea R ith Flellheni ef Tpellanti ' Moots. Dewttt s, STAIft Spray Your Orchard Willi a Meysr^s Ki^

lOltM took tkorn mlloo trooi tkoir 10 MB hooMo. Moerotory of Molo Vonghoo iofonuoi H o Iom tint odMr alalo mm- tn UotroM w«t«*eooi> We carry a complate atock of Hand and eiM i KIDO FMOini;^^for tkotr own dtaooro. Power Spnytng Outfits and would like the XoalOBi — KIrkod to tko teoo mad j privilege of figuring with 3rou before you buy. aii aiuA.H :• raarairr •bout ilM abdouMO bjr o rtotous horao o¥ eivTiai' i'or?mnr*H ob »p. oo hU fann In Moat Raak, Alfradi «heiT«GoOirt Loog, agad flfty. diod aa a raojit of ; The Hut Soe ctid d Frail Growers Uia lajurtoa. Long oaa wolklog In i you like to feel that your Mlrblgoo baoaa. wbleti forui aa oa* back of tba horaa In hla barn aad J ufee our Power Spraying Outfits. For those ttual crop of from ti.ooo.ooo to 7,OtO,> pattad the horao. which boeanM [ who have 8 pia5rers we keep a comolete stock apparel is correct and be «iou baahols a yoar, or 70 par oaat of frlghtonod and kirkad. striking I^oog) tha fntira ruuntry'a production, will la the faoa and abdomen. Phyotclaaa, of supplies. free from self-consciousneaa. be trade lha suhjoct of a world>wldo worked over him for houra. but ho; . . ^advertising campaign la the liopa of'fnilad to gala rooaelouaaoos. We are glad to snow you increasing the production to ISgOdO. ! iMH) bushels a year, if the suggasUou ' the new fabrics and designs.^ McBride, of uurton. Alma Ilocmuae his father did not j R.S. CLARK have ISO to giro him William Bacord. ; t SlaHie Wool of Mlaol Solal SL that would be particularly'«» t^e mw winter of aged elghtaao. It Is allagad aaaaultod ! his fathor, C. U. Hocord and. after becoming to you. In Hotel t’ndlllac. Is carried oat. terrorising his mother, left hooM. He! It was the spirit of the meeting tut located half dreaaad. endeavoring When can you call and lt>e Michigan bean has a plaea of I to gat into a Ilvory bam. A nrrolmr 'or «oga, in propnmt^ for mlaoloii. a braach of the church. I'ha plates no action at present fagarding ’ trait the first of the weok. Har moth- portauce in the world's crops and that wa. found on hU clothoa He wna;** ”^*"*, • John Maloney petitioners are Henjamln U Vary Its fruit bolt line In western Mtehl- er. Mrs. Halner. is improving, let us take 3four measure the prudnet should be made baltor iti,»ca whare he will he ox- mot with a sorto-js accidoot in the and Louis Jacobson, truatoos. They gan. I Mrs. Jennie Wilcox la visiting la known along the lines at a campaign aminM) as to hla sanity, woods on hla farm north of this dty. charge that Mr. Verroe intorfared ------‘ iiurthern Michigan. O. I*. Kirby of for a smart top coat or comluctad by the Califoraln orange —m— when a log rolled on him. Hla com ­ with sanricos at the church twice, mt TMa IM It la Worth ammy. panions extiioatod him and found stylish suit of KTOwn. PorUnad Uoyd Jeffora, a Danby drove the congregation out and lock ­ DO.VT MISS THIS. Cut ojt this* W. J. Orr. president of the aaaoda- township farmer, died aa a raault of that the bone In hla laft lag had boon ed the door last Sunday when they I slip. oncicMO with &c and nwll it to Are Tan 4Hir tlon, made a plea for cuncaitad^^ af- tteing any be want to the mlaaion during I Foley A Co.. Cblon —. 111., writing Stude I want my heir cut. forts to prmuc . r^rt.brMklw‘ .„|p„o ,p,op p, I Huaday school senrlees. ! your name and address rienrty. Tou Barber- Any special way? Ov Tailoring? crop next summer and to forgat tho oring to adjust. His skull was crush callad to sot the Injured member. | will receive in return a trial pack­ Stude A’as; off. —4'ornell Widow. discouragements of last smaaon wh— ed and be died four houra after the ! Port Hal——Aa a raault of the age containing FViley'a Honey and Tar , weather conditions ruined Ml per c—t ucetdent without regaining conadous- Molding A horse belonging tojetomi of disapproval which has swept II Compound for lagiippe. cou^s. colds, o( the crop. He declared that the Jeffers was thirty-five years Prank Holding, a farmer living about i over the county Itocauae of the row land croup; Foley Kidney IMIls. for* bean market will be greatly Itroaden- qi / married. fire miles west of Heidlng. bocaroe|tbat followed H. H. faUenglH ’s ro- ' lame beck, wank kidneys, rheuma­ ; ed by (he continuance of the war. —o_ frlgbtened and ran several blocks | quest at the teachers' Institute for tism. ttladder troubles, and Foley Ca­ Jay WMiams Baul Htraiiss. of Budapest. Hun —ry*. I'srn_____— One day______last week _ down Main street. AttempUng to | Miss Anna L. Stewart of Algoiiac to thartic Tahleta. a wholesome and told of the foreign bean rarket and buetosl day that J idge Miner and qprner at .Main and Bridge remove her hat It Is probable that thoroughly cleansing cnthartlc, for Oeer Crwee* Seslawraat I urged Mlrbl—n growers to be pro- rlrrult court attaches have bad in ' streets the animal fell on the sMo- petitions will be forwarded to tlov. constlpntlon. blllouaneaa, handache ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN pared to provide for the demands years. Between 10 o'clock In the | '''■Ik- throwing Mrs. John Bowloe, a! Ferris asking for Mr. Battenglira' ro- and slu—Ish bowels. Van Sickle A that will r<»nic to them from abroad ii;ornlng and i In the afternoon tbo podeetiian, through the htg I'orner I moral aa state Institute conductor, Bias pie. because of the depleted crape and Judae called and dlaimsed of more ' window of the Wortley A French Mr. Battenglll recently roquestod sloe ka in the countries at wnr. than cases, placed on the cal-! drug atore. Mrs. Howlee' arm waa ■ Mlaa Stewart to remove her hat at ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Other speakers at ihe meeting in- «.tMlar under the judicature act. The ' l>ro>t«>< l>«r face severely .scratched an Institute meeting. Hut na tbe was ♦ ♦ eluded Dr. B. J. Howard, of the de- oldest case calletl was startad In lS41.'*»d **(Mly recolvad many brulaaa. Uitilng «io a back seat she refused ♦ Iiri*LAI5i ♦ Jolting Sam—re. partiuent of agriculture. Waabington, o — to do so. It Is allaged aome rather ♦ ♦) Yaa. my husband Is a vetaran of ' wbo —VC a technical talk on decom- Hi While building n A— Arhar- -Dr. James B. An—11. | insulting remsrku were then made by the Hp—ish war. He waa at SIbonay. I position of beans; K. L. Wellflian. president emerluis of the University ; Mr. Patienglll. which caused a good San Juan. In many bnulos.'* ; Brand itaptds; C. A. Allmendinger. I of .MIrbIgnn. Mlttiag in his library, will deal of dlsapproraJ. Mrs. Mary t'oiaoiaa is sartoualy ill. > Ann Arbor; J. K. (irillBbs. Alma; ' talk at 9 o'clock tonight to 2&ti MIchi-' p. "Ah. you must have passed many The C. W. B. M. met at the home of Fred Welch, Oauasu. and <'. K. .\oyea. —n alumni at their annual banquet In ! La—J— Attorney Ceneral Fel- Mra. O. M. Paarl Wednea —y after- > •leepleaa and apprehensive nights, Jackson. I .\ew ^ ork and at Ihe aame hour to a lows has jnat received word from thinking of him on the battleflald. noon. . group of Mb^l—n ilumnlbwiq jetlng I Washington that the United States Ray Smith and wife visitad at H. L. Toll me of them. I can make a ro ­ Ik *^*««***“o IJf- * I Supreme court h— refuaed to benr Rice's In Braeabuab Sun —y. ' mantic story out of this.” I'a— rnuBually small stot'k of po ­ health is a source of <-onstderable the appsal of the Brand Rapids and Mrs. Walls Squires waa called to. ”T fear I can't be of much help to tatoes remained in the hands of grow ­ ' worry to his friends. He seems tn be ers In the iroimrtant prndu< ing*itUitoe Indiana Railway company in the ”Pe- Detroit last week by the Illness of bar I you I didn't meet my husband until losing physical strength, though hla toakey tntarrhangc ’’ case. The Mich- daughter, KOa. •bout ten years after the war.” Jan. 1. compared with unusually large I mentality Is — keen as ever.. About stocks a year ago. Figures made pub­ . I—n railroad commission several Mrs. Edd Hulaa and baby an rtait- two weeks ago his sight faind blmi. Ing at H. L. Holmes. lic by the agricultural deiuirtment I and while the doctors hold out hope ’ yanrs ago orlered the Brand Rapids Jaal What IHd He Hmuit and Indiana to make l*etoskey the in- Peter Halner will work for Mr. show Jan I stocks In II* northern I that in time he will a—in be able to Kllln—r this raming year. ”1)0 you remember when you pro- produced *it; ,wr cent of : read, he la not making the Improra- • terebange point for the north with poaod to your wife* 5>o her doctor «!aid. Tier the Here Marquette, but the company The Duplaln (Jystar dab was entar- the crap were bushels. M friend.'^ ,ind netj'lihorw felt ment that has been hoped for. talnod at the honne of Mr. and Mrs. “My boy. 1 can never for —t It.”— per lent smaller than last year and I has refuaed to do so. holding paaaen- Kicbmond Times-Dispatch. sure of it too. They have gera for the north must buy tickets David Watson Thursday. per rant smaller than two years L—ainr -Menrl B. Caaaey. T'l years Mrs. A. J. Wataon la vlsiUag friends ago. used IVruna themselves i old. for the past 20 years a clerk in all the way on the flrand Rapida and Indiana The Htate Supreme court In Ovid. and know of its merits. ■ Ihe ntllra of the attorney general. Mrs. Ham Fergbson returned to D»- {dieil at bis home In this city, from a ' upheld the commiaalon. Perry The general store of Calvin Tliat lgned another hitch me more good than any other remedy ' Kearricy of Mortice, was broken Into she lias rcetjvcrcd. ! the Peter Alexander farm. Dr. Fred baa come in Ihe proponed drain, HARNESS! I Jtad ever used, but the positively i hut nothing wa- taken. It is lieliev- ' W. .Main, veterinarian of Albion, and which Is to he Ihe largest that the ret my kidneys right. Other mem­ ed that the thief slept ther»*. It Is bers of ray family have used samo Her name lx Mra. Wtlllom Charles .Alexander were i«oddenly at­ state has ever had. The plan now is with simitar results." e\|tectc;l an arrest will he made Ilohmann. 27«4 Lincoln Ava.. tack by another animal and were tn rail In the state highway commis -' Oar Own Make Can*t be Beat. From every state In the Union oome ^lnner to settle the question. Hut If uneollcited letters telling of satls- 4*hlcaffo, Ills, rthc had suffered kicked into inaensiblllty before help fariory reeults from Foley Kidney Idinsing .Vreording to u ruling by with cutarrh of the hrnnohtal I could reach them. Alexander la In a he nremilas the Ionia comroiaaloncr Made <»f best <|uality unk tanned leather, by careful. Pills W’hen the kidneys becomo the buartl emrioyc of the dairy and food ever since a child. As she got i lured riba. Dr. .Main escaped with come up and that It will be necessary and strain out of the blood only psrt sati.sfactinn. . of the |»olBonous waste mailer, lha ■ detiariircnt- who arc residents of De­ older she grew wnrwe. 8he I had bruises on his abdomen and one tn call In the state highway commis ­ iMklanre remains and cirrulatea troit will have to pay for their din ­ coughetl »>otli winter and sum- . arm and it is not thought he has any sioner more than once to settle the through Ihe system, uric acid forms, matter. and -wollen, iiainful Joints and mus­ ners while they are engaged In de- m-T, Bud to sit up at night. j broken bones. $43.00 to $65.00 cles arelbare«elt purtmeiital work in that city. Dairy Could not sleep. “Hut all that Fi tey Kidney IMBs cleanse anti ton'- aiul Fqod Comiuixsioner James Helme has left me now. Peruna Flint—An injunctiim waa —ked In Hay t'Hy Ray Curtis, t rears of It will pay to .see us before yoti bu). U|i the kidneys, so that tiackache. ' made a streniio.is api.oal to the board «ured me." age. while on the way to school saw rl t intailam. sorv musclea aching i Circuli court to restrain Rev. Beorge Brinj» in your harness .ind have them repaired ami Ji annovtog bladder dlS\,r ier* to pay the dinner bills <

What pelicy er smvsi fee dess asNey mm tt M aniHai, Tkak ■Uto «f MMEem—Tha PNkkIa Oawt haMar per at lasuaSMe at psMsyT H-M. ■VATB dr ■MWAd-Tka PMkata «( Muf. IfU. At a MMlMi ol tiM Pwfcaf Ooart a nm Air •* mmmvs for tka Oouatjr at CUutm. Whet “pirunMni** par tlW of taaur- Court lor the Couatjr of ClkUau. ______far tte CawMy of CMtoa, feaiiM tai at taa o'otoak la tka taaa* M a aaaalaa of aaM couit. kaM at mmm doss palter heMer per at tammmarn At a ssoa mu^ s^ Ala wtta. to Haarr «. WalkfUiO, MiA Uw l*fq>af OA m. te tk* Ctty of M. Boaa, ba aaMaasd fbr tha haavlaa tk^ linkaMMoiiaa hf^halSty^ St Um Prohala oMaa la Um Cttp af M. ot pellry? Wses. tkw Probata OAea In tka Cttg of IL Juua IMk. Itll. ki Ika a^ JokM. am TuMkajr, tlM IMk dar at of aald pstttlao. aad that tha Imin at Jokna In said eanaty, oa tka tTtfc day John., in aaM oouaty. on Um 3lnt d«y, aJ!?K. set, Johns In saM Couaty. on the Itth day , imIos fgr CUk- Jmmmmry, la Um jraar amm tlio aaaail. law aad Isgataas of aald rtaosaaad and of January. Itld. of Jaanary, 1914. ir go. now menv* (me. of Jaaaary. A. D.. 1»U. ___ . ^ ' ton C^ouatyriScklia*. la Uhor IM of d Um huadrad aad lirtaaB (Itld). all olkar paraoaa Iataraatad la aald Praaant. Dean W Kallay, Jaiva. Praaant, Oaaa W. Kelley. Jurtpa. Whei w«a the rate per Itae of laaar- Present: UDN. UHAN. W. KBLiLBY., Mortgasse oa page tad. aad hg oaM l»raiMt. IMCAS W. KBLLBY. Jud«B will, ara raqutrad to appaar at a aa^ ^ In tka matter at tha aolala at IB Um nmttar of Um salala of “n®® san s^entT Bedded, nv, Juuge of Probate. > Henry B. WalbrMga. duly noolgaart to of l*ro>at a. aloa of oaM Coart ikan to ba holdaa MaaMMl TaapaVf daaaaaad. I I * _____ -■ • °v unmdded. 2zH«--. Tha above salats hatriag baan ad* ny erlMim are ..pplkelhNts tar iHmtummrr In the luatter of the estate of san C. Huagorford. on tho 17th day of iB Um mattar of Um aatata of at tha l*robata oMea la tha City o( Tb# abave estate havteg baan art* taken' tors ce- agenu Jeoaph keklfact, d acaasad iJuna, Idll, which aaalgamant tsaa da* Havtlat X, Bllla, daeaaaaa. tM. Jokna and ahow oauaa. If any thara mlttod to- Probate aad John Ynrssr mlUsd to Probate and Saaanel B. P*r~ a fee for each Tereaa Wohifert having Iliad la |y rarordad la Um oAea of tho Bogio* ba. why the prayar of tha pattUoaar appointed srtmlalstrator thereof: Hoarr K. Walbrldco. ha«taa Marta It la ordered that four moatha frooi Gleason appoteted executor thereof li.se. le.rraeea te. aold court her petition praying tkat tor of Hearts for Cllatoa County, Mlik appllcaUuB for Um aliowaoca of hla should not ba graatad: Aad it la It I. or.le.4 OM to.r from ^ up;, u Tru. the admuiistratlon of said sataU ba isau. oo Um Mb day of Daraaibar, ItK. furthar ordared that notiea ba glvaa thla data ba allowed for eradltora to this date be allowed for crertUora to itaai account aad for hla diacharaa; praaant their claims against aald aa> graatad to Kdward Manning or to in Uber lid of Mortgages, oa page htd. Tharaupoa It la ordarad. That to tha persons lalaraatad In said present thetr claims against aaM HTATK t*K MICHIGAN—Tounly of Clin- aonM other suitable parson. on which DMitgaga there is daa at Um estate of the pendency of aald pad* Ula and that such claims will ba tun TaaartBf, tka IMh rtaf af Fabraant heard by satd court on Ike estate and that aneh claims will be I’lerk E Ptuwell. pteeldent: Wm C. It la Ordered. That tha IMh data of this aotlca. tha sum of One .i. Uv lilf» at 10 o'clock la tha fora* tlon and the healing thereof by oaua* beard by said court on TWaainr, Mm HIt'kels, setTetarv end ireneurer of the rts) af February, A. D„ IfM, at tan Hundred Korty*Four ($144.00) Dol- ucoa, ba aaalgaad for tha examlnatloa ing a nopy of thla order to ba pub* •th day «f Jana, at tan o'clock in IMk Miy ef Jane, at ten o'cloek in Karmere' Mutuel Fire Insurance rompan>, o'clock In the forenoon, at said probata lars. for tha past due Inurest baaldaa the forenoon. itetna ilulv sworn, mrh inr himself depeees of Mid acooant, at tha Probata Oflioa lUhed In The St. Jofana News, a nawa* the forenoon. and BB>« that liter sre th,- alove deasrib- ortlca ba and Is hereby appointed for an attorney fee of Twenty*F1va Dol* la tha City of dt. JtHuia. And It la paper printed and elroulatiag In aald It Is further ordered that public no ­ tice thereof be given by pubileatloa of It is further ordered that public no cd offlcere ::f ihc said corTioratIan, and bearing said (latition: lara. provided in said mortgage and furthar ordarad. That aotloa ba gfraa county of Clinton, for three snccaa tire thereof be given by publication of * ” '**' 'hiriv-firsf itay of Decemher It is further ordered. That public no* by sutute, and the further sum of to the paraoaa iataraatad In said ea* alve weeks previous to aald day of i thla order for three succenslve weeks Uee thereof ba given by publication of One Thousand Five Hundred Forty* previous to said day of hearing, in tka .1,1. ,rd,r for U.O. -el;, tate. of tha Uom aad place of said bearing. previous to saU day of hearing, in the tlon. fre. and .-her from MIIVany II*liens a copy of this order, once each weak Two Dollars ($1,&4Z.00) principal. It hearins by causing a i-opy of this St. Johns News, a newspaper ptlntad 1 AbOVM for three succeaalva weeks previous to being expressly provided by the tanna DEAN W. KELLEY, and rirrulated In satd county. Ht. Johns News, a news,taper printed ■Isimx tli*-rt-*in, riit-pi ss above stated, order to ba piibllshad in The St. Johns (A true ropy.) Judge of ProbaU. and rirrulated in saM couaty. •viiU llwl th.- foregoing sialrment with tb* aald day of hearing, in the St Johns of said mortgage that shoald any do- News, a newspaper printed and cir* DEAN W. KEUJBY. si'ti*-.lul*a srul cs|))aiwtin«|||ion an*t affairs of tho oaM iA true copy. Judge of Probata, able, as exprasaad io said mortgage. PROBATE ORDER. Clerk of Probate. 37w3 *>rBil<>n un the ■wl.l thlrtv-flret .lay of AMHRA C' KINO I ^Ae further provialoB that shoald DBAN W. KKLUSY. STATE OF VirHIOAN—The Prafeala Decoinlwr last, and for ()•• year **Mllng oo (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. State of Michigan, Oiunty of CUn cierk of ’ Probate MwS' the same renuln unp^d and la ar* Court for the County of Clinton. Annual Statensent Made to the Com- lluit uale, arx-nrding lo th* b*et of Ihoir ------rears for tho space of thirty days, then .UdUHA C. KING. toil —sa. At a sesaKm of said Coart. held at Informnlton. kii--wl»v|g. snd hoMef. roo- (.'lark of l^robate. 2&w3 At a soMion of the Probate Court misaloner of Ineuranec of tho State |MU-tlv«lv, and iIm-b* tlopononts further say PROBATE ORDER. and from thenceforth, that ta to say. 1 the l»robate Office in the City of St. ihat a tru* an*l <-orrrrt *-opy of th* for*- BTATE OF MICHlCAh County lap^^sald thl^ for the County of Clinton, holdau at 1 Johns In said county, on the 27th day of Michigan for tho Year Ending gnirig Btsifftwni lu»s ••••rn ni**l In Ih* of CltnlOII---M. ' AlOreiftld prlDClpftl ftUtU of C>B0 TDOUA* #a » tKM /Vsaasa*M a # mintAaa the Probate Office in the City of Sc ©f January. A. D.. 131*. Oocombor 31. 1915, of tho Cen- ftcr .'f Ih* (h*-h of «*Untoe .-ountv. aw.1 At a session of the Probate Court and Five Hundred Forty*Two Dot lara, “ ILLto Sf ^ ciurt, ^uTat Johns, on Tuesday, the 2Sth day of Present: HON. DEAN W. KELLEY, • hat sul*! •isii-ni.'i.t luu> also lioon pul>- tor Uie county of Clinton, holden at with all arrearages of intereet. slmil, » JJ* ^ January, In the year one thousand | judKe of Probate. ditlon and Affairs of llah*d In g publl nrw*fMp*r of ••aid --oun- tr. the Probate olOce. In the City of 8t at the option of the ®ortgagae or hU , Dine hundred and sixteen (191(1). [ in tjjc matter of the estate of tho <'I..\I(K K rmrWKLL.. Johns, on ^>lda> the 14th day of a»iiana. become and bs due ai^ “‘1 u 19W I'resent, DEAN W. KLLLEA, Judge ' Rnnsem L. Catlla, deceased, Pr*sld*ni January in the year one thous«id T!;' 1Ww?’ho N DeIn W. KELI.EY'. of l*robate. j Alta V. Catlin as guardian for WM *' .■4|**KEIJi. nine hundred and sixteen. than thirty days having Judae of l>robate 111 the matter of the estate of iCeoige Walter Catlin. having filed in Famers* NiiUhJ S-c*y and *rr**Mi Present. UEA.N W. KEIJJ5Y. Judge the interest became due and Uie same: •* iTonace. tiler L Wilcox, deceased. i said court her petition praying that Huhe rll.*-l .iiul sw*4-n ••> b*fore mr thla of Probate ***** remaining unpaid, the said roort* In the matter of the estate of Uth •Iny r Jsnuarv ISIS. On reading and filing the petition, | the administration of said estate tie KI *«',t HD tv KKHIJSn. th. matter of the eeUte of *■**• *»» *»■»•** *Ac said principal | htephea Mckafer, deceased, duly verified, of Elizabeth ilenuett. ■ granted to William W. Smith or to jJa. ilUorha^ deceased “ ** “• Payable by reason of said Frank Schafer, having filed in aaM Fire Insiraiice Co. Noisrv Public. ('Union (’ouniv. Ml*h pia>inK this > uurt to adjudicate audl*<>nie other sulUble person, My **»tntnlssion *x|ilr*s July I*. IVI* ^ J Caroenter administrator '‘•f***** *" *A® payment of aald Interest j court his petition, praying for license lietemiine who are or were at tho [ It Is ordered. That the JSN day ef or CLINTON COUNTY. , ^ . sodh S. “• afo«»«“*- «•*““« ‘A® total of prlu* to sell the interest of said esUte In time of her death, the legal heirs of ^®hrunry, A. D^ !•!•, at ten o'clock Horn* offtcr —at Johns. MtohtllohlMti. I'ostoffic* s W. Wolkar Ht. ♦ •»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ? “fL m! rtMl k - ‘•‘a *' mort* I certain real esUte therein dewrrlbmi. r. ^Ik* tlon for the allowanro of *»** Anal ac Thousand Six n m Ordered. That the IMk rtay •# said ile<.'eased. and Hotitlcd by the, in ihe forenoon, at said probate of* • V4ntn*iit.-*->| bualnoae —May 2. 1M3. ro- ♦ ♦ count and for hU Hundred Kighty*Six Dollars (|1.* KidtrBary, A. D., Itlt, at ten o ’clock laws of this State to Inherit her iwal, ht®. b® and is hereby ap.iointed for III* urporsl*«l May 12, 1U3. ♦ KAMT DEWITT ♦ estate, and the share or {lortlon there-j b®*fing said petition; Countlos In which business Is transact. Thereupon It Is ordered. Th^ 6h6.00) besides an attorney fee of ^ the forenoon, at said probate of- •■d —(’Union and Urntlot. ♦ ♦ of that each of satd heirs were en- . It Is further ordered. That public ' 1 ^ Tweuty*Klve Dollars, provided In aald nee. be and Is hereby appointed for Officers of Cerporatlen With Addreee end ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A. II. Ifiltt. at t^ *" *A* f°^ mortgage and by sUtute. and no pro- hearing NSld petition, and that all titled to at that ttme and the right, I notice thereof be given by publication ealarids and Other Compenastien nwn. be assigned for *A' ceedings at law or in equity having,,versons Interested in said estate ap* title and Interest that each of them,I of a copy of this order, once each week Pam In ftfS. Mr. and Mrs. Iani Is Vulalnet were of said account I robale Office in instituted to recover any part of , before said court, at said time or their heirs or assigns may now j for three aucceealve weeks previoue at the .N'nmr alHl Address Amount. entertained lo illiiner at the home of the (lly of St.Johns the debt secured by said mortgage; ! place, to show cause why a llcenae have therein; to aaid day ol hearing, in the St. Johns Prretdent — • 'lark K .stowell. Ht Johns. Mich...$24.40 Mr and Mrs. Henry llauerle and fam­ .1 li iv* therefore, by virtue of the power jj,, ,he interest of said osUte In Thereupon It is ordered. That .* "*,V ‘*****' ’ Vice-i*resldcnt — ily last Hiinday ttce »>e ^ven of sale in said mortgage contained real estate should not be grant- ^iatarda). Ike Itk day ef Rarek, A. D^ I ***®<* •“ said county. M M. GUI. D*wlit. MU-hlasn Mr. and Mrs. David Watling of Hath In said estate of the time and place r {„ nuch rase iimde and -rf. Ihlk, at lU o'clock in the forenoon, bt | DEAN W. KELLEY. HrcrrUiry Mial Tr-seurer— said hearing hy causing s c^> of providetl. notice is hereby given that, Thmt nnhiir (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm (' Hlckets, Ht. Johns. Mich.. ll.OSO.du spent last Wednesday with Mr. and this order to be published in The 8t. ^ Marrk.' ** ** *^or*her Ordered. That, public assigned for the bearing of said petl Mrs. Elijah Trumble, tlon. at the Probate Office in the City AMHRA C. KING. OIreetdrs snd Addresssi. Johns News, a newspaper prints t one'o'clock in the sftemoon ; ‘ll!" Clerk of l>robate. 27w3 MIm Mul Mann of the Hath A Vic­ clreulallng in said county of Clinton ^ of a copy of tbU orter. for *A«® of St Johns. And it is further or ­ .Valia- .VtidrosB. tor Nil. 7 »< hool. was absent a part dered, that notice In* given to the A J lluriMs __ Wac-uuata, Midi for three successive weeks previous to L I Estate of Robe rt Herhlsoa, dereased. K L. Hurd ____ lautsing. Mich., R. it uf last week on account of lllneos helrs-at-law of said deceased and all aiu s satd day of hesirtng. Johns. Clinton County. Michigan, that bearing, in ^Ae St Johns Nevm. a HEARING CLAIRB. W I) Cast*TUn* ... Mapio Rapids. Midi. Mrs. I I Volsinet won a guest of OEA.V W. KELIJ^A. heinu’ihe place where the t’lrcult »"«* circulated In other |Mr»on. interested In “Wj** ; state of MIchlgan-The Probate Court C H Itetts ______Ithaca, Mich. Mrs. Henry Kness and .Miss Hendricks W <* Msllorv ______Ktwoll. Mlct*. last Tuesday and also called on Mrs. (A true copy.* Judge of 1 robate. • Clinton County is held,;*“‘‘> tate. of the time and place of said i for the County of cii-tn.nClinton. hearing, hy • ausing a copy of this Jane Dryer. AMHKA C. KIN(». there will be sold at public vendue to 1 DEA.N \V KKI.IJCA, At a aasaion of satd court, held at Mrs. Ilomer Jennison. who Is at tha. Froblate < lerk «5wJ highest bidder the land In said' ia true copy.) Judge of Frobate. order to be published in the St. the I*robate office in the City of St. FINANCIAL statement . Johns .News, u news|>aper printed and • For year rnding Docemlier 31, I$l$.) Hparrnw hospital at l,anslng. Is re­ uviTS- iir'aiTTiiTlitN The Prehate mortgage desrrtbed. viz: The South* a MKKA C. Kl.vr,. Johns in Mid county, on the 27th day Total asa*is at Ihr clos* of busl- ported slightly better at this writing. HTATf ail IIH. W iwe i renew Quarter of the Southwest Qusr- ('lerk of I»robsie. 25w3 circulating in said county of Clinton, of January. 1916. Court for the County of Clinton. for three succ<»slve weeks prevloiia nrss. I>*. *mlH-r 31. 1SI4 ___ 3 3.441.14 Uttle Glatlys Havens began her ter of Section Twenty-six, and the Present. Dean W Kelley, Judge. first school work at Hath A Victor .\t a session of said I’ourt. held at Southeast Quarter of the .Southeaat STATE OF .RirHIItAS—The Prehate to said day of hearing. In the raatter of the eatate of Income. the Probate Office in Assets isvied dur ­ No. 7 schtwl last vveek. V nn tb,> 11th il<«v Quarter of .Section Twenty-seven, all Court for the County of Clinton. (A true copy.) DEA.N W KKI.IJCY. Rebert Herhisea, deceased. Johns, in ^aid county ing the >twr___.... |4*».2t4.71 Sister Maud Corcoran of tbe Nazar­ In Township Seven. North of Ilange ' .At a nesalon of said Court, hheld at AMHRA C. KINC. Judge of Probate. The above eetate having been ad ­ Puhey or inctnbcrsiilp eth Academy at Kalamazoo, was call- of January.Januarv. A.A o. i^i^b. 'one West, in Clinton County. Mlchl-iihe l*robate Office in the City of St- fMS ...------1.244.73 Probate Clerk. 26w3 mitted to Probate and Ellen Herblson •mI here the last of the week by tb# I ,, , ’ gan. for the purpose of satisfying the Johns, tn said County, on the 22nd HomtwrU rnoii*} ’ r*<-«lv- Judge of I'robate appointed administratrix thereof, with serious lllneos nf her mother. Mrs. 8. (day of Jan.tary. A D 1916. MTATi; HE MICHIGAN-The Piwbate the will annexed. 1413 .isiwasincnt ...__ 32.33 Gorroran .Mis.-. Con-oran will tie re­ of the estate of i'resent Hon. Dean W Kelley, Court for the County of Clinton. It ?s ordered that four months from 1914 AiuMrsament ______14.90 membered as a former teacher at tbe .iidge of Probate Kcfuntl of prnsily ____ 40.00 competent At a sesaion of said Court, held at this date be allowed for creditors to Ijovv school a niiml>er of years ago. ANN C. HIT.NGERFORD. In the matter of the estate of (>>urt fr«s return**! ___ 3.43 Rush N Clark having filed tn said ______the Probate Office in the City of St. present their claims against uld ea­ MIsh Henrietta Psimer. who is at­ Assignee of Mortgagoe l.sr) 11. lUrr. deceased. Johns in said County, on the 27th day tate and that such claims will be heard T*>u»l ll.•um•■ lor y««r, t42.2oJ.13 42.iot.13 tending Ihe County .Normal at St. court hts {tetition. praying that oald tVALitR1DGK KELLEY, Orrin U. Rirc. administrator of utd Johns, supplied as Hmcher several Nathan J. Clark bo adjudged as men* Attorneys for Assignee. of January*. A. D.. 1916. by said coart on Tare day, fbe tith >e»ta(e. having filed in said court his Present* Hon. DEAN W KELLEY, ToUl $47 442.31 days last week at the County Une tally IncomiH-teni. :ind that a guard ­ iiusiness .\d.iress: sit Johns .Mtcb* ilaj ef June, 1014, at ten o'clock In the petition, pr.iying for llcent-e to sell the Judge of I'robatc. forenoon. Dlshii reomonts. wchtxd during the Illness of Misa ian Iw- .ipp‘iinie, H.. IIGl», i»f ten o ’cIock Dcf.iult having been made in the Ki-hniar). H. litik. at ten o'clock in >*'ars> ------In the foreiMKiu. at said prol>at*- of- ^ oiirt his petition praying that the picvious to Mid day of hearing, in the Kxpeiise ul adjustment pot-luck dinner \V*;*lnesday, Janu- conditions of .i certain mortgage dated m,. forenoon, at said probate office, be and settirnieiit of aiy 26. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fi«-e Ifc ai d lu r»*bv apts.infed for qj ,. October, 190V, executed adralnlstmtion of said estate be St. Johns .News, a newspaper printed and Is hereby apimlnicd lor hearing hoses ....__ ...... N*>ah Wilhelm. Dinner wss served at he.irtng said p*'tltlon: grante*! to .Matthew M. Hill or to and circulated in Mid county. • •ffict-rs* iwlart** an*t h> Jennie .M. Grant of St Johns. Mlch- uhl petition, anti that all |»ersons In- some other suitable person. one o ‘<'iock. to aiNtut thirtv persons. It Is further «*rdered. That public juan, to Homer J. Lutlier. and record- , teresiisl ill said *■ tale ap|>ear before DEAN W. KELLEA’. lee* --.*retary l.'aw.uo noilie thereof L- alien )'V publication It Is ordered. That the 2ltJi day of A true ropy. Judge of l*robate. I'ri-olucnt ------.\ffer a short <>Hslii**s~ ii e*-tlng. the e. a :iew tmper printed and v.hirh mortgage there Is claimed to tie hearing said petition; ENlate nf \|M»ll«Bia Pokl, Deceased, hire, -tl ciro.dated in «ald eo-.mtv It Is further ordered. That public It is further ordered, Thai public AUvt-rtlsing. pt lilting 19I*:, tn the .xflernooii. at the home of d ie at the date of thla notice the sum HEARING CLAIMN. .uid -uitlorv«r> DEA.V W KKI.I.KY. notice thereof be gi\en by publication notice thereof l>e given by publica­ .Mrs G.>y ICchard*mn. and a lordlal of One Thousand Thirty-five Dollan; •>f a *«»!»> <»f thl;- ..rdcr, for three sue* Stale of Alirhigan The i*robate Court )'*>staK*- ■•nd stampet Invitation D cxfendid to ull ladies ^ tr ie c>>pv .ludg of Probate. 1-Iinch ding principal and In tion of a copy of this order, once each env* —I*. - *-.--slve week* previous t«i said day of week for three siirceastve weeks for the County of ('Union. 1'-immisstutia to agents r re- NT\TE HE MICHIGAN The Probate w'’ T «ald I ountv prtntesl and circulated In said coun- .fohns, in nald county, on the Hist day premise* .'ind paid by Holier J. l.uth- of January, 1916 wrlllng l.SM* 7** • oiirt for the County of Cllntoi.. DEAN W KELLEY. tv lusrvunt t- poitc> ♦ ♦ er. fiestdes an attorney foe of Twenty- V inn- • •>!•>. Judge of Probate. \t a 'Cssion of said Court, held at Five Imllars. provbhtl in said mort ­ DEAN W KELI.EY. Present, Dean W. Kcdley, Judge. 'i*»KI*-l* ut;*l • .*111- ♦ HEM ♦ tl Pndate Office In the City of HI A.MHllA C KLNti. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate of misstoii •-- --.la ' lor- * ♦ gage and b.\ statute, and no proceed ­ Clerk of I'robale 26w*3 li*turnp to |K*.l. yhold- John: In said county, on the '’rd day ings at law or in equity having been AMItHA C kr.NG. .t|Millwala Pekl, ileceased er* otl.er Itiwii hws of JatiKary, A It. 19Di in-tltuted to recover any part of the riertt of Probate 26w.3 The above eatate having l>een ad* IM II. -i.tp PKGHATI tIRDKK orTovve-l r*|*»l*l Present lion. DEAN W KELLEY, debt secured by said mortgage. .Now ______I mltte-l lo I rol ate and J(»seph H Pohl Till- I O. () F rtf Dewitt will give •iitdce of I’robate .*-JTATK OF .MICHIGAN. « ount; ol .••11*1 *11.3.* 74* inter tbereforc. Iiy virtue of the power of HTATE HE MICHIG.iN—Tke Iteehate i api«olnt(v1 administrator with the will The WIIm?) «-em*-ierx- asiKx-Intiou III tb* matt* of Clinton as esi -I* Ih -.•me the estate of niortgage contained, and Court f(*r the County of Clinton, j annexe*! thereof. 1'.*I 4 un- ill--tc-1 .issr-» will hohl their Fair Febriian* loth at Heniamln K. Wagner, ib-i-eased by siati.te In -‘ucli case 'i ade and pro- ' At a session of the Probate court for At a session of said Court, held at It Is ordered that four months from m-tits ' ii*rg*-»l --ff tho iiiinio rtf Harry .hk I )*I*ltth Young Edgar Hurk having ble lnt••r#^sf of nbl esUte in a( on* o'clo< k In the aftemotin of said Thursday, the 2iqh day of January day of Jan'ary. A I).. 1916. tate and that such claims will be All > 'I Jak**. Mu.:Kit! au*l \nni* ‘ K«-t-k of certain r. ;1 t.Ae therein *1 icribed: day . at the West front door of the Court in the year oii«- thousand nine hun- I'resent Hon. DEAN W KF7LIn Tuesday, the *'...irt 1- •'a.:t iilive :ind Mr and .Mrs. Henry K (ukt-i. >t- Jf is trdr* i T’ it tb* ui da) of House In the City of St. Johns, Clin- dred an«l sixteen. liidg** of I'roligte . Hill *la) «tf Jeae, at ten o'clock in Hlel of this plu *• w.*r*- a :.*--I* at the Kehruar), V. l»„ 1916, it ten oclock ton t ounty. .Mi«tng the Present. DEAN W KELLEY. Judge III Ihe matter of the estate of|lh** forenoon •Ini Ut-l.ur--incuts htime i»f Mr and Mr- C G. Chadwick In 'iie forenoon, at .-..;«l prnlased. ' it is further ordered that public no- Haturdit) *-venlng U at I is herct.y apiKUnt.rt for hear- ton County b hebl. there will l>e sold ,k ,. ,„Mtier of tin* estate ol Emma Harrington and Almira‘Kre thereof be given by publication ofl*^'- ”- Ihirn tl) Mr. and .Mr- Wesley Wels- Ing said |>eittion. and that all |>eraoDa at p.iblic v.ndiie t*. the highest bid- • "i. Jljuhari Weathert'ee having filed In *uild court this ord r for three successive weeks ' * I.-tiler. ■■.iM.arx I'Mh. u won inter* d'd tn said estate appear before der the land in Mid mortgage descrlb- * ‘ their iietlilon praying that the ad-i previous to said dny of hearing, in lhe{,-j, Mrs. t >. ••rahub. of laiiising .tnd salt: c»)'irt. .at said time and plai'e, to eer printed > I'-i--eiis tu tiusi . Mr*. C. N WllkU'* of Ihith vtslteo show caU'O' why a Ucens* to sell the width off the .North side of lait Five, fi^lV 'erlfied of laniii L. Salisbury, •mI t«i Elilorue Garlock, or to some und circulated In Mbl county. ! im***' - ■*••1 > !*»Kr '•V dneedu. .it Hit- houi*- of th** fonn- Interest of jwid • stale In said real tlbM i. Twenty-Four. City of St. Johns praying this Court to adjudicate and de- other ullab!*- |>ersoii. DEAN W. KEI.LEY. • ■r> llll•■r•'st - hrntlier .tu*! .later, W. K. Hypher e«ij.i. f*'-*.iM not •grant .1; cnmon County. Michigan, for the pur- »• rmine who ar*; or were at the time It Is ordereil. That tbe 2Srd day of Am^iual *.f uii|*;;d a and Mr.. E. D. Bird It Is further ordered. That public r«*«“ of satisfy ing the amount *liie on of his death, the legal helrs^of sa^d de^ fA true cop.v.) Judge --f Probate n>-.i9tnentB i.-vle.: C G Chi-dwirk and family were en- Febraar), D„ 1914, at ten o ’clo* k AMHRA C. KING. ■ luring ’-.tC notice (hereof he given b> piitdlratlon morlauge. ed. nn*t entitled by the laws of in the forenoon, at -•aid probate ot lertiiln.sl ui Ihe lioui*- of .Mr. and Mrs. of a co.iy of this oriirr, once each D.ntml, St. Johns, Michigan, Derem- (Ills rtaie to Inherit hU real estate, flee, be and Is hereby appointed for Clerk of l»rohsic 27w3 •n.isi M |{ .'lea*! In tuist Olive Sunday. and th*- share nr portion thereof that week for lhr*-« suc*-._slve rtceks pre\- her '‘th. 191.•*. hearing salil petition: [ PHOIIITF IIHDFU LIABILITIES. .Vrtli-;r Whliii-;v .ind rnmlly of Hath lout. to *aid day of hearing, in the l!(».MEIi J H THER. -ach of Mid h.-lrs were entitled to at ‘l>ent Sumiay at th*- hom*- of Mr. and It Is furlherMl or^r.-d. Tliat P«|»**® STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of *;*•.•■» l^•^- unpalJ Ht Johns ,N.-w>. a t,- uspvpcr ■rtnt*.*rr**w>-u mon.-> . of four-v ear-old colts of Wm Mahar t»KAN W KELLEY. Attorney- for .Mortgagee. ee.h week for three ^uc^lve weeks County of Clinton, holden in twit! IA true ropy, I Judge of Probate. Hu :|ii“;>s Addles* St Johns, Mlchi- Thereupon H Is ordered. That prevbMi- to said day of hearing. In , Pr«>bai- Office, in Ih*- Cttv of Ht. tni.-ren. .ii.. .1* 1.1 H- Ilf Vlf t*>r. AMHRA C. KING. gan. 19wl3 Tue«Mlay, the 29||i day *»f Eebraary, th.- Ht Johns .News, a newspaper j„hn,. on T.iesday. the 1st *lay of ••.I .<1. I* im.v Clerk of Prck In the fore- i(i*>ne> ISO..' HT.tTI, GE MICIIIfi.lN The Probate ' noon. Iw- assigned for the hearing of printed and circulated In said foun , February. In the year one thouMnd. HTITK tIF MH IIHitN The Probate c*Hirt for the County of Clinton. ,aid petition, at the Probate office In *>■ nine hundred and sixteen Tola) ilsi-tliil* — yis.iese-i BMIE DOCTORS ENOUGH TO DEAN H KEU.KA. I'resent. DEA.N W KELLEY. Judge BahiiMt at Peiictes and Amount at Inswr- C*»uri for the i*.tiinly of Clinton. At a session of said Court. hs!d at (he city of Hi. Johns And It Is fur IA true < op>.) Judge of Probate. |of I'rnbate. A’ .1 session o7 -aid Ciuirt. held at Ihe Proltal Dlfi*-e In the * Ity of St. t!;er ordered that notice be given to anee tn gores. BOYFMl the Pr«iff the estnte of No mount Id County,, on the 14th (be heirs st law of said dereaasd and Clerk of I'rnbate. 26w3 g*,, M««in, deceased. li. :ori • D> 'ember 31. Jolms In Mbl I ountv. on the 2.%th da\ day of January. A D.. 1916. uil other p.^rvons Interested in Mbl ----- I Prank M .Spaulding, administrator 014 '.•.|-.4 li;.M4;‘ Hattie CreHi Ran Flnda Nevr Life la i.f i.-iiiuarv A. 1). 1916 Present lion DEA.N W KKLId-^Y, ••st';?*'. cf th* time an*l plsce of said Wriiic- "r »-«n*-w«-,l tn First Dear ef Wendsr fal I'rm—nt IH),N DEAN W KELLEY, .I'dgc of Probate. hearing by ca* sing . **»pv of this or- HTITE - petent per-'on three c»S»|V'’ prerto*t« lo Daltle Creek, eras troabled with atom- -•Id court his petition, praying for li­ taniiarv, ,\ D . 1916. j t. D„ 1914, at K* <*'cfn k (n the fore- 11: .\ug : 191- tl..'. - ach and Int-4tlnal alimenu for yeara. Frank Hnauldlng ujpeTlnterdent lt .*• to r-e-ii (It* 'rtvr* *1 of said '-state ^•Ifi da of her ring Present: MON DEAN W. KELLEY'. ‘ noon, he assigned for the examination! of *he t>nor of fitv ^liMVlng BxbiMt of Looses Year aft-‘r > ar be a|>ent endless ttme :n tain real * -tat*- tl: -rein dse- DEAN W. KELLEY. J*-dre of I'robsie. ' •>' 'al'I n-'ount. at Ihe I’robale Office' I and monev with spectaltsis and for ® i In * .lurt ht* petition pr -ying .N.. Xiii ' iS*ed. (A tru* *-*>p) - J dge of f'robate In the natter of Ihe estate of In the cUv of Ht. Johns. And It Is I j 1»i-<*-mb*r 31, expensive treatments that tatlid. th;.' aid FrvJ-r-k H - b ker be ad I. is Drdtrt-d. Tliat the Ath day ef AMflKA C. KI.NC f.rente »*ell, d-* *qi^*Ml further ordi-re*l. That nf*tlt fiuT-tng St la*' and wonderful results followed. t.... ; (“dv cha-** .. •! la;-! -'c -ent r- (I: tor urKin. at rafil probate of* court III:* pi'ittlon. pravlng that the I'l' ef the time aiul plui-e «if Mid* **•* i! '* When he had taken only "nr bottle ba of ■ per-..;, a*,!* e” te .»od that M -t- PIIGHATI’ ORHI'M. ' .iiJ I *. '*.: -ipolnted for r-dminlatratloii nf sal*l •‘(■tate he he.xrtng b- ce islng ;* cony of this or- | I.l $4T..i: t> wrote* hew M HIM ;,r • rtber 'll a bis aTATF DF MICHH ..N. (ouniy oi •♦■•r to he p ||•^e*^ l»> The 8t Johi ■ i.*; ..rlr.~ aid p niton, ;.nd that all srraiited l*» iNure*- If Gall or to some '» iul*: -lur "I got more relief out of one bottle p • 'hf.1 'fN"0 . ; ft rdlan )f ‘ li;l '(.*1 til -;sb'. e.*t;,n Bp- ClIllluT . -ither oiiltahU- person. -c* «, s new^^paper printed and cp- : .e 17- 44., r-- n 'n:! e 1.: of your wcmdcFfuI stomach rsi-i-dy , - tuifnr- 3*-.i fcirt. at labl time .\* a -.'-iloii cf t* — Probate Cour* It ‘s (*rd( * !. Th«: th** iSrd dav **f <■ : ■ :<* s^-‘h| *o iiity of ('lint.vn f**i ■ : • -t« . = * I f f- Itth *1 y of three .-'ucrcMive w*Y*k-! prerkma .;*lt lh;-ji 1 did In all ra) years of treating ail p' * . I III. ‘s-'sp why a II- for the * ouniT of ''iinion, holden at Febraary, V, D„ 1916, !•» t*n o'clock xrtth spiseiallBts. Veheaary. II., 1916, *1 lr-,i n'cl-'.eW ii. <>i| the Interest of *atd Th !'r*»hit Vf® !•*• city rf Ht. - ,i ' • nf liearinr. It. fh f • rot .lie -r- In the frtren*^i'n St satit pmhste office. Ms.":! ' T snaactlno Bwalixe** "Tf 1 ...td all the money I have spent :*(' .n % d r^'il ■ -Uite shoald not ns on Th'irsdav. th*- Xdth day of un*l *• hereh- spf.o'rfiYl for hear- dean w kkixftv . !- 'point. 1 for : \ true *opv ' Judr. of I'robate t> ti»f, !rrrr ■* m*--' : te p.- for docrors bills 1 enuld bar a terra. .'S! ■ , In the ' ;>ue |h:> :iai.*l •f-y esl*t pi’'‘:.;r); 1 will .*?t9|nl:- recommeiM Mayr’e r.m* ii iidr*-*' -nd Ftiu=sii AMHRA C KING, U public I; F. rG'.rr •‘ri.”-*: i. Tt**! putdb It is farther ordered. T at public I'rohntf- Ct-rk S7w9 -n : .. —rk St: Wnnderfi I Reti ** Fr.--nl DEAN W KELI.KV .lodge • ■ iv.tHw:-? St t.w r’ -t ef -A-h rieeal ...... hc- *li;* Ihereoi !.« eC rf. jy uuL.UrwtiOa f "t' -e thereof he riven by ixiftllcatkM .tj )*•:- Mayr \\(u(!i>rfnl Remedy glvos •n ih!'-a- nf l»robaie I*- * ‘i th’ “riJ.'T ; if thr-- sa« fif a fx>(iy *>f ltel« - r ' . f!*r C ree sue- Fasy Te l*reaeli. 1 *>•- I -a.-M—r 31, t -!'. -thl c-rtcnorsIitH* * permanent rrsi-lt» for stomacb. liver fr thre Ivi. -t .ks , ivj. a-r^-h*. r.*f r?' ' day Of III C * i ;ilt'r ..f the *>sintw*-t hrf-py* i>oe*iaber 3i. i.nd Intestinal allrnimts. Eat ea mneb prr ‘f> H (o 'tfe Imartna. In raring, tn the rtt. joens Newi. e Jimiafc F, Frink, de- iMwed. hearing, in tbe St Johns Nesra, a: support a fsmllT of stx on lib a 1 - r rathe mak* 4—.^*rt »« '?* “’ you like. No more dle- 1F= .HI foka* V' ws, new roprr i<‘’W7k:;;per printed and rirf-ulated In (Jn rending .*nd filing tb* petiilou, newspaper printed sad ctrealated la i wj^r* a friend asked MToggles. Ihe' twi'iy It i -1-, r* ii-Mii nmouat ••( *xr*'oois 11®®** after eating, preeaure of gaa la prints d sad rlrmlat«=--l mM coan- f ->uBty duly rerffled. of Roland J Frink, aaM reaaty. editor of the Ho.ieehoM Friend **niag- -.1 inwOTs Ir. -rr-i? No. | tb* stomeoh and arnsnd tbe heart. DEAN W KKI.IATY. praying that the last will and teste- > nKA.\ W. KElxLET. | ham. one of oar bast men." saM Wag ­ u .-^-.moni t*vl*d to par prevtoea Qet oBa bottle of yonr drnggtet aow »T i-’ss— 00*1 wg pswasa or to pay aaO

paaiHty aa If It had haoa a agdH^y hMiatcd. “WKat ife you waat to Has far aaatimr diiak. A rathar ma to He atij Mm?" baary nmn Mmaalf. ha *atai»psd Ughtly “Yaa.“ waa the uaexpected re|dy. totu the laiaBajatray. utabhad fhadar “Qront gaodaeea." toughed HaHy. by tba eoliar aa be waa riaiag oad “ora you bluffed too?" AUCTION poaebad blm to the aar. Pbll aad “Wofoer ho oaM. riaiag aad walklag ATAir<^ fUoady, liolb setrtlamaaly bartaodan. up aad dovrn la tha faw abort pacaa oalactad for lha banlaaaa and Itmbar- tha toogth of tho room allowed Mm. Ba hod a cramptod nowapoiwr in Ma HAVING INU'IMB TB le tu Browa uMvai. II ynu mi, IHW UBtll. after iMlIeiliig Feeiirr at the conceive of Uaat onidltloti In Its at-tnal- :fl Harvad Raah poUats 6 Marred'Mach raastor s cnHi until a pollreuinu •’aoie up.*they tty alnce Iberr was no ImII in tlwtr tumea, barley “t’ouinil iiieetiiiK Itilii aflenKMoa?" I had t<* driMtsii l2r*.(Hsi worlli DKH, CAHII: HVKK THAT AXHI .YT. 9 MH.YTIIW TIWi: WILL BE «!?. "Ilo« uitirh ut ilie Muck i« mu I»- an 1 ltozz:iin. "Xolhitie rrady to eke !r.t down niul <-onaiileiiiig I lie matter seri­ •ktIU-iI In the reorsaiilze*! »lreei rail- , l..\ 0> GlNIIl HAYKAIII.f: .MITKM. DKAHi.Yll It PKH fKYT IXTEHtHT, out to the |«i|M*ri.. U lloTe. ShslaeV” ■ ously for Hie drst tilde. wuyV "San-r j "Biv'aiioe In «>ne day iiM*rely by au- ’*IIi>iii!re«l .Hid el'ilil)-ti\e iIioiimuih I "You'd Inuier ex(ilaln to Uuxxuni' iHMincing Ihat lie was tluanelnlly tsirk 1 KOt the report Jii«t l»ef»»n* I c-anie wluit yoii w.int In the way of niuteM'*| ing n ••omiieilng coraiiati.v Hle*lri* low- over.” snskesirtl Ilendlx "Tlie frniiclilsoM i *>rrd the value of my stock from n him- R. EL THAYEIR, Proprietor "(■el mira on the iiinrkel Cihum Iioc slwiuld In* pns>«sl In Mo*Tei m* sioii. Gn|.| dmi (lollnrs a "Inre to tlilrt;.-t1ve 1 Mlee. Inn do It «p)iek ' ly. In evervluirly ull rislit;" Tliat same arinouiH*enM*nt limkc Hie .. J. CAIIFKYTFU. f LKHK. K. L. RIXHV. AITCTIOlfBBM. "Wlni’^ to lie 'tiaked MurleyT' "It*M u liindli reunion.*' ile«-lan*'l, West Knd liaiik. has crippled t\v** otii gueM-'cd Iteudix tiuilv, "Is ilijit all, Sle«lseY' I em and m.’ide |iaut*ers of a hiindml 'ir ••Tl:e“llialt." jiMMenicrl HUiIrc “Hen "Walt," snl*l Sl«slsi. aii«l liMike*! out ! more sin. ’tll Nliwkbolders ” yiiu."* be inv..:iin;arily ■ (impHnicnltHl orators for .»« gar hushes and before ho told employes of tbe Allen barn dix. wliai'M tiN* noi-Mt they «‘. Tyler. Orange ners In .Sehewa. He waa smooth •*Two or litre** y«>an« If they jt»*i you •eeUMsl !«• Im* some ibi|sirtaiit topic in j aaeli power <’aiae to lier. "NVIth Just "1 don't Intciiil to Is* mean, hut you farmers. In regard to the article he shaven and not more than 20 yaars at was selling. I'lmn taking the rig out age. $;nlug. “ Judttet) itcinllx "Tbat'M dead abe.vaiice. They linlulse-l In no ttir.tin;j a Word.” she mused. "Rut. father. I drive UK* t«* It," she said iind kissed | n*>w. however ” I (*onverMalioit. hut iouk«s| out of ihei don't see yet how lie could do tl. You him nml pa(te|*ie ami see what ' **111111 l‘ee>ler lieeii talkliiif?” they c'onsiitiiisl silently .ntid xoiemiil.v. I dred duilarH a I'lhart* yestenlay inoniing .vou can liti*l out. ” stw* toiinseUxl Sledae uin MimI Jiletlsre ••vUletitl.v liail sotn** weighty; and only ihirty-tiv*. now?" "I think I will.’* he *;” chhi ami iniuiimmi .s white side whiskers .Vgain he iiodde*! VERNE HAND and a white waisicuat. He MuutI ut •Tall It.” "M'ell. the nsid Is still tlH*rp.'* sImi tStOE wewg rod the other side of tlie table, hut Sle*li;e argued. "You still own as much of It flK.YKRAL ArenONEBS **You dou'l itieaii to liriuk it to a tieekoiieii tiiin chiser, and Imvls. wear- abowdowu! ” pnnestetl Iteinlix '*\V<* as you *)id liefore Why. father. Hlislge f’nion Pkoae Sth—fL.18 ibi: an lUi|N*netmltle air of mystery, can ’t afford It with laiiiMdnle anti Itlnke c>4av*«>a bas just stare*! everybody. Your sitick lenueil Ids whiskered ear far down. will Is* worth what II was. ur nearly Michigan News UKAIM'ATK OF JOYEW YATIONAL I ou the Itenrh .ludtre Iaii)MaviB in a n Bri^ stick?” "It can kee|) us fmm hauling enongta **I tlon’t nee Imw.** worried Itendix pank* stricken whls|ier I "I’li-hinili!” gniiiied Sledge. to make an.vthing tike our previous '*\Ve've trletl for lw«i years to jret "lie will lie.” proinlsisl Sledite. \Mress. Terae llaad. 8t. Jobaa. Hloh. * ’To|>|K*r*M fussy. He wants to know profits. atMl earning iwiacity Is what II. F. II. tl. H'dnio. t Botiieiliin;: oti hint, lie lau't be reach “Why, 111* owes the hank ^.'iTi.OiioV' re ^ what's the cluirgx*. ” gives sitK'k tis value That is imt tlie ('beybw;gaa This city has been' ed. 311*1 I don't think it's nafe to Iwat tume*l l»av|s. morr* imiih* sttlekon than ! SUsIge took a sloM >un**y of Ills wit big tioiible ni»w. Ii*»wever I have a without ••lertrlc lighting service for him up ■ ever, ami hi- wliWiierIng sonnihsi like ■ 21 hour- liecause of a severe electrl-! nesses, and the fnlnteHt |MMi»ihle su» $TtMSN> niortgage uti this place, which Shslue (inidensl that matter welghtl the exhaust of a .''afety valve. "1*11 go cal Sturm thaf swept this- section.^ pickm of n twinkle (*0100 Into bis small is all it w**u)d bring at n forced sale, ly and sj;'|i«sl right away and protect Uu* t•nllk Man? of the -tores were forced to although it Is W'ortli «]onble tlie money **<;i\** him a Ids law job ■* What has ha|i|Maisl to him. Mr gray eyes. ('lose, the motion picture theaters, '*.\ttemplenl*'n* l Sle.lci- who Itml I I toM to wait l•M>k(sl II* i>I.I.V .MtitpiMMl Miiiginc ns her “Y**u'll have n* twy It." she snmiiscd M "What with?” he ileninnil***! **.\t •own and It to Inutossl ’nle to deter- **ril . ■<’ Wav.-r to Swltxerland. I one ilTlotll* Ith gDiwIii'j womhT and iL.i Lor K-nllcil lirr Intt* hls*leti ' Wa; • t;' .mvli.iw *' the prc'‘cnt |*rii,- at wlijch liy tin* nlue the Ion- In this se tion which. It ut the li.i! !vi* !: •_• mail. wIm» was h.'I illy r<*cogiili:etl hk* - exp«( ted. will reach many thon- •'V »! T 'nHr.: .1 * npi (i. till *lr;nvu I way, iio ImmIv -. !■* Imv It would from the *h- *»1 ■ .•ip.l IiIm finv was s<» -ands of dollars. er I; i..** •n* I>t • repH * 0.1). Irn., n .tml pi(e 'at nhe was startled taVc «-‘. < ty sluu<* <*f my •-t*** U ti» |»ay 1 you iVc lii.i lllc j ,i: ; 1 Ikiullx ail'l **\V!i;ii Hip ii;:i!;**r. f.ithcr'. .\reyoii •*ff lint rnortgiigc I wo ’dd iv alsu* I Meldinc When ho learn,-d that hto IUtcI\ |M I.llll**-" ’ I "I* ' • , s Mii. <1. : ! S’p I:;* r.->>xai)i aid aiiy sat Iti <-iinifortnbli* 111?" ;lii' d. *P** ’ i*.' *-u:ict*ruo*l tore had been robbed of ir.'io worth rnr ' ’ t-ov-rd I’»ii !K t •• t i|iint. :*• Li : ' *;= ir i.Kiiitie phy^^ "N<*l nl ml.'' Ii»* i; -^iircil her. ".\ **l|ow did y**u -omc to «»we s** . •if co r;* - . . *'*r .IP lr*nf. iue::ta i i. Iiut .M. Ihivl-i sH'«''»! ' ■ I*'ic .M**' *.. I've iieen much; s|jc pr.r.- tl “I thought we ■ 'Mcrto;*' F Vow'^'n. tnerrlia- ' hangeil J'rf rr . •Tin! Lit * .*1 r •i:',; He lu -Mhd hP tin tllin■^t' ai**mt \*.ur future all iiiglit. were wi'alHiv ' ' *i»lii.:: ‘f !!• wifi arrivcwl and ett w f ^ J. r. *•1*' il ■. r’.y il Ih* I ■ ' 1 Ills rav.it, lie simI I iini er. miivli w*irrlei almnt **Tli:ii ’--’ tne *VM* i*ns|n«*s«« i-* <*snie«1 |I blm *l,vv t*. Ill' died th** f.-llov lng ► , * r-rr • ‘ _ J •*Tm,:. ■: V '• . '• .!«U.* ’:«!i i.Mn i!i» ■ ! : w.lteli ..ni, be y*iu I'.rrt u,; pmv*,! hitm^lf tbor- on.'* Iv* cxpiatiicd (lav of III ■ Ic >.l-r- ip I i! . 'Viver •vir r -!l hi: r- ; '!■ ' uih I put them o oui-'hly lnrni*n.»le III- line old fnroll.i "TLeii aii.vl>*d> be limke.'' site .A ;• d r .1 GniiiJ I.edge *dto- Ilernlce Ireland 2,. /r r r hi l>f*-n -.iiiUtr; f'V tl'.i* I'i Hk-rs* hhxsl <1*--* i!*ii cm II* snpiHirt him In I d(**Uled. with :t tin*** of awe "Why i •'l*** Hill, ;• ,n>ie p "••<1 .Mr. I»a a eri*'!-; ” j 'vh,> I.- -w'nior at Alma college, won •'U.J I'.r er-' o: : Il l:i.. .1 uuii't wm** *»i y oil u***"! btislu**'- m**n vj» til .(M-ri •I rniii: the lielJ for "Pkl y«*u ,*xfM*<-t nnrthlnc e|M«* of okl , th*' girls' omterto-xl contest with the ;;. ve) •. : I ' . t ' * .I’l and ouier»sl get after Jm*!*;. i' 1I orailon "ttiitnati (■'■rnplfroents" and W.1 11 fnmllv hl, *d'' stif. deraandfsl. smiling i n *ln;i,. Ill ■ . ■r •i-utti* ring's .Ml Ilox-. 11c lisikcd lit II. I mgi.v I .vlll reprr ~nt ,\lii - at the Michigan j H. t*» *.;■ !<• Swlfxerliiid" de "I ilkln't.” I ' Ir.terrollcgiati* girls* oratorical con- ; ..•: , ■ ;r <-ii -d Ih* iii*>nieiit "It can ’t Ih* done." he rinifc**' ‘e*l , eld ■*.Vs y ur fulhrr. I ••■.ttiii'*r hel|» lietm: .0*51 . t Hillsdale In March. Mtos Ire-j 'i; t.••..-> - lai- *• • •iss ilntic noHilne t*ul whine and make I W. 1. Ireland, and graduated from siinr: m «r she iutcrrui bst him. ”1 won't «1** It. | I il* 'I II i*<*eni '*r play- weak threats and stay lialf lutoxl* ‘ate*l the* Grand l,edge high school two " HOTEL TLLIEB l>- ndix >lio 'k ui- i* id. e«l *ceren up, > r.ips or t!iMlr*l.vwinks, all I'm gouig to marry itert If it hreaks ev**r since SlcJgc shook him away' '.oars aro. Itor n any friends In this, DFTROn. MU'.HIfiA.S Il’.;ik»* s aa iiii-*! J u.'* In* wnri>e*l wllli the p'ca-h>’_' ni,i-i|i of n (irofes- every Isidy "Il«-id** l!::il t'*•!•• • :ii) «*l«- ! II from the *'«*mpla*'enl safety **f his few city will be pteas(*d to learn of this ( (vitsr of tiitftnsss oo Orand CT-rua Park Take WoodwarS us We niuy iin well nrraiig- to haie il be found in a marriage which is a mo-! reappmir with the oultlt. Me claimed li|»s. wllli exireniely broad, siuhhy . Molly wanti'd to snicker, hut she was sprung ami get It all c|raiieiaii*eut t brek Iwiitst aiMl a low fun* . she retorted "That's what Uert call* "Fll g*> see Sebwaniniaii this mmn bead. He kstked like a retired coal . Hledge. It seems to me that tbey're "Of course I'm atubbonir she ad ­ beaver. The exigeiieiea of imlltics bad ^ mitted. aa If that were a virtue 'Tha aatl. of istiii-Me. Iiave him offer IIm* joli about even." to IgiitMlak*. w> lie won't imagine It on**e maile him county treasurer, .ind ■ "That's wbere Ibey stop being even." •late Is set.*ami It will stay art. Da aluee then be liad live«l in pruM|terous j all you laen have to give Uf* iHvauae eoaies fnaii m*. krhwancninii. th«>ugh. deebired Marley. "Medge threatened Idleneas. 1 I won't marry somebody? la tbat tbe AUCTION didn't want to • liaugc his legal ilefsin* to break Bert and did It. Bert tbreat- way yoor lirilltant baahns * to ronduct* meat until fall. That won't ih*. I sup Sledge amee and walketl around to ' ened to exiwoe Sledge, and Sledge beat MAVIYO REYTRD HT FAHH, I WI LL BELL IT AITTIOY AT THE PMKWIHKH. 4 WILE YOHIH AlfH 4 pose?" the front of the table. ^ blm to U." ed? I wtm't be a part of a bargain. "Say. Feeder," be growled, “I've baon Yoo urge me uot to bmhtj Bert ba- "Toda.i, ” uiimHiiH'ed Sledge. "That'a my fault." aha balf sugfliy HILRB EABT OF NT. JIHlfHL ON “I got you." replied Ilendlx. rising. laU'lag you sexeaty-Dve a nraalb for acknowledge. "1 bragged." • auaa you deckle I don't tovr bloik I two yearn. That rtgbt? ” "If lainsdale takes tbe jot* lie'll bare "Bert tod you to think you might." and you urge nm to marry a amn who “Yoa." bentlaied Feeder, with a pus to resigii frooi tbe liearti inmctllate ho eoanlarcbargod. "tie even bod me can bring yoar slock to par. Fatbar, aled ghince at tbe unusual crowd la yaa're oeaiad. ('an*t yoa think of any ly,” and no aaseni to this being neeea bellevtag that I coohl defy Stodge, and nary, be hiirric be woaM " all ;«iar «arw niitll the amyor ur soom* Cow, HaMalB, 7 yfftk, laHk laal k'.v llwaBiHto “With the original traettea thought?** i "Woll. If yoa gat to have It"— tody makes ib.* new isaatany baMd im IHPLBHRYTN AYD TBWUI “You buve taaoceni Idr aa." Madly Cam. HalalolB. 7 yam, Brift laat Wv A grant of naasnt wao Sledg e's reply ■ He stoppMl. gave aaalhar gl anrs o bserved her father. "Bert poebeMy lines away from y«air atreet? Tha an he hnAed out alang tbe bbrii isuird' hto aadlenra aad starsd at Stodgs saeo urages you ta thorn, but It to my new *s,miaiiy imaldn't bare lam raa* Waliar. i ynw aHk Hal I'A fearr whtrh IsMitMl In the narrow uroa cradaleual.t. doty to warn aad protoct yaa lleve aliig for six muaths. sari tbeve'd ba NaWar. HahMalh. S ytk. way. A thing whieb had oner* luren a Stodge adraacatl a atop toward Ml la aaartly what will happen : Feeder u rkH iitilesa tbe suthonttoa dkl what amp leanwl In • eaoien by nma nf the’, “1 oaM toil 'em." will go to the pealteallary fbr the you want. (1 them fado Whydon't yaa t loll SBlvaa, HaMBolB srantlings. domylag "Hafo gaoa. than." n n ladiil Pa crMto of not havtng kagt hto mooth r« down ami shoal Medge or hha it Boeanai hmked at Sledge for a aw ar. exaa|wnNad-"fhr hasping my am ahat Stodge will he ladl rted by l dsme? He woohll la fhrt. he'd hava OMiit aad. iiotog a gmtlsmaa af mra ahm ahaat racaivlag the pahNr fui groad Jory. bat the raoe witl nr doae It liy iMs ttaw. I Mmw. Why pamainiflail rightly eaaeladart that bis iaiermt money far yaa " ceoH* to trial. Do haa ag peliHed half daa*t yaa gn to tha moa who sia got* USUAL TEJUiS arraad woa aear. “Yna're a Harr Iwoosod Stodge a the Jadgoe on the hearh. oaM lha othar Hag op ihto cmmtrnaar mM see what ••aaad dky.** bo oaM aad atatted far 1 oaddaaly stepping forw ard wHh ■ half are afraM of Mm. Hto biwy ran Jad oat? Than yaa eaa Iwgln eatoos aglNty far no pwMtovaaa a 01 will Ight from court to coort aa « osoto ptoaalaa I latoh I waae a maar abig awuag hto right arm. tha Mraga terhairallty aflor auethar oolU al Frank Mariay oat ataiiag at bar Hha ****** whieb waa llha a tMgh. aad kaaal ttoa la aror, aad ihoa tha pgMIr wW mm shuaHag. tall, aimight aoi with foaoM an abodt H. Too agg*t Bght a iMhed rhaoha, bar ata* ahhdag. Ha X)HN MUNGER, Pritprietor m Jim flsMy. Is A PAGE 12 8T. JOKMk TRUKSDAT a. t0t6

Mrm. B. Marok. oa Paaii aCtaal. IN*, lowlaa a lamm Ilia tat. Tka faaaral' aarrleaa waf« bald fitmt Um hoaia at IT COSTS liOTHlMC I bar BlMar at aoaa Maadar aad Umi naialaa taliaa to l*arrr for burial. I TD JOIN OUR ^ . ' Maudr K. Wallac-o waa bom at Ta-1 —— I bora. N. Oaraaibar 17, ItTS, aad! FEBRUARY rilaiaa riaaaar Ui|r Maa BaMatUy.' diad ai Orid. Mich.. January 1». l»ld,: 0Hi(iiilM4 V'ViOUut'' In tha daatb of Mra. (laarva Bawara.jat tha a«a <*r 4* yaara, 1 taoatb aad 1 which ocrurrad Suaday noaa at bar 13 whan nre yaara of aaa aha > hoaM^ north of town, fliatoa ooW nuivad with bar parwota to Nawbar*,! wm AND lLt:JZ ^ ioaas 00a of lla ptnaaor roaidanla. Mra., yiichiaan. aad oaa yaar latar nKtvad ilowara ^ ba«n mjoyiac imaai^ly, ,0 t'hariavoia. Mich. whara aba ro- Rood haalth for aonaa Uma. bat aboat Btdad for aavaral yaara. On March' Clearance Reduction d;rto o'rioek tiunday momtaa aha aaf> 14th. iNft. aha waa unitad in naar* i faind a Btroka of apcipiexy froa which •ha faliad to rally, t^ aad roaitnc at riaaa to John Wallaoa of Vemon. ' Moat of tha time alnca tliaa aha baa ‘ 12:S0 o'clock. Julia £. Laraa waa bom in Naw York. June 2b, Itlt. aad llvad at Harry. Mrs. Wallace laavaa AM departmente of ■1 Suita, l»a»aad away iiaar Ovid. Mlrhiaan. Jaa> to mourn ibair Iona, two cbiidraa. uary 3U. Ibid, at tha ase of Ui yaara, 7 l.owal. aaa 1C yaara. and Marion, aco Ceata, Wool re now bending ouNitha and I day. liar aarly llfa waa 13 yaara; four Kiatara and one broth-' ar, liasidaa many other ralativaa and 1 if apant in .N'aw York, wbare aha raealT- every enbrt to atocka and be ad bar education, in J.ina, 1367. aha' *• dacaaaad wm a kind waa united In inarriasa to Caonie W.|f" ^ Howara. in 1837 they luovad to Mich- ly miaaad by bar boya. randy far Spring and it ia a fine buying time lean and aattlad ua a farm about three nillaa north of Ovid, wheer they have 4»«id Imdy Merieesly Injnred In; when bargabi alnca made their home. Mrs. Uowera Kaahhnrten Train Kraeh. | waa a line ('brlstlan lady, much devot ­ Word wna rareivad hare Monday of| ed to bar home, whara aba could al­ the rertoua condition of Mra. (leonia I ways be found, aaldom onrtng to lanva l>oaat, who la in a boapital in Waah-' COME DC —WE WILL TELL tha place. I'ntil tbetr honaa burned inRton as a raaull of Inlitrlaa racaivad ' about a year uiio. Mra. Ilowara had re­ in a train wrack near Seattle laat' sided in tha one house for thirty-nine weak .Mrn. iroust wan rendered iin-( YOU HOWTO DO IT yaara. Ileaidea the huaband, aha la cnnrclou* and was unable to make' DEPOSIT nVE OR TEN CENTS THE RRST WEEK RNO Kunivad by one dauahtar, Mra tlao. known her iiredicament to her rala-’ OiMMlrlch of ChicaRo. 8 bc alao lanvaa tive^ hem until Monday when a tal-' and Muses ’ INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT HVE OR TEN CENTS EACH WEEK a boat of frienda. The funaml aar- ecriun announced her condition. Mrs.' and Misses’ AND NEXT CHRISTMAS YOU WILL HAVE $€t.76 OR S127.SO vir». were bahi from the huraa at 1:30 l>ou«t left t)rld laiit .Vovemher fi»r an i AND INTEREST. <»'« !ock Wednenday, Hev. O. M. Thrash-1 ovtenne-. j was wrecked by an avalanche and .. , , ~ .. ;«e*cra' l>er '-th, COME IN AND GET A CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB BOOK droppcfl down The animal atarted to run and collided with another rlR. ov- l.nr.J and died at Ovid, .MIchiRan Jan ­ FREE. ertumlni; the buRRy and hurllns both uary' Ibis, al the arc of nh men out .Mr. Mulder struck tha Rround j • tuunth and 1*. da- ■. At an on hla left shoulder and a broken -Mtc -he tio.v«l with her parents .MIchiRsti. IncaiiOR in f>akl; n«i . JOHN HICKS ahoiildcr bl.ide was the result. The Clinton County Savings Bank break U a serious one in that the • •iinly Sh** li\*-d here n..*ny years' 33 Clintor Av bone was Itadly shaltere«i Mr. Mon- ».;*! on ,\prB ISth. F-S.'., wa* married' Sf. Johns. Michigan C. HICKS. President. C. E. BALL. Vioa-Praaidant taRce proved somewhat tiinra lucky. to .latol: M Bow'lbv Tli*-' came to I inanaRinR Ut escape with a bad cut Ovid H id settled on the farm north of ■ R. DEXTER, Traacurar. on the forchaatl. Both men ware lusd- tn.ld where Mrs lUiwlby passed away. oe SIOKi lOCSOI ly shaken up Tlie horse ran only a .Mr Bo vltiy *lied in Mrs. fkiwl- few rods before hainR raptured. Tha hy US' a memi*cr of the CnnvreRa- buRRv was nuite l>adly wracked ilon “l < h'.;r*‘li. wh**re ••he wh* an name. The iiastor will then speak on ever)- iiiRht In the week, and Sundays Rest story-teller present can produce, ••arnest worker wheti heelFi je-ri' II- the subject, "The t'hurrh at the Top."lan follows: 7:*to a. m.. prayer meet- Dr. tleu. M’. Dunphy. state veterinary. TIKI > T«» HOSPITAL. taken by Sheriff J. M. Cramer to the Bie« al Ike Home of Her SIstrr. l•> Townsend, depaty state hlRb- slate hnapital at Kalamazoo, where Mrs .Maude Wallace (Msaad away or .itiri will lie misreti trin-h iH.ih in B Ferrv. at the eveninR Happy Hour u. m., .Sunday school; 3:00 p. m.. way commlHsioiier, will turn the xpot- Mrs. Bonnie Stiles was Tuesday , she will receive treatment. Saturday at the home of her sister. the home and church ' The (iintral reetlOR Mrs. Kerry is secretary of Christian IMAilse roeettnR; 6:00 p m.. liRhi on "Mow to Prevent and Control service- w**r»' hehl frotn the home • be .Stale lllsinrical Association and VounR i'eopic's meetlnR, led by R. H or Cholera." and "Wiiat Baconies of north of *ivid Thursday aflern*»o ’;. will speak on "laiyalty and Fatriot- Carpenter; 'CtMi p. m.. BIr Salvation MlchiRan's Automobile Tax Money," or Bev 1. K IxinK **ftlci.vtliiR. The inir- tsni." She Is an eniertainlnR and ineeiiDR. Come and worship with ua. 'MichiRan's Plan for (lood Roads. ” ' iai t(H>i> p!a*e in the Maple (irov*- eeni- (.leasiiiR speaker and will be uppre- Did you ever stop to close the door ! etcrv. * iai*st The **AII Kin" quartette will Methodist FpisrepaJ. < harrh. and think that there is a cloae rela­ ir.K. The Bev. Charles J. Kruse, minister. tionship between the c'cl«ck: Sunday school at 11:00 by the minister. Theme. "The Fnde- inR of the KiiiRdom of Ileaien? Juat I Th* laulles' Crescent Club was , tM-lock. Happy Hour eveninR service simble IJfe." as sure us the roddlinR moth lays her ' plea-vanlly •■niertainv«i Mondav eve- at 7:3o. Sunday school at noon. .Mr. lohn cRc in the bluasoDj of Ihe apple, every iitnK at the homo of Mrs. iaiwie Shel- BinRhum* Sunday school at l:0*i Walker, superintendent. Classe.* for hoR which is lost because of cholera Shady Hollow Farm ' don .After u - hort b *lness meetlnR. j o'clock, preachlOR service at 2:00 all and everyboiiy is t nrdially wel- lessens Ihe owner's chance of the ‘ roll call was res|>nnded to with 'Tur- . o ’clock; Christian Kiideavor eveninR ' ome InleresiinR disrussions In all Kinadom. for how shall he pay the Ws« M. fSKsaet. dM. I rent II\*-utR " .*diswtnR to the illness 0/ ine mem-ji phany, will In* as follows: 10;30 a. .Sunday school at Benaal OraiiRe truth. A ieatlierless iiird will be tak­ riic .Niidifct .Mill*. '»t. .l•dllll> .Mich ' iter* Mesihiines ft. M Thrasher and ' m.. semion and Holy Communion; hall at 1.30 Mr .\sa Blunt, siiperln- en away hy each (.me wl:>> is present ll•»wa^d Kove- • lo>>ed the proRram , 12 's* m.. Snndav school; 7:00 p. m. temlenl Classe: for all and every- at the dinner. AoeomodHtinn for Iicar ^irs with .1 vocal *l*iet The ladte*< en- ••veninR t*niycr and “ermon lody Is cordially welcome Preachina teams In nearbv barns. I-Nerytiodv ' joyetl It Mtclal hour fullowInR the pro- .\* <'hn*tin.i* l♦•>*tlv itic* .in- all over and .\iiiil X< dli> New ^car hiiiier •ervice al 2:3o. .Sermon by the minis ­ • ome I ar.Am in which ihe Unsicss served re- Kapli«t Chvreh News. ter Theme. "The laiw Ideal " Rc-iivl aiiii M.i lia* her I'htistiiM* |>rciil>, all laid awav from otT ttic '•|».»re I* d. ■ freshment. The nest uieetinR will be Bov. X l> Fotter. j-astor. Hesl- Junior l-eaRiie al Sf Johns at • ••mi ( uuRhs and ( nld« Are Hanrrmus. know .\| .|>i«',.d.N t.iii iu r Niu.i* |n -•■iits .I'.l over the •iMre 1h*ok- lik< .t b. r hole* n- tw\i run.* Irom tie- t^ect.* of a fiolidav 'am -he sav* *<■ vlu llv-lnp ■*!<• ;• when "fJentlemen ’s 6 room The room will not be ofiened Few of n realize ihe d.inger of I llv ninii" will !;*• observed. as folhiWs for Sunday. Febniarv c.m sliovv ■|■m to thi II* ' wlicii tl:c> ••om*- t** ••.ill aiitl ih.-wii-- tliitii!* :«i*« arc |u«t I "MakiiiR a .SfnmR t'hurrh " Uotnrit's Fnurrcsxiir Club. 12 •Iren come too early. However st:.tistirs tell um every'third Ilk* t iniRi* - - tin-v ••fteii icriniiiat*' in ll••.lt••«l •li*w*!?-i*nis .i'H»nt »oriicthiiiR Ih.it iioin- -n ! ;IM* m. Sunday school Super- Mr^ V Harris was hostess to inlcndenl. 1. B Birhman Classes for Kpworth I-eaRiic at C:rt0. Tofili. person "(r of a luiia aiiii.eut. Dao- t hem know .111)thii*k' .ti:>mt .iiid the> often w iial up in .At know letluink ’ that ll•lne ot tiicni the lad * — <*1 ti*e \S*)mei!'s FroRres- i all. eTcrrbo.tv welcome. Yon will And "What It Coals to be Triia.” Mi«s rerous Bron* hial ;ind Lung diseases niMie-'iaial <11111* .til tl.* y know alMitii it, :invcr*-*l Irom .ive cli.b Monday «-vcninK at her real feB<*wsliip her*' Xcvn liennlsnn. leader. .Ml vonna peo ­ follow n neRlccled cold. Aa your the ••Herts of t(i* ir Xiii.ts oaiKlj and thint.'s. anRs vvin n then's nottdin; newly oieried officers are- Fresld*-nt. was aii-****rod ft* l.y "laibor-.SavlnR Itopfer laike; vice-president. I/iwell Women's Blblt* Study Class at 6-ftO .New DIscoiery Um merit has been *•!**• t** tc* *1 ‘*•11 .ti.d I he old •••***k st**v*- l*as ^•.•t a ldoss«*in **n top *d it Ilk* our liiirsi lievUt-s f*.intv fan i jiis* th'«tiirlit I'll 'It riRlit «l**wn h\ tli** lire .tn F. Fl**ni .tiel t*'IJ y**u h*»w uincli 1 Bkc if Ho !i *• was Riven hy Mrs B U Bates. j l>erollonal con-mittee. Kalhryr Dw- the minister Theme. "A Mental Pic­ the risk of serious I-unR ailments \iui li> tln^ way. .Ma's R.*t t** iisiiitr F Fhmr n**w .tiMl sh*- says' "if It's the .Mi*.. iThi was loBowed hy an inierestinR ; Iona; chalm-an of Kindness commll- ture of Jesus" Hona -ervice In op- Dr.iRRixtM enlna ;.'et Mills yon'r w rittnir to, I just want y Hoga ...... $7.36 harvest apple time and I aU- and ate till I felt idgger than that fat miller yoo've got at dinner and say "Hdlle ” aad "How d ’ye Sheep------SI O tS the Midget Mills do?" aad after nil hnve tahan a haMty,CaUle. totted ------|t • ItJt I Regular Snndav laomlng aanrlraa lough over the tomMeet etory the Mg-1 Veal calvea------|t.tt Well right tlien and there Ma said l*a should feed all of the other kinds of H«Nir to ' Uatoa. per owt. ______ft.tt • It Jd the lings. I foignt to tell yon that Fa raises lots of liogs. I guess he lias good luck . at 1ff‘SA a. m. i Sabhath aehonl at 13:40. Frank wiUi pigs cauee hr Sfieiids most of hla time fiisein wiUi 'em. Weil the other day a insur ­ jOrmolon. suparlntamlant Wa InxMo It • tis ance agent came here and aake«l for l*a ami I told him Fa wna out Ui the Imm with the I you to attend onr aehool. There la a Perk, droesod -----It.to Oalxen, drmid rest of the hogs hut he'd know Fa for Fa liad a hlaek list on. He just smiled and aaM; Ministera will -■------tnmhm all an- ! 'wogfoealre. wafl-tenght rtooa tortor tha tha __tlLtu "sonney yon just keep right on with your ednoation and some day you'll he another noi«ncements aa hriafiwi peoalhla J**ntora The Juniors have the high- t'liaiiie Chapiln nr Hilt Hrynn or snmelMsiy.” I dMii't juat know what he meant hnt If e«t record of anv cloaa In the aehool Mr’e hove an exeellent llhmrr tor tha they can make as big a hit as Simw Flake Flour I'll follow that inaumnec man ’s advise. uoa of all *ehelara *s»y, •ince wr got to using Snow Flake Flour we’ve found Iota of things in the Heagal Clrmit. Rev. C. W. Ballou, pastor Young PaonlaNi Pralae Maathig at | rmnmn. sacks sneh aa; pens, coupons for •llshe«». sewing mittita. tickets Ui the Vandette ami mir The tnriemeaev of the areether leat ;-ee p. m. Claude Cmwall. laader. 1 Springs hired man onre fiNiiNl a safety rasor. S4s set she's going to keep a gmal look out for tlie Huntley nmde it seam adviaeble to Cofwe and anjey vonrsalf I I Rventnr'eernwm at 7:M p. m. Fowls .. nest sack when it comes aral maybe she'll Nmi a feller. J i F. H. Itoii ’t lay theerrors to the pen read la rsepo ass to their name whan I “irfl f * s»T S»- ■ffV. I the Roll of Memberahtp H enlist. I*a4 'The World for tied" r * =4 ... lot for little Willie’s twily ten. •• ‘ e»r*iws • No 1 ‘namth) all pni forth a vlgomtia egort to ha speehil Thg Dav on Hatniday. — .S •* initiia Mr. tlw present next Snndav This will he a ary &th. Thga wHI ha aoM I No 3 ______strata and a lon laat will be - >. " . -icm -• No. 1 (Tower meetlag of uanenal Intereet. net only No. 1 Ctover, light ■ to the laamhara bet to all onr fll ends te ir —L I •s "w««r ‘SS u ne*i who are cordially Invited te join Id g ranleat nnml l-fs S .Mr « «• |1 M 4 y»r • • • m CHUB Wi Um aarvirm. Tha piM Is to regi Mm ed will he o I a* 4* MS •» smI I a.u to ha preoaMi to fmmmt to dmir S. H. UmmAmw Mm