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Twelve Pages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Pages VOLUME XXVII—NO. 27 ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON—FEBRUARY 3. 1916 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR (IVIII MAH tWU'HTKD. HtIRM Til rtlMFRII. DIYORI'E RRPflRT. T«d K*)mo)<U of Orid wmm orrMtod M T Crane, wjiu for the past four At the beginning of Itllt, there wore Krlday. January SN. for botnE drunk )oars has lieea spent at tbe (irand eixty-alx divoree ceaea pending tn thin on tb* acrootM c>f Ovid. He was token miUE SOdETI Truuk station, baa been transfared to COMERCmLClUB court and during the yenr flfty-tbren COUilT HOUSE FME lietore Justice Fred (’arpenter and i’niiipeil. lie left the Nrst of tbe week new ceaea were added. Twenty-six plead Rullty. He was lined 110 and to lake up hie new duties. The aiteat. were granted and four were dtapoead rosu aiiiountlnR to fS.Ku and aen- M. H'. Halbaway, who has previottsly of In other wnjra. SUPREl JUDGE tenred U> serve twenty dajrs In the miDS MEETII6 Iteen at I'onipell. has tieen transfared ELECTS OfflCEIIS WUUIBECOSTIT ('ounty jail. In default of tke pay* to this city. niRRA.NDKRV IRRPBf'TMIN. inent of tine and costs not to exceed Comraandery Inspection will be held J| IMO' KKI.LV H. HKilU. Tl» HK len nii>re days in the county Jail- FiRNT IMiNI'.kL HKHHIOK IH UBI.I» HrFFFRH NTRtIKF. FRV.Nb \ IIIMHNII THF NKW Kebrunry 10. At six o ’cloek n ban RANT VALPARLF RflORH KEPT Iff quet will be served and work will be KBIBAT. .Mrs Ceorge 8tead sulTered a stroke PRKMIHFNT. WtHinEX rABIRETB. IlIRTHH. of paralysis the lattpr part of last gin In tbe Order of the Temple at 7:30 Horn. .Monday. January 31. to Mr. week. 8he had gotten up to get o'clock. The (Jrand Junior Wnnlet< .:nd Mrs Kobert Sbaw. a irirl. , umelblng tor Mr. Stead, who has will be present as the Inspecting offi DISTRICT JUD6E OVER 10 YEikRS Horn. January 3a, to Mr. and Mrs. IIIR8.tE. OOOIIE. PRESIDENT lieeii ill for some time, when the cer. The wives of the Knights Tem 'Mlver .Nelson .Sciiram of tireenboah. was stricken Her 'laughter. Mrs. MANY QUESTIONS DISCUSSED plar are invited to lie present at tbe FUK-PHUOF iULT IS NSDED a hoy. Kenneth Hart. C. C. 8lesd of Jackson, la here at banquet. Hlt« IH:( iTtlti^N UK.'ilKKAl.LV IT. Itorn. Februan I. to .Mr. and Mrs. IIIIIFi TflKM A.Nn tmiER HPPI. present caring for her |«rents MTV IIFilTIFI’l. CA.'HPUUN T4I IVler Miller of ttreenbuab. a Eirl. FIRRFRIP ISIHTITI'TB. MI'PKRTIHHRH MHOI7LD IFfTBin. IIT IllfHlFR COrKT. i'FRK .iRF FLKi'TKI*. BF PI T D.N. One Day Faniiem' Inatll.ite will be rHJNHKN N.tMF. IIATF: THIH rONDITION. HKFATI.Y IRPROTIR. At a neetlng of the stockholders held February IK. In Maple llapitU. c T lialtcock. who went to Harper Charles Ft. Cook of Allegan. Ibe stale of Mart llnspiial Monday evening, it FI)*K>-\igbl Advrrlisiag HeheaN-s speaker, will be present A numbei lUek on liiilleatnre \rl Has Hell Hospital in Detroit about two weeks beeietj Has (arewn Itepidly la Uie was dec ideil lo change the luune of SCO for iin o|>eratlon on his lep le of interesting queallons will be dis Over btSJMW Berth ef I»min Reregffil H««riti-i| niiH Is New Horkiac Past Few Heetlis That It Has the hospital from Hart Hospital in \re Ipl T«i ttet a Cold He- I'ch hatter. cussed. Have Keen Piled on Fleer Or Vnwlber lt«M>k. .Miss Hertha Kelly, who has been Heen Hrpaalied. 8t Johns lfo4pllnl rcpllon in ibe Fiitarr. oiilte 'erioualy HI in a Iletroit boapl* I’ntll Heeently. i:il with I neuninnia. la preatly Im C. C. 1 KEIS nESDS II ' C4iti.|.uian. Jiidite proved Members <<f the Clitilun County Hu* 2ND QUARTERLY CONFERENCE 8i Johns ('omiiiei'clal Club held ita l-.-tlv s Ne.irl of •Ir'i dlsirlrt Mill be mane soclcti held their tlrst annual -4iiit'ial . .eettng at the Pyihian <iub An Interesting and ratber startling i a ’lt j I* : -r ihc H ; U'. ii t.»-ii< h. ineetini; Krtday afternoon. January 3N, ii«'im Tuesday evonitiK .md clectctl WKE OF mmiETT FIIH piec«- of information was brought to »■ :i prc ctit I i'« in* ctrolt at the Court room In dt. Johns. Tbe HELD BY METHODIST CHURCH !li< ers and dlrcili»r.*i foll<iw»; light recently when Drain Commis ' rt • Hilt hol'l «'HI LLI ior at o.;t FOWLER BREEDERS MMIEII siK-ieiy was orisanl/ed "cveral month- I'resl'leiit, F Dimoi.'i, vhe presi- sioner loxuls F. Creen was asked tba •;.»>ntl. apo and olHcers for the lime lieinp 'lent, (•eoi'ge Sltaver; sc reiary. W. IHil.D lirNINFHS HFSHIR.N ANR value of a -et of tifty-six books In his IHU I'Hfl.FH (ilVFH I.FI-n’IlF. -t niTIcc These liooks contain a com Tn' ."•’ari • ho srati' of ' RNE SHOWING AT SHOWS were chosen until the first meeting, H. lirinsor., trcanurcr. U. C. liexter; RFCIDF .NFVFKAI. MATTFKS. I i nlierhU) oi M- hisan. i: now w hen an election could tie held. HFTIDMHST IMM.LV.tNN \r dire* tors. F .M Spaulding, A. <•. plete record of every drain construe- \car.‘ old M'- vtn t'vt cpiintiHll.^ *ou4' .Old Dr Kiigcni- Hart. ted In Clinton county *lnce 1337. at Mrs A. D Lyon, secretary, read her A uuiuiier of Important matters which time thi* work was taken from ' ;i at .iBinted siih iiii« prt>ic:-<tun >1 TTHV A H l|irr\KFIP>* lilKUN •eport .ind the treasurer. Mrs. O. W Meiubcr» of the Congregational aft ? bin ar.tti' ,j X txf prji i.ted Tu-sday "Venliig the Second (Ju;ir- A.I- Iito .gni before tbi* club. disciisR- Church Auxiliary met Tuesday eve- the hands of the township offlears and \H \ltl>FII MVNV PItl/.FN. ^tnnpor. also made a report of the tl- cd nun at (loll i.tkeu on them .Aiuoiig itir iiioft Uiaii lificcii —ir .ti ‘ rniiol naiirial condition of the society Kol- lerly (''infcr'-nc ' wu- lield tiy the 'iluK Fcbniary 1, with Mr* Murrett put into the hands of the county com til •!»> T"l. jiMT' ; *•> he wn? tdfftcl M''lh«eli>t cl(iir«'h The regular biMi- (he ■; W.IS a ( lOiiinUUIcatluii frtMi. rink .V frirly kcmv I aiiendance was missioner. lowtnp these reports, the directors ( hicuk'i. .tsking lilt- aid of the diih in ; : .1' of lilt- ' t Til -f'l ud l‘iirret| III !; exhibited by Sutton A were dele/! Kor one year. Mrs. M. •u - ii.t-eiiiig wa first hold and s|4\ pre-eui Mr. Creen said Uiat oach volume ■il «' lit' «lUiilt-.tUiMt. ill Ilf pri- ( lal mniferji of flnnnco were dtscuss- I- ring an ippropriallon fnmi the i-ost Il'U) worth of clerical work and \ihlttaker ;il the l»ein<ll .'ttale I’oul* 'Veller and .Mrs. F M Hpaiildinp: for Ki>v**rnment Tor u >tiv an«i postulllce Til" ttieeling was called to order by 'fiiirif. .i|.is *;!ittii and ;;rcat- I’v Show last week made a remark- tw»i years. Mf'i. .M VanDeusen and isl. A rcisirt sliow-eq that in the lust the pre«ident. .Mn. H Cleland. and the complete net represented over I) ii;t itviHCtl 111: iiiat<i''il> Ht the olec- thr"' months the meuile'rahlp of in« milluing for that <-it>, it l>e|trg claim |32.(>0«>. "In rase of loss by fire or able showliiK. The tiriii had prixe '-rs William lllrd: for three vears. cd that owing to congustiun malls a short hiisines* -essiun followed. It itoi. aaaitist :i dt-rDf-cmiii tipiMineni. winner? In nearly every class, apalnsi Miss C. A. Slmver. The directors church hud increased twenty-live was decided lo have an apron sale otherwise," said he, "they could not W'Hi had held Hit' ollicc n embers liev. {'. J Kruse's -Htlarr were dfluretl. .V rttsolutlon favoring the l>c^t bird*, in the st.atv, as follows: then elertod the following ofllcars: (he .ipprnprtatlon was iMV.Had. :>nd coffee the last week in February Im- replaced for much less than SIM.-’ .I 'luxc .'»«itrl liSM . rrp ilallwii of be- wah increased lluo'di. at the home of Mrs. J, T. Mlllmati •UK); and then only by rc-surveylag First and llfih pullet, third hen, fourth Cresldent. Mrs Marion K Dodpe; first Dr \\ H Phelps, district supenn The iiuitter of putting on a cam tna as well versed in ttic decisions of cockerel, tiflh eock In open class; flrst vice-president. It. C. Jefleiies; second paign for a city beautiful, along tho The anniversary chicken-pie supper all drainn in the county. Thla would flit MlihlKaii Supreme Court as any lend'Mit. of l-Ansing. gave his lecture will he .March 17. and second - ock. secoml and third vice-president, Misa Jessie f'rlchlon; on A Mode'm Pollyanr.a." which was lines of a 'umpaign ■ oaductetl at not give a record of work that bod ji.d»;f or lawyer In the state, cockerel, tlrn fM-n In pullet raatinp, third vice-president. .Miss fCmmu A rising vote of thanks was given lieen completed In the past, which is ureally enjoyeil. A very K'xm I crowd lNi4enport. Iowa. was favorably tntl til se tlctisioiis liutf botii. as a iirsi and sii-oiid hen.