' DIRECTORY. J HERTFORDSHIRE. BERTI~G l'·oRDBtRY. 147 Sir William Ha.rrington, knighted at Royston, 14 Oct. to the extent of nearly £12,000. and on the rebuilding tfu5, and his lady, with a female child at their feet afte1· the fire the dining-hall was erected on the site in an attitude of prayer ; a:bove, on two tablets of previously occupied by some other apartments :· the marble, within a round-headed receS6, is a long and library contains family portraits, including one of Sir eologistic inscription ; · jmmediately opposite is another William Cowper, Lor-d High Chancellor and xst earl altar tomb, with the effigy of a. lady in white marble, (r7r8). The park, containing about goo acres, is ·well babited in a richly embroidered dress and wearing wooded, and watered by the river Mimram or Maran, a ruff and long mantle, with a Latin inscription which enters it at Poplars Green and running ·in ian to Annie, wife of Sir George Calvert, who was easterly direction through the grounds expands at. one knighted at Hampton Court, 29 Sept. x6x7, and died point; into a lake: in the park stands an oak stated by in 1622 ~ there are other memorials to Christopher Uilbert White, in his "Natural History of Selborne,'' to be "Vernon esq. ob. 1652, erected by his wife Elizabeth: "probably the finest and most stately oak now growing in Thomas Keightly esq. and wife, x6so-62; Dr. Jonathan the south-east of England;" the poet Cowper, horn at Browne, dean of Hereford and rector of this parish, ob.
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