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Biolqial Slzition

St.e wrs, N,B, A bibliography of Canaeian Atlantic coast studies is presented in al2habetical order, with a numerical index to these by gesgraphFcaL area, A few general works have been included to provide access to the global Literature that provides the context ifi which these studies are performed,

Voieo, presentee dans Lkordre alphab&tique, une biblisgxaphie des 6tudes sur Pes estuaires de La coke atlantique du , avec index numerique selon les regions geographiques. Quelques travaux d'ordre general ont et6 iqehus afin de permettre Ea consultation de la documentation dsensemb%e qui renseigne sur le contexte des etudes, This bibliography has been prepared to serve the increasing need for access to the pertinent literature on a variety of environments for impact assessment purposes, as well as to avoid the need for other scientists to repeat the tedious process sf assembling a reference ca4lection by making it generally available, No bibliography is, of course, complete, Ours is biological or ecological in emphasis. and more physical, chemical, or species-oriented studies may well have been omitted by accident or design, Dr, B, J, Wiidish assisted us greatly in the psepnrati.on of the list, 1, BAILEY, L,W* 1910 The marine and estuarine diatoms of the New Brunswick coasts, Bull, Nat, His, Soc, New Brunswick 28: 213-239,

2, BAmES, R,S,K, and 3, GREEN (Eds,) 1972 The estuarine environment, Applied Science Publishers Etd, London, 133 p,

3, BUNCmRp, R, 1931 Etudes Canadiennes 11, Ze sebord sud de I%estuarie du St, Laurent, Univ, de Grensble, France,

4, BBURGET, E, et G, mCROPX 1972 Colonisation et inhibition de $a colonisation des cirripgdes dans lBestuairedu Saint-Laurent. NaturaZiste can, 99(4): 279-285,

5. 1973 Aspects saisonniers de %a fixation de Sfe@ifaune benthique de lkttage infralittoral de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 30 (7) : 864-886

6, BOUSFXELD, E,L, 1955 Some physical features of the Miranichi estuary, 5, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 12f3): 342-362,

7, 1955 Ecological control of the occurrence of barnacles (Crustacea:Cirripedia) in the Miramiehi estuary. Nat, Mus, Can, Bull 137, 78 p,

8, 1956 Studies an the Crustacea collected in eastern Nsva Seotia and Newfoundland, 1954, Nat, Mas, Can, Bull 14%: 129-152,

9, 1962 Studies on Littoral marine arthropods from the Bay of Pundy region, Nat, Mus, Can, Bull, 183: 42-62,

98, BQUSFPEED, E,L, and A,B. EEIM 1866 The fauna of and Minas Channel, Nat, Mus, Can, Bull, 3-66: 8-30,

11, BWW, V,M,, D,L, PEER and Re$, BENTLEY 1968 Calorie content of the standing crop of benthic and epibenthie invertebrates sf St, Har~aret's Bay'# Nsva Scotia, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 25 (9): 1803-1811, 12, BROCHU, MICHEL 5968 Dynamique et caracteristiques des glaces de dc5rivc de I'estuaire ei de %a partie nord-est du golfs S~int-Laurent,hiver $954-9958, Direction de Pa C&ographie, Geographical Paper No, 24, 93 p.

13, 1961 Movement sf bsuI6ers by ice along the St, Lawrence -*KrVer, * Geographical Branch, Geographical Paper No, 36, 27 p,

14, BRUNEL, JULES 1978 Le phytoplanetsn de la Baie des Chaieurs, Les Presses de 1 YUraivers~te5 de Montr6al, Canada, 355 p.

15, BRUNEL, PIERRE 1970 Bibliographic? ehoisie sur lUoeeanographiede lsestuairedu Saint-Lauren$, Rev, G&agr. Montr6a.l 24 130 : 277-282,

16, 1970 Les grandes divisions du Saint-Lauren%: 3e cormentaire. Rev, Geogr, Montreal 24 (3) : 291-294,

IS* $971 Oceanographic studies in the St, Lawrence estnary in 1976-72: A new interuniversity program, IN: Eassan, E, M, (Ed,), Second Gulf of St, Lawrence Workshopi Bedford Inst,, Dartmouth, NIS, p 131-145.

18, BUCKLEU, B,E, 1969 Sedimentslsgical studies at Malpeque Bay, , Rep, Atlantic Oceanogr, Lab, 69-3, 66 p, (Unpubl, MS)

19, BURKE, M,V, and K,H. MABIN 1974 Productivity and production: Biomass ratios of bivalve and gastrapad populations in an eastern Canadian estuary. J, Fish. Res, Bd, Canada 31 (2): 167-197,

20 I GAIN, STTINLEU A, 1966 : A neglected resource complex, Corn, Fish, Rev, 28%50): 27-34,

21, C&WRBN, W,K, and D,W, PRETCmm 1963 Estuaries, IB: The Sea (Ed, M, N, Hill), Val, 2, John Wikey & Sons, New Ysrk, p 306-324. 22, ChW, PIERm 1959 Etude du port de &u@hee, Direction de la Geographic, Geographical Paper No, 27, 79 p.

23, CWADA 1971 Report sf the Royal Commission, Pollution sf Canadian waters by oil and formal investigation into grounding of steam tanker LRROW, Information Canads., Ottawa, 24% p, {Final Report $

24, CANADA, DEPT, OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1973 Base metal mine waste management in northeastern Mew Brunswick, Environment Impact and Assessment, Water PoLLuBion Control Directorate, Report EPS 8-WP-73-1, p 1-55-

25, CAmENFnE, A, 1969 Relev6 des aPgues marines dans lBestuaire du Saint-Eaurent, Wapp, ann, 1968, Sta, Biol, mar Grand-Rivigre, p 93-94,

26, CWRDINm, A, and M, VILLmARD 1971 Inventaire des algues marines bentkiques de IPes$uaire du Saint-Eaurent (Qukbec), Naturaliste can, 98 (5) : 887-904,

27, CARR, P,A, 1969 Salt-water intrusion In Prince Edward Island, Can, J, of Earth Science 6jl): 63-74,

28, CAUCHOIS, 53, ei M, KSIALIL 1974 Matiere orqanique dissoute dans l'estuaire maritime du St,-Lauren$ - Cornparaison et choix des m~thades, 9. Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 31(2): 133-1353,

29, CHEVRPER, 3,Ra and R,W, TRITES 1960 Drift-bottle ex2eriments in the Qusddy region, Bay of Fundy. J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 17 {&I : 743-762,

30, COLEMN, R,W, 1967 Crustaeea of the environs of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, $roc, Iowa Acad, Sci, 74: 240-246,

31, 1968 Certain malfusks of the environs of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Proc, Iowa Acad, Sci, "-)k RICI-II?F 83: 435 %40, 32, CQPELmD, 3-J, 1966 Effects sf decreased river flow on estuarine ecology- J, Wat, Poll, Csntr, Fed, 38(kl): 1833.-9839,

33, COUTURE, 3. 1970 R&production de PandaZus borealis Krdyee (Crustacea, Gecapoda) 6ans le fjord du Saguenay, Naturalisee can, 94 (63 : 825-826,

34, CWIGIEI E. HORNS 1816 Eydrographic investigations in St, Croix River and Passamaquoddy Bay in 8914, Contr, Can, Biol, 4914-16, p 2.51-161,

35, CmNSTON, R,E. and D,E, BUCKLEY 2972 Mercury pathways in a river and estuary, Envlran, Sci, Techncl, 6 (3): 274-278,

36, CROSS, C,B, 1951 An investigation sf the hydrography of Miramichi Eay. Canada Dept. Mines and Tech, Surveys, Hydrogr, Survey, Ottawa, 1% p,

33, DAWSON, W.B, 1971 Progress of the tide in deep inlets and ordinary estuaries, Trans, Roy, SQC, Canada, 3rd Ser., 5, Sec, 111, p 123-128,

38, DEPT, MINES AND RESOURCES 1939 Tidal currents charts for hourly stages of the tide in the St, Lawrence estuary along the main steamship route between Orleans Island and Father Pt, Hydrographic and Map Service, Surveys and Engineeri.,-ag Branch, Tidal Publ, No, 21- 44 charts, Ottawa,

39, DMINVILLE, 6, 1970 Le fjcrd du Saguenay, I1 La faune icheylogique et les conditions &colagique, Naturaliste can, 97 (6): 623-666,

4 8, BMIWfLLE, 6,, MRCEL TBPFAIqE et $1 E B%aTSNEL 1963 Croisiere oceanographique dans le fjord du Saguenay, 54-22 Juin 1962, Rapp, ann, 1962 Sta, Biod, mar Grande-Rivigre, p 131-141,

41, DXXNNAI9, R,E, 1966 Observations on the accumulation of heavy metals by shellfish in the estuary of the Mirmichi River, M,B,, 1968-2963, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada, MS Rept. j3isl,) 862, 8 p, 42, DRUYhYONU, A,%, 1893 Arctic current in the estuary of the St, Lawrence, Science 22 (569)3 360-361,

44, 1937 Note pr4liminaire sul les cuelenk6r6s epiphytes de Bclbefiia avifcrc de Ikestuaire du St,=- Laurent et addition a ia liste des espeses de coelentergs du meme endroii, Ann, ACFA3 3, p 113,

45, DYER, KEITH R, 1973 Estuaries: A physical introduction, John Wiley & Sans, Toronto, ant,

4 6, EDGE, BILLY L , an6 BENSM4IN C , DYSA2T 1972 ModePPing techniques for siting Large thermal power plants on industrialized estuaries, International Sympssim on Modelling Techniques in Water Resources Systems, Vsl, 1. Proceedings Biswas, Ast, K, {Ed,), Envisonnent Canada, Ottawa, p 139-149,

47, ELSON, P.F,, L*M, EWUZIER and V, ZITKO 1972 A preliminary study of salmon novements in a polluted estuary, p 325-330, IN: Mario Ruiva (Ed,) Marine Pollution and Sea Life, Fishing News (Books) Ltd., London,

48, FAM3W, D,M- and T,R, OSBOm 1972 An instrment for measuring conductivity profiles in inlets, S, Fish. Res, Bd, Canada 29(12): 3.76%-1769.

49, FISZT, PNL-EMILE 1934 Les crevetles de %'estua~redu Saint-Laurent, Naturaliste can, 69: 111-119,

$0, FEDEEN, F,J,H, and J,R, DUFFY 1970 Insecticide residues in some components of the St, Lawrence River ecosystem following applica- tions of BDD, Pestic, Honit, 2, 3(4): 219-226,

51, FRITZ, CLAP-& W- 1918 Distribution af diatoms at the mouth of the Miramfchi River, New Brunswiek, Atl, Biol, Sta, Orig, MS No, 416, 52, PROLWDER, HERBEEF I?, 1964 Biological an6 chemical features of tidal estuaries, J. Wat, Poll, Contr, Fed, 36(8): 103FlO48,

53, FQWGEP.ON, F.D, 1959 Tern-perature and salinity in the Quaddy region, Rept, International Passamaquoddy Fisheries Board to the International Joint Comission, Appendix I (Oceanography), Chap, 1, 44 p,

54. FORRESTER, W, D, 1970 Geostrophic approximation in the St, Lawrence estuary, Tellus 22: 53-65,

55, GANONG, W,P, 1963 The vegetatioc af the Bay sf Fundy salt and diked marshes: an ecological study, Bctan, Gaz, 36: 161-186, 280-302, 349-367, 429-455,

56. GAmNER, G,R, and G, LAROCBE 1973 Copper induced lesions in estuarine telessts, 6, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 30(3): 363-368,

57, GAUTRIER, Be 1971 Contribution 3 La regionalisation du Saint- Laurent, Naturaeiste can, 98 (3): 481-414,

58 , GAWREWU , &WRCELLE 1943 Notes sur la penetration de eertaines algues marines dans les eaux de Ikestuaire du Saint- Laurent, Ann, ACFAS 9, p 115,

59. GIWOQ 1972 Projets estuaire 11, Group interuniversitaire de recherches oceanagraphiques du Quebec, Univ, Lava%, Qu6bec, 74 p,

60, GOSNER, KENNETH L, 1971 Guide to identification of marine and estuarine invertebrates, Wiley-Interscience, New Yark, 693 p.

&I,GIiEhN, M,H, and T, B-ARUD I935 A quantitative study of the phytoplankton in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine (including observations on hydrography, chemistry and turbidity), J* BioZ, Bd, Can, 1(5] : 279-467, 52, GmEN, J, 1968 The biology of estuarine animals, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 401 p.

63, mCHEY, H,B, 1935 W preliminary report on scme hydrographic features sf the waters of Saint John harbour, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rept, Biol, Stas, No, 166: 1-12,

64, 1939 Hydrographic features of the waters sf St, John harbour. J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 4(5).: 424- 440,

65, 8963 Oceanography in Canada 1960-63, Rept, compiled for the l3t.h General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and International Ass, of Physical Oceanography, Berkeley, California, QueenBs Printer, Ottawa, 22 p,

66, IVISSM, E,M, {Coordinator) 2971 Oceanographic studies in the St, Lawrence estuary in 1970-72: a netr interuniversity program, 2nd Gulf of St, Lawrence Workshop he12 at Bedford Institute, Dertmouth, N,S,, November 38- December 3, 1970, p 131-145,

67, BOAR, W,S, and P.F. ELSON 1935 Margaree Harbour, Report on salinity canditasns at the harbour, Wept, NG, IX. Margaree salmon iavestigatisns, V01, 2, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rep%. Bisl, Stas, No, 114, 56 p.

68, HUNTS&Wn A-G, 1923 The influence of tidal oscillations on vertical circulation in estuaries, Trans, Roy, Ssc, Can,, 3rd Ser, Voi, XVII, Sec, V: 11-14,

69, 1939 Salmon movement through the Margaree estuary. Wept, No, XVI, Atlantic salmon and trout investigations 1939, Vol, 18, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rept, Bid, Stas, No, 208, 7 p,

76, 1942 Movement of salmon through the Margaree estuary, Rept. No, XVP, Atlantic salmon and trout investigations 1942, Voi, 26, Fish, Res, Bd* Canada MS Rept, Biof, Stas, No, 328, 10 ps

7% 1951 The production of life in estuaries, Sppssiw, S, Philadelphia, December 1951, 72, HUNTSMN, A,G, and R,R, LOGPE 1938 The influence of salinity on the distribution sf salnsn in the Saint John region, Rept, No, IX, Atlantic salmon and trout investigations 1938, Vel, 13, Fish, Res, Ed, Canada HS Rept, Bisl, Stas, No, 130, 16 p,

73, HUGHES, ROGER h , and M,L, W, T83PAS 1971 The classification and ordination of shakkow- water benthle smrples from Prince Edtvard Island, Canada, 3, exp, mar, Biol, Eeol, 7(P): 1-39,

74, 1971 Classification and ordination of benthic samples from Bedeque Bay, an estuary in Prince Edward Island, Canada, Biol, (Berlin) 10 (3): 227-235.

7 5, TPPEN, WRTIiUR T , (Xd,1 1966 Estuary and coastline hydrodynamics, NcGraw- Hill Book Company, Jnc,, U,S,A, 744 p,

76- JEAPxl, Y, 1946 Two northern longnose gars, Eepisos-beus osseua ozyurus Rafinesque, caught in the estuary sf the St, Lawzenee, Quebec, Copeia B946(23: 100,

7%. METCHUM, B,He 1951 The exchanges of fresh and salt waters in tidal estuaries, J, Mar, Wes, 10(%) : 18-38,

78, KETCHUM, B,H, and B,J, KEEN 1953 The exchanges of fresh and salt waters in the the Bay sf Fundy and in Passamaquoddy Bay. J, Fish, Res* Bd. Canada 10(3): 97-124,

79, KLUGH, A,B, 1910 A hydrographic reconnaissance sf the lower Saint John and the Kenaebecasis, New Bruaswick, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 2423 Rep$, Bi01, Stas, No, 4 p. 80, KRBUEL, D,%. $969 A pbysneal seeanogrzphic study of the Margaree and Gheticannp River estuar~es, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada Tech, Rept, KO, 115, 152 p, 81, UGZPOIX, GUY et LOUIS LEGENDRZ 1964 Le zooplaneton de Ikestuaixe de %a xivi&re Restigouehe (Baie des Ghaleurs): quantites et composition en asQt 1962, Naturaliste can, 91(l) : 29-40,

82, UUFF, GEORGE N, (Ed,) 1969 Estuaries, The Horn-Shafer Company, Baltimcre, Maryland, 757 p.

83, LAPEmEI M, 1964 Anatides of the estuary of the tributaries of the Bay of Gaspe Canada, $964, Quebec, Service du Faune Rapport No, 4, 1967, p 2415-213,

84, LWUZZER, LOUIS 9944 Contribution a LVc5tude des differentes masses d'eau dans le Saint-Lauuer~t.~ Ann, AGFAS 10: $01-102,

85, 1951 Preliminary survey of hydrographic conditions in the Miramichi estuary- Can, Jt, Comn. on Oceanogr, Ann, Rep, 1951, Surm, Xeps. (Atl,), p 15, 24,

86, 1953 The St, Lawrence spring run-off and s salinities in the lidagdalen Shallows, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 1093) : 146-147,

$7, 1954 Survey of the Gulf and estuary of St, Lawrence in September, 1953, Can, Jt, Corn-, on Qceanogr, Ann, Rep. 1954, S~mm, Reps, hAtL,), p 29-30,

88, 1956 Hydrography of Malpeque Bay area, Can, Jt, Comm, on Oeeano~r,,Ann, Rep, 1955-56, S Reps, {Atl,), p 27,

89. 1956 Early summer survey of the Gulf and estuary of St, Lawrence, Can, Jt, Comn, on Qeeanogr,, Ann, Rep, 1955-56, Suxrm, Reps, $A%l,), p 29-31,

90. 5956 Effect of bottom configuration on the temperature and salinity distribution near the entrance of the Saguenay River, Can, Jt, Corn, on Oceanagr* Ann, Rep, 1955-56, S Reps- (At3-e1- p 32-33,

91, 1958 Oceanographic observations in the Malpeque Bay area, Can, Jt, Corn, on Qceanogr,, Ann, Rep. 195F-58, P=vmmp RepsV.(Atf _;) g 62-66- 92, LAUZIER, L, and J.-L. YKENSLAY 1945 Contribution % 1-tuude de E8sxyg&ne disssus dans l%estuaix-e du St,-Laurent, Ann, AGPAS 11, p 77,

93, 1945 Oscillation de In nappe dPeau froide dans I'estuaire du St,-Laurent, Ann, ACFAS %I, p 78.

94.LWVOIE, R,, J,-L, TREMBLkY et 6, ZILTRFAU 1968 gge et croissance de Kacoma baZihica L, 2 Cacouna-est dans lkestuaire du St,-Laurent, Naturaliste can, 95 (4) : 887-8535,

95, LGirbBfE, R, and 6, BEAULIEU 1971 Salinite des eaux de surface dans fBestuairedu Saint-Laurent, Naturaliste can, 98(2): 291-193,

96, LORING, B,H, and D,J,G, NOTA 1968 Occurrence and significance of iron, manganese, and titanium in glacial marine sediments from the estuary of the St, Lawrence River, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada %5(11): 2327-2347,

97, mCLEELM, D,C, and J,B, SPPAGUE 1966 Bottom fauna of Saint John harbour and estuary as surveyed in 1959 and 1961, Detailed record of identifications and other data, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Wept, (BisS,) No, 883, 11 p,

98, AWNCMESTER, R a S 1965 Margaree Harbour hydrographic survey, Nova Scotia Research Foundation, 8 po

160, MCIVER, A,R, 1972 Primary and secondary production in Malpeque Bayp Prince Edward Island, compared with one of its tributaries and the nearby Gulf of St, Lawrence, McGilP University, Brolsgy Dept,, M,Sc, Thesis, 83 p.

101, MCKENZIE, R,A, 1959 Marine and freshwater fishes of the Miramieki River and estuary, Mew Brunswick, 5, Fish. Res, Bd, Canada 16 96) : 883-833, 102, IGAGHER, L, 1970 Baseline survey of size distribution and population density of two intertidal species of clans in the L'Etans estuarya N,B, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada, St, Andrews Biol, Sta, Brig, MS No, 1102,

103, mTH, ?,I?, 1931 Fishes of the Saint John estuary, Report No, 3a prepared fox the Saint John River Basin Board, Fredericton, N,B, 57 p,

104, 1934 Sports and co&m.ereialfisheries of the Saint John estuary, &port No, 7b prepared for the Saint John River Basin Board, Fredericton, N,B, 63 p.

105, MOULDER, DAVID S, and ALLEN VARLEY 197% A bibliography on marine and estuarine ail pollution, The Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plpsvek, England, 129 p,

106, NEEDLER, A,W,H, 1931 The oysters of f4abpeque Bay, Bull, Biol, Bd, Canada No, 22, 35 p,

3-07, 1933 Winter hydrography sf Bideford River, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Repts, Biol, Stas. No, 109, 19 p,

108, $933 Hydrography of the Malpeque Bay area, 11, Data for the open water of 1930, 1931, 1932, Atl, Biol, Sta, Orig, MS No, 654, 59 p,

199, 1937 Hydrography sf the Kalpeque Bay area, 111, Data for the open water 1933-1937, Atl, Bio%, Sta, Orig, MS No, 655, 62 pO

110, 1938 ForonoGus 6riaeantkus in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, Copeia B938(2): 96,

111, 1941 Temperatures and salinities under the ice in a shallow inlet, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 5(32: 236-243,

112, 1954 ~stuarinefisheries, Fish, Re%, Bd, Canada MS Rept, BioL, Stas, No, 586, 9 p, 113, NEU, H,A, 2960 The tlde in the St, Lawrence River, MS, Hydrsg . Lab, , NRC, Ottawa,

114, 2960 Hydrographic survey of Saint John Harbor, N,B, NRC Canada, Mech, Engng, Rept, MH-97, 196 p.

115. 1969 Salinity variations, density currents, and silt transport in the Saint John estuary. Prac, 13th Congress Inter, Assoc, for Hydraulic Research, Kyoto, Japan, Aug, 3%- Sept, 5, 1969, Vsl, 3 (Subject C), Science Council of Japan, Kyoto, p 241-248,

116, 1970 A study on mixing and circulation in the St. Lawrence estuary up to 1964, Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratory, Bedford Ins%,, Dasmauth, N,S, Report 1970-9, 31 p,

917, OGQB, GE 1972 Mathematical modelling of estuarial systems, International Spposium on Modelling Techniques in Water Resources Systems. VoIl 1, Proceedings Biswas, Asit R, (Ed,), Environment Canada, Ottawa, p 38-228,

118, PEARSOM, E,AI 1960 Tracer methodology and pollutional analyses of estuaries, Proc, First Intl, Conf, on Waste Disposal in the Marine Enviroment (E, Pearson, Ed,), Pergamon Press, N,Y,

119* BOWLL, N,A, and G,D, CROWELL 1967 Studies on. Batyszoa (Poiyzoa) of the Bay of Fundy region, 1, Bryozoa from the intertidal zone of Minas Basin and Bay of Fundy, Extr, Gah, Biol, Mar, Tame VISI: 431-3447,

128, PWT, REMRI 1933 Les zones de vggktatian et. Les faci&s des sivages de Lkestuaire du St,-Laurent, au voisinage de Trois-Pistoles, Naturabiste can, 60 (4) : 93-136. 121, PRA?;', HENRI et GEORGES P&FONTAINE 1935 Cornparaison de la faun% et de la flore de l'estuaire du Saint-Lausent et de ce%%esdes estuaires %e la c&te occidentale d' ecssse, Ann, ACFAS 1: 65-66,

122, P&FONTAINE, GEORGES $93Sa Remarques sur la faune littarale de fkes%uaire du Saint-Lauren%, Ann, ACFAS 1: 65,

123, 1935b Apercu sur le peuplement les fonds de lkestuaire du Saint-Lauren&, Ann, WCFAS I: 156,

$24, h936a Additions la faune de dBestuairedu Saint- Lalarent, (1) Actiniaires, (23 Echinadermes, (31 Polych&%es, (4) Ascidies, Ann, ACFAS 2: 76.

125, P&FBMTAINE, GEORGES et LIONEL PHLLIPPE 1942 Additions 3 la l:.ste des mollusque; de lkestuaire du Saint-Laurent, Ann, ACPWS 8: XI-2,

$26, PRITCWARD, D,W. 1959 Problems related to disposal of radioactive wastes in estuarine and coastal waters, U,S, Dept, Health, Zdueation and Welfare, Robert A, Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Tech, Rep, W60-3: 22-32,

12%. 1960 The movement and mixing sf contaminants in tidal estuaries, Proe, First Inre, Conf, on Waste Disposal in the Marine Envirament IE, Pearson, Ed,), Pergamon Press, New Xsrk,

3-28, mNAULT, 3.M. %968 Mill effluent distribution in Restigsuehe estuary, Progress Rept, No, 153-170, Research Laboratories, Fraser Companies, Ltd,, AthaBville, N,B,

129. ROGERS, H,M, 1936 The estuary of the Saint John River, N,A, Thesis, Univ, of Torants, 156 ps

130, 1936 The estuary of the Margaree River, Rept, No. VI, Margaree salmon investigations, Vsl, VIII. Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rept, Bial, Stas, No, 122, 60 p.

131, 1940 Occurrence and retention of plankton within the estuary, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 5 (2) : 164- 17r, 132, WUGGLES, C,P, and C. E, TUmER 1872 Recent elsanges in stock composition of the Atlantic salmon iScZqo salarl in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Resource Development Branch, Canada Deparment of the Environment, Halifax, N,S,

133, SmEOTO, D,D, and L,0, JilR.OSZUlil'SKI 1973 Distribution of euphausild scattering layers in the Gulf sf St, Lawrence estuary, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada Tech, Rept, 430, 17 p,

134, SCARWTT, D-J, 1969 Bleached kraft mill effluent near Pictou, N,S, and its effect an the marine flora and fauna with a note on the Pietou Go, lobster landings. Fish. Res, Bd, Can, MS Rept, No, 1637, 9 p.

135. SCmFER, GHAmES T, 1970 Studies of benthonie foraminifera in the Restiqouehe estuary, B, Faunal distribution patterns near pollution sources, Mar, Sediments 6 (3):: 121-134,

136. 1971 Distribution patterns of benthonie foraminifera near pollution sources in the Restigouche estuary, Mew Brunswick, Bedford Institute, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada,

137, SCHMER, C.T, and B,K, SEN GUPTA I969 Foraminifera1 ecology in polluted estuaries of New Brunswick and Maine, Atlantic Oceanographic Lab, Bedford Institute, Darmouth, N,S. Rept, 69-1, 24 p QUnpubl, MS)

138, SHELDON, R,M,, D,B, LORING and S, DELEU 1969 Physiographic changes in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, between 1845 and 1955, and the possible effecrs an oyster production, 9, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 25 (1): 171-175,

139. SMERWBOD, M-P- 1930 Oyster larvae in the Bideford River, F,E,I,, 1930, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rept, Bisl, Stas, No, 249, 9 pe

140. SPRAGUE, J.B, 1964 Chemical survey of the Saint John River, tributaries, impoundments and estuary in 1959 and 1960, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Rept, (Oceanogr, and LimnsP,) No, 181. 59 po 141. SPBBGUE, J,B, 196% Dissolved oxygen in Restigouehe River estuary, October 1966, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 145 Rept, No, 983, 17 p,

1.42, sQuams, W-A, 2967 Detailed accounts of saltwater fishes found in the Lower Saint John River, Natcre IGews, New Brunswiek Museum 18(3): 1-3,

143, STEVEN, D,N, 1374 Primary and secondary production in the Gulf of St, Lawrence, Marine Sciences Centre, McGill Univ, &IS Rept, No, 26. p 1-115.

3-44. SULLIVAN, C,M, 2942 Report on predictions of sets in MaSpeque Bay area and investigation of the soft-shelled clam, Mya arenar

145, 1948 Bivalve larvae of Malpeque Bay, PBE,I, Bull, Fish, Wes, Bd, Canada No, 77, 36 p,

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143. l959 Prediction of oyster secs in Malpeque Bay area in 194% and identity of some bivalve larvae occurring in Bideford River, with descriptions and comparisons of all larvae studied in 1943, 1944 and 1945, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada MS Wept, {BisP,) No, 685, 16 p,

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149, 1967 Thraeia eonradi in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, Nautilus 80(3): 84-87,

3-50, $968 Overwintering of merican lobsters, Womarus urnericanus, in burrows in Bideford River, Prince Edward Island, 9, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 25 (12): 2725-2727, 151, THOPAS! H,~JA~, 1969 Sediment-biota relaticnships in a Prince Edward Island estuary. Prac, Nat, Shellfish Ass, Convention 59(9),

152, 1970 Studies an the benthos of Bideford River, P,E,T, Ph,D, Thesis, Balhsusie University, 362 pI

653, 1970 Zonation of shore biata in Bideford River, P,E,P, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada Tech, Rept, No, 155, 59 p.

154, 2970 Fouling organisms and their periodicity of settlement at Bideford, P,E,I, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada Tech, Wept. No. 158, 49 p,

155, THOmS, M,E,H, and E, JELLET 197% Benthos trapped leaving the bottom in Bideford River, Prince Edward Island, 9, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 29 48) : 8234-1237,

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159, TRITES, R,W, 1958 Kennebecasis survey, Can, Jt, Corn. on Bceanogx, Ann, Rept, 195F58 Sum, Repts, (Wtl,), p 78-81,

160. 1960 AH oeeanograpkical and biological reconnaissance of Rennebeeasis Bay and the Saint John River estuary. d, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 17(3]: 377-408,

161. 1961 Probable effects of proposed Passamaqusddy power project on oceanographic conditions, J, Fish, Xes, Bd, Canada 18 (2) : 163-201,

162, 1962 Temperature and salinity in the Quoddy region of the Bay of Fundy, J, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 99(5): 975-978- 163, TRITE%, W,W, 3.964 Physical oceanographic stuiiies sf the St, Lawrence estuary, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada, Atlantic Oceanographic Group, Bedford inst, of Oceanography, Ann, Rept, and Investigators Smmaries 1954-54. p 1-3,

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166, VAVASOUR, G,R, and A,A, 8UIR 1955 Pollution scrvey of Hmber Asn: and Exploits River, J* Fish, Res, Bd, Canada 12(5): 682- 697-

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168, \.3ATSON, E,E, 1936 Mixing and residual currents in tidal waters, as illustrated in the Bay of Fundy. J, Biol, Bd, Canada 2F2): 141-208,

169, WGTNEY, 'W-H, and 6-6, WILSON 1958 Effluent distribution studies on the Miramichi and Restigauehe estuaries, Papex presented at the 4th Paper Industry Air and Stream Improvement Conference, Halifax, 1968, sponsored by Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Assoc, p 384-390,

170. WILBER, B,G, 1959 The catchability and movements of lobsters in the estuarv- sf the St, Groix River, Atl. Bisl, Sta, Orig, MS No, 987, 1-71. WILDISR, BJ,, W,G, eaassN, w,v, CARSON AND J,W, HULL 1972 Effects sf a neutral-sulphite, pulp effluent on some chemical and biological parameters in the LDE%ang Inlet, New Brunswick, L'Etang Inlet Survey 1, Fish, Res. Bd, Canada MS Wept, No, 23-77, 18 p,

3-72, WILBISW, D,J, and R,L, PHILLIPS 1974 An identification strategem for benthos collected to assess marine and estuarine pollution, Fish, Res, Bd, Canada Tech, Rept,

1956 Mill effluent distribution in Miramichi estuary, Prog, Rept, No. 153-152, Research Laboratories, Fraser Companies Ltd,, AtholviBle, N.B, GEBG&-PHLCAL CmSS mFEmNCE

General :

2-20-21-32-37-45-46-98-52-56-60-62 65-68-71-75-77-82-405-13.2-117-lZ8 126-127-131-172

3-4-5-12-13-1%-$6-17-22-25-26-28-33 38-39-40-42-43-44-49-50-54-57-58-553. 66-76-84-86-87-89-90-92-93-94-95-96 99-113-b16-L20-12%-122-I23-124-125 933-143-158-163-165-%67

N,B.\&uebec North Shore: (Restigsuche, Maramrchk, Chaleur, Gaspe)

Prince Edward Island:

St, John::

Nova Scotia/Newfound$and: LIST OF SOURCES

(Primarily a search at the St, Andrews Station Library)

Annual Report, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Cslmbia IH96b-19711

Aquatic Biology Abstracts, Val, I($)-3 (12) , 1969-1971

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries astracts van, 2 (11-3 (4) , 1972-1973

Arctic Bibliographyf VoP, 7-18, 1957-1961

Atlantic Biological Station Orig, MSS [I-10941

Atlantic Oceanographic Lab,, Bedfard Institute, Darmsuth, N,S, {Unpubl, MS) Oet, 1967 - Bee. 1971 Bibliography of Canadian Oceanography, 1965-1968

Biological Abstracts, Vol, 1-55, 1926-1973

BioResearch Index, Vsl, % (11-8 (126 , 1965-1972

Canada, Dept, National Health and Welfare, 1965-1971

Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vsb, 32, No. 2, 1918; Vol, 33, No, 3, 1919 to Vol, 87, No, 2, 1973

Canadian Fisherman, Vo%, 5-=L8, 1918-1931; VoP, 42-44, 1955-1957

Canadian Geophysical Bulletin, Vol, %-23, 1947-1970

Canadian Joint Cornittee on Oceanography, Ann. Repts. 1948-59, 1952-65 and Assorted Publications, 1961-1970

Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol, 1-12, 1923-1935; VoL, 15-51 (61, 1937-1973

Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Papers, 1"37.--1972

Current Bibliography for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, Vol, 7-16, 1964-1971 Current Contents, Jan, 3, 3.973 - June 20, 1973

Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts, Vol, 13(1$-20(4), 1966-1973 Estuarine Bulletin (discontinued) VO%, I($) -7 (3) , 1955-1963

Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, Vol, PQ8+2), 1973

Fisheries Research Board sf Canada: Journal, 1901 - V01, 31 (7), 1974 Manuscript Report Series, No, 1-1247 and unpublished MS Rcpts,, Studies, ete, Manuscript Reports [Oceanographic and Eimnslogical ) , No, 13-229 Progress 3eports - Pacific Station, No, 1-214 Progress Reports - Atlantic Station, No, 1-73 Studies Series, No, 1-885 Studies Supplements, 140, b-%416 Technical Reports, No, 1-392

Geographical Papers #7-38, Geographical Branch, Dept, Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, 1955-1965

House of Comsns Debates, Vol. 117, No, 1, Jan, 4, 1973 to No, 131, July 26# 3.973

Limnology and Oceanography, VG~,1 11) -18 (2), 1956-1973

Marine Science Contents Tables, 1971-1973

Oceanic Cication HlrQ~tracts~ Vol, 5 (1)-10 (3) , 1968-1973

Progressive Fish-Culturist, Mewrand&% 1-130 (1-19), 1933-1935; 1-331 (1-561, 6936-1941; Val, 13-33, 1951-1971

Report of the Task Force - Operation Oil (Clean-up of the ARROW oil spill in Chedabucto Bay) to the Minister of Transport, Vol, IV, issued by the Minister of Transport, Infomation Canada, Ottawa, Cat, No, T22-247314, 1973 Saint John River Basin Board, Report 1-i5g, 1973 Salected Water Ressnrees Abstracts, Vol, 2 (1)-6 (32), 1969-1973

U,S, Dept, of the Interior, Office of Water Resoarces Research, Zstuarine Pollution: A bibliography, Water Resources Scientific Information Center, Washington, D.C, 20240, 1973

Water Pollution Abstracts, Vole 40-44, 1967-1971