Queen Anne Corridor Overview Length: 2.3 miles QUEEN ANNE N AVE ROY ST MERCER ST Terminus New Track Miles: 4.5 single-track miles (rail only) Options VU99 Capitol Hill Major Stations: King Street Hub, S Jackson St - 2nd Ave S, A HARRISON ST 5 1st Ave - Yesler Way, Madision/Marison St, Seneca St, Pike St, BROAD ST Virginia St, Bell St, Queen Anne Ave N / 1st Ave N - Denny

1ST N AVE DENNY WAY Way, Harrision St (or Mercer/Roy St) Average Stop Spacing: 1,900 feet 1ST AVE Key Connections: STEWART ST BELL ST • King Street Hub BLANCHARD ST Westlake Hub

VIRGINIA ST • Financial District Station

B PIKE ST • Pioneer Square Station UNION ST • UNIVERSITY ST • RapidRide C (future) SENECA ST Central District

MADISON ST Service Restructuring Corridor Alignment Elliott Bay 1ST AVE Proposed Stations COLUMBIA ST JAMES ST None Alignment Alternative - All Modes Colman Dock YESLER WAY Operating Plan by Mode X Segments - Cross Section Reference 15 Peak Peak Peak / Base / Evening & Weekend 10 ST Link / Stations S JACKSON ST 5 Rail: 8 / 10 / 15 0 0.25 0.5 Minutes Miles 0 King St. 5AM 9AM 1PM 5PM 9PM 1AM Enhanced Bus: 10 /10 / 15 Cross Sections Segment A Segment B

Lower Queen Anne Couplet: North of Denny, rail would operate in a 1st Avenue: 1st Avenue has sufficient curb-to-curb width to accommo- couplet formation and could operate in mixed traffic or dedicated lanes. date 5 lanes. This would allow a center median dedicated or shared lane Multiple options are available for a turnaround/terminus. operation. Center-running rail and center platform stations would benefit traffic circulation on the downtown 1-way street grid all the way from Rail Cherry to Denny. Stations are proposed at somewhat frequent inter- vals in the downtown core because this portion of the transit line could double as a ‘waterfront circulator’ in addition to being a high-capacity connection between Lower Queen Anne and Pioneer Square. Interlin- ing/connecting the 1st Avenue line with the First Hill line at Jackson/Oc- cidental would provide expanded circulation options.




Note: All cross sections are representative of a possible design option for a corridor segment. Right-of-way widths, utility constraints, and competing street use needs vary in each of the representative segments. CC1: COMPARATIVE MEASURES DRAFT LOWER QUEEN ANNE - DOWNTOWN

Weekday Riders (2030) Productivity (Weekday Riders per Revenue Hour)

Rail Rail up to 12,600 Riders (Net New Riders - 9,600 Riders) 150 Riders/Hour

Enhanced Enhanced Bus Bus up to 6,200 Riders (Net New Riders 3,200 Riders) 80 Riders/Hour

Annual Operating Cost (Operating Cost per Boarding Ride) Net Operating Cost per Net New Ride (Accounts for Service Restructuring and Consolidation Opportunities)

Rail Rail $$$$$$ $5 million $$$$ $1.60 ($1.20) Enhanced Enhanced Bus $3 million Bus $$$ ($1.60) $$$$$$$ $3.10

Total Capital Costs (and Cost per Mile) Annualized Cost per Rider (Operating and Capital)

Rail Rail $$$$$$$$$$ $121 million $3.00 $$ ($53 million per mile) $$$$$$$$$$

Enhanced Enhanced Bus $5 million Bus $ ($2 million per mile) $$$$$$$$$ $2.70

End-to-End Travel Time Savings Annual GhG Savings Personal vehicle (Average Savings per Ride including In- and Out-of-Vehicle Time) Transit Emissions Decrease Emissions Increase Rail Rail -31 1 Minutes 32 MT CO2e

Enhanced Bus Enhanced -10 Minutes 1 Bus MT CO e 29 2

Vehicle Capacity Requirement (Estimated Bidirectional Demand by Mode vs. Capacity by Vehicle Type)

2,000 RIDERSHIP ESTIMATES (DEMAND) Streetcar Potential Demand

Enhanced Bus Potential Demand

1,000 CAPACITY ESTIMATES (SUPPLY) Streetcar Capacity: 140 with standees, 8 to 10 min headways

Passengers per Hour per Passengers 40-foot Trolley Bus Capacity: 80 with standees, 10 min. headways Streetcar Seated Capacity: 30, 8 to 10 min headways 0 Passenger time profile based on peer streetcar data (Portland) 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM

Note: Methodology sheet describes purpose and methodology for each measure. All cost estimates are presented in 2011 dollars.