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Start Here with I Health .-". -., . .. j-.». - , - ( NILES Tj NOVEMBER 18, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPEÇTATOR.COM * $2.00 r THiS WEEK FOOD HEALTHIER LATKES A couple of tricks to boost nutrition values y ..PAGE Home Front by BlockShopper .. , House calls Which . residence sold, and for hOw múch? Turn to Wumpeter Jean Laurenz plays "Taps" during a memorial service at Veterans Memorial Waterfall in Nues the morning of Nov. 11. Home Front to find out . MEMORIAL MUSIC PAGE 5 I Kevin Tanaka-for Sun-Times Media PAGE 19 Start here withihealth OC-'TLO9 lI S1IN care career. J_s NQi>1110 0969 .LSI0 AItI8I13118fld S1IN Attend a freeHealth Care Information Session. ¿01'OOOoO.LSIO AèI8I100000319fld 6O3 S1IN 899 Pharmacy Technician and 6T0-O'*.LO1 J.èI- 3u Aseptic Pharmaceutical Preparations -Tuesday, November 30, at 6 p.m., Des Plaines Campus,.- Room 1506 For more information, call 847.635.1700. Oakton 1600 East GoifRoad, CommimityCoflege I A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 'NIL NIL' 16865058, I$OVEMOERIO, lOI I I, s . Gknkie $315,000 Morton Grove $199,000 a s Skokie $279,000 MnttoSGr000 $149,000 . 8, Gino $269,900 Skokie $135,000 001#t 151 7, 00,80. 90s00[ft,hIo,71d(d. I 07004 bS,Ios/040 08,0304040 .8 o IOPWK00/88,oflASS.04oP'04. 2044405 L3,4,l]0l,904Ih.3000I8fl7/44.1#rd/57frI- Skokie $269,000 Skokie $124,000 $090,40' 4,/7520. 0.,o,g4,.44,/400, $844,000 r.MsONs 040.4404504 . '«t I s 000072,/720, 84,000 fr 4048,301/0 04 $213,000 r,/$/2640o 947809/7150 DosEl Hotmer Divinity Johnson Lorry Klous 8476244424 647.372.5865 708.785.2942 :A s I ¡ 'i 0$,, 4 NIL THURSDAY, NSVEADEH lb 2010 F nl- lHuEsoeY,0OHlMseetc0c Managingllslltor: MOB Schanilo l'lione: (708) 524-4403 I mocheooita4-poneeelocaLcom LocaTi 1\ews TillS WEEKs COUNTY TAX BILLS ARE 44 THE MtL I LAWSUIT: OILES NUSINESSMXN ACCOTES SF MORtGAGE FRAUD SCROALS, RILES NORTH puts UN PItHY PLAYSI TRANSPORTATION: RILES CANOT STATE FUNDS ¶ I VETERANS MEMORIAL WATERFALL 'War isnotwonderful' Veterans share triumphs and tragedies of war at Nov. 11 event By TRACY ROSEN. Csrtdb ate r tSeoideots, vetamos, grat responetero andvillngroTfi- ciels gathered at the Vcter- oros Memorial Waterfall la Nitro oc Non. ES Yac the os, oath Voieraos Day reremo- 'Today is yoar doy to stand tall and be r000g- olead," said Jomes Kosak, commander of the Nues VPW Poet 7712, to the maey s voterons io atiandanca. 0(00010 sornad io the Air- forre is Alaska for a litho I S U mora then three yrons. The ceremony incladed o I J J. 1l poem of remembraoro, a prayer for tho troops and ABOVE: Calot AvarA veptaiv Angelo Oratori al ARAN peal 7712, slants at afloohiar darloS nonedsl setales ,l t AY c t t their families, a gooselata Veterans Yairrsrial Wetedall io Nibs on Nos. il. and flag earemacy. Villoga RIGHE: Jar Tehattb si Nile: UPS p0517710, catches his seo TRias, leere Hoe te carry tie due osed io the .craftorrer who vare learrstorrrr tired momo reto aelroo,rdürery AerEdñg r000,1o: olfiriolsoodraprasantatinea eeresoet al Oetoraos Mervedal WatodalL Pistas bR Rods TasaRe-ter Sun-Tines Ostia fees than you ever dreamed possible. Kitchen, bssemevl master suileUhateuer of the Police end Pica do- porimeots also sharod their cod wool raceohly one of Orloroshi served in theit's wonderfaL" you baue irr verd, cat re iba bent b the bosiress tor eHren cvnocllotiov today. Ihooghts on the significant han Tomilymambers servedPlod Diviaioe of the Aemy 0e caality, it was qaita diE- day as o demolition eopart leio the Philippince. farest, ha said. Call 288.349,1714 tor a complimentary in-home consultation "t'va hers very proad to Irog. "Thelangla 'n terrible," ho "Everyone is afraid," he aeree this roantr2" sold VU- Acting Pire Chiot Stone seiot."Ynnneven lmowwben loge Tracter Chris H050si- Borhowehi sold that his fa- Itenas olwayaraieiegaed the neat ballet is comiog." SP EC IAL FINAN C IN G 0k, who served is the U.S. ther oodfothrr-ie-torvOrlowshi was forced to Jobs flagala, of Riles, oleo 2.99%* Navy for toar ynars. secvediolCorcaaedWorldslaap loa hole, heroonant-o member of Post 7712, served io the Navy foc eboal aaalrsbla Now- Cati Fer Datallst He sold that acrcing is the Wan II. "greatest sacrifica" oome- "Veteroos hold osyncial "Most cf my baddiaa araY years daring World War placele my heorl,"goon," sold Orlowahi, who 00. Every day he nsillwoora "To forget these mec ved Boc'kowslci said. eafferad a shoaldor mUorE n aproicl Nvvy erces neck- L,rohooevd Hoe 000go Otroorrur,J 0005 N. Lirorinurn, LircolvorruOper t dstsaoeat, evomanwoaldba esto," aoid Veteraos who oltendthewhile serviog. lace that his deceased wifa AIROOM I NaperW0a Hcn,a OesIgr Sflrw,cec, 0704 Aurore Aro, trapovilir Al Miller, o 44-y ear rasi- goce himalhenheweetoonn- I Opon t Aya 5050k Heanoiela. "00e straggle for ceremony ci the Veteraso peace 000hiaaes. Valar000 Memorial Watarfall eachdart of Riles, served in the seas io 5S43. He oltended year shared their pacsooelAcoth Pacific from 1844-4g. the ce:nmoay with bio good HOME ADDtTIONS KITCHENS BA'I'HS BASEMENTS CUSTOM HOMES Day is a special lUck hehveeo Sha posi yod She fatare." expec'ionces in the war. Hr bail tair Sc Ida for air- fricad, Micbcal Librean, vaho Village Trostae Louello "I woo 18 whoa Iwont in," planes and 01cv fooght iogreen ap with him en the Praatoo sharod that ehe hod said Richard Orlovvaloi, of botha. sama street, io the came oevocel family members Slenolorn, omember viNilos "War la 00h wondanfol," Soma He Penosylvonia. Lik- who eerved io World War 01 VOW Post 'lilA. Miller sold. 'On the monica von also served io Ihn novo. A PIONEER PRESS POBLICBOIONMIL 6 news NIL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lB, toro newso 7 NILESHITRALD- ILLINOIS TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTPROGRAM SPEC'IATOIO r MORTGAGE BATES * 000RLOCALSOORCE * State funds released for local work 4. TRAT MEET Community INSIDE THIS WEEK Morton Grove ruuoived Ouy 10000or 0100e govern. YOUR NEEDS CALENDAR 09 rocerrtly 1h05 nearly $90 woO' M44H,600, For Lir000to Av. me0100telt kasdogoelhortty Bank low oser Vow io federol 0000epor000ioe cour ttoaligooroaot; cod Is rïgibto 00 apply. L000l SterrtiOTg OS C ROS SWO RS Bot ooheoeemrut Woods for biloe Nb0, $075,000, Fur tiro Mil- mooching foods oro re- $rthSidePOne l'eny Oir,: On Bar001eg FILM CLIPS R4 poiho, elreelerope bu000ilt. wookrrAveoouecoo-o'idor quired, und murk meet begie 4.250% / 4.286%m APR 00010wmod other improve- Smprovoment.m Phase ADD Onr sosif is OPINION 01 ou tor projecre ootthiu forro menI proj0000 Lw nommuei- projerd hnernlrdgonblo nod POLICE 81007ER 20 lieu ooross lOiwois, ho Girootepe, dio $IAAT8O "We ore plooned to on- oSfiui000 and nno ovili Tho recoding loe pool of grout ro-lO br used for the 00000wtins federol speciol modio yoosr ptrnhosn or SCHOOLS OB tiro ilUnote Thonsportolioo W'rOom Rood SidewooOr too- project Seerding Our rummy- refles0000asy and SItOWIIMES st Enhoncemeoot Pregrom bombo OID-OVO. niOosorross Oho stole," said ronveei000 for you. IDTIAPI, o fedemly iondod "This Oederol boding udii SlOooie Deportment of Our moe050gcoeyoon compoSitive geoot progr000 give vommuoìOes Olorough. Trooroportution Seur010ry will asoleo poe fron: Wool promoiss olOernotive vol lOinoLe Ohr opportomity Gory 000uig. "Thtoho lo moons of transportaRon. to heoulify the'or streets de- Ihr toudioog Iranspur005iow year sppii005ion Ona The blest o'oond of toworoto velop bino polleo orli 'on- enhonuemenO projerto volli oimplc cbooisg proccos. motados lOurai of 1201110- provo bOno5 OraLs," sold moro SiLiovip o bolter pince ooioprojer000nd'ooexpert. Goy Quino. "These commo- to won:, Uno, do kosineoo rd 00 crecte or r000in 900 nilpvhoosd projoole rolO cre- end mist o FomOyl' Mmmgage teooenoaliae jobs. ole jobs, exporod trovmt The Rinvio Orpartmonl of LocoS0 Ihm olUogen of choices, ruhooco eolhly mrd Trorsportotion received Ahi Dclvi Poseenrmmrs Skoldo, Lincotowood, Mor' hrrprooe the qoolily of 0fr oppli000'oonsreopless'mg 047-244.500M too Grove, NOes and Oteo. Ihr Olnotsoors." STOP Ouoding 0000hegjosO oirw ore the rereiptenou of The ITOP le droigrod to undor $270 milico. Loet stole fmodiog for eoheore. impmvo Oe000poclotioo safe- loor, Illinois revolved Wood- Gum'. Rlverwoodo1m.r. Mundelein meno projmle-- Io' ood the quotI' 0000e ood ing for 08 tr000porturtiOe YOURSEASON Akoide roce oovordod io 010ooLs by promoliog 01- projects lololieg $02 milkuo 847-244'51OEI 847-279-1155 847 837-M883 $907,280, for LIe Gee: Oo101on terootive Or001poriatioo, 00000gb 1ko OTEO The pm. Chicago Aoeeelorope 000pronemenle, For000pioleouseregeerreurelAnso1001s bine med pedostrion travel, gesto is Wooded through 000eensrre,e am m,srecs r and Uermlrnnood, Ot175,A0O, 847 692 7S0m oeertsleemsrheohoulpesrsseesn:oee loo md otroetocapo be001iOco- OAPOTEA-LU, Oho hdomi 312-781-0670 cocos. pholse, roekiege, sod Asse. Aloe ee- for Biloewoy Pico L'ooiog and Ron. The iedvrol lods are surface imospor0000n food. Centennial celebration Ceiebrsrrlo prop so vrrnrbers ei Pe Irenreualste Corooptior perish otser000 the oharotS 100th ovrkoerserp 500.7 with o Ideos ont o ls the eile eno select peursoboel on Sigolog. onorded oumpetitivoLy, und ing biO, reoepton et While belle Weeg0010 iv dites, BOTTOM LEFTO The Ore 00 the kaleidoscope ot coloro Peoro the sickled 5ieos Orees e otri005 Opter Chwiet000dt, Pollici his osad BOTTOM RIGHT: Assoolete Pastor Roten NeeoboO oelehteted s Oenterrriet Mers ou too. T.Photos by Muso NoletroiorScr'iirres Media I Plsetoe HT the Week Taks ateos sI 15e pool weak 05:0050 lOe Ieooeo orlen ph000groppers OP Pieeeer A Press and res Delego. S5 to ploeenrlo 00100m. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 's COn1TACT US AT NILES-HERACD SPECTATOR Uve s'molo mrrsol0000eeerlsrslose.55 eraIs Letrero bIse omiso g, iI' .
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