
A SEACOAST MI Through the Tubes to New Jersey Most of the Progressive Towns Overlooking the Atlantic in North- More Cottage Rentals than at THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE HOMESEEKER ern New Jersey Near This City. Any Similar Time. LONG BRANCH ON HIGHEST POINT OF LAND IN REGION VAST COMSTRUCTION WORK r*1 *? *«u. » One of the moat popular and entrancina Belmar. ''o.« Pprini? T.akf, and la«t. r»'j» are * The Garden aurnmer pleasure grounds ll alonj the eea- not least. beautiful JJe* Qlrl galaxv of the New of the hiuff* Qiteen CHy .Tersey eoast in N'orthern New Jersey. attracttee pla^*" npon 'where the> cOOntry meeta the a--=i Scacoas* Will Bo re<-ent years lt has Unusually the Garden State he.ome more of In wldr mer. and WfH be the home of more than II per rent I/-.PK Franoh. N J., Mi I Cottage rent- ,.,.-.- abreai boataeea <.r work is in this Of the> prosperous bualn^es men of thla ii tl .' ever before lla* elty. ..Itv." pays another member of the patne ;<¦¦ f the moH nnfavorahle .jrsrcs Jf towna ar- wtthtra/aa hour'a exchanije. "The restdentlal area of th* etty .,,.-. .-.! aaa* * Hvely aum |«w part*! "f ,u* heajl of ejfj New Tork, and l!« beeoenlng " deaea that 1t« rapidlv ln m«>r here Bul thla la onlj one of many 'n~r* ¦¦"" **" the mon ln l.onsc BrQa-rich rnany rVg»r4a runnln* '~rea*5l»>r; populatlon mupt of nerepaity k»*\( atgna of rapld progreai time af tralm much rie*rer to tbe do» r. ar. outlet In the auburba. Brinch this year than tn ai prevtooa one. Long trw. .-^ntra' dls"'i-ts nf Manhattan. They wlll want to be rloae eriouah to Rinlding opeririens ar-' orisk. A theatre .i aplore Ihe \rrertean contlnent. if vou j the metropoiin to be wlthin eaoy a^rea.s to it L200, on the former site of tbe A ChaLrming Coast City of Opportunities wlll fo- a r»aro,,t tr,at is eqtial to that of Hl bualneaa rentres, and yet pufnclently Church ii whleh President Garfleld wor- ^@ff THAN A SEASHORE RESORT. Tt mmbines the of beach and rorf with IONG BRANCH IS MORE pteasures ot A GLIMPSE OF BEAUTIFUL LONG BRANCH. N. J the delights of ptcturesque river. daintv lakes and syivan beauties. Situated on a coast plateau. the htghest point Takanaasae Lake Cottage Section. the entire tolantic Seaboard, the ocean for six miles and hland two miles; il rffers a choice land alnnjr extending along Wesi Norwood, North of a multiplicity of types of environment in its variona sections.Elberon, End, Hollywood, and Pleasure Ra\. Long Branch, Branchpotl and free- It is both country and city, for here are found not only the attractions of conr.try trees, lawns, hedges dom from crowding -but also all urban conveniences of trolleys, hospiul, library, fewers, free garbage collectton, pavrt, and streets, pure water. efficient fire and police protection, banks and department stores. lighted, swept sprinkled and There are facilities for all sports yaehting, boating, bathing, fishing, crabbing, tennis, poto, baseball golf. there is from the to the theatrea and mid-August carnival festivtties. rhen In amusements everything merry-go-round the there are the line drivea.120 miles of them here and an rqual mileage radiating through contiguous country city's And there are, the oM road- all in a territorv embellished with the highest skill of landacape gardening. too, quaint the famed for their succulent clambakes and shore dinners. fhere is quiet for the invalid. and houses on Sh'rewsbury, the horse show gay gocial life for those who like it in the danees and balls at the hotels and in fashionable show, dog nnd other functions. Five Presidents have summered at this delightful resort. But its attractions have been unmeasur- ablv enhanced E?nce. Over $1,500,000 haa been expended in impfovementa along the ocean fronl in the past few years. The famous blnff drive has been widened, a boardwalk, pavilions and . asino erectw, .v. an amttsement park created and a big concrete "oean pier butlt. The nearest point on the Jersey Shore to New York and the great metropolitan area bv trains Branch is an hour distant by the Pennsylvania and Jersey _>ty ,lrreey, bul your .--earch wlll pro-.e express Long only There are stations in the limits and some 100 New York trams a day una-.aillng." ?ay» a member of the New Central eight city Line River JafBOy-New York Real Estate Exchaiige. in summer. not to mention the Sandy Hook Bay and the Patten Steamera. H* further ;-n> a ( ^. I nmmuting is casy and pleasant the'year around, and the rates as low a> 35 centa a There is nothing to rompare wlth the I ,.<-; rntlea of o«ean front that stret<-h ..\ round Irip. |$a at reasonab'e ajajeatleally from Atlantk Highlands to /«y^ ^*ej^ Lots of room for deveiopment, on high, dry land price Cap' Ma>- 'eaVtt W Cottages now renting for the .>ea«on furnished at from $400 up. "Beyoad queption it prearent-s the greateet write aurrm country to recuperate from the rigora of th© tniand .a.ntrr aaaaaet .This wonderland of health and rest ex- arta «n irresi5tible charm upon thoaa who are fortunat" enough to come, wlthin Its In- fluerT Mountain N. J* The land. no leaa than the sea. comblnea Greenhut Viila at Loncj Branc. Lakes, to create Idea! atmospherlc conditlona about 1,000-Acre Residential Park the Jereey ooast. aecure advan- while a aumraer resident here: a far away from them to the shlpped Air great pine belt whlch oxtenda tages 0f siiburhan lif^ fine ni Bt Jamee'a EpIacopeJ 800 Feet Elevation Kealihy Mountain Ihrougb the centre of New Jereey fllls the "Of all commoditles suv.Jerr to purrbas" Church and a< | boardlng houeee Arteslan Water No Malarla alr erltb life glvlng ozone, whlch, comblned ar.d Bale the lea«t speculatlve are lamis are ).. ing gera toree. <. ¦-< ra»7 rommuiarlnrt. Fipreaa traJna wlth th" aatty t*ng of the sea and the open wlthln or close to a llve suburban eommu- and oflloa i ¦ '.. ^v modern lo V T. ritr dlrert from PropertT. alr r.x»rc!se poasible at all tlmee, ls ex- nlty. Thelr rlse in value is regulated by yr-ar-r.. 11