MedCruise News Bringing the Med together June 2014 | Issue 44

Record attendance at MedCruise 44th General Assembly, Castellon ver 120 port members, associates, those demanding services and the interests of media and members of the local cruise, those supplying services. While each side Otourism and city communities gathered advocates its interests through the respective in Castellon, for the 44th MedCruise associations, and should continue to do so, General Assembly, 21-25th May, 2014. collaboration is essential. Collaboration can be The GA welcomed three new port members: better done when ports in the Med and its IN THIS ISSUE Istanbul, Taranto and Trabzon and two new adjoining seas proceed in engagement associate members, Allegra Montenegro and collectively through MedCruise.’ Association News/People 1-6, 8 B&A Europe. The highlight of the first day was the Round MedCruise 44th GA in Castellon 1-3 During his opening speech, Stavros Table devoted to Sustainable Cruise, with the MedCruise at Cruise Shipping Miami 2014 4 Hatzakos, MedCruise President, said that the participation of Rob Ashdown (CLIA Europe MedCruise-CLIA Collaboration 5 association represents ports hosting more than Secretary General), Elisabetta Pinna, (Costa Trabzon visit 5 28 million cruise passenger movements Crociere), Manos Shinakis, (‘Sustainable Cruise’ Espo Passenger Committee 5 annually and he emphasised that through the Project), Stavros Hatzakos, Thanos Pallis ecoports 5 active participation of its members, the (MedCruise Secretary General) and the MedCruise Diary 2014 6 expanding MedCruise is gaining in strength. intervention of Dimitrios Theologitis, Director MedCruise pavilion at Seatrade Med 2014 8 Praising the European Commission’s move to for Ports and Port Policy of the European simplify the visa code for third-country visitors Commission. Itineraries / ships 7 to Schengen passport-free areas, the MedCruise The session explored first the potential of President emphasised that through cruise ports and cruise lines to work together at Epic year-round Med for Norwegian 7 collaboration, the cruise industry and the port local level and create clever and innovative Med will see more MSC newbuilds 7 industry might only benefit and expand cruise solutions referring to waste reception facilities Cunard’s wider choice of Med-fly cruises 7 activities. and waste collection practices at sea and New Med itineraries for Costa 7 MedCruise has also worked with the ashore. European Commission on the new EU Strategy Discussion then moved to the ways that for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and policies at international level might facilitate Maritime Tourism. The strategy outlines a ‘Green’ cruise ports. Ashdown focused on the number of actions to strengthen the cruise need for sophisticated, market driven practices sector’s position as a key driver of Europe’s blue and policies, rather than top-down approaches, economy. whereas Hatzakos mentioned the importance On the issue of collaboration with cruise of networking. lines Hatzakos noted, ‘This collaboration needs The second day started with a Ports & Cruise to respect the fundamentals of the market. In Lines Session on ‘Cruising the West Med’ (see Web: each sector there are always the interests of page 2). @MedCruisePorts MedCruise 44th GA Cruise lines discuss green ports, deployment and shorex revenue issues

Royal Caribbean’s Adam Sharp Gala Dinner at Castellon Auditorium Hosts Port of Castellon and Stavros Hatzakos

orts from Southern Europe, gathering in have purchased tickets for either one or the other and For the Royal Caribbean brands, a turning point in Castellon for the 44th MedCruise General in many cases both events.' Other event-related the Med will come this fall said Adam Sharp, manager PAssembly, heard a broad range of discussions cruises next year feature the Funchal Flower Parade. port operations Europe RCCL with the Oasis of the on green ports, deployment issues and shorex revenue Presenting AIDA Cruises’ deployment strategy, Seas sailing a few cruises out of Barcelona, before the in the Med. Kay-Uwe Maross focused on seasonal deployment, Allure of the Seas sails a full summer season in 2015. Simon Douwes, director deployment & itinerary, the search for variety in countries, the significance of With the bigger ship, however, come issues such as Holland America Line, noted the brands strong slow steaming, and cost/revenue optimization. port and city congestion, which he said Royal commitment to Europe and in particular the Med. Michael Pawlus, director strategic planning at Caribbean is working on. 'With no ECA and many ports close together makes Silversea Cruises, spoke about guests interest and for cheaper ship operations in the Med compared to satisfaction, port and fuel costs, evening and overnight other areas.' He noted operating costs in Alaska are calls, the mixture of experiences, shore excursion twice those in the Med. selections, and their marketability. On the shorex side, Peter Deer, commercial The Mediterranean is core to Costa Cruises’ director, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines said tours in the programs, said Susanna Illiano, port area coordinator Med generally generate lower revenue than those in for the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Sea and Arab Northern Europe. He said the brand has been Gulf. She said that Costa calls at 93 ports in the focussing on driving shorex revenue and referenced Mediterranean, offering interporting in 32. A key the current 'Film Star and Fast Cars' cruise featuring factor going forward was transparency of port costs, Cannes Film Festival and Monaco F1 Grand Prix. according to Illiano. She added that Costa will do Deer commented, 'a major number of passengers random audits to ensure the quality of its port agents.

‘Sustainable Cruise’ Roundtable discussion, L-R: Rob Ashdown, Stavros Hatzakos, Thanos Pallis, Elisabetta Pinna and L-R: Port of Castellon’s Miguel Rojo and Roberto Arzo Manos Shinakis Cubero flank Silversea’s Mike Pawlus

2 in Castellon, Spain What’s cooking in Castellon?

ruise line execs attending the 44th GA of tourist city so it offers a different draw to some of the MedCruise in Castellon had a chance to view larger and more popular destinations in the vicinity. Cthe city, located less than an hour's drive First up a guided walking tour through the town, north of , and its surrounds. and an opportunity to mingle with the local The Port Authority of Castellon offers various community going about their daily routine. Sights quays plus a 350mtr long cruise berth, situated around included the Town Hall Square, Cathedral and Bell 20 minutes by bus from the city centre. Tower, then onto the market selling fresh locally Situated on Spain's Med coastline, which offers an grown produce and a welcome break at a street side abundance of well established cruise ports, has proved tapas bar. a challenge for Castellon to attract a significant A new tour this year and one unqiue to Castellon number of calls. Fred Olsen, Crystal, Windstar and is a visit to the Porcelanosa factory to see the Holland America Line have all featured Castellon on manufacturing process of ceramic tiles from the raw West Med itineraries in the past few years. material stage to finished product which are exported Later this year Windstar's Wind Spirit will be the to over 80 countries worldwide. sole cruise call in 2014 but port president, Juan Jose Finally a visit to Masia Les Casotesa, a villa in the Monzonis and managing director, Roberto Arzo countryside outside the city, where owner, Emma Cubero are hoping that by hosting the MedCruise Bordils, and chef Miguel Martí, taught the party how gathering and bringing several cruise line executives to prepare and cook the traditional paella dish, which to see the city and its surroundings first hand, might was heartedly eaten by the cruise line executives. unlock more cruise business. On the last day delegates had a chance to go Simon Douwes, director of deployment & itinerary further afield with tours offered to Morella, the planning Holland America told Seatrade Insider, medieval town in the mountains with its centuries- Prinsendam's first call in Castellon produced 'excellent old castle at over 1,000 mtr above sea level or to feedback from passengers'. Prinsendam will return in Peniscola, along the Med coastline and its 14th 2015. century castle-fortress perched on a rocky outcrop The appeal of Castellon is that it is not a major and linked to the mainland by a strip of sand. Castellon’s fish market

Cruise Line execs cook up some Paella Chef Marti shows how it’s done Castellon’s town square

Costa’s Susanna Illiano outside Porcelanosa factory Peniscola visit HAL’s Simon Douwes with Stavros Hatzakos

3 MedCruise at CSM - Statistics media briefing

edCruise member ports counted 27m seas reached 14,428 last year, a 4% rise compared to cruise passenger movements in 2013, 2012 when 13,958 calls took place. Mrepresenting a 4% rise on the previous The number of calls in 2013 was only 298 shy of year and a 24% increase in the five year period the record number of 14,726 calls at MedCruise ports (2009-2013). in 2011. The fifth edition of the MedCruise Statistical At the time of publication the number of Report, based on data from 67 MedCruise ports members of MedCruise represented about 75% of representing over 78% of the total cruise passenger cruise calls in the region. Following the GA in movements in the Mediterranean last year, was Castellon and the addition of three new members, presented by the association’s president Stavros MedCruise now accounts for 80% of cruise Hatzakos during Cruise Shipping Miami 2014. passenger movements and calls taking place in the Cruise calls in the Mediterranean and adjoining Med. Stavros Hatzakos presents the 5th edition of MedCruise Terminal design discussion Statistical Report.

and prepare for larger ships, as Barcelona has done. The Spanish port is 'two steps ahead of us,' the Royal Caribbean executive said. Barcelona was ready for Oasis of the Seas four years ago. Terminal B is being upgraded for 2015's full season of Allure of the Seas turnarounds at the relatively modest cost of €12m. Hatzakos, noted a trend to port privatization. Some 44% of MedCruise ports are now privately managed and of the 56% that are are publicly controlled, 25% are attracting more private investment, with as the latest example. However, the European Union is providing economic stimulus funding for tourism projects, edCruise president Stavros Hatzakos joined larger ships plus funding challenges and the right something that began in Greece. Funding is a a panel on terminal design at Cruise multi-use formula came up, too. challenge, particularly for small ports as ships get Shipping Miami 2014, where architects of But time and again, the theme returned to bigger, Hatzakos said. M Yet ports in the cruise business have to think big. some noted facilities and destinations stressed the functionality. importance of a distinctive look, social responsibility 'All we care about as users is function, function, Tercek noted the Oasis class was designed for and ties to the history and culture of the place, while a function,' said John Tercek, vp commercial and new South Florida and in just its fourth year after launch, ground operator discussed the myriad details needed business development for Royal Caribbean Cruises Oasis of the Seas will be in Europe for a short season, to make a terminal work well, including the human Ltd. 'Form' is just a minor consideration. with Allure scheduled to operate a full season from factor. And designing for the future and increasingly Tercek urged planners to think far into the future Barcelona in 2015.

Galata Port’s (Istanbul) Orhan Gundoz and Figen Carla Salvado and Mar Perez from Port of Barcelona ’s booth Ayan with Stavros Hatzakos

Perfume making at the French Riviera stand Port of Savona’s president Gian Luigi Miazza Var Provence’s ‘Pink Party’

4 understanding between the two associations. MedCruise-CLIA The meeting follows the submission of a joint Trabzon visit statement by CLIA Europe and MedCruise last year to the European Commission, aiming to put cruise collaboration at the core of the European maritime growth edCruise membership expands in the strategy. The EC published its new ‘Strategy for Black Sea with the Port of Trabzon being more growth and jobs in coastal and maritime Mthe latest port to become a member, edCruise and the Cruise Lines tourism’ paper last Friday which both parties officially welcomed at the 44th GA in Castellon. The International Association held a meeting welcomed. port of Istanbul (Salıpazarı Liman İşletmeciliğive MFebruary 25th in Port of Piraeus, Greece at Hatzakos added, ‘MedCruise has long advocated Yatırımları A.Ş. has also joined along with Taranto, which executives from both associations discussed the need to join efforts in promoting the sector by resulting in MedCruise representing cruise ports latest developments in the cruise sector and explored resolving problems, addressing challenges, and hosting more than 80% of cruise traffic in the Med the prospects for collaboration to further advance improving its image. The creation of a European and its adjoining seas. the sustainable growth of cruise activities. platform bringing in the dialogue of the entire sector CLIA was represented at the meeting by Didier is a most positive development for MedCruise and Scaillet, CLIA Global vp of business development, its members, and it is warmly welcomed.’ and Robert Ashdown, secretary general of CLIA Marco Digioia, CLIA Europe’s Government Affairs Europe whilst MedCruise, was represented by Director, said: ‘Being strongly committed to Stavros Hatzakos, MedCruise president, and Thanos sustainability and to preserving the sea’s pristine Pallis, MedCruise secretary general. environment, the cruise industry welcomes the The themes of the meeting included promotional Commission’s commitment to sustainable growth and regulatory issues of mutual interest and both and hopes that this new strategy will help the sector parties agreed to hold further meetings to advance to maintain its international competiveness, whilst the ground covered and build up a common continuing to minimise its environmental footprint.’

Earlier, MedCruise President Stavros Hatzakos and Secretary General Thanos Pallis visited Trabzon and held meetings and discussed the prospects of cruise expansion in the region with the Governor of Trabzon Honorable A. Celil Öz, the Mayor of Trabzon, O. Fevzi Gümrükçüoğlu, President of the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry M. Suat Hacisalihoğlu and General Manager of Trabzon Port (Alport Port) Muzaffer Ermiş. Talking EcoPorts L-R: CLIA’s Rob Ashdown, Stavros Hatzakos, CLIA’s Didier Scaillet and Thanos Pallis ESPO Passenger Committee

edCruise actively participated at the 1st EcoPorts Workshop on Waste Reception Mfacilities organised by the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) in cooperation with Piraeus Port Authority, at the latter's facilities in Greece on April 25th. The Workshop focused on policy issues related to ship-generated waste management, with members of ESPO's EcoPorts network, as well as MedCruise Association and Euroshore, the association of port MedCruise representatives from Lisbon, French Riviera and Marseille at ESPO meeting reception facilities in Europe and beyond, shared edCruise participated at the meeting and help their membership share experiences their experiences and points of view. of the passenger committee of the and practices on applied policies and services. MedCruise president Stavros Hatzakos presented MEuropean Sea Ports Organisation During the meeting port representatives current waste reception facilities in MedCruise (ESPO), which took place in Riga, Latvia in expressed their positive reaction to the ports, based on data collected by the Association for early May, contributing to the attempts of European Commission’s decision to forward a the Sustainable Cruise project. He also highlighted European ports to set initiatives increasing the proposal to revise the EU's visa code for third- the importance of environmental management for awareness on the challenges of cruise ports. country visitors to the Schengen passport-free the port sector. MedCruise secretary general Thanos Pallis, area. The aim of the revision is to shorten and The Workshop was also attended by Isabelle along with BoD members Bojan Babic and simplify the procedures for those wanting to Ryckbost, secretary general of ESPO, as well as Anna Carla Salvado had the opportunity to discuss come to the EU for short stays, with the Bodo Remijn, European Commission representative ways that they could best collaborate with objective of boosting economic activity and job of the General Directorate for Mobility and other regional associations, like Cruise Europe, creation. Transport (DG MOVE).

5 MedCruise will be Ports unite: ESPO to strengthen participating at the following events the voice of cruise port authorities worldwide in 2014 in Europe Seatrade Med Cruise Convention 16-18 September, 2014, Barcelona Dubrovnik port

MedCruise is a sponsor of Seatrade Med, the Mediterranean’s largest gathering of cruise lines, ports and destinations and cruise community.

45th MedCruise General Assembly, 19 September, 2014, Barcelona

n response to the growing number of cruise The work on the new ESPO guide for MedCruise to hold their next General passengers in Europe, the increasing number passenger and cruise ports is being driven by Assembley in Barcelona during Seatrade Med. Iof ports involved in the cruise business and ESPO’s passenger committee. new challenges ferry ports might be facing, the This committee was set up in 2010 and 4th International Ports and European Sea Ports Organisation is developing a gathers experts from ferry and cruise ports from Shipping Conference, 1-3 October, code of practice for both cruise and ferry ports. across the European Union. The Committee In introducing the code, ESPO hopes ‘to works in close cooperation with different cruise 2014, St. Petersburg strengthen the voice of cruise and ferry port port organisations, including Cruise Europe, authorities and clearly highlight the port’s Cruise Norway and MedCruise. Collectively, perspective in relevant policy debates.’ these three associations represent over 250 The aim of the ESPO code is to bring together cruise ports. practical experience of cruise and ferry ports in ESPO says is also willing to engage in a MedCruise President Mr. Stavros Hatzakos will Europe and pro-actively set out constructive debate with the associations be among the key note speakers of the 4th recommendations for European ports representing cruise lines or other stakeholders International Ports and Shipping Conference. accommodating passenger and cruise ships as involved in the cruise or ferry sector. regards policy applied and services available, it 2nd GreenPort Congress 2014, 15- stated. 17 October 2014, Barcelona ESPO also believes the exercise is an active contribution from the port sector to the European Commission’s Blue Growth Initiative. MedCruise welcomes ESPO move In its 9th year, the GreenPort Congress provides decision makers from the port community with a meeting place to learn and edCruise welcomes the announcement uniting the voices of regional associations, it discuss latest sustainable development and of the ESPO decision to work in strengthens the voice of cruise ports at environmental practice. Mcollaboration with MedCruise, and continental level, while respective associations Italian Cruise day, 24 October other regional cruise port organisations, in order address local and regional issues. to increase the awareness on cruise and ferry This concrete step allows policy-makers and 2014, Naples ports, and promote best practices in the sector. our business partners, particularly cruise lines It also welcomes the ESPO wish to highlight and their association, to identify reliable and ports’ perspectives in relevant European policy effective partners in discussing the prospects of debates, and engage in a constructive debate the sector, both at continental and regional with the associations representing cruise lines or level. other stakeholders involved in cruise. This is a key move in the representation of the MedCruise works already to advance the interests of cruise ports. It will undoubtedly help collaboration with cruise lines, and the both our European and non-European members The Italian Cruise day 2014, the annual event association representing them. It will continue to of MedCruise to see positive policies and of reference for the cruise industry in Italy that do so, for the benefit of its 70 port members in emerging, and enjoy the benefits of the effective is held under the auspices of MedCruise will the Med and its adjoining seas. advocacy of their interests through port take place in Naples, October 24th, 2014. The ESPO move adds to these efforts. By associations.

6 Epic year-round Med for Med will see Norwegian Cruise Line more MSC

orwegian Epic’s 2015/16 winter program Naples, Civitavecchia (Rome), Livorno (for from its new year-round homeport of Florence/Pisa) and Palma (Majorca). newbuilds Barcelona includes 10-day Canary Islands On Dec. 9, 2015, and April 7, 2016, Norwegian N SC Cruises signed a contract with and Morocco itineraries, and 10-, 11- and 12-day Epic will sail two 10-day Western Mediterranean Western Mediterranean routes. The season is itineraries that visit , , , Fincantieri for two 154,000gt vessels from Nov. 29, 2015, through April 7, 2016. Naples, Civitavecchia and Livorno. Mwhich are 323mtr long, 41mtr wide and The Canary Islands and Morocco routes Norwegian Epic’s final cruise of the winter a height of 70mtr (pictured). include ; Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, and season, on March 16, 2016, will be a 12-day The ships will accommodate up to 5,300 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife; Funchal, Western Mediterranean voyage to Cagliari, passengers each and are to be delivered in Madeira; and Málaga. Carthage, Palermo, Naples, Civitavecchia, November 2017 and May 2018. Norwegian Epic’s 11-day itinerary visits Cagliari Livorno, Palma and Valencia. MSC also has a pair of 167,000gt newbuilds on (Sardinia); Carthage, Tunisia; Palermo (Sicily), order at STX France with 4,500 lower berths each. Those are due for delivery in early 2017 and early 2019. MSC said all four ships are being built to sail to 'the most sought-after warm weather destinations in the Mediterranean, South America and Caribbean.'

Cunard’s wider choice of Med fly- New Med cruises; longer stays in port itineraries for

n 2015, Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Mediterranean including seven-, 14- and 21-night Queen Victoria will sail 197,471 nautical miles, holidays calling at 32 ports of call (up from 30 in Costa Ivisit 96 destinations in 35 different countries 2014). Embarkation will be from Rome, Venice and and stay overnights including MedCruise member Athens plus new options of Istanbul and Trieste. osta Cruises 2015/16 brochure featuring ports Monte Carlo, Venice, and Istanbul. Four MedCruise ports are new destinations for itineraries from November 2014 to April The 2015 programme is the most extensive Cunard vessels next year: Cagliari (Sardinia), La C2016, includes new itineraries in the Cunard has ever offered with longer stays in port Spezia (Italy), Zadar (Croatia) and Horta (The Mediterranean. and a wider choice of fly-cruises in the Azores). Iberocruceros' Grand Celebration is to join the brand as Costa Celebration in 2015 and will operate from Venice starting in April. Costa Diadema (pictured), debuting in November, will sail year-round in the Mediterranean on seven- day cruises from Savona calling every week at Marseille, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Naples and La Spezia. Costa Fascinosa and Costa Magica will offer 12-day new cruises in the western Mediterranean with a two-day stop in Casablanca. Starting in spring 2015, Costa Mediterranea will be deployed on seven-day cruises with an overnight stay in Trieste, visiting Split, Kotor, Kefalonia, Corfu and Dubrovnik. Costa Magica will operate in the Canary Islands with calls at Tenerife and Lanzarote.

QM2 on an earlier visit to Livorno

7 MedCruise News Bringing the Med together June 2014 | Issue 44 MedCruise 10 Akti Miaouli Str. MedCruise Pavilion at Seatrade 185 38 Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30 210 40 90 675 [email protected] Med, the biggest yet Secretariat Thanos Pallis, Secretary General Aimilia Papachristou The MedCruise pavilion at Seatrade Kleopatra Arapi Med in Marseille, 2012 MEDCRUISE MEMBERS Alanya Mersin Messina Azores Monaco Balearic Islands Motril-Granada Barcelona Naples Bari North Sardinian ports Brindisi Odessa Cagliari Palamos Cartagena Palermo Castellon Patras Piraeus Civitavecchia Portimao Constantza Portoferraio Corfu Ravenna Cyprus ports Rijeka Dubrovnik, Korcula Savona Egyptian ports Sete French Riviera ports Sevastopol Genoa Sibenik Sinop Heraklion Sochi Souda/Chania he MedCruise pavilion, centre-stage at the Those members who are booking larger space Igoumenitsa Split Istanbul Taranto 2014 Seatrade Med Cruise Convention will this year compared to the 2012 edition held in Kavala Tarragona be the association’s biggest ever presence at Marseille, include La Spezia at 50sq mtr, Livorno at Koper Ports of Tenerife T Thessaloniki Kotor this biennial cruise event. 36sq mtr, Palamos at 32sq mtr, Var provence at 28sq Kusadasi, Bodrum & Toulon-Var-Provence More MedCruise members are increasing the size mtr, Baleares at 20sq mtr. Antalya Trabzon La Spezia Trieste of their stands than even before with the full list of MedCruise will also be fielding speakers for the Lattakia Tunisian ports participants still to be confirmed during June. Conference running alongside the exhibition taking Lisbon Valencia Livorno Valletta The list of participants: Balearic Islands, place from September 16-18th at Fira de Barcelona, Madeira ports Venice Bari/Brindisi/Taranto (Apulian Ports), Cagliari, Gran Via Conference Centre. MedCruise President Malaga Volos Cartagena, Civitavecchia, Corfu, Cyprus Ports, Stavros Hatzakos will be among the key note Marseille Zadar Dubrovnik (Croatian Ports), French Riviera, speakers of the opening session of the conference, ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Gibraltar, Heraklion/Souda, Igoumenitsa, Koper, La setting the shape of cruise activities in the Med. CLIA Europe Kvarner County Tourism Office - Rijeka Spezia, Livorno, Malaga, Marseille, Mersin, Naples, Amongst MedCruise speakers are also Secretary Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava - Palamos Palamos, Palermo/Messina, Piraeus, Portoferraio, General Thanos Pallis, Barcelona’s Carla Salvado Turisme de Barcelona - Barcelona Azores/Lisbon/Leixoes/Portimao (Portuguese and Venice Passenger Terminal’s Roberto Perrochio. Allegra Montenegro - Kotor Aloschi & Bassani - Venice Ports), Savona, Sete, Toulon-Var Provence, Trieste, MedCruise is also sponsoring notepads and pens for B&A Europe (Bermello Ajamil & Partners) - Portimao Tunisian Ports, Valletta, Venice. the conference sessions. BC Tours & Shipping - Barcelona Cemar - Genoa Barcelona Opera House - Teatre Del Liceu Cruise Services - Monaco D’alessandro travel - Tunis Donomis Cruise Services - Piraeus F.A. Travel - North Sardinia Hugo Trumpy srl - Genoa Idu Shipping & Services - Constantza Inflot World Wide- Sochi Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services - Barcelona Karavanmar Cruise Services - Alanya Karpaten Turism Srl - Constantza La Goulette Cruise Terminal - Tunis Livorno Port Authority - Livorno Medov Srl - Genoa MMS (Mercantile Marine Shipping) - Tunisia MH Bland - Gibraltar Navigator Travel & Tourist Services - Piraeus Perez Y Cia - Barcelona Salamis Shipping Services - Cyprus Samer & Co Shipping - Trieste Tartus Tour - Odessa Transcoma cruise & travel - Barcelona Tura Turizm - Sinop

Don’t forget to come and visit the MedCruise Pavilion at Seatrade Med

The MedCruise 45th General Assembley takes place in Barcelona, Spain, 19th September 2014

8 Published by Seatrade Communications Ltd