Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held from 7.00pm on 25 February 2019 in the Village Hall, Thorpe Mandeville. (A signed notice of the meeting and agenda had been displayed on both village notice boards from 18 February. On the same date a copy had been entered on the Parish Council website and a summons of attendance had been issued to all Councillors.)

PRESENT: Councillors: Janet Ormond (JO) (Chairman), John Clouston (JC) and Tim Moss (TMM). Parish Clerk: Maurice Cole (MC) Public: None

APOLOGIES RECEIVED FOR ABSENCE: 2019/22: Ian Durham (ID) and Emlyn Lilly (EL)

COUNCILLORS’ NON-STATUTORY DISCLOSURES AND DISCLOSURE OF ANY DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN RELATION TO THE AGENDA NOT COVERED BY DISPENSATION: 2019/23: JC referred to 1 Dove Cottages, the subject of a planning application on the agenda (2019/32), being his neighbour’s house. However, he had no involvement in the Planning Application Committee’s consideration of this matter.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 2019/24: The minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2019 (draft distributed earlier) were confirmed as correct and signed by the Chairman.

MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES NOT COVERED WITHIN THE MEETING: 2019/25: PLANNING APPLICATION: S2018/2442/LDE: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Development/Use comprising change of use of dwelling to private venue for hire, Thorpe Mandeville Manor, Lane, Thorpe Mandeville, OX17 2HR (2018/155). The district council website still indicated that no decision had been made.

FINANCE 2019/26: CASH BOOK: The Clerk had not received the bank statement to 21 February 2019.

2019/27: CHEQUE PAYMENTS: No recurring items had been paid since the last meeting and no amounts were due for payment.

2019/28: FINANCIAL RISK ASSESSMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL REVIEW: A draft Financial Risk Assessment and Internal Control Review for the year ended 31 March 2019 had been distributed prior to the meeting. Councillors reviewed the draft and resolved that the effectiveness of internal control and internal audit were both considered satisfactory. The Risk Assessment and Internal Control Review were adopted as drafted.

UTILITIES ETC: 2019/29: VEHICLE ACTIVATED SIGNS (2018/11) AND NEW FOOTPATH REQUESTS (2018/71 & 140): There had been no developments since the last meeting.

2019/30: STREET LAMP POST: The Council had received a report that a car had caused minor damage to the lamp post outside 9 Townsend Lane but the resultant position was not deemed dangerous or problematic. The lamp post will be monitored for signs of any deterioration.

2019/31: ROAD SURFACE CONCERNS: Both JO and JC referred to their recent Street Doctor submissions including Bulls Lane and Wardington Road problems.

PLANNING: 2019/32: PLANNING APPLICATION: S/2019/0234/FUL Replacement single storey extension. Loft conversion with enlarged window on front elevation. Remove chimney: 1 Dove Cottage, Banbury Lane, Thorpe Mandeville, OX17 2EX. In view of the anticipated inability of a quorum to consider the application at this meeting, the Planning Application Committee (JO, EL & ID) had considered the application. They decided that there was no overall objection to the application but there was concern that the proposed widening of the window on the front elevation would stand out from the appearance of other Dove Cottages.

2019/33: HS2: There were no new developments to report. JC referred to a recent update from the Stop HS2 organisation. In view of the organisation’s actions supporting the interests of our parish, JC indicated that there should be an agenda item for the next meeting of the Parish Council proposing a contribution of £50 towards the organisation’s running costs.

COMMUNITY BUS SERVICE: 2019/34: Further to the last meeting (2019/13) JO advised that a quotation of approximately £145 per round trip had been obtained for a coach from , and Thorpe, picking up no earlier than 9.15am and returning no later than 1.30pm from Banbury. This was on a private hire basis. However, there was the possibility of a cheaper mini-bus service from . This would probably need to be operated as a travel club. JO would be attending a further meeting of interested villages. Councillors favoured a self-funding service.

CORRESPONDENCE OF CONSEQUENCE: 2019/35: including: i) A request had been received from Greatworth Parish Council for endorsement of a letter expressing concern regarding the HS2 project. Councillors unanimously expressed support. This would be conveyed to Greatworth Parish Council. ii) An email regarding the Good Neighbours Scheme was noted. iii) Councillors noted the receipt of the Village Hall financial statements to 31 December 2018.


ANY OTHER BUSINESS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS OR CLERK: 2019/37: Councillors were saddened to hear of the death of Mick Peverill and acknowledged his significant contribution to the village over many years. Condolences were expressed for his family.

NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING: 2019/38: The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 25 March 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.