Is HALE's Phtainirgh;
Manchester E^tehih^M^erald WEironcspAY, wii, geooitd. Ueutooant Robert Beaman' Second Claaa Rudaon. W. Avarags Dally Ctrcnlstion \ Custer, sdn of Mr. and Mrs. L., lister, Jr., of St John, street Y O U N E E D About Town ^Custer of 436 E ast Middle Turm , who'lias been home on a seven- ' For the Month of Jane, 1S4S day furmOgh, returned to Rhode pike, is hoihe t« a ten-day’leave, REFRIGE^TIO^ " dPor Summer Comfort I liutlier Leagu* oC *m«iuel the first since July *0 of last year Island, last e^hnituf by plane. He r< 8 , 2 . 5 1 «n church aanouncei ^ • wfien he enlisted in the Air ^ r p a . received hia boot toal^gammg at theme _ ^ u t hike" for Monday irom- -He 'expecU to leave Buitday for Newport Naval Trainutlinutg gtotlon. Member of toe Audit July & auther Leaguen “ Recently atationed withivith thS^'-ac^ Tallahassee, Florida, for further ■ ' Bmoaa at i young peoide of the f training. Hla brother Arthur of man guard Unit there,e, hfhe will nm»^ - WV C A N G E T r e n -.iJ A X MnMM in going, ahould the Naval Corps Reserves who has enter the^ torpedo school for a 16' the church at. 6:00 a.i:^ been in training at RCnsaelaer week course. hiaitehdaU I^A Cp!f o f YUJUmm Charm jr, and the group wlU/P Polytechnic Institute at Troy, haa n ^ w i i : H A ihete to thei^ diNRhuiUa^ beenoeen homenoma forlut a« abortauwii. atay, an^ Mrs. William Rogers and Miss yOL.Lm^NO.282 W) MANCHESTEtt; THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) one plannihj^ to attend Lieutenant Custer and his mother, ;j(firiam Hooks left for their home - T r _ notify Mlaa Ann^a®echler, have■_______ ______ returnedA from a visit to hisKim tri•_! Bridgeporf^________ a last night after, a hone 6960 or Mias B l ^ o r grandmother, Mrs.
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