Acheson Airs Truman Gag on Mac Talk Ber of N O Signih Lota, Romance the Dinner of Charter Oak Lodge
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FRroAY, JUNE 1, 1961 Averags Dally Nat Praaa Ran Tha Waathar, EIG H TU IU f J .. —. mdnrb^Btfr Sofntng 1$ fra U i For the Week Badteg Of 0. a. WoaUM May M, 19S1 Bruno DuBaldo, local violinist, pestant matter to conte befoEb ths William Shea, son of Judge Md A reunion of the cteM of IBSl Partly cloudy, hot aad hnald, Rev. Leland O. Hunt of the Sec from ' St. James’s school will be will play compositions for violin Tdll Cedars Group meeting was a contemplated trip GUARANTEED todays oeoaaiodal •bower* toalg:ht. ond Congregational church will be Mrs. William J. Shea, BouMer by students of the Hartford School to Bridgeport on Sunday, July 1 0 ,1 8 3 road, will graduate from Taft held Wednesday evening. June 13, Oloady, ocwasioaal ohowore, tomor Ab^nt T o w n guest minister at the service Sun at 7:30 in St. James’s school hall of Music, at the weekly broadcast Organizes Club IBth when Commodore Custer will WATCH Mwabte of Hte Aadlt row, eoel. day In the CongregaUonal church school, Watertown, in exercises at the school on Friday morning. on Park street. Oraduates of the of the school this evening at 10:30 have his boat in readiness to take Baiaaa.of OtoeulattoBa M anche»ter— ‘A City of Village Charm A t It! fiM »M tlo r o( the eea- of Mexico. Maine. It will be home June 8. 'V'oiing Shea has been a class who have not already been over WDRC. While Grand Tall Cedar, Daniel moK'lH. Bridget’^ Mothere’ Circle coming Sunday at the Maine contacted are asked to telephone all. the members on a fishing trip REPAIRING member of the band and press Hair, and a delegation from Nut in Long Island Sound. elected the foUowlng o t f l ^ : church. Rev. James Cameron, l.Awrence Mallon, chairman, meg Forest, Tall Cedars of Le graduate student from Scotland club. District II of the Connecticut After some discussion it was de (ClaaaUled AdvenHalag oa Pago It) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS IcAd«r, Mrs. Berhara O Connell, 2-4193. State Nurses' a-saoclatlon will have banon, were enjoying the conven VOL. LXX, NO. 20« aecretery. Mrs. Barbara Smachet- studying at the Hartford Theolo cided to Include Daniel Hair as a I All Watch Arthur G. Klein, son of John a chicken and strawberry dinner tion at Atlantic Qty, several other full member. The full membership S ^ lw iiirer. Mrs. Betty McBride: gical Seminary will supply at the meeting at the Second Congrega members of Nutmeg Forest con I Second Congregational church. Klein of 109 Cooper Hill street, is Young people of the Pilgrim consists of Cecil England, Roy i Repairs Arc Bbrariaa. Mia. Mary Sbnmone; a candidate for a baccalaureate Fellowship of the First Congrega tional church parish house in Cov vened at a local meeting. An cus ^relfan, hoii»ltellty and publicity. entry on Monday, June 18, at 7 Norris, Joe Luts, Harold Turking- Tested On The degree-at Syracuse University’s tional church, Vernon Center, will tomary, It was decided to name ton, Harry Meiklejohn, Tom Wray, Mra. Rite Benito;, hletorlan. Mrs. Children of the Naxarene church 9.Mh commencement exercises to p. m. this temporary organlratlon ’The school taking part in the Chil hold a food sale on the lawn to A1 Todd, Harold Perrett, Dave Ne- W A TC H MASTER unian Stelmarh: repreaentativee. be held on June 4. Klein has been morrow afternoon to raise money Local Stay-at-homes” . Cecil Eng Mri Barbara RumoU. Mrs. An- dren's Day program, Sunday eve vill, Ernie Ritchie. Bill Allen and majoring in Spamsli in the Col for summer conferences. Members of Daughters of Li land was unanimously elected the nette Harney. The annual banquet ning, June 10. at seven o'cloek, arc lege of Cibciul Arts. He is a mem First Most Local Stay-at-home, Dan Hair. of the circle will be held on June reque.sted to meet at the church berty No. 17. who plan to attend The next meeting is subject to GAUPET Acheson Airs Truman Gag on Mac Talk ber of n o SigniH lota, romance the dinner of Charter Oak Lodge. Roy Norris, Local Stay-at-home • at the Wagon Wheel. Wethers tomorrow afternoon at three languages honorary society-, and The marriage of Miss Jean A. the call of Cecil England when it 891 MAD) 8T. o'clock for rehearsal, and again No. 317 of Hartford, June 13, Treasurer. Tom Wray. Marshall, field. and the husbands are In a member of tlie staff of the stu Badstuebner of Rockville and Rob- Herb Custer, Commodore and Bill Is anticipated that final arrange (Across From St. James’s Ohnreh) Saturday, June 9 at the same ec*. E. Glorgettl of Eldridge street, should make reservations before ments will be made for a very en JEWELERS vited. dent yearbook. June 7, through Mrs. Mary Phelps Allen, Scriljo. hour. Parents are asked to eo- will take place tomorrow morning joyable outing. operate and see that the cbddren ' at 11 o’clock in St. James’s church. or Mrs. Latting Caverly. It developed that the most Im- Mrs, Cain Mahoney of Hollister attend these rehearsals an<l t>n Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Todd of Crisis Looms ! Arlirson Furrs Rrpiihlirun liitrrrogulors .Menlo Park, California, arc visit past president of Gibbons time. Says Order Aaaembly. Catholic Ladies of Co- ing Mr, Todd's sister. Mrs. W. W. Keeney, of Buckland. While In Allies Quit Red Chase hunhla. Is chairman of a commit The Motherhood of Mary Moth In Greece on tee from the Assembly In charge the East Mr. Todd plans to attend ers' Circle elected the following of his class reunion at Wesleyan Uni W as Issued of a lawn dessert card party to be ficers for the coming sea.son at the held at the Knights of Columbus home of Mrs. William .«nuth ol versity. There’ s Papagos Move Home. Wednesdsy evening, June 3P9 Parker street; Leader, Mra. Mud and Reds Bog Down Allies rr. Doris Hogan: secretary. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James B Call of C om m a n d er On Ouster Smith; treasurer. .Mrs. Ann Van- Speculator, N. Y.. announce the N othing derberg; librarian, .Mrs. Grace Re coming marriage of their daugh U. S. Concerned 0\-er ter. Miss Shirley I. Call, to Alan gan: historian, Mra. Irene Goss; Gives No Hint Devehtpinents, Piieri- Wa.shington, June 2—(IP) pidilicitv, Mrs. Kay Jeske; contact L. Knofla, The wedding will take HEARING-AID (l airma’n, Mrs .Mary Guttman; place .lune 9 at twelve noon at Like A foy Reports to Premier —SocTflary of State Achesoti welfare, Mrs Kay Terneuler; hos l,ake Plea.sant Union church. O f New Moves told Sonntors today he is un BATTERIES pitality, .Mrs. Alice Mutchlnaon. —Envoy to See King d o’ ructions from Presi Miss Barbara Wallett. president JANTZEN For AO Hearinir-Alds Sunset Rebekali Lodge will con of the American Legion Auxiliary, Tokyo, June 2—OT)— Lt. Gen. Athens. Greece, June 2 iJP. U. dent Truman not to repeat fer the degree on a class of caJtdi- and Mrs. Harry Sweet, rehabilita James A. Van Fleet said today the •S Ambasador John C. I’ucrlfoy wlinl was said at White dates Monday evening at 8 sharp tion chairman, will attend the Ilou.'te meolinKs on the ouster **MarrOTT* in Odd Fellows hall. In the group "open house" and tea at the new U. S. Eighth Army has quit chas told Premier .Sophorles Venizelos ing Reds in North Korea but will today the United .Stales i* grave of (Jen. Dougins MacArthur. will be a new member of Mayflow nurses' home at the Rocky Hill Arhi aoii s .slanil was taken tn er Itebekah Lodge of Rockville. All Veterans hospital. .Sunday at three continue to block Communist ag ly concerned about recent di velop- his socund day of testimony to the officers are requested to wear o'clock. .Memliers of the First Dis gression. ment.'if^ln Greece, Puerifoy hurried Henati- Armeil Services and white. A pot lurk supper will he trict units will be hostesses for The United Nations ground com buck to Athen.s after Field Mar serveil at 6:1.') under the dirertlon Fori'igii Hi'lntlons rommlttces on the afternoon Other local mem mander gave no clue to possible shal Alexander Papagos unex tlie firing of the Far Eastern com of Mrs. Ruth Herkwith and Mrs, bers interested in attending the future Allied operation*. pectedly ipnt a.4 chief of the Greek 878 M*ln St, Tel. 41.16 Arcella (h-awford. He left unanswered the question: mander. tea are asked to contact Miss Wal- armed forces. (li n. Omar Bradley, ehairman of lett. will the U. N. Allies stand where Venlzelos calleil on the ambas- they are now, just a few miles the Joint CTiu’f* of Staff, when in north of the Red Korea border, or .sador at his residence and found the ( lislr |enrller, also re will they strike out for specific Puerifoy in shirtsleeves. Informed Moated aoross the table from Soeretary o f State Doan Aeheson (right) In the Inquiry Into the dis fused to testify nliout the White target* ? sources said the amba.s.sador de missal of (k’n. noiigliw Mac Arthur, yrairrtlay, at Wiishliigtnn, are Senainrs Wlllliun F. Knowliuid (Ciil.) Mouse talks. However, Bradley We Will Be Closed Right after he spoke. Eighth clared he felt the destiny of Greece and Harry I*.