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C riIne sf()ppersa'dds tl1fee new Inembers

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2A I"The New's I January 22, UJ,9,Q RUldo_so Monday" ,~ '. -, Apach.e ,. ' .. Continued from page 1A rQute or IlroJ,Uld"loops, ". , A brochure would out11ne the Chino told the group gllth-ered at ~wps for visit!>~ whQ, cpuld join the tlu!, follllW-UP meeting :last Thurs­ Apllche Trail "Ioqps' or routes, Bt day that he had taken the concept ap,y given point, to his tribal council sever-al y~r:s StQpa ''!:llJ.ght eyen include. Gran· ago, Somehow the pl'Oject got Quiyez:a but ~oo1d probably lltart sidetracked, Potter'said, at Tulaz:usa ,or ,A:lamogocdo; to Weighing various aspech ,of the eloudcroft to Mescalero, Ruidoso, project Thursday wltre delegates Ruidoso Downs" Hondo ap,d HOhdo from . the Sp:a~e Center in. \'1\1+ey, Lincoln, FoI1J Stan,ton, I AJami'lg,olOdo, ClQudcroft Chamber of Oapitan, QlIrrizo~o, Nogal and bl\ck CiJ1l1m:J!tCIl, Mescalero Apaches, tp Ruidoso, toT!llar/lsa, etc, A side Capitan Chamber of Commerce, loOp Clluld be :from Ttilarolla to Car­ Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce, rizozo ifnd llround the loop in Hondo ValJey., Ruidoso Downs. Race '[everse. Track, Ruidol'lo, Ruidoso Valley Arrowhead fiUirkers would Chamber of Commerce, NatjoR/ll deIinea~, the 'route, The opject is'to Center for the Wltstem Hors,e, and get vi'a'itorsto theare/l to stay a1) Lincoln County H'eri'tlfge Trust, ~'[a do)! Or two, acc;ording to Jem Chino said, at the Thursday Walts" execuJ;ive direetoro! the . . .I. " ' mee.ling the. projed: would b,e of Ruidoso chamber;. SiGt Goodloe (s~at~d) reprasentinp tht;! NatiQn~1 Center .for . "mutual benefit to all communities, ·ChiIl.Q said each conununity on' th~ I've been.trY,:ing to sell th!! idea for, a lilu! route could list attractions and the Westarn Horse, and Wendel ChinO, preSIdent of long'time," present them for development of a Mesc.alero ,Apache .ribe; enjoy v,ii:\iting at a.masting to" Fundin'g, routes and s,gnage generlll brochure. , . detem'line' interest from various entities in thS area to es­ were_ majM Cl>nsiderations: which . '1 am interested in whatever we tablishment .otao Apache Trail network. 'v'ari/lus suh-groupll. Will be· consider­ can do w prome cOnlllder,ed. and others will work on financing,Number one was scenic beauty, been reluctant to alIow varieties of "We hayea lot o(wQf;kWda .. , a .and Bob Hatli ofthe Lincoln !Jounty number two wail'historical sites signs on highway rights of W'IlY in M Qf politi,cal wor!\: to do," !falrt Sf'd Heritage Trust will take. on and number three, Indians, ,said the state. Goodloe ,of the, l\l'ational Oenter for brochure development, Michael Chino, The Apache Tra11 project woUld 'the Horse, Hurd of Picacho will help with - .' be a system of 'markers denotinf{ "One oftihe major points is going brochure development, Other work The Apache Trail, ifit develops, histonca'[ llites along a pre.scribed to be funding", Then things will wail ·allocated., would encompass allthree. A forest in the forest

Around noon ,On 3,-,:l1l l1ltN­ I ,Hot t{J1?Irl S fll;ltrol;Hll hUStflrt'8~mafl't4 'w,duYi; h;';.l'< 'I'lre Ihstt'1<,t (~u",rt, thr'(fugh fl w'!"Iii 11 rUl-.Ili'd Wit)1 'tJy~, ,llft('"rI1U! -1'wel;.l m,,~l.·~, e,"cntUfllly ""ill 1 '[UT''C!.u",Ure sale llJ Dick Seck,. representing Capitan, and Bob Hart, of the Lin­ ('(ttiJ1Jy -r:a-ndt t"ht' .and h.~"r rtl~(' huS'~ ""tw(y Li,·tzr I'HI fll .•t I "" body wa~ found ave and Visitors Bureau are attentive at the get-together. ('ar"lY-n arid Ruht>rt LIl·tZcl1lil,n jOln~­ da)'R I"ter 1r.\V""til\atorfi said he )v OI,';,,,,d thp Il-Har-O ,!i7 Org,aniz"d Crime and Drug ber's end. - ha'.~ 'lh~ at approximalely 1 .a,m" an ,un­ sweater,. bhre jeans and a silver ,jail am! "h" Il fr('t' of (,,'\)( ~,nf"rrement Task F'Circe. 'and Several G.rimestop!1C'rs boan! kno","'n intruder ,entered a a.mal1 wristwatch wftli a narrow band, Anyone with information on .this ~ It'n Th,' cuun Ii IfiO fcmnd ,that ~he ~m'en.1 federal 'IJRencieg were members agreed to meet, with the' dc~:·,,'3n/t .o'W(~ r(>pw~ented 2.l~22 residel'lce in the rur,al 'atea of crim.e is asked to ¢llll the state any fhrther k'lX(N';; to th() a1 the Bept. noo, chamber and explore the idea fur­ Edg¢wood, New Mexico, and Upon entering the residence, the Crimest:Pppers number at 841-9400 IHS the' taxf"R owed were Buh JUl)'tnal, Camphell Mid, ther repeatedly raped a ,young' mot.her, rapist concealed his face with a or toll~free at 1-800-432-6933, r I I Legislature Continued 'rom page 1A . an. appraiSed value of $48,000: Hall teachers and other public employ- saId the state already owes Lmcoln. e!'e. Hall said" "that re:mairul to be movi~g the pub,lic utiI.ities, the ones Heritage Trust $42,0'0Q, ap,d with seen." the nty owns, slUd Hall, noting th!, mterellt on that money, the Governor Ganey Carruthers, as that those sidewalks beloT\gto the trade wo.uld bean even deal. well as the .Legislative Finance state since Sudderth Drive is a Landfilla are a mat~lloncem in Co~ttee, pr~p.?sed t:o spend the state highway, .Lincoln County, .and . said one entire '$18 billion m expected Current plan~ for Sudderth, in- landlill bill was introduced this tevenues for 1990-91, but neither eluded in the 1991·92 plan. ineludeweek. He said that proposal has so proVided for salary increases for making the highway four lanes many probleme that it i~ destined. state, uni:~ersity pudg!lt tradeoft'a or tax Hall said he already has, worked dress landfil problems through inCreases.

1', • • out an arrangement for the state to legislation this' session, \ben the According to Associated Press • , - pay for, moving the villag!l-owned Environmental Improvement l,Ioard l'llports, Democrats have, come out, ,,' \, utilit¥ Imes that Will be/iffected by will have to do it afterthe session, in favor of tax increll-ses to. fund the' Highwljy.4il widepi,ng Proje:cl;, Hall also represents Artesia, and salary inClllaSes and other needed WhHe thes.tate ha.s agreed to he said that city needs money to state ee~ces, but are unwilling to pay.the cost of moving village !;1tili-improve the road leadingin~the do \'to1o/1e and face ReputJliean ty lInesJ Hall stressed 'thatpnvate federal training eenter, and heTl.be wrath in N~embet'sele~ons. companies affected by the state introducing s.ome· legislation on ITany taxes are in~e8lledt they road, projee;t~1 have to Pl\y for that request, - probably ·won't be the broad-nased .,.. mOVIng theIr linJ!S. Hall sits on the Transportation ,gross receipts orincomll ~s; Hall said hell in.troduce a joint Committee and the BiJsl!1ll8s and lnstelld, a package could. include resolution for a land swap in .Lin- Industry Committee, and said small increases in severill 'tIixe's, coin,. trading state property for Lin- TrllnSPQftlItion completed its such as cigarettes, liquor, local. coin Heritage Trust J'rQperty. That !>udget during the lUst three days. ' option p!:operty t!lxell, elimination reSQlution will have to be approved He said B\lSiness and Industry of tll1t exemptions anu Pllssibly iJl,­ in. both hQ\lSes since the property doesn't eee as much actjvity i1) I!- 30. crell~ng the motor veJti~\e e~se .~s ~ f!f;the"~e)'alJlm~~~' .,~ -', - involved is appraised, at mQre than day financelsellmon it'diles, ip-the ;' ," ,..: $100,000; .odd-year6~daygenerah!lsSJoIll!., . 1f:h~ ~~{Blllt1'4, .~~W:dI19n" • , The Wortley ~otel it\. LincQln, ,Eventhough rePorts .of.the ses- h.a}f r~rcll:ib~jjp:d' '~(.J. ',P ~t WIth an: appJ'I!-1~~ v1llue of SlOn are heavy .: ;'\ ',':"." " .. ' back; up the hill for Hector Estrada. (at COal. The Montalio ,Store propertY has Asked abo~t raf!les, for, 8t~~J"" ~~~~1"~';' j'" ':; .... ;r?~~::" >

" . _.,~_._ ".u ~.... '


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I , I

Thursday, Feburary I'

r Eclectic cowboy Cowboy artist. humorist and 'author Don Hedgpeth will entertain Hubbard Museum rtlembe.rs at 7:30 p.m:.·" Saturday, January 27, .' in . the second museum'$ ,°mertlbars only" 'pr.esentati~ns. For . information, cal.1 378-4431.

I,~~~~ ..


CUSTOM $E;AIV'~TFtES~".. Now Taking A'pporntma;"s . '~A1so Alteralions -' , ,·257-fl·997 ~" ~~.:c~,.: ,~,o 1111- 1'18~ c~fMa~t;"~21,a~~_lI~, t, ".''''''.10' '. _A~'_da!G_~~"'-' !!~ ..~~ :~~ {_ J~,U"_.~~~'~ >' ) • ,I' - 7 ~~. ~< ...... " ...... '-.... :""" ~, " ...... " ...... ·· ··0.< ,•• "t"''-'''P=.-,'_~''<'i'''' ",0, "' ,_ 4"':'_~""'" ' 'JE4f,·",.' "w 41(14.·· ..,·,.'..;#4':'.:', '.., 4i Q,t. , , , .. '. • "-, '

, .' \ 4A / The Ruidoso News / Monday, JMuaty22. 1990 . . " ' , '; k. ; 11. } -- , L " ; 1 , - , d. :: (:_ . Ii : " :'. '." .

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···•·· .. ·.·L·······.·····.a··d··I.;..··eslose. 43-32 . Warriors OP¢" .... .,... ". '., bybRIAf\l BLJ.'LOCl< • .• .... w.ith nine \l;OiIlts each. .Nanette Ruidoso News StaffWnter . Boyd .coiltril!uted I3ix points in.. ,The Ruidoso Lady Warriors ··thegante.. .'...... , .' . dist.rict play · Coman~he suffered'the team's first distriet and Swaimer were." · loss on Saturday night when thealSo.thl'l top'twoi'eboundefS in by FRANKIE JARRELL: by SatlU'daYs46-potnt loss.. . Lady Warriors were defeated at .thegame. COlQanche. grllbbiJIg ~Oilate' Ruidoso News Editor . ''.Asnowday'kind .of gets Y0\l.i!ut • .,.a·32.. '.' ...... '. " .. 'J4 reb.oundll and SWa.nIl.ei''pull. If you have to play one. of the . of s:)'l1ch," said ~ood, wondering if. '" .Thll' 'VaI'll~ty.La~ Warriors .1I1g'dowp.,1! b'llU'll~~.: ". . topranked tea:qls in·the .state, then the day off on Friday, and the rear" . -ar~ now ~-l:m distri(l1; play Il.~r ,.TheJlUllorvIIMty' Lady Warr . you might as well get it out of the ranged schedule.·could- .have Pad·., ", Friday,mght's home gamll Wlth . 'nors hadbet~ luCk on SIItu:r- . way early. That's what the War- something to'do with Saturdays .Socorro. wall.i:anceled a~eto t1Ie day, ~ght, wipunil'a. ~ldse g!i!be' . riors did Saturday. loss.' .', '. . . weather, . " .agamstthe QnateJlUllor yarSl.1;y, .. The Ruidosl! High School varsity ."Wll just lacked lots ofintensity, ·l'oor shooting-from the field 32-31. . , basketball team opened district lots of aggressiveness ... and we .. ·crlpplel1 C~ll.ch .Jody 'Hopldns'll . ThejImio.r varsity trailed llt play Saturday. agl!infl!; Oilate, ~idn't playco?nposed.': said Hood. LadyWarnorsallnight. '. the ahd of the fitst half bya . ranked second m DIStri(l1; 3AM, It's a lot eaSler to stay composed ". '.. Both ~uidQsP illll~ .Ona~ score \If 19-12, But~in the t~ and ranked among t;p.e top five in . when you.'reahead." ..• :.j . · could llnIy Ulanage five poInts Inqua.rter managed to come alive state. The Warriors fell victim to Hood.said Onate fielded' one .of · t~·firstq.uatter. of Satur?ay .andoutacored Oiia.t~l..7c6 in. the the slick Las Cruces team, losing the best teams in' J.heAlam?gordo· l1lght'sgame,',fheLady WarnorBguarter: .". '. ... .,' .. were only one for 17 from the . TheJlliUor varSIty Lady War­ 98-52. . tournament during' the, Christmas o~ Ofilite dominated the entire 4olidays, but then ilUrprised him by ;. ,-';-' ',i •. "" i, field int1ie first quarter. , . ". . riors could scoretbree , '- ", gaml{, leading by 10 points at the losing last week to Mayfield. .... "-. ,'. The lIecoridquarter, the Lady .poit:ltllin t4e.fourtb. qWu"ter,but , · WarrlQI'll still couldn't. :find the managed. to hold on. and' end of the first quarter, and by 23 . The Warriors were' scheduled to th~ ,"\' - range to the basket. RUldoso was preserve 32.31 win. points by halftime, and upping that· 'open iijstrict play against .the " . -F: "'":r· two for. 15 from the field and The leading llcorer in thejun. ,. lead to 39 by the end of the third .Socorro Ws.rriots on Ii'riday night, -- . ~ ClUlcelledb~ trailed Oilate 18-13 at the inter. ,ior vaI'llitygame" was Kansas quarter. .. but that game WllS t ~~jht Turnovers plagued the Warnors cause.ofsnow.·· .' . -, ,', , '' mission. .. Miranda WlIQ put points. throughout the contest. Oilateout-The Warriors wellt into clistrict· .. -'i':" _""I , The" third qUllrter. Ruidoso Cicelee Makovvski .' Canl1ace fouled, as. well· as outscored, the with il. record. of 4'and 9,and··tire ·cam.e out firing the ball ll:nd out- Mwiiz each·added lIeven points hometown boys, racking up 21 now 4 and 10 for the season and 011 . . scored. Ol,lllte 13-10 .m the to the victory•. quarter. The Llldy Wamors put . Makowski and Tabatha. fouls, that included five on 1/40 in district. Deming, with II ,Ja"\l dis· Iea~ Scott Doan. trict record, ill the early 3MA .., up 22 shots in the third quarter, Parnell were the . . Junior Cody Willard led the leader, following by Oilate, 1-0; Sil­ " ,\"", but OnIY mlll1aged. to 'make four. reboundeI'll with ,seven. bOlird$ Warriors in scoring with 21 points, ver City, 1.1; and Socorro,. 0,-1. . of them. Btill llt the end of the apiece and Muniz contributed. quartet, the Warriors led the four steals in the game. .' , followed by Brian Gray who made The Warriors will play tomorrow W~r- nine points, including one three· in Tularosa, with the' JV game glll1le 28-26. '. The junior varsi.ty Lady But, in the fourth quarter, IriorS continue to be an un- point basket. Mashon Swenor score scheduled for 5:30 p.m. and. the' ""'v.> . ,-,> , Onate got hot. and outacored defeated a-o in. district play. • six for the evening. varisity for about 7:15 p.m. . c Onate had .four players who ,Ruidoso 15-6.· The Llldy War, , . riors were two for 15 from the The two Lady WarriOr teanis scored in the double digits. O.D. WarriQrs' are a.II over this' member of the quick-moving· qua~r. Warner, #00, led the visiting team's field inthe fourth will be in action this Friday scoring efforts with 30 points, fol. Standings Onate basketball' team that visited Ruidoso Saturday.· For. the game, RUldoso was. night, January' 27; .at home lowed by #32 Marvin Fielder, who Brian Gray (#22)a.nd Mashon'Swenor (#31) haye this nine for' 69 from' the field for II against Deming. The jImior var­ Onate eager looking' fora way out during the fast-paced '. shooting percentage of 13 per- sity game begins at 5:45 p.m. made 15 points, #40 DOlIn who put District 8AAA . cent. .- in 12 and #30 Tomas Sririth who Deming 2-0/7-8 9~-52. and the vaI'llity game win im· game. The Warriors Iqstto stlilte-ranked Onate,' The Senior center Ardena Com· :mediately follow. T):Iere, is no scored 10. Onate 1-0/8-6 Ruidoso High School Warriors will travel to Tularosa: "I Silver City 1-1/3-5 · anche and junior forward word at this time when the home thought the week of practice Socorro 0-117-6 tomorrow (Tuesday), with -the JVgame at p.m. fol- went well," said head coach Dean 5:30 DeAnna Swanner were the top, game against Socorro will be res- . Ruidoso 0-1/4-10 lowed by the varsity match., . scorerll for the Lady Warriors cheduled.., . Hood, disappointed and perplexed Cobre 0-112-11 . . S··y··R··E··..··C··H THOSE DOLLARS!

• MORE THAN. . ,\ , 350/0' Off REGULAR,RATES! Your Ad This Size Is Only $30 Per Week! • Don't Miss Out You've Got Sales To Gain, j \!} < And Nothing ~;~J'.. '."'". __ To Lose! -r .. ' -.'!! ' • • .' '. " -..... , ',". " . Advertising Deadline: Thursday, ll'ebrtJlU'Y 1, 5:00 }).m. . . .

Ricky Devara attempts a .shot with a Socorro Bra:veat­ tempting the bloCk. The Ruidoso Middle Schoof A 'and B merch~tsoff~ringbargain$.getbig-adinj.~adt ... teams both lost to Socorro, but went on later to win' other 1. In cQoperation With other games against Portales and Dexter. .. for 4 "eeks* for just $30 per week.*"'. .' .' ..• ' ..'. .,' ..' ..' '. ..., 2.·Featu:teadifferent ltemin your ad every Monday. and make the items· price gOQdfor aftin business week. Monday throughSaturday. sO thatyour Ruidoso Midd,le School customersha'Ve lots of chances to Qome see you! .. ' . '. . .' (AMondaythoughf:lfyouw.ant thQ$e county-custom.erstocomesee you. on .. ' cagers,start the season . a'weekend. your Monday ad Will get. to them. before the weekend.) '. . , . . . The Ruidollo Middle School bas­ team won in Portaills 27"22 with • Monday, Feb1'11lil:Y 5: Monday, F~bJ;lUlly i2: Monllay, Feb1'11lil:Y 19; Monday. Febl'Wlry 26~ . " .. ' ., . , . ." ketball A and B, teams lost.to the Robert ·S.cotts'coring' .'1?' points, Adve~lsersOnly~ Socorro Braves Tuesday, :January .Sehut five; andPaulTaylorslX. . ". Retail 9, in Ruidoso. "It was· a real good victory for. • D~AL GOODFR.O~ The B team lost 52-30, but out.­ them" said WillillJl1lJ. .. '., • THlSSPEClAL AD is . "'. " standing performances were. ex­ . %e :r, team Il1so went to· Dexter FEBRUARY. 5 THROUGH FEBRUARY. '26 hibited by Gary Schut, with 12 Tuesday, JanuarY 16, to, beat th& points, Dwayne Comanche, with Demons'3S.25 after the· Demons nine points, and JeffChapman with handily defeated the lJraves her& in < ,~. five pointll, said boys coach Borde Ruidoso earlier in the season, . Wffiiams. Schut· also rebounded .Dwayne . Comanche had • ten well during the game. . .' ' . ' .. ,pOInts In that game, Taylofmght, . The A team lost 43·32. J.R.· MattEscallll1ti six, and SChut five, Chino had 15 points in that game. 'The A team also woil in. Portales '. Cisco Knox and Glll'y Schut both 39·23 with Ricky Devara lind Schut . • • did well rebounding, . and gotld·· both sClonng poin.ts...... 12 , ,-,,' hustle was shown by'RickY,D~vara • I( and Anthony Torres, said,WIllIams, . "They .played really good telio News /SA

," ..' , ' ... "

The-, Dreamer, -' ' , '. '. bYDanie~·· Agnew Storm ' . .. .>', .' "

" "'~ .,

"., .

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'.' ",

,,'; Obituari~s ". " .. .'. . . , ;. • .' /c, . . J?tzg~rald·· "" .> CoraO. Carpenter Blazer. " Harold U Gob" " '. " ". Cora .'0, Carpenter Blazer' of llay'Dean Carpenter, of Albuquer­ 'HaroldSIDith "Gob;' E'i.kgeraldi,1I~ waifborn Aprill!3i 100.9.! in Capitan died at 4:25 p.m. Saturday, que:. daughter, Jeanne Perry, of 80, ,former Ruidoso resident, died Leonard, Texas, He married Mary' , Jan!IlttY 20; at the Lincoln County Camtan;stepsons Butch B~zer and JanUlU'y 16, in Lubbook,. Texas, Ruth Humphreys 'inTyler,Texas; MedicalCenter; She was 69. .' Kenny Blazer, both of Mescalero: where he was in a 'Lutheran rest in 1936.' . The first lesson skiing . A .housewife, she ~rried. Art and a .stePdaughter, Beverly LaPaz, . home.' . The couple had two children, of Blazer March 24 1972 m Rmdoso ofMescafero. .. . He and his.wife' were long-time Johanna Anderson of Lubbock and Downs. She 'was. 'born: in, Survivors. include a brother, residents of Ruidoso, and until Au- Jim Fitzgerald of San .Antonio, One of the first skiing lessons 'this instructor taught AIamogordci on February 1,1920, to qlarence' Y;arren,' of Tularosa: glli,t of lailt year they lived at 156 Texas~ ~e' sisters arid four to her young pupils is remember what color poles Roy L. Warren and Ella Stephens, Slster, EpPle. Lee, of Alamogordo; Meander Drive. She'survives.him.' grandchildren als\} Burvive. . .you have. It is all part of the ski schOOl lessons for both now decealled. She came to and grandchildren: Kelly Cliavez,. 'Fitzgerald was a retired.school During his lifetime he also .~t Lincoln County fro~ there in ~91?0, Rusty Hamilton, Tannora, C:u-­ ..young skiers Ski Apa,che.A large.number of administratora~d a lay preacher' taught histOry at a college in Ken- '. skiers, some of them.beginhers like these,. came 'to She was a member of the Trinity penter, .Dean, Carpenter, Christme Memorial services were con- tuck.y and at Plainview, TexaB. Southern Baptist Church and ofthe LaPaz, GE:n LaPaz, Raymond ducted at Wesbninister Pres- ' . ' .. the resort on Sat\Jrday for some sunshine and great CowBelles in Capitan. . LaPaz, HopI Blazer, Jolynn Blazer, bvterian Church in Lubbock, Satur- . The faInily sugges~s ~emorial .skiing. Lift lines-were not that long l'1nd tl1e recent Services are scheduled for 1:30 Joseph mazer, f!tacey ,Blazer and day. ." gifts to "churllhes ofchOIce. snowfall made skiing conditions excellent. p.m, Tuesday, January 23, at the Sam Blazer. She 18 SurvIved byfour Trinity Southern Baptist ChUrch iIi great-grandchildren. , -Capitan.w!th the Rev. Flo1d Good- . Pallbearers are Rusty Hamilton, . '. loe offiCIating. Interment IS to f~l- BIll Chavez, Butch ~lazer, KeIlI!¥ low at Forest Lawn Cemetery In Blazer, KeIUlY Ray Fisher and BIll Ruidoso under the direction 'Of CllI'JlSnter. Honorary' pallbearers 'FIRST NATIONAL, . ' BANK'. LaGrone FWleral Chapel. .. are Paul Blazer, Bill ~dgar, Paul Blazer is survived by her hus- Brusuelas, George Fisher, Bob , ON THE MOVE band, Art Blazer, Ilf Capitan;, son, Stephens and DicltWardlaw.

MOVING"""THE'RIGHT'DIRECTION Merrell James Peet . Merrell James Peet of Ruidoso Lawn Cemetery in Ruidoso under died at 11:34 a.m. Friday, Janumy the direction of LaGrone Funeral 19, at the Lincoln COWlty Medical Chapel. Center. He Was 71. Peet is survived by. his wife, A retired civil servant, Peet was Opal Peat, of Ruidoso; son, James 24,500 1,700 alsn amember of the First Chris­ M. Peet, of Houston, Texas:, GROWTH CAPITAL tian Cli:urch, American Legion Post daughters, . Elizabeth A LandrY #79 and a past commander, mem­ and Barbara E. Fewox, both of San ber orthe Veterans of Foreign War Antonio;. brotherS Curtis Peet of #7072 and Disabled American , Sour Lake, Texas, and Edgar W. Veterans.#23. Peet of Atascosatex, Texas; sisters He was born July 18, 1918, to Louise Robertson of Houston, Curtis Warren Peet and Vida R. TexilB, and Mary Lee Sorrels also of (Jones) Peet, both now deceased, in Houston; seven grandchildren and • Sour Lake, Texas. He married Opal one Rreat-Rrandchild. Necessary in Liberty Texas, on Oc­ tober 30, 1937. In 1973 he moved to , Pallbearers were Julius Fitzner, Ruidoso from SanAntonio, Texas. LenueI Clark, Romeo Klein, Tom Services were scheduled for .2 McNeil, James R. Wheeler and Cal­ 16,400 1,200 p.m. today (Monday), January 22, vin Cowden. Honorary pallbearers atthe First Christian Church with were Dr. Ronald Annala, Joe the Rev. Fred Rider officiating. In­ LeCrone, Ralph Dunlap, John 6-30-87 6-30-88 6-30-89 12-31-89 6-30-87 6-30-88 6"'30-89 12-30-89 tennent was to follow at the Forest . Chapel and Elwood Gardirie. . . Charles Ward MOVING TO EXPAND SERVICES . Charles Ward, 47, died Stinday Capitan. Survivors include eight NEW UPPER.CANYON 'BRANCH athis home in Capitan. daughters arid four sons: Mary Private· buriaI .services are· Jean ,Lusto of Tampa, Florida: , soheduled today (Monday), Januiuy Dalynn Yetley of Las Vegas, Ne­ with 22, in the Ward Family Cemetery, vada; Lori LaMay of Carrizo~o; ,and a memorial service will be cnn- Denise Ward ofFort Worth, Texas; · ducted at 10 a.m. Thursda;)';Janu- Valerie Crenshaw'.. of Rollwell; Extendedc Ho.urson,--Weekends ary .25 in the Kin~dont. HaIl of Stephanie, Diamond and Breanna Jehov'ah's Witnesses IIIRUIdoso. Ward, all of Capitan; Charles Lee ·. LaGrone Funeral Chapel is in Ward . and Robert Wayne Ward,,, cba:l'geofarrangements.. ". .'. ., both of Tucson, Arizona: James • . WilrdWAtt born July 2,1942, In Lynn Ward of Tampa: and Dennis LOOK NO FURTHER · Alb . d Ii d' Li' In Don Ward ofFortWorth.. , uqll,erque, an ,ve III nc~. He' also is survived b • .• 'eVell.t of medical: em"rlleueles. I * a'!.aIl~ repo~ts·.· Thor.. arequaUfy $01'$ " * , ····· " ...." "..., . , * able that...m take care ofblUs . , . * not p"'d by MedlCiU' f .. RUIDOSO. NEW MExte0Jll!345 'fnr the 'l'welfth Judicial District Of. * . • .fiee duririg the month of Decentber * . can b$ for a revieW. * BeforeyOll ueed It. • 1989reported: . * 257-4033 -6juvenUes tererred * Seeley & CO.; Insuranc , '.- * .. ' .....10 offenses referred * '1803 SUlIdttth Drive 451 Sudderth -9delinquentllctIJ . * 257-9704 ~raneh' . MEMBER F.D.l.C. ' , -4 children in need of.8uporvi­ * Upper Canyon .' S!on{CHIN) act . • , '

. I' • \ , , .

, " C4 Q UP. ,1.-#1\.11 II.:UiAl•• ',YJ:;;;" ' "4 ••;;14 4'411'$ 3. 414' q ..:Q "4;05' • CI,IQ Z 4tO:4 .e.t4Ur • I.IS. ii',.'I ,i4":*'. ,It •. " " , . " ..'

,'" ,', " .. ~2. , ... 6A I The RuldollO News I Monday,January 1990 .\ J ( ;' i. ,2 ,1' , " .. ,,- . ,

" ''', \ \ \, " • Business'- ."" - . " " .. ,-'" .. ' "

, . , - , , ,'- 0. ,1 .,,' , , "' .,' , " ',-'-- ,-..;..;...--,,",;...;''. ,( , , .

Whatleys gearupf~r.t~x.season . . '. ' ," ',: ",,~ , David and Cynthia Whatley, owners ofthe Ruidoso tetums this year. Areptesentative of the IRS cc,n· H&R Block tax service office, recently returne


Wholesale outletis' 'new'here. . . Noisy Water Art Wear, 2631i Sudderth Drive, is a new busines~ in Ruidoso featuring wholesaling of clothing items over a wide geog. raphic area. . Owned by Mary Jo and Rick' Riddle, the company also features .r retail sales of custoni T-shirts, " sweatshirts, i,ackets, caps and such. Mary.Jo Riddle does her own silkscreening and has ordered an embroidery machine, . The company sells wholesale, primarily to general museums, zoos, wildlife museums and to such. . institutions as the Space Center in . , Alamogordo. ,' Owners . and employees of Murray~s Ward, Ruth Perez, Melinda Crable, Helen The Riddles moved to Ruidoso Janitorial Supply arid yleaning Serv.ice are Ward; Mary Murray, SCQtt Atkinso.n and from Tucson, Arizona. last June. shown in their place of business, 1507 R.J. Murray. Helen Ward is the Murrays' If schools, churches and clubs . Sudderth Drive.'They are (from left) Jame~ , dElughter. The clown is a trademark. need T-Shirts, the Riddles have the. equipment and know-how to pro- duce quality products. ' Often in the afternoons, Jasper, Janitorial products..are,added age .3, helps his mother in the silkscreening process. .~.... Although hours are somewhat ir­ , R.J. and Mary Murray have ex­ .ing servicE!' nere for 12 years. They "Squeaky Clean" clown on their regular because the company is not panded a cleaning service to Mur­ moved here from Hart, Texas. ",logo. Itremains. ,',, primarily a retail outlet, the raY's JllIlitorial'Supplies and Clean­ . 'We don't cut comers, we clean . Mary and R.J. Murray have Riddles staff the shop from 8:30 ing.Service andare'operating out of them," Mary Murray says, The Melinda. Crable, Helen' .Ward, a building at 1507 Sudderth Drive. company st()cks. 'connnercial' James Ward and Scott Atkinson as . a.m. to 5 p.m. most days six days a ~shirts week. Mary Jo' Riddle appears. with racks of T at Noisy They .have retaiI?-ed the cleaning janitorial supplies for th4;l buying employees. The telephone nwriber is 257­ Water Art Wear, new wholesale outlet in Ruidoso. She and services part·oftheir business. public.··., '. her husband, Rick, recently opened the business. '. The Murrays have had a clean- The company always has used a They clean with a vengeance. 9.3.35. . I , Tax fiHng help .is available Warp Speed profits rise

The Volunteer InC9me Tax Assistance MTA) program sponsored Warp Speed Light Pens, Inc.~ of $128,821.80 is up more than 500 by the Capitan Senior Citizens Center will assist elderly low income 711 GavllanCanyon Road, nas percent from the December 1988 and handicapped persons with basic tax returns. r'epoded that sales are up 500 per- sales of$25,116.82. Persons interested should bring their tax forms and other centllince moving to Ruidoso. Accor,dingly, totals for the last· , pertinent information to the Capitan Senior Citizen hllilding from 1 The company relocated to three', quarters of to .3:.30 p.m. Fridays, or by appointment only on Thursday R~d~so from Culver qity,Califor- I 1989-:-$464,491.91-are up more afternoons, starting February 9. . ma, In SeptembeJ;' 1989, and be- than 40 percent over the total sales . The program will continue through April 13. For more details, call came a N.IlY7 Mexico corporation in 'of $263,321.17 for the same period .354-.3172 and ask forJo, . November. ., in 1988. The tax service is open to anyone who is eligible who lives in Ljn­ The move was a management . coIn County. decisjon; and the president, Cr~g Rawlings; says that the company 1S excited and pleased to be a part.of the Ruidoso commum.ty. , Warp Speed lilanmactures, markets and distributes light pens, . an interlil.ce,device uaed iil conjunc­ ti(ln with personltl computers. The , r-' light pen is a fast and easy to uaw ) product, not much laJ,'ger than a • standard writing pen. . . The I!Cn is act}Uilly a ,light sens- , mil optical devIce which, when pomted at a computer screen, sends I, information to the softwl'lre which is interpreted and, iIi'turn, executes , a comml'lnd. <•• The company also markets·and distributee software and hardware support products, ,: ..,... .. Rawlings saidthe company's De­ 'cember 1989· monthly total of

Owners of Sully's • . , J.R. and CI'"!dy Rodriguez are the new owners of SUlly's,. a convenience store located where'Gavilan Canyon Road intersects. 'the' Alto highway, State" Road 48. The Rodriguez couple most recently managed HandiHanks In Ruidoso and before that, Riverside restayrant and lou/Jge east of Ruidoso. The couple has two Children at horne, Gabriel, 13,· and Denise, 20. Hours at Sully's are 7'a:m. to 8.'

p.m. seven days a week. '. '; . ',' -•.,.,,, .

• . ulre• MARY WATTS IN FRONT OF • receive your refund anticipation loan ina STORE , matterofdays ,. , " • nocash needed":'"all fees can be Withheld ." , It's now Bargains Galore .... fromyour check "·.availablewhetherweprepareyourretlJi'n ,or not ' .. Mary Watts has changed the Watts and her huaband, ':ril, , name of her thrift shop to better de- have had the store fot nearly ·14 ,-- . ' Ask about electrO'nicjilf:49for' scribe its , she says. ' years, They have lived in' Ruidoso" New Mexico State Returns. '.. ' I What was the Unusual Fashions for 27 years, . r .. !" 7 \',' Shop is now ijarg/lins GaloJ,'e·Thrift Watts is re'taiJ!ing her "Discount ,H&RBLOCW Store, located at 2111 Sudderth Den," a popular pari;. ofthe stOre, , I 1 j Drive. . "NotIiing has changed but the The shop. is a "resell" store name,"saysthe owner. , MasterCard, VISA, and OiscQver Card·accepted Watts said. Her entire stock il1 used ., . '1400 Sudderth· Phone 257-4223 clothing-men's, women's and chil- ~e telephone 'number'at. the '. Mon.-Frf.9-6 ~ sat. 9-5 . ~s dren's," , . C ,llhllP .257-4288.' .' . ,

. •.\ f ' :r.- ~ w ' • ' ! ' I', ~ " ,\ :.• '- " ,_: J ".' :"f . , /. '. . , .' ". l '.' ., ... ~ ..' Monday,January22,1990 i 'the Rl.Ildoso NeWsl7A • ./Two'Ruitlosojudge candidates have their .say ,. , . .. .8obby·TbolllaS(Ul . Robert Beauvais'·, • Bobby 'L'hOmll,~on i~ acali.di(fate ,'''rhoma~on . said . .a ,peJ:son . Lol:al attorney Robe~. Beaqvals' mUnicipal judge, he would.. l~ to I.' the position'j)fm1U"dcipal ju,.dge deserv'esan·opportuDity ,tQ appear. . .haa announced heis acandidatefor,sej;l at le~st part elf the doi:ket at '. the March 6 regular munilllpaJ. before a judge as soon as, Pli8sible; , 44e' municipalj~dge's. Poslti()n hl.' ·.~ghtor M-tne weekend, J:'fl;l ~aid it .. ,, .. I lectll!u fol' the VillalZe ofRuidoso,. He ,said.if he is eleeted municipal . the March 6 mummpa!election,. .- 11:l a burdenQnsome worlQng people ,', ' I "I think a.1ot ofpeopll;l:are under judge, he would always try to be at Beau,vais said he ia~ngfor'totaket~eoffftomVTorkto attend' . /' !he iJl1,Jll,"esa.irin you have to be a' the court or be on 24-hour call. He .' the 9ffice.because he wanta to sflrve com:t dunng a workday. .... 'j , er ,~- . : i Ill'n: t:o bl! the judgei" he said., "I said the municipal court desel.'Ves' . the communitt . .' . . Bea\lvaissaid whenever a child lont think lttakes a awyer to.be ,to:melltmotetJ:1,antwoholll's allay, ... . "Bepa\lse Ive J1llide R~dosomx or a juvenile.appellJis b~f01".ethe ': ROBERT I3fiAUVAIS.. ~hejudge." , ," . . .' twice a week, .. , . ",,, hlllne, I've bought a home here ana court;he.would try !IJ1d InBlSt on ...... ', Thomason said New Melnco, If elected, he said he. wlliper- ... "opened abu~iness, alOng With that haying the: paren~s aooompany' his e::qjeriences with"the New'Ne;ri. tate'statutesdEltermineO\vhatkind form 11llthe dutJ.er; the'lltate allows . :L . . comes a delnre to serve tInt.com- them...... ,... coJ;)epal'tment Q£,.Cop;ectil'lI!-'/l-san ., f cases the municipal judge can atnunlcipaljudge to do. . .'. . .. ·munity,"Beauvaissaid.·· .. He'said whenever SOmeone is assistant district .attorney, .ail a'. ear. He said fines are set by vil- ...,: 'l'homasQn acknowledges he; wall BOBBY THOMASON' . He said· the responsibility Ql the charged with DWl, the laws shoUld children's. attQrney and as the Clll'- • a~e. Qrdinances ,01" b1' the state. JIe . a;ricsted a~d c~ged Yvitlll:oJllm~r- '. " ..' .. m~~paljudgeispoenfQrCl! vp~age 'be ~nfotced, e~en to ,Qut:-oHown rent Lincoln County attorney have ' i'd the only thi;9g yo'! can d!, ~thcll~ll:ta~biing In ~9~5, afte1" polIce. couple h!ive twoda~ghters and four oJ:dlUllnl;l6S. He sa~dthe mumClpaltounsts, He.SlJ.~d the Judge must . all helped him know how the:¢vult eople. ch~rged .1h senous cn~!11 .ra~ded his house, dunng a pa:rty. .grandchildf!ln. lI~lS the 'owner Qf judge has to make a commitment to deliver tIle most apprQpriate dis--' system '!Yorks. . . ases lS b~nd them Over for trial m· . Thomason pomts Quthe was ae-. BoWs Vendl:n!l' Company i\11d part be· availilble ~ hours aday..jlOliitioll, possible in eases. ·Bcauvais"I.think I have lipecificrelevant ' 'strict Court., '. quitted of those 'charges ina jtJry owner of Seeley Insurance Compa- Beauvais said the judge $hQuldsaid in the case of'tourista, there experience,"l'leauvais said,··· . I He said; because he IS not a law- .trial, and he believes the judge who .ny· and a mobilehOlile pa1:k in . make,a,commitll1ent to hold court· ar.e alternatives to jail and 'fines, I:leauvais moved-to RuidoSQ last : '. ·.~e1"; he might be more lement with issuedthe:searCh w.arrant shQuld Hobbs. ;.' i ...... aUeast twice a \veek. like cOI1oUJlunij;y service... .. May.. He is a :native of Hobbs and . ome. people t¥n alaw:ver .would. have. ~ec~ed ou~ more ofthe facts ".He ill' a lD;eniber of the Liricoln ... . Beauvais 'said it has beeJi' a ,has II b

• " '';.,

, . ..e/.:!a FROM ASTATE----'O"""--:-:--=== , START OUT THE ,. .~ . ',"., FAMOUS· A, Adlo'Dnl$cd • .PAn,.... 0 •. NotIonal TV FOR ITS ·13S!~ -:. , ., . 5UPf'~tE:r. SUNSHINE .500/1000/1500W lAS' Heater Fan' I . Heater fon, works. greof for sl.;m­ mer or winter months. 3 heot set· lings and 51 20 BTU output.

91J'lD) ( M.M.;::".... 60491 6 97 Nallcaal TV . ,'. WH11E •..... - 5UFPl.lE$ . iN SpITn o~ OUR SUNNY DAYs. Anu-ricIJn Ta'1.II;n~ Sy"Jrmr:.if Clayton.lndirJno-rikf!s .he exposute.. ,and ~J1ing sUnla" tabW.. 10 Neuo White Mechanical lAS'. M~:ncttnq. January Clearance (/I'slikt!' S('Ui"g sH,",wumf'.9 to E:5lcinws. U'f" sUpptJ.

IlOST our LEASE' All Inventory MUST Go!! SP-...... " II'J<3-5 I UP Tc:> 600/<:>

.' Richly upholstered incliner sectional You" neve'stop enjoylnsluxurlous fumifulB like this. Soft llIId complem.n~n910day·s c~onaris. plush, smar1ln1erlors,lhls .. $797 , complilte With lWo In~lIners, abl-level comertable and solid ollk ._00 • trlm. Could you ask lo'momln fine IUmifu,e? Shop ladayl .,...

, , Save$3QO.'OO On e(:lch privatelqbel' I Tiny Canal Hearing AId ! I Through February 28th i • I 00 I plu.la>t ,I 'Sa.le. $650 . Fire.--Smoke -...:. Water .' 0 it •. 00 , Reg. $950 plus tax.·· • .: .. , m .. ROLY OAf! SHOVEL , . a Sm"I"'~htt(ittJckawayl,,.anyc.. Custom made and fiffed. One year warranty: . lnInk.l>lg....oUgtllo..lIy<>U.....youl 9 .., the I>IlfiIl"'l d"1I1 Thick pIIly"",. .fits rilOsfhearing losses; (Offo. void withany proviousspacials) e ·1>1_"'....·1 .._. :12" o~ ...... II...glh 6 YEAR GUARANTEE f.".....~,Wllh ".I""1edIIl.rdwOCld A Sh.."ef.Pil _S..."P In h__"'d"O"lIr1p. Free Hearing Test. With thIs ad, Adults only ~ ".. I . o~.uJMf .now ~v.. tool l\Ic>doI pes ,.·R~'c!Oi1i11lruoMM se"IOI>la EOpM..1 I .. ,lEa,. 01 ••hoy" t;' , .,.j • CUIVIld 1>1_..I.pu...... NOW SOUTHWEST HEARING SERVICES . \ ~ Wiling ~lY..,••"""", 1.99. . . , "Hearing Better Is What We'reAIIAboUf" , \ 'RIl9);w( , . .l-vJ.J~ I: ~... ..43N!7OS Disaster Restoration Specialists .•...... Gmotlorlr, holpers 257-4444 L __,_....1 .~ . 1211 10111 SI., SUlto 3 NOW 1001 . 616 Moehom Moc:ilcClld AecoplOd '.·.M.odiCClI A!ls ComPltllC, 257..7714 N.M. #029672 6.99 . l/uldO$O . Flnarielng AVQilablo Alamogordo , - . . .. I l . . , . r . i , . ., \ \ . • \ '/ I, ", "', ,,'" '. ,- "~ ,- •• -', •• , r ~ .' "', " ~. • ".' .' '" C' "" , , -,-,~ ' '," " ',' ': .' ~ ' .. ' " j • ''''~ . ,, ~ \ . 8A I The Ruidoso NeW;II/Monday. Jl\nuary 22; 1990 .... " . '-

. '

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I" _. ~~(Q) ~ "ij § IUJ [Sl (Rll]J)® . . " .' lIEG~CC'V ™ §1E[))~fNl

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We built our reputation by building a better car. •

. . lJlsclosure: A typical clo'sed end lease pn a 1990 Subllru Lega~y Statlon Wagon. 60 payments of$253.73; Security deposit of$353.73; total of payment~$1lMl23.BO. You must also P$Y state tax, tlUe and IIcana", file. Payments are based on 13,000 miles por Yllar. Atthe end atthe lellse term, you. ilre Msponslble tqreXCess mileage charges, abnormal wearancftearand a $200.00 procElslJlnl't tee. "10 purchase optlonls aval~ble Inthls example,. All prIces Include freIght and handling.' .

," , .' ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ .l.~ ~_,,_,'"' ~ i.~. ~-,;-"'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ._~ ~_. ~ ~j:, ~._ ~ ~ "_C,_~' ~ "', ." --- "'--'--'- .:.." _J _ """"" ,"""'"' '...... ",.1<. '""" iIt-'--"--' I_.•, __ a • ...... _ ". '""-' ..M " ",,", ·PUPiS;.:1$1:;:1; '0;7:,',-,#1 4tii$ ,411. ZP-P¥EtE.;e, 51 $2$441 $ 'P.US$ $$d$Z, t, i;1 alii bUS S$ZU AS$¥.A4P4#' M"'1 :.:,;; "'"#424.#.44$.1#'*11 #A, ;:yaU''':41 • 2 Q£ ,u ¢ [.$414 i '.,4 e: j, g ;. 4 ¥OM;:' 4.9;au PI, ,9h' " , .," .. ( .~ ., . ',)

: ; • • '.' ," . \ -. • .. . . : SI : , . , ." ..

" ',': . ' "', .. , inion '.,{w•. .;.." , ,c_ -" . ~. I " .,,"'. ,,. ,', t ) ,• !, t " ,,' ,r , E." E,, .. :. " :.. \ - ,l , "':' '.- , " ,:,." )-" 1 '", ., .". , .. ,~,' .'.\ '. :. " '-:\!• , , . .', ,. " ''- ," I '" . ! . " When yoU'rUn f~r public office yout life become~an . , '." '",- , open book, We'veseel'l itonthe national level foryears ,f ,it. ", . ".- ' I ", information onschool and military recQrds becomes " i·, .morelmportanttf)aniteverwas befon~, Remem'bertbe . ..'. I >,'If'. ~' '. candidate for vice president who withdrew, when it . , . .: . .came out that he had been treated forsQmemental . • Le.gal,etbic~:d,health,familyand I • . , problems.? allkin(i$Qf' I ;oth~r inforrnatton,$tJ,lff you thought was iiobodY'$ '. ' I , bU$iness, becomes adifferent ~atte'r when.yoothrow ..

'. If you have any secrets, any skeleton~ in the cl()$ei... th!3.tyou don't wantout lnthe open, then be ready to answer que$tions abo",t the things you least w~nt to . , talk abOLJt. Stand up and take your medicine ifyou find '.,' yourself faced with explaining some' pa$i lapSe or , ". indiscretIon. Blaming the qW3stioner for the questions ,,' Is the least courageous way torespond." " ,',.; Even. if your life is an open book, you $hould be . . , . prepared to take your place' in the lim.elight if you are' asking the members of the pliblic to place their confi- . dencein:youand elect you to any offIce.

." Candidacy Is no place for the sensitive or· the fainthearted.-ij .' Letters'to the·editor . ...' , " Where to contact DEAR EDITOR: .' 6,' 1989, however,· becausll the Rowan Road. Under the law of faith.. Ido'not recall voting in any .' This letter is in. response to the . hou~e was ren~d to tourists for the~ew M.exico "residene;e"is a ques­ municipal elections ". while living allegationilci>ntained iii, the Janu.Christmas hohdays, the term oft)J.e tlOn'of Intent and my mtent on No­ outside the Village limits, .I do not your lawmakers ary 15, 1990, edition of thll Ruidoso lease could not begin until after . vember 24, 1990, was topllike 129 have the records of which elections . .. .' .... . News relating to my appointment January 2, 1990,' The lease com· Rowan my residence. On January I voted in and I cannot, therefore, and candidacy for m'W,iClpaIj11dge. menced on January 3,1990. . 3, 199Q, two days before I changed verify ,or deny thatallegation: . The ;l11egation thiit I was not a . , .' my address on. lilY voter registra· Lincoln County resident of Ruidoso when. I was lip- The allegation that I was n.ot a tion, I paid my rent, s~rted m

. . The Ruidoso News welcomes "Letters to the Editor," and will pub. O~on . , lish them on the Page with all letters being subject to edit- DEAR EDITOR: .. " '. . the years'I've lived in Alamogordo tractions fu' that area~too far off . granted these trips--nr the "Apache ing for length. .. . I read la~ly about a proposed and like it here; I'm still iIlterested the "beat?" I'll bet "The Valley ofTraU" will be by b\lS-i:Outse, there The name of the writer must be printed. A telephone number \ "Apache ~ail" for .tourists. 01; etc. in LiIlcoln County affaifS: and love Fires" would be iIlcIuded....it's '10 ain't no Indians on the Bonito, but must be included for verification. The trail would .have. maps-table . aU myfriends and relatives there: I.miles froin Carrillozo-Bonito Lake . fishermen and the .Bonito River While lettsrs neea not be typed. they must be legibly written. . "ntats forC~es or Chamheti6fCom- ,would like ·W· know-when all 'the .isn't .put three 'or f~ur miles. off, when this drouth is over.. . Letters may. be hand delivered'to The News oflice at 104 Park .:' ,,! merces; '." ..trails wereta}ked about in the .. Highway 48-besideslocated iIl the .' ..' Sincerely .,Avenue or mailed to PO Box 128, Ruidoso NM 88345. ·' This sounds real good-living in planning....why" Bonito Lake was most beautiful CQuntry in'all the .LouiseCoeRunne18 ...' . ,Linc01n County all my life eJl:cept left out:--It's~ne nf the bittf.test at- areas mentioned: I'm ta,king fotAJamogord,o . , . - , ·.DEAR EDITOR: yout help. 1have to tell you I was days, at his trade' nightsl1nd his devoted tohis Church JOPJl· . :RA.LJON PUBLtSm~G INC; .. There is an old saying-"be care- not prepared for the results of that duties as an elder i,l1 the First . .. .' ..' . .' Jack Kent COOke , . ,phristia~ Chut~h ~11 I ful what you ask for-you just may request. At timeslike tl1is I wlsh I in.betwee!l" HI! '. I will sip1pl,Y you when I 01>­ Ohairman olth..Board getit.", .' . .' was a Writer, such as Ftahlrie Jar- lS e~eptionallygoo~10 all his ~ops, Jecte~ to 1I#s ~VUlg much.too-much, Pub1ish~r I . Well~it . ha~ haPP,ened··.to reIl, that 1 eoUld tell you of a realAsa crafunnan. he IS by ,defiIl:Jtilln he'slUd...JJust my. way ofhelping to SammyM. Lopez, . .... ~,.' me-again. .' .'. .' .' .. santa I know like Ftailkie told you olthe true, old.world a "Cabmet- ' help the kids." Frankie ...... rall. Editor . .. . Garman Edwards. Ad M"!nag&r 'Gay Stokes, composlng.Manag,,,' ... ,i · .. ' 1£ you recall, in 1)ljcember I tQld . ofthe SantaC,ops.· ,'. . maker," iIl other 'W'Qrdsan "Artist" . ! you in the Plant Cornel'. COlumn I in hiattade. I know, he built.every ' .. A big '.rhal,lk; yCl!! to Wayne Brad- . Copyright 1990. AalJon PUblishlng'rne, . ", i was Santa's helpel; reading letters .The real Santll'shelperI know is . cabinet in my house, and to perlec- .ley,-$anta's helper 9fthe.yelit. ..' Malllng address: P. p. BOl< 128. AuldoswNM 88345 .. '. Phona:(SOs) ~57·40(l1·· '.' .." I, from the Lincoln and Ruidoso YiN1!e J3rl!!!I§, He works at the tion: He is also an. artist at his job SallyBlack. Do~spclst offic~s, and asked for. Ruidoso Downs Post Office week- asCh\lrchElder~ Heisparticullll'ly. '.' Lincoln . ThG I'luldoso NG;;'S te""l\I~slllPV. $1'; , enovo",O'ot 01 county. $32; O'nl> vent Wilhln county. $30; .Ix months O'ot"!",,onty.$30; I' Do people' in Ruidoso know Wha happens when !toswell is not he to their Iikingbut PI'whose .recyclirig and taking care of our cll. . where.the liquid sewage.goes? Do full? Send it'to Carrizozo? Do the neighbor do they want to dump own, our town and theSj;ate olNew '$12.00. Cool (50s) 2S1·4001Ioi'lI<>ltlO eJ"lIvciy...... " the LIncoln County residents. not Hondo Valley residen~s, not have,' your refuse? . Mexi\lO'strash but we'don't want I . have traah or do they think that Tho Rul&>so Nowr> (USPS 472-0(0) Is p\lbllshsdooc)1 Monday nnd Thuroday by ROlIjon trash 01' do tliey!lump It In c:anyons '. ". tri\sn from the.EastUl. . Publishing tnc.. 104PM'Avo., 1'11.11<1000. MM 0034S.Sceo"liclaospostagopaldalthO P<>el Ruidoso Downs iathe only town and then whlln It rams let It wash The Eastern states arEi currently' Stncerely. Olliee iitRukI<>.".NM 1lO34S. P"elma.ter;Send ndil'aos chansOsto'nIO FluldO!:x 12S. Autdo\lO•. NM ll!l34S, . .... sends trucks full of trash to !tos- Americans take sOml,\ responsibility em stutes to Ilandlethejr refuse. ,Roswell ,'~...... ~_,~,_ •.....----.-~~._, ..__• _ _._t.<.•:~ .. ~ ....~_, ~.-"u,_.,,", ," .;_.,,_,-<"', .--'-""-~~_ ~ 'D.._~~__,._...:._,· • ., ' : ' . . . . , • ~'-l',._",t~. ~t.~" ~_''"''', ,_~"''''~_,~~=' __ ...... -...... :...... ',M<.....:i!...__HW'...... '..:..;,,'t...... _-...... ,...... ------....------.....1IIlIII .....,.....,-. -,. ," .' ,'" ". ,," ,", .,,' " , ., · ,~'. o .. • '" .' ,',.' " ,',', 2B I T.he Ruidoso N.eWel Monday, Januwy22, 199Cl: '.. • '<0 • . " '.


j ... , "i ','" ,~' " D'EADLINES FOR Ct.'A$SIFIED DEAQ~Il'{ES FOR ALL .DISPLAY ADS: ThJJr$~ay; 3 p.m~ :fQf the Monday Issue,. ,,', ,"CLASsn=u:D'RATes', .'.., 21 .w~RD$.'.''''''''.ri ••••• ~.....~:~~: •••••••••••• ~ ••••:••••3.35 40 .wORDS ·~""""""~""'''''''''''';:''''''''~if ...... t •••••6~9'; :. " " . ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~' ~~ 1~5tr' READER ADS ONLY: Friday, 6:30 iI.l11. Thursday,S p.m. for tl1e MO/lday issue; Tuesday. ".'' 3 p' m. 0.'·or·th·.. ·. .'e T'h'ursda'.'yl'ssue'Onll. TII1l8AafaOnl.y,.. -_ WORDS. .., , . 3,55· ilUn,d.-Ad fop..•••••: ••••••••••. •• .. •••••••• for \he Monday issue; Wednesday, 6:30 Tuesday, 5p.m. for the Thursday isslle. .' '. ;. . 23 WORDS•••••;••••••• ~ ~.~ '"•• ;'.~~:;.~' ; 3.67 a.m. for the Thursday issue. .' •' •. ',' k' . .'. . (Saloo TQX '"cluded) ~ WORDS :•••: ; 3.83 , 6. P~bllshllr a$suroos no flnanclall'llsplIn$l•.. f6WOROS·o.R LESS..; ; , ,$2;56 .' 2S WOflPS : , ~ :., 3:.89· Ti-tE RUIDOSO NEWS CLASSIFIED READER ADS are s.ched· "bUlly ~r typDg,~phfcal e~rQ~ '!.h ad~rtl. :~ :~==:::::::::::.::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:~~': :g~g~::~::~::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::~.:::~:,::::::::::, uled only in consecutive issues or on a DEADLINES FQRAtl, SHOW·PROOF ~he ~9 : WQRDS.~.:..:. ~,~ ~.~.~ ~ ',"'. .. .l1lS'nts except,to publl.$h'a'(:otrectlon In ': WQRPS u ; •••3.04 I:' ,30 P••••'•••••• •• ;•••••".4.QO 2:51 4'001· one time basis. ADS-REALE$TATE QRCI,ASSIFIED:. 'n'lt~ Issue. ' . 21) WORDS~ •. ~.~ •••f •• i~.;.. ,;.3020 -3S WORDS••" ~ •••••• ;.,~ •••••· ;••• ~, •••••;.,6,,59 '.".- . . . ,. , ; , I . 4, , I",.. ...1. , c.'" I .. "r , , , . . FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS..... ·PROPE:RTY. MAN,AGEMEN'I'" - MQJ.lILliJ HOMJl:. SPACES ..... for . FURNISHED ~ two bedroom, ooe i: CARD OF THANKS . call the Mental Health Hotline rentals, inyestmentsi sale!lt. list- . rent. Lo~ateil on the rivet" near ba~h hOWle, fireplace,de~k and ..atl-437·8680 (col1l!Ct). . . ., . .ings, CMA, Contact Bill, itimithshopping, center.- Call 257-4,418, close in. Ele~tri~ity and water WE Wl;SH TO THANK our . .M·56-tfnc Bl!lAUTIFUL.:....2 year old home,'3Realty, 1925 Sudderth Drlve, 257.7697· . . M·K-l-tfc· furnished.' $300 month,.:$10() friends,nei~hbors and local YOU CAN GIVE 7".the gift ofsightbed!:ooU1s, 2 bl!ths, very ew:rgy .'Ruidoso, NM, 666-257.2727.. . SHAW APARTMENTS..;.,; 1 and 2 deposit. 336-4839. . 20·W-70.tfe businesses for their concern and" by being an.eye dOnor. Contact· eff}ment,beautlfullllt and Vlew. '.'17·S-71-tfc bedroom .furnbhed apartments. TV\TOBEDROOMS~,oneba:th,fur- kindness when we lost our home any Lion or~a1l257.2776 for .~ Pric~ to seU, , $59,590, Call REsdRT PROPERTIES - several fOr..l·(lut. Good location. No pets. . nishedQrtlnfurnjshed, rlaturaI recently. There are too many to details and. aqOlwr ca:r'*50. 212. un· . ·cellentlocation. 950 sq.ft., air ANNOUNCEMENTS DON'TBE·ATHROWAWAY -Re., Stout,ownerlbroker, 1.898.2188, ,Alto Village; 3" bedroom~ ..2. '. furnished; $;150. VI; furniShed; c(1)'ditjoned, Bills paid. Formerly 'cycle your aluminum' ¢'!Ul.S: "Call colleCt. 29.S-21.tfc baths, garage. Last apprals~d' $200. Jo Steele; 3360:.4975,257~ CrockerlHemphill Offices., 510 . PUBLISHER'S NOTICE - All real Donate YOUT iilumimim cans to SMALL BUSINESS FOR SALE1:""'$98,ooO, vrill sell.for $79,900. 7373, Perteet Parks and Aasocla· . Mechem. Call 257.5366. . estate advertising in this news· . the Boy Scouts ofAmeriCa Troop Rm'do60 resl·dent. WI'shes to p"~_ . 257.4.731 evemngs and tes. M-S·76·tfc . . 2(1..C~ 73-tfc ~. pa~er is slibject to the Federal 196 and the noon Lions Club. chase Ruidoso business. Prefer weekends. '..21 C 73•ttlc FUlINISlffiD - efficiency··apart- COMMERCIAL SPACE -avail- Fllll' Housing Act of 1968 which Marke,d coIIectiop. .dumpsters women's' fashion.s, . under MOTEL FOR SALE _ by owner. . 1nen~; $200 plus.electric. Depo~it able. Good location. Great ex· makes it illegal to advertise "any are provided at tile four Ruidoso d d r 1 .. req11lI'ed. Two blocks eastofClr· .' posure for any business on high preference, limitatjon or dis­ fire stations: .. Crushed .or $250,000. Principles only, 268· .Goo .." condition, goo. c lente e. ale K. 378.4661.' M.R-41.tfc traffic arteries through Ruidoso, 1_" f1 d J . 5718. 19.5-70.·13tp Owner financing aVllllable, great I crimination based on race, color, crump ""cans pre erre . om u.a FOR SALE BY OWNER _ Wood. location.,267-2986. M.B.73.4tpTWO BEDROOM _ '-n-ailer, com. 258·6868. .. M-P·75·2tl: religion, sex, handicap, familial ~e~s community effo~S-~~ land Ridue. area, 3 bedrooms, 2 MUST SELL _ before February.1,pletely furniflhed, part bills paid; NICE/ACCESSIBLE-furnished, status, or national origin, or an .. rl90 Tw b d 1 3/4 .$200 plus deposit No pets. 267- two bedrilom apartment. Utili- intention to make any such pref­ BINGO - Chamber of Commerce' baths, cen-n-alheat, carport, 1".. 0 e rooms; 7543. M'M-50~tfc . ,ties paid. N~ets please.. $400 · Capl·tan.·· Thursday m'ght's' at 7 deck. Franklin fireplace, recent- baths,all appliances, fireplace, th 257 27MM 73 tf1 erence, limitation or discrimina· m WANTED - responsible tenant. mon. '.. • -- c tion." This newspaper will not P.m., east Mam.·stroo.t.Come .ly carpeted. C~ll257·9281: " vaulted ceilings with fana. Paved ', . 'J'oin us. 17.·C·2-tfc .21'.H•.68 tf1c .street, easy a.ccess....,<1>39600. ""'.A_ Two bedroom,$ onethbath, un· TWO AND C.. THREE d - chbedroomd - knowingly accept any advertis· . hI 1 W'll t k t 'd futnished;' 300 mon plus util· mobiles. (lvere por es, goo ing for real estate which is in FAMILY CRISIS CENTER - 24 PARADISE· CANYON -two ·suma e oan.· 1 a e ra e. itjes, water paid, $200 deposit.. level road. Call 378-4964. violation of the law. Our readers hour crisis,line. Answered by' bedroom, one bath, 1,008 sq.ft., Alex Adams, 258-3330, 1107 1-298.7294, before lOam. M.R-73-tfc are hereby informed that all Ruidoso Pollce. 257·7365. greenhouse, $33,500. $1,000 Mechem. 30-H·73·tfc 190F.61.tfc UNFURNISHED HOUSE- two dwellings advertised in this M·J·99·tfnc dOWJl, owner financing. 257- GONE BACK TO TEXAS - CO MERCTAT 0 ERTY b dr 1 loft 1 V2 '61 tfc :....:'" 1 L d d cr .M ...... PR P- on e ooms, plUS room, newspaper are available on an KNOW A CRIPPLED - or burned'6317 MD- .• - sa"uuce sa e, an scape a e, ths d 1 equal opportunity basis. To com­ child? Ca.ll ShPners for free ESTATE SALE - 6 lots, clean . lmmac. ula.te mohile, do. ublec:u-· . Carrizo Road; 3 acres. vrith im- ba,. Lefireplace,f1 $450view, gooth oca-1 plain of discriminatjon, call hI 258-4406 267 A871 257 . mobile;' guest house, wor~hop, pott, RV pad, apphances m· provements, previously Valley. bon. ase or lOon pus HUD toll·free at 1·800-424-8690. e P··. , ... ,- fenced: Price reduced; $32,500. cluded. $35,000 G.b.o. Call Marge Transit Mixsite. Call 267-2300. utilities. Call 1-589-9612. For the Washington, DC area 2079. DUring 1988 there were Call Marge Woodul, Four ,Sea. Woodul, Four. Seasons Real M·M-51-tfc 20·B·74-4tp . please call HUD at 426-3600. 107,756 patients treated in our sons Real Estate, 257~9171; res. Estate, 257·9171; res. 257- FURNISHED _ one bedro.om FOR RENT - two bedrQoms, two own hospitals. 27-S·2·tfnc 257.7681. 23.F.73 Ate 7681. 28-F·73-4te tt . t ·th fire 1 U b th fire 1 ashe t~_· r The toll·free telephone number WINT,ER OIL PAINTING _. ... it 500 apa men vyt pace; ..pper a \ s, pace, w .E .....,ye , is 1·800·643-8294. R-62·tfc classes Pe'"n January. Every THREE BEDROOM ..:.. two bath FIXER-UPPER -. cheap. ijJ2, Canyon, Mam Road, easy wmter fenced. $295 plus depOSIt. 257- THRIFT SHOP - Hospital Auxil· Th d '9 to 4 11 home in Forest Heights, in ex· do~, tak~ over p~yme1;lte. Two access. Suitable for one or two 7462. M~M-74-5tp iary. Open Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to Biliiesr.:~g, 3784979. :'L:i71~fc cellent condition. Includes ad- mobIles With additIon on 3 lots, ad?),t;J. No pets. $286 p~r month,. VISTATOWN HOMES - beautiful 4:00 p.m., Wednesday thru Sat­ . .' joining lot.. Real priva~. 206 _ . fireplace, storage; fenced. 257· , utihties ll?d ca?le paId. Lease 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartments . urday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Angeles Drive.· Priced $73,600. 7452. 9·M-74-6tp and depoSIt reqUIred. 257-7267. with all appliances. Air tight 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone, RESORT RENTALS · Call 268-4932, evenings.. FRIENDLY GENERAL STORE - 33·H-62·tfc fireplace. .EaSy level access. 257-7061. H·43·tfnc " ~ STAY A NIGHT - or a week; 2 . 24-M·63·tfc gas pump and lovely 1700 sq.ft. THREE BEDROOM home, $495. Overlooking new resort area. bedroom condo ill'great location, LOW DOWN PAYMENT - Dn til, home for $306p~r month. Will . Thr~ebedroom h0I1!e, $295. B~th $3?5 plu.a utilities, deposit re- JACK'S TV & APPLIANCES charming 3 bedroom log cabin need to p~chase.mventory sepll' furmshed, plus billll. LudWIck qm.red. No pets. Call Adams En· easy access. 257-9085. . c?n~der We Service All Makes M-A-67-8tp vrith. river rock fireplace, rately. .wIll s?me trade Realty,257-4861.. 17-L-52-tfc terprises, 257-9086. 34-A-75-8te $63,000. . #2, 3 bedroom for eq~ty. This IS a deal too ~ood ONE BEDROOM HOUSE - has FURNISHED -' two bedroom Home Appliances, CABINS AND CASTLES - 2641 W~ fur'duple~ TVs and VCRs Sudderth, 267·9300. Everything remodeled house' on Carrizo to mlSS. are located Just st:oreroom, fenced. yard; Large, clean, very nice. . CALL 257·9247 furnished and paid.· Winter Creek, $34,900. Closing costs south ofAustin, Texas. Call after mshed or unfurmshed. $196 Washer, dryer, dishwasher. rates. . M·C-75-2tp down on #3, 3 bedroom. fur- 7p.m., ask for JD (512)357. month. 258-3397, broker/owner. Easy access. Utilities paid. $395 nished home, gameroom, 2503. 51-B.76-8tp· .M-M·55·tfc mOnth, $150 deposit. No pets. ONLY $1 IDITRA .;... getS your breathtaking view, $63,600, All SALE OR TRADE - Ruidoso prop- LEASE OR LEASEIPURCHASE - 200 G1lorgeMcCarty Drive. 268- reader ad in The Ruidoso vrith owner financing. erty. Large brick 4-2·2, fireplace, available December· 1; .uice, 5449. 26·B-76-4tp Reporter, following one or more Owner/agent, 257-4861, Ludvrick formal dining, many extras on roomy 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ,level, 14X70 MOBILE _ Two bedrooms publicatjons in The Ruidoso Realty. . 46-L-65-tfc 10.6 acres. Private subdivision. paved' street.· Dishwasher, 2 baths. Furnished or un~ News. . 20-R-34-tfnc iNvESTOR SEEKS - free and Nacogdoches, Texas. $117,000. washer/dryer, fireplace, fully furnished. Covered deck. Storage clear executive house or condo. Will considc:r wsser value trade, furnished, utilities paid. Deposit building. On level lot. 268·3397, Can offer 20% down; must have you pay difference. 1-409·564- required. 257·5493. 27·C·67-tfc OwnerIBroker. 17-M.75·tfc owner financing. No realtors. 1- 5104 or 267-2986.. 31-~.76.1tnc ONE BEDROOM HOUSE ..... com- SMALL ONE BEDROOM _ fur. 536·3150. 20·B·67-12tp FOR SALE - Lot for mobIle home. pletely furnished. No pets. $200 .' nished cottage. Carpet through- SALE OR TRADE - income .All utilities, good location in month plus bills and deposit. out, natursl gas. Central loca- r:~perties in Odessa and Mid- Palo Verde Slopes. $6,000. 1- Upper Canyon. 257·7543. tion. One or tWD adults. No pets. d, for Ruidoso property. Call 622-29~. M·H·76-4tp M·M·61·tfc Water furnished. $175 month. 378-4990. M-V-69016tc HOUSE FOR RENT - two 257·2004. 21-Z-75-3tp WHERE CAN YOU - find a new 3 . bedroom, one bath, furnished, FURNISHED CABIN -'billll paid. bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, ap- . Ml!l $290, water paid. HUD welcome. One person only. $215/month. 1- liances, one covered, on.e ~en PRO~~RTY ~~GEh NT;.... ell 257·6044 or 258·5024. . 434-4428. M-H-76-1Otp LOOK WHO HAS JOINED P ne"" sever.... mee ouses an M.M-62-tfc . . . deck on a uice wooded 'resi en· condos for permanent rental. tiallot under $50,0001 Call Alex Please call Don Harmon, Four RENTILEASE PURCHASE - sell; AUTOMOTIVE "OUR TEAM! Ada 25"3330 1107 like new 3 bedroom 2' bath, 2 Me::~. 0- 111-H-73.tfc S6jl.sons Real Estate, 25J.9171. 'atory:, in the woods. $600 month 1979 MUSTANG _ 6 .cylinder,. .. .21-H~88'tfc . or 1117a,000. Call Sierra Blanca automatic; good transportation. NIGHTLY/WEEKLY/MONTHLYRealty, 257-2576. )~4-S·62-tfc 378-6482 days. ... M-T.57-tfnc ..... cabin, condos;. townhouse, EXCELLENTACCESS _ on River, 1988 FORD SUPERCAB _ pickup; h~mes and.mobile rentals..Cl;1ll private, .2 bedrooms, 1112 baths,: . save thousands. Finance with' Century 21 Aspen Reall!1state; '. major appliances,dishwasher,$195 down. Ruidos{) Ford. Lin. • Vicki 267-9057. .19·C·92·tfc ,partiallY-furnished, fin:l'.l~ce, . coJn, Mercmy. 3Ja.M00. 30 day

,~,•. • ..carpeted,atorage, .low· utilities, ..warranty. . '. 18-R-63·tfc-A . _<£;~.:• ._"~, Monthly Rentals . .gas, split first month, 257-6990 1985 GMC _ 3/4 ton, 4x4, :runs 1 Bedroom, Kitchen, or 257·9041.· 26.S-63.tfc. great.' Finance with $195 down.. f Fireplace, fully furnished. CLEAN TWO: BEDROOM· ...... 1;ut.' Ruidoso Ford, Lincoln, ;Mercury, All Bills paid Including cable. . 'nished house with washer and 378-4400, 30dilywarranty. . CONGRATUlATIONS! 29 Pines Motel dryer; $200 plus utilities, $50 '. . 19.R-63.tf~-A .ROSE PEEBLES 257-4249 deposit. Ruidoso Downs.• 378· 1987 DODGE RAIDER - 4it4 like Salespersoli Of The Month 4396...... '. . 17-H·6G·tfc new. Finance with $195 down•. TWO BEDROOM' -furnishedltuidoso Ford~ Lincoln, Mereuryo, '.. COLDWell mobile. Washer and dryer. In· . 37aMOO. 30 aa, warranty. "...' . JACKIE COVINGTON BANl{eRO .' Cher{)kee Villagll, 257-4973aftei..' , ,18·R-63-trc~A· . . , . 251-5111 . · 5 p.m.. ' ...... M.~.67',~fc:; 1985 MERCURY MARQulS,.... We are proud toannouncethatJACKIECOVINGTON is' 1-800·626-9213 '. TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED'- .' . loaded.)1'inanceWith$195 down. continuing her successful I'eal estatecareer and join­ 1#1 SIIlCO 19S2 '. mobile, 1:able, TV,waf.lJr p~d. Ruidoso Ford, Lincoln,MerclttY, Ing Century 21 ASPEN REAL ESTATE. With her com· Two. week!lfree rent. .$100 a7a.MOO.30 daywartanty.. .' . mittment to personal service, she's an excellentaddi~ .' · deposit, $235 month. 3'18-4979. '" ..., • 21·:R-63·tfc-A ReAL ESTATE CLASSES or 3'18.8200. 20·L-69·tfc tlon to our team. With Jackie's experience, sh13 can , .' ..... Registration:,.. . .'. , . FOR SALE OR RENT - 12ftand i988 FORD BRONCO ....;: 4x4, sa.ve help yau with any of your real estate needs. Stop by · .• ~., . Sunday, Febtoary4;-l990,4p.l11•. 14ft. wide' mobile homes; from . th{)usands. Finance With $195 and visit with Jackieatouroffice, 1Z7 Mechem,.orgive ~. Century 21,727 Mechem Dr•.. . $250 to $300 monthly, deposit ..' down.· Ruidoso Ford, Lincoln, her a caii at 257-9057, or at home, 258·3408, anytime, · UlGl~~tle RUidoso; N.M...... required. Ca11378-4990. '. MerclttY, 378-4400. ao day war· . 21-V·69-16tc ranty, 18-R-63·tfe-A ,, ...,;,;:", n [" ('Bulfleienlllllrllllnlontroquired). .. • . ..' .... "Best pa~slng ratesin the state . Ml!f;IWlIl nrnJl~ [)rdt'J!~' l/UII 1986 FORD' AEROSTAR' -'. rll "Classes completed·in time ~"'J LARGE 'a BEDROOM - complete:: van, OntuIJ' HUldo~o New ii.-1j~1(IUI HH:N!} wm.be . ·ly furnished, wnshcl' and dryer . loaded, extra nice. FinnnceWith ~b7 March 'Ic~2l t[}WJ} 2hl !J[HJ7 fjf gUll . . for exam;.' .. fireplace, $385 .plus bills and . $195 down. RuidoSG Ford, Lin­ FOA FURTHER INFORMATION,CALL OUR TOLL PREE NUM13ER ASPEN REAL ESTATE. INC. ·deposit. No pets•.upper Can;1

. .'. '.' .' . \ '. \". ~~""""ioI~'~~_:: able .and motivated need apply. .. Merc\UY,. 378-4.1OO. 3u day war.' . Park,878-8110.·· M'~9I:·tfo. . stacked. 257-3005.. M-M·7406tp ..·.Hotlnop ~ ~~~~:~o:'~~Esllmcd(l~ .' &lillO ',is.Call257:4170.'. M-C.75.tfc for appolOtme, '.. on ,ay waiwesses,dishwashere,bussere, e;>qlerien~ " A,MIFMcassette. e;welle!it condi· . eaCh..25Ui966, ... 18-;W.39-1;fo AKC GOLDEN RE'l'RUJNER :... through ~il!~~ CHILD 'CARE NE:EDED ''-'-Mon.. Inn, HwY 48N. .•.. M;.fM404t<; . , · vettible,$2.~00 0.b-.o,CaIl37S-stucco building III r~r). L;ots FOR SALE _ 1984 'b'l h 'daytfuu. Frio:iay. Infant And 2 PA,RT-TIME O~FIOE ...:-' ,.help. 4990. . . M'V~69.16tc IIl()re odds and. ends, mcluding ..rooIe ome,. ..' year old. Ca11251-7616 after.6 .n~~. ReqUJrements:bamc;rec- ~.ebedrllOm~. '''''''TDA~\«1. NIC"' ...... 198701dsCutlaos ti.u:niture. GOJn,e~ and :Prowse. 14x'12. 2 baths•. · '. p,m,...... M-W·72-5tp .. retarial and lan,guage.• skills. '.', ""'"· Clena. Loaded,"" . ·excellent....•. ... cpndi,.so"o~. , Al d 't forgeo·1.UlYou.if'..... ha"ve ,GoodClift;o'location,258-4592.'assumableM-N-75-8tloan. .. . PE'''''u;u''''.DU A "TIi'ONT' HOUSEU'1i'EPING'. •...,. P'IC:k I:!P appiiic,a.. tionsat The . tion. $7,800.' Serious inqu).neo· . any seroc,:ablehouaeliold ItemS, n,. ".,. ..' .' P, .. '-<--. position aV~Uapl~ .at. Tiarra Rui~osoNews,104P8:rkAvenue~ orily.CalI378.S166after for dOlllltion. If you could .AQ¥-6yeat'Oldbucks~nmare. ..," . Del .SoICondomunumson.. ." ...'. .M-R:75tfuc , 6pm. . ··17-D·73c4ll!. ..volunteera fe.w .hours a week, Sire, All. SW-" Dam. Kin :Kan. P0lvI11'!0'~ PIZZA _ ~8il~w taking Came1otMQ~rntaif\. 257~9232; A'l'TENT~ONHIRJNG _ Go'vem- FOUR WHEEL DRIVE . Chpleaae can 2574547 or 257,7661. Grand Slre, Jet Deek. 1-287· apphcations for deltve;ry ,person- ,.',. . 18,T-73-4tg . ment Jobs, YQur llTea.. $17,840.- ...... '...... - evy .Open·Wednesday, 10:00-2:00; 3864 or 1-285;.6176 • 4 ne~. Must be-18 or"over, have SIERRA TWIN·CfNEMA"";paTt $69,485.. Call .1-602-838.8885 Suburbans, 1987modelIJ, 1979.. ThurSda,YI 11:00.3.:00;. Friday, p.m.' ; 20.M-75.4tp . ear, license, insurance and good timee*rienced ,,0p!lTator,... Em;. R2152. . ·M.<;J.75-4tp . models, 5toj:hoo~e ft;om' Lao. 10:00-2:00'. .'H-6H;fnc .'!i'OR "':"mobilehome, take" . '. 'dri\ingrllcord. Eam ove;t< $611n " . ~ghtsoll1y. Apply.in Jl!l:i:s.on be;.' ADVERTISE ·...... in the' clasiJilieds . . " 5 sALE O:t:ilceo, l-52'l:4:Q~0. M·C·7 -4tJl . LAIiGECOMMERQIAL ~ stoiage; . ·l)\\'llTpayritentll. CaH Pbi11ipGag~': " !iour; FleXible':hoUI's: Apply in .. tween1:00-3:00 pm. See Tow. by caIli.ng.257-4001; TJ;1eRuidoso .. '. < 1984~9YOT~ TERCE~"" wagon, ·Month1~"ear~tent:U8. 315 ner, (6,02)622-5811.8-5;" person at 2814 Sud~e.rth. \ .' Henderson. . 17-8.;73.tfc. News. ....' .R-61-tfnc·. ~}/lr~~:~:i~OJla:~s2:fril&M~~der~01~~'no:i1~~tndO::~·· ... ,M'G-76.2tp ..35-D-62-tfc wEHAVIilLOTS -C;of out-or-town WHISPERING' PINE CABINS ~ .••. , or257.566~. M;B:75~2tc. .tJUiUlated. Sto-A,Way, 257-7014, BUTANE TANK-:,,250gall~n.'125 .. subscribers. Spend $5.12 and let. now" 'taking appliCations' for .. .~961 CHmvY SIINElJ.0.DO - Plck~., 257,2365 evenings, ,2~.R-72-tfc gallon. butane' tank. '.' NIce TV . them know what your product is. housekeeping. job. Phone' 257- . • up; Four whe~ldri!,e. 257-4622. AKC REGISTERED _ Siberian' antenp.a. CIi1l257-4261., Fr't' end's. Advertise in" The Ruidoso 4311 for appointment. '. . daYfil, 257-5929 evemngs. . Huoky p~ies for sale 6 weeks . M.R.76-2tp ... 'j News.R-94-tfnc '. .. .' M-W-75-3tc . '. M-S-'75-tfc Id b' . .. 3704646' FIREWOOD,... eight varieties to '. , '.'t. FOR. SALE ..;.;.' 1988' four V\'heel . ~ .' .eau. ." ."", .' M-S-73-tfe choose from. Prompt, colJiteous F·u.n.· .&' . .'. " . dri S b J Cl d delivery, any amount. Call 257- . . vo:; . U al'U $~.;700.\lst)'•. ean,.i~ubbockgoo FIREWOOD'- by the cord, 112, ..,9869, .. M-M6-4tp'" FI .' . '.' . , ,... '.' . . conditIO!).,. ' .. 114,. 118. Cut, delNered . and ·ex·t'ble ,...... Track down .A'k. ;. " ~806)745-a794. .' M.~76,4tp.. stacked. Clill Lee; 25T..!!677. ,YENDlNG .:ROUTE - .one pel'S!!n. . '. ';.,', -:: 1987 NISSAN MAXIMA - 4 doorJM~M-73-3tp businljSs.. Average net :ji5,600 H whafevep. automatic transmiss$iQn, loaded:" NON/JUNIPER -:miJred guaran- .m(7~n3t)hl890Y' filP7n5'cli or°nlY (7' f~)·'859000. 0 yO'U're' 'Excell.ent conditon. 9,750. 336-. teed .

-= ·1·,McCULLOCH. ARE HERE!!! l(nli7Acflii~

RUIDOSO • OIRECTORY ~L~ IC-li/~(n ,AL.... A HANDY GUIDE TO: .1908 J •. d Ie ;d kJ.Jf k..U,.d·~- . 40' ~ultd.rth 0'"'11' PO eo_ 12151 I. RU1I1aso. N_ M."l~ ~5' ~5-2Ei7-4611 $599.99 "~~ - where a person lives. .... fDIE... -. Btanch OIlJl:o t096 Mot:hom Z \ ~.1-~t1Y' ~~ (!OS) 2S3.Sna "-'----,~-""'-, - what his occupation 8$. 1 TIME ONLY!!!!!! A MEMBER OFTHESEARS FINANcrAL NETWORK -the correctsp~lIingcif ali1am~. WHlLETHEY LAST -the officers of a corpoli'Qtioli1. $50.00 OFF WITH THIS AD! 'PRO SERVICE SOC, REALTORS®251-5111 .-the partn~rsin a firm. . ·An Indetitndenlly Owrn!d and Operated Mernba til CQIl1Well-Ban!tcf Res,.:t~nllal 'AlMJaU~'S: Inc. '''929 Btl'RRO I.ANiD 257-54'19 •

.... .Plus' aClassifi6d ntisiness DirectofV ",J'.overly Motors, IhC~ and Cross Reference Phone Nm:nbex,s.

.- $40 WHITE. . CUNTAIN + tax" 1l!82NISSAN KI!'lG 1987 suzuKlsAMURA14'X4. 5 SPEED: . DEVELOPMENT CO•. 'CAB'4 X4,5 SPEED. Ac; .HARl) TOP CONVEanSLE. '. . OFFERST!'iEULTlMATeIN , "': ,'. . $3995 \ ' :,- . . 5195 . .. ' ' '. "QlVhlts. ..Jl'{ou:ntabi _/l!{s.aJow~'! . , ·.~"~IJ:itI',,~"liiIcUIIilolM,,1irl¢l:t4t1c!U'o..,w.'(~."!~~. . HuURd.@lGavilan Canyon .' '. 258·5605 AT .,

'. , ." 1983 AMC:EAGLE 4X4.6 CVl.;. AC. 1975 FORDF10ii'4Xi(" ....-_... ,AUTqMATlC, NEW PAINT, .. . ill SPEED. 360 ENGINE, AM·FM . ,EXTAACLEAN. . CASSEttE, EXTRA CLEAN. $3495 '$2995 .

.It's Snowing 4X4s .I Ifwe don'thavethetAJckyou'relooking for, come.byandutilizeoLir FI1EE mulU­ state locating service. 1(41)ark Avenue 257-4001 " ,: '. , .\ '. ),' . \ ,, \. _-~ "~''''' ~''''''''_~ ,-_~~_~,'''''''"""",~"",",,,_...- ~~,.-..- _~ , - ".",_, ._ , .,,- __ c..- ... ~ ~ .~ •• ~, ..~ __ -'~ "'--'-' -,-,--"- • .=L~ ~~...... ~_,...... "-,-,-----,-,-" ...... ,, '.. ~_• " .... . ,""1' -':·1"·' TrIl '",", '71 ~,,,. ••' ,"f '" ,,.


" , 4B I TheRuldo6~ News I Monday, January 22.1990 I, 4 •. ' "'t., +. , i " ,, I' .' '. " ,J "', , " "",' ".-.I .. legal Notices .. DEAOLlN;S", FOR ALL LEGAL NOTICES Thu~sdaYi 5p.m. for the ~onday issue; Tuesday, 5p,m. for the'ThurSday issue. ,i ,. ., .'

""'1 I• '. JLlEGAlL NOTICE pLAiNTIFF, '. ,\,' Internal Revenue &mee'will fur·" "~:HOME'CENmRS, ~ . AttomeysforPWntiff Nature ~fTitIe . , • mlLFm J1IDKClfAIL Defendants. lush ihformation about ,llQssiblnn·, ,', cOl'P9ration, and.', FDIC.C,'" '" "The right, title, and interest of DISTInCT No.CV.8,P·S52 CUlll9ranccs,wmch'lllaY'beusefttr PIONEERSAVINGS &" ~. '1' ~l1aU65824.t(1)1,8,1&92 the taxpayer (nained above) in and CmJNTIr OF llNCOlLN, " DlVID:, ~ dew.~ning the 'value of the .in~ ,:TRUST, F,A, .'" M1b ~ to the propertY is offeredfo~ sale , STArE OF NEWMEXlCO NOTICE OF smT' ,' terest1Jelllg sold, (See J'NatlU'eof ' ,','"Defendants" 'h ,,' ," ".' . subject to anyprior'va1id~utsUlnd~' , DlEPOSrrTRUSTSAmNGS STATE OF ,NEW MEXICO to Titlell below fotfurther details" '. No,CW88·375:- LEGALNOTICI " ing,mortgages,encumbrances,Q~ BAIm, FS]B, the above·named' DefendanUs), ' Description of Property: .. ' , '" Div. m DEPARTMENT OF '"other liens in favor oftlilidparties , l?mmtDff, GE.EETINGS: ," " "", '' NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 80, ,NOTICEOFTBETREASURY, against the tupayer that a~e~ sUI»' VS. ' , You are hereby notified that the Township 9South, Range 14 East, FORECLOSUItE SAl!' , lNTERNALREVENUE ' . rior to the'lien()£the United States, RONALD ClfElLAK, lLlINDA above-named (Plaintifl)(Petitioner) N,MIP,M;, Lincoln CoUnty, New . NOTICE:.IS,HEREBY GIVEN, ,'SERVICE' All property is offered .for sale ' CIElPEW, InW wife, has filed acivil action against yo~' ,'Mexico;' that the unde~igned Special' >NO'.l'ICE OF liwhere~sll ~dnas is"and without, S'llIW rnAVIlS, An smgle in the above entitled Coutt and subject .to exceptiollS,reserva· Masterwi~, on the ,26th, day of Jan.. , .. SEALED BID SAtE ,recourse aga1~st th~ United States, " 'm.an, MARGARET ca\lBe, the general 'object ,'th~reof tions,and eaSements, ofrecord"~nd, ~ary, 1990, at'lQ:OOAiM:, atthe',' Under theautho~ttinIntei'nal No guara~ty ~r~attanty, .ex- SIElELBAC~ JOHN DOE bemg to foreclose that certam Molt- FURTlIER SUBJECT to a thirty front 'entrance to the Vlllage of 'RevenueCodeseetlon6331,.the ~res,sed or 'lmplIed,ls, made as to· . SEELBACH, her husband, gage dated, D~cember ,28, 1982,. by (3Q)' fppt Wide~oa,dway .aI}d utility· .~~doso, Muriicipa~ '~uilding ,inpr?perly described below h~sbeen ' 'the v~idity. of th~. ti~e, ,qu~l~ty, . GARY ILYNCBUALTI and and between JAMESE, JE~lUNS easewen~around the peririlete~o£ Rmdoso, New MeXIco,~ellto' the seIzed-for nonp~YDlent, of.lnternal quan~~, weIght,. SiZe, or.Co~dltion t ANY AND ALL PTIlIER and SANDRA Y. JENKINS,Molt- all (oUr sides of the tract; and/or a highest bidderfor cash, the follow· taxes due frQX!l Harvey M. andCpn- ' orany of the property, otltsfitness PERSONS CLAOONG AN gagots, and fIRST NATIONA1sixty,(60)~o~t right-of-way ease;. ~gde~cribedi'ealpr~pertie8stance Fos~r,'fhepropertywill ~e fo; ~nyuse.or putpose.No claim ' lINTWST lIN AND TO TIm BANK OF LEA COUNTY, Morl;. ,ment for eXisting roadway tlu:o\lgh· slt~ate .m Lineolh,. County, ,New sold, at publie saleu.ndersealed ,b1d Will be cO~Jd~red forallowance'or SUBJECT REAL,.l?ROP~TI( gagee, bein~l:o~ 18, ~lock:9 of. Sun :' QU~ the property. herem descri,be~.. MeXI,"co, tQ.wit: " ' as pr,ovide~ by, Internal Revenue adjus,tine, ~t orf,0tt ~escis,sioR oqhe ' AIDVlElRSE 'lr0 mE Valley SubdiVlslon;bncoln County, whieh.were preVlouslyreserved for TRACT 1: , 'Code ',section 6335 alid '.related ' salebased.o~falUreoftheproperty " "r~. co,nf0i1l')Y(i~~ PJLMNTIJFJF, . New Mexico" and beipgSugar Bush the .benefit. and use of adjoining . Lot 17, Block 1,,ofGrindstone ' regulations,.." '.. " anyexpresaedor'" '' :' \ ~s.ortCom,m,unity, lD1pli~~ repres~ntatiop., . f'" Jl]efendants.Road, Ruidoso,NewJVIexico.: ',prop¢rty owners and the 'publicin:,CanYon , 'DateBids will be Opened: Feb- ' ~ ",' 1.' , '. No.CV.89.180, Thatunless,you enter your ap~ gener-al. ' '. ,Phas~I}RUldoso,Lmcoln ,ruary7,1990., '\', IsIP.F.Creech NewM~eo, Offi~er , " . NOTIClE OlF SMJ pearance in said cause on'o! before .,Unimproved.land approxiniately C9unLy, asshowll. 'TimeBidswillbe Opened: 10;00 ,,' "Reyenue , .1 J~OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the 8th day of FebruatY,J990, 40acres,' , " bytheplatthereoffiled,a,n~. , '. ~.Internal~v~pueSemoo thal on the 20th day of February, judgment by default will be ,entered Submissions of Bids: All bid~';. in the office ofthe County ,.... ! Place of Sale: PubIicLibrary, .,P,O.Box1637 1990, at the hour of 2:00 p,m., at. against you; musfbe submitted on Fo~ 2222;' ClerkandEx.officl9Recorder·.' Ruidoso; NewMexico: .' RoswcU,NM 88201 the main entrance to the Ruidoso Name and address of (Plaintitl's) , Sealed aid for Purchase of Seized ofLincoln County, February 13, . Title Offered: ' Only the' right, (505) 623·8161 Village Hall, Ruidoso, New Mexico, (Peti~oner's) attorney(s): Property, Con~ct the office indi.· 1984, in Cabinet D, Slides 217, ,title, 'and interest of Harvey M, and " . '1·8-90 ' the undersigned as the Court ap· Calvin Hyer, Jr, ca~d below for FOrnls 2222 and in·' 218, and 219,: , ' Constance Foster in and to the· Lega1#6599 6t(1)15,18~2~5, I, I. pointed Special Master, will offer 3816, Carlisle NE . . formation about tlieproperty. Sub· The above des~bed real proper- property will be offered for sale, If 29(2)1 ' i I' for sale and sell to the highest bid· Albuquerlpie, New Mexico 87107)1lil Ws to~e p:rson,namediJdO\'1 .Ii is si~te at 101 qak Grove, req-.oo,)he Jn~ ReveJ!Ue .; ~er or bl~ders, for cash, th,e foIIo~. Telephone (505) 888·4506:' , before~hetime bIds Wll~be opened., Place, RUIdoso, NeW'~e~co, ,,$etVlce,'WIll. furnish, mformat1on LEGAL NOTICE ; . l. lUg descnbed real estate sltuate l~ WITNESS the, honorable 'Payment Terms: ' BIds must be . The JudgmetiC dIrected, fore.. about, posslble, encUlllbr~nces, The Planning and Zoning Com,; "': i I I Lincoln County, State of New Mexi· Richard AParsons, District Judge accomvamed by th~,fu11 amount of closure of the Mortgage on the real whi~hmaybe useful in determining mission, of the Village of Ruidoso I Dist~ct describ~d ~ thev,~lue ~re~est 'I co, to-wit: of the Twelfth Judicial the bid if it. tl>?ls $200 or lesf If pro,perty as Tract to of the being sold, will hold aregular meeting on Feb. I j lAlt 1, Block 4, of HOLIDAY. Court of the State of New MeXlco,the total b1d IS more than $200,satisfy the folIowmg Judgment lien: (See Nature of Title below for fur- mary 5, 1990 at Village Hall 313 !' I A~RES, UNIT 1, Ruidoso" a~d the Seal of the ~~trict Court of .s~mit20 perce,nt of t~e amount Principal and interest therde~ils:) , .;CreeM~adowsDrive, The ~~ting I Lmcoln County, New MelUco, ,Lmcoln County, this' 26th day of bId or ~200, whicheve!. ~s grea~r, l/26/~0 .$355,041.40 Descn~tlOnof Property: " ,will be~rl at 2:00 p,m, The pUrpose 1 as shown by the replat ~f . ,December, 1989", , . On, acceptance of, the hig~est bId, Real estate taxes 4,157.90, Atract of land sltua~.d WIthin of the meeting will be to consider j Blo~k th~ bal~ce Cost~ Oa~e j lAlk: 1and 12, 4of /efMBigo E, Lmdsay due, 1f any, will be reo 383.02· the NElJ4NElJ4 of Section, 28 an,d # PV90·002 'a variancere- j ~ohday Acres, Umt 1, filed Clerk ofthe DistrictCourt qurred mfulL , " , SpecIal Master's fee 100.00 the SEy4 SEl/4 of Section' 21, quest for the following described j mthe Gffice of the ,COllIlty By:JslELizabeth Lueras ,Form,s of Payment: All pay· Attorne~s fee 34,324.10 Township, 10.South, ~ge 13 East, property: ,I Cle~k and Ex-OffiCIO Recorder Deputy ments must be by cash, certified, Total I ~ $394,006,42 NMPM, more particularly de· N125' Lot 16 &Lnt 17 Block 7 j j ofLm~oln County, 3November, Legal #65,79 4t(1)l,8,15,22 check, cas~er's or treasure's check TRACT 2: ,.. b sc~bed ~s follows:. Palmer Gateway,Ruid~so, , 1977, ill Tube #601.. ,. or by aUmted States PQstal, bank, Lo~ 139A oqnnsbrook Vtllage,S~rling at the Northw~st co~er Lincoln County, New Mexico, " j pro~erty ~e ]LEGAY"N' RUId~so, N~1I4 Slll~ I the address of OTICE express, 'or telegraph money order. Lmcoln County; New of the NEV4 of Section By order of the PLANNING & I I above descnbed real p~operty ~emg lW . Make check or money order ~ayable MexcIO., '. 28; Thence S88 51' Ea~stance of ZONING COMMISSION; !, ~e ~bove pro~er· '3~1.96 ~ence ~ I 339 Perk, Canyon Dnve, RUIdoso, mum JUDICJAIL to the Internal,Revenue Semce. descnbed real feet; N01 09' E Is/Cleatus It Richards . I New MeXlco, su~h sale to be h~ld 'DlISTRICT COURT Natur~ ofTi~le ' \, ty ,IS SItuate at ~14 Metz ~nve, dl~tance of 75,00 feet; Thence S88 . • PlanningAdministrator pursuant to and maccordance With COlI1NTY OF LINCOLN ' The nght, title, and mterest of RUIdoso, New Menco.. 51 Ea dIstance of 130,52 feet to Legal #66151t(1)22, the Atnended Final Judgment and. STATEOFNEWMEXICO . the taxpayednamed abovel in and The Judgment directed fore· the pl&ce of beginning of the herein ' Decree filed in the above entitle RUIDOSO SrATE B~ to t?e property ~ offe~ed for sale closurepf the ,¥ortgage on the r~al ~e, sc:ibed tra~, of land; ~ence .con. ' . LEGAL NOTICE . I ca use to foreclose a Mortgage on ANew MeXICO ~anking' ~ub!ect to any pno~ valid outstand· proper.ty descnb~d as' Tract ~ to tinmng S88 51' Ea distance of Th PI .. nd 'Zonin Com· l~th J~nuary,' m?rtga~es,encumbfances, satisfyt~efono~ngJudgmentlien: 2~9.48 I the day of, 1990, 'COI!'pOra!lOD, '.. mg ,or feet; Thence S01' 09' Wa mi i: of;gVillage of luidoso I wherem the PlamtIff, DEPOSIT, PlaIDtiff, other hens mfavor of third partIes PnnClpal and mterest.· dIstance of 75.00 feet; Thence S10· hId gul , ting on Feb J a~ain8t th~t 27~,OO ~ary'll arVill~ge TRUST SAVINGS BANK, FSB, VS, , . ' " the,taxpayer are sUPe- 1126/90., ,$211,561.26, 25' Wa distance of feet; 05 i900 Hall 313 J was granted Judgment over and llIDWAllIDL.WIMBERLYand nortothehenofth~UmtedStates, Real estate taxes 318.00 ThenceN88'51'Wadlstanceof C M'd sDriva Them~ting l againRt the Defendants, RONALD JAMES.1. WIMBERLY, All properly ,is offered for sale ,Costs 383.02 225.36 feet; Thence Nor 09' Ea ~eb ~ao2'OO 'Th I j CEPELAK, LINDA CEPE~ Defendants•. "where as" ~d "as is" a,nd without Special Masters fee 100.00 distance fif ~5 ..42 feet. to the, s~id ~f th:::~ng Jibe toe fo:d:~ j \!~, ~Y·~9.324 J STEVE TRA and MARGARET No. I recourse agamst the Umted States. Attorney's fee 20,440.90 place of begInmng and contauung Case il PV90.001' a variance re- j SEELBACH, jomtly and severally, DIV1Blon m No guaranty or warranty, ex· Total $232,803.18 2.000 acres more or less. ' u t ft)r the followin described J and over and against the real prop- NOTICE OF , . pressed or implied, is made as to ,The sale will be made pursuant '.. Single family dwelling 2500 sq. ·~~;erty· g . j erty and improvements described PENDENCY OF SUIT. ' the validity of the title, quality, , to ~e Default Judgment, Decreeof ft; ,.' Lot 9Block 17 Town &Country J herein in the .to~l amount of TI~ STATE OF NEW MEXICO quantity, weight, size, or. condi~on Fo;eclosure, Orde~ of Sale and, Ap. Submission. of Bids: All bids Nrth Ruidos~ Lincoln County J $72,894,~6, ,which amount includes TO 1HE FO~LO~NG NAMED of any ofthe property, or Its fitn~ss \ pomtment of Spe~al M~ster en~r· must be ~ubDlltted on Form 2~2, N~w Mexico, ' , j all ofPlalll~lfrs reasonable at~~rney DEFENDANT. ,fo! any use,or purpose, Nocllnm, ed by the Court mthis, cause ,on Sealed BId for Purchase of SeiZed B order of the PLANNING & fees, tax and costs, plus additional EDWARD L.WIMBERLY. Wl~ be conSIdered for ~ll?wance or, September .1, 1989, which act1~n Property. Contact the office indio zOJINGCOMMISSION ' 1 interest and attorney fees through YOU ~E HEREBY NOTIFIED adjustment or for reSCISSlon of the was' a smt to· foreclose certam cated below for Forms 2222 and in~ .IslCI tus R.~ R'chards J the date of sale, all payments, costs that ~ actIOn has ~een ~omlD;enced sale based on failure of the property Promissory Notes ~~ Mortgages f~~tion about the property. SulJ.. PI~Admmistrator ,I and e~enBes through t~e date of and IS now pendin~. m L1~c~ln ~ c~nform WIth ~y. expressed or held .bythe Plamtiff, ~eder~. 'nnt blds to ~he p~rson,named below ugal H66141t(1)22 sale paId or to be pald by the Co~ty, New MexiCO, entl~ed unphed representatIOn. DepOSIt Insurance Corporation, m before the time bIds will be opened. Plaintiff and/or the Special Master RUld~so State Ba~ a Ne~ ~eXlco Is/ P. F. Creech 'itscorporate capacity (FDIC·Cl Payment Terms: Bids must be incident to the administration; suo Banking Co~oration, Plamijff, vs. Revenue Officer ..In addition to the sums due on accompanied by the.fu1l amount of . ~GALNO~CE pervision, preservation and pro- E~ward L, W1mberly and James L. Internal Revenue Service the Judgment referred to herein, the bid if it totals $200, or less. If P ~~tlceHlS ~ereby gI;d~. tha~a tection ,!said real properly and 00. ~nnberly, M~danta, Cause ~~. P.O. Box 1687 ther~ will be accruin~ C!I~, toge~· the ~tID bid ia more than $200, dfu Ie =(fdinmg ~ provements, plus the costs and ex. ·89-153, piVISlOl}l>III, on the CIVIl Roswell, NM 88201 er With costs of publication of this subnnt 20 percent of the amount ,andeCha te tv Amclanr Se penses of conducting the sale and docket of smd Co~, ,. (505)623·8161 Notice, which costs of publication bid or $200, whichever is greater. fme 7171n r 'M'tW' ; costs of publication. The general object of saId actIOn 1.8.90 will be borne by the Plaintiff, On acceptance of the highest bid Ion·:4 ~ Cl'~e on yra s NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN is to issue a Judgment on a Note Legal/16GOO 6t(1)15,18~2,25, FDIC-C. the balance due, if any, will be r~ for Sa~~t101n99WIOll be htheld ongulFeb. that the real property and improve- dated January 9, 1981. . 29(2)1 WITNESS my hand this 21st quired in full. .' mary", at ere" ar ments concerned with herein will You are fm:ther notified that, day orDecember, 1989. Form of Payment: All payments Bo~~ M:etm~, at the MUIllCl~al be sold subject to any and all ~es,s you enter your appearance /s~ick Vega must be by cash, certified check;· Building mRwdoso Downs. CopIes patent reservations, easements, all In smd cause on or ~efore the 5~h LEGAL NOTICE Special Master cas~er's or treasure's check or by a I~e. propobsed ~endded vOil- recorded and unrecorded liens not day of March, 1~90, judgment WIll mumJUDICIAL UNDERWOOD, DUTrON & Umted S~tes .postal, bank, ex- ce ~y , ~ examme at ,• foreclosed herein and all recorded be rendered ~g~lttst,You by default; 'CO~S:~COLN GRIFFIN, LTD. press, or telegraph money order. lagguleHall mkiRUI~oso Downs durmg and unrecorded special assess. and the Plamtiff ynll apply to t~e 229:Rio Street, Make acheck or money order paya. re ar wor ng ours. ments and taxes that may be due, .Court for the reliefdemandedm STATE OF NEW MEXICO RUidoso, New MeXiCO 88345 ble to the Internal Revenue Service. Legal i6610 2t(1)18~2 NOTICE IS FINALLY GIVEN' the Complaint filed therein.. FEDERALDEPOSIT that should the Plaintiff herein bid The name and 4address for the INSURANCE and/or become the purchaser of said a~mey for PI~intiff is as follows: CORPORATION, in its Mi~hael CHANNEL LISTINGS real estate and improvements at S. Lme, AttorneyO~cefor corporate capacity as Television Schedule For the foreclosure sale, it may use any RUldllso< State ,Bank,. Post liquidatot of First The Week Of 2 sports Network ESPN 14 Nashville l'NN part of its Judgment granted herein brawerB, RUIdoso, New MeXiCO National Bank of 3 I PBS !P,oduels... Speeial NOTICE OF . ASSOCIAiES REAL , . . " , LEGAL NOTICE SEALED BID OF SALE, gSTATE, aNew Mexico TWELFm JUDICIAL ,Under the authority in Internal corporation; alkJa ,. lJISTRICT Revenue Code.· section 6331, the, CO~STON&ASSOCIATE,S, , . COUNTY OF LINCOLN property described below has been ~ .., INC., DORMAN, INCI, aNew STATEOFNEWMEXICO ,seized for nonpaymentor.iriternaIfyI~~cocol'Pofcltion;JAMES' .'. SelVices... Speeial· P,ices? . , . \ , ' FEDERAL NATIONAL revenue taxes. due from James ... .. Sf MORRIS; H&S. . " ' . MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Doyle Spruill. The property. will be· ,.INVESTMENTS, INC., , PIail1t~ 'sold ~t p,ublie,sale under sea~ed bid .'aNew Mexico corporation; ··.·Tel' 'Em lUIout if! V9.- as prOVided by Internal Revenue mOMASON " " " l . ~ettion6335 CONSTRUCTIO~, JAMES E, JENKINSf Code and, related' . ' SANDRA Y. JENKINS, his regulat1on~,'" . .' COMPANY, aTexas, ' wife, WILLIAM ED CASS,' ,.Date BIds Will be Opened: Feb- , .. corporation, BANK OF ALICE CASS" his \Vife ,ruror 7,1~90, , .'. , RumOSO;numoso STATE ···ADVERTISE DAVID CASS,JANICE CAsS, Time Bid$W1ll'be opened: 10:00 . BANK;TAXATIO~ AND. . hiswife,.SUNVALLEY', a,m,,;, '," 'REVENUEDgPARTMENT .J, SANITATIONDISTlUCT, and '. place of Sale: Public Library, 9F THE STAlIOFNFJW . ANY ANDALL OTHER .". RIll~oso!NM.. '. . .. , .' . MEXIOO; THE RUIDOSO . PERSONS Cum1lNG , . TiMe' O~ered: .Only the, ,nght, NEWS; FmST FEDERAL INTEREST IN AND TO THE tttle, and mterest of James Doyle SAVINGS BANK Of NEW 257·4001 SUBJEpr REAL PROPERTY. Sprui~ in and to the property: will . ' ,MEXICO; ALLIED STORES, ,. '" ADVERSE TOmE be offered for saleJ~ requested,the , INe.t d/b/aT·BIRD ,t, •• ;, ., \' oJ " ,., . , ,.' .'.:'...... ~;' . ''', '.' . ;,:.~.',...... ,..... ,"'" .+'.- .., •. - "., -., '}T- :.--.~ ~...". ::;<:-·'-'.7·:'~~,·~,t>;,~~,· •..•. ~ --, "...,-,,,-,''-.''.' - .. '--:-":"'';,;.-;' . . , '. , , ,. ., ' • ~. ",~l' '. . , ' - -, , , Page 21The Ruidoso News , ,

,, ; ill (FR) Muscle MagaZine iBl American Magazine

t' . " ' I. '".. '.,..+~'.'7""""~"',}•• "".~i'..,..A ,.,:...,..}','..,..',..""',.,.","",:""'-""O.:r,_"!"!U.",.040,,,.,""I","',,'~CI¥ .. ,...,~._,...L;--:' ~ '!"", ~ ( ,_ ..,..~,_ ":'- :. ~.""',¥ :-, "'!"O!"_~..J.(~:f.4(_ ._1~4"'.-.""j ""-_.,."".4 .: "!" ~: -= ""'t ,_ ,""._ ""I ";"".'_ ""; .a-. "" . . .. ' ":,".,, ":..' " ,,-, '-' ..." ", 1 "... " ' , ".~- t '...... ' .. i, '" ' : r ., ~ .~ "', , f', : r . " t,·' I') '...... ' ...... ,The Ruidoso NeWS I Page:3. '," , 1 ·@Roge,"'lIIerSpeciaIRogetMilierhosts. CharltonHestoil; Chrislian (Jale, Christopher Brian Keith (1982) sent to li~e With her' strict aunt. There. she thls.·muSical variety special aboard the . Lee (199Q) ~ i l' '30 HI' rnd I rt th I d f I I ' " . ,MI'sslss'lppi' ·Q'ue·e·n·wah T'nv'a~.c: Tucke'r, "yle'~ """ M' de~,.. h" ,. W' t 1: (ID. slorlcalTennls Film: TournamenHhe I scorn 0 .In e egen 0 a maglC3 ,.• II >ell UI Jl ro 0, . ,1970's '. . " .... . village. Brenda BruCe. Susan Jameson, L9vett,Libby Hurley,& comeciansWilliams 9:3(1 @ SportsCenter, " . Oaniel Pope " ' , , I & Ree. ...'. . . CID Sports TOnight . @Jem' . I MORNING '@ MOVIE: Pony Express BuflaloBiII and . @ Hili Street Blues 7:30 ® College Beske'bai, , I Wild Bill Hickok team up to see thalthe mall MTV' N . A NI ht ' ,'6:30 msp.ortSCenterlromthe ne~i'y loundedpostal se.rvice goes ,'. ~ Com;dy ~:rilg~t g ... , .12,00 (2) ,1990 Australian. Open Early Aound 0 MOVIE, The Way To love A romantic I ! 7:00'~ MOVIE: Moonlleet' AdYentures and through. Charlton Hestof). Rhomia Fleming. ' Coverage; Day 3from Melbourne, Australia' Frenchman falls In love With adynamiC lady I romance' of an lath century Englisb rake Jan Sterling (W53) , . .9:45 ®Kldsln The Hall Dave Foley, Bruce ,(T)', . . .•. knife thrower. Mauflce Chevalier, Ann Ke~in I '. ,who becOmes asmuggler. stewart Granger, @MTV Prime TIme '. McCulloch, McDQnald Q . ® MOVIE: *balleriespot'lncluded Faye and Dvorljk, Eclward Everett Horton (1933) . I I ·George Sanders (1955)' .' , ".t® UTakes AThief " 1O:OQ,(ID College Basketball ., Frill)k are a,bout tOlose'everything when their (!) The Wonder Vears Fred Savage. Dan '@ GroWing Pains Q • Q) Moyers: Joseph Campbell &The Power NY. tenement building is scheduled lor, ~alma.DaVJdHuddleston r:;J " . l , , 7:30 ® Ya~hllng Whitbted Around-The-World @ Kids, Incorporated 'OlThQMyIhQ ' , demolition -- until outer space Visitors show . . . @ He-Man '" ' . j 1" ',' , ,Ra~e,leg 2(R) . \. @ MOVIE: Treasurli island Aboy lelt With @)C!l@J'News 'up. Jes~ica Tandy, Hume Cronyn(1987) 7:45 ® MOVIE: Mlightmare On Elm Street4: , 8:0(l(~.iWorldCIIPskiing Men's'Dowrihill from . the key to a pirate's treasure sets out to @NewsNlghl Q' ., ' Dream Master Once again, Freddy steals, ., Schladming:Austrla' (R) . " reclaiinthe buried fortune, enlisting as his ~ Sporting Ule @ MOVIE: His Brolher's Wife Two into hiS vlcllms' dreams with hiS deadly , , . ® MOVIE: MUrpJly's Romance A' divorced guide a' gri~led one,legged seaman. @ NashVille Now SCientists search for the cure to spott~d ,trademark blades and faces anew opponent . molher beginning an Arizona norse ranch Charlton Heslon. Chrislian Bale. Christopher@ MOVIE: Pony Express Buffalo Bill and fever. Agirl marries one but leaves him to ' Robert Englund, Tuesday Knight, Roclney linds her life complicated by her charming Lee (1990)1;1 " Wild Bill Hickok team up to seethatthemail .JoIn the other scientist in the jungle. Robert Eastman (1988) th~newly ex·husband and a growing affection for an . @ Dance Party USA· from founded postal se,rvice goes Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck (t936) 8:00 Q) Fronlline [J . . ; .I older widower, Sally Field. James Gamer 6:05 Jane Seymour. Danny Jelt Goldblum (1988) Q Gloria Estefan, llteVie Wonder, The Judds @ M,OVI.E: Lady In Cemenl A pnvato man stnkes It nch, but her newly found. DeVito (1986) ~ 11'00rnYachllng'j(ing Edward Gold Cup From and Alice Cooper ar~ hosts for the 17th detective 1$ hlr~d by asmall tovlIlhqod,lo ' power neariyrums her chances for love and @MiamlVlce ' I • Bermuda (R) 'annual American Music Awards, 'livelrom locate bls missing glrllnend. Frank Smatra, happiness. Susan HaYl'larcl. Robert Preslpn 8:05 (ID MOVIE: Three Days Of The Condor ACIA j 11:05 ® MOVIE: Wo,ldWar III (Pt) 012) Wh.en .~Shnne Auditorium in .Los Angeles, CA. :q~~fo~~cfit~an 8/ocker (1968) . (1949) .', ". researcher learns more than he should and I Ru~sJan forces Invade Alas~a and '~menca@J Plays 01 The Deeade With Warner Wolf @) CNN Headline News .2:30 ®MOVIE: SwltchingChannols, A. IS plunged mto aharroWing cham of events ,I springs to thedelense, the world IS soon Warner Wolf chronicles the decade's best, @ Music Videos.' beleaguered new~ execuhve tnes lel,prevent that exposes lop government secret agents. broughtlot~lledg.eolnuclear~lsaster.Rock \'Iorst and funniest moments insports, Q lDl Paid Programming . hiS, star anchonmman from marrymg a Robert Redford; Faye Dunaway. Cliff l / HUdson. BflanKelth (1982), @ Sahlli ' • .em Arsenio Hall " ' dlmwllted millIonaire. B~rt Reynolds, Kath, 'Robertson (1975) " j 11:30 mHistorical Tennis Film: Mc~nroo In The @Nashvllle Now " ' 10:35 m Cousteau: Rediscovery Of TheW\lrld • leen Turner (1988) Q ' 6:20 @ MOVIE: Finish Une Alonner award- J 80's '. @ Hun For Your Ufo ( Papua New Guinea Journey, River OlTha. 3.00 ~ Renega~eSfTNT Monster Truek Chal· , winning athlete pushes hiS son Into senous l!! Weather Watch Crocodtle Men (Pt 2 Of 3), Jacques.and ....",I~ngeI.Selle~ From SI. ,PaUl, MN (Pt3) . competition which he can 1'110 only vnth the . ~ AFTERNOON , em 21 Jump Stre~1 Johnny Depp. Peler Jean-Michel Cousteau make a, historic 3:30 ® NIlA Today help of dangerous steroid drugs, James DeLuise lJ . expedition up the Sepik River. 3;450 MOVIE: She's Got EverYthing Penniless Bwtm. Josh Brolm (198.8)· ' '" ~ 12:0D ill 1990 Ausliallan Open Early Round ~ MOVIE: Six Pack An itinerant stock car .. (!) M*A.·S·H society gill's creditors are trying to many her 8:30 G) Coach Craig T Nelson. Shelley Fabares. ~ Coverage; Day 2 from Melbourne, Australia driverfinds himself hooked upwilh several 11:00 CDGordonParks: MomenlsWitMutProper off to awealthy man, Gene Raymond, Ann Jerry VallrDyke 1;1 . J , (T) mischievous orphans. Kenny !roge~.Diane ,Names Acollection of Parks' prize winning Sothern (1938)' @ On Siage . ~~'e~rin J 12:10@MOVIE:TooManyGlrls The coeds in a .. Gray (1982) photographs IS featured, along with news 4:00m Super Bowl XV HlghllghlS Oakland vs @l CNN Headline News J largely female college are desperate forlheir ' 1i • and documentary lootage tracmg malor· Philadelphia . 9:00m Vou Should Know ' beleagured football team to win. Lucille Ball, 1:30~ College Basketball events dunng his life. Q 4:15@ MOVIE: For Keeps A young couple's @) Midnight Colfer Jared Rushton Q J Des/Arnaz (1940) @ Hogan Family Jason Bateman, Sandy CIl ShowBiz Today dream of attending college IS put aSldewhen @ Moneyllne '. 12:15 ill MOVIE: Florida Straits An unlikelytfio of ~~Otl~W~~t'~~~ ~ve Carefrell story (!]!) ~I ~a~k Show pregnancy forces them IOtO mamage, Molly 0 This Is Your L1le. James G1enson alonet.acollegesWdentand aformer Cuban , of love and ambition as aboy and girl break ' ~ JO~ Fran~rl~or Rmgwald. Randall Batn/kolt (1980) Q,. . ~rp~~~~:~:~/~~~on~IY Draper, Tess f 02f51Ice.r Jom forcleStoRflndla I?a/d of ~Oldd b,~~ledd Inlo the theater via nightclubs and radio. Ann 4:30 ® SportsLoOk " ~ Fibber McGee And mollV ..' years ear ler au "Ula, de •• a~ Sothem. 'Gene Raymond. BH/ Robinson 5:00 rn SportsCenler .@ American Album ' I, · (1986) l;l (1935) . '.' ® Chu hSt lSI tl ~ rc , '.00 ""'MOVIE', Ulo 0.1 Vergle WintorsA"'oman . Iill\ MOVIE: CBS Movie Special Cocoon . 5:30@CollegeBasketbaIlRutgersvsMlssoun· 4 d rec a on 1 \LJ .. \!l!I (L) ,. @ilar ,caslle And McCormick P dares. to follow her own heart and her own Senior citizens begin to feel an exhilarating m MOVIE: American· Guerilla In The @ MTV s 1/2 Hour Comedy Heur • ideals In defIance 01 small town gossips. Ann reluvenatlon when they swim in apool used Philippines AuS, Navalolflcer. stranded @l50 Vears Ago , , Harding, {oh" Bole$ (1934) . by aliens to store recovered 'cocDonSo' • after thebaltle of Bataan.leads a band of @TooStnartForStranoersThllpuppetron 2:00 ® Continental ilasketbaQ Associallon Steve Guttenberg, Brian Dennehy. Don nalives In espIonage so thattlley can survive IC pals from Welcome to Pooh Comer use a , AII·Star Game Irom Quad City. IA m Ameche (1985) Q.. until MacArthurs return, Tyrone Power. Tom genlle. non-threatemng approach to show @ MOVIE:Unlco In The Island Of Magic A, @ He-Man " , 5:00 @MOVIE:GunflghtAtTheO.K.CorraIOoc Ewell (t950) chlldmn . how to handle a varrety of lonely little unrcorn finds adventures with an 8:00 CD The Miracle Planet (PI 2016),0 ' HOlliday lOIns lorceswith Wyatt Earp to wIpe' Situations 0 u~usual orange cat who lives In amagical @ MDVlE:NBC Monday Night AI The out the Clanton gang, (Jurt LErrcaSter. ®l Mutder, She Wrole forest. (Ammated) Barbara Goods.on, Mi· Movies TheDetla Force When apassenger Rhonda Fleming (t957) , 9;30.rn SportsCenter chael Sorich (1983) '. plane Is taken captive by Middle Eastern 6:00 ® MOVIE: Terms. Of Endearmenl Mother 6:00 mMaCNeil Lehrer NewsHour CD Crefjllve Living @MOVIE:TwoSmartPeopleSwindlerfalls terrorists, a special Amenca~ squadron ill and daughlerhnally learn to respect and ® MOVIE: TeqUila Sunrise A seemmgly for abeautllul girl Involved in selling phony dispatched to' rescue the hostages. Chuck cheflsheach other when the mother ~. ~vW: N~: And Bars A Bntlsh art . retired drug dealer. acop WIth questIonable paintings. LucH/eBall. John Hodiali (1946) Noms. L~e Marvin. Martin Balsam (1986) rediscovers romance and the daughter has expert treks to Amenca to purchase aRenOlf ethiCS and the owner 0, a posh LA 2:300 MOVIE: Meet John Doe A reporter Q .... health problems. Shirley MacLaine, Debra d t d t I lh rt drestaurant collide 10 a Violent tl/angre of creales a story about aJohn Doe who will lID MOVIE,. Vibes Two psychics are conned Wmger (1983) Q an Ins ea , ang es WI an asso e group deceit Mel GIbson. Michelle Plellter. Kurt commit suiCide on Christmas Eve as a IOtO searchmgfor gold and encount~rdanger 6:30."" SportsCenler of eccentllcs. Daniel Day Lriwis. Harry Dean Russell (1988) 0 ' protest agamst the state of the world. Gary and romance IR the process. Cyndl Lauper, ~ Stanton, MarthiI Plrmpton (1980) t;I @ SportS Tonight Coope~ Barbara Stanwyck (1941) Jeff Golclblum, Peter Falk (1988) 1;1 7:00 CID Colle go Basketball Geo~etO\'m vs @ PrimeNews m MOVIE: American Guerilla In The , @ Evening News VJllanova (R) '. @ Hogan'slleroes Philippines AU.S Naval officer, stranded 4:00 ®SuperBowIXIVHlg!illghls Pittsburgh vs @ @) News Q . @ MOVIE: Enchlintedlsland When an @ Oisco~ery Showcase after the bal1le of Bataan. leadS a band of Los Angeles Rams '. @ America: Coast To Coasl Amencan whallOg vessel drops anchor off a @ Church Street Slatlon natives nesplOnagp s that they ca s rv e 1 - 0 ""\i1J MO.VIE.· Police Acad.emy 3: Back ,In IW"'" 700 Club Wi'th' Pat Robe"·on,.. Sout h Sea IS'Iand• ItS. crew IS' thrus't'Int0 a IW"'" MOViE: Intrigue An Amencan intel· untlt MacArthur'S return TyronePower.n uTomIV Training Mahoney and hi? fellow slapstick @ Alien Natlonl;l struggle with cannibal headhunters. Dana . Iigence agent, stationed !n Brussels. IS Ewell. Mlchelme Prelle (1950)

cnmebusters are Iback With a sblngleeg0baal:@MiamIVlce.Andrews.JanePOWell (1958) r~~~~~i~~ i.~~~~~ec~~~:~J~~~~~~c:~: @HilISlreetBlues ~av;lhh(el~~l)ei!!r Steve Gullen erg. ub 8:20 00 MO~IE: 'Mr.' Majestyk A struggling 8:05 mMOVIE: Sisler, Sister. Contemporary West. Scorf Glenn. RObert Loggia, Willlam@Crook&Chase · m.,. Colorado melon grower battles aMafia hit drama locuses on three sisters who are A 988 @ MTV's .Hews At fJighl \ , 4:30 ® Sportstook man to salJe his own life. Charles Bronson, reunited at cruCial points in each of lheir ~te::: ~~me) Time @) Comedy Tonight 5:00@ SportsCenler AI Lellieri, Linda Cristal (1974) lives. " Diahann Carroll, Rosalind Cilsh @)It Takes AThief 9:50@ Disney Salutes The American Teecher o ~OVlE: Till The Clou.ds Roll By This 8:30@ On 8tage(1982) @ Growing Pains Q Barbara Bush I mUSical documents the. hfe 01 compos~r @ CNN He~dilne News 8:30@MOVIE:ATimeOlDestlnVlnaworldtorn @ Klds,lncorporaled 10:00m Women's Conege Basketball Jerome Kern, mcorporattng" many of Kerns· ." apart by WWII aproud laml'ly 'IS threatened .... HBA Bask'etba'll n· TI O'f 0 L' T , best-love'dsongs, Robert ''''l'e', ViJ/1 Heflin 9:00

" " . , .....• '!' • ,-. , • w. " .. . -.- .-.: , ' ~ • .",'-: ,'-, .- ,>,. ..


, .. > Page 4 IThe Ruidoso News becomes their mentor. Alberl Finney, maOlpulate the lives 01 those around them 8:05 (l) MOVJ~: ~Ight Is Enougb:'And Baby inhabitthe hou~e.Kilren Black, OliVer Reed; Matthew Modine. Kevin Anderson (1987) with cruel games of seduction. , Makes. NIne Susan keeps~er .J!regnancyBurgessMeredllh (1976) , wednesday o John Malkovlch, Michelle Pfeiffer (1988) problemsJrom Merle when ~IS career !akes ·l!:30@Wheei OfF0rlunet;l '. .. , ® Prlmet~ews . Q ,aleapforward. When complicalions ans~llt CVJhlsls Your Ufe: JaQles Gleason @ MOVIE: Pals 01 The Golden West Ollicer ~ Moneyllno shakes the Bradfor~ household. Dick .van. ef) EntertalnlilenqOnlght MORNING Roy Aogers. from the border patrOl. (1l American. MO,vle Legend: Samuel· fatten, Betty Buckley ...., .;\W Whll'sTheBoss? l;I • . ,~ searches for cattle smugglers, Roy Rogers, Gol~wyn ThiS senes of special,S offe(s 10:00 ~ MOVIE: tom 1humbAnImated version 01 f!!)Cr"o~ & Chase Dale Evans. Estelila Rodriguez (1951) profiles 01 celebr~ted Hollywood artists. ThiS . the Grimm Brothers' lairy tale about alive llilCNN Headline News 6:00 'dJ MOl/IE: Arthur 2: On The Rocks Arthur @ Wildlife ChronIcles mstallment proliles legendary producer- and one half inch tali boy who saves the .~ Night Court Q. ". loses everylhlng for love-. When he IS left @ ConversDllon With Dinah philanthropist Samuel Gold\VY,n; ,. village treasury. Russ Tambljn, Alan Young @ Mickev Mouse Club Q .... '" . bankrupt, the world s most Irresponsible @ MOVIE: Between Two Women Ayoung ® Peter Jennings Reporting. Guns O~e • (1958) . '. ,. '. .7:00Q) Mysleryl. Polrol (Pt 2 Of ~) David playboy must learn to be poor or become Wile's marriage to a promising painter is year aller the elemenlafl! school massacre 10 @ MOVIE: Ada An ambitious gjrllrom the . Suchet. HUgh Frozer, Philip Jackson l;I . flC h again Dudley Moore, Lila Mmnefll threatened by her sirong-willed mother­ Stockton, California, thiS. pr~gram looks ~t wrong side oltlle tracks usas an easygoing . . (!) CosbY Show Bill Cosby, RavenSymone 1198810 In-law until a cnslS lorces the women to the co"!plex, controversial role 01 guns 10 man 10 getto the govenior'smansion, Susan Q.'...... ,. . .. come to terms, Farrah Fawcett, Michael 6:30 @ SportsCenter our sOCiety. Hayward, OeanMartin (1961) . . ' (IDiM.PVIE: Rambo:, First ~ltJo~, Part II An . Noun. Colleen Dewhurst (1986) ~::a~r trau~lIzedVletnam 7:00.1: Sunldstlnvitational From los Angeles. @ MTV Prime TIme @ The Wire 10:30 CD MOVtE:ZllIIV & Me A dOling ,grand, emotionally veteran Is CA (AI llID II Takes AThief @ Cenversatlon Wllh Dinah mother grows Jealous 01 her grand· ,release~ from pilson and. sent on an almost @I MOl/IE: South 01 Suez Discovery of the 1m Growing Pains Q @ Hardcastle Ami McCormick daughter's :affectionfor her hired nanny. . Impossible, dangerous Il1lssl~n to search for Star of Africa" diamond bnngs violence and @ Kids, Incorporated @) Just Say Jullel . When the nanny is Ilred, the little girl's life MIAs, SylvefterStalfone, RIchard Crenna, murder 10 rival mines George Brent. Brenda @I MOVIE: The Hook Men In Korean war are ® 50 V A . , is changed Glynis Johns Alexandra Johnes '., Charles NapIer (1985) Q , Marshall (1940) , @J ears go , 8)·' /'. rn Larty KIng Uvel faced With killing an unarmed pnsoner, face @ MOVIE: Star W,ors Alarge empire is out (198 Q, CD MOVIE: Careltee A lawyer's fiancee 8:00 ~: MOl/IE: Missing link Michael Gambon to face. as opposed to the wholesale to conquer the universe With a base large 11 :00 CID Inside The '!'GA Tour. refuses to marry him until she also becomes nar rales this documentary style drama slaughter of battle, Kirk Douglas. Robert enough to .Iook IJk~, a~d destroy a planet 11 :05 II) MOVIE: HawaII Flve·O: The 90 Second ·alawyer. fred AS/l1ira, Ginger Rogers; "alph willch lollows a prehlstonc ape man who Walker. Jr. Nick Adams (1963) Mark Hamill, Cqrrte Fisher, Harrison Ford . War McGarrell learns that a communist Sellamy (1938) " .' . sets out on aJourney when hiS clansmen are @ Dance Party USA killed Pete Elliott (1988) (1977) agent needs 90 seconds to carry oothls plot (!l F.pther Qowllng Myslarflls Tom Bosley, 6:30 @) Wheel Of Fortune 0 @ Murder, She Wrole to destroy aU:S. missile tracking base. Jack Yaphet Kofto, Tracy Nelson l;I 8:05.D MOVIE: Anatomy Of A Seduclion A ® Entertainmenl Tonlghl 9:30 (]) SportsCcnter Lord, James MacArthur . .@J 48 Hours 0 el"orced woman has a love aHalr with the ®J Who's The Boss? Q . CIl Where Have All the Teachers Gono? 11'30 t!l Sunklst KIQ S· . ..i!J) Beyond .20no, , ullege age son of her best fnend. Susan @ Predators And Prey (1987) . • , ., 'f!!)Nashville Now . Flannery Jameson Parker (1979) @ Crook & Chose ® Sports Tonight , ,, .[JJ Wealher Watch .• 9:30 ~ MOVIE: He's My Girl When 8ryan WinS 1m CNN Headline flews CD MOVIE: Dante's Inlemo A carnival ' .~ Cousteau Rediscovery' Papua New a contest reQUlnng him to bnng a date, 1m t~ighl Court 0 owner's ambition lor money and attontion '.. . . Guinea/Into The Tlme'Mach, . R~ggle lags along In drag, becoming Regina , @ Mickey Mou~e Club 0 exceeds both his skill and resources, with 12:00 CID ,1990 Women's Ausfrallan Ope.n @ MOVIE: The Time MachIne Invenlor of Oavrd Hallyday TK Carter (1987) 7:00 rn College Basketball disastrous results. Spencer Tracy, Claire Semifinal Match from Melbourne, Australia the time machine undertakes ajourney Inlo 10:00~ Mal/IE: Dennis The Menace DenniS ill Smlihsonlan World 0 Trevor, Henry B. Walthall (1935) (T) . . the infinity oflhelourthdimension, based on Mltcneilis up 10 hiS old antics again, and Ihls @) Unsolved Mysteries Q @ HIli Streel Blues ® MOVIE: Rooster Cogburn A staunchly H;G. Wells'fantasy liction. Rod Taylor, I, ne the mischief and mayhem revolve ® larry King lIvel @ Crook & Chase religious schoolmarm lorms an uneasy Yvette Mimieux, Alan Young (1960) CZJ American Movie legend: Sam~el ® MTV's News At Night alliance with acO,arse, one·eyed marshal to @ .Jem, . around Ihe discovery of an ancient bone ~f Victor OIMatlia Palflcra Estrmn (1987) Goldwyn ThiS senes of specials offers @J Comedy Tonight capture agang mcompelentoutlaws, John 7:30@ColiegeBasketball. ' @ MOVIE: Suzy Chorus girl marned to proliles of celebrated Hollywood artists, This 9:50 @ MOVIE: 36 Hours German psychiatrist Wayne, Katharme Hepburn (1975) . .' @ DIII~rent World JasmIne Guy, Peggy laclory foreman who IS shot by German Installment profiles legendary producer­ has 36110urs to learn from a captured U.S. 12:15@ MOVIE: Thund~r In. The Sun A wagon Walton.Walker Q . spies tlees when they try framing her Jean philanthropist Samuel Goldwyn. Intelligence officer the landing site of an train boun~ for Ca!lforma to st~rt new Wine @I He'Man ._ Harlow Franchol Tone (1936) C2J Growing Pains Alan Thlcke. Joanna upcoming, Allied invasion. James Gamer, vlOeyards IS allacked by Indians. Susan B:OO eli Adams Chrenlcles . . Kerns. Jeremy Miller 11 :00 '~. Scholasllc Sports America 0 Eva MarJe Saint, Rod Taylor (1965) Hayward, Jeff Chandler (1959) (!)Cheers Kirstie Alley, Ted Oanson, Roger --' aID Boauty And TIle Bellst Ron Perlman. Jo 10:00 CID !.I.S. Gymnasllcs Challenge, 1:00m MOYiE: The Witness Chair ACburtraom Rees Q ' , 11 :05 Jr, MOVIE: Zeppelin ABntrsh spy Inhltrates Anderson. Stephen McHatlte Q Ihe German Zeppelin works and learns of a m MOVIE: The North Slar Dunng the drama Illustrating the trauma faced by a (I) EvenlnUNews .@ MOVIE: In Old Amarillo Roy Rogers dramatic ballies of World War II in RUSSia, young woman as she almosl allows an l!l Young Riders Ty Miller. Josh Brollrl, plan to use aZeppelin In adanng raid to sleal 'Ilelps drought-stncken ranchers save their nal,onal documents Michael York, Elke aGerman soldier ,matches wits with avillage innocent man 10 lake the blame fora murder Anthony Zerbe 0 caWe from anotonous villarn, Roy Rogers. leader, Anne Baxter, Dana Andrews, Walter she committed. Ann Harding, Walter Abel .@ Prefiles 01 N'alure Sommer 11971) Penny Edwards (19511 Huston (1943) .(t936) _ , ~ 700ClubWllh Pal Robertson 11 :30 '~! Black College Sports Today @Wlngs @ NDshvllle Now @(!) @l News 2:00 (]) PGA Goll Phoenix Open, 1st Round Irom OIl News' ,. i MOVIE: Kldco An ambitiouS 11,yearold ® NewsNlght Phoenix, AZ (l)'· , @MOVIE: WhOlly Mosesl' Hollywood maslermlnds an unusual moneymakmg I!llJ Run For Your lIle @ Beyond 2000 MOVIE: Jack And The Beanstalk Plucky biblical epics take ac~mic pummeling when scheme thaI soon has hiS adult competitors iBl Weather Watch

. " • • . ..~ . .-,! ' • . . ':, \. ~ .... , " .. ,. ;' .., . , ',,. ;' '. , .. :'. .',.. ' :' -, .,':,., ". ';; .; . . " ""'" " " . " " .' ~ .,'" ' • ", . , :""1 '. ;., The RUiqQ~pNeWs (Page 5' '. i separ~led lead~ ,. ','- 1l"'.: " '. 'dellghl;lO aUdience with his uniqJe Insights . noble families, only to be bya vJar' . search for her iPQg,JOstfather her into trying to payan account to God,givesmoney @ Profiles or Nature • ,on family,pets,travel and more. t;I " that-devastates their country. Adrian /(night, ahoirifying world between the living and the .10 needy People and is brought to court by . ·®BackY

" • .. . " .. . , '; f·-'- ,,·."_···--.-,--."C

I • • .', ' . I , - , Page 6fThs Ruidoso News .' -,'. Nit~ prep,ar~s " ~ '14 Celebrity Outdoors @ MOillE: Bonanza: The Movie little Joe CD MOVIE: Stage Door Canteen Three girls @) Super Bewl Salurday CBS @) College Maa Hou$e ", .. ~~ The lIirginian and Hoss conduct a desperate search for hnd romance and adventure when they fall lor a New Orleans-style Super Bowl With a 0]) Wish You Were Here ~7 Music Videos Jamie Cartwnghl. lost In the mountains, At In love With three soldiers and date them musical extravaganza, Guest include George' @Comie strip l!v\l ' Iy Baretta length. they turn to awoman reputed to be against the rules, Cheryl Walker, William Strait, the Neville Brothers and linda . @ HilcheoekPrllsenl$ . 19< ThiS Weekend psychic Lome Greene. Dan Blocker, Michael Terry, Marjorie Riordan (1943) Ronstadt. 11:40 ®MOVleRedfleatA romantic rendezvous ! @) CIlS News @ News !Urns' into nightmare when an Amerlcan ~ ',U Wuzzles Landon 0 r;;l . ., '., . a @ Abbott And Costello @ Vietnam: Tlie Ten Thousand \lay, War coed is kidnapped and imprisoned behind 1005 8 MOVIE. Raid On Entebbe Isrdeli general 1:05 IJL MOillE: Telelon During the 1950s about @ Nalural World @ ConversaliOn Wllh IlInah ..,. Ihe Iron Curtain, There's no hope 01 escape, 'l'dC' 'lit dar Illy rornmalldo raid that Ilfty undercover agents were hypnotized by ® Counlry Kitchen ® Hardcaslle And MeCormlekQ " Linda Bfa;r. SYMa Krlstel' 't',' "': 10] hostages from a skYjacked Ihe Soviets and then sent to the U,S. to await ® Rln Tin Tin K·9 Cep ~tl •. , "I f IIteblle Alfport ,n Uganda, July activation to commit sabotage. Charles , @ Yol MTV Rapst ., 12:00 aJ SportsCenler @ MTII Rockumentary: The 0-525 The @ Reporters . A I' I 1:1 It ." . ",'! I'df! II/leh Charles Bronson Horst Bronson. , Donald Pleasence liveliest. zamest band ever to emerge trom .@ MOVIE:lanternHlII A young girl Is G!J u~I nCty 'm s B,,,IJho/lllY77, 11977) Athens, GA, continues to keep the nation reunited with her lather. who she was told @) WWF Wreslllng Challenge . 1030 J New Literacy Intro to Compulers 1:15 W AIDS: Everything You Ila Your Family ile with hor lather, she linds an ® Inlernatlonal Corre,spoMenls danCing, With faves like Rock Lobster and was dead, Wh "(lIDSmasbHils' ':./' 4 Klssylur 0 Need To Know From the newest llndlngs or Love Shack, {1989) inner strength'to help her suiYive, Marlon@ Tal~s From TheOarksldll ~ Evans And Novak experts Including Dr C Everett Koop, thiS I!lD Kale & Allie 0 Bennett, Sam Waterston, Colleen Dewhurst @ ~Ime Inc. ~ New LaSSie program delivers a straight forward, eye @ Oul 01 This World (1989) t;1 I CII 10 CBS Storybreak 0 opening look at AIDS 0 ~ @ Miami Vlee 0]) oun ry ps '. MOVIE: Star Wars Alarge empire IS out aID Jewish Volcll \4 This Week In Country Music 1:30 (l; The New Yankee Workshop Q to conquer the universe with a base large 9:30 @) Empty-Nesl Dinah Mano". Kristy@ Pacllic We~kllnd Oullook 1~ CNN Headline News :.Ii Your Money enough to look like, and destroy a planet. McNichol, Richard MuJIIgan 0 '. @ MOVIE: Friendly Persuaslen In 1B60s Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford "4 To Be Announced @ MOillE: Sidekicks Black man poses as a @ CountryCllps, Indiana, aloving Ouakertamllv is complliled .. ~~ Donald Duck Presents slave while hiS white buddy sells him to (1977) lm CNN Headline News,by the violence of the Civil War to test its @ Double Trouble ,24, Hollywood Insider unwary buyers before the CIVil War Lou 9:35 ® I1.S. OIympie Gold beliefs, Gary Cooper, Ourolhy McGuire, 11 :00 2 '89 Nalional High Schoot Cheerleading Gosse//. Jr, Larry Hagman. Blyrhe Danner 5:30 rn Super Bowl I Highlights ' 0 P I I TB't' hII I Anlhony Perkins (1956) . ChampIOnship 11974) G!J Sneak Previews Goes Video ,,8:45 ~ MOVIE: awn aro. wo nIS yng '@MOVle: Weekend Warriors Meel the ] Understanding Human Behavior @ Country Kitchen @)NBC News Q buddies lace acrisis, when one orderslhe platoon Ihat loves to party in this tare oj inexperienced brother or th.e other into h' , 4 Mind Power @ Munslers Today @) Sperts Salurday combat, where he is shot down and killed.' . military misfits w 0'11 do anything to aVOId s ThiS One For Dad Ahigh school track star @ Here's Boomer ® AIlC News 0 Errol Flynn. David Niven, Basil Rathbone active service. Lloyd Bridges. Chris Lem- IJ;~~ hiS competitive edge when he learns 2:00 ~ PGA Goll I!lD News (1936) mon, Vic Tayback (19S6) i". !rllher I~ ~Ylnq Johnny Whitaker Dick rn Creative Living @ S100.000 Fortune HURl , 9:00 G!J Nova t;1 . 12:30 (llSuper Bowl VI Highlights Van Pallen 14, Senior Skins Game @ flatural World •• @) Hooter Fred Dryer, Cristina Raines . ® Spoils LateNlght " 9 NewsOay mMOillE: Murphy's Romance Adivorced @ This Week In Counlry Music Crowe, Slepfanie, Kramer t;1 '@ Motlsters . 1 MOVIE Blood On The Sun Ao Ameflcan mother beglnnmg an Anzona horse ranch !lID T And T @ Vatled "~"'~I!,dll ,r, Pearl Harbor senses Imminent finds her life complicated by her charmmg ® Music Videos CID CapItal Gang . ~elpless when he actualiy ex husband and agrowmg aHechon for an ®J It's A Uving @ Twilight lone , .® llleslyies 01 The Rich & Famous . '.:"~' iJllear1~ d Japanese plot James older Widower Sally Field, James Garner, ® Superboy @TOC·TV Cagney Srl"d Sidney Wallace Ford Bnan Kerwm (19B5) 0 lEi My Sisler Sam ® Scareerow & Mrs. King t;1 12:35 (!l Byren Allen Show ' (1945) (A.; r~eVlS Update ® Musle Videos 12:4000 Night Traeks o ABC Weekend Special 0 @ Beyond 2000 EVENING ~ ~~~:y ~ 10 College Basketllall Q @ Celebrltv Outdoors The 13th: The $orle$ , 1:00 Super Bowl VII Highlights . ~ MOVIE: The Ruling Class AWildly wmy I!ID Gunsmoke @ MOVIE' TOllrl"t Tmp Two carloads 01 @) HoW To Gel Asecond Paycheek 6 00 "" S II wilt Highlights 'I d'"·th h th .. rt til NewsHlghl . tild! kcomedy about the 14th Earl of Gurney i1ZI Top 20 Video Countdovln : "" uper 0 young peop e liVing. roug e. uese mMOVIE: Stage Ileor Canteen Three girls d young paranOid SChizophreniC who I!lD Knlghl Rider G!J Repert From Sanlo Fe come across an abandoned gas station and find romance and adventure when they fall tJ~' u'Yes he ,,Jesus Chnst Peler 0 Toole @ Balman @) ® rlews an eelle rundown museum. Chuck Connors, in love willi threa sOldiers and date them Ala~ralf S,m Arthur Lowe 11972) @ Gooly Sports Story Goofy stars as a ~;~O~~E~~:r~C~:~~nA ~o:r~ ~~~:~~~ Tanya Roberts,Jocelyn Jones (1979) against the rules, Cheryl Walker, William 11 Colleclor's Journal super athlete. demonstrating hiS winning onlookers cheer Afterwards, the victim is 9:30 CID sports Tonight . Terry. Marjorie Riordan (1943) '41 CountryClips lorm as an OlympiC gymnast, bumbling Widely Viewed as the guilty party. Jodie ill MOVIE: The Searlet Pimpernel The @ USA Tonlghl • 1,a Airwolt skIer basketball and 100tball player ~ ~ Foster. Kelly McGillis, SIeve Anlin (1988) Scarlet Pimpernel, supposed dandy 0,1 the .. @ Praise The Lord Too Smart For Strangers The puppetron (Anlmaled) English cOurt, outv/ltS French Republicans @ Music Videos ' •! ~al', f,om Welrome to Pooh Corner use a ~ Prlme~lews gentle nOli threaten.ng appr03ch to show 2:10 'Ii Sports Close-Up dUllng the Revolution and .continuos @ Paid Programming I!lD Road To Tho Supor Bowl rescuingFrench noblemen, LeslIe Howard, 1'16""MOVIE' Eleven Men AndA Girl Acollege I' o'en ~ow to handle a vanety of 2:30 C1l Strip Ouilling Merle Oberon. Joan Gardner (1934) '''''.,• hi" I 'Alal,ons 0 ~ Future Walch @ Movie @MOVIE:TheBoat.mas Bool) Submarine preSident S d~ughteruses er emlOme aure ,,, MOVIE Blackbeard The PIlOte A ® ABC Wide World Of Sports Q @ Challengo warfare as seen Ihrough the eyes of a 10 help recruit awinning football team, JOilll tWdu\II"' gil' w.th d fortune In Jewels finds ® Wish You Were Here @ Grand Ole Opry U~e Backstago German U Boat crew, Jurgen Prochm1W, Bennett. JOB E, Brown (1930) ,,,,,,,.,11 a capt'y~ 01 Blackbeard Robert @ CNtJ Haadllne News l!ID MOVIE: Mating Season Plain, unspoiled Herbert Gronemeyer, Klaus Wenneman 1:30 (ID Super Bowl VIII Hlghlillhls Npwlon L,ndd Darnell Richard Egan @ Oatman mother of aslick and ambillous man comes (198l) r:n Countru Music Television to live In hiS home as a servant, without \:!J '. bid d Wh h I 119521 3:00 (1) Frugal Gourmet revealing herself to her uppity daughter In Classie Rock Wllh Wollman Jack MOVIE: Young 0 en a ap ess ~4 ~ ® lID Popeye II Son NeVisWatch law Gene Tierney. Thelma Ritter, John Lund (ffiJ Freddy's Nlghtmaros athlete gels achance on an N~llarm ,team, 1130 3 Understanding Human Behavior 'y. MOVIE: The Scarlat Plmpernol The 11951) , 9:35

• , '"Is., Y' £ ., .. q iii;;"., '~_' '""., ~L.;J.1 :,I'.I,X, ,i" ".,.;.s, n\l,PM. .iL 1. ' ,q ,. " L.J ")'" iu . IU:4 ,.AUk!;'. 1:#5.. . ,j ..... ,', iSP

" I , "', , , , ',' .' , ' ;), ; '," , , . ." ',.:

'," .1 , ,"Thi3RUidO~o News I P~ge 7 f~ce de~th ~ ,I @ MOVIE: KnUle ,Rockne, All American back at some a! the best epISodes of the dancer, at heart agambler, lalls fora dance ' and the Enterprise cte* the of ~ Film biography highlights the life 01 Notre show, Don Knotts instructor,butlheir romance i~ hampered bYttleir beloved Spock,a'battle wllhdeadl,Y '" "" , , Dame'slamous footbalicoach,ln~ludinghis 2:00 rn 1989 CaMpbell's Skate America his 1lngagelli~.nt IQanothet girl~rQm home, ,.' Kllngonsand the lallure of the GenesIs I I , viclories anddeleat$, With Ronald Reagan m Firing Une Fred Astafre, Ginger Rogers, VI910r Moore prolect. William Shalntir, OeForesl Kelley, I I as The Gipper., Pat· a'8rien,Gale Page, ' cv ABC ,College Basketball " (1936) . JiilTles aoMan (1984) t:;I I MORNING Donald Crisp (IQ40) @MOVIE:TheLiUlePrlncessAyoungwaif Ql) AndY Griffith - ,@'@)NeWS 0 . @Sportlng L1le halmtsArmyhQspllalslookingforherfal~er, CV Ule Goes On Bill Smitrovich. Lisa @ DiscoverY Sunday' , .,1 I Ii>\ In-Fisherman h rt dl kill d' ti Sh ,tv Baines, Kellie"1~.I9htMartin [J (@Jcelebrlty Out,doors ' , : 1 6:30 nn Super Bowl XVI I Highlights , '@l""'TheVlrOin'lanWoViasrepoey,elnacon,/"e". Te,mple Rl'cha'd G'Bene Anl'ta Lou/'se' =""'MOVIE'. J1 llong Adisillusioned..," .rnIS Changed Lives , ' • 1 Jim Halison's Ghost 01 Fallner HallRy' '@lMovle /I "'. "'. 'man, Who has b en demoted to rilanaglOg an ® Music Videos. ' • ® I Cootier, JUlia, Fordham p , @ ~l/ekend Updale , ~~i~lnam: The Ten Thousand Dav War all night drugstore, engages IrJ anafjair With ® Marrled...Wilh ChIldren 0 rr. Ivan~~ An" Novak..,. R~be"Schullern ' G ' k '. ,'hiS 'nelghbor's seductive Wife. Gene HaIi<7@MOIIIE:GunfightAtThe.,O.ltCorraIDoc . I @HerllagelJ!J Of4 Faith '@""",..".W, nles . ' (jjj)® RununsmoFor Youre Ule ,'" man, Barbra sl'e/sand,.",' Denl/is QlliJid Holll'da'y.Jo'I'nslorteswlthWyattEarpto,wlpeh CI t' B rt ! caSler' I ® Gerbert 10 15 """M'O'VIE" Abb'otl And Cost"llll In "'" uiorld' Cup Skiing , (1961) .,.' • 'out t e an on gang. u an , I 'f : ,,,,,,. ~ • .', ,..,. " ", ' " (glDlscovery Sunday . Rhonda Flemmg, KJfk Douglas (\957) \ .. j @)CNNHeadlln&fews!lollyWOOdAbbottandCosteliocaperasths,,@ Borli

" . • . , . , • . • "

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'. ' ~ ~. ~.an '~------' ---~"""~'" ~,-':' ~ 'U M-.mb.,~ P·.D.I.'C, '. ~ '",:,. 'II ~ 66YOUR INDEPENDENT HOME OPERATED BANK" ~ , , ~ t YOUR FULL BANKI'NG CENTER . . ~ " ~ ,I I' ~ ~ t , . ~ ~ " , ~ , . ~ ~ I l l

I ,, I l - --.. • l ... I ~ l

lOOK FOR YOUR COMMUNITY" CALENDA,REVERY ~ . . , ~ TWO WEEKS ,IN THE TV GUIDE ~ I' ~ ~ ~ MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY· SATURDAY SUNDAY l JANUARY 22 JANUARY 23 JANUARY 24 JANUARY 25 JANUARY 26 JANUARY 27 JANUARY 28 l ~, -BrinStgm..oPlu 7;30 p.m.. mmU>er'0 -Krughb of ColumbUl), 7 p.m., Sl -Noon Luu13, noon. Rwdot:o 1M -Meal Care, Scnicr ottum ~ hor:I'lC). B1e:lnor' ~ Hnll. R.mb~ c:Ul257-1565. ~ -Mccl. C..a.re, 5l!n1or CJ.b.%ert:J Center, -KJ.WlUWJ, noon, Uppc Cnnyon -ShnneClub,6:30p.m,Rwdotolnn -LlMotnCountyPood tbnJc,opcn12 cnll 2S1-1565, Rtotnunml RmbumnL noont04p.m.,PresbytorbnChiuch..a.t ~ thauy", -LmcolnCountyPood&.nk,open 12 -SV€'JUn8 Lwre.supper,lIomHUL -&:!rtomn dub,noon,K·Bob'lJ. l noon to 4PJI\.. PrmbyteruUl Church •AmMulth. 7:30 p.m.. &?t:cmStu -UncolnCountyFood&.nk,open12 'HubbardMumun~~'lboy III thr JY~. Build1n& noonto4p.m.,PreobytmwtChurch . hum.orl.st, lU'tbt nndautho: Don ~ 'SPOlm! AburJe Support Group. noon. -RotMy, noon, Cree MecnoWD at the --yR, ~ 7:30p.m.,SpcnbThcatcr. ~ Dr lA Mothr-'s olfi~ 445 MrchC!lI\. CountryCub. -AlN:!rictm k:xlc:btwn 01 Ret:irod Call 257~149, -Fc:id.c:roted RrpubhQU\ Women of Pm;om, 10 lUlL, Funt &pfut ~ "Stl"Tt1.'l Bbnca:\ Duphmtr Bndge, , L1ncoln County, noon, K-Bob'o, Church. p.m.. 5c!ru.m- CJ tucm Gentz PnuUr: Bond. gucotP~, -awdooo Hond.o Vtillr-y Bxtemtan -Acnde:nuc Boootrr Club. 7 pm., "'SIerra Bllmcn Duphcote Bndge HomeumkerCub,1 p.m..Ubmry. ~ RwdOGO MtddleoSchool. Club. 1p.m., Sermr Clw::e:n:t Cenb!r. ·Duphcn~ BridgeClub.7p.m.,Sen­ ~ -J\IIu!nrnn Hrort kooant1on, or· iarQbzem,Ccntz. · ATTEND gnrnzAbonAl 1Il:OrllnB. noon, K· .... COmbining DruS!J With Pvycho. ,We Have A l Bolio. t:h2mpy." I1lrcemuu-oemiruu'iedby THE' ",' ~ Dr Arlene Brown, noon. Terra.ce Plnm. Full' ~ CHURCH l Service Escrow OF ~ l Department YOUR I CHOICE

JANUARY 29 JANUARY 30 JANUARY 31 FEBRUARY 1 FEBRUARY 3 ~ FEBRUARY 2 . ,FEBRUARY 4. r -Noon Uow, noon, Uppa Cnnyon • "Me:lI Care, Seruor Ut11.en'. (..en1m', ~, IlXm, Uf'FlUlnyo:n Rc> crill 7S74S6S. bumnt. Robumnt. -sertoIMOub,noon, K-Bob'o. --uru:nlnCountyPood Bank,open12 -Eve:runslJoro,supp2f,LiomHul "Unc:olnCountyPood Bank, 0pcr112 noonto4p.m., Prmbyb!rlMChurch 'Rotnry, noon. Cree Meec:lowia noon to 4 ~i:mCh:urcl\ 11 t the "Y"_ CoUItbyQub. p.m., Q t the "Y". "Spousa AbUS2 Support Group, 'S16t11 B1llncn Dupliart2 Bridge Cub,., p.II\., Satior noon, Dr lAMoth:e'o off1.ce, 445 Oub,) p.m..5eruorCitu:enDCenter. "Ouplla:lm Bridg2 Mechem. CA.ll251-6149. • Citi2l2mOmb:r. -sterra BlLmal Duphcnu- Bndge. , -GettingTo KnowYoumclflhrough Q frca mhu-Q8~ p.m.., SeniorCJtttem Centzr Rabti:onthipo." led by PI1u1A Land, Ph.D.,noon, Ter­ ruccPltu!a. "RuJdo:co ~med Wonm(oClub will hoot Q coffee Qt 10 a.m. at the Wonun'oClublorcnndidntcaEorvil· b(;2offioa.

prop by'and have '. ATTEND coffee and donuts 'THE, '. ' With friends in our CHURCH, " coffee room at the OF new branCh or the YOUR ... ., .... main office CHOICE' ·

, .... ,. t ••. " • , Deadline For Announce'ments To Appear In The Next Community Calendar Is TU8!d~y, January aO.1990

, '.",,". To I·nclude Your Cll.l"b OrOrganization~ • t. .: Calt Sandy Knox At Bank· of RUidos·o,257-4611.

., , .' ~