" ~H'I·Jbb';Dl.r,d M::use~D,m ,~ •• ~ ~.~,,~.!':-i. , ,,"!iltrior.vp'c;'J. "~.at'''I:·:~A,~·UI·~.~ :~i,&, p:'~I'B'".~." '. ,: pl"escDtss!hDW #2 .,' ' ': 4' d ·S:ee' :Pllg,e :3 A, . ~~e fPa;~e, 41\ l Apache Tr'ails to wind'" throL12J),". c;'" Llrea : ,4 ,(" f ,,' .\~i ~~ ":rr ",; r~~ r~-'. , l .. ".' \1\, J,: I• • 1 ,I ,J ~ , ' !:. j"q. , ~'L(h·c, , :, \, 1" r! ,'~ "t,: l !" , :, '{,. I \.'. \\: ~ T' r1tIl ~ ,!...- "'1 • I -.c.. l' [- I '. I .f r;~r I 'r i ~ . .:. I!; d t'l Sno,wslorlll 11135ts LincolnC()U,llt,> \ ' I' " , , ...... t"'i. I ! ... ~ Ii ,l'"'.' ".. .J- JI' J\ I:' '_~ . ,;f;f' ~1~. t' ~ ... " ~~Jlt"· ~\H , t" ~: I ~ ~ I {~ ~ .~ ~ f; - .~ J r- . t· 3;' Jill' , : /"J J l' :: 1 •• I t-"" ,I ,. ,. (j,;I\ . I l'! 'j, '.I r "-'!"., .~ ." ~. .~ ~'; !>y; • T I ,I r, -~ 1':' 1'1' I• ~. ~ ., I• :.. J' f' f ·.8 ~. ,," j' l.~., ~.~ =: ;-. , . , ~·I· . , , III .. ~ 'I ," .~ : •• J t ..... 1" I J ~ ~ t ~ I t. , .. 'j ... " ~ .. '.....'--' ,~ l7, C riIne sf()ppersa'dds tl1fee new Inembers /."," • j. • • _. ~ • •• '. - - ~ ,. ~ -, 2A I"The New's I January 22, UJ,9,Q RUldo_so Monday" ,~ '. -, Apach.e ,. ' .. Continued from page 1A rQute or IlroJ,Uld"loops, ". , A brochure would out11ne the Chino told the group gllth-ered at ~wps for visit!>~ whQ, cpuld join the tlu!, follllW-UP meeting :last Thurs­ Apllche Trail "Ioqps' or routes, Bt day that he had taken the concept ap,y given point, to his tribal council sever-al y~r:s StQpa ''!:llJ.ght eyen include. Gran· ago, Somehow the pl'Oject got Quiyez:a but ~oo1d probably lltart sidetracked, Potter'said, at Tulaz:usa ,or ,A:lamogocdo; to Weighing various aspech ,of the eloudcroft to Mescalero, Ruidoso, project Thursday wltre delegates Ruidoso Downs" Hondo ap,d HOhdo from . the Sp:a~e Center in. \'1\1+ey, Lincoln, FoI1J Stan,ton, I AJami'lg,olOdo, ClQudcroft Chamber of Oapitan, QlIrrizo~o, Nogal and bl\ck CiJ1l1m:J!tCIl, Mescalero Apaches, tp Ruidoso, toT!llar/lsa, etc, A side Capitan Chamber of Commerce, loOp Clluld be :from Ttilarolla to Car­ Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce, rizozo ifnd llround the loop in Hondo ValJey., Ruidoso Downs. Race '[everse. Track, Ruidol'lo, Ruidoso Valley Arrowhead fiUirkers would Chamber of Commerce, NatjoR/ll deIinea~, the 'route, The opject is'to Center for the Wltstem Hors,e, and get vi'a'itorsto theare/l to stay a1) Lincoln County H'eri'tlfge Trust, ~'[a do)! Or two, acc;ording to Jem Chino said, at the Thursday Walts" execuJ;ive direetoro! the . .I. " ' mee.ling the. projed: would b,e of Ruidoso chamber;. SiGt Goodloe (s~at~d) reprasentinp tht;! NatiQn~1 Center .for . "mutual benefit to all communities, ·ChiIl.Q said each conununity on' th~ I've been.trY,:ing to sell th!! idea for, a lilu! route could list attractions and the Westarn Horse, and Wendel ChinO, preSIdent of long'time," present them for development of a Mesc.alero ,Apache .ribe; enjoy v,ii:\iting at a.masting to" Fundin'g, routes and s,gnage generlll brochure. , . detem'line' interest from various entities in thS area to es­ were_ majM Cl>nsiderations: which . '1 am interested in whatever we tablishment .otao Apache Trail network. 'v'ari/lus suh-groupll. Will be· consider­ can do w prom<lte to,UI'ism," saM ing untiI the next meebing Cif the Chino, l'Ie. said he wilT be attending pretty'much fall in:line," said Good, Chino said. that the· Ind,Um ' '~oup ,at, nuon Thursday, February a meetiqg in santa Fe of the ne.w[y toe, 'tourism ~oupdid ~ eUl'V~y 'which, 8, atthe RuidoBo .chamber offi'eeB, ' conceived Indian tourism assoda. Potj:erand 'Chino will work on showed Ute three main re8ll0Ill! It, waspoinl:ed out th,at thi1 New tion where, pr~jects sU9h <!-sthe signage, Watts and Betty Beachum peQPJe like,to come to NewMexico, Me!l<lco Htghwlty, Department has Apache 'l'I1irl Will!>e cOnlllder,ed. and others will work on financing,Number one was scenic beauty, been reluctant to alIow varieties of "We hayea lot o(wQf;kWda .. , a .and Bob Hatli ofthe Lincoln !Jounty number two wail'historical sites signs on highway rights of W'IlY in M Qf politi,cal wor!\: to do," !falrt Sf'd Heritage Trust will take. on and number three, Indians, ,said the state. Goodloe ,of the, l\l'ational Oenter for brochure development, Michael Chino, The Apache Tra11 project woUld 'the Western Horse, Hurd of Picacho will help with - .' be a system of 'markers denotinf{ "One oftihe major points is going brochure development, Other work The Apache Trail, ifit develops, histonca'[ llites along a pre.scribed to be funding", Then things will wail ·allocated., would encompass allthree. A forest in the forest Around noon ,On 3<OiIl,Jrday, the :area ne)"t to the lo'Glge aJ Sl\iApache became a fores'! of sk;I~L Leitzman widow ,.' WIns out with IRS . .. AL.Hll',~l'I~I{(~L'r: 'AJ>,-,:l1l l1ltN­ I ,Hot t{J1?Irl S fll;ltrol;Hll hUStflrt'8~mafl't4 'w,duYi; h;';.l'< 'I'lre Ihstt'1<,t (~u",rt, thr'(fugh fl w'!"Iii 11 rUl-.Ili'd Wit)1 'tJy~, ,llft('"rI1U! -1'wel;.l m,,~l.·~, e,"cntUfllly ""ill <le­ 1<-'-""I!lJ(' ~'rVl,rl" wh,,-h had 'll­ ndi' h"w th" pn'perly "h"uld he kmpkd to ","liP" t;h" r,'!n~oln cllVlded In >1 '[UT''C!.u",Ure sale llJ Dick Seck,. representing Capitan, and Bob Hart, of the Lin­ ('(ttiJ1Jy -r:a-ndt t"ht' .and h.~"r rtl~(' huS'~ ""tw(y Li,·tzr<l<rn'" d<tbL eoJn County Heritage Trust, talk with Sunny HirschfeJd of ~" lY1l,nd Iwld ('u,nlllilllJl v pn,'p"rt v, Llelzman wa~ kdl"d In " M"y the RUfdoSd Valley Chamber of Commerce staff at .the Bul Irer atllJrt1\'V ,:,\,,, th,' I.latt'l" lBl'lfj 'hdl,Cl,Jpwr ITil"h near ,Car­ Apache Trail confab at the chamb:er. Above, Jerry Walts, Wj 11 (J"fJ.ntfn Uf' * * nzo'JJ ,n whJch the aHaaft ran cYut l'1' IJr.'tnct ,}udli" J<I~jwlll L ut,ga~ hN,aU~f' u.( 'a11 t~p-rnp:eT nl'Lx:· executive director of the chamber; Wendell ChinO, Mes­ Me-ch\'lrl <'nt,'r,,'d findlng~, "I' fa~t 1ure thllt Cc~uR·ed. the fu"l llJ burn calero Apache Tribe, and Tracy Moran, of the Canvention Thur~d;l\' wl",dl ,LilJ,.., O"n whilt> I'HI fll .•t I "" body wa~ found ave and Visitors Bureau are attentive at the get-together. ('ar"lY-n arid Ruht>rt LIl·tZcl1lil,n jOln~­ da)'R I"ter 1r.\V""til\atorfi said he )v OI,';,,,,d thp Il-Har-O ,!i<lI1ch n"llr ),y"d «'ver"l hours :a!l.er the aa"h, '(BrT'l:7~07.(1. L.l15tZ:f;H'ln"$< -k~:)t, dciht waH He hild owned b"r" in IhnRkok 11''LCurrt'iti ht'fiitn: the- rouFLe nHlfTlNI 'lilt! a Ouating' hole) i'n SinRa,P0re, ~lnd YOtl:<· 'fllS aJollU' lit filtllutl.Jt..fdlJr­ held '1'wi"s hank. accrmn,t~ and Crimestoppers ftH:tlt l~ t"x~,tt(·d Ynlfnf1 clM.Y~ raltlt· Wa'7,ll'lg penvi,ts and had Continued 'from pa.g_e 1A In state Grime8topp.eTB '!lews, whose sman children were asfeep dark-colOl;ed ski UUlsk, which he Mr'"h,Ol f""nt! that l h,· IRS ·~~dl h..ed ,,1'1 " ",,,Ihnat for "even year", New Mexico Grimest;o.ppeTB l's as­ in an adjoining bedroom, . later removed, During a hallty hplcl" a iax: lJ\'n ,11,gl.lJJ:l"t th,' 9,OUO­ tmvl'1mg through th" Pacifi'l: 'fmm grOUpR would "pitt the profits, He king for .the public's help in s,olvin'g Th!! rapist!~ de'scribed as a retreat, the.rapist left his boots at ,,"n' rM1.,h. ('"mph,,] I fiilld FmlllY, IHf;7 ttl I1l7a, Mecbern'~ fin:d1ng~ gaid the circus would be at the rl'!,\~ftr~ a vlolent <;rime which occurred in white male', approximately· 25­ th!! sc;ene of the crime. State Police "hnr 11' tfn Ly' Bob Lletz.man"8 $~Irl racetrack and Bill Hirschfeld w/luld ~ea.:rs-oJd, sha~en "11f~half Nove,mber, clean with short described the boots as size nirie, ('ormnunlty p-roper\y tntN­ LI("Vzma,p fll~,() waR ,inves[i,g;ated head tip the project from the cham- 19i19, naIr, He was weanng a maroon in ~he On Tuesday, November':iH, wom"out 'and black color. ,..,t m lh,'- nlflCh Sh" 'h'l' thf'. --nth"r 1>7 Org,aniz"d Crime and Drug ber's end. - ha'.~ 'lh~ at approximalely 1 .a,m" an ,un­ sweater,. bhre jeans and a silver ,jail am! "h" Il fr('t' of (,,'\)( ~,nf"rrement Task F'Circe. 'and Several G.rimestop!1C'rs boan! kno","'n intruder ,entered a a.mal1 wristwatch wftli a narrow band, Anyone with information on .this ~ It'n Th,' cuun Ii IfiO fcmnd ,that ~he ~m'en.1 federal 'IJRencieg were members agreed to meet, with the' dc~:·,,'3n/t .o'W(~ r(>pw~ented 2.l~22 residel'lce in the rur,al 'atea of crim.e is asked to ¢llll the state any fhrther k'lX(N';; to th() a1 the Bept. noo, chamber and explore the idea fur­ Edg¢wood, New Mexico, and Upon entering the residence, the Crimest:Pppers number at 841-9400 IHS <ltJ,t> the' taxf"R owed were Buh JUl)'tnal, Camphell Mid, ther repeatedly raped a ,young' mot.her, rapist concealed his face with a or toll~free at 1-800-432-6933, r I I Legislature Continued 'rom page 1A .
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