National Shipbuilding Research. and Documentation Center (Revision "CV:2) N00014-95-C-0036

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National Shipbuilding Research. and Documentation Center (Revision Final Report UMTRI-97-20 National Shipbuilding Research. and Documentation Center (Revision "CV:2) N00014-95-C-0036 for the period of December 1, 1994 to June 30, 1996 Submitted to: Office of Naval Research 800 North Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5660 Prepared by: University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Marine Systems Division 2901 Baxter Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2150 April 1997 Technical Report Documenta~tionPage 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. UMTRI-97-20 I I 4. Title and Subtitle I 5. ~eport ate April 1997 National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center 6. Performing Organization Code Final Report 8. Performing Organization Report Ilo. 7. Author@) Marine Systems Division UMTRI-97-20 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unlt No. (TRAIS) The University of Michigan 11. Contract or Grant No. Transportation Research Institute NO00 14-95-C-0036; 2901 Baxter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 109-2150 13. Type of Report and Period Cover~sd 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Office of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5660 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract The primary objective of the shipbuilding research library, commonly known as the National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center (NSRDC), located at the: University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), is to support the U.S. shipbuilding, ship repair, and related industries in becoming and remaining competitive in the world market by: maintaining a repository of information on advanced ship production technologies and methods; providing ready access to this information and technology actively promoting and facilitating innovation in shipbuilding and repair through the identification, development, application, and communication of new technologies and methods 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement AVMAST, electronic format, technology I transfer. I 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classlf. (of this page) 21. No. ol Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 9 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I . Introduction ..................................................................... 1 I1 . Work Accomplished ........................................................... 2 1. Technology Transfer ................................. ................................... 2 2 . Publications and Microfiche Library .................................................2 3 . Audio Visual Library .......................................................................3 4 . NSRP Newsletter ................... .... ...................................................4 I11 . Contract Management .........................................................4 1. Quarterly Progress Reports ..............................................................4 2 . Industry Briefing on NSRDC Activities ............................................. 4 IV . Conclusions .....................................................................-5 Appendix A Travel Associated with Technology Transfer Appendix B Library Requests Appendix C NSRP Newsletters National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center Page 1 The primary objective of the shipbuilding research library, commonly known as the National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center (NSRDC), located at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI), is to support the U.S. shipbuilding, ship repair, and related industries in becoming and remaining competitive in the world market by: maintaining a repository of information on advanced ship production technologies and methods providing ready access to this information and technology actively promoting and facilitating innovation in shipbuilding and repair through the identification, development, application, and communication of new technologies and methods In meeting these tasks, the Documentation Center receives and processes hundreds of requests annually for shipbuilding-related research documents and educational audiovisual material. Requests come from both domestic ancl foreign shipbuilders and related companies, organizations, and individuals. Numerous inquiries for research information are handled each year over the phone and by e-mail. Appendix B is a list of the groups and individuals that have requested Documentation Center materials during this contract period. Because of its past and present support of the shipbuilding and repair industries, the Documentation Center is viewed by many domestic shipbuilders as being a vital element of the U.S. shipbuilding infrastructure. Also, at least one foreign shipbuilder has credited the NSRDC as playing a key role in its country's successful efforts to become competitive in the world shipbuilding market. The NSRDC was created in the mid-1980s to house research reports, technical papers, symposia proceedings, and audiovisual materials related to shipbuilding technology and methodology. In 1989, The University of Michigan contracted with Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (Contract #N00167-89- 0065) to fund the library under the auspices of the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP). In support of the NSRP, the Documentation Center has, in addition to operating the libraries, been responsible for developing and managing the technical program of the annual NSRP Ship Production Symposia since 1987 (except for 1989 and 1996), providing editorial support to the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) for the Journal of Ship Production, and writing, desktop publishing, and distributing a newsletter on NSRP research and activities. National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center Page 2 Outside of the scope of Documentation Center contracts, NSRDC staff members have also developed and taught several NSRP short courses and workshops on subjects including accuracy control, standards and metrification, ship design for production, and quality function deployment/concunent product development. Because of their combined knowledge of shipbuilding processes, methods, facilities, and related technologies, NSRDC staff members have also been employed in research and analysis of naval and commercial ship-acquisition- and-construction programs. NSRDC staff members have provided technical support for two phases of the mid-term sealift ship research program, in which a simulated shipyard was defined and used as a point of reference for NAVSEA and the participating domestic private yards regarding production engineering, construction schedules, and the effects of process and technology improvement. 11. WORK ACCOMPLISHED Following is a detailed statement of work for each task identified as part of the overall NSRDC scope of work. 1. Technology Transfer. UMTRI-MSD has staffed, managed, and operated a program of technology transfer for the benefit of the shipbuilding and ship repair community, and promoted the understanding and acceptance of productivity-enhancing technologies and methods throughout the industry. This activity included the identification and acquisition of information relevant to the shipbuilding and repair industries. Sources of this information included, but were not limited to, ARPA MARITECH, NSRP, SNAME, NAVSEA, Navy Mantech research programs and Centers of Excellence, NIST, MarAd, and foreign shipbuilders and research organizations. This was done through literature searches and through attendance of Documentation Center personnel, within the given budget limitations, at selected symposia, seminars, education and training programs, NSRP Panel meetings, and MARITECH program activities that were considered relevant to industry competitiveness. All important shipbuilding-related information obtained was made available to the shipbuilding community through the Documentation Center's libraries and newsletter. A list of all travel associated with the transfer of technology during this contract period is located in appendix A. 2. Publications Library. UMTRI-MSD is the central repository for all research publications of interest to the U.S. shipbuilding and repair industries, including research reports that have been acquired through the technology- transfer task described above. UMTRI-MSD has responded to industry requests for paper and microfiche copies of these publications. At the present time there are over 450 documents in the library, several of which are symposia proceedings that contain hundreds of technical papers. Surplus copies of National Shipbuilding Research and Documentation Center Page 3 documents have been distributed upon request free of charge to shipyards and others in the marine industry; documents requiring duplication from masters have been distributed upon request for nominal duplication and shipping charges. To make the Publications Library information more accessible and up-to-date for users in the shipbuilding industry, the library's index was put into an electronic database for distribution on floppy disk. Complete bibliographic information for all publications was entered into a database. Each distributed disk copy included a software engine that allowed users to easily the database without having to purchase their own software. Title, author, publication date, keywords, document ordering number, and a complete abstract was entered for each document, and all fields are searchable. Copies of the database were made available on floppy disk for computers running Windows@ and Macintosh@operating systems. 3. Audio Visual
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