Baptist General Association of Virginia 2828 Emerywood Parkway Henrico, VA 23294 804-915-5000 800-255-2428 toll-free BGAV.org John V. Upton, Jr., Executive Director Journal Baptist General Association of Virginia

The Sandy Creek Baptist Association was organized in 1760 and included churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. In 1771, Virginia organized the General Association of Separate Baptists in Virginia, operating until 1783 when the Baptist General Committee was instituted to take its place. The General Committee continued until 1799 when it was succeeded by the General Committee of Correspondence, which represented the Baptists of Virginia until 1822, when it was decided to organize the General Association of Baptists in Virginia. Its fi rst session was held in 1823, and in 1855 its name was changed to the Baptist General Association of Virginia.

Tommy McDearis BGAV President, 2014

2 INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS Table of Contents 2014 Virginia Baptist Annual

Book of Reports ...... 5 Registration and Voting Procedures ...... 6 To Introduce Business ...... 7 BGAV Offi cers and Committees...... 8 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Members ...... 9 Program ...... 11 Special Guests ...... 19 Program Personnel ...... 20 Special Events ...... 21 Recommendations and Reports from the Virginia Baptist Mission Board ...... 23 Offi cial Report of the Budget Committee of the BGAV ...... 51 Offi cial Reports of Boards and Committees ...... 67 Annual Reports of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board ...... 87 Annual Reports of Ministry Partners, Educational Institutions, and Shared Ministries ...... 103 Proceedings ...... 1 49 Memorials ...... 161 Baptist General Association of Virginia ...... 199 Constitution/Bylaws ...... 200 Articles of Incorporation ...... 209 Meetings ...... 210 Offi cers ...... 213 Standing Committees ...... 214 Affi liated Organizations...... 217 Administrator and Board Directories ...... 218 Financial Statements ...... 228 Treasurer’s Report ...... 247 Associations ...... 275 District Associations...... 276 Contacts for District Associations ...... 277 2015 Associational Annual Meetings ...... 279 Moderators of District Associations ...... 281 Clerks of District Associations ...... 283 Annual Church Profi le Compilations ...... 285 Explanation of the Annual Church Profi le ...... 286 BGAV Summary of Receipts ...... 287 Annual Church Profi le Association Tables ...... 288 Annual Church Profi le Summary of Virginia Baptists ...... 325 Churches Affi liated with the BGAV ...... 327



2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 191st Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia Novemberb 11-12, 2014 Hampton Roads Convention Center Hampton, VA Registration and Voting Procedures 2014 Book of Reports

At the 1971 annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, registration and voting procedures for the annual meeting were established. I. Eligibility The eligibility of messengers is determined by the Constitution of the Baptist General Association of Virginia as follows: ARTICLE III. Section B: Composition The General Association shall be composed of the offi cers of the General Association and messengers elected by Baptist churches which follow the New Testament teaching of salvation by grace and believer’s baptism by immersion, and which cooperate with the General Association. Each church contributing fi nancially at least $500 during the previous fi scal year, according to the treasurer’s report, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be entitled to two (2) messengers; to a total of three (3) messengers for $750; a total of four (4) messengers for $1000, and to one (1) more messenger for each additional $600; provided that no church shall be entitled to more than fi fteen (15) messengers. If $500 is more than two percent (2%) of a church’s total annual receipts, such church is entitled to two (2) messengers, provided it contributes fi nancially at least two percent (2%) of its total annual receipts to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. Cooperative Missions is Virginia Baptists’ long-standing commitment to the Cooperative Program. II. Registration 1. Messengers should be elected by cooperating Baptist churches. 2. Written certifi cation of election of messengers must be presented at the registration desk at the General Association meeting. 3. If written certifi cation is not presented, the General Association’s Credentials Committee will make decisions regarding the status of messengers. 4. Written certifi cation, in the form of your pre-registration materials, will be mailed from the Offi ce of the Treasurer, Baptist General Association of Virginia. III. Voting Registered messengers will be provided, at the time of registration, ballots numbered 1 to 5. These ballots will be the only instrument used for written voting.

6 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS To Introduce Business

The following is provided as information to assist messengers with the “when and how to” of presenting amendments, motions, and resolutions. The information has been paraphrased from the Constitution and Bylaws of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, which are printed in full at the end of the Book of Reports. Article VIII, Amendments, of the Constitution states that amendments to the Constitution must be presented in writing and read during the morning session of the fi rst day. Providing these qualifi cations are met, they will be acted upon during the business session of the second day. Article IV, Section D of the Bylaws states that motions, resolutions, and other proposals which would change the policy of the General Association or any board, institution, or agency connected with the General Association must be made in writing and read at a session of the General Association before it is presented for action. The proposal may not be acted upon until after the intervention of at least one session. A motion is defi ned as that business brought before the BGAV which relates to or affects the policies and/or operations of the BGAV. A policy is defi ned as those principles by which the BGAV is guided and managed. Section K states that resolutions from registered messengers must be submitted in writing to the clerk of the Association no later than the beginning of the evening session of the fi rst day. They are then referred to the Resolutions Committee. A resolution is defi ned as the expressions of opinions of registered messengers and in no way relates to or affects the policy of the BGAV. Section L states that amendments to the Bylaws must be presented in writing and read during the morning session of the fi rst day. Providing these qualifi cations are met, they will be acted upon during either the morning or afternoon session of the second day. Note: Matters introduced after the end of the next to the last session of an annual meeting may not be considered at that annual meeting except by unanimous consent. Persons who desire assistance in putting in proper constitutional form matters of business to be presented to the General Association may contact any member of the Program Committee who will refer you to a resource person.

Resolutions Committee meets in Room 101, Tuesday, November 11, 2:00-4:30 p.m.

7 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 191st Annual Meeting Baptist General Association of Virginia

President ...... Thomas R. McDearis First Vice-President ...... Ann F. Brown Second Vice-President ...... Edward A. Fisher Executive Director ...... John V. Upton, Jr. Treasurer ...... David B. Washburn Clerk ...... Frederick J. Anderson

Program Committee Dan Carlton, Chair Brian Adams Sandy Via Jeremy Rasor Richard Inman Steve Nethery Brenda Hastings Paul Brill Brenden Lawson Ed Fisher (by virtue of offi ce)

Parliamentarians Dick Bidwell Beth Fogg Raymond Duke

Tellers Ralph Duke, Chair Ike Eller Carrie Kerwick Brian Kramer William Lively Raymond Shackleford

Credentials Michael Jordan, Chair Carrie Kerwick Michael King Pam King Donald Rhoton Peggy White Tommy Speight

8 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Elected Members Virginia Baptist Mission Board

2014 2015 Gregory Anderson, Central Virginia Cela Burge, Esq., Member at Large George Anderson, Dan River David Collyer, Central Virginia William Bateman, Member at Large David Donahue, Rappahannock Charlotte Brann, Rappahannock Brian Kramer, Member at Large Robert Bryant, James River Randy Newsome, Fredericksburg Area Network Patricia Carey, NorthStar Church Network Mike Normoyle, Shenandoah Glynn Coleman, Lynchburg Russell Scruggs, Pittsylvania Larry Coleman, Portsmouth Cynthia Shackelford, Mid-Tidewater Gil Diokno, Fredericksburg Area Network Ashton Smith, Piedmont Vacancy, Staunton River Gail Sparrow, The Bridge Network of Churches Gene Eller, Lebanon Tommy Speight, Member at Large Pat Ellis, NorthStar Church Network Steve Traylor, Augusta Ed Fisher, East River Stuart Tunstall, Blue Ridge Chuck Harrison, Peninsula Adam Tyler, Appomattox Michele Heath, Shenandoah Freddy Villarreal, Peninsula Lonnie Hines, Franklin County Missionary Vacancy, Member at Large Lanny Horton, Shiloh Bill Howell, III, Blackwater 2016 Mary Beth Inman, NorthStar Church Network Carolyn Bartlett, New River Kevin James, Member at Large Jeff Bloomer, Member at Large Carrie Kerwick, Central Virginia Leroy Bradshaw, Southside Vallerie King, Dover David Cornelius, Richmond Michael King, Middle District Jim Ensor, New Lebanon Melodie Lael, Middle District Joy Eure, Member at Large Steve Lalk, Middle District Eloise Foster, Appomattox William Langford, The Bridge Network of Churches Douglas Gibson, Dan River William Lively, Highlands Preston Grissom, The Bridge Network of Churches David Long, Franklin County Missionary Gayle Harris, Dover Wayne Maness, Member at Large Elizabeth Harris, Lynchburg Cynthia Mann, Concord Lee Kidd, Wise Emily Mayhew, Staunton River Thomas Lee, III, Fredericksburg Area Network CAM McIntire, Pittsylvania Mike Lohr, Dover Robert Moore, III, Roanoke Valley Kevin Meadows, Member at Large Phillip Peacock, Dover John Miller, Goshen Herbert Ponder, Richmond Cary Ogden, Strawberry Traci Powers, Member at Large Mike Poff, NorthStar Church Network Terry Riddle, The Bridge Network of Churches Merle Prince, Henry County Lynn Rogers, Petersburg Donald Rhoton, Blackwater Keith Spangenberg, Henry County Vacancy, Richmond Robert Wayne, Roanoke Valley Mack Scott, Jr., Member at Large Peggy White, Peninsula John Snow, Mid-Tidewater Vacancy, Petersburg Mike Wilkins, Natural Bridge Vacancy, Clinch Valley McWayne Williams, Hermon Vacancy, Powell River Vacancy, Augusta Vacancy, Richmond Vacancy, Roanoke Valley


PROGRAM BGAV Connect:2014 Annual Meeting

Order a DVD copy of the 2014 Annual Meeting!

Look for this DVD icon in the program. The icon means these messages are available on DVD by fi lling out the order form in your Messenger Bag and leaving it at the VBMB’s booth in the Ministry Fair. Annual Meeting Program “Sail Fast: Navigate the Unknown”

Tuesday Morning, November 11, 2014 Presiding: Tommy R. McDearis Music: David Bailey & The Arrabon Band

8:15 a.m. Prelude ...... Sammy Hastings 8:30 a.m. Call to Order/Business Session ...... Tommy McDearis Invocation ...... CAPT (Sel) Robert A. Carpenter CHC, USNR Presidential Remarks and Introductions...... Tommy McDearis Report of the Program Committee ...... Dan Carlton Report of the Clerk ...... Fred Anderson Report of the Committee on Boards and Committees ...... Norman Burnes Nominations for the Committee on Boards and Committees ...... Tommy McDearis Report of the Budget Committee ...... Chuck Harrison Report of the Treasurer ...... David Washburn Report of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board ...... John Upton - New Constitution/Bylaws presentation ...... Darrell Foster Miscellaneous Business ...... Tommy McDearis Intermission 10:00 a.m. Prelude ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band Call to Worship and Introductions ...... John Upton Invocation ...... Jennifer Mullins Worship in Music ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band Sailing Fast Into Tomorrow ...... John Upton Message: Living in the Borderlands (Luke 19:1-10) ...... Gary Nelson Benediction ...... Blake Tommey 11:30 a.m. Recess

Tuesday Afternoon, November 11, 2014 Breakout Sessions 2:00 p.m. First Session 3:15 p.m. Second Session

12 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Tuesday Evening, November 11, 2014 Presiding: Tommy R. McDearis Music: David Bailey & The Arrabon Band

6:30 p.m. Prelude ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band Report ...... John Upton The Role of the Church in a World of Chaos Panel: Oti Bunaciu, Gary Nelson, John Upton moderated by Nichole Prillaman Ministry of Music ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band Message: An Exercise in Not Missing the Moment (Luke 10:38-42) ...... Gary Nelson Benediction ...... Welford Orrock

Wednesday Morning, November 12, 2014 Presiding: Tommy R. McDearis Music: David Bailey & The Arrabon Band

8:15 a.m. Prelude ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band 8:30 a.m. Call to Order ...... Tommy McDearis Prayer ...... Nic Uebel BUSINESS SESSION Report of the Resolutions Committee ...... Rupert Rose Vote on the new Constitution/Bylaws Vote on Budget Covenant signing with Gardner-Webb University Election and Installation of Offi cers MEMORIAL SERVICE Welcome ...... Dave Peppler Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ...... Charles Gibson Poem: Crossing the Bar by Lord Alfred Tennyson ...... Joyce Clemmons Memorial Video Presentation Intermission 10:00 a.m. Call to Worship ...... David Bailey & The Arrabon Band Message: Living Outside Our Comfort Zones (John 5:1-15) ...... Gary Nelson Benediction and Adjournment ...... 2015 BGAV President

13 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Special Activities “Sail Fast: Navigate the Unknown”

Visit the Ministry Fair Come enjoy a leisurely visit from 2:00–6:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon in the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Many booths will be set up and ready for you. Or visit on Tuesday, 7:30 a.m.– 7:00 p.m., and Wednesday, 7:30–10:00 a.m.

Monday Night Concert Join us at the Hampton Roads Convention Center on Monday night, November 10, at 7:00 p.m. for a free concert with Christian recording artist, Tim Timmons! Check him out at www.timmonsmusic.com.

Breakout Sessions

BREAKOUT SESSION #1: 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Navegando las encrespadas aguas de la identidad religiosa del Latino en los EE.UU.: Room 102 Tendencias y Prospectivas (Navigating the Choppy Waters of Latino Religious Identity: Trends and Prospects) NOTE: This session is conducted in Spanish. Un estudio del Centro de Investigaciones PEW, publicado en mayo de 2014, descubrió que la cuota de los Latinos que se declaran Católicos está decreciendo, en tanto los números entre los declarados Protestantes y los desafi liados religiosos está creciendo. ¿Qué signifi ca esta tendencia para las iglesias Bautistas Latinas de Virginia? ¿Cómo pueden las iglesias responder positivamente? Participe de este taller para enterarse de los resultados de la encuesta PEW, y para dialogar con otros líderes latinos que están tratando de alcanzar a sus comunidades con el evangelio de Jesucristo. A Pew Research Center study, published May 2014, found that the Catholic share of the Latino population is declining, while numbers among Protestants and the religiously unaffi liated are on the rise. What does this trend mean for Latino Virginia Baptist churches? How should churches respond positively? Come hear fi ndings from the report, and prepare to dialogue with other Latino leaders seeking to reach their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Presented by Greg and Sue Smith, Latino Network. Challenges to Free Expression of Religion in the US Room 103 There is tremendous freedom to exercise religion in this country. Sometimes school or government offi cials discriminate against Christians or minority religions because of misinformation, overcautiousness, or prejudice. What experiences do people have of this discrimination and how can we help overcome this? Presented by the Religious Liberty Committee. 2015 Budget Discussion Room 104 This is an opportunity to get clarifi cation and answers to your questions about the proposed 2015 budget. This is a one-hour session and will not be continued into the second session as in previous years. Led by Budget Committee Chair, Chuck Harrison.

14 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Virginia Baptists’ Church Planting Movement Room 105 Learn about the exciting progress being made in church planting through Virginia Baptists’ V3 church planting movement. Led by JR Woodward, National Director, V3 Church Planting Movement, Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Discipleship Huddles Room 106 In addressing the discipleship crisis in the American church, Dallas Willard commented, “Every church needs to a) have a plan for making disciples, and b) know if their plan works”. A discipleship movement has taken root in Virginia where people are learning how to disciple people well like Jesus did, how to make disciples who can turn around and make more disciples. Learn about this Biblically- based process that can be quickly grasped and easily explained to others, where people are re-engaging with effective discipleship, leaders are re-imagining the church’s future, and the church is re-connecting in its community. Led by Laura McDaniel, Spence Network; and Brian Adams, Uptick alum and Pastor of Youth, West Hampton Baptist Church. What Could Your Church Do With A Million Dollars? Room 107 Learn about how your church can explore the possibilities of a million dollar future through church endowments and legacy gifts. Led by Billy Burford, Consultant, Church-Clergy Admin Services, LLC (CCAS). Small Church, Big Difference Room 108 Learn how to increase your community impact through developing young adults into infl uential missional leaders. Led by Welford Orrock, Kairos Initiative Coordinator, Virginia Baptist Mission Board, and panel. #Going Social: Leveraging Social Media for Ministry Growth Room 109 People around the world are talking. They are connecting each day—online—through social media. Corporations around the world recognize the power of social media and are leveraging it to reach customers though platforms such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Why can’t churches do the same thing? Christianity has the greatest message to deliver; yet churches struggle to share it. Come hear Terrace Crawford, author of #Going Social: A Practical Guide for Church Leaders, as he provides crucial insights to help you develop an effective social media strategy with real-life examples of ministries and leaders who are using media in powerful ways. Reimagine your social media presence and successfully connect with your church and your world. Constitution/Bylaws Conference Room A Learn more about the new BGAV structure and Constitution/Bylaws that will be voted on Wednesday morning. Presented by the VBMB Constitution/Bylaws Committee: Darrell Foster, Beth Fogg, and Dick Bidwell. Fresh Expressions Conference Room B Have you heard about fresh expressions of church and wondered what all the excitement is about? You will learn what you and your church can do to engage people far from God—people unlikely ever to come to your church no matter how well you are doing things. The workshop will be practical, engaging and requires no previous understanding of Fresh Expressions. Presented by Chris Backert, National Director, Fresh Expressions US and the Fresh Expressions Team, Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Dream Year Conference Room C Ben Arment has launched a variety of creative projects, including The Whiteboard Sessions, STORY, Meet At The Movie and a coaching organization called Dream Year. He is a former church planter in northern Virginia and the author of Church in the Making (B&H Publishing). His most recent book is

15 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Dream Year (Portfolio). In the past, Ben served as the innovation and west coast director for Catalyst Conference, the largest leadership organization in the world for young adults. He was also an advertising copywriter, a newspaper reporter, a minister, and an intern in President Clinton’s White House. Ben and his wife Ainsley live in Virginia Beach, Virginia with their four children: Wyatt, Dylan, Cody, and Annie. You can fi nd him on Twitter at @BenArment, at dreamyear.net and storychicago.com. Sponsored by Averett University – Big Dreams, Bold Futures. January Bible Study by LifeWay: Deuteronomy: Conference Room D A Challenge to a New Generation This January Bible Study identifi es ways God continues to call His people to be set apart and holy, refl ecting His character. The Book of Deuteronomy records Moses’ fi nal messages to the people of Israel as they prepare to move into the Promised Land. He presented a challenge to a new generation of Israelites who had not experienced the Egyptian captivity or God’s miraculous acts of deliverance on their behalf (that generation died during the wilderness wandering). God is presented as being compassionate to His people, while calling them to live a life that refl ects His character. Moses warned the Hebrews of the consequences of failing to follow God’s standards. Led by Bob Moore, Pastor, Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke.

BREAKOUT SESSION #2: 3:15 P.M. – 4:15 P.M. Ignite Your Spiritual Imagination: BTSR presents the St. John’s Bible Room 102 Smithsonian Magazine calls the St. John’s Bible “one of the most extraordinary undertakings of our time.” Come experience the fi rst hand-written, illuminated Bible produced in over 500 years and learn how you can share this amazing resource with members of your congregation. Led by Tracy Hartman, Professor of Homeletics & Practical Theology, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. Challenges to Free Expression of Religion in the US Room 103 There is tremendous freedom to exercise religion in this country. Sometimes school or government offi cials discriminate against Christians or minority religions because of misinformation, overcautiousness, or prejudice. What experiences do people have of this discrimination and how can we help overcome this? Presented by the Religious Liberty Committee. In the Eye of the Storm Room 104 Join us for fi rst-hand accounts of how our Baptist brothers and sisters across the globe are creating “calm” in the midst of the horrifi c storms of wars, epidemics, famine and health concerns. Virginia Baptists are engaged and responsive in many of these crises alongside our partners, and we need to hear their story so that we can continue to be the effective and responsible hands and feet of Christ. Presenters include Otniel (Oti) Bunaciu (European Baptist Federation president); Emile Sam-Peal (Liberia); Emmanuel Mustapha (Ghana); and video from many pastors in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and other locations. Presented by the Glocal Missions Team, Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Navigating Together Room 105 With the church sailing though the rapids of fast cultural change, explore how missions education, support, involvement and camping experiences can bolster your missional discipleship and even grow your church! This session is designed with the small church in mind. Presented by Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia. Discipleship Huddles Room 106 In addressing the discipleship crisis in the American church, Dallas Willard commented, “Every church needs to a) have a plan for making disciples, and b) know if their plan works”. A discipleship

16 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS movement has taken root in Virginia where people are learning how to disciple people well like Jesus did, how to make disciples who can turn around and make more disciples. Learn about this Biblically- based process that can be quickly grasped and easily explained to others, where people are re-engaging with effective discipleship, leaders are re-imagining the church’s future, and the church is re-connecting in its community. Led by Laura McDaniel, Spence Network; and Brian Adams, Uptick alum and Pastor of Youth, West Hampton Baptist Church. What Could Your Church Do With A Million Dollars? Room 107 Learn about how your church can explore the possibilities of a million dollar future through church endowments and legacy gifts. Led by Billy Burford, Consultant, Church-Clergy Admin Services, LLC (CCAS). New Methods for New Realities: Children and Youth Ministry Ideas for Today Room 108 There was a time when you could plan an activity for children and the reward was new families attending your church. There was a time when in order to get youth to attend church, you just had to offer free pizza. Times have changed. We can lament the emptier Sunday School classes, the lack of volunteers, the Sunday morning worship attendance count, and the list could go on. Or we can learn how to assess the situation and fi nd new ways of doing ministry—effective ministry—that we never thought possible. Attend this session to hear from a panel of ministers and lay leaders who are offering new and effective ministry strategies for children, youth, and their families. Led by Charity Roberson, Equipping Coach, Virginia Baptist Mission Board, and panel. #Going Social: Leveraging Social Media for Ministry Growth Room 109 People around the world are talking. They are connecting each day—online—through social media. Corporations around the world recognize the power of social media and are leveraging it to reach customers though platforms such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Why can’t churches do the same thing? Christianity has the greatest message to deliver; yet churches struggle to share it. Come hear Terrace Crawford, author of #Going Social: A Practical Guide for Church Leaders, as he provides crucial insights to help you develop an effective social media strategy with real-life examples of ministries and leaders who are using media in powerful ways. Reimagine your social media presence and successfully connect with your church and your world. Constitution/Bylaws Conference Room A Learn more about the new BGAV structure and Constitution/Bylaws that will be voted on Wednesday morning. Presented by the VBMB Constitution/Bylaws Committee: Darrell Foster, Beth Fogg, and Dick Bidwell. Fresh Expressions Conference Room B Have you heard about fresh expressions of church and wondered what all the excitement is about? You will learn what you and your church can do to engage people far from God—people unlikely ever to come to your church no matter how well you are doing things. The workshop will be practical, engaging and requires no previous understanding of Fresh Expressions. Presented by Chris Backert, National Director, Fresh Expressions US and the Fresh Expressions Team, Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Dream Year Conference Room C Ben Arment has launched a variety of creative projects, including The Whiteboard Sessions, STORY, Meet At The Movie and a coaching organization called Dream Year. He is a former church planter in northern Virginia and the author of Church in the Making (B&H Publishing). His most recent book is Dream Year (Portfolio). In the past, Ben served as the innovation and west coast director for Catalyst Conference, the largest leadership organization in the world for young adults. He was also an advertising

17 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS copywriter, a newspaper reporter, a minister, and an intern in President Clinton’s White House. Ben and his wife Ainsley live in Virginia Beach, Virginia with their four children: Wyatt, Dylan, Cody, and Annie. You can fi nd him on Twitter at @BenArment, at dreamyear.net and storychicago.com. Sponsored by Averett University – Big Dreams, Bold Futures. Smyth & Helwys Bible Study: Ezekiel Conference Room D The book of Ezekiel refl ects a degree of literary coherence unmatched in the canon of biblical prophets. Organized around three major visions of God, the book tells the story of God’s fi nal attempt as their only legitimate king to claim the loyalty of his subjects, the rebellious and recalcitrant house of Israel. The prophet Ezekiel plays a key role in this campaign. In both vision and symbolic act, Ezekiel is so closely identifi ed with divine judgment that his life becomes a mirror of the judgment itself. His fi rst vision gives him a glimpse of the cosmos under the rule of God and inaugurates him into his role as a prophet, a visible sign of the power of God. As the book unfolds, the prophet will see visions, the people will see the prophet, and both spectacles will demonstrate without a doubt that Yahweh is the God of Israel. Led by William T. Melton, Hampton Roads, School of Ministry, Site Coordinator and a faculty member at Leland Center for Theological Studies. A New Way to Transition Ballrooms ABCD Congregations are fi nding that old patterns of managing ministerial transitions are not adequate for the demands of the 21st century. Come and hear about an innovative new collaborative ministry between Virginia Baptist Mission Board staff and the Center for Healthy Churches to help BGAV churches as they navigate transitions in the life of the church. Led by Bill Wilson, Center for Healthy Churches.

18 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Special Guests “Sail Fast: Navigate the Unknown”

GaryGa Nelson GaryG is President of Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto (as of July 1, 2010). From June 2000 to June 2010 he served as General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM). Prior to being General Secretary of CBM, Gary was senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Edmonton. In 2004, he became a vice-president of the Baptist World Alliance. Gary has also been an adjunct professor at Carey Theological CCollege in Vancouver, and is the author of several books including BBorderlando Churches: A Congregation’s Introduction to Missional Living and FutFutureu Faith Churches (coauthored with Don Posterski).

David Bailey & The Arrabon Band David Bailey is a speaker and producer who has spent the past decade using music as a tool in the reconciliation process. He is an active worship leader and presenter at national and international conferences. His specialty is in leading multi-cultural worship, equipping Christian communities with the tools needed to connect diverse people and cultures. The Arrabon Band is a collaboration between gifted singers, songwriters, and musicians committed to see the Kingdom of God be seen on earth as it is in heaven through multicultural worship. They lead worship at various conferences throughout the year and annually host a concert in March featuring new music.

TimTim Timmons ChristianC recording artist Tim Timmons writes and records songs that challenge and inspire. In a voice both earnest and compelling, Timmons isn’t afraid to rattle the status quo and encourage those in the church to examine themselves and their posture with Jesus. “I want to spend my time talking to believers and inviting them to a place where they can own their response to Jesus. Most times when we stand and sing worship songs to God, we honestly don’t connect with the emotion of words.w But, if we stop and think of three things we are grateful for, or a makemak a mental list of our worries and then cast it all on Jesus as we worship Him, we can own our response to Him. And it is within this simple exercise, that the power of the Spirit lies.” Discover more about Tim and his music at www.timmonsmusic.com.

19 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Program Personnel “Sail Fast: Navigate the Unknown”

Adams, Brian Program Committee, BGAV; Pastor of Youth, West Hampton Church, Hampton Anderson, Fred Clerk, BGAV; Executive Director, Virginia Baptist Historical Society and the Center for Baptist Heritage and Studies; River Road Church, Richmond Bailey, David Worship Leader; Bon Air Church, Richmond Bidwell, Dick Parliamentarian, BGAV; Bon Air Church, Richmond Brill, Paul Program Committee, BGAV; Associate Pastor, Ox Hill Church, Chantilly Bunaciu, Oti President, European Baptist Federation; Baptist Union of Romania Burnes, Norman Chair, Committee on Boards and Committee, BGAV; Bon Air Church, Richmond Carlton, Dan Chair, Program Committee, BGAV; Culpeper Church, Culpeper Carpenter, Robert CAPT (sel) CHC, USNR; Pastor, Wilroy Church, Suffolk Clemmons, Joyce Memorial Committee, BGAV; First Church, Richmond Fisher, Ed Program Committee, Second Vice-President, BGAV Fogg, Beth Parliamentarian, BGAV; Upper Merion Baptist Church, King of Prussia, PA Foster, Darrell Parliamentarian, BGAV; King’s Grant Church, Virginia Beach Gibson, Charles Memorial Committee, BGAV; Huguenot Road Church, Richmond Green, Brenda Memorial Committee, BGAV; Ironbridge Church, Chester Hale, Rod Memorial Committee, BGAV; Huguenot Road Church, Richmond Harrison, Chuck Chair; Budget Committee, BGAV; Crossroads Community Church, Danville Hastings, Brenda Program Committee, BGAV; Shiloh Church, King George Hastings, Sammy Guitarist; Shiloh Church, King George Inman, Richard Program Committee, BGAV; Pastor, Atlantic Church, Atlantic Lawson, Brenden Program Committee, BGAV; Minister of Youth, James River Church, Williamsburg McBride, Tamara Memorial Committee, BGAV; East End Church, Suffolk McDearis, Tommy President, BGAV; Senior Pastor, Blacksburg Church, Blacksburg Miller, Tom Memorial Committee, BGAV; Huguenot Road Church, Richmond Mullins, Jennifer Virginia Baptist Collegiate Minister, Radford University, Radford Nelson, Gary Featured Speaker; President, Tyndale University College and Seminary, Toronto, Canada Nethery, Steve Program Committee, BGAV; Pastor, Horizon Community Church, Chesapeake Orrock, Welford Kairos Initiative Coordinator and Metro Richmond Collegiate Ministries Coordinator, VBMB; Second Church, Richmond Peppler, David Chair, Memorial Committee, BGAV; Graceland Church, Powhatan Prillaman, Nichole Missions Volunteer Coordinator, VBMB; Bon Air Baptist Church @ The Village, Richmond Rasor, Jeremy Program Committee, BGAV; Blacksburg Church, Blacksburg Roberts, Betty Memorial Committee, BGAV; Zion Baptist Church, Parksley Rose, Rupert Chair, Resolutions Committee, BGAV; Monument Heights, Richmond Tommey, Blake Virginia Baptist Collegiate Minister, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Uebel, Nic Virginia Baptist Collegiate Minister, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Upton, John Executive Director; BGAV and VBMB; President, Baptist World Alliance; Bon Air Church, Richmond Via, Sandy Program Committee, BGAV; Central Church, Richmond Washburn, David Treasurer, BGAV and VBMB; First Church, Waynesboro Wolfe, Kathy Memorial Committee, BGAV; Rose Hill First Church, Rose Hill

20 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Special Events “Sail Fast: Navigate the Unknown”

Monday, November 10, 2014 Virginia Baptist Youth Ministers Association (VBYMA) Smithfi eld Baptist Church, Smithfi eld 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Speaker: Rev. Charles Royal

Virginia Baptist Pastors Conference Freedom Life Church, Hampton 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Speaker: Gary Nelson

Annual African American Fellowship Mary Helen’s Southern & Creole Cuisine 87 Lincoln Street, Hampton 5:00 p.m.

Special Concert: Tim Timmons Hampton Roads Convention Center 7:00 p.m. Free admission

Tuesday, November 11, 2014 The John Leland Center For Theological Studies Dinner Cyprus Grille at the Embassy Suites, Hampton Roads – Hotel, Spa & Convention Center 1700 Coliseum Drive, Hampton 5:00 - 6:30 pm Space is limited, so please RSVP beginning Monday, November 10th at the Leland Booth in the Ministry Fair. Dinner guests will be responsible for their meal. The Cyprus Grille Menu features an award-winning entrée selection! All friends of Leland (old and new) are encouraged attend. Enjoy a delicious meal at a most convenient location.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Luncheon Embassy Suites of Hampton Roads, Ballrooms E & F 12:30 p.m. $20 per ticket RSVP by Tuesday, November 4: https://cbfofva.wufoo.com/forms/2014-cbfvabtsr-luncheon-svnqlb90vprfao/ Keynote Speaker: Tracy Hartman, Daniel O. Aleshire Professor of Homiletics and Practical Theology, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, and Director of The St. John’s Bible Project

21 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Breakfast for Alumni and Friends of Averett University Hampton Roads Convention Center Room 201 7:30 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. RSVP by November 7 to [email protected] or by calling 434-791-7252

Latino Network Luncheon Open to all Latino BGAV attendees--meet at the front doors of the Hampton Roads Convention Center after the close of the Wednesday session for information and directions to the restaurant.

22 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS from the Virginia Baptist Mission Board

Offi cial Report of the Program Committee Recommendations to be Approved: Revised 2015 Special Observances and Emphases 2016 Special Observances and Emphases Special Offerings Proposed BGAV Constitution/Bylaws Proposed BGAV Articles of Incorporation Resolutions of Appreciation Partnership Mission Covenant with Gardner-Webb University Report of Actions Taken by VBMB Report of the Executive Director Regarding 2014 Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions Treasurer’s Report Program Committee Offi cial Report

The Program Committee is responsible for preparing the order of business for the annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia and assuring that worship is emphasized during the meeting. The Committee has chosen the theme, “Sail Fast, Navigate the Unknown.” This refl ects the excitement of Virginia Baptists exploring together a vibrant future. We are focused on the scripture found in Hebrews 11:8, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” We invite all messengers and our churches to join us on this “faith fi lled” journey. Our speakers this year were chosen to help us think about how to navigate the unknown. Gary Nelson is the President of Tyndale University College and General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries. His most recent book is Borderland Churches: A Congregation’s Introduction to Missional Living. His ministry and his work demonstrate a faith journey into the unknown so we are excited about what he will share with us. Otniel Bunaciu is president of European Baptist Federation. He will participate in a panel discussion with Gary Nelson and John Upton on Tuesday night that will help us navigate the unknown in terms of how God is moving across cultures. We have also asked John Upton to share a vision for our journey together and he will do that on Tuesday morning. We are excited to have David Bailey & the Arrabon Band to lead us in worship. David is a Virginia Baptist and has led us well in multiple Virginia Baptist events over the years. We added an opening concert this year on Monday night with Tim Timmons and David Bailey & the Arrabon Band. As always we covet your prayers for our meeting. As you fi ll out your evaluations this year we ask that you think about the future of the BGAV meeting and help us create a vibrant meeting that will include all generations. The Program Committee makes the following recommendations: 1. That the program, as printed, be adopted as the agenda of the 2014 meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. 2. That times on the program are indicated merely as guidance. 3. That in order to expedite discussion, debate on all matters will be limited to three minutes per speaker, and that speakers, pro and con, be alternated. 4. That future sites for the Annual Meeting be adopted as: • 2015: November 10-11 (Tuesday and Wednesday), Richmond Area • 2016: November 15-16, (Tuesday and Wednesday), Roanoke Area

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Carlton, Chair Brian Adams Paul Brill Brenda Hastings Richard Inman Brenden Lawson Steve Nethery Jeremy Rasor Sandy Via

24 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Recommendations to Be Approved by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board to the Baptist General Association of Virginia

Recommendation I: Revised 2015 Special Observances and Emphases

We recommend the following revision: January 4 Collegiate Ministries Emphasis Day January 18 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday February 8-15 WMU Focus Week February 15 Virginia Baptist Colleges and Schools Day April 12 Cooperative Missions/Cooperative Program Day April 26 Baptist World Alliance Sunday May 3 Virginia Baptist Homes Day May 17-23 Associational Missions Emphasis/Week of Prayer June 21 HopeTree Family Services June 28 – July 4 Virginia Baptist Heritage Week June 28 Religious Liberty Sunday August 2 Developmental Disabilities Ministry Day September 13-20 Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions Emphasis/Week of Prayer September 27 Religious Herald Sunday October 11 World Hunger Sunday October 25 “Consider Your Call” Sunday

25 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Recommendations to Be Approved by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board to the Baptist General Association of Virginia

Recommendation I: 2016 Special Observances and Emphases

We recommend the following to be observed in 2016: January 3 Collegiate Ministries Emphasis Day January 17 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday February 7-14 WMU Focus Week February 21 Virginia Baptist Colleges and Schools Day April 10 Cooperative Missions/Cooperative Program Day April 24 Baptist World Alliance Sunday May 1 Virginia Baptist Homes Day May 15-22 Associational Missions Emphasis/Week of Prayer June 19 HopeTree Family Services June 26 – July 2 Virginia Baptist Heritage Week July 3 Religious Liberty Sunday August 7 Developmental Disabilities Ministry Day September 11-18 Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions Emphasis/Week of Prayer October 9 World Hunger Sunday October 30 “Consider Your Call” Sunday

Recommendation II: Special Offerings We recommend that the General Association authorize the promotion of the following special offerings:

1. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions 2. The Annie Armstrong offering for North American Missions 3. Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions 4. World Hunger Offering 5. Global Missions Offering

26 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Proposed BGAV Constitution/Bylaws

CONSTITUTION/BYLAWS Baptist General Association of Virginia ARTICLE I Name The name of this body shall be the Baptist General Association of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the General Association. ARTICLE II Purpose The object of the General Association shall be to furnish the Baptist churches of the General Association a means of cooperation for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom by all methods in accord with the Word of God. There shall be full recognition of the autonomy of the local churches. ARTICLE III Meetings and Composition Section A: Meetings The General Association shall meet annually. Special meetings may be called by the president or a vice president with the concurrence of a majority of the offi cers of the General Association. Section B: Composition The General Association shall be composed of the offi cers of the General Association and messengers elected by Baptist churches which follow the New Testament teaching of salvation by grace and believer’s baptism by immersion, and which cooperate with the General Association. Each church contributing fi nancially at least $500 during the previous fi scal year, according to the treasurer’s report, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be entitled to two (2) messengers; to a total of three (3) messengers for $750; a total of four (4) messengers for $1000, and to one (1) more messenger for each additional $600; provided that no church shall be entitled to more than fi fteen (15) messengers. If $500 is more than two percent (2%) of a church’s total annual receipts, such church is entitled to two (2) messengers, provided it contributes fi nancially at least two percent (2%) of its total annual receipts to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. The Cooperative Missions Budget as adopted by the General Association is the preferred way Virginia Baptists express their unity in mission and ministry. Cooperative Missions is Virginia Baptists’ long-standing commitment to the Cooperative Program. Section C: Cooperating Churches Cooperating churches of the General Association shall be identifi ed as one of the following, and shall be entitled to benefi ts, publications and services as indicated: Participating – A church contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax. Such a church shall be eligible to participate in annuity benefi ts for staff, and receive all publications and services.

27 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Watch care - A church unable to contribute fi nancially, as a new start and/or hardship, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget may be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax; may receive annuity benefi ts for staff, and publications and services for up to fi ve (5) years in accordance with policy; and may receive mentoring and/or shepherding for proactive special ministry needs. Affi liate – A church contributing fi nancially only one (1) of the three (3) preceding fi scal years to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax; however, such a church shall not be entitled to receive annuity benefi ts for staff or to receive publications and services. If such a church makes no contributions fi nancially for fi ve (5) years to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget, the 501(c)(3) non-profi t tax status shall be deleted. A church shall be deemed to have contributed fi nancially when it has given either (a) at least $500, or (b) at least two percent (2%) of its total annual receipts, during the previous fi scal year, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. ARTICLE IV Offi cers Section A: Offi cers of the General Association The offi cers of the General Association shall be a president, fi rst and second vice presidents, an executive director, a treasurer, and a clerk. 1. President. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the president of the General Association shall be elected for a one (1) year term on the second day of the annual meeting of the General Association. 2. Vice-Presidents. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the fi rst vice president shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the second vice president shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. 3. Clerk. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the clerk shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. 4. Executive Director. The executive director shall be nominated by the Virginia Baptist Executive Board, hereinafter referred to as the Executive Board, shall be elected by the General Association, and shall serve until his/her successor is elected. Nominations for this offi ce may be offered from the fl oor of the General Association any year at the time of the nomination of its annually elected offi cers. 5. Treasurer. The treasurer shall be nominated by the Executive Board, shall be elected by the General Association, and shall serve until his/her successor is elected. Nominations for this offi ce may be offered from the fl oor of the General Association any year at the time of the nomination of its annually elected offi cers. The treasurer shall receive all funds contributed to the General Association, pay over such amounts as are specifi ed by the contributors for particular uses according to their directions (provided that, in the opinion of the treasurer, said uses comply with accepted General Association causes), distribute any amount not specifi ed according to the instructions of the General Association, and make an annual report of all receipts and disbursements. All checks for paying of funds of the General Association shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by such other persons as may be designated by the Executive

28 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Board. The treasurer shall ensure that the duties of stewardship education and fi nancial resources development are performed. The treasurer shall serve under the direction of the executive director and shall perform such other fi scal and management duties as may be assigned by the executive director. Section B: General Provisions 1. Every nominee shall be a resident member of a church which qualifi es as a Participating church under the General Association Constitution/Bylaws. 2. Multiple nominations for any one offi ce shall be elected by ballot. Single nominations for one offi ce shall be elected by voice vote. A majority vote of those present and voting shall be required for election to all offi ces. 3. Election of other offi cers shall follow in order after the election of the president. 4. No seconding speeches shall be permitted for any nomination. 5. Elected offi cers shall assume their respective offi ces at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected, and hold offi ce for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected. 6. In case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the president, the vice presidents in the order named shall succeed to the offi ce of president and shall complete the term of said offi ce. 7. In case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the fi rst vice president and/or the second vice president, or of the succession of either to the offi ce of president, the resulting vacancy or vacancies shall be fi lled by the Executive Board for the unexpired term(s). 8. I n case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the executive director, treasurer, or clerk, the Executive Board shall make provisions for the continuance of the work until the offi ce is fi lled by election at a General Association annual meeting. 9. The responsibilities of the offi cers of the General Association shall be those usual to the respective offi ces, plus those specifi cally outlined in the Constitution/Bylaws. The president and executive director shall be non-voting ex offi cio members of all committees of the General Association. ARTICLE V Virginia Baptist Executive Board Section A: Members by Virtue of Offi ce The members by virtue of offi ce shall be the president, the fi rst vice president, the second vice president, the immediate past president, the executive director, and the treasurer. Section B: Members from the General Association There shall be fi fteen (15) members at large from the General Association. Upon nomination by the Executive Board, fi ve (5) members shall be elected annually by the General Association for three (3) year terms. Four nominees shall be from among the candidates submitted by the Mission Council and the fi fth nominee may be one of the candidates submitted by the Mission Council or another eligible Virginia Baptist. A member having served three (3) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reelection until at least one (1) year has elapsed following his/her previous service. The nominees shall refl ect a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. Any vacancy occurring between the sessions of the General Association may be fi lled by the Executive Board for the remainder of the unexpired term.

29 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Section C: Chair of the Executive Board Upon nomination by the Executive Board, the chair shall be elected annually by the General Association for a one (1) year term. The chair shall be a current member of the Executive Board. Section D: Meetings The chair shall set the date, place and time of meetings. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum. Section E: Responsibilities 1. The Executive Board shall have entire management of the matters committed to its trust and shall carry out such plans as may seem judicious, provided they are in strict accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, with the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association, and with such instructions as may from time to time be given by the General Association. Although the Executive Board shall not have authority to control and direct the agencies, institutions and shared ministries of the General Association, it is instructed and commissioned to maintain liaison with and to study the affairs of these agencies, institutions and shared ministries in search of acceptable solutions to problems which may arise. The Executive Board shall keep records of its proceedings and make an annual report to the General Association. 2. The Executive Board shall act in the interim for the General Association on such matters as the offi cers of the General Association may determine to require action before the next meeting of the General Association, and the Executive Board shall report such action to the next annual meeting of the General Association. 3. The Executive Board shall serve as the Finance Committee of the General Association, and shall present a proposed budget to the General Association each year at its annual meeting. 4. The Executive Board shall advise and consult with the executive director in staff personnel matters, including the consideration of new staff positions, the election of assistant executive directors and team leaders, and personnel policies. 5. The Executive Board shall study and recommend changes to the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. 6. The Executive Board shall advise and consult with the executive director in strengthening the work of the General Association, including objectives, plan or organization, assignment of responsibility, and matters of general policy. Section F: Church Membership All members of the Executive Board shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. Only one (1) member from any one (1) church may be elected a member of the Executive Board; however, this restriction shall not apply in the case of persons who serve by virtue of offi ce. If a member of the Executive Board becomes a member of a church not participating with the General Association, his/her membership is automatically terminated. Section G: Membership Restrictions No person serving as a member of a board, no trustee, no employee or independent contractor of either the General Association or any Virginia Baptist agency, institution or shared ministry receiving funds from the General Association, or his/her spouse, shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Executive Board. These restrictions shall not apply to members or pastors of churches which receive fi nancial assistance from the General Association, nor shall they apply to persons who may serve as members of the Executive Board by virtue of offi ce.

30 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS ARTICLE VI Virginia Baptist Mission Council Section A: Members by Virtue of Offi ce The members by virtue of offi ce shall be the president, the fi rst vice president, the second vice president, the clerk, the immediate past president, the executive director, and the treasurer. If a member of the Mission Council is elected to any of the above named offi ces, he/she shall complete the term to which he/she was elected as a member of the Mission Council. Section B: Members from the General Association There shall be fi fteen (15) members from each of the regional clusters of the General Association and six (6) members from churches which are not in a regional cluster. The regional clusters shall convene on the fi rst day of the annual meeting of the General Association to nominate fi ve (5) members for three (3) year terms. The churches not in a regional cluster shall nominate two (2) members for three (3) year terms. The nominees shall be elected by the General Association on the second day of the annual meeting. A member having served two (2) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reelection until at least one (1) year has elapsed following his/her previous service. The nominees shall refl ect a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. If a vacancy has occurred during the preceding year, the regional cluster shall also nominate a member to fi ll the remainder of the unexpired term. Section C: Chair of the Mission Council The President of the General Association shall serve as the chair of the Mission Council. Section D: Meetings The chair shall set the date, place and time of meetings. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum. Section E: Responsibilities 1. The Mission Council shall submit a slate of fi fteen (15) potential nominees to the Executive Board every year before May 1. The Mission Council is directed to see that this slate refl ects a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. 2. The Mission Council shall provide timely counsel to the Executive Board, serve as liaisons between the General Association and the local churches, and serve as ambassadors for the General Association. Section F: Church Membership All members of the Mission Council shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. Only one (1) member from any one (1) church may be elected a member of the Mission Council; however, this restriction shall not apply in the case of persons who serve by virtue of offi ce. If a member of the Mission Council becomes a member of a church not participating with the General Association, his/her membership is automatically terminated. Section G: Membership Restrictions No employee or independent contractor of the General Association or his/her spouse shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Mission Council. These restrictions shall not apply to persons who may serve as members of the Mission Council by virtue of offi ce.

31 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS ARTICLE VII Committees Section A: Committee on Credentials The president and two (2) vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall appoint, at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting, a Credentials Committee of seven (7) members to serve at the forthcoming meeting. Any questions regarding the registration or status of messengers shall be referred to this committee for decisions and the committee shall report to the General Association. Section B: Tellers Committee The president and two (2) vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall appoint, at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting, a Tellers Committee of six (6) members to serve at the forthcoming meeting. This committee shall collect and count ballots, count standing votes and report the results to the Chair, and accomplish other tasks as may be directed by the Chair. Section C: Committee on Boards and Committees The Committee on Boards and Committees shall consist of the immediate past president of the General Association and nine (9) members, at least four (4) of whom shall be laypersons and at least four (4) of whom shall be ministers . The president and two vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall nominate three (3) members to be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. However, no person shall be nominated to the Committee on Boards and Committees who holds membership on other committees or boards, or is an employee of the General Association or its agencies, institutions or shared ministries. 1. This committee shall nominate qualifi ed persons to the standing committees as outlined in this Constitution/Bylaws. Prior to presenting its report, this committee shall share with each nominee the duties and responsibilities associated with the service for which he/she is nominated, and obtain the nominee’s acceptance of said duties and responsibilities. 2. This committee shall nominate persons to the boards of trustees of all agencies, institutions, and shared ministries of the General Association in accordance with their respective charters. 3. This committee is encouraged to solicit suggestions as to qualifi ed persons to serve on the boards and committees of the General Association. The committee is directed to see that proper distribution of membership on boards and committees refl ects a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. The committee shall not nominate any person to serve as a trustee of any board of any agency, institution or shared ministry of the General Association who is currently serving as a General Association nominated member on another board of any agency, institution or shared ministry of the General Association, nor shall an employee or independent contractor of the General Association be nominated to serve as a trustee of such boards. However, this restriction shall not apply to any agency, institution or shared ministry which, by its bylaws or board policy, requires a specifi c employee of the General Association to be a member of its board. All trustees who are nominated by the Committee on Boards and Committees are eligible for consideration to succeed themselves for a second term. After two (2) terms on the board of any agency, institution or shared ministry, a trustee is not eligible for nomination to that board for at least one (1) year. Members of the Committee on Boards and Committees or their spouses shall not be nominated to other committees or boards. 4. Every nominee shall be a resident member of a church which qualifi es as a Participating church under the General Association Constitution/Bylaws. Prior to presenting its report of nominations to the General Association, this committee shall determine the eligibility, availability and willingness of each proposed nominee to serve, if elected; and this committee shall include in 32 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS its report to the General Association the place of residence and the church membership of each nominee. Section D: Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds The Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds shall consist of fi fteen (15) members, at least seven (7) of whom shall be laypersons and at least seven (7) of whom shall be ministers. Upon nomination from the Committee on Boards and Committees, fi ve (5) members shall be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. 1. The incoming president of the General Association each year shall appoint a chair of the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds to serve for one (1) year. The appointee may be one of the committee members or an additional member of the committee. If this appointee is not serving an elected term on the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds, the appointed term on the committee shall be for one (1) year to coincide with the year of appointment as chair. The chair shall have had at least one (1) year’s previous service (not necessarily consecutive) on the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds, and no person may serve as chair of the committee for more than two (2) years consecutively. 2. This committee shall oversee the awarding of fi nancial assistance from the BGAV Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds to further the educational development of (a) persons who are preparing for the Baptist ministry and (b) emerging leaders of all ages. Section E: Other Standing Committees The Committees on Program, Christian Life, Memorial, Religious Liberty, and Resolutions shall consist of nine (9) members each, at least four (4) of whom shall be laypersons and at least four (4) of whom shall be ministers. Upon nomination from the Committee on Boards and Committees, three (3) members of each committee shall be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. 1. The Committee on Program. This committee, in consultation with the president, shall prepare the order of business for the annual meeting of the General Association, and arrange for speakers, reports, and special events of the program; consult with the host association concerning necessary arrangements and committees; and make available to the offi ce of the executive director, by September 15, information and photographs for advance publicity, and for the printing of the program. The committee is instructed to give priority to business sessions, providing adequate time for the discussion of needs, problems, and opportunities. The committee shall recommend at each annual meeting the time and place of the meeting for at least two years in advance, giving careful consideration to the need for adequate auditorium, parking, and hotel facilities. Also, the committee may recommend at each annual meeting the speakers and/or special events for at least one year in advance. The committee shall assure that worship is emphasized during each annual meeting of the General Association. The second vice president of the General Association shall be an ex offi cio member of the committee. 2. The Committee on Christian Life. This committee shall study the social environment in which we live and its relation to Christian ethical standards. It shall point out in its annual report the problems confronting Christian conscience, and suggest relevant Christian teaching that should serve as a guide for attitudes and responses. 3. The Committee on Memorial. This committee shall collect and prepare for distribution biographical data concerning deceased pastors and other Baptist leaders, and shall conduct a memorial service at each annual meeting. 4. The Committee on Religious Liberty. This committee shall report to the General Association annually on the nature and importance of religious liberty and the separation of church and 33 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS state, citing violations in principle and practice, and suggestions for correcting same. This committee shall make available information relating to the subject with the view of safeguarding these cherished principles. 5. The Committee on Resolutions. This committee shall prepare and submit to the General Association for action all resolutions which it deems proper, and report to the General Association as scheduled in the adopted order of business on all resolutions referred to it, with or without recommendation or amendments. Section F: General Provisions 1. The incoming president of the General Association shall appoint the chair of each standing committee by December 15 following his/her election, and the chairs shall hold offi ce for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are appointed. 2. No standing committee member, having served a full or partial term, shall be eligible for reelection to the same committee until after one (1) year has elapsed. All members of standing committees shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. 3. A vacancy occurring in the membership of any of the standing committees between the sessions of the General Association may be fi lled by the president of the General Association for the remainder of the unexpired term. 4. Any standing committee member, absenting himself/herself from committee responsibilities for one full year without just cause given to the chair of that committee, shall be replaced by the president of the General Association for the remainder of the unexpired term upon written request of the chair of that standing committee. 5. Committees are expected to fulfi ll their responsibilities effectively and expeditiously, keeping meetings to the minimum number required. Committee chairs are instructed to schedule meetings, after consulting with the offi ce of the executive director concerning dates, and to see that preparatory planning and research is done by members or others who are responsible. 6. Reports of committees will be received by the General Association at its annual meeting. However, no committee report, except from the Committee on Resolutions and the Committee on Credentials, shall be received, nor shall any of its contents or recommendations be approved by the General Association, unless such report has been submitted not later than September 15 and published on the General Association website before the annual meeting, or unless such report has been made available to the messengers at registration. Such recommendations requiring approval shall appear at the conclusion of the committee’s report. ARTICLE VIII General Provisions Section A. New Relationships. No new relationship with an agency, institution or shared ministry shall be created by the General Association until the proposal has been studied by the Executive Board. Any motion involving the authorization of any new relationship shall be referred to the Executive Board for study and recommendation to the General Association at its next annual meeting. Section B. Consideration of Business. Matters introduced after the end of the fi rst day of an annual meeting may not be considered at that annual meeting except by unanimous consent. Section C. Voting Requirements. The General Association shall not authorize any new relationship with an agency, institution or shared ministry which involves the expenditure of money except by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers present and voting, which affi rmative vote shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the messengers registered at such annual meeting.

34 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Section D. Policy Changes. All motions which would change the policy of the General Association or recommend changes to the policy of any agency, institution or shared ministry connected with the General Association, shall be made in writing and presented on the fi rst day of the annual meeting. Action on such motion shall occur on the second day of the annual meeting. Section E. Non-budgeted Expenditures. Any proposed action involving the obligation or the expenditure of funds not provided in the Cooperative Missions Budget of the General Association shall be referred to the Executive Board for study and for such action as it may deem appropriate. Section F. Publishing of the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. The Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association shall be published each year in the Book of Reports provided for the messengers to the annual meeting, and in the General Association’s Annual. Section G. Defi nition of Minister. Wherever used in the Constitution/Bylaws, the word minister shall be interpreted to mean a person who is an ordained minister, or who is recognized by his/her church as being in church related service, and in no way is intended to imply that laypersons are not engaged in ministry. Section H. Assistants to Clerk. The clerk of the General Association may appoint two (2) assistants. Section I. Resolutions. A resolution is defi ned as the expression of the opinion of registered messengers and in no way establishes the policies of the General Association. Only registered messengers, the Executive Board, and committees of the General Association are eligible to submit resolutions to the annual meeting of the General Association. Resolutions from the Executive Board or committees must be published in the Book of Reports; or be published on the General Association website in advance of the annual meeting of the General Association; or be available to the messengers at registration. Resolutions from messengers must be submitted in writing to the clerk of the General Association no later than the beginning of the evening session of the fi rst day of the annual meeting and shall be referred to the Resolutions Committee. Adoption of any resolution shall require three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the messengers present and voting. ARTICLE IX Parliamentary Authority To protect the rights of all the members and to ensure that the will of the General Association prevails, the rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the General Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution/Bylaws and any special rules of order the General Association may adopt. ARTICLE X Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws The Constitution/Bylaws may be amended only on the second day of the annual meeting by an affi rmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the messengers present and voting, which affi rmative vote shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the messengers registered, provided that said amendments have been offered in writing and presented on the fi rst day of the annual meeting. All amendments thus adopted shall become effective at the close of the annual meeting at which they are adopted.

35 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Proposed BGAV Articles of Incorporation

ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of the Baptist General Association of Virginia 1. The name of the corporation is Baptist General Association of Virginia. Its principal offi ce is in the County of Henrico, Virginia. 2. The objects and purposes for which the corporation is formed are: a. To furnish the Baptist churches of the General Association a means of cooperation for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom by all methods in accord with the Word of God; b. To assist and to foster missions in the dissemination of Christianity; c. To assist persons preparing for the Baptist ministry; d. To nominate trustees of agencies, institutions, and shared ministries whose charters require the same to be done by the General Association; e. To have and to hold by purchase, gift, and devise, real and personal property, and to receive, collect, and disburse money for such missionary, educational, and benevolent causes as may be determined to be in compliance with the objects and purposes of the corporation. 3. The affairs of the General Association shall be managed by a board of trustees named the Virginia Baptist Executive Board. The number of trustees and their terms of service shall be fi xed by the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. The Executive Board shall act in the interim for the General Association on such matters as the offi cers of the General Association may determine to require action before the next meeting of the General Association. The Executive Board is empowered generally to do all things which may be germane or incident to any of the objects and purposes set out above, and to do all things necessary, suitable, or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the attainment of any of the objects enumerated, or which may at any time be necessary, conducive, or expedient for the benefi t of the corporation, provided that its objects and purposes shall be confi ned to charitable and benevolent Christian work. The Executive Board shall keep records of its proceedings and make an annual report to the General Association. 4. There shall be no members of the corporation.

36 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Resolution of Appreciation Randall Robinson

Randall Robinson has declared his intention to retire as president and chiefef executive offi cer of Virginia Baptist Homes, Inc. on December 31, 2014, after twenty-one years of service. Whereas, Randall’s two careers as local church minister and retirement community administrator builds on studies at the University of South Florida and at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with master of divinity and doctor of ministry degrees as well as upon specialized pastoral care training at North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. Whereas, Randall served churches in North Carolina and came to Virginia as senior minister of Memorial Baptist Church in Arlington from 1976 until 1990. He became deeply involved in the life and leadership of the Virginia Baptist family, serving in varied Mount Vernon Baptist Association roles and then in the Baptist General Association of Virginia as First Vice President, providing leadership for the Executive, Budget, Program, Services, and State Missions Offering Committees. Additionally, Randall contributed to the lesson series in the Religious Herald and has served in lay leadership responsibilities at Culpeper Baptist Church. Whereas, Randall also helped set the pace as Vice Chair of the trustees for Virginia Baptist Homes from 1987 until he became president in 1993. With the maturation of the Homes’ ministry into a respected caregiving corporation at Culpeper Baptist Retirement Community, Lakewood Manor in Richmond, and The Chesapeake in Newport News, Randall and staff leaders have assured that the founders’ core values have been preserved. Additionally, the facilities and services have been expanded during Randall’s term of service, including the establishment of The Glebe in the Roanoke Valley. “Dignity in Living” has remained the mission of the Homes’ family of staff leaders and residents. Therefore Be It Resolved, that we, the elected members of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board meeting on October 7, 2014, convey our deep appreciation to Randall Robinson for faithful and creative service to the Virginia Baptist Homes, Inc. and throughout the entire Virginia Baptist family, and we pledge our prayers for him and his family, and Be It Further Resolved, that we ask the messengers of the Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia on November 11, 2014, in Hampton Roads to extend our thanks to God for the life and ministry of Randall Robinson.

37 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Resolution of Appreciation Jerry Jones

Jerry Jones has announced his retirement as Team Leader for the Glocal Missions and Evangelism Team of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board on April 30, 2014 after twelve years of service. Whereas, born on a Navajo reservation in northwestern New Mexico’s Land of Enchantment, served as a missionary amid the alpine vistas of Austria, and led creative missions outreach from the Virginia Baptist family to the entire globe, Jerry has become a citizen of the world, the world God loved so much that He gave His Son to redeem it. Whereas, Jerry’s gateways to the world have revolved around missions and music. His fi rst portal was Dora, New Mexico, a diverse community along the Texas border where he worked in his dad’s grocery store and on his grandfather’s dairy farm. Dora Baptist Church’s ministry for Royal Ambassadors began expanding his worldview. While studying music education at Eastern New Mexico University, Jerry served as a BSU summer missionary in Grundy, Virginia and in Germany and Switzerland. Later, he fulfi lled a two-year journeyman assignment in Salzburg, Austria. Whereas, gifted in music, Jerry became minister of music during high school and college at Dora Baptist and Tatum Baptist Churches in New Mexico. His musical calling took him on an educational journey to an undergraduate degree from Eastern New Mexico University in education and music, a master of church music degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and additional studies in music at Virginia Commonwealth University, the alma mater of his heart. Jerry’s journey brought him to Second Baptist Church in Richmond as minister of music, along with other similar congregational posts, and to Austria where he did stellar work as a music missionary for seventeen years. Whereas, Jerry’s team leadership in glocal missions since 2002 has opened doors for the Virginia Baptist family and for the worldwide Baptist community. Around the world, Jerry’s gentle spirit, quick smile, and warm faith have created those instant friendships that have made “partner” a distinctive element in Virginia Baptist’s partnership missions relationships. Therefore Be It Resolved, that we, the elected members of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, meeting on October 7, 2014, express our gratitude to Jerry Jones for his remarkable service to God and Virginia Baptists, and we pledge our continued prayers for Jerry, his wife Jenny, and their family, and Be It Further Resolved that, we ask the messengers of the Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia on November 11, 2014, in Hampton Roads to affi rm the life and ministry of Jerry Jones.

38 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Partnership Mission Covenant between the Baptist General Association of Virginia and Gardner-Webb University

A Covenant of Shared Values, Mission, and Vision Agreement Between BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA & GARDNER-WEBB UNIVERSITY

I. Prologue This Covenant is established by the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) and Gardner-Webb University for the purpose of clarifying and affi rming the relationship between each as they seek to fulfi ll the Great Commission through shared commitments and cooperative ministry while at the same time maintaining the independence and distinct character of each. A brief history of the relationship... Gardner-Webb’s journey from a boarding high school to a thriving regional University is marked by remarkable growth, great determination, and unyielding perseverance. In 1903, the Kings Mountain and Sandy Run Baptist Associations conceived a vision of an institution of learning where young students would enjoy “the best possible educational advantages under distinctive Christian infl uence.” On December 2, 1905, the Boiling Springs High School, Gardner-Webb’s predecessor, was chartered. Even today, the University’s relationship with area churches is still strong. The institution was transformed into a junior college in 1928, and only survived the catastrophic Great Depression through God’s providential grace and the tireless efforts of numerous trustees and local champions of Christian education. Then in 1942, N.C. Governor and Shelby native O. Max Gardner began devoting time and energy toward strengthening and guiding the College. In recognition of his efforts, those of his wife, Fay Webb Gardner, and their families, the school’s name was changed to Gardner-Webb College. The institution offi cially became Gardner-Webb University in January 1993, and in 2001—four years shy of its centennial—the University began offering its fi rst doctorate (Doctor of Ministry). Today, Gardner-Webb offers a host of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including four doctoral programs in ministry, educational leadership, curriculum and instruction, and nursing practice. The university has reaffi rmed its commitment to the guiding principles of faith, service, and leadership, and to preparing graduates for lives of lasting impact, “For God and Humanity.” Gardner-Webb University continues to affi liate on a mutually voluntary basis with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and has added the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship national to our list of partners. The university welcomes the opportunity to foster a partnership with the BGAV as we seek the mutual advance of our Lord’s Kingdom. This Partnership Mission Covenant is birthed out of a desire to work together to fulfi ll the Great Commission and because of the mutual and supportive benefi t gained by establishing a relationship between the BGAV and Gardner-Webb University. It is important that this Covenant establish the intersection of the values, mission, and vision of each entity as the foundation for partnering together

39 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS through more specifi c means. This is accomplished fi rst by each entity stating its values, mission, and vision, and secondly by the entities working together to build their covenant around the values, mission, and vision shared in common. For the purpose of this Covenant, values are defi ned as those guiding principles established by an organization that help frame major decision-making processes, the formation of strategic direction, and the development of human and fi nancial resources. Mission is a unique and succinct statement of purpose that frames the actions of the organization around several key components. Vision is that driving, motivating, God-given view of the future that moves an organization toward specifi c goals and that seeks to bring others along on the journey. Vision can be described through a delineation of major emphases, new strategic initiatives, and/or the development and targeting of key resources. II. The Values, Mission, and Vision of the Baptist General Association of Virginia Values In November, 1995 during annual session the Baptist General Association of Virginia adopted the following values: • Centrality of Christ • Authority of Holy Scripture • Priesthood of Believers • Soul Competency • Religious Liberty • Separation of Church and State • Autonomy of the Local Church • Believers Baptism • Respect for Persons • Intellectual Integrity • Cooperative Spirit • Compassion for Unbelievers • Responsiveness to a Changing World Mission Since 1823 the Baptist General Association of Virginia has pursued its mission as stated in the purpose statement of the BGAV Constitution and Bylaws: The object of the General Association shall be to furnish the Baptist churches of Virginia a medium of cooperation for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom by all methods in accord with the Word of God. There shall be full recognition of the autonomy of the local churches. Vision In a special called meeting in May, 2002 and in the annual meeting of November, 2002 the Baptist General Association of Virginia adopted a challenging new vision for the future. “Kingdom Advance: Partners in a New Vision” is a comprehensive strategy of the churches of the Baptist General Association of Virginia in cooperation with Kingdom partners in Virginia, the United States, and around the world. Unlike many visions and associated strategies from the past, “Kingdom Advance” goes beyond the ministry and work of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and seeks to involve all Virginia ministry partners in advancing the Redeemer’s Kingdom.

40 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS “Kingdom Advance” outlines four major thrusts: Empowering Leaders emphasizes the matching of ministers and churches so that they might serve boldly the cause of Christ; the modeling of wellness for the church, its ministers, and Christian families; and developing leaders, both lay and clergy, for the church. Key strategies include developing assessment and placement tools in order to better match ministers and churches; intensifi ed efforts to assimilate new ministers to Virginia Baptist life, leadership development cooperatives that provide specialized training and continuing education in multiple locations though linkages with ministry partners; and supportive ministries to prevent “burn-out” among ministers and their families. Emerging Leaders is a vision for identifying new leaders for church leadership, both lay and clergy, young and old, on campuses and at places of employment; equipping them for service through special training experiences and through mentoring relationships; and deploying them to places of service for “hands-on” learning of practical skills. Key strategies include “call-out” events at church, associational, and statewide levels; the ongoing program of campus ministry on Virginia’s college campuses; the creation of “greenhouse” events where emerging leaders are challenged to grow through intense learning experiences; the development of coaching and mentoring networks for new leaders; and the creating of internships in local church and denominational ministry. Glocal Missions & Evangelism is an overall mission strategy of going to places where the Gospel is needed, both locally and globally, caring for emotional, social, physical, and spiritual needs; and educating future generations of mission leaders. Key strategies include the deployment of missions volunteers to serve alongside our missions partners locally and around the world; the deployment of Kingdom Advance Ambassadors and a fl exible, mobile missions force, supporting caring ministry at the local church level and through joint efforts of ministry on a larger scale; and providing missions education opportunities through classroom and “hands-on” experiences. Courageous Churches seeks to create a movement where Christians and churches go beyond being healthy to being courageous in evangelizing the lost through church planting and evangelistic outreach; discipling believers to become bold Christians; and visioning a new future for the church and its ministry as often as a changing community and God demands. Key strategies include the provision of resources and supportive networks for church planters and new congregations; training in evangelism, Bible study, discipleship development, worship leadership, and church growth; concentrated efforts at church revitalization and community transformation through an intensive covenant process; fi nancial partnering with churches seeking to become courageous; and through matching assistance for signifi cant discipleship and outreach projects. III. The Values, Mission, and Vision of Gardner-Webb University Values Christian Heritage Acknowledging One God - Creator and Sustainer of life, and Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; committing to self-giving service displayed in Christ-like moral action that respects the dignity and value of every person. Baptist Heritage Affi rming historic Baptist values such as the freedom of individual conscience and the right of people to worship God as they choose, the authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice, the priesthood of every believer, the autonomy of the local church, and the separation of church and state.

41 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Academic Excellence Encouraging visible enthusiasm for knowledge, intellectual challenge, continuous learning, and scholarly endeavors; inviting pursuit of educational opportunities within and beyond the classroom for the joy of discovery; and inspiring accomplishment within one’s fi eld of study. Liberal Arts Offering broad-based exposure to the arts, humanities and sciences and to each fi eld’s unique challenges, contributions, and life lessons; complementing the acquisition of career-related knowledge and skills with well-rounded knowledge of self, others, and society. Teamwork Working collaboratively to support and promote shared goals, assuming responsibility willingly, meeting commitments dependably, handling disagreement constructively, and persevering despite distraction and adversity. Student-Centered Focus Providing students an environment that fosters intellectual and spiritual growth; encourages physical fi tness, service, social and cultural enrichment; strengthens and develops moral character; and respects the value and individuality of every student. Community Engagement Assisting campus, local, national, and global communities through education, outreach, and research; fostering dialogue and action in support of human welfare and environmental stewardship. Diversity Studying and celebrating our world’s rich mix of cultures, ideologies, and ethnicities; respecting and welcoming students without regard to ethnicity, gender, religious commitment, national origin, or disability. Mission Gardner-Webb University, a private, Christian, Baptist-related university, provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate education that is strongly grounded in the liberal arts while offering opportunities to prepare for various professions. Fostering meaningful intellectual thought, critical analysis, and spiritual challenge within a diverse community of learning, Gardner-Webb is dedicated to higher education that integrates scholarship with Christian life. By embracing faith and intellectual freedom, balancing conviction with compassion, and inspiring a love of learning, service, and leadership, Gardner-Webb prepares its graduates to make signifi cant contributions for God and humanity in an ever-changing global community. Vision Gardner-Webb University will be widely regarded as one of the preeminent Christian universities in the southeastern United States. Integrating scholarship and Christian life, the University will foster faith, service, and leadership, sending forth graduates who are prepared for lives of meaning and purpose, being inspired and prepared to make a positive and signifi cant difference in the world. IV. Our Covenant Together The Baptist General Association of Virginia and Gardner-Webb University therefore affi rm their voluntary, mutual and supportive relationship by means of the following shared values, mission, and vision. We do this as partners in a new vision seeking to fulfi ll the Great Commission and to advance the Redeemer’s Kingdom.

42 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Shared Values As Covenant Partners our shared values include the following: Centrality of Christ Authority of Holy Scripture Priesthood of Believers Soul Competency Religious Liberty Separation of Church and State Autonomy of the Local Church Respect for Persons Intellectual Integrity Cooperative Spirit Compassion for Unbelievers Responsiveness to a Changing World Shared Mission As an educational institution, Gardner-Webb University exists to advance the Kingdom of God through Christian higher education. We pursue this mission with the same mandates of the BGAV, the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40). We welcome the opportunity to partner with the BGAV and with the Baptists of Virginia for the spreading of the Gospel and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom. Shared Vision As a Christian, Baptist-related university and as a Covenant Partner with the BGAV, Gardner-Webb University shares the vision of “Kingdom Advance” and its four major thrusts: Empowering Leaders: Gardner-Webb University has a strong commitment to developing leaders, both lay and clergy, for the church. In particular, the School of Divinity has as its mission the preparation of persons for Christian ministries. In support of empowering leaders, Gardner-Webb University seeks to: • Collaborate with churches of the BGAV to provide reference and referral services for current students and alumni. • Support leadership development initiatives through the Pittman Center for Congregational Enrichment, providing specialized training and continuing education. Emerging Leaders: Gardner-Webb University is committed to equipping students who will emerge as leaders, both lay and clergy, in their churches and communities. A variety of experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, allow students to discern the voice of God and God’s calling upon their lives. In support of emerging leaders, Gardner-Webb University seeks to: • Partner with students in their academic, spiritual, and vocational journey, allowing them to leverage the experience and expertise of our Christian faculty and staff. • Provide “hands-on” experiences through Supervised Ministry in the School of Divinity, Ministry Practicum in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, and the on-going student ministry opportunities through the Offi ce of Christian Life and Service. Glocal Missions and Evangelism: Having been recognized recently as one of the top ten universities for mobilizing student missionaries, Gardner-Webb University shares the vision to partner in missions and evangelism, both locally and globally. Furthermore, Gardner-Webb consistently has been named

43 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. In support of glocal missions and evangelism, Gardner-Webb University seeks to: • Offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of local and global mission opportunities. • Model the importance of faith in action and facilitate student involvement in meaningful service in the surrounding community. Courageous Churches: Gardner-Webb University is committed to the process of Christian discipleship, which begins with trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and continues as one grows in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In support of courageous churches, Gardner-Webb University seeks to: • Provide occasions in Dimensions (required weekly chapel), the Verge (weekly student-led worship), outreach ministries, etc. where students can respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. • Offer ongoing resources and opportunities for students to engage in evangelism, Bible study, worship, fellowship, service, and prayer. • Support the efforts of the BGAV in providing training in evangelism, Bible study, discipleship development, worship leadership, and church growth. V. Term These shared values, mission, and vision frame our relationship as Covenant Partners effective November 12, 2014. With six months’ notice, either party to this Covenant of Shared Values, Mission, and Vision may request that it be renegotiated or terminated. This Covenant shall be reviewed every fi ve years.

______Executive Director, BGAV President, Gardner-Webb University ______Date Date

______President, BGAV ______Date

44 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Report of Actions Taken and Recommendations Proposed by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board

1. Approved the following World Missions Initiatives for Missions Relief: $11,000 fi nancial assistance to offer spiritual and recreational camps and equipment for refugee children and youth in the Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon and an additional $5,000 to feed the refuges; and $20,473.25 to go to the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development to assist local churches to reach out to the many refugees in the Middle East. 2. Approved the following Mission Development Request: $10,500 for computers and software for use in the Lott Carey Baptist School’s registrar and administrative offi ces; $15,000 to cover the request for the music school and sports activities for the Source of Light Center, Haiti; $3,000 for the Linz Baptist Church to purchase two sets of translation systems to enable their multi- ethnic congregation to all worship together; $2,500 to provide assistance for the upcoming Youth Camp at Luing in Bimbila South (Ghana); $11,150.00 to develop and start a daily learning program for children with moderate to severe profi les. This request came from the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development. The committee also endorsed giving the staff the discretion to determine if additional funds are needed at this time and the authorization to provide those additional funds – not to exceed the current accumulated funds; $15,000 to establish a center for children of prostitutes in Maharashtra, India; and $10,000 for the India Baptist Theological Seminary endowment fund to provide ongoing funding for one seminary student. 3. Approved four (4) Education, Training, and Coaching Assistance totaling $2,512,50. 4. Approved one (1) Innovative Projects Matching Grants totaling $3,000. 5. Approved four (4) Courageous Vision Partnership Grants totaling $19,000. 6. Approved eleven (11) Salary & Benefi t Assistance for Church Planters totaling $113,000. 7. Approved eighteen (18) Renewals for 2015 Salary & Benefi t Assistance for Church Planters totaling $113,700. 8. Approved nine (9) New Church Investment Grants totaling $237,500. 9. Approved $6,000 per year (for up to 3 years) for Haiti Church Plant Project with Glocal Missions/ Haiti Baptist Convention 10. Approved the 2015 Financial Investment Parameters & Benchmarks (FIPB). 11. Approved the 2015 housing allowance requests for ministerial and ordained staff. 12. Approved the 2014 housing allowance requests for new ministerial and ordained staff. 13. The Executive Committee approved the use of two lots for First Baptist Church of Richmond to make $400,000 worth of renovations to the lodge at Eagle Eyrie. 14. The Executive Committee approved the following names to serve on the Fresh Expressions Board: Dan Carlton, Katie Harding, Valerie Carter and Craig Sherouse. 15. The Executive Committee approved the following names to serve on the Spence Network Board: Robbie Yeaman, Sonya Steward, and Paul Maconochie. 16. The Executive Committee approved the 2014 Alma Hunt Offering proposals. 17. The Executive Committee approved the 2015 priority dates. 18. The Executive Committee approved the request for W. Joe Newman to serve on the Christian Leaders Link board.

45 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 19. The Executive Committee approved the one year documents “How will the BGAV establish the Virginia Baptist Executive Board?” and “How will the BGAV establish the Virginia Baptist Mission Council?” 20. The Executive Committee approved the request to review simplifying the process that agencies go through to request funding. 21. The Executive Committee affi rmed the hiring of Dean Miller as Team Leaders for the Glocal Missions Team effective May 1, 2014 after the retirement of Jerry Jones in April. 22. The Executive Committee gave approval to John Upton to look at ways to revamp our communications process. 23. The Executive Committee approved the motion to add Rockbridge Seminary link to the VBMB website. 24. The Executive Committee approved a motion to begin work to incorporate the BGAV. 25. Approved recommendations from the Salary Scale Committee for 2014 and 2015. 26. The Executive Committee approved the full audit report for 2013. 27. Approved the revised 2015 Special Observances and Emphases. 28. Approved the 2016 Special Observances and Emphases. 29. Approved the 2016 Special Offerings. 30. Approved the Resolution of Appreciation for Randall Robinson. 31. Approved the Resolution of Appreciation for Jerry Jones. 32. Approved the VBMB budget as presented. 33. Endorsed the BGAV budget to be presented at the Baptist General Association of Virginia annual meeting. 34. Endorsed the proposed new Partnership Mission Covenant between the Baptist General Association of Virginia and Gardner-Webb University. 35. Endorsed the proposed new Constitution/Bylaws of the Baptist General Association of Virginia and the proposed new Articles of Incorporation of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. 36. Authorized the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to recommend a motion to the Baptist General Association of Virginia.

46 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Report of the Executive Director Regarding 2014 Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions

Goal: $1,167,500.00

1. New Church Investment Grants (NCI) ...... $375,000 2. Missions in Southwest Virginia ...... $40,000 3. Impact! Mission Camps ...... $22,500 4. Church and Community Missions ...... $26,500 5. Disaster Response Ministry ...... $40,000 6. Ministers and Families in Crisis ...... $15,000 7. Developmental Disabilities Ministries ...... $20,000 8. Associational Mission Support ...... $43,750 9. Virginia Baptists’ Mission History ...... $18,750 10. Chaplain Service Prison Ministry of Virginia, Inc...... $20,000 11. Deaf Ministry ...... $5,000 12. Kingdom Advance Venturers ...... $60,000 13. Latino Ministries in Virginia ...... $7,000 14. Piankatank Camp Scholarships ...... $4,000 Total ...... $697,500

Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia Ministries ...... $470,000

TOTAL ...... $1,167,500

47 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Treasurer’s Report Distribution of Gifts Received for Nine Months Ending September 30, 2014

COOPERATIVE DESCRIPTION MISSIONS DESIGNATIONS TOTAL Executive Director’s Offi ce $159,386.10 $159,386.10 Treasurer’s Offi ce $175,059.04 $175,059.04 General Items $126,920.52 $126,920.52 VBMB Ministries $3,945,429.35 $3,945,429.35 Counseling and Education $7,850.53 $7,850.53 Retired Ministers Supplement $15,040.64 $2,325.03 $17,365.67 WMU Of Virginia $237,989.56 $237,989.56 Baptist Extension Board $476.14 $476.14 The Religious Herald $65,142.25 $4,268.52 $69,410.77 Virginia Baptist Foundation $6,547.39 $6,547.39 Virginia Baptist Historical Society $21,243.82 $21,243.82 HopeTree Family Services $32,958.66 $20,463.06 $53,421.72 Virginia Baptist Homes $32,497.16 $8,931.73 $41,428.89 Averett University $1,086.29 $1,086.29 Bluefi eld College $52,390.42 $4,500.00 $56,890.42 Fork Union Military Academy $1,773.75 $1,773.75 Hargrave Military Academy $2,173.05 $2,173.05 Oak Hill Academy $28,666.34 $2,000.00 $30,666.34 Center For Baptist Heritage $56,538.05 $6,212.50 $62,750.55 Virginia Intermont College $1,135.60 $1,135.60 GraceInside (Formerly known as Chaplain Service Prison Ministry of VA) $30,308.78 $133.00 $30,441.78 Student & Ministry Formation - Student Scholarships $67,145.15 $67,145.15 Student & Ministry Formation - Scholarship Endowment $5,940.11 $5,940.11 BGAV Partner Scholarships $32,822.62 $32,822.62 New Church Starts $78,397.20 $78,397.20 Partnership Missions $155,035.56 $8,930.00 $163,965.56 WORLD MISSION CAUSES SBC CP $1,093,013.83 $5,163.59 $1,098,177.42 SBC Operating $3,566.95 $3,566.95 Christian Ethics and Religious Liberty $960.71 $960.71 Historical Library Archives $385.04 $385.04 Kingdom Advance $179,223.69 $20,385.56 $199,609.25 International Mission Board $223,678.93 $223,678.93 North American Mission Board $82,308.28 $82,308.28 GuideStone $8,293.64 $8,293.64 Baptist World Alliance $70,692.16 $10,827.00 $81,519.16 Baptist Joint Committee $32,263.70 $150.00 $32,413.70 Associated Baptist Press $17,375.26 $17,375.26 Southwestern Seminary $8,781.82 $8,781.82 Southern Seminary $7,775.94 $7,775.94 New Orleans Seminary $6,531.91 $6,531.91 Southeastern Seminary $6,338.56 $6,338.56 Golden Gate Seminary $4,011.44 $4,011.44 Midwestern Seminary $4,142.24 $4,142.24 Baptist Seminary At Richmond $79,812.73 $28,258.28 $108,071.01 Leland Center $75,336.70 $23,500.00 $98,836.70 Baptist Center For Ethics $16,148.80 $16,148.80 CBF - Vision 2000 $377,079.62 $24,326.95 $401,406.57 Missions Development $44,400.93 $44,400.93 Ministering To Ministers $24,140.41 $24,140.41 Seminary Scholarship Fund $38,071.22 $38,071.22 World Hunger $1,991.42 $92,267.56 $94,258.98 Romany People $37,494.94 $37,494.94 State To State Partnership $41,695.06 $41,695.06 Missions Relief $27,874.11 $27,874.11 OTHER SPECIAL OFFERINGS AND DESIGNATIONS Alma Hunt Offering For Virginia Missions $228,959.18 $228,959.18 Lottie Moon Missions Offering $1,849,515.29 $1,849,515.29 Annie Armstrong Missions Offering $1,147,853.76 $1,147,853.76 CBF Global Missions Offering $239,943.19 $239,943.19 Other Designations $285,926.40 $285,926.40 TOTAL RECEIPTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 $7,853,344.12 $4,014,840.60 $11,868,184.72


Totals Percentages WM1 $2,025,367 25.79% WM2 $2,083,675 26.53% WM3 $828,418 10.55% Custom $2,915,885 37.13% Total $7,853,344 100.00%


OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE of the Baptist General Association of Virginia

Cooperative Missions Giving Plans 2015 Cooperative Missions/BGAV Budget 2015 World Mission Causes 2015 BGAV Budget Recommendations 2015 VBMB Ministry Action Budget Summary 2015 Kingdom Advance Ministry Action Budget of the VBMB 2015 Proposed Budget for BGAV Support Ministries 2015 Partnership Missions Budget Cooperative Missions Giving Plans

World Missions 1 Sixty-six percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will support Kingdom Advance Virginia Missions and Ministries. This includes 2% for Partnership Missions. Thirty-four percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will support world mission causes according to the SBC budget. World Missions 2 Seventy-two percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will support Kingdom Advance Virginia Missions and Ministries. This includes 2% for Partnership Missions. Twenty-eight percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will be distributed as voted by the BGAV at their annual meeting. Items here include a combination of Virginia, SBC, and CBF ministries. World Missions 3 Seventy-two percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will support Kingdom Advance Virginia Missions and Ministries. This includes 2% for Partnership Missions. Twenty-eight percent of Cooperative Missions dollars will support world mission causes according to the CBF budget. Customized Plans All churches are invited to adopt their own customized giving plan. Your church’s customized plan may include any or all of the items listed in World Missions 1, 2, or 3. We ask that you please send a letter explaining your church’s plan to the Treasurer’s Offi ce. WM1, WM2, and WM3 are suggested giving plans. Percentages may be adjusted to refl ect a church’s giving option. A customized plan may be created by changing percentages, deleting items, or selecting items from any of the suggested giving plans.

52 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 2015 Cooperative Missions/BGAV Budget

2015 PROPOSED COOPERATIVE MISSIONS BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 PROPOSED BUDGET VIRGINIA MISSIONS AND MINISTRIES MISSIONS: 268,154 256,339 Glocal Missions • Virginia Missions/Southwest Virginia Partnership Projects and Impact VA • Disaster Response • Marginalized People Groups/Latino Ministries, Muslim Outreach • Men’s Ministry • Hunger and Homelessness Ministries Partnership Missions/National and International 244,280 230,000

EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP: 798,217 624,493 Courageous Churches • Christian Community Development/Evangelism • V3/Church Planting, Evangelism, Discipleship • Fresh Expressions/Innovative Discipleship

LEADERSHIP: 1,132,561 995,174 Emerging Leaders • Ministry on College Campuses (BCM) • Kairos Initiative/Collegiate and Young Adult Ministry Beyond the Campus • Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Family Faith Formations Spence Network 105,112 187,236 BGAV Scholarships & Ministerial Education Funds 178,530 155,700

CHURCH DEVELOPMENT: 1,172,176 1,151,586 Empowering Leaders • Pastor/Staff Transitions/Assistance for Matching Churches and Ministers • Pastor Networking • Leadership Development and Coaching • Christian Leaders Link • Research and Consulting Services

COMMUNITY LIFE: VBMB Support Ministries 2,629,960 2,697,867 • Building and Grounds, Employee Benefi ts, Administration • Communications Eagle Eyrie and Piankatank Camp & Conference Centers 265,100 235,000 BGAV Support Ministries 852,700 812,700 • Executive Director’s Offi ce • BGAV and VBMB Meetings, Conf. & Promotion • Treasurer’s Offi ce • Eagle Eyrie Pool Debt Retirement BGAV Ministers’ Support 216,000 193,295 • Emergency Assistance for Ministers • Church Staff Benefi t Support • Education and Fellowship Total Virginia Missions and Ministries 7,862,790 7,539,390

BGAV PARTNERS IN VIRGINIA Averett University 1,833 1,725 Baptist Extension Board 1 1 Bluefi eld College 85,500 79,423 Center for Baptist Heritage and Studies 93,656 82,840 GraceInside (formerly known as Chaplain Service Prison Ministry of Virginia) 50,000 45,437 Fork Union Military Academy 1,900 1,880 Hargrave Military Academy 1,900 1,880 HopeTree Family Services 50,000 49,199 Oak Hill Academy 47,500 43,525 ABPnews/Herald 108,000 Virginia Baptist Foundation 10,000 9,331 Virginia Baptist Historical Society 35,000 31,719 Virginia Baptist Homes 50,000 47,603 Virginia Intermont College 1,000 Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia 395,000 346,047 Total Partners in Virginia 931,290 740,610 Cooperative Missions - World Mission Causes 3,419,920 3,220,000 TOTAL COOPERATIVE MISSIONS BUDGET 12,214,000 11,500,000

53 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 2015 World Mission Causes

World Missions Causes - WM1 34% of $11,500,000 to SBC = $3,910,000 66% stays in Virginia 2015 Percentage SBC Operating 2.99 International Mission Board 50.41 North American Mission Board 22.79 SBC Seminaries 21.92 (Southwestern, Southern, New Orleans Southeastern, Golden Gate, Midwestern) Historical Library and Archives 0.24 Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission 1.65 100.00 Distributed according to the Southern Baptist Convention Budget

World Missions Causes - WM2 28% of $11,500,000 to Baptist Entities = $3,220,000 72% stays in Virginia 2015 Percentage SBC Operating 0.15 International Mission Board-SBC 13.00 North American Mission Board-SBC 4.00 GuideStone Financial Resources-SBC 0.81 SBC Seminaries (same list as WM1) 1.08 Historical Library and Archives-SBC 0.01 Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission-SBC 0.07 Virginia Baptist Mission Initiatives Kingdom Advance New Mission Initiatives 20.50 Arabic/Muslim Ministries, Latino/Hispanic Ministries European Bapt. Federation Missions Development 5.00 Missions Relief 3.00 Romany People of Southern Europe-CBF Project 5.00 State to State Partnership 5.00 Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond 9.25 John Leland Center for Theological Studies 9.25 Ministerial Educational Fund 4.88 Ministering to Ministers Foundation 3.00 Baptist Center for Ethics 2.00 Baptist World Alliance 8.00 Baptist Joint Committee 4.00 ABPnews/Herald 2.00 100.00 Distributed according to BGAV approved items which may include Virginia, SBC and CBF ministries.

World Missions Causes - WM3 28% of $11,500,000 to Baptist Entities = $3,220,000 72% stays in Virginia 2015 Percentage Ministries 24.40 Global Missions & Ministries 54.92 Fellowship Advancement 7.83 Administration 12.85 100.00 Distributed according to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Budget

54 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 2015 BGAV Budget Recommendations

1. That the 2015 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Missions Budget totaling $11,500,000 be adopted. 2. That the Treasurer be authorized to distribute all funds received by January 6, 2015, in accordance with the 2014 budget.

BGAV BUDGET NOTE Any funds received over the budget goal will be distributed according to the contributing churches allocations.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Harrison, Chair Jeff Bloomer Ann Brown Ed Fisher Brian Hughes Ben Jamison Tommy McDearis Kevin Meadows Herbert Ponder Daniel Schulman Paul Street David Thornbury Adam Tyler John Venable

55 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 2015 Ministry Action Budget Summary Virginia Baptist Mission Board

2014 2015 Glocal Missions and Evangelism Team $386,204 $373,274 • Partnership Missions $244,280 $230,000 Courageous Churches Team $1,431,424 $1,333,174 Emerging Leaders Team $1,219,085 $1,047,835 Empowering Leaders Team $1,158,021 $1,107,606 VBMB Support Ministries • Support Ministries Team $1,980,234 $2,092,920 • Technology $362,913 $388,313 • Communications $286,813 $286,813 • Eagle Eyrie Conference Center $165,101 $145,000 • Piankatank Camp & Conference Center $100,000 $90,000 Assistant Executive Director and Spence Network $291,173 $373,297 $7,625,248 $7,468,232 Other Sources of Income • Alma Hunt Income $400,000 $380,000 • Shared Ministries $495,620 $575,000 • LifeWay Income $49,000 $51,900 • GuideStone Income $32,000 $32,000 • Empowering Reserve Account $36,525 $0.00 • Income from Trust Account $92,447 $93,738 $1,105,592 $1,132,638

COOPERATIVE MISSIONS TOTAL $6,519,656 $6,335,594

56 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Courageous Churches 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

The Courageous Churches Team is guided by a shared passion to cultivate the edges of God’s Advancing Kingdom through: • V3 Church Multiplication (V3): V3 exists to start disciple-making churches that are a sign, foretaste and instrument of God’s kingdom. At the heart of the V3 movement is the understanding that we serve a triune missionary God, who has sent us into the world to bless people and seek transformation. • Fresh Expressions US (FX): FX works to establish new faith communities or congregations especially for those who have never been involved in church (un-churched) or people who once were part of a church, but left for whatever reason (de-churched). While a fresh expression of church might look different, they are best conceived and orchestrated in partnership with established churches. • Semillas de Mostaza (Semillas): Semillas facilitate Latino communities of faith led by leaders willing to invest their time and talents to expand God’s Kingdom. Semillas purpose is to reach the unchurched and share the Good News of the Gospel with those looking for a closer, transformational communion with God. • Christian Community Development (CCD): CCD challenges, equips and connects local churches in “seeking the peace of the city.” CCD promotes conversation and provides education to increase the effectiveness of existing community ministries or help in the discernment and development of new ventures reaching under-resourced communities and addressing the social issues that impact them. • Kingdom Partners (KP): KP seeks to network faith-kin with shared missions-and-freedom callings by connecting them strategically with the Virginia Baptist family in creative affi nity relationships. KP seeks to discover God-sized surprises and opportunities at the fringes of His advancing Kingdom. The Courageous Churches team provides funding resources to partnering churches through the: Timothy Fund, Cornelius Fund, and Barnabas Fund. The Courageous Churches team consists of fi ve (5) full-time and fi fteen (15) part-time. The positions are: • Team Coordinator • Associate Coordinator • National Directors (2) • Lead Coordinators (2) • Network Leaders (3) • Network Facilitators (6) • Operations & Administration (5)


57 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Glocal Missions 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

The Glocal Missions Team envisions all Virginia Baptists being on mission to fulfi ll God’s call in their lives. Our purpose is to mobilize, train, and equip individuals and churches in cooperation with other ministry partners to carry the witness and ministry of Christ to Virginia and to the ends of the earth. We accomplish this purpose through the implementation of 5 key initiatives: • Meeting Human Needs • Strengthening Faith Communities • Working Toward Peace and Justice • Supporting Education • Bringing Relief and Development

The Glocal Missions Team consists of the following positions: • Team Leader • Disaster Relief and Virginia Missions Coordinator • Missions Partnership Coordinator • Missions Volunteer Coordinator • Missions Events and Development Coordinator • Data / Information Assistant • Kingdom Advance Ambassador / Muslim Ministries • Kingdom Advance Ambassadors / Latino Ministries (3) • Kingdom Advance Ambassadors / China • Kingdom Advance Ambassadors to Romany Gypsies • Kingdom Advance Ambassadors / Community Ministries in the Philippines


58 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS 2015 Partnership Missions Budget Glocal Missions

The Partnership Missions budget that is managed by the Glocal Mission Team serves to link and network Virginia Baptist congregations and individuals to mission opportunities in Virginia and throughout the world. These partnerships are varied and include many international relationships with national Baptist bodies of individual countries, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the European Baptist Federation and the Baptist World Alliance as well as several district Associations in the southwest region of the state. Our focus partners during the coming year are the Panama Baptist Convention, the Baptist Convention of Romania, the Southwest Virginia Partnership, the Mission Partnership of the European Baptist Federation, and the Romany Gypsy Peoples. In addition to these are numerous partners that have become vital members of our ever-expanding Baptist World Family. All of these connections and relationships follow the strategy that is laid out in the Glocal Missions Mission Action Budget. Two percent of the BGAV annual budget is designated for Partnership Missions. These funds allow for the following expenses: • Salaries that assist with Partnership Missions-related staff that serve on the Glocal Missions Team • Networking and communications • Recruitment and preparation of volunteers for service • Development of mission leaders • Mobilization through mission events • Field coordinating of volunteers of local and international partnerships


59 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Emerging Leaders 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

We identify and equip emerging leaders who --are lifelong leaders and learners: • Ignite • Journey • BCM • Church Weekday

--see current realities and future possibilities: • ELM • Children and Youth Ministry Certifi cations • Forum • Age Group and other Emerging Leaders Consultations

--lead competently, humbly, and boldly. • Kairos Initiative • Learning Communities

Serving on the Emerging Leaders Team are a: • Team Leader • Equipping Coach • Kairos Collegiate/Young Adult Coordinator • Collegiate Ministers: (ten full-time, two part-time, four partners, one Venturer, six volunteers, and four associates) • Ministry Assistant


60 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Empowering Leaders 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

The Empowering Leaders Team is committed to developing strong connections between our churches, pastors, lay leaders, and our VBMB staff and serving our churches to live out the Great Commandment and fulfi ll the Great Commission. The team members bring a wealth of experience, excellence, and integrity to these ministries that seek to empower the pastoral leaders and lay leaders in our congregations. The ministries of this team include: • Connection– A signifi cant part of the ministry of our Field Strategists is connecting to pastors and leaders. Our fi eld strategists invest an enormous amount of time visiting and serving our local congregations in their region. Besides these personal visits and contacts, affi nity groups have been established for pastors and program staff members to provide another level of relationship. We provide coaching opportunities that allow us to come alongside the pastor and lay leaders of a congregation as they are seeking to live out their Kingdom story. • Pastor search process – The Empowering Leaders Team is committed to helping churches and ministerial candidates make connections that are meaningful and powerful for the work of the Kingdom. We assist with the training of Pastor Selection Committees and staff search committees. We also provide another level of service through our matching process for candidates and churches at www.ministermatching.com. This website allows us to connect churches and candidates who generally match theologically and common interests. • Leadership development – The team also sees developing congregations and key leaders as an important strategy. Our goal is to provide practical, high-quality training for pastoral leaders and lay leaders through our cooperative efforts with our ministry partners, including our Virginia Baptist schools, local churches, and district associations. The Christian Leaders Link is an example of a leadership initiative that impacts the pastors and lay leaders in the Southwest corridor. We also sponsor the annual Leadership Gathering at Eagle Eyrie and look for key conferences and leadership events to connect pastors and leaders. Also, as a part of leadership effectiveness, we assist ministers and churches in designing good fi nancial strategies, including insurance and retirement benefi ts, through our relationship with GuideStone. This team also assists with ongoing Bible study and discipleship, worship and church music, deacon ministry, and other practical church ministry. Recently, coach training events have also been held to help pastors and lay people learn the benefi ts of life and leadership coaching. • Missional effectiveness – The team provides a cadre of services that seek to help the church as it seeks to be serving on mission in their community. In this missional environment, church and ministerial health are critical needs. We have developed unique partnerships with groups who focus on the health of the minister and his family. Annually, we also provide Minister’s Family Retreat as a place for ministers and their families to fi nd a respite from the rigors of ministry life. We will be seeking ways to help churches through coaching and consulting relationships to claim their missional journey. Presently, the Empowering Leaders Team consists of nine fi eld staff and three administrative support persons. The positions are: • Team Leader • Seven Regional Kingdom Advance Field Strategists • Director of Southwest Virginia Christian Leadership Network • Two Administrative Assistants for Team • Administrative Assistant for GuideStone Resources


61 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Support Ministries 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

The mission of the VBMB Support Ministries is to support the ministry of Kingdom Advance through serving the BGAV churches and partners by providing administration, resource management, communications and information services for those serving at the Virginia Baptist Resource Center, across Virginia, and around the world. The staff of the VBMB Support Ministries serves in a manner dedicated to stewardship and integrity, enabling the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Support Ministries Team of the VBMB Support Ministries provides personnel management for the staff and facility management for the Virginia Baptist Resource Center and coordinates administrative responsibilities of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Technology directs and administers the computerized information systems for the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. The Communications Offi ce communicates the vision, story, and message of the entire BGAV family by providing materials, information, consultation, and marketing and promotional strategies in a spirit of cooperation and commitment to Virginia Baptist missions and ministries. Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center and Piankatank Camp and Conference Center provide a Christian environment where people come to discover, develop, and nurture their spiritual lives. They provide opportunities for individuals and church groups to fellowship together growing closer to Christ through retreats, camps and seminars. The VBMB Support Ministries Action Budget includes funding for the Support Ministries Team, Technology, Communications, and funds to support the ministries of Eagle Eyrie and Camp Piankatank.


62 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS The Offi ces of Assistant Executive Director and Spence Network 2015 Virginia Baptist Mission Board Ministry Action Budget

The Offi ce of the Assistant Executive Director provides assistance to churches attempting to address changes in their context and culture. These services include: • Applied demographics offered through the Center for Ministry Research and Innovation to inform the development of current local church ministry strategies. • Coaching on strategic missional choices including relocation, merger, or closure • Consultations to assist planning teams in developing future plans for ministry • Training and ongoing support in launching new multisite campuses Additionally, the Offi ce of the Assistant Executive Director serves as the interface with our partners at the North American Mission Board to obtain grants for our shared mission and provides follow up for inquiries from new churches desiring to partner with the BGAV, especially those interested in a multisite strategy. The mission of the Spence Network is “Transformation through sharing,” helping to build networks in and beyond Virginia Baptist life to address the leadership pipeline. The Spence Network ministry action budget includes funds for the Leader, Network Catalyst, and reimbursements for the Network Developer.


63 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS BGAV Support Ministries 2015 Proposed Budget

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S OFFICE I. Salaries and Housing 215,900 II. Travel 32,000 III. Postage 500 IV. Printing & Supplies 3,000 V. Telephone 4,500 VI. Equipment & Service 3,000 VII. Miscellaneous (Hosting, ELT, Misc. Reg. and dues) 4,500


TREASURER’S OFFICE I. Salaries and Housing 227,000 II. Travel 20,000 III. Postage 15,000 IV. Printing & Supplies 15,000 V. Telephone 2,500 VI. Equipment & Service 4,800 VII. Miscellaneous 5,000


BGAV AND VBMB MEETINGS, CONFERENCES, AND PROMOTION I. BGAV Annual Meeting A. Program & Facility Expense 80,000 B. Annual & Book of Reports 5,000 C. Clerk & Assistant Clerk’s Honorariums 1,300 Sub-Total: BGAV Annual Meeting 86,300

II. BGAV Committees & Board Meetings A. Meeting Expenses 54,000 B. BGAV President Travel & Expenses 1,500 Sub-Total: BGAV Committees & Board Meetings 55,500

III. Clinics & Conferences A. Virginia Mission Forum 2,000 B. Missions Connection 11,000 C. Special Education Conference 7,000 Sub-Total: Clinics & Conferences 20,000

IV. BGAV & Cooperative Missions Promotion A. Cooperative Missions Campaign 10,000 B. Board Directory & Calendar 13,200 Sub-Total: BGAV & Cooperative Program Promotion 23,200




64 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS BGAV Ministers’ Support Ministries 2015 Proposed Budget

EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FOR MINISTERS I. Counseling/Unemployment Assistance 5,675


EDUCATION & FELLOWSHIP I. Ministers New to Virginia Orientation 4,725 II. Annual Pastors Conference 950


CHURCH STAFF BENEFIT SUPPORT I. Protection (Life and Disability) Support 161,945 II. Retired Ministers’ Special Supplement 20,000




OFFICIAL REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES of the Baptist General Association of Virginia

Committee on Boards and Committees Nominations to the Committee on Boards and Committees Christian Life Committee Religious Liberty Committee Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds Committee Committee on Boards and Committees Offi cial Report

The committee on Boards and Committees is tasked with the wonderful responsibility of bringing to the Baptist General Association of Virginia a slate of nominees, committed to Christ and Kingdom Advance, to serve on the boards of partnering agencies, schools, institutions, and for the standing committees of the General Association. As the committee does its work, it is guided by two primary commitments. First, we are committed to fi nding persons of exceptional gifts and knowledge suited to the cause of the respective appointments. Second, we strive to achieve a sense of balance in terms of region, gender, church size, denominational affi liation, and laity or clergy. This goal was achieved by inviting input from Baptists all over the Commonwealth via a “nominee recommendation form” published in Advance Notice and posted on the Virginia Baptist Mission Board web site. Further, we solicited suggestions from Directors of Missions, local associations, ministers, and others. Finally, we also took into consideration the suggestions made by our various partner agencies, schools, and institutions, who brought recommendations of persons who have the demonstrated interest and commitment needed by their board. The Committee is grateful to all those who helped us in the work of identifying nominees. With gratitude for your suggestions, and after much prayer and due diligence, the Committee on Boards and Committees brings to you the names of the many dedicated Virginia Baptists listed in this report for nomination to the boards of agencies, institutions, schools, and to service on the standing committees of our Association. The Committee moves that this report be adopted and we ask that you give them your supportive prayers and cooperation.

Norman Burnes, Chair Ruth Guill Paul Jordan Michael Moore John Robertson Horacio Hall Winston Johnson Sally O. Hannah Boyce Brannock Murphy Terry Carl Johnson (Past President) Tommy McDearis (By Virtue of Offi ce – President)


Budget Committee Term to expire November 2018


TBD (M) Christian Life Committee Terms to expire November 2017




Memorial Committee Terms to expire November 2017

Rick Anderson (M) Pleasant View Church 2736 Elamsville Road Patrick Springs Stuart 24171

Dorothy Cluff (L) Orange Church 11557 Rapidon Road Orange Orange 22960

Joseph McNeill (M) Fort Trial Church 500 Westover Drive Bassett Bassett 24055

Program Committee Terms to expire November 2017

Joanne C. Ivy (L) Second Church 10516 Red Maple Lane Richmond Richmond 23238



Religious Liberty Committee Terms to expire November 2017




69 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Resolutions Committee Terms to expire November 2017

Charles R. Jolley (M) Main Street Luray Church 1 Mount View Avenue Luray Luray 22835

Luke Benjamin Smith (M) Linden Heights Church 371 Linden Drive Staunton Staunton 24401


Scholarships & Ministerial Education Funds Terms to expire November 2017

Eleanor Green (L) Antioch Church 11434 Westcreek Court Unionville Richmond 23236

James Heath (L) First Church 415 Crescent Drive Winchester Winchester 22601

Julia C. Killian (L) Monument Heights Church 10311 Honey Bee Place Richmond Mechanicsville 23116




GraceInside (Formerly known as Chaplain Service Prison Ministry of VA, Inc.)

Elwanda N. Cornelius (L) Huguenot Road Church 11910 Duckbill Drive Richmond Midlothian 23113 (to serve a second term)



Virginia Baptist Mission Board At Large Members Terms to expire 2017



70 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Dale Seley (M) Salem Church 11121 Trinity Lane Fredericksburg Fredericksburg 22407

Timmy Brown (M) Community Heights Church 425 Donald C. Moore Drive Lebanon Lebanon 24266

Members from Associations Term to expire 2016

Richmond Howard Germany (M) Carlisle Avenue Church 8226 Thelma Lou Road Richmond Mechanicsville (fi lling the unexpired term of Rupert Rose)

Members from Associations Terms to expire 2017

Augusta TBD

Blackwater Bill Howell (L) Franklin Church 28089 Handsome Road Franklin Franklin 23851 (to serve a second term)

Central Virginia Carrie Kerwick (L) Effort Church 4 Roadview Terrace Palmyra Palmyra 22963 (to serve a second term)

Clinch Valley Andy Barnes (M) First Church 154 Michael Road Gate City Gate City 24251

Concord Cynthia Mann (L) Concord Church 2831 Stratford Road Chase City Richmond 23225 (to serve a second term)

Dan River Steve Anderson (L) Hunting Creek Church 3230 Abbott Hill Road Nathalie Halifax 24558

Dover Clarke Hawkins (M) Hillcrest Church 8348 Glendale Lane Hanover Mechanicsville 23116

Phillip S. Peacock (M) Broadus Memorial Church 7232 Fairview Drive Mechanicsville Mechanicsville 23111 (to serve a second term) 71 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS East River TBD

Franklin County Missionary Anita Dillon (L) Sandy Ridge Church 231 Bonbrook Mill Road Rocky Mount Rocky Mount 24151

David Long (M) Glade Hill Church 6627 Colonial Turnpike Glade Hill Glade Hill 24092 (to serve a second term)

Fredericksburg Area Gil O. Diokno (M) Fredericksburg International 6220 Hot Spring Lane Christian Church Fredericksburg 22407 Fredericksburg (to serve a second term)

Henry County Keith Spangenberg (M) Villa Heights Church 1625 Meadowview Lane Martinsville Martinsville 24112 (to serve a second term)

Highlands William Lively (M) Wytheville Church 725 E. Spiller St. Wytheville Wytheville 24382 (to serve a second term)

James River H. Gwynn Tyler (L) Mulberry Grove Church 1146 Twin Creek Road Buckingham Buckingham 23921

Lebanon James David Gary (M) Friendship Church 1172 W. Lee Highway Glade Spring Chilhowie 24319

Lynchburg Steve D. Tyree (M) Elon Church 113 Younger Drive Madison Heights Madison Heights 24572

Middle District Lee Ellison (M) Mount Hermon Church 8355 McCaw Drive Moseley North Chesterfi eld 23235

Michael King (L) Chester Church 10807 Kriserin Circle Chester Chester 23831 (to serve a second term)


72 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS The Bridge Network of Churches William Langford (M) Great Bridge Church 716 Rapidan River Court Chesapeake Chesapeake 23320 (to serve a second term)

Terry Riddle (M) Southside Church 4254 Hatton Point Road Chesapeake Portsmouth 23703 (to serve a second term)

NorthStar Church Network Mary Beth Inman (L) Fairfax Circle Church 4601 Roberts Road Fairfax Fairfax 22032 (to serve a second term)

Patricia Carey (L) Haymarket Church 16116 Gossum Court Haymarket Haymarket 20169 (to serve a second term)

Drew Hill (M) Memorial Church 4739 N. Dittmar Road Arlington Arlington 22207

Peninsula Peggy White (L) First Church 24 East Governor Drive Newport News Newport News 23602 (to serve a second term)


Petersburg Jonathan Waits (M) Central Church 6405 Courthouse Road Church Road Church Road 23833

Martha Williams (L) Fountain Grove Church 222 W. York Drive Emporia Emporia 23847

Pittsylvania CAM McIntire (M) College Park Church 140 Dovie Court Danville Danville 24541 (to serve a second term)

Portsmouth TBD

Powell River TBD

73 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Rappahannock Charlotte Brann Gibeon Church 1443 Gibeon Road Village Callao 22435 (to serve a second term)

Richmond Herbert L. Ponder (M) Mount Tabor Church 9310 Howze Road Richmond Glen Allen 23060 (to serve a second term)

Robert E. Shoemake (L) River Road Church 10711 Blackthorn Lane Richmond Richmond 23233

Roanoke Valley Diane Shepherd (L) Cooper’s Cove 55 Overlook Road Hardy Hardy 24101

Rodger A. Hogan (M) Midland Church 4503 Hammond Lane SW Vinton Roanoke 24018

Robert Wayne (M) Vinton Church 444 Sunfl ower Drive Vinton Vinton 24179 (to serve a second term)

Shenandoah Michele Heath (L) First Church 415 Crescent Drive Winchester Winchester 22601 (to serve a second term)

Shiloh Richard L. Horton (M) Culpeper Church 300 Laurel Street Culpeper Culpeper 22701 (to serve a second term)

Staunton River R.G. Rowland (M) Greenfi eld Church 692 Midway Road Gretna Gretna 24557

Steve Wall (L) Midway Church 4477 Midway Road Gretna Gretna 24557


Fork Union Military Academy Term to expire 2018

John L. Miles (L) First Church 1083 Old Fox Trail Lane Charlottesville Crozet 22932

Marion Moon (L) First Church 5937 Telegraph Road Alexandria Alexandria 22310


Hargrave Military Academy


Oak Hill Academy Terms to expire 2018

Tom Saunders (L) Rose Union Church 35 Stringfellow Lane Piney River Arrington 22922

Averett University

None needed this year.

Bluefi eld College Term to expire 2018

Craig F. Stout (M) First Church 140 Meadowlark Lane Princeton Princeton WV 24740

Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Term to expire 2017

Joseph Lewis (M) Second Church 3355 Johnson Road Petersburg Petersburg 23805 (to serve a second term)

John Leland Center for Theological Studies Term to expire 2018

C. Thomas Vaughan (L) Kings Grant Church 4000 Lambs Creek Court Virginia Beach Virginia Beach 23455

75 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Baptist Ministers Relief Fund

W. Paul Fernald (L) Tabernacle Church 1424 Darrell Drive Richmond Midlothian 23114

Baptist Extension Board Term to expire 2016

Trey Bearden (M) Walnut Grove Church 7207 Hertfordshire Way Mechanicsville Mechanicsville 23111 (fi lling the unexpired term of Steve Allsbrook)

Center for Baptist Heritage and Studies Term to expire 2018

Betty Ann Dillon (L) First Church 6623 Wexford Lane Richmond Richmond 23225

HopeTree Family Services Term to expire 2018

Helen Foster (L) Kings Grant Church 3441 Middle Plantation Quay Virginia Beach Virginia Beach 23452 (to serve a second term)

Patrick N. Shaffner (L) Virginia Heights Church 2635 Turnberry Road Roanoke Salem 24153 (to serve a second term)

Virginia Baptist Foundation Terms to expire 2018

John Gray Beck (L) Woodland Heights Church 408 W. 31st Street Richmond Richmond 23225

Jo Lynne DeMary (L) Central Church 3020 River Hills Lane North Chesterfi eld Midlothian 23113

Janet C. Garrett (L) Gayton Church 12413 Duncannon Place Richmond Glen Allen 23059 (to serve a second term)

Virginia Baptist Homes, Inc.

None needed this year.


None needed this year.

76 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Baptist Center for Ethics Term to expire 2017

Ronnie Brewer (M) First Baptist Church 2127 King College Road Bristol Bristol, TN 37620

Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty Term to expire 2018

Andrew Gardner (L) Emmaus Church 1325 Polo Road Poquoson Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Jim Johnson (M) First Church 805 26th Street Clarendon Arlington 22202

Steve Aycock (M) Real Life Community Church 7 Baldwin Drive Fredericksburg Fredericksburg 22406 (to serve a second term)

Baptist World Alliance Term from July 2015 – July 2020






SBC Nominations



77 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Nominations to the Committee on Boards and Committees Nominations from the BGAV President and 2 Vice-Presidents

Traci Powers (M) Westhaven Church 3609 Elkton Drive Portsmouth Chesapeake 23321



78 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Christian Life Committee Offi cial Report

Immigration Immigration has been an especially present topic in the news over the past year. In 2010, the Christian Life Committee report to the BGAV addressed the issue of immigration. Since that time, these issues have continued to draw a great deal of attention in the media, in political circles, in the lives of individuals, and as opportunities for ministry. Today, the resolution of how to address issues related to immigration is even more critical and urgent than it was four years ago. According to the Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, an estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants live in the United States as of March 2013. With the recent arrival of thousands of children coming to the country illegally from Central America, what should be the attitude of Christians in general and Virginia Baptists in particular toward persons involved in illegal immigration into the country? Immigration continues to draw a great deal of attention, and millions of lives are directly affected by the decisions that are made. This year, the Christian Life Committee will again address the issue of immigration. The BGAV has the opportunity to minister to immigrants and to those whose lives are affected by immigration. The members of the BGAV each have voices to contribute to the larger societal conversation of how to respond to the needs and desires of those who would be immigrants. A recent political cartoon posed the familiar question “WWJD,” which usually asks “What Would Jesus Do?” This cartoon, however, asked, “Who Would Jesus Deport?” It is the hope of the committee that this report will spurn conversations, prayers, and actions of the members of the BGAV as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God through all that we do, including our response to immigration. Families As Christians, we proclaim to the world that serious commitment to family is important. We seek to provide a witness that marriage vows should be taken seriously, that we should honor our parents and grandparents, and that we should raise our children with love, discipline, and respect. We believe that loving God is of paramount importance, and that loving our families is part of the way that we love God. Our teachings and beliefs about the importance of family should infl uence our attitudes and actions on the issue of immigration. Recent events such as the thousands of children from Central America who entered the United States illegally over the past year, without a parent or guardian, have the potential of being a humanitarian crisis. It should be noted that many of these children have relatives living in the United States. Many questions have been raised as to what should be the responsibility of the government, the state or the church, regardless of denomination, toward the care of these children. However, some would advocate that the children should be returned to their own country. As Virginia Baptists, what do you think? Caring for the vulnerable Immigration provides a lens for us to examine how we treat the most vulnerable among us. Many churches and ministry organizations have identifi ed opportunities to carry out the gospel among immigrants. Many immigrants are in diffi cult fi nancial situations, and have trouble providing for themselves and for their families. Churches and other ministry groups have found opportunities to provide food, shelter, furniture, assistance with learning the language, job training, coaching, childcare, an opportunity to fi nd a sense of community, and all sorts of other ministries.

79 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS These ministries have allowed churches to minister to the physical needs of vulnerable people, introduce those people to the loving fellowship of the body of Christ, and share with them the saving message of the gospel. People from all over the world, in all sorts of situations, have been introduced to Jesus Christ through immigration ministries and through the work of dedicated individuals. As we respond to various aspects of the situations surrounding immigration, we are presented with many opportunities, both large and small, to live out the gospel call to show love and compassion to those who are hungry, hurting, and in need. Justice As Christians, we are called to work for justice. We should work to change laws that treat people unfairly, and we should work within the system when the system is arranged in such a way as to bring about the most benefi cial outcome for everyone. The call to seek justice is foundational in our faith. In the Old Testament book of Leviticus, we read, “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:33-34 (NIV). Until a comprehensive immigration policy is adopted by the United States Congress, undocumented immigrants, including thousands of children will be in legal limbo, unable to function freely in our society, make plans for their future or contribute in meaningful ways to the betterment of society. As Christians, we are called to seek justice in the US. We are also called to seek justice around the world. Much of the immigration crisis stems from the injustice of diffi cult situations that force people out of other countries. Refugees from war torn lands seek safety here and in other counties. People who are persecuted for their race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political affi liations, or because of other factors seek freedom and fair treatment. Others seek to escape the fear and control of criminals, corrupt systems, or situations and areas that seem economically hopeless. Part of a long-term strategy of immigration reform should also seek to address some of the issues of injustice that are forcing some individuals out of their homes. Human Traffi cking Human traffi cking may be defi ned as “the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the traffi cker or others, or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal; or for providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage. Human traffi cking can occur within a country or transnationally. Human Traffi cking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victims rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human traffi cking is the trade in people and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another. Human Traffi cking represents an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010. Human Traffi cking is thought to be one of the fastest growing activities of transnational criminal organizations.” (Wikipedia on line, Google.com 2010) Human traffi cking is a civil rights crime in direct violation of the 13th amendment of the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery in 1865. Human traffi cking is defi ned as compelling or coercing another person’s labor or services (including commercial sex). Coercion can be subtle or overt; physical or psychological and it need not involve movement or smuggling.

80 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Generally speaking, there are two types of traffi cking. First is sex traffi cking, in which individuals are forced into prostitution by force, fraud or coercion. Minors, especially female children, are promised money and a better life that is never delivered. Second, is labor traffi cking, in which people are forced into labor, through force, fraud, or coercion. Adults and minors are forced to work in diffi cult conditions with promises of better lives and high wages that are never realized. It should be noted here that human traffi cking is not smuggling. Smuggling involves consent on the part of the individual being smuggled illegally from one country to another. The individual premeditates or takes an active part in his desire to move, illegally from one country to another with the aid of another individual who serves as a active accomplice to plan and carry out the crime. Human traffi cking, however, does not involve the consent of the person or victim. The victim is removed by force, fraud or coercion form one place to another without his/her consent. The person is then forced into labor or services. Human traffi cking does not necessarily require the crossing of borders. It is also a domestic problem in which the victim is held captive in his or her own country. Again, this is a crime against the person, a civil crime in violation of the 13th amendment. Force is used by the perpetrator that breaks the victim’s spirit and resistance, making it easier to control the person. Once a person’s spirit is broken he or she is under the complete authority of the person or persons that have control and will do just about anything he or she is told to do. Fraud is used by perpetrators who promise large sums of money or lavish lifestyles that are never delivered. There are promises of false immigration papers, false travel documents and even signed contracts for legitimate work that likewise are never delivered. Further, there is often a misrepresentation of specifi c jobs and the conditions under which the person is to perform the work. That work is usually performed under deplorable conditions. Coercion is easily accomplished in very poor countries where the population has poor relations with law enforcement and in some cases law enforcement is corrupt. Coercion is easily exacted upon the homeless, substance abusers, the mentally challenged, uneducated, across cultural barriers, and on those who have had bad experiences with their legal systems. Victims of human traffi cking as listed above are likely illegal immigrants so they are trapped on both sides of the law. If they are illegally in the country in which they have been taken, they cannot go to the authorities for fear of deportation. If they protest their situation to the perpetrator they will likely face severe consequences, including death. These victims are lead to believe that any debts they incur are their obligation to repay, and they may even sign contracts to that effect. They view their situation as temporary, surviving on the hope that once their debt is paid off or a certain amount of time has passed, they will be free. Is there hope for these victims? How do we locate these 21st century slaves and free them? Those that are found are located when they, themselves, complain about their situation or they walk in to a police station and seek help, or law enforcement receives a call to an incident and the victim is discovered. Victims are also found as a result of information received from churches or community service providers. (Source- Federal Bureau of Investigation, form the FBI’s Civil Rights Program, by Special Agent Judy Sykes, Virginia State Police Academy 12-20-13.) Fear is a major motivator in today’s culture and it knows no boundaries or cultural levels. When human beings are full of fear we are easily manipulated into doing or saying things we would never normally do or say. The victims referred to here are instilled with fear to the point of giving themselves to a person. That is, giving up his/her freedom and giving it to the person that makes promises he will not

81 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS deliver. The victim has given his/her liberty to another person who cares little about him/her, and the fear in the victim is so great that he/she will not seek help because of the threat of death or deportation. Some are so engulfed in fear that they don’t know how to get help. Conclusion One of the strengths of Virginia Baptists is the diversity of our thoughts. We do not all see every issue in exactly the same way. We embrace the historic Baptist principle of freedom; we do not all simply hold unexamined beliefs. We come from different places in how we see the immigration issue. Different individuals within Virginia Baptist life have had different experiences and focus on various aspects of the overarching issue of immigration. Together, we have the opportunity to increase our understanding, and to work together for the Kingdom of God. The Christian Life Committee recognizes that the status of immigrants highlights several needs in our society and presents several opportunities for the church to be at work. As we work for justice and seek to minister to those who are most vulnerable among us, let us be aware of our call to live out the message of the gospel. It is the hope of this committee that members of the BGAV will contribute their voices to this conversation, as we together prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in each of the complex issues related to immigration.

82 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Religious Liberty Committee Offi cial Report

Religious liberty is a gift of God. Virginia Baptists did not invent it nor discover it, but it is our rich inheritance spiritually and biblically, from our Creator and from our Baptist forebears. Thomas Helwys’ advocacy for universal religious liberty and freedom of conscience for all, no matter their faith or lack thereof, and Roger Williams’ insistence on absolute religious liberty were the heritage of those early Virginia Baptists, who fi rst organized statewide to lobby for religious liberty, free exercise of faith, and separation of the institutions of the state from those of the church. About 40 Virginia Baptists were persecuted for the practice of our faith under the establishment; this gave Virginia Baptists unique insights into the evils of established religion and the abridgement of religious liberty and, coupled with our theology, gave the impetus to Virginia Baptists’ signifi cant roles in the passage of both the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution. Religious liberty for all, a robust view of free exercise of faith, staunch opposition to all forms of government establishment of any religion, commitment to separation of church and state, a passionate insistence upon the voluntary principle in religion, and corollary to it, opposition to all forms of coercion in matters religious, and the Golden Rule have been foundational principles for Virginia Baptists from our inception to this very day. Guided by these principles, your Religious Liberty Committee has been at work this year. Consistent with our past mission of educating Virginia Baptists about our heritage, we anticipate bringing to publication in 2015 the 2010 History Project, a booklet which will celebrate the contributions of Virginia Baptists to religious liberty. We also invested energy in planning the 2014 breakout session for this year’s annual meeting, focusing upon “Challenges to Free Expression of Religion in the US;” the session will feature an interfaith panel in the recognition that a threat to the religious liberty of any of us is a threat to the liberty of all of us. But beyond this traditional mission of educating and celebrating our heritage, the committee this year embraced an older and more historic function, that of bearing witness to the government of the Commonwealth and the larger public about religious liberty. We addressed the administration concerning legislation before it, calling for a careful balance between free exercise and non- establishment. We prepared to represent the resolution concerning religious liberty passed at last year’s BGAV by seeking training in how to approach the legislature and the administration in order to represent Virginia Baptist perspectives and put in place protocols for speaking to these entities on behalf of the Committee and the General Association. Noting the lack of a Virginia Baptist voice among registered lobbyists to whom those in government might turn for consultation regarding matters of religious liberty, free exercise, non-establishment, and separation of church and state, we authorized Shelton Miles, our current chair, to register as a volunteer lobbyist representing us on those matters. And fi nally, at this year’s BGAV, we are soliciting grassroots volunteers who will through an e-mail network serve as Friends of the Religious Liberty Committee, to amplify our voice and witness as matters arise with state government. We expect this renewed emphasis upon witness to the state to occupy much of our time and attention during the coming year.

Respectfully submitted, Religious Liberty Committee Richard Morris, Pam Robertson, Steve Aycock, Rick Clore, Andrew Gardner, Cynthia Shackleford, Paul Lane, Michael Poole, Shelton Miles (Chair)

83 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds Committee Offi cial Report

The Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds Committee oversees fi nancial awards “to further the educational development of (a) persons who are preparing for the Baptist ministry and (b) emerging leaders of all ages. (Constitution, Section C: Committees, 4, The Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds. Eligible Virginia Baptist students may receive assistance through: • BGAV Achievement Scholarships for Academies fi nancing education at one of the BGAV- partnering academies; • BGAV Achievement Scholarships providing aid for undergraduate education; • BGAV Ministerial Education Funds which support undergraduate or graduate education in preparation for vocational ministry; or, • BGAV Nontraditional Ministry Education Scholarships that allow individuals to capitalize on opportunities to secure training and continuing education for work in the local church. The Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds Committee of the Baptist General Association of Virginia awarded 197 achievement scholarships, ministerial education funds, and nontraditional scholarships totaling $190,183.90 to students for the 2014-2015 academic year. (This count does not include scholarships for students attending BGAV related academies that will be announced in the fall, nor additional nontraditional applications in the fall award cycle.) These recipients represent 122 BGAV churches from 35 district associations, attending 54 institutions of higher education. Since the inception of the Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds in 2008, a total of $1,089,872.40 has been awarded. In addition, the Educational Endowment Fund has grown to $825,326.00 (as of July 31, 2014). This endowment will continue to provide opportunities for future leaders in Virginia Baptist churches. Additional responsibilities of the Committee include: • Review of policies and current guidelines; • Ongoing discussion of futures and priorities in the support of emerging leaders; • Careful audit of our fi duciary responsibility with respect to the purposes and terms of particular endowed resources; • Tactical planning with respect to award levels and number of awards when the number of applications is increasing, as well as costs for education; • Analysis of patterns in complete and incomplete applications, schools attending, and awards per partner institutions; • Planning and evaluation of the orientation for ministerial scholarship recipients; • Assessment of mentoring relationships and post-graduation service requirements for ministerial award recipients; • Review of application procedures and forms, and providing programming updates for online applications; • Audit of scholarship recipient compliance with the terms of the award;

84 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Review of fi nancial and statistical input from the Support Ministries Team; and, • Dealing with exceptional circumstances in the lives of scholarship recipients.

We wish to offer our deepest appreciation: • To those who have contributed to the endowed resources of the BGAV Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds. • For the essential, often indispensible, and unfailingly supportive contributions of the staff of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. • To Virginia Baptists who intentionally provide for the training and education of present and future leaders of our BGAV churches.


ANNUAL REPORTS of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board

Virginia Baptist Mission Board Spence Network Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center Camp Piankatank Virginia Baptist Mission Board John V. Upton, Jr., Executive Director

It is my deep conviction that before God calls us to do something we are fi rst called to see something and be something. We are called to be people who see the world as God sees it. We are called to discover how fully present God is in the world and how fully present he is to us. Without these encounters nothing of much importance is likely to happen. Virginia Baptists have had that encounter. We have seen God’s heart yearn for those who do not know him and who don’t even know they don’t know him. We have seen him move in churches that have lost their fi re and energy. We have seen him in Ghana weeping over little ones lost to Malaria. We have seen him on college/university campuses where thousands of young people are trying to fi nd a way but often are left only confused. We have seen God’s desire to see pastors restored to the calling that ignited their ministry but the struggles of congregational life have depleted them. We have seen young people ready to take huge risks for God but lack the mentor relationships to know how to move forward. In light of what we have seen and where we have encountered God we have been called to action. You will fi nd in this report our response to what we have seen. To these needs, and many more, God has said, “I will send you.” The assignment is huge. We have to walk right up to the biggest challenges the church faces today and speak truth to them. Virginia Baptists have been summoned to change, to take some new risks, to venture what we never thought to venture before. This report is our way of saying, “Here we are, Lord.” It is ours to come, follow, trust, and obey and we will learn for ourselves who we will be in this new world. I know of no fi ner invitation than this. There is no truer freedom. We will be changed and we will help to change our world. Evangelism and Church Planting V3 Movement • First church planting learning cohort for V3 - 60 applicants - 33 accepted - 27 churches represented (7 in VA, 20 in other states, 1 international) • V3 website and social media growth

JANUARY 2014 AUGUST 2014 Social Growth Facebook Likes 472 645 Twitter Followers 161 3,292 Mailchimp Subscribers 0 569 Website Traffi c Pageviews 2,436 9,500 New Visitors 711 4,237 Unique Visitors 802 4,962

88 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • As of September we have planted 12 churches and another 10 are projected. • By year’s end, 5 new multi-sites will launch, two of which are virtual (online) campuses. • Linking new churches with existing churches through sponsorship Fresh Expressions US • 350 leaders gather from over 20 different regional or national denominations for our second Fresh Expressions National Gathering at FBC, Alexandria. • 10 different regional or national denominations now collaborate with Virginia Baptists in developing Fresh Expressions US. • Launched three Fresh Expressions exploration communities • Six new vision days launched for Fresh Expressions • Over 350 different congregations are participating in Fresh Expressions US • Three new videos produced to tell Fresh Expression stories • Travis Collins joins Fresh Expressions Team • Twitter followers grow from 113 to 1785 Latino Ministries (Semillas de Mostaza) • 100 Latino church leaders gather for inaugural statewide retreat at Culpeper Baptist Church • Latino Steering Committee formed • Certifi cation program has been designed for training a new generation of Latino leaders • New website established for churches around issues of Biblical justice, community development and community advocacy. • A Christian Community cohort has been established in Richmond, engaging 5 churches. • Three new learning communities will be launched with developed curriculum in 2015. African American Fellowship • 10 African American pastors and leaders went to Ghana - planted 17 churches - 1500 professions of faith - distributed 250 mosquito nets - visited 25 towns and villages in Ghana, Benin and Togo - led a two day leadership training in Benin - two night revival in Togo - participated in a missions and evangelism conference in Ghana • Team retraced the 6-month journey made-on-foot by African ancestors on the major slave trade route in Ghana Missions Meeting Basic Human Needs around the world… • The More Than Nets project is a partnership with the Ghana Baptist Convention to provide mosquito nets and church planting opportunities to the Yendi district of northern Ghana. To date we have purchased or received 38,000 nets and distributed 34,000 of them to 161 villages with two “sub-districts” completely netted. Seventy Virginia volunteers have assisted with this project with more teams scheduled for the next several months.

89 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Records show that the number of malaria cases in the Adibo sub-district (one that is completely netted and that we were able to gather statistics for) has declined in the last year. Here is a chart for comparison:

YEAR JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 2013 malaria cases 478 501 340 390 564 2014 malaria cases 240 198 246 199 421 Difference -238 -303 -94 -191 -143 % reduction 49% 60% 28% 49% 25% Average % reduction over 5 months 42%

• Relief funds have been distributed to some of the most recent disasters. More funds will be sent throughout the remainder of the year. - $15,000 sent to EBAid for Bosnia/Serbia fl oods through WMI Relief Fund - $15,000 sent to Liberia to distribute literature and teach classes on the myths of the Ebola virus as well as provide some medical supplies. - $39,000 in partnership with Stop Hunger Now, Baptist General Convention of Texas and The Virginia in Action for Liberia Against Ebola (statewide group of Liberian expatriates) to send 142,000 rice-based meals to Liberia. This partnership will be ongoing as more aid is needed and plans are under development. • Sixty churches sent teams to Impact Virginia (800 total participants) to share Christ’s love by making families and their homes safer, warmer, and drier. • Three churches in the Richmond area are working together with the Glocal Missions Team to create a new mission education and service event for adults for summer 2015 in partnership with CBFVA called Mission Co-Op. • Two associations (NorthStar and Central Virginia) will be hosting Impact Virginia for the fi rst time in 2015, engaging new communities in the many facets of support for an Impact Camp. • Six churches have begun plans to send teams to Impact Romania, with 50 Virginia youth going to serve alongside 100 Romanian youth • Forty three BGAV churches and ministries have received over $84,000 in World Hunger Funds to assist their local ministries. An additional $25,000 has been distributed to fi ve international partners. • Over 30 teams have assisted approximately forty households through the Southwest Virginia Partnership – mainly to provide safe, warm and dry homes or home access for the physically challenged. In addition they have conducted outreach projects, clothes closet/food pantry and nursing home ministries. With the help of Va. Baptists the local associations are making the SWVP a permanent feature in the region. Faith Community Development for stronger congregations… • Virginia Baptists continue to support 7 indigenous church planters in six different countries in Europe through our partnership with the European Baptist Federation – Austria, Serbia, Poland (2), Latvia, Azerbaijan and Moldova • In partnership with the Courageous Churches team and the Haiti Baptist Convention, Virginia Baptist volunteers are working towards planting a church within the Delmas 19 community of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The church plant will be based out of the Source of Light Center – serving as a faith community for not only our neighbors in Delmas 19 but also the orphan children living

90 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS at Source of Light. A church planter has already been appointed by the Haiti Baptist Convention and the church is scheduled to begin offering services in October of this year. • The More Than Nets Project has assisted the indigenous church planters to establish 112 new congregations with approximately 3,600 members and over 3,000 professions of Faith. Capacity Building and Development with our partners… • Yerendi Roblero, originally from Guatemala, served as an intern with LUCHA through CBF’s Student.Go program this summer. Yerendi’s family has been a part of LUCHA’s ministry outreach since 2004, and now, as a college student, she is moving from the recipient of services to one who is ministering to the needs of others. • On April 25-26, around 100 Latino Baptists from across Virginia gathered at First Baptist Church, Newport News for the 11th Latino Pastors and Leaders Encuentro, sponsored by the Latino Network of Virginia Baptists. “Stewardship of the Christian Life” served as this year’s theme, with small and large group seminars led by Don Campbell, Stewardship Specialist with the VBMB, and Steve Rehner with One Mission Society. • Approximately sixty Virginia Baptist volunteers traveled to Haiti this summer to partner in ministry at the Source of Light Center. These volunteers helped to launch a music school at the Center by donating almost $10,000 worth of instruments and providing a basic introduction to music for the children. Volunteers also provided several weeks of organized activities for the children during their summer break from school including two weeks of Vacation Bible School, organized sports activities, music lessons and several fi eld trips to the beach and the mountains. • Ten Virginia Baptist college students gave most of their summer to assist with Virginia Baptist ministries both domestically and internationally. These students engaged in a variety of ministries including, but not limited to, providing leadership for our Impact Virginia summer camp, assisting with long term strategy planning connected to the Source of Light Center in Haiti, offering medical training alongside Virginia Baptist Ambassadors in the Philippines, coordinating traveling ministry trailers with partners in South Africa, and working alongside many Virginia Baptist volunteers on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. • Venturer, Skyler Cumbia, completed a yearlong Venturer journey which included time spent with three different Virginia Baptist partners in Ghana, Romania and Haiti. While in Ghana she worked as a teacher’s aide at the North-Eastern Christian Academy. In Romania she provided leadership at Project Ruth and in Haiti she developed signifi cant relationships and organized activities for the children living at the Source of Light Center. • Virginia Baptists can now text a $10 donation to support two specifi c ministries in Virginia Baptist life. Text the word DISASTER to 505501 to donate $10 to Disaster Response Ministries. Text the word NETS to 501501 to donate $10 to the More Than Nets Project. Peace and Justice for the vulnerable… • Virginia Baptists continue to monitor the situation of Unaccompanied Minors that have crossed the US and Mexican borders. Several of these children are now residing in Virginia and our Latino Network is engaging with proper authorities to assist these children. • Approximately forty Virginia Baptist families and several Virginia Baptist congregations continue to provide monthly sponsorship for the twenty-eight orphaned children living at the Source of Light Center in Haiti. Many of these sponsors communicate regularly with the child they sponsor; several have even been incredibly blessed by meeting the child in person. Sponsorships provide for daily living expenses for each child along with fi nancial resources to assist with education costs and medical costs.

91 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • More than ten teams have engaged in ministry endeavors in the fi rst year of our partnership with Romanian Baptists. These have supported work among the Roma, assisted with youth ministry training, and begun developing a common strategy for raising concern in Romania and Virginia for persons affected by human traffi cking. Education to broaden horizons... • Antonella Membreño and Hector Camacho, two college students from Fredericksburg, have begun another year at Bluefi eld College. LUCHA Ministries works closely with Bluefi eld to ensure that Latino students who may not have had a chance to study in state colleges and universities have equal access to quality higher education, including scholarships and non-federal fi nancial assistance. • In August, Latino ministers and their families gathered together at Crossroads for a time of refl ection, study, worship and fellowship. This year’s speaker was Raquel Contreras, president of the Women’s Department of the Baptist World Alliance, who spoke on the Spirituality and the Minister’s Family. • In June, Mirna Rosales (Iglesia Bautista Chancellor de Fredericksburg) and Kathy Ramos (Casa Refugio de Amor at Branch’s Baptist, Richmond) traveled with their teenage daughters, Coco and Klari, to Panama on a partnership mission project and led conferences to empower women and worked among children. • On June 7, eighteen Latino Virginia Baptist leaders graduated with the Certifi cate in Ministry Formation during the 2014 Commencement Service of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies. The Certifi cate is sponsored by the Latino Network of Virginia Baptists. These 18 graduates came from eight Virginia Baptist congregations. Over the course of two semesters, these students engaged in intensive study of the Old Testament, New Testament, biblical skills, Christian theology and general church ministry or focused youth ministry in order to become more effective leaders in their local churches. • From August 14-19, thirty-two Kuna Baptist leaders from 13 Kuna islands received ministry training through the Virginia-Panama Partnership. Two Certifi cate in Ministry Formation modules were taught in the Kuna Yala Province on the islands of Ustupu and Tikantiki. • Twenty fi ve youth and college students who participated in Impact Virginia have requested information on opportunities to serve next summer through Impact Virginia staff and other summer mission opportunities through the Glocal Summer Missions program. Collegiate Ministries New Staffi ng: The Virginia Baptist Mission Board has named collegiate ministers at two of Virginia’s largest universities and a third minister has been given a multi-campus assignment which includes the state’s third oldest college. • Blake Tommey began work August 15 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where more than 23,000 students are enrolled in undergraduate Blake Tommey and graduate studies. Tommey is a graduate of Samford University in Birmingham, Ala., and Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta, and has held youth and student ministry positions at churches in Alabama, Georgia and Texas. He succeeds Evan Hanson, who recently took a position with a real estate agency in Charlottesville. • Nic Uebel has begun ministry at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Uebel transitioned to the campus with more than 31,000 students from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, where he was an associate Baptist collegiate Nic Uebel 92 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS minister. He holds degrees from Virginia Tech and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Uebel takes over responsibilities from Nathan Elmore, who had been serving as interim collegiate minister. • Janice Kiehm assumed Baptist collegiate ministry responsibilities in the Farmville area August 1. In that role she coordinates work on two campuses — the 4,800 student Longwood University in Farmville and nearby Hampden-Sydney College, one of a small number of all-male colleges in the nation. Founded in Janice Kiehm 1775, the college is the third oldest in Virginia, after the College of William and Mary and Washington and Lee University. Kiehm is a graduate of Campbellsville (Ky.) University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and has been a minister to children and families at churches in Georgia and South Carolina. Her husband, Ronnie, is pastor of Farmville Baptist Church. Her predecessor, Cheri Wise, has moved to Texas to be closer to aging parents. • Meanwhile, two part-time collegiate ministers also have taken up assignments. Caitie Walsh, a student at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, is ministering at the University of Caitie Walsh Megan Buchanan Richmond, and Megan Buchanan, a graduate of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, is coordinating work on that campus in Southwest Virginia. Leadership • Two Learning Communities met via google hangout to study the book Leading from the Second Chair, a guide to leading from an associate or secondary position of leadership. • Twenty-fi ve participants from churches across the state participated in a 40 Developmental Asset Training Day. Here church leaders not only learned about the 40 assets research from the Search Institute has shown is needed for young adults to be healthy adults who are able to give back and fully participate in society but also made plans to implement in the churches for the coming year. • Began new Kairos leadership Initiative class. The new class consists of 15 young adults from campus ministries and church communities from around the state. • Over 250 collegians were in leadership development training on our campuses. • William and Mary BCM collaborated with other campus ministries to host the Veritas Forum on campus. • Longwood BCM was honored by Longwood University with the “Citizen Leader Award for Signifi cant Service” • Several BCMs hosted alumni and friends workdays to improve BCM facilities and enjoy fellowship with their broader community • Children’s Ministry Certifi cation has 8 currently developing this competency. • Youth Ministry Certifi cation has 9 participants in this learning community. • Church Weekday Conference, which was held at Mount Vernon Baptist Church had 278 registered participants, with 16 presenters, for a total of 294. This annual learning community has grown from 160 in attendance 5 years ago. • Field Strategist recorded over 2200 visits and signifi cant contacts.

93 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Field Strategists logged over 200,000 miles with pastors and church leaders throughout Virginia. • Assisted churches in pastor search process - Resume matching for congregations and ministers - Formed new Ministry Career Center (ministrycareers.vbmb.org) providing churches and candidates “job board” options - Minister Matching System (www.ministermatching.com) helping congregations match their needs with profi les of active candidates - Churches may now post their positions for staff openings on our website (www.vbmb.org/ ministry-jobs/) • Formed a partnership with the Center for Healthy Churches for those who would like more in- depth assistance with the pastor search process. • Field Strategists participated in over 250 events in local churches and associations in 2014. • Approximately 300 people participated in the 2014 Leadership Gathering representing 50 churches across Virginia. • Four coach training events were held in 2014. • Assisted pastors and churches in understanding the Affordable Care Act. Youth/Children’s Ministries • Senior High Weekend now called “Journey: A Retreat for High School Students” was held in March at Eagle Eyrie and drew almost 380 young people from 32 churches. • Vacation Bible School ideas can be found on a four-blog series at www.charityroberson.com. • 150 youth attended a Blackwater Baptist Association Youth Encounter event. Similar events will be held this fall in Strawberry and Waterview Associations. • New devotional material has been written which will be given to students who make a commitment to Christ or a respond to a call to ministry as they continue in their discipleship journey. These devotions have been published as books and are available as an e-reader book and apple/android app that can be downloaded at www.vbmb.org/elm. • Almost 400 young adults, college students and group leaders attended the Kairos Collegiate/ Young Adult Fall Gathering. • Initiated strong collaborative partnership between the Kairos Initiative and BTSR – developing continuing education opportunities for Kairos collegiate and young adult ministers. • BCM collegiate ministers and other Kairos ministers participated in the Fresh Expressions training retreat. Keeping Churches Informed – Communications • 2014 Annual Church Profi le surveys were mailed to associational clerks in August. Deadline for completing the ACP is October 31, 2014. • Advance Notice: - Reformatted for twice monthly e-editions, released the second and fourth Thursdays of the month - First issue: feature video story of a VA Baptist ministry, Kingdom vision message from John Upton and a special focus on an upcoming event - Second issue: Yesterday (history article from Fred Anderson), Today (a recent or ongoing ministry story) and Tomorrow (upcoming events)

94 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Third Thursday: - Bulletin insert email - 4 bulletin inserts in downloadable formats that relate ministries of the VBMB - If you are unable to download or print them, we are printing them out and mailing them if requested. - Currently have 7 churches requesting a total of 715 copies per insert/per Sunday for a total of 2800 print copies distributed each month. - Churches with newsletters are using the electronic inserts which enables them to use the video links to stories. • Increase in social media engagement continues: - In the last six months, our Twitter account has attracted 54% more users - Facebook likes have increased 18% - YouTube subscribers increased by 50% - By precisely targeting our audience, week-to-week post engagement averages over 10,000 people. - Over 55,000 individuals have seen or interacted with content from Virginia Baptists. - The number of comments, shares, likes, and retweets across our platforms have all signifi cantly increased as well. • Website Usage: - Now a year old, usage of the VBMB.org website continues to increase. - In the last six months, the number of visitors to the website (40,000) is up 18% from the previous period. Incremental changes to address usability have been made since the website launch, with statistics refl ecting the improvements. • VBMB Blog: - To enhance the Virginia Baptist online community, blogposts have focused primarily on two different areas: storytelling and guest contributors. All across the Commonwealth, churches are doing great things in the name of serving God’s kingdom. - Through pictures, video, and/or articles, these stories are now being told. Engagement of these stories is always high as churches are curious about what others are doing. - Likewise, the ministries and missions of the VBMB have received increased exposure. Some stories, such as Impact! Virginia, received signifi cant media coverage. - Additionally, Virginia Baptist ministers have provided insightful articles and columns that enrich our discourse and community. Ministers from a variety of contexts, locations, and perspectives have been invited to contribute to the blog. • Ministry Jobs: Developed an easy to use and easy to administer Ministry Jobs tool for churches and prospective church staff. Since its inception, several dozen jobs have been listed, making the page the most visited page (other than the homepage) of the website. • Text to Give: You can now donate to missions via text message. Disaster Relief and More Than Nets will benefi t from this new giving option. • Launched new Kairos website and updated social media presence • Developed Kairos network of over 100 contacts • Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions: - Materials are posted online and were mailed to churches in July for their use during the September emphasis.

95 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS - A four-week email countdown featuring video stories of some of the ministries funded by the offering was sent to pastors and associations. (Materials were developed in coordination with the WMUV) - Blogposts were published daily through the month of September, highlighting individual offering designations. Keeping Up with Business and Facilities • BCMs are developing strategies through alumni and friends to increase their funding capacity. • Information Technology - Replaced 33 laptops and 10 desktops this year. - Old desktops and laptops have been re-loaded and re-deployed for use at our camps, BCM centers, and BGAV churches in need via our travel staff. Created a new disaster recovery plan/backup solution for the VBMB - New projectors for all BCM Centers - Completed the process of deploying new cell phones for VBMB staff--replaced 32 cell phones this year. - Renegotiated our existing wireless communications contract with Verizon Wireless during the fourth quarter of 2013 resulting in a 35% reduction in our monthly bill. The annual cost savings of approximately $21,000.00 covered the cost of the new cell phones with a saving surplus in excess of $14,000.00 for 2014. - Updated email server • The Virginia Baptist Mission Board, Virginia Baptist Extension Board, Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center, and Piankatank Camp and Conference Center all received clean audits for 2013. • Cooperative Missions - For 2013 Cooperative Missions receipts were $11,455,255.68. Cooperative Missions Goal was $12,100,000. Total church receipts equaled $17,130,750.72. - For 2014 through August 31, 2014 Cooperative Missions receipts total $7,061,410.24 Cooperative Missions Goal is $12,214,000. Total church receipts equaled $10,936,742.83 • Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center - Hosted 1,388 participants during three weeks of Centri-Kid Camp, with 39 children making fi rst-time professions of faith! - Packaged 14,256 meals during MC2, which were delivered to the Source of Light orphanage in Haiti! - Provided housing for Winterfest and Wildfi re, lodging 1,277 people from all across the Mid- Atlantic region for these two events. - Installed commercial playground equipment and dedicated the new Hewitt/Baggs Playground at the Sigmon Children’s Building. - Refurbished the English Hall restrooms with new ceramic fl ooring, granite counter tops, sinks, mirrors, toilets, partitions, doors, handicap ramp, heating and cooling systems, painting, and interior access to the Dining Hall. - Installed new LED house and stage lighting in the Dogwood Hall Auditorium. - Re-plastered the main swimming pool and installed a new chemical feed system. 96 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS - Remodeled Willow Lodge with new fl ooring, lighting, lobby furniture, blankets, interior painting, and exterior landscaping. - Replaced roofs on Poplar and Accomack lodges, and replaced heat pump in Cherry lodge. - In October 2014, we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Special Needs Retreat at Eagle Eyrie! - In October 2014, renovation of the First Baptist Richmond Lodge will also be complete. The lodge will feature 11 bedrooms with individual temperature control and private baths, fi rst fl oor handicap accessibility, sprinkler system, new roof, replacement windows, hardwood fl oors, new furnishings, ice machine, fi re pit, and large paved parking area with basketball court. • Camp Piankatank - Over 50 campers accepted Christ for the fi rst time this summer, numerous others renewed their faith and more committed to sharing their faith when they went home. - Over 30 campers every week of camp tried the new outdoor/survival skills program called “True North Land”. This program taught campers basic skills like how to build a shelter, orienteering, how to build a fi re, as well as basic water skills. - We had six full weeks of camp for campers ages 10-17, one two night mini-camp for campers ages 7-9, a Father/Son Weekend and a Mother/Daughter Weekend. Served over 430 campers this summer. - Employed a summer staff member to work this fall, working with retreat groups and their activities. - Employed a summer staff member to work this fall, to write an environmental education program to offer to schools. The curriculum will be based on SOL standards for 3rd and 5th graders. Our goal is to start the environmental education program in the Spring of 2015. - Groups are schedule to be at camp every weekend this fall till Thanksgiving. • Stewardship - We continue our membership in the National Stewardship Development Association, giving Virginia churches a 15% discount when ordering through the Stewardship Development Offi ce. - We are participating in the National Stewardship Development Association’s effort to make materials downloadable in the future. • Remodeling of the former “Religious Herald” area has been completed. The Courageous Churches Team now occupies that area.

97 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Spence Network John Chandler, Leader

It is a joy for the Spence Network to work in the heart of the historic and emerging Virginia Baptist mission to build the leadership pipeline that will advance the Redeemer’s Kingdom. We rejoice that 2014 was an exciting year to do that work. The mission of the Ray and Ann Spence Network for Congregational Leadership (“Spence Network”) is to feed networks of leaders to advance Kingdom initiatives. The Spence Network is a router for networks that helps to connect Kingdom leaders with each other in order to impact the world with the Gospel. It is designed to enable fruitful exchange of innovative ministry ideas and best leadership practices. Our conviction is that there is a frustrating isolation in ministry, and that leaders and churches are hungry to be connected with each other around shared ministry affi nities and initiatives. We believe that when we enable these connections, there can be “Transformation Through Sharing.” In particular, we invest in fi ve sorts of leadership “capital:” spiritual, relational, physical, intellectual, and fi nancial – toward the development of leaders who are fi rst disciples of Jesus Christ. The Spence Network leadership team consists of a Board, Leader, and Network Catalyst. The Leader is supervised by the Executive Director of the BGAV and is accountable for regular reports to the Board and an annual report to the Executive Committee of the BGAV. The Board consists of Ray and Ann Spence, and 10-15 at-large members appointed by the Executive Director of the BGAV in conjunction with the Executive Committees of the VBMB and the Spence Network Board. The Executive Director of the BGAV, Executive Director of WMUV, Leader, and staff serve as ex-offi cio members of the Board. The Board may also invite “friends of the Board” for testimony, inquiry, or in an advisory capacity at its discretion. We invest specifi cally in two key types of networks: 1. “Uptick” networks of high-potential leaders – leaders aged 23-35 who have signifi cant potential to start or lead ministries of major impact; and 2. Communities of Practice (COPs) – networks that have signifi cant desire and opportunity to create a discipleship culture and who work together to do so. These COPs engage lay leaders in this work. We continue to work toward starting one or two new “Uptick” networks every year for the next fi ve years. We pray that the current eighty Uptickers will soon be joined by 150 more, and that these leaders will give shape and vibrancy to Virginia Baptist life and the Kingdom of God. We are delighted that a number of Uptick alum are emerging as signifi cant ministry leaders within the BGAV. We continue to work actively to connect them with ministry opportunities in our churches. 2014 Highlights • Completed our second “COP” – six BGAV churches in a structured one-year arc of involvement to collaborate on increasing systemic discipleship in their congregations. We are currently planning a COP involving lay leaders in the workplace. • Completed four more “Uptick” networks, including one with ten couples. This network utilized BGAV ministry couples as mentors and teachers. • Completed our fi rst “Uptick Artist” network. This network, led by Uptick alum Rachel Schultz and Logan Jones, worked to develop a cohort of disciples who are songwriters and performers.

98 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Began working with skill development of women who preach in conjunction with the “Preaching Camp” of the African-American Fellowship of the BGAV. • Continued to work with the Glocal Missions and Evangelism team to launch our fi rst “Uptick Global” network among three international Baptist World Alliance regions. We are also continuing to explore and develop opportunities to launch Uptick networks with Baptist partners in Romania, Australia, South Africa, and other nations. • Advanced our grant-writing and resource development efforts in order to build our fi nancial base. • Continued to connect and partner with other local, national, and international networks including the Missio Alliance, 3D Ministries, Averett University, Dook Divinity School and our Baptist World Alliance family. Most of all, we enjoy working with our colleagues in WMUV and the VBMB to advance the Kingdom. • Continued to expand our social media platform on Twitter (@SpenceNetwork), Facebook, and a redesigned website. We said “goodbye” and thank you to several board members whose terms of service have completed: Ron Hall of the Virginia Baptist Foundation, Eric Reiser of Columbia Baptist Church, and Fred Hall of Derbyshire Baptist Church. Their contributions have been invaluable. We welcome incoming board members Paul Maconochie of Sheffi eld, England, Robbie Yeaman of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, and Freddy Villareal of Freedom Life Church in Hampton. Financially, the Spence Network is supported by Virginia Baptists through funding its staff via the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Operational expenses for Spence Network gatherings are paid through donor investment. There is an endowment of $657,809.56 (as of 9/30/2014) with donor stipulations that allow Spence Network usage of interest income once the endowment reaches $600,000. We continue to seek to attract investors who will give us the opportunity to fuel existing and new networks. We continue to look forward with joy to the exciting challenge of helping Virginia Baptists to do together what we cannot do alone! “Transformation Through Sharing.” “Let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

99 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center Rodney B. Miller, CCCP, Director

Annual Report for Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center September 2013 – August 2014

ATTENDANCE Total Number of Virginia Baptist Conferences: 20 Total Attendance at Virginia Baptist Conferences: 4,575 Largest Virginia Baptist Conference: Women’s Get Away 1 & 2, Nov. 1-3, 2013 (Total Attendance: 663) Total Number of Retreat Groups: 236 Total Attendance of Retreat Groups: 18,086 Largest Retreat Group: Winterfest Housing, Dec. 30, 2013-Jan. 1, 2014 (Total Attendance: 902) TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT EAGLE EYRIE: 22,661

REVENUE State Conference Income $ 407,038.39 Retreat Income $1,416,191.05 Mission Board Income $ 143,761.29 Misc. Income $ 39,240.39 TOTAL INCOME: $2,006,231.12

COMMENTS 1. Retreat attendance increased by 2.2% over last year’s total of 17,689. 2. Total income increased by 3.7% over last year’s revenue of $1,935,138.43.

BASIC RATES* 2014 2015 Services & Facilities Fee (per person) 1 night conferences $10.00 $10.00 2 night conferences $16.00 $16.00 4 night conferences $28.00 $28.00 Lodging (per person/per night) Voight Conference Center $49.00 $49.00 Hotel $49.00 $49.00 Lodges $29.00 $29.00 Meals (per person/per day, 3 meals) $27.00 $28.00

TOTAL (per person/per day excluding services & facilities fee): Voight Conference Center $76.00 $77.00 *Note: Baptist General Association Hotel $76.00 $77.00 of Virginia churches receive a 10% Lodges $56.00 $57.00 discount on lodging & meals. 100 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Highlights of 2014 • Hosted 1,388 participants during three weeks of Centri-Kid Camp, with 39 children making fi rst- time professions of faith! • Packaged 14,256 meals during MC2, which were delivered to the Source of Light orphanage in Haiti! • Provided housing for Winterfest and Wildfi re, lodging 1,277 people from all across the Mid- Atlantic region for these two events. • Installed commercial playground equipment and dedicated the new Hewitt/Baggs Playground at the Sigmon Children’s Building. • Refurbished the English Hall restrooms with new ceramic fl ooring, granite counter tops, sinks, mirrors, toilets, partitions, doors, handicap ramp, heating and cooling systems, painting, and interior access to the Dining Hall. • Installed new LED house and stage lighting in the Dogwood Hall Auditorium. • Re-plastered the main swimming pool and installed a new chemical feed system. • Remodeled Willow Lodge with new fl ooring, lighting, lobby furniture, blankets, interior painting, and exterior landscaping. • Replaced roofs on Poplar and Accomack lodges, and replaced heat pump in Cherry lodge. • In October 2014, we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Special Needs Retreat at Eagle Eyrie! • In October 2014, renovation of the First Baptist Richmond Lodge will also be complete. The lodge will feature 11 bedrooms with individual temperature control and private baths, fi rst fl oor handicap accessibility, sprinkler system, new roof, replacement windows, hardwood fl oors, new furnishings, ice machine, fi re pit, and large paved parking area with basketball court.

101 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Camp Piankatank Steven Gourley, Director

• Camp Piankatank exists to see children and youth come to know Christ, to grow in Christ, and to make Him known. This year was no different with over 50 campers accepting Christ for the fi rst time, numerous others renewing their faith, and still more committing to sharing their faith when they go home. • The new program “True North Land” taught campers basic outdoor/survival skills like how to build a shelter, orienteering, and how to build a fi re. The “True North Water” program taught campers basic water skills along with the outdoor skills. We had over 30 campers try out this new program every week of camp, and they all had a great time. • Our theme for this summer was “Made New,” and the theme verse is 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” We had six full weeks of camp for campers ages 10-17, one two night mini camp for campers ages 7-9, our Father/Son Weekend, and our Mother/Daughter Weekend. We have numerous tracks, including sailing, fi shing, and horseback riding. With so many traditional camp activities, campers are never bored here at camp. We served over 430 campers this summer, which is about the same as last summer. • One of the things that we were very excited about doing this summer was partnering with a couple of former staff members, Andrew and Leah Snipes, who are missionaries in Madagascar. We were able to raise money to send them old camp t-shirts to give to children that are in need, and enough extra to purchase Bibles to send over to them. • We have employed two staff from the summer to work this fall. One will primarily work with retreat groups and help with their activities, and the other will work on writing an environmental education program to offer to schools. This program will offer an opportunity for teachers to take their students on fi eld trips and give them hands on experience learning about the environment. The curriculum will be based on SOL standards for 3rd and 5th graders. • We are hoping to start the environmental education program sometime in Spring 2015. • We have groups scheduled to be at camp every weekend from the day that camp ended through the weekend before Thanksgiving. We have several men’s groups, women’s groups, deacon retreats, family camps, and youth groups using the camp for anything just for lodging to utilizing everything we have to offer (lodging, food, and all of activities). • The theme verse for next year is 1 Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” • Some of the physical additions and improvements that we’ve made this year are: - New women’s bathrooms in the Ukrop Dining Hall. - New signs on all the main buildings. - New lighting for our main worship space.

102 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS ANNUAL REPORTS of Ministry Partners, Educational Institutions, and Shared Ministries

Ministry Partners: Educational Institutions: Baptist Extension Board Averett University Center for Baptist Heritage and Studies Bluefi eld College GraceInside Prison Ministry Fork Union Military Academy HopeTree Family Services Hargrave Military Academy Virginia Baptist Foundation John Leland Center for Theological Studies Virginia Baptist Historical Society Oak Hill Academy Virginia Baptist Homes Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia Shared Ministries: Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Baptist World Alliance Ministering to Ministers Foundation, Inc. Baptist Extension Board BaptistBaa ptisiistt ExtensionEExtension Annual Report BoardBoo ara d INCORPORATEDINCORPORPO RAR T E D

est. 1940 Offi cers 2015 Steve Allsbrook, President Kirk Beene Audrey Holmes, Vice President R. Greg Owens** Bob Collins, Secretary Tracy Pendleton** David Washburn, Treasurer John Upton, Executive 2016 2018 Director Steve Allsbrook* Wayne Faison, Ex-offi cio Robert Collins* Rufus Adkins Vacant, Attorney Audrey D. Holmes Debra Clements Dick Bidwell, Consultant Victor L. Davis Rod Hale, Consultant 2017 *Member of the Executive Committee by Jacqueline K. Hollis** virtue of offi ce Robert E. Lee IV **Member of the Executive Committee by J. Michael Robinson** virtue of election

The Baptist Extension Board was organized in 1940 during the church building boom that followed World War II. In the subsequent 74 years, its loan fund has grown to more than $16 million through interest on loan repayments and allocations from Virginia’s Cooperative Missions contributions. By lending money at attractive interest rates, the Baptist Extension Board assists churches, mission congregations, and district associations that are not able to secure full commercial fi nancing. Loans are usually issued over a maturing date of 12 to 15 years. The interest rate is currently 3.75% for a fi rst mortgage loan and 4.50% for a second mortgage loan and is reviewed by the Board at regularly scheduled meeting. The 15-member board is comprised of both clergy and lay leaders who volunteer their time to serve. During the fi rst nine months of the 2014 fi scal year, there were twelve loans approved totaling $3,026,067. These funds were requested for new construction projects, land purchases and renovations to existing church facilities. As of August 31, 2014 the Baptist Extension Board, Inc. services 78 loans with a combined balance of $16,915,575.16. The Baptist Extension Board, working with local associations, will secure and hold strategic locations for new congregations until they are able to initiate the start-up of a new congregation. Loans granted by the Baptist Extension Board are a Virginia Baptist investment in outreach. Several Virginia Baptist church starts in the last 74 years have signifi cantly impacted their communities because of the fi nancial assistance received from the Baptist Extension Board, Inc. Visit our website at www.vbmb.org/fi nancial-resources/grants-loans/beb/ to obtain information about the loan application process or call our offi ce at 1-800-ALL-BGAV. Together Building the Future of Virginia Baptists “O Lord our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you.” 1 Chronicles 29: 16-17

104 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Center for Baptist Heritage and Studies Annual Report

Offi cers 2015 John Gordon, Chairman Frank G. Schwall, Jr. Pat Bloxom, Vice-Chairman David Adkins Fred Anderson, Executive William P. Tuck Director Ruth Guill Elsie Richards, Administrative John Gordon Assistant Ernest C. Bolt, Jr. 2017 Robert McKinley 2014 2016 Fred Anderson Pat Bloxom Nathan Taylor Craig Kocher Earl Crouch Jacquelyn K. Brooks

In recognition of the 300th anniversary of Virginia Baptists, the Heritage Center hosted an all-day Heritage Festival (which was held on the day following the Historical Society’s commemoration of the anniversary). The fi rst-ever Festival was held in a beautiful English garden setting on the campus of the University of Richmond, in a quadrangle adjacent to the Historical Society’s building. It was appropriate to hold the event on the UR campus since the site was created exactly a century earlier by Virginia Baptists. About 35 exhibitors representative of many phases of Baptist life in Virginia had booths on the Festival grounds. There were offerings for all ages including puppet shows by the puppet ministry of First Baptist Church, Richmond; musical selections by the choir of St. Peter Baptist Church, an African- American church in Henrico County; activities created by Nathan Taylor, children’s minister at Central Baptist Church in Richmond, for children using the Center’s Heritage Seekers magazines; and lively, foot- stomping music provided by the UR faculty jazz band. The Society’s headquarters building was open with various members of the Society serving as docents to guide the visitors through exhibits. The music, exhibits, tents and colorful balloons offered a festive atmosphere. Visitors came from the Richmond metropolitan area as well as from a distance including a group of Hispanic Baptists from the Eastern Shore. The exhibitors also illustrated the wide range of Virginia Baptists. Booths carried displays from BGAV-related schools and colleges including Bluefi eld and Fork Union and BTSR as well as the Baptist General Convention’s Virginia Union University and its School of Theology. The Heritage Center continued to recognize and encourage promising young Baptists through its Heritage Fellows program. Arden Sizemore, a student at Radford University and member of Mt. Pleasant Church in Charles City County, was the Heritage Fellow for 2012-13 and her project was to examine the Civil War sermons of Jeremiah Bell Jeter, a prominent Virginia Baptist minister. Her fi ndings were published in the book Powerful Preachers. The Heritage Fellows for 2013-14 – Abby Chapin of Virginia Tech and a member of First Church, Roanoke and Katie Wilkins of Bluefi eld College and a member of First Church, Woodbridge – interviewed numerous individuals to write papers on Baptist church planting and their papers appeared in the 2014 Virginia Baptist Register. In May, the Heritage Center appointed Rachel Cook of Blacksburg, Virginia, as its Heritage Fellow for 2014-15. She was homeschooled and took courses at New River Community College. Active in Northstar Church in Blacksburg, she entered Virginia Tech in the fall of 2014. She has been assigned to write a paper on the history and possible future direction of Baptist campus ministry in Virginia.

105 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS The Heritage Center sponsored an essay contest for high school students and the winner for 2014 was Andrew Cook, a homeschooled student living in Blacksburg. His paper on the signifi cance of Virginia Baptists as evident in their 300th anniversary was included in the 2014 Virginia Baptist Register. Fred Anderson, executive director of the Heritage Center, continued to serve on the Baptist Heritage & Identity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance; and in July 2014 he attended its meeting in Izmir, Turkey.

106 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS GraceInside: Virginia’s Prison Chaplain Service Annual Report

2014 Board of Trustees Dr. J. David Tabor Dr. Titus Bender Deacon Charles Williams Rev. Robert T. Casey Ms. Helen Wood* Mrs. Elwanda N. Cornelius* Mr. John S. Davis 2014 Advisory Council Mr. J. Samuel Glasscock Rev. Dr. Paul A. Beighley III Rev. Terri Johnson Gregory Rev. William H. Burk Dr. Edward L. Griffi n* Pat Carrowiano* Mrs. Sally Gunn Rev. Wayne Collis* Mr. Charles Layman Mr. Murray Ellison Mr. Robert McClintock Mr. Gerry Fuss Mr. Gene M. Mims Rev. William O. Jones * Representative of the BGAV Mr. Max Peterson* Rev. Dr. James G. O’Quinn Mrs. Sue B. Pickett Rev. Don L. Powell* Rev. Dennett C. Slemp Dr. John H. Spencer

“I was in prison and you visited me.” – Jesus Recently Hector shared his experience of discovering Christ. Eighteen years old, he was incarcerated for making some stupid choices about alcohol and found himself in jail – and then prison. Yet, during that time, he discovered Christ and committed his life to following him. Five years later, Hector is out of prison and involved with the youth ministry of his church, has been invited to preach and has guided his family to reconciliation with each other and with Christ. He has transformed his life. Hector rejoices, “I give all praise and glory to God!” None of this would have been possible without access to religious services. For Hector, and the other 28,000 men for whom the best they could do landed them in prison, Christ offers so much hope. Forgiveness, love and grace really do exist – as do accountability, responsibility and dedication. Broken lives need to meet the healing of Jesus Christ. That is where WE come in. That is where YOU come in. Our work together saves lives from the inside out. We offer hurting men and women opportunities to encounter Jesus Christ – through worship, Bible studies, classes and individual pastoral care sessions. We facilitate spiritual growth, knowing that the Great Physician came not for those who are well but for those who are sick. This year, Chaplain Service Prison Ministry of Virginia has been moving forward on multiple fronts. We began the year voting for a new name – “GraceInside: Virginia’s Prison Chaplain Service.” We have now completed the formal process and are offi cially “GraceInside.” We are excited about the vision it represents. We believe GraceInside is who we are and who we want to be. We want to be GraceInside in every way. Our 30 chaplains continue to minister daily to the 30,000 incarcerated men and women housed in Virginia’s state prisons. What a mission fi eld – and it’s right “in our own back yard”! Striving to represent Christ, we know that our presence inside the prison is not only transforming lives but also communities and the family of God.

107 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS We have launched a new website (www.graceinside.org) - and a Facebook page as well as a Twitter account - with updated materials and have developed print media more refl ective of our current hopes. We continue to believe God is calling us to have full-time prison chaplains. We are doing the footwork necessary to transform Chaplain Service into a tangible, full-time GraceInside. Our staff continues to work toward increasing the number of donors and donations by raising awareness of our need. We want to let Christians know that we are THEIR missionaries behind bars! Thank you for your support to GraceInside through your Cooperative Missions giving – as well as through the Alma Hunt Offering for State Missions. And by the way, if you want a dynamic speaker for your church, association, WMUV group, etc., please contact us and ask us to send Rev. Lynn Litchfi eld to do her 7-minute monologue as “Hope” – a female inmate – complete with the orange jumpsuit. Believe me – there will not be a dry eye in the place…

Yours in Christ Jesus, Rev. J. Randy Myers President

108 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS HopeTree Family Services Annual Report

Offi cers Terms Expire John G. Mizell, Jr., Chairman November 2016 George H. Fletcher, III, First Vice Chairman Mr. Charles Clement Hazel Harrison, Second Vice Chairman Mrs. Hazel Harrison Patrick N. Shaffner, Treasurer Mr. Michael F. Jirka Ronald L. Eason, Secretary Mr. L. Richard Martin, Jr. Ellen Mustoe, Assistant Secretary Mr. Paul D. Taylor Stephen W. Richerson, President Terms Expire November 2017 Terms Expire November 2014 Mr. Lee Flora Rev. Ronald L. Eason Mr. John M. Garnett, III Mrs. Helen F. Foster Mr. David F. Long Rev. Tom Heaton Mrs. Nancy W. Shafer Mr. John G. Mizell, Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Stover Mr. Patrick N. Shaffner Rev. Paige Young

Terms Expire November 2015 Mrs. Shirley A. Craven Rev. Don Davidson Rev. George Fletcher, III Ms. Ellen Mustoe Mr. Glenn Reynolds Mr. James F. Tobey, Jr.

“The Mission of HopeTree Family Services is to provide Christian residential, educational and support services to at-risk children and youth, and to adults with developmental disabilities throughout Virginia.” HopeTree Family Services spans the Commonwealth with a network of care unrivaled by any other ministry serving at-risk children and youth or adults with intellectual disabilities. Our main campus and administrative offi ces are in Salem, yet our caring touch can be felt throughout Virginia. Guiding that touch is our abiding faith in Christ. Founded as an orphanage to nurture the spirit as much as the body, HopeTree maintains a very active Christian Education Ministry which provides group Bible study, individualized mentoring sessions, arranges mission opportunities in conjunction with local churches, homeless shelters, and other community agencies. Furthermore, HopeTree employees strive to minister to those in their care through their daily interaction by mirroring Christ’s concern for those He ministered to with His own hands. HopeTree actively seeks church involvement and support throughout the year in various ways. We certainly welcome church participation at Hope Events which generate funds for and awareness of our ministries. We also welcome a number of church groups who visit us throughout the year to perform work days, conduct activities with residents, lead Bible studies, or tour our facilities to learn more about our programs. We value these groups because they are so willing to share our message with their own congregations. Our DDM Homes have standing relationships with local churches where residents participate in weekly worship services. Youth in our Residential Program in Salem visit a number of area churches on a regular basis in addition to participating

109 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS in our on-campus services. Foster Families caring for our at-risk children and youth are very active in their local churches giving foster children the precious gift of church families of their own. The ministries we provide in Salem include Residential and Foster Care programs for at-risk children and youth. The HopeTree Education Center stands at the heart of our Salem campus and houses both HopeTree Academy (an alternative school for our residents and for day students from neighboring school districts) and the Day Activities programming for our Developmental Disabilities Ministry (DDM). Foster Care services for the Roanoke Valley are also based on the Salem campus. We provide a wide range of Counseling Services for our residents and students attending HopeTree Academy. HopeTree’s Wilderness Outdoor Opportunity Discovery School (WOODS) in Craig County continues to provide adventure-based learning and behavioral enhancement for boys who need higher levels of supervision than our Salem campus can provide. Plans are underway for signifi cant improvements to the physical plant at WOODS which will result in even better services to the at-risk boys WOODS was created to serve. During the year, we restored services to the Southside region of Virginia by reopening HopeTree at Glory Road in Henry County. This facility provides residential education and behavioral services for girls only, giving them a stable environment where they can learn to overcome the challenges in their lives. HopeTree Family Services has a signifi cant presence in the greater Richmond metropolitan area. The Developmental Disabilities Ministry operates fi ve group homes for adults in the Richmond area and maintains offi ces in the Baptist Resource Center. HopeTree’s Foster Care services for the Richmond area are based in nearby Chester. The Advancement Department also serves the Eastern half of Virginia from offi ces in the Resource Center. The Developmental Disabilities Ministry provides the majority of our extended community presence. We currently operate a total of 17 group homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities in the following locations: Abingdon, Salem, Martinsville, Blue Ridge, Farmville, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Virginia Beach. Many of these locations also provide respite and/or in-home services as well. We are in the fi nal stages of acquiring licensure for our 18th home, located in Chase City. HopeTree recently acquired a second home in Virginia Beach which we hope to have operational in the very near future. Construction is set to begin on a new home on our Salem campus. That facility should be serving adults with intellectual disabilities in late 2015. HopeTree Family Services has steadily made improvements to Camp HopeTree Retreat & Conference Center (formerly Camp VA Jaycee) located near Blue Ridge, VA. This property was gifted to HopeTree in 2012 by Dare to Care Charities. The property includes roughly 60 acres of land, the camp buildings and facilities, and the Wilkinson Home of the Developmental Disabilities Ministry. Renovations to the pool have been completed and other key infrastructural elements are steadily being improved. We value the opportunity to use this property as a means of ministering to a host of different populations in a multitude of ways. The Developmental Disabilities Ministry continues to conduct Camp Coley-Keaton at this location year after year. Camp Coley-Keaton provides an irreplaceable summer camp/vacation experience for adults with intellectual disabilities. HopeTree’s primary focus in all endeavors is making life better for each person who comes into our care. We feel that is accomplished only by ministering to the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs of all those we serve. In fact, HopeTree is currently crafting a comprehensive Strategic Plan that will guide and coordinate the ministry’s endeavors over the next three to fi ve years. This plan provides specifi c goals within each area of ministry as well as the procedures for obtaining those goals. One other set of important plans HopeTree is concentrating on are the plans to celebrate the Agency’s 125th year of service during 2015. A series of special events will be conducted across the Commonwealth in the coming year as we share the joy of our continued ministry and demonstrate our appreciation of the support that has enabled us to continue these vital services since our founding in 1890.

110 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Virginia Baptist Foundation Annual Report

2014 Offi cers 2015 David J. Fairchild, Chairman Jason N. Kimlick William E. Watson, Vice Robert G. Thompson Chairman William E. Watson Jason N. Kimlick, Secretary 2016 2017 2014 Robert E. Carden E. L. Rash, Jr. David J. Fairchild Beverley E. Dalton Mark S. Ross Janet C. Garrett Jon C. Hatfi eld Nancy G. Wren Robert L. Smythers

Strengthening and Encouraging Christian Stewardship In fulfi llment of its mission of strengthening and encouraging Christian Stewardship, the Virginia Baptist Foundation raised $5.6 million and distributed $6.6 million in 2013 to over 350 charitable causes including the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, HopeTree Family Services, the Religious Herald, the Virginia Baptist Historical Society, the Virginia Baptist Retirement Homes, Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia, 155 Baptist General Association of Virginia churches, all 8 of the BGAV’s commonwealth-based schools, colleges, military institutions or seminaries and 13 of her Baptist Associations. In fact over the past fi ve years the Foundation has raised $38.4 million and distributed $30.4 million to hundreds of donor-directed charitable causes. Legacy As the chartered trust agency of Virginia Baptists since 1923, the Foundation accepts the responsibility of assisting any individual or Baptist church wishing to establish a customized plan for the use of their fi nancial resources. In carrying out this charge, the Foundation recognizes each individual’s and church’s particular needs and performs a number of specialized services including: • Receiving planned gifts for any Baptist cause. • Providing charitable estate planning assistance for individuals and their loved ones. This personalized attention offers more than one plan for the donor to make permanent use of assets for Christian causes: bequests through wills, charitable remainder annuity and unitrusts, charitable gift annuities, the “Give It Twice” trust or concept of giving, lead trusts, donor-advised funds or a combination of several giving plans tailored to meet the donor’s goals or objectives. • Providing assistance in preparation of wills with individuals and their various allied legal and fi nancial advisors. • Preparing trust or endowment documentation, investing the funds, administering the agreement, fi ling all tax reports and forms required, and distributing charitable income to the cause(s) of the donor’s choice according to the donor’s instructions. • Assisting churches and associations in establishing estate stewardship programs and training committee members. • Conducting seminars and workshops on charitable estate planning for churches and associations. • Providing programs for church meetings, worship services, and retreats.

111 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Managing assets on a revocable basis for churches, associations, institutions, and missions causes. • Managing endowment and trust assets, maintaining accounting records on individual funds where the donor has directed who is to receive the income. • Assisting development staffs of Baptist institutions that request estate planning computations and trust documentation for individuals. Serving alongside the donor’s allied professionals and utilizing powerful planned giving software, the staff of the Foundation are able to provide individuals and their trusted advisors donor-friendly illustrations for carrying out the best plans for the perpetual use of the donor’s assets (i.e., cash, real estate, securities, life insurance, collectibles, individual retirement accounts, 401(k), etc.). As of August 31, 2014 the assets of the Foundation were $123 million (an all-time high) and are held as trust funds and endowment funds for numerous Baptist causes, including the academies, colleges, and universities; HopeTree Family Services; the Retirement Homes; churches and associations; Cooperative Missions; the State Missions Offering; National and International Missions; Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia; Baptist Men; programs and retreat properties of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and other Baptist institutions and ministries. Money Management Employing the expertise of one of the nation’s leading investment consultants (The Vanguard Group), the Foundation manages over 1,000 accounts on behalf of various churches and BGAV ministry partners. These institutional accounts, managed in three socially screened investment portfolios (equity, balanced and fi xed), certifi cates of deposit or money market programs, provide for our clients a diversifi ed range of investment options. Through our low cost administration, monthly or quarterly performance reports and revocability according to the terms of the agreement, our goal is to improve the possibility of higher returns and lower the risk for long-term institutional investors. Whether your church, ministry or organization has been entrusted with building or facilities, cemetery, endowment, memorial, scholarship or other special funds, the Foundation can assist in the establishment, management and promotion of these institutional funds. Scholarships For many years the Foundation has awarded scholarships to qualifying Virginia Baptist students. In fact during the last fi ve years we awarded $489,880 in scholarships to 241 recipients from across the commonwealth. On May 18, 2014, the Foundation hosted our 7th Annual Scholarship Reception awarding $95,000 in scholar-ships to 52 undergraduate and graduate students. These recipients (who boast a grade point average of 4.0035) were chosen from a pool of 108 applicants attending 56 academic institutions and representing 86 BGAV churches. Aside from their stellar academic records and numerous school activities, our scholarship recipients are involved in a myriad of Christian and social ministries from Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, youth choirs, Impact VA, campground ministries, mission trips, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action and Acteens, Passport Mission Camps, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Relay for Life events, Stop Hunger Now, Habitat for Humanity builds, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals efforts, community theater groups and nursing home or rehabilitation centers. We are thankful to God for what He continues to do great things through yet another generation of Virginia Baptists.

112 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Grants Finally, since the inception of its Grant Ministry program in 2005, the Foundation has awarded 55 external grants totaling over $1 million to 40 different Virginia Baptist ministry partners. These recipients read as a Who’s Who of Virginia Baptist life and ministries including: African Christian Community Church (Richmond) (3) James River Baptist Association Anita Bailey (Mission Trip to Honduras) John Leland Center for Theological Studies Appomattox Baptist Association Latino Network Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association Blue Ridge Baptist Association Middle District Baptist Association Bluefi eld College (Dan MacMillan Center) (2) New Lebanon Baptist Association Bluefi eld College (Impact VA) Oak Hill Academy (2) Boaz & Ruth Rebuilding Lives Program Portsmouth Baptist Association (2) Center for Baptist Heritage & Studies Religious Herald (3) Chaplain Service Prison Ministry Shiloh Baptist Association (2) Columbia Baptist Church (Thanksgiving Share Food Ministry) Shiloh Hope Builders (2) Community Heights Baptist Church (127 Junction Ministry) Spence Network for Congregational Leadership Dover Baptist Association Urban Mountain Adventures Eagle Eyrie Conference Center (2) Virginia Baptist Historical Society Emmanuel Baptist Church (Barbados) Virginia Baptist Homes Fork Union Military Academy Virginia Baptist Mission Board Fredericksburg Area Baptist Network VBMB Emerging Leaders Team (3) Goochland Baptist Church VBMB Impact VA (3) Goshen Baptist Association VBMB Legacy Builders (2) Iglesia Bautista Hispania Emanuel Church (Alexandria) VBMB (Pastor in Residence)

Note: Numbers denote repeat recipients

Our Future The future of Kingdom Advance ministries and that of the Virginia Baptist Foundation will be realized through the life-income, planned or estate giving of today’s Christian stewards. In a day when the average Virginia Baptist contributes $15 weekly to the offering plate, we invite our Virginia Baptist family to consider their total or estate stewardship and join these champions of the faith in supporting the causes that embody our Christian heritage.

Since 1927 the Foundation has been a benefi ciary of Cooperative Missions Support. We are thankful to God and our BGAV family for these entrusted dollars.

113 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Virginia Baptist Historical Society Annual Report

Offi cers 2017 Frank G. Schwall, Jr., President Ruth Guill David Adkins, First Vice President Cynthia Miller William Powell Tuck, Second Vice President Kathryn Bullard Ruth Guill, Third Vice President Herbert O. Browning Fred Anderson, Executive Director Jim Hunter

Executive Committee 2018 2015 Joseph Lewis David Adkins Nathan Taylor Anna Damerel William M. Ryland Thomas Miller William P. Tuck Thelma Miller Allen Brown Rick Clore Ex-Offi cio 2016 John V. Upton, Jr. Stephen Aycock Dennis Sacrey Helen Wood Frank G. Schwall, Jr. Pat Boyd Virginia Darnell

In May 2014 the Virginia Baptist Historical Society commemorated the 300th anniversary of the appointment of the fi rst Baptist minister to Virginia. In May 1714 two “messengers” – Robert Norden and Thomas White – were appointed by the General Baptists of England “to go to Virginia with all Convenient Speed.” They were from the southeastern corner of England, the counties of Kent and Sussex, and likely already were known to early Virginia settlers who had sent word home to send a minister. The churches of England collected funds for “the Virginia Mission” and, likely early in 1715, the ministers left for the New World. Tradition holds that Thomas White died on the ocean voyage but Robert Norden arrived in the area south of the James River. In June 1715 he took the prescribed oaths before the Prince George County Court and he gathered the scattered Baptists for meetings in private homes. Norden’s work established the fi rst Baptist church in the colony and was the earliest beginnings of a Baptist witness in Virginia which has grown and expanded across three centuries. The Historical Society planned a commemoration which took the form of a worship service as a time of remembrance and thanksgiving for all the Lord has done for and through Virginia Baptists. The service was held in the sanctuary of the River Road Church, Baptist in Richmond. John Upton brought greetings from the BGAV. Paul Honaker, an accomplished veteran church musician, prepared a medley of hymns which Virginia Baptists have loved across the years. Frank Schwall, president of the Historical Society, prepared a litany of remembrance and thanksgiving which was led by a dozen persons representative of many phases of Virginia Baptist life. Musical selections were provided by the Virginia Baptist Women’s Chorale under the direction of Deborah C. Loftis. Fred Anderson, executive director of the Society, delivered an historical address on the subject: “The Genesis & Genius of Virginia Baptists.”

114 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS The worship service was held on a Friday evening and was the prelude to a lively Heritage Festival sponsored on Saturday by the Center for Baptist Heritage & Studies (see the Center’s report). Fred Anderson’s 300th anniversary address was the lead article for the 2014 Virginia Baptist Register. He expanded his address by including new information on “the Virginia Mission” which was gathered during a research visit over the summer at a private library in London. While in England, he also visited the hamlet from which Norden left to journey to Virginia. The Register also included a study of the impact of the Civil War upon Virginia Baptist churches. The article was compiled by Michael Whitt, special projects assistant at the Society. In addition, Fred Anderson contributed an article related to the centennial of the present campus of the University of Richmond, a campus largely built by Virginia Baptists and opened in September 1914. Fred Anderson also created a large exhibit entitled “Redeeming the Time” which offered a look at the Baptist school circa 1914. The Society published Powerful Preachers which included an overview of early Virginia Baptist preachers, biographical sketches of three outstanding 19th century pulpit masters – William E. Hatcher, Joshua B. Hutson and his brother, the evangelist, James E. Hutson – as well as an inventory of African- American Baptist preachers following the Civil War. The Society’s landmark exhibit, “free indeed!” – the trials and triumphs of Virginia’s enslaved – continued to be on view and attracted numerous individuals and church tour groups. The exhibit was mounted to commemorate the 150th anniversary of emancipation. It was one of three components to the commemoration: an exhibit, a book on the subject, and a name registry of all the names – over 50,000 – found in the antebellum church records in the Society’s collection. The Society’s church records repository continued to grow and in the fi rst half of 2014 there were 4,081 records from over 500 churches. During the fi rst half of 2014 there were 144 researchers who sought information. In addition, the Society’s holdings increased with about 15 major acquisitions. Darlene Slater Herod, research assistant, helped the researchers and processed items for the collection. Michael Whitt indexed editorials and major articles found in the Religious Herald during the editorships beginning in the 1950s to date. Elsie Richards, membership secretary, maintained the records of the large membership of the Society. Fred Anderson, executive director, continued to speak across Virginia especially for church anniversaries.

115 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Virginia Baptist Homes Annual Report

2014 Offi cers of the V. Curtis Brooking* Board of Trustees Maurice C. Law Robert L. Musick, Jr., Samuel G. Oakey III Chair Michael M. Smith LeBron J. Holden, Vice Chair 2015 Thomas W. Lovelace** Executive Committee Thomas E. Stephenson Robert L. Musick, Jr., Chair Joseph M. Teefey LeBron J. Holden Charles W. Tysinger Ned Stephenson, ex offi cio Joe Teefey, ex offi cio 2016 Rev. C. Nelson Harris Offi cers of the Corporation R. Craig Hopson Dr. Randall Robinson, President/CEO William F. Trimble, Jr. Kent M. Phillips, Acting Executive Vice President/ Oliver L. Way COO Joseph P. Kelley - Senior VP-Finance/Chief 2017 Financial Offi cer/Treasurer LeBron J. Holden Monica Hillery, Secretary John T. King C. Nelson Harris, Assistant Secretary Robert L. Musick, Jr. Susan C. Rucker *The Glebe Trustee Only ** VBH Trustee Only

Benevolence continues to be a primary mission focus of the four continuing care retirement communities operated by Virginia Baptist Homes – Culpeper Baptist Retirement Community in Culpeper, The Chesapeake in Newport News, Lakewood in Richmond, and The Glebe in Daleville. Through gifts to the Virginia Baptist Homes Foundation, both long time donors and new donors give generously to help provide fi nancial assistance to residents whose funds have been depleted to a level that can no longer provide suffi cient funds for their care. For more than 66 years, Virginia Baptist Homes has worked diligently to provide the services and benevolent funds required by members of our resident family. With the increase in the aging population, which is also refl ected among BGAV church congregations and every other denomination, the challenge continues to increase. With cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, and the previous decreases in our funding through the BGAV budget, we must look to individual donors, foundations, and corporate gifts to make up this signifi cant loss in income. One of the most important facts that our residents consider when researching retirement options, is the fact that Virginia Baptist Homes is faith-based. Many of them have been involved in our ministry through volunteering or through family members who are or have been residents of our communities. They know from personal experience that our ministries support of our residents’ faith in their daily lives is signifi cant to their well-being. They see that residents are strengthened by their participation

116 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS and leadership in Bible Studies, visitation with neighbors, serving on our committees such as the Memorial Committee and Spiritual Life Committee. As one of the two benevolent ministries of the BGAV (together with Hope Tree Family Services), Virginia Baptist Homes has been a strong partner with the BGAV. Throughout our history, our ministry has been and continues to be privileged to care for and serve thousands of lay people, ministers and their spouses, missionaries, Sunday School teachers, and others who have served their faith throughout their lifetime. In many instances, we have been the last and the best hope for seniors who came to us to fi nd a place of security and care to meet their every need for the remainder of their lives. Virginia Baptist Homes continues to be grateful to be numbered among the BGAV family. We look forward to continuing to serve Virginia Baptists and others who need the safe haven provided by this ministry to senior adults.

117 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia Annual Report

Board of Trustees Pat Wright, President Betty Lou Jackson, Vice President/Secretary Sara Hubble, Member-at-Large Lynne Stockman, Member-at-Large Judy Deel, Member-at-Large Judy Vicars, Member-at-Large Roxanne Higgins, Advisory Board Representative Kathryn Sowers, Advisory Board Representative Angela Webb, Advisory Board Representative Cindy Walker, CrossRoads Commission Representative Cheryl Grubbs, CrossRoads Commission Representative Valerie Carter, Executive Director/Treasurer

Often when I am speaking throughout Virginia Baptist churches and associations, women will approach me and say, “Is there a place for me? I want to connect because my passion and purpose is ______!” Inspiring and equipping women to infl uence the world for Christ is our mission! The Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia does this by developing kingdom leaders through mission’s education, support, involvement and camping experiences. How did we develop kingdom leaders this year? • Mission’s Education - In teaching and training leaders for all ages. Some 2,375 participants engaged with WMUV through various mission discipleship ministries and events. GA/CA Mom & Me – Girls in Action/Children in Action GA Birthday Bash Get Away – Women on Mission HOPEevents myMission– Young Women Missions Cohort SHINE - Students on Mission Silence Retreats State Panelists • Mission’s Support - In resourcing missional partners and projects, we supported fi nancially or in- kind the following: Ghana: More Than Nets GraceInside (Prison Chaplaincy Services of VA) Haiti Points of Light Orphanage Latino Network Romania Ruth School Scholarships for Campers at CCCC Scholarships for Women in Seminary Spence Network Standing Rock

118 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS • Missions Involvement – In providing direct opportunities for engagement, some 256 individual participants were mobilized for involvement through WMUV. Alma Hunt’s Amazing GA/CA Romania Standing Rock myMission Street Team • Camping Experiences 2014 –We are changing hearts and lives through summer camp at CrossRoads. Total Campers 630 Leaders in Training 41 Volunteers 34 Missionaries 10 The CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center’s beautiful property and grounds is not only used in summer but for year round retreats and other spiritual enrichment opportunities by local churches of all denominations, our BGAV partners and by individuals. Here is what our guests are saying: “Camp has taught me to love like Christ and cultivate a positive attitude in all things.” “CrossRoads summer staff has had the most impact on my spiritual life.” “I was able to fi nd complete peace in my heart.” “The staff is awesome, the food great, and the Holy Spirit present.” WMUV recognizes that the local church is navigating through the rapids of cultural change and we are committed to navigating alongside of the local church in building kingdom leaders that infl uence the world for Christ. This year we celebrate the fact that the WMUV president, Pat Wright and the staff of WMUV have made 59 staff visits to local churches and 21 staff visits to Virginia Baptist Associational meetings. What’s New? In an effort to reach African American audiences to the work of Virginia Missions, WMUV has launched Sisters Who Care (SWC), a Women On Mission model designed to contextualize the work of WMUV for the African American church, further equipping congregations to engage in Christian missions. Since March 1, 2014, we have developed a geographically diverse volunteer council of 13 African American women who are being equipped to coordinate community ministries and to serve churches throughout Virginia. SWC are currently planning two Salt the City events for next year. Jovonni Armstead, SWC Council Member, and a member of the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Richmond who works as an area Magistrate said of being invited to serve with WMUV: While working as a judicial offi cer I make decisions each day that affect citizens legal rights and determine the freedoms of those accused of crimes. I recently called my pastor and told him that we are the church and we need to do something about the trouble in our communities! He responded by saying, “I have been contacted by WMU of Virginia seeking a volunteer to work with a statewide initiative that will help churches in our communities address our problems! Will you serve?

119 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Financials On October 1, 2014 WMUV launched Campaign140, a Capital Campaign to set in motion renovation projects needed at CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center. We have asked constituents to give $140.00 or more, between October 1st and December 31st, to begin renovations needed. WMUV is able to serves the local church and develop missional responses to the world’s needs through the fi nancial support of Virginia Baptist churches. Therefore, let it be known that WMUV appreciates the generous giving of Virginia Baptist to the Cooperative Missions Offering which supports our operational expenses and the gifts made to the Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions which fund our mission efforts. You allow us to live out our mission of inspiring and equipping women to lead the church to infl uence the world for Christ! Our Board of Trustees continues to lead courageously in changing times. Advisory Board members continue to champion the cause of missions through their Associations. The local church WMU leaders continue to serve on the frontlines. In the midst of this vast ocean of uncertainty which is no stranger to women in church life, WMUV continues to follow the Christ compass as co-laborers together with God.

Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Valerie D. Carter, WMUV Executive Director/Treasurer

120 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Averett University Annual Report

2015 2017 Mr. Steven B. Daniels, Sr. Dr. Joseph G. Burke Mr. Eric Deaton Rev. Dr. Dan Carlton* Mrs. Virginia W. Hamlet Mr. William J. Gentry, Jr. Mrs. Wanda B. Jeffress Ms. Lisa D. Johnson Mrs. Mary M. G. Riddle Mrs. Margaret G. Lewis Young Alumnus Trustee Dr. Calvin R. Snowden Mr. T. Wayne Oakes Mr. Christopher E. West Mr. L. Hampton Wilkins Mr. Kenneth E. Powell Mrs. Bobbye Raye Womack Mr. L. Samuel Saunders Trustee Emeritus Mr. Todd McGregor Yeatts Mrs. Brantley F. Barr (Mary Lou) 2016 Mr. John S. Barr, Esq. 2018 Ms. Kirk Bidgood The Honorable Rossie D. Alston, Jr. Mrs. Kris Willard Mr. Irving M. Blank Mr. Michael E. Keck* Mr. Richard Roccesano Dr. Jack B. Spainhour, Jr. * BGAV appointed

Averett University offers students numerous opportunities to explore issues of meaning, purpose, and faith as they engage with their peers and faculty who embody various backgrounds, beliefs, and practices. Averett strives to grow and enhance our students’ faith development as we nurture, support, and actively pursue opportunities for our students to DISCOVER, DEVELOP and LIVE. Discover... College students grapple with the “Big Questions” in life when they are exposed to higher learning: Who am I? What are my values? Do I have a mission in life? Why am I in college? What kind of person do I want to be? What sort of world do I want to help create? Averett’s faculty, staff, and student leaders afford students the opportunity to fi nd their passion and turn it into action. This Fall 2014, a total enrollment of 1,985 students from 25 states and 19 countries came to Averett. The 2014 entering class included 308 fi rst-year and transfer students and boasts a cumulative GPA of 3.24. On September 25th, we celebrated our fi rst Nursing White Coat ceremony for our inaugural Bachelor of Nursing cohort and senior pinning. This marked the culmination of more than three years’ preparation and growth of Averett’s new nursing program – which now counts more than 116 students – who will go out into their communities and worlds and make a difference in the lives of others. That’s a passion discovered! We continue to offer new program opportunities and degree options for students to pursue. This year, Averett launched new graduate degree programs including the its Masters of Accountancy, the MEd in Administration and Supervision, and the MEd in Special Education with certifi cation in Autism Studies. New programs at the undergraduate level have also launched including the RN-BSN and a new online program in Criminal Justice. We are exploring start-up of a Masters of Missional Ministry for students seeking global leadership roles, lay ministry, and a calling to serve. For the fi rst time, Averett has gone

121 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS online – going from zero to 361 students in this fi rst year alone. Our Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) program is now approved to offer online classes in 24 states. Averett completed its 2009-2014 strategic plan this May and has launched its new Averett 2020 strategic plan. Our vision is clear: To becoming a premier, student-centered university renowned for innovative teaching and experiential learning. Our four areas of strategic focus include academic innovation, student success, brand excellence, and strategic growth. Averett recognizes and embraces our responsibility as the only four-year University in the region. We demonstrate our responsiveness to regional interests by adapting Averett’s programs and initiatives, to bring about lasting and positive growth for not only the University, but also for the regions we serve. Develop... 1. PURPOSE - Caring and Compassion for Others This year marked an exciting milestone for Averett students – the establishment of our Center for Community Engagement & Career Competitiveness. The University has been deliberate and bold in creating a distinctive student experience that will also guarantee a sustained pipeline of student engagement for the region. This has been accomplished through a major revision to the institution’s general education curriculum that now includes experiential learning as a graduation requirement. This change in degree requirements speaks to the value the University places on hands-on or applied learning combined with our opportunity to engage Averett students in meaningful ways throughout the region. The purpose of the Center is to bring classroom learning to life through service-learning courses, internships, community service and undergraduate research. It will be a signifi cant resource to the region, as ongoing learning for students, faculty, businesses, and non-profi t organizations benefi t and make one another stronger. When students feel they belong to a community and when they experience the sense of connected learning, they are more likely to succeed. When our entire community and region are focused on our regional students’ success, we will positively infl uence the culture of education and expectation in our region. Baptist Youth Summer Camps Averett was proud to host 1,200 Baptist youth during Summer 2014, over a period of four weeks, for Passport and IMPACT mission trips. This is the third summer for Passport and the fi rst summer for IMPACT at Averett. Both Passport and IMPACT are ecumenical youth mission camps that bring young people together to work on different rebuilding and revamping projects. For many in Danville, these young people were hard to miss – over four weeks, campers worked all over the city working to repair and paint homes and other historic buildings. Coverage on the evening news and in the local paper also helped build awareness in the community. Churches who graciously signed up to provide meals for the IMPACT crews mentioned their gratifi cation and excitement at seeing this event in the news. Indeed, word of this work spread beyond our region; media coverage as far away as Roanoke detailed these events. Because of our continuing relationship with Passport and IMPACT, the city is now actively involved in providing projects for these students. Campers, youth ministers, and chaperones from both camps continue to speak highly of their experience at Averett and in the Danville region. The groups worship in the mornings and evenings and then spend the day working in various locations throughout the community. As in previous years, we heard consistent feedback that our staff, from cafeteria to student life, rate among the friendliest and most helpful these groups have encountered during any camp experience. The groups have also gotten to know our community during their free time; several have mentioned their 122 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS satisfaction at seeing how Danville has improved year-to-year, and the pride they feel to be part of the process. Averett was grateful to host such vibrant and dedicated young people, sharing their mission and service with our community. 2. FAITH - Dialogues about Spirituality and Religion Religious Life Averett University is excited about its thriving religious life community. For the past fi ve years, spiritual life has been directed and facilitated by the Chaplain and Religious Life Director, Jamie Williford. In his work as University Chaplain, Jamie oversees the various ministers, student groups, and activities on campus. He assists a student leader in running Common Grounds, a weekly spiritual discussion group which meets on Averett’s campus. Averett’s student body is also served by the Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Through a partnership with the Pittsylvania Baptist Association, the Baptist General Association of Virginia, the Cooperative of Virginia and West Main Baptist Church, Kendall Ratliffe (our BGAV enrollment counselor) and the CSF help equip students to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, to develop a deep sense of community with each other, and to be the hands and feet of Christ in their community. Going into her second year, Kendall has served as the CSF Advisor and has led the CSF leadership team to develop a group of more than 40 students who are engaged in serving the community of Averett and Danville. Both the CSF and FCA meet weekly for common fellowship and dialogue. Religion Department As part of Averett’s outreach to alumni across the Commonwealth and around the world, Averett hosts an annual conference and lecture series. Lectures take place over Homecoming Weekend, featuring a renowned speaker and attract local and regional clergy. Since the topic is in the area of religious/ pastoral/church concern, and aimed at our Religious Studies graduates, the function also serves to bring graduates back to campus each year. In addition to two lectures over the course of a session, there are opportunities for networking and discussion among participants, and alumni who want to stay for Homecoming may also attend those events seamlessly. Averett hosted its fi rst speaker, Gabe Lyons, during Homecoming (September, 2013). Our 2014 Conference speaker will be Heather Zempel, who is the Discipleship Pastor at the National Community Church in Washington, DC, where she oversees small groups, directs leadership development training, and serves on the weekend teaching team. Heather is the author of Sacred Roads and Community is Messy. Because of her publications and the success of her work at the National Community Church, Ms. Zempel has been catapulted to the national stage and is in demand as a speaker. She has spoken at numerous conferences and events across the country. Her focus for our participants will be on “The Millennial Paradox,” looking at the emerging generation’s habits, preferences, and wiring and engaging emerging generations in community and spiritual growth. 3. VOCATION – Finding Your Calling Averett’s focus is on developing and coordinating our educational offerings to promote wholeness and holistic education for our students. A key facet of college life is fi nding your vocation – your true calling in life. This may be spiritual, but any area in which students fi nd their passion, energizes students and lets them be their authentic selves. Providing students with more opportunities to connect with their “inner selves” facilitates growth in academic and leadership skills, which contributes to their intellectual self-confi dence and psychological well-being.

123 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS BGAV Enrollment Counselor Further commitment to our reinvigorated partnership is evidenced by Averett hiring a Baptist-focused enrollment counselor in our Admissions Department. With a special purview to providing insight and services to incoming students of Baptist faith, Kendall Ratliffe serves our Admissions team as the BGAV ambassador. Kendall promotes Averett’s mission, values and academics at churches, various denominational and youth events (local, regional, and national), individual church visits, and through regional church gatherings. Kendall holds a bachelor of science degree in psychology from Juniata College and a master’s in divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond. Uptick for Women For the third year, Averett was honored to host 10 participants in a daylong Uptick for Women session facilitated by President, Tiffany M. Franks. This year’s event was held June 25th at Dr. Franks’ home. Uptick is a leadership process for high-potential missional leaders, providing an accelerated track for those who have already demonstrated signifi cant apostolic potential. Uptick for Women connects women to a community of leaders, provides greater clarity of their missional calling, and a deeper understanding of their identity as a leader and woman. In essence, it empowers women and gives them access to opportunities in their vocation. Live... Averett has reached its fi rst 5-year capital campaign goal of $25 million this year, one year early! While we have reached a great milestone, we realize that we are not yet at the summit. Student needs remain and we are redoubling our efforts to provide the best living/learning environment for our students. Some highlights of the campaign include: • Completion of the Violet T. Frith Fine Arts Center • Laying of the Daly Field, Averett’s premier synthetic turf football/soccer fi eld • Completion of 33 Classrooms-of-the-Future, retrofi tted with 21st century technology • 94% funding complete towards the Frank R. Campbell Sports Stadium with new bleachers, press box, concessions, and president’s suite • Established an Entry-into-practice Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and RN to BSN degree • Frank R. Fulton Indoor Batting Facility • $3.8 million in annual scholarships funded and endowed We know, as students encounter the Big Questions and are exposed to new ideas and diversity in college, they are challenged to grow and change. At Averett, we embrace our role in developing a college experience that is critical in helping students explore and clarify their beliefs, values, and purpose. Therefore, we focus on: • Integrating our mission and vision statements, as well as our Strategic Plan 2020, to support our students’ growth, development, and success. • Fostering a campus climate that values diversity and encourages conversations about spiritual development. • Challenging students to search for ways to fi nd meaning and purpose within their fi eld of study and related career choices. • Developing experiential education initiatives which help students make connections between their lives, the world around them, and what they are learning in the classroom.

124 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Give Thanks... We have much to be thankful for at Averett: Our students, our faculty and staff, our alumni family, and our generous benefactors. We give thanks for our many blessings and are especially grateful for our renewed ties with Virginia Baptists. We know it is a sacred trust to help shape the minds of young people. We strive to be good stewards of all our resources from tuition resources from students and families, to the gifts invested in Averett by donors. We are so blessed and do not see this abundance as our due, but rather, a true gift of God. We invite you to visit our campus and see your good works in action – in the faces of our students, the passion of our faculty, and the dedication and purpose demonstrated by all staff. Discover, Develop, and Live with Averett.

Tiffany M. Franks President

125 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Bluefi eld College Annual Report

2014 2017 Michael R. DuVal Michael P. Harris William M. Hartsfi eld* Christopher E. Lawson Camden J. McLaughlin* Wistar H. Trent Susan M. Tussey Kenneth R. Russell, Jr.* William S. Winfrey, II* Charlotte Sacre Trustee Emeritus T. Keith Edwards 2015 2018 David W. Dockery* Jack A. Marcom, Jr.* Estelle Johnson Thomas M. Brewster David L. Bailey, Jr. Joshua S. Cornett Patricia K. Douglas 2016 Robert A. Houck Becky E. Beckett J. Sidney Lanier, Jr. Gordon W. Grimes, II Craig F. Stout Sarah J. Reid Charles O. Warren *Representing the BGAV

Bluefi eld College is an inclusive Christ-centered learning community developing transformational servant leaders. In fact, that’s the BC mission. With commitments to Christ-centered learning, Virginia Baptists, academic excellence, lifelong inquiry, the liberal arts, professional studies, service, integrity and respect, Bluefi eld seeks to graduate servant leaders who understand their life calling and transform the world. Just how do we do that? A look back at the 2013-2014 academic year shows just how. For example, the 2013-2014 academic year included the beginning of construction of a new apartment- style complex on campus called Bluestone Commons, the college’s latest and most independent on- campus residence option for students. The school also celebrated the granting of 119 diplomas during the 22nd Annual Winter Commencement, a program that featured a keynote address from Trudy Cathy White, daughter of Chick-fi l-A founder Truett Cathy, and the conferring of 125 diplomas during the 92nd Annual Spring Commencement, which featured the presentation of a Student Leadership Award to senior Megan Hardison, a Distinguished Faculty Award to Dr. Shawn White, and an Honorary Doctorate to alumnus Dr. Garry Jones. In addition, in 2013-2014 the college rejoined the Appalachian Athletic Conference—a conference it helped establish and spent nearly two decades a part of during the 1990s and early 2000s—and received a clear report regarding its fi nancial stability after an accreditation review from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. And, if that were not enough, BC also created its fi rst ever Stadium Band to support the recently revived Rams football team and celebrated an appearance in the quarterfi nals of NBC-TV’s America’s Got Talent for BC music professors Dr. Ben and Colleen Thorburn as part of the 3Penny Chorus and Orchestra.

126 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS While these accomplishments were indeed much to celebrate at Bluefi eld College, what stood out most about the 2013-2014 academic year were the ways in which students, faculty, staff and alumni lived out the BC mission and the commitments to Christ-centered learning, transformational leadership, academic excellence, service, a life’s calling, and transforming the world. A Christ-centered learning community… One of BC’s most obvious expressions of its commitment to Christ-centered learning is Christian Emphasis Week, an annual event sponsored by Drs. Gene and Jane Duremdes of FBC Princeton. In fact, this past fall, 64 students made professions of faith during the event. Soon after, in January 2014, 355 youth from across the region stormed the BC campus for a two-day extreme winter worship and ski weekend called Winter Blast. Developing transformational leaders… The college’s efforts to develop transformational leaders can be best described this year through the example of current BC student Gabriele Morgan, who took part in a Women in Leadership program in Prague, the Czech Republic, in the summer of 2014. She described the leadership program -- sponsored by Leadership exCHANGE for the purpose of providing young people with the skills and opportunities they need to become active and responsible citizens in a global community -- as “life changing.” Graduates of BC’s School of Education are demonstrating that same transformational leadership. For example, from a group of 36 educators from Tazewell County (VA) participating in a summer 2013 professional development program, 14 (nearly half) were Bluefi eld grads, helping BC lead the way as educators in the region. Validation of that leadership came during the year from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), who named Bluefi eld College a Champions of Character Five Star Institution for the way in which its student-athletes lead, serve and behave on and off the court and competition fi elds. Committed to academic excellence… Confi rmation of BC’s academic excellence came during the year from a number of objective sources. The fi rst: the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, who awarded Bluefi eld an “A” rating for the quality of its general education curriculum. BC was just one of two colleges in Virginia and one of only 21 in the nation to earn the prestigious “A” rating. In like fashion, U.S. News and World Report ranked Bluefi eld College among the Top Tier Colleges in the South in its “America’s Best Colleges: 2014.” Military Advanced Education awarded BC a “military- friendly” distinction, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) granted accreditation to the college’s RN-to-BSN program. BC launched a number of new academic programs in 2013-2014, demonstrating to students its commitment to academic excellence. In fact, in the fall of 2013, the college enrolled its fi rst ever master’s degree students in a brand new master of arts in education (MAEd) program. Other new programs created in 2013-2014: online early childhood education, online criminal justice, and a web and mobile development concentration for business majors. In an effort to provide even more academic excellence to students, the college signed an articulation agreement in November 2013 with the Appalachian School of Law, giving Bluefi eld graduates “preferential consideration” for admission to ASL. BC also continued to offer a variety of opportunities for study abroad, including a spring 2014 trip to Nanjing, China, where students studied Chinese history, culture and language at the Jiangsu Second Normal University.

127 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Committed to service to the community… Service is a way of life at Bluefi eld College. Just ask the more than 100 students who took part in a National Day of Service and Remembrance to start the school year in memory of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. Later in the year, 42 Bluefi eld College students participated in community service projects as part of the Martin Luther King National Day of Service, while dozens of other students took part in a “Style Your Sole” event to provide new shoes to underprivileged kids, just to name a few examples. As an added demonstration of service to the community, the college hosted businesswomen from across southwest Virginia on campus for a day of leadership, management, technology, and higher education training in the school’s fi rst-ever Professional Business Women’s Conference. Later in the year, BC welcomed more than 70 local human service providers to a conference designed to support and strengthen their efforts in the community. Serving as a host site for others to join BC in community service, the college welcomed dozens of volunteers from churches on campus in the summer of 2014 to conduct service projects and summer youth programs in the community. In addition, nearly 400 youth from across the country spent a week on campus in the summer completing about 50 home improvement and community service projects in Greater Bluefi eld as part of Group Workcamps. Taking that Christ-centered learning abroad, 10 Bluefi eld College students took part in a Spring Break mission trip in March 2014 to spread the Gospel in Madrid, Spain. For all this service and more, Bluefi eld College earned its seventh consecutive President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll distinction for “exemplary service in the community.” Graduating students who understand their life’s calling… The Bluefi eld College experience is about more than an education. Students who attend BC know they are exploring, identifying and preparing for a calling, not just a career. Graduating senior Kayla Richardson understands that, thanks to a unique internship she experienced in 2013-2014 with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service as part of her studies as a criminal justice major. “I know for a fact that this is what I want to do,” said Richardson, “and this internship has proven to me that this is in fact my passion. I want to become a federal investigator and ultimately work as a special agent for NCIS.” The college celebrated others this year who have gone on from BC with a complete understanding of their calling – graduates like Dave Ebert (’04), who is using his love of comedy and training in communication and on stage at BC to share the Gospel as a stand-up comic in Chicago, Illinois; Bill Tuck, who was destined to preach and write as he’s shown through 40 years of service in the pulpit of Baptist churches and the authoring of 27 books; and Mark Vinson, whose degree in athletic training at Bluefi eld College and commitment to the well being of athletes has taken him all the way to Major League Baseball, where he serves as an assistant athletic trainer for the Tampa Rays. As part of the BC mission to help students understand their calling, the college also hosted its second summer session of the New Opportunity School for Women. This year, seven women in poverty or personal predicament graduated from the program that is designed to improve the lives of low-income, under-educated women in Appalachia, and to help them fi nd their way in life. Graduating students who transform the world… From understanding their calling to transforming the world is the fulfi llment of the BC mission, and this year the college celebrated three of the many examples of graduates who are doing that today. Sensing a call from God soon after graduating from BC in 1989, alumna Carrie Booth Bradshaw founded the

128 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Abel Crisis Pregnancy Center in Bluefi eld. Designed to provide assistance and encouragement to women dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, the Abel Center celebrated 20 years of service to the community in 2014 and the transformation of countless lives in the Greater Bluefi elds. Other alumni acknowledged this year for transforming the world: Brittany Garton, who has dedicated herself to a life of service to Project Ruth and its Ruth School in Bucharest, Romania, in an effort to improve the lives of disadvantaged Gypsy children, and Frances “Fran” Baxter Minton, a 30-year veteran nurse who created an urgent care center called Appalachian Family Care and who brought Remote Access Medical care to southwest Virginia to address the profound need for access to health and dental services for low-income, uninsured, and underserved residents. In addition, alumnae Peggy Emert Bickford is also in the business of transforming the world, right at home at Bluefi eld College, where she and her husband, Steven, created in August 2013 the Peggy Emert Bickford Endowed Memorial Scholarship for “average” students and the Robert Steven Bickford and Peggy Emert Bickford Endowed Memorial Athletic Scholarship for student-athletes. Just like the Bickfords, members of the Pete Young family established the Pete Young “Mr. Touchdown” Football Endowed Scholarship in October 2013 to provide vital fi nancial aid to Rams football players and to pay tribute to a 1933 BC football player who led the nation in scoring. Beyond the vision and mission of Bluefi eld College, the 2013-2014 academic year included even more to celebrate. For example, the college celebrated Baptist Heritage Day in October 2013, featuring keynote speaker and veteran of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board Rod Hale, and then turned around and celebrated its Appalachian heritage with an Appalachian Festival in April 2014, featuring bluegrass music, artisan and food merchants, book sales and signings, and art exhibits. Dozens of local golfers took part in BC’s 12th Annual Golfers’ Challenge in August 2013 to help raise more than $42,000 in scholarships for student-athletes, while nearly 100 runners and walkers participated in the Sixth Annual Jason Elswick Memorial Scholarship 5K Challenge in September 2013 to raise additional scholarship dollars while preserving the memory of onetime BC student Jason Elswick. Dr. David Bailey (’60) was inducted into the BC Hall of Distinguished Graduates, Dr. Tom Brewster (’91) was named Alumnus of the Year, Jesse Cole (’02) was named Distinguished Young Alumnus, retired professor and longtime pastor Rev. Hugh Cole received the Primitivo Delgado Christian Service Award, and seniors Caitlin Allen and Caleb Frye were crowned Homecoming Queen and King, respectively, during BC’s fall 2013 Homecoming weekend. At the end of the year, accounts payable manager Shirley Mutter won the 2013-2014 Distinguished Staff Award, and maintenance director Blair Taylor took home a 30-year Service Award. Twenty-one music alumni spanning fi ve decades of graduating classes gathered on campus in March 2014 for a three-day Alumni Choir Reunion, featuring two Alumni Choir concerts. Later in the spring, the college honored 20 local journalists with its 15th Annual Media Appreciation Day, while shortly thereafter students celebrated the culmination of another academic year with the 36th Annual Mud Pig Day. In March 2014, the college honored the 1998-1999 BC men’s basketball team on the 15th anniversary of its historic win over nationally ranked number three Southern Oregon University in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II National Tournament, a feat no other team has ever accomplished at BC or in the NAIA National Tournament.

129 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Current athletes earned accolades during the year, as well, including the most wins in a season for both the men’s and women’s soccer teams, a runner-up honor for the men’s basketball team in the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) Mid-East Regional Tournament, the fourth appearance in six years for the men’s baseball team in the NCCAA World Series, and the fi rst-ever wins at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Southeast Regional Tournament for the men’s tennis team. All of these accomplishments—the Christ-centered learning, the development of leaders, the commitments to academic excellence and service, and the graduation of students who understand their calling and transform the world—are the work of God in our midst at Bluefi eld College and the result of faithful and supportive alumni and friends, particularly Virginia Baptists, and their faithfulness to give. We are grateful for your loyal commitment to Bluefi eld College and to the students whose lives we touch. We invite you to visit our campus to see the difference our students are making in the lives of so many and the ways in which they are living their passion. To learn more about Bluefi eld College and how you might join us in our mission to graduate servant leaders who understand their life calling and transform the world, visit us online at www.bluefi eld.edu, or call the Public Relations Offi ce at 276.326.4212.

Partnering with you in faithful service, David W. Olive President

130 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Fork Union Military Academy Annual Report

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 2015 William J. Vakos, Jr.*, Chairman Lee Speed Briscoe James F. Cerza, Jr., Vice Chairman Paige L. Pruett Lewis Kent Carter, Secretary Frank F. Rennie, IV* Kevin M. Reynolds, Sr. TRUSTEES EMERITI Steven W. Shelton Sammie D. Barr* Jeffrey N. Weatherspoon Robert S. Bloxom* Thomas E. Bronson 2016 John T. Chain, Jr. David R. Barrett George S. Currin Lewis Kent Carter C. Edwin Eates David K. Hunt Emerson Dale Farley, Jr. Randolph E. Lanford* Charles G. Fuller* Adam R. Metwalli J. Wesley Hall, Jr.* Marion E. Moon* Curtis Hathaway Russell A. Johnston* 2017 Kenneth B. Koeller A. Douglas Dalton, Jr.* William J. McCaddin Edward N. George, Jr. Frederick G. Pruitt, Jr.* Jose A. Mera R. L. Pulliam* John Larry Miles* George C. Turner J. William Price, III Paul Westphal Richard H. Wall Ray G. Wile * Representing the BGAV

The student body of Fork Union Military Academy (FUMA) is comprised of boys in grades 6 through 12, as well as some postgraduate students. For 116 years, our holistic spiritual, academic, and physical curriculum has brought blessing to the generations of young men who have worn our uniform. At FUMA, cadets receive a college preparatory education while simultaneously living and growing in a Christ-centered, structured setting. Our efforts are aimed at helping boys develop their scholastic abilities while acquiring the disciplines and vision necessary to help them mature into young men of character and values who will one day lead their families and communities with wisdom and honor. When Dr. William Hatcher, a prominent Baptist preacher from Richmond, founded the Academy his dream was to offer local young people a classical religious education. In October of 1898 the fi rst class of 19 students enrolled. Since then the Academy has been faithfully building on his foundational efforts. Today our school stands as the largest all-male residential military middle and high school in the United States, drawing students from around the country and the world. The centerpiece of our academic curriculum consists of a unique high school schedule where classes are taught in 35-day blocks, one subject at a time. This “One Subject Plan” enables our students to enjoy a level of academic focus and personal attention not available in other school settings. Year after year the college acceptances and scholarship offers that our graduates receive provide abundant testimony to the value of our program.

131 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS FUMA is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, is a member of the Association of Military Schools and Colleges of the United States, and through our representation in the Virginia Council for Private Education, is deemed fully accredited by the Virginia Board of Education. Despite the value of our college preparatory curriculum, FUMA is more than a school. Through inclusion in our program and by living in a community of support and accountability, our students grow in many ways that transcend the classroom. Each school day cadets participate in daily devotionals and prayer. Three times each week the entire student body attends chapel services. During after-school hours there are many opportunities for fellowship such as through participation in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or other Bible studies. Membership in such clubs as the IDEA Club (IDEA stands for Intelligent Design and Evolutionary Awareness) can further enhance students’ understanding of what Christians believe, and why. Last year our students supported the local nursing home, aided in the county Christmas festival, worked at elementary school fairs, conducted food drives for regional families in need, tutored students at a elementary school, and spent focused time cleaning our own campus and neighborhood roadways. Our choir ministered to residents of numerous nursing homes and church meetings in the Commonwealth. Through offering our students the opportunity to grow their faith through study and fellowship while also enabling them to experience the blessings that come through serving others, the precepts of Biblical Christianity are being effectively imparted to our cadets. For many, the call of God upon their lives is fi rst heard while on our campus. In response to recent enrollment shortfalls, FUMA’s 2013-2014 operating budget was constructed in hopes of having 435 boarding cadets residing on campus as of the opening day of the school year. Although at the beginning of the year we had not enrolled the budgeted number of boarding students, we’re thankful that through God’s provision and our rolling enrollment capability we were able to attain this goal equivalent by the end of the year. The One-Subject Plan allows for several entry points during the year, as at these points all upper school cadets are beginning new classes called “terms.” However, continued declines in enrollment are troublesome. We recognize that for many families, great fi nancial sacrifi ces accompany their sons’ inclusion in our program. To help allay the cost of tuition, our Financial Aid Offi ce continues to try and offer a large amount of need-based fi nancial aid awards. In the fall of 2014, 440 young men from 26 states and 15 foreign nations arrived on our campus to begin the 116th academic session. Approximately 50% had been FUMA cadets the previous year, and 380 of them were boarding students. Our opening day enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year was some 20 students higher than the year before; we attribute this to our enhanced fi nancial aid budget. On the last Saturday this past May, after nine fl eeting months of hard work by all, the FUMA Alumni Association welcomed 90 new members as the class of 2014 received their diplomas and Post-Graduate certifi cates of completion. Although these young men were awarded nearly $7 million in academic and athletic scholarships, of most importance to us is that none left our watch care without having had the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed to them, explained to them, and lived out before their eyes by our staff and faculty. We wish each of them Godspeed. As always, the Academy is thankful for the historic partnership we have enjoyed for so long with the Baptist General Association of Virginia. In fact, with tuition and fees providing us with only 70% of our annual operating budget, we rely on the help of our friends and supporters now more than ever. As we begin the current school year, we look forward to the rewards that await us as we co-labor with the BGAV to bring Christ to the world.

132 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Hargrave Military Academy Annual Report

Administration: Mrs. Hayako O. Cook BG (Ret.) Doyle D. Broome Jr., President Mr. Ben J. Davenport MAJ Tim Oditt, Chief of Staff Jr. (BGAV) LTC (Ret.) Walter L. Sullivan, Academic Dean Dr. Nancy Dye, M.D. SgtMaj (R) Mike Payne, Commandant Mr. Dabney T.P. CH (CPT) William J. Moran Jr., Chaplain (Dexter) Gilliam, Jr Dr. James Hancock, M.D. Board of Trustees Mr. Thomas C. Leggett Mr. Jack C. Pattisall Mr. Lewis E. Wall, Chairman (BGAV) Dr. Ronald W. Snead Mr. James A. Motley, Vice-Chairman Mr. J. Robert White Dr. Gerald C. Burnett, M.D., Secretary (BGAV) Mr. Richard S. Dyer, Trustee Emeritus Trustee Emeriti Dr. John O’Bannon, M.D., Trustee Emeritus Mr. R. Allen Amos II Mr. Richard S. Dyer Mr. Alvah C. Arnn Dr. John O’Bannon

In May 2014 Hargrave Military Academy completed its 105th year of service and commitment to developing young men in mind, body, character and spirit. Cadets from Virginia, 23 other states, and 19 countries were in attendance at the commencement proceedings May 17, 2014, and 56 young men received their diplomas. One hundred percent of this class received at least one acceptance to a college or university. Hargrave is proud that for the last 14 years 99.5% of its Cadets have been accepted into colleges and universities. These institutions notably include The United States Naval Academy, Rochester Institute of Technology, Norwich University, The Citadel, Virginia Tech, Liberty University, Regents University, and The United States Military Academy at West Point. Furthermore, the Class of 2014 earned $2,438,000 in college scholarships and fi nancial aid. Hargrave fosters a Christian atmosphere within its academic, leadership, character development, and athletic programs. Not only are Cadets challenged academically and physically, they are challenged spiritually twice each week during mandatory Chapel services. Each Cadet is given the opportunity to participate in contemporary Christian worship through singing, playing an instrument, prayer, and listening to a practical message based on the authority of Scripture. In addition, Cadets may participate in a multi-media project that is presented each Tuesday morning during the Chapel service. All faculty and staff are welcomed and encouraged to attend all Chapel services (and are required to attend Tuesday morning services) and participate in these opportunities for spiritual growth. For many Cadets, our Chapel services are their fi rst exposure to the basic tenets of the Christian faith. In addition, Hargrave has offered Cadets a weekly Bible Study and participation in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization. Hargrave’s Chaplain is endorsed by the Southern Baptist Convention and is a commissioned Chaplain in the United States Army Reserves. Hargrave is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS). Hargrave Military Academy is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS).

133 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Hargrave’s administration, faculty, and staff deeply appreciate the bond between Hargrave Military Academy and the Baptist General Association of Virginia. With the continued support of the Association, the 2014-2015 academic year will see Hargrave continue to provide the direction and spiritual support so critical in training young men to serve God, their communities, and our country with excellence and purpose.

134 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS John Leland Center for Theological Studies Annual Report

2015 2016 S. Laing Hinson+ Lou Brown Don Davidson*+ Darrell Foster+ Sonya V. Stewart Jean T. Compton Richard F. Smith+ Kenny Smith Donald R. Kelly Carl Biggs 2017 John Rosenthall Chris Miles+ Claude Keener*+ Mel Harris+ Pat Steele*+ Otelia Frazier+ Tom Vaughan+ Claiborn Crane+ Scott Humphrey+ Carolyn Fossen+ Howard-John Wesley Randy Buchanan Kendrick Curry Jerry Hanson+ Larry Meyers+ Thomas Yi

* BGAV trustee + member of BGAV church

The John Leland Center for Theological Studies, also known as Leland Seminary, is becoming one of the leading pan-Baptist seminaries in the nation. This evangelical school based in Arlington, VA, draws students from churches affi liated with the Southern Baptist Convention, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, National Baptist Convention, Progressive National Baptist Convention, and American Baptist Churches. A majority of its students are members of the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV). Leland’s primary focus is to prepare them to serve Christ as leaders of local Baptist churches. In 2011 Leland returned its main campus to the totally renovated facilities of the Church at Clarendon, a Baptist congregation in Arlington. First Baptist of Newport News also hosts our Hampton Roads center and several BGAV churches are hosting Leland classes across the state. Leland prepares students for local church ministry by offering classes leading to a M.Div. and also offers the M.T.S. for those who wish to pursue academic careers. It has launched a new degree program, the Masters in Christian Leadership (M.C.L.), which will prepare ministers for local church ministry in staff positions such as Minister of Youth, Children, Worship, or Senior Adults or prepare a Christian to lead outside the local church, in the public square. We have just added Dr. Andrey Shirin to our full-time faculty as Director of Transformational Leadership. During the past year we added Dr. John Lee and Interim Academic Dean, Debbie Wesley as Director of Enrollment, and Vicki Anderson and Associate Director of Admissions for the Hampton Roads area. The Masters degrees must be earned at the Falls Church campus though we also offer some masters classes in Hampton Roads and Roanoke. We offer diploma classes at the undergraduate level in Falls Church, Hampton Roads, Richmond, Mineral, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, and Charlottesville.

135 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Oak Hill Academy Annual Report

Offi cers 2018 Mr. Carl Rosberg, Chairman Mrs. Susie Dixon* Mr. Kenny Bowen, Vice Chairman Dr. Dennis Mr. Rex Halsey, Secretary/Treasurer Throckmorton* Mr. Ralph Davis Executive Committee Mr. Tom Saunders Mr. Carl Rosberg, Chairman Mr. Kenny Bowen, Vice Chairman, Planning 2019 Committee Chair *Mr. Carl Rosberg* Mr. Rex Halsey, Secretary/Treasurer *Mr. Dennis Gambill* Mrs. Susie Dixon Garner, Finance Committee Chair Rev. John Duvall Mr. Don Gibson, Development Committee Chair Vacant Mr. Todd Fuller Mr. Marty Parks 2020 Dr. Michael D. Groves (ex-offi cio) Mr. Taylor Vaughan Ms. Bonnie Burke 2015 Mr. Jim Tapp Mr. Larry Conner, Sr. Mrs. Theresa Lazo Mr. Rex Halsey Vacant Mr. Marshall Frank Dr. Thomas Harvey* 2021 Mr. Don Gibson Mrs. Sidney Rose Fant Mr. Rodney Halsey* 2016 Mrs. Lisa Dockery* Mr. Todd Fuller Vacant Mr. Marty Parks* Vacant Rev. Danny Collins* Vacant Committee Chairs 2014 – 2015 Mr. Kenny Bowen, Planning Committee Chair 2017 Mrs. Susie Dixon Garner, Finance Committee Chair Rev. Robert Bailey Mr. Don Gibson, Development Committee Chair Mr. Kenny Bowen Mr. Harold Wingate *Baptist Appointee Vacant

Oak Hill Academy completed its 135th academic session on May 17 with 45 graduates receiving high school diplomas. It was a time of celebration for the students and their families, and signaled a time of anniversary for the historic Baptist Academy on “The Hill”—135 years of partnership with the Baptist General Association of Virginia. Since its inception, Oak Hill Academy has existed as a Baptist mission-based school. We provide a safe, nurturing, and structured environment to high school-aged boys and girls who need a change in their educational setting. The dedicated Christian faculty and staff view their tenure at Oak Hill as a time

136 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS of ministry. Our goal is to help our students secure a solid future, with the Academy serving as the “Turning Point” in their lives. In the fall of 2013, Oak Hill received 142 students from twenty-three U.S. States and from around the world. Over the course of the academic year our enrollment increased to 150—marking a continued pattern of growth for total admission. Our International Students hailed from the countries of South Korea, Canada, China, France, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Australia, Senegal, Czech Republic, and Liberia. On May 11th, a large congregation of family members, students, and faculty and staff welcomed to campus former OHA employee and current public school Principal, Mr. Dwayne Merritt for the annual Baccalaureate address. The sermon to our graduates and student body was well-received by all in attendance. Some six days later 45 graduates received their diplomas—with ninety-three percent accepted to colleges or universities. Among the schools and colleges where Oak Hill alumni are attending this fall are: Old Dominion University, University of Mary Washington, Radford University, George Mason University, University of Virginia, Liberty University, Mary Baldwin College, NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Asheville, East Carolina University, Indiana University, Belmont University (TN), Iowa State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL), Iona University (NY), Washington State University, and Liverpool International College (England). In the athletic arena Oak Hill continues to receive national recognition, particularly on the basketball court—where we fi nished the season ranked #3 in the USA last year. Our students participate on three boys basketball teams, co-ed soccer, boys and girls tennis, boys and girls track, baseball, and girls volleyball. In the classroom, Oak Hill Academy’s curriculum is designed to challenge the brightest students with honors courses and dual college credit courses, while also being able to provide structure for an underachiever (with a student to faculty ratio of 9:1). Mandatory study halls, weekend socials, club activities, leadership programs, and special events keep our student’s lives well balanced and event-fi lled. Led by the campus minister, the spiritual development of our students is initiated with prayer and daily devotional time in morning assembly. Students are encouraged to participate by leading this time of refl ection and inspiration, with each Friday’s gathering highlighted by a “Senior Devotion.” Oak Hill also partners with Young’s Chapel Baptist Church by providing a unique opportunity for our students to worship together each Sunday morning. It is quite the rewarding experience to witness our very diverse (and predominately urban) student body interact with the good people from rural Grayson County. Unquestionably, the seeds that are planted here by a local Virginia Baptist Church will grow to a healthy and lasting fruition for generations. We teach our students every day that the Oak Hill Academy mission embraces the needs of the larger world. Thus in September 2007 our Academy welcomed the fi rst-ever exchange student from Ricks Institute in Liberia. Our joy in receiving and hosting a new student for the entire academic year is tempered only by our sadness in seeing her depart her new home and friends here on “the hill.” After postponing the enrollment for this (2014-2015) single year because of the ebola virus concerns, Oak Hill Academy looks forward to continuing our work and representation in Africa in 2015. Room, board, tuition and fees for the June 13 – May 14 academic year were $31,184. With a budget of $4,822,592, Virginia Baptists contributed $43,653, which represents .09% of our operating budget. Oak Hill also awarded scholarships or tuition reduction for students in need of fi nancial assistance, totaling $655,362. As a boarding school, the community life of the Academy represents perhaps the central facet of being a student at Oak Hill. Our goal is for our students to observe, live, and participate in a community 137 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS of learning where healthy adult and familial relationships are exhibited daily by our faculty and staff. Over seventy adults and children now reside in housing on our 240-acre campus during the academic session. One hundred and thirty-fi ve years ago a group of Virginia Baptists envisioned a place of learning for the children of this beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain region. And while the constituents of the Academy may now arrive to our campus from afar, the mission of the school continues unabated. We are proud of our Baptist heritage, we accept the challenge of our mission, and look forward to a healthy and productive covenant relationship of ministry with the Baptist General Assembly of Virginia.

138 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Annual Report

Board of Trustees Brian Davis Joseph Boykin Robert (Bob) K. Fowler Kent Brown Harriet B. Harral (Vice Chair) Bert Browning (Chair) Virgil Hazelett Debra Bryant* Joe Lewis* Bob Calloway Habacuc Diaz Lopez Valerie Carter Jackie Moore Hunter Cook Kathryn Norman Mike Clingenpeel Susan C. Rucker Ron Crawford (President) Jim Somerville* Virginia Darnell (Chair) Kelly Stuart (Secretary) Elmer West (Emeritus) * Representing the BGAV

In fall 2014 Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (BTSR) welcomed its largest entering class in four years. Its relatively new location in Villa Park (relocated in the summer of 2013) is proving very successful. The school anticipates growing enrollments over the coming years in spite of the fact seminaries across the country are experiencing declining enrollments on average of 1.5% per year. In February 2014, the seminary hosted its self-study re-accreditation visit from The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS). The Board of Commissioners of ATS approved re-accrediting BTSR for seven years and affi rmed the seminary’s facilities, leadership and vision for the future. The ATS Commissioners approved a new degree at BTSR: the Master of Christian Ministry degree (MCM), a two-year professional degree. A major priority of the seminary was achieved this year (beginning July 1, 2014) when the seminary Board of Trustees designated all funds received from the BGAV’s WMII track would go to student scholarships; thus, 100% of funds from the BGAV budget will go to student scholarships. This is in line with the institution’s strategic plan and revised business model. In addition, in fall 2014 the seminary will offer tuition discounts to qualifi ed and promising students from Virginia Baptist churches; ensuring no Virginia Baptist will miss the opportunity of ministry preparation for fi nancial reasons. These decisions by the seminary refl ect the institution’s deep appreciation to Virginia Baptists for their faithful support over these 23 years of the seminary’s existence. The BGAV is the largest denominational supporter of the school. BTSR has signifi cantly increased accessibility to a seminary education through its three track system of course offerings: a day student track, an evening and weekend track and an online track. The course schedule provides for an evening and weekend student to earn a Master of Divinity degree (or any other of the seminary’s degrees) in as little as three years by attending classes in the evenings and on Saturdays. This is also true for day students and online students. The course schedule is designed to provide a seminary education to every prospective student on a schedule favorable to the student. BTSR offers four degrees and a Certifi cate program: The Master of Divinity degree (with concentrations in Biblical Interpretation, Christian Education, Justice and Peacebuilding, Theology and Youth and Student Ministries). These different concentrations are all built on the same foundation of theological education that 139 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS focuses on spiritual formation, global engagement and preparation for ministry. Students may also pursue a dual degree program and earn a Master of Social Work or Master of Science in Patient Counseling with their MDiv. through a special partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University. The Doctor of Ministry degree. The program utilizes Bowen Family Systems theory to provide a contextual leadership focus. Core seminars begin online and culminate with a one-week residential intensive twice a year. Elective courses can be taken on campus, online, or as independent studies. The Master of Theological Studies degree. A degree program intended for students preparing for teaching or theological research, preparation for non-ordained ministry, or those interested in their own general education. This degree program provides exposure to a broad range of theological disciplines, including Christian history, ethics, biblical studies, theology, along with cultural and social concerns. The Master of Christian Ministry degree. A professional-academic degree program designed to prepare women and men for competent leadership in specialized ministries in their faith communities. This program provides students with practical ministry training shaped by a fi rm grounding in rigorous theological studies. It is designed to meet the need for ministerial leadership training for the wide range of possibilities for 21st century ministry settings. The Graduate Certifi cate in Theological Studies. This program is focused toward church laity who desire deeper studies in Bible and Theology. This certifi cate can serve as a gateway to formal application to a degree program at BTSR for those exploring their calling or who desire to begin formal theological studies but are not ready to commit to a program of study. This certifi cate requires only eighteen hours of course work. BTSR faculty and staff members are active in local congregations. Faculty and staff members regularly preach and teach in local churches. Several faculty and staff members work part-time in local congregations. On any given Sunday, virtually every faculty and staff member is either leading worship, teaching (as a guest), or actively participating in his or her own church. BTSR has 697 graduates – most of whom have served, or are serving Virginia Baptist churches. BTSR greatly values its partnership with the Baptist General Association of Virginia and is deeply grateful to its many friends and supporters in Virginia Baptist churches.

140 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Baptist World Alliance Annual Report

Members of the BWA Executive (Governing In addition, the Board of the Baptist World Alliance) following Virginia Neville Callam, General Secretary/CEO Baptists serve on John Upton, President BWA Committees Daniel Carro, First Vice President of the General Carolyn Fossen, Treasurer Council: David Coffey, Immediate Past President John Upton, Chair, Nominations Committee Raquel Contreras, Women’s Aux. President Melvin Harris, Chair, Audit Committee Amanda Haines, Youth Dept. President Jerry Jones, Committee Member Baptist World Aid

Representatives of Regions: The following Virginia Baptists serve on All Africa Baptist Fellowship - Solomon Ishola BWA Committees of the Executive: Asia Pacifi c Baptist Federation - Ross Clifford Carolyn Fossen, Chair, Budget and Finance Caribbean Baptist Fellowship - William Thompson Jeff Bloomer, Member, Budget and Finance European Baptist Federation - Jan Saethre John R. Jones, Member, Budget and Finance Union of Baptists in Latin America - Craig A. Sherouse, Member, Budget and Finance Raul Scialabba Michael Catlett, Member, Budget and Finance North America Baptist Fellowship - Jeffrey Haggray Dean Miller, Member, Congress Committee John Upton, Human Resources Committee 12 At-Large Representatives: James Baucom, Member, Membership Committee Daniel Carro, Member Membership Committee Jerry Carlisle Tapan Chowdhury The following Virginia Baptists serve on Regina Claas BWA Advisory Committees: Jonathan Edwards William S. Epps Michael J. Clingenpeel, Member, K. Randel Everett Communications Advisory Committee Melvin Harris James E. White, Member, A. Roy Medley Communications Advisory Committee Gary Nelson Marinetta Hjort, Member, David Kerrigan Freedom and Justice Advisory Committee Philomena Wiredu Craig Sherouse, Member, Mission, Evangelism & Burchell K. Taylor Theological Refl ection Advisory Committee Timothy K. Norman, Member, Promotion and Vice Presidents: Development Advisory Committee Regina Claas, Ross Clifford, Nabil Costa, William Marilee White, Member, Promotion and S. Epps, Harry Gardner, Victor S. Gonzalez Grillo, Development Advisory Committee John Kok, Olu Q. Menjay, Paul Msiza, Joel Sierra Daniel Carro, Member, Promotion and Cavazos, Burchell K. Taylor Development Advisory Committee

141 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS To Our Virginia Baptist Family from the General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance: Dear Friends, It is again my privilege to write to you about our partnership in ministry for 2013, and the ways in which, together, we can celebrate shared achievements in the fulfi llment of the mission of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS Thanks to your generosity, BWA has been able to conduct training programs to encourage increased effectiveness in evangelistic outreach by Baptists. We have implemented a program of relief and development for vulnerable communities, engaged in representation on behalf of people whose rights and freedom were endangered, and organized opportunities for the gathering of the worldwide Baptist family – the leaders, youth, and study commissions that probe matters of importance and interest to the Baptist family. A vigorous program was pursued to share information with Baptists on happenings in the global Baptist family and to offer insights into matters of concern to the churches. Among our many projects, programs, and cooperative efforts, I wish to share just a few that are representative of the many initiatives you have helped us undertake. EVANGELISM AND EDUCATION Haiti A Jesus Christ Bread of Life (BOL) Conference planned and sponsored by the BWA brought seven groups in Haiti, including two that are already member organizations of the BWA, to focus on holistic development as an expression of authentic Christian witness and evangelism. This is the fi rst time in living memory that such a diverse group of Baptists in Haiti has met to participate in an event. I was impressed by the vision exhibited by Haitian Baptists and believe that Christian ministry in the Caribbean country has both a rich heritage and a bright future. The Haiti Conference was part of BWA’s support for evangelistic work in French-speaking countries. This effort began with a BOL Conference in Nigeria for Francophone countries on the African continent and was followed by the BOL Conference in Haiti for French-speaking people in the Caribbean. The third of these conferences will be held next month in France. All pastors in Baptist conventions in France, together with representative leaders from Belgium, will participate. We are pleased to have been able to share edifying printed materials in French for educational and evangelistic purposes. Turkey Last year, BWA supported a project to print 15,000 copies of the New Testament in the Turkish language for distribution in Turkey and Moldova as part of an evangelistic outreach program. During our Annual Gathering in Turkey, further contributions were made toward the printing of Bibles and Bible portions for use in the evangelistic program of the Fellowship of Baptists of Turkey. Three of the four Baptist pastors in the Fellowship were sponsored to attend the Gathering where they were encouraged in the work they do in a Muslim majority context. The meeting in Turkey offered them opportunity to develop and strengthen their relationship with the rest of the global Baptist family. Please pray for the Baptist community in Dr. Neville Callam, praying for the president and general secretary of Turkey. the Fellowship of Baptists in Turkey.

142 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS SERVING THE LORD WHO APPEARS INCOGNITO BWA supported many projects that have helped Baptists and their neighbors encounter the risen Lord in charitable and caring ways. You have helped BWA to offer a witness in the name of Christ and on behalf of the worldwide Baptist family. For example: • We have made funds available to aid those fl eeing violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the Buzi community, we supplied more than 200 farmers with seeds and farming tools to enable the re- establishment of their farms which had been ravaged by wilt disease. • Hundreds of residents in the slums of Mumbai are able to access health care, HIV education, counseling, and over the counter medicine through a project funded by BWAid. • Seven hundred orphans living in a tuberculosis sanatorium on the outskirts of Moscow, receive care through the partnership of BWAid and the Brotherhood of Compassion of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. We support the project by providing food, medicine, hygiene, and sanitary items for one year. • In Bangladesh, we support an arsenic mitigation program that is screening and testing 600 wells in 12 villages and providing fi lters to those wells that are found to be contaminated by arsenic. • Families affected by fl ash fl oods in Argentina received food, clothing, and household items to help them reestablish their lives. A building repair program was also facilitated. • In Syria, we support 200 families displaced by the ongoing crisis and in Jordan, and we provide life- sustaining meals to more than 1,200 Syrian refugees. • In partnership with Baptists churches in Haiti, we continue our cholera-prevention program through the construction of latrines and community water tanks on church properties in ten rural communities of the country. This program has been running for four years. Lebanon and Jordan Recently, BWA representatives visited Lebanon and Jordan to identify appropriate ways to respond to Syrian refugees who are desperate for basic human needs and who are concerned about the denial of their dignity. BWA’s local partners in both countries assist unregistered refugees who do not qualify for help from the United Nations or some other aid agencies. Baptists around the world continue to demonstrate God’s love by working together in response to the needs of refugees. PROMOTING AND DEFENDING RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Senegal We celebrate BWA’s role in aiding the release of José Dilson Alves da Silva and Zeneide Moreira Novais, Brazilian Presbyterian missionaries serving in Senegal. Arrested, jailed, and tried in Mbour, José and Zeneide demonstrate the gospel of God’s love and were sent to a prison in Thies. Over the last eight years, they have been ministering to street children, providing them with food, clothing, shelter, and an education. However, Senegalese authorities falsely accused them of conspiracy, solicitation, and traffi cking of children. Although now released from prison, José and Zeneide must still answer the charges brought against them. We will continue to defend their religious liberty. Nigeria Early in 2013, Baptists in Nigeria expressed deep appreciation for BWA’s human rights visit to their country in December 2012. “Words are inadequate to express our appreciation to you all for putting your lives on the line to come to us. That was quite an amazing love,” said Olasupo Ayokunle, president and chief executive offi cer of the Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC).

143 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS The visit was in response to widespread violence in the West African country allegedly carried out by Boko Haram, a jihadist group that aims to establish Shariah law in Nigeria. The group has carried out a series of bombings and shootings against Christian churches and government facilities. They have also kidnapped school children and others in their drive to achieve their Islamist goals. Our visit inspired greater collaboration between Baptists and Muslims in Nigeria. Together with other Christians, they are uniting in a campaign to dissuade acceptance of Islamic extremism. GATHERING THE YOUTH Singapore In July 2013, we hosted 2,500 young Baptists in Singapore at the 16th Baptist Youth World Conference. With them, we sought to ignite passion for Christ and realize the desire for the Christian unity among young people who are committed followers of Christ. Participants at the Conference packaged 285,120 meals for residents in New Hope Orphanage in Cambodia. Many participants, including some from Virginia, remain grateful for the way the experience of the Singapore Youth Conference has expanded their worldview, inspired their zeal for the faith, and changed their priorities as they look toward the future. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS BWA’s main income sources are donations by member organizations, churches, and individuals. We value all these partners without whose cooperation the BWA cannot fulfi ll its ministry. Although giving by individual churches fell last year by 4.94%, we registered small increases in donations in other categories. Virginia Baptists have been outstanding as faithful partners in the BWA mission. We are very grateful to you. With your help, BWA is able to nurture the passion for mission and evangelism and to help empower Baptist churches in their mission. Because of your gifts, we have been able to reach out to Baptists and others who might never receive the attention of aid or development agencies. We have also been able to make representation on behalf of those who may seem unimportant in the world’s estimation but who are great exploits in the name of our Lord Jesus. We are convinced that, as long as BWA remains committed to the mission given us, God will make provision for this movement’s continuing effectiveness. OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS In 2013, we welcomed fi ve new member organizations: • The Baptist Mission of South Haiti, which was formed in 1936 and has 50,000 members in 488 churches, • The Connection of Haitian Baptist Churches for Integral Mission, which was established in 2004 and comprises 15,000 members in 58 churches, • The Baptist Union of the Turks and Caicos Islands – a small association of 500 members in 13 churches – was established in the 1830s in this British overseas territory in the Caribbean Sea, • The Baptist Church of the Congo, inaugurated in 1996 with a current membership of 2,850 in 26 churches, becomes the eleventh BWA member organization in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a vast country of 906,000 square miles, and • The Convention of Independent Baptist Churches, which has 67,908 members in 437 churches, joins the Brazilian Baptist Convention and the National Baptist Convention as BWA member bodies in the largest country in South America.

144 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS BWA has affi rmed a Covenant on Intra-Baptist Relations. This Covenant is available at http://bwanet.org/2013-08- 14-13-07-48. We commend it to you as a contribution to cementing respectful relationships among any group of Baptists anywhere. CONTINUING MINISTRY As we look toward the future, we request your prayers and continued support. We are looking forward to the 21st Baptist World Congress with great excitement. We know the experience we will have in Durban, South Africa, will be a life-changing one and we urge you to participate. The Congress begins on the evening of Wednesday, July 22, 2015, and ends at noon on Sunday, July 26, 2015. You are invited to visit the BWA website at www.bwanet.org/ congress for full information and regular updates on the Congress. You are invited to come to the Congress to: Celebrate Jesus Christ, the Door; worship God with Baptists from around the world in a variety of styles; enter into fellowship with thousands of Congress participants and give expression to our unity as Baptist Christians; share the Good News with people who need to know the God who opens a door to abundant life through Jesus Christ; join in the struggle for human rights and religious liberty on behalf of everyone for whom our Lord died; and seek ways of helping those in need, never forgetting how unjust structures help undermine human dignity. As you meet new friends from around the world, explore partnership possibilities in the service of God’s mission. As you join with others in entering through the door to abundant life, consider what new call and challenge the Spirit of God may make clear to you and let your love for Jesus soar. BWA is grateful to have partners like this Virginia Baptist Family. With your cooperation, BWA has been greatly strengthened through the ministry of John Upton who, by any measure, has been an outstanding BWA president and a celebrated ambassador for Virginia Baptists. What a blessing he has been for Baptists worldwide. Through his witness, respect for Virginia Baptists has attained stellar proportions. Other Virginia Baptists continue to help strengthen BWA’s witness and support its ministry. BWA treasurer, Carolyn Fossen, has made her considerable gifts available to the BWA and chair of our Audit Committee, Melvin Harris, completes the trio of highly respected Virginians whose commitment, competence, and integrity are celebrated across the Baptist constituency. They are joined by Craig Sherouse, who chairs the BWA’s Baptist Heritage and Identity Commission. Many other Virginia Baptists serve on BWA commissions and committees, notably the Budget and Finance and the Audit Committees. Thank you Virginia Baptists for the sacrifi cial support you give to Baptists around the world through the BWA. Thank you for the rich source of encouragement you provide Baptists everywhere. We prayerfully ask for your continued support and thank God for your faithfulness. Yours in Christ,

Neville Callam General Secretary/CEO

145 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS Ministering to Ministers Foundation, Inc. Annual Report

Board of Trustees Ms. Patricia Jones Rev. Dr. James B. Johnson, II, Chair Rev. Dr. Tom R. Rev. Dr. David A. Myers, Vice-Chair Kinman Mr. William J. Irvin, CFO Rev. Robin Lambert Dr. Beverley G. Buston, Secretary Dr. Norvie L. Lay Rev. Dr. Alvin Edwards, Vice-Secretary Dr. Lauranett Lee Rev. Dr. Charles H. Chandler, Treasurer Mr. Geoffrey R. McDonald John “Buddy” Moore Ms. Cynthia O. Barnes Rev. Mark Nieuwsma Dr. Roberta S. Damon Rev. Peggy Sanderford Ponder Mr. Thomas Denham Rev. J. Michael Poole Rev. Dr. Ted Fuson Mr. John P. Porter Ms. Sally Ann Galliher Rev. Dr. Bruce Queen F. James Gerren Mr. Archibald Wallace, III Rev. Edward Harrow Mr. R. Bland Weaver, Jr. Mr. Brandon G. Hudson

The Ministering to Ministers (MTM) Foundation equips ministers through education to manage and thrive even in church confl ict and also reclaims wounded ministers through Healthy Transitions Wellness Retreats for Ministers and Spouses to continue to respond to God’s call into Christian ministry. The MTM mission statement, “to serve as advocates for clergy and their families in all faith groups who are experiencing personal or professional crisis due to deteriorating employment or congregation-clergy relationships,” addresses the impending church leadership crisis in our churches and communities. Why? Over 20,000 protestant ministers are forced from their ministry positions each year with only a little over half of these going back into a church ministry position. We believe that healthy ministers help produce healthy churches, healthy churches help produce healthy communities, and healthy communities help produce a healthy society. This is also the focus of the Emerging Leaders and Empowering Leaders elements of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board’s Kingdom Advance initiative. Many of those to whom MTM ministers in the midst of crisis are enabled to resolve situations and either stay in their ministry position or make a healthier transition to their next ministry position. Wounded and burned-out ministers are renewed for greater effectiveness, joy in ministry, and resilience when the going gets tough. A Virginia Baptist pastor stated: “You blessed my wife and me as we came as wounded people to your Ministering to Ministers retreat. We left with the tools to begin to heal. We will be celebrating 10 years of change and growth that began the week of that retreat in Virginia. May the Lord bless you!” The Ministering to Ministers Foundation was created in 1994 by some ministers who had experienced forced termination working with concerned laypersons aware of the effects these forced terminations had on their own faith life and congregational effectiveness as well as on the ministers and their families. Out of these experiences and 20 years of ministry has grown the conviction that the epidemic of forced terminations in churches of all sizes, all denominations, and all parts of the theological spectrum diminishes not only the quality and availability of excellent leadership, but also the health of congregations and the communities in which they are located. In a recent survey of MTM wellness

146 2014 BOOK OF REPORTS retreat alumni, two-thirds of those responding to the survey have gone back into a church ministry position. During 2014 and 2015, many events are planned to celebrate MTM’s 20th anniversary. In addition to the Healthy Transitions Wellness Retreats for Ministers and Spouses – the centerpiece of the MTM ministry – are numerous one-day workshops, single session awareness presentations, Retreat Alumni Gatherings, Fundraising events, and a focus on helping clergy, denominations, seminaries and key lay leaders work together to produce a healthier church environment that is conducive to reaching and nurturing people and resulting in more Christians responding to God’s call to vocational ministry, as well as greater retention of current ministers in parish ministry.

Charles H. Chandler Executive Director




Proceedings 2014 Annual Meeting

Tuesday Morning 1. At 8:15 a.m. prelude music was presented by Sammy Hastings, a guitarist from Shiloh Baptist Church, King George. 2. At 8:30 a.m. President Tommy McDearis welcomed the messengers and visitors. He called attention to Veteran’s Day and requested that all present who had served in the armed services to stand and be recognized. They were accorded applause. 3. Capt. Robert A. Carpenter offered the invocation. 4. Dan Carlton, chairman of the Program Committee, reported on behalf of the committee (see Book of Reports, p. 22). He offered the following recommendations: 1) That the program, as printed, be adopted as the agenda of the 2014 meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia; 2) That times on the program are indicated merely as guidance; 3) That in order to expedite discussion, debate on all matters will be limited to three minutes per speaker, and that speakers, pro and con, be alternated; and 4) That future sites for the Annual Meeting be adopted as: 2015, November 10-11, Richmond Area and 2016, November 15-16, Roanoke Area. In voting, the recommendations were approved by the body. 5. Fred Anderson presented the report of the clerk. He shared that in 2014-15 Virginia Baptists were commemorating the 300th anniversary of the beginning of a Baptist presence in Virginia with the arrival in the spring of 2015 of Robert Norden of England who planted the fi rst Baptist church in the colony. He shared information on procedures for addressing the body and introduced his assistant, Wayne Hannah. (Note: The fi rst reporting of the attendance indicated 524 registered messengers. The fi nal tabulation for the 2014 meeting was 647 messengers, 5 offi cers, 250 visitors for a total attendance of 902.) 6. Norman Burnes brought the report of the Committee on Boards and Committees. He called attention to the printed report (see Book of Reports, p. 66-76) and shared on the screen the appointments which had been made since the Book of Reports was printed. He explained that the committee had proceeded as required to nominate persons to serve on the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and that once the revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws were approved by the body, these individuals will be elected to the new Virginia Baptist Mission Council as its fi rst members. (The appointments not in the Book of Reports were the following: Christian Life Committee – terms to expire November 2017 – Wayne Collis (M) Gordonsville Church, Mark Harris (L) First Church, Alexandria, and Bill Ray (L) Pleasant View Church (Blue Ridge); Program Committee – term to expire November 2017, Erik Davidson (M) Lyndale Church (Middle District); Religious Liberty Committee – terms to expire November 2017 – Mary Harris (L) Convergence (Northstar), Steve Pollard (M) Abingdon Church; Scholarships & Ministerial Education Funds – terms to expire November 2017 – Pam Gordon (L) First Church, South Boston, Janet Hilliard (L) Moffett Memorial Church; Virginia Baptist Mission Board – terms to expire 2017 – Don Gilliland (L) Hillsboro Church; Timmy Brown (M) Community Heights Church, Lebanon, (representing Augusta) Robert Fleshman (L) Linden Heights Church, (Middle District) Caroline Davidson (L) Lyndale Church, (Peninsula) Terry Spencer (M) Memorial Church, Hampton, (Pittsylvania) removed the name of CAM McIntire, (Portsmouth) Larry Coleman (M) Churchland Church, (Powell River) Kathy Wolfe (L) First Church, Rose Hill; Fork Union Military Academy – term to expire 2018 – Randolph E. Lanford (L) Bethel Church (Central Virginia); Note: Joseph Lewis’ term on BTSR to expire

151 PROCEEDINGS 2018; Baptist Ministers Relief Fund – Billy Burford (M) First Church, Richmond and Steve Law (L) Bon Air Church (Richmond); and SBC nominations – Pam Robertson (L) Red Bank Church (The Bridge) and Les Venable (M) Bon Air Church (Richmond). He moved adoption of the report. Hearing no further nominations from the fl oor, in voting, the report with its nominations was adopted. 7. The president announced that the offi cers were nominating three persons to serve on the Committee on Boards and Committees, as follows: Traci Powers (M), Westhaven Church (Portsmouth); Gail Williams (L), Blackstone Church (Southside); and Linda Swanson (L), Louisa Church (Goshen). 8. Chuck Harrison reported for the Budget Committee. He called attention to the committee’s report (see Book of Reports, p. 50-53). He noted that the proposed budget for 2015 carried a reduction of $714,000. He explained that the Religious Herald no longer exists and Baptist News Global is the new entity which is identifi ed on Book of Reports, p. 52 as ABPnews/ Herald. He also noted that Virginia Intermont College, a longtime partner, had closed in 2014. He further noted that the Chaplain’s Service was now known as GraceInside. He stated that the reduction to the budget had necessitated a reduction for every partner according to their corresponding percentage of the budget. On behalf of the committee, he moved adoption of the report. 9. David Washburn, treasurer, presented the report of the BGAV’s fi nances. He expressed appreciation for the support given to him in his fi rst year as treasurer. 1) The treasurer reported on behalf of the Baptist Extension Board, announcing that it had 80 outstanding loans totaling $16,515,647, had approved 12 loans during the year totaling $3,026,067, and had available funds in the amount of $5,554,893; 2) he presented the results of the various special offerings year-to-date, as follows: Alma Hunt Offering $599,422 as compared to $605,955 for the same period last year or a difference of -1.08%; Lottie Moon Offering - $1,899,856 compared to $1,570,497 or an increase of 20.97%; Annie Armstrong Offering - $1,188,419 compared to $1,174,635 or 1.1% increase; CBF Global Missions Offering - $252,135 compared to $267,414 or -5.71% over last year; World Hunger Offering - $122,180 compared to $105,394 or 15.93% increase; and other designations received in the amount of $498,406 compared to $631,537 for the same period of 2013. The total amounts received for the various offerings was $4,560,418 which represented an increase of 4.71% over the same period of last year which was $4,355,433; 3) the treasurer announced the year-to-date receipts for the Cooperative Missions contributions, as follows: $9,045,306 or 74.1% of the budgeted amount of $12,214,000 with the following items: Virginia Missions and Ministries received $5,314,021 or 59% of the total; $178,283 for Partnership Missions or 2%; $657,636 for the various BGAV ministry partners in Virginia or 7%; and $2,895,366 or 32% for World Mission Causes. The designated offerings were $4,560,418 for a total of contributions of $13,605,724. He further noted that the $9,045,306 received for Cooperative Missions in Virginia represented 88.9% of the year-to-date requirements. He noted that the amount meant that the CM gifts were about 11% behind yet since receipts are virtually in line with last year, the organization has been able to manage fi nancially. He reported that 1,179 of the 1,400 member churches had contributed thus far in 2014. 4) The treasurer presented the information that the CM receipts for Virginia had come in the following percentages: 37% from customized plans of giving; 27% from WM2; 26% from WM1; and 10% from WM3. In conclusion, the treasurer expressed that it is a privilege to serve Virginia Baptists and that he recognizes the fi nancial concerns in which the member churches are operating and remains thankful that the churches and the BGAV can work together. He expressed appreciation for the commitment to the broader mission and ministry of Virginia Baptists and for the trust shown in allowing the BGAV to be good stewards of those dollars. 152 PROCEEDINGS 10. John V. Upton, Jr. presented the report of the executive director. He commented that the year had offered tremendous opportunities which included things upon which to build a future. 1) He presented Recommendation I (see Book of Reports, p. 23) on 2015 Special Observances and Emphases for 2015 and noted the change in the deletion of Religious Herald Sunday. In voting, the recommendation was approved. 2) He presented Recommendation II on Special Observances and Emphases for 2016 (see Book of Reports, p. 24) and in voting, it was approved. 3) He presented Recommendation III on Special Offerings (see Book of Reports, p. 24) and in voting, it was approved. 4) The executive director announced that in the past Gardner-Webb University had provided scholarships for pastors and faculty to teach in the Leadership Link and that in recent months Gardner-Webb University had asked to become a partner and, therefore, he brought a covenant of partnership (see Book of Reports, p. 37-42) between the BGAV and Gardner-Webb University. He brought the matter as a recommendation of the VBMB and in a time for discussion and hearing none, in voting, it was approved. 5) The executive director presented the allocations for the Alma Hunt Offering (see Book of Reports, p. 45) and in voting, it was approved. The executive director expressed the appreciation of the BGAV for the ministry of Randall Robinson and of Jerry Jones. He read both Resolutions of Appreciation (see Book of Reports, p. 35-36). In voting, the body approved separately the resolutions for the two ministers. The executive director presented the proposed BGAV Constitution/Bylaws (see Book of Reports, p. 25-33, 34) and the proposed Articles of Incorporation. Darrell Foster presented the documents for the body’s consideration. He reminded the body of the endorsement by the BGAV at last year’s meeting of a new governance structure. He informed the body that the committee had met monthly to take the report of the Governance Study Committee and craft a new constitution and bylaws for the BGAV. He informed the body that the committee made two changes which were endorsed by the Governance Study Committee and the VBMB. The two changes were as follows: 1) to put on the new Executive Board the position of the immediate past president. He offered the rationale behind the decision, noting that for about 15 years the organization has followed the process of elevating the fi rst vice-president to president which means that the person has served, in the past, three years including as fi rst vice-president, president and immediate past president and the committee felt that this person should continue to serve across three years and 2) to give voting rights to the executive director and treasurer which would bring the Board into line with most other boards of trustees. He further explained that the corporate name presently is the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and is thus listed with the State Corporation Commission and that with adoption of the new direction, we would need to change the corporate name to the Baptist General Association of Virginia. (He called attention to p. 148 in the Book of Reports which gives the current existing documents for comparison with the proposed documents.) He noted that the proposed changes allows for reducing the documents from four items to two. He encouraged the messengers to attend the breakout sessions and express their concerns. He also noted that in tomorrow’s session the messengers will be asked to adopt the new governing documents and, if passed, to elect the fi rst Virginia Baptist Executive Board and the fi rst Virginia Baptist Mission Council. Foster presented the following motion: “That the Baptist General Association of Virginia adopt the proposed new Constitution/Bylaws, which shall replace the current Constitution and the current Bylaws; that the Baptist General Association of Virginia adopt the proposed new Articles of Incorporation of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, which shall replace the current Articles of Incorporation of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board; and that the Virginia Baptist Executive Board be authorized to make any amendments to the new Articles of Incorporation that may

153 PROCEEDINGS be required by the State Corporation Commission and/or required by law.” He explained that there may be technical changes and, therefore, the motion allowed for the Executive Board to act upon such changes. The president announced that the amendments to the Constitution/ Bylaws can be submitted to the parliamentarians or to the clerk by 4:30 p.m. today. The president called for miscellaneous business and hearing none, he declared a break in the proceedings. 11. Music was provided by David Bailey and the Arrabon Band. David Bailey opened the period with prayer and the body sang praise songs. 12. John Upton called the body into a period of worship. He introduced Gary Nelson whom he has known through their contacts within the Baptist World Alliance. He shared that Nelson chairs the Baptist World Aid Committee and serves as president of Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Canada. 13. Jennifer Mullins led the body in prayer. 14. The Arrabon Band provided further music. 15. John Upton captured the spirit of the BGAV at this time in its history with his remarks on “Sailing Fast Into Tomorrow.” He offered a rhetorical question: in the landscape of Baptists in North America and Christendom in North America, who are we as the BGAV? “Who are we and what is unique about us and what’s our primary contribution.” He shared that in recent months he had asked others beyond the BGAV to help him describe the General Association. He explained the meaning of the letters within the name, noting that the “B” is for Baptist and it is cognitive and at the core of who we are. He enumerated the various time-honored Baptist distinctives and principles. The “G” is for General which he saw as an attitude which means we are about “general business” or “the general work” of the local congregations, “the general work of the Kingdom.” The “A” stands for Association or relationship which implies “a free choice” and noted that we ask no one to be conventional. The “of Virginia” is important in that it is not “in Virginia” which implies as much a temperament as geography. He shared that he is hearing all over the comments of people who ask how to become a part of this community called the BGAV. He shared that others describe us as 1) Gospel centric – whatever we do has to be rooted in Scripture; 2) relationally rich – with relationships everywhere and, therefore, if a crisis happens anywhere in the world we can be there and we are relationally rich even within this body; 3) reasonable, gracious, civil – which is a favorable comment to hear in these times of a toxic environment; 4) heart for the ‘not-yet’ – able to embrace the future; and 5) investing generously in shared mission – noting that we give generously of our resources whatever they may be for the advancement of the Kingdom. He shared the various church plants that have joined the BGAV in 2014 including Seoul, South Korea and Washington State. He also shared all of the BGAV member churches outside of Virginia. Videos were shown including a pastor and church start in Honolulu, Hawaii, a church in Syracuse, New York, and new innovations of church life in Pulaski County, Virginia and in Abingdon, Virginia with the Highlands Fellowship. John Upton introduced Emmanuel “Moose” Mustafa of Ghana who shared statistics on the “More Than Nets” ministry project and noted that there has been a 42% reduction in malaria within the area which now has nets. “Moose” shared greetings from the Ghana Baptist Convention and expressed their appreciation for the ministry and cited the need for 60,000 more nets. A video was shown on “pioneering people” in connection with the Fresh Expressions movement. John Upton commented that Virginia Baptists are “a caring people” and noted that the organization has reached out in the Ebola crisis. He shared that the BGAV has provided funds for the purchase of rubber gloves. He further shared that many in Liberia were starving and needed food and

154 PROCEEDINGS that our staff found that there were hundreds of thousands of meals in storage in South Africa and he announced that a freighter was arriving this week with the needed food for Liberia. 16. Gary Nelson shared his fi rst message: “Living in the Borderlands” based upon Luke 19:1- 10. He commented that the challenge in the 21st century is what does it mean to be the church in the time in which we are called. He shared encounters of Jesus in the Gospel and noted that he gets his students to look at Jesus and then develop a theology of engagement. He shared insights from the story of Zacchaeus and how Jesus engaged the despised tax collector. He informed the body that less than six percent of all Canadians go to church on a given Sunday and, therefore, many Canadians check the box of “no religion” yet 80% of the people say that they believe in God. He observed that people today want to talk about spirituality but not about the institutional church. In refl ecting upon the story of Zacchaeus, he noted that Jesus does the unexpected in the story and he refl ected upon the statement that “they all muttered.” He also commented that in the story Jesus fi nds the “not-so-lovely, the lost and such is the very character of God.” He noted that Zacchaeus was called by name and that Jesus identifi ed with this person. He concluded by stating that “the haunting question of the 21st century when everything is changing is simple: what kind of association do you want to be, what kind of church, what kind of follower of Christ do you want to be? He closed with prayer. 17. At 11:55 a.m. Blake Tommey offered the benediction.

Tuesday Evening 18. At 6:50 p.m. the Arrabon Band played prelude music. 19. At 7:00 p.m. John Upton shared refl ections from his service as president of the Baptist World Alliance. He expressed appreciation to Virginia Baptists for the opportunity which has been his to have served as president of the BWA. He spoke about a memorable week spent recently with the English Baptists and with the Irish Baptists and Scottish Baptists in their annual conferences. He further shared that he was invited to speak at Oxford among many who were not Christians and he was asked to talk about “patience” as a virtue. He refl ected that the topic became intriguing to him. He realized that we are called to live in the “in- between places with a sense of vision and wonder yet in the reality of intense suffering. He observed that “light and dark talk to one another in this place called patience.” He shared experiences which he had with the people of Nagaland which is 97% Baptist and he told about a woman whom he met who runs a halfway house to rescue prostitutes. He called her “the bravest woman I have known.” He offered statistics which he had learned from a meeting of demographers which indicate “huge implications for the mission world coming in the next couple of decades.” He stated that “we in the church need to learn how to become multi-cultural.” He offered experiences from the meeting last summer of the BWA in Turkey. “Our purpose was to open up the freedom in that part of the world,” stated the executive director. “And the Turkish Baptists have said since our visit that they had never been able to enjoy such freedom until now.” In all of these instances, the executive director felt that he had seen “light and dark.” He concluded: “We are a patient people because we are a people of hope.” 20. Nichole Prillaman moderated a panel discussion on the role of the church in a world of change. The panelists were John Upton, Gary Nelson and “Moose.” “Moose” shared much of his own personal testimony and how he converted from a Muslim to a Christian. In considering the kind of chaos affecting him, “Moose” told about witnessing in the northern part of Ghana where there is great poverty, limited education and much unemployment.

155 PROCEEDINGS Gary Nelson felt that the crisis was globalization, emphasizing that we cannot ignore the problems of the world. He also shared that in his estimation chaos really was positive. He observed: “The biggest change is that everything is being changed.” John Upton felt that it was so easy to get caught up with our own little anxieties that you lose the big picture and our calling in Christ. He felt that we were being distracted with ourselves. He commented: “Maybe we can transform the world with some partners we don’t know we had.” Nelson added the observation: “Why do we feel we should have a privileged position and at least in North America we should be willing to give up privilege.” “Moose” commented: “We carry the Gospel but the appropriate way is to let the people be a part of the process. If you are not careful you are going to impose yourself. We (meaning the people of the Ghana Baptist Convention) identifi ed the problem as malaria and we asked for help.” Nichole Prillaman asked the panel what was currently giving them hope in the midst of chaos. Upton responded: “When we visit churches I get hope… there are people who I could count on and they taught me the gift of presence while daring to believe that God is going to do something.” Nelson described the transient situation of the population in Toronto, noting that some of the church planters are from out of Canada and that gives him hope. “Moose” stated that “we have reduced malaria and if we keep doing this we are transforming the world.” 21. The Band led in congregational singing. 22. Gary Nelson offered the second of his messages: “An Exercise in Not Missing the Moment” based upon Luke 10:38-42. He observed that “we never experience Jesus in the same way. We experience through the fi lters in our own life.” He reminded the messengers and visitors that “Matthew wrote his Gospel to a persecuted group of people and felt it was important to share the lineage and history; Mark was writing for those who have discovered Jesus and does not even care about the birth narrative; John tells you why he wrote the story; Luke is an historian, a doctor and he tells the story of Jesus in a thematic way.” He added: “We think the Mary and Martha story is about being and doing.” He added his theory that “Mary has done this to Martha before.” “The tragedy is that this was a great time to sit at the feet of Jesus. God has come to the door and the sisters have a great opportunity to sit with Jesus. This was the opportunity to ask the questions. The Mary-Martha story is about not missing the moment – the moment when God just shows up and does something different. The tragedy of the Gospel story is that the religious people missed it.” He urged his hearers not to “miss the moment that God puts before you” and not to “miss the moment to sit at the feet of Jesus.” He stated: “I believe in a God that goes out ahead of us.” He closed with prayer. 23. Welford Orrock offered the benediction.

Wednesday Morning 24. David Bailey and the Arrabon Band offered prelude music. 25. At 8:30 a.m. President McDearis called the session to order. 26. Nic Uebel offered a prayer. 27. The president announced that the agenda would be revised to shift the voting on the Constitution and Bylaws to a later time to afford messengers time to enter the meeting hall. 28. Rupert Rose reported for the Resolutions Committee. He brought a Resolution of Appreciation, as follows:

156 PROCEEDINGS Resolution of Appreciation With praise and thanksgiving to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we have gathered, and to whose glory we consecrate our work together, We, the messengers of the 191st meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV), meeting at Hampton, Virginia, November 11-12, 2014, do hereby make it known that: We express our gratitude to the staff of the Hampton Roads Convention Center and to local businesses for their gracious hospitality. We commend the local associations, churches and volunteers for all they have done to facilitate this annual meeting. We give thanks to the Program Committee for planning and conducting this meeting. We commend all the program participants for their positive contributions. We commend the Governance Committee and the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for their visionary work in providing a new governance structure that launches the BGAV into the future. We are grateful to the staff of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board for their faithful and thoughtful preparation of this annual meeting. We cherish their continuous, committed service to Virginia Baptists, our churches, lay people and ministers. We especially appreciate the capable leadership of John V. Upton, Jr., our Executive Director. With appreciation and thanksgiving we celebrate with our partner in ministry, HopeTree Family Services, on their 125th anniversary. We commend the service and contributions of our First Vice-President, Ann Brown; Second Vice-President, Ed Fisher; Clerk, Fred Anderson; Assistant Clerk, Wayne Hannah; and Parliamentarians, Richard Bidwell, Beth Fogg and Raymond Duke. We appreciate the dedicated effort of Tommy McDearis, our President, for his valuable and tireless leadership. Finally, we resolve to continue working together in our Baptist General Association of Virginia to advance the Redeemer’s Kingdom.

In a time for voting, the Resolution was adopted by the body. Rupert Rose also informed the body that a Resolution on the Sanctity of Life was presented by a messenger and reported that the committee considered the proposed Resolution and declined to bring it forward since the BGAV’s statement on abortion previously was approved twice before the body in earlier years. (Note: In 1978 the BGAV adopted the report of a special committee to study the practice of abortion at the Virginia Baptist Hospital and in 1997 the BGAV approved a reaffi rmation of the statement.) Randy Wagner, a messenger from First Church, Charlottesville, stated that he met with the Resolutions Committee and asked for the consent of the body for a reading of the Resolution as presented. Seconded. The chairman of the Resolutions Committee expressed the opinion of the committee that the Resolution was not to be brought forward because of the two previous actions. In a time for discussion and hearing none, in voting on the request to hear the Resolution, the motion failed. 29. Chuck Harrison expressed his willingness to entertain comments and questions as regards the proposed budget. Hearing none, in voting the report of the budget committee was adopted. 30. John Upton shared that the HopeTree Family Services ministry partner was celebrating its 125th anniversary. A video presentation on the agency was shown. Upton also announced

157 PROCEEDINGS that Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia was celebrating its 140th anniversary and a video was shown highlighting the life and work of that organization. 31. John Upton noted that whenever God’s Spirit moves, something happens and he felt such was the case with the signing of a covenant with Gardner-Webb University. Tracey Jessup, vice-president for Christian life and service at the University, brought greetings from Gardner- Webb. (It was explained that the University’s president was engaged with an accreditation committee and regretted his absence from the covenant signing.) Jessup noted that the institution and the BGAV share many of the same core values. The signing of the covenant was undertaken by President McDearis, John Upton and previously by the president of the University. 32. The president called the messengers attention to the matter of the Constitution and Bylaws. He called for discussion and hearing none, in voting the report of the Constitution and Bylaws including the new documents as well as the Articles of Incorporation were duly approved. (Note: The voting tally was as follows: 335 votes cast with 321 for the motion to approve and 14 against.) 33. Ann Brown presented the list of proposed Executive Board members and moved the election of the 15 individuals. In a time for discussion, Mark Long, First Church, Charlottesville, stated that in examining the list he found a high percentage of those chosen are identifi ed with the CBF and, therefore, it represents a higher percentage than those within the BGAV who identify with the SBC and, consequently, the list is not representative. He expressed concern that the BGAV was “sailing fast” to the CBF and not the SBC. Hearing no further discussion, in voting the motion carried. Ann Brown moved that the current membership of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board including those elected in yesterday’s session become the fi rst members of the Virginia Baptist Mission Council. Hearing no further discussion, in voting it carried. (Note: The names of the 15 elected to serve on the Executive Board are, as follows: Vivian Clingenpeel, Pat Ellis, Laurie Harris, Ben Jamison, Wayne Maness, Steve Allsbrook, Dianne Jones-Freeman, Becky McKinney, Kevin Meadows, Herbert Ponder, Will Baker, Lora Gravatt, Carl Johnson, Tamara McBride, and Bart McNiel.) 34. The president opened the fl oor for nominations for the offi cers of the BGAV. He called for nominations for the offi ce of president. Pat Bloxom, Mappsville Church (The Bridge) nominated Ann Fitzgerald Brown. Diane Shoemake, River Road Church (Richmond) and Debbie Carter, First Church, Richmond (Richmond) both seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, in voting, Ann Brown was duly elected. Nominations opened for the offi ce of fi rst vice-president. Bert Browning, Huguenot Road Church (Richmond) nominated Nancy Stanton McDaniel. Daniel Wilson, First Church, Martinsville (Henry County) and Vallerie King, Emmaus Church (Dover) both seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, in voting, Nancy Stanton McDaniel was elected. Nominations opened for the offi ce of second vice-president. Nancy Moore, Williamsburg (Peninsula) nominated William “Bill” Nieporte. Terry Spencer, Memorial Church, seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, in voting, Bill Nieporte was elected. Nominations opened for the offi ce of clerk and Michael J. Clingenpeel, River Road Church (Richmond) nominated Fred Anderson. James Collie, Wise Church (Wise), seconded the nomination. Hearing no further nominations, in voting, Fred Anderson was elected. 35. John Upton presided over the time of expressing appreciation to the out-going offi cers and the installation of the new offi cers. 36. The Association paused for the Memorial Service. David Peppler expressed appreciation to his fellow members of the Memorial Committee. The families of the honorees stood and were accorded a round of affectionate applause. Charles Gibson read Scripture, 2 158 PROCEEDINGS Timothy 4:6-8. Joyce Clemmons read the poem by Tennyson, “Crossing the Bar.” A video presentation was shown which pictured the deceased. 37. The president expressed his appreciation for the opportunity which had been his to serve a term as president of the BGAV. 38. During the fi nal worship time of the meeting, David Bailey and the Arrabon Band presented music. Gary Nelson offered the third of his messages, “Living Outside Our Comfort Zones” based upon John 5:1-15. 39. The president introduced Neville Callam, executive director of the Baptist World Alliance, who brought greetings. He expressed his appreciation to Virginia Baptists for their support and pronounced John Upton as one of the best presidents which the BWA has been fortunate to experience. He further expressed greetings from the Baptists of the world. 40. Gary Nelson continued his fi nal message. He refl ected again upon the small number of Canadians who are identifi ed with churches. In referring to the Scripture lesson, Nelson noted that when Jesus came by the pool, he asked the lame man the strangest question: “Do you want to get well?” Some of the message from the speaker included the following: “Jesus told him to get up and walk. Jesus did not respond as the religious leaders thought that He should. The lost are waiting for us to fi nd them. Their response is so often, ‘Why did you wait so long to share the good news?’ If the only thing you have to offer is the church and religion, it does not reach those who need Christ! The story that you have to share is the sacred story that comes from the heart. Jesus broke through to this man. We need to offer transparency. Jesus dealt with this man physically before he dealt with him spiritually. The Gospel is both words and deeds. We are not to just tell the Gospel but we must live the Gospel! We are a culture that needs to be broken. What is it that Jesus came to do to change people’s lives? If you as an association are accused of anything, be accused of living the Gospel! Virginia Baptists have something special and don’t lose it! Go with the knowledge that God is calling you to be His people.” 41. Ann Brown, the newly elected president, pronounced the benediction and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Fred Anderson Clerk




William Donald Ambrose September 28, 1936–June 8, 2014

The Reverend William Donald Ambrose, 77, sang his last earthly song and entered into his heavenly home June 8, 2014. Rev. Ambrose was a native of Gloucester, was graduated from Gloucester High School in 1955, and Richmond Professional Institute (now VCU) with a bachelor of music education degree; then from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, with a bachelor and master in church music. Rev. Ambrose was music director at Gloucester High School from 1959–1962 and founder of the fi rst Gloucester High School Marching Band. He began his career in ministry, serving at Oakwood Memorial Baptist Church and Calvary Methodist Church, both in Richmond; Calvary Baptist Church, Lexington, KY; Valley Station Baptist Church, Valley Station, KY; Parkview Baptist Church, Newport News, VA, for 21 years; Providence Baptist Church, where he was the Minister of Music, Youth, and Children, and Associate Pastor for 20-plus years; and choir director at Newington Baptist Church for a number of years after his retirement. He taught and led singing at the nursing homes in which he was still actively involved at the time of his death; and he sang with the Virginia Baptist Male Chorale and The Centurymen (100 SBC Ministers of Music), sharing the gospel through music all over the world. He served as Moderator of Peninsula Baptist Association. He organized and led trips to the Holy Land and other countries abroad. Rev. Ambrose was an accomplished pianist and organist and loved to play the auto harp. He gave piano lessons and directed choirs with the young and old. He enhanced thousands of worship services with his music, his choirs, and musical productions. For 45-plus years he directed the Living Singing Christmas Tree at Providence and, before that, at Parkview. He also helped other local churches start Living Trees of their own. Rev. Ambrose was a spiritual shepherd and church leader. He was a Christian gentleman with a wonderful smile and a humble soul. To the hungry, he offered food. To the sick, he offered company. To the lost, he offered the hope of Jesus. If you were to defi ne “pastor,” Donald Ambrose fi t that defi nition. He was a prayerful man who had a great love for His Lord, his family and his people. He will be remembered as a shepherd who loved his fl ock, admired his fellow clergy and selfl essly poured himself out for the good of his church. Rev. Ambrose is a true example of what it means to be a Christ-like servant leader. He was preceded in death by his parents, William Woodrow and Rosa Walker Ambrose. He left to cherish his memory, his wife and love of his life, Margie Ambrose; his children: Carla Stanley and husband, Rick; Tammie Spivey and husband, Kevin; Tal Ambrose and wife, Emily; Bobby Stokes; Del Stokes and wife, Janet; and Rhonda Pappas and husband, Pete; brothers, Freddie Ambrose and wife, Barbara Jean, and Billy Ambrose and wife, Dianne; and sister, Teresa Hogge and husband, Edwin; 15 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and a host of extended family and friends. A service to Celebrate the Life of The Reverend Donald Ambrose offi ciated by the Rev. Dr. Richard Croxton and the Rev. Dr. Ray Goude, Sr., was held on June 12, 2014, at Providence Baptist Church. Interment followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends on June 11, 2014, at Providence Baptist Church. In his memory, contributions were given to Providence Baptist Church Building Fund and/or Cemetery Fund, 3501 Providence Road, Hayes, VA 23072.

163 MEMORIALS Barbara Perkinson Bliley July 23, 1927–August 24, 2014

Barbara Perkinson Bliley, 87, of Richmond, passed away August 24, 2014. She was born in South Hill, VA, and was the daughter of the late Hugh Thomas and Frances Yancey Perkinson. Barbara spent most of her childhood in South Hill and Chase City. She was graduated from Johnston-Willis Hospital School of Nursing in Richmond in 1947. She met and married the love of her life, Robert “Bob” Bliley in 1947 and was married 52 years until his death. In addition to raising a family and later caring for her most important patient, Bob, she worked part-time at LaVogue and later retired from the Virginia Baptist General Board in 1991. She was a charter member of Skipwith Baptist Church, where she was a deacon and actively served on many committees. Mrs. Bliley was unselfi sh and placed God in the center of her life. She was a devoted daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend, who put others fi rst. Barbara loved working in her yard, fl ower arranging, cooking, and crafting. The family will miss her unconditional love, wisdom, and guidance. In addition to her parents and husband, Mrs. Bliley was preceded in death by a sister, Johnel Poffenberger; and a devoted aunt, Lillian “Sis” Perkinson, who played an important part in her upbringing. Mrs. Bliley is survived by her loving daughters and sons-in-law: Betsy and Cleveland Null of Gettysburg, PA; Robin and Breck Daughtrey of Norfolk, VA; and Dana and Paul Lemacks of Richmond, VA; three grandchildren and their spouses: Jason and Kelly Null, Jeffrey and Melissa Null, and Mary Catherine and Christian Reisinger; six great-grandchildren: Taylor, Andrew, Derek, Landon, Faith, and Abigail; and many extended family and friends. The family received friends from 3–6 p.m. on August 28, 2014, at Bliley’s-Central, 3801 Augusta Avenue. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. on August 29, 2014, at Skipwith Baptist Church, 1900 Skipwith Road, Henrico, VA 23229, with a reception following. Interment was private at Westhampton Memorial Park. In lieu of fl owers, memorial donations were made to Skipwith Baptist Church, Lakewood Manor, 1900 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, VA 23238, or a charity of choice.

164 MEMORIALS Ann Rice Bowen April 4, 1933–May 10, 2014

Ann Rice Bowen, 81, of Warsaw, VA, peacefully went to be with her Lord on May 10, 2014. She was predeceased by her parents, Frank and Marian Rice; and sister, Katherine Kent. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Pastor Donald Bowen; four children and their spouses: Donna McKinney (Mac), Angela Herrmann (Brett), Jennifer Denning (Bill), and Jonathan Bowen (Jane); nine grandchildren: Sarah Warwick, Bethany Griffi th, Nathan Herrmann, Rachel Taylor; Christopher, Zachary, and Nicholas Denning; and Eleanor and Clay Bowen; and two great-grandchildren, Abigail Warwick and Kinsey Herrmann. Mrs. Bowen and her husband served churches for 60 years in Warsaw, VA; Raleigh, NC; Lillington, NC; Alexandria, VA; and for the past 15 years, the Cobham Park Baptist Church of Warsaw, VA. She was a gifted Bible teacher and women’s ministry leader in all of the church they served. She exemplifi ed selfl ess giving as a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. The family received friends on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at the Cobham Park Baptist Church, 13829 Historyland Highway, Warsaw, VA, from 5–8 p.m. A memorial service was held at the Cobham Park Church on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, at 1 p.m. with private interment. In lieu of fl owers, contributions were made to the Ann Bowen Memorial Fund, c/o the Cobham Park Baptist Church, P.O. Box 306, Warsaw, VA 22572.

165 MEMORIALS Kenneth Barkley Bryan January 15, 1930–October 25, 2013

Dr. Kenneth Barkley Bryan, former pastor of Mount Hermon Baptist Church in Strawberry Association, died October 25, 2013, in Woodstock, GA, where he and his wife, Lucille, made their retirement home. Born in Richmond on January 15, 1930, he earned a bachelor of arts degree at the University of Richmond before going on to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, where he received the degree, master of theology. He received the degree, doctor of ministry, from Luther Rice Seminary. Dr. Bryan was named pastor emeritus of Mount Hermon Church in recognition of his pastorate from July 1, 1991–January 31, 2000. During his service at Mount Hermon, he also served as the Strawberry Association representative to the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and served a term as chairman of the Program Committee of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. In addition to his wife, Lucille, Dr. Bryan was survived by three sons and fi ve grandchildren.

166 MEMORIALS William Hugh Bumgarner May 13, 1926–October 6, 2013

The Reverend William Hugh Bumgarner, pastor of Midway Baptist Church in Amherst County, peacefully completed his earthly journey at his home in Amherst County on Sunday, October 6, 2013. Rev. Bumgarner was a proud native of Haywood County in the Great Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina. Born May 13, 1926, he was the second child and oldest son of William Stokes Bumgarner and Nancy Roena Singleton Bumgarner. Rev. Bumgarner was graduated from Bethel High School in Haywood County in 1944 and served in the U.S. Navy, ending with a tour of duty in the Phillipines immediately after the Japanese surrender in 1945. Upon his return from the Phillipines, he married Virginia Ardie Pless on October 20, 1946, in Crusoe, NC. He worked for four years at Champion Paper & Fibre Company in Canton, NC, before responding to the call to prepare for Christian ministry. Rev. Bumgarner was ordained in 1950 at Ridgeway Baptist Church in Candler, NC. His call led him to Mars Hill College in 1950 and subsequently to Wake Forest College in 1951, from where he was graduated in 1953. He continued ministry preparation at Southeastern Baptist Seminary at Wake Forest, graduating in 1957. Rev. Bumgarner, in his own words, considered himself blessed to have served fi ve churches: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Willow Spring, NC; Calvary Baptist Church in Concord, VA; Madison Heights Baptist Church (pastor emeritus) in Madison Heights, VA; Rivermont Avenue Baptist Church (interim) in Lynchburg, VA; and Midway Baptist Church in Amherst, VA. He said, “I am indebted to all these churches but especially to Madison Heights Baptist Church and Midway, which allowed me to minister with them all these many years.” Rev. Bumgarner was also active in the Baptist General Association of Virginia, where he served for a period as Chairman of the Services Committee of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. Reared in a devout Christian family during the Great Depression, Rev. Bumgarner placed his faith in the risen Christ. In his own words, he said, “I fi rmly believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Revealer of God to man; the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I believe that every human being was made in the image of God and to disrespect any person is to disrespect God.” As his health declined during the last week of his life, his farewell message to his children and grandchildren was, “Christ is the Way.” Rev. Bumgarner and his wife, Ardia, cherished their latter years of living in the Pleasant View community. They were accomplished gardeners and beekeepers and enjoyed sharing the fruits of their labors with family and friends. Wherever they lived, their door was always open to welcome family and friends for visits and meals. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, whom he considered to be his greatest encourager and dearest companion. Surviving with many loving memories are their daughter, Donna Jean Bumgarner Massie (Harold), of Madison Heights; their son, Alan Hugh Bumgarner (Terry), of Monroe; fi ve grandchildren: Courtney Massie of Madison Heights; Emily Greenstreet (Jon) of O’Fallon, IL; Mary Ellen Bryant (Michael) of Madison Heights; Matthew Bumgarner (Britney) of Lynchburg; and Jacob Bumgarner (Courtney) of Concord; and eight great-grandchildren: Hugh Greenstreet, Clara Greenstreet, Sydney Greenstreet, Eli Greenstreet, Chloe Maxfi eld, Devin Bryant, Tristan Bryant, and Hayden Bumgarner. 167 MEMORIALS Other loving survivors include his sisters: Burlyn “Lynn” Eargle (W.E. Eargle) of Batesville, SC; Eula B. Williams (the late B.L. Williams) of Spartanburg, SC; and Mary Jo Starnes (Cloyes) of Waynesville, NC; his brothers: Earl Bumgarner (Rosa Lee) of Brevard, NC; and Edgar Bumgarner (Lorena) of Bessemer City, NC; and many nephews, nieces, and cousins. Rev. Bumgarner requested that his family sincerely acknowledge all of his many friends, especially Edgar and Mary Fitzgerald, Arnold and Rachel Fitzgerald, and O.C. and Mildred Charmin of Midway Baptist Church, and his dear friend and next door neighbor, Al Carpenter, of Allwood. The family received friends from 4–8 p.m. on October 9, 2013, at Midway Baptist Church on U.S. Rt. 60 West in Amherst County, from 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m. on October 10, 2013, at Madison Heights Baptist Church, Main Street, Old Town Madison Heights, and at other times at the Massie residence, 108 Sunset Circle, Madison Heights. A funeral service was conducted at 3 p.m. October 10, 2013, at Madison Heights Baptist Church with the Rev. R. Todd Blake offi ciating. Interment followed at the El Bethel Allwood Cemetery. Memorial contributions were made to Midway Baptist Church, 4695 Lexington Turnpike, Amherst, VA 24521.

168 MEMORIALS Richard B. Carter, Sr. January 28, 1930–June 13, 2014

Richard Burke Carter, Sr., 84, of Appomattox, died June 13, 2014, in Lynchburg General Hospital. He was the loving husband of Bolling Conner Carter for 62 years. Mr. Carter was born in Appomattox County on January 28, 1930, a son of the late Bessie Morris and Thornton Randolph Carter, Sr., and raised on their general farm. He attended the public schools in Appomattox County. Upon graduation from Appomattox High School, he entered Virginia Polytechnic Instsitute State University and received a bachelor of science degree in Agricultural Education in 1951. Being commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force Reserve, he was called to active duty in July 1951. Mr. Carter served as an administrative offi cer with one year of duty with the 5th Air Force in Seoul, Korea. Upon release from active duty in 1953, he enrolled in a master’s program at his beloved V.P.I. where he was awarded a master of science degree in June 1954. His professional experience included teaching vocational agriculture for 19 years and serving as a director of vocational education. In 1980, he was appointed Assistant Superintendent for Administration for Appomattox County Public Schools. Upon retirement from the Appomattox County Public Schools, he accepted an appointment to coordinate the Tech Prep Program for Region 2000. In this position, he helped frame the articulation of technical programs between high schools and Central Virginia Community College. He also served as an adult Sunday school teacher and a deacon in the Grace Hills Baptist Church. In addition, he served as messenger to the annual BGAV meetings and moderator for the Appomattox Baptist Association business meetings. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two children: R. B. Carter, Jr., and wife, Brenda, of Lynchburg, VA; and Beth Carter Bertenshaw and husband, Steve, of Manchester, U.K.; two granddaughters, Emily and Anna Carter, of Lynchburg, VA; a sister, Virginia C. Wells, of Knoxville, TN; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by nine brothers: Edell; Tudor; Aubrey; David; Ernest; Willis; Bill; Thornton, Jr.; and Lawrence Carter; and a sister, Ola Morris. A funeral service was held 11 a.m., on June 16, 2014, at Grace Hills Baptist Church by the Rev. Adam Tyler. Burial followed in New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery with military rites accorded by American Legion Post #104 and V.F.W. #9855 combined honor guard. The family received friends at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of service. In lieu of fl owers, the family requested that memorials be sent to Grace Hills Baptist Church Benevolent Fund, P. O. Box 807, Appomattox, VA 24522.

169 MEMORIALS F. Gary Edwards August 3, 1943–August 8, 2013

The Rev. F. Gary Edwards, 70, of Martinsville went home to be with the Lord after a fi ve-year courageous battle with cancer on Thursday, August 8, 2013, at his residence. He was born in Fieldale on August 3, 1943, to the late Reuben Frederick Edwards and Thelma Daniel Edwards of Bassett. Gary was a graduate of Patrick Henry Community College; he received his B.A. degree at Averett University and fi nished his studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary of North Carolina, where he graduated with a master of divinity. During his ministry, he was pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church of Rocky Mount for seven years, and then became pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. While in seminary, he became pastor of Ransdell Chapel Baptist Church in Louisburg, NC. He fi nished his education while at Kearfott Memorial Baptist Church of Martinsville, where he was pastor for more than 15 years. Six months after retiring from Kearfott Memorial Baptist Church, Rev. Edwards became pastor of First Baptist Church of Ridgeway and was instrumental in the building of the current church building. Rev. Edwards served in the North Carolina National Guard, was active in the local and state Baptist association, an avid guitar enthusiast, and enjoyed westerns. He was very active in the Historical Society and was a collector of Martinsville Historical Memorabilia. In addition to his father, he was also preceded in death by one brother, David Edwards, Sr. In addition to his mother, he is also survived by his wife, Lois Luther Edwards, of the home; one son, Brian T. Edwards, of Alexandria; one daughter and son-in-law, Kerri Edwards Carter and husband, Doug, of Martinsville; fi ve sisters: Trevis Lusk and Linda Ratliff, both of Martinsville; Naomi Massey of Florida; Faye Luther of Fieldale; and Fern Joyce of Collinsville; and two grandchildren, Carter and Mackenzie. Funeral services were held 2 p.m. on August 12, 2013, at First Baptist Church of Ridgeway with the Reverend Doug Ramsey offi ciating. Interment followed in Mountain View Cemetery. The family received friends from 6–8 p.m. on August 11, 2013, in the Sanctuary of First Baptist Church of Ridgeway and other times at the home. The family requested donations to be made to the Capital Improvement Fund c/o First Baptist Church of Ridgeway, P.O. Box 715, Ridgeway, VA 24148.

170 MEMORIALS Haggard Cowen “Sandy” Ellis January 17, 1919–September 11, 2013

Dr. Haggard Cowen “Sandy” Ellis died peacefully following a long illness on September 11, 2013. Dr. Ellis received an A.A. from Mars Hill College in 1941 a B.A. from Wake Forest College in 1943, B.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1948, and Ph.D. from the University of California in 1951. He was ordained to the ministry on June 7, 1942, in Nashville, TN, and served his country during World War II as an Army chaplain. After the war, Dr. Ellis returned to the pastorate, continuing in the ministry for over half a century. He served churches in Linville Falls and LaGrange, NC; Owensboro, KY; Jacksonville, FL; and Etowah, TN. He was called to the pastorate of the historic First Baptist Church of Charlottesville, VA, in 1957, where he served for nearly three decades. Dr. Ellis was a denominational leader at the local, state, national, and international levels. He wrote extensively, serving a dozen different publications, and fi lled hundreds of requests for speaking engagements from the local and international scene. Dr. Ellis shepherded his congregations with his teaching, preaching, ministering to the needs of parishioners, developing and training leadership, and administrating both traditional and visionary programs. He was a champion of Christian higher education and defender of academic excellence and freedom. Dr. Ellis was ahead of his time in implementing the ordination of women as deacons and pastors. Countless numbers of people and institutions have reason to give thanks that he heard and followed the calling God embedded in his soul. He taught and lived the cornerstone principle that all truth comes from God. Dr. Ellis was an outdoorsman from youth. He was an accomplished marksman, hunter, and fi sherman with a passion for conservation and protection of God’s creation. He was a daring early explorer of the Linville Gorge. Mindful of the gift of athleticism, he was a track star in high school and college and an excellent tennis and basketball player, swimmer, water-skier, and life-long golfer. Dr. Ellis held a pilot’s license and found great joy in fl ying. He traveled extensively. He and his late wife, ‘Cille, fulfi lled a promise they made to each other to show their daughters the world. The family visited all 50 states and over 15 foreign countries. Dr. Ellis was predeceased by his parents, Claude Cooper Ellis and Pearl Jones Elli; and his brothers: William Clint, Douglas Jones, and Edward Hampton. He is also preceded in death by his wife of 48 years, Nancy Lucille (‘Cille) Haywood Ellis. He is survived by his two daughters and their husbands: Sandra and Daniel Ellis-Killian, and Ellen and Mike Sadler; two grandsons and their wives; his wife, Carol Robertson Ellis; a stepson, Ronald Jerome Townsend, and his family; and his only sister, Martha Ellis Wells. A memorial service was held on Saturday, September 28, 2013, at First Baptist Church, Charlottesville, VA.

171 MEMORIALS Lester Lee Ferguson July 23, 1925–November 29, 2013

The Rev. Lester Lee Ferguson, 88, of Rosedale, VA, went home to his Heavenly Father on Friday, November 29, 2013. He was an active Baptist minister for 67 years of his life, a rare milestone reached by very few in the ministry. His years in the ministry were marked by dedication, optimism, and a joyful spirit. He demonstrated this same exuberance for life and loving spirit as a husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend. Rev. Ferguson, born on July 23, 1925, in Russell County, was a member of Green Valley Baptist Church in Lebanon, VA, where he was originally ordained to the gospel ministry on September 17, 1944. In 1948, he earned his bachelor of arts degree from Carson Newman College; and in 1951, he earned his bachelor of divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. Besides early pastorates in Tennessee and Texas, he served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Gate City, VA, from 1952–1960; Ridgewood Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA, from 1960–1969; English Road Baptist Church in High Point, NC, from 1969–1974; Oakland Baptist Church (as Associate Pastor) in Roanoke, VA, from 1974–1982; as Director of Missions in the New Lebanon Baptist Association from 1982–1991; and pastor of Brick Baptist Church near Castlewood from 1994–2011. He also conducted revival campaigns in seven states; delivered baccalaureate addresses to many graduating high school classes; taught “Sunday School Success” in college; and was listed in the 1973 edition of Who’s Who in North Carolina. Throughout his ministry, Lester used a ventriloquist puppet and magic tricks to reach children with the gospel message. His other areas of special training included hospital ministries, church management, clinics, and family life ministries. Rev. Ferguson fulfi lled one of his dreams when his book, Messages of Hope, was published in 2003. In addition to his ministry, Lester enjoyed golfi ng, traveling, and live theater. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife and faithful partner in his ministry for 54 years, Nancy Ada Ferguson. Also preceding him in death were his infant daughter, Nancilee; parents, Shuler and Flossie Williams Ferguson; and brothers, Alfred Ferguson and Raymond Ferguson. Lester is survived by his only daughter, Linda Slaughter and her husband, Dr. Terry Slaughter, of Daleville, VA; and his beloved grandson, Dr. Kevin Slaughter and his wife, Alexandra, of Roanoke, VA. Also surviving are brothers Buford Ferguson and wife, Nancy, and Adron Ferguson and wife, Betty, and sister Gay Nell Mitchell, all of Lebanon, VA; sister, Jean Rieley, of Troutville, VA; sister-in-law, Frances Ferguson, of Marion, VA; and numerous nephews and nieces. He also leaves his close friend, Jean Ireson, of Lebanon, VA. His family wishes to extend their eternal gratitude to Jean for her faithful companionship, tireless caregiving, and for bringing so much joy to Lester’s later years. Also serving as much appreciated caregivers during his last years were his brothers, Buford and Adron; sister, Gay Nell; and caregivers, Eleanor Deel and Irene Owens. Even after suffering a stroke, vision loss, and congestive heart failure, Lester continued to witness to those who cared for and visited him. The family rejoices in the belief that God has restored Lester’s joyful spirit and strong voice in Heaven, where will he will once again be able to praise and honor his Lord and Savior for eternity. The funeral service was conducted 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, at the Green Valley Baptist Church with the Rev. Larry Burton, the Rev. Darrell Naff, the Rev. Darrell Fletcher, the Rev. Jim Anderson, the Rev. Allen Jessee, and the Rev. J. C. Steele offi ciating. Burial followed at Russell Memorial Cemetery. The pallbearers were Mark Mitchell, Jerry Rieley, Greg Rieley, Denny Ferguson, Kevin Ferguson, and Carson Brown. Men of Brick Church served as honorary pallbearers. The family received friends from 12–2 p.m. prior to the service at the church. Memorial contributions were made to the Green Valley Baptist Youth, 695 Green Valley Road, Lebanon, VA 24266. 172 MEMORIALS Myron Raymond Fields August 31, 1968–February 25, 2014

The Rev. Myron Raymond Fields, 45, of Tazewell, VA, passed away on February 25, 2014, at Bristol Regional Medical Center in Bristol, TN. He was born on August 31, 1968, son of the late Raymond Harry Fields and the late Helen Haggy Fields Norris. He is survived by his sisters, Melanie Fields Hamlin Alverson and her husband, Marcus, and Eileen Fields Harter; nieces Kelsey Hamlin, Brianna Hamlin, Mallory Alverson, Beth Hindy Stinnett, and Becky Hindy White; and nephew, Carter Hamlin. Myron was a 1986 graduate of Wahama High School. Rev. Fields had a master of divinity degree from the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University and a bachelor of arts from Marshall University. He served as associate in ministry with Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) at Concord College in the 1990s and with BCM at Salem International University. He served as pastor of the Salem Baptist Church, Salem, WV; Isle of Hope Baptist Church, Savannah, GA; and Tazewell Baptist Church, Tazewell, VA. Rev. Fields served as a page to the West Virginia legislature in the early years of his career. In lieu of fl owers, memorial donations in his memory were made to the following: Baptist Campus Ministries at the West Virginia Baptist Convention in Parkersburg, WV, or to Gideons International. The funeral service was held on Saturday, March 1, 2014, at 2 p.m. at the Anderson Funeral Home, New Haven, WV. Burial followed at Graham Cemetery. Visiting hours were on February 28, 2014, from 6–8 p.m. at the funeral home in New Haven.

173 MEMORIALS Cecil E. Gholston November 27, 1929–December 27, 2013

The Rev. Cecil E. Gholston died peacefully on December 27, 2013, from complications of a spinal cord injury received in a car crash. He was 84. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette; son, Barry; and daughter, Susan (Chris Cochrane). He was preceded in death by daughter, Sheryl Ann; and parents, Hugh Mayes and Mary Christine Gholston. Rev. Gholston began his ministry as a teenager singing gospel music. He was blessed with a beautiful bass voice and sang professionally with the Blue Ridge Quartet and all his lifelong ministry. He joined the newly formed US Air Force during the Korean Confl ict and later met his wife, Jeanette—an airman in the Women’s Air Force— while stationed in Cheyenne, WY. After his service, he completed college and seminary and was ordained to the Gospel ministry. His fi rst pastorates were the Central and Smyrna Baptist churches in Dinwiddie County. He continued his ministry from there as a chaplain in the Air Force, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel and bronze star recipient in 1989. He then served as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dillwyn from 1978 until retiring in 1992. He moved to Richmond and began later as interim pastor at Tabernacle Baptist Church. He remained as associate pastor for 11 years, caring for seniors and mentoring seminary students. Rev. Gholston was a consistently pleasant man and was sought out to sing in church activities and services. In his later years, he struggled with quadriplegia and other setbacks, but he maintained optimism and determination. His humor and impish grin were always seen to the very end. A celebration of his life was held on January 11, 2014, at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Memorials were made to the Tabernacle Endowment Fund, First Baptist Church (Dillwyn), Central Baptist Church (Church Road), Smyrna Baptist Church (Dinwiddie), Paralyzed Veterans of America, and charities of choice.

174 MEMORIALS James “Ed” Greer July 8, 1931–February 1, 2014

The Rev. James Edward “Ed” Greer, 82, of Bedford, VA, went to be with his Lord and Saviour on Saturday, February 1, 2014, at Oakwood Manor Nursing Home. He was born in Abingdon, VA, on July 8, 1931, a son of the late Hoy W. Greer and Gladys Dolinger Greer. In addition to his parents, Rev. Greer was preceded in death by a brother, Charles P. Greer; and two brother-in-laws, Curtis Williams and Tim Bobo. His love of the Lord was evident in his continuous service with his many churches and congregations throughout the Commonwealth. He was a devoted husband, father, Gramps, and friend. He loved spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Rev. Greer was a member of Bedford Baptist Church. He enjoyed hunting, fi shing, building model airplanes, and also photography. He is survived by his loving wife of 58 years, Nancy Legard Greer; two children: son, David E. Greer, and wife, Ann, of Moneta; and daughter, Kathy G. Saunders, and her husband, A.D., of Forest; three grandchildren: Justin D. Greer and his wife, Jennifer, of Bedford; Tiffanie N. Ashmore and her husband, Bryce, of Seffner, FL; and Brad D. Saunders of Forest; three great-grandchildren: Jayden Greer, Jarren Greer and Lillia Ashmore; three sisters: Virginia G. Williams; Janice G. Johnson and husband, Troy; and Linda G. Bobo; one brother, Robert W. Greer, and his wife, Eileen; as well as numerous nieces, nephews and many friends. For those considering memorial contributions, the family requested donations to be made to Norwood Baptist Church at 1045 Random Way, Forest, VA 24551; or the American Diabetes Association, at 4335 Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060. A Celebration of Rev. Greer’s life was conducted at 11 a.m. on February 5, 2014, at Bedford Baptist Church, and the Rev. Dr. David L. Henderson offi ciated. The burial followed at Quaker Baptist Church Cemetery. The family received friends prior to the service at Bedford Baptist Church.

175 MEMORIALS William L. Gregory February 17, 1935–February 14, 2014

The Rev. William L. Gregory, 78, of Chincoteague Island, VA, went home to his Lord and Savior on February 14, 2014, at his residence. Rev. Gregory was born in Bassett, VA, on February 17, 1935, the son of the late Marie (Haley) and Ralph J. Gregory. He was ordained into the ministry in April 1960. He served many churches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia through his life. He served on the Eastern Shore Community Services Board as well as being a moderator of the Norfolk Baptist Association for many years. Also throughout his life, he was a substitute teacher, volunteer fi reman, and a school bus driver. He retired as pastor of Union Baptist Church Chincoteague Island, VA, in 2000 after 15 years of serving the Island and 40 years of serving his Lord. Rev. Gregory’s ministry was not only preaching but singing the Word of God. Even after retirement, he continued to share his love of music and the Lord singing with the Just Us Singers to many nursing homes on the Eastern Shore. He was an avid train and antique car lover. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Faith (Hipsley) Gregory of Chincoteague Island, VA; three girls: Valerie Kehoe of Bellingham, MA; Cyndi McCord of Chincoteague Island, VA; Cheri Turner of Chincoteague Island, VA; his brother, Ralph E. Gregory, and his wife, Jean, of MD; sister, Doris Burch, and her husband, the Rev. Conrad Burch, of MD; six grandchildren: Jessica McCord, Justin Terry, Stephen McCord, Haley Kehoe, Spencer Kehoe, and Sarah Turner; and a nephew, David Gregory, and his wife, Stephanie, of VA. Friends were invited to call on February 16, 2014, from 2–4 p.m. and 7–9 p.m. at Salyer Funeral Home, Inc., in Chincoteague Island, VA. The funeral was held at Union Baptist Church, Chincoteague Island, VA, at 2 p.m. on February 17, 2014, with the Rev. Conrad Burch, the Rev. Kevin Eley, and the Rev. Robert Reese offi ciating. In lieu of fl owers, memorial contributions were made to American Diabetes Association, 1701 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311; www.diabetes.org.

176 MEMORIALS Alisha Suzanne “Suzi” Gilley Gwyn January 7, 1974–December 10, 2013

Mrs. Alisha Suzanne “Suzi” Gilley Gwyn, 39, passed away Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at the Joan and Howard Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson, NC. Mrs. Gwyn was born January 7, 1974, in Surry County, to the late John Gilley and Sue Hodge Gilley Marion. She was a homemaker and a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church in Cana, VA. She is survived by her husband, the Rev. Israel Gwyn, of the home; two daughters, Hannah Gwyn and Rebecca Gwyn, both of the home; two sons, Caleb Gwyn and Jacob Gwyn, both of the home; a sister, Nichole Gilley Gordon, of Mount Airy; a brother and sister-in-law, John David Gilley and Jessie, of Mount Airy; three nieces, Brittany Gordon, Tabatha Childress, and Jessie Gwyn; three nephews, Zachary Gordon, Mason Gilley, and Houston Gilley; two aunts and uncles, Patricia and J. Lynn Rosendal of Dobson, and Debbie and Donnie Parsons of Mount Airy; four cousins, Tammy, Shannon, Haley, and Jessica; and her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Claude and Bonnie Gwyn of Mt. Airy. A graveside service was held December 12, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. at Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. The service was conducted by the Rev. Sammy Lawson. The family received friends at Moody Funeral Home in Mount Airy from 1 p.m. until the service. Memorials were requested to be made to Moody Funeral Home, P.O. Box 1288, Mount Airy, NC 27030, to assist the family with the funeral expenses.

177 MEMORIALS John Hopkins Harvey June 29, 1923–June 22, 2014

John Hopkins Harvey, 90, of Midlothian, VA, died Sunday, June 22, 2014, at The Crossings at Bon Air where he had been a resident since 2011. John was born June 29, 1923, on Rose Isle Farm in Nelson County, the son of Hersey and Margaret Wood Harvey. He was graduated from Lynchburg College and received his master of divinity from Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. He married the love of his life, Doris Marie Blankenship, of Black Mountain, NC, in April 1958. He served over 20 years as a minister of education in Richmond, Alexandria, and Norfolk; and worked 25 years as an elementary school principal in Norfolk before retiring in 1992. In 2000, Harvey and his wife moved from their long-time home in Virginia Beach to Midlothian, VA. In addition, they spent the winters at their home in Sarasota, FL, from 1992–2007. He was preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, and two brothers. He is survived by his wife, Doris, 85, and their three children: Beth Marie of Midlothian; John Hersey “Johnny” of Tappahannock; and James “Craig” and wife, Jeannie, of Bradenton, FL; and also their friends, Dana Wells and Scott Pope. He is also survived by his brother, Jack, of Mattituck, NY; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held on June 26, 2014, at his childhood church, Jonesboro Baptist Church, 9215 Patrick Henry Highway, Roseland, VA, with his nephew, the Rev. Don Harvey, offi ciating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends 2 p.m. at the church prior to the service. In addition, a memorial service was held on June 27, 2014, at The Crossings of Bon Air in Richmond. The family requested that memorial contributions may be made to The Crossings at Bon Air/Activities Fund.

178 MEMORIALS Raymond Henry Herbek August 23, 1924–March 2, 2014

Dr. Raymond H. Herbek, 89, of Richmond, went to be with the Lord on March 2, 2014. Herbek was a long-time church musician in the area, serving as Minister of Music at First Baptist Church of Richmond for 27 years and Chamberlayne Heights United Methodist Church for 17 years. He also played the organ frequently at the Woody Funeral Homes and other area churches. He served as Minister of Music at churches in Petersburg, VA; Selma, AL; and Norfolk, VA. He earned multiple degrees in music, composition, conducting, and organ; and served on the adjunct faculty at VCU. He composed a number of original organ and choral pieces, and arranged extensively for choral and handbell choirs. He traveled to multiple countries, performing with handbell choirs and as an organist. He also conducted groups who performed for the Governor of Virginia, and at the White House for fi ve U.S. presidents. In addition to many former students, choir members, and friends, he left behind his wife of 65 years, Leah Jordan Herbek; two sons, the Rev. Tom Herbek (Joan) of New York, and Gary Herbek (Jamie) of Virginia; four grandsons, Jason Herbek (Jenny), Matt Herbek, Brian Herbek, and David Herbek; and one great-grandson, J.J. Herbek, all of Virginia; and special family friends, Ed and Linda Yarbrough. A memorial service was held at Chamberlayne Heights United Methodist Church, 6100 Chamberlayne Road, Richmond, VA, on March 15, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. and a reception followed. In lieu of fl owers, the family requested that donations be made in his memory to the Samaritan Fund at The Hermitage, 6100 Westwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227.

179 MEMORIALS Leah Jordan Herbek June 11, 1925–May 25, 2014

Mrs. Leah Jordan Herbek, 88, of Richmond, VA, went to be with the Lord on Sunday, May 25, 2014. She rejoins her husband, Raymond H. Herbek, who passed away in March. She served as an adult vocal and handbell choir member and children’s music leader for years at several churches, including First Baptist Church in Richmond. She leaves behind two sons, the Rev. Tom Herbek (Joan) of New York and Gary Herbek (Jamie) of Virginia; four grandsons, Jason Herbek (Jenny), Matt Herbek, Brian Herbek, and David Herbek; and one great-grandson, J.J. Herbek, all of northern Virginia; and special family friends, Ed and Linda Yarbrough. A memorial service was held at the Parham Chapel, Woody Funeral Home, 1771 N. Parham Road, Richmond, on May 31, 2014, at 11 a.m. with a reception following. In lieu of fl owers, the family requested that donations be made in her memory to the Samaritan Fund at The Hermitage, 6100 Westwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227.

180 MEMORIALS Carolyn Lee Hollins November 25, 1929–October 30, 2013

Carolyn Lee Hollins, 83, of Mechanicsville, went to be with the Lord on October 30, 2013. She was preceded in death by her husband, Linwood Hollins; parents, Oliver and Verna Lee; granddaughter, Carley Loving; and brothers, O.H. Lee and Buddy Lee (Lois). She is survived by her children: Kathy Morrison and husband, Jim; Sara Dillman and husband, Jim; and Chris Hollins and special friend, Haley; grandchildren: Holly Burrow and husband, Ryan; Chad Hollins; McKenzie Hollins; Will Dillman and wife, Michelle; Megan Dillman and husband, Mark Fulton; great-grandchildren, Chase and Gage Burrow, and Hazel Fulton; and her sister, Maryre Frances Moore. Carolyn was a lifelong member of New Bethesda Baptist Church. She retired from Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, and she was active in the Dover Baptist Association and the Virginia Woman’s Missionary Union. The family received friends on November 2–3, 2013, at the Mechanicsville Chapel of the Bennett Funeral Home, where services were held at 2 p.m. on November 4, 2013. The interment was held at Signal Hill Memorial Park. In lieu of fl owers, contributions were requested to be made to New Bethesda Baptist Church, 9019 New Bethesda Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23116.

181 MEMORIALS Mary Caudill Lewis Johns April 3, 1927–December 26, 2013

Mary Caudill Lewis was born on April 3, 1927, in Daytona Beach, FL, the daughter of Edison and Mary Earle Lewis. She spent her childhood and early youth in Whitesburg, KY, before moving to Georgetown, KY, where she graduated from Garth High School in 1944. Upon graduation, she joined her family in Remington, VA, and enrolled in Mary Washington College, graduating with a bachelor of science degree in 1948. She worked for approximately two years as a laboratory technician at a medical clinic in LaGrange, GA, before becoming Promotional Secretary for the First Baptist Church of LaGrange. Feeling the need for additional training, in the fall of 1951, she enrolled in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX, where she earned her master’s degree in Religious Education in 1953. It was at the seminary that she met her husband-to-be, Robert Johns. After graduation from the seminary, Caudill moved to Hampton, VA, to be with her mother after her father’s death. During this time, she served for a short time as Education Director at Memorial Baptist Church of Hampton. Caudill and Robert Johns were united in marriage on December 29, 1953, and she joined her husband in his ministry in eastern North Carolina. One son, Robert II, was born in Ahoskie, NC, before the family moved to Biscoe, NC, where two more sons, Wilton and Lewis, were added to the family. The family moved to Hopewell, VA, in March 1963. While there, a daughter, Harriet Lea, was born—she was a child with multiple handicaps who required special care and education. On December 1, 1967, the family moved to Emporia, VA, where her husband pastored Calvary Baptist Church for more than 20 years. After retiring from Calvary Baptist Church, Mrs. Johns joined her husband as he served as supply pastor for several churches in the area, including Zion Baptist Church of Skippers, VA. Caudill was preceded in death by her daughter, Harriet Lea Johns, in 2003; and two brothers: Ted Lewis of Austin, TX, and Howell Lewis of Williamsburg, VA. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, Robert; three sons: Robert (Cathy), Wilton (Caroline), and Lewis (Christine); special cousins, Marie Spragens and Joy Barlow, both of Kentucky; and six grandchildren: Robert, Wil, Carrie, Kyle, Naomi, and Esther.

182 MEMORIALS John “Jack” Edward Mallory, Jr. July 12, 1928–March 3, 2014

The Rev. John E. “Jack” Mallory, Jr., 85, of Waynesboro, VA, died Monday, March 3, 2014, at his residence. He was born July 12, 1928, in Richmond, son of the late John Edward and Elizabeth Crenshaw Mallory. He was graduated from John Marshall High School where he sang duets with his good friend, June Carter. Jack was a member of the basketball team at the University of Richmond, graduating Phi Beta Kappa with a degree in mathematics. After working at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond for 12 years, he entered the ministry. Jack served churches around Virginia, retiring from Westwood Baptist Church in Waynesboro. During the Korean War, he served in the Army. He was a former member of the Kiwanis Club, a music lover, and an avid fan of his children’s and grandchildren’s activities. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Thomas. Surviving are his loving and devoted wife of 57 years, Mary A. Mallory; his children and their spouses, Beth and Louis “Skeeter” Stanley of Hopewell; John and Julie Mallory of Glen Allen; Ginny and Don Andrews of Waynesboro; and James and Lisa Mallory of Mechanicsville; his brother, Fred Mallory, and his wife, Jackie; sister-in-law, Jean Mallory; grandchildren: Travis, Derek, and Jered Stanley; Katy and Dani Hall; and Paul, Scott, Lauren, and Ryan Mallory; great-grandchildren, Talon Stanley and Maddex Fitzwater; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was conducted at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2014, at First Baptist Church, Waynesboro, by the Rev. Larry Jones. The family received friends at the church immediately following the service. Memorial contributions were made to First Baptist Church, 301 S. Wayne Avenue, Waynesboro, VA 22980.

183 MEMORIALS Lester Tabscott Marsh May 11, 1923–May 28, 2014

The Rev. Lester Tapscott Marsh was born May 11, 1923, and passed away May 28, 2014, in Lancaster, VA He was a retired Virginia Baptist pastor and the widower of Margaret Lewis Marsh.

184 MEMORIALS John P. Mason October 19, 1951–September 28, 2013

The Rev. Dr. John P. Mason, 61, of Colonial Heights went to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, September 28, 2013, surrounded by his loving family. He was born October 19, 1951, in Martinsville, VA, and was preceded in death by his father, John F. Mason. He was a graduate of Hardin Reynolds High School, and a graduate of Averett College, Southeastern Seminary, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Mason was the pastor of Woodlawn Baptist Church in Colonial Heights for the last 15 years, the former pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA, and Fincastle Baptist Church Fincastle, VA. He was a member of the Colonial Heights Clergy Association and was an avid golfer. Dr. Mason is survived by his wife of 28 years, Terri P. Mason; two sons, Ben Mason and John Michael Mason; mother and stepfather, Inice and Paul Reynolds; brothers and sisters-in-law: Mike and Nancy Mason, Steve and Cheryl Mason, and Kelly and Donna Mason; and numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, 2013, in Woodlawn Baptist Church, 3120 Woodlawn Avenue, Colonial Heights, VA 23834, with the Rev. Dr. Joseph T. Lewis and the Rev. Bert G. Rait offi ciating. Interment was private. The family received friends following the service in the church fellowship hall. In lieu of fl owers, contributions were made to Woodlawn Baptist Church. Funeral arrangements were handled by the Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes and Crematory, 2033 Boulevard.

185 MEMORIALS Shirley Evers Mobley January 14, 1932–June 10, 2014

Shirley E., Mobley 82, of Richmond, widow of Rev. Dr. Robert L. Mobley, went to be with the Lord and her husband on June 10, 2014. She was a retired executive secretary for the Virginia Baptist Foundation and former receptionist at the Woody Funeral Home. She was preceded in death by her brother, Emmett Evers; and two sisters, Louise Rozier and Emily Phelps. She is survived by her two daughters, Robbin M. Bailey and her husband, Thomas, and Melanie M. Fuller and her husband, Scott; two sisters, Barbara West and Myrtle Jones; three grandchildren, Katy Noell Bailey, Jordan Nicole, and Matthew Scott Fuller; and several nieces and nephews. Shirley was a member of Lakeside Baptist Church. She will be missed by her family and all of those whose lives she touched. The family received friends at the Parham Chapel, Woody Funeral Homes, 1771 N. Parham Road, and where services were held. Entombment took place at Greenwood Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.

186 MEMORIALS Jacquelyn “Jackie” Pero Oblinger September 16, 1928–February 14, 2014

Jackie Oblinger, formerly of Bluefi eld and Charleston, WV, died Friday, February 14, 2014, in Wytheville, VA. Jackie was born Jacquelyn Mae Pero on September 16, 1928, in Wilkes- Barre, PA, to Rachel and John (Jack) Pero. She moved to Bluefi eld, VA, in high school and spent the rest of her life in West Virginia and southwest Virginia. She married John Oblinger in 1947, who remained the love of her life for 66 years. She had three boys—Michael, Phillip, and Mark—who, while they might have given her a tad bit of trouble from time to time, did make something of themselves and in so doing made her proud beyond words. In the mid 1950s, she co-chaired the March of Dimes quest to wipe out polio in Virginia and West Virginia. She proudly gave one of the fi rst Salk vaccines to her son as an initial step in wiping out the dreaded disease forever. He might have cried a bit, but never had polio. Nor did thousands of others. Shortly after this, she began a career in radio and then TV. She was a pioneer in live TV in West Virginia and for women in TV everywhere, a whole generation ahead of Oprah. Her career spanned over 25 years in Bluefi eld and then Charleston, during which time she interviewed live the likes of Jackie Kennedy, Liberace, and Johnny Mathis, but was just as happy to showcase local high school choirs or regional artist. She was recognized by the West Virginia Broadcasters Hall of Fame as one of the most infl uential TV personalities in the history of West Virginia. For thousands of folks, the playing of “Sleigh Ride” at Christmas still means one thing: “Jackie’s Gift Parade.” She loved helping young people grow into their futures and spent countless hours with the young women of the Union Mission in Charleston. She chaperoned many Miss West Virginias to the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City. Later in her second career, she taught at West Virginia Career College in Charleston, and then for 19 years at Bluefi eld College where she continued to infl uence the lives of young people who remember her to this day. Among her many awards, she was selected the West Virginia Daughter of the Year in 1959. She loved the beach at her “second home” in North Myrtle Beach where she took her last trip, as well as sitting in the sun at her pool, enjoying her pets and collecting vintage costume jewelry. Chocolate was her friend and banana splits were both gifts from heaven and occasionally lunch. She was fond of singing “Hey Look Me Over” whenever the mood struck her. She also greatly loved her seven grandchildren: Leigh, Ashley, Holly, Anne, Elizabeth, Amy and Emily; and one great-grandson, Camden. One of the highlights of her last years was getting to see Camden run the halls of Carrington Place in Wytheville, where she spent her last three years. She was loved there immensely and well by that community.

187 MEMORIALS Kenneth F. Palmer March 8, 1930–June 18, 2014

Kenneth F. Palmer was born March 8, 1930, in Crystal Hill, VA, and passed away after an extended illness on June 18, 2014. He was predeceased by his wife, Lucy J. Palmer. He is survived by his daughters, Linda Clay and Nancy Mairs; and two sons-in-law, Elbert Clay and Jim Mairs. He also leaves behind his treasured grandsons: Jason Matthew Branche, Neil Harrison (Harry) Clay, and John Alexander (Jack) Mairs. He is also survived by a brother, David Palmer, of Crystal Hill, VA; and sister, Betsy Jennings, of Myrtle Beach, SC, and their families. The son of Harvey F. and Velma H. Palmer, he graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in accounting. He worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers for 32 years, including 12 years as managing partner of the Norfolk offi ce. His accomplishments, community involvement, and volunteer activities were numerous and of great importance. These activities included: Chairman of the Southeastern Better Business Bureau, President of the Norfolk Rotary Club, Chairman of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, District Governor of District 7600 of Rotary International, Chairman of the Virginia Beach Development Authority, Chairman of the Internal Audit Department of the Virginia Beach City Schools, Chairman of the South Hampton Roads Interfaith TV Committee, Trustee and Treasurer of the John Leland Seminary, host of the TV program “Focus on Faith,” Director of the Hampton Roads Planning Council, Director of the Virginia Symphony, and Director and Treasurer of the Council of Civic Organizations in Virginia Beach. Additionally, he was instrumental in area church organizations, serving as moderator of the Norfolk Area Baptist Association, Chairman of the Board of Deacons at First Baptist Church of Virginia Beach, Deacon Emeritus at Thalia Lynn Baptist Church, and a Sunday school teacher for over 45 years. He maintained his busy lifestyle well into his early 80s, with volunteer, business, and church activities. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. June 23, 2014, at Thalia United Methodist Church at 4321 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach. In lieu of fl owers, donations were made to John Leland Seminary, 1306 N. Highland Street, Arlington, VA 22201.

188 MEMORIALS Harold Wayne Parker April 10, 1921–April 8, 2014

The Rev. Harold Wayne Parker, 93, of Henrico, passed away April 8, 2014. He was survived by his wife of 68 years, Jeanie; sons: Wayne Parker (Sharon) of Round Hill, Dennis Parker (Debi) of Henrico, Richard Parker (Karen) of Manassas, and Nelson Parker (Karen) of Huntsville, AL; daughter, Melody Young (Dennis) of Manassas; his sister, Nannie Mae Robertson; nine grandchildren, six great-granddaughters; and many nieces and nephews. Rev. Parker was born and raised in Cartersville and was a graduate of Bluefi eld College; the University of Richmond (‘42), where he played on the basketball team; and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville (‘45). He was the pastor of churches in Callao, Ringgold, Alexandria, Hamilton, and Remington, before retiring to Richmond in 1988. Harold enjoyed sports, music, and gardening. A memorial service was held on Friday, April 11 2014, at 3 p.m. at Second Baptist Church, 9614 River Road, Henrico, VA.

189 MEMORIALS Dorothy “Dot” Bowman Petty May 2, 1937–September 10, 2014

Dorothy Bowman Petty, age 77, of Richmond, Virginia, went home to be with the Lord on September 10, 2014. Petty was preceded in death by her devoted husband, Rev. Frank B. Petty, Jr.; her parents, the Rev. F. Wilson Bowman and Vera Clontz Bowman; and her sister, Pat McIntyre. She left behind a loving family to cherish her memory, daughters Renee P. Hupp (Steve Hupp), and Laura P. Cook (Darrell Cook), and her eight grandchildren, Rebekah, Stephen and Thomas Hupp, Rachel, Andrew, Emma, Nathan, and Hannah Cook. Petty had a very special love and devotion to her grandchildren. Petty was born on May 2, 1937 in Burke County, NC. She was graduated from Whitmell High School and Lynchburg College. She was a lifelong educator, selfl ess minister’s wife, talented musician, Sunday School teacher and choir director. Along with her husband, she served at Glasgow Baptist Church from 1972 to 1985 and also at Pleasant View Baptist Church in Lynchburg from 1985 to 1987. Petty was choir director at both churches and often played piano or organ as well. A service to celebrate her life was held at Bliley’s Central, 3801 Augusta Avenue, Richmond, VA on Friday, September 12, at 2:00 p.m. Interment was held at Hyland Burial Park, Danville, VA, on Saturday, September 13, at 12 Noon. In lieu of fl owers, memorial contributions were requested for Lakewood Manor, 1900 Lauderdale Drive, Richmond, VA 23238.

190 MEMORIALS Frank Carson Riley III February 5, 1955–May 23, 2014

The Rev. Frank Carson Riley, III, 59, passed away on May 23, 2014. He was born to Rev. Frank C. Riley, Jr. (deceased) and Elizabeth Slate Riley in Abingdon, VA. A graduate of Lancaster High School and the University of Richmond, he received his masters of divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. From 1982–1984, Rev. Riley was pastor of Graham Baptist Church, San Jacinto, IN. From 1984–1988, he was associate pastor of Plymouth Haven Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA. He served the Vesuvius Baptist Church, Vesuvius, VA, as pastor from 1988–1992. His next position was pastor of Potomac Crest Baptist Church, Woodbridge, VA, from 1992–1994. He was an instructor at the Fredericksburg Bible Institute. At the time of his passing, he was associate pastor of Round Oak Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, VA. He was at Round Oak from 2004–2014. Rev. Riley’s special abilities were drama, teaching, and pastoral care. He is survived by his wife, Dorraine Dennis-Riley; mother, Betsy Riley, and siblings, Robert Riley (Kim), Carol Yowell (Jack), Peter Riley (Janet), and Lyle Riley (Mary). He is also survived by his son, Andrew Riley (Melissa); daughter, Catharine Porter (Jeff); and stepdaughter, Paula Archie. He had 10 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. on June 2, 2014, at Round Oak Baptist Church.

191 MEMORIALS William “Bill” Montague Sigler III February 5, 1949–November 21, 2013

The Rev. William Montague Sigler III (Bill), 64, died on November 21, 2013, at his home in Kilmarnock, VA Bill was born February 5, 1949, in Nashville, TN, to William and Nancy Sigler. He was graduated from Annandale High School in 1967 and attended the University of North Carolina where he played football and was a member of both NROTC and the Kappa Sigma fraternity. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1972 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. He spent 20 years faithfully serving his country, retiring in 1992 as a Major. After his retirement, he and Mary Dell attended Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, graduating in 1995. They served as co-pastors for over 11 years at Kilmarnock Baptist Church. He also served as the pastor of Saluda Baptist Church for fi ve years, and then as the interim pastor at New Friendship Baptist Church in Heathsville. Additional community involvement found him serving as the president of Church Resource Services, member of the Board of Trustees at Rappahannock Westminster Canterbury, treasurer of MOAA, and as a chaplain at Rappahannock General Hospital. Bill was a true visionary who saw things as they should be and worked to make them happen. He was always there for those in need. He enjoyed hiking on the Appalachian Trial, golf, boating on Prentice Creek, and sports of all kinds, especially regarding his North Carolina Tar Heels. His greatest love was that of his family and taking walks with his dog, Casey. He was preceded in death by his father, Col. William M. Sigler, Jr., USMC. In addition to his wife of 44 years, the Rev. Mary Dell Sigler, he is survived by his mother, Nancy Baumgartner Sigler of Longwood, FL; his children: Dr. Deborah S. Deans and husband, the Rev. David J. Deans, of Olney, MD; and William Montague Sigler IV (Will) and wife, Rebecca, of Winchester; grandchildren, Natalie and Evan Deans, and Meredith and Patrick Sigler; sister, Nancy Trathowen and husband, Clyde, of Lithia, FL; niece, Carolyn Sims and her children, Payton and Paxton, of Lithia, FL; sister-in-law, Lou O’Boyle and husband, Ernie, and their children, Patrick, Angela and Ernest, of Richmond. Visitation was held at Currie Funeral Home on December 3, 2013, from 6–8 p.m., and the memorial service was held on December 4, 2013, at 11 a.m. at Currie Funeral Home. A reception followed at Saluda Baptist Church after the service. In lieu of fl owers, memorial contributions were made to The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative, 17 Bethea Drive, Ossining, NY 10562-1620; Saluda Baptist Church, P.O. Box 452, Saluda, VA 23149; or Hospice of Virginia, P.O. Box 2098, Tappahannock, VA 22560. The Sarcoma Foundation requested that “Bill Sigler/ PEComa” be written on the check.

192 MEMORIALS Harvey Watson Skinner May 17, 1935–April 5, 2014

The Rev. Harvey Watson Skinner went to be with our Savior on Saturday, April 5, 2014, after dealing with Parkinson’s for over 10 years. He was predeceased by his parents, D. Alexander and Mary Frances Gunn Skinner; brothers, David and Thomas Skinner; and sister, Elizabeth Lee Lafoon. Surviving him are Barbara Cunningham Skinner, his loving wife of 53 years; daughter, Vicki L. Skinner; son, Christopher R. Skinner (Lee Ann), all from the Richmond area; two grandchildren, W. Kevin Johnson and Brian E. Johnson; sister, Mary S. McElveen; sister-in-law, Mary C. Skinner; and several nieces and nephews. Rev. Skinner was graduated from Kenbridge High School, the University of Richmond, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Harvey was a Virginia Baptist pastor for 50 years at churches in Lynchburg (Franklin Street Baptist Church); Rockville (Berea Baptist Church); Colonial Heights (Woodlawn Baptist Church); Front Royal (Marlow Heights Baptist Church), where he was Pastor Emeritus until his death; and Petersburg (Elm Street Baptist Church). He was active with Virginia Baptists, serving many years on the Executive Board for different associations. Harvey was very active with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia (CBFV), where he helped with the placement of CBFV pastors in Virginia churches. Memorial gifts were requested to be made to CBFV, 8040 Villa Park Drive, Suite 250, Richmond, VA 23228. Flowers were welcomed. Family visitation was one hour prior to the celebration of his life at 2 p.m. on April 12, 2014, at Berea Baptist Church, 15475 Ashland Road, Rockville, VA 23146. Interment was at the church cemetery. A reception in the church fellowship hall followed.

193 MEMORIALS Percy Lee Smith, Jr. February 16, 1923–December 5, 2013

Percy Lee Smith Jr., 90, of Richmond, died peacefully December 5, 2013, after several years of battling health problems. He is now at peace and in heaven with his wife of 38 years, Evie Leigh Warren Smith; parents, Alise Gude and Percy Lee Smith, Sr.; and other family members and friends. He was a wonderful son, husband, father, uncle, and friend to so many. He is survived by his devoted son, Lee Edward Smith; brother- in-law, Garland Warren; sister-in-law, Christine Warren; cousins, Clara Morgan (Bud), Sarah Frances Moore, Pat Cleveland (Dan), and Tommy McDonald (Jean); nieces, Celeste Cherry (Thad), Cheryl Barrows (Kevin), Mary Sinclair (Bill) and Robin Warren; nephew, Terry Warren (Kathy); great-nieces, Michelle Mayes (Andy), Jacqueline Brannan (Rory), and Samantha Warren; great-nephews, Andrew Barrows (Kristi), Ben Smith (Cara), and Tom Barrows; great- great-nephews, Dillon and Mason Mayes, Isaiah Smith, and Deaglan Brannan; a great-great-niece on the way; his faithful four-legged “grandson,” Marco; and many special friends and extended family. Mr. Smith loved the Lord and served Him in every area of his life. He was a long-time member of Monument Heights Baptist Church, was active in church library work for over 50 years—he was director of the church library for over 25 years—Fellowship Sunday school class and the Belles and Beaux. He was a member and past president of Virginia Baptist Library Association (VBLA) and worked with the Royal Ambassadors program for various churches. He retired from the City of Richmond Assessors Offi ce as offi ce manager with 42 years of service. He was a U.S. Army WWII veteran. The family received friends on Friday, December 13, 2013, at the West Chapel of Bennett Funeral Home, 11020 W. Broad Street, Glen Allen, VA. An entombment service was held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2013, in the Westhampton Memorial Park Mausoleum Chapel. A celebration of life service was held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Monument Heights Baptist Church. In lieu of fl owers, contributions were made to the Monument Heights Baptist Church, 5716 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226; or VBLA c/o Nancy King, 4148 Range Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.

194 MEMORIALS George Harvey Vaughan, Sr. July 6, 1928–May 21, 2014

The Rev. George Harvey Vaughan, Sr., 85, of Wylliesburg, VA, passed away on May 21, 2014, at Lynchburg General Hospital. He was a Baptist minister for 35 years, and previously served as a Gideon. He fi lled the pulpits of Sharon Baptist Church in Green Bay, VA, and Mt. Nebo Baptist Church in Abilene, VA. Rev. Vaughan was also an interim pastor at Cullen Baptist Church in Cullen, VA. He had a passion for ministering to others as well as working on his farm in Wylliesburg. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Edith G. Vaughan; his two children, the Rev. George H. Vaughan, Jr., and Deborah C. Vaughan; as well as nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Monday, May 26, 2014, in Friendship Baptist Church, Drakes Branch, VA, and the interment followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends at Friendship Baptist Church on Sunday, May 25, 2014.

195 MEMORIALS Edith Vaughn-Parker September 24, 1921–January 6, 2014

Edith Vaughn-Parker, 92, of Lexington, died Monday, January 6, 2014, at Benjamin Borden Center in Lexington. She was born in Pulaski, VA, on September 24, 1921. Her parents were Dora Fitzgerald Vaughn and Everett Sidney Vaughn. She was the middle child of fi ve, having both an older brother and sister, and a younger brother and sister. They are Dorcas Vaughn Goodman; E. Sidney Vaughn, Jr. (deceased); Charlotte Vaughn Keyes; and Robert Max Vaughn (deceased). Vaughn-Parker attended grade school in Goshen, VA, and her last year of high school in Pulaski, VA. She received her bachelor of arts degree from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, VA, and her masters of religious education from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, KY. She also completed special studies at Lynchburg College and at the New Orleans Baptist Seminary. Vaughn-Parker taught high school in Allegheny County for two years. She went on to be a missionary near Norton, VA, for two years and also worked in social ministry in Louisville, KY, for two years. As a child in Goshen, VA, when she walked down the aisle of the small Baptist church, she felt she was answering “yes” to Jesus. Then she seemed to hear Him say: “If you really love me, it will take you a long way from Goshen.” Vaughn-Parker never got away from this feeling of “call.” From 1952–1987, she served as a missionary in northeastern Brazil. After a year of Portuguese study, she helped establish “Friendship House” in Recife. She worked in Recife for 27 years, then moving to Triunfo for eight years. There she worked in evangelism and the establishment of small churches. Upon her retirement in 1987, she took up the care of her aunt, Delrhay Fitzgerald. On October 25, 1997, Vaughn-Parker married John A. Parker, a retired missionary to Chile. They enjoyed working together with their church in Lexington, VA, and also a truck-stop ministry and various retirement and nursing homes. Also surviving Vaughn-Parker are her stepchildren: Kenneth Parker and wife, Melissa, of San Antonio, TX; and David Parker and wife, Phyllis, of Lexington, VA; step-grandchildren: Laura Parker and husband, Nathaniel Thomson, of Australia; Nealin Parker and husband, Alex Bick, of Washington, DC; and Anson Parker and Molly Miller of Charlottesville, VA; and step-great-granddaughter, Amelia Sophie Parker-Bick, of Washington, DC. A funeral service was conducted on Friday, January 10, 2014, at Manly Memorial Baptist Church and Dr. J. Michael Wilkins and Dr. Tom Harvey offi ciated. Vaughn-Parker was buried next to her parents in Oakwood Cemetery, Pulaski, VA, on Friday, January 10, 2014. In lieu of fl owers, memorial contributions were requested to be made to the Friendship House, c/o Manly Memorial Baptist Church, 202 S. Main Street, Lexington, VA 24450.

196 MEMORIALS Leonard Charles Vimpeny July 27, 1926–May 31, 2014

The Rev. Leonard Charles Vimpeny, 87, of Powhatan, VA, passed away May 31, 2014, at his home. He is survived by his beloved wife of 68 years, Edna Marie Huband Vimpeny: four daughters and sons-in-law: Rebecca and Kenneth Hatcher of Powhatan, Ann and Gene Hatcher of Powhatan, Lynn and Frank Higgs of Fredericksburg, and Dr. Virginia and Brian Lewis of Powhatan; nine grandchildren; eighteen great grandchildren; and a sister, Betty King, of Texas. Rev. Vimpeny was born in Lakewood, OH, on July 27, 1926. In 1943, at 17, he enlisted in the Navy and served in the Asiatic Pacifi c during WWII. He was honorably discharged in 1946. He worked at his dad’s Ohio auto body shop before moving to Virginia and being employed at DuPont-Spruance. While living in Chesterfi eld he served as 2nd Lieutenant in the Bensley Volunteer Fire Department. In 1951 he transferred to the DuPont Atomic Energy Plant on the Savannah River and relocated the family to Aiken, SC. During this Cold War era, Rev. Vimpeny served as Director of Civil Defense for Aiken County, and Director for South Carolina Civil Defense Director’s Association. In this position he attended the testing of two atomic detonations in Nevada. He also built a model underground bomb shelter for the City of Aiken. In 1961 Rev. Vimpeny was licensed to preach by Millbrook Baptist Church. In 1963 he became an ordained minister, pastored Tabernacle Baptist Church, and was graduated from North Greenville College in South Carolina. In 1965, Rev. Vimpeny became the fi rst full-time pastor of Muddy Creek Baptist Church while also pastoring Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, both in Powhatan County. Before retiring from the ministry, he pastored four additional churches in West Virginia and Virginia. After retiring he served as Director of Missions for the Staunton River Baptist Association, as well as serving three additional churches on an interim basis. During his full-time ministry, he founded and served as director of SERVE (a FEMA program thrift store), DAWN (a food supply thrift store), and God’s Storehouse in Danville; and was on the Board of Directors for Alta Vista’s Faith Christian Academy. He also created and administered The Scottie Young Medical Fund. He was a member of the VFW and American Legion Post #201 in Powhatan County and a past member of the Lynch Station Ruritan Club. Rev. Vimpeny was a proud WWII veteran. Rev. Vimpeny was predeceased by his parents, Alvin and Mildred Vimpeny; sisters, Janet Tite and Millie Trupo; half-sister, Corky Skidmore; and a brother, Allen Vimpeny. The family received friends June 2, 2014, from 6–8pm in the Bennett & Barden Funeral Home, 3215 Anderson Highway (Rt.60), Powhatan, VA. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. June 3, 2014, in the Muddy Creek Baptist Church, Powhatan, VA. Interment was in the church cemetery. Memorial contributions were requested to be made to Muddy Creek Baptist Church Youth Fund, 3470 Trenholm Road, Powhatan, VA 23139; or the charity of choice.

197 MEMORIALS Jack Newton Waddell June 3, 1940–March 21, 2014

The Rev. Jack Newton Waddell, 73, passed away Friday, March 21, 2014, at the UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill, NC. He was born on June 3, 1940, in Pemberton, WV, a son of the late Jeder Pritchard Waddell and Lina Cook Waddell. On June 3, 1961, he married Maribelle Jolly Waddell, who predeceased him on November 18, 2005. On August 22, 2009, he married Mae Lee Smith Waddell, who survives of the home in Chapel Hill, NC. Following graduation from Sophia High School in Sophia, WV, Jack completed his apprenticeship at the Newport News Ship Building Company. After sensing a call to the Christian ministry, he attended Bluefi eld College, University of Richmond, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jack served as a Virginia Baptist pastor for 48 years at numerous Baptist churches including as Chaplain at Hargrave Military Academy, Chatham, VA, and pastor at Rivermont Baptist Church, Danville, VA. He was a member of Greenpond Baptist Church. Jack had made his home in Chapel Hill since 2009. In addition to his wife, Mae Lee, he is survived by a son, the Rev. Craig N. Waddell (Angelika) of Richmond; a daughter, Maribeth W. Motley (Robert) of Chatham; four grandchildren, Virginia Erin Waddell, Fiona Elaine Waddell, Tildon Wayne Motley, and Marissa Emaline Motley; a brother, Charles Waddell (Hazel) of West Point, VA; three sisters, Kathleen Hand and Gale Waddell both of Richmond, and Nancy Davidson of Baltimore; a number of nieces and nephews; two step-children, Melanie Nault (Bob) of Neenah, WI, and Keith Minton (Colleen) of Chapel Hill, NC; and four step-grandchildren, Jacob Nault, Emily Nault, Madeleine Minton, and Colin Minton. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. on March 24, 2014, at Greenpond Baptist Church, 7176 Anderson Mill Road, Chatham, VA, with the Rev. Steve Carlton and the Rev. Craig Waddell offi ciating. Burial followed at the church cemetery. The family received friends on March 23, 2014, at Townes Funeral Home. In lieu of fl owers, memorials were requested to be sent to Source of Light Orphanage, Delmas, Haiti, c/o Baptist General Association of Virginia, 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Richmond, VA 23294; online at bgav.org.


BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Constitution/Bylaws Baptist General Association of Virginia

ARTICLE I Name The name of this body shall be the Baptist General Association of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the General Association. ARTICLE II Purpose The object of the General Association shall be to furnish the Baptist churches of the General Association a means of cooperation for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom by all methods in accord with the Word of God. There shall be full recognition of the autonomy of the local churches. ARTICLE III Meetings and Composition Section A: Meetings The General Association shall meet annually. Special meetings may be called by the president or a vice president with the concurrence of a majority of the offi cers of the General Association. Section B: Composition The General Association shall be composed of the offi cers of the General Association and messengers elected by Baptist churches which follow the New Testament teaching of salvation by grace and believer’s baptism by immersion, and which cooperate with the General Association. Each church contributing fi nancially at least $500 during the previous fi scal year, according to the treasurer’s report, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be entitled to two (2) messengers; to a total of three (3) messengers for $750; a total of four (4) messengers for $1000, and to one (1) more messenger for each additional $600; provided that no church shall be entitled to more than fi fteen (15) messengers. If $500 is more than two percent (2%) of a church’s total annual receipts, such church is entitled to two (2) messengers, provided it contributes fi nancially at least two percent (2%) of its total annual receipts to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. The Cooperative Missions Budget as adopted by the General Association is the preferred way Virginia Baptists express their unity in mission and ministry. Cooperative Missions is Virginia Baptists’ long-standing commitment to the Cooperative Program. Section C: Cooperating Churches Cooperating churches of the General Association shall be identifi ed as one of the following, and shall be entitled to benefi ts, publications and services as indicated: Participating – A church contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax. Such a church shall be eligible to participate in annuity benefi ts for staff, and receive all publications and services. Watch care - A church unable to contribute fi nancially, as a new start and/or hardship, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget may be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General

200 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax; may receive annuity benefi ts for staff, and publications and services for up to fi ve (5) years in accordance with policy; and may receive mentoring and/or shepherding for proactive special ministry needs. Affi liate – A church contributing fi nancially only one (1) of the three (3) preceding fi scal years to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget shall be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax; however, such a church shall not be entitled to receive annuity benefi ts for staff or to receive publications and services. If such a church makes no contributions fi nancially for fi ve (5) years to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget, the 501(c)(3) non-profi t tax status shall be deleted. A church shall be deemed to have contributed fi nancially when it has given either (a) at least $500, or (b) at least two percent (2%) of its total annual receipts, during the previous fi scal year, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. ARTICLE IV Offi cers Section A: Offi cers of the General Association The offi cers of the General Association shall be a president, fi rst and second vice presidents, an executive director, a treasurer, and a clerk. 1. President. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the president of the General Association shall be elected for a one (1) year term on the second day of the annual meeting of the General Association. 2. Vice-Presidents. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the fi rst vice president shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the second vice president shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. 3. Clerk. Upon nomination from the fl oor, the clerk shall be elected for a one (1) year term at the annual meeting of the General Association. 4. Executive Director. The executive director shall be nominated by the Virginia Baptist Executive Board, hereinafter referred to as the Executive Board, shall be elected by the General Association, and shall serve until his/her successor is elected. Nominations for this offi ce may be offered from the fl oor of the General Association any year at the time of the nomination of its annually elected offi cers. 5. Treasurer. The treasurer shall be nominated by the Executive Board, shall be elected by the General Association, and shall serve until his/her successor is elected. Nominations for this offi ce may be offered from the fl oor of the General Association any year at the time of the nomination of its annually elected offi cers. The treasurer shall receive all funds contributed to the General Association, pay over such amounts as are specifi ed by the contributors for particular uses according to their directions (provided that, in the opinion of the treasurer, said uses comply with accepted General Association causes), distribute any amount not specifi ed according to the instructions of the General Association, and make an annual report of all receipts and disbursements. All checks for paying of funds of the General Association shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by such other persons as may be designated by the Executive Board. The treasurer shall ensure that the duties of stewardship education and fi nancial resources development are performed. The treasurer shall serve under the direction of the executive director and shall perform such other fi scal and management duties as may be assigned by the executive director. 201 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Section B: General Provisions 1. Every nominee shall be a resident member of a church which qualifi es as a Participating church under the General Association Constitution/Bylaws. 2. Multiple nominations for any one offi ce shall be elected by ballot. Single nominations for one offi ce shall be elected by voice vote. A majority vote of those present and voting shall be required for election to all offi ces. 3. Election of other offi cers shall follow in order after the election of the president. 4. No seconding speeches shall be permitted for any nomination. 5. Elected offi cers shall assume their respective offi ces at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected, and hold offi ce for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected. 6. In case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the president, the vice presidents in the order named shall succeed to the offi ce of president and shall complete the term of said offi ce. 7. In case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the fi rst vice president and/or the second vice president, or of the succession of either to the offi ce of president, the resulting vacancy or vacancies shall be fi lled by the Executive Board for the unexpired term(s). 8. In case of the death, resignation, disability or ineligibility of the executive director, treasurer, or clerk, the Executive Board shall make provisions for the continuance of the work until the offi ce is fi lled by election at a General Association annual meeting. 9. The responsibilities of the offi cers of the General Association shall be those usual to the respective offi ces, plus those specifi cally outlined in the Constitution/Bylaws. The president and executive director shall be non-voting ex offi cio members of all committees of the General Association. ARTICLE V Virginia Baptist Executive Board Section A: Members by Virtue of Offi ce The members by virtue of offi ce shall be the president, the fi rst vice president, the second vice president, the immediate past president, the executive director, and the treasurer. Section B: Members from the General Association There shall be fi fteen (15) members at large from the General Association. Upon nomination by the Executive Board, fi ve (5) members shall be elected annually by the General Association for three (3) year terms. Four nominees shall be from among the candidates submitted by the Mission Council and the fi fth nominee may be one of the candidates submitted by the Mission Council or another eligible Virginia Baptist. A member having served three (3) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reelection until at least one (1) year has elapsed following his/her previous service. The nominees shall refl ect a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. Any vacancy occurring between the sessions of the General Association may be fi lled by the Executive Board for the remainder of the unexpired term. Section C: Chair of the Executive Board Upon nomination by the Executive Board, the chair shall be elected annually by the General Association for a one (1) year term. The chair shall be a current member of the Executive Board. Section D: Meetings The chair shall set the date, place and time of meetings. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum.

202 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Section E: Responsibilities 1. The Executive Board shall have entire management of the matters committed to its trust and shall carry out such plans as may seem judicious, provided they are in strict accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, with the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association, and with such instructions as may from time to time be given by the General Association. Although the Executive Board shall not have authority to control and direct the agencies, institutions and shared ministries of the General Association, it is instructed and commissioned to maintain liaison with and to study the affairs of these agencies, institutions and shared ministries in search of acceptable solutions to problems which may arise. The Executive Board shall keep records of its proceedings and make an annual report to the General Association. 2. The Executive Board shall act in the interim for the General Association on such matters as the offi cers of the General Association may determine to require action before the next meeting of the General Association, and the Executive Board shall report such action to the next annual meeting of the General Association. 3. The Executive Board shall serve as the Finance Committee of the General Association, and shall present a proposed budget to the General Association each year at its annual meeting. 4. The Executive Board shall advise and consult with the executive director in staff personnel matters, including the consideration of new staff positions, the election of assistant executive directors and team leaders, and personnel policies. 5. The Executive Board shall study and recommend changes to the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. 6. The Executive Board shall advise and consult with the executive director in strengthening the work of the General Association, including objectives, plan or organization, assignment of responsibility, and matters of general policy. Section F: Church Membership All members of the Executive Board shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. Only one (1) member from any one (1) church may be elected a member of the Executive Board; however, this restriction shall not apply in the case of persons who serve by virtue of offi ce. If a member of the Executive Board becomes a member of a church not participating with the General Association, his/her membership is automatically terminated. Section G: Membership Restrictions No person serving as a member of a board, no trustee, no employee or independent contractor of either the General Association or any Virginia Baptist agency, institution or shared ministry receiving funds from the General Association, or his/her spouse, shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Executive Board. These restrictions shall not apply to members or pastors of churches which receive fi nancial assistance from the General Association, nor shall they apply to persons who may serve as members of the Executive Board by virtue of offi ce. ARTICLE VI Virginia Baptist Mission Council Section A: Members by Virtue of Offi ce The members by virtue of offi ce shall be the president, the fi rst vice president, the second vice president, the clerk, the immediate past president, the executive director, and the treasurer. If a member of the Mission Council is elected to any of the above named offi ces, he/she shall complete the term to which he/she was elected as a member of the Mission Council.

203 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Section B: Members from the General Association There shall be fi fteen (15) members from each of the regional clusters of the General Association and six (6) members from churches which are not in a regional cluster. The regional clusters shall convene on the fi rst day of the annual meeting of the General Association to nominate fi ve (5) members for three (3) year terms. The churches not in a regional cluster shall nominate two (2) members for three (3) year terms. The nominees shall be elected by the General Association on the second day of the annual meeting. A member having served two (2) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reelection until at least one (1) year has elapsed following his/her previous service. The nominees shall refl ect a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. If a vacancy has occurred during the preceding year, the regional cluster shall also nominate a member to fi ll the remainder of the unexpired term. Section C: Chair of the Mission Council The President of the General Association shall serve as the chair of the Mission Council. Section D: Meetings The chair shall set the date, place and time of meetings. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum. Section E: Responsibilities 1. The Mission Council shall submit a slate of fi fteen (15) potential nominees to the Executive Board every year before May 1. The Mission Council is directed to see that this slate refl ects a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. 2. The Mission Council shall provide timely counsel to the Executive Board, serve as liaisons between the General Association and the local churches, and serve as ambassadors for the General Association. Section F: Church Membership All members of the Mission Council shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. Only one (1) member from any one (1) church may be elected a member of the Mission Council; however, this restriction shall not apply in the case of persons who serve by virtue of offi ce. If a member of the Mission Council becomes a member of a church not participating with the General Association, his/her membership is automatically terminated. Section G: Membership Restrictions No employee or independent contractor of the General Association or his/her spouse shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Mission Council. These restrictions shall not apply to persons who may serve as members of the Mission Council by virtue of offi ce. ARTICLE VII Committees Section A: Committee on Credentials The president and two (2) vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall appoint, at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting, a Credentials Committee of seven (7) members to serve at the forthcoming meeting. Any questions regarding the registration or status of messengers shall be referred to this committee for decisions and the committee shall report to the General Association. Section B: Tellers Committee The president and two (2) vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall

204 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA appoint, at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting, a Tellers Committee of six (6) members to serve at the forthcoming meeting. This committee shall collect and count ballots, count standing votes and report the results to the Chair, and accomplish other tasks as may be directed by the Chair. Section C: Committee on Boards and Committees The Committee on Boards and Committees shall consist of the immediate past president of the General Association and nine (9) members, at least four (4) of whom shall be laypersons and at least four (4) of whom shall be ministers . The president and two vice presidents of the General Association, acting as a committee, shall nominate three (3) members to be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. However, no person shall be nominated to the Committee on Boards and Committees who holds membership on other committees or boards, or is an employee of the General Association or its agencies, institutions or shared ministries. 1. This committee shall nominate qualifi ed persons to the standing committees as outlined in this Constitution/Bylaws. Prior to presenting its report, this committee shall share with each nominee the duties and responsibilities associated with the service for which he/she is nominated, and obtain the nominee’s acceptance of said duties and responsibilities. 2. This committee shall nominate persons to the boards of trustees of all agencies, institutions, and shared ministries of the General Association in accordance with their respective charters. 3. This committee is encouraged to solicit suggestions as to qualifi ed persons to serve on the boards and committees of the General Association. The committee is directed to see that proper distribution of membership on boards and committees refl ects a wide representation of Virginia Baptists, including both laypersons and ministers. The committee shall not nominate any person to serve as a trustee of any board of any agency, institution or shared ministry of the General Association who is currently serving as a General Association nominated member on another board of any agency, institution or shared ministry of the General Association, nor shall an employee or independent contractor of the General Association be nominated to serve as a trustee of such boards. However, this restriction shall not apply to any agency, institution or shared ministry which, by its bylaws or board policy, requires a specifi c employee of the General Association to be a member of its board. All trustees who are nominated by the Committee on Boards and Committees are eligible for consideration to succeed themselves for a second term. After two (2) terms on the board of any agency, institution or shared ministry, a trustee is not eligible for nomination to that board for at least one (1) year. Members of the Committee on Boards and Committees or their spouses shall not be nominated to other committees or boards. 4. Every nominee shall be a resident member of a church which qualifi es as a Participating church under the General Association Constitution/Bylaws. Prior to presenting its report of nominations to the General Association, this committee shall determine the eligibility, availability and willingness of each proposed nominee to serve, if elected; and this committee shall include in its report to the General Association the place of residence and the church membership of each nominee. Section D: Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds The Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds shall consist of fi fteen (15) members, at least seven (7) of whom shall be laypersons and at least seven (7) of whom shall be ministers. Upon nomination from the Committee on Boards and Committees, fi ve (5) members shall be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. 1. The incoming president of the General Association each year shall appoint a chair of the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds to serve for one (1) year. The

205 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA appointee may be one of the committee members or an additional member of the committee. If this appointee is not serving an elected term on the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds, the appointed term on the committee shall be for one (1) year to coincide with the year of appointment as chair. The chair shall have had at least one (1) year’s previous service (not necessarily consecutive) on the Committee on Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds, and no person may serve as chair of the committee for more than two (2) years consecutively. 2. This committee shall oversee the awarding of fi nancial assistance from the BGAV Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds to further the educational development of (a) persons who are preparing for the Baptist ministry and (b) emerging leaders of all ages. Section E: Other Standing Committees The Committees on Program, Christian Life, Memorial, Religious Liberty, and Resolutions shall consist of nine (9) members each, at least four (4) of whom shall be laypersons and at least four (4) of whom shall be ministers. Upon nomination from the Committee on Boards and Committees, three (3) members of each committee shall be elected annually at the General Association meeting for three (3) year terms. 1. The Committee on Program. This committee, in consultation with the president, shall prepare the order of business for the annual meeting of the General Association, and arrange for speakers, reports, and special events of the program; consult with the host association concerning necessary arrangements and committees; and make available to the offi ce of the executive director, by September 15, information and photographs for advance publicity, and for the printing of the program. The committee is instructed to give priority to business sessions, providing adequate time for the discussion of needs, problems, and opportunities. The committee shall recommend at each annual meeting the time and place of the meeting for at least two years in advance, giving careful consideration to the need for adequate auditorium, parking, and hotel facilities. Also, the committee may recommend at each annual meeting the speakers and/or special events for at least one year in advance. The committee shall assure that worship is emphasized during each annual meeting of the General Association. The second vice president of the General Association shall be an ex offi cio member of the committee. 2. The Committee on Christian Life. This committee shall study the social environment in which we live and its relation to Christian ethical standards. It shall point out in its annual report the problems confronting Christian conscience, and suggest relevant Christian teaching that should serve as a guide for attitudes and responses. 3. The Committee on Memorial. This committee shall collect and prepare for distribution biographical data concerning deceased pastors and other Baptist leaders, and shall conduct a memorial service at each annual meeting. 4. The Committee on Religious Liberty. This committee shall report to the General Association annually on the nature and importance of religious liberty and the separation of church and state, citing violations in principle and practice, and suggestions for correcting same. This committee shall make available information relating to the subject with the view of safeguarding these cherished principles. 5. The Committee on Resolutions. This committee shall prepare and submit to the General Association for action all resolutions which it deems proper, and report to the General Association as scheduled in the adopted order of business on all resolutions referred to it, with or without recommendation or amendments.

206 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Section F: General Provisions 1. The incoming president of the General Association shall appoint the chair of each standing committee by December 15 following his/her election, and the chairs shall hold offi ce for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are appointed. 2. No standing committee member, having served a full or partial term, shall be eligible for reelection to the same committee until after one (1) year has elapsed. All members of standing committees shall be resident members of Baptist churches contributing fi nancially to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget. 3. A vacancy occurring in the membership of any of the standing committees between the sessions of the General Association may be fi lled by the president of the General Association for the remainder of the unexpired term. 4. Any standing committee member, absenting himself/herself from committee responsibilities for one full year without just cause given to the chair of that committee, shall be replaced by the president of the General Association for the remainder of the unexpired term upon written request of the chair of that standing committee. 5. Committees are expected to fulfi ll their responsibilities effectively and expeditiously, keeping meetings to the minimum number required. Committee chairs are instructed to schedule meetings, after consulting with the offi ce of the executive director concerning dates, and to see that preparatory planning and research is done by members or others who are responsible. 6. Reports of committees will be received by the General Association at its annual meeting. However, no committee report, except from the Committee on Resolutions and the Committee on Credentials, shall be received, nor shall any of its contents or recommendations be approved by the General Association, unless such report has been submitted not later than September 15 and published on the General Association website before the annual meeting, or unless such report has been made available to the messengers at registration. Such recommendations requiring approval shall appear at the conclusion of the committee’s report. ARTICLE VIII General Provisions Section A. New Relationships. No new relationship with an agency, institution or shared ministry shall be created by the General Association until the proposal has been studied by the Executive Board. Any motion involving the authorization of any new relationship shall be referred to the Executive Board for study and recommendation to the General Association at its next annual meeting. Section B. Consideration of Business. Matters introduced after the end of the fi rst day of an annual meeting may not be considered at that annual meeting except by unanimous consent. Section C. Voting Requirements. The General Association shall not authorize any new relationship with an agency, institution or shared ministry which involves the expenditure of money except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers present and voting, which affi rmative vote shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the messengers registered at such annual meeting. Section D. Policy Changes. All motions which would change the policy of the General Association or recommend changes to the policy of any agency, institution or shared ministry connected with the General Association, shall be made in writing and presented on the fi rst day of the annual meeting. Action on such motion shall occur on the second day of the annual meeting.

207 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Section E. Non-budgeted Expenditures. Any proposed action involving the obligation or the expenditure of funds not provided in the Cooperative Missions Budget of the General Association shall be referred to the Executive Board for study and for such action as it may deem appropriate. Section F. Publishing of the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. The Constitution/ Bylaws of the General Association shall be published each year in the Book of Reports provided for the messengers to the annual meeting, and in the General Association’s Annual. Section G. Defi nition of Minister. Wherever used in the Constitution/Bylaws, the word minister shall be interpreted to mean a person who is an ordained minister, or who is recognized by his/her church as being in church related service, and in no way is intended to imply that laypersons are not engaged in ministry. Section H. Assistants to Clerk. The clerk of the General Association may appoint two (2) assistants. Section I. Resolutions. A resolution is defi ned as the expression of the opinion of registered messengers and in no way establishes the policies of the General Association. Only registered messengers, the Executive Board, and committees of the General Association are eligible to submit resolutions to the annual meeting of the General Association. Resolutions from the Executive Board or committees must be published in the Book of Reports; or be published on the General Association website in advance of the annual meeting of the General Association; or be available to the messengers at registration. Resolutions from messengers must be submitted in writing to the clerk of the General Association no later than the beginning of the evening session of the fi rst day of the annual meeting and shall be referred to the Resolutions Committee. Adoption of any resolution shall require three- fourths (3/4) majority vote of the messengers present and voting. ARTICLE IX Parliamentary Authority To protect the rights of all the members and to ensure that the will of the General Association prevails, the rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the General Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution/Bylaws and any special rules of order the General Association may adopt. ARTICLE X Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws The Constitution/Bylaws may be amended only on the second day of the annual meeting by an affi rmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the messengers present and voting, which affi rmative vote shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the messengers registered, provided that said amendments have been offered in writing and presented on the fi rst day of the annual meeting. All amendments thus adopted shall become effective at the close of the annual meeting at which they are adopted.

Approved by the Baptsit General Association of Virginia, November 12, 2014.

208 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Articles of Incorporation Baptist General Association of Virginia

1. The name of the corporation is Baptist General Association of Virginia. Its principal offi ce is in the County of Henrico, Virginia. 2. The objects and purposes for which the corporation is formed are: a. To furnish the Baptist churches of the General Association a means of cooperation for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the advancement of the Redeemer’s Kingdom by all methods in accord with the Word of God; b. To assist and to foster missions in the dissemination of Christianity; c. To assist persons preparing for the Baptist ministry; d. To nominate trustees of agencies, institutions, and shared ministries whose charters require the same to be done by the General Association; e. To have and to hold by purchase, gift, and devise, real and personal property, and to receive, collect, and disburse money for such missionary, educational, and benevolent causes as may be determined to be in compliance with the objects and purposes of the corporation. 3. The affairs of the General Association shall be managed by a board of trustees named the Virginia Baptist Executive Board. The number of trustees and their terms of service shall be fi xed by the Constitution/Bylaws of the General Association. The Executive Board shall act in the interim for the General Association on such matters as the offi cers of the General Association may determine to require action before the next meeting of the General Association. The Executive Board is empowered generally to do all things which may be germane or incident to any of the objects and purposes set out above, and to do all things necessary, suitable, or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the attainment of any of the objects enumerated, or which may at any time be necessary, conducive, or expedient for the benefi t of the corporation, provided that its objects and purposes shall be confi ned to charitable and benevolent Christian work. The Executive Board shall keep records of its proceedings and make an annual report to the General Association. 4. There shall be no members of the corporation.

Approved by the Baptist General Association of Virginia, November 12, 2014.

209 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Meetings Baptist General Association of Virginia

YYearear PPlacelace PPresidentresident SSecretaryecretary PPreacherreacher 1823 Richmond-Second Robert B. Semple William Todd Robert B. Semple 1824 Lynchburg Robert B. Semple A. Broaddus A. Broaddus 1825 Richmond-First Robert B. Semple A.W. Clopton A.W. Clopton 1826 Fredericksburg John Bryce A.W. Clopton W.F. Broaddus 1827 Cartersville John Kerr A.W. Clopton R.B. Semple 1828 Richmond-First John Kerr William Todd R.B. Semple 1829 Petersburg John Kerr A.W. Clopton John Kerr 1830 Richmond-Second Robert B. Semple William Todd W.F. Broaddus 1831 Lynchburg John Kerr Eli Ball Luther Rice 1832 Norfolk John Kerr Eli Ball Edward Baptist 1833 Richmond-First John Kerr James C. Crane John T. Watkins 1834 Richmond-Second John Kerr James C. Crane William C. Ligon 1835 Richmond-First James B. Taylor James C. Crane C. George 1836 Richmond-Second James B. Taylor James C. Crane Luther Rice 1837 Richmond-First James B. Taylor James C. Crane Eli Ball 1838 Richmond-Second James B. Taylor James C. Crane John Goodall 1839 Richmond-First James B. Taylor L.W. Allen Robert Ryland 1840 Richmond-First James B. Taylor L.W. Allen Addison Hall 1841 Charlottesville James B. Taylor James C. Crane E.L. Magoon 1842 Richmond-First and Second James B. Taylor James C. Crane A. Broaddus 1843 Richmond-Second James B. Taylor James C. Crane J.B. Jeter 1844 Richmond-First James B. Taylor James C. Crane Thomas Hume 1845 Lynchburg James B. Taylor Alex. Pope Abell A.M. Poindexter 1846 Richmond-Second James B. Taylor Alex. Pope Abell Joseph Walker 1847 Richmond-First James B. Taylor Alex. Pope Abell J.L. Reynolds 1848 Petersburg James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson J.B. Taylor 1849 Richmond-Second James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson B. Grimsley 1850 Hampton James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson R.H. Bagby 1851 Richmond-First James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson T.G. Jones 1852 Norfolk James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson B. Manly, Jr. 1853 Fredericksburg James B. Taylor H.K. Ellyson R.B.C. Howell 1854 Richmond-Second Jeremiah B. Jeter H.K. Ellyson T.G. Jones 1855 Charlottesville Jeremiah B. Jeter Alex. Pope Abell Henry W. Dodge 1856 Lynchburg Jeremiah B. Jeter Alex. Pope Abell J.L. Burrows 1857 Richmond-First Jeremiah B. Jeter Alex. Pope Abell T.G. Keen 1858 Hampton Thomas Hume Alex. Pope Abell A.M. Poindexter 1859 Richmond-First Thomas Hume Alex. Pope Abell S.C. Boston 1860 Staunton W.F. Broaddus Alex. Pope Abell C.C. Bitting 1861 Petersburg Daniel Witt R.N. Trice L.W. Seeley 1862 Richmond Robert Ryland Alex. Pope Abell 1863 Richmond-First R.L. Montague Alex. Pope Abell Daniel Witt 1864 Richmond-First R.L. Montague Alex. Pope Abell D. Shaver, pro tem 1865 Richmond-First Richard H. Bagby Alex. Pope Abell C.C. Bitting 1866 Richmond-First Richard H. Bagby Alex. Pope Abell James P. Boyce 1867 Lynchburg J.L. Burrows Alex. Pope Abell T.H. Pritchard 1868 Alexandria J.L. Burrows Alex. Pope Abell John C. Long 1869 Richmond-First R.L. Montague Alex. Pope Abell James A. Haynes 1870 Norfolk R.L. Montague Alex. Pope Abell Cornelius Tyree 1871 Petersburg Thomas W. Sydnor Alex. Pope Abell J.L.M. Curry 1872 Staunton J.L.M. Curry Alex. Pope Abell William E. Hatcher 1873 Richmond-Second J.L.M. Curry John L. Johnson 1874 Fredericksburg J.L.M. Curry L.J. Haley N.W. Wilson 1875 Lynchburg J.H.C. Jones L.J. Haley I.B. Lake 1876 Culpeper J.H.C. Jones L.J. Haley A.B. Brown 1877 Danville J.H.C. Jones L.J. Haley J.B. Jeter 1878 Portsmouth J.L.M. Curry L.J. Haley Charles Manly 1879 Charlottesville J.L.M. Curry L.J. Haley W.D. Thomas 1880 Petersburg James G. Field L.J. Haley T.S. Dunaway 1881 Richmond-Grace Street James G. Field L.J. Haley W.S. Penick 1882 Warrenton J.L. Burrows L.J. Haley C.H. Ryland 1883 Richmond-First J.L. Burrows L.J. Haley A. Broaddus

210 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA YYearear PPlacelace PPresidentresident SSecretaryecretary PPreacherreacher 1884 Norfolk-Freemason Street H.R. Pollard L.J. Haley J.W. McCown 1885 Richmond-Second H.R. Pollard George J. Hobday A.E. Owen 1886 Staunton-First John H. Wright George J. Hobday S.A. Goodwin 1887 Lynchburg-First John H. Wright George J. Hobday Charles F. James 1888 Bristol-Goodson William E. Hatcher George J. Hobday W.R.L. Smith 1889 Charlottesville William E. Hatcher George J. Hobday A.B. Woodfi n 1890 Richmond-Leigh Street J.T. Ellyson George J. Hobday T.G. Jones 1891 Norfolk-First J.T. Ellyson Hugh C. Smith Cornelius Tyree 1892 Danville-First J.T. Ellyson Hugh C. Smith M.B. Wharton 1893 Roanoke-First T.S. Dunaway Hugh C. Smith W.F. Dunaway 1894 Alexandria-First T.S. Dunaway Hugh C. Smith F.W. Claybrook 1895 Petersburg-First T.S. Dunaway Hugh C. Smith W.W. Landrum 1896 Richmond-Grace Street T.S. Dunaway Hugh C. Smith T.B. Thames 1897 Roanoke-Calvary A.E. Owen Hugh C. Smith A.B. Dunaway 1898 Lynchburg-First A.E. Owen Hugh C. Smith M.E. Broaddus 1899 Richmond-Second W.R. Barksdale Hugh C. Smith George Cooper 1900 Bristol-First W.R. Barksdale Hugh C. Smith F.C. McConnell 1901 Richmond-Grace Street George W. Beale Hugh C. Smith J.B. Hawthorne 1902 Norfolk-Freemason Street George W. Beale Hugh C. Smith J.W. Wildman 1903 Staunton W.W. Moffett Hugh C. Smith T.J. Shipman 1904 Petersburg-First W.W. Moffett Hugh C. Smith R.H. Pitt 1905 Charlottesville-First William Ellyson Hugh C. Smith J.L. Rosser 1906 Richmond-Grove Avenue William Ellyson Hugh C. Smith C.S. Blackwell 1907 Danville-First J.T. Henderson Hugh C. Smith S.H. Thompson 1908 Richmond-First T.H. Ellett Hugh C. Smith W.V. Savage 1909 Portsmouth-Court Street T.H. Ellett Hugh C. Smith W.C. James 1910 Roanoke-First J.M. Pilcher Hugh C. Smith W.C. Taylor 1911 Norfolk-Freemason Street J.M. Pilcher Hugh C. Smith J.E. Hicks 1912 Petersburg-First J.M. Pilcher Hugh C. Smith T. Clagett Skinner 1913 Lynchburg-College Hill Robert D. Garland Hugh C. Smith W.W. Winfrey 1914 Bristol-First Robert D. Garland Hugh C. Smith J.J. Wicker 1915 Clarendon Westwood Hutchinson Hugh C. Smith R.B. Garrett 1916 Norfolk-First Westwood Hutchinson Hugh C. Smith George W. McDaniel 1917 Roanoke-Belmont R.H. Pitt Hugh C. Smith C.T. Herndon 1918 No Meeting, Infl uenza R.H. Pitt Hugh C. Smith 1919 Lynchburg-First R.H. Pitt Hugh C. Smith R. Aubrey Williams 1920 Richmond-First George W. McDaniel Hugh C. Smith Sparks W. Melton 1921 Portsmouth-Court Street George W. McDaniel Hugh C. Smith Henry W. Battle 1922 Newport News-First R.E. Gaines Hugh C. Smith E.B. Jackson 1923 Richmond-Second R.E. Gaines Hugh C. Smith James M. Shelburne 1924 Bluefi eld-First Charles A. Johnston Hugh C. Smith Richard S. Owens 1925 Roanoke-Calvary Charles A. Johnston Hugh C. Smith W.E. Abrams 1926 Danville-First R.A. McFarland Hugh C. Smith Solon B. Cousins 1927 Charlottesville-First J.L. Rosser Hugh C. Smith J. Taylor Stinson 1928 Alexandria-First J.L. Rosser Hugh C. Smith Ira D.S. Knight 1929 Winchester T. Clagett Skinner Hugh C. Smith W.E. Gibson 1930 Roanoke-First T. Clagett Skinner Hugh C. Smith T. Ryland Sanford 1931 Norfolk-Freemason Street Sparks W. Melton Charles T. Taylor L.M. Ritter 1932 No Meeting, Time Changed Sparks W. Melton Charles T. Taylor 1933 Charlottesville-University Sparks W. Melton Charles T. Taylor Harry J. Goodwin 1934 Petersburg-First B.F. Moomaw Charles T. Taylor Samuel G. Harwood 1935 Bristol-First B.F. Moomaw E.T. Clark W.M. Thompson 1936 Lynchburg-First Solon B. Cousins E.T. Clark E. Warren Robertson 1936 Richmond-Tabernacle Solon B. Cousins E.T. Clark Henry Alford Porter 1937 Newport News-First F.W. Boatwright E.T. Clark Pierce S. Ellis 1938 Roanoke-Calvary F.W. Boatwright E.T. Clark M.F. Combs 1939 Alexandria-First F.W. Boatwright E.T. Clark Theodore F. Adams 1940 Richmond-Grove Avenue R. Aubrey Williams Kenneth E. Burke Henry W. Tiffany 1941 Danville R. Aubrey Williams Kenneth E. Burke L.F. Paulette 1942 Roanoke-First Burton J. Ray Kenneth E. Burke Robert F. Caverlee 1943 Lynchburg-First Burton J. Ray Kenneth E. Burke George T. Tunstall 1944 Roanoke-First Walter P. Binns Kenneth E. Burke Nelson T. Barker 1944 February to March Floyd W. Putney 1945 Lynchburg-First Clyde N. Parker Kenneth E. Burke Sparks W. Melton 1946 Richmond-First Raymond F. Hough Kenneth E. Burke Josef Nordenhaug 1947 Roanoke-First Edward V. Peyton Kenneth E. Burke W. Hugh Carter 1948 Norfolk-Freemason Street Aubrey H. Camden Kenneth E. Burke Herbert R. Carlton 1949 Richmond-First Henry W. Tiffany Kenneth E. Burke Clyde V. Hickerson 1950 Roanoke-First Ralph C. McDanel Ralph J. Kirby W. Franklin Cale

211 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA YYearear PPlacelace PPresidentresident SSecretaryecretary PPreacherreacher 1951 Norfolk-Center Theater Wade H. Bryant Ralph J. Kirby L.D. Johnson 1952 Richmond-First R.E. Loving Ralph J. Kirby J.R. Stiff 1953 Roanoke-First John H. Garber Ralph J. Kirby E.F. Campbell 1954 Norfolk-Center Theater Raymond F. Hough Ralph J. Kirby W.W. Shrader 1955 Richmond-First Robert F. Caverlee Ralph J. Kirby Harry Y. Gamble 1956 Alexandria-First Charles L. Harman Ralph J. Kirby W. Malcolm Fuller 1957 Roanoke-First W. Curtis English Ralph J. Kirby George Kissinger, III 1958 Virginia Beach-Conv. Hall M. Jackson White Ralph J. Kirby J.P. Allen 1959 Richmond-First Jesse M. Johnson Ralph J. Kirby Ryburn T. Stancil 1960 Bristol-Paramount Theater Albert E. Simms Ralph J. Kirby Bruce H. Price 1961 Arlington-Westover Edward G. Ayers Ralph J. Kirby W. Paul Hepler 1962 Virginia Beach-Conv. Center R.P. Downey Ralph J. Kirby R. Stuart Grizzard 1963 Alexandria-Del Ray Charles H. Ryland Ralph J. Kirby Douglas M. White 1964 Roanoke-First Richard M. Stephenson Ralph J. Kirby W. Barker Hardison 1965 Richmond-First William J. Hagood, Jr. Ralph J. Kirby R.E. McDowell 1966 Virginia Beach-Conv. Center H. Cowen Ellis Ralph J. Kirby Chevis F. Horne 1967 Alexandria-First M. Hunter Riggins, Jr. Ralph J. Kirby Howard W. Lee 1968 Hampton-Liberty Julian H. Pentecost Ralph J. Kirby C. Spurgeon Paschall 1969 Roanoke-First R.L.T. Beale, Jr. William L. Lumpkin Charles G. Fuller 1970 Richmond-First Ernest L. Honts William L. Lumpkin John W. Patterson 1971 Arlington-Westover John J. Bryan William L. Lumpkin Horace L. Ford 1972 Virginia Beach-Conv. Center W. Barker Hardison William L. Lumpkin W.N. Stockburger 1973 Richmond-First James H. Rayhorn William L. Lumpkin William L. Lumpkin 1974 Roanoke-First Charles G. Fuller William L. Lumpkin Luther Joe Thompson 1975 Richmond-First Joseph C. Smiddy William L. Lumpkin Ira D. Hudgins 1976 Alexandria-First William J. Cumbie William L. Lumpkin W. Landon Miller 1977 Park View-Newport News Ken McFarlane Smith William L. Lumpkin Donald H. Bowen 1978 Roanoke Civic Center Auditorium Chevis F. Horne William L. Lumpkin Lawrence J. Pace 1979 Virginia Beach Civic Center Emmet C. Stroop William L. Lumpkin Eslie R. Phillips 1980 Richmond-First V. Allen Gaines William L. Lumpkin E. Nelson Lea 1981 Charlottesville-Univ. Hall Norman P. Gillum William L. Lumpkin John S. Farrar 1982 Alexandria-First M. Vernon Davis William L. Lumpkin Raymond F. Allen 1983 Salem Civic Center Mrs. A.H. Gregory Frederick J. Anderson Donald J. Dunlap 1984 Virginia Beach Pavilion William L. Lumpkin Frederick J. Anderson James E. Baucom 1985 Salem Civic Center Earl A. Scott Frederick J. Anderson John E. Houghton 1986 Monument Heights, Richmond Sherrill G. Stevens Frederick J. Anderson 1986 Richmond Marriott Sherrill G. Stevens Frederick J. Anderson Neal T. Jones 1987 William & Mary Hall Carl W. Johnson Frederick J. Anderson Aubrey J. Rosser 1988 Virginia Beach Pavilion Neal T. Jones Frederick J. Anderson Bob D. Lynch 1989 Salem Civic Center Mrs. R.F. Woodward Frederick J. Anderson James R. Copeland 1990 Richmond Centre Raymond L. Spence, Jr. Frederick J. Anderson David D. Burhans 1991 Salem Civic Center Michael J. Oblinger Frederick J. Anderson Robert C. McKinley 1992 Virginia Beach Conv. Center W. Jerry Holcomb Frederick J. Anderson Larry Matthews 1993 Richmond Centre Walter A. Harrow Frederick J. Anderson Coan G. Agee 1994 Salem Civic Center Ronald W. Crawford Frederick J. Anderson F. Dean Smith 1995 Virginia Beach Pavilion Margaret B. Wayland Frederick J. Anderson Dr. Tom McMillan 1996 Richmond Centre R. Clint Hopkins Frederick J. Anderson Dr. Al Peverall 1997 Roanoke Civic Center Mary B. Wilson Frederick J. Anderson Chester Brown 1998 Virginia Beach Pavilion William G. Wilson Frederick J. Anderson J. Murphy Terry 1999 Richmond Centre William E. Watson Frederick J. Anderson Frank Campbell 2000 Roanoke Civic Center Thomas R. McCann, Jr. Frederick J. Anderson Joel Jenkins 2001 Hylton Memorial Chapel J. Darrell Foster Frederick J. Anderson L. Watson/R. Bearden 2002 Virginia Beach Pavilion M. Reginald Warren Frederick J. Anderson 2003 Richmond Center Elizabeth C. Fogg Frederick J. Anderson Bert Browning 2004 Roanoke Civic Center Don Davidson Frederick J. Anderson Bob Moore 2005 Hylton Memorial Chapel Richard F. Smith Frederick J. Anderson Fred Craddock 2006 Virginia Beach Convention Center Herbert O. (Bert) Browning, Jr. Frederick J. Anderson Leith Anderson 2007 Greater Richmond Convention Center Boyce E. Brannock Frederick J. Anderson Lance Watson 2008 Roanoke Civic Center Joseph T. Lewis Frederick J. Anderson Anthony Campolo 2009 Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center William J. Bloomer Frederick J. Anderson Alistair Brown 2010 Hampton Roads Convention Center Timothy N. Madison Frederick J. Anderson Reggie McNeal 2011 Greater Richmond Convention Center Robert B. Bass Frederick J. Anderson Alan Hirsch 2012 Roanoke Civic Center Mark A. Croston, Sr. Frederick J. Anderson Mark A. Croston, Sr. 2013 Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center Carl Johnson Frederick J. Anderson Ross Clifford 2014 Hampton Roads Convention Center Thomas R. McDearis Frederick J. Anderson Gary Nelson

212 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Offi cers Baptist General Association of Virginia

2014 PRESIDENT Thomas R. McDearis Blacksburg FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Ann F. Brown Gretna SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Edward A. Fisher North Tazewell CLERK Frederick J. Anderson Richmond EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John V. Upton, Jr. Richmond TREASURER David B. Washburn Waynesboro

2015 PRESIDENT Ann F. Brown Gretna FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Nancy Stanton McDaniel Rhoadesville SECOND VICE PRESIDENT William M. Nieporte, Sr. Richmond CLERK Frederick J. Anderson Richmond EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John V. Upton, Jr. Richmond TREASURER David B. Washburn Waynesboro

213 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Standing Committees Baptist General Association of Virginia

COMMITTEE ON BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 2017 – Traci Powers (M), Chesapeake 23321 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Horacio Hall (M) 2015 – Norman Burnes (M) 2015 – Winston Johnson (M) 2016 – Sally O. Hannah (L) 2016 – Boyce Brannock (L) 2016 – Vacancy (M) 2017 – Linda Swanson (L) 2017 – Gail Williams (L) 2015 - Tommy McDearis (M), Blacksburg 24060 (Past President) 2015 – Ann Brown (L), Gretna 24557 (By Virtue of Offi ce – President) COMMITTEE ON SCHOLARSHIPS AND MINISTERIAL EDUCATION FUNDS 2015 – Bill Bateman (L), Glen Allen 23060 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – David Blevins (M) 2015 – Mike Humfl eet (M) 2015 – Katie McKown (M) 2015 – Todd Combee (M) 2015 – James E. Markham (L) 2016 – Robert Bloxom (L) 2016 – Alvin Edward (M) 2016 – Jeffrey Knight (M) 2016 – David Wade (M) 2016 – Jake Maxwell (M) 2017 – Pam Gordon (L) 2017 – Eleanor Green (L) 2017 – James Heath (L) 2017 – Janet Hilliard (L) 2017 – Julia C. Killian (L) CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMITTEE 2015 – James Bauslaugh (M), Fredericksburg 22407 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Bill Hartsfi eld (M) 2015 – Juan Garcia (M) 2015 - Melissa Vath (L) 2016 – Marshall Bolton (L) 2016 – Vacancy (M) 2016 – Charles Nunn (M) 2017 – Wayne Collis (M) 2017 – Mark Harris (L) 2017 – Bill Ray (L)

214 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 2015 – Charles W. Gibson (M), Chester 23831 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Brenda Green (L) 2015 – Joyce Clemmons (L) 2016 – Jerry Haywood (M) 2016 – Kathy J. Wolfe (L) 2016 – Betty Roberts (L) 2017 – Ricky E. Anderson (M) 2017 – Dorothy Cluff (L) 2017 – Joey McNeill (M) PROGRAM COMMITTEE 2015 – Dan Carlton (M), Culpeper 22701 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Richard Inman (M) 2015 – Steve Nethery (M) 2015 – Brenda Hastings (L) 2016 – Paul Brill (M) 2016 – Vacancy (L) 2016 – Brenden Lawson (M) 2017 – Joanne C. Ivy (L) 2017 – Erik Davidson (M) 2017 – Penny Jenkins (L) 2015 - Bill Nieporte (M) (By virtue of offi ce – 2nd Vice President) RELIGIOUS LIBERTY COMMITTEE 2015 – Shelton Miles (M), Long Island 24569 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Richard L. Clore (M) 2015 – Andrew Gardner (L) 2015 – Cynthia Burton Shackelford (L) 2016 – Michael Lee (M) 2016 – Paul Lane (M) 2016 – Michael Poole (M) 2017 – Mary Harris (L) 2017 – Steve Pollard (M) 2017 – Ellis West (L) RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE 2015 – Rupert Rose (M), Richmond 23238 (Chair) Email: [email protected] 2015 – Mary Richerson Mann (M) 2015 – J. Michael Robinson (M) 2016 – Joy Dickens (L) 2016 – Becky McKinney (L) 2016 – Donald Sage (L) 2017 – Chuck Jolley (M) 2017 – Luke Smith (M) 2017 – Audrey Davidson (L)



AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS Administrator and Board Directories


BAPTIST EXTENSION BOARD 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294 804-915-5000

Offi cers 2015 2017 Steve Allsbrook, President Kirk Beene Jacqueline K. Hollis** Audrey Holmes, Vice President R. Greg Owens** Robert E. Lee IV Bob Collins, Secretary Tracy Pendleton** J. Michael Robinson** David Washburn, Treasurer John Upton, Executive Director 2016 2018 Wayne Faison, Ex-offi cio Steve Allsbrook* Rufus Adkins Vacant, Attorney Robert Collins* Debra Clements Dick Bidwell, Consultant Audrey D. Holmes Victor L. Davis Rod Hale, Consultant

CENTER FOR BAPTIST HERITAGE AND STUDIES PO Box 34, University of Richmond, VA 23173 804-289-8434 Offi cers 2015 2016 John Gordon, Chairman Frank G. Schwall, Jr. Nathan Taylor Pat Bloxom, Vice-Chairman David Adkins Earl Crouch Fred Anderson, Executive William P. Tuck Jacquelyn K. Brooks Director Ruth Guill Elsie Richards, Administrative John Gordon 2017 Assistant Ernest C. Bolt, Jr. Robert McKinley Fred Anderson 2014 Craig Kocher Pat Bloxom

218 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS GRACEINSIDE: VIRGINIA’S PRISON CHAPLAIN SERVICE 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294 804-358-7650 2014 Board of Trustees Mr. Gene M. Mims 2014 Advisory Council Dr. Titus Bender Mr. Max Peterson* Rev. Dr. Paul A. Beighley III Rev. Robert T. Casey Mrs. Sue B. Pickett Rev. William H. Burk Mrs. Elwanda N. Cornelius* Rev. Dennett C. Slemp Pat Carrowiano* Mr. John S. Davis Dr. J. David Tabor Rev. Wayne Collis* Mr. J. Samuel Glasscock Deacon Charles Williams Mr. Murray Ellison Rev. Terri Johnson Gregory Ms. Helen Wood* Mr. Gerry Fuss Dr. Edward L. Griffi n* Rev. William O. Jones Mrs. Sally Gunn Rev. Dr. James G. O’Quinn Mr. Charles Layman Rev. Don L. Powell* Mr. Robert McClintock Dr. John H. Spencer

* Representative of the BGAV

HOPETREE FAMILY SERVICES PO Box 849, Salem, VA 24153 540-389-5468 Offi cers Terms Expire November 2014 Terms Expire John G. Mizell, Jr., Chairman Rev. Ronald L. Eason November 2016 George H. Fletcher, III, First Vice Mrs. Helen F. Foster Mr. Charles Clement Chairman Rev. Tom Heaton Mrs. Hazel Harrison Hazel Harrison, Second Vice Mr. John G. Mizell, Jr. Mr. Michael F. Jirka Chairman Mr. Patrick N. Shaffner Mr. L. Richard Martin, Jr. Patrick N. Shaffner, Treasurer Rev. Paige Young Mr. Paul D. Taylor Ronald L. Eason, Secretary Ellen Mustoe, Assistant Secretary Terms Expire November 2015 Terms Expire November 2017 Stephen W. Richerson, President Mrs. Shirley A. Craven Mr. Lee Flora Rev. Don Davidson Mr. John M. Garnett, III Rev. George Fletcher, III Mr. David F. Long Ms. Ellen Mustoe Mrs. Nancy W. Shafer Mr. Glenn Reynolds Mr. Thomas M. Stover Mr. James F. Tobey, Jr.

219 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS VIRGINIA BAPTIST FOUNDATION PO Box 17035, Richmond, VA 23226 804-672-8862 or 800-868-2464 2014 Offi cers 2015 2017 David J. Fairchild, Chairman Jason N. Kimlick E. L. Rash, Jr. William E. Watson, Vice Robert G. Thompson Mark S. Ross Chairman William E. Watson Nancy G. Wren Jason N. Kimlick, Secretary 2016 2014 Robert E. Carden David J. Fairchild Beverley E. Dalton Janet C. Garrett Jon C. Hatfi eld Robert L. Smythers

VIRGINIA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO Box 34, University of Richmond, VA 23173 804-289-8434 Offi cers 2016 2018 Frank G. Schwall, Jr., President Stephen Aycock Joseph Lewis David Adkins, First Vice Helen Wood Nathan Taylor President Frank G. Schwall, Jr. William M. Ryland William Powell Tuck, Second Pat Boyd William P. Tuck Vice President Virginia Darnell Allen Brown Ruth Guill, Third Vice President Fred Anderson, Executive 2017 Ex-Offi cio Director Ruth Guill John V. Upton, Jr. Cynthia Miller Dennis Sacrey Executive Committee Kathryn Bullard 2015 Herbert O. Browning David Adkins Jim Hunter Anna Damerel Thomas Miller Thelma Miller Rick Clore

220 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS VIRGINIA BAPTIST HOMES Corporate Offi ce, PO Box 191, Culpeper, VA 22701 540-825-1569 2014 2017 Offi cers of the Corporation V. Curtis Brooking* LeBron J. Holden Dr. Randall Robinson, President/ Maurice C. Law John T. King CEO Samuel G. Oakey III Robert L. Musick, Jr. Kent M. Phillips, Acting Michael M. Smith Susan C. Rucker Executive Vice President/ COO 2015 Offi cers of the Joseph P. Kelley - Senior VP- Thomas W. Lovelace** Board of Trustees Finance/Chief Financial Offi cer/ Thomas E. Stephenson Robert L. Musick, Jr., Chair Treasurer Joseph M. Teefey LeBron J. Holden, Vice Chair Monica Hillery, Secretary Charles W. Tysinger C. Nelson Harris, Assistant Executive Committee Secretary 2016 Robert L. Musick, Jr., Chair Rev. C. Nelson Harris LeBron J. Holden R. Craig Hopson Ned Stephenson, ex offi cio William F. Trimble, Jr. Joe Teefey, ex offi cio Oliver L. Way *The Glebe Trustee Only ** VBH Trustee Only

WOMAN’S MISSIONARY UNION OF VIRGINIA 2828 Emerywood Parkway, Henrico, VA 23294 804-915-5000 or 800-255-2428 Board of Trustees Pat Wright, President Betty Lou Jackson, Vice President/Secretary Sara Hubble, Member-at-Large Lynne Stockman, Member-at-Large Judy Deel, Member-at-Large Judy Vicars, Member-at-Large Roxanne Higgins, Advisory Board Representative Kathryn Sowers, Advisory Board Representative Angela Webb, Advisory Board Representative Cindy Walker, CrossRoads Commission Representative Cheryl Grubbs, CrossRoads Commission Representative Valerie Carter, Executive Director/Treasurer


AVERETT UNIVERSITY 420 W Main Street, Danville, VA 24541 800-283-7388

2015 2016 2018 Mr. Steven B. Daniels, Sr. Mr. John S. Barr, Esq. The Honorable Rossie D. Alston, Jr. Mr. Eric Deaton Ms. Kirk Bidgood Mr. Irving M. Blank Mrs. Virginia W. Hamlet Mrs. Kris Willard Mr. Michael E. Keck* Mrs. Wanda B. Jeffress Mr. Richard Roccesano Mrs. Mary M. G. Riddle 2017 Dr. Jack B. Spainhour, Jr. Dr. Calvin R. Snowden Mr. L. Hampton Wilkins Dr. Joseph G. Burke Young Alumnus Trustee Mrs. Bobbye Raye Womack Rev. Dr. Dan Carlton* Mr. William J. Gentry, Jr. Mr. Christopher E. West Ms. Lisa D. Johnson Mrs. Margaret G. Lewis Trustee Emeritus Mr. T. Wayne Oakes Mrs. Brantley F. Barr (Mary Lou) Mr. Kenneth E. Powell Mr. L. Samuel Saunders Mr. Todd McGregor Yeatts * BGAV appointed

BLUEFIELD COLLEGE 3000 College Drive, Bluefi eld, VA 24605 800-872-0175 2014 2016 2018 Michael R. DuVal Becky E. Beckett Jack A. Marcom, Jr.* William M. Hartsfi eld* Gordon W. Grimes, II Thomas M. Brewster Camden J. McLaughlin* Sarah J. Reid Joshua S. Cornett Susan M. Tussey Charles O. Warren Patricia K. Douglas William S. Winfrey, II* Robert A. Houck 2017 J. Sidney Lanier, Jr. 2015 Michael P. Harris Craig F. Stout David W. Dockery* Christopher E. Lawson Estelle Johnson Wistar H. Trent Trustee Emeritus David L. Bailey, Jr. Kenneth R. Russell, Jr.* T. Keith Edwards Charlotte Sacre *Representing the BGAV

222 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY 4744 James Madison Highway, PO Box 278, Fork Union, VA 23055 434-842-3212 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Curtis Hathaway 2016 William J. Vakos, Jr.*, Chairman Russell A. Johnston* David R. Barrett James F. Cerza, Jr., Vice Kenneth B. Koeller Lewis Kent Carter Chairman William J. McCaddin David K. Hunt Lewis Kent Carter, Secretary Frederick G. Pruitt, Jr.* Randolph E. Lanford* R. L. Pulliam* Adam R. Metwalli TRUSTEES EMERITI George C. Turner Marion E. Moon* Paul Westphal Sammie D. Barr* Ray G. Wile Robert S. Bloxom* 2017 Thomas E. Bronson 2015 A. Douglas Dalton, Jr.* John T. Chain, Jr. Edward N. George, Jr. George S. Currin Lee Speed Briscoe Jose A. Mera C. Edwin Eates Paige L. Pruett John Larry Miles* Emerson Dale Farley, Jr. Frank F. Rennie, IV* J. William Price, III Charles G. Fuller* Kevin M. Reynolds, Sr. Richard H. Wall J. Wesley Hall, Jr.* Steven W. Shelton Jeffrey N. Weatherspoon * Representing the BGAV

HARGRAVE MILITARY ACADEMY 200 Military Drive, Chatham, VA 24531 434-432-2481 Administration Board of Trustees Mr. Ben J. Davenport Jr. (BGAV) BG (Ret.) Doyle D. Broome Jr., Mr. Lewis E. Wall, Chairman Dr. Nancy Dye, M.D. President (BGAV) Mr. Dabney T.P. (Dexter) Gilliam, Jr MAJ Tim Oditt, Chief of Staff Mr. James A. Motley, Vice- Dr. James Hancock, M.D. LTC (Ret.) Walter L. Sullivan, Chairman Mr. Thomas C. Leggett Academic Dean Dr. Gerald C. Burnett, M.D., Mr. Jack C. Pattisall SgtMaj (R) Mike Payne, Secretary (BGAV) Dr. Ronald W. Snead Commandant Mr. Richard S. Dyer, Trustee Mr. J. Robert White CH (CPT) William J. Moran Jr., Emeritus Chaplain Dr. John O’Bannon, M.D., Trustee Emeriti Trustee Emeritus Mr. Richard S. Dyer Mr. R. Allen Amos II Dr. John O’Bannon Mr. Alvah C. Arnn Mrs. Hayako O. Cook

223 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS JOHN LELAND CENTER FOR THEOLOGICAL STUDIES 405 N Washington Street, Suite 200, Falls Church, VA 22046 703-812-4757 2015 2016 2017 S. Laing Hinson+ Lou Brown Claude Keener*+ Don Davidson*+ Darrell Foster+ Otelia Frazier+ Sonya V. Stewart Jean T. Compton Scott Humphrey+ Richard F. Smith+ Kenny Smith Randy Buchanan Donald R. Kelly Carl Biggs Kendrick Curry John Rosenthall Chris Miles+ Jerry Hanson+ Mel Harris+ Pat Steele*+ Larry Meyers+ Tom Vaughan+ Claiborn Crane+ Thomas Yi Carolyn Fossen+ Howard-John Wesley

* BGAV trustee + member of BGAV church

OAK HILL ACADEMY 2635 Oak Hill Road, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363 276-579-2619 Offi cers 2016 2020 Mr. Carl Rosberg, Chairman Mr. Todd Fuller Mr. Taylor Vaughan Mr. Kenny Bowen, Vice Chairman Mr. Marty Parks* Ms. Bonnie Burke Mr. Rex Halsey, Secretary/ Rev. Danny Collins* Mr. Jim Tapp Treasurer Vacant Mrs. Theresa Lazo Vacant Executive Committee 2017 Mr. Carl Rosberg, Chairman Rev. Robert Bailey 2021 Mr. Kenny Bowen, Vice Chairman, Mr. Kenny Bowen Mrs. Sidney Rose Fant Planning Committee Chair Mr. Harold Wingate Mr. Rodney Halsey* Mr. Rex Halsey, Secretary/ Vacant Mrs. Lisa Dockery* Treasurer Vacant Mrs. Susie Dixon Garner, Finance 2018 Vacant Committee Chair Mrs. Susie Dixon* Mr. Don Gibson, Development Dr. Dennis Throckmorton* Committee Chairs 2014 – 2015 Committee Chair Mr. Ralph Davis Mr. Kenny Bowen, Planning Mr. Todd Fuller Mr. Tom Saunders Committee Chair Mr. Marty Parks Mrs. Susie Dixon Garner, Finance Dr. Michael D. Groves (ex-offi cio) 2019 Committee Chair Mr. Don Gibson, Development 2015 *Mr. Carl Rosberg* *Mr. Dennis Gambill* Committee Chair Mr. Larry Conner, Sr. Rev. John Duvall Mr. Rex Halsey Vacant Mr. Marshall Frank Dr. Thomas Harvey* Mr. Don Gibson


BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT RICHMOND 8040 Villa Park Drive, Suite 250, Richmond, VA 23228 804-355-8135

Board of Trustees Mike Clingenpeel Habacuc Diaz Lopez Joseph Boykin Ron Crawford (President) Jackie Moore Kent Brown Virginia Darnell (Chair) Kathryn Norman Bert Browning (Chair) Brian Davis Susan C. Rucker Debra Bryant* Robert (Bob) K. Fowler Jim Somerville* Bob Calloway Harriet B. Harral (Vice Chair) Kelly Stuart (Secretary) Valerie Carter Virgil Hazelett Elmer West (Emeritus) Hunter Cook Joe Lewis* * Representing the BGAV

225 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS BAPTIST WORLD ALLIANCE 405 N Washington Street, Falls Church, VA 22046 703-790-8980 Members of the BWA Executive Vice Presidents The following Virginia Baptists (Governing Board of the Baptist Regina Claas, Ross Clifford, Nabil serve on BWA Advisory World Alliance) Costa, William S. Epps, Harry Committees Neville Callam, General Gardner, Victor S. Gonzalez Michael J. Clingenpeel, Member, Secretary/CEO Grillo, John Kok, Olu Q. Communications Advisory John Upton, President Menjay, Paul Msiza, Joel Sierra Committee Daniel Carro, First Vice President Cavazos, Burchell K. Taylor James E. White, Member, Carolyn Fossen, Treasurer Communications Advisory David Coffey, Immediate Past In addition, the following Committee President Virginia Baptists serve on BWA Marinetta Hjort, Member, Raquel Contreras, Women’s Aux. Committees of the General Freedom and Justice President Council Advisory Committee Amanda Haines, Youth Dept. John Upton, Chair, Nominations Craig Sherouse, Member, President Committee Mission, Evangelism & Melvin Harris, Chair, Audit Theological Refl ection Representatives of Regions Committee Advisory Committee All Africa Baptist Fellowship - Jerry Jones, Committee Member Timothy K. Norman, Member, Solomon Ishola Baptist World Aid Promotion and Asia Pacifi c Baptist Federation - Development Advisory Ross Clifford The following Virginia Baptists Committee Caribbean Baptist Fellowship - serve on BWA Committees of Marilee White, Member, William Thompson the Executive Promotion and European Baptist Federation - Carolyn Fossen, Chair, Budget Development Advisory Jan Saethre and Finance Committee Union of Baptists in Latin Jeff Bloomer, Member, Budget Daniel Carro, Member, America - Raul Scialabba and Finance Promotion and North America Baptist John R. Jones, Member, Budget Development Advisory Fellowship - Jeffrey Haggray and Finance Committee Craig A. Sherouse, Member, 12 At-Large Representatives Budget and Finance Jerry Carlisle Michael Catlett, Member, Budget Tapan Chowdhury and Finance Regina Claas Dean Miller, Member, Congress Jonathan Edwards Committee William S. Epps John Upton, Human Resources K. Randel Everett Committee Melvin Harris James Baucom, Member, A. Roy Medley Membership Committee Gary Nelson Daniel Carro, Member David Kerrigan Membership Committee Philomena Wiredu Burchell K. Taylor

226 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS MINISTERING TO MINISTERS FOUNDATION, INC. 501 Branchway Road, North Chesterfi eld, VA 23236 804-594-2556 Board of Trustees Ms. Cynthia O. Barnes Dr. Norvie L. Lay Rev. Dr. James B. Johnson, II, Dr. Roberta S. Damon Dr. Lauranett Lee Chair Mr. Thomas Denham Mr. Geoffrey R. McDonald Rev. Dr. David A. Myers, Vice- Rev. Dr. Ted Fuson John “Buddy” Moore Chair Ms. Sally Ann Galliher Rev. Mark Nieuwsma Mr. William J. Irvin, CFO F. James Gerren Rev. Peggy Sanderford Ponder Dr. Beverley G. Buston, Secretary Rev. Edward Harrow Rev. J. Michael Poole Rev. Dr. Alvin Edwards, Vice- Mr. Brandon G. Hudson Mr. John P. Porter Secretary Ms. Patricia Jones Rev. Dr. Bruce Queen Rev. Dr. Charles H. Chandler, Rev. Dr. Tom R. Kinman Mr. Archibald Wallace, III Treasurer Rev. Robin Lambert Mr. R. Bland Weaver, Jr.



BAPTIST EXTENSION BOARD Year ending December 31, 2014

INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 701,607 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 639 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 393,586 Miscellaneous $ 38,419 Total Income $ 1,134,251

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 199,019 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 199,019 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 935,232

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 3,502,399 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 15,308,700 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 7,546,857 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 550,146 Others $ 10,000 Total Assets $ 26,918,102

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 0 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 26,868,102 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Others $ 50,000 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 26,918,102


INCOME Designated Bequest $ 6,789 Regular Operating Income Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 80,938 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 12,254 Investments and Endowments Miscellaneous $ 989 Total Income $ 100,970

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 93,290 Capital Expenditures Designated Bequest $ 6,789 Total Expenditures $ 100,079 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 891

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 22,947 Reserve Account $ 75,253 Endowments, Trusts and Investments Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment Others Total Assets $ 98,200

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable Long Term Indebtedness Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 75,253 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 22,947 Others Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 98,200


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 1,043,238 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 51,048 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 9,099 Total Income $ 1,103,385

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 1,020,476 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 1,020,476 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 82,909

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 205,945 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 636 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 154,798 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Assets $ 361,379

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 19,290 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 19,290


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 12,788,268 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 56,475 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 4,307 Investments and Endowments $ 1,861,288 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Income $ 14,800,665

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 14,122,211 Capital Expenditures $ 566,491 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 14,688,702 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 111,963

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 5,192 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 1,697,170 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 23,654,456 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 15,402,835 Others $ 215,736 Total Assets $ 40,975,389

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 1,036,869 Long Term Indebtedness $ 4,309,167 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 13,154,137 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 22,475,216 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 40,975,389


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 0 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 9,124 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 2,512 Investments and Endowments $ 226,793 Miscellaneous $ 724,635 Total Income $ 963,064

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 980,795 Capital Expenditures $ 9,029 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 989,824 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (26,760)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 11,787,564 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 225,040 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 110,708,678 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 370,255 Others $ 150,210 Total Assets $ 123,241,748

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 6,803 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Fund Balances $ 123,234,945 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 123,241,748


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 54,334 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 30,195 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 9,750 Investments and Endowments $ 34,299 Miscellaneous $ 80,166 Total Income $ 208,744

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 227,300 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 227,300 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (18,556)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 105,216 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 0 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 911,166 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Assets $ 1,016,382

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 0 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 911,166 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 105,216 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 1,016,382


INCOME Combined VBH CBRC NNBRC Regular Operating Income $25,101,489 $0 $6,259,372 $18,842,117 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $46,183 $46,183 $0 $0 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $41,104 $36,004 $5,100 $0 Investments and Endowments $3,041,091 $936,427 $611,539 $1,493,125 Miscellaneous $901,114 $0 $116,264 $784,850 Total Income $29,130,981 $1,018,614 $6,992,275 $21,120,092

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $36,865,559 $5,470,527 $8,552,312 $22,842,720 Capital Expenditures $2,533,304 $197,417 $581,055 $1,754,832 Miscellaneous $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenditures $39,398,863 $5,667,944 $9,133,367 $4,597,552 Excess of Income over Expenditures ($10,267,882) ($4,649,330) ($2,141,092) ($3,477,460)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) ($20,483,119) ($30,527,233) ($198,041) $10,242,155 Accounts and Notes Receivable $33,778,708 $30,729,547 $1,711,834 $1,337,327 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $6,344,221 $3,844,457 $803,391 $1,696,373 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $43,799,303 $1,295,133 $2,739,498 $39,764,672 Others $8,007,191 $6,535,668 $201,357 $1,270,166 Total Assets $71,446,304 $11,877,572 $5,258,039 $54,310,693

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $49,834,136 $1,416,944 $9,876,156 $38,541,036 Long Term Indebtedness $68,609,710 $6,129,762 $2,156,341 $60,323,607 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts ($62,809,550) $4,330,866 ($8,341,520) ($58,798,896) Others $15,812,008 $0 $1,567,062 $14,244,946 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $71,446,304 $11,877,572 $5,258,039 $54,310,693


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 506,408 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 340,414 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 470,000 Investments and Endowments $ 137,553 Miscellaneous $ 28,287 Total Income $ 1,482,662

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 1,348,124 Capital Expenditures $ 62,332 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 1,410,456 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 72,206

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 511,203 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 56,251 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 3,182,791 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 1,092,196 Others $ 27,416 Total Assets $ 4,869,857

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 354,117 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 4,515,740 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 4,869,857

Note: These are unaudited fi nancials. The 2014 audit is scheduled for April 2015.


AVERETT UNIVERSITY Year ending June 30, 2014

INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 28,910,488 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 1,647 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 11,008 Investments and Endowments $ 2,858,761 Miscellaneous $ 1,119,635 Total Income $ 32,901,539

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 31,997,033 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 31,997,033 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 904,506

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 2,467,786 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 7,456,136 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 25,050,706 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 33,777,488 Others $ 824,986 Total Assets $ 69,577,102

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 8,922,973 Long Term Indebtedness $ 16,291,716 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Others $ 44,362,413 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 69,577,102


INCOME Regular Operating Income* $ 14,076,771 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 77,353 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts Investments and Endowments $ 334,069 Miscellaneous $ 112,969 Total Income $ 14,601,162

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 13,129,665 Capital Expenditures $ 914,232 Miscellaneous Total Expenditures $ 14,043,897 Excess of Income over Expenditures** $ 557,265

*Includes all operating reveues (unrestricted, temporarly restricted and restricted) **Operating Revenues (unrestricted) over Operating Expenses (GAAP compliant) $ (316,782)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 665,961 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 1,366,480 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 6,959,765 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 11,402,944 Others $ 2,511,681 Total Assets $ 22,906,831

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 741,419 Long Term Indebtedness $ 6,219,798 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 14,555,287 Others $ 1,390,327 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 22,906,831


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 15,347,486 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 2,514 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 489,000 Total Income $ 15,839,000

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 15,685,359 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 1,348,641 Total Expenditures $ 17,034,000 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (1,195,000)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 2,631,571 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 1,720,751 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 20,276,155 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 33,175,280 Others $ 2,140,425 Total Assets $ 59,944,182

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 2,236,682 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 57,707,500 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 59,944,182


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 7,499,024 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 3,034 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 459,855 Miscellaneous $ 158,110 Total Income $ 8,120,023

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 8,639,202 Capital Expenditures $ 5,699 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 8,644,901 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (524,878)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 566,987 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 126,473 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 5,247,477 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 17,086,499 Others $ 1,167,198 Total Assets $ 24,194,634

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 1,468,009 Long Term Indebtedness $ 2,105,965 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 20,026,309 Others $ 594,351 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 24,194,634


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 299,775 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 96,043 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 37 Miscellaneous (Donor Contributions) $ 568,176 Total Income $ 964,031

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 988,546 Capital Expenditures $ 10,960 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 999,506 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (35,475)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 85,396 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 8,978 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 8,100 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 216,414 Others (Prepaid Expenses) $ 13,715 Total Assets $ 332,603

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 147,517 Long Term Indebtedness $ 100,000 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 10,250 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 66,736 Others (Term-Endowment Fund) $ 8,100 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 332,603


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 5,988,063 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 43,653 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 448,335 Miscellaneous $ 85,174 Total Income $ 6,565,225

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 5,492,778 Capital Expenditures $ 849,591 Miscellaneous $ 29,098 Total Expenditures $ 6,371,467 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 193,758

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 1,549,329 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 395,891 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 2,962,472 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 4,867,042 Others $ 116,825 Total Assets $ 9,891,559

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 0 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 2,853,033 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 6,623,988 Others $ 414,538 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 9,891,559


BAPTIST NEWS GLOBAL Year ending December 31, 2014

INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 641,881 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 117,879 to Operating Budget Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 21,441 to Annual Fund Investments and Endowments $ 127,918 Miscellaneous Total Income $ 909,119

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 909,119 Capital Expenditures Miscellaneous Total Expenditures $ 1,020,857 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (111,739)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 167,815 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 17,953 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 3,766,412 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 33,217 Others Total Assets $ 3,985,397

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable (includes credit card balance) $ 25,770 Long Term Indebtedness Miscellaneous Reserve Funds Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts Others $ 1,112 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 26,882


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 1,677,357 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 139,813 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 4,118 Investments and Endowments $ 336,799 Miscellaneous $ 12,296 Total Income $ 2,170,383

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 2,958,284 Capital Expenditures $ 497,594 Miscellaneous Total Expenditures $ 3,455,878 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (1,285,495)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 248,334 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 664,034 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 4,144,858 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 4,189,332 Others $ 162,766 Total Assets $ 9,409,324

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 70,306 Long Term Indebtedness $ 3,984,681 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 5,302,585 Others $ 51,752 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 9,409,324


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 1,049,546.49 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 101,101.16 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 11,244.00 Investments and Endowments $ 149,733.99 Miscellaneous $ 689,180.10 Total Income $ 2,000,805.74

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 2,125,363.77 Capital Expenditures Miscellaneous Total Expenditures $ 2,125,363.77 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ (124,558.03)

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 928,470.89 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 101,947.83 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 4,010,773.58 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 2,662,221.24 Others $ 114,182.28 Total Assets $ 7,817,595.82

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 246,360.02 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 4,481,362.04 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 3,089,873.76 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 7,817,595.82


INCOME Regular Operating Income $ 119,030.43 Virginia Baptist Cooperative Program/Missions $ 34,406.57 Virginia Baptist Designated Gifts $ 0 Investments and Endowments $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Income $ 153,437.00

EXPENDITURES Regular Operating Expenses $ 150,469.55 Capital Expenditures $ 0 Miscellaneous $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 148,634.00 Excess of Income over Expenditures $ 2,967.45

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash (Including Certifi cates of Deposits) $ 5,573.70 Accounts and Notes Receivable $ 0 Endowments, Trusts and Investments $ 20,000.00 Fixed Assets: Land, Building and Equipment $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Assets $ 25,573.70

LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Accounts and Short-Term Notes Payable $ 11,757.18 Long Term Indebtedness $ 0 Miscellaneous Reserve Funds $ 0 Miscellaneous Surplus Funds and Accounts $ 0 Others $ 0 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Surpluses $ 11,757.18




Financial Statements

December 31, 2014

Certified Public Accountants & Consultants 4401 Dominion Boulevard, 2nd Floor Glen Allen, VA 23060



Table of Contents


Report of Independent Accountants 1

Financial Statements: Statement of Financial Position 3 Statement of Activities 5 Statement of Cash Flows 7 Notes to Financial Statements 9


Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013

Board Camps and Operating Designated Restricted Special Conference Assets Fund Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Funds Plant Funds Centers Total Total Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents$ 1,883,539 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 169,488 $ 2,053,027 $ 1,672,864 Accounts receivable 1,218,632 - - - - - 1,218,632 1,368,064 Other current assets 26,364 - - 31,075 - 26,966 84,405 95,078 Employee receivables - current portion - 3,000 - 19,690 - - 22,690 21,300

Total current assets 3,128,535 3,000 - 50,765 - 196,454 3,378,754 3,157,306

Investments 1,067,876 2,019,477 5,148,182 423,795 - - 8,659,330 8,333,259 Beneficial interests in perpetual trusts - - 5,861,320 - - - 5,861,320 5,864,900 Employee receivables - less current portion - 7,500 - 100,537 - - 108,037 119,825 Loan costs - net - - - - 30,160 - 30,160 34,468 Real estate held for sale ------108,300 Property and equipment - net - - - - 7,628,261 932,939 8,561,200 9,074,878

Total assets$ 4,196,411 $ 2,029,977$ 11,009,502$ 575,097$ 7,658,421$ 1,129,393$ 26,598,801$ 26,692,936

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statement of Financial Position, Continued December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013

Board Camps and Operating Designated Restricted Special Conference Liabilities and Net Assets Fund Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Funds Plant Funds Centers Total Total Current liabilities: Unexpended Alma Hunt offering for state missions$ 827,044 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 827,044 $ 832,448 Accounts payable 1,664,187 33 5,000 - - 40,035 1,709,255 1,478,905 Advance reservations - - - - - 51,366 51,366 44,087 Current portion of bond payable - - - - 110,445 - 110,445 105,945 Current portion of post retirement health care plan - 257,752 - - - - 257,752 298,835

Total current liabilities 2,491,231 257,785 5,000 - 110,445 91,401 2,955,862 2,760,220

Other liabilities: Bond payable - less current portion - - - - 756,423 - 756,423 866,868 Loan payable - related party - - - - - 175,000 175,000 175,000 Post retirement health care plan - less current portion - 3,873,338 - - - - 3,873,338 3,597,082 Due to (from) other funds 1,147,730 (1,180,728) (30,031) (209,756) (108,299) 381,084 - -

Total liabilities 3,638,961 2,950,395 (25,031) (209,756) 758,569 647,485 7,760,623 7,399,170

Net assets: Unrestricted: Undesignated 557,450 (3,708,508) (2,113,144) 437,297 6,899,852 481,908 2,554,855 3,103,070 Board designated - 2,788,090 - - - - 2,788,090 2,784,467 Total unrestricted net assets (deficit) 557,450 (920,418) (2,113,144) 437,297 6,899,852 481,908 5,342,945 5,887,537 Temporarily restricted - - 7,286,357 91,610 - - 7,377,967 7,285,798 Permanently restricted - - 5,861,320 255,946 - - 6,117,266 6,120,431

Total net assets (deficit) 557,450 (920,418) 11,034,533 784,853 6,899,852 481,908 18,838,178 19,293,766

$ 4,196,411 $ 2,029,977$ 11,009,502$ 575,097$ 7,658,421$ 1,129,393$ 26,598,801$ 26,692,936

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013 Board Designated Camps and Operating Reserve Restricted Special Conference Fund Funds Reserve Funds Funds Plant Funds Centers Total Total Operating revenue: Camps and conferences$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $1,748,908 1,748,908 $ $ 1,789,510 Other registration fees - 38,686 273,837 - - 253,653 566,176 647,993

Total operating revenue - 38,686 273,837 - - 2,002,561 2,315,084 2,437,503

Support and other revenue: Mis s ion initiatives : Cooperative program 6,589,876 - 4,714,980 - - - 11,304,856 11,455,255 Baptist general association designations - general - 26,388 5,037,722 - - - 5,064,110 4,841,777 General ministries: North American mission board for cooperative work - 179,000 130,000 - - - 309,000 - Lifeway ministries grant 51,996 1,100 - - - - 53,096 51,996 Annuity board 20,550 - - - - - 20,550 20,844 Other: Donations - 253,828 815,783 - - 5,895 1,075,506 981,610 Trust and estate income 93,738 - - - - - 93,738 92,449 Interest and dividends 30,604 64,963 136,297 18,454 - 250 250,568 166,946 Realized gain on sale of investments 143,838 255,592 535,945 57,845 - - 993,220 298,225 Unrealized gain (loss) on investments (125,502) (224,699) (455,967) (50,616) - - (856,784) 280,499 Gain (loss) on beneficial interest in perpetual trusts - - (3,580) - - - (3,580) 591,255 Gain on disposal of property and equipment - - - - 1,825 912 2,737 23,432 Gain on disposal of real estate held for sale - 31,823 147,137 - - - 178,960 - Rental income - 101,569 - - - - 101,569 111,205 Other income - 90,628 204,761 - - 22,246 317,635 319,498

Total support and other revenue 6,805,100 780,192 11,263,078 25,683 1,825 29,303 18,905,181 19,234,991

Total revenue and support$ 6,805,100 $ 818,878$ 11,536,915$ 25,683$ 1,825$ 2,031,864$ 21,220,265$ 21,672,494

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statement of Activities, Continued Year Ended December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013 Board Designated Camps and Operating Reserve Restricted Special Conference Fund Funds Reserve Funds Funds Plant Funds Centers Total Total Expenses: Program services: Cooperative program allocation$ - $ - $ 7,934,139 $ - $ - $ - $ 7,934,139 $ 7,676,012 General ministries: Courageous churches 627,897 37,600 634,660 - - - 1,300,157 798,508 Emerging leaders 1,054,588 160,114 213,318 - - - 1,428,020 1,490,869 Empowering leaders 947,468 2,220 11,303 - - - 960,991 1,008,365 Global missions and evangelism 380,993 100,085 1,564,310 - - - 2,045,388 1,431,306 Ministries support services: Assistant executive director 284,411 75,033 104,241 - - - 463,685 333,068 Business services 2,046,297 192,716 309,229 - - - 2,548,242 2,663,363 Communications 251,972 - - - - - 251,972 271,003 IT services 312,456 25,977 - - - - 338,433 299,980 Stewardship development 7,617 - - - - - 7,617 7,213 Camps and conference centers 146,660 - - - 4,308 2,298,137 2,449,105 2,521,693 Management and general 845,618 333,094 169,225 1,502 655,795 30,000 2,035,234 2,171,481

Total expenses 6,905,977 926,839 10,940,425 1,502 660,103 2,328,137 21,762,983 20,672,861

Excess (deficiency) of revenue and support over expenses (100,877) (107,961) 596,490 24,181 (658,278) (296,273) (542,718) 999,633

Transfers of funds (75,780) 64,967 (455,438) (14,925) 259,660 221,516 - -

Pension related changes other than net periodic pension cost - 87,130 - - - - 87,130 590,109

Change in net assets: Unrestricted (176,657) 44,136 (42,225) (3,530) (398,618) (74,757) (651,651) 241,643 Temporarily restricted - - 186,857 12,786 - - 199,643 756,844 Permanently restricted - - (3,580) - - - (3,580) 591,255 (176,657) 44,136 141,052 9,256 (398,618) (74,757) (455,588) 1,589,742

Net assets (deficit), beginning of year 734,107 (964,554) 10,893,481 775,597 7,298,470 556,665 19,293,766 17,704,024

Net assets (deficit), end of year$ 557,450 $ (920,418) $ 11,034,533$ 784,853$ 6,899,852$ 481,908$ 18,838,178$ 19,293,766

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013 Cash flows from operating activities: Change in net assets$ (455,588) $ 1,589,742 Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash from operating activities: Investment income reinvested (207,596) (124,072) Realized gain on sale of investments (993,220) (298,225) Unrealized loss (gain) on investments 856,784 (280,499) Loss (gain) on beneficial interest in perpetual trusts 3,580 (591,255) Gain on disposal of property and equipment (2,737) (23,432) Gain on disposal of real estate held for sale (178,960) - Depreciation and amortization 784,115 709,348 Bad debt expense 5,300 - Change in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 149,432 672,129 Pledges receivable - 108,247 Other current assets 10,673 (5,874) Unexpended Alma Hunt offering for state missions (5,404) (2,677) Accounts payable 230,350 (464,353) Advance reservations 7,279 (3,195) Retirement benefits payable 235,173 (285,054)

Net cash provided by operating activities 439,181 1,000,830

Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of property and equipment (290,498) (802,044) Proceeds from sale of equipment 27,106 29,204 Proceeds from sale of property held for sale 287,260 - Purchase of investments (162,658) (454,617) Proceeds from sale of investments 180,619 373,248 Collections from (advances on) loans to employees, net 5,098 (13,491)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 46,927 (867,700)

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statement of Cash Flows, Continued Year Ended December 31, 2014, with Summarized Totals for 2013

2014 2013 Cash flows from financing activities: Payments on bond payable$ (105,945) $ (101,627) Advances on loan payable - related party - 90,940

Net cash used in financing activities (105,945) (10,687)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 380,163 122,443

Cash and cash equivalents: Beginning of year 1,672,864 1,550,421

End of year$ 2,053,027 $ 1,672,864

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Cash paid during the year for interest$ 38,530 $ 42,895

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Notes to Financial Statements

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

Nature of Activities: Virginia Baptist Mission Board, Inc. (“VBMB”) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to spreading the gospel through establishing, developing, and promoting all aspects of church ministry and missionary activities. The financial statements include the transactions of the Eagle Eyrie and Piankatank Camp and Conference Centers which are part of the corporate entity.

Basis of Accounting: The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”). Classes of net assets are reported as follows:

Unrestricted - Net assets that are currently available at the discretion of the Executive Committee for use in VBMB's operations and those resources invested in property or equipment.

Temporarily Restricted - Net assets that are stipulated by donors for specific purposes or which have temporary time restrictions. When a donor or time restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as net assets released from restrictions.

Permanently Restricted - Net assets that are restricted by donor-imposed stipulations that they be invested in perpetuity, the income from which is expendable in accordance with the conditions of each specific donation.

Fund Accounting: In order to ensure observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to VBMB, the accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. Resources for various purposes are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds established according to their nature and purposes. Separate accounts are maintained for each fund; however, in the accompanying financial statements, funds that have similar characteristics have been combined into fund groups. Accordingly, all financial transactions have been recorded and reported by fund group.

Operating Fund - Operating Fund represents all accounts associated with the general operations of VBMB.

Board Designated Reserve Funds - Board Designated Reserve Funds represent amounts designated by the appropriate committee or working group within VBMB for specific purposes. These are unrestricted funds that have been designated for future use and pledges receivable with temporary time restrictions.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued:

Fund Accounting, Continued:

Restricted Reserve Funds - Restricted Reserve Funds reflect monies received from donors that are expendable by VBMB only for purposes specified by the donor and unrestricted amounts associated with these restricted reserves whose restrictions have expired. The funds also include beneficial interests in trusts held by third parties that are restricted in perpetuity.

Special Funds - Special Funds represent all accounts associated with funds received from special gifts that are invested to provide income for special purposes. This fund includes unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted net assets.

Plant Fund - Plant Fund represents VBMB's investment in property and equipment.

Camps and Conferences Centers - Camps and Conferences Centers represents the activities of Eagle Eyrie and Piankantank Camp and Conference Centers.

Cash and Cash Equivalents: For purposes of the statement of cash flows, VBMB considers all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Accounts Receivable: Accounts receivable consists of donations received in the first five days of the following year that relate to the prior year. Based on the nature of these receivables, an allowance for doubtful accounts is not considered necessary.

Investments: Investments are recorded at their fair value. Investment income is recorded when interest is earned and dividends are declared. Gain or loss on investment sales is recorded on the trade date. Unrealized gains and losses on investments are recorded based on the change between cost basis and fair value of the investments at year-end compared to the prior year. At December 31, 2014, all amounts are invested with the Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc., and are part of its diversified investment pool.

Concentrations of Credit Risk: Financial instruments that potentially subject VBMB to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash and investments. Cash and securities are invested with several institutions and the management of VBMB monitors their credit ratings in order to mitigate this concentration of credit risk. Securities are diversified in various investments over multiple industry areas and companies to minimize credit risk. VBMB has cash deposits in financial institutions in excess of amounts insured by agencies of the federal government.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued:

Loan Costs: Loan costs of $57,819 are associated with the issuance of the bond payable (see Note 8). These costs are being amortized on the straight-line method over the term of the bond. Unamortized loan costs at December 31, 2014 were $30,160. Amortization expense was $4,308 for 2014 and is expected to be $4,308 for each of the next five years.

Real Estate Held for Sale: Real estate held for sale is recorded at fair value as of the date of donation. During 2014, the Organization sold its real estate held for sale for $287,260, net of commissions and fees of $32,740.

Property and Equipment: Property and equipment are recorded at cost. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over estimated useful lives of 10 to 40 years for buildings and building improvements, 5 to 10 years for furniture and equipment and 3 to 5 years for vehicles. The costs of major improvements are capitalized, while the cost of maintenance and repairs, which do not improve or extend the life of the respective assets, are expensed. The cost and accumulated depreciation on property and equipment are eliminated from the accounts upon disposal, and any resulting gain or loss is included in the determination of the change in net assets.

Advertising: Advertising costs are expensed as incurred. Advertising expense was $43,131 for 2014 and is included in camps and conference centers expense in the accompanying statement of activities.

Income Taxes: VBMB is exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the tax statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Management has evaluated the effect of Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) guidance surrounding uncertain income tax positions and concluded that VBMB has no significant financial statement exposure to uncertain income tax positions at December 31, 2014. Management has determined, based on VBMB’s affiliation with Baptist General Association of Virginia, that it is not required to file an informational return (Form 990). VBMB is not currently under audit by any tax jurisdiction.

Estimates: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. Such estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could vary from these estimates and assumptions.

Reclassifications: Certain prior year balances have been reclassified to conform to current year presentation.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued:

Subsequent Events: Management has evaluated subsequent events for potential recognition and/or disclosure through July 9, 2015, the date the financial statements were available to be issued. Management has determined there are no subsequent events to be reported in the accompanying financial statements.

2. Employee Receivables:

VBMB makes second mortgage and signatory loans to employees. The loans bear interest at 5.0% and are amortized over a period of 15 to 20 years. The second mortgage notes are collateralized by deeds of trust. At December 31, 2014, there were 30 loans outstanding. Maturities of the employee receivables are as follows for future years ending December 31:

Year Amount

2015$ 22,690 2016 20,413 2017 19,200 2018 15,210 2019 10,804 Thereafter 42,410 130,727 Less - current portion (22,690)

$ 108,037

3. Investments:

Investments at December 31, 2014 consisted of the following:

Unrealized Cost Loss Market Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc.$ 8,971,239 $ (311,909)$ 8,659,330



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

4. Beneficial Interest in Trusts:

VBMB has beneficial interests in thirty split-interest agreements in the form of perpetual trusts. The contribution portion of a trust is recognized as revenue when VBMB has the unconditional right to receive benefits under the agreement and is measured at the fair value on that date. During the term of the agreement, any changes in fair value are recognized in the statement of activities as loss on beneficial interest in perpetual trusts.

VBMB is the beneficiary of various other trusts. There is not enough information available to value these interests. Annual receipts are included in donations income.

5. Property and Equipment:

Property and equipment at December 31, 2014 consisted of the following:

Plant Fund: Land$ 609,584 Buildings and improvements 11,681,289 Vehicles 1,530,459 Furniture and equipment 781,210 Baptist student center 2,926,368 17,528,910 Less - accumulated depreciation (9,900,649) 7,628,261

Camps and Conference Centers: Eagle Eyrie 6,024,088 Camp Piankatank 1,342,618 7,366,706 Less - accumulated depreciation (6,433,767) 932,939

$ 8,561,200

Depreciation expense was $779,807 for 2014.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

6. Fair Value Measurements:

The Organization has adopted certain provisions of FASB guidance on fair value measurements related to financial assets and liabilities and any other assets and liabilities that are carried at fair value on a recurring basis in the financial statements. The FASB guidance defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure of fair value measurements. The FASB guidance provides a framework for measuring fair value under GAAP and defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. The guidance requires that valuation techniques maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. The guidance also establishes a fair value hierarchy which prioritizes the valuation inputs into three broad levels. Based on the underlying inputs, each fair value measurement in its entirety is reported in one of three levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices that are available in active markets for the identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date.

Level 2 – Other observable inputs available at the measurement date, other than quoted prices included in Level 1, either directly or indirectly, including:

x Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; x Quoted prices for identical or similar assets in non-active markets; x Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability; and x Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by other observable market data.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs that cannot be corroborated by observable market data and reflect the use of significant management judgment. These values are generally determined using pricing models for which the assumptions utilize management’s estimates of market participant assumptions.

The asset or liability's fair value measurement level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Valuation techniques used need to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

6. Fair Value Measurements, Continued:

Following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value. There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2014.

Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc.: Valued at the basis of the net asset value (“NAV”) of units held by VBMB at year-end, as a practical expedient, as the underlying investment manager’s calculation of NAV is fair value based.

Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts: Valued using the fair value of the underlying assets of the trust as an estimate for the present value of the expected future cash flows.

The preceding methods described may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Furthermore, although VBMB believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.

VBMB did not have any Level 1 or 2 assets at December 31, 2014. The following table includes the assets at fair value that qualify as Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy at December 31, 2014:

Virginia Baptist Foundation, Inc.: Money market $ 148,179 Certificates of deposit 439,133 Equity portfolio 4,639,522 Real estate 230,264 Fixed income portfolio 3,202,232 Beneficial interest inperpetual trusts 5,861,320

Total assets at fair value$ 14,520,650



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

6. Fair Value Measurements, Continued:

The table below sets forth a summary of changes in the fair value of Level 3 assets for 2014:

Virginia Baptist Beneficial Interest in Foundation, Inc. Perpetual Trusts Balance, January 1, 2014$5,864,900 8,333,259 $

Realized gains 993,220 - Unrealized losses (856,784) (3,580) Investment income, net 207,596 - Purchases 162,658 - Sales (180,619) - Net change for the year 326,071 (3,580)

Balance, December 31, 2014$ 8,659,330 $ 5,861,320

Amounts invested with the Virginia Baptist Foundation are held in multiple accounts based on specific naming criteria of VBMB, which primarily correlates to individual project funds within VBMB. For each account, there is an executed management agreement outlining the chosen investment guidelines for the account. The Foundation provides three investment portfolio alternatives: equity, balanced, and fixed income. The VBMB accounts are typically invested with a 60%/40% split between equity and fixed income, respectively, but any combination is permitted. The accounts have no restrictive redemption provisions and no unfunded commitment requirements. All earnings are reinvested.

7. Unexpended Alma Hunt Offering for State Missions:

VBMB administers the funds from churches of the Baptist General Association of Virginia for the Alma Hunt Offering for State Missions. Contributions that are received are accumulated during the year and distributed in the same or following year. Receipts for outside organizations are not recognized by VBMB as support but are reflected as assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

7. Unexpended Alma Hunt Offering for State Missions, Continued:

The following table summarizes the activity and unexpended funds at December 31, 2014:

Receipts$ 827,044

Disbursements: Outside organizations: Women's Missionary Union - Virginia$ (470,000) Association ministries (22,726) Chaplain service (10,402) Developmental Disabilities Mentoring (7,793) Virginia Baptist Historical Society (9,750) (520,671)

Board designated reserve funds: Kingdom Advance Venturers (20,768) (20,768)

Restricted reserve funds: New Church investment grants (205,255) Disaster Relief Operations (20,768) Missions in Southwest Virginia (20,768) Church and Community Missions (13,773) Impact Virginia (10,402) Homeless and Refugee Ministries Ministers and Families in Crisis (7,793) Mus lim Minis tries in VA (3,914) Hispanic Ministries in VA (3,624) Deaf Ministry (2,610) Piankatank Camp Scholarships (2,102) (291,009)

Excess of disbursements over receipts (5,404)

Unexpended balance, beginning of year 832,448

Unexpended balance, end of year$ 827,044



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

8. Bond Payable:

In November 2008, VBMB issued a Fixed Rate Tax Exempt Revenue Bond through a private placement with Eastern Virginia Bank in the aggregate principal amount of $3,500,000. The bond was used to finance VBMB's construction costs of renovating and expanding Camp Piankatank. Monthly payments of $12,039, including 4.167% interest, are due until November 2021. The outstanding principal balance on the bond was $866,868 at December 31, 2014. Estimated minimum bond principal payments are as follows for subsequent years ending December 31:

Year Amount

2015$ 110,445 2016 115,136 2017 120,027 2018 125,125 2019 130,439 Thereafter 265,696

$ 866,868

9. Endowment Funds:

VBMB's endowment consists of six individual funds held in the Special Funds group, which are donor restricted endowment funds and one fund held in the Board Designated Reserve Funds group, which is a board designated endowment fund. These funds were established for a variety of purposes. As required by GAAP, net assets associated with these endowment funds are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions.

At December 31, 2014, the endowment net asset composition by type of fund was as follows:

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Donor-restricted endowments$ - $ 91,610 $ 255,946 $ 347,556 Board-designated endowments 1,721,549 - - 1,721,549

$ 1,721,549 $ 91,610$ 255,946$ 2,069,105



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

9. Endowment Funds, Continued:

The management of donor-restricted endowment funds is governed by state law under the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMlFA) as adopted by the Virginia state legislature in 2008. The law gives guidance for investment and spending practices, giving consideration for donor-intent and the organization's overall resources and charitable purpose. Based on their interpretation of law and in compliance with donor intent, VBMB classifies as permanently restricted net assets the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment. The portion of the donor-restricted endowment that is not classified as permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure.

VBMB appropriates amounts for expenditure based upon accumulated earnings in the funds and the needs of the organization. The primary objective is long-term capital appreciation and total return. VBMB utilizes diversified investment classes that provide the opportunity to achieve the return objectives without exposing the funds to unnecessary risk.

A summary of the endowment fund activity for the year ended December 31, 2014 is as follows:

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Balance, January 1, 2014$ 1,635,335 $ 78,824 $ 255,946 $ 1,970,105

Investment return: Investment income 48,980 8,695 - 57,675 Net realized and unrealized gain 26,134 5,169 - 31,303 Investment fees (6,073) (1,078) - (7,151) Designations 17,173 - - 17,173 Net change for the year 86,214 12,786 - 99,000

Balance, December 31, 2014$ 1,721,549 $ 91,610$ 255,946$ 2,069,105



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

10. Restricted Net Assets:

The net assets of VBMB are restricted for the following purposes at December 31, 2014:

Restricted Reserve Funds Special Funds Temporarily restricted: Scholarships, education and training$ 1,519,437 $ 8,453 Property purchase and maintenance 1,096,456 - Mission and outreach 4,670,464 83,157

$ 7,286,357 $ 91,610 Permanently restricted: Scholarships, education and training$ - $ 35,000 Mission and outreach - 220,946 Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts 5,861,320 -

$ 5,861,320 $ 255,946

11. Related Party Transactions:

VBMB leases portions of its buildings to various agencies of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. The leases expire on various dates through December 31, 2015, and expected annual rental income from these leases is $110,287. Receipts from these agencies are shown as rental income in the accompanying statement of activities and amounted to $101,569 for 2014.

VBMB has a loan payable to the Baptist Extension Board for capital improvements at Camp Piankatank. The loan required 36 interest-only payments at a rate of 4.25%, then 180 payments of principal and interest at the same rate, which began in March 2015. As of December 31, 2014, the loan balance was $175,000.

12. Retirement Plan:

VBMB participates in the Southern Baptist Convention Annuity Plan, an Internal Revenue Code section 403(b) defined contribution retirement plan, administered by GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. The plan covers all full-time salaried VBMB employees. The plan provides for contributions up to 15% of compensation. VBMB also provides a one-time gratuity payment to retiring employees, according to a predetermined formula. Total pension and related administrative costs paid by VBMB were $434,449 in 2014, of which $391,812 is included in business services expense and $42,637 is included in camps and conference centers expense in the accompanying statement of activities.



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

13. Post Retirement Health Care Plan:

VBMB sponsors a defined benefit postretirement health care plan (the “Plan”) covering substantially all employees with an employment date prior to July 1, 1994. VBMB provides certain post employment supplemental retirement pay and life and health insurance benefits for eligible retired employees. Employees become eligible for the benefits upon reaching age 55. The Plan is noncontributory. In 2007, accounting standards were implemented by VBMB which requires an employer to recognize the funded status of deferred benefit and other postretirement plans as an asset or liability in the statement of financial position. Funded status represents the difference between the fair value of plan assets and the projected benefit obligation. Changes in the net actuarial pension loss are required to be recognized through the statement of activities in the year in which the changes occur. In 2008, VBMB also implemented accounting standards which require an employer to measure plan assets and benefit obligations as of the date of its year-end statement of financial position.

The following sets forth the change in the benefit obligation, plan assets and funded status of the Plan and the amounts recognized in VBMB’s statement of financial position as of December 31, 2014 using the measurement date of December 31, 2014 (the most recent actuarial data available):

Change in benefit obligation: Projected benefit obligation, beginning of year$ 3,895,917 Service cost 41,108 Interest cost 164,761 Change in assumptions 328,139 Benefits paid (298,835) Projected benefit obligation, end of year 4,131,090 Change in plan assets: Fair value of assets, beginning of year - Employer contributions 298,835 Benefits paid (298,835) Fair value of assets, end of year -

Funded status at end of year$ (4,131,090)

Accumulated benefit obligation$ 4,131,090



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

13. Post Retirement Health Care Plan, Continued:

Amounts recognized in the statement of financial position consist of the following at December 31, 2014:

Current liabilities$ 257,752 Noncurrent liabilities 3,873,338

$ 4,131,090

Amounts recognized in the statement of activities consist of the following for December 31, 2014:

Net income$ 87,130 Prior service cost - Total recognized in changes in unrestricted net assets 87,130 Net periodic pension cost (322,303) Total recognized in net periodic pension cost and unrestricted net assets$ (235,173)

The following assumptions were used in accounting for the plan:

Discount rate 3.55% Rate of compensation increase 3.00% Healthcare cost trend rate (reducing .50% per year) 7.50% Year that rate reaches the ultimate trend rate 2019

The following benefits are expected to be paid for future years ending December 31:

Year Amount

2015$ 257,752 2016 268,527 2017 261,319 2018 275,241 2019 274,571 Thereafter 1,369,870



Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

14. Commitments and Contingencies:

VBMB leases equipment and rental space under several non-cancelable operating leases with terms ending through 2018. Estimated minimum payments under these leases are as follows for subsequent years ending December 31:

Year Amount

2015$ 79,970 2016 48,796 2017 36,528 2018 6,088

$ 171,382

Rental expense was $117,924 for 2014.

The Eagle Eyrie Conference Center leases 14 lots to members of the Baptist General Association of Virginia for the construction of lodges. These leases run through 2030 at an annual rental of $700. The members are assessed for the costs of operation and maintenance of these lodges. VBMB has the right to sub-lease the lodges when the member is not using them and 50% of the rent received is paid to the member. Rent received is recorded with camps and conference centers operating revenues and rent paid to members, amounting to $80,722 for 2014, is included in camp and conference centers expense.

From time to time, VBMB may be involved in claims and legal actions arising in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management, the ultimate disposition of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on VBMB’s financial position or results of activities.




ASSOCIATIONS District Associations Alphabetical Listing






Appomattox Natural Bridge Augusta New Lebanon Blackwater New River Blue Ridge NorthStar Church Network Central Virginia Peninsula Clinch Valley Petersburg Concord Piedmont Dan River Pittsylvania Dover Portsmouth East River Powell River Franklin County Missionary Rappahannock Fredericksburg Area Network Roanoke Valley Goshen Shenandoah Henry County Shiloh Hermon Southside Highlands Staunton River James River Strawberry Lebanon The Bridge Network of Churches Lynchburg The River City Faith Network Mid-Tidewater Wise Middle District

276 ASSOCIATIONS Contacts for District Associations 2014–2015

ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL Appomattox Carolyn Dolan 122 Countryside Dr 434) 352-5806 Primary Associational Contact Appomattox, VA 24522 [email protected] Augusta Leon W. Castle PO Box 3184 (434) 825-8333 Director of Missions Staunton, VA 24401 [email protected] Blackwater Nancy C. Greene PO Box 443 (757) 242-4131 Primary Associational Contact Windsor, VA 23487 [email protected] Blue Ridge Wayne D. Hannah 705 Mountain View Loop (276) 694-2722 Director of Missions Stuart, VA 24171 [email protected] Central Virginia Jillian M. Andrzejewki PO Box 207 (434) 823-2734 Primary Associational Contact Crozet, VA 22932 [email protected] Clinch Valley R. Tommy Holtzclaw PO Box 566 (423) 967-9660 Director of Missions Gate City, VA 24251 [email protected] Concord Michael Jessee 121 S Mecklenburg Ave (434) 447-7240 Director of Missions South Hill, VA 23970 [email protected] Dan River Dot G. Carr PO Box 885 (434) 572-2608 Primary Associational Contact Halifax, VA 24558 [email protected] Dover Steven K. Allsbrook 11006 Lakeridge Pkwy (804) 550-1980 Director of Missions Ashland, VA 23005 [email protected] East River Reginald Blakewood PO Box 187 (276) 945-2128 Director of Missions Boissevain, VA 24606 reginald_blakewood111@ comcast.net Franklin County Rose Weaver 70 South Main St, Suite 101 (540) 483-8284 Missionary Primary Associational Contact Rocky Mount, VA 24151 [email protected] Fredericksburg Area Linwood Bourne 400 Chatham Sq Offi ce Park (540) 373-3999 Baptist Network Primary Associational Contact Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Goshen John L. Miller PO Box 296 (540) 894-8440 Director of Missions Mineral, VA 23117 [email protected] Henry County Sharon Smith 3449 Kings Mountain Rd (276) 638-2951 Primary Associational Contact Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] Hermon Aubrey D. Whitten PO Box 1013 (540) 841-0040 Primary Associational Contact Bowling Green, VA 22427 [email protected] Highlands Becky Plott PO Box 965 (540) 674-4709 Primary Associational Contact Dublin, VA 24084 [email protected] James River Phyllis R. Tyler PO Box 1219 (434) 983-7385 Primary Associational Contact Dillwyn, VA 23936 [email protected] Lebanon Robert Moor 29491 Lee Hwy (276) 944-4554 Director of Missions Glade Spring, VA 24340 [email protected] Lynchburg Roberta Scrivener 5225 Fort Ave, Suite A (434) 832-0455 Primary Associational Contact Lynchburg, VA 24502 [email protected] Mid-Tidewater Robert May PO Box 302 (804) 758-4385 Director of Missions Saluda, VA 23149 [email protected] Middle District James G. Hamacher 9507 Hull Street Rd, Suite D1 (804) 276-8481 Director of Missions Richmond, VA 23236 [email protected] Natural Bridge J. Michael Wilkins 202 S Main St (540) 463-4181 Primary Associational Contact Lexington, VA 24450 [email protected]

277 ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL New Lebanon Larry Burton 259 Arch Barrett Dr (276) 880-9861 Director of Missions Rosedale, VA 24280 [email protected] New River David McCall 106 King Arthur Ct (276) 601-2008 Director of Missions Galax, VA 24333 [email protected] NorthStar Aubrey D. Whitten PO Box 1470 (703) 941-6822 Church Network Director of Missions Annandale, VA 22003 dwhitten@ northstarchurchnetwork.org Peninsula Charles G. Harrison 863 Cloverleaf Ln (757) 753-9422 Director of Missions Newport News, VA 23601 [email protected] Petersburg Robert L. Rowland PO Box 3117 (804) 733-2010 Primary Associational Contact Petersburg, VA 23805-3117 [email protected] Piedmont Bonnie F. Davis 440 Rose Mill Rd (434) 277-8905 Primary Associational Contact Amherst, VA 24521 [email protected] Pittsylvania Cliff E. Hudgins 186 Deer Run Rd (434) 792-7678 Director of Missions Danville, VA 24540 [email protected] Portsmouth John S. Carpenter 1030 City Park Ave (757) 488-1162 Director of Missions Portsmouth, VA 23701 [email protected] Powell River Lynnette Johnson PO Box 222 (276) 346-1546 Primary Associational Contact Jonesville, VA 24263 [email protected] Rappahannock Charlotte B. Brann PO Box 3227 (804) 443-0914 Primary Associational Contact Tappahannock, VA 22560 [email protected] Roanoke Valley John E. Saunders 3926 Plantation Rd NE (540) 366-7631 Director of Missions Roanoke, VA 24012 [email protected] Shenandoah Michele D. Heath PO Box 950 (540) 635-4886 Primary Associational Contact Front Royal, VA 22630 [email protected] Shiloh Richard L. Horton 14237 Chestnut Fork Rd (540) 829-6947 Director of Missions Culpeper, VA 22701 rlhorton@ shilohbaptistassociation.org Southside Dennis K. Myers PO Box 1414 (877) 551-2702 Director of Missions Victoria, VA 23974 [email protected] Staunton River James L. Manuel 604 7th St (434) 369-4685 Primary Associational Contact Altavista, VA 24517 [email protected] Strawberry H. Vernon Delong PO Box 91 (540) 586-8345 Primary Associational Contact Bedford, VA 24523 [email protected] The Bridge Network Roy A. Smith 1407 Stephanie Way, Suite F (757) 938-9793 of Churches Director of Missions Chesapeake, VA 23320 [email protected] The River City J. Michael Robinson 3111 Moss Side Ave (804) 329-1701 Faith Network Director of Missions Richmond, VA 23222 [email protected] Wise Gene Collins 209 High Ave NE (276) 328-2752 Primary Associational Contact Coeburn, VA 24230 [email protected]

278 ASSOCIATIONS Associational Annual Meetings 2015

ASSOCIATION DATE TIME LOCATION Appomattox April 23, 2015 Reedy Spring Baptist Church October 22, 2015 TBA TBA Augusta October 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. Memorial Baptist Church Blackwater April 19, 2015 3:30 p.m. Hillcrest Baptist Church October 25, 2015 3:30 p.m. TBA Blue Ridge April 10, 2015 7:00 p.m. Floyd Baptist October 15, 2015 1:00 p.m. Floyd Baptist Central Virginia April 26, 2015 3:00 p.m. Fork Union Baptist Church TBA TBA TBA Clinch Valley April 18, 2015 6:30 p.m. Free Hill Baptist Church October 18, 2015 3:00 p.m. Cowans Branch Baptist Church Concord April 23, 2015 7:30 p.m. Boydton Baptist Church October 27, 2015 3:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Chase City Dan River October 25, 2015 3:00 p.m. Southside Baptist Church Dover May 3, 2015 3:00 p.m. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church October 25, 2015 4:00 p.m. Four Mile Creek Baptist Church East River October 22, 2015 3:00 p.m. Bundys Chapel Baptist Church Franklin County Missionary March 9, 2015 Sandy Ridge Baptist Church October 3, 2015 10:00 a.m. TBA Fredericksburg Area October 25, 2015 5:00 p.m. TBA Baptist Network Goshen April 28, 2015 3:00 p.m. North Pamunkey Baptist Church October 27, 2015 10:00 a.m. First Baptist Church, Louisa Henry County October 20, 2015 5:00 p.m. Chatham Heights Baptist Church Hermon TBA TBA TBA Highlands October 11, 2015 3:00 p.m. First Baptist Church of Radford James River May 14, 2015 6:00 p.m. Tar Wallet Baptist Church October 15, 2015 TBA TBA Lebanon January 20, 2015 6:45 p.m. Glade Spring Baptist Church April 21, 2015 6:45 p.m. Kingsway Baptist Church July 21, 2015 6:45 p.m. Greenfi eld Baptist Church October 20, 2015 6:45 p.m. Friendship Baptist Church Lynchburg April 14, 2015 Sandusky Baptist Church October 13, 2015 4:00 p.m. Randolf Memorial Baptist Church Mid-Tidewater April 19, 2015 3:00 p.m. Poroporone Baptist Church October 3:00 p.m. Matthews Baptist Church Middle District January 20, 2015 7:00 p.m. Winfree Memorial Baptist Church October TBA TBA

279 ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATION DATE TIME LOCATION Natural Bridge April 23, 2015 9:30 a.m. Calvary Baptist Church October 18, 2015 3:00 p.m. Faith Mountain Baptist Church New Lebanon October 18, 2015 TBA Community Heights Baptist Church New River April 20, 2015 Brush Creek Baptist Church October 17, 2015 Freedom Baptist Church NorthStar Church Network March 17, 2015 7:00 p.m. Columbia Baptist Church November 15, 2015 TBA New Hope Church Peninsula April 19, 2015 Temple Baptist Church October 28–29, 2015 TBA TBA Petersburg October 29, 2015 7:00 p.m. Woodlawn Baptist Church October 30, 2015 9:00 a.m. Zion Baptist Church Piedmont April 21, 2015 Adial Baptist Church October 19, 2015 7:30 p.m. Ridgecrest Baptist Church October 20, 2015 4:30 p.m. Ridgecrest Baptist Church Pittsylvania April 19, 2015 5:00 p.m. Chatham Baptist Church October 20, 2015 7:00 p.m. TBA Portsmouth October 20, 2015 TBA Union Bethel Baptist Church Powell River April 17, 2015 6:30 p.m. Association Center September 18, 2015 6:30 p.m. TBA Rappahannock April 23, 2015 7:00 p.m. Upper King & Queen Baptist Church October 22, 2015 4:00 p.m. Ephesus Baptist Church Roanoke Valley April 29, 2015 7:00 p.m. Mill Creek Baptist Church October 27, 2015 4:00 p.m. TBA Shenandoah March 16, 2015 Winchester Park October 06, 2015 First Baptist of Woodstock Shiloh April 16, 2015 6:30 p.m. Gourdvine Baptist Church October 31, 2015 9:00 a.m. TBA Southside April 19, 2015 3:00 p.m. Dundas Baptist Church October 18, 2015 4:00 p.m. Pisgah Baptist Church Staunton River March 23, 2015 7:00 p.m. Piney Grove Baptist October 26, 2015 7:00 p.m. Summersett Baptist Church Strawberry October 26, 2015 4:00 p.m. Beaverdam Baptist Church The Bridge Network March 17, 2015 7:00 p.m. Lower Northampton Baptist Church of Churches March 24, 2015 3:30 p.m. International Christian Church October 22, 2015 TBA Thalia Lynn Baptist Church The River City Faith Network TBA TBA TBA Wise April 12, 2015 Inman Baptist Chapel October 18, 2015 Friendship Baptist Church

280 ASSOCIATIONS Moderators for District Associations 2014–2015

ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL Appomattox Scott Curtis 122 Countryside Dr (434) 352-5806 Moderator Appomattox, VA 24522 [email protected] Augusta Luke Smith PO Box 3184 (540) 886-1138 Moderator Staunton, VA 24401 [email protected] Blackwater Roger D. Crump PO Box 443 (757) 242-4131 Moderator Windsor, VA 23487 [email protected] Blue Ridge Robert R. Tobler 705 Mountain View Loop (276) 694-2722 Moderator Stuart, VA 24171 [email protected] Central Virginia Jillian M. Andrzejewki PO Box 207 (434) 823-2734 Moderator Crozet, VA 22932 [email protected] Clinch Valley Alan Moser PO Box 566 (423) 967-9660 Moderator Gate City, VA 24251 [email protected] Concord Steve G. Whitten 121 S Mecklenburg Ave (434) 447-7240 Moderator South Hill, VA 23970 Dover Stephen F. Smith 11006 Lakeridge Pkwy (804) 550-1980 Moderator Ashland, VA 23005 East River Peter West PO Box 187 (276) 326-2742 Moderator Boissevain, VA 24606 Franklin County Anita Dillon 70 South Main St, Suite 101 (540) 483-8284 Missionary Moderator Rocky Mount, VA 24151 [email protected] Fredericksburg Area Linwood Bourne 400 Chatham Sq Offi ce Park (540) 373-3999 Baptist Network Moderator Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Goshen Jim McGinnis PO Box 296 (540) 854-4313 Moderator Mineral, VA 23117 Henry County Martha Martin 3449 Kings Mountain Rd (276) 638-2951 Moderator Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] Highlands Paul A. Lane PO Box 965 (540) 674-4709 Moderator Dublin, VA 24084 James River James W. Dunn PO Box 1219 (434) 969-6170 Moderator Dillwyn, VA 23936 [email protected] Lebanon Harry Scanlan 29491 Lee Hwy (276) 217-9347 Moderator Glade Spring, VA 24340 [email protected] Lynchburg John Wallisky 5225 Fort Ave, Suite A (434) 832-0455 Moderator Lynchburg, VA 24502 Mid-Tidewater Don McNamee PO Box 302 (804) 758-4385 Moderator Saluda, VA 23149 [email protected] Middle District Kirby D. Smith 9507 Hull Street Rd, Suite D1 (804) 276-8481 Moderator Richmond, VA 23236 [email protected] Natural Bridge Nathan Smith 202 S Main St (540) 463-4181 Moderator Lexington, VA 24450 [email protected] New River Oscar Hill 106 King Arthur Ct (276) 601-2008 Moderator Galax, VA 24333 [email protected] NorthStar Jack A. Lawson PO Box 1470 (703) 941-6822 Church Network Moderator Annandale, VA 22003

281 ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL Peninsula Matthew S. Parron 863 Cloverleaf Ln (757) 596-4587 Moderator Newport News, VA 23601 [email protected] Petersburg Robert L. Rowland PO Box 3117 (804) 733-2010 Moderator Petersburg, VA 23805-3117 [email protected] Piedmont David N. Clay 440 Rose Mill Rd (434) 277-8905 Moderator Amherst, VA 24521 [email protected] Pittsylvania Charles H. Warnock 186 Deer Run Rd (434) 792-7678 Moderator Danville, VA 24540 [email protected] Portsmouth Bill Wynn 1030 City Park Ave (757) 488-1162 Moderator Portsmouth, VA 23701 [email protected] Powell River Jerry D. Murphree PO Box 222 (276) 346-1546 Moderator Jonesville, VA 24263 Rappahannock David Johnson PO Box 3227 (804) 443-0914 Moderator Tappahannock, VA 22560 [email protected] Roanoke Valley Gerri H. McDaniel 3926 Plantation Road NE (540) 366-7631 Moderator Roanoke, VA 24012 [email protected] Shenandoah James C. Heath PO Box 950 (540) 635-4886 Moderator Front Royal, VA 22630 [email protected] Shiloh Milton L. Branch 14237 Chestnut Fork Rd (540) 829-6947 Moderator Culpeper, VA 22701 [email protected] Southside Joseph F. Morrissette PO Box 1414 (877) 551-2702 Moderator Victoria, VA 23974 [email protected] Staunton River Carlton R. Gunter 604 7th Street (434) 369-4685 Moderator Altavista, VA 24517 [email protected] Strawberry H. Vernon Delong PO Box 91 (540) 586-8345 Moderator Bedford, VA 24523 [email protected] The Bridge Network Mack C. Scott 1407 Stephanie Way, Suite F (757) 622-2876 of Churches Moderator Chesapeake, VA 23320-0756 [email protected] The River City Cecil J. Chambers 3111 Moss Side Ave (804) 329-1701 Faith Network Moderator Richmond, VA 23222 Wise Gene Collins 209 High Ave NE (276) 328-2752 Moderator Coeburn, VA 24230

282 ASSOCIATIONS Clerks for District Associations 2014–2015

ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL Appomattox Carolyn Dolan 122 Countryside Dr (434) 352-5806 Clerk Appomattox, VA 24522 [email protected] Augusta Charles Downs PO Box 3184 (540) 949-6752 Clerk Staunton, VA 24401 [email protected] Blackwater Nancy C. Greene PO Box 443 (757) 657-6920 Clerk Windsor, VA 23487 [email protected] Blue Ridge Hattie Mae Love 705 Mountain View Loop (276) 755-3621 Clerk Stuart, VA 24171 [email protected] Central Virginia Judy Woods PO Box 207 (434) 823-2734 Clerk Crozet, VA 22932 [email protected] Clinch Valley Sue B. Arnold PO Box 566 (276) 940-2612 Clerk Gate City, VA 24251 [email protected] Concord Joyce Walker 121 S Mecklenburg Ave (434) 447-7240 Clerk South Hill, VA 23970 [email protected] Dan River Tamra Whitt PO Box 885 (434) 572-2608 Clerk Halifax, VA 24558 [email protected] Dover Karen Mills 11006 Lakeridge Pkwy (804) 550-1980 Clerk Ashland, VA 23005 East River Kay Hazlewood PO Box 187 (304) 425-0497 Clerk Boissevain, VA 24606 [email protected] Franklin County Rose Weaver 70 South Main St, Suite 101 (540) 483-8284 Missionary Clerk Rocky Mount, VA 24151 [email protected] Fredericksburg Area Roxie Stewart 400 Chatham Sq Offi ce Park (540) 373-3999 Baptist Network Clerk Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Goshen Brenda Witt PO Box 296 (540) 809-6954 Clerk Mineral, VA 23117 Henry County Betty W. Crotty 3449 Kings Mountain Rd (276) 647-8119 Clerk Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] Highlands Becky Plott PO Box 965 (540) 674-4709 Clerk Dublin, VA 24084 [email protected] James River Frank Breault PO Box 1219 (434) 969-4603 Clerk Dillwyn, VA 23936 [email protected] Lynchburg Shirley Barney 5225 Fort Ave, Suite A (434) 832-0455 Clerk Lynchburg, VA 24502 [email protected] Mid-Tidewater Cynthia Shackleford PO Box 302 (804) 725-9030 Clerk Saluda, VA 23149 [email protected] Middle District Linda A. Hammer 9507 Hull Street Rd, Suite D1 (804) 748-4298 Clerk Richmond, VA 23236 [email protected] Natural Bridge Molly K. Moore 202 S Main St (540) 463-4181 Clerk Lexington, VA 24450 offi [email protected] New Lebanon James Jessee 259 Arch Barrett Dr (276) 880-9861 Clerk Rosedale, VA 24280 New River Andrea Smith 106 King Arthur Court (276) 601-2008 Clerk Galax, VA 24333

283 ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATION NAME ADDRESS PHONE/EMAIL NorthStar Aubrey D. Whitten PO Box 1470 (703) 941-6822 Church Network Clerk Annandale, VA 22003 dwhitten@ northstarchurchnetwork.org Peninsula Denise Edwards 863 Cloverleaf Ln (757) 596-4587 Clerk Newport News, VA 23601 Petersburg Beverly Rogers PO Box 3117 (804) 520-2269 Clerk Petersburg, VA 23805-3117 [email protected] Piedmont Bonnie F. Davis 440 Rose Mill Rd (434) 277-8905 Clerk Amherst, VA 24521 [email protected] Pittsylvania David R. Turbyfi ll 186 Deer Run Rd (434) 792-7678 Clerk Danville, VA 24540 [email protected] Portsmouth Francine Jackson 1030 City Park Ave. (757) 923-5108 Clerk Portsmouth, VA 23701 [email protected] Powell River Barbara Stewart PO Box 222 (276) 346-1546 Clerk Jonesville, VA 24263 [email protected] Rappahannock David Dunaway PO Box 3227 (804) 445-4791 Clerk Tappahannock, VA 22560 [email protected] Roanoke Valley Elmo McLaurin 3926 Plantation Rd NE (540) 366-7631 Clerk Roanoke, VA 24012 [email protected] Shenandoah Michele D. Heath PO Box 950 (540) 635-4886 Clerk Front Royal, VA 22630 [email protected] Shiloh Odile Brooking 14237 Chestnut Fork Rd (540) 829-6947 Clerk Culpeper, VA 22701 [email protected] Southside Jean G. Fowlkes PO Box 1414 (434) 767-3738 Clerk Victoria, VA 23974 [email protected] Staunton River Sharon D. Lukin 604 7th St (434) 369-4685 Clerk Altavista, VA 24517 [email protected] Strawberry Lois S. Stevens PO Box 91 (540) 586-7409 Clerk Bedford, VA 24523 [email protected] The Bridge Network Phyllis Wroton 1407 Stephanie Way, Suite F (757) 938-9793 of Churches Clerk Chesapeake, VA 23320-0756 [email protected] The River City Joyce Clemmons 3111 Moss Side Ave (804) 329-1701 Faith Network Clerk Richmond, VA 23222 [email protected] Wise Angela D. Mullins 209 High Ave NE (276) 328-2752 Clerk Coeburn, VA 24230 [email protected]


ACP COMPILATIONS Explanation of the Annual Church Profi le (ACP)

The Annual Church Profi le (ACP) is a process of collecting data from our churches that seeks to preserve Virginia Baptist history while collecting data on our ministries. Some of the information collected and compiled includes: church leadership, membership, Sunday school, Baptisms, Discipleship, Financial Information, Vacation Bible School, and Missions. Additionally, the Baptist General Association of Virginia monitors and assists those churches who, by the BGAV Constitution and Bylaws (Article III, Section C), are designated as Watchcare* churches. Those churches are designated with a red asterisk in the following pages, 288–324. Also to note, statistics for multi-site churches are included in the data of the original campus.

* Watchcare—A church unable to contribute fi nancially, as a new start and/or hardship, to the Virginia portion of the Cooperative Missions Budget may be named on the group exemption roster for IRS as exempt from Federal income tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code under the General Association’s blanket exemption from Federal income tax; may receive annuity benefi ts for staff, and publications and services for up to fi ve (5) years in accordance with policy; and may receive mentoring and/or shepherding, determined by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board staff and/or committees, for proactive special ministry needs.

286 ACP COMPILATIONS BGAV Summary of Receipts 12 Months Ending December 31, 2014


Appomattox $174,841.00 $34,112.06 $22,898.92 $21,132.19 $0.00 $8,287.07 $261,271.24 $118,949.29 Augusta $212,441.72 $37,918.42 $16,565.19 $19,590.50 $4,190.00 $5,589.12 $296,294.95 $158,924.53 BGAV Only $201,989.01 $50,610.86 $14,311.26 $9,218.95 $6,142.13 $10,932.36 $293,204.57 $145,273.71 Blackwater $200,385.19 $32,375.57 $23,408.99 $22,936.61 $13,833.70 $17,940.06 $310,880.12 $145,887.17 Blue Ridge $71,832.51 $13,009.23 $9,859.30 $5,485.00 $50.00 $3,140.65 $103,376.69 $49,184.65 Central Virginia $328,614.68 $66,511.86 $18,097.82 $10,469.28 $13,989.21 $38,648.34 $476,331.19 $223,942.56 Clinch Valley $53,638.17 $8,597.44 $12,338.02 $6,537.00 $0.00 $6,959.85 $88,070.48 $37,635.35 Concord $144,929.38 $29,574.12 $20,740.18 $14,246.75 $2,035.00 $6,960.92 $218,486.35 $90,878.63 Dan River $190,085.72 $32,804.40 $25,715.25 $16,833.75 $2,714.50 $6,332.33 $274,485.95 $131,269.68 Dover $1,032,900.32 $274,616.33 $103,116.45 $74,674.60 $21,925.45 $62,351.15 $1,569,584.30 $724,977.98 East River $82,659.83 $16,597.54 $9,950.87 $4,891.07 $0.00 $2,861.02 $116,960.33 $52,263.22 Franklin County $135,881.32 $66,713.56 $11,242.00 $6,664.00 $0.00 $2,651.00 $223,151.88 $90,802.57 Missionary Fredericksburg Area Baptist Network $355,255.22 $66,274.04 $41,943.43 $21,808.21 $6,760.00 $66,402.50 $558,443.40 $241,069.56 Goshen $160,024.22 $27,377.39 $15,530.13 $14,499.49 $6,790.00 $11,273.71 $235,494.94 $100,903.11 Henry County $204,008.52 $33,089.19 $23,990.00 $20,985.56 $14,060.46 $8,699.69 $304,833.42 $133,621.22 Hermon $84,077.24 $9,645.75 $6,719.75 $5,108.29 $3,144.50 $50.00 $108,745.53 $60,702.23 Highlands $143,046.36 $15,661.38 $11,027.72 $8,718.00 $1,310.00 $9,711.84 $189,475.30 $106,029.53 James River $83,674.11 $8,651.98 $9,601.00 $7,135.00 $0.00 $2,798.75 $111,860.84 $59,493.06 Lebanon $101,754.86 $24,019.10 $22,965.68 $14,070.12 $9,290.00 $10,285.22 $182,384.98 $71,295.34 Lynchburg $228,349.27 $74,635.35 $25,689.56 $13,797.53 $6,577.03 $8,147.44 $357,196.18 $128,486.06 Middle District $424,722.65 $93,965.89 $43,703.23 $19,155.92 $6,600.17 $6,372.95 $594,520.81 $278,159.96 Mid-Tidewater $185,101.75 $41,409.01 $25,418.26 $19,807.30 $1,320.81 $21,530.16 $294,587.29 $138,410.57 Natural Bridge $128,947.58 $10,693.48 $12,345.71 $5,909.14 $5,065.70 $12,813.00 $175,774.61 $85,962.70 New Lebanon $111,354.14 $37,578.09 $21,921.77 $9,299.59 $0.00 $2,867.70 $183,021.29 $74,813.11 New River $48,360.68 $6,533.00 $5,702.70 $5,001.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $69,097.38 $32,426.75 NorthStar Church Network $1,393,445.51 $564,070.70 $199,894.83 $64,623.15 $34,459.11 $77,567.56 $2,334,060.86 $972,490.84 Peninsula $574,912.11 $109,520.30 $55,970.42 $31,611.63 $9,973.18 $20,776.78 $802,764.42 $397,357.11 Petersburg $188,041.62 $26,449.55 $20,231.00 $17,365.39 $16,142.11 $5,104.88 $273,334.55 $123,732.87 Piedmont $141,264.53 $25,571.69 $17,610.97 $12,391.42 $0.00 $2,307.58 $199,146.19 $91,945.57 Pittsylvania $273,431.54 $117,845.74 $47,862.61 $28,110.60 $2,886.62 $8,895.42 $479,032.53 $175,438.18 Portsmouth $130,131.55 $21,634.14 $13,940.22 $8,962.93 $3,890.63 $17,148.55 $195,708.02 $91,429.65 Powell River $44,891.13 $7,337.34 $4,953.00 $4,395.40 $0.00 $3,262.74 $64,839.61 $26,989.00 Rappahannock $225,807.12 $39,823.52 $27,357.13 $18,359.73 $608.00 $20,026.08 $331,981.58 $161,534.96 Richmond $946,454.96 $230,075.61 $61,992.93 $46,497.03 $47,004.39 $191,386.69 $1,523,411.61 $611,404.68 Roanoke Valley $778,738.71 $107,097.02 $52,595.47 $28,917.10 $13,990.58 $38,737.45 $1,020,076.33 $523,123.35 Shenandoah $251,430.60 $16,742.98 $15,664.10 $16,765.16 $13,802.95 $27,827.88 $342,233.67 $174,738.39 Shiloh $110,253.54 $19,288.87 $13,103.52 $9,773.06 $7,848.96 $12,194.00 $172,461.95 $77,259.67 Southside $133,792.43 $28,835.66 $13,926.25 $12,829.60 $8,254.48 $5,709.35 $203,347.77 $91,287.53 Staunton River $178,905.55 $31,356.97 $22,638.60 $17,803.11 $2,685.00 $8,165.14 $261,554.37 $124,806.68 Strawberry $85,273.86 $15,040.00 $8,936.00 $9,566.80 $1,587.38 $5,842.11 $126,246.15 $57,074.59 The Bridge Network of Churches $664,101.01 $177,471.84 $74,242.92 $30,606.97 $17,195.22 $23,648.42 $987,266.38 $431,937.32 Wise $67,742.13 $8,224.25 $11,225.25 $4,681.00 $0.00 $1,818.60 $93,691.23 $38,572.19

Grand Total $11,277,493.35 $2,659,361.22 $1,216,948.41 $741,234.93 $307,127.27 $806,526.06 $17,008,691.24 $7,652,485.12

287 ACP COMPILATIONS ACP Association Tables 2014

APPOMATTOX Organized October 1804

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Neil Seward 1881 $9,025 $5,957 $10,875 Bethpeor Baptist Church Pastor 1912 19 0 19 19 0 19 $500 $500 $0 $0 $1,780 Beulah Baptist Church Rev. Paul Royal 1893 34 0 24002$500 $200 $166 $119 $611 Brookneal Baptist Church Rev. Doug Saunders 1828 239 4 90 78 56 154 $239,080 $169,800 $9,293 $6,133 $21,739 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Chad Harris 1901 601 7 139 93 114 43 $342,437 $236,299 $25,547 $16,371 $31,925 Central Baptist Church Pastor 1893 0 0 20 15 0 0 $1,288 $0 $500 $360 $1,524 Cullen Baptist Church Rev. Guy Stockslager 1915 95 0 30 13 62 45 $40,389 $35,183 $660 $660 $660 Elon Baptist Church Rev. David Sexton 1859 177 1 78 63 48 33 $101,241 $95,722 $12,143 $6,072 $16,313 Falling River Baptist Church Rev. Keith Williams 1792 425 9 120 125 115 345 $230,354 $192,910 $19,563 $12,912 $24,090 Glenn Memorial Baptist Church Rev. John Baldwin 1925 242 5 100 50 45 18 $117,920 $110,082 $1,849 $1,331 $4,921 Grace Hills Baptist Church Rev. Dr. J. Adam Tyler 2004 184 0 90 77 75 325 $189,633 $143,920 $9,708 $9,708 $16,230 Hebron Baptist Church Rev. Tom D. Walker 1849 242 0 87 60 99 247 $99,931 $93,984 $6,035 $3,983 $14,030 Hollywood Baptist Church Rev. Robert Phillips 1878 140 0 0 35 25 5 $53,170 $50,743 $1,000 $660 $1,605 Midway Baptist Church Dr. Joey T. Anthony 1833 400 9 192 155 175 145 $288,882 $239,522 $4,373 $2,886 $4,738 New Chapel Baptist Church Rev. Tim Dooley 1804 320 3 75 80 98 0 $163,480 $140,586 $7,200 $5,184 $12,040 New Hope Baptist Church Rev. Ron Moore 1834 356 5 70 60 68 14 $157,534 $141,000 $14,471 $10,419 $20,453 Providence Baptist Church Rev. Scott Curtis 1771 225 2 84 17 53 300 $132,266 $115,807 $7,898 $5,687 $12,276 Red Oak Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Barker 1776 152 4 40 26 22 25 $59,042 $51,392 $0 $0 $1,749 Reedy Spring Baptist Church Rev. Daniel Davis 1832 64 0 64 76 78 40 $114,451 $104,995 $2,550 $1,836 $6,389 Rocks Baptist Church Rev. Rick Painter 1772 275 2 89 83 140 224 $191,810 $131,426 $18,353 $12,113 $24,676 Spring Creek Baptist Church Rev. Paul F. McLinden 1813 285 0 74 60 111 141 $132,077 $122,328 $18,106 $11,950 $21,306 Staunton River Baptist Church Rev. Rick Dellinger 1893 153 1 30 12 0 0 $54,349 $49,549 $2,000 $1,440 $2,450 Union Hill Baptist Church Dr. Reginald Warren 1786 220 1 56 35 65 7 $101,191 $95,138 $4,400 $3,168 $8,889 Totals 4,848 53 1,571 1,232 1,449 2,132 $2,811,525 $2,321,086 $174,841 $118,949 $261,271

AUGUSTA Organized October 24, 1876

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bridgewater Baptist Church Rev. Roger P. Austin 1873 111 0 45 50 0 0 $6,724 $3,362 $7,829 Broadway Baptist Church Rev. Donald W. Owen II 1892 $1,600 $1,152 $2,538 Craigsville Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Quick 1900 $600 $432 $5,600 Deerfi eld Baptist Church Mr. Curtis Crawford 1874 59 1 65 38 35 6 $85,764 $85,764 $383 $276 $383 First Baptist Church of Elkton Rev. Irving Everett 1962 $2,233 $1,474 $3,158 Hughes First Baptist Church of Grottoes Rev. Mark Wingfi eld 1948 84 4 70 24 25 15 $81,562 $80,000 $1,200 $864 $4,070 First Baptist Church of Staunton Dr. Steve Traylor 1853 376 7 125 103 12 342 $331,114 $282,261 $11,848 $8,530 $18,979 First Baptist Church of Rev. Thomas E. 1875 1,167 2 315 206 14 240 $177,570 $698,000 $54,688 $40,253 $58,468 Waynesboro Leland First Russian Baptist Church Rev. Peter Tkachuk 2000 $0 $0 $0 Greenville Baptist Church Rev. James D. 1884 $2,199 $1,583 $3,141 McClanahan Harrisonburg Baptist Church Dr. Mark D. White 1869 600 2 236 123 158 619 $536,070 $497,253 $29,369 $28,284 $33,901 Laurel Hill Baptist Church Rev. Bill Davis 1851 $6,623 $4,769 $9,856 Linden Heights Baptist Mr. Luke Smith 1954 $17,901 $12,889 $19,831 Church Memorial Baptist Church Dr. Mark Jones 1963 1,195 16 400 320 105 231 $688,966 $506,937 $53,796 $38,733 $68,833 Miller Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Scott A. Reese 1918 $0 $0 $0 Singers Glen Baptist Church Rev. Paul Glovier 1876 $7,259 $4,791 $8,100 Stuarts Draft Baptist Church Rev. Will Kopp 1894 480 6 114 71 79 71 $520,031 $214,308 $1,200 $864 $16,875 Vesuvius Baptist Church Rev. Matthew M. 1891 343 0 75 49 98 4 $166,637 $161,406 $5,000 $3,600 $8,800 Coiner West Side Baptist Church Rev. Troy Pearson 1970 $9,820 $7,070 $25,935 Totals 4,415 38 1,445 984 526 1,528 $2,587,714 $2,525,929 $212,442 $158,925 $296,295

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 288 ACP COMPILATIONS BGAV ONLY Organized October 19, 1954

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Abundant Life International Bishop Ebenezer A. 2011 $0 $0 $0 Ministries Larbie Acts Full Gospel Community Rev. Tonya L. Spruill 2014 $0 $0 $0 Church* Adullam Church* Rev. Bryan Staab 2014 $0 $0 $0 Agape Vision Community Rev. Anthony Ellis 2008 $50 $36 $50 Church Aletheia Church Rev. Paul Fiske 2001 150 30 450 250 0 199 $334,858 $263,260 $200 $132 $200 Antioch Baptist Church Rev. Daniel A. Goodall 2003 $0 $0 $0 Austin Mustard Seed Rev. John Chandler 2013 $789 $568 $819 Axiom Church Rev. Dan White Jr. 2014 $630 $454 $630 Ban Suk Korean Baptist Church Rev. Sam S. Kim 2010 $0 $0 $0 Beaver Dam Baptist Church Dr. Richard L. Peerey 1828 $369 $266 $369 Bethel Ethiopian Mission Rev. Kefralew Wale 1998 $0 $0 $0 Bluefi eld Community Church Pastor 1998 $500 $330 $500 Bridgeway Church Rev. Jotham Johann 2014 $500 $360 $500 Bristow Korean Baptist Church Rev. Hyo H. Yoo 2008 $0 $0 $0 Brown Grove Baptist Church Dr. Darius E. 1999 $0 $0 $0 Beechaum Called By Jesus Baptist Rev. Sun Young 2013 49 0 26 18 3 7 $75,926 $2,155 $200 $144 $200 Church Chung Calvary Revival Church Rev. Brian Gullins & 2008 $0 $0 $0 Rev. Angeline Gullins Cambridge Baptist Church Rev. Jay Smith 1988 326 3 70 30 28 61 $210,799 $196,370 $16,117 $11,604 $16,202 Canaan Korean Baptist Church Rev. Joshua K. Suh 2004 $0 $0 $0 Cedar Street Baptist Church Dr. Anthony M. 1867 $0 $0 $0 Chandler Centro de Alabanza Betel* Rev. Manuel Diaz 2009 $0 $0 $0 Charlottesville Elim Church Rev. Shin Sung, II 2009 $250 $165 $250 Chincoteague Baptist Church Rev. Donald Carroll 1786 31 0 13000$15,217 $13,888 $0 $0 $790 Chinese Baptist Church of Rev. Lazarus Chua 1972 $1,750 $1,260 $11,505 Richmond Christian Life Church Rev. James E. Sutton 2009 150 62 80 27 0 4 $109,000 $108,000 $500 $360 $500 Community Baptist Church Rev. Aubrey Sanders 2002 $500 $500 $500 Community of Grace Church Rev. Robert Wynne 1995 20 0 0 7 0 17 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Compassion Baptist Church* Rev. Taeson An 2012 $0 $0 $0 Cross Streets Church* Rev. Jeff Elzinga 2014 $0 $0 $0 Cut Banks Baptist Church Rev. Stan Allen 1783 125 5 75 50 50 50 $50,000 $0 $0 $200 Dol-Dan Baptist Church Rev. Myung Kwon 2010 $600 $396 $600 Mun Ebenezer Community Church Rev. Francis Tabla 2008 $4,900 $4,900 $4,900 El Buen Pastor Rev. Jesus Segundo 2002 $0 $0 $0 Emmanuel Christian Mr. Mike Taylor 2003 $1,000 $720 $1,000 Fellowship Church Emmanuel United in Faith Rev. Victor Williams 2013 81 4 45 12 0 0 $0 $0 $500 $360 $500 Baptist Church Fairmount Memorial Baptist Rev. Eric Durden 1889 520 0 52 32 0 45 $221,790 $183,285 $5,767 $2,191 $37,091 Church Faith Family & Fellowship Rev. Robert Marshall 2014 $42 $30 $42 Faith Hope and Love Rev. Eleazer D. 2002 $0 $0 $0 Reeves Fellowship Baptist Church Rev. Rick Blevins 2002 $300 $198 $300 First Baptist Church of Dalton Dr. William J. $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 Ireland Jr. First Baptist Church of Dr. John S. Fontaine 1866 $0 $0 $0 Heathsville First Baptist Church of Rev. Matthew Storie 1892 $2,193 $1,579 $2,498 Independence First Baptist Church of Mathews Rev. J. Antoine Harris 2003 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church of Rome Dr. P. Joel Snider 1835 1,935 11 400 307 160 277 $2,357,488 $1,625,093 $7,647 $7,647 $7,647 First Baptist Church of Sycoline Rev. Vernon Davis 2010 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church, Rev. Hodari K. 1863 $1,000 $720 $1,000 West Main Street Hamilton Sr. First Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Rommel $0 $0 $0 Calilung First Kachin Baptist Church of Rev. Roi Ji Marip 2014 $0 $0 $0 Virginia*

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 289 ACP COMPILATIONS Fresh Fellowship of Richmond Dr. Peter Chang 2011 $0 $0 $0 Fresh Fire International Dr. Jacob Sackey 1998 $0 $0 $0 Church Frontier Mission Church Nae K. Han 2008 $1,100 $726 $1,100 Fullnet Community Church Inc. Pastor 2005 $0 $0 $0 God’s Will Church Rev. Joon Park 2010 $0 $0 $0 Good Shepherd Baptist Church Rev. Sylvester T. Smith 1918 $0 $0 $0 Good Shepherd Community Rev. Gerald T. Johnson 2001 8 7 1 $0 $0 $0 Chapel Grace Covenant Church Pastor 2008 $0 $0 $0 Grace Life Korean Church Rev. Jacob G. Roh 2012 $100 $72 $100 Hanael Baptist Church Rev. Joo H. Kim 2006 $0 $0 $0 Heavenly Bread Church of Dr. Kewen Dong 2006 $0 $0 $0 Virginia Beach* Hill City Church* Rev. Jeff Saferite 2014 $0 $0 $0 Horntown Baptist Church Rev. Travis Patton 1897 $0 $0 $100 Iglesia Bautista Shalom, Inc. Rev. Isidro Guerrero 2001 $0 $0 $0 Imagine* Rev. Kevin Sweeney 2013 $0 $0 $0 International Church Rev. J. Siafa Johnson 2010 $0 $0 $0 at Foggy Bottom Kairos Community Rev. Noah Stepro 2012 $100 $66 $100 Kingdom Minded Ministries Rev. David-Jamel I. 2012 $20 $14 $20 Williams Kingdom Ministries Global Bishop Alroy S. 2009 $100 $72 $100 Church International, LLC Henderson Korean Church on the Rock Rev. Yi S. Kwon 2010 $600 $396 $600 Korean Mission Baptist Church Rev. Jeong Ku Jeon 2000 50 1 35 $80 $58 $80 Kwang Ya Korean Church Rev. Byoung Ok 2013 6 0 6 6 0 1 $3,988 $970 $400 $264 $400 Joung L.I.F.E. Church Rev. Darryl F. Husband 2008 $1,375 $792 $1,375 La Iglesia De Jesus-Bautista Dr. Moyenda 2008 $0 $0 $0 Nosakhere Lakewood Baptist Church Rev. Dan Manley 1981 459 6 250 170 68 70 $466,710 $391,580 $0 $0 $0 Landmark Baptist Church Rev. J. D. Harmon 2007 155 7 100 45 95 25 $105,387 $87,000 $1,500 $990 $2,900 Lifelong Ministries Dr. Oneal Sandidge 2000 10 10 $5 $4 $5 Lighthouse Community Church Rev. Bert G. Rait 2011 $600 $600 $600 Loudoun Bible Church Rev. Wayne D. Wyatt 2005 $0 $0 $0 Macedonia Baptist Church Mr. Ken Rioland 1998 $0 $0 $0 My Good Shepherd Rev. Jae K. Nam 2005 $0 $0 $0 Nash’s Ford Baptist Church Rev. Bob G. Hobbs 1938 $0 $0 $0 New Beginnings Baptist Church Rev. Mark Wright 1932 $0 $0 $0 New Beginnings Community Pastor 2001 $0 $0 $0 Fellowship New Birth Community Rev. William D. 2009 $0 $0 $0 Church Lottahall Jr. New Born Korean Baptist Rev. Sung C. Hwang 2011 $1,100 $726 $1,100 Church New Canaan International Dr. Owen Cardwell 2000 $701 $505 $701 Church New Community Baptist Dr. Keith Smith 2011 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Church New Community Church* Pastor 2011 $0 $0 $0 New Direction Baptist Church Dr. Jimmy I. McCrary Jr. 2004 $0 $0 $0 New Genesis Baptist Church Rev. Larry White 2011 $0 $0 $0 New Horizon Community Rev. Jung C. Moon 2007 120 8 90 40 30 $180,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 Church New Life Russian Church Rev. Victor Visotsky 2002 $500 $360 $500 New Light Baptist Church Rev. Vernon J. Hurte 1998 $0 $0 $0 New River Valley Community Rev. Mike Neuse 1998 $200 $132 $300 Church New Vine Community Rev. Harry Reginald 2013 $25 $18 $25 Outreach Center Carter Jr. New Zion Baptist Church Rev. Robert A. 1999 $750 $540 $750 Whitehead NLCF Campus Mr. Jim Pace 2003 $1,000 $720 $1,000 - New Life Christian Fellowship Rev. Joe Racek $0 $0 $0 North Bedford Baptist Church Rev. Charles Brady, IV 1880 361 3 130 87 108 60 $255,620 $211,172 $1,000 $20 $1,000 Northstar Baptist Church, Inc. Dr. William Houck 1998 242 0 200 95 79 0 $345,168 $306,027 $0 $0 $0 Northstar Church Rev. Jeff Noble 2003 256 27 509 225 70 $706,766 $512,360 $5,000 $3,300 $6,715 - Northstar at Pulaski Mr. Dave Farris $0 $0 $0 Northview Church* Rev. Scott Word 2010 $0 $0 $0 Nottoway Baptist Church Rev. Thomas H. Collins 2006 $1,081 $779 $1,081

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 290 ACP COMPILATIONS Oakwood Memorial Baptist Rev. Jim 1915 $3,685 $2,653 $6,326 Church Schwerdtfeger One Body Church Dr. Young Kim 2014 $500 $360 $500 One Way Church Rev. Sang H. Ko 2010 $0 $0 $0 - One Way Church - DC Campus Rev. Sang H. Ko 2013 $0 $0 $0 - One Way Church - Rev. Sang H. Ko 2012 $0 $0 $0 Seoul Campus Open Word Worship Center Rev. Demarcus Akins 2007 $700 $504 $700 Pathways Church Rev. Stan Graham 2004 $1,623 $1,169 $1,623 Peace Fellowship Church Rev. Caleb Bae 2004 $500 $360 $500 Peakland Baptist Church Dr. James R. Hunter 1955 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Plantation Road Baptist Church Mr. Ronald W. Young Jr. 1966 25 0 28 20 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60 Portico - Bloomington Rev. John Boggs 2013 $600 $396 $600 Portico Church Rev. Chris Atwell 2006 237 47 715 357 205 795 $1,415,109 $1,415,109 $1,500 $1,080 $1,500 - Portico Church - Rev. Daniel Magan $0 $0 $0 Charlottesville North - Portico Online Campus Rev. Jonathon Howard 2015 $0 $0 $0 Portico Church - Arlington Rev. Jason Conner 2010 89 10 135 100 0 0 $375,000 $375,000 $500 $360 $500 Portuguese Mission Rev. Inaldo Camelo 2002 $0 $0 $0 Potomac Baptist Church Rev. Dennis L. 1875 315 7 53 $100,000 $100,000 $9,136 $6,030 $14,150 Newton III Praxis Community* Rev. Robin Ellingwood 2014 $0 $0 $0 Precious Blood Baptist Church Rev. Jin T. Kim 2009 $0 $0 $0 Presbyterian Healing Ministry, Dr. John Fobang 2012 $0 $0 $0 Inc. USA Primera Iglesia Bautista de Rev. Esteban Guerra 1991 $0 $0 $0 Rome, Inc. Prophetic Prayer Ministries Rev. Samuel Tataw 2012 $0 $0 $0 Int., Inc. R Church/Chesterfi eld Church Rev. Matt Senger 2009 $1,000 $720 $1,600 Plant Remnant Church Rev. Bryan Laughlin 2009 110 45 330 280 300 $18,506 $3,600 $1,800 $3,600 Renew* Rev. Tim Owens 2014 $0 $0 $0 Restoration Church* Rev. Chad Jewett & 2014 $0 $0 $0 Rev. Justin Laughlin Restoration Church* Rev. Edward R. Choy 2014 $0 $0 $0 Revival Baptist Ministries Rev. Isaac Arthur 2010 $500 $360 $500 International Rhythm Church Rev. Matt Alexander, 2012 $1,680 $1,210 $1,680 Rev. Keas Keasler, Rev. Liz Matos Riddick Grove Baptist Church Pastor $0 $0 $0 Sandston Baptist Church Rev. Karl Heilman 1926 1,254 14 392 248 106 712 $750,771 $529,235 $23,650 $16,932 $45,659 Second Baptist Church of Dr. Craig Sherouse 1820 $35,306 $25,420 $40,560 Richmond Shining Star Community Rev. Edwin Lim 2002 $7,800 $5,148 $7,800 Church Shout Church Rev. Jamie Osborne 2009 $0 $0 $0 Slavic Baptist Church Rev. Sergey Suslaev 2000 $0 $0 $0 Solid Rock Baptist Church Rev. Denny 1985 $0 $0 $0 Greenawalt Solid Rock Baptist Church Rev. Richard S. 2002 $300 $216 $300 Johnson Spring Creek Baptist Church Dr. Micah McCreary 1878 $0 $0 $0 & Rev. Jacqueline Madison-McCreary St. James Baptist Church Rev. W.T. Carter 2006 $600 $396 $600 Stockton Memorial Baptist Rev. Douglas B. 1892 135 3 68 45 58 25 $86,109 $112,063 $7,856 $5,656 $10,010 Church Watson Sr. Tabernaculo Biblico Bautista Rev. Raul E. S. Anaya 2009 $0 $0 $0 Terrace View Baptist Church Rev. Brian Taylor 1920 70 5 38 19 8 $42,000 $41,000 $500 $500 $500 The Awakening Church* Rev. Josh Cogan 2014 $0 $0 $0 The Body of Christ Baptist Rev. Gerod Stukes 2009 $50 $36 $75 Fellowship The District Church Rev. Aaron Graham 2010 400 21 422 326 0 150 $956,114 $718,360 $0 $0 $0 & Rev. Amy Graham - The District Church - Rev. Mathew Watson $0 $0 $0 East Side/H Street Campus The Eleven* Rev. Art Jensen 2014 $0 $0 $0 The First Baptist Church Rev. Jeremiah 1756 $0 $0 $0 Tillman The Life Church Rev. Agaibi Girgls 2012 15 0 70 29 0 10 $0 $0 $250 $180 $250 The Shepherd’s House Pastor 2011 $0 $0 $0 Ministries

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 291 ACP COMPILATIONS Uplift Church Rev. W. Patrick 2012 $1,430 $1,030 $2,210 Johnson Victory Missionary Baptist Rev. Bob Clark 2001 $0 $0 $0 Church Vietnamese Agape Mission Rev. Thai Nguyen $0 $0 $0 Church Vitalize Church Rev. Tony Gray 2012 $6,732 $4,443 $6,732 Webber Memorial Baptist Dr. William A. Gunter 1921 $20,651 $14,869 $27,526 Church White Shoals Baptist Church Rev. Allen Collins 1985 $0 $0 $0 Whitetop Baptist Church Rev. T. A. Pennington 1847 $0 $0 $0

Winchester Calvary Korean Rev. Dung Ho Kim 1991 $0 $0 $0 Baptist Church Woori Baptist Church Rev. Myung Ho Joo 2013 $50 $33 $50 Word & Spirit Baptist Church Rev. Ossei Mensa 2009 $500 $360 $500 Sapong Word of God Baptist Church Rev. Yang I. Kim 2004 $300 $216 $300 Word Performance Church, Inc. Rev. Samuel Osei 2008 $250 $165 $250 World Mission Korean Church Rev. Ki I. Kim 1999 $0 $0 $0 Totals 7,704 319 4,736 2,835 1,013 2,917 $9,132,326 $7,391,927 $201,989 $145,274 $293,205

BLACKWATER Organized September 26, 1958

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Black Creek Baptist Church Rev. Gregory M. Kitts 1786 458 5 152 111 155 67 $278,790 $238,561 $16,000 $10,560 $23,453 Boykins Baptist Church Pastor 1871 155 3 90 50 41 25 $86,000 $65,000 $6,000 $4,320 $8,060 Burdette Baptist Church Rev. Collis L. Bryant III 1907 69 2 35 26 0 0 $26,275 $25,729 $800 $576 $1,311 Central Hill Baptist Church Rev. Roger Johnson 1885 259 2 70 50 48 8 $143,809 $109,130 $12,657 $9,113 $15,727 Colosse Baptist Church Rev. Tim Webb 1871 381 4 60 51 69 12 $295,861 $150,133 $2,000 $1,440 $5,701 Courtland Baptist Church Rev. Thomas R. 1845 637 17 300 137 80 147 $315,511 $274,966 $10,744 $7,735 $18,213 Speight Dendron Baptist Church Pastor 1895 24 0 0 6 0 0 $0 $5,000 $300 $216 $300 Franklin Baptist Church Rev. Brent Kimlick 1871 969 2 178 120 60 56 $482,000 $426,600 $18,610 $18,610 $25,318 Great Fork Baptist Church Dr. Donald R. Jones 1833 195 0 55 47 15 0 $156,946 $122,023 $8,000 $5,760 $12,921 Hillcrest Baptist Church Rev. James F. George 1957 507 5 132 109 100 204 $316,996 $259,818 $15,893 $11,443 $22,549 Holland Baptist Church Pastor 1880 320 5 53 20 97 43 $127,162 $92,274 $4,125 $2,970 $4,648 Ivor Baptist Church Rev. Donald G. Roberts 1897 283 5 70 9 51 18 $129,563 $116,405 $2,194 $1,580 $4,900 Millfi eld Baptist Church Rev. Brooks Gale 1836 334 4 94 55 154 175 $145,621 $120,733 $3,700 $2,664 $8,834 Moore’s Swamp Baptist Church Rev. Danny R. Blalock 1818 162 2 35 28 30 36 $1,000 $660 $2,260 Newsoms Baptist Church Rev. Armand F. 1883 214 2 52 39 103 1 $85,321 $85,321 $1,901 $1,901 $6,441 Jalbert Jr. Sedley Baptist Church Rev. James W. 1925 269 5 121 98 97 44 $159,311 $146,408 $10,643 $7,024 $19,505 Foreman Smithfi eld Baptist Church Dr. Donald R. Rhoton 1830 644 2 120 135 214 100 $599,689 $542,197 $31,418 $22,621 $54,364 Sunbeam Baptist Church Rev. Hoyle Green 1906 115 0 35 0 12 7 $0 $0 $1,000 $500 $2,209 Surry Baptist Church Rev. Raymond 1885 180 2 40 20 51 0 $60,822 $52,148 $3,129 $2,253 $5,064 Hampton Sycamore Baptist Church Dr. Roger D. Crump 1878 422 2 74 80 45 83 $213,037 $157,797 $12,697 $9,142 $20,971 West End Baptist Church Rev. James R. Pipkin 1929 187 1 50 36 0 15 $145,536 $131,536 $0 $0 $0 Whitehead’s Grove Baptist Rev. Terry Morrison 1843 265 1 35 12 0 0 $57,713 $51,886 $350 $231 $517 Church Wilroy Baptist Church Dr. Robert H. Carpenter 1960 1,066 7 80 106 120 100 $362,918 $329,829 $31,851 $21,022 $38,058 Windsor Baptist Church Dr. John D. Corson 1879 269 0 52 22 28 8 $108,961 $102,622 $5,375 $3,548 $9,557 Totals 8,384 78 1,983 1,367 1,570 1,149 $4,297,842 $3,606,116 $200,385 $145,887 $310,880

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 292 ACP COMPILATIONS BLUE RIDGE Organized October 24, 1859

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Critz Baptist Church Rev. Allan Vass 1892 91 2 30 16 35 3 $51,313 $45,357 $1,500 $1,080 $2,016 Floyd Baptist Church Rev. Dan W. Agee 1876 479 1 146 202 132 333 $245,996 $227,286 $22,541 $16,229 $25,908 High Point Baptist Church Rev. Wayne Moore 1923 182 1 65 33 59 39 $53,296 $49,833 $2,008 $1,325 $3,240 Hills Grove Baptist Church* Rev. Randy Bartley 1948 145 0 32 18 0 0 $26,134 $24,974 $50 $50 $650 Little River Baptist Church Rev. David Miller 1945 191 1 62 57 68 41 $79,648 $77,067 $3,000 $1,980 $4,500 Meadows of Dan Baptist Church Rev. Shawn Carter 1855 332 3 60 48 74 0 $80,686 $79,281 $8,245 $5,442 $16,996 Middle Cross Missionary Rev. Michael 2009 78 2 100 75 60 10 $149,497 $7,361 $520 $374 $520 Baptist Morrison Mt Hebron Baptist Church Rev. Rocky Sutphin 1886 55 0 17 11 0 15 $16,160 $16,160 $50 $36 $150 Oak Grove Baptist Church Rev. Israel Gwyn 1892 202 2 52 32 28 0 $18,923 $7,823 $150 $108 $150 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Rev. Dewey L. Felts 1880 56 0 46 15 25 10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Pleasant View Baptist Church Rev. Rick E. Anderson 1935 342 1 125 90 34 35 $162,666 $153,536 $16,394 $10,820 $22,263 Reed Island Springs Baptist Rev. Roland McCraw 1931 123 2 44 17 43 0 $63,960 $62,935 $3,463 $1,620 $4,663 Church Rome Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Terry McMillian 1942 76 0 28000$3,000 $180 $400 $288 $500 Round Knob Baptist Church Rev. Bobby Webb 1922 172 2 62 24 0 0 $65,418 $45,067 $3,202 $2,306 $4,752 Stone Mountain Baptist Church Rev. James K. Bischer 1878 54 1 43 26 0 30 $55,967 $46,327 $210 $151 $635 Stuart Baptist Church Rev. Robert W. Belcher 1878 297 8 85 41 58 146 $157,046 $119,228 $3,000 $2,083 $5,506 Sycamore Baptist Church Rev. Gerald Melton 1850 178 2 90 43 73 0 $95,160 $68,400 $6,000 $4,500 $9,828 Tory Creek Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Combs 1957 112 0 35 17 0 0 $24,000 $0 $1,100 $792 $1,100 Totals 3,165 28 1,122 765 689 662 $1,348,870 $1,030,815 $71,833 $49,185 $103,377

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 293 ACP COMPILATIONS CENTRAL VIRGINIA Organized October 13, 1790

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Alberene Baptist Church Mr. Jeff Cale 1901 90 4 40 40 38 35 $0 $0 $0 All Souls Charlottesville Rev. Winn Collier 2008 $10,634 $10,634 $18,134 Beaver Dam Baptist Church Rev. Gregory W. 1831 300 6 140 65 60 40 $194,200 $178,000 $5,652 $3,617 $5,652 Wissinger Belmont Baptist Church Rev. Gregory M. 1949 $22,568 $4,911 $24,477 Anderson Bethany Baptist Church Rev. Robert Price 1902 63 0 45 8 43 0 $69,123 $67,118 $3,381 $2,434 $4,733 Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Tim Ma 1853 $7,578 $5,001 $13,781 Broadus Memorial Baptist Rev. David C. Meadors 1988 $2,344 $1,688 $11,504 Church Bybee’s Road Baptist Church Rev. Kenny Davis 1832 204 0 90 60 65 71 $159,202 $129,453 $4,054 $2,918 $5,647 Chestnut Grove Baptist Church Rev. Lance King 1773 497 8 339 210 205 202 $759,925 $512,418 $48,487 $34,911 $60,115 Chinese Christian Church Rev. Beien He $500 $360 $500 Chinese Gospel Church Rev. Chester Nyuan 2005 $0 $0 $0 Covesville Baptist Church Rev. Burton Corley 1893 $4,666 $2,893 $4,816 Crozet Baptist Church Rev. David Collyer 1903 364 4 154 96 73 517 $400,958 $298,782 $8,771 $6,015 $8,841 Effort Baptist Church Rev. Ben Jamison 1862 448 2 211 80 350 50 $1,375,401 $588,785 $20,916 $20,916 $30,916 Evergreen Baptist Church Rev. Stanley E. 1907 $0 $0 $0 Woodfolk First Baptist Church of Rev. Donald Q. Hicks 1831 2,787 8 443 391 612 44 $1,610,152 $1,273,251 $115,835 $76,451 $166,475 Charlottesville Fork Union Baptist Church Rev. Warren Johnson 1798 $1,771 $1,134 $2,206 Fox Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Randy G. 1944 $900 $225 $1,220 Golladay Free Union Baptist Church Mr. Duane E. Johnson 1833 35 8 28 15 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Galilee Baptist Church Rev. Ruben Lewis Jr. 1872 382 8 140 74 150 0 $0 $600 $432 $600 Hardware Baptist Church Pastor 1802 $303 $218 $382 Hillsboro Baptist Church Rev. Chris Grella 1839 257 0 75 78 45 91 $180,131 $123,000 $3,750 $2,700 $4,401 James River Baptist Church Rev. James Jetton 1988 $0 $0 $0 Lyles Baptist Church Rev. Warren Tillman 1774 $664 $438 $1,936 Mooreland Baptist Church Rev. Jillian M. 1904 $3,249 $2,339 $4,474 Andrzejewki Mount View Baptist Church Rev. David 1956 640 0 50 63 0 175 $171,803 $154,008 $12,028 $7,939 $13,638 Hallingshead Mount Zion First African Rev. Alvin Edwards 1981 $0 $0 $0 Baptist Church Mountain Plain Baptist Rev. Sam Kellum 1812 110 4 70 20 $150,000 $130,000 $500 $360 $500 Church Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey L. Worley 1876 $0 $0 $0 Preddy’s Creek Baptist Rev. Jane Cicione 1781 35 0 25 6 0 1 $21,654 $0 $200 $144 $500 Church* Rivanna Baptist Church Rev. Lawrence A. 1981 $600 $432 $1,412 Wingfi eld Ruckersville Baptist Church Rev. Kyle Clements 1892 166 1 65 25 70 34 $100,642 $88,537 $3,569 $2,570 $7,613 Scottsville Baptist Church Rev. Kathleen E. 1840 $3,179 $2,272 $6,854 McKown Slate Hill Baptist Church Rev. James R. 1868 45 0 35 21 10 15 $65,000 $65,000 $2,350 $1,504 $2,350 Williams Jr. Spring Hill Baptist Church Pastor 1854 $16,064 $11,566 $43,856 - Spring Hill Baptist Church - Mrs. Sheri Crawford $0 $0 $0 Spotswood Campus Swift Run Baptist Church Rev. Mark Holder 1824 $2,875 $2,070 $2,875 University Baptist Church Rev. Michael K. Cheuk 1900 589 9 245 152 85 255 $817,258 $682,909 $20,625 $14,850 $25,923 Totals 7,012 62 2,195 1,404 1,806 1,530 $6,075,449 $4,291,261 $328,615 $223,943 $476,331

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 294 ACP COMPILATIONS CLINCH VALLEY Organized August 1856

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Community Fellowship Pastor 1994 286 0 66 43 21 0 $205,373 $181,299 $2,609 $1,878 $5,094 Baptist Church Cowans Branch Baptist Church Rev. Wayne McCarty 1852 215 8 40 40 95 16 $66,311 $64,725 $6,035 $3,983 $8,000 Daniel Boone Baptist Church Rev. R. D. Stallard 1974 101 0 25 15 0 0 $20,712 $20,712 $785 $565 $835 Darthula Baptist Church Rev. Randy Cleek 1882 $505 $364 $2,059 First Baptist Church of Rev. Larry Beavers 1978 198 3 75 125 107 53 $85,433 $63,110 $4,443 $3,199 $4,693 Dungannon First Baptist Church of Gate Rev. Andy Barnes 1898 998 11 175 150 110 660 $696,652 $500,530 $20,000 $14,000 $36,513 City First Baptist Church of Rev. Steve J. Collins 1807 529 5 200 209 201 3,200 $263,584 $210,923 $10,811 $7,784 $15,831 Nickelsville Free Hill Baptist Church Rev. Chris Musick 1913 155 0 47 28 64 407 $48,203 $36,975 $2,607 $1,877 $4,868 Heritage Baptist Church Rev. Larry W. 2004 111 6 78 18 92 219 $0 $0 $600 $432 $1,100 Browder Hilton Missionary Baptist Mr. Travis Nickels 1889 25 0 10 15 0 $18,794 $18,794 $50 $31 $550 Church Moores Memorial Baptist Rev. Alan Moser 1907 40 2 20 8 16 7 $1,300 $700 $878 $632 $1,250 Church New Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Phillip L. Spivey 1904 71 0 14 14 0 0 $10,894 $10,894 $1,334 $827 $1,814 Rivermont Baptist Church Pastor 1904 40 0 7000$14,281 $14,281 $1,588 $1,143 $1,788 Zion Baptist Church Pastor 1836 52 0 26 17 0 20 $24,221 $19,461 $1,393 $919 $3,675 Totals 2,821 35 773 677 721 4,582 $1,455,758 $1,142,404 $53,638 $37,635 $88,070 CONCORD Organized 1783

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Antioch Baptist Church Pastor 1834 247 2 82 50 63 112 $117,874 $111,504 $4,932 $3,551 $4,932 Bethany Baptist Church Rev. Ronald Campbell 1891 260 2 70 0 55 0 $106,540 $9,550 $1,500 $1,080 $5,400 Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey M. Arthur 1772 204 4 60 50 20 12 $67,495 $63,387 $700 $504 $1,571 Bethesda Baptist Church Mr. Charles Davis 1893 74 0 37 23 0 15 $55,116 $47,400 $0 $0 $0 Black Branch Baptist Church Pastor 1814 245 0 39 21 22 451 $42,418 $37,845 $1,136 $818 $1,826 Boydton Baptist Church Mr. Carl Bagley 1877 123 2 68 60 43 87 $79,087 $76,072 $1,000 $720 $4,410 Buffalo Baptist Church Rev. Harry W. Kelly 1778 321 3 79 84 121 46 $124,979 $111,762 $11,260 $2,777 $16,387 Clarksville Baptist Church Dr. Gregory Randall 1818 475 3 220 100 85 95 $319,784 $284,959 $9,704 $6,987 $14,434 Concord Baptist Church Rev. John A. Mann 1824 215 0 70 65 78 340 $119,372 $100,347 $5,000 $3,600 $9,220 Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. Stephen 1836 76 0 14 15 0 15 $38,500 $6,800 $2,500 $1,800 $5,106 DeOrnellas Ephesus Baptist Church Pastor 1876 283 0 70 56 72 78 $156,916 $108,659 $2,550 $1,645 $9,660 First Baptist Church of Chase Dr. Thomas S. Cribb 1884 141 2 62 49 20 30 $123,873 $118,802 $2,000 $1,440 $2,200 City First Baptist Church of South Dr. Kevin Rosenfeld 1896 300 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $1,794 Hill Gravel Hill Baptist Church Rev. Joey H. Tucker 1948 209 1 50 35 0 6 $71,644 $71,644 $1,600 $1,152 $3,296 James Square Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Childrey 1804 211 1 70 55 45 50 $119,563 $99,159 $6,095 $4,022 $8,674 Jeffress Baptist Church Mr. Larry Propst 1913 29 6 25 15 0 0 $29,769 $29,769 $0 $0 $50 La Crosse Baptist Church Rev. Jonathan Susee 1921 249 1 35 30 28 72 $72,432 $58,848 $5,933 $3,916 $13,147 Lawrenceville Baptist Church Rev. Monty Raney 1886 125 3 75 100 30 13 $131,423 $120,662 $4,163 $2,997 $7,322 Liberty Baptist Church Rev. Gene Burris 1844 168 1 25 10 0 0 $92,451 $86,451 $4,679 $3,369 $6,319 Mount Horeb Baptist Church Rev. Arthur C. Wells Jr. 1855 132 0 28 28 90 35 $61,171 $56,846 $1,200 $864 $2,898 Mount Vernon Baptist Church Rev. Earnie R. Taylor 1820 164 1 40 28 50 0 $69,255 $66,895 $1,300 $715 $2,274 New Hope Baptist Church Rev. Michael L. 1874 270 2 60 55 62 247 $138,320 $123,431 $13,846 $9,969 $17,737 Reynolds Olive Branch Baptist Church Dr. Wayne Guynn 1879 636 12 250 190 185 162 $339,737 $295,901 $43,003 $28,382 $48,019 Reedy Creek Baptist Church Rev. Dennis R. 1776 60 0 30 20 0 9 $34,422 $34,422 $1,000 $1,000 $1,633 Joyner Sanford Memorial Baptist Rev. John Alford 1912 173 5 75 55 106 34 $100,469 $92,574 $6,574 $4,733 $11,282 Church Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. Tim C. Irving 1879 185 0 90 83 60 2 $126,218 $112,494 $2,718 $1,957 $3,738 Union Chapel Baptist Church Pastor 1908 266 0 60 52 28 5 $92,066 $89,796 $8,662 $1,473 $12,545 Union Level Baptist Church Pastor 1911 54 0 13 5 0 59 $17,678 $16,493 $0 $0 $0 Warfi eld Baptist Church Pastor 1905 100 2 35 25 25 0 $39,996 $37,624 $575 $380 $1,459 Wylliesburg Baptist Church Rev. Thomas E. Bryant 1883 222 0 34 31 35 50 $66,527 $51,912 $800 $528 $1,155 Totals 6,217 53 1,866 1,390 1,323 2,025 $2,955,095 $2,522,008 $144,929 $90,879 $218,486

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 295 ACP COMPILATIONS DAN RIVER Organized October 5, 1837

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Aaron’s Creek Baptist Church Rev. Joseph L. 1845 181 5 70 60 58 120 $150,874 $117,984 $9,625 $6,353 $13,620 McDowell Alton Baptist Church Rev. Glen B. Lutz 1909 261 1 60 66 32 152 $82,851 $77,726 $4,800 $3,168 $9,920 Arbor Baptist Church Rev. Larry J. Davis Jr. 1785 260 0 75 17 36 22 $57,222 $55,763 $700 $504 $878 Ash Avenue Baptist Church Pastor 1952 368 2 92 63 123 62 $210,414 $168,168 $12,031 $8,662 $20,530 Beth Car Baptist Church Rev. Alvin Marguerat 1843 226 2 60 50 0 25 $0 $0 $500 $360 $1,555 Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Greg Smith 1887 520 5 75 87 65 11 $152,000 $140,000 $9,600 $6,912 $11,624 Black Walnut Baptist Church Rev. Raymond Wooten 1824 480 8 123 99 162 339 $103,773 $100,925 $0 $0 $2,750 Buffalo Baptist Church Rev. Alfred W. 1941 47 0 6 16 0 0 $23,878 $19,316 $300 $216 $300 Rimmer Catawba Baptist Church Rev. Lee R. Davis 1773 202 0 31 23 14 0 $36,659 $34,558 $0 $0 $0 Childrey Baptist Church Rev. Jerry W. Stanfi eld 1785 540 5 130 125 175 211 $219,939 $170,988 $19,223 $13,841 $24,089 Clover Bottom Baptist Church Rev. Joseph C. Lively 1887 377 0 48 55 58 20 $89,667 $84,557 $3,088 $2,038 $5,345 County Line Baptist Church Rev. Michael McDowell 1771 47 0 50 25 40 $13,000 $4,000 $2,000 $7,474 Crystal Hill Baptist Church Rev. Chris Sorenson 1905 130 0 23 12 0 0 $19,594 $18,480 $1,000 $700 $1,662 Dan River Baptist Church Rev. Douglas Gibson 1802 597 2 169 120 231 46 $313,186 $294,079 $32,963 $23,733 $42,047 Ellis Creek Baptist Church Rev. Dib Mills 1811 135 2 30 33 27 0 $34,704 $30,358 $2,000 $1,320 $2,251 First Baptist Church of Rev. Shelton Miles III 1802 298 1 50 66 42 4 $136,084 $99,269 $11,153 $8,030 $14,604 Republican Grove First Baptist Church of South Rev. David A. Anderson 1882 585 4 166 102 70 57 $386,450 $354,259 $17,000 $12,240 $21,360 Boston First Cross Roads Baptist Church Rev. R. Daniel Ward 1814 181 2 65 51 30 140 $157,214 $128,456 $16,912 $11,162 $18,521 Halifax Baptist Church Rev. Eddie Collins 1902 157 0 75 47 80 0 $22,725 $22,725 $1,875 $938 $4,836 Hitesburg Baptist Church Rev. Michael Riley 1918 186 5 65 55 82 27 $215,297 $197,080 $3,150 $2,079 $4,970 Hunting Creek Baptist Church Rev. Sean McGuire 1775 287 3 55 50 59 105 $103,568 $97,453 $6,400 $4,224 $9,320 Mount Vernon Baptist Church Rev. William E. 1836 120 0 25 17 40 10 $55,000 $25,000 $400 $288 $6,050 Wilkins Mulberry Baptist Church Rev. David L. Hanks 1874 152 0 41 33 42 86 $62,754 $46,143 $2,637 $1,899 $2,902 Nelson Baptist Church Rev. Donald Wilson 1893 353 2 75 55 47 30 $127,247 $120,519 $4,000 $2,880 $6,726 North Fork Baptist Church Rev. David C. 1874 251 5 90 76 144 433 $114,357 $108,520 $1,375 $990 $5,010 Murdock Sr. Rodgers Chapel Baptist Church Rev. Aubrey Heath 1894 79 0 38 28 0 24 $73,970 $66,981 $10,353 $6,833 $16,318 Scottsburg Baptist Church Rev. Brian Smutz 1779 146 80 60 37 $118,541 $106,376 $9,000 $5,940 $12,923 Winns Creek Baptist Church Rev. James Kopco 1773 252 2 70 45 45 54 $183,636 $169,291 $6,000 $3,960 $6,902 Totals 7,418 56 1,937 1,536 1,739 1,978 $3,251,604 $2,867,974 $190,086 $131,270 $274,486

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 296 ACP COMPILATIONS DOVER Organized 1783

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Antioch Baptist Church Rev. John Johnson 1776 370 1 90 60 185 231 $179,181 $158,735 $2,250 $1,620 $3,896 Arabic Baptist Church Rev. Reda Gergis 1983 $150 $108 $150 Atlee Community Church Rev. Jeff Boggess 1997 580 91 890 588 70 168 $1,606,931 $1,578,794 $10,000 $7,200 $17,000 - Atlee Community Church - Dr. Samuel F. 1891 $0 $0 $0 Northminster Campus Williams Jr. - Atlee Community Church - Mr. Trey Critzer $0 $0 $0 Scottsville Campus - Atlee Community Church - Mr. Thomas Vecchione 2014 $0 $0 $0 Virtual Campus - Atlee Community Church- Rev. Mike Abbamonte $0 $0 $0 West End Campus Berea Baptist Church Rev. Larry Frakes 1846 $6,113 $4,402 $26,429 Beulah Baptist Church Dr. Charles E. Shepard 1812 298 3 84 65 78 76 $149,869 $125,696 $16,988 $12,231 $20,611 Biltmore Baptist Church Dr. Dennis L. Stamey 1929 487 6 90 47 86 38 $160,587 $138,470 $8,291 $5,970 $10,055 Black Creek Baptist Church Rev. Joe Kendrick 1777 169 15 88 68 65 930 $195,236 $195,236 $4,845 $2,423 $8,874 Broadus Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Phillip S. Peacock 1895 829 20 357 287 60 500 $928,895 $764,522 $46,601 $31,922 $71,855 Colosse Baptist Church Rev. Stephen F. Smith 1852 405 7 175 123 198 300 $276,808 $198,439 $23,657 $17,033 $27,698 Cool Spring Baptist Church Dr. Bradley A. 1870 2,701 48 1,150 685 693 1,526 $3,062,466 $2,049,894 $207,386 $149,320 $344,901 Hoffman Corinth Baptist Church Rev. Benjamin A. 1877 496 10 205 171 69 76 $360,041 $285,902 $14,634 $10,536 $30,011 Caldwell Cornerstone Christian Church Rev. Les Redfern Jr. 2005 87 0 70 35 30 9 $9,600 $126,521 $600 $432 $600 Deep Run Baptist Church Rev. Rick J. Allison 1791 125 2 45 27 0 10 $104,072 $97,780 $4,336 $3,122 $6,042 Dover Baptist Church Rev. Todd D. Kube 1773 $13,306 $11,975 $17,340 Elon Baptist Church Rev. Randy Secrist 1856 $4,870 $3,214 $6,532 Emmaus Baptist Church Rev. Vallerie F. King 1776 $1,644 $1,184 $2,599 Faith Baptist Church Rev. Michael Hester 1977 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church of Ashland Rev. Joshua Hayden 1858 1,060 2 260 235 70 20 $946,054 $814,038 $83,971 $53,742 $89,425 First Baptist Church of West Rev. Jim Goebel 1873 545 3 70 65 10 370 $291,330 $271,590 $16,152 $11,629 $28,618 Point Fort Lee Baptist Church Rev. Michael Jordan 1920 651 2 120 70 75 245 $162,537 $145,474 $4,000 $2,880 $5,580 Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Rev. Sam Grozdanov 1781 283 11 150 110 100 150 $433,028 $385,995 $20,467 $13,514 $27,997 Glen Allen Baptist Church Dr. Timothy K. 1868 677 2 127 90 145 125 $286,457 $280,784 $23,477 $15,026 $25,187 Norman Goochland Baptist Church Dr. Dean R. Frazeur Jr. 1771 410 3 135 101 68 149 $270,904 $270,762 $29,922 $19,749 $45,213 Grace Chinese Baptist Church Rev. Daniel C. Chu 2005 137 12 120 90 50 65 $300,000 $285,000 $3,500 $2,310 $6,500 Grace Community Baptist Rev. Guy B. Holloway 1985 278 9 205 115 0 243 $577,325 $509,750 $12,575 $7,796 $29,757 Church Gwathmey Baptist Church Rev. Harlan W. Hutson 1892 80 2 65 55 26 15 $178,804 $161,967 $8,000 $5,760 $19,313 Hardy Central Baptist Church Rev. Sam King 1890 682 7 170 100 140 1 $319,402 $90,142 $19,181 $13,811 $22,625 Hebron Baptist Church Rev. J. R. Dockum 1854 53 3 15800$18,702 $17,514 $400 $264 $750 Hillcrest Baptist Church Dr. Clarke Hawkins 1984 290 6 82 44 28 45 $218,453 $192,099 $12,952 $9,066 $15,832 Hopewell Baptist Church Rev. Bob Lane 1842 185 1 118 64 43 20 $253,635 $190,293 $5,097 $2,549 $7,850 Hunton Baptist Church Rev. Frank Goare 1917 758 16 272 196 202 685 $512,541 $397,219 $18,300 $13,176 $27,485 Indian View Baptist Church Rev. Kenneth 1942 53 0 19048$19,000 $14,000 $0 $0 $0 Makela Kentwood Heights Baptist Rev. Dave A. Smith 1990 225 5 102 97 60 29 $294,943 $263,050 $13,066 $9,371 $16,364 Church Legacy Fellowship International Rev. Matthew Moore 2011 24 0 17 14 0 9 $14,910 $14,910 $500 $360 $500 Little Elam Baptist Church Rev. Frank M. Long Jr. 1886 1,126 3 180 50 140 0 $236,155 $236,055 $13,808 $9,942 $19,021 Mattaponi Indian Baptist Mr. Kevin Watkins 1932 42 2 25 20 0 16 $26,452 $20,018 $400 $288 $1,021 Church* Mechanicsville Baptist Church Dr. Timothy N. 1977 1,485 7 225 200 60 125 $586,524 $544,489 $67,222 $48,400 $83,142 Madison Mount Olivet Baptist Church Rev. Dale F. Ashley 1847 533 14 176 133 132 67 $616,373 $404,982 $42,429 $29,934 $68,509 Mount Pleasant Baptist Pastor 1776 $8,070 $5,810 $11,227 Church Mount Vernon Baptist Church Dr. Donald F. Runion 1860 $55,880 $40,234 $77,156 New Bethesda Baptist Church Rev. Todd W. Combee 1873 488 13 181 135 150 37 $545,478 $416,381 $53,672 $38,644 $62,894 New Highland Baptist Church Pastor 1998 765 7 266 184 210 579 $802,853 $538,140 $10,917 $7,860 $18,969 New Life Baptist Church Rev. Raleigh M. James 1975 351 22 88 40 62 0 $119,100 $111,000 $0 $0 $0 North Run Baptist Church Dr. Thomas M. 1832 731 9 210 235 95 11 $393,435 $326,138 $16,000 $11,520 $27,386 Gaskins Northside Baptist Church Dr. Jeff W. Scott 1907 215 6 125 91 32 107 $375,990 $329,305 $8,900 $6,360 $15,945 Oak Hall Baptist Church Rev. Matthew Fretwell 1903 170 14 77 42 55 0 $108,482 $45,187 $5,053 $3,335 $7,622

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 297 ACP COMPILATIONS Pamunkey Indian Baptist Church Pastor 1865 50 1 10 6 0 0 $11,000 $11,000 $400 $288 $630 Parham Road Baptist Church Rev. Spencer M. 1960 271 3 70 50 105 25 $223,707 $144,835 $1,147 $826 $2,947 Dillard Pioneer Baptist Church Rev. Paul R. Beith 1843 114 3 70 45 60 80 $209,652 $165,244 $9,327 $6,156 $17,622 Poplar Springs Baptist Church Rev. Stephen J. Crane 1913 437 4 100 95 45 44 $202,015 $0 $1,000 $720 $41,192 Rappahannock Indian Baptist Rev. Ronald Nicholls 1964 44 0 20800$17,097 $17,097 $0 $0 $300 Church Ridge Baptist Church Rev. Alan Ray 1878 397 1 128 106 76 340 $462,686 $373,554 $21,192 $13,067 $43,631 Samaria Baptist Church Rev. Jay Hurley 1901 685 4 125 150 123 15 $496,060 $496,060 $6,750 $4,860 $11,984 Second Liberty Baptist Church Rev. Joy M. Taylor 1866 $0 $0 $0 Shalom Baptist Church Rev. Mark D. Miller 1972 434 7 165 115 111 148 $392,791 $342,241 $24,135 $17,377 $27,795 Sharon Baptist Church Rev. Dan McFaden 1775 653 7 140 125 110 64 $261,315 $205,032 $15,665 $11,279 $17,645 Taylorsville Baptist Church Rev. Ted Dougherty 1841 $3,900 $2,808 $4,604 Tree Ridge Community Church Rev. Bradley T. 1996 $1,248 $824 $4,748 Harris Sr. Tsena Commocko Baptist Rev. Ed Preston 1922 107 1 50 16 68 10 $88,006 $79,597 $0 $0 $0 Church Walnut Grove Baptist Church Dr. Timothy W. 1841 965 1 237 192 0 207 $534,057 $450,431 $25,266 $18,192 $34,487 Borchert Western Hanover Church Rev. Terry M. Sharpe 2002 $700 $700 $800 Westhunt Baptist Church Rev. Anna P. Miller 1968 216 0 61 25 53 73 $140,801 $126,490 $2,587 $1,863 $4,717 Totals 23,217 416 8,020 5,673 4,242 7,991 $18,981,740 $15,407,852 $1,032,900 $724,978 $1,569,584

EAST RIVER Organized October 19, 1954

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Abbs Valley Baptist Church Rev. Paul E. Baker 1941 123 1 18 15 65 0 $16,838 $1,414 $686 $494 $686 Boissevain Baptist Church Rev. Reginald 1906 76 0 4 15 0 0 $50,164 $0 $2,400 $1,584 $4,065 Blakewood Bundys Chapel Baptist Church Rev. David A. Taylor 1872 218 1 61 32 72 0 $73,076 $65,296 $9,864 $6,511 $18,311 Clear Fork Baptist Church Rev. Philip Moran 1941 45 0 19400$12,515 $12,515 $600 $396 $600 College Avenue Baptist Church Pastor 1923 26 0 16002$29,682 $0 $100 $66 $250 First Baptist Church of Bluefi eld Mr. Shawn White 1889 225 2 125 65 75 30 $195,000 $0 $2,073 $1,492 $4,916 First Baptist Church of Princeton Dr. David W. Dockery 1840 775 5 220 163 120 0 $700,815 $589,623 $33,599 $22,175 $40,782 Laurel Fork Baptist Church Rev. Robert A. Walker 1905 154 0 39 27 19 0 $76,507 $72,432 $4,000 $2,640 $5,474 Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Bill Lykins 1900 327 1 100 55 0 92 $195,039 $169,875 $18,545 $13,352 $27,185 Parkview Baptist Church Mr. Jim Drake 1962 105 1 35 22 0 37 $91,827 $87,449 $10,043 $3,013 $13,286 Pocahontas Baptist Church Dr. Darrell L. Hunley 1882 70 8 35 24 28 30 $22,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $655 Tazewell Baptist Church Rev. James C. Steele 1889 215 3 55 25 35 0 $8,200 $0 $750 $540 $750 Totals 2,359 22 727 447 414 191 $1,471,663 $1,000,604 $82,660 $52,263 $116,960

FRANKLIN COUNTY MISSIONARY Organized November 26, 1956

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Beulah Baptist Church Rev. David Saleeba 1888 204 0 63 53 34 9 $850 $612 $1,182 Fairmont Baptist Church Rev. Leonard 1855 163 1 85 71 0 $91,127 $78,677 $3,545 $2,339 $4,159 Castleman Franklin Heights Baptist Church Dr. Stan G. Parris 1960 2,045 37 1,230 819 358 292 $2,490,988 $2,015,284 $63,163 $41,688 $63,163 - CrossPointe Church Mr. Doug Hayes $0 $0 $0 Gethsemane Baptist Church Rev. Curtis Nester 1983 30 0 15 12 0 1 $19,153 $18,800 $275 $105 $392 Glade Hill Baptist Church Rev. David R. Long 1855 436 8 196 1,533 $219,169 $174,639 $8,940 $5,544 $19,141 Halesford Baptist Church Rev. Melvin J. Harris 1856 1,201 9 433 252 150 35 $843,217 $706,318 $34,054 $22,476 $103,850 Iglesia Gracia Y Verdad Pastor 2006 15 0 14 14 0 0 $5,705 $5,514 $750 $540 $966 Mount Carmel Baptist Church Pastor 1908 163 5 48 36 0 1 $51,796 $50,735 $0 $0 $0 Providence Baptist Church Rev. Eugene Chitwood 1833 359 2 80 45 53 57 $62,344 $62,344 $700 $504 $1,287 Sandy Ridge Baptist Church Rev. Joseph E. Dillon 1894 470 9 180 76 101 82 $212,300 $192,966 $23,604 $16,995 $29,012 Story Creek Baptist Church Rev. Truley Trammell 1855 271 4 33 22 85 50 $53,658 $46,313 $0 $0 $0 Totals 5,357 75 2,181 1,400 977 2,060 $4,049,457 $3,351,590 $135,881 $90,803 $223,152

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 298 ACP COMPILATIONS FREDERICKSBURG AREA BAPTIST NETWORK Organized 1957

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Berea Baptist Church Rev. Phil Howard 1852 331 1 80 50 65 12 $36,274 $147,842 $2,687 $1,934 $8,863 Bethany Baptist Church Rev. Benjamin E. 1770 395 7 45 43 40 0 $88,000 $78,000 $3,342 $2,306 $9,254 Thomas Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Gary Limbrick 1890 216 21 165 115 75 180 $203,500 $180,175 $12,100 $2,057 $13,113 Chancellor Baptist Church Dr. Eric F. Goforth 1988 290 4 324 275 125 598 $824,200 $706,739 $63,960 $46,051 $77,158 Colonial Beach Baptist Church Rev. Patrick B. Walker 1897 595 1 108 105 113 0 $255,674 $218,594 $13,310 $9,569 $18,413 Community Baptist Church Rev. Dick Harmon 1966 230 1 65 26 45 0 $81,561 $77,779 $2,040 $1,346 $4,087 Emmanuel Korean Baptist Pastor 1993 $500 $500 $500 Church Fairview Baptist Church Rev. Willard L. Sawyer 1923 1,335 5 150 $1,542,668 $1,321,258 $48,070 $34,611 $75,545 - Fairview Baptist Church - Rev. Zac Ashley $18,455 $18,455 $18,570 River Club Falmouth Baptist Church Rev. Leslie A. Powers 1891 $7,678 $5,528 $11,078 Ferry Farm Baptist Church Rev. John D. Eure 1960 872 4 258 387 200 191 $1,045,852 $734,891 $39,800 $28,656 $57,701 Fredericksburg Baptist Church Rev. Larry Haun 1804 $4,500 $4,500 $51,863 Fredericksburg International Rev. Gil Diokno 2001 $3,600 $2,592 $3,600 Christian Church Gateway Community Church Rev. Norman Conner 2003 $0 $0 $0 Hulls Memorial Baptist Church Dr. Bland Campbell III 1888 418 0 108 60 48 8 $319,274 $277,889 $2,250 $2,250 $2,630 Joy of Living Water Church Rev. Young K. Lim 2010 47 18 34 30 18 $38,500 $0 $0 $0 Land of Promise Dr. James E. King 2000 $0 $0 $0 Massaponax Baptist Church Mr. Brian Hoffman 1788 230 7 70 65 120 0 $151,758 $128,834 $3,191 $2,106 $6,670 Montague Baptist Church Rev. Roger Woody 1889 190 6 38 20 12 28 $43,849 $40,217 $0 $0 $293 Mount Ararat Baptist Church Rev. Todd Gaston 1907 3,153 165 1,677 2,178 1,188 323 $5,585,124 $4,225,301 $45,400 $22,700 $60,150 New Destiny Baptist Church Rev. Joel Nelson 2010 202 160 130 70 $500 $360 $500 New Vision Kingdom of God Rev. Aaron S. 2010 $0 $0 $0 Ministries Anderson Ni River Community Church Mr. Travis Pauley 1999 $0 $0 $0 North Stafford Baptist Church Rev. James 1986 $0 $0 $0 Muhlenkamp Oakland Baptist Church Rev. Clifford L. Hedges 1885 $11,000 $7,260 $21,336 Pathway Church Rev. Dave Hockney, Jr. 2009 $100 $33 $100 Real Life Community Church Rev. William D. 2005 110 5 95 50 0 55 $169,000 $139,000 $3,000 $2,160 $3,000 Tillman Sr. Rhema Christian Ministry Rev. Dr. Sabrina $100 $72 $100 St. Clair Richland Baptist Church Rev. James H. Bethany 1889 126 5 122 114 63 63 $593,635 $482,405 $7,794 $5,612 $10,250 Round Hill Baptist Church Rev. Ted A. James 1820 555 12 214 164 42 319 $7,300 $4,818 $9,190 Round Oak Baptist Church Dr. Randolph M. 1840 942 9 251 245 198 2,576 $455,782 $335,495 $8,000 $5,280 $17,946 Newsome Salem Baptist Church Rev. Dale P. Seley 1843 373 5 255 165 150 115 $349,087 $294,282 $9,291 $3,716 $17,588 Shiloh Baptist Church Pastor 1856 536 5 152 214 206 705 $464,969 $367,371 $21,834 $15,721 $31,643 Shiloh Old Site Baptist Church Dr. Aaron L. Dobynes Sr. 1854 $0 $0 $0 Sylvania Heights Baptist Church Rev. Paul R. Harfst 1941 250 10 80 50 74 17 $108,363 $108,243 $6,500 $4,290 $6,500 Two Rivers Baptist Church Rev. Peyton W. 2001 132 1 61 32 26 201 $165,689 $110,963 $3,953 $2,846 $4,705 Wiltshire Vision Community Church Rev. Ron D. Willis 2007 $0 $0 $0 Wilderness Baptist Church Rev. Amos W. Healy 1778 286 1 82 65 89 390 $256,406 $238,238 $4,500 $3,240 $12,559 Zoan Baptist Church Rev. Jason R. Booth 1853 $500 $500 $3,538 Totals 11,814 293 4,444 4,583 3,117 5,781 $12,779,165 $10,213,516 $355,255 $241,070 $558,443

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 299 ACP COMPILATIONS GOSHEN Organized October 11, 1792

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Antioch Baptist Church Dr. Terry L. Green 1833 271 4 36 40 0 13 $55,106 $47,942 $4,954 $3,567 $5,989 Berea Baptist Church Mr. Barry Higgins 1795 72 1 45 25 37 68 $58,524 $9,183 $200 $132 $670 Blue Ridge Shores Baptist Dr. Steven Whetzel 1974 52 6 35 15 0 20 $40,989 $33,787 $3,056 $2,200 $3,442 Church Church of the Comforter Pastor 1770 15 0 8400$29,597 $29,437 $3,792 $2,730 $3,902 Craigs Baptist Church Rev. John W. Swain 1767 76 1 70 55 35 0 $170,155 $170,155 $0 $0 $0 Crossroads Community Church Rev. Bruce W. Hunter 2007 70 0 60 30 0 45 $121,480 $100,473 $1,570 $1,570 $1,570 Dogwood Baptist Church Rev. Robert L. 1971 151 0 45 40 15 85 $73,638 $62,216 $2,000 $1,320 $4,625 Bowers Jr. Elk Creek Baptist Church Dr. Lynwood B. 1813 55 4 60 8 0 50 $71,550 $71,550 $2,750 $1,980 $7,828 Jenkins Gordonsville Baptist Church Rev. R. Wayne Collis 1859 512 4 126 74 105 22 $283,994 $230,949 $35,378 $10,614 $45,396 Iglesia Cristiana Cordero de Rev. Felix Foronda 2009 $0 $0 $0 Dios* Louisa Baptist Church Rev. Larry G. Hoyle 1829 426 7 200 120 110 366 $438,970 $367,062 $10,960 $7,877 $20,187 Mechanicsville Baptist Church Dr. G. Theodore 1828 328 7 125 88 90 112 $209,072 $190,880 $21,726 $15,580 $26,851 Williams Mine Road Baptist Church Pastor 1791 312 8 74 43 84 10 $82,717 $61,511 $1,200 $864 $1,886 Mineral Baptist Church Dr. Michael Durham 1903 426 14 270 230 178 175 $544,000 $473,632 $20,935 $15,073 $33,346 Mount Gilead Baptist Church Dr. James E. Riddell 1831 347 3 80 85 73 125 $136,616 $104,056 $5,118 $3,685 $5,898 Mount Hermon Baptist Church Rev. James M. Eure 1812 84 2 40 28 0 0 $22,798 $22,798 $400 $288 $1,000 New Hope Baptist Church Rev. Shaw Henson 1851 135 7 100 52 90 0 $143,993 $121,177 $4,000 $2,880 $7,144 North Pamunkey Baptist Church Dr. Bryan Harris 1774 402 6 50 61 123 30 $129,000 $108,000 $13,056 $8,617 $17,376 Oakland Baptist Church Rev. Randy Rains 1854 304 2 85 70 66 182 $169,280 $145,823 $11,108 $7,998 $17,302 Orange Baptist Church Rev. Richard L. Clore 1854 462 0 132 105 72 25 $453,261 $294,047 $3,481 $3,462 $5,104 Perkins Baptist Church Rev. Timothy R. Wilson 1851 279 3 47 33 71 37 $121,954 $98,591 $4,000 $2,880 $5,000 Rhoadesville Baptist Church Rev. Nancy S. McDaniel 1888 365 1 132 89 111 48 $229,358 $191,290 $2,600 $1,872 $9,394 Smyrna Baptist Church Dr. Mike Walters 1776 181 8 61 29 0 16 $78,045 $68,380 $1,200 $864 $2,650 St Mark Baptist Church Rev. Gregory 1873 300 4 125 80 120 31 $205,815 $143,642 $0 $0 $0 Washington Thornburg Baptist Church Rev. Danny W. Lester 1989 50 1 40 15 20 0 $41,880 $41,880 $507 $507 $507 Trinity Baptist Church Rev. William W. 1863 110 0 30 20 0 98 $36,247 $35,237 $550 $396 $1,098 Catlett Waldrop Baptist Church Rev. Hubert R. Hart 1883 30 2 17607$26,230 $26,230 $475 $342 $475 Wallers Baptist Church Rev. James R. Graham 1769 531 4 71 63 32 145 $111,324 $103,295 $2,507 $1,805 $3,283 Zoar Baptist Church Rev. Kurt Buchanan 1805 173 5 57 44 0 0 $112,047 $99,824 $2,500 $1,800 $3,571 Totals 6,519 104 2,221 1,552 1,432 1,710 $4,197,640 $3,453,047 $160,024 $100,903 $235,495

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 300 ACP COMPILATIONS HENRY COUNTY Organized October 11, 1792

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Axton Baptist Church Rev. Tony Lundy 1886 179 1 66 36 25 3 $91,830 $86,184 $2,000 $1,440 $2,190 Blackberry Baptist Church Rev. Eric Kieselbach 1853 383 5 102 67 35 55 $126,758 $114,467 $2,000 $1,320 $3,133 Chatham Heights Baptist Church Rev. Mike Hatfi eld 1944 598 0 200 149 74 117 $341,726 $269,742 $11,211 $8,072 $18,075 Fairview Baptist Church Rev. Michael Dyer 1910 $0 $0 $0 Fairway Baptist Church Rev. Kirk Montgomery 1983 150 0 90 50 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fieldale Baptist Church Rev. Allen Jackson 1919 208 0 48 48 2 0 $117,844 $111,224 $2,292 $1,650 $3,413 First Baptist Church of Rev. Larry Cheek 1941 759 6 238 270 175 529 $589,131 $479,936 $54,996 $27,496 $79,443 Collinsville First Baptist Church of Rev. John Fulcher 1884 760 4 110 67 50 17 $826,709 $405,908 $9,000 $6,480 $15,270 Martinsville First Baptist Church of Ridgeway Rev. Wayne F. Johnson 1892 302 4 125 90 100 20 $179,422 $168,956 $7,922 $5,704 $10,953 Fontaine Baptist Church Rev. Andrew Shanks 1919 479 1 62 45 0 56 $112,107 $99,032 $4,278 $3,191 $5,640 Fort Trial Baptist Church Dr. Joseph H. McNeill 1933 667 6 233 153 232 38 $438,439 $382,280 $31,178 $20,578 $50,044 Fuller Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Fred Hardin Jr. 1941 78 2 30 12 50 2 $0 $105,865 $3,300 $2,178 $4,725 Grace Baptist Church Rev. Dennis Wingate 1961 51 3 40 33 0 14 $117,978 $94,819 $800 $528 $1,794 Greenwood Baptist Church Rev. Mark A. Redd 1925 237 9 65 41 53 1 $32,000 $0 $200 $144 $200 Hillcrest Baptist Church Rev. Derek Futrell 1969 1,108 10 375 217 252 83 $688,060 $606,185 $3,335 $1,667 $3,335 Kearfott Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Robert Thurman 1947 49 0 35 18 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Lone Oak Baptist Church Rev. Palmer W. Lowery 1906 131 1 75 23 35 0 $74,420 $34,177 $300 $198 $300 Mayo Baptist Church Rev. Ricky Bates 1844 108 5 57 42 39 56 $52,361 $30,426 $200 $144 $570 McCabe Memorial Baptist Dr. George H. 1940 582 0 98 80 141 6 $128,387 $126,173 $9,395 $6,764 $13,137 Church Vaughan Jr. Mount Vernon Baptist Church Rev. Michael A. Jordan 1839 328 1 97 100 120 3 $212,068 $153,528 $21,574 $13,808 $34,351 New Vision Baptist Church Rev. J. K. Reynolds 1990 117 1 45 25 0 15 $79,050 $73,595 $924 $665 $924 Oak Level Baptist Church Rev. Joseph H. Glass 1937 238 2 45 30 22 4 $68,210 $59,692 $6,317 $4,548 $9,104 One Accord Baptist Church Rev. Phillip W. Woods 1993 308 4 62 30 48 15 $104,832 $85,132 $0 $0 $0 Orchard Drive Baptist Church Rev. Benjamin Sturgis 1993 412 8 60 57 55 60 $108,487 $96,669 $3,037 $2,062 $3,057 Pocahontas Bassett Baptist Rev. Jim T. Hewitt 1940 293 0 50 30 0 602 $6,920 $4,982 $12,938 Church Shiloh Missionary Rev. John W. Tinsley 1903 614 7 235 85 125 $400 $280 $400 Starling Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Dennis Knight 1935 496 3 110 142 0 176 $321,924 $276,495 $11,708 $11,708 $14,982 Trinity Baptist Church Rev. James H. Steele 1874 104 4 61 70 75 10 $131,097 $114,358 $6,754 $4,863 $10,903 Villa Heights Baptist Church Rev. Keith Spangenberg 1960 295 0 42 34 0 3 $98,115 $90,275 $3,968 $3,151 $5,954 Totals 10,034 87 2,856 2,044 1,708 1,885 $5,040,955 $4,065,118 $204,009 $133,621 $304,833

HERMON Organized September 1902

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bethel Baptist Church Pastor 1800 $500 $330 $1,253 Bowling Green Baptist Church Rev. Greg Webber 1887 306 14 129 62 78 27 $268,979 $241,588 $10,743 $7,735 $15,651 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Melvin T. 1897 $0 $0 $0 Covington Jr. Carmel Baptist Church Rev. Gerald Castlebury 1773 160 0 65 20 0 0 $79,000 $75,000 $1,500 $1,080 $1,500 Concord Baptist Church Rev. Kevin B. Moen 1841 335 3 100 70 70 51 $199,486 $164,467 $18,542 $13,351 $20,582 County Line Baptist Church Rev. David P. Williamson 1784 426 8 149 79 116 144 $278,989 $239,464 $17,379 $13,034 $25,363 Enon Baptist Church Rev. Guy D. Mattox Jr. 1820 52 0 19 11 0 1 $47,373 $38,621 $5,412 $3,572 $7,616 Ladysmith Baptist Church Mr. Curtis Dalton 1952 593 0 210 80 $0 $0 $0 Ladysmith Hispanic Plant* Rev. Eduardo Negron $0 $0 $0 Mt Hermon Baptist Church Pastor 1872 70 0 30 15 0 1 $1 $1 $282 Salem Baptist Church Rev. Kevin C. James 1802 140 $30,000 $21,600 $36,499 Totals 1,942 25 702 337 404 224 $873,827 $759,140 $84,077 $60,702 $108,746

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 301 ACP COMPILATIONS HIGHLANDS Organized September 1902

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Angels Rest Baptist Fellowship Rev. Craig Whittaker 1995 $0 $0 $600 Austinville Baptist Church Rev. Jason N. Aker 1919 $499 $359 $539 Belspring Baptist Church Rev. Darrell Linkous 1888 $455 $300 $944 Blacksburg Baptist Church Dr. Tommy McDearis 1852 $25,000 $17,984 $27,786 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Randy McDaniel 1983 $688 $495 $1,310 Cambria Baptist Church Rev. Keith Crowgey 1882 583 0 95 73 55 33 $297,092 $185,978 $8,994 $5,576 $19,355 Castle Rock Baptist Church Mr. Gary Poff 1992 203 14 90 35 47 110 $91,660 $90,317 $3,990 $2,633 $4,995 Dublin Baptist Church Rev. Dennis V. Jones 1949 608 1 140 85 168 234 $256,616 $238,183 $13,085 $8,636 $21,257 Fairlawn Baptist Church Rev. Jim Baucom Sr. 1943 476 3 110 85 75 0 $211,687 $178,717 $11,886 $8,558 $15,045 First Baptist Church of Narrows Rev. Jerry Sawyers 1903 268 8 125 75 95 225 $138,436 $121,290 $6,463 $4,265 $6,613 First Baptist Church of Pulaski Rev. Aaron Smith 1888 $1,294 $854 $1,886 First Baptist Church of Radford Rev. Paul A. Lane 1886 $22,627 $22,627 $31,785 First Baptist Church of Rich Rev. Jason Smith 1935 $1,500 $1,080 $2,798 Creek Grace Fellowship Rev. Doug Ballew 2007 $5,281 $3,486 $5,281 Korean Baptist Church of Rev. Dong Jin Lim 1983 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $1,200 $792 $1,200 Blacksburg Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Michael S. Jones 1953 159 0 76 76 0 0 $211,854 $211,854 $7,763 $5,124 $7,763 New Hope Baptist Chapel Rev. Terry Henley 1962 $250 $180 $250 North Fork Baptist Church Rev. Rusty P. Mullins Jr. 1892 296 8 45 25 3 0 $91,194 $58,937 $5,000 $3,600 $6,176 Pearisburg Baptist Church* Rev. Jamie Hyden 1858 $200 $132 $200 Sunny Hills Baptist Church Rev. Alan C. Wilder 1999 $5,500 $3,960 $5,500 Trinity Baptist Church Rev. Johnny Howlett 1958 $6,747 $4,858 $8,752 Wayside Mission Pastor 1953 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $403 $290 $923 Wytheville Baptist Church Rev. Danny W. Collins 1883 268 3 103 78 40 321 $306,215 $240,749 $14,222 $10,240 $18,519 Totals 2,861 37 784 532 483 923 $1,604,754 $1,326,025 $143,046 $106,030 $189,475

JAMES RIVER Organized 1832

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Antioch Baptist Church Rev. David G. Vogt 1858 306 7 115 103 160 5 $195,574 $156,308 $6,000 $4,320 $8,310 Antioch Union Baptist Church Mr. William A. Wood Jr. 1894 90 0 60 30 58 10 $63,792 $62,060 $750 $540 $750 Arvon Baptist Church Rev. Troy Hickman 1895 130 4 16900$50,886 $47,175 $1,000 $720 $1,000 Buckingham Baptist Church Rev. Doug Adams 1771 222 5 65 35 73 230 $93,949 $93,949 $8,000 $5,760 $13,773 Cedar Baptist Church Rev. Thomas 1855 251 5 80 52 112 160 $121,902 $111,041 $10,439 $6,890 $12,579 Armstrong Chestnut Grove Baptist Church Rev. Russell Threet 1823 144 4 68 28 52 120 $73,837 $70,850 $1,600 $1,056 $3,205 Enon Baptist Church Pastor 1832 106 4 40 17 0 88 $49,887 $43,053 $300 $216 $600 First Baptist Church of Dillwyn Rev. John R. Moxley 1903 271 2 145 119 126 369 $264,553 $196,961 $17,670 $12,722 $19,150 Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist Rev. Robert B. 1928 204 0 55 35 53 25 $104,144 $104,144 $10,980 $7,906 $12,386 Church Beasley Sr. Fork of Willis Baptist Church Rev. Keith H. Parker 1856 68 0 25 10 0 16 $21,350 $20,723 $0 $0 $0 Gladstone Memorial Baptist Dr. James Fetty 1892 82 0 25 16 0 0 $37,105 $32,498 $1,200 $864 $1,535 Church Goshen Baptist Church Rev. Timothy Scott 1858 138 1 25 8 46 10 $58,999 $6,252 $4,501 $11,284 Jones Chapel Rev. James A. 1912 132 0 60 35 55 35 $72,677 $66,778 $5,804 $4,179 $6,634 Thompson Mt Tabor Baptist Church Rev. Stephen P. 1886 127 0 36 16 0 25 $50,292 $39,577 $0 $0 $0 Donahue Mt Zion Baptist Church Dr. Thomas L. Reynolds 1836 188 3 59 45 77 245 $124,799 $107,994 $2,250 $1,620 $5,605 Mulberry Grove Baptist Church Rev. Michael Khol 1786 174 0 65 50 44 383 $109,545 $100,295 $8,700 $6,264 $11,655 Sharon Baptist Church Rev. Perry D. Clore 1835 124 1 45 30 12 315 $80,876 $77,317 $2,230 $1,605 $2,735 Tar Wallet Baptist Church Rev. Robert Johansen 1843 67 0 40 55 60 90 $48,858 $39,858 $500 $330 $660 Totals 2,824 36 1,024 693 928 2,126 $1,623,025 $1,370,581 $83,674 $59,493 $111,861

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 302 ACP COMPILATIONS LEBANON Organized May 1846

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Abingdon Baptist Church Dr. Steven W. Pollard 1910 803 2 175 130 90 375 $441,188 $408,846 $41,344 $29,683 $65,965 Carmi Baptist Church Rev. John A. Pruett 1894 42 0 10700$33,919 $33,919 $0 $0 $2,870 Deer Valley Baptist Church Mr. Billy Frazier 1979 35 0 16 10 10 14 $17,632 $16,830 $1,474 $1,062 $2,127 East Bristol Baptist Church Rev. Daniel Birchfi eld 1961 354 4 83 41 40 529 $136,260 $123,778 $5,597 $700 $9,735 East End Baptist Church Rev. Timothy A. 1938 150 5 64 28 22 5 $39,035 $39,035 $3,054 $2,077 $5,984 Parker Fellowship Baptist Church Rev. Chad Johnson 1986 225 0 85 59 80 1 $130,954 $122,652 $2,453 $1,521 $3,010 First Baptist Church of Bristol Rev. Ronnie Brewer 1859 602 5 175 125 50 554 $654,963 $468,894 $3,300 $3,300 $11,291 Friendship Baptist Church Rev. J. David Gary 1842 94 0 65 40 57 24 $117,139 $87,882 $4,479 $3,225 $11,616 Glade Spring Baptist Church Rev. Robert 1875 69 0 45 25 53 1 $485,094 $68,840 $7,623 $5,031 $11,177 Blankenship Greenfi eld Baptist Church Rev. John Stapleton 1865 178 0 40 22 45 11 $61,968 $48,548 $0 $0 $2,821 Grosses Creek Baptist Church Rev. George Jessee 1895 $0 $0 $900 Highlands Fellowship Church Rev. Allen Jessee 1995 3,133 294 3,579 1,521 456 2,467 $4,909,644 $3,971,994 $18,000 $14,640 $24,000 - Highlands Fellowship - Rev. J.R. Linkous $0 $0 $0 Online Campus - Highlands Fellowship Rev. Steve Robinson $0 $0 $0 Church - Bristol Campus - Highlands Fellowship Mr. Winston Johnson $0 $0 $0 Church - Johnson City Campus - Highlands Fellowship Mr. David Cross $0 $0 $0 Church - Marion Campus - Highlands Fellowship Rev. Jeff Rolen 2014 $0 $0 $0 Church - Wise Campus Marion Baptist Church Rev. Darrell B. Fletcher 1845 755 1 150 73 96 49 $286,700 $266,680 $3,999 $2,863 $5,149 Mendota Baptist Church Dr. Joseph Durant 1881 $0 $0 $0 Midway Baptist Church Rev. Dexter Terry 1964 297 1 35 20 34 0 $63,395 $52,468 $1,320 $950 $2,888 Mountain View Baptist Church Rev. Sherrell Dunn 1842 381 0 65 46 100 32 $95,565 $72,226 $3,000 $1,980 $12,353 Norfolk Avenue Baptist Church Rev. David R. Sizemore 1979 40 0 40 25 30 99 $38,241 $38,241 $285 $205 $1,455 Riverside Baptist Church Rev. Edward A. Fisher 1883 233 0 50 35 48 65 $60,861 $48,502 $3,555 $2,560 $5,706 Scenic Park Baptist Church Mr. Ronald G. Gilbert 1953 35 0 9903$33,996 $30,541 $2,273 $1,500 $3,338 Totals 7,426 312 4,686 2,216 1,211 4,229 $7,606,554 $5,899,876 $101,755 $71,295 $182,385

LYNCHBURG Organized October 19, 1965

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Louis T. 1964 660 6 278 150 188 3,542 $554,337 $543,285 $71,384 $46,564 $100,980 Beckwith, Jr. Calvary Korean Baptist Church Rev. Kwangsu Kim 2007 $0 $0 $0 Chestnut Hill Baptist Church Rev. Phillip W. Bailey 1947 685 0 90 76 65 2 $287,334 $259,322 $3,600 $2,592 $11,471 College Hill Baptist Church Rev. Andrew P. Grose 1876 344 3 43 36 91 $186,131 $155,284 $3,000 $2,160 $6,949 Elon Baptist Church Rev. Steve D. Tyree 1877 386 10 110 85 82 10 $198,323 $170,967 $14,104 $7,052 $17,083 First Baptist Church of Lynchburg Rev. Paul Dakin 1815 65 2 35 16 $94,134 $77,602 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church of Monroe Rev. Glynn A. Coleman 1898 453 2 155 118 75 370 $279,847 $236,841 $9,200 $6,624 $13,651 Flat Creek Baptist Church Rev. Earnest G. Carey Jr. 1831 376 2 67 57 78 231 $144,917 $132,648 $6,569 $4,730 $14,672 Inglewood Baptist Church Rev. Kathy P. Nicholls 1908 56 0 30 16 0 30 $49,943 $48,348 $1,200 $840 $1,809 Jericho Baptist Church Dr. Charles W. 1977 131 1 65 33 168 1 $46,975 $33,000 $0 $0 $0 Dunning II Keystone Baptist Church Dr. Bruce Queen 1973 311 3 82 68 29 97 $153,662 $136,406 $1,751 $1,261 $5,376 Leawood Baptist Church Rev. Lenn E. Lloyd 1969 50 0 25000$39,864 $39,691 $102 $67 $243 Madison Heights Baptist Church Rev. Todd Blake 1891 $27,597 $19,870 $32,941 Randolph Memorial Baptist Dr. Derik Hamby 1956 680 5 206 105 62 154 $304,404 $282,450 $10,969 $7,897 $13,710 Church Rivermont Avenue Baptist Rev. Glen Land 1896 798 5 150 125 0 53 $517,123 $450,077 $11,811 $7,386 $15,124 Church Rustburg Baptist Church Rev. W. Richard Cole 1902 373 3 65 40 15 57 $100,957 $83,447 $400 $288 $2,434 Sandusky Baptist Church Rev. Ed Vogt 1902 453 2 110 114 65 58 $157,140 $131,758 $2,369 $1,706 $4,599 West Lynchburg Baptist Church Dr. Robert A. Putt 1905 1,392 12 300 340 280 166 $778,530 $659,107 $63,847 $19,154 $115,662 Yellow Branch Baptist Church Rev. Timothy N. Wilde 1965 $35,864 $24,409 $447 $295 $492 Zion Hill Baptist Church* Rev. Claude L. Gunn 1906 44 2 16602$15,030 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals 7,257 58 1,827 1,385 1,198 4,773 $3,944,515 $3,464,642 $228,349 $128,486 $357,196

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 303 ACP COMPILATIONS MID-TIDEWATER Organized June 30, 1959

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Beech Grove Baptist Church Rev. George R. Robbins 1904 $2,500 $1,800 $5,637 Beulah Baptist Church Rev. Tom Cohick 1875 133 3 65 40 27 52 $106,346 $102,896 $1,540 $1,109 $2,676 Bruington Baptist Church Dr. Roger M. Collier 1790 150 3 46 41 15 40 $128,571 $99,044 $9,992 $7,194 $14,204 Glebe Landing Baptist Church Rev. Gene Cumbia 1772 168 5 50 30 30 10 $69,167 $46,900 $2,561 $1,921 $4,017 Gwynn’s Island Baptist Church Dr. Edward Jordan 1874 243 5 75 55 22 230 $122,704 $122,704 $4,050 $2,772 $5,112 Harmony Grove Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Schrum 1859 569 4 85 70 70 4 $231,343 $200,656 $11,796 $11,796 $22,289 Hermitage Baptist Church Mr. Edward Harrow Jr. 1789 352 2 100 59 143 263 $178,870 $157,085 $17,818 $15,074 $30,394 Iglesia Bautista El Camino Mr. Pedro Burgos 2000 7 0 19 12 0 4 $12,241 $0 $420 $277 $420 Lower King and Queen Rev. David Medlen 1772 99 1 31 22 0 51 $63,744 $62,104 $1,313 $945 $2,458 Baptist Church Macedonia Baptist Church Rev. Jay M. Butcher Jr. 1886 130 4 30 32 46 99 $90,785 $78,457 $1,873 $1,349 $6,632 Mathews Baptist Church Rev. Brian E. Kramer 1776 483 6 140 127 113 215 $332,888 $262,499 $24,490 $15,184 $36,438 Mattaponi Baptist Church Rev. David Anthony 1785 62 0 32 16 0 0 $63,000 $56,000 $600 $432 $1,970 New Freedom Worship Center Rev. Walter L. 1992 $1,200 $864 $1,200 McKibbon New Hope Fellowship Church Dr. Leonard L. Edloe 2010 $700 $504 $700 New Hope Memorial Baptist Rev. Dan Grantham 1929 91 2 55 18 28 0 $75,067 $70,698 $1,353 $974 $2,023 Church Newington Baptist Church Rev. Michael R. Gray 1873 406 17 176 109 133 31 $470,971 $390,835 $13,875 $9,252 $34,273 Olivet Baptist Church Rev. David Medlen 1842 103 0 31 34 0 1 $81,003 $73,862 $2,000 $1,440 $3,230 Poroporone Baptist Church Rev. J. Douglas Davis 1887 315 11 115 82 186 60 $164,759 $148,123 $22,021 $15,855 $27,771 Saluda Baptist Church Dr. Jerry M. Haywood 1842 119 0 46 26 0 14 $92,638 $80,462 $5,000 $3,600 $7,500 Spring Hill Baptist Church Rev. Charles E. 1874 117 0 50 40 10 10 $74,187 $48,422 $8,500 $4,250 $13,105 McDaniel St Stephens Baptist Church Rev. Mark T. Holland 1842 199 0 52 12 52 2 $90,196 $86,210 $4,311 $4,311 $7,696 Urbanna Baptist Church Rev. Jonathan H. Davis 1888 219 6 70 45 35 39 $535,927 $173,291 $13,973 $10,060 $24,347 Westville Baptist Church Rev. Daniel Wood 1878 29 2 25 14 0 5 $64,275 $4,500 $1,100 $792 $2,831 Zoar Baptist Church Rev. John H. Snow 1808 351 0 170 110 68 220 $330,623 $224,803 $32,117 $26,656 $37,667 Totals 4,345 71 1,463 994 978 1,350 $3,379,305 $2,489,551 $185,102 $138,411 $294,587

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 304 ACP COMPILATIONS MIDDLE DISTRICT Organized 1783

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Amelia Community Church Rev. Jim Davis 2008 $1,800 $1,188 $1,800 Arbor Baptist Church Rev. James A. 1880 $11,310 $8,144 $14,030 Wilson Jr. Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Douglas T. 1817 360 4 130 85 25 49 $606,765 $579,825 $20,957 $15,089 $24,913 Bradbury Bethlehem Baptist Church Pastor 1790 282 13 124 105 123 6 $393,839 $337,693 $27,292 $18,013 $41,402 Branch’s Baptist Church Rev. Mathew S. 1814 475 10 145 130 60 91 $483,494 $2,720 $33,336 $24,002 $66,571 Brown II Central Baptist Church Dr. David Turner 1900 $8,714 $6,222 $14,243 Chester Baptist Church Dr. Lloyd Braswell 1905 813 18 194 139 153 373 $804,591 $571,299 $20,000 $7,600 $27,112 Chesterfi eld Baptist Church Rev. David L. Engleman 1857 $10,099 $7,272 $11,490 Chesterfi eld Community Rev. Gale R. Kirkman 2007 132 0 85 80 72 150 $136,056 $111,235 $8,823 $5,823 $10,429 Church Elkhardt Baptist Church Rev. Ronald L. Eason 1960 485 2 69 51 0 284 $203,692 $203,692 $19,729 $19,729 $25,929 Fellowship Baptist Church Pastor 1981 393 3 50 20 0 6 $73,000 $73,000 $3,460 $2,353 $4,656 Fil-Am Community Church Dr. Engracio T. Samson 2006 $2,904 $2,091 $2,904 Fine Creek Baptist Church Rev. David A. Simpson 1777 144 0 43 25 0 15 $90,929 $67,342 $3,000 $1,860 $4,295 Friendship Baptist Church Rev. Todd Estes 1952 $11,252 $7,426 $16,865 Graceland Baptist Church Rev. Ronald E. Wyatt Jr. 1889 $21,803 $15,698 $26,872 Ironbridge Baptist Church Dr. Mark R. Jordan 1985 1,523 55 450 472 263 93 $106,030 $1,083,739 $37,553 $22,652 $76,221 Lyndale Baptist Church Rev. Erik Davidson 1971 607 0 55 37 57 171 $217,060 $160,861 $7,237 $4,776 $12,342 May Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Michael Edwards 1907 609 2 150 170 102 130 $346,854 $323,523 $17,600 $12,575 $19,022 Monte Calvario Iglesia Pastor 1991 $0 $0 $0 Mount Hermon Baptist Church Rev. Lee D. Ellison 1835 324 2 104 76 73 27 $197,845 $10,945 $3,000 $1,920 $7,500 Mt Hope Baptist Church Rev. Sam Mayo 1858 98 42 18 63 1 $131,566 $110,939 $3,000 $2,160 $5,600 Muddy Creek Baptist Church Rev. Joseph N. Edwards 1774 150 0 65 45 50 34 $96,098 $92,392 $2,873 $1,934 $4,775 New Hope Baptist Church Rev. Lee A. McConnel 1992 40 2 35 12 0 0 $70,000 $66,000 $2,082 $1,256 $3,635 New Journey Church Rev. David Clifton 2005 $2,623 $1,731 $2,993 New Vision Baptist Church Rev. David F. White Jr. 1987 $0 $0 $0 Oak Forest Baptist Church Rev. Kirby D. Smith 1987 153 3 100 74 48 295 $230,293 $209,567 $10,182 $7,331 $13,984 Old Powhatan Baptist Church Rev. Brad Russell 1771 369 24 244 183 244 91 $312,489 $217,264 $0 $0 $0 Piedmont Baptist Church Rev. Mark Reid 1898 $0 $0 $40 Powhatan Community Church Dr. Brian Hughes 2003 731 124 1,259 1,000 291 166 $1,622,200 $1,328,000 $13,000 $9,360 $15,500 - Powhatan Community Mr. Chauncey W. 2013 $0 $0 $0 Church - Riverside Starkey Jr. - Powhatan Community Rev. Angie Frame 2010 $0 $0 $0 Church - Virtual Campus - Powhatan Community Rev. Sammy Frame 2009 $0 $0 $0 Church - Westchester Commons Red Lane Baptist Church Dr. David E. Clippard 1846 315 7 193 227 181 37 $527,189 $492,697 $0 $0 $0 Sandy Creek Baptist Church Rev. Dennis Tucker 1771 $600 $396 $3,678 Second Branch Baptist Church Rev. Steve Vaughan 1782 876 5 222 169 84 57 $869,728 $696,141 $30,703 $22,106 $38,436 Swift Creek Community Rev. James E. 2000 23 2 46 21 16 17 $133,594 $66,338 $801 $577 $801 Church Pritchett III The Ridge Faith Community Rev. Chris Bell 1990 $300 $216 $300 Church Tomahawk Baptist Church Dr. James Vaught 1776 $9,975 $7,182 $11,942 Union Baptist Church Rev. Ken Williams 1832 $550 $396 $961 Winfree Memorial Baptist Church Dr. David E. Benjamin 1852 1,202 4 412 356 240 338 $1,757,315 $1,026,555 $78,163 $39,081 $83,280 Totals 10,104 280 4,217 3,495 2,145 2,431 $9,410,627 $7,831,767 $424,723 $278,160 $594,521

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 305 ACP COMPILATIONS NATURAL BRIDGE Organized January 1, 1955

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Arnolds Valley Baptist Church Rev. Donald W. Stine 1906 124 0 16 9 0 0 $0 $0 $225 $162 $1,872 Buena Vista Baptist Church Rev. Bryon K. LePere 1891 385 2 108 65 103 71 $230,282 $195,317 $13,941 $9,974 $15,674 Calvary Baptist Church Pastor 1912 $2,100 $1,386 $7,109 Clifton Forge Baptist Church Rev. Nathan Smith 1882 $3,869 $2,786 $9,927 Covington Baptist Church Dr. Ted W. Fuson 1841 368 2 68 40 49 120 $139,024 $134,603 $11,732 $7,509 $16,939 Glasgow Baptist Church Rev. Jeremy Kilgore 1900 330 0 45 46 71 1 $140,893 $127,708 $8,125 $5,363 $10,813 Goshen Baptist Church Rev. Scott A. Reese 1820 $0 $0 $997 Highland Baptist Church Rev. Mark S. Davis 1990 $6,948 $5,002 $7,524 Horeb Baptist Church Mr. Stephen Markum 1876 104 0 10200$23,255 $23,255 $2,155 $1,552 $2,480 Iron Gate Baptist Church Rev. Hunter B. Hale 1892 359 8 130 130 110 5 $0 $0 $8,127 $5,364 $8,607 Lone Star Baptist Church Rev. Donald Earwood 1887 247 7 68 64 87 50 $96,022 $90,237 $500 $360 $1,325 Manly Memorial Baptist Church Dr. J. Michael Wilkins 1841 643 0 88 43 50 30 $373,914 $264,429 $12,627 $8,918 $29,261 Neriah Baptist Church Mr. William D. Cobble 1816 $500 $360 $500 Sharon Baptist Church Rev. Eric Gabbert 1832 66 0 10700$15,345 $1,550 $550 $396 $1,300 Temple Baptist Church Rev. William M. 1964 538 6 200 219 87 203 $306,369 $283,906 $57,549 $36,831 $61,446 Hartsfi eld Totals 3,164 25 743 625 557 480 $1,325,104 $1,121,005 $128,948 $85,963 $175,775 NEW LEBANON Organized September 16, 1875

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bethany Baptist Church Rev. Vonley Pruitt 1876 182 3 96 80 115 0 $78,435 $54,007 $2,159 $1,554 $2,759 Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Jody Breeding 1847 295 4 129 58 125 25 $172,491 $137,302 $10,500 $6,930 $11,178 Big Prater Baptist Church Rev. Eddie Lindsay 1906 209 0 35 30 0 0 $52,000 $52,000 $0 $0 $0 Blackey Baptist Church Rev. Eugene Whited 1983 229 24 95 39 154 35 $42,241 $36,810 $1,800 $1,296 $4,943 Brick Baptist Church Rev. James W. 1873 149 2 65 50 65 0 $65,200 $65,200 $1,000 $720 $1,000 Anderson Cedar Grove Baptist Church Rev. Terry Johnson 1811 69 8 35 15 50 29 $17,423 $13,568 $0 $0 $0 Cleveland Baptist Church Rev. Larry Stinson 1894 292 4 40 60 43 $51,633 $34,163 $922 $664 $1,616 Clinchfi eld Baptist Church Rev. Michael E. Rhea 1923 25 0 12 12 $3,700 $246 $300 $216 $560 Community Heights Baptist Pastor 1988 650 88 625 515 233 135 $763,985 $641,719 $5,000 $3,600 $6,200 Church - Richlands - Community Heights Baptist Rev. Timothy Brown 2008 $0 $0 $0 Church - Lebanon Corinth Baptist Church Mr. Danny Breeding 1900 45 0 20 40 0 $12,900 $12,900 $300 $216 $609 Crabtree Chapel Rev. Cecil C. Musick 1910 17 0 8802$1,095 $1,095 $200 $144 $350 Fellowship Baptist Church Rev. Larry D. Ratliff II 1996 34 2 30 16 0 0 $24,054 $16,613 $509 $336 $1,253 First Baptist Church of Honaker Rev. Jim Ensor 1860 90 40 35 32 9 $42,737 $39,562 $2,800 $2,016 $6,142 Garden Baptist Church Mr. Brandon Estep 1971 357 1 60 46 101 0 $68,507 $68,507 $977 $342 $1,203 Gethsemane Baptist Church Rev. Marc T. Brooks 1963 430 4 140 60 115 60 $219,043 $182,254 $6,500 $4,290 $23,837 Grassy Creek Baptist Church Rev. James Short 1700 50 2 30 15 9 0 $5,000 $100 $0 $0 $0 Green Valley Baptist Church Rev. Darrell E. Naff 1895 869 12 221 112 208 400 $330,017 $283,138 $14,947 $9,865 $24,549 Greenbriar Mission Church Rev. Willard Sturgeon 1983 140 5 28 20 40 0 $19,073 $19,073 $600 $396 $600 Grundy Baptist Church Rev. Donald Tittle 1903 558 3 152 70 153 30 $278,833 $135,440 $10,300 $6,798 $11,772 Harman Memorial Baptist Rev. Shea Shrader 1939 450 51 260 135 135 365 $235,000 $210,000 $0 $0 $1,957 Church Hill Creek Baptist Church Rev. William B. Fletcher 1937 98 3 59 40 67 0 $60,848 $52,320 $6,472 $4,660 $10,872 Lebanon Baptist Church Rev. Heath Kahlbau 1856 563 4 150 115 116 16 $22,485 $14,840 $29,084 Mill Creek Baptist Church Rev. Randy Cross 1941 65 0 25 14 0 0 $300 $216 $300 New Castlewood Baptist Church Rev. Timothy Hobson 1974 46 0 19 15 42 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Oak Grove Baptist Church Rev. Aaron Feeser 1877 87 17 12 $5,674 $5,674 $0 $0 $200 Old Maple Grove Baptist Church Rev. Leslie R. Ritchie 2004 69 8 82 46 51 $58,314 $38,012 $1,707 $1,127 $1,941 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Capron 1891 133 0 49 29 61 0 $59,916 $56,770 $2,910 $1,921 $3,923 Rings Chapel Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Anderson 1887 135 3 45 28 54 95 $72,605 $0 $1,200 $792 $2,062 Riverside Baptist Church Rev. Doyle Hobbs 1980 $0 $0 $0 Rosedale Baptist Church Rev. Jeff Kinder 1993 164 15 165 58 60 34 $159,968 $149,464 $4,362 $2,879 $6,783 Swords Creek Community Rev. Arnold King 1890 588 29 180 130 175 15 $253,126 $150,000 $7,316 $4,829 $16,458 Baptist Church Vansant Baptist Church Rev. Casey Stark 1957 488 7 140 72 189 126 $241,917 $223,170 $5,787 $4,166 $10,270 Victory Baptist Church Rev. J. Benny Williams 1965 186 2 52 31 101 0 $55,168 $50,347 $0 $0 $600 Totals 7,762 284 3,104 1,966 2,534 1,376 $3,450,903 $2,729,454 $111,354 $74,813 $183,021

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 306 ACP COMPILATIONS NEW RIVER Organized October 1871

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. First Baptist Church of Galax Rev. William S. 1905 338 3 347 274 25 64 $551,910 $459,730 $3,638 $2,620 $16,060 Bartlett Jr. First Baptist Church of Hillsville Rev. Michael Shockley 1932 490 5 181 175 158 40 $247,551 $212,855 $18,765 $12,385 $20,568 Hillcrest Baptist Church Rev. James Cowley 1948 301 5 140 155 88 25 $327,813 $210,552 $21,117 $13,937 $23,029 Oak Grove Baptist Church Rev. Jim E. Longest 1947 76 0 17 11 0 10 $12,331 $12,331 $40 $29 $240 Young’s Chapel Rev. Doug C. Turnmire 1845 100 4 75 30 42 43 $60,170 $56,834 $4,800 $3,456 $9,200 Totals 1,305 17 760 645 313 182 $1,199,775 $952,302 $48,361 $32,427 $69,097

NORTHSTAR CHURCH NETWORK Organized August 6, 2003

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. All Nations Dream Church Rev. Daniel Lee $0 $0 $0 Antioch Baptist Church Rev. Marshal L. 1989 1,689 13 700 300 156 500 $2,869,183 $2,764,722 $40,200 $26,532 $42,400 Ausberry Antioch Baptist Church Dr. William G. Tatum 1837 22 1 20000$35,866 $34,041 $250 $180 $250 Antioch Korean Baptist Church Rev. Joo S. Um 1979 $700 $700 $700 Arlington Baptist Church Rev. Mike Law 1928 $1,361 $854 $5,266 Arlington Cambodian Mission Mr. Torn Chea 1992 $500 $360 $1,160 Beacon Hill Baptist Church Rev. Ralph C. Duke 1982 79 7 53 22 63 61 $193,789 $118,674 $2,436 $1,754 $2,436 Bealeton Baptist Church Rev. Bob Gordon 1832 $7,500 $5,400 $10,810 Belle View Baptist Church Rev. John A. Budde 1958 36 0 32 17 0 16 $117,330 $112,809 $1,305 $914 $2,786 Bon Air Baptist Church Rev. Daniel Hough 1943 $2,400 $1,584 $8,140 Braddock Baptist Church Rev. Timothy T. 1948 169 7 115 72 47 28 $445,446 $313,539 $1,000 $660 $40,139 Corder Calvary Hill Baptist Church Dr. Jeffrey G. Willetts 1958 150 2 97 54 36 34 $295,388 $248,156 $1,375 $986 $1,785 Calverton Baptist Church Rev. Mort Robson 1901 $700 $462 $1,610 Catoctin Valley Community Rev. Daniel Morgan 2011 $0 $0 $1,200 Church* Church at the Center Rev. David J. Perdue 2013 $360 $259 $360 Columbia Baptist Church Dr. James E. 1856 2,726 50 1,288 1,475 131 953 $8,304,343 $3,720,276 $143,120 $129,618 $175,927 Baucom Jr. - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Emile Antoun $0 $0 $0 Arabic Congregation - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Aroldo Silva 2008 $0 $0 $0 Brazilian Congregation - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Gregory K. $0 $0 $0 Crossroads Congregation Loewer - Columbia Baptist Church- Rev. Kevin Meono $0 $0 $0 Hispanic Congregation Crossroads - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Julio Ruiz $0 $0 $0 Hispanic Congregation Falls Church - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Sammual Choi $0 $0 $0 Korean Congregation - Columbia Baptist Church - Rev. Thang Tran $0 $0 $0 Vietnamese Congregation Convergence: A Creative Rev. Lisa Cole Smith 1946 $1,000 $720 $1,000 Community of Faith Cornerstone Baptist Church Rev. Mike Poff 1996 79 0 88 102 0 47 $296,425 $294,661 $2,945 $2,120 $5,890 Dios Es Amor Baptist Church Rev. Jose Tobar 1989 $500 $360 $2,060 Downtown Baptist Church Pastor 1954 $44,042 $31,710 $49,042 Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor 1882 $0 $0 $0 Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Bruce Langwiser 1962 49 4 47 38 45 0 $138,816 $74,999 $5,703 $4,106 $9,043 Fairfax Baptist Church Dr. Bryan R. Jones 1915 130 4 65 20 50 30 $361,798 $343,835 $500 $360 $1,000 Fairfax Circle Baptist Church Rev. David Magnet 1967 $6,000 $4,320 $6,000 Faith Family Ministries Rev. Eric Clarke 2007 $0 $0 $0 International Faith Mission Church Rev. Vincent C. 2001 $0 $0 $0 Williams

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 307 ACP COMPILATIONS First Baptist Church of Rev. Donald Davidson 1803 4,264 91 1,093 924 628 1,166 $5,021,316 $4,584,378 $500,193 $333,307 $863,374 Alexandria First Baptist Church of Herndon Rev. Sean S. Roberds 1899 132 4 76 52 25 6 $318,969 $248,379 $7,000 $4,827 $7,200 First Baptist Church of Dr. James A. Weaver 1954 516 11 340 266 209 356 $1,232,277 $902,678 $63,254 $45,486 $154,881 Springfi eld First Baptist Church of Rev. Ray C. Bearden 1876 1,549 44 1,264 1,062 650 419 $4,298,000 $3,148,000 $51,400 $30,840 $87,567 Woodbridge First Virginia Baptist Church Rev. Jey Kim 1989 $600 $432 $600 Franconia Korean Baptist Rev. In H. Kim 1997 $1,200 $864 $1,200 Church Gateway Community Church Dr. Maynard E. Allen 1997 136 14 230 115 0 610 $815,182 $646,216 $1,100 $792 $1,100 Glory Korean Baptist Church Rev. Young S. 1992 $350 $252 $500 Buckwalter Grace Baptist Church Rev. Chang K. Kim 2003 $100 $66 $100 Grace Baptist Church Rev. Tim Perrin 1984 522 26 723 466 541 1,211 $1,758,350 $1,561,767 $40,004 $20,002 $43,004 Grace Filipino Church Rev. Armando DeLa 2000 96 12 90 93 12 16 $133,500 $120,095 $0 $0 $0 Merced Grace Korean Baptist Church Rev. Kun C. Park 1990 $0 $0 $0 Greater Little Zion Baptist Rev. James T. Murphy 1988 $400 $288 $400 Church Greenbrier Baptist Church Rev. Pamela J. 1932 122 2 65 35 0 13 $158,026 $120,357 $703 $506 $1,428 Chisholm Groveton Baptist Church Rev. Wellford C. 1943 643 8 195 138 124 21 $535,863 $496,178 $26,298 $18,934 $45,491 Tiller Jr. Haymarket Baptist Church Rev. Charles D. 1894 $9,016 $9,016 $21,136 Stewart Herndon Korean Baptist Church Rev. David S. Kim 1999 $1,800 $1,296 $1,800 Hillendale Baptist Church Dr. David T. Hottel Sr. 1973 271 3 140 65 0 29 $322,080 $305,704 $6,750 $4,455 $7,625 Hope Hill Church Rev. John Kuzins 2010 97 245 85 100 200 $260,511 $248,270 $500 $500 $500 Hume Baptist Church Rev. Don McKinney 1920 60 0 12600$29,713 $23,713 $519 $374 $1,745 Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Pastor 1998 120 8 80 40 15 60 $50,000 $31,200 $260 $187 $260 Iglesia Bautista La Gran Comision Rev. Nelson R. Aguero 1999 $0 $0 $0 Iglesia Bautista Remanente Rev. Rafael 2010 $2,360 $1,558 $5,232 de Dios Santamaria Iglesia Hispana Bautista de Rev. Oscar Prado 2004 $723 $521 $723 Westover International Community Dr. Carroll A. 1985 $0 $0 $0 Baptist Churches Baltimore Sr. Jerusalem Korean Baptist Rev. Yong H. Cho 1987 $930 $670 $930 Church Korean American Baptist Rev. Daniel Dong 1981 18 0 13 12 10 1 $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Church S. Moon La Hermosa Baptist Church Rev. German Prado 2002 $790 $522 $5,290 Lake Ridge Baptist Church Rev. Frank Johnson 1972 $9,350 $6,732 $43,272 Leesburg Community Church Dr. Alan D. Stanford 1884 $1,000 $720 $5,207 Light Global Mission Church Rev. Steve Chang 1997 $2,500 $1,650 $5,000 Little River Baptist Church Rev. Malcolm 1869 90 0 30 10 55 25 $63,146 $59,399 $6,521 $4,695 $8,686 McMillan Loch Lomond Baptist Church Rev. Mark E. Hornsby 1961 $0 $0 $0 Long Branch Baptist Church Rev. Franklin E. 1786 30 0 16 8 0 16 $46,050 $27,224 $1,700 $1,700 $2,300 Fishback Manassas Baptist Church Dr. William T. Higgins 1884 837 27 489 337 0 665 $1,893,351 $1,595,596 $2,000 $1,440 $13,583 Marshall Baptist Church Rev. Mark D. Bryant 1882 $14,130 $10,174 $20,869 McLean Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Brad 1917 629 4 170 60 50 40 $530,656 $414,860 $7,687 $4,920 $7,687 Herridge Memorial Baptist Church Dr. Andrew J. Hill 1947 588 5 200 110 126 1,546 $869,882 $620,084 $32,933 $23,712 $41,699 Middleburg Baptist Church Dr. J. Travis Moger 1847 232 0 54 20 37 8 $130,500 $124,000 $1,000 $650 $2,624 Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Carl M. 1867 544 11 375 115 118 36 $1,134,179 $2,000 $1,440 $2,000 Johnson Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Rev. James L. Graham 1866 $5,000 $3,300 $5,625 Mount Vernon Baptist Church Rev. Samuel L. 1928 $250 $180 $250 Feemster Mt Hope Baptist Church Rev. John Zoller 1835 95 7 75 35 50 24 $302,375 $170,313 $3,351 $2,412 $6,396 New Hope Church Rev. A. Rusty Coram 1992 461 29 1,423 326 82 $1,909,107 $1,844,382 $2,500 $1,650 $2,500 North Fork Baptist Church Dr. Parker C. 1835 $2,500 $1,650 $4,685 Thompson Northern Virginia Chinese Rev. Chunye Jin 1993 $0 $0 $0 Baptist Church Oak Dale Baptist Church Rev. Dan Rangel 1860 71 4 61 33 46 32 $101,277 $99,352 $1,600 $1,152 $5,370 Orlean Baptist Church Rev. Randy R. West 1860 $1,541 $1,109 $1,954 Ox Hill Baptist Church Dr. Dean Majette 1967 1,048 3 198 172 375 300 $666,787 $630,434 $13,157 $9,473 $21,663 Parkwood Baptist Church Rev. W. Michael 1967 552 23 282 300 330 871 $1,111,818 $960,955 $60,579 $41,799 $129,488 Bradley

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 308 ACP COMPILATIONS Pilgrim Community Church Rev. Hyong S. Sohn 1998 $5,400 $3,888 $5,400 Plymouth Haven Baptist Church Pastor 1953 $39,388 $19,413 $51,952 Potomac Crest Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Griggs 1987 103 25 $0 $0 $6,863 Primera Iglesia Bautista De Rev. James Benson 1984 $6,116 $4,404 $15,820 Groveton Primera Iglesia Bautista Rev. Augusto Clavijo 1990 $0 $0 $0 Hispana de Ballston Providence Baptist Church Rev. Tim Floyd 1952 $4,067 $2,745 $9,075 Purcellville Baptist Church Dr. David L. Janney 1924 435 29 908 600 400 150 $1,947,991 $1,751,560 $250 $180 $482 Round Hill Baptist Church Dr. Archie S. Corbin Jr. 1906 $0 $0 $0 Royal Missionary Baptist Rev. Philip O. Amofah 2013 35 0 35 16 0 9 $3,600 $3,400 $350 $252 $350 Church of USA Second Baptist Church of Rev. Samuel 1870 $0 $0 $0 Falls Church Barnhart Sr. South Run Baptist Church Rev. Stephen V. Allen 1985 178 $21,074 $13,909 $28,736 Southview Community Church Rev. William Attaway 1979 208 5 160 125 168 45 $910,000 $685,000 $2,500 $1,800 $8,397 The Bridge* Rev. Kevin Britton 2014 $0 $0 $0 The Church At Clarendon Dr. James B. Johnson II 1909 $4,583 $3,273 $4,583 The Rock Christian Center* Rev. Denise Wilson 2011 $0 $0 $0 The United Baptist Church Dr. J. Wayne Yawn 2003 $12,000 $8,640 $12,360 Triangle Baptist Church Rev. Wayne L. Colton 1941 $750 $750 $986 Vienna Baptist Church Rev. Austin Almaguer 1957 0 7 121 151 104 $4,347 $4,347 $4,347 Vietnamese Gospel Church Rev. Daniel Tran 1981 $600 $432 $600 Vietnamese Grace Baptist Rev. Sonny Tong 1983 $300 $216 $300 Church Vietnamese Hope Baptist Rev. An Phan Minh 1998 $0 $0 $0 Church Virginia Agape International Rev. Yong Bok Min 2000 70 8 50 25 25 0 $152,399 $148,664 $1,800 $1,296 $1,800 Baptist Church Virginia Bible Baptist Church Rev. Ho J. Kim 2000 $600 $259 $650 Virginia Hills Baptist Church Rev. Harvey L. Purdy 1957 574 4 105 26 55 35 $168,000 $163,000 $1,500 $1,080 $1,500 VKBC (Virginia Korean Baptist Rev. Sung W. Yang 1972 $350 $252 $350 Church) Warrenton Baptist Church Rev. Jack A. Lawson Jr. 1849 502 16 265 169 342 402 $797,620 $666,451 $62,121 $42,642 $128,898 Washington Promise Church Mr. Sung K. Cho 2010 $1,200 $792 $1,500 Washington United Church Pastor 2010 $206 $136 $206 Waterford Baptist Church Rev. Jerry W. Turner 1853 59 0 30000 $300 $94 $1,038 Westover Baptist Church Rev. Michael 1940 59 3 25 15 25 0 $773,272 $80,933 $2,884 $2,077 $4,409 Youngblood Westover Baptist Church Rev. Randy Haynes 1976 $500 $360 $500 Westwood Baptist Church Rev. James K. 1964 $60,476 $43,542 $81,586 Abernathy Woodbine Family Worship Rev. Gene R. Wells 1875 150 3 30 10 59 1 $0 $0 $0 Center Zoar Baptist Church Rev. Arthur Decourcey 1822 229 1 85 88 73 2 $161,392 $134,413 $8,341 $5,505 $9,426 Totals 21,173 500 12,436 8,210 5,383 10,091 $41,700,573 $30,642,667 $1,393,446 $972,491 $2,334,061

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 309 ACP COMPILATIONS PENINSULA Organized 1832

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Beechwood Korean Baptist Rev. Kyong S. Yi 2007 $0 $0 $0 Church Buckroe Baptist Church Rev. Frank Earwood 1936 864 4 50 45 0 36 $88,465 $87,425 $3,422 $2,464 $8,441 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Paul Lawson 1899 301 4 54 50 85 13 $192,677 $160,993 $15,228 $10,050 $23,954 Calvary Revival Church - Rev. Ray Johnson 2009 $0 $0 $0 Peninsula Church of the Living Word Rev. Eunice C. 1993 32 8 40 29 20 15 $89,327 $88,075 $925 $666 $925 Woodard Crossroads Community Rev. Aaron West 1990 131 39 258 213 0 27 $356,742 $314,923 $3,150 $2,079 $3,150 Church Emmaus Baptist Church Rev. Daniel B. Cromer 1878 1,086 2 178 223 102 91 $513,088 $390,030 $20,084 $14,460 $44,924 Faith Baptist Church Rev. Larry Soblotne 1902 84 0 55 30 0 0 $65,275 $64,408 $1,438 $949 $2,220 First Baptist Church of Rev. Randy Shepley III 1883 1,392 15 549 324 155 242 $1,894,162 $1,392,038 $50,417 $36,300 $56,167 Newport News Fox Hill Road Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Larson 1964 195 12 144 106 102 197 $312,578 $281,244 $8,437 $5,569 $12,955 Freedom Life Church Rev. Freddy Villarreal 2004 368 35 880 120 100 50 $897,825 $801,199 $17,430 $12,550 $17,430 - Freedom Life - San Antonio Rev. Chris Hoyt 2013 $0 $0 $0 Gloucester Point Baptist Church Rev. Ray P. Goude Jr. 1959 323 14 141 91 120 133 $280,772 $251,745 $15,716 $11,315 $23,546 Grace Baptist Church Rev. Stephen T. 1956 422 6 82 66 44 34 $191,365 $170,897 $11,795 $7,785 $19,375 Wiley Sr. Hampton Baptist Church Dr. Elizabeth P. Mills 1791 1,129 4 180 190 48 475 $974,741 $472,445 $22,989 $16,552 $29,981 Harborpointe Community Mr. Thomas C. 2004 $2,400 $1,728 $2,400 Church Andrews Hilton Baptist Church Rev. Lynwood Wells 1919 313 7 92 63 0 0 $325,419 $248,825 $19,125 $13,770 $35,408 Hope Community Church Pastor 1997 $310 $205 $310 Hornsbyville Baptist Church Rev. Charles Jones 1989 115 0 32 18 15 0 $27,881 $27,881 $7,760 $5,587 $8,952 Immanuel Baptist Church Rev. Brian Weygandt 1967 $4,900 $2,450 $9,883 International Christian Rev. Winston E. 1989 75 0 40 35 0 25 $30,000 $25,000 $167 $120 $167 Fellowship Demesa Ivy Memorial Baptist Church Pastor 1913 972 4 180 130 128 300 $565,657 $499,888 $24,013 $17,290 $29,734 James City Community Rev. Sam Goins 1996 113 14 115 37 35 1 $238,283 $214,449 $500 $330 $500 Church* James River Baptist Church Dr. Scott A. Salsman 1903 593 9 210 226 187 296 $522,788 $367,714 $50,668 $33,441 $77,862 Langley Baptist Church Rev. David M. Pace Sr. 1949 174 1 94 85 128 778 $180,755 $162,463 $7,355 $5,295 $10,239 Lee Hall Baptist Church Rev. Marvin Jackson 1954 $2,809 $1,854 $3,135 Memorial Baptist Church Dr. Terry W. Spencer 1903 519 0 52 35 47 330 $204,015 $154,234 $7,000 $5,040 $10,667 Mercy Seat Baptist Church Rev. Ise C. Williams 1990 115 1 70 20 50 40 $1,000 $1,000 $400 $288 $400 Messick Baptist Church* Rev. Marcus J. Dulin 1989 $549 $396 $1,152 Mt Hebron Baptist Church Rev. George L. Benton 1991 54 30 10 50 3 $53,337 $50,151 $100 $72 $100 North Riverside Baptist Church Rev. Seth Horrell 1953 313 0 102 100 14 30 $391,352 $225,428 $15,613 $11,241 $24,956 Orcutt Baptist Church Rev. Christopher 1894 546 7 177 332 90 2,265 $643,280 $523,441 $47,001 $33,841 $66,130 Fowler Parkview Baptist Church Rev. Russell D. Beck 1942 996 5 171 176 92 1,457 $342,984 $283,368 $20,791 $13,722 $25,010 Peninsula Chinese Church Pastor 1992 $0 $0 $0 Pine Chapel Baptist Church Rev. David Parker 1942 367 0 70 50 67 0 $146,208 $136,419 $8,729 $5,761 $14,506 Providence Baptist Church Dr. Richard W. 1850 $34,634 $22,858 $35,014 Croxton Riverside Baptist Church Rev. Tommy Davidson 1944 414 0 63 30 0 40 $125,903 $121,283 $511 $337 $2,751 Siloam Korean Baptist Church Dr. Tal U. Paeng 1990 $100 $72 $100 Sixth Mt Zion Baptist Temple Rev. Jerome Barber 1900 2,000 27 1,800 300 210 $800,000 $0 $0 $0 Stevens Memorial Baptist Rev. Jay Russ 1967 661 4 70 54 99 151 $235,308 $195,179 $4,700 $3,384 $7,626 Church Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. John Fulper 1900 213 2 100 87 0 26 $342,381 $289,080 $1,200 $792 $1,765 Temple Baptist Church Rev. Weston E. 1942 $47,829 $31,567 $66,598 Taylor Jr. Temple of Faith Baptist Church Rev. Dale A. Miles 1997 $0 $0 $0 United Community Church Rev. Troy P. Durio 1995 $0 $0 $0 Vietnamese Evangelical Rev. Van Le 1992 $0 $0 $0 Walnut Hills Baptist Church Dr. Tony Neal 1964 2 216 245 130 562 $725,840 $679,064 $42,662 $30,569 $50,049 West Hampton Baptist Church Pastor 1943 $40,199 $25,459 $56,071 White Marsh Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Thompson 1994 $5,550 $3,663 $5,550 Williamsburg Baptist Church Rev. Daniel Willson 1828 $3,375 $3,375 $9,683 Yorktown Baptist Church Rev. Dean Meyer 1944 $2,932 $2,111 $2,982 Totals 14,880 226 6,295 3,520 2,118 7,617 $11,759,408 $8,680,289 $574,912 $397,357 $802,764

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 310 ACP COMPILATIONS PETERSBURG Organized September 27, 1906

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Adams Grove Baptist Church Dr. Robert P. Wyatt 1903 111 0 26 19 28 0 $48,446 $26,570 $2,713 $1,953 $4,196 Antioch Baptist Church Rev. Michael D. 1772 154 2 37 26 20 88 $69,048 $68,587 $800 $576 $1,651 Gregory Calvary Baptist Church Pastor 1906 415 1 100 100 100 1 $172,600 $13,404 $0 $0 $2,180 Central Baptist Church Rev. Jonathon Waits 1873 311 3 80 65 75 50 $159,110 $140,176 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Charity Korean Baptist Church Rev. Hyeon C. Hong 1986 $2,400 $1,728 $3,440 Dinwiddie Baptist Church Pastor 1977 82 0 12 12 0 0 $0 $0 $0 Fellowship Baptist Church Rev. James Partin 1948 50 0 17 10 0 1 $6,000 $6,000 $600 $432 $600 First Baptist Church of Rev. W. Darrell Boggs 1915 957 10 245 158 130 142 $0 $0 $41,651 $29,989 $45,092 Hopewell First Baptist Church of Rev. Robert B. Dawson 1817 105 0 35 28 33 222 $214,028 $177,906 $100 $72 $3,390 Petersburg First Korean Baptist Church Dr. Son S. Shin 1981 $500 $330 $500 Fountain Creek Baptist Church Mr. Bobby Griles 1787 149 2 54 29 44 24 $61,619 $56,173 $3,370 $2,224 $5,558 Fountain Grove Baptist Church Rev. Kenneth W. 1875 180 0 40 20 26 10 $50,166 $45,960 $2,140 $1,541 $6,883 Williams Sr. Hebron Baptist Church Mr. Thomas Spizzirri 1786 9 0 6 7 0 2 $10,387 $9,732 $240 $120 $730 High Hills Baptist Church Dr. Rand Forder 1787 80 0 35 39 55 60 $83,767 $70,400 $5,291 $3,810 $5,777 Immanuel Baptist Church Mr. Fred Adkins 1932 1,357 3 200 200 228 46 $442,016 $361,200 $29,588 $19,528 $38,091 Lakemont Baptist Church Pastor 1964 61 0 22 17 20 0 $35,610 $30,828 $845 $558 $2,705 Lebanon Baptist Church Rev. Terence J. Davis Sr. 1869 $0 $0 $0 Main Street Baptist Church Dr. Rick R. Hurst 1839 327 1 94 52 60 89 $204,478 $157,835 $8,771 $6,315 $8,771 McKenney Baptist Church Rev. Michael Ruppert 1958 56 0 12 5 0 11 $20,836 $17,487 $1,708 $1,127 $3,463 Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Rev. Curtis Barnes 1968 1,621 35 536 500 300 105 $993,120 $986,486 $0 $0 $0 New Life Baptist Church Rev. James Rogers 1967 60 1 30 30 0 $0 $0 $0 Newville Baptist Church Pastor 1836 163 2 20 10 0 8 $69,203 $56,587 $0 $0 $0 Oakland Baptist Church Rev. Robert W. 1742 281 37 190 140 150 305 $426,674 $323,407 $18,275 $2,741 $39,991 Livesay III Powers Memorial Baptist Dr. Robert K. 1954 635 2 62 45 0 85 $170,824 $164,141 $701 $505 $3,454 Church Breckenridge Purdy Baptist Church Rev. Kathy S. Shereda 1916 50 $0 $0 $0 Readville Baptist Church Rev. Wilson G. Conwell 1888 77 0 21 13 0 7 $62,901 $57,262 $300 $198 $1,961 Sappony Baptist Church Rev. Michael Dickey 1773 100 2 45 30 0 55 $69,474 $69,474 $6,815 $4,498 $9,430 Second Baptist Church of Dr. Joseph T. Lewis 1854 432 0 80 50 36 230 $230,551 $194,822 $5,272 $3,796 $13,745 Petersburg Sharon Baptist Church Dr. Ted Owens 1891 105 0 36 20 0 55 $64,857 $52,082 $550 $396 $2,090 Thomas Memorial Baptist Rev. Scott Wasdin 1902 59 0 25 18 0 18 $34,363 $32,307 $2,550 $1,836 $4,238 Church Unity Baptist Church Rev. Christopher 2000 508 11 211 156 195 57 $417,870 $359,419 $0 $0 $0 Jenkins Wakefi eld Baptist Church Rev. Carter L. Dey 1886 170 0 50 30 8 80 $79,301 $79,301 $750 $540 $3,079 Walthall Baptist Church Rev. George Schutte 1999 260 5 75 20 50 60 $89,215 $68,225 $2,991 $2,154 $2,991 West End Baptist Church Dr. Mark E. Hughes 1882 210 6 109 67 30 29 $235,586 $186,160 $22,547 $16,234 $27,822 Woodlawn Baptist Church Rev. Terri Mason 1887 332 0 63 60 110 15 $118,739 $111,039 $4,262 $3,069 $5,289 Zion Baptist Church Rev. R. Larry Grizzard 1765 258 1 85 65 71 401 $146,798 $140,349 $17,312 $12,465 $21,218 Totals 9,725 124 2,653 2,041 1,769 2,256 $4,787,587 $4,063,319 $188,042 $123,733 $273,335

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 311 ACP COMPILATIONS PIEDMONT Organized August 1903

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Amherst Baptist Church Dr. David N. Clay 1882 $19,482 $12,858 $22,304 Calvary Baptist Church Dr. Ashton C. Smith 1959 442 5 123 85 108 569 $298,682 $241,697 $10,000 $6,600 $16,807 Central Baptist Church - Rev. Gary Anderson 1884 175 2 40 16 40 0 $85,000 $67,000 $100 $72 $716 Lowesville Clifford Baptist Church Dr. Michael R. 1909 719 24 650 320 435 286 $885,842 $634,511 $57,040 $37,646 $73,282 Fitzgerald Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. Dwayne Martin 1771 126 0 38 13 19 0 $38,917 $37,567 $2,467 $1,776 $2,937 Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Carl Davis 1906 193 0 40 33 53 193 $82,970 $76,950 $1,500 $990 $2,601 Fairmount Baptist Church Rev. Dwayne Martin 1849 24 0 15 15 9 0 $15,887 $7,427 $400 $288 $1,002 Hebron Baptist Church Rev. Bill Coffey 1852 $0 $0 $745 Jonesboro Baptist Church Pastor 1845 265 0 55 16 30 24 $109,096 $96,225 $12,000 $7,920 $17,306 Midway Baptist Church Rev. Donald Harvey 1883 114 0 52 26 98 73 $72,833 $67,826 $2,000 $1,440 $4,451 Mt Shiloh Baptist Church Rev. Jim Wilson 1833 116 0 25 20 0 0 $50,215 $48,207 $1,381 $1,381 $3,582 New Prospect Baptist Church Pastor 1778 332 0 20 30 80 38 $46,698 $36,354 $2,374 $1,710 $3,124 Nueva Vida Rev. Evan Johnson 2009 12 0 10 10 0 6 $16,916 $6,596 $625 $562 $1,204 Oak Hill Baptist Church Rev. Bryan Painter 1886 172 3 40 8 32 0 $72,170 $72,170 $4,180 $3,010 $5,176 Piney River Baptist Church Rev. Jason Canipe 1833 290 3 76 48 152 1,025 $97,316 $75,644 $2,000 $1,440 $6,836 Ridgecrest Baptist Church Pastor 1956 189 4 44 40 44 50 $74,937 $70,854 $4,693 $2,347 $5,709 Rockfi sh Valley Baptist Church Rev. Justin Braun 1924 75 0 40 10 80 15 $95,654 $86,733 $5,422 $922 $7,575 Rose Union Baptist Church Rev. John P. Campbell 1869 327 5 95 51 70 41 $149,663 $118,832 $6,000 $3,960 $9,927 Schuyler Baptist Church Rev. Jon McCranie 1905 108 3 25 10 0 8 $45,233 $45,233 $400 $400 $1,300 Shipman Baptist Church Mr. David S. Gifford 1918 177 0 31 22 0 267 $53,694 $52,897 $100 $72 $888 St Stephens Baptist Church Rev. Norman Ryan Jr. 1850 112 3 30 16 31 12 $50,110 $34,027 $1,500 $1,080 $2,059 Woodland Baptist Church Rev. Gregory 1911 395 13 100 90 65 45 $196,788 $174,219 $7,600 $5,472 $9,615 McCormick Totals 4,363 65 1,549 879 1,346 2,652 $2,538,621 $2,050,969 $141,265 $91,946 $199,146

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 312 ACP COMPILATIONS PITTSYLVANIA Organized October 16, 1788

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bethlehem Baptist Church Rev. J. B. Baldridge 1891 68 0 30 15 0 12 $49,590 $40,219 $100 $72 $400 Blairs Baptist Church Rev. John Lester Jr. 1942 318 1 120 57 52 35 $127,484 $124,569 $6,201 $4,465 $8,636 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. J. Richard 1918 $7,485 $3,742 $7,485 Markham Cascade Baptist Church Rev. Wayne Mayberry 1858 42 0 18 10 0 0 $16,936 $16,387 $0 $0 $0 Chatham Baptist Church Rev. Charles H. 1857 137 0 75 50 32 0 $202,923 $197,989 $3,000 $2,160 $16,703 Warnock III Chestnut Level Baptist Church Rev. David Anderson 1892 218 5 94 45 15 0 $126,243 $114,331 $1,000 $660 $6,224 College Park Baptist Church Dr. Carl A. McIntire III 1901 201 4 91 57 30 158 $166,995 $158,663 $1,900 $1,425 $3,415 First Baptist Church of Rev. John Carroll 1834 $23,051 $16,597 $37,524 Danville First Baptist Church of Riceville Dr. Dave Cochran 1798 55 0 12 12 0 0 $26,169 $26,169 $2,889 $2,080 $3,229 Glenwood Memorial Baptist Rev. Averette Witcher 1875 116 0 19 14 0 45 $21,545 $21,545 $38 $27 $671 Church Greenpond Baptist Church Rev. Steven J. Carlton 1865 234 5 71 57 21 328 $117,550 $107,328 $2,000 $1,440 $4,437 Hillcrest Baptist Church Rev. Robert N. Yeaman 1961 321 3 189 134 117 404 $326,897 $218,446 $1,698 $340 $7,534 Kentuck Baptist Church Rev. C. Allen Mahan II 1788 365 6 250 127 169 74 $329,887 $310,587 $15,998 $10,559 $42,175 Laurel Grove Baptist Church Rev. Jason Arthur 1848 $0 $0 $343 Liberty Baptist Church Rev. Daryl Joyce 1859 191 4 82 40 57 58 $89,606 $87,603 $1,125 $810 $2,197 Marion Baptist Church Rev. Henry Meadows Jr. 1893 484 20 245 160 110 101 $406,997 $309,391 $0 $0 $0 Melville Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Charles A. 1949 164 0 26 13 0 29 $60,674 $59,747 $6,069 $4,005 $7,892 Swanson Moffett Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Cameron Edgar 1887 658 3 150 110 0 50 $0 $300,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Mount Hermon Baptist Church Dr. Daniel W. Davis 1844 1,159 8 382 348 266 137 $1,343,137 $1,024,852 $85,816 $42,908 $168,355 Mt Tabor Baptist Church Rev. Carl E. Burger 1869 253 3 66 42 40 0 $142,576 $124,263 $12,461 $8,972 $15,441 Piney Fork Baptist Church Rev. Tyler R. Daniels 1892 175 2 67 45 48 25 $136,483 $131,441 $3,667 $2,640 $9,697 Ringgold Baptist Church Rev. Duane Caldwell 1876 343 3 190 110 104 35 $50,682 $220,915 $27,000 $19,440 $34,622 Rivermont Baptist Church Dr. Gary A. Tucker 1951 399 5 73 52 51 39 $160,500 $150,454 $5,357 $5,357 $9,212 Sandy Creek Baptist Church Rev. Jimmy Bibee 1824 76 0 35 35 15 0 $64,968 $62,558 $900 $594 $1,477 Sandy Shores Baptist Church Rev. Billy W. Scearce 1977 65 0 45 14 0 0 $72,820 $7,132 $0 $0 $500 Schoolfi eld Baptist Church Rev. David R. Turbyfi ll 1905 314 0 69 37 60 100 $168,848 $159,310 $7,232 $5,207 $12,196 Sharon Baptist Church Rev. Charlie Ryan 1873 $1,866 $1,343 $2,556 Shockoe Baptist Church Rev. Michael C. Jones 1803 192 7 110 94 95 133 $145,159 $131,958 $1,500 $1,080 $4,605 State Line Baptist Church Rev. William W. 1941 432 3 78 75 139 0 $111,148 $104,978 $4,329 $3,117 $5,454 Wallace United Baptist Church Dr. Adam B. Woods 2008 167 1 100 70 59 50 $144,400 $129,655 $5,000 $3,600 $7,828 Vandola Baptist Church Dr. Scott Bortz 1889 505 3 115 62 38 44 $192,190 $182,652 $23,797 $15,706 $30,712 West Main Baptist Church Rev. Bruce E. Wilson 1941 835 12 250 125 130 52 $517,768 $517,768 $15,045 $10,832 $18,045 Woodberry Hills Baptist Church Rev. Richard Motley 1897 96 5 45 25 0 15 $112,968 $78,972 $1,909 $1,260 $4,470 Totals 8,583 103 3,097 2,035 1,648 1,924 $5,433,143 $5,119,882 $273,432 $175,438 $479,033

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 313 ACP COMPILATIONS PORTSMOUTH Organized May 21, 1791

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Churchland Baptist Church Rev. Larry B. Coleman 1785 $28,400 $20,448 $35,585 Churchland North Baptist Rev. Timothy Thomas 1995 $450 $324 $450 Church Court Street Baptist Church Dr. Wilbur Kersey 1789 141 2 83 37 48 0 $183,314 $30,486 $7,715 $5,555 $8,025 Cradock Baptist Church Rev. David L. Phillips 1919 $1,200 $864 $2,311 East End Baptist Church Dr. Wayne D. Faison 1888 996 20 425 145 129 709 $850,777 $448,335 $18,000 $11,880 $22,500 Fairwood Agape Baptist Rev. Robert Lee 1990 110 13 90 40 25 86 $134,500 $20,000 $1,500 $1,080 $1,500 Church First Baptist Church of Dendron Rev. Michael L. 2007 $0 $0 $0 Thomas Sr. Grove Park Baptist Church Rev. B. Scott Pond 1945 $7,319 $5,270 $11,962 Highland Baptist Church Rev. Kevin L. Wilson 1929 43 42 40 10 $112,447 $0 $0 $0 Horizon Community Church Rev. Steve Nethery 2010 100 0 65 40 0 67 $230,064 $195,193 $3,300 $2,178 $3,300 Jackson Memorial Baptist Rev. Tag Kilgore 1906 $40,046 $26,430 $69,944 Church Living Hope Baptist Church Rev. Charles H. 2011 $0 $0 $0 Fuller Jr. Northwest Baptist Church Rev. Michael C. Smith 1782 134 3 33 21 31 20 $53,044 $45,315 $1,260 $907 $2,262 Olive Branch Baptist Church Rev. Michael L. 2007 183 3 145 45 102 54 $86,433 $5,000 $200 $132 $200 Williams Port Norfolk Baptist Church Rev. Terry L. Taylor 1898 905 1 56 96 83 13 $225,362 $212,354 $8,050 $5,350 $17,928 River Shore Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Kelly 1855 $3,341 $2,406 $5,969 Taylor Road Baptist Church Dr. Melvin Kunkle 1962 160 0 42 22 0 18 $92,617 $92,617 $1,200 $864 $1,200 True Word Christian Church* Rev. Charles R. Worth 2004 $0 $0 $0 Union Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey B. Knight 2007 184 9 120 99 74 22 $184,000 $0 $1,200 $792 $1,200 Victory Blvd Baptist Church Rev. Mark Karika 1952 7 0 8700$15,250 $14,800 $0 $0 $537 West Norfolk Baptist Church Rev. Tony Melia 1895 $0 $0 $192 Westhaven Baptist Church Dr. Bruce Powers & 1913 705 0 115 79 135 55 $228,033 $6,950 $6,950 $10,642 Rev. Traci B. Powers Totals 3,668 51 1,224 671 627 1,054 $2,167,808 $1,292,133 $130,132 $91,430 $195,708

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 314 ACP COMPILATIONS POWELL RIVER Organized October 4, 1894

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Admant Baptist Church Rev. James Clem 1900 $0 $0 $0 Beacon Light Baptist Church Rev. Norman R. Bowlin 1935 236 0 26 14 0 0 $22,500 $20,000 $1,023 $736 $1,023 Beech Grove Baptist Church Rev. Dennis Jones 1891 337 9 90 80 75 0 $82,178 $82,178 $0 $0 $0 Beech Hill Baptist Church Pastor 1906 10 0 3460$8,108 $8,108 $600 $432 $600 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Eddie Roberts 1982 $0 $0 $0 Charity Baptist Church Rev. David Parsons 1948 $139 $100 $139 Corinth Baptist Church Rev. Bob Duncan 1872 $0 $0 $0 Darbyville First Baptist Church* Rev. Earnest Bledsoe Jr. 1973 $0 $0 $0 Dryden Baptist Church Pastor 1887 288 1 59 40 67 0 $77,513 $62,740 $3,039 $608 $6,134 Faith Baptist Church Rev. Mickey Gibson 1984 83 0 75 55 70 0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church of Ewing Rev. David Wade 1927 188 0 30 23 22 18 $89,477 $81,511 $3,597 $2,374 $5,147 First Baptist Church of Jonesville Rev. Mike Humfl eet 1892 435 5 145 99 120 364 $327,738 $160,835 $16,509 $10,260 $20,659 First Baptist Church of Rose Hill Rev. Carlos Wolfe 1949 120 2 40 22 126 0 $55,521 $51,595 $2,204 $1,454 $3,856 First Missionary Baptist Pastor 1944 $0 $0 $0 Church of Woodway Fleenors Chapel Rev. Butch Clem 1934 $0 $0 $240 Friendship Baptist Church, Inc. Rev. Fred D. Cagle 1879 572 2 104 81 124 20 $185,000 $183,000 $9,696 $5,623 $11,246 Hardy’s Creek Baptist Church Pastor 1852 47 0 12 10 0 0 $12,370 $12,324 $1,488 $982 $1,858 Lambs Chapel Rev. L. J. Ellis 1915 154 0 25 20 52 0 $28,620 $24,306 $300 $216 $300 Lone Branch Baptist Church Rev. Jerry D. Murphree 1890 127 1 25 15 33 6 $37,447 $29,693 $2,778 $1,834 $4,413 Olinger Missionary Baptist Rev. Thomas Ely 1906 55 12 72 20 $0 $0 $100 Church Pine Grove Baptist Church Rev. Craig Bedenbender 1894 $0 $0 $0 Plain View Baptist Church Pastor 1942 69 1 30 20 12 20 $29,207 $24,130 $780 $562 $1,094 Rawhide Baptist Church Rev. Darrell Russell 1952 $0 $0 $0 Rose Dale Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Gerald 1940 140 0 35 20 0 0 $19,929 $2,185 $0 $0 $0 Silver Leaf Baptist Church Pastor 1881 139 2 50 35 81 2 $62,491 $54,460 $2,739 $1,808 $6,576 Thompson Settlement Baptist Pastor 1800 $0 $0 $256 Church Vanhuss Grove Church Rev. Ashley Yeary 1909 121 2 32 32 65 0 $24,244 $24,244 $0 $0 $1,200 Totals 3,066 25 836 582 925 450 $1,064,343 $823,309 $44,891 $26,989 $64,840

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 315 ACP COMPILATIONS RAPPAHANNOCK Organized October 4, 1894

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Beale Memorial Baptist Church Rev. David W. 1875 427 9 227 80 130 62 $297,916 $287,963 $13,029 $12,117 $22,154 Donahue Bethany Baptist Church Rev. Kornel Kiss 1878 535 8 145 145 208 2,633 $363,761 $262,837 $40,000 $28,800 $51,071 Beulah Baptist Church Dr. Don R. Zampogna 1885 201 5 85 55 67 58 $131,175 $115,817 $13,650 $9,009 $17,770 Claybrook Baptist Church Rev. William Burruss 1912 309 4 73 45 60 115 $118,317 $118,207 $2,800 $1,848 $5,532 Coan Baptist Church Rev. Lee Farmer 1804 286 12 97 71 716 $157,966 $130,239 $7,800 $5,616 $9,873 Cobham Park Baptist Church Rev. Donald H. Bowen 1885 390 4 165 115 110 40 $374,586 $312,818 $12,400 $8,184 $27,982 Corrottoman Baptist Church Rev. David Cromer 1844 269 1 116 96 61 104 $171,200 $121,861 $10,671 $8,537 $12,631 Currioman Baptist Church Rev. David G. McEntire 1882 149 0 50 25 77 23 $84,409 $75,761 $6,708 $4,159 $8,617 Ephesus Baptist Church Mr. Larry Schools 1844 194 9 148 75 134 281 $205,396 $177,700 $1,500 $1,080 $3,805 Fairfi elds Baptist Church Pastor 1844 $847 $542 $2,699 Fairport Baptist Church Rev. F. Neale Schools 1887 207 5 95 51 69 11 $200,627 $183,513 $1,200 $300 $1,500 Farnham Baptist Church Rev. Rodney Morrison 1790 92 2 60 33 45 25 $79,815 $75,529 $7,533 $3,766 $8,078 Gibeon Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey A. Withers 1840 94 0 19 13 34 25 $41,646 $28,247 $2,307 $1,522 $2,802 Howertons Baptist Church Rev. Chris Campbell 1865 $11,000 $7,260 $17,856 Irvington Baptist Church Rev. John H. Farmer 1891 203 3 70 25 80 15 $271,850 $202,433 $1,500 $1,500 $6,547 Jerusalem Baptist Church Rev. Kenneth K. Park 1832 164 0 45 32 25 18 $105,849 $100,219 $7,258 $5,226 $11,617 Kilmarnock Baptist Church Rev. Matthew A. 1915 313 1 85 55 29 20 $227,892 $179,697 $6,500 $6,500 $10,410 Tennant Lebanon Baptist Church Rev. Carlton Milstead Jr. 1842 106 0 41 20 31 26 $71,913 $40,031 $1,000 $660 $1,394 Maple Grove Baptist Church Rev. Mark E. Boswell 1987 38 0 6000$9,527 $6,977 $1,353 $974 $1,673 Menokin Baptist Church Dr. Jason N. Patrick 1837 148 1 70 42 56 100 $103,041 $86,060 $2,750 $1,980 $3,506 Morattico Baptist Church Rev. Craig Smith 1778 91 8 69 40 0 75 $315,253 $97,516 $500 $500 $2,007 Mt Zion Baptist Church Pastor 1774 335 4 142 87 101 91 $171,970 $143,679 $8,810 $6,343 $10,605 New Friendship Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Rice 1979 80 45 25 $79,664 $73,537 $2,631 $1,737 $3,946 Nomini Baptist Church Dr. Johnny R. Almond 1786 236 5 63 80 70 $196,809 $134,692 $7,894 $5,684 $10,306 Norwood Baptist Church Rev. Carlton Milstead Jr. 1893 $400 $264 $400 Oak Grove Baptist Church Rev. Randall J. Snipes 1875 603 31 275 136 318 56 $714,800 $330,155 $3,998 $2,639 $4,646 Popes Creek Baptist Church Rev. Richard A. 1812 161 3 50 27 30 30 $7,089 $66,228 $1,500 $1,080 $2,345 Headley Providence Baptist Church Rev. Carlton Milstead Jr. 1877 58 0 12 10 0 0 $48,951 $12,784 $1,300 $858 $1,300 Rappahannock Baptist Church Rev. David Johnson 1839 178 3 77 24 65 78 $78,528 $50,436 $500 $360 $1,290 Shiloh Baptist Church Dr. Michael Bryant 1867 300 11 110 36 234 200 $153,407 $153,407 $0 $0 $0 Smithland Baptist Church Rev. Ian C. McManney 1883 70 1 68 36 0 30 $99,613 $95,975 $1,000 $720 $3,806 Totuskey Baptist Church Pastor 1871 520 7 80 15 95 40 $138,441 $127,469 $8,100 $5,346 $11,690 Upper Essex Baptist Church Rev. Roy Foster 1772 237 1 43 36 20 27 $132,748 $53,153 $6,671 $4,803 $8,983 Upper King and Queen Rev. Wade Wilkins 1774 187 2 42 34 73 35 $125,576 $105,641 $4,153 $2,990 $6,694 Baptist Church Warsaw Baptist Church Dr. J. Michael 1921 182 0 46 46 85 74 $119,528 $99,070 $9,300 $6,417 $9,532 Robertson Welcome Grove Baptist Church Rev. Willard D. 1876 148 0 70 27 0 30 $86,446 $81,700 $3,387 $2,439 $8,092 Bowen, Sr. White Stone Baptist Church Dr. Manuel S. 1895 202 0 60 27 22 138 $162,001 $124,651 $10,092 $7,064 $14,246 Shanaberger Wicomico Baptist Church Rev. Lee G. Scripture 1913 70 0 23 15 0 0 $36,218 $33,721 $3,765 $2,711 $4,577 Totals 7,783 140 2,872 1,679 2,329 5,176 $5,683,928 $4,289,723 $225,807 $161,535 $331,982

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 316 ACP COMPILATIONS ROANOKE VALLEY Organized August 7, 1841

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Arcadia Baptist Church Pastor 1987 50 0 26 14 0 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200 Belmont Baptist Church Rev. David C. Burgess 1901 565 1 65 55 35 35 $166,928 $106,524 $5,304 $3,500 $7,207 & Rev. Joseph L. Elmore Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Hilton Jeffreys 1951 1,239 13 280 230 182 182 $743,287 $497,682 $37,040 $18,520 $41,156 Big Spring Baptist Church Rev. Kenneth D. Gray 1876 $0 $0 $0 Bonsack Baptist Church Dr. Robert G. Moore III 1880 2,239 24 1,023 878 836 545 $3,801,564 $2,332,068 $198,340 $147,944 $258,735 & Dr. Chris Cadenhead Buchanan Baptist Church Rev. Michael L. Woody 1836 $20,465 $14,735 $25,335 Calvary Baptist Church Dr. Raymond F. Allen 1891 305 0 75 40 0 0 $311,173 $269,209 $500 $500 $2,341 Catawba Valley Baptist Church Dr. Alan Mason 1859 341 6 90 50 55 209 $140,906 $133,938 $0 $0 $1,375 Cave Rock Baptist Church Mr. Brian Lawrence 1885 $0 $0 $0 Cedar Bluff Baptist Church Dr. Thomas G. Harvey 1932 173 2 45 32 0 0 $37,022 $34,534 $1,020 $673 $1,941 Central Baptist Church Pastor 1905 $0 $0 $0 Colonial Avenue Baptist Church Dr. Quentin T. Madden 1963 $4,736 $3,410 $4,736 Coopers Cove Baptist Church Rev. Kyle T. Dooley 1880 187 0 35 25 20 12 $66,328 $57,689 $4,804 $3,459 $7,465 Eagle Rock Baptist Church Rev. William I. Ronk 1898 219 2 55 30 45 0 $9,799 $4,738 $0 $0 $70 Enon Baptist Church Rev. Glenn Giles 1855 332 3 60 55 0 0 $126,480 $107,740 $6,563 $4,331 $8,893 Forest Grove Baptist Church Rev. Jerry Marsh 1878 148 2 46 35 40 14 $87,601 $72,573 $5,260 $3,471 $5,873 Forest Park Baptist Church Rev. Rayshon L. 1970 $0 $0 $0 Cobbs Sr. Fort Lewis Baptist Church Rev. Leonard L. 1824 269 8 97 84 34 78 $26,400 $269,803 $8,120 $7,065 $9,149 Southern Garden City Baptist Church Rev. Jay Fields 1929 427 98 36 18 $175,861 $159,034 $7,296 $5,253 $9,501 Grandin Court Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Meadows 1945 692 7 300 290 175 410 $1,102,389 $930,360 $17,000 $12,240 $18,849 Gravel Hill Baptist Church Rev. Jason Bennett 1919 $0 $0 $0 Green Ridge Baptist Church Rev. Gregory Moser 1966 840 9 355 346 220 85 $777,630 $723,196 $0 $0 $50 Haitian Sinai Baptist Church Rev. Castin Mesadieu 1995 $0 $0 $0 Haran Baptist Church Rev. Mike Anderson 1921 270 5 120 80 60 0 $159,932 $158,537 $7,108 $4,691 $9,539 Journey Church Dr. Michael R. DuVal 2000 194 13 425 200 0 40 $644,965 $627,278 $32,083 $25,666 $36,640 Layman Memorial Baptist Rev. Brian K. Robinson 1984 87 12 125 36 0 13 $600 $432 $600 Church* Lithia Baptist Church Pastor 1848 49 0 14 12 6 $27,317 $0 $325 $234 $747 Lynn Haven Baptist Church Dr. Michael Wrye 1961 408 14 251 142 167 75 $637,060 $447,437 $30,300 $19,998 $34,825 Melrose Baptist Church Rev. Larry E. Sprouse 1907 1,150 4 304 315 216 1,280 $754,733 $613,811 $37,664 $27,118 $54,444 Midland Baptist Church Rev. Rodger A. Hogan 1931 71 1 40 26 0 28 $72,851 $60,845 $3,689 $2,656 $4,996 Midway Baptist Church Rev. William R. Smith 1908 30 3 23 22 0 0 $38,091 $36,041 $1,530 $1,010 $2,130 Mill Creek Baptist Church Dr. Robert H. 1804 586 10 210 135 91 345 $609,079 $326,101 $31,240 $22,493 $35,980 Hetherington Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Rev. Eric Spano 1841 $9,707 $4,854 $24,703 Mountain Pass Baptist Church Rev. Jack Richards Jr. 1959 67 0 55 27 30 125 $75,931 $67,198 $6,000 $3,960 $7,571 North Roanoke Baptist Church Dr. Darryl G. Crim 1957 $48,360 $31,917 $64,126 Oakland Baptist Church Pastor 1925 1,323 4 125 75 25 109 $400,000 $316,000 $25,446 $16,811 $32,019 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Dr. Roy S. Thomas III 1858 180 4 85 45 22 7 $269,492 $233,035 $4,200 $3,024 $7,655 Red Hill Baptist Church Rev. James Jordan 1870 $1,600 $1,056 $2,536 Ridgewood Baptist Church Rev. Roy Kanode 1959 $14,799 $10,655 $17,634 Riverdale Baptist Church Pastor 1927 331 12 109 74 94 110 $175,074 $148,927 $450 $297 $450 Riverland Road Baptist Church Rev. Don W. 1959 104 0 38 22 10 3 $73,082 $71,307 $450 $171 $3,725 Summerville Rosalind Hills Baptist Church Rev. Brad Smith 1954 $16,500 $11,880 $20,360 Salem Baptist Church Rev. Everett Kier Jr. 1870 360 6 180 156 45 17 $667,458 $543,150 $53,856 $16,157 $76,206 Seventeenth Street Baptist Rev. James Frankie 1973 $100 $72 $100 Church Springwood Baptist Church Rev. Brian A. 1832 340 2 90 51 60 42 $109,096 $76,641 $2,400 $1,728 $4,340 Clingenpeel Troutville Baptist Church Rev. Carol H. Johnston 1875 285 2 111 72 65 18 $275,393 $202,294 $19,000 $13,300 $27,268 Villa Heights Baptist Church Rev. Jake Huffman 1923 527 19 288 208 130 313 $710,634 $506,000 $55,815 $36,838 $61,945 Vinton Baptist Church Dr. William R. Booth 1892 2,106 8 474 357 250 875 $1,275,063 $945,292 $44,860 $31,402 $61,106 Virginia Heights Baptist Church Rev. Nelson Harris 1919 $6,000 $4,320 $10,905 Waverly Place Baptist Church Rev. Kelly Dampeer Sr. 1926 $8,010 $5,181 $14,449 West Salem Baptist Church Rev. Nick Shaffer 1959 100 0 100 100 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Windsor Hills Baptist Church Rev. Lawrence 1958 100 0 100 50 0 0 $0 $0 $200 $100 $200 Dodson Totals 16,694 196 5,819 4,467 2,943 4,995 $14,548,619 $11,078,982 $778,739 $523,123 $1,020,076

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 317 ACP COMPILATIONS SHENANDOAH Organized August 20, 1882

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Bentonville Baptist Church Dr. C. Wayne W. 1885 214 0 35 0 19 0 $91,658 $84,964 $6,250 $4,500 $10,492 Woodard Berryville Baptist Church Rev. Daniel L. Stanley 1772 196 1 130 65 5 75 $2,975 $2,142 $8,601 Browntown Baptist Church Rev. Michael A. 1873 100 0 50 0 0 1 $100,000 $86,430 $2,000 $1,440 $4,628 Normoyle Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Doug Frazier 1955 140 7 117 104 66 46 $516,516 $233,378 $4,448 $3,171 $31,023 Charles Town Baptist Church Rev. Brian J. Hotaling 1792 678 3 200 150 102 9 $38,327 $27,595 $54,865 First Baptist Church of Dr. Robert M. Jordon 1839 288 3 103 34 35 19 $263,547 $250,075 $1,000 $720 $1,405 Front Royal First Baptist Church of Pastor 1858 628 21 232 121 200 49 $489,751 $447,774 $21,000 $13,860 $30,463 Martinsburg First Baptist Church of Rev. Mike Blitch 2009 180 16 120 90 45 18 $157,795 $141,984 $1,500 $990 $1,500 Middletown First Baptist Church of Rev. George H. 1840 576 6 275 180 125 95 $1,180,215 $620,048 $58,088 $41,823 $61,160 Winchester Fletcher III First Baptist Church of Rev. Darryl George 1959 254 20 223 112 169 70 $403,312 $324,122 $63,521 $41,924 $68,226 Woodstock Grace Baptist Church Rev. Jason T. Powell 1895 $4,044 $2,669 $5,115 Greenway Spirit & Word Rev. Robert Vineyard 1967 $0 $0 $0 Fellowship Harvest Pointe Community Rev. Jason W. Smith 2001 $0 $0 $0 Church Leetown Baptist Church Mr. Floyd Chapman 1883 40 5 50 30 60 1 $62,657 $60,697 $2,547 $1,681 $3,308 Main Street Baptist Church Dr. Charles Jolley 1844 308 0 67 25 70 37 $171,519 $139,609 $8,115 $5,356 $11,813 Marlow Heights Baptist Church Rev. James D. Bunce 1948 460 2 60 $9,000 $6,480 $9,757 Mountain Baptist Church Rev. Dennis Elsea 1857 146 0 51 26 37 1 $110,675 $96,324 $6,201 $4,465 $7,573 Primera Iglesia Bautista Peniel Mr. Ramon Montufar 2005 25 18 $407 $293 $407 Shannondale Springs Baptist Rev. Harold L. Jones Jr. 1990 $1,500 $1,080 $1,500 Church Shenandoah Farms Baptist Rev. Jack K. Wampler Sr. 1972 240 160 10 40 0 $3,600 $2,376 $3,600 Church Stanley Baptist Church Rev. Sam P. Jones Jr. 1884 232 0 89 48 64 0 $99,686 $95,056 $8,979 $6,465 $11,458 Summit Point Baptist Church Rev. James W. Holt 1896 145 0 42 26 17 12 $105,753 $98,192 $7,930 $5,709 $15,342 Totals 4,850 84 2,004 1,039 1,054 433 $3,753,084 $2,678,653 $251,431 $174,738 $342,234

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 318 ACP COMPILATIONS SHILOH Organized October 1791

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Alum Spring Baptist Church Rev. Ron Young 1855 271 14 131 80 76 79 $216,158 $202,046 $2,500 $1,800 $5,919 Barboursville Baptist Church Rev. Jack W. Shelar 1888 110 0 30 10 15 8 $51,103 $41,750 $0 $0 $1,180 Beth Car Baptist Church Dr. John M. 1823 323 2 100 40 70 225 $219,860 $163,919 $6,244 $4,496 $18,696 Huelskoetter Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Adam Meisberger 1803 284 7 84 85 80 6 $135,531 $110,032 $2,500 $1,800 $6,866 Blue Run Baptist Church Rev. James Waldrop Sr. 1769 $200 $144 $732 Cedar Run Baptist Church Mr. Ralph Wilson 1830 56 0 7002$8,826 $8,576 $350 $234 $950 Crooked Run Baptist Church Rev. Karl Hrebik 1772 $600 $432 $600 Culpeper Baptist Church Rev. Daniel E. Carlton 1774 879 6 240 300 75 43 $233,358 $156,228 $57,737 $41,571 $79,713 Culpeper Korean Church Rev. Tak S. Kim 2010 $1,200 $864 $1,200 F. T. Baptist Church Rev. Danny Yowell 1778 102 0 30 20 0 0 $29,517 $29,467 $800 $576 $800 Flint Hill Baptist Church Rev. Jim Payne 1854 $1,200 $864 $1,200 Forest Grove Baptist Church Rev. Joel Marks 1886 $400 $400 $800 Good Hope Baptist Church Rev. Kyle B. Balderson 1828 271 0 45 33 54 1 $79,532 $74,867 $5,000 $3,300 $9,183 Gourdvine Baptist Church Pastor 1791 226 23 90 70 95 51 $106,713 $104,932 $9,879 $7,113 $13,650 His Village Rev. Erick Kalenga 2011 $100 $36 $100 Immanuel Christian Ministries Dr. Milton L. Branch Sr. 2010 54 4 15 0 42 $27,845 $25,388 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 & Rev. Judith F. Moss Lael Baptist Church Mr. Rodney Fretwell 1874 25 0 25 12 0 2 $0 $0 $2,000 $1,240 $2,000 Mountain View Community Rev. Mark A. Jenkins 2003 $1,500 $500 $1,500 Church Mt Zion Baptist Church Rev. Barry N. Van Pelt 1833 $0 $0 $0 New Salem Baptist Church Rev. Mike Dodson 1834 182 12 48 20 25 25 $126,000 $400 $400 $400 Novum Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey Light 1911 295 2 130 118 135 137 $323,245 $203,976 $600 $432 $1,364 Oak Chapel Baptist Church Rev. Daniel K. Crumley 1891 $1,200 $792 $1,385 Oakland Baptist Church Rev. James Ayers 1843 101 0 50 25 35 0 $88,885 $81,149 $300 $216 $377 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Mr. David Knighton 1825 $0 $0 $933 Primera Iglesia Bautista Dr. Habacuc D. Lopez 2001 125 5 130 75 0 $42,000 $42,000 $550 $396 $550 Maranatha Rapidan Baptist Church Rev. Jeff Tucker 1773 104 0 34 12 10 0 $47,428 $45,232 $250 $180 $460 Remington Baptist Church Rev. David Blevins 1876 175 4 65 35 0 15 $129,307 $113,322 $5,677 $3,025 $9,597 Reynolds Memorial Baptist Rev. Jon C. Heddleston 1787 142 9 90 75 55 21 $100,106 $95,357 $0 $0 $0 Church Slate Mills Baptist Church Rev. Sanford Martin 1855 $100 $72 $200 Stanardsville Baptist Church Rev. Mike Peedin 1927 $3,946 $2,605 $4,484 The Plains Baptist Church Rev. Jan Sickel 1956 55 0 16000$29,975 $29,975 $2,020 $1,333 $2,764 The Summit Mr. Jody Shelatz 2008 $0 $0 $0 Washington Baptist Church Rev. Walt Childress 1882 123 0 43 18 0 95 $96,410 $86,130 $2,000 $1,440 $3,859 Totals 3,903 88 1,388 1,043 725 752 $2,091,799 $1,614,346 $110,254 $77,260 $172,462

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 319 ACP COMPILATIONS SOUTHSIDE Organized 1962

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Ash Camp Baptist Church Rev. Ted R. Smith Jr. 1802 384 5 99 57 104 52 $198,820 $160,751 $16,000 $12,800 $22,031 Bagby Memorial Baptist Church Rev. Timothy R. Mull 1903 139 0 35 24 0 120 $86,812 $79,037 $8,457 $6,089 $10,107 Blackstone Baptist Church Rev. Tony Brooks 1876 270 0 60 40 40 16 $120,532 $95,844 $4,313 $3,105 $7,664 Burkeville Baptist Church Rev. Woodrow Fisher 1873 305 1 49 45 37 4 $129,250 $82,985 $1,849 $1,276 $4,953 Crewe Baptist Church Rev. Eddie N. Haynes 1888 664 6 200 135 211 25 $369,155 $284,429 $18,000 $11,880 $19,645 Drakes Branch Baptist Church Mr. Adam Blosser 1899 98 4 86 67 85 28 $170,647 $165,096 $14,349 $7,175 $35,614 Dundas Baptist Church Rev. Jonathan Wolf 1915 275 1 50 45 50 33 $84,453 $73,843 $2,635 $1,739 $5,489 Eureka Baptist Church Pastor 1919 195 4 95 65 96 23 $96,378 $86,640 $2,000 $1,440 $5,256 Farmville Baptist Church Rev. Ronald Kiehm 1836 248 1 80 50 38 175 $162,572 $161,241 $5,556 $4,000 $5,556 Heritage Baptist Church Rev. Jeffrey C. Hudgins 1976 402 1 92 65 50 262 $552,239 $305,735 $21,036 $15,146 $27,245 Iglesia Hispana Bautista En Pastor 2000 25 0 25 15 0 0 $9,575 $9,575 $187 $135 $187 Kenbridge (Anastasis) Jonesboro Baptist Church Dr. James L. Bradshaw 1850 144 0 17 17 0 140 $31,430 $28,203 $1,450 $1,044 $2,355 Kenbridge Baptist Church Rev. Robert J. Smith Jr. 1912 318 5 75 50 49 245 $138,891 $110,559 $9,489 $6,832 $12,305 Meherrin Baptist Church Rev. Gerald M. 1865 50 0 22 19 0 8 $33,006 $29,345 $3,528 $2,460 $4,529 Currin, Sr. Mt Tirzah Baptist Church Rev. Charles Maney 1834 96 2 45 57 0 82 $134,224 $106,973 $1,875 $1,350 $2,788 Mt Zion Baptist Church Rev. Ronald T. 1834 89 0 15000$27,729 $26,419 $1,874 $375 $2,144 Campbell Pisgah Baptist Church Rev. Earl Wallace 1857 309 14 120 94 89 0 $160,505 $132,492 $2,220 $1,465 $6,642 Sharon Baptist Church Rev. Michael 1827 141 3 60 25 48 15 $83,523 $79,953 $588 $423 $2,201 McMeniman Union Grove Baptist Church Pastor 1895 137 0 30 18 0 0 $45,052 $38,232 $1,200 $180 $3,505 Victoria Baptist Church Rev. Stanley H. Hare 1907 529 0 115 101 60 73 $229,075 $178,462 $17,186 $12,374 $23,131 Totals 4,818 47 1,370 989 957 1,301 $2,863,868 $2,235,814 $133,792 $91,288 $203,348

STAUNTON RIVER Organized October 6, 1951

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Central Baptist Church of Ronnie Simpson 1927 313 2 62 25 5 106 $100,983 $82,566 $2,297 $1,654 $6,132 Altavista Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. Johnny Roberts 1786 300 15 106 100 90 67 $173,833 $166,064 $5,966 $2,983 $10,618 Edge Baptist Church Rev. Steve Emory 1904 $7,800 $5,616 $15,246 Edge Hill Baptist Church Rev. Joseph D. Cornell 1857 270 1 70 45 55 75 $89,668 $84,906 $750 $540 $2,697 First Baptist Church of Altavista Dr. Michael S. Lee 1909 $1,925 $1,925 $5,931 First Baptist Church of Gretna Rev. Jonathan Hilliard 1892 419 0 200 138 100 68 $357,208 $276,032 $65,000 $46,800 $68,851 Greenfi eld Baptist Church Rev. R. G. Rowland Jr. 1800 357 2 109 93 98 8 $233,111 $137,887 $9,500 $6,840 $10,301 Kedron Baptist Church Rev. Brian Reynolds 1877 539 9 127 87 97 58 $312,067 $289,163 $13,200 $8,712 $14,203 Lynch Station Baptist Church Rev. Scott Doran 1872 227 1 50 24 27 30 $57,000 $0 $1,870 $1,346 $2,527 Midway Baptist Church Dr. W. Lynn Marstin 1888 418 10 173 121 142 121 $290,257 $290,225 $26,500 $17,490 $39,340 Monte Vista Baptist Church Rev. Wyatt S. Miles IV 1948 87 9 80 85 62 24 $177,779 $109,768 $2,750 $1,980 $20,006 Motley Baptist Church Rev. Mitchell Etherridge 1960 139 3 40 24 24 5 $44,036 $35,539 $2,200 $1,426 $2,915 New Prospect Baptist Church Mr. Brady A. Willis 1849 662 8 220 225 179 336 $485,774 $290,721 $27,572 $19,852 $35,601 Penuel Baptist Church Rev. Carlton R. Gunter 1943 288 4 62 52 74 6 $360,645 $123,381 $6,526 $4,307 $13,704 Round Pond Baptist Church Pastor 1934 50 3 35 10 15 3 $12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $248 Spring Road Baptist Church Rev. Brian Faison 1850 203 1 45 25 26 6 $70,242 $62,899 $0 $0 $855 Summersett Baptist Church Rev. Jason Andrews 1842 370 16 225 60 133 100 $136,167 $136,167 $5,000 $3,300 $11,635 Swan Creek Baptist Church Pastor 1952 66 0 10400$9,760 $7,286 $50 $36 $50 Sycamore Baptist Church Mr. Gary Phillips 1954 307 1 60 40 37 0 $68,181 $52,891 $0 $0 $695 Winfall Baptist Church Rev. Daryl Webster 1905 83 1 43 22 60 0 $54,269 $50,177 $0 $0 $0 Totals 5,098 86 1,717 1,180 1,224 1,013 $3,032,980 $2,207,672 $178,906 $124,807 $261,554

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 320 ACP COMPILATIONS STRAWBERRY Organized October 19, 1954

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Beaverdam Baptist Church Rev. Edward P. Creel 1803 266 2 120 91 50 8 $173,338 $142,471 $6,975 $3,139 $12,475 Bedford Baptist Church Rev. David L. 1797 723 1 200 237 85 39 $488,735 $433,197 $29,047 $20,862 $38,360 Henderson Big Island Baptist Church Rev. Mike Watkins 1886 403 1 72 46 58 16 $139,032 $113,727 $500 $500 $2,391 Flint Hill Baptist Church Dr. E. Wayne Sellers 1866 283 2 60 45 55 10 $90,965 $87,468 $6,350 $4,572 $8,842 Glade Creek Baptist Church Dr. Philip E. Ayers 1829 105 3 65 25 20 2 $95,390 $91,941 $0 $0 $0 Hunting Creek Baptist Church Rev. Carey Snellings 1832 410 2 135 110 76 25 $234,122 $217,027 $9,536 $4,768 $9,561 Mentow Baptist Church Rev. Gregory L. Soult 1901 160 0 48 42 40 173 $102,515 $80,317 $6,662 $4,797 $7,092 Morgans Baptist Church Rev. J. Steve Parker 1771 449 5 99 72 75 148 $165,059 $148,508 $8,153 $5,381 $13,131 Mount Hermon Baptist Church Rev. John M. Boyles 1787 138 4 50 15 35 45 $65,475 $53,869 $4,310 $3,448 $5,507 Mount Olivet Baptist Church Rev. Marc Reynolds 1832 279 13 125 87 118 51 $125,496 $92,445 $4,190 $2,766 $16,165 Thaxton Baptist Church Pastor 1856 565 1 236 75 90 100 $298,586 $230,746 $9,552 $6,844 $11,722 Trinity Baptist Church Rev. H. Vernon Delong 1962 483 1 65 50 22 28 $184,740 $148,788 $0 $0 $0 Walnut Grove Baptist Church Rev. Robert Auxier 1874 186 3 95 40 70 117 $56,515 $48,886 $0 $0 $1,000 Totals 4,450 38 1,370 935 794 762 $2,219,968 $1,889,390 $85,274 $57,075 $126,246

THE BRIDGE NETWORK OF CHURCHES Organized October 24, 2013

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Acts 2 Church Rev. Bill Heffelfi nger 1995 65 0 52 44 14 8 $87,727 $86,327 $1,200 $864 $1,200 Atlantic Baptist Church Rev. Richard Inman 1877 236 1 70 46 56 0 $161,860 $122,472 $7,817 $5,629 $34,836 Awaken Church Rev. Mike Pumphrey 2009 120 9 77 60 0 98 $116,362 $116,362 $250 $180 $250 Azalea Baptist Church Rev. Bart McNiel 1954 444 1 135 124 163 135 $413,229 $329,844 $30,585 $22,021 $36,126 Bayside Baptist Church Dr. John Nixon 1957 443 22 378 305 110 50 $1,111,589 $762,846 $39,582 $26,126 $66,525 Beachlawn Church Rev. Darren Keithley 1959 401 3 40 34 42 $95,403 $89,333 $3,995 $1,998 $8,775 Brentwood Baptist Church Rev. Matthew 1957 120 7 85 65 0 $70,579 $65,005 $6,484 $1,297 $6,604 Childress Broadway Baptist Church Rev. Robert Smoot 1885 101 5 60 40 61 50 $116,632 $109,021 $1,499 $989 $7,561 Burrows Memorial Baptist Rev. Tom Ligon 1894 113 3 73 100 51 175 $108,498 $96,927 $980 $647 $2,312 Church Calvary Baptist Church Rev. James Pugh 1963 693 123 335 273 115 190 $555,870 $265,726 $18,198 $12,787 $19,420 Cape Charles Baptist Church Rev. Russell Goodrich 1887 129 11 130 61 90 22 $236,401 $218,729 $23,263 $16,749 $25,689 Cape Charles Hispanic Baptist Rev. Ramiro 2003 20 5 44 31 56 $0 $0 $0 Mission Dominguez Carrow Baptist Church Rev. Rex Gilley 1963 243 3 35 24 42 15 $72,000 $1,500 $500 $360 $1,252 Centerville Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Ritter 1872 $566,463 $516,570 $13,934 $10,032 $18,735 Central Baptist Church Dr. Tinney Parrish 1885 461 1 94 58 86 6 $271,421 $221,434 $6,600 $4,752 $6,600 Cheriton Baptist Church Dr. Charles E. 1899 196 1 78 57 102 163 $133,709 $97,423 $3,423 $2,259 $15,044 Peterson Chinese American Family Pastor 1993 52 0 45 43 0 0 $59,634 $51,000 $500 $360 $724 Bible Church Christ First Church* Rev. Mark Reon 2014 $0 $0 $0 Coastal Community Church Dr. Hank Brooks 1999 910 43 603 120 0 116 $1,280,779 $735,972 $9,275 $6,678 $13,975 Cornerstone Baptist Church Rev. Fred J. Braswell 1990 591 1 114 85 55 209 $230,715 $229,521 $9,197 $3,219 $10,665 Crossroads Church Rev. Kevin Tremper 1999 119 13 270 180 30 105 $435,335 $348,611 $6,250 $4,125 $6,250 Deaf Baptist Chapel Pastor 1989 $0 $0 $0 Discovery Church Rev. Jesse E. McCoy Jr. 1964 132 10 78 71 46 0 $199,591 $14,606 $500 $360 $1,657 Drummondtown Baptist Rev. William Baker 1871 0 0 0000 $5,500 $3,960 $5,940 Church Eastville Baptist Church Rev. Mark S. Layne 1877 36 2 36804$32,616 $20,400 $1,224 $881 $1,599 Elizabeth River Baptist Church Rev. Richard Saul 1873 459 19 115 126 110 110 $239,240 $203,329 $10,542 $6,325 $16,144 Faithway Baptist Church Rev. Horacio Hall 2005 155 4 75 74 20 18 $83,766 $73,462 $600 $432 $600 First Baptist Church of New Rev. Bobby Parks 1909 208 6 41 25 86 10 $80,215 $48,215 $535 $535 $1,400 Church First Baptist Church of Norfolk Dr. Eric J. Thomas 1805 5,613 124 2,644 2,014 1,250 6,491 $5,090,638 $4,274,348 $0 $0 $0 First Baptist Church of Rev. Steve R. 1908 $1,000 $720 $7,590 Virginia Beach Gupton First Chinese Baptist Church Rev. Timothy Liu 1901 115 6 139 36 $162,000 $0 $0 $0 First View Baptist Church Mr. Martin Jones 1943 51 0 41 36 18 37 $49,002 $40,076 $3,080 $2,218 $5,875 Freemason Street Baptist Dr. Randy Ashcraft 1848 $15,000 $10,800 $16,340 Church Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 321 ACP COMPILATIONS Grassfi eld Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Powell 1962 141 4 77 50 87 2 $142,734 $136,501 $7,036 $5,066 $9,735 Great Bridge Baptist Church Dr. William Langford 1957 2,290 27 799 550 369 401 $2,250,027 $1,905,555 $180,088 $108,053 $296,887 Greenbrier Community Rev. Mitchell L. 1992 $852 $613 $1,452 Church Harrison Hallwood Baptist Church Rev. Danny P. Shrieves 1901 50 0 40 18 0 7 $26,000 $1,400 $1,114 $802 $1,714 Hollies Baptist Church Mr. Scott Mears 1790 246 7 135 54 52 125 $187,566 $122,666 $1,875 $1,238 $5,358 Holy Trinity Baptist Church Rev. Joe Price 1999 29 29 12 2 $23,727 $22,727 $0 $0 $0 Indian River Baptist Church Rev. Robert Kirk 1950 1,462 11 175 158 97 52 $331,564 $307,544 $12,211 $8,060 $23,579 Ingleside Baptist Church Dr. Peter M. 1947 158 0 45 22 0 4 $279,755 $127,591 $5,745 $2,873 $5,895 McLewin International Christian Church Rev. Sonny Vitaliz 1986 397 3 260 175 130 220 $1,296,971 $278,558 $2,400 $1,584 $2,400 King’s Grant Baptist Church Rev. Skip Wallace 1969 764 6 295 377 172 420 $861,724 $85,577 $58,662 $42,236 $66,284 Level Green Fellowship Lynn Garrett 2006 100 0 46 23 10 $117,036 $4,571 $3,017 $6,696 Lighthouse Community Church Dr. Charles H. Stover 1990 95 6 50 23 0 0 $84,647 $80,738 $1,214 $874 $1,214 Living Water Foundation Rev. Damian 2003 $0 $0 $0 Church and Ministries, Inc. Etonyeaku-Nduka Lower Northampton Baptist Rev. Jeff Conrow 1776 208 0 35 30 0 105 $70,541 $51,272 $5,291 $3,809 $5,764 Church Manna Missionary Baptist Rev. Marlin Hall 1985 16 0 15 0 0 10 $26,307 $23,851 $1,000 $720 $1,000 Church Mappsville Baptist Church Pastor 1888 7 0 0000$3,016 $0 $2,320 $1,670 $2,620 Mappsville Hispanic Church Rev. Eulogio Vazquez 1995 70 16 94 12 115 20 $54,392 $0 $1,279 $921 $1,779 Modest Town Baptist Church Rev. John D. Cullop 1829 180 3 79 58 31 38 $157,638 $138,130 $4,378 $2,889 $6,221 Mountaintop Missionary Rev. Aaron Wheeler Sr. 2013 47 7 25 15 $21,351 $21,351 $75 $75 $75 Baptist Church Oak Grove Baptist Church Rev. Charles L. 1762 745 0 184 121 117 900 $514,456 $442,668 $52,738 $34,807 $58,984 Virginia Beach Moseley Jr. Ocean View Church Rev. Aaron O. Dininny 1907 250 18 196 118 109 128 $506,737 $335,254 $9,484 $4,742 $11,795 Parksley Baptist Church Rev. Robert Boyce 1897 83 0 42 23 31 0 $56,000 $49,000 $1,600 $1,152 $1,754 Poema Community Church Rev. Joe Heilman 2008 30 2 18 10 5 $52,600 $0 $450 $324 $450 Primera Iglesia Bautista Rev. Juan Gonzales 1988 98 8 78 45 8 $42,500 $3,250 $0 $0 $0 Hispana de Virginia Beach Raleigh Heights Baptist Church Rev. James A. 1897 665 0 95 65 61 23 $178,232 $166,246 $500 $360 $5,380 Thompson Reality Church Rev. Daniel Whitworth 2007 $815 $587 $815 Red Bank Baptist Church Dr. John M. Robertson 1783 125 5 60 35 54 2 $134,000 $114,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,335 Southside Baptist Church Rev. Terry L. Riddle 1952 338 9 86 55 64 20 $148,528 $132,510 $10,355 $7,455 $11,675 Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Rev. David 1892 92 3 62 45 53 72 $106,915 $105,413 $0 $0 $2,918 Church Klinedinst III St Johns Baptist Church Rev. Charles B. Haley 1853 393 4 135 92 40 127 $402,749 $267,576 $3,800 $2,736 $10,584 Talbot Park Baptist Church Rev. Aaron Brittain 1943 209 0 120 100 108 $231,223 $3,148 $2,141 $5,938 Temple Baptist Church Rev. Mack C. Scott Jr. 1885 544 6 138 136 102 56 $200,069 $160,607 $16,888 $10,471 $19,701 Thalia Lynn Baptist Church Dr. Prentis B. 1957 2,099 12 419 400 245 196 $1,170,533 $814,905 $23,440 $14,155 $26,688 McGoldrick Jr. The Catalyst Congregation Rev. Jerry Tucker 2007 $250 $165 $250 Tidewater Korean Baptist Rev. Nak H. Cho 1975 320 6 287 250 23 4 $0 $0 $1,950 $1,287 $2,926 Church Trinity-Word of Faith Baptist Rev. Andre Salley 1909 $400 $320 $485 Church Virginia Heights Baptist Church Rev. Gene T. Strickland 1943 187 3 98 64 26 97 $196,785 $161,869 $100 $72 $3,636 Vision Church* Rev. Anthony Brown 2013 $0 $0 $0 Westminster Baptist Church Rev. Larry Wade 1954 $0 $0 $0 Woodland Heights Baptist Church Dr. Kenneth A. Barnes 1916 478 10 180 200 125 151 $450,223 $378,406 $10,044 $6,629 $25,513 Zion Baptist Church Rev. Andrew J. 1852 0 81 65 35 58 $142,000 $135,000 $13,516 $9,732 $16,080 Matthews Totals 25,142 599 10,365 7,505 4,829 11,331 $22,298,597 $15,940,447 $664,101 $431,937 $987,266

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 322 ACP COMPILATIONS THE RIVER CITY FAITH NETWORK Organized January 5, 1951

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. African Christian Community Rev. Calvin A. Birch 2003 $250 $180 $250 Church Bethlehem Baptist Church Pastor 1838 $0 $0 $680 Bethlehem Baptist Church Dr. Victor L. Davis 1893 $6,300 $4,536 $6,300 Bon Air Baptist Church Dr. Tom F. Stocks 1952 2,568 41 1,154 1,032 540 2,577 $4,778,056 $3,131,379 $293,651 $184,024 $528,144 - Bon Air Baptist Church - Rev. John Sawyer 2006 $0 $0 $0 James River Campus - Bon Air Baptist Church @ Rev. Jake Maxwell 2013 $0 $0 $0 The Village Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Howard E. 1987 256 3 110 84 151 107 $257,908 $215,508 $15,316 $11,028 $19,107 Germany Chamberlayne Baptist Church Pastor 1953 181 1 109 78 25 56 $339,695 $262,441 $12,902 $9,289 $13,496 Community Mission Church Rev. Albert W. 1999 $600 $432 $600 Jefferson Derbyshire Baptist Pastor 1982 $300 $216 $394 Cambodian Mission Derbyshire Baptist Church Dr. Jeffrey H. Raymond 1963 1,426 7 350 280 87 1,409 $2,981,682 $1,081,638 $51,928 $37,126 $67,541 Disciples For Christ Pastor 1997 $750 $540 $750 Community Church First Baptist Church of Richmond Dr. James Somerville 1780 3,868 7 900 650 325 347 $242,285 $164,269 $476,468 First Union Baptist Church Pastor 2001 $0 $0 $0 Friendship Memorial Baptist Rev. Al Jones 1991 102 0 30 6 0 10 $900 $648 $900 Church Gayton Baptist Church Rev. Phillip V. Faig 1989 $16,668 $12,001 $27,208 Grace Baptist Church Rev. Gary T. Dalton 1833 371 0 125 100 30 15 $1,321,805 $272,336 $0 $0 $1,202 Hatcher Memorial Baptist Dr. John Tadlock 1922 1,723 4 160 160 101 67 $621,508 $414,028 $5,447 $3,922 $9,220 Church Huguenot Road Baptist Church Dr. Robert E. Lee IV 1964 1,598 7 345 303 120 946 $1,703,943 $1,106,595 $86,876 $62,551 $94,202 International Community Dr. Samuel Nuon & 2009 690 460 460 $300 $198 $300 Church Rev. Minh H. Nguyen Korean Baptist Church of Rev. Byung H. Yu 1982 $550 $396 $1,750 Richmond Jahnke Road Baptist Church Rev. R. Wayne Marker 1950 $3,000 $2,160 $5,882 Lakeside Baptist Church Dr. Rebecca Gunter 1951 160 1 55 65 0 0 $227,155 $147,338 $6,549 $4,715 $9,230 Leigh Street Baptist Church Rev. James R. Colvin 1854 336 0 40 38 0 0 $160,600 $55,640 $400 $288 $2,773 Life Line For Jesus Rev. Lorenzo Nicholson 1998 $200 $144 $200 Monument Heights Baptist Dr. Randy C. Clipp 1950 1,159 3 206 158 155 1,485 $721,027 $420,069 $44,676 $32,167 $73,442 Church Morning Star Baptist Church Rev. Tyrell Brown 2005 $0 $0 $0 Mount Tabor Baptist Church Dr. Herbert L. Ponder 1872 329 11 175 75 95 48 $272,831 $245,396 $2,000 $1,440 $2,400 New Canaan Baptist Church Rev. Louis R. Blakey 1974 $0 $0 $0 & Rev. Lois B. Paige New Life Baptist Church of Rev. James Kim 2008 $900 $594 $900 Richmond Patterson Avenue Baptist Church Dr. William M. Nieporte 1989 $7,860 $5,738 $11,542 Pine Street Baptist Church Dr. Phillip W. Turner 1855 106 1 75 75 25 0 $484,620 $159,183 $2,807 $2,417 $4,121 Rising Liberty Church Rev. Horace H. Wade Jr. 2013 $400 $264 $400 River Road Church, Baptist Dr. Michael J. 1946 1,354 13 314 250 150 263 $1,401,278 $103,500 $42,001 $111,767 Clingenpeel Shalom Fellowship Church Rev. Earl F. Robinson 1987 $300 $216 $300 Skipwith Baptist Church Dr. Cecil J. Chambers 1957 230 1 90 60 0 10 $206,885 $174,044 $12,893 $9,282 $16,938 Southampton Baptist Church Rev. Tom Ficklin 1956 $2,272 $1,636 $2,568 Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. Sterling Severns 1891 785 1 175 110 60 42 $498,860 $299,904 $13,754 $9,903 $18,756 The Mount Carmel Baptist Dr. Stephen A. G. 2005 $0 $0 $0 Church Howard The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church Rev. Lance D. Watson 1909 $1,000 $720 $3,319 - The Saint Paul’s Baptist Rev. Maceo E. $0 $0 $0 Church - Belt Campus Freeman Jr. - The Saint Paul’s Baptist Rev. Jamie Duncan $0 $0 $0 Church - Elm Campus Trinity Church, Baptist Rev. Nancy R. Poti 1994 $0 $0 $0 Westhampton Baptist Church Rev. William J. 1911 381 0 57 26 0 0 $224,162 $190,214 $8,315 $5,929 $9,757 Duganne Westover Baptist Church Rev. Mary Ann R. Mann 1946 $605 $436 $605 Woodland Heights Baptist Rev. Thomas F. Lynch 1910 402 1 70 50 78 48 $182,389 $150,810 $0 $0 $0 Church Totals 18,025 102 5,000 4,060 1,942 7,430 $14,983,126 $9,727,801 $946,455 $611,405 $1,523,412

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 323 ACP COMPILATIONS WISE Organized October 19, 1954

Sunday AM Mission Year Total Total SS Avg. Church Total Undesig. Church Name Pastor Worship Project Total CM VA CM Total Gifts Org. Mem. Bapt. Attend. VBS Receipts Gifts Attend. Partic. Calvary Baptist Church Pastor 1911 216 0 36000$4,730 $4,730 $0 $0 $0 Clinchco Missionary Chapel Rev. Randy Moore 1992 146 2 60 28 90 250 $61,799 $61,799 $4,355 $3,136 $5,755 Clintwood Baptist Church Rev. William J. 1891 $16,563 $2,153 $20,129 Kendrick East Park Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Lee Kidd 1950 200 4 50 15 0 0 $65,903 $55,653 $4,140 $2,980 $10,113 First Baptist Church of Rev. Nick Brewer 1907 401 0 105 37 88 0 $108,399 $107,062 $3,900 $2,808 $4,202 Appalachia First Baptist Church of Rev. Garrett W. 1890 $2,000 $1,440 $5,515 Big Stone Gap Sheldon First Baptist Church of Coeburn Rev. Richard J. Rose 1881 500 1 44 20 73 21 $132,647 $63,376 $500 $360 $952 First Baptist Church of Norton Rev. John T. Ellington 1899 $1,230 $886 $1,230 First Baptist Church of St. Paul Rev. Michael Moore 1922 450 7 100 37 65 0 $145,506 $125,646 $18,354 $16,518 $21,039 Friendship Baptist Church Rev. Johnny Adkins 1986 $4,990 $125 $5,590 Hamlin Baptist Church Dr. Joseph Fuller 1929 113 1 47 23 30 0 $56,089 $50,090 $2,668 $1,761 $2,968 Maple Grove Baptist Church Rev. Stacy Vanover 1961 $0 $0 $0 Nashs Chapel Baptist Church Pastor 1935 123 30 17 40 75 $43,533 $38,430 $1,762 $1,163 $3,104 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Rev. William R. 1898 204 7 29 30 56 0 $26,806 $22,744 $1,765 $1,271 $2,230 Hughes Roda Mission Rev. Forrest Young 1909 $0 $0 $0 Trammel Baptist Mission Rev. Charles K. 1944 9 0 9800$14,165 $0 $517 $372 $517 Coffman Wise Baptist Church Rev. Michael B. 1899 $5,000 $3,600 $10,349 Winters Totals 2,362 22 510 215 442 346 $659,577 $529,530 $67,742 $38,572 $93,691

Multi-site church (mother church with multi-sites listed below). * Watchcare church. See page 286 for a description of this category. 324 ACP COMPILATIONS ACP Summary of Virginia Baptists 2014

2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Churches 1404 1394 1404 1,411 1,416 Baptisms 5,370 5,159 6,128 6,482 6,976 Ratio of Baptisms Based on Total Members 1:59 1:65 1:59 1:59 1:58 Total Church Membership 319,207 336,604 364,068 384,246 402,834 Average Sunday School/Small Group Attendance 81,746 84,799 92,352 96,139 87,181 Vacation Bible School Enrollment 64,392 68,294 72,484 75,929 80,351 Total Missions Participation 115,785 124,221 112,890 116,248 74,129 Total Church Receipts $255,990,116 $262,545,805 $266,157,201 $258,509,012 $275,505,448 Per Capita Giving Based on Total Members $802 $780 $731 $673 $684 Gifts Through the Cooperative Missions $11,277,493 $11,410,086 $12,090,235 $12,141,422 $12,840,572 CM Percentage Increase/Decrease Over Prior Year -1.1% -0.9% -0.4% -5.4% -1.4% CM Percentage of Total Church Receipts 4.4% 4.3% 4.5% 4.7% 4.6% Virginia Portion of CM $7,652,485 7,747,220 $8,192,585 $8,005,233 $8,599,199 Virginia Percentage of CM 67.9% 67.9% 67.7% 65.9% 67.5%



BGAV CHURCHES Churches Affi liated with the BGAV Alphabetical Listing as of March 23, 2015

Adullam Church Alum Spring Baptist Church A (BGAV Only) (Shiloh Association) Aaron’s Creek Baptist Church 914 164th St SE, Ste B12, PO Box #174, 11058 Dutch Hollow Rd , (Dan River Association) Mill Creek, WA 98012 Culpeper, VA 22701 1066 Aaron’s Creek Rd , Virgilina, VA 24598 (253) 441-0351 (540) 825-3820 (434) 517-0380 [email protected] (540) 825-3843 (fax) (434) 517-0380 (fax) www.adull.am [email protected] [email protected] www.alumspringbaptist.org African Christian Community Church Abbs Valley Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) Amelia Community Church (East River Association) 2300 Dumbarton Rd, c/o Hatcher (Middle District Association) 125 Lee St , Bluefi eld, VA 24605 Memorial Baptist Church, PO Box 357 , Amelia, VA 23002 (276) 945-2363 Richmond, VA 23228 (804) 561-3993 (804) 266-9696 [email protected] Abingdon Baptist Church (804) 266-9698 (fax) www.ameliacommunitychurch.com (Lebanon Association) [email protected] 361 W Main St , Abingdon, VA 24210 www.africanchristianchurch.org Amherst Baptist Church (276) 628-8126 (Piedmont Association) (276) 628-5743 (fax) Agape Vision Community Church PO Box 494 , Amherst, VA 24521 [email protected] (BGAV Only) (434) 946-7823 www.abingdonbaptist.org 215 North River Rd , Mobjack, VA 23056 [email protected] (804) 384-2733 Abundant Life International Ministries [email protected] Angels Rest Baptist Fellowship (BGAV Only) www.agapevision08.com (Highlands Association) 12 Kendrick Ct #202 , PO Box 83 , Pearisburg, VA 24134 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Alberene Baptist Church (540) 921-1234 (540) 368-8047 (Central Virginia Association) [email protected] 5797 Alberene Rd , Esmont, VA 22937 Antioch Baptist Church (434) 979-7777 (Petersburg Association) Acts 2 Church [email protected] 20230 Peters Bridge Rd , Yale, VA 23897 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (434) 535-8164 904 Mary Lou Ct , Aletheia Church www.antiochyale.org Virginia Beach, VA 23464-8311 (BGAV Only) (757) 523-9802 PO Box 2637 , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Antioch Baptist Church (509) 562-9802 (fax) (540) 217-0131 (Dover Association) [email protected] [email protected] 3868 Antioch Church Rd , www.acts2church.org www.aletheiachurch.com Sandston, VA 23150 (804) 737-0500 Acts Full Gospel Community Church All Nations Dream Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) (NorthStar Church Network) www.worshipatantioch.org 3650 Nansemond Pkwy , 4219 Lafayette Center Dr, Suffolk, VA 23435 Chantilly, VA 20151 Antioch Baptist Church (757) 923-1581 (703) 263-2110 (James River Association) (757) 538-0179 (fax) (703) 263-2120 (fax) 4422 Antioch Rd , Scottsville, VA 24590 [email protected] [email protected] (434) 286-6315 www.idreamcommunity.org [email protected] Adams Grove Baptist Church www.antiochva.org (Petersburg Association) All Souls Charlottesville 24407 Adams Grove Rd , (Central Virginia Association) Antioch Baptist Church Emporia, VA 23847 PO Box 174 , Charlottesville, VA 22902 (Goshen Association) (434) 634-0122 (434) 202-3899 11 4 8 4 S t J u s t R d , Unionville, VA 22567 [email protected] (540) 854-7757 Admant Baptist Church www.allsoulscville.com [email protected] (Powell River Association) www.antiochbaptist-unionville.org PO Box 548 , Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Alton Baptist Church (276) 546-3874 (Dan River Association) PO Box 11 , Alton, VA 24520 (434) 753-2952

328 BGAV CHURCHES Antioch Baptist Church Arlington Cambodian Mission Atlee Community Church - (NorthStar Church Network) (NorthStar Church Network) Scottsville Campus 6525-B Little Ox Rd , 714 S Monroe St , Arlington, VA 22204 (Dover Association) Fairfax Station, VA 22039 (703) 590-9033 11 4 5 J a m e s R i v e r R d , (571) 732-4357 Scottsville, VA 24590 (703) 764-9172 (fax) Arnolds Valley Baptist Church (804) 730-3676 [email protected] (Natural Bridge Association) (804) 730-3459 (fax) www.antioch-church.org 57 Baptist Church Rd , Natural Bridge [email protected] Station, VA 24579 www.atleechurch.org Antioch Baptist Church (540) 291-2604 (NorthStar Church Network) (540) 258-2241 (fax) Atlee Community Church - PO Box 446 , Haymarket, VA 20168 [email protected] Virtual Campus (703) 754-4682 www.arnoldsvalley.org (Dover Association) www.antiochbaptisthaymarket.com 7171 Verdi Ln , Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Arvon Baptist Church (804) 730-3676 Antioch Baptist Church (James River Association) (804) 730-3459 (fax) (Concord Association) PO Box 81 , Arvonia, VA 23004 offi [email protected] 6700 Barnesville Hwy , Red Oak, VA 23964 (434) 581-3070 online.atleechurch.org (434) 735-8101 [email protected] Ash Avenue Baptist Church Atlee Community Church - (Dan River Association) West End Campus Antioch Baptist Church 900 Ash Ave , South Boston, VA 24592 (Dover Association) (BGAV Only) (434) 572-2006 7171 Verdi Ln , Mechanicsville, VA 23116 PO Box 99 , Champlain, VA 22438 (434) 572-2043 (fax) (804) 730-3676 (804) 443-9232 offi [email protected] [email protected] www.aabc900.org www.atleechurch.org/locations/west- Antioch Korean Baptist Church end-campus (NorthStar Church Network) Ash Camp Baptist Church 6355 Lincolnia Rd , (Southside Association) Austin Mustard Seed Alexandria, VA 22312 PO Box 56 , Keysville, VA 23947 (BGAV Only) (703) 256-3761 (434) 736-9344 1101 West 34th St #218 , Austin, TX 78705 (703) 256-3797 (fax) (434) 736-9344 (fax) (512) 850-6130 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.abclove.us/technote7/board. www.ashcamp.org www.austinmustardseed.org php?board=abcmain Atlantic Baptist Church Austinville Baptist Church Antioch Union Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Highlands Association) (James River Association) PO Box 397 , Atlantic, VA 23303 PO Box 715 , Austinville, VA 24312 2810 Greenway Rd , Wingina, VA 24599 (757) 824-5034 (276) 699-3716 (434) 607-0795 [email protected] [email protected] www.aubaptistchurch.org www.atlanticbaptist.org Awaken Church Arabic Baptist Church Atlee Community Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Dover Association) (Dover Association) PO Box 41303 , Norfolk, VA 23541 PO Box 3175 , Glen Allen, VA 23068 7171 Verdi Ln , Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (757) 301-1196 (804) 360-8195 (804) 730-3676 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 730-3459 (fax) www.awakenvirginiabeach.com offi [email protected] Arbor Baptist Church www.atleechurch.org Axiom Church (Middle District Association) (BGAV Only) PO Box 631 , Atlee Community Church - PO Box 142 , Syracuse, NY 13205 Amelia Court House, VA 23002 Northminster Campus (315) 868-3267 (804) 561-5485 (Dover Association) [email protected] [email protected] 7171 Verdi Ln , Mechanicsville, VA 23116 www.axiomchurchny.com (804) 730-3676 Arbor Baptist Church (804) 730-3459 (fax) Axton Baptist Church (Dan River Association) [email protected] (Henry County Association) 15120 River Rd , Sutherlin, VA 24594 www.atleechurch.org/locations/ 173 Mountain Valley Rd , Axton, VA 24054 (434) 753-1444 northminster-campus (276) 650-1067

Arcadia Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) 21 Chapel Rd , Buchanan, VA 24066 (540) 254-1160 [email protected] 329 BGAV CHURCHES Azalea Baptist Church Bealeton Baptist Church Belmont Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (NorthStar Church Network) (Central Virginia Association) 3314 East Little Creek Rd , PO Box 50 , Bealeton, VA 22712 830 Monticello Ave , Norfolk, VA 23518 (540) 439-3681 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (757) 588-7000 [email protected] (434) 296-7111 azaleaoffi [email protected] www.bealetonbc.org (434) 296-0509 (fax) www.azaleabaptist.org [email protected] Beaver Dam Baptist Church www.belmontbaptistcville.org (Central Virginia Association) B 1794 Richmond Rd , Troy, VA 22974 Belmont Baptist Church (434) 295-0277 (Roanoke Valley Association) Bagby Memorial Baptist Church (434) 295-9017 (fax) 825 Stewart Ave SE , Roanoke, VA 24013 (Southside Association) [email protected] (540) 343-5539 1215 Grape Lawn Rd , www.beaverdambaptist.org (540) 343-2054 (fax) Burkeville, VA 23922 [email protected] (434) 767-2259 Beaver Dam Baptist Church www.belmontbaptistroanoke.org [email protected] (BGAV Only) 3593 Carrsville Hwy , Franklin, VA 23851 Belspring Baptist Church Ban Suk Korean Baptist Church (757) 562-5096 (Highlands Association) (BGAV Only) (757) 562-2289 (fax) PO Box 150 , Belspring, VA 24058 3540 Edenwood Cir , [email protected] (540) 382-5810 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 [email protected] Beaverdam Baptist Church Barboursville Baptist Church (Strawberry Association) Bentonville Baptist Church (Shiloh Association) PO Box 815 , Vinton, VA 24179-0815 (Shenandoah Association) PO Box 87 , Barboursville, VA 22923 (540) 890-1294 384 Dogwood Ln , Bentonville, VA 22610 (540) 832-2815 [email protected] (540) 635-2004 [email protected] www.beaverdambaptist.net [email protected]

Bayside Baptist Church Bedford Baptist Church Berea Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Strawberry Association) (Dover Association) 1920 Pleasure House Rd , 1516 Oakwood St , Bedford, VA 24523 PO Box 280 , Rockville, VA 23146 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 (540) 586-9564 (804) 749-3597 (757) 460-2481 [email protected] (804) 743-4728 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.baysidebc.org Beech Grove Baptist Church www.berea-baptist-church.org (Powell River Association) Beachlawn Church 592 Beech Grove Rd , Jonesville, VA 24263 Berea Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (276) 346-4532 (Fredericksburg Area Network) 520 Norfolk Ave , 28 Fleet Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Beech Grove Baptist Church (540) 752-4406 (757) 428-4776 (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] (757) 428-8098 (fax) PO Box 100 , White Marsh, VA 23183 www.bereabaptistchurchva.org www.beachlawnbaptist.org (804) 693-5087 Berea Baptist Church Beacon Hill Baptist Church Beech Hill Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (NorthStar Church Network) (Powell River Association) 5271 Poindexter Rd , Louisa, VA 23093 PO Box 1927 , Herndon, VA 20172 PO Box 6 , Pennington Gap, VA 24277 (540) 967-2433 (703) 561-0200 (276) 546-1247 [email protected] (703) 830-6718 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Berryville Baptist Church www.beaconhillchurch.net Beechwood Korean Baptist Church (Shenandoah Association) (Peninsula Association) 11 4 Ac a d e m y S t , Berryville, VA 22611 Beacon Light Baptist Church 1003 Moyer Rd , Newport News, VA 23608 (540) 955-1423 (Powell River Association) (757) 869-0866 (540) 955-5042 (fax) 2277 Monarch Rd , St Charles, VA 24282 [email protected] (276) 383-4378 Belle View Baptist Church www.berryvillebaptist.org (NorthStar Church Network) Beale Memorial Baptist Church 7415 Fort Hunt Rd , Alexandria, VA 22307 Beth Car Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (703) 768-4406 (Shiloh Association) PO Box 816 , Tappahannock, VA 22560 (703) 768-5486 (fax) 411 Mud Rd , Madison, VA 22727 (804) 443-2550 [email protected] (540) 948-6918 [email protected] www.belleviewbc.org (540) 948-6918 (fax) www.bealembc.org [email protected] www.bethcarbaptist.com 330 BGAV CHURCHES Beth Car Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church Bethlehem Baptist Church (Dan River Association) (Hermon Association) (The River City Faith Network) 25 Church St , Halifax, VA 24558 13208 Paige Rd , Woodford, VA 22580 4210 Penick Rd , Richmond, VA 23228 (434) 476-2567 (804) 448-2661 (804) 262-8339 (434) 476-2267 (fax) (804) 262-0262 (fax) [email protected] Bethel Baptist Church [email protected] (Shiloh Association) www.bbcrichmond.wordpress.com Bethany Baptist Church General Delivery, 6262 Hoover Rd, (Central Virginia Association) Reva, VA 22735 Bethlehem Baptist Church PO Box 4881 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 (540) 547-2363 (The River City Faith Network) (434) 977-6191 [email protected] 1920 Fairmount Ave , Richmond, VA 23223 Bethany Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church (804) 643-3404 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (Appomattox Association) (804) 643-1756 (fax) PO Box 408 , Thornburg, VA 22565 131 Old Well Rd , Phenix, VA 23959 [email protected] (804) 448-3508 (434) 542-4288 (540) 582-3495 (fax) [email protected] Bethlehem Baptist Church [email protected] www.bethelbaptist-va.org (Pittsylvania Association) www.bethanybaptistwoodford.org 5024 Mount Cross Rd , Danville, VA 24540 Bethel Baptist Church (434) 792-1497 Bethany Baptist Church (Concord Association) (Concord Association) 9220 Trottinridge Rd , Chase City, VA 23924 Bethpeor Baptist Church PO Box 119 , Baskerville, VA 23915 (434) 372-5260 (Appomattox Association) (434) 689-2914 [email protected] 3832 Farmville Rd , Farmville, VA 23901 www.bethanybaptistchurchsite.org (434) 392-6202 Bethel Baptist Church Bethany Baptist Church (Dan River Association) Beulah Baptist Church (New Lebanon Association) 4198 Bethel Rd , Scottsburg, VA 24589 (Dover Association) 7623 Finney Rd , Honaker, VA 24260 (434) 476-2332 4456 West River Rd , Aylett, VA 23009 (276) 873-6900 [email protected] (804) 769-4128 www.beulahchurchofkingwilliam.com Bethany Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (New Lebanon Association) Beulah Baptist Church PO Box 641 , Callao, VA 22435 PO Box 425 , Lebanon, VA 24266 (Appomattox Association) (804) 529-6890 (276) 889-5962 1302 Lewis Ford Rd , Brookneal, VA 24528 [email protected] www.visitbethany.com Bethel Baptist Church Beulah Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (Franklin County Missionary Bethel Baptist Church 1601 S Colorado St , Salem, VA 24153 Association) (Middle District Association) (540) 389-2376 4220 Sontag Rd , Rocky Mount, VA 24151 1100 Huguenot Springs Rd , (540) 389-1784 (fax) (540) 483-1551 Midlothian, VA 23113 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 794-8590 www.bethelbaptistva.com (804) 379-2511 (fax) Beulah Baptist Church [email protected] Bethel Ethiopian Mission (Rappahannock Association) www.bbc1817.org (BGAV Only) 130 Beulah Ln , Warsaw, VA 22572 9642 Franklin Woods Pl , Lorton, VA 22079 (804) 333-3706 Bethel Baptist Church www.beulahbaptistwarsaw.org (Central Virginia Association) Bethesda Baptist Church 227 Bethel Church Rd , Palmyra, VA 22963 (Concord Association) Beulah Baptist Church (434) 906-9920 1614 Buggs Island Rd , Boydton, VA 23917 (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] (434) 689-2810 PO Box 6 , Schley, VA 23154 www.bethelbaptistfl uvanna.org (804) 693-6298 Bethlehem Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church (Middle District Association) Big Island Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) 9600 Midlothian Tpke , (Strawberry Association) 11 9 3 W h i t e O a k R d , North Chesterfi eld, VA 23235 PO Box 348 , Big Island, VA 24526 Fredericksburg, VA 22405 (804) 272-0597 (434) 299-5046 (540) 371-3650 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.bethlehembaptist-online.org www.bethelbaptistva.org Big Prater Baptist Church (New Lebanon Association) PO Box 921 , Vansant, VA 24656 (276) 597-8191

331 BGAV CHURCHES Big Spring Baptist Church Blackstone Baptist Church Bon Air Baptist Church @ The Village (Roanoke Valley Association) (Southside Association) (The River City Faith Network) 9135 Roanoke Rd , Elliston, VA 24087 407 S Main St , Blackstone, VA 23824 2531 Buford Rd , Richmond, VA 23235 (540) 268-5650 (434) 292-3711 (804) 272-1475 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.bsbc.org www.blackstonebaptist.org www.bonairbaptist.org

Biltmore Baptist Church Blairs Baptist Church Bonsack Baptist Church (Dover Association) (Pittsylvania Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) 1300 New York Ave , Glen Allen, VA 23060 PO Box 308 , Blairs, VA 24527 4845 Cloverdale Rd , Roanoke, VA 24019 (804) 266-6480 (434) 836-1080 (540) 977-5701 (804) 266-3810 (fax) (434) 836-3712 (fax) (540) 977-0910 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.bonsackbaptist.org www.biltmorechurch.org www.blairsbaptist.org Bowling Green Baptist Church Black Branch Baptist Church Blue Ridge Shores Baptist Church (Hermon Association) (Concord Association) (Goshen Association) PO Box 543, Bowling Green, VA 22427 3370 Highway 47 , Chase City, VA 23924 1230 Firehouse Dr , Louisa, VA 23093 (804) 633-6803 (434) 372-3171 (540) 967-0796 (804) 633-9048 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.bgbcva.org Black Creek Baptist Church Blue Run Baptist Church (Dover Association) (Shiloh Association) Boydton Baptist Church 6289 McClellan Rd , PO Box 1 , Somerset, VA 22972 (Concord Association) Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (540) 672-1531 410 Chaptico Rd , South Hill, VA 23970 (804) 781-0330 [email protected] (434) 738-7018 (804) 781-0846 (fax) www.bluerunbaptist.org [email protected] offi [email protected] www.boydtonbaptistchurch.net/ www.blackcreek.org Bluefi eld Community Church (BGAV Only) Boykins Baptist Church Black Creek Baptist Church PO Box 330 , Bluefi eld, VA 24605-0330 (Blackwater Association) (Blackwater Association) (276) 322-1770 PO Box 316 , Boykins, VA 23827 34163 Vicksville Rd , Franklin, VA 23851 (276) 322-1771 (fax) (757) 654-6231 (757) 562-7745 offi ce@bluefi eldcommunitychurch.org (757) 654-6508 (fax) (757) 562-7745 (fax) www.bluefi eldcommunitychurch. [email protected] [email protected] yolasite.com Braddock Baptist Church Black Walnut Baptist Church Boissevain Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Dan River Association) (East River Association) 6519 Braddock Rd , Alexandria, VA 22312 PO Box 20 , Cluster Springs, VA 24535 PO Box 187 , Boissevain, VA 24606 (703) 750-2962 (434) 575-7021 (276) 945-2170 (703) 750-1883 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.blackwalnutbaptist.org/index.html www.braddockbaptistchurch.org Bon Air Baptist Church Blackberry Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) Branch’s Baptist Church (Henry County Association) 2531 Buford Rd , Richmond, VA 23235 (Middle District Association) 3241 Stones Dairy Rd , Bassett, VA 24055 (804) 272-1475 3400 Broad Rock Blvd , (276) 629-2662 (804) 272-3926 (fax) Richmond, VA 23234 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 276-5000 www.blackberrybaptist.org www.bonairbaptist.org (804) 675-0759 (fax) offi [email protected] Blackey Baptist Church Bon Air Baptist Church www.branchs.org (New Lebanon Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 1027 Knox Creek Dr , Hurley, VA 24620 800 N Illinois St , Arlington, VA 22205 Brentwood Baptist Church (276) 566-7254 (703) 525-8079 (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] [email protected] 8026 Old Ocean View Rd , Norfolk, VA 23518 Blacksburg Baptist Church Bon Air Baptist Church - James River (757) 587-6966 (Highlands Association) Campus 550 N Main St , Blacksburg, VA 24060 (The River City Faith Network) Brick Baptist Church (540) 552-3869 2531 Buford Rd , Richmond, VA 23235 (New Lebanon Association) (540) 552-3905 (fax) (804) 272-1475 1683 Brick Church Cir , [email protected] www.bonairbaptist.org Castlewood, VA 24224 www.blacksburgbaptist.org (276) 762-7020 [email protected] 332 BGAV CHURCHES Bridgewater Baptist Church Bruington Baptist Church Burkeville Baptist Church (Augusta Association) (Mid-Tidewater Association) (Southside Association) PO Box 333 , Bridgewater, VA 22812 4784 The Trail , Bruington, VA 23023 PO Box 325 , Burkeville, VA 23922 (540) 828-2456 (804) 769-3246 (434) 767-2156 [email protected] (804) 769-0434 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.burkevillebaptist.com Bridgeway Church www.bruingtonchurch.org (BGAV Only) Burrows Memorial Baptist Church 3901 Fair Ridge Dr, Ste 200 , Buchanan Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) Fairfax, VA 22033 (Roanoke Valley Association) 1539 Johnstons Rd , Norfolk, VA 23518 (703) 304-6327 PO Box 537 , Buchanan, VA 24066 (757) 853-2897 [email protected] (540) 254-2253 [email protected] www.buchananbaptist.com www.burrowsbaptist.org Bristow Korean Baptist Church (BGAV Only) Buckingham Baptist Church Bybee’s Road Baptist Church 9560 Linton Hall Rd , Bristow, VA 20136 (James River Association) (Central Virginia Association) (703) 853-7498 24234 N James Madison Hwy , 4989 Bybees Church Rd , Troy, VA 22974 [email protected] New Canton, VA 23123 (434) 589-8529 (434) 581-3820 [email protected] Broadus Memorial Baptist Church [email protected] www.bybeechurch.org (Dover Association) 5351 Pole Green Rd , Buckroe Baptist Church Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (Peninsula Association) C (804) 779-2700 1819 N Mallory St , Hampton, VA 23664 (804) 779-3339 (fax) (757) 851-0393 Called By Jesus Baptist Church offi [email protected] (757) 851-3135 (fax) (BGAV Only) www.broaduschurch.org [email protected] 14541 Skipton Ct , Centreville, VA 20121 (571) 332-3600 Broadus Memorial Baptist Church Buena Vista Baptist Church [email protected] (Central Virginia Association) (Natural Bridge Association) 1525 Stony Point Rd , 2173 Chestnut Ave , Calvary Baptist Church Charlottesville, VA 22911 Buena Vista, VA 24416 (Hermon Association) (434) 977-7381 (540) 261-2516 PO Box 294 , Bowling Green, VA 22427 [email protected] (540) 261-2366 (fax) (804) 633-5273 www.broadus.org [email protected] www.bvbaptist.org Calvary Baptist Church Broadway Baptist Church (Appomattox Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) Buffalo Baptist Church PO Box 165 , Concord, VA 24538 16 Lake St , Onancock, VA 23417 (Concord Association) (434) 993-3128 (757) 710-3453 1949 Cherry Hill Church Rd , [email protected] Buffalo Junction, VA 24529 www.calvaryofconcord.com Broadway Baptist Church (434) 374-2361 (Augusta Association) [email protected] Calvary Baptist Church PO Box 365 , Broadway, VA 22815 www.buffalobaptistchurch.org (Pittsylvania Association) (540) 896-7218 416 Edgewood Dr , Danville, VA 24541 [email protected] Buffalo Baptist Church (434) 793-0342 (Dan River Association) [email protected] Brookneal Baptist Church 9003 Stage Coach Rd , Nathalie, VA 24577 (Appomattox Association) Calvary Baptist Church PO Box 366 , Brookneal, VA 24528 Bundys Chapel Baptist Church (Petersburg Association) (434) 376-3767 (East River Association) 310 N Main St , Emporia, VA 23847 [email protected] 2776 Clear Fork Rd , Tazewell, VA 24651 (434) 634-3215 (276) 988-2800 (434) 634-3156 (fax) Brown Grove Baptist Church dtaylor@bluefi eld.edu [email protected] (BGAV Only) 9328 Ashcake Rd , Ashland, VA 23005 Burdette Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church (804) 798-5010 (Blackwater Association) (Highlands Association) [email protected] 23297 Indian Town Rd , 1400 Floyd Hwy N , Floyd, VA 24091 Courtland, VA 23837 (540) 745-3744 Browntown Baptist Church (757) 657-2073 cbcfl [email protected] (Shenandoah Association) www.cbcfl oyd.com 12 Browntown Rd , Browntown, VA 22610 (540) 635-5924 [email protected]

333 BGAV CHURCHES Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church Cape Charles Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) (Shenandoah Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) PO Box 264 , Lovingston, VA 22949 844 Amherst St , Winchester, VA 22601 509 Randolph Ave , (434) 263-5010 (540) 667-2323 Cape Charles, VA 23310 offi [email protected] [email protected] (757) 331-2110 www.calvaryinlov.com www.calvarywinchester.org [email protected] www.capecharlesbaptist.org Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Hill Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) (NorthStar Church Network) Cape Charles Hispanic Baptist Mission 20957 Timberlake Rd , 9301 Little River Tpk , Fairfax, VA 22031 (The Bridge Network of Churches) Lynchburg, VA 24502 (703) 323-1347 509 Randolph Ave , (434) 239-9133 (703) 323-1596 (fax) Cape Charles, VA 23310 (434) 239-8956 (fax) [email protected] (757) 560-8678 [email protected] www.calvaryhillbc.org www.capecharlesbaptist.org/ www.calvarymeanslove.com hispanicministry.shtml Calvary Korean Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church (Natural Bridge Association) 20957 Timberlake Rd , (The River City Faith Network) 429 Crooked Spur Rd , Lynchburg, VA 24502 2010 Carlisle Ave , Richmond, VA 23231 Millboro, VA 24460 (434) 239-2362 (804) 222-4140 (540) 997-9446 [email protected] (804) 222-4141 (fax) (540) 997-0393 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Calvary Revival Church www.cabcva.org (BGAV Only) Calvary Baptist Church 12423 Bristol Ln, Glen Allen, VA 23059 Carmel Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) (804) 840-6822 (Hermon Association) 4700 Huntington Ave , [email protected] PO Box 52 , Ruther Glen, VA 22546 Newport News, VA 23607 (804) 448-2956 (757) 244-4771 Calvary Revival Church - Peninsula [email protected] (757) 244-4662 (fax) (Peninsula Association) www.carmelbaptistchurch. www.cbcnn.org 11 9 2 9 t h S t , Newport News, VA 23607 tinypurplegrapes.com (757) 245-1747 Calvary Baptist Church [email protected] Carmi Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) www.crcpeninsula.org (Lebanon Association) 608 Campbell Ave SW , 1940 Camp Rd , Sugar Grove, VA 24375 Roanoke, VA 24016 Calverton Baptist Church (276) 783-3209 (540) 344-9237 (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] (540) 982-1389 (fax) PO Box 111 , Midland, VA 22728 [email protected] (540) 788-4513 Carrow Baptist Church www.calvaryroanoke.org www.home.comcast.net/~gcduvall/cbc/ (The Bridge Network of Churches) index.htm 5545 Susquehanna Dr , Calvary Baptist Church Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (Powell River Association) Cambria Baptist Church (757) 499-0900 PO Box 112 , Rose Hill, VA 24281 (Highlands Association) [email protected] (276) 346-1853 1310 Cambria St NE , Christiansburg, VA 24073 Cascade Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church (540) 382-2490 (Pittsylvania Association) (Wise Association) [email protected] PO Box 56 , Cascade, VA 24069 5285 Stonega Rd , Stonega, VA 24285 www.cambriabaptistchurch.org (434) 685-3231 (276) 565-1188 [email protected] Cambridge Baptist Church Castle Rock Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Highlands Association) Calvary Baptist Church 12025 Gayton Rd , Henrico, VA 23238 PO Box 127 , Pembroke, VA 24136 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (804) 740-4084 (540) 626-5225 4832 Haygood Rd , (804) 740-4269 (call fi rst) (fax) Virginia Beach, VA 23455 offi [email protected] Catawba Baptist Church (757) 499-1572 www.CambridgeBaptistChurch.org (Dan River Association) [email protected] PO Box 128 , Nathalie, VA 24577 www.calvarybaptistchurchva.org Canaan Korean Baptist Church (434) 376-4014 (BGAV Only) [email protected] 15315 Community Ln #304 , Newport News, VA 23608

334 BGAV CHURCHES Catawba Valley Baptist Church Central Baptist Church Chancellor Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (Petersburg Association) (Fredericksburg Area Network) PO Box 12 , Catawba, VA 24070 6405 Courthouse Rd , 11 3 2 4 G o r d o n R d , (540) 380-8448 Church Road, VA 23833 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 380-8454 (fax) (804) 265-8870 (540) 786-6927 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 786-1886 (fax) www.catawbavalleybc.org www.centralbaptist1873.org [email protected] www.chancellorbaptist.org Catoctin Valley Community Church Central Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (The Bridge Network of Churches) Charity Baptist Church PO Box 1225 , Purcellville, VA 20134 701 W Olney Rd , Norfolk, VA 23507 (Powell River Association) (540) 454-0187 (757) 627-4571 PO Box 430 , Dryden, VA 24243 [email protected] (757) 627-4573 (fax) (276) 546-6399 www.catoctinvalley.org [email protected] [email protected] www.cbcnorfolk.org Cave Rock Baptist Church Charity Korean Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) Central Baptist Church (Petersburg Association) 2233 Stoney Battery Rd , (Middle District Association) 2000 W City Point Rd , Troutville, VA 24175 1500 Courthouse Rd , Hopewell, VA 23860 (540) 992-3282 North Chesterfi eld, VA 23236 (804) 452-5885 [email protected] (804) 794-8055 (804) 452-5885 (fax) (804) 378-7477 (fax) [email protected] Cedar Baptist Church [email protected] (James River Association) www.cbcrichmond.org Charles Town Baptist Church 3932 Bell Rd. , Dillwyn, VA 23936 (Shenandoah Association) (434) 983-3992 Central Baptist Church 211 E Congress St , (Roanoke Valley Association) Charles Town, WV 25414 Cedar Bluff Baptist Church 5656 Starkey Rd SW , (304) 725-5917 (Roanoke Valley Association) Roanoke, VA 24014 (304) 728-6434 (fax) PO Box 915 , Buchanan, VA 24066 (540) 989-8779 [email protected] (540) 254-2374 www.charlestownbaptist.org Central Baptist Church - Lowesville Cedar Grove Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) Charlottesville Elim Church (New Lebanon Association) 103 Central Church Ln , (BGAV Only) PO Box 794 , Lebanon, VA 24266 Lowesville, VA 22967 1675 Avon St , Charlottesville, VA 22902 (276) 889-2138 (434) 277-5135 (434) 973-6349 terry@fi delosadvisors.com [email protected] [email protected] www.centralbaptistlowesville.org Cedar Run Baptist Church Chatham Baptist Church (Shiloh Association) Central Baptist Church of Altavista (Pittsylvania Association) 640 Highview Ct , Culpeper, VA 22701 (Staunton River Association) PO Box 104 , Chatham, VA 24531 (540) 825-1259 PO Box 387 , Altavista, VA 24517 (434) 432-8003 (434) 369-6636 (434) 432-0481 (fax) Cedar Street Baptist Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) Central Hill Baptist Church www.chathambc.net 2301 Cedar St , Richmond, VA 23223 (Blackwater Association) (804) 648-8919 10270 Central Hill Rd , Chatham Heights Baptist Church (804) 344-4325 (fax) Windsor, VA 23487 (Henry County Association) [email protected] (757) 357-2225 1235 Chatham Heights , Martinsville, VA 24112 Centerville Baptist Church Centro de Alabanza Betel (276) 632-5843 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (BGAV Only) (276) 632-3163 (fax) 908 Centerville Tpke S , PO Box 331 , Cheriton, VA 23310 Chesapeake, VA 23322 Cheriton Baptist Church (757) 482-4466 Chamberlayne Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (757) 482-5740 (fax) (The River City Faith Network) PO Box 227 , Cheriton, VA 23316 cbcoffi [email protected] 215 Wilkinson Rd , Richmond, VA 23227 (757) 331-1838 www.centervillebaptistchurch.org (804) 266-8735 (757) 331-1838 (fax) (804) 262-0871 (fax) [email protected] Central Baptist Church [email protected] (Appomattox Association) www.chamberlaynebc.org 3181 Promise Land Rd , Appomattox, VA 24522 (434) 352-8660

335 BGAV CHURCHES Chester Baptist Church Chinese American Family Bible Church Churchland Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Portsmouth Association) 4317 School St , Chester, VA 23831 5545 Susquehanna Dr , 3031 Churchland Blvd , (804) 748-2939 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Chesapeake, VA 23321 (804) 748-2064 (fax) (757) 499-0900 (757) 484-2351 [email protected] www.cafbc.org (757) 484-3971 (fax) www.chesterbaptist.com [email protected] Chinese Baptist Church of Richmond www.churchlandbaptist.org Chesterfi eld Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Middle District Association) 1800 Parkway Ln , Churchland North Baptist Church 16520 Hull Street Rd , Moseley, VA 23120 North Chesterfi eld, VA 23225 (Portsmouth Association) (804) 739-2197 (804) 745-0709 PO Box 6617, Portsmouth, VA 23703 (804) 739-5436 (fax) (804) 745-2822 (fax) (757) 638-1880 offi ce@chesterfi eldbc.org [email protected] [email protected] www.chesterfi eldbc.org www.cbcrvirginia.org Clarksville Baptist Church Chesterfi eld Community Church Chinese Christian Church (Concord Association) (Middle District Association) (Central Virginia Association) PO Box 126 , Clarksville, VA 23927 PO Box 576 , Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 2505 Jefferson Park Ave , (434) 374-8341 (804) 796-1040 Charlottesville, VA 22903 [email protected] [email protected] (434) 882-0027 www.clarksvillebaptist.org www.CCC4JC.net [email protected] www.ccccville.com Claybrook Baptist Church Chestnut Grove Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (James River Association) Chinese Gospel Church PO Box 15 , Weems, VA 22576 4428 Cutbanks Rd , (Central Virginia Association) (804) 438-5570 Appomattox, VA 24522-8700 735 Park St , Charlottesville, VA 22902 (804) 438-5570 (fax) (434) 574-2579 (434) 296-6195 [email protected] [email protected] (434) 296-4439 (fax) www.claybrookbaptistchurch.com [email protected] Chestnut Grove Baptist Church www.CGCVA.org Clear Fork Baptist Church (Central Virginia Association) (East River Association) 550 Buck Mountain Rd , Christ First Church PO Box 205 , Rocky Gap, VA 24366 Earlysville, VA 22936 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (434) 978-3819 13064 Lighthouse Ln, Carrollton, VA 23314 Cleveland Baptist Church (434) 978-3852 (fax) (757) 377-1339 (New Lebanon Association) offi [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 313 , Cleveland, VA 24225 www.chestnutgrovebaptist.org www.christfi rstsuffolk.com (276) 889-0007

Chestnut Hill Baptist Church Christian Life Church Clifford Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) (BGAV Only) (Piedmont Association) 5225 Fort Ave , Lynchburg, VA 24502 PO Box 1131 , Manassas, VA 20108 635 Fletchers Level Rd , Amherst, VA 24521 (434) 237-6417 (703) 365-0800 (434) 946-0555 (434) 237-3627 (fax) [email protected] (434) 946-1213 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.chbclynchburg.org Church at the Center www.cliffordbaptist.org (NorthStar Church Network) Chestnut Level Baptist Church PO Box 692 , Newington, VA 22122 Clifton Forge Baptist Church (Pittsylvania Association) (703) 310-9514 (Natural Bridge Association) 6940 Spring Garden Rd , Blairs, VA 24527 [email protected] PO Box 121 , Clifton Forge, VA 24422 (434) 836-2314 www.churchatc.com (540) 862-7481 www.chestnutlevelbaptistchurch.org (540) 862-7401 (fax) Church of the Comforter offi [email protected] Childrey Baptist Church (Goshen Association) www.cfbaptist.com (Dan River Association) PO Box 2179 , Louisa, VA 23093 17069 L P Bailey Memorial Hwy , (540) 748-1625 Clinchco Missionary Chapel Nathalie, VA 24577 [email protected] (Wise Association) (434) 376-2540 PO Box 396 , Clinchco, VA 24226 jstanfi [email protected] Church of the Living Word (276) 835-9582 (Peninsula Association) Chincoteague Baptist Church PO Box 1811 , Hayes, VA 23072 (BGAV Only) (804) 642-9612 PO Box 276 , New Church, VA 23415 (804) 642-3942 (fax) (443) 235-9379 [email protected] www.churchofthelivingword.net 336 BGAV CHURCHES Clinchfi eld Baptist Church Colonial Avenue Baptist Church Columbia Baptist Church - (New Lebanon Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) Hispanic Congregation Crossroads 3350 Ivy Ridge Rd , Cleveland, VA 24225 4165 Colonial Ave SW , Roanoke, VA 24018 (NorthStar Church Network) (276) 889-2255 (540) 774-2084 103 W. Columbia St , (276) 889-4334 (fax) (540) 774-1717 (fax) Falls Church, VA 22046 [email protected] offi [email protected] (703) 534-5700 www.cabc.us [email protected] Clintwood Baptist Church (Wise Association) Colonial Beach Baptist Church Columbia Baptist Church - PO Box 710 , Clintwood, VA 24228 (Fredericksburg Area Network) Hispanic Congregation Falls Church (276) 926-4844 PO Box 27 , Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (NorthStar Church Network) (276) 926-6932 (fax) (804) 224-7555 103 W. Columbia St , [email protected] [email protected] Falls Church, VA 22046 www.clintwoodbc.org www.colonialbeachbaptistchurch.org (703) 534-5700 [email protected] Clover Bottom Baptist Church Colosse Baptist Church (Dan River Association) (Dover Association) Columbia Baptist Church - 7042 Stage Coach Rd , Nathalie, VA 24577 23945 King William Rd , Korean Congregation (434) 376-2355 West Point, VA 23181 (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] (804) 769-2729 103 W. Columbia St , smk412@infi online.net Falls Church, VA 22046 Coan Baptist Church www.colossebaptistchurch.com (703) 534-5700 (Rappahannock Association) [email protected] PO Box 156 , Heathsville, VA 22473 Colosse Baptist Church (804) 580-2751 (Blackwater Association) Columbia Baptist Church - (804) 580-4115 (fax) 6361 Rhodes Dr , Windsor, VA 23487 Vietnamese Congregation [email protected] (757) 562-6351 (NorthStar Church Network) www.coanbaptist.com (757) 562-6351 (fax) 103 W. Columbia St , [email protected] Falls Church, VA 22046 Coastal Community Church (703) 534-5700 (The Bridge Network of Churches) Columbia Baptist Church [email protected] 2800 S. Independence Blvd , (NorthStar Church Network) Virginia Beach, VA 23456 103 W Columbia St , Community Baptist Church (757) 233-1293 Falls Church, VA 22046 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (757) 233-9356 (fax) (703) 534-5700 44 Lorenzo Dr , Falmouth, VA 22405 [email protected] (703) 536-6757 (fax) (540) 373-4738 www.vbcoastal.com [email protected] www.columbiabaptist.org Community Baptist Church Cobham Park Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Rappahannock Association) Columbia Baptist Church - 6890 Token Valley Rd , Manassas, VA 20112 PO Box 306 , Warsaw, VA 22572 Arabic Congregation (703) 791-3904 (804) 333-4350 (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] 103 W. Columbia St , Community Fellowship Baptist Church www.cobhampark.org Falls Church, VA 22046 (Clinch Valley Association) (703) 534-5700 PO Box 1407 , Gate City, VA 24251 College Avenue Baptist Church [email protected] (276) 386-6024 (East River Association) (276) 386-6412 (fax) 1908 Jefferson St , Bluefi eld, WV 24701 Columbia Baptist Church - [email protected] (304) 425-2809 Brazilian Congregation www.cfbcgatecity.org (NorthStar Church Network) College Hill Baptist Church 103 W. Columbia St , Community Heights Baptist Church - (Lynchburg Association) Falls Church, VA 22046 Richlands 1101 F l o y d S t , Lynchburg, VA 24501 (703) 534-5700 (New Lebanon Association) (434) 845-6095 [email protected] PO Box 1126 , Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 (434) 845-6096 (fax) www.comunidadebrasil.us/fallschurch. (276) 963-8385 [email protected] html (276) 963-3334 (fax) [email protected] College Park Baptist Church Columbia Baptist Church - www.communityheightschurch.org (Pittsylvania Association) Crossroads Congregation 110 4 S M a i n S t , Danville, VA 24541 (NorthStar Church Network) (434) 793-2365 103 W. Columbia St , (434) 793-0792 (fax) Falls Church, VA 22046 [email protected] (703) 534-5700 www.collegepark.faithweb.com

337 BGAV CHURCHES Community Heights Baptist Church - Corinth Baptist Church Court Street Baptist Church Lebanon (Powell River Association) (Portsmouth Association) (New Lebanon Association) PO Box 232 , Ben Hur, VA 24218 447 Court St , Portsmouth, VA 23704 PO Box 1126 , Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 (276) 546-3911 (757) 393-2312 (276) 883-9036 (757) 393-2312 (fax) (276) 883-9959 (fax) Corinth Baptist Church [email protected] [email protected] (New Lebanon Association) www.communityheightschurch.org 8864 Helen Henderson Hwy , Courtland Baptist Church Honaker, VA 24260 (Blackwater Association) Community Mission Church (276) 859-2935 PO Box 148 , Courtland, VA 23837 (The River City Faith Network) (276) 859-9329 (fax) (757) 653-2945 3704 Harvie Rd , Richmond, VA 23223 gkayfl @hotmail.com (757) 653-9626 (fax) (804) 644-2969 [email protected] Corinth Baptist Church www.courtlandbaptist.org Community of Grace Church (Dover Association) (BGAV Only) PO Box 126 , New Kent, VA 23124-0126 Covesville Baptist Church 9150 Gregory Dr , (804) 966-5635 (Central Virginia Association) North Chesterfi eld, VA 23236 [email protected] PO Box 127 , Covesville, VA 22931 (804) 276-5520 www.corinthbaptist.us (434) 977-1420 [email protected] Cornerstone Baptist Church Covington Baptist Church Compassion Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Natural Bridge Association) (BGAV Only) 1500 E Sewells Point Rd , PO Box 687 , Covington, VA 24426 501 N. York Road , Sterling, VA 20164 Norfolk, VA 23502 (540) 962-2256 (703) 217-1918 (757) 853-1928 (540) 962-0864 (fax) [email protected] (757) 853-1135 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.covingtonbaptistchurch.net Concord Baptist Church (Concord Association) Cornerstone Baptist Church Cowans Branch Baptist Church 11 6 5 0 H i g h w a y 4 7 , Chase City, VA 23924 (NorthStar Church Network) (Clinch Valley Association) (434) 372-3990 40 Rock Pointe Ln, Ste #202 , 433 Cowan Gap Tunnel Rd , www.concordbaptist-va.org Warrenton, VA 20186 Gate City, VA 24251 (540) 349-0880 (276) 386-6791 Concord Baptist Church (540) 349-5181 (fax) [email protected] (Hermon Association) [email protected] www.scarletonline.org/cb/ 15625 Concord Rd , Ruther Glen, VA 22546 www.cornerstoneva.org (804) 994-2884 Crabtree Chapel [email protected] Cornerstone Christian Church (New Lebanon Association) www.concordbaptistva.com (Dover Association) 10627 Sandy Ridge Rd , 9400 Gayton Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 Cleveland, VA 24225 Convergence: A Creative Community (804) 741-1101 (276) 889-5335 of Faith [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) www.jesusisourcornerstone.org Cradock Baptist Church 1801 N Quaker Ln , Alexandria, VA 22302 (Portsmouth Association) (703) 998-6260 Corrottoman Baptist Church 96 Afton Pkwy , Portsmouth, VA 23702 offi [email protected] (Rappahannock Association) (757) 485-3500 www.ourconvergence.org 48 Ottoman Ferry Rd , Lancaster, VA 22503 (757) 485-3501 (fax) (804) 462-5674 offi [email protected] Cool Spring Baptist Church [email protected] http://www.cradockbaptist.org/ (Dover Association) www.corrottomanbaptist.org 9283 Atlee Station Rd , Craigs Baptist Church Mechanicsville, VA 23116 County Line Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (804) 746-0800 (Dan River Association) 14123 W Catharpin Rd , (804) 746-8217 (fax) 13146 Chatham Rd , Java, VA 24565 Spotsylvania, VA 22551 [email protected] (434) 349-2210 (540) 854-5284 www.coolspring.org [email protected] County Line Baptist Church www.craigsbaptistchurch.org Coopers Cove Baptist Church (Hermon Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) 3461 Ladysmith Rd , Craigsville Baptist Church 3052 Coopers Cove Rd , Hardy, VA 24101 Ruther Glen, VA 22546 (Augusta Association) (540) 427-3979 (804) 448-2915 PO Box 725 , Craigsville, VA 24430 [email protected] (804) 448-2755 (fax) [email protected] www.countylinebaptist.com

338 BGAV CHURCHES Crewe Baptist Church Crozet Baptist Church Darbyville First Baptist Church (Southside Association) (Central Virginia Association) (Powell River Association) PO Box 94 , Crewe, VA 23930 5804 St George Ave , Crozet, VA 22932 828 Kemmer Gem Rd , St Charles, VA 24282 (434) 645-7464 (434) 823-5171 (276) 383-4442 (434) 645-8457 (fax) (434) 823-5173 (fax) [email protected] offi [email protected] [email protected] www.crewebaptist.com www.crozetchurch.org Darthula Baptist Church (Clinch Valley Association) Critz Baptist Church Crystal Hill Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd , Hiltons, VA 24258 (Blue Ridge Association) (Dan River Association) (423) 360-3575 PO Box 99 , Critz, VA 24082 PO Box 44 , Crystal Hill, VA 24539 [email protected] (276) 694-7628 (434) 476-7660 www.darthulachurch.com [email protected] Crooked Run Baptist Church Deaf Baptist Chapel (Shiloh Association) Cullen Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) 7351 James Madison Hwy , (Appomattox Association) 3300 Tidewater Dr , Norfolk, VA 23509 Rapidan, VA 22733 PO Box 62 , Cullen, VA 23934 (757) 622-2876 (540) 672-2700 (434) 610-9859 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.crookedrunbaptistchurch.org www.cullenbaptistchurch.org Deep Run Baptist Church (Dover Association) Cross Streets Church Culpeper Baptist Church 10907 Three Chopt Rd , (BGAV Only) (Shiloh Association) Richmond, VA 23233 1408 S Burlington Ave , 318 S West St , Culpeper, VA 22701 (804) 270-3831 Los Angeles, CA 90006 (540) 825-8192 [email protected] (213) 245-1276 (540) 825-4403 (fax) www.deeprun.org [email protected] [email protected] www.crossstreetschurch.org www.culpeperbaptist.org Deer Valley Baptist Church (Lebanon Association) CrossPointe Church Culpeper Korean Church PO Box 3 , Chilhowie, VA 24319 (Franklin County Missionary (Shiloh Association) (276) 646-8521 Association) 318 S West St , Culpeper, VA 22701 [email protected] 110 H i l l t o p D r , Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (703) 627-6333 (540) 483-9507 [email protected] Deerfi eld Baptist Church (540) 484-5509 (fax) (Augusta Association) [email protected] Currioman Baptist Church 99 Marble Valley Rd , Deerfi eld, VA 24432 www.crosspointe122.org (Rappahannock Association) (540) 939-4476 PO Box 841 , Montross, VA 22520 (540) 939-4475 (fax) Crossroads Church (804) 493-8848 [email protected] (The Bridge Network of Churches) 11 2 7 S u r r e y C r e s , Norfolk, VA 23508 Cut Banks Baptist Church Dendron Baptist Church (757) 961-0350 (BGAV Only) (Blackwater Association) (757) 961-0349 (fax) 24203 Cut Bank Rd , Attn: Ruby Faison, 1244 Dripping [email protected] McKenney, VA 23872 Springs Rd, Dendron, VA 23839 www.crcnorfolk.com (434) 637-6335 (757) 267-2687 [email protected] Crossroads Community Church www.cutbanksbaptistchurch.org Derbyshire Baptist Cambodian Mission (Goshen Association) (The River City Faith Network) 5578 Richmond Rd , Troy, VA 22974 8800 Derbyshire Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 (434) 589-6689 D (804) 740-0780 (434) 589-5789 (fax) (804) 741-5496 (fax) [email protected] Dan River Baptist Church www.ccc4mission.org (Dan River Association) Derbyshire Baptist Church 1228 Dan River Church Rd , (The River City Faith Network) Crossroads Community Church Halifax, VA 24558 8800 Derbyshire Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 (Peninsula Association) (434) 572-3547 (804) 740-7238 1420 Lakeside Dr , Yorktown, VA 23692 (434) 572-1221 (fax) (804) 741-5496 (fax) (757) 898-4335 [email protected] churchoffi [email protected] offi [email protected] www.danriverbaptistchurch.org www.dbcrichmond.org www.crossroads.cc Daniel Boone Baptist Church Dinwiddie Baptist Church (Clinch Valley Association) (Petersburg Association) 2805 Daniel Boone Rd , Gate City, VA 24251 14818 Wilkinson Rd , Dewitt, VA 23840 (276) 452-4368 (804) 469-9459

339 BGAV CHURCHES Dios Es Amor Baptist Church Dryden Baptist Church Ebenezer Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Powell River Association) (Piedmont Association) 6355 Lincolnia Rd , Alexandria, VA 22312 PO Box 115 , Dryden, VA 24243 882 Ebenezer Rd , Amherst, VA 24521 [email protected] (276) 546-1568 (434) 946-7017 [email protected] Disciples For Christ Community Dublin Baptist Church www.ebenezer-baptist-church.org Church (Highlands Association) (The River City Faith Network) PO Box 669 , Dublin, VA 24084 Ebenezer Baptist Church c/o Southampton Baptist Church, (540) 674-6061 (Staunton River Association) 7521 Comanche Dr, Richmond, VA 23225 [email protected] PO Box 26 , Naruna, VA 24576 (804) 297-1345 www.dublinbaptistva.org (434) 376-5296 [email protected] Discovery Church Dundas Baptist Church www.ebenezernaruna.com (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Southside Association) 4881 Euclid Rd , Virginia Beach, VA 23462 PO Box 125 , Dundas, VA 23938 Ebenezer Baptist Church (757) 497-6541 (434) 676-8626 (Concord Association) (757) 552-0792 (fax) 26800 Hwy 47 , South Hill, VA 23970 [email protected] (434) 447-2528 www.hollandroad.org E [email protected] Dogwood Baptist Church Eagle Rock Baptist Church Ebenezer Community Church (Goshen Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) (BGAV Only) 5677 New Line Rd , Gum Spring, VA 23065 PO Box 219 , Eagle Rock, VA 24085 PO Box 29252 , (804) 556-3298 (540) 884-2996 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 [email protected] (763) 561-2100 www.dogwoodbaptist.net East Bristol Baptist Church (763) 561-9258 (fax) (Lebanon Association) [email protected] Dol-Dan Baptist Church 52 Pendergrass Rd , Bristol, VA 24201 www.ebenezercommunitychurch.com (BGAV Only) (276) 669-7051 10301 Sudley Manor Dr , [email protected] Edge Baptist Church Manassas, VA 20109 www.eastbristolbaptistchurch.org (Staunton River Association) (571) 306-0191 3232 Epsons Rd , Gladys, VA 24554 East End Baptist Church (434) 283-5758 Dover Baptist Church (Lebanon Association) [email protected] (Dover Association) 414 Groseclose St , Marion, VA 24354 PO Box 96 , Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103 (276) 783-5309 Edge Hill Baptist Church (804) 784-5681 [email protected] (Staunton River Association) (804) 784-5681 (fax) 4214 Level Run Rd , Hurt, VA 24563 [email protected] East End Baptist Church (434) 324-8236 www.doverbc.org (Portsmouth Association) www.edgehillbaptist.org 523 E Washington St , Suffolk, VA 23434 Downtown Baptist Church (757) 539-3324 Effort Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 539-2640 (fax) (Central Virginia Association) 212 S Washington St , [email protected] 7820 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy , Alexandria, VA 22314 www.eebconline.com Palmyra, VA 22963 (703) 549-5544 (434) 589-8962 (703) 549-6465 (fax) East Park Avenue Baptist Church (434) 589-0799 (fax) offi [email protected] (Wise Association) [email protected] www.downtownbaptist.org PO Box 1123 , Norton, VA 24273 www.effortchurch.org (276) 762-7680 Drakes Branch Baptist Church El Buen Pastor (Southside Association) Eastville Baptist Church (BGAV Only) PO Box 192 , Drakes Branch, VA 23937 (The Bridge Network of Churches) PO Box 950 , Front Royal, VA 22630 (434) 568-4021 PO Box 211 , Bloxom, VA 23308 (540) 635-4886 offi [email protected] (757) 710-7225 www.drakesbranchbc.com Elizabeth River Baptist Church Ebenezer Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) Drummondtown Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) 601 Sparrow Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23325 (The Bridge Network of Churches) 909 Queen St , Alexandria, VA 22314 (757) 420-8478 PO Box 282 , Accomac, VA 23301 (703) 683-1473 (757) 420-5402 (fax) (757) 787-4339 (703) 683-6033 (fax) www.elizabethriver.com www.clamor.esva.net www.ebenezer909.org

340 BGAV CHURCHES Elk Creek Baptist Church Emmanuel United in Faith Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (BGAV Only) F 2930 Summerchase Ln , 31-C Conestoga Way-Starlite Park , F. T. B a p t i s t C h u rc h Goochland, VA 23063 Troy, VA 22974 (Shiloh Association) (804) 556-4487 (434) 589-2871 PO Box 62 , Sperryville, VA 22740 [email protected] (434) 589-2872 (fax) (540) 987-9051 www.elkcreekchurch.net [email protected] [email protected] www.emmanuelfaith.org www.ftbaptist.com Elkhardt Baptist Church (Middle District Association) Emmaus Baptist Church Fairfax Baptist Church 6715 Hull Street Rd , Richmond, VA 23224 (Peninsula Association) (NorthStar Church Network) (804) 276-2051 814 Yorktown Rd , Poquoson, VA 23662 10830 Main St , Fairfax City, VA 22030 (804) 745-2621 (fax) (757) 868-9215 (703) 273-1820 ebcoffi [email protected] (757) 888-8888 (fax) (703) 273-1822 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Ellis Creek Baptist Church www.emmausbaptistchurch.org www.fairfaxbaptist.weebly.com (Dan River Association) 3115 Clarkton Rd , Nathalie, VA 24577 Emmaus Baptist Church Fairfax Circle Baptist Church (434) 349-3847 (Dover Association) (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 533 , Quinton, VA 23141 3110 Chichester Ln , Fairfax, VA 22031 Elon Baptist Church (804) 966-5238 (703) 573-7372 (Lynchburg Association) [email protected] (703) 641-4957 (fax) 11 3 Yo u n g e r D r , Madison Heights, VA 24572 www.emmausbapchurch.com [email protected] (434) 384-7203 www.fairfaxcirclechurch.org [email protected] Enon Baptist Church www.elonbaptistchurch.org (Hermon Association) Fairfi elds Baptist Church PO Box 187 , Caret, VA 22436 (Rappahannock Association) Elon Baptist Church (804) 443-1252 PO Box 216 , Burgess, VA 22432 (Appomattox Association) (804) 453-3530 PO Box 1238 , Pamplin, VA 23958 Enon Baptist Church (804) 453-3530 (fax) (434) 248-6132 (James River Association) [email protected] 2019 Red Rd , Dillwyn, VA 23936 Fairlawn Baptist Church www.ebcpamplin.org (434) 983-3438 (Highlands Association) 6758 Oxford Ave , Fairlawn, VA 24141 Elon Baptist Church Enon Baptist Church (540) 639-5049 (Dover Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) [email protected] 14031 Verdon Rd , Ruther Glen, VA 22546 7971 Williamson Rd , Roanoke, VA 24019 www.fairlawnbaptistchurch.org (804) 449-6184 (540) 366-6420 [email protected] Fairmont Baptist Church Emmanuel Baptist Church www.enonbaptist.com (Franklin County Missionary (NorthStar Church Network) Association) 3801 Buckman Rd , Alexandria, VA 22309 Ephesus Baptist Church 1669 Bethlehem Rd , Boones Mill, VA (703) 780-5530 (Rappahannock Association) 24065 (703) 780-6140 (fax) PO Box 1109 , Dunnsville, VA 22454 (540) 334-5044 [email protected] (804) 443-5792 [email protected] www.ebcalexandria.org (804) 443-1791 (fax) www.fairmontbaptist.com [email protected] Emmanuel Baptist Church Fairmount Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) Ephesus Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) PO Box 1471 , Amherst, VA 24521 (Concord Association) PO Box 115 , Shipman, VA 22971 (434) 922-7100 4198 Goodes Ferry Rd , South Hill, VA 23970 (434) 263-5609 [email protected] (434) 689-2315 [email protected] www.ephesusfaith.com Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Church Fairmount Memorial Baptist Church (BGAV Only) Eureka Baptist Church (BGAV Only) PO Box 546 , Warsaw, VA 22572 (Southside Association) 8174 Ladiestown Rd , (804) 313-2022 4757 George Washington Hwy , Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Keysville, VA 23947 (804) 329-5420 Emmanuel Korean Baptist Church (434) 736-4009 (804) 329-2549 (fax) (Fredericksburg Area Network) [email protected] [email protected] 168 Onville Rd , Stafford, VA 22556 (540) 659-7841 Evergreen Baptist Church (540) 288-0238 (fax) (Central Virginia Association) [email protected] PO Box 5401 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 www.staffordkoreanchurch.org (434) 973-7825 341 BGAV CHURCHES Fairport Baptist Church Faith Family & Fellowship Fellowship Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (BGAV Only) (New Lebanon Association) 2399 Fairport Rd , Reedville, VA 22539 73 Bee Line Dr , Galax, VA 24333 2405 Home Creek Rd , Grundy, VA 24614 (804) 453-3235 (276) 733-7845 (276) 530-7474 www.fairportchurch.org [email protected] [email protected] www.fffworship.com Fairview Baptist Church Fellowship Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) Faith Family Ministries International (BGAV Only) 900 Charlotte St , (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 1150 , Honaker, VA 24260 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 1312 Horner Rd , Woodbridge, VA 22191 (540) 373-8377 (703) 494-0555 Fellowship Baptist Church (540) 373-9713 (fax) (703) 595-4623 (fax) (Lebanon Association) [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 216 , Meadowview, VA 24361 www.fairview-baptist.org www.ffmintl.com (276) 944-5832 [email protected] Fairview Baptist Church Faith Mission Church www.fbcmeadowview.org (Henry County Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 75 Fairview Church Ln , 13732 Cabells Mill Dr , Centreville, VA 20120 Fellowship Baptist Church Martinsville, VA 24112 (703) 803-3783 (Petersburg Association) (276) 638-5340 21000 Chesterfi eld Ave , Faithway Baptist Church South Chesterfi eld, VA 23803 Fairview Baptist Church-River Club (The Bridge Network of Churches) (804) 526-6224 (Fredericksburg Area Network) 910 Oak Grove Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23220 [email protected] 10835 Tidewater Tr , (757) 382-9443 Fredericksburg, VA 22408 [email protected] Ferry Farm Baptist Church (540) 372-7880 www.faithway-bc.org (Fredericksburg Area Network) (540) 373-9713 (fax) 1 Westmoreland Dr , [email protected] Falling River Baptist Church Fredericksburg, VA 22405 www.fairviewatriverclub.org (Appomattox Association) (540) 371-2954 2874 Wickliffe Rd , Brookneal, VA 24528 (540) 373-6300 (fax) Fairway Baptist Church (434) 376-2168 [email protected] (Henry County Association) (434) 376-4803 (fax) www.ferryfarmbc.org 9427 Fairystone Park Hwy , [email protected] Bassett, VA 24055 Fieldale Baptist Church (276) 629-6088 Falmouth Baptist Church (Henry County Association) (276) 629-6088 (fax) (Fredericksburg Area Network) PO Box 98 , Fieldale, VA 24089 302 Colonial Ave , Falmouth, VA 22405 (276) 673-6748 Fairwood Agape Baptist Church (540) 373-8050 fi [email protected] (Portsmouth Association) (540) 373-1524 (fax) 3709 Elliott Ave , Portsmouth, VA 23701 [email protected] Fil-Am Community Church (757) 397-8911 www.falmouthbaptist.net (Middle District Association) (757) 397-0001 (fax) 12603 Mill Lock Ter , Midlothian, VA 23113 [email protected] Farmville Baptist Church (804) 263-0988 www.fairwoodagape.com (Southside Association) info@fi lamchurchva.org 132 N Main St , Farmville, VA 23901 www.fi lamchurchva.org/index.html Faith Baptist Church (434) 392-5041 (Dover Association) (434) 392-5041 (fax) Fine Creek Baptist Church P. O B ox 2 0 8 , Goochland, VA 23063 offi [email protected] (Middle District Association) (804) 556-3247 www.farmvillebaptist.org 3619 Huguenot Tr , Powhatan, VA 23139 [email protected] (804) 403-3070 www.goochlandfaithbaptist.org Farnham Baptist Church clerk@fi necreekbaptist.org (Rappahannock Association) www.fi necreekbaptist.org Faith Baptist Church PO Box 101 , Farnham, VA 22460 (Peninsula Association) (804) 394-9630 First Baptist Church of Appalachia 100 Blackburn Ln , Hampton, VA 23666 (Wise Association) (757) 766-3025 Fellowship Baptist Church PO Box 423 , Appalachia, VA 24216 (757) 766-0347 (fax) (Middle District Association) (276) 565-9954 www.faithofhampton.org/ 2154 Coxendale Rd , Chester, VA 23831 (276) 565-9997 (fax) (804) 796-2889 [email protected] Faith Baptist Church [email protected] (Powell River Association) www.fellowship-baptist-church.blogspot.com PO Box 116 , Jonesville, VA 24263 (276) 346-3721

342 BGAV CHURCHES First Baptist Church of Alexandria First Baptist Church of Collinsville First Baptist Church of Galax (NorthStar Church Network) (Henry County Association) (New River Association) 2932 King St , Alexandria, VA 22302 PO Box 36 , Collinsville, VA 24078 1024 E Stuart Dr , Galax, VA 24333 (703) 684-3720 (276) 647-3774 (276) 236-5185 (703) 519-7580 (fax) (276) 647-3775 (fax) (276) 236-5186 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.fbcalexandria.org www.fi rstbaptistcollinsville.org www.fbcgalax.org

First Baptist Church of Altavista First Baptist Church of Dalton First Baptist Church of Gate City (Staunton River Association) (BGAV Only) (Clinch Valley Association) 1001 Bedford Ave , Altavista, VA 24517 PO Box 827 , Dalton, GA 30722 PO Box 97 , Gate City, VA 24251 (434) 369-5837 (706) 278-2911 (276) 386-3281 (434) 369-5498 (fax) (706) 226-7729 (fax) (276) 386-6140 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.fbcaltavista.org www.fi rstbaptistdalton.com www.fbcgatecity.org

First Baptist Church of Ashland First Baptist Church of Danville First Baptist Church of Gretna (Dover Association) (Pittsylvania Association) (Staunton River Association) 800 Thompson St , Ashland, VA 23005 871 Main St , Danville, VA 24541 PO Box 339 , Gretna, VA 24552 (804) 798-9014 (434) 793-8331 (434) 656-2600 (804) 798-9043 (fax) (434) 793-3228 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] offi [email protected] www.fbcgretna.webs.com www.fi rstbaptistashland.org www.fbcdanville.com First Baptist Church of Grottoes First Baptist Church of Big Stone Gap First Baptist Church of Dendron (Augusta Association) (Wise Association) (Portsmouth Association) PO Box 307 , Grottoes, VA 24441 PO Box 296 , Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 2550 Rolfe Highway , Dendron, VA 23839 (540) 249-3800 (276) 523-0165 (757) 267-2502 [email protected] [email protected] (757) 267-2502 (fax) www.fbcgrottoes.org [email protected] First Baptist Church of Bluefi eld First Baptist Church of Heathsville (East River Association) First Baptist Church of Dillwyn (BGAV Only) 1325 Augusta St , Bluefi eld, WV 24701 (James River Association) PO Box 658 , Heathsville, VA 22473 (304) 327-2495 PO Box 32 , Dillwyn, VA 23936 (804) 580-4912 (304) 325-8897 (fax) (434) 983-3368 (804) 580-6942 (fax) [email protected] (434) 983-4820 (fax) [email protected] www.fbcdillwyn.com First Baptist Church of Bristol First Baptist Church of Herndon (Lebanon Association) First Baptist Church of Dungannon (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 116 , Bristol, VA 24203 (Clinch Valley Association) 681 Elden St , Herndon, VA 20170 (276) 669-8191 PO Box 258 , Dungannon, VA 24245 (703) 437-3620 (276) 669-5082 (fax) (276) 467-1074 (703) 787-9237 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.fbcbristol.org www.fi rstbaptistchurchdungannon.org www.fbcherndon.com

First Baptist Church of Charlottesville First Baptist Church of Elkton First Baptist Church of Hillsville (Central Virginia Association) (Augusta Association) (New River Association) 735 Park St , Charlottesville, VA 22902 PO Box 221 , Elkton, VA 22827 1401 N Main St , Hillsville, VA 24343 (434) 296-6195 (540) 298-1424 (276) 728-7801 (434) 296-4939 (fax) (276) 728-9070 (fax) [email protected] First Baptist Church of Ewing [email protected] www.fbcparkstreet.com (Powell River Association) www.fbchillsville.org PO Box 277 , Ewing, VA 24248 First Baptist Church of Chase City (276) 445-5286 First Baptist Church of Honaker (Concord Association) (New Lebanon Association) PO Box 566 , Chase City, VA 23924 First Baptist Church of Front Royal PO Box 540 , Honaker, VA 24260 (434) 372-4476 (Shenandoah Association) (276) 873-5187 [email protected] 14 W First St , Front Royal, VA 22630 honakerfi [email protected] (540) 635-2122 First Baptist Church of Coeburn (540) 622-6490 (fax) First Baptist Church of Hopewell (Wise Association) [email protected] (Petersburg Association) PO Box 336 , Coeburn, VA 24230 www.fi rstbaptistfr.org 401 N Second Ave , Hopewell, VA 23860 (276) 395-6237 (804) 458-2752 [email protected] (804) 458-9124 (fax) www.coeburnfbc.com [email protected] www.fbchopewell.org 343 BGAV CHURCHES First Baptist Church of Independence First Baptist Church of New Church First Baptist Church of Radford (BGAV Only) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Highlands Association) PO Box 307 , Independence, VA 24348 PO Box 237 , New Church, VA 23415 215 Third Ave , Radford, VA 24141 (276) 773-2446 (757) 824-0493 (540) 639-4419 information@fi rstbaptistnewchurchva.org (540) 639-4452 (fax) First Baptist Church of Jonesville www.fi rstbaptistnewchurchva.org [email protected] (Powell River Association) www.fbcradford.org PO Box 328 , Jonesville, VA 24263 First Baptist Church of Newport News (276) 346-2395 (Peninsula Association) First Baptist Church of Republican Grove [email protected] 12716 Warwick Blvd , (Dan River Association) www.fi rstbaptistjonesville.org Newport News, VA 23606 4210 Leda Grove Rd , Nathalie, VA 24577 (757) 930-0911 (434) 283-1972 First Baptist Church of Lynchburg (757) 930-3827 (fax) [email protected] (Lynchburg Association) [email protected] 110 0 C o u r t S t , Lynchburg, VA 24504 www.fbcnn.org First Baptist Church of Riceville (434) 846-1345 (Pittsylvania Association) [email protected] First Baptist Church of Nickelsville 2432 Riceville Rd , Java, VA 24565 www.fbclva.org/index.html (Clinch Valley Association) (434) 432-1475 11606 Nickelsville Hwy , First Baptist Church of Martinsburg Nickelsville, VA 24271 First Baptist Church of Rich Creek (Shenandoah Association) (276) 479-3222 (Highlands Association) 315 W King St , Martinsburg, WV 25401 (276) 479-4222 (fax) PO Box 307 , Rich Creek, VA 24147 (304) 263-5722 [email protected] (540) 726-2427 (304) 263-9811 (fax) www.fbcnick.org fi [email protected] First Baptist Church of Richmond www.fi rstfamily.ws First Baptist Church of Norfolk (The River City Faith Network) (The Bridge Network of Churches) 2709 Monument Ave , Richmond, VA 23220 First Baptist Church of Martinsville 312 Kempsville Rd , Norfolk, VA 23502 (804) 355-8637 (Henry County Association) (757) 461-3226 (804) 359-4000 (fax) 23 Starling Ave , Martinsville, VA 24112 (757) 461-6843 (fax) [email protected] (276) 632-6336 pastor@fi rstnorfolk.org www.fbcrichmond.org (276) 632-6337 (fax) www.fi rstnorfolk.org [email protected] First Baptist Church of Ridgeway www.fi rstbaptistmartinsville.com First Baptist Church of Norton (Henry County Association) (Wise Association) PO Box 715 , Ridgeway, VA 24148 First Baptist Church of Mathews PO Box 499 , Norton, VA 24273 (276) 956-2370 (BGAV Only) (276) 679-1235 [email protected] PO Box 84 , Mathews, VA 23109 [email protected] www.fi rstbaptistchurchridgeway.com (804) 725-7395 (804) 276-8495 (fax) First Baptist Church of Petersburg First Baptist Church of Rome [email protected] (Petersburg Association) (BGAV Only) www.fbcmathews.org PO Box 445 , Petersburg, VA 23804 PO Box 1189 , Rome, GA 30162 (804) 733-7484 (706) 291-6850 First Baptist Church of Middletown (804) 733-7484 (fax) (706) 291-6870 (fax) (Shenandoah Association) [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 1446 , Stephens City, VA 22655 www.fbcrome.org (540) 664-1541 First Baptist Church of Princeton [email protected] (East River Association) First Baptist Church of Rose Hill www.fbc4u.com 111 6 M e r c e r S t , Princeton, WV 24740 (Powell River Association) (304) 425-8174 PO Box 190 , Rose Hill, VA 24281 First Baptist Church of Monroe [email protected] (276) 445-5800 (Lynchburg Association) www.fbcprincetonwv.org [email protected] PO Box 247 , Monroe, VA 24574 (434) 929-3764 First Baptist Church of Pulaski First Baptist Church of South Boston [email protected] (Highlands Association) (Dan River Association) www.fbcmonroeva.com/ PO Box 1652 , Pulaski, VA 24301 815 N Main St , South Boston, VA 24592 (540) 980-6565 (434) 572-3971 First Baptist Church of Narrows [email protected] (434) 572-6775 (fax) (Highlands Association) www.fbcpulaski.org [email protected] 609 Wolf St , Narrows, VA 24124 www.fbcsouthboston.com (540) 726-3014

344 BGAV CHURCHES First Baptist Church of South Hill First Baptist Church of Winchester First Missionary Baptist Church of (Concord Association) (Shenandoah Association) Woodway 410 N Mecklenburg Ave , 205 W Piccadilly St , Winchester, VA 22601 (Powell River Association) South Hill, VA 23970 (540) 662-5367 PO Box 297 , Pennington Gap, VA 24277 (434) 447-4763 (540) 662-7947 (fax) (276) 546-4261 (434) 447-6268 (fax) [email protected] peace@fi rstbaptistsouthhill.org www.fbcwinc.org First Russian Baptist Church www.fi rstbaptistsouthhill.org (Augusta Association) First Baptist Church of Woodbridge 784 Dinkel Ave , Mt Crawford, VA 22841 First Baptist Church of Springfi eld (NorthStar Church Network) (540) 828-7119 (NorthStar Church Network) 13600 Minnieville Rd , 7300 Gary St , Springfi eld, VA 22150 Woodbridge, VA 22193 First Union Baptist Church (703) 451-1500 (703) 730-9009 (The River City Faith Network) (703) 451-3410 (fax) (703) 730-9779 (fax) 6144 Derwent Rd, Richmond, VA 23225 fbc@fbcspringfi eld.org [email protected] (804) 745-9772 www.fbcspringfi eld.org www.fbcwoodbridge.org (804) 675-1631 (fax) [email protected] First Baptist Church of St. Paul First Baptist Church of Woodstock www.thefubc.org (Wise Association) (Shenandoah Association) PO Box 546 , St Paul, VA 24283 11 6 L a k e v i e w D r , Woodstock, VA 22664 First View Baptist Church (276) 762-9440 (540) 459-3000 (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] (540) 459-8260 (fax) 9124 First View St , Norfolk, VA 23503 www.fi rstbaptistofstpaul.com [email protected] (757) 587-6277 www.fbc-woodstock.org www.fi rstviewbaptistchurch.com First Baptist Church of Staunton (Augusta Association) First Baptist Church, West Main Street First Virginia Baptist Church 406 W Frederick St , Staunton, VA 24401 (BGAV Only) (NorthStar Church Network) (540) 886-8333 632 W Main St , Charlottesville, VA 22903 8616 Pohick Rd , Springfi eld, VA 22153 (540) 885-3868 (fax) (434) 979-0952 (703) 440-1009 info@fi rstbaptiststaunton.com (434) 295-0521 (fax) (703) 440-1123 (fax) www.fi rstbaptiststaunton.com Churchoffi [email protected] drjeykim@fi rstvirginiabaptist.net www.fbc4g.org www.fi rstvirginiabaptist.net First Baptist Church of Sycoline (BGAV Only) First Chinese Baptist Church Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist Church 19976 Sycoline Rd , Leesburg, VA 20175 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (James River Association) (703) 777-4168 PO Box 8848 , Virginia Beach, VA 23450 PO Box 164 , Cumberland, VA 23040 (757) 340-6069 (804) 492-5151 First Baptist Church of Virginia Beach (757) 340-7069 (fax) (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] Flat Creek Baptist Church 401 35th Street , Virginia Beach, VA 23451 www.fcbc-va.org (Lynchburg Association) (757) 428-6562 14368 Wards Rd , Lynchburg, VA 24502 (757) 425-6184 (fax) First Cross Roads Baptist Church (434) 237-1917 [email protected] (Dan River Association) www.fl atcreekfamily.org www.fbcofvb.org 11 2 2 M e l o n R d , South Boston, VA 24592 (434) 753-2832 Fleenors Chapel First Baptist Church of Waynesboro fi [email protected] (Powell River Association) (Augusta Association) PO Box 98 , Jonesville, VA 24236 301 S Wayne Ave , Waynesboro, VA 22980 First Emmanuel Baptist Church (276) 546-3240 (540) 949-8187 (BGAV Only) [email protected] (540) 943-5399 (fax) 110 8 Ke m p s v i l l e R d , Chesapeake, VA 23320 lfi [email protected] (757) 382-9650 Flint Hill Baptist Church www.fi rstbaptistwboro.org (Shiloh Association) First Kachin Baptist Church of Virginia PO Box 2 , Flint Hill, VA 22627 First Baptist Church of West Point (BGAV Only) (540) 675-2431 (Dover Association) 1820 Rhianon Ln , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 PO Box N , West Point, VA 23181 (540) 560-2783 Flint Hill Baptist Church (804) 843-2484 [email protected] (Strawberry Association) (804) 843-2674 (fax) 8997 Dickerson Mill Rd , Moneta, VA 24121 offi [email protected] First Korean Baptist Church (540) 297-6783 www.fbcwestpoint.org (Petersburg Association) fl [email protected] 3030 River Rd , Prince George, VA 23875 www.fl inthillbaptistchurch.org

345 BGAV CHURCHES Floyd Baptist Church Fort Trial Baptist Church Fredericksburg Baptist Church (Blue Ridge Association) (Henry County Association) (Fredericksburg Area Network) PO Box 58 , Floyd, VA 24091 170 Oak Level Rd , Stanleytown, VA 24168 1019 Princess Anne St , (540) 745-2677 (276) 629-2964 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 fl [email protected] (276) 629-7874 (fax) (540) 373-4402 www.fl oydbaptist.com offi [email protected] (540) 371-3041 (fax) www.forttrialbaptist.com [email protected] Fontaine Baptist Church www.fredericksburgbaptistchurch.org (Henry County Association) Fountain Creek Baptist Church 170 Fisher Farm Rd , Martinsville, VA 24112 (Petersburg Association) Fredericksburg International Christian (276) 638-7963 8099 Brink Rd , Emporia, VA 23847 Church [email protected] (434) 634-3465 (Fredericksburg Area Network) www.fontainebaptist.com 11 Smokehouse Dr, Suite 103 , Fountain Grove Baptist Church Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Forest Grove Baptist Church (Petersburg Association) (540) 479-1768 (Shiloh Association) 11 5 3 9 L o w G r o u n d R d , Emporia, VA 23847 258 Forest Grove Rd. , Amissville, VA 20106 (434) 634-3877 Free Hill Baptist Church (540) 937-3159 (Clinch Valley Association) Four Mile Creek Baptist Church PO Box 195 , Nickelsville, VA 24271 Forest Grove Baptist Church (Dover Association) (276) 479-1489 (Roanoke Valley Association) 2950 New Market Rd , Henrico, VA 23231 693 Mt Moriah Rd , Eagle Rock, VA 24015 (804) 795-2044 Free Union Baptist Church (540) 884-2160 (804) 795-7430 (fax) (Central Virginia Association) [email protected] PO Box 210 , Free Union, VA 22940 Forest Park Baptist Church www.fmcbaptist.com (434) 973-1590 (Roanoke Valley Association) [email protected] PO Box 6275 , Roanoke, VA 24017 Fox Hill Road Baptist Church (540) 343-4471 (Peninsula Association) Freedom Life - San Antonio 335 Fox Hill Rd , Hampton, VA 23669 (Peninsula Association) Fork of Willis Baptist Church (757) 851-8475 12411 Avens Arbor , San Antonio, TX 78253 (James River Association) [email protected] (757) 715-9673 1423 Columbia Rd , Columbia, VA 23038 www.fhrbc.com [email protected] (804) 375-3345 [email protected] Fox Memorial Baptist Church Freedom Life Church (Central Virginia Association) (Peninsula Association) Fork Union Baptist Church PO Box 787 , Scottsville, VA 24590 711 Brick Kiln Blvd, Suite E , (Central Virginia Association) (434) 286-3825 Newport News, VA 23602 PO Box 67 , Fork Union, VA 23055 (434) 286-8853 (fax) (757) 864-0460 (434) 842-3390 [email protected] offi [email protected] churchoffi [email protected] www.foxmemorialbaptistchurch.org www.fl champton.com www.forkunionbaptist.org Franconia Korean Baptist Church Freemason Street Baptist Church Fork Union Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Central Virginia Association) 5912 Franconia Rd , Alexandria, VA 22310 PO Box 1739 , Norfolk, VA 23501 PO Box 67 , Fork Union, VA 23055 (703) 922-5559 (757) 625-7579 (434) 842-3390 (703) 971-4476 (fax) (757) 625-4363 (fax) churchoffi [email protected] offi [email protected] www.forkunionbaptist.org Franklin Baptist Church www.freemasonstreet.org (Blackwater Association) Fort Lee Baptist Church 208 N High St , Franklin, VA 23851 Fresh Fellowship of Richmond (Dover Association) (757) 562-5135 (BGAV Only) 2727 Charles City Rd , (757) 569-8547 (fax) PO Box 2183 , Glen Allen, VA 23058 Richmond, VA 23231 [email protected] (804) 399-4126 (804) 222-9558 www.franklinbaptist.org (804) 747-3484 (fax) (804) 222-9580 (fax) offi [email protected] Franklin Heights Baptist Church Fresh Fire International Church www.fortleebaptistchurch.org (Franklin County Missionary (BGAV Only) Association) PO Box 3578 , Merrifi eld, VA 22116 Fort Lewis Baptist Church 110 H i l l t o p D r , Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (703) 361-3761 (Roanoke Valley Association) (540) 483-9507 4215 West Main St , Salem, VA 24153 (540) 484-5509 (fax) (540) 380-2044 [email protected] (540) 380-4088 (fax) www.franklinheights.org offi [email protected] www.fortlewisbaptistchurch.org 346 BGAV CHURCHES Friendship Baptist Church Garden Baptist Church Glade Hill Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (New Lebanon Association) (Franklin County Missionary 5200 Newbys Bridge Rd , PO Box 840 , Oakwood, VA 24631 Association) Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 (276) 498-3233 6627 Colonial Tpke , Glade Hill, VA 24092 (804) 276-5803 [email protected] (540) 576-2580 (804) 276-9440 (fax) [email protected] toddestes@friendshipchesterfi eld.org Garden City Baptist Church www.friendshipchesterfi eld.org (Roanoke Valley Association) Glade Spring Baptist Church 3536 Garden City Blvd SE , (Lebanon Association) Friendship Baptist Church Roanoke, VA 24014 PO Box 367 , Glade Spring, VA 24340 (Wise Association) (540) 427-0131 (276) 429-2222 PO Box 1895 , Coeburn, VA 24230 [email protected] (276) 429-2222 (fax) (276) 395-7170 www.gardencitybaptist.com [email protected] [email protected] www.gladespringbaptist.org Gateway Community Church Friendship Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) Gladstone Memorial Baptist Church (Lebanon Association) PO Box 1444 , King George, VA 22485 (James River Association) 35411 Loves Mill Rd , (540) 775-9444 794 Porter House Rd , Concord, VA 24538 Glade Spring, VA 24340 gccoffi [email protected] (434) 993-3587 (276) 429-2567 www.gatewaycckg.org [email protected] [email protected] www.friendshipbaptistglade.org Gateway Community Church Glasgow Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Natural Bridge Association) Friendship Baptist Church, Inc. 24796 Gateway Village Pl , 805 10th St , Glasgow, VA 24555 (Powell River Association) South Riding, VA 20152 (540) 258-2655 28970 Wilderness Rd , (703) 327-2700 Jonesville, VA 24263 [email protected] Glebe Landing Baptist Church (276) 346-1622 www.gatewaychurch.org (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] 1439 Glebe Landing Rd , www.friendshipbaptistjonesville.org Gayton Baptist Church Laneview, VA 22504 (The River City Faith Network) (804) 758-2233 Friendship Memorial Baptist Church 13501 N Gayton Rd , Henrico, VA 23233 [email protected] (The River City Faith Network) (804) 360-2801 PO Box 302 , Midlothian, VA 23113 (804) 612-7837 (fax) Glen Allen Baptist Church (804) 675-9958 offi [email protected] (Dover Association) www.gaytonchurch.org PO Box 1245 , Glen Allen, VA 23060 Frontier Mission Church (804) 672-6648 (BGAV Only) Gethsemane Baptist Church (804) 672-2646 (fax) 1328 Spring Hill Rd , McLean, VA 22102 (Franklin County Missionary [email protected] (571) 245-5444 Association) www.glenallenbaptist.org [email protected] 4720 Jubal Early Hwy , www.snrfmc.org Boones Mill, VA 24065 Glenn Memorial Baptist Church (540) 297-8344 (Appomattox Association) Fuller Memorial Baptist Church [email protected] 146 Harris Creek Rd , Prospect, VA 23960 (Henry County Association) www.gethsemanechurch.org (434) 574-6553 1204 S Askin St , Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] (276) 632-4613 Gethsemane Baptist Church www.glennmemorial.org [email protected] (New Lebanon Association) 2902 Clinch St , Richlands, VA 24641 Glenwood Memorial Baptist Church Fullnet Community Church Inc. (276) 963-7415 (Pittsylvania Association) (BGAV Only) [email protected] 125 Starling Ave , Danville, VA 24540 14641 Lee Hwy, #109 , www.gbcrichlands.org (434) 792-6873 Centreville, VA 20121 (703) 257-9217 (fax) Gibeon Baptist Church Glory Korean Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 23 , Village, VA 22570 8225 Colby Ct , Vienna, VA 22180 G (804) 761-6025 (703) 641-9810 [email protected] Galilee Baptist Church Gloucester Point Baptist Church (Central Virginia Association) Glade Creek Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) 3598 Three Notch Rd , (Strawberry Association) PO Box 305 , Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Kents Store, VA 23084 3148 Webster Rd , Blue Ridge, VA 24064 (804) 642-2555 (434) 589-8817 (540) 977-1686 [email protected] (434) 589-3760 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.ariseministry.org www.gbclonline.org 347 BGAV CHURCHES God’s Will Church Grace Baptist Church Grace Hills Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (The River City Faith Network) (Appomattox Association) 900 Maple Ave E , Vienna, VA 22180 4200 Dover Rd , Richmond, VA 23221 PO Box 807 , Appomattox, VA 24522 (703) 863-1716 (804) 353-0134 (434) 352-8847 (804) 353-0135 (fax) (434) 352-8849 (fax) Goochland Baptist Church [email protected] ghbcoffi [email protected] (Dover Association) www.gbconline.org www.gracehillsbaptist.com 2454 Manakin Rd , Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103 Grace Baptist Church Grace Korean Baptist Church (804) 749-3522 (Henry County Association) (NorthStar Church Network) (804) 749-4510 (fax) 6432 Greensboro Rd , Ridgeway, VA 24148 3110 Chichester Ln , Fairfax, VA 22031 [email protected] (276) 734-1056 (703) 569-6904 www.goochlandchurch.org [email protected] Grace Life Korean Church Good Hope Baptist Church Grace Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Shiloh Association) (Shenandoah Association) 8800 Howland Pl , Bristow, VA 20136 4185 Orange Rd , Aroda, VA 22709 PO Box 68 , (703) 203-5851 (540) 672-6512 Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442 (703) 594-3968 (fax) [email protected] (304) 728-6492 [email protected] [email protected] www.gracelifekc.org Good Shepherd Baptist Church www.gracebaptistchurchwv.com (BGAV Only) Graceland Baptist Church 11 2 7 N 2 8 t h S t , Richmond, VA 23223 Grace Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (804) 644-1402 (Peninsula Association) 975 Dorset Rd , Powhatan, VA 23139 (804) 643-8552 (fax) 1013 Penniman Rd , (804) 598-3481 Williamsburg, VA 23185 (804) 598-6556 (fax) Good Shepherd Community Chapel (757) 229-2232 [email protected] (BGAV Only) (757) 229-7436 (fax) www.gracelandbc.org 37 Loxley Rd , Portsmouth, VA 23702 [email protected] [ (757) 714-3133 Grandin Court Baptist Church [email protected] Grace Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 2660 Brambleton Ave SW , Gordonsville Baptist Church 14242 Spriggs Rd , Woodbridge, VA 22193 Roanoke, VA 24015 (Goshen Association) (703) 670-5032 (540) 774-1684 PO Box 926 , Gordonsville, VA 22942 (703) 730-7774 (fax) (540) 774-9204 (fax) (540) 832-2075 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 832-2075 (fax) www.gracehome.org www.grandincourtbaptist.org [email protected] www.gordonsvillebaptistchurch.org Grace Chinese Baptist Church Grassfi eld Baptist Church (Dover Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) Goshen Baptist Church 850 Broad St , Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103 1772 Cedar Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23323 (Natural Bridge Association) (804) 217-7137 (757) 547-8385 PO Box 38 , Goshen, VA 24439 [email protected] (757) 547-8385 (fax) (540) 997-9467 www.gcbcr.org [email protected] www.grassfi eldbaptist.com Goshen Baptist Church Grace Community Baptist Church (James River Association) (Dover Association) Grassy Creek Baptist Church 2381 Axtell Rd , Howardsville, VA 24562 2400 Pump Rd , Richmond, VA 23233 (New Lebanon Association) (434) 286-6542 (804) 740-4148 630 Johnson Settlement Rd , (804) 740-1860 (fax) Castlewood, VA 24224 Gourdvine Baptist Church offi [email protected] (Shiloh Association) www.gracerichmond.org Gravel Hill Baptist Church 7103 Eggbornsville Rd , (Concord Association) Rixeyville, VA 22737 Grace Covenant Church 1662 Carters Point Rd , (540) 937-2171 (BGAV Only) Buffalo Junction, VA 24529 www.gourdvinebaptistchurch.com PO Box 1857 , Coeburn, VA 24230 (434) 374-5468 hjhollyfi [email protected] [email protected] Grace Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) Grace Fellowship Gravel Hill Baptist Church 13969 Baton Rouge Ct , (Highlands Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) Centreville, VA 20121 PO Box 326 , Hiwassee, VA 24347 PO Box 60 , Hardy, VA 24101 (540) 980-1148 (540) 890-3485 [email protected]

348 BGAV CHURCHES Great Bridge Baptist Church Greenfi eld Baptist Church Gwynn’s Island Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Lebanon Association) (Mid-Tidewater Association) 640 S Battlefi eld Blvd , 30080 Hawthorne Dr , PO Box 26 , Gwynn, VA 23066 Chesapeake, VA 23322 Meadowview, VA 24361 (804) 725-2384 (757) 482-2111 (276) 944-4464 [email protected] (757) 482-8657 (fax) pastorsoffi [email protected] Greenpond Baptist Church www.greatbridgebaptist.org (Pittsylvania Association) H 7176 Anderson Mill Rd , Chatham, VA 24531 Great Fork Baptist Church (434) 432-0537 Haitian Sinai Baptist Church (Blackwater Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) 180 Great Fork Rd , Suffolk, VA 23438 Greenville Baptist Church 2905 Cove Rd NW , Roanoke, VA 24017 (757) 986-4185 (Augusta Association) (540) 342-6492 offi [email protected] PO Box 502 , Greenville, VA 24440 (540) 345-4034 (fax) www.gfbc1.wordpress.com (540) 337-2278 [email protected] Halesford Baptist Church Greater Little Zion Baptist Church www.greenvillebaptistchurch.org (Franklin County Missionary Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 2485 Lost Mountain Rd , Wirtz, VA 24184 10185 Zion Dr , Fairfax, VA 22032 Greenway Spirit & Word Fellowship (540) 721-8640 (703) 764-9111 (Shenandoah Association) (540) 721-7870 (fax) (703) 764-9162 (fax) PO Box 218 , Stephens City, VA 22655 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 869-9110 www.halesford.com www.glzbc.org [email protected] www.greenwayfellowship.org Halifax Baptist Church Green Ridge Baptist Church (Dan River Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) Greenwood Baptist Church 9159 Chatham Rd , Vernon Hill, VA 24597 5521 Green Ridge Rd , Roanoke, VA 24019 (Henry County Association) (434) 349-4034 (540) 562-0225 2911 Mountain Valley Rd , Axton, VA 24054 (540) 562-4032 (fax) (276) 432-1334 Hallwood Baptist Church [email protected] (The Bridge Network of Churches) www.greenridgebc.com Grosses Creek Baptist Church PO Box 36 , Hallwood, VA 23359 (Lebanon Association) (757) 854-1382 Green Valley Baptist Church 307 Grosses Creek Rd , Chilhowie, VA 24319 (New Lebanon Association) (276) 646-2101 Hamlin Baptist Church 695 Green Valley Rd , Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] (Wise Association) (276) 889-0257 www.grossescreekbaptistchurch.org PO Box 689 , St Paul, VA 24283 (276) 889-4723 (fax) (276) 762-0950 offi [email protected] Grove Park Baptist Church www.gvbchurch.com (Portsmouth Association) Hampton Baptist Church 1400 Rodman Ave , Portsmouth, VA 23707 (Peninsula Association) Greenbriar Mission Church (757) 393-9259 40 Kings Way , Hampton, VA 23669 (New Lebanon Association) (757) 295-4991 (fax) (757) 723-0707 PO Box 885 , Vansant, VA 24656 [email protected] (757) 723-8432 (fax) (276) 597-7030 [email protected] Groveton Baptist Church www.hamptonbaptist.org Greenbrier Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (NorthStar Church Network) 6511 Richmond Hwy , Alexandria, VA 22306 Hanael Baptist Church 5401 7th Rd S , Arlington, VA 22204 (703) 768-9084 (BGAV Only) (703) 671-6688 (703) 768-9165 (fax) 3729 Old Lee Hwy , Fairfax, VA 22031 [email protected] [email protected] (571) 432-0691 www.greenbrierbaptist.org www.grovetonbaptistchurch.org [email protected]

Greenbrier Community Church Grundy Baptist Church Haran Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (New Lebanon Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) 825 Greenbrier Pkwy , PO Box 675 , Grundy, VA 24614 7539 Old Bent Mountain Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23320 (276) 935-2908 Roanoke, VA 24018 (757) 547-3898 (276) 935-4180 (fax) (540) 774-8986 (757) 548-0168 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] gccoffi [email protected] www.grundybaptist.org www.greenbriercommunitychurch.com Harborpointe Community Church Gwathmey Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) Greenfi eld Baptist Church (Dover Association) 351 E Mercury Blvd , Hampton, VA 23663 (Staunton River Association) PO Box 1478 , Ashland, VA 23005 (757) 722-1182 PO Box 875 , Gretna, VA 24557 (804) 798-6615 [email protected] (434) 656-6152 [email protected] www.harborpointe.org greenfi [email protected] 349 BGAV CHURCHES Hardware Baptist Church Heavenly Bread Church of Virginia High Point Baptist Church (Central Virginia Association) Beach (Blue Ridge Association) 2471 Red Hill Rd , North Garden, VA 22959 (BGAV Only) 2381 Big A School Rd , Stuart, VA 24171 (434) 971-7313 111 5 P l a n t a t i o n L a k e s C i r , Chesapeake, (276) 694-6059 [email protected] VA 23320 www.familyofbelievers.wordpress.com (757) 717-6745 Hardy Central Baptist Church [email protected] Highland Baptist Church (Dover Association) (Natural Bridge Association) 4655 Darbytown Rd , Richmond, VA 23231 Hebron Baptist Church 302 Jackson River Rd , Monterey, VA 24465 (804) 795-1329 (Piedmont Association) (540) 468-2121 [email protected] 66 Tanbark Dr , Afton, VA 22920 www.hardycentralbaptistchurch.com (540) 456-6863 Highland Baptist Church (540) 456-6865 (fax) (Portsmouth Association) Hardy’s Creek Baptist Church [email protected] 3710 Deep Creek Blvd , (Powell River Association) www.hebronafton.org Portsmouth, VA 23702 23310 Wilderness Rd , Jonesville, VA 24263 (757) 393-4400 (276) 346-5039 Hebron Baptist Church [email protected] (Appomattox Association) Harman Memorial Baptist Church 7533 Stonewall Rd , Appomattox, VA 24522 Highlands Fellowship - Online Campus (New Lebanon Association) (434) 993-3828 (Lebanon Association) PO Box 320 , Maxie, VA 24628 [email protected] PO Box 553 , Abingdon, VA 24212 (276) 531-8625 www.hebroncares.org (276) 628-3297 [email protected] (276) 628-1011 (fax) www.harmanbaptist.com Hebron Baptist Church [email protected] (Dover Association) www.highlandsfellowship.com/ Harmony Grove Baptist Church 10171 King William Rd , Aylett, VA 23009 campuses/online-campus (Mid-Tidewater Association) (804) 994-5749 PO Box 138 , Topping, VA 23169 [email protected] Highlands Fellowship Church (804) 758-5154 (Lebanon Association) [email protected] Hebron Baptist Church PO Box 553 , Abingdon, VA 24212 www.harmonygrovetopping.org (Petersburg Association) (276) 628-3297 PO Box 106 , Drewryville, VA 23844 (276) 676-2250 (fax) Harrisonburg Baptist Church (804) 653-2932 [email protected] (Augusta Association) www.highlandsfellowship.com/ 501 S Main St , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Heritage Baptist Church campuses/abingdon-va (540) 433-2456 (Southside Association) (540) 433-0503 (fax) 700 Milnwood Rd , Farmville, VA 23901 Highlands Fellowship Church - [email protected] (434) 392-6119 Bristol Campus www.hbcAlive.org [email protected] (Lebanon Association) www.hbcfarmville.com 2004 Lee Hwy , Bristol, VA 24201 Harvest Pointe Community Church (276) 669-7400 (Shenandoah Association) Heritage Baptist Church (276) 669-7411 (fax) PO Box 1321 , Charles Town, WV 25414 (Clinch Valley Association) [email protected] (304) 728-1920 5102 Bristol Hwy, Suite 101 , www.highlandsfellowship.com/ (304) 724-2219 (fax) Gate City, VA 24251 campuses/bristol-va [email protected] (276) 386-2403 www.hpcc.com [email protected] Highlands Fellowship Church - www.hbcministries.net Johnson City Campus Hatcher Memorial Baptist Church (Lebanon Association) (The River City Faith Network) Hermitage Baptist Church 100 Centre Park Dr , 2300 Dumbarton Rd , (Mid-Tidewater Association) Johnson City, TN 37615 Richmond, VA 23228 PO Box 190 , Church View, VA 23032 (423) 477-1111 (804) 266-9696 (804) 758-2636 (423) 477-1122 (fax) (804) 266-5640 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.highlandsfellowship.com/ www.hatcherchurch.org Herndon Korean Baptist Church campuses/johnson-city-tn-gray (NorthStar Church Network) Haymarket Baptist Church 12410 Popes Head Rd , Fairfax, VA 22030 Highlands Fellowship Church - (NorthStar Church Network) (270) 874-0347 Marion Campus PO Box 182 , Haymarket, VA 20168 (Lebanon Association) (703) 754-8546 High Hills Baptist Church 140 Laurel Springs Rd , Marion, VA 24354 (703) 754-8546 (fax) (Petersburg Association) (276) 628-3297 [email protected] 110 0 5 K i e n t z R d , Jarratt, VA 23867 (276) 676-2250 (fax) www.haymarketbaptistchurch.org (434) 535-8688 [email protected] [email protected] www.highlandsfellowship.com/ campuses/marion-va 350 BGAV CHURCHES Highlands Fellowship Church - Hills Grove Baptist Church Holy Trinity Baptist Church Wise Campus (Blue Ridge Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Lebanon Association) 1220 Little Dan River Rd , 2505 Llewellyn Ave , Norfolk, VA 23517 PO Box 553 , Abingdon, VA 24212 Claudville, VA 24076 (757) 489-8140 (276) 623-0210 (276) 251-7102 [email protected] [email protected] www.highlandsfellowship.com/ Hillsboro Baptist Church Hope Community Church campuses/wise-va (Central Virginia Association) (Peninsula Association) 6406 Hillsboro Ln , Crozet, VA 22932 12300 Warwick Blvd, Suite B , Hill City Church (434) 823-1505 Newport News, VA 23606 (BGAV Only) (434) 823-1505 (fax) (757) 602-0781 PO Box 4060 , Arlington, VA 22204 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.hillsboro.cc www.extremehope.org www.wearehillcity.com Hilton Baptist Church Hope Hill Church Hill Creek Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) (NorthStar Church Network) (New Lebanon Association) 101 Main St , Newport News, VA 23601 PO Box 7712 , Woodbridge, VA 22195 206 McGlouthin St , Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 (757) 595-3300 (571) 402-4900 (276) 498-4368 (757) 596-5458 (fax) (703) 730-9779 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Hillcrest Baptist Church www.hiltonbaptistchurch.org www.hopehillchurch.org (Pittsylvania Association) 4401 Westover Dr , Danville, VA 24541 Hilton Missionary Baptist Church Hopewell Baptist Church (434) 685-4594 (Clinch Valley Association) (Dover Association) [email protected] 135 Culdesac Dr , Gate City, VA 24251 5061 Hopewell Rd , New Kent, VA 23124 (276) 386-2834 (804) 932-4906 Hillcrest Baptist Church [email protected] www.hopewellbaptistnewkent.com (New River Association) 1218 S. Main St , Galax, VA 24333-4511 His Village Horeb Baptist Church (276) 236-5855 (Shiloh Association) (Natural Bridge Association) [email protected] PO Box 1947 , Culpeper, VA 22701 c/o Stephen Markum, 1059 TC Walker Rd, www.hillcrestgalax.org/ (540) 729-7330 Millboro, VA 24460 [email protected] (540) 290-5293 Hillcrest Baptist Church www.hisvillage.org [email protected] (Dover Association) 11 3 4 2 H i l l c r e s t R d , Hanover, VA 23069 Hitesburg Baptist Church Horizon Community Church (804) 730-1500 (Dan River Association) (Portsmouth Association) (804) 559-2523 (fax) 2215 Hitesburg Church Rd , 2430 Gum Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23321 [email protected] Virgilina, VA 24598 (757) 488-6339 www.hillcresthanover.org (434) 585-3182 HCCoffi [email protected] www.horizoncommunitychurch.net Hillcrest Baptist Church Holland Baptist Church (Henry County Association) (Blackwater Association) Hornsbyville Baptist Church 18075 Al Philpott Hwy , Ridgeway, VA 24148 PO Box 7086 , Suffolk, VA 23437 (Peninsula Association) (276) 957-2449 (757) 657-2424 PO Box 1147 , Grafton, VA 23692 (276) 957-5549 (fax) (757) 657-2424 (fax) (757) 898-6121 [email protected] offi [email protected] [email protected] www.hbcridgeway.org www.hornsbyvillebaptistchurch.org Hollies Baptist Church Hillcrest Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) Horntown Baptist Church (Blackwater Association) PO Box 7 , Keller, VA 23401 (BGAV Only) 1637 Holland Rd , Suffolk, VA 23434 (757) 787-4655 10149 Pineview Rd , Atlantic, VA 23303 (757) 539-8801 [email protected] (757) 824-4726 (757) 539-8801 (fax) www.holliesbaptistchurch.com [email protected] Howertons Baptist Church www.hbcsuffolk.org Hollywood Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (Appomattox Association) 3875 Essex Mill Rd , Dunnsville, VA 22454 Hillendale Baptist Church 6564 Hollywood Rd , (804) 443-4923 (NorthStar Church Network) Appomattox, VA 24522 13135 Hillendale Dr , (434) 933-4541 Woodbridge, VA 22193 (703) 590-3010 (703) 878-3764 (fax) [email protected] www.hillendalebaptist.com 351 BGAV CHURCHES Huguenot Road Baptist Church Iglesia Bautista Remanente de Dios Immanuel Christian Ministries (The River City Faith Network) (NorthStar Church Network) (Shiloh Association) 10525 W Huguenot Rd , 8200 Old Keene Mill Rd , PO Box 2123 , Culpeper, VA 22701 Richmond, VA 23235 Springfi eld, VA 22152 (540) 786-2653 (804) 272-2072 (703) 622-0773 [email protected] (804) 323-1103 (fax) www.inchristmin.com [email protected] Iglesia Bautista Shalom, Inc. www.hrbcrichmond.org (BGAV Only) Indian River Baptist Church 681 Elden St , Herndon, VA 20170 (The Bridge Network of Churches) Hulls Memorial Baptist Church (703) 608-9737 1600 Laurel Ave , Chesapeake, VA 23325 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (703) 787-9237 (fax) (757) 424-5700 420 Enon Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22406 (757) 523-2864 (fax) (540) 371-4124 Iglesia Cristiana Cordero de Dios [email protected] (540) 371-4017 (fax) (Goshen Association) www.indianriverbaptist.com/ [email protected] 4409 Glen Forest Ct , Annandale, VA 22003 www.hullsbaptist.com [email protected] Indian View Baptist Church (Dover Association) Hume Baptist Church Iglesia Gracia Y Verdad 13349 King William Rd , (NorthStar Church Network) (Franklin County Missionary Association) King William, VA 23086 PO Box 7 , Hume, VA 22639 70 South Main St, Suite 101 , (804) 350-1555 (540) 364-2181 Rocky Mount, VA 24151 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 483-8284 www.indianviewchurch.blogspot.com

Hunting Creek Baptist Church Iglesia Gracia Y Verdad Ingleside Baptist Church (Strawberry Association) (Franklin County Missionary Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) 15455 Big Island Hwy , 70 South Main St, Suite 101 , 925 Ingleside Rd , Norfolk, VA 23502 Big Island, VA 24526 Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (757) 466-7802 churchoffi [email protected] (540) 483-8284 (757) 466-7842 (fax) www.huntingcreek.net [email protected] Iglesia Hispana Bautista de Westover www.inglesidechurch.com Hunting Creek Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Dan River Association) 1125 N. Patrick Henry Dr , Inglewood Baptist Church 4055 Hunting Creek Rd , Arlington, VA 22205 (Lynchburg Association) Nathalie, VA 24577 (703) 509-1379 4830 Old Boonsboro Rd , (434) 454-6568 Lynchburg, VA 24503 Iglesia Hispana Bautista En Kenbridge (434) 384-2558 Hunton Baptist Church (Anastasis) (Dover Association) (Southside Association) International Christian Church 11 6 6 0 G r e e n w o o d R d , 1742 Blackstone Rd , Kenbridge, VA 23944 (The Bridge Network of Churches) Glen Allen, VA 23059 (434) 676-4183 2969 Holland Rd , Virginia Beach, VA 23453 (804) 266-0100 (757) 427-9731 (804) 266-3088 (fax) Imagine (757) 427-9701 (fax) offi [email protected] (BGAV Only) [email protected] www.huntonbc.org 4229 Huanui St , Honolulu, HI 96816 www.iccvirginia.com (626) 221-1555 [email protected] International Christian Fellowship I www.imaginehi.org (Peninsula Association) 7409 1/2 River Rd , Iglesia Bautista El Camino Immanuel Baptist Church Newport News, VA 23607 (Mid-Tidewater Association) (Petersburg Association) (757) 245-5109 8399 Kitchener Dr , Gloucester, VA 23061 620 Lafayette Ave , (804) 693-2592 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 International Church at Foggy Bottom (804) 526-3276 (BGAV Only) Iglesia Bautista Emanuel (804) 526-7100 (fax) 13214 Conductor Way , (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] Silver Spring, MD 20904 3801 Buckman Rd , Alexandria, VA 22309 www.ibc4family.com (240) 888-1099 (202) 390-0262 [email protected] [email protected] Immanuel Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) International Community Baptist Iglesia Bautista La Gran Comision 69 Saunders Rd , Newport News, VA 23601 Churches (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 596-2525 (NorthStar Church Network) 4802 Pomponio Place , (757) 596-5936 (fax) PO Box 11642 , Alexandria, VA 22312 Annandale, VA 22003 imbcoffi [email protected] (571) 331-3874 (703) 323-1347 www.ibcnn.org (703) 360-7291 (fax) [email protected] www.carrollabaltimoreministries.org 352 BGAV CHURCHES International Community Church James City Community Church Jonesboro Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) (Peninsula Association) (Piedmont Association) 5716 Monument Ave , 6273 Adams Hunt Dr , PO Box 40 , Roseland, VA 22967 Richmond, VA 23226 Williamsburg, VA 23188 (434) 277-8614 (804) 237-8514 (757) 565-4038 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.jonesborobaptistchurch.org www.iccrichmond.com www.jccchurch.com Journey Church Iron Gate Baptist Church James River Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (Natural Bridge Association) (Central Virginia Association) 3574 Read Mountain Rd , PO Box 193 , Iron Gate, VA 24448 PO Box 176 , Scottsville, VA 24590 Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 862-0142 (434) 286-2920 (540) 966-5683 [email protected] offi [email protected] James River Baptist Church www.journeyconnection.com Ironbridge Baptist Church (Peninsula Association) (Middle District Association) 4931 Centerville Rd , Joy Church, Inc. 10900 Iron Bridge Rd , Chester, VA 23831 Williamsburg, VA 23188 (BGAV Only) (804) 796-6868 (757) 258-0303 320 Grace St , Smithfi eld, VA 23430 (804) 796-3249 (fax) (757) 258-5270 (fax) (757) 353-1110 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.ironbridge.org www.jamesriverbaptist.org Joy of Living Water Church Irvington Baptist Church James Square Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (Rappahannock Association) (Concord Association) 3665 Jefferson Davis Hwy , PO Box 417 , Irvington, VA 22480 PO Box 643 , Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Stafford, VA 22554 (804) 438-6971 (434) 577-2536 (540) 288-8820 (804) 438-5137 (fax) [email protected] joyofl [email protected] [email protected] www.rrecord.com/irvchurch.htm Jeffress Baptist Church (Concord Association) K Ivor Baptist Church PO Box 760 , Clarksville, VA 23927 (Blackwater Association) (434) 374-8913 Kairos Community 8506 Bell Ave , Ivor, VA 23866 (BGAV Only) (757) 859-6872 Jericho Baptist Church 1051 W Avenue M SP#205 , (757) 859-6872 (fax) (Lynchburg Association) Lancaster, CA 93534 [email protected] 606 5th St , Lynchburg, VA 24504 (661) 579-4658 www.ivorbaptistchurch.org (434) 845-0834 [email protected] (434) 845-0834 (fax) www.kairoscommunity.org Ivy Memorial Baptist Church [email protected] (Peninsula Association) Kearfott Memorial Baptist Church 2200 Coliseum Dr , Hampton, VA 23666 Jerusalem Baptist Church (Henry County Association) (757) 838-3107 (Rappahannock Association) 1403 Rivermont Hgts , (757) 838-7730 (fax) 8800 History Land Hwy , Warsaw, VA 22572 Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] (804) 394-9770 (276) 632-4453 www.ivymemorial.org [email protected] [email protected]

Jerusalem Korean Baptist Church Kedron Baptist Church J (NorthStar Church Network) (Staunton River Association) 11 61 5 B r a d d o c k R d , Fairfax, VA 22030 PO Box 38 , Gladys, VA 24554 Jackson Memorial Baptist Church (703) 218-8466 (434) 283-5378 (Portsmouth Association) [email protected] 4316 Bruce Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23321 Jones Chapel (757) 484-5568 (James River Association) Kenbridge Baptist Church (757) 484-5804 (fax) 41 Barter Hill Rd , Cumberland, VA 23040 (Southside Association) [email protected] (804) 492-4529 PO Box 445 , Kenbridge, VA 23944 www.jacksonmemorial.org [email protected] (434) 676-2455 www.joneschapelbaptistchurch.com [email protected] Jahnke Road Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) Jonesboro Baptist Church Kentuck Baptist Church 6023 Jahnke Rd , Richmond, VA 23225 (Southside Association) (Pittsylvania Association) (804) 232-3551 1955 Jonesboro Church Rd , 1845 Kentuck Church Rd , (804) 232-8033 (fax) Blackstone, VA 23824 Ringgold, VA 24586 [email protected] (434) 676-8923 (434) 822-8842 www.jrbc1.faithweb.com (434) 292-5334 (fax) (434) 822-8849 (fax) [email protected] www.kentuckbaptistchurch.org 353 BGAV CHURCHES Kentwood Heights Baptist Church Korean Baptist Church of Richmond Lake Ridge Baptist Church (Dover Association) (The River City Faith Network) (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 8 , Quinton, VA 23141 6925 Hopkins Rd , 12450 Clipper Dr , Woodbridge, VA 22192 (804) 932-5370 North Chesterfi eld, VA 23234 (703) 494-8413 (804) 932-5371 (fax) (804) 743-9806 (703) 491-7219 (fax) [email protected] (804) 743-9806 (fax) [email protected] www.kentwoodheights.org [email protected] www.lakeridgebaptist.com

Keystone Baptist Church Korean Church on the Rock Lakemont Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) (BGAV Only) (Petersburg Association) 212 Fleetwood Dr , Lynchburg, VA 24501 5504 Hollins Ln , Burke, VA 22015 1510 Prince George St , (434) 239-4197 (571) 338-1198 Petersburg, VA 23803 (434) 239-4127 (fax) [email protected] (804) 732-3309 [email protected] www.lynchburgba.org/lba-churches/ Korean Mission Baptist Church Lakeside Baptist Church keystone-baptist-church (BGAV Only) (The River City Faith Network) 2320 E Washington St , 7401 Woodman Rd , Henrico, VA 23228 Kilmarnock Baptist Church Petersburg, VA 23803 (804) 266-1613 (Rappahannock Association) (804) 732-4150 (804) 266-7351 (fax) PO Box 99 , Kilmarnock, VA 22482 [email protected] offi [email protected] (804) 435-1703 www.lakesidebaptistchurch.me (804) 435-1024 (fax) Kwang Ya Korean Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) Lambs Chapel www.kilmarnockbaptist.org 7502 Melton Ct , Gainesville, VA 20155 (Powell River Association) (703) 606-4528 595 Pea Speaks Rd , Rose Hill, VA 24281 Kingdom Minded Ministries [email protected] (BGAV Only) Land of Promise PO Box 27811 , Richmond, VA 23261 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (804) 972-9263 L 5924 Smith Station Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Kingdom Ministries Global Church L.I.F.E. Church (540) 891-1347 International, LLC (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) 1574 Mountain Rd, Suite A , Landmark Baptist Church PO Box 74606 , Richmond, VA 23236 Glen Allen, VA 23060 (BGAV Only) (804) 739-5970 (804) 303-8194 1734 Hodges Farm Rd , (804) 739-0279 (fax) [email protected] Martinsville, VA 24112 [email protected] (276) 673-2314 www.kmgchurch.com La Crosse Baptist Church (Concord Association) Langley Baptist Church King’s Grant Baptist Church PO Box 40 , La Crosse, VA 23950 (Peninsula Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (434) 757-7804 116 Little Back River Rd , 873 Little Neck Rd , Hampton, VA 23669 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 La Hermosa Baptist Church (757) 723-1280 (757) 340-0902 (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 723-2172 (fax) (757) 340-3686 (fax) 2932 King St , Alexandria, VA 22302 [email protected] [email protected] (703) 684-3720 www.langleybaptist.org www.kingsgrantbaptist.com Ladysmith Baptist Church Laurel Fork Baptist Church Korean American Baptist Church (Hermon Association) (East River Association) (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 127 , Ladysmith, VA 22501 PO Box 289 , Rocky Gap, VA 24366 7700 Little River Tpke, #305 , (804) 448-1700 (304) 913-4220 Annandale, VA 22003 (804) 448-3860 (fax) [email protected] (703) 583-8953 www.ladysmithbaptist.org [email protected] Laurel Grove Baptist Church Ladysmith Hispanic Plant (Pittsylvania Association) Korean Baptist Church of Blacksburg (Hermon Association) 136 Church Ln , Sutherlin, VA 24594 (Highlands Association) 604 Cicero Dr , Ruther Glen, VA 22546 (434) 822-6326 550 N Main St , Blacksburg, VA 24060 (804) 448-1708 [email protected] (434) 568-0221 [email protected] Lael Baptist Church Laurel Hill Baptist Church www.kbcb.org (Shiloh Association) (Augusta Association) 23296 Lignum Rd , Lignum, VA 22726 129 Old Laurel Hill Rd , Verona, VA 24482 (540) 399-1530 (540) 248-3841 [email protected] [email protected] www.laelbaptistchurch.yolasite.com www.laurelhillbaptist.org 354 BGAV CHURCHES Lawrenceville Baptist Church Legacy Fellowship International Linden Heights Baptist Church (Concord Association) (Dover Association) (Augusta Association) PO Box 64 , Lawrenceville, VA 23868 1701 East Main St , Richmond, VA 23223 371 Linden Dr , Staunton, VA 24401 (434) 848-3760 (804) 658-5164 (540) 886-1138 [email protected] (804) 658-5164 (fax) (540) 886-2121 (fax) www.lawrencevillebaptist.org [email protected] [email protected] www.lindenheightsbaptistchurch.org Layman Memorial Baptist Church Leigh Street Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (The River City Faith Network) Lithia Baptist Church 5207 Old Mountain Rd NE , 517 N 25th St , Richmond, VA 23223 (Roanoke Valley Association) Roanoke, VA 24019 (804) 648-0415 PO Box 698 , Buchanan, VA 24066 (540) 366-2372 [email protected] (540) 254-1907 [email protected] www.lsbcrichmond.org www.churchinroanoke.com Little Elam Baptist Church Level Green Fellowship (Dover Association) Leawood Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) 8840 Church Ln , Charles City, VA 23030 (Lynchburg Association) 1305 Level Green Blvd , (804) 829-2053 PO Box 10123 , Lynchburg, VA 24506 Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (804) 829-6417 (fax) (434) 845-6366 (757) 424-1279 [email protected] [email protected] Liberty Baptist Church Little River Baptist Church Lebanon Baptist Church (Pittsylvania Association) (NorthStar Church Network) (New Lebanon Association) 18529 Franklin Tpke , Callands, VA 24531 PO Box 223 , Aldie, VA 20105 PO Box 488 , Lebanon, VA 24266 (434) 724-1101 (703) 327-4837 (276) 889-1015 [email protected] [email protected] Liberty Baptist Church www.littleriverchurch.org www.lebanonbaptistchurch.net (Concord Association) 1260 Wilkerson Rd , Skipwith, VA 23968 Little River Baptist Church Lebanon Baptist Church (434) 374-2574 (Blue Ridge Association) (Rappahannock Association) [email protected] 2449 Floyd Hwy N , Floyd, VA 24091 PO Box 295 , Lively, VA 22507 (540) 745-3263 (804) 462-5470 Life Line For Jesus (The River City Faith Network) Living Hope Baptist Church Lebanon Baptist Church 8373 Lincoln Rd , Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (Portsmouth Association) (Petersburg Association) (804) 228-8844 PO Box 9631 , Chesapeake, VA 23321 PO Box 299 , Surry, VA 23883 (804) 228-8844 (fax) (757) 409-3549 (757) 294-3551 offi [email protected] (757) 294-9089 (fax) Lifelong Ministries www.lhbcva.org [email protected] (BGAV Only) www.lebanonbaptistsurry.org 6726 Carnation St, Apt B , Living Water Foundation Church and Richmond, VA 23225 Ministries, Inc. Lee Hall Baptist Church (804) 229-7957 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Peninsula Association) [email protected] PO Box 6134 , Norfolk, VA 23508 17531 Warwick Blvd , (757) 217-7652 Newport News, VA 23603 Light Global Mission Church [email protected] (757) 887-5307 (NorthStar Church Network) www.livingwaterfoundationministries.org [email protected] 3901 Fair Ridge Dr, Suite 200 , www.leehallbaptist.webs.com Fairfax, VA 22033 Loch Lomond Baptist Church (703) 591-6400 (NorthStar Church Network) Leesburg Community Church (703) 591-6401 (fax) 9325 Mace St , Manassas, VA 20111 (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] (703) 368-8523 835 Lee Ave SW , Leesburg, VA 20175 www.jiguchon.net [email protected] (703) 777-2209 www.lochchurch.org (703) 779-2018 (fax) Lighthouse Community Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) Lone Branch Baptist Church www.leesburgcc.org 1954 Long Green Ln , Hampton, VA 23663 (Powell River Association) (757) 269-0307 8058 Lower Wallens Creek Rd , Leetown Baptist Church [email protected] Jonesville, VA 24263 (Shenandoah Association) 11 511 L e e t o w n R d , Kearneysville, WV 25430 Lighthouse Community Church Lone Oak Baptist Church (304) 283-9549 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Henry County Association) [email protected] 9609 9th Bay St , Norfolk, VA 23518 96 Home Creek Rd , Axton, VA 24054 (757) 588-1985 (276) 650-1815 (757) 424-5483 (fax) [email protected] 355 BGAV CHURCHES Lone Star Baptist Church Lynn Haven Baptist Church Manna Missionary Baptist Church (Natural Bridge Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) 6101 Potts Creek Rd , Covington, VA 24426 1501 E Washington Ave , Vinton, VA 24179 3104 Camelot Blvd E , (540) 747-2778 (540) 342-6102 Chesapeake, VA 23323 [email protected] (540) 982-0786 (fax) (757) 535-3632 offi [email protected] [email protected] Long Branch Baptist Church www.lynnhavenchurch.org (NorthStar Church Network) Maple Grove Baptist Church PO Box 289 , The Plains, VA 20198 (Wise Association) (540) 687-6899 M 7052 Carter Stanley Hwy , [email protected] Coeburn, VA 24230 www.longbranchbaptist.net Macedonia Baptist Church (276) 346-3811 (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] Loudoun Bible Church PO Box 102 , Foster, VA 23056 (BGAV Only) (804) 725-5416 Maple Grove Baptist Church PO Box 2429 , Leesburg, VA 20177 (Rappahannock Association) (703) 669-5220 Macedonia Baptist Church 4542 Windmill Point Rd , (703) 669-5901 (fax) (BGAV Only) White Stone, VA 22578 [email protected] PO Box 279 , Heathsville, VA 22473 (804) 435-2407 www.loudounbiblechurch.com (804) 580-2395 [email protected] [email protected] Louisa Baptist Church Mappsville Baptist Church (Goshen Association) Madison Heights Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) PO Box 552 , Louisa, VA 23093 (Lynchburg Association) PO Box 27 , Mappsville, VA 23407 (540) 967-1364 329 Main St , Madison Heights, VA 24572 (757) 824-3456 (540) 967-4506 (fax) (434) 846-5914 (757) 824-3786 (fax) [email protected] (434) 528-4623 (fax) www.louisabaptist.org [email protected] Mappsville Hispanic Church www.madisonheightsbaptist.org (The Bridge Network of Churches) Lower King and Queen Baptist Church PO Box 217 , Mappsville, VA 23407 (Mid-Tidewater Association) Main Street Baptist Church (757) 894-9453 25375 The Trail , Mattaponi, VA 23110 (Petersburg Association) (757) 824-4047 (fax) (804) 785-3104 440 S Main St , Emporia, VA 23847 (434) 634-3317 Marion Baptist Church Lower Northampton Baptist Church (434) 634-6212 (fax) (Pittsylvania Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] 2669 Marion Rd , Chatham, VA 24531 3400 Jacobia Ln , Cape Charles, VA 23310 www.msbcemporiava.org (434) 432-2748 (757) 442-1345 [email protected] [email protected] Main Street Baptist Church www.marionbcva.com www.lowernorthamptonbaptistchurch.com (Shenandoah Association) PO Box 647 , Luray, VA 22835 Marion Baptist Church Lyles Baptist Church (540) 743-5834 (Lebanon Association) (Central Virginia Association) (540) 743-5834 (fax) 1258 N Main St , Marion, VA 24354 PO Box 475 , Palmyra, VA 22963 [email protected] (276) 783-8121 (434) 589-5009 www.mainstreetbaptistluray.org mbcoffi [email protected] [email protected] www.marionbaptistchurchva.com www.lylesbaptistchurch.webs.com Manassas Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) Marlow Heights Baptist Church Lynch Station Baptist Church 8730 Sudley Rd , Manassas, VA 20110 (Shenandoah Association) (Staunton River Association) (703) 361-2146 517 Braxton Rd , Front Royal, VA 22630 PO Box 68 , Lynch Station, VA 24571 (703) 257-5747 (fax) (540) 635-2339 (434) 369-7143 [email protected] (540) 635-4399 (fax) www.lynchstationbaptist.com www.werchurch.com [email protected] www.marlowheights.org Lyndale Baptist Church Manly Memorial Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (Natural Bridge Association) Marshall Baptist Church 8320 Hull Street Rd , 202 S Main St , Lexington, VA 24450 (NorthStar Church Network) N. Chesterfi eld, VA 23235 (540) 463-4181 PO Box 237 , Marshall, VA 20116 (804) 276-7249 offi [email protected] (540) 364-1851 (804) 276-5853 (fax) www.manlybaptist.org (540) 364-4873 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.lyndalebaptistchurch.org www.marshallbc.com

356 BGAV CHURCHES Massaponax Baptist Church Meadows of Dan Baptist Church Memorial Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (Blue Ridge Association) (Highlands Association) 5101 Massaponax Church Rd , 2511 Jeb Stuart Hwy , PO Box 31 , Pulaski, VA 24301 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Meadows of Dan, VA 24120 (540) 980-4731 (540) 898-0021 (276) 952-2150 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.mbcpulaskiva.com www.massaponaxchurch.com www.meadowsofdanbaptistchurch.com Memorial Baptist Church Mathews Baptist Church Mechanicsville Baptist Church (Augusta Association) (Mid-Tidewater Association) (Goshen Association) 224 Taylor St , Staunton, VA 24401 PO Box 8 , Hudgins, VA 23076 10200 Louisa Rd , Gordonsville, VA 22942 (540) 885-8033 (804) 725-3707 (540) 832-3269 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 832-3269 (fax) www.memorial-baptist.org www.mathewsbaptistchurch.com [email protected] www.mechbaptist.org Mendota Baptist Church Mattaponi Baptist Church (Lebanon Association) (Mid-Tidewater Association) Mechanicsville Baptist Church 2428 Mendota Rd , Mendota, VA 24270 13466 The Trail , (Dover Association) (276) 591-5043 King & Queen Court House, VA 23085 8016 Atlee Rd , Mechanicsville, VA 23111 [email protected] (804) 746-7253 Mattaponi Indian Baptist Church (804) 746-0749 (fax) Menokin Baptist Church (Dover Association) [email protected] (Rappahannock Association) 1409 Mattaponi Reservation Cir , www.mechanicsvillebaptist.org PO Box 1135 , Warsaw, VA 22572 West Point, VA 23181 (804) 333-4317 (804) 769-2194 Meherrin Baptist Church [email protected] [email protected] (Southside Association) www.menokinchurch.org 1810 Bruceville Rd , Meherrin, VA 23954 May Memorial Baptist Church (434) 736-0818 Mentow Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (Strawberry Association) PO Box 56 , Powhatan, VA 23139 Melrose Baptist Church 3282 Mentow Dr , Huddleston, VA 24104 (804) 598-3098 (Roanoke Valley Association) (540) 297-4051 (804) 598-8387 (fax) 3520 Peters Creek Rd NW , [email protected] churchoffi [email protected] Roanoke, VA 24019 www.mentowbaptistchurch.org www.maymemorialchurch.org (540) 366-6631 (540) 362-1067 (fax) Mercy Seat Baptist Church Mayo Baptist Church [email protected] (Peninsula Association) (Henry County Association) www.melrosebaptist.org 1013 Todds Ln , Hampton, VA 23666 85 Penn Store Rd , Spencer, VA 24165 (757) 826-4373 (276) 618-0450 Melville Avenue Baptist Church (757) 864-0135 (fax) [email protected] (Pittsylvania Association) [email protected] 745 Melville Ave , Danville, VA 24540 McCabe Memorial Baptist Church (434) 793-7346 Messick Baptist Church (Henry County Association) (Peninsula Association) 107 Clearview Dr , Martinsville, VA 24112 Memorial Baptist Church 111 8 Po q u o s o n Av e , Poquoson, VA 23662 (276) 638-7824 (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 868-0641 (276) 638-7824 (fax) 3455 N Glebe Rd , Arlington, VA 22207 [email protected] [email protected] (703) 538-7000 www.mccabebaptist.com (703) 538-6861 (fax) Middle Cross Missionary Baptist [email protected] (Blue Ridge Association) McKenney Baptist Church www.memorialbaptistchurch.org Attn: Brian Jessup, PO Box 1140, (Petersburg Association) Stuart, VA 24171 11200 Cutbank Church Rd, Memorial Baptist Church (276) 694-0153 McKenney, VA 23872 (East River Association) www.middlecrossmb.net (434) 949-7774 401 Virginia Ave , Bluefi eld, VA 24605 (276) 326-1430 Middleburg Baptist Church McLean Baptist Church (276) 326-1430 (fax) (NorthStar Church Network) (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] PO Box 311 , Middleburg, VA 20118 1367 Chain Bridge Rd , McLean, VA 22101 (540) 687-5222 (703) 356-8080 Memorial Baptist Church (540) 687-5512 (fax) (703) 356-8091 (fax) (Peninsula Association) [email protected] [email protected] 317 Lee St , Hampton, VA 23669 www.middleburgbaptistchurch.org www.mcleanbaptist.org (757) 722-4376 (757) 722-0381 (fax) Midland Baptist Church [email protected] (Roanoke Valley Association) 460 Dale Ave , Vinton, VA 24179 (540) 343-7978 357 BGAV CHURCHES Midway Baptist Church Mineral Baptist Church Morattico Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) (Goshen Association) (Rappahannock Association) PO Box 1019 , Amherst, VA 24521 PO Box 447 , Mineral, VA 23117 PO Box 228 , Kilmarnock, VA 22482 (434) 221-3469 (540) 894-4234 (804) 435-3623 [email protected] (540) 894-8136 (fax) (804) 435-3261 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Midway Baptist Church www.mineralbaptistchurch.org (Lebanon Association) Morgans Baptist Church 21318 Old Dominion Rd , Bristol, VA 24202 Modest Town Baptist Church (Strawberry Association) (276) 669-5927 (The Bridge Network of Churches) 2086 Morgans Church Rd , [email protected] PO Box 105 , Modest Town, VA 23412 Bedford, VA 24523 www.mbcbristol.org (757) 665-6945 (540) 297-4959 (540) 297-4954 (fax) Midway Baptist Church Moffett Memorial Baptist Church [email protected] (Roanoke Valley Association) (Pittsylvania Association) www.morgansbaptist.com 3909 Northfork Rd , Elliston, VA 24087 1026 N Main St , Danville, VA 24540 (540) 268-2887 (434) 793-1722 Morning Star Baptist Church (434) 793-1752 (fax) (The River City Faith Network) Midway Baptist Church [email protected] 3509 Midlothian Tpk , Richmond, VA 23224 (Staunton River Association) www.moffettbaptist.com (804) 233-7561 2136 Midway Rd , Gretna, VA 24557 (804) 233-2121 (fax) (434) 656-1620 Montague Baptist Church [email protected] (Fredericksburg Area Network) Motley Baptist Church www.midwaybaptistgretna.com PO Box 383 , King George, VA 22485 (Staunton River Association) (540) 538-1568 152 Perdue Dr , Hurt, VA 24563 Midway Baptist Church (540) 775-7681 (fax) (434) 324-8184 (Appomattox Association) [email protected] [email protected] 2595 Midway Rd , Phenix, VA 23959 (434) 376-3574 Monte Calvario Iglesia Mount Ararat Baptist Church [email protected] (Middle District Association) (Fredericksburg Area Network) www.midwaybaptistchurch.org 6424 Hopkins Rd , Richmond, VA 23234 111 2 G a r r i s o n v i l l e R d , Stafford, VA 22556 (804) 878-0302 (540) 659-2554 Mill Creek Baptist Church (540) 659-6634 (fax) (Roanoke Valley Association) Monte Vista Baptist Church [email protected] 11 4 7 5 L e e H w y , Fincastle, VA 24090 (Staunton River Association) www.mtararat.org (540) 992-3474 1737 Grit Rd , Hurt, VA 24563 [email protected] (434) 324-4455 Mount Carmel Baptist Church www.millcreekbc.com (Franklin County Missionary Association) Monument Heights Baptist Church 1707 Mount Carmel Rd , Mill Creek Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (New Lebanon Association) 5716 Monument Ave , Richmond, VA 23226 (540) 483-2376 PO Box 655 , Lebanon, VA 24266 (804) 282-5271 (276) 889-4397 (804) 288-1573 (fax) Mount Gilead Baptist Church [email protected] offi [email protected] (Goshen Association) www.monumentheights.org 4768 Shannon Hill Rd , Columbia, VA 23038 Miller Memorial Baptist Church (804) 457-2938 (Augusta Association) Mooreland Baptist Church [email protected] PO Box 262 , Craigsville, VA 24430 (Central Virginia Association) www.mountgileadbc.net (540) 997-0319 2255 Taylors Gap Rd , North Garden, VA 22959 Mount Hermon Baptist Church Millfi eld Baptist Church (434) 295-3882 (Strawberry Association) (Blackwater Association) [email protected] 3805 Otterville Rd , Bedford, VA 24523 31389 Millfi eld Rd , Wakefi eld, VA 23888 www.avenue.org/mbc (434) 401-4501 (757) 859-6896 www.dewofhermon.org millfi [email protected] Moores Memorial Baptist Church www.millfi eldbaptist.org (Clinch Valley Association) Mount Hermon Baptist Church 1454 Nickelsville Hwy , Gate City, VA 24251 (Pittsylvania Association) Mine Road Baptist Church (276) 479-2249 4385 Franklin Tpke , Danville, VA 24540 (Goshen Association) [email protected] (434) 724-7118 11111 Post Oak Rd , Spotsylvania, VA 22551 (434) 724-2444 (fax) (540) 895-5082 Moore’s Swamp Baptist Church [email protected] [email protected] (Blackwater Association) www.mhbchurch.com www.mineroadbaptistchurch.org 2300 Runnymede Rd , Elberon, VA 23846 (757) 267-2511 [email protected] 358 BGAV CHURCHES Mount Hermon Baptist Church Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Mountain Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) (Shenandoah Association) 509 Woodley Ln , Mineral, VA 23117 3000 Pitzer Rd SE , Roanoke, VA 24014 780 Frogtown Rd , Bluemont, VA 20135 (540) 748-5067 (540) 427-5494 (540) 955-4569 [email protected] (540) 427-3034 (fax) www.mountainbaptistchurch.us mpbcoffi [email protected] Mount Hermon Baptist Church www.mpbcroanoke.com Mountain Pass Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) 18100 Genito Rd , Moseley, VA 23120 Mount Tabor Baptist Church 2975 Catawba Valley Dr , Salem, VA 24153 (804) 794-2049 (The River City Faith Network) (540) 384-6720 (804) 794-2768 (fax) 2011 Fairmount Ave , Richmond, VA 23223 [email protected] (804) 643-0903 Mountain Plain Baptist Church www.mt-hermon.org (804) 643-0900 (fax) (Central Virginia Association) mounttaboroffi [email protected] 4281 Old Three Notched Rd , Mount Horeb Baptist Church www.mymtbc.org Charlottesville, VA 22901 (Concord Association) (434) 823-4160 10077 Old Cox Rd , Chase City, VA 23924 Mount Vernon Baptist Church [email protected] (434) 372-3277 (NorthStar Church Network) www.mountainplain.org 935 South 23rd St , Arlington, VA 22202 Mount Olivet Baptist Church (703) 979-1558 Mountain View Baptist Church (Dover Association) [email protected] (Lebanon Association) 15583 Coatesville Rd , www.mtvernonbc.org 26697 Old Saltworks Rd , Beaverdam, VA 23015 Meadowview, VA 24361 (804) 883-5950 Mount Vernon Baptist Church (276) 944-3138 (804) 883-5958 (fax) (Henry County Association) [email protected] 42 Mount Vernon Rd , Axton, VA 24054 Mountain View Community Church www.mtolivetbaptist.org (276) 650-2039 (Shiloh Association) [email protected] 16088 Rogers Rd , Culpeper, VA 22701 Mount Olivet Baptist Church www.mountvernonbc.wordpress.com (540) 727-0297 (Strawberry Association) (540) 727-0298 (fax) 2933 Mount Olivet Rd , Bedford, VA 24523 Mount Vernon Baptist Church Offi [email protected] (540) 586-4573 (Concord Association) www.MountainViewCC.net 16489 Dry Bread Rd , Emporia, VA 23847 Mount Pleasant Baptist Church (434) 634-9098 Mountaintop Missionary Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (The Bridge Network of Churches) 6477 Lincolnia Rd , Alexandria, VA 22312 Mount Vernon Baptist Church PO Box 1285 , Chesapeake, VA 23327 (703) 256-1268 (Dover Association) (757) 305-1967 (703) 256-8325 (fax) 11 2 2 0 N u c k o l s R d , Glen Allen, VA 23059 [email protected] offi [email protected] (804) 270-6600 www.worshipatthemountaintop.org www.mtpleasantbc.org (804) 217-7009 (fax) [email protected] Mt Hebron Baptist Church Mount Pleasant Baptist Church www.mvbcnow.org (Peninsula Association) (Dover Association) 124 Big Bethel Rd , Hampton, VA 23666 19300 The Glebe Ln , Mount Vernon Baptist Church (757) 727-0007 (fax) Charles City, VA 23030 (Dan River Association) [email protected] (804) 829-5015 PO Box 5 , Vernon Hill, VA 24597 (804) 758-5898 (fax) (434) 476-8164 Mt Hebron Baptist Church [email protected] (Blue Ridge Association) Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 234 Hereford Rd , Laurel Fork, VA 24352 (Petersburg Association) Mount View Baptist Church (276) 733-9410 3110 Greenwood Ave , (Central Virginia Association) [email protected] Colonial Heights, VA 23834 908 Saint Clair Ave , (804) 526-0816 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Mt Hermon Baptist Church (804) 520-4021 (fax) (434) 296-3296 (Hermon Association) [email protected] 22370 Mattaponi Trail , Milford, VA 22514 www.mpbclife.com Mount Zion First African Baptist Church (804) 633-9675 (Central Virginia Association) Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 105 Lankford Ave , Mt Hope Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) Charlottesville, VA 22902 (NorthStar Church Network) 2516 Squirrel Hill Rd , Herndon, VA 20171 (434) 293-3212 42507 Mount Hope Rd , (703) 793-1196 (434) 293-3654 (fax) Ashburn, VA 20148 (703) 793-1197 (fax) [email protected] (703) 729-2707 [email protected] www.mtzionfabc.com (703) 779-0025 (fax) www.mtpleasantbaptist.org [email protected] www.mthopebaptistchurch.net 359 BGAV CHURCHES Mt Hope Baptist Church Mulberry Grove Baptist Church New Birth Community Church (Middle District Association) (James River Association) (BGAV Only) General Delivery , Mannboro, VA 23105 1924 Howardsville Rd , PO Box 1564 , Manassas, VA 20108 (804) 561-3665 Buckingham, VA 23921 (571) 292-2125 [email protected] (434) 969-1075 [email protected] www.mthopebc.org [email protected] www.newbirthcc.com www.mulberrygrovebaptistchurch.com Mt Shiloh Baptist Church New Born Korean Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) My Good Shepherd (BGAV Only) 614 Shiloh Loop , Faber, VA 22938 (BGAV Only) 5402 Leeway Ct , Fairfax, VA 22032 (434) 263-6788 10025 Chestnut Wood Ln , Burke, VA 22015 (703) 336-9104 [email protected] (703) 502-9119 [email protected] [email protected] Mt Tabor Baptist Church New Canaan Baptist Church (James River Association) (The River City Faith Network) 304 Belle Rd , Dillwyn, VA 23936 N 4712 Forest Hill Ave , Richmond, VA 23225 (804) 405-4920 (804) 233-6026 [email protected] Nashs Chapel Baptist Church (804) 232-7204 (fax) (Wise Association) [email protected] Mt Tabor Baptist Church PO Box 2167 , Wise, VA 24293 www.newcanaanbaptistchurch.com (Pittsylvania Association) (276) 926-6650 2141 Mount Tabor Rd , Keeling, VA 24566 [email protected] New Canaan International Church (434) 793-3907 (BGAV Only) (434) 793-3675 (fax) Nash’s Ford Baptist Church 1708 Byron St , Richmond, VA 23222 [email protected] (BGAV Only) (804) 329-1680 3435 New Garden Rd , Cleveland, VA 24225 (804) 329-2051 (fax) Mt Zion Baptist Church (Southside Association) Nelson Baptist Church New Castlewood Baptist Church 73 Meherrin River Rd , (Dan River Association) (New Lebanon Association) Chase City, VA 23924 PO Box 20 , Nelson, VA 24580 479 Heralds Valley Rd , (434) 374-4544 Castlewood, VA 24224 Mt Zion Baptist Church [email protected] (276) 202-7789 (James River Association) 11 4 8 C h a p e l R d , New Canton, VA 23123 Neriah Baptist Church New Chapel Baptist Church (434) 581-1024 (Natural Bridge Association) (Appomattox Association) [email protected] 1891 Old Buena Vista Rd , PO Box 515 , Rustburg, VA 24588 Buena Vista, VA 24416 (434) 332-5802 Mt Zion Baptist Church (540) 464-6300 [email protected] (Shiloh Association) [email protected] 228 Lillards Ford Rd , Oak Park, VA 22730 New Community Baptist Church (540) 948-6646 New Beginnings Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) PO Box 29845 , Henrico, VA 23242 Mt Zion Baptist Church PO Box 421 , Patrick Springs, VA 24133 (804) 364-2380 (Rappahannock Association) (276) 694-2094 5141 Dunbrooke Rd , [email protected] New Community Church Tappahannock, VA 22560 (BGAV Only) (804) 443-5156 New Beginnings Community Fellowship 7925 Falstaff Rd , McLean, VA 22102 (BGAV Only) Muddy Creek Baptist Church 1606 Winters Hill Cir , Richmond, VA 23236 New Destiny Baptist Church (Middle District Association) (Fredericksburg Area Network) 3470 Trenholm Rd , Powhatan, VA 23139 New Bethel Baptist Church 11903 Bowman Dr, Suite 103 , (804) 375-9212 (Clinch Valley Association) Fredericksburg, VA 22408 [email protected] 1111 Big Moccasin Dr , (540) 656-2404 www.muddycreekbaptist.org Nickelsville, VA 24271-3233 [email protected]

Mulberry Baptist Church New Bethesda Baptist Church New Direction Baptist Church (Dan River Association) (Dover Association) (BGAV Only) 3096 Mulberry Rd , Nathalie, VA 24577 9019 New Bethesda Rd , PO Box 9041 , Richmond, VA 23225 (434) 349-1149 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (804) 231-4101 [email protected] (804) 779-2101 (804) 744-6271 (fax) (804) 779-7196 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] www.newbethesda.org

360 BGAV CHURCHES New Freedom Worship Center New Hope Fellowship Church New Light Baptist Church (Mid-Tidewater Association) (Mid-Tidewater Association) (BGAV Only) PO Box 2115 , Gloucester, VA 23061 11906 General Puller Hwy , 2000 East Broad St , Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 832-2836 Hartfi eld, VA 23071 (804) 788-9027 (804) 776-7600 (804) 788-0887 (fax) New Friendship Baptist Church (804) 776-7601 (fax) [email protected] (Rappahannock Association) [email protected] www.newlightbaptistchurch.org PO Box 154 , Burgess, VA 22432 www.newhopef2010.org (804) 580-2127 New Prospect Baptist Church [email protected] New Hope Memorial Baptist Church (Staunton River Association) www.nfbcburgess.com (Mid-Tidewater Association) PO Box 547 , Hurt, VA 24563 PO Box 128 , Saluda, VA 23149 (434) 324-8201 New Genesis Baptist Church (804) 758-4895 [email protected] (BGAV Only) [email protected] www.newprospectbaptistchurch.org 6189 Millwood Dr, Warrenton, VA 20187 (703) 475-3721 New Horizon Community Church New Prospect Baptist Church (540) 428-4414 (fax) (BGAV Only) (Piedmont Association) [email protected] 5424 Ox Rd , Fairfax Station, VA 22039 2209 Buffalo Springs Tpk , (703) 220-9022 Monroe, VA 24574 New Highland Baptist Church [email protected] (434) 922-7169 (Dover Association) www.nhccusa.com/en/ (434) 922-4680 (fax) 9200 New Ashcake Rd , [email protected] Mechanicsville, VA 23116 New Journey Church www.newprospectbaptistva.org (804) 550-9601 (Middle District Association) (804) 550-1124 (fax) 321 County Line Rd , Midlothian, VA 23112 New River Valley Community Church [email protected] (804) 379-4065 (BGAV Only) www.newhighlandbaptist.org [email protected] 2455 Peppers Ferry Rd , www.newjourneychurch.org Christiansburg, VA 24073 New Hope Baptist Chapel (540) 381-5100 (Highlands Association) New Life Baptist Church (540) 381-5200 (fax) PO Box 2057 , Pulaski, VA 24301 (Dover Association) offi [email protected] (540) 980-5309 6229 Osborne Tpk , Henrico, VA 23231 www.nrvcc.net (804) 226-2665 New Hope Baptist Church [email protected] New Salem Baptist Church (Appomattox Association) (Shiloh Association) 6227 Old Courthouse Rd , New Life Baptist Church 8233 Sperryville Pike , Culpeper, VA 22701 Appomattox, VA 24522 (Petersburg Association) (540) 825-6614 (434) 352-7968 3018 County Dr , Petersburg, VA 23803 www.nsbaptistchurch.com [email protected] (804) 732-8622 www.newlife460.org New Vine Community Outreach Center New Hope Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Middle District Association) New Life Baptist Church of Richmond 4102 Wilkes Ridge Place , 6030 Woodpecker Rd , (The River City Faith Network) Richmond, VA 23233 Chesterfi eld, VA 23838 4301 Patterson Ave , Richmond, VA 23221 [email protected] (804) 590-2231 (804) 308-0712 [email protected] New Vision Baptist Church New Hope Baptist Church www.cafe.daum.net/newlifechurch.org (Middle District Association) (Goshen Association) 12200 Lucks Ln , Midlothian, VA 23113 32250 Old Plank Rd , Mine Run, VA 22508 New Life Christian Fellowship (804) 379-2716 (540) 854-4454 (BGAV Only) www.newhopebapt.org 130 Jackson St, NW , Blacksburg, VA 24060 New Vision Baptist Church (540) 200-8132 (Henry County Association) New Hope Baptist Church [email protected] 4161 Fork Mountain Rd , (Concord Association) www.newlifenrv.org Rocky Mount, VA 24151 2526 New Hope Rd , Skipwith, VA 23968 (540) 489-5644 (434) 372-3302 New Life Russian Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) www.newvisionva.org New Hope Church 10830 Main St , Fairfax, VA 22033 (NorthStar Church Network) (571) 594-4658 New Vision Kingdom of God Ministries 8905 Ox Rd , Lorton, VA 22079 [email protected] (Fredericksburg Area Network) (703) 971-4673 www.russianchurchdc.org 4956 Southpoint Pkwy , (703) 646-4536 (fax) Fredericksburg, VA 22407 [email protected] (540) 479-2435 www.newhope.org [email protected] www.nvkgm.org 361 BGAV CHURCHES New Zion Baptist Church North Bedford Baptist Church Northern Virginia Chinese Baptist (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) Church 3991 Longhill Rd , Williamsburg, VA 23188 PO Box 153 , Forest, VA 24551 (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 258-0491 (434) 384-0889 110 9 4 L e e H w y # A 10 3 , Fairfax, VA 22030 [email protected] (434) 384-8114 (fax) (703) 451-0815 www.nzbconline.com [email protected] [email protected] www.northbedfordbaptist.org www.nvcbc.org Newington Baptist Church (Mid-Tidewater Association) North Fork Baptist Church Northside Baptist Church 6169 Main St , Gloucester, VA 23061 (Highlands Association) (Dover Association) (804) 693-2349 905 Lusters Gate Rd , 7600 Studley Rd , (804) 693-0869 (fax) Blacksburg, VA 24060 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 [email protected] (540) 382-7081 (804) 746-4952 www.newingtonbc.org (804) 746-7287 (fax) North Fork Baptist Church [email protected] Newsoms Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) www.northsidebaptist.church (Blackwater Association) PO Box 25 , Purcellville, VA 20132 PO Box 312 , Newsoms, VA 23874 (540) 338-4643 Northstar at Pulaski (757) 657-0084 [email protected] (BGAV Only) [email protected] www.northforkbaptist.com PO Box 2403 , Pulaski, VA 24301 (540) 449-5800 NewSpring Church North Fork Baptist Church [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) (Dan River Association) www.northstarpulaski.org 14820 Edman Rd , Centreville, VA 20121 5124 North Fork Church Rd , (718) 734-7312 Virgilina, VA 24598 Northstar Baptist Church, Inc. [email protected] (434) 542-3009 (BGAV Only) [email protected] 2455 King Mill Pike , Bristol, VA 24201 Newville Baptist Church (276) 466-1825 (Petersburg Association) North Pamunkey Baptist Church (276) 466-1548 (fax) 7710 Beef Steak Rd , Waverly, VA 23890 (Goshen Association) [email protected] (804) 834-3838 15110 Pamunkey Ln , Orange, VA 22960 www.northstarbristol.org (540) 854-4847 Ni River Community Church Northstar Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) North Riverside Baptist Church (BGAV Only) 12341 Five Mile Rd , (Peninsula Association) PO Box 1001 , Blacksburg, VA 24063 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 311 Selden Rd , Newport News, VA 23606 (540) 443-0099 (540) 548-2912 (757) 595-7654 offi [email protected] (540) 899-2995 (fax) (757) 595-7655 (fax) www.northstarfamily.org [email protected] [email protected] www.niriver.org www.northriverside.org Northview Church (BGAV Only) NLCF Campus North Roanoke Baptist Church 515 Custis St , Crewe, VA 23930 (BGAV Only) (Roanoke Valley Association) (434) 603-0799 130 Jackson St, NW , Blacksburg, VA 24060 6402 Peters Creek Rd NW , [email protected] (540) 200-8132 Roanoke, VA 24019 www.northviewatlongwood.com [email protected] (540) 563-5113 www.nlcf.net (540) 563-3785 (fax) Northwest Baptist Church [email protected] (Portsmouth Association) Nomini Baptist Church www.nrbc.org 848 Ballahack Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23322 (Rappahannock Association) (757) 421-3332 PO Box 186 , Montross, VA 22520 North Run Baptist Church (757) 421-3332 (fax) (804) 493-8429 (Dover Association) [email protected] www.nominibaptist.org 2100 Lydell Dr , Richmond, VA 23228 (804) 266-3076 Norwood Baptist Church Norfolk Avenue Baptist Church (804) 266-1106 (fax) (Rappahannock Association) (Lebanon Association) [email protected] PO Box 85 , Morratico, VA 22523 498 Norfolk Ave , Bristol, VA 24201 www.northrunbaptistchurch.org (804) 462-5612 [email protected] North Stafford Baptist Church Nottoway Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (BGAV Only) 11 M e a d o w o o d D r , Stafford, VA 22554 167 Deer Run Rd , Blackstone, VA 23824 (540) 659-6901 (434) 292-1852 (540) 659-7485 (fax) (434) 292-3592 (fax) www.northstaffordbaptistchurch.com [email protected]

362 BGAV CHURCHES Novum Baptist Church Oak Grove Baptist Church Oakland Baptist Church (Shiloh Association) (New Lebanon Association) (Shiloh Association) 1629 Novum Church Rd , Reva, VA 22735 4154 River Mountain Rd , 28348 Eleys Ford Rd , (540) 547-3357 Lebanon, VA 24266-6707 Richardsville, VA 22736 [email protected] (276) 889-2786 (540) 399-1248 www.novumbaptistchurch.org [email protected] (540) 399-1206 (fax) [email protected] Nueva Vida Oak Grove Baptist Church www.oaklandbaptistva.com (Piedmont Association) Virginia Beach c/o Piedmont Baptist Association, (The Bridge Network of Churches) Oakland Baptist Church 440 Rose Mill Rd, Amherst, VA 24521 691 Princess Anne Rd , (Roanoke Valley Association) (434) 946-7795 Virginia Beach, VA 23457 3623 Roundhill Ave NW , [email protected] (757) 426-2782 Roanoke, VA 24012 (757) 426-2782 (fax) (540) 366-5861 offi [email protected] (540) 366-5383 (fax) O www.ogbaptist.com offi [email protected] www.oaklandbaptistchurch.net Oak Chapel Baptist Church Oak Hall Baptist Church (Shiloh Association) (Dover Association) Oakwood Memorial Baptist Church 11 41 5 M o n t f o r d R d , Orange, VA 22960 1877 Old Hanover Rd , (BGAV Only) (540) 672-4654 Sandston, VA 23150 3100 Gay Ave , Richmond, VA 23231 (540) 672-6540 (fax) (804) 737-5812 (804) 222-2540 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 222-2540 (fax) www.oakchapelbaptist.com www.oakhallbc.org oakwoodoffi [email protected] www.oakwoodmemorialbaptistchurch.org Oak Dale Baptist Church Oak Hill Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Piedmont Association) Ocean View Church 9532 Auburn Rd , Nokesville, VA 20181 248 Davis Creek Ln , (The Bridge Network of Churches) (703) 754-4784 Lovingston, VA 22949 9504 Selby Pl , Norfolk, VA 23503 [email protected] (434) 263-6921 (757) 583-1808 www.beaconforchrist.org (757) 583-5706 (fax) Oak Level Baptist Church [email protected] Oak Forest Baptist Church (Henry County Association) www.oceanviewbaptist.org (Middle District Association) 7720 Oak Level Rd , Bassett, VA 24055 5101 Courthouse Rd , (276) 629-7973 Old Maple Grove Baptist Church Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 (276) 629-9795 (fax) (New Lebanon Association) (804) 276-6547 [email protected] 6362 Dr Ralph Stanley Hwy , (804) 276-7884 (fax) www.oaklevelbaptist.org Coeburn, VA 24230 [email protected] (276) 395-6945 www.vaofbc.org Oakland Baptist Church [email protected] (Petersburg Association) www.oldmaplegrovechurch.webs.com Oak Grove Baptist Church 12601 Prince George Dr , (Blue Ridge Association) Disputanta, VA 23842 Old Powhatan Baptist Church 97 Oak Grove Tr , Cana, VA 24317 (804) 861-3162 (Middle District Association) (276) 755-3359 [email protected] 2202 Old Church Rd , Powhatan, VA 23139 [email protected] www.Oakland-BaptistChurch.com (804) 598-4241 (804) 598-8256 (fax) Oak Grove Baptist Church Oakland Baptist Church offi [email protected] (Rappahannock Association) (Goshen Association) www.powhatanbaptist.org 8096 Leedstown Rd , PO Box 99 , Gum Spring, VA 23065 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 556-3550 Olinger Missionary Baptist Church (804) 224-9695 [email protected] (Powell River Association) [email protected] www.oakland-baptist.com 234 Olinger Baptist Church Rd , www.ogbcfamily.org Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Oakland Baptist Church (276) 523-3799 Oak Grove Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (New River Association) 5520 James Madison Pkwy , Olive Branch Baptist Church 302 Spring Branch Rd , King George, VA 22485 (Concord Association) Fancy Gap, VA 24312 (540) 663-2546 5223 Blackridge Rd , Blackridge, VA 23950 (276) 398-2630 (540) 663-4516 (fax) (434) 636-2228 offi [email protected] [email protected] www.oaklandbc.org www.obbcblackridge.com

363 BGAV CHURCHES Olive Branch Baptist Church Orchard Drive Baptist Church Parkwood Baptist Church (Portsmouth Association) (Henry County Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 2608 Airline Blvd , Portsmouth, VA 23701 228 Orchard Dr , Bassett, VA 24055 8726 Braddock Rd , Annandale, VA 22003 (757) 488-2270 (276) 629-7450 (703) 978-8160 (757) 488-3844 (fax) (276) 629-7454 (fax) (703) 978-8522 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.parkwood.org Olivet Baptist Church Orcutt Baptist Church (Mid-Tidewater Association) (Peninsula Association) Pathway Church 25375 The Trail , Mattaponi, VA 23110 653 Baxter Ln , Newport News, VA 23602 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (804) 785-3931 (757) 249-1280 8613 Oak Glen Ct , (757) 249-9326 (fax) Fredericksburg, VA 22407 One Accord Baptist Church [email protected] (540) 907-5860 (Henry County Association) www.orcuttbaptistchurch.org www.visitpathway.org 3630 Kings Mountain Rd , Martinsville, VA 24112 Orlean Baptist Church Pathways Church (276) 634-5611 (NorthStar Church Network) (BGAV Only) (276) 634-5611 (fax) 10500 Hume Rd , Marshall, VA 20115 PO Box 431 , Bel Air, MD 21014 [email protected] (540) 364-4181 (410) 322-4446 [email protected] One Body Church Ox Hill Baptist Church www.pathwaysweb.com (BGAV Only) (NorthStar Church Network) 42664 Bradsfords Telegraph Ct , 4101 Elmwood St , Chantilly, VA 20151 Patterson Avenue Baptist Church Chantilly, VA 20152 (703) 378-5555 (The River City Faith Network) (703) 501-1381 (703) 378-1938 (fax) 4301 Patterson Ave , Richmond, VA 23221 [email protected] [email protected] (804) 355-6890 www.oxhillbaptist.org (804) 353-2957 (fax) One Way Church [email protected] (BGAV Only) www.pattersonavenuebaptist.com 10090 Main St, #203 , Fairfax, VA 22031 P (703) 946-9045 Peace Fellowship Church [email protected] Pamunkey Indian Baptist Church (BGAV Only) www.onewayus.com (Dover Association) 6530 Ivy Hill Rd , McLean, VA 22101 1556 Spring Creek Rd , [email protected] One Way Church - DC Campus King William, VA 23086 (BGAV Only) (804) 843-4145 Peakland Baptist Church 10090 Main St, #203 , Fairfax, VA 22031 (804) 843-4145 (fax) (BGAV Only) (703) 509-1156 4018 Peakland Pl , Lynchburg, VA 24503 [email protected] Parham Road Baptist Church (434) 384-2031 (Dover Association) (434) 384-4820 (fax) One Way Church - Seoul Campus 2101 N Parham Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 [email protected] (BGAV Only) (804) 270-3262 www.peaklandbaptistchurch.org 10090 Main St, #203 , Fairfax, VA 22031 (804) 270-3341 (fax) (703) 509-1156 [email protected] Pearisburg Baptist Church [email protected] www.parhamroadbaptistchurch.org (Highlands Association) PO Box 403 , Pearisburg, VA 24134 Open Word Worship Center Parksley Baptist Church (540) 921-3851 (BGAV Only) (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] PO Box 59 , Quincy, FL 32353 4341 Jones Rd , Pocomoke, MD 21851 (850) 442-4555 (757) 665-5695 Peninsula Chinese Church [email protected] (Peninsula Association) Parkview Baptist Church 3800 George Washington Mem Hwy , Orange Baptist Church (East River Association) Grafton, VA 23692 (Goshen Association) 101 Hockman Pike , Bluefi eld, VA 24605 (757) 766-8855 PO Box 167 , Orange, VA 22960 (276) 326-1886 (540) 672-2996 (276) 326-1886 (fax) Penuel Baptist Church (540) 672-0943 (fax) [email protected] (Staunton River Association) [email protected] 2770 Wards Rd , Altavista, VA 24517 www.obcva.org Parkview Baptist Church (434) 369-7009 (Peninsula Association) (434) 369-1666 (fax) 604 Hilton Blvd , Newport News, VA 23605 [email protected] (757) 247-0491 (757) 380-8239 (fax) [email protected] www.pbcnn.org

364 BGAV CHURCHES Perkins Baptist Church Plain View Baptist Church Pocahontas Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (Powell River Association) (East River Association) 3146 Hadensville Fife Rd , PO Box 614 , Jonesville, VA 24263 PO Box 297 , Pocahontas, VA 24635 Goochland, VA 23063 (276) 346-3420 (276) 945-2361 (804) 457-4366 [email protected] Plantation Road Baptist Church Pocahontas Bassett Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Henry County Association) Piedmont Baptist Church 5505 Plantation Rd , Roanoke, VA 24019 PO Box 507, Bassett, VA 24055 (Middle District Association) (540) 366-1487 (276) 629-5394 17801 Genito Rd , [email protected] (276) 629-1768 (fax) Amelia Court House, VA 23002 www.plantationroadbaptistchurch.com [email protected] (804) 561-0799 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Poema Community Church Pilgrim Community Church (Central Virginia Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (NorthStar Church Network) 1663 Mount Rush Hwy #24 , 2133-126 Upton Dr #311 , 4925 Twinbrook Rd , Burke, VA 22015 Dillwyn, VA 23936 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (703) 978-1600 (434) 969-1615 (757) 632-0854 (703) 978-0012 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Pleasant Grove Baptist Church www.poemachurch.org www.pilgrimkcc.org (Blue Ridge Association) 299 Chances Creek Rd , Popes Creek Baptist Church Pine Chapel Baptist Church Fancy Gap, VA 24328 (Rappahannock Association) (Peninsula Association) (276) 236-4300 17037 Kings Hwy , King George, VA 22485 1544 W Queen St , Hampton, VA 23669 (804) 493-8029 (757) 838-2758 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church [email protected] (757) 838-5545 (fax) (Shiloh Association) [email protected] PO Box 648 , Orange, VA 22960 Poplar Springs Baptist Church www.pinechapelbaptist.org (434) 985-4889 (Dover Association) 5270 Charles City Rd , Pine Grove Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Richmond, VA 23231 (Powell River Association) (Wise Association) (804) 795-1238 PO Box 274 , Pennington Gap, VA 24277 PO Box 135 , Keokee, VA 24265 (804) 795-1428 (fax) (276) 546-1500 (276) 523-2192 [email protected] www.poplarspringsbc.com Pine Street Baptist Church Pleasant Hill Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) (New Lebanon Association) Poroporone Baptist Church 400 S Pine St , Richmond, VA 23220 PO Box 3178 , Lebanon, VA 24266 (Mid-Tidewater Association) (804) 644-0339 (276) 794-7754 PO Box 400 , Shackelfords, VA 23156 (804) 788-4195 (fax) (276) 762-5550 (fax) (804) 785-3948 [email protected] [email protected] www.pinestbaptist.com Pleasant Hill Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) Port Norfolk Baptist Church Piney Fork Baptist Church 4930 Country Club Rd , (Portsmouth Association) (Pittsylvania Association) Troutville, VA 24175 401 Broad St , Portsmouth, VA 23707 2145 Piney Rd , Gretna, VA 24557 (540) 992-5556 (757) 393-1041 (434) 656-2909 (540) 992-3764 (fax) (757) 393-1041 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Piney River Baptist Church www.phbcweb.com (Piedmont Association) Portico - Bloomington 11 9 0 Wo o d s o n R d , Lowesville, VA 22967 Pleasant View Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (434) 277-8625 (Blue Ridge Association) PO Box 6943 , Bloomington, IN 47407 [email protected] 4432 Pleasant View Dr , (812) 269-8963 Patrick Springs, VA 24133 [email protected] Pioneer Baptist Church (276) 629-8737 www.porticobtown.org (Dover Association) [email protected] 3140 Darbytown Rd , Richmond, VA 23231 www.angelfi re.com/tn2/pleasantview Portico Church (804) 795-1051 (BGAV Only) offi [email protected] Plymouth Haven Baptist Church PO Box 5365 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 www.pioneerbaptistrichmondva.org (NorthStar Church Network) (434) 296-0033 8600 Plymouth Rd , Alexandria, VA 22308 [email protected] Pisgah Baptist Church (703) 360-4370 www.porticocville.org (Southside Association) (703) 360-4132 (fax) PO Box 86 , Rice, VA 23966 [email protected] (434) 392-5958 www.plymouthhaven.org

365 BGAV CHURCHES Portico Church - Arlington Powhatan Community Church - Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de (BGAV Only) Virtual Campus Virginia Beach 3240 Wilson Blvd, Suite 200 , (Middle District Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) Arlington, VA 22201 PO Box 834 , Powhatan, VA 23139 4392 Virginia Beach Blvd , (703) 822-7351 (804) 598-1174 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (703) 842-8939 (fax) [email protected] (757) 615-6322 [email protected] www.pccwired.net (757) 499-5226 (fax) www.porticoarlington.org/ [email protected] Powhatan Community Church- www.iglesiabautistavb.com Portico Church - Charlottesville North Westchester Commons (BGAV Only) (Middle District Association) Primera Iglesia Bautista Maranatha PO Box 5365 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 PO Box 834 , Powhatan, VA 23139 (Shiloh Association) (434) 296-0033 (804) 598-1174 15385 Alexander Ct , Culpeper, VA 22701 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 727-8961 www.porticocville.org/#/worship- www.pccwired.net [email protected] campuses/north-campus www.pibmaranatha.org Praxis Community Portico Online Campus (BGAV Only) Primera Iglesia Bautista Peniel (BGAV Only) 65 Leslie St , Toronto, (Shenandoah Association) PO Box 5365 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 Ontario, Canada M4M3C3 205 W Piccadilly St , Winchester, VA 22601 (434) 296-0033 (647) 521-6673 (540) 662-5367 [email protected] [email protected] ramon@fi rstbaptistwinchester.com

Portuguese Mission Precious Blood Baptist Church Prophetic Prayer Ministries Int., Inc. (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) 9614 River Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 231 White Sand Ct , 3600 East West Hwy, Suite 201 , (804) 740-7101 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 Hyattsville, MD 20782 (804) 740-2270 (fax) (804) 337-8083 (202) 297-2449 [email protected] Potomac Baptist Church Preddy’s Creek Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Central Virginia Association) Providence Baptist Church PO Box 701 , King George, VA 22485 4394 Stony Point Rd , (Peninsula Association) (540) 775-7006 Barboursville, VA 22923 3501 Providence Rd , Hayes, VA 23072 www.onthepotomac.com/tp40/default. (434) 985-3088 (804) 642-5812 asp?ID=83023 (804) 642-4902 (fax) Presbyterian Healing Ministry, Inc. USA pbcoffi [email protected] Potomac Crest Baptist Church (BGAV Only) www.providence-baptist.com (NorthStar Church Network) 9127 Edmonston Terr #201 , 15418 Cardinal Dr , Woodbridge, VA 22193 Greenbelt, MD 20770 Providence Baptist Church (703) 730-7222 (240) 501-1213 (Rappahannock Association) [email protected] [email protected] 6302 Courthouse Rd , www.pcbcva.com Heathsville, VA 22473 Primera Iglesia Bautista De Groveton (804) 580-8777 Powers Memorial Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Petersburg Association) 6511 Richmond Hwy , Providence Baptist Church 2807 Jackson St , Hopewell, VA 23860 Alexandria, VA 22306 (Franklin County Missionary Association) (804) 458-1251 (703) 765-6500 2861 Providence Church Rd , (804) 458-0463 (fax) (703) 768-9165 (fax) Henry, VA 24102 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 489-3870 www.powersmemorial.org Primera Iglesia Bautista de Rome, Inc. Providence Baptist Church Powhatan Community Church (BGAV Only) (NorthStar Church Network) (Middle District Association) PO Box 5208 , Rome, GA 30162-5926 8980 Brook Rd , McLean, VA 22102 PO Box 834 , Powhatan, VA 23139 (706) 291-6850 (703) 893-5330 (804) 598-1174 [email protected] (703) 893-0950 (fax) (866) 422-8100 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de www.providencetoday.org www.pccwired.net Ballston (NorthStar Church Network) Providence Baptist Church Powhatan Community Church - 1031 North Vermont St , (Appomattox Association) Riverside Arlington, VA 22201 PO Box 116 , Red House, VA 23963 (Middle District Association) (703) 495-0140 (434) 376-2719 PO Box 834 , Powhatan, VA 23139 [email protected] (804) 598-1174 [email protected] 366 BGAV CHURCHES Purcellville Baptist Church Readville Baptist Church Remington Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Petersburg Association) (Shiloh Association) 601 Yaxley Dr , Purcellville, VA 20132 19454 Princeton Rd , PO Box 337 , Remington, VA 22734 (540) 338-6400 Stony Creek, VA 23882 (540) 439-3013 (540) 338-8144 (fax) (434) 246-5673 (540) 439-4732 (fax) churchoffi [email protected] www.remingtonbaptist.org www.purbap.org Real Life Community Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) Remnant Church Purdy Baptist Church 11 Smokehouse Dr, Suite 103 , (BGAV Only) (Petersburg Association) Fredericksburg, VA 22406 12 N 19th St , Richmond, VA 23223 186 Smokey Ordinary Rd , (540) 479-1767 (804) 461-3232 Emporia, VA 23847 [email protected] [email protected] (434) 634-6065 www.reallifecc.net www.remnantrichmond.org [email protected] Reality Church Renew (The Bridge Network of Churches) (BGAV Only) R 2429 Bowland Pkwy, Suite 118 , 38 Emerick Ln , Colonie, NY 12211 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (518) 229-0423 R Church/Chesterfi eld Church Plant (757) 932-0107 [email protected] (BGAV Only) [email protected] 6119 Walking Path Ln , www.realitychurch.com Restoration Church Midlothian, VA 23112 (BGAV Only) [email protected] Red Bank Baptist Church PO Box 1536 , Castle Rock, CO 80104 www.myrchurch.com (The Bridge Network of Churches) (720) 744-0060 PO Box 932 , Nassawadox, VA 23413 [email protected] Raleigh Heights Baptist Church (757) 442-4161 www.rechurchonline.com (The Bridge Network of Churches) [email protected] 1000 Crowell Ave , Chesapeake, VA 23324 www.myredbankbaptist.com/index.php Restoration Church (757) 545-6280 (BGAV Only) (757) 545-3463 (fax) Red Hill Baptist Church 18000 Chatterly Ter, [email protected] (Roanoke Valley Association) Germantown, MD 20874 www.raleighheights.org 6251 Franklin Rd , Roanoke, VA 24014 (240) 751-2550 (540) 989-9288 [email protected] Randolph Memorial Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) Red Lane Baptist Church Revival Baptist Ministries International PO Box 70 , Madison Heights, VA 24572 (Middle District Association) (BGAV Only) (434) 845-8855 2095 Red Lane Rd , Powhatan, VA 23139 8174 Richmond Hwy , [email protected] (804) 598-2455 Alexandria, VA 22309 www.randolphalive.com/ (804) 598-1252 (fax) (703) 944-3057 offi [email protected] [email protected] Rapidan Baptist Church www.redlanebaptist.org (Shiloh Association) Reynolds Memorial Baptist Church PO Box 211 , Wolftown, VA 22748 Red Oak Baptist Church (Shiloh Association) (540) 948-4709 (Appomattox Association) PO Box 208 , Sperryville, VA 22740 5422 Oakville Rd , Appomattox, VA 24522 (540) 987-9101 Rappahannock Baptist Church (434) 352-2404 [email protected] (Rappahannock Association) [email protected] (fax) www.reynoldschurch.com PO Box 991 , Montross, VA 22520 (540) 840-9367 Reed Island Springs Baptist Church Rhema Christian Ministry [email protected] (Blue Ridge Association) (Fredericksburg Area Network) www.rbc4christ.org 6435 Ararat Hwy , Ararat, VA 24053 4536 Plank Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (276) 251-5696 (540) 891-5432 Rappahannock Indian Baptist Church [email protected] (Dover Association) Reedy Creek Baptist Church 5595 Bradley Farm Rd , (Concord Association) Rhoadesville Baptist Church Tappahannock, VA 22560 1919 Reedy Creek Rd , Freeman, VA 23856 (Goshen Association) (804) 769-0268 (434) 848-4237 26042 Lafayette Dr , Rhoadesville, VA 22542 www.rappahannockindianchurch.org [email protected] (540) 854-7527 [email protected] Rawhide Baptist Church Reedy Spring Baptist Church (Powell River Association) (Appomattox Association) Rhythm Church Route 1, PO Box 59 , Keokee, VA 24265 1315 Reedy Spring Rd , (BGAV Only) (276) 565-1314 Spout Spring, VA 24593 PO Box 430792 , South Miami, FL 33243 (434) 352-2346 (305) 701-3252 [email protected] [email protected] www.rhythmmiami.com 367 BGAV CHURCHES Richland Baptist Church River Road Church, Baptist Rockfi sh Valley Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (The River City Faith Network) (Piedmont Association) 2482 Warrenton Rd , 8000 River Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 PO Box 311 , Nellysford, VA 22958 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 (804) 288-1131 (434) 361-1360 (540) 752-9352 (804) 282-9172 (fax) (540) 752-9366 (fax) [email protected] Rocks Baptist Church [email protected] www.rrcb.org (Appomattox Association) www.richlandbaptist.com 393 Rocks Church Rd , Pamplin, VA 23958 River Shore Baptist Church (434) 248-6986 Riddick Grove Baptist Church (Portsmouth Association) (BGAV Only) 4501 River Shore Rd , Roda Mission 1320 Sandy Cross Rd , Belvidere, NC 27919 Portsmouth, VA 23703 (Wise Association) (757) 484-6770 PO Box 1095 , Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Ridge Baptist Church (757) 484-3883 (fax) (276) 523-4119 (Dover Association) [email protected] [email protected] 1515 Eastridge Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 (804) 288-5805 Riverdale Baptist Church Rodgers Chapel Baptist Church (804) 288-5432 (fax) (Roanoke Valley Association) (Dan River Association) [email protected] 1624 Edgerton Ave SE , 4003 Rodgers Chapel Rd , Clover, VA 24534 www.ridgechurch.org Roanoke, VA 24014 (540) 427-3141 Rome Missionary Baptist Church Ridgecrest Baptist Church (Blue Ridge Association) (Piedmont Association) Riverland Road Baptist Church 925 Rome Church Dr , Hillsville, VA 24343 14654 Thomas Nelson Hwy , (Roanoke Valley Association) (276) 755-2326 Lovingston, VA 22949 459 Riverland Rd SE , Roanoke, VA 24014 (434) 263-8280 (540) 427-3909 Rosalind Hills Baptist Church www.Ridgecrest-Baptist.com (Roanoke Valley Association) Rivermont Avenue Baptist Church 2712 Brandon Ave SW , Roanoke, VA 24015 Ridgewood Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) (540) 344-7888 (Roanoke Valley Association) 1301 Rivermont Ave , (540) 342-6915 (fax) 703 Hemlock NW , Roanoke, VA 24017 Lynchburg, VA 24504 offi [email protected] (540) 342-6492 (434) 845-6023 www.rosalindhills.org (540) 345-4034 (fax) (434) 846-6422 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Rose Dale Baptist Church www.ridgewood-baptist.com www.rivermontavenue.org (Powell River Association) 703 Ridgecrest Rd , Rose Hill, VA 24281 Ringgold Baptist Church Rivermont Baptist Church (276) 445-4943 (Pittsylvania Association) (Pittsylvania Association) PO Box 100 , Ringgold, VA 24586 122 Sunset Pl , Danville, VA 24540 Rose Union Baptist Church (434) 822-5959 (434) 793-4030 (Piedmont Association) (434) 822-8959 (fax) [email protected] 955 Tye Brook Hwy , Piney River, VA 22964 [email protected] www.rivermontchurch.org (434) 277-5678 www.ringgoldbaptist.org [email protected] Rivermont Baptist Church Rings Chapel Baptist Church (Clinch Valley Association) Rosedale Baptist Church (New Lebanon Association) 10400 Manville Rd , Gate City, VA 24251 (New Lebanon Association) PO Box 854, 189 Long View Dr, PO Box 229 , Rosedale, VA 24280 Castlewood, VA 24224 Riverside Baptist Church (276) 880-1500 (276) 738-8117 (New Lebanon Association) (276) 873-6213 (fax) 892 River Rd , Castlewood, VA 24224 [email protected] Rising Liberty Church (276) 762-9245 (The River City Faith Network) Round Hill Baptist Church PO Box 13551 , Richmond, VA 23225 Riverside Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (804) 387-9868 (Lebanon Association) PO Box 467 , King George, VA 22485 [email protected] 127 Red Stone Rd , Chilhowie, VA 24319 (540) 775-5583 www.risinglibertychurch.com (276) 646-5960 (540) 775-2973 (fax) www.riversidebaptist.50megs.com [email protected] Rivanna Baptist Church www.roundhillbaptist.com (Central Virginia Association) Riverside Baptist Church 1819 E Market St , (Peninsula Association) Round Hill Baptist Church Charlottesville, VA 22901 7409 River Rd , Newport News, VA 23607 (NorthStar Church Network) (434) 973-9637 (757) 244-2387 PO Box 126 , Round Hill, VA 20142 (757) 244-3331 (fax) (540) 338-6306 [email protected] (540) 338-6782 (fax) [email protected] www.roundhillbaptist.org 368 BGAV CHURCHES Round Knob Baptist Church Salem Baptist Church Sandy Ridge Baptist Church (Blue Ridge Association) (Hermon Association) (Franklin County Missionary Association) 2164 Green Berry Rd , 24032 Sparta Rd , Sparta, VA 22552 1444 Bonbrook Mill Rd , Fancy Gap, VA 24328 (804) 633-5583 Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (276) 728-7903 (804) 633-6129 (fax) (540) 483-2356 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.salembaptist.org www.sandyridgebaptistchurch.org Round Oak Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) Saloma Baptist Church Sandy Shores Baptist Church PO Box 129 , Corbin, VA 22446 (BGAV Only) (Pittsylvania Association) (540) 373-6862 1505 West Saloma Rd , 200 Parsons St , Danville, VA 24541 (540) 373-2673 (fax) Campbellsville, KY 42718 (434) 792-0804 [email protected] (270) 780-0082 www.roundoakchurch.org [email protected] Sanford Memorial Baptist Church www.salomabaptist.com (Concord Association) Round Pond Baptist Church PO Box 361 , Brodnax, VA 23920 (Staunton River Association) Saluda Baptist Church (434) 729-9461 10329 Toshes Rd , Sandy Level, VA 24161 (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] (434) 656-4005 PO Box 452 , Saluda, VA 23149 [email protected] (804) 758-3102 Sappony Baptist Church [email protected] (Petersburg Association) Royal Missionary Baptist Church of USA 501 Delton Ave , Hopewell, VA 23860 (NorthStar Church Network) Samaria Baptist Church (804) 896-2859 2533 Oak Tree Ln , Woodbridge, VA 22191 (Dover Association) (703) 981-2923 8130 Lott Cary Rd , Scenic Park Baptist Church [email protected] Providence Forge, VA 23140 (Lebanon Association) (804) 829-2280 PO Box 16186 , Bristol, VA 24209 Ruckersville Baptist Church (804) 829-9747 (fax) (276) 669-6621 (Central Virginia Association) [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 104 , Ruckersville, VA 22968 www.samariabaptistchurch.org (434) 985-7365 Schoolfi eld Baptist Church [email protected] Sandston Baptist Church (Pittsylvania Association) www.ruckersvillebaptist.org (BGAV Only) 12 Schoolfi eld Dr , Danville, VA 24541 100 W Williamsburg Rd , (434) 793-4165 Rustburg Baptist Church Sandston, VA 23150 [email protected] (Lynchburg Association) (804) 737-2171 www.schoolfi eldbaptist.org 286 Rocky Rd , Rustburg, VA 24588 (804) 737-7565 (fax) (434) 332-5381 [email protected] Schuyler Baptist Church (434) 332-3106 (fax) www.sandstonbaptist.org (Piedmont Association) [email protected] 955 Indian Creek Rd , Amherst, VA 24521 Sandusky Baptist Church (434) 485-1899 (Lynchburg Association) [email protected] S 915 Catalina Pl , Lynchburg, VA 24502 www.schuylerbaptistchurch.com (434) 239-8410 Salem Baptist Church [email protected] Scottsburg Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) www.sanduskybaptist.net (Dan River Association) 4044 Plank Rd , PO Box 85 , Scottsburg, VA 24589 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Sandy Creek Baptist Church (434) 454-7717 (540) 786-7320 (Middle District Association) [email protected] (540) 786-6463 (fax) PO Box 130 , Jetersville, VA 23083 [email protected] (804) 561-3690 Scottsville Baptist Church www.salembc.com sandycreekbaptist.org (Central Virginia Association) www.sandycreekbaptist.org PO Box 100 , Scottsville, VA 24590 Salem Baptist Church (434) 286-2215 (Roanoke Valley Association) Sandy Creek Baptist Church [email protected] 103 N Broad St , Salem, VA 24153 (Pittsylvania Association) www.scottsvillebaptistchurch.org (540) 387-0416 2865 Sandy Creek Church Rd , (540) 375-6412 (fax) Ringgold, VA 24586 Second Baptist Church of Falls Church [email protected] (434) 822-5172 (NorthStar Church Network) www.salembc.net 6626 Costner Dr , Falls Church, VA 22042 (703) 533-3217 (703) 533-8958 (fax)

369 BGAV CHURCHES Second Baptist Church of Petersburg Shannondale Springs Baptist Church Shiloh Missionary (Petersburg Association) (Shenandoah Association) (Henry County Association) 3355 Johnson Rd , Petersburg, VA 23805 3868 Mission Rd , 1712 Sunset Dr. , Bassett, VA 24055 (804) 732-4889 Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 (434) 685-7150 (804) 732-7361 (fax) (304) 725-8254 [email protected] (304) 725-0514 (fax) Shiloh Old Site Baptist Church www.sbcpburg.org (Fredericksburg Area Network) Sharon Baptist Church 801 Sophia St , Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Second Baptist Church of Richmond (Petersburg Association) (540) 373-8701 (BGAV Only) 4111 W Darvills Rd , Blackstone, VA 23824 (540) 373-2213 (fax) 9614 River Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 (804) 478-4126 [email protected] (804) 740-7101 www.shiloholdsite.org (804) 740-2270 (fax) Sharon Baptist Church [email protected] (Natural Bridge Association) Shining Star Community Church www.secondbaptistrva.org PO Box 227 , Clifton Forge, VA 24422 (BGAV Only) (540) 863-8951 2937 Strathmeade St , Second Branch Baptist Church Falls Church, VA 22042 (Middle District Association) Sharon Baptist Church (703) 205-3900 12217 Second Branch Rd , (Pittsylvania Association) (703) 205-0678 (fax) Chesterfi eld, VA 23838 241 Stony Mill Rd , Danville, VA 24540 [email protected] (804) 739-3460 (434) 685-7117 www.shiningstar.org (804) 739-0361 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Shipman Baptist Church www.secondbranch.org Sharon Baptist Church (Piedmont Association) (Southside Association) 337 Megan Ln , Shipman, VA 22971 Second Liberty Baptist Church 14 Sandy River Rd , Green Bay, VA 23942 (434) 263-4308 (Dover Association) (434) 391-1277 [email protected] 8140 George W Watkins Rd , [email protected] Quinton, VA 23141 www.worshipatsharonbaptist.com Shockoe Baptist Church (804) 932-4245 (Pittsylvania Association) (804) 932-3507 (fax) Sharon Baptist Church 548 Spring Garden Rd , Chatham, VA 24531 [email protected] (Dover Association) (434) 432-1700 www.ourslbc.org/ 901 Sharon Rd , King William, VA 23086 [email protected] (804) 769-2320 Sedley Baptist Church [email protected] Shout Church (Blackwater Association) www.sharonbaptistchurchkingwilliamva.com (BGAV Only) 17494 Johnsons Mill Rd , Sedley, VA 23878 301 Central Ave #393 , (757) 562-5614 Sharon Baptist Church Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 (757) 562-5614 (fax) (James River Association) [email protected] [email protected] 3888 Glenmore Rd , Scottsville, VA 24590 www.SedleyBaptist.org (434) 983-3320 Siloam Korean Baptist Church [email protected] (Peninsula Association) Seventeenth Street Baptist Church 166 Cardinal Ln , Yorktown, VA 23693 (Roanoke Valley Association) Shenandoah Farms Baptist Church (757) 867-6778 11 3 1 7 t h S t S E , Roanoke, VA 24013 (Shenandoah Association) (540) 344-2481 5852 Howellsville Rd , Silver Leaf Baptist Church [email protected] Front Royal, VA 22630 (Powell River Association) (540) 837-2295 2716 Old Nursery Rd , Rose Hill, VA 24281 Shalom Baptist Church [email protected] (276) 445-4893 (Dover Association) 6395 Mechanicsville Tpke , Shiloh Baptist Church Singers Glen Baptist Church Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (Fredericksburg Area Network) (Augusta Association) (804) 746-7737 13457 Kings Hwy , King George, VA 22485 PO Box 37 , Singers Glen, VA 22850 (804) 746-7271 (fax) (540) 469-4646 (540) 896-8377 [email protected] (540) 469-4500 (fax) [email protected] www.shalombaptist.net offi [email protected] www.kgshiloh.org Sixth Mt Zion Baptist Temple Shalom Fellowship Church (Peninsula Association) (The River City Faith Network) Shiloh Baptist Church 3100 Butternut Dr , Hampton, VA 23666 1708 Harwood St , Richmond, VA 23224 (Rappahannock Association) (757) 896-6050 (804) 232-4086 PO Box 303 , Reedville, VA 22539 www.smzbt.org (804) 232-4086 (fax) (804) 453-3074 [email protected] (804) 453-5748 (fax) shilohburgess@nnwifi .com

370 BGAV CHURCHES Skipwith Baptist Church Southampton Baptist Church Spring Road Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) (The River City Faith Network) (Staunton River Association) 1900 Skipwith Rd , Richmond, VA 23229 7521 Comanche Dr , Richmond, VA 23225 2858 Spring Rd , Hurt, VA 24563 (804) 282-2234 (804) 272-5942 (434) 656-1441 (804) 282-2267 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.southamptonbaptist.net www.site.springroadbaptist.com www.skipwithbaptistchurch.org Southside Baptist Church Springwood Baptist Church Slate Hill Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Roanoke Valley Association) (Central Virginia Association) 1200 Bainbridge Blvd , 88 Copps Hill Rd , Buchanan, VA 24066 2895 Rolling Rd , Scottsville, VA 24590 Chesapeake, VA 23324 (540) 473-3513 (434) 295-0375 (757) 545-5532 www.springwoodbaptistchurch.org [email protected] [email protected] www.southsidebaptist.weebly.com Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Church Slate Mills Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Shiloh Association) Southview Community Church 5520 Tidewater Dr , Norfolk, VA 23509 PO Box 115 , Boston, VA 22713 (NorthStar Church Network) (757) 622-8672 (540) 825-9339 2620 Reston Pkwy , Herndon, VA 20171 (757) 622-8674 (fax) [email protected] (703) 860-8800 offi [email protected] (703) 860-8813 (fax) Slavic Baptist Church [email protected] St Johns Baptist Church (BGAV Only) www.southview.org (The Bridge Network of Churches) 728 Foley Rd , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 2300 Holland Rd , (540) 568-1841 Spring Creek Baptist Church Virginia Beach, VA 23453 (Appomattox Association) (757) 427-5309 Smithfi eld Baptist Church 918 Darlington Heights Rd , (757) 427-5284 (fax) (Blackwater Association) Cullen, VA 23934 [email protected] 100 Wainwright Dr , Smithfi eld, VA 23430 (434) 248-6819 www.stjohnsbaptistvb.org (757) 357-2536 [email protected] (757) 357-5513 (fax) www.springcreekbaptistva.org St Mark Baptist Church secretary@smithfi eldbaptist.org (Goshen Association) www.smithfi eldbaptist.org Spring Creek Baptist Church 4596 Factory Mill Rd , Maidens, VA 23102 (BGAV Only) (804) 556-4671 Smithland Baptist Church 5130 Woolridge Rd , Moseley, VA 23120 (804) 233-0261 (fax) (Rappahannock Association) (804) 639-4151 [email protected] PO Box 25 , Heathsville, VA 22473 (804) 639-4156 (fax) [email protected] St Stephens Baptist Church Smyrna Baptist Church www.myscbc.org (Piedmont Association) (Goshen Association) 2903 Tye River Rd , Amherst, VA 24521 PO Box 93 , Goochland, VA 23063 Spring Hill Baptist Church (434) 263-4107 (804) 457-9100 (Mid-Tidewater Association) [email protected] PO Box 92 , Cobbs Creek, VA 23035 St Stephens Baptist Church (804) 725-3500 (Mid-Tidewater Association) Solid Rock Baptist Church [email protected] PO Box 9 , (BGAV Only) Saint Stephens Church, VA 23148 PO Box 628 , King George, VA 22485 Spring Hill Baptist Church (804) 769-8833 (540) 775-4481 (Central Virginia Association) 2620 Frays Mill Rd , Ruckersville, VA 22968 St. James Baptist Church Solid Rock Baptist Church (434) 973-7473 (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) (434) 974-7422 (fax) 14482 Old Ridge Rd , 2510 Pompey Springs Rd , offi [email protected] Beaverdam, VA 23015 Richmond, VA 23234 www.springhillbaptist.org (804) 449-6344 (804) 449-6344 (fax) South Run Baptist Church Spring Hill Baptist Church - (NorthStar Church Network) Spotswood Campus Stanardsville Baptist Church 8712 Selger Dr , Springfi eld, VA 22153 (Central Virginia Association) (Shiloh Association) (703) 455-4521 2620 Frays Mill Rd , Ruckersville, VA 22968 103 Madison Rd , Stanardsville, VA 22973 (703) 455-3363 (fax) (434) 973-7473 (434) 985-8000 [email protected] offi [email protected] [email protected] www.southrun.org www.stanardsvillebaptist.com

Stanley Baptist Church (Shenandoah Association) PO Box 289 , Stanley, VA 22851 (540) 778-5101 371 BGAV CHURCHES Starling Avenue Baptist Church Stuarts Draft Baptist Church Sycamore Baptist Church (Henry County Association) (Augusta Association) (Blackwater Association) 932 Starling Ave , Martinsville, VA 24112 PO Box 1054 , Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 31120 Sycamore Church Rd , (276) 638-8861 (540) 337-1421 Franklin, VA 23851 [email protected] [email protected] (757) 562-6749 www.starlingavenue.org www.sdbaptist.homestead.com (757) 569-0235 (fax) [email protected] State Line Baptist Church Summersett Baptist Church www.sycamorebaptist.com (Pittsylvania Association) (Staunton River Association) 651 Holland Rd , Danville, VA 24541 3581 Brights Rd , Gretna, VA 24557 Sycamore Baptist Church (434) 792-4215 (434) 656-8060 (Staunton River Association) [email protected] 3172 Derby Rd , Gretna, VA 24557 Summit Point Baptist Church (434) 656-3476 Staunton River Baptist Church (Shenandoah Association) [email protected] (Appomattox Association) PO Box 125 , Summit Pt, WV 25446 www.sycamorebaptistgretna.org 1510 Ridgeway Rd , Brookneal, VA 24528 (304) 725-0619 (434) 376-5731 [email protected] Sycamore Baptist Church (Blue Ridge Association) Stevens Memorial Baptist Church Sunbeam Baptist Church 96 Community Church Ln , (Peninsula Association) (Blackwater Association) Stuart, VA 24171 224 Richneck Rd , 31226 Sunbeam Rd , Franklin, VA 23851 (276) 930-2768 Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 516-2599 [email protected] (757) 877-4691 (757) 569-9410 (fax) (757) 877-3131 (fax) Sylvania Heights Baptist Church smbcoffi [email protected] Sunny Hills Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) www.stevensmemorialbaptist.com (Highlands Association) 150 Church St , Fredericksburg, VA 22408 2973 N 4th St , Wytheville, VA 24382 (540) 371-6179 Stockton Memorial Baptist Church (276) 228-7599 [email protected] (BGAV Only) [email protected] 5100 Claypoint Rd , www.sunnyhillschurch.com Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 T (804) 744-8761 Surry Baptist Church (804) 744-8277 (fax) (Blackwater Association) Tabernacle Baptist Church [email protected] PO Box 147 , Surry, VA 23883 (Peninsula Association) www.stocktonchurch.com (757) 292-0710 401 Lucas Creek Rd , Newport News, VA 23602 Stone Mountain Baptist Church Swan Creek Baptist Church (757) 877-0297 (Blue Ridge Association) (Staunton River Association) (757) 877-7005 (fax) PO Box 92 , Laurel Fork, VA 24352 6321 Covered Bridge Rd , churchoffi [email protected] (276) 398-2818 Gladys, VA 24554 www.tbcnn.org

Story Creek Baptist Church Swift Creek Community Church Tabernacle Baptist Church (Franklin County Missionary Association) (Middle District Association) (The River City Faith Network) 6229 Franklin St , Ferrum, VA 24088 21401 Hull Street Rd , Moseley, VA 23120 1925 Grove Ave , Richmond, VA 23220 (540) 483-8867 (804) 608-0569 (804) 355-0134 [email protected] (804) 595-0385 (fax) (804) 353-1277 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Story Creek Baptist Church www.swiftcreekcc.org www.tbcrichmond.org (Franklin County Missionary Association) 6229 Franklin St , Ferrum, VA 24088 Swift Run Baptist Church Tabernacle Baptist Church (540) 483-8867 (Central Virginia Association) (Concord Association) [email protected] 4306 Amicus Rd , Ruckersville, VA 22968 284 Ferguson Dr , South Hill, VA 23970 (434) 985-6546 (434) 865-9223 Stuart Baptist Church www.swiftrunbaptist.org (434) 636-6363 (fax) (Blue Ridge Association) [email protected] PO Box 472 , Stuart, VA 24171 Swords Creek Community Baptist Church www.home.comcast.net/~tbcwebsite/ (276) 694-3440 (New Lebanon Association) index.html offi [email protected] PO Box 309 , Swords Creek, VA 24649 www.stuartbaptist.org (276) 991-0264 Tabernaculo Biblico Bautista (276) 991-0265 (fax) (BGAV Only) [email protected] 21770 Beaumeade Cir #140 , www.sccbaptistchurch.org Ashburn, VA 20147 (703) 657-9010 [email protected]

372 BGAV CHURCHES Talbot Park Baptist Church Thalia Lynn Baptist Church The District Church - (The Bridge Network of Churches) (The Bridge Network of Churches) East Side/H Street Campus 6919 Granby St , Norfolk, VA 23505 4392 Virginia Beach Blvd , (BGAV Only) (757) 423-8677 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 PO Box 3116 , Washington, DC 20010 (757) 423-8684 (fax) (757) 499-0557 (202) 558-9745 [email protected] (757) 499-5226 (fax) [email protected] www.talbotparkbaptistchurch.org [email protected] www.districtchurch.org/#/locations www.thalialynn.com Tar Wallet Baptist Church The Eleven (James River Association) Thaxton Baptist Church (BGAV Only) 150 Tarwallet Rd , Cumberland, VA 23040 (Strawberry Association) 6527 Painter Farm Ln, (804) 492-3100 PO Box 32 , Thaxton, VA 24174 Knoxville, TN 37931 [email protected] (540) 586-8348 (303) 378-0572 (800) 569-4928 (fax) [email protected] Taylor Road Baptist Church [email protected] www.the11community.org (Portsmouth Association) www.thaxtonbaptist.org 2509 Taylor Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23321 The First Baptist Church (757) 488-3158 The Awakening Church (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) 236 Harrison St , Petersburg, VA 23803 Taylorsville Baptist Church 1001 Annex Ave, Apt 108, (804) 732-2841 (Dover Association) Dallas, TX 75204 (804) 732-3811 (fax) PO Box 129 , Doswell, VA 23047 (704) 239-4393 info@fi rstbaptistpetersburg.org (804) 876-3838 [email protected] www.fi rstbaptistpetersburg.org (804) 876-3832 (fax) theawakeningdallas.com The Life Church Tazewell Baptist Church The Body of Christ Baptist Fellowship (BGAV Only) (East River Association) (BGAV Only) 2318 Crickhollow Ct , Henrico, VA 23233 PO Box 592 , Tazewell, VA 24651 2810 Romaron St , Chesapeake, VA 23323 (804) 484-0076 (276) 988-3127 (757) 537-4100 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Mount Carmel Baptist Church Temple Baptist Church The Bridge (The River City Faith Network) (Natural Bridge Association) (NorthStar Church Network) 3200 East Broad St , Richmond, VA 23223 300 Stratton St , Covington, VA 24426 14242 Spriggs Rd , Woodbridge, VA 22193 (804) 226-1172 (540) 965-0330 (703) 346-9874 [email protected] (540) 965-0330 (fax) [email protected] www.themountcarmel.org [email protected] www.thebridgepwc.org www.tbccovington.com The Plains Baptist Church The Catalyst Congregation (Shiloh Association) Temple Baptist Church (The Bridge Network of Churches) PO Box 186 , The Plains, VA 20198 (Peninsula Association) 716 Roundtree Crescent , (540) 253-5429 235 Harpersville Rd , Suffolk, VA 23434 Newport News, VA 23601 [email protected] The Ridge Faith Community Church (757) 595-1175 (Middle District Association) (757) 595-2541 (fax) The Church At Clarendon 7305 Hancock Village Dr , [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 www.templechurch.net 1210 N. Highland St, Ste A , (804) 414-8888 Arlington, VA 22201 (866) 871-2239 (fax) Temple Baptist Church (703) 525-6116 [email protected] (The Bridge Network of Churches) (703) 525-2433 (fax) www.theridgeonline.cc 3300 Tidewater Dr , Norfolk, VA 23509 offi [email protected] (757) 622-2876 www.1bc.org The Rock Christian Center [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) www.tbcandyou.com The District Church PO Box 2117 , Merrifi eld, VA 22116 (BGAV Only) (571) 241-7914 Temple of Faith Baptist Church PO Box 3116 , Washington, DC 20010 [email protected] (Peninsula Association) (202) 503-4040 www.therockchristiancenter.org 1819 N Mallory St , Hampton, VA 23664 [email protected] (757) 851-1139 www.districtchurch.org The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) Terrace View Baptist Church 4247 Creighton Rd , Richmond, VA 23223 (BGAV Only) (804) 643-4000 1040 Matthew Talbot Rd , Forest, VA 24551 (804) 648-4526 (fax) www.terraceviewchurch.org [email protected] www.myspbc.org 373 BGAV CHURCHES The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church - Tomahawk Baptist Church Trinity Baptist Church Belt Campus (Middle District Association) (Highlands Association) (The River City Faith Network) 12920 Hull Street Rd , 4008 Robinson Tract Rd , Pulaski, VA 24301 4247 Creighton Rd , Richmond, VA 23223 Midlothian, VA 23112 (540) 980-8186 (804) 643-4000 (804) 744-2044 [email protected] (804) 648-4526 (fax) (804) 744-7841 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] Trinity Church, Baptist www.myspbc.org www.tomahawkchurch.org (The River City Faith Network) 401 Branchway Rd , Richmond, VA 23236 The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church - Tory Creek Baptist Church (804) 897-4725 Elm Campus (Blue Ridge Association) [email protected] (The River City Faith Network) 16247 Danville Pike , www.trinitychurchbaptistrichmond.org 4247 Creighton Rd , Richmond, VA 23223 Laurel Fork, VA 24352 (804) 643-4000 (276) 755-3043 Trinity-Word of Faith Baptist Church (804) 648-4526 (fax) (The Bridge Network of Churches) www.myspbc.org Totuskey Baptist Church 2807 Grandy Ave , Norfolk, VA 23509 (Rappahannock Association) (757) 853-5017 The Shepherd’s House Ministries PO Box 100 , Haynesville, VA 22472 (757) 857-5240 (fax) (BGAV Only) (804) 333-4855 [email protected] PO Box 7935 , Portsmouth, VA 23704 [email protected] [email protected] www.totuskey.org Troutville Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) The Summit Trammel Baptist Mission PO Box 309 , Troutville, VA 24175 (Shiloh Association) (Wise Association) (540) 992-1026 PO Box 64 , Madison, VA 22727 11378 Dante Mountain Rd , [email protected] (540) 948-6149 Dante, VA 24237 www.troutvillebaptist.org (540) 948-6149 (fax) (423) 765-1877 [email protected] [email protected] True Word Christian Church www.summitmadison.org (Portsmouth Association) Tree Ridge Community Church 31269 General Thomas Hwy , The United Baptist Church (Dover Association) Franklin, VA 23851 (NorthStar Church Network) 1200 Tree Ridge Rd , Richmond, VA 23231 (757) 569-9700 7100 Columbia Pike , Annandale, VA 22003 (804) 236-0407 [email protected] (703) 256-5900 (804) 236-0840 (fax) www.truewordchristian.com (703) 256-2562 (fax) ubcoffi [email protected] Triangle Baptist Church Tsena Commocko Baptist Church www.unitedbaptchurch.org (NorthStar Church Network) (Dover Association) PO Box 237 , Triangle, VA 22172 2401 Tsena Rd , Thomas Memorial Baptist Church (703) 221-7191 Providence Forge, VA 23140 (Petersburg Association) (703) 221-8698 (fax) (804) 966-2760 PO Box 57 , Drewryville, VA 23844 [email protected] (804) 966-2180 (fax) (434) 658-4144 www.trianglebaptistchurch.org Two Rivers Baptist Church Thompson Settlement Baptist Church Trinity Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) (Powell River Association) (Strawberry Association) 6420 Rokeby Ln, King George, VA 22485 147 Larry Anderson Dr , 947 Lyle St , Bedford, VA 24523 (540) 710-3831 Jonesville, VA 24263 (540) 586-8010 [email protected] (276) 346-3245 (540) 586-1543 (fax) www.tworiversbc.wordpress.com offi [email protected] Thornburg Baptist Church www.trinitybaptistchurchbedford.com (Goshen Association) U PO Box 60 , Thornburg, VA 22565 Trinity Baptist Church (540) 582-4031 (Henry County Association) Union Baptist Church [email protected] 2370 Snow Creek Rd , (Middle District Association) www.thornburg4u.org Martinsville, VA 24112 22001 Genito Rd , Amelia, VA 23002 (276) 638-3726 (804) 561-3988 Tidewater Korean Baptist Church [email protected] [email protected] (The Bridge Network of Churches) www.tbcsnowcreek.com 301 Overland Rd , Union Bethel Baptist Church Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Trinity Baptist Church (Portsmouth Association) (757) 497-0799 (Goshen Association) 1817 Jolliff Rd , Chesapeake, VA 23321 (757) 497-6762 (fax) 1770 Mansfi eld Rd , Mineral, VA 23117 (757) 488-3117 [email protected] (804) 513-5781 (757) 488-9107 (fax) www.tkbcva.org [email protected] [email protected]

374 BGAV CHURCHES Union Chapel Baptist Church Upper Essex Baptist Church Victory Blvd Baptist Church (Concord Association) (Rappahannock Association) (Portsmouth Association) 4433 Shiney Rock Rd , PO Box 225 , Caret, VA 22436 3014 Victory Blvd , Portsmouth, VA 23701 Clarksville, VA 23927 (804) 443-5720 (757) 487-2443 (434) 374-9003 (804) 443-5720 (fax) [email protected] Victory Missionary Baptist Church Union Grove Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (Southside Association) Upper King and Queen Baptist Church PO Box 346 , Ben Hur, VA 24218 PO Box 177 , Keysville, VA 23947 (Rappahannock Association) (434) 736-9970 PO Box 40 , Newtown, VA 23126 Vienna Baptist Church (804) 214-8005 (NorthStar Church Network) Union Hill Baptist Church 541 Marshall Rd SW , Vienna, VA 22180 (Appomattox Association) Urbanna Baptist Church (703) 281-4400 12935 Red House Rd , (Mid-Tidewater Association) (703) 281-3535 (fax) Brookneal, VA 24528 PO Box 416 , Urbanna, VA 23175 offi [email protected] (434) 283-5488 (804) 758-2720 www.vbc-va.org [email protected] (804) 758-4049 (fax) [email protected] Vietnamese Evangelical Union Level Baptist Church www.urbannabaptistchurch.org (Peninsula Association) (Concord Association) 40 Kings Way , Hampton, VA 23669 2620 Union Level Rd , South Hill, VA 23970 (434) 676-8738 V Vietnamese Gospel Church [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) Vandola Baptist Church c/o FBC Alexandria, 2932 King St, Union Level Baptist Church (Pittsylvania Association) Alexandria, VA 22302 (Concord Association) 1950 Vandola Church Rd , (703) 684-3720 2620 Union Level Rd , South Hill, VA 23970 Danville, VA 24541 (703) 519-7580 (fax) (434) 676-8738 (434) 822-1480 [email protected] [email protected] Vietnamese Grace Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) United Baptist Church Vanhuss Grove Church 714 S Monroe St , Arlington, VA 22204 (Pittsylvania Association) (Powell River Association) (703) 276-8186 3400 US Hwy 29 N , Danville, VA 24540 274 Vanhuss Grove Church Dr , (703) 522-7142 (fax) (434) 793-8382 Rose Hill, VA 24281 [email protected] [email protected] (276) 445-4604 [email protected] Vietnamese Hope Baptist Church United Community Church (NorthStar Church Network) (Peninsula Association) Vansant Baptist Church 3500 Franconia Rd , Alexandria, VA 20151 293 Batson Ave , Newport News, VA 23602 (New Lebanon Association) (571) 882-3693 (757) 249-2409 PO Box 649 , Vansant, VA 24656 [email protected] [email protected] (276) 597-7600 www.hyvong.org [email protected] Unity Baptist Church www.vansantbaptist.org Villa Heights Baptist Church (Petersburg Association) (Henry County Association) PO Box 670 , Prince George, VA 23875 Vesuvius Baptist Church 150 Corse Ave , Martinsville, VA 24112 (804) 458-7440 (Augusta Association) (276) 638-8562 (804) 458-7441 (fax) PO Box 575 , Vesuvius, VA 24483 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 377-6735 www.villaheights.org www.unitybaptist.us [email protected] www.vesuviusbaptist.org Villa Heights Baptist Church University Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) (Central Virginia Association) Victoria Baptist Church 4080 Challenger Ave NE , 1223 W Main St , Charlottesville, VA 22903 (Southside Association) Roanoke, VA 24012 (434) 293-5106 PO Box 911 , Victoria, VA 23974 (540) 977-7305 (434) 979-6433 (fax) (434) 696-2025 (540) 977-6230 (fax) offi [email protected] [email protected] offi [email protected] www.universitybaptist.org www.victoriabaptistchurch.com www.villaheights.com

Uplift Church Victory Baptist Church Vinton Baptist Church (BGAV Only) (New Lebanon Association) (Roanoke Valley Association) PO Box 205 , Gate City, VA 24251 PO Box 641 , Vansant, VA 24656 PO Box 306 , Vinton, VA 24179 (276) 479-1271 (276) 597-2761 (540) 343-7685 [email protected] [email protected] (540) 343-5256 (fax) www.upliftchurch.net [email protected] www.vintonbaptistchurch.org 375 BGAV CHURCHES Virginia Agape International Baptist VKBC (Virginia Korean Baptist Church) Warrenton Baptist Church Church (NorthStar Church Network) (NorthStar Church Network) (NorthStar Church Network) 7200 Ox Rd , Fairfax Station, VA 22039 123 Main St , Warrenton, VA 20186 6803 Huntsman Blvd , (703) 425-1972 (540) 347-3509 Springfi eld, VA 22512 (703) 425-1999 (fax) (540) 347-2696 (fax) (703) 864-2012 [email protected] offi [email protected] [email protected] www.vkbc.org www.warrentonbaptistchurch.org www.virginiaagape.org Warsaw Baptist Church Virginia Bible Baptist Church W (Rappahannock Association) (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 576 , Warsaw, VA 22572 10631 Timberidge Rd , Wakefi eld Baptist Church (804) 333-3750 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 (Petersburg Association) (703) 476-8582 PO Box 567 , Wakefi eld, VA 23888 Washington Baptist Church (757) 899-2007 (Shiloh Association) Virginia Heights Baptist Church church@wakefi eldbaptistva.org PO Box 209 , Washington, VA 22747 (The Bridge Network of Churches) www.wakefi eldbaptistva.org (540) 675-3336 1251 Kempsville Rd , Norfolk, VA 23502 (540) 675-3336 (fax) (757) 461-5107 Waldrop Baptist Church [email protected] (757) 461-5107 (fax) (Goshen Association) [email protected] 447 Waldrop Church Rd , Louisa, VA 23093 Washington Promise Church www.virginiaheights.us (NorthStar Church Network) Wallers Baptist Church 13342 Foxhole Dr , Fairfax, VA 22033 Virginia Heights Baptist Church (Goshen Association) (703) 727-0959 (Roanoke Valley Association) PO Box 95 , Partlow, VA 22534 [email protected] 2014 Memorial Ave SW , (540) 582-5703 www.wpchurch.org Roanoke, VA 24015 wallersoffi [email protected] (540) 344-7748 www.wallersbaptist.com Washington United Church (540) 344-8422 (fax) (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] Walnut Grove Baptist Church 14637 Lee Hwy, C 201, www.virginiaheights.org (Dover Association) Centreville, VA 20121 PO Box 428 , Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (703) 776-9614 Virginia Hills Baptist Church (804) 746-5081 [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) (804) 730-1541 (fax) 6507 Telegraph Rd , Alexandria, VA 22310 offi [email protected] Waterford Baptist Church (703) 971-4222 www.walnutgrovebaptist.com (NorthStar Church Network) [email protected] PO Box 314 , Waterford, VA 20197 www.virginiahillsbaptist.com Walnut Grove Baptist Church (540) 882-3044 (Strawberry Association) [email protected] Vision Church PO Box 299 , Montvale, VA 24122 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (540) 947-2826 Waverly Place Baptist Church PO Box 44 , Norfolk, VA 23501 [email protected] (Roanoke Valley Association) (757) 966-9878 1407 Kenwood Blvd SE , (757) 966-9878 (fax) Walnut Hills Baptist Church Roanoke, VA 24013 [email protected] (Peninsula Association) (540) 344-5527 www.visionchurchva.org 1014 Jamestown Rd , (540) 344-5528 (fax) Williamsburg, VA 23185 [email protected] Vision Community Church (757) 220-5900 www.waverlyplacebaptistchurch.webs.com (Fredericksburg Area Network) (757) 220-0437 (fax) 410 Deacon Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22405 www.whbconline.org Wayside Mission (540) 848-4717 (Highlands Association) [email protected] Walthall Baptist Church 174 State Line Rd , Narrows, VA 24124 www.visionstafford.com (Petersburg Association) PO Box 3633 , Chester, VA 23831-8467 Webber Memorial Baptist Church Vitalize Church (804) 530-8011 (BGAV Only) (BGAV Only) 7800 Salem Church Rd , 40 Periwinkle Rd , Moneta, VA 24121 Warfi eld Baptist Church North Chesterfi eld, VA 23237 (540) 580-8760 (Concord Association) (804) 271-4018 (540) 721-0600 (fax) PO Box 196 , Warfi eld, VA 23889 (804) 271-4358 (fax) [email protected] (434) 949-7243 offi [email protected] www.vitalizechurch.com www.webberchurch.org

376 BGAV CHURCHES Welcome Grove Baptist Church West Side Baptist Church Westover Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) (Augusta Association) (The River City Faith Network) 479 Bowen Ln , Warsaw, VA 22572 715 W Wolfe St , Harrisonburg, VA 22802 PO Box 13048 , Richmond, VA 23225 (804) 333-3920 (540) 434-9634 (804) 233-9261 [email protected] (540) 434-3415 (fax) (804) 233-0120 (fax) [email protected] offi [email protected] West End Baptist Church www.westside-baptist.org (Petersburg Association) Westville Baptist Church 6506 Boydton Plank Rd , Western Hanover Church (Mid-Tidewater Association) Petersburg, VA 23805 (Dover Association) PO Box 831 , Mathews, VA 23109 (804) 733-9331 PO Box 44 , Montpelier, VA 23192 (804) 725-3079 (804) 733-9397 (fax) (804) 651-2369 offi [email protected] (804) 883-8955 (fax) Westwood Baptist Church www.webaptist.org [email protected] (NorthStar Church Network) www.westernhanoverchurch.org 8200 Old Keene Mill Rd , West End Baptist Church Springfi eld, VA 22152 (Blackwater Association) Westhampton Baptist Church (703) 451-5120 105 Saint James Ave , Suffolk, VA 23434 (The River City Faith Network) (703) 451-5193 (fax) (757) 539-8771 6112 Three Chopt Rd , church.offi [email protected] (757) 539-8772 (fax) Richmond, VA 23226 www.westwood-baptist.org offi [email protected] (804) 282-4243 www.westendsuffolk.org (804) 282-0352 (fax) White Marsh Baptist Church [email protected] (Peninsula Association) West Hampton Baptist Church www.westhamptonbaptistchurch.com PO Box 385 , White Marsh, VA 23183 (Peninsula Association) (804) 693-2863 631 Aberdeen Rd , Hampton, VA 23661 Westhaven Baptist Church (757) 826-5772 (Portsmouth Association) White Shoals Baptist Church (757) 826-3682 (fax) 4900 Caroline Ave , Portsmouth, VA 23707 (BGAV Only) [email protected] (757) 397-0332 RR 2 Box 460B , Rose Hill, VA 24281 www.westhamptonbaptist.org [email protected] (423) 733-4339 www.thehaven.cc West Lynchburg Baptist Church White Stone Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) Westhunt Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) 3031 Memorial Ave , Lynchburg, VA 24501 (Dover Association) PO Box 45 , White Stone, VA 22578 (434) 845-4600 3801 West End Dr , Richmond, VA 23294 (804) 435-1413 (434) 845-4965 (fax) (804) 270-3983 (804) 438-5318 (fax) offi [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.wlbc.org www.westhunt.com www.whitestonebaptistchurch.org

West Main Baptist Church Westminster Baptist Church Whitehead’s Grove Baptist Church (Pittsylvania Association) (The Bridge Network of Churches) (Blackwater Association) 450 W Main St , Danville, VA 24541 3412 Westminister Ave , 18366 Benns Church Blvd , (434) 792-5960 Norfolk, VA 23504 Smithfi eld, VA 23430 (434) 793-3302 (fax) (757) 627-6605 (757) 255-4227 [email protected] announcements@ www.westmainbaptist.org Westover Baptist Church whiteheadsgrovebaptistchurch.org (NorthStar Church Network) West Norfolk Baptist Church 1125 N Patrick Henry Dr , Whitetop Baptist Church (Portsmouth Association) Arlington, VA 22205 (BGAV Only) 3701 Mariner Ave , Portsmouth, VA 23703 (703) 237-8292 16510 Highlands Pkwy , (757) 484-2620 (703) 237-3864 (fax) Whitetop, VA 24292 [email protected] [email protected] (276) 388-3246 www.westoverbaptist.org West Salem Baptist Church Wicomico Baptist Church (Roanoke Valley Association) Westover Baptist Church (Rappahannock Association) 500 Turner Rd , Salem, VA 24153 (NorthStar Church Network) PO Box 171 , Wicomico Church, VA 22579 (540) 389-2129 10301 Sudley Manor Dr , (804) 580-2609 (540) 389-7085 (fax) Manassas, VA 20109 [email protected] (703) 368-0826 Wilderness Baptist Church www.wsbaptist.org [email protected] (Fredericksburg Area Network) 9701 Plank Rd , Spotsylvania, VA 22553 (540) 972-7491 [email protected] www.wildernessbaptistchurch.org

377 BGAV CHURCHES Williamsburg Baptist Church Woodberry Hills Baptist Church Word Performance Church, Inc. (Peninsula Association) (Pittsylvania Association) (BGAV Only) 227 Richmond Rd , 617 Audubon Dr , Danville, VA 24540 17902 S Main St , Dumfries, VA 22026 Williamsburg, VA 23185 (434) 792-3867 (571) 931-6380 (757) 229-1217 [email protected] (757) 229-1261 (fax) World Mission Korean Church churchoffi [email protected] Woodbine Family Worship Center (BGAV Only) www.williamsburgbaptist.com (NorthStar Church Network) 454 Waverly Pl , Newport News, VA 23608 12914 Canova Dr , Manassas, VA 20112 [email protected] Wilroy Baptist Church (571) 399-7159 (Blackwater Association) (571) 399-7168 (fax) Wylliesburg Baptist Church 306 Williams Rd , Suffolk, VA 23434 [email protected] (Concord Association) (757) 539-5658 www.thewoodbinechurch.com PO Box 81 , Wylliesburg, VA 23976 (757) 539-4459 (fax) (434) 735-8319 [email protected] Woodland Baptist Church [email protected] www.wilroybaptistchurch.org (Piedmont Association) 4434 Thomas Nelson Hwy , Wytheville Baptist Church Winchester Calvary Korean Baptist Arrington, VA 22922 (Highlands Association) Church (434) 263-7744 205 Church St , Wytheville, VA 24382 (BGAV Only) [email protected] (276) 228-3712 Victory Church - Room #247, www.woodlandchurch.org (276) 228-3861 (fax) 2870 Middle Rd, Winchester, VA 22601 offi [email protected] (540) 336-0287 Woodland Heights Baptist Church www.wythevillebaptist.org (The Bridge Network of Churches) Windsor Baptist Church 529 Providence Rd , (Blackwater Association) Chesapeake, VA 23325 Y PO Box 498 , Windsor, VA 23487 (757) 420-1500 (757) 242-6391 (757) 420-4266 (fax) Yellow Branch Baptist Church [email protected] www.woodlandheightsbaptist.org (Lynchburg Association) www.windsorbaptistva.org 8395 Wards Rd , Rustburg, VA 24588 Woodland Heights Baptist Church (434) 821-7729 Windsor Hills Baptist Church (The River City Faith Network) [email protected] (Roanoke Valley Association) 611 W 31st St , Richmond, VA 23225 4436 Grandin Rd Ext SW , (804) 233-2222 Yorktown Baptist Church Roanoke, VA 24018 (804) 233-3970 (fax) (Peninsula Association) (540) 774-0147 offi [email protected] 237 Nelson St , Yorktown, VA 23690 www.whbcva.org (757) 898-3274 Winfall Baptist Church (757) 890-0151 (fax) (Staunton River Association) Woodlawn Baptist Church [email protected] 2076 Pigeon Run Rd , Gladys, VA 24554 (Petersburg Association) www.ybcva.org (434) 851-7061 3120 Woodlawn Ave , [email protected] Colonial Heights, VA 23834 Young’s Chapel www.winfallbaptist.org/home.html (804) 526-2179 (New River Association) www.woodlawnbaptistch.com 2679 Oak Hill Rd , Winfree Memorial Baptist Church Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363 (Middle District Association) Woori Baptist Church (276) 579-7964 PO Box 244 , Midlothian, VA 23113 (BGAV Only) (804) 794-5031 856 College Pkwy, Apt. 201 , (804) 794-4842 (fax) Rockville, MD 20850-1935 Z offi [email protected] (804) 835-8402 www.winfreechurch.org [email protected] Zion Baptist Church (Clinch Valley Association) Winns Creek Baptist Church Word & Spirit Baptist Church 10627 Fairview Rd , Blackwater, VA 24221 (Dan River Association) (BGAV Only) (276) 940-2155 3088 Howard P Anderson Rd , 5649-L General Washington Dr , Halifax, VA 24558 Alexandria, VA 22312 Zion Baptist Church (434) 476-2391 (703) 445-5958 (Petersburg Association) [email protected] 654 Johnson Rd , Emporia, VA 23847 Wise Baptist Church (434) 634-6022 (Wise Association) Word of God Baptist Church PO Box 777 , Wise, VA 24293 (BGAV Only) Zion Baptist Church (276) 328-6247 14852 Bolton Rd , Centreville, VA 20121 (The Bridge Network of Churches) (276) 328-6204 (fax) (703) 597-7611 25493 Parks Rd , Parksley, VA 23421 [email protected] [email protected] (757) 787-4095 www.wisebaptist.com [email protected] www.myzbc.com 378 BGAV CHURCHES Zion Hill Baptist Church (Lynchburg Association) 16033 Forest Rd , Forest, VA 24551 (434) 229-6645 [email protected]

Zoan Baptist Church (Fredericksburg Area Network) 5888 Plank Rd , Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 786-8317 [email protected] www.zoanbaptist.org

Zoar Baptist Church (NorthStar Church Network) 110 3 6 E l k R u n R d , Catlett, VA 20119 (540) 788-9750 [email protected] www.zoarbc.org

Zoar Baptist Church (Mid-Tidewater Association) PO Box 1010 , Deltaville, VA 23043 (804) 776-9502 (804) 776-0527 (fax) [email protected] www.zoarbaptistchurch.org

Zoar Baptist Church (Goshen Association) 31334 Zoar Rd , Locust Grove, VA 22508 (540) 854-6533 [email protected] www.zoarbaptistva.com


BGAV Advancing the Kingdom Together