IN THIS ISSUE. . . SECTION I Southern Baptist Highlights p. 7

SECTION n The World of Religion p. 72

SECTION m Facts of Interest p. 82


77ie Quarterly Review eeeks to provide information to pastors, staff members, and denominational professionals about denominational statistics, church history, church building techniques, preaching, and other topics of special interest to bulletins. these leaders. The 1963 statement of The Baptist Faith and Message is the doctrinal guideline for this periodical. We believe the has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter Clipart Volume 49 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1989 Number 4 EDITING STAFF______DESIGN STAFF______service. LINDA S. BARR PAMELA F. MULLINS Editor Artist-Designer MARY V. LANCASTER O. DIXON WATERS Assistant Editor Manager, Art Design Section II HELEN HUTSON WARD Manuscript Assistant OTHER MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT to order. JOHN R. CHANDLER SECTION PERSONNEL______Manager, Materials Development Section Gary Hardin, Judi Slayden Hayes, JOE R. STACKER Martin Thielen, Editors; Lisa Bergen Director Wilson, Assistant Editor; Jane M. Wil­ Great Church Administration Department son, Manuscript Assistant; Felix E. Mont­ gomery, Marketing Specialist. prices. CHURCH PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONS GARY W. COOK Vice-President Satisfaction The Quarterly Review (ISSN 0162-4334) is published quarterly by The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 127 Ninth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tennessee 37234: Lloyd Elder, President; James D. Williams, Execu­ tive Vice-President; Gary W. Cook, Vice-President for Church Program Organizations; Jimmy D. Edwards, Vice-Presi­ dent for Church Programs and Services. Printed in the U.S.A. Annual individual subscription, $11. Bulk shipments mailed to one address when ordered with other literature, $1.99 quarterly. Orders or order inquiries may be sent to guaranteed. Customer Service Center, 127 Ninth Avenue, North, Nashville, TN 37234; or call toll-free 1-800-458-BSSB (8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Central Time); or by visiting a Baptist Book Store. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW ® copyright 1989. The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. All rights reserved. Second-class postage paid at Nashville, Tennessee. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Quarterly Review, Customer Service Center, 127 Ninth Ave­ nue, North, Nashville, Tennessee 37234. • Clipart Only $8 85 per quarter For off­ • Full color covers' set printing or photocopying Designs for • Price 43< per quarter Price includes a I wish to express appreciation to the following persons for their help in compiling, proof­ seasonal and general topics different bulletin for each Sunday of the • Special Sunday coming up7 Order for ing, and producing this Handbook. Without such teamwork this annual Handbook would quarter Order in multiples of 25, please that special Sunday or event now' not be possible.—(Editor): Art Department Jean Baxter, Shirley Brown, Linda Carson, Sue Kestner, Pam Mullins, Kean C. Teh Anything else Church Administration Department Emily Clem, Janet Fyke, Cathy Patterson Procurement Department Faye Crane, Dan Manning we can do for you? Systems Department Bob Heeth Research Services Department Dean Anderson, Martin Bradley, Glenn Cartwright, Del Gwaltney, Kenneth Hayes, Judy To order CALL TULL FREE I-800--I58-BSSB » 00 am-S 30 pm Johnson, Mary Frances Jones, James A. Lowry, Cheryl Moore, Maxie Pace, Bill Peter, Central Time Mondav-Fndav Our telephone representatives can assist you in placing your order Pat Strum, Charles Sullivant, Frances Tichenor, Lewis Wingo

July. August, September 1989 3 Subject Index E Energy Production, Consumption, and Imports, U.S.,1970-86 ...... 92 A Academies...... 60,63 F Accidental Deaths, Distribution of Principal Types of, U.S., 1987...... 89 Financial Reports, Colleges, Academies, Bible Schools...... 61-63 Additions by Baptisms, and Other Additions by State Convention, 1987-88 22 Financial Reports from Religious Bodies in United States...... 76 Additions by Letter, Number of Churches Reporting by State and Location...... 16-20 Agencies, SBC Directory of...... 93-95 Assemblies, State Baptist...... 98 G Associated Organizations, SBC...... 94 General Boards, SBC...... 93 Associations, Southern Baptist, 1988...... 25 Gifts, Mission, by Years...... 70-71 Average for Selected Items by Size of Church Membership...... 27 Gifts, Mission, Number Churches Reporting by State and Location...... 16-20 Average for Selected Items by State Convention...... 29 H B Hospitals, Baptist...... 65-67 Baptisms, Distribution of by Age Groups, 1988...... 21 Housing, New Units Started, U.S., 1965-85...... 85 Baptisms, Number of by Age Divisions, 1988...... 21 Baptisms, Number Churches Reporting by State and Location...... 16-20 I Baptist Student Ministries...... 7,56-57 Income, Average, for Nonfarm Family of Four at Poverty Levels, U.S., 1960-86...... 86 , Affiliates of, 1988 ...... 72-74 Income, Personal, Per Capita, by State, U.S., 1980-87...... 82 Baptist World Alliance, Distribution of Members...... 78 Income, Median, by Size of Families, U.S., 1986...... 84 Birthrates for Selected Countries, 1975-86...... 89 Institutions, SBC...... 93-94 Brotherhood Enrollment...... 45-47 L c Living Arrangements of Persons in the U.S., 65 Years Old and Over, 1986...... 90 Children's Homes...... 69 Church/Synagogue Attendance, Percent of Adults...... 80 M Church Debt as a Percent of Total Gifts, 1967-88 ...... 28 Major Denominational Groups...... 81 Church Membership , Distribution of, by Size Church and Location...... 23-24 Major Items, Number Churches Reporting...... 16-20 Church Statistical Profile by Size of Church Membership...... 26 Medical Care Prices, Indexes of, 1970-88 ...... 90 Church Training Enrollment, 1972-88...... 37 Membership, Churches by Location...... 12 Church Training Enrollment, Average Attendance 32,36-38 Memberhsip, Churches by Size...... 13,23 Church Training Enrollment, Number Churches Reporting byState and Location 16-20 Membership, Inclusive, Percent Change for Selected Denominations in U.S., 1985-86 . 75 Church Vocation Volunteers in SBC Senior Colleges and Universities 64 Membership, Principal Religions of the World...... 79 Church Vocation Volunteers in SBC Seminaries 64 Membership Statistics of Larger Religious Bodies in the U.S...... 77 Churches, by Location...... 10,16-20 Mission Expenditures by State Convention...... 50 Churches, by Size of Membership...... 11 Mission Expenditures, Per Capita by State Convention...... 48 Churches, Number of, by Location...... 24 Missionaries, Home and Foreign...... 51 Churches, Percent Change in Number of, by Selected Denominations Missions, Number of Started and Currently Operated by SBC Churches, 1988 ...... 30 in the U.S., 1985-86...... 75 Music Ministry Enrollment...... 39-41 Churches Reporting Selected Items...... 14 Music Ministry Enrollment and Average Attendance...... 32 Colleges, Senior, and Universities...... 58.61 Colleges, Junior...... 59,62 N Consumer Price Index, Average for All Items, U.S., 1977-86 84 New Construction and Church Property, Average Amount Paid for, by Size of Church.. 28 Cooperative Program and Designated Gifts Received and Distributed, Executive Committee SBC...... 35 P Cooperative Program Gifts to SBC Causes as a Percent of Total Church Gifts, Personal Consumption Expenditures for the U.S., 1987 ...... 83 1978-1988...... 52 Population, United States, 1975-85, and Projections for 1990-2000 by Age Group...... 87 Cooperative Program Receipts, Distribution of...... 34 Principal Religions of the World, Estimated Membership of...... 79 Crime in the U.S., 1987...... 91 Property and Asset Values Reported by State Conventions...... 52 Purchasing Power of the Dollar. 1976-86...... 83 D Directories, Southern Baptist...... 93-94 R Directory, Christian Groups in United States 80-81 Receipt and Distribution of Mission and Benevolence Funds by State Conventions... 53 Directory, State Conventions...... 95 Record of Southern Baptist Churches. 1988-87...... 7 Dropouts, High School, U.S., 1970-86 ...... 92 Religious Population of the World. Distribution of Estimated. 1988...... 79 Drug Usage—America’s High School Class of 1987...... 91 Retirement Facilities...... 68

July. August. September 1989 5 4 QUARTERLY REVIEW s

OUI IvUIO, ...... oo Seminaries (Enrollment, Financial Report) and Areas of Calling 59, Section I Southern Baptist Convention, Dates of Annual Meeting...... 93 Southern Baptist Convention, Highlights...... 7-0 Southern Baptist Summary...... State Papers...... ~-9' Southern Baptist Highlights States with Fewer Than One Hundred Southern Baptist Churches 14,15 Summary of Churches by State Conventions 9 The Record of Southern Baptist Churches1—1988-1987 Sunday School Enrollment, 1972-88...... 34 Sunday School Enrollment, Average Attendance 23-24,32-35 Percent Sunday School, Number of Churches Reporting by State and Location 16-20 Gain or Gain or 1988 1987 Loss Loss

State Conventions 36 37 .1 T Associations •2 7 1.207 1.209 2 Tithes, Offerings, and Special Gifts by State Convention...... 50 Churches with Pastor ■02 32.852 32,625 227 07 Tithes, Offerings, and Special Gifts. Per Capita...... 49 Churches and Membership Churches 37.567 37.286 281 Nonresident Members 06 4,383,585 4.327.960 55,625 Resident Members 1 3 10,434.911 10.399,810 35,101 u Total Membership 03 14.818,496 14.727,770 90,726 Churches with Baptisms 06 Unemployment Rates, U.S., 1985-87, June-May 1988 ...... 65 29,609 29.430 179 06 Baptisms 346.320 338.495 7.825 23 Baptism Rate Per 100 Enrolled in Sunday

44 43 01 1 8 V Additions by Letter 483,471 488.638 •5.167 Vacation Bible School Enrollment, 1978-88...... 32 Open Country and Village Churches •1 1 17.803 17.776 27 02 Town Vacation Bible School, Number of Churches Reporting by State and Location...... 16-20 4,339 4,284 55 1 3 Crty (2.500-9.999 pop) 3.750 3.670 80 Vacation Bible School Report, 1988...... 31 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 22 5,768 5.762 6 01 Crty (50,000 or more pop) 5.907 5,794 113 20 Full-time Preaching (AM and PM every Sunday) 32.490 33,148 ■658 -20 w Sunday Schools Churches with Sunday Schools Welfare Recipients and Payments, 1987...... 86 36.261 36.087 174 05 Sunday School Ongoing Enrollment 7.911.373 7.942,106 ■30.733 -0 4 Women Returning to Work Within One Year of Childbirth, U.S., 1976, 1980, 1987...... 88 Vacation Bible School Enrollment 3.351280 3.319,671 31,609 1 0 Church Training WMU Enrollment...... ic on Churches with Church Training Enrollment 23,103 22,935 168 07 WMU, Number Churches Reporting by State and Location...... 16-20 Total Church Training Ongoing Enrollment 1.993,738 1.953,937 39.801 20 Woman's Missionary Unions Churches with Organization 25.778 25.776 2 00 Enrollment of All Organizations’ Abbreviations for State Convention Listings 1.203,929 1.197.479 6.450 05 Brotherhoods Churches with Brotherhoods NV...... Nevada 18,866 19214 ■348 ■1 8 AL...... Alabama Brotherhood Ongoing Enrollment N-ENG . ... . New England 525,511 572.987 -47,476 ■83 AK...... Alaska Muse Ministry . New Mexico Churches with Music Ministry Enrollment AZ...... Arizona NM...... 30.826 30.133 693 23 Muse Ministry Ongoing Enrollment . Arkansas NY...... New York 1.774,018 1.738.294 35.724 21 AR...... Gifts .. California NC...... North Carolina Total Receipts’ CA...... $4,397,655,050 $4,293,683,245 $103,971,805 24 Total Gifts .. Colorado NW...... Northwest $4.129259.580 $4,008,914,325 $120.345255 30 CO...... Per Capita Total Grits $27866 $272 20 $6 46 24 .. District of Columbia OH...... Ohio Mission Expenditures DC...... S 689.598.220 $ 662,691,289 $ 26,906,931 4 1 . Oklahoma Per Capita Mission Expenditures FL...... Florida OK...... $46 54 $4500 $1 54 34 . Pennsylvania-South Jersey Cooperative Program Receipts Reported by . . . Georgia PA-SJ...... States GA $ 344.517.695 $ 336.856,534 $ 7.661.161 23 . . Hawaii SC...... South Carolina Cooperative Program Receipts Going to SBC HI...... Causes4 $ 134.787.542 S 130,345,184 $ 4.442.358 34 TN...... Tennessee Churches Giving to Missions IL...... Illinois 35.446 35.193 253 07 Number of Tithers Reported IN...... Indiana TX...... Texas 1,620,192 1,678,345 -58.153 •3 5 . Kansas-Nebraska UT-ID...... Utah-Idaho KS-NE .. 'The above Summary ol Statistics for churches is based on collaborative input of churches, associations, state conventions and Conven­ KY...... Kentucky VA...... Virginia tion Executive Committee offices A specific church’s relationsNp lo an association, a state convention, or the SBC is determined solely . West Virginia by each of those respective autonomous bodies ’ LA...... Louisiana wv...... ’Includes Campus BYW as well as church BYWs .. Dakotas Fellowship' ’Includes small amount of income from fees, rentals, etc MD-DE . .. Maryland-Delaware DK...... ‘Figures supplied by the Executive Committee, SBC Ml...... Michigan IA FLSHP. .. Iowa Fellowship MN-WI .. . . . Minnesota-Wisconsin MT .. Montana Fellowship' Baptist Student Ministries, 1988-1987 MS...... Mississippi PR...... Puerto Rico Percent MO...... Missouri Gain or Gain or 1988 1987 Loss Loss 'The Northern Plains Baptist Convention reorganized into the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Fellowship. Statistics and directones for these two fellowships are listed for the first time in this Handbook Number Campuses with Student Ministries 1.004 1032 28 -2 7 Number of Students Involved 156.931 142721 14.210 100

QUARTERLY REVIEW 6 July, August. September 1989 7 C

> 7C




Summary of Churches by State Conventions1—1988 July.


­ ­ Training


Totjtf Music Ministry Enrolment Brother hood Ongoing Enrolment Ongoing Enrolm ent Church Enrollment WMU* Total Mieakxi Ongoing Total Gift* Expendi ture*

Ilf etmber Septem sac 1207 37,567 346.320 483.471 10,434,911 14,818,496 7.911,373 3.351200 1.993,738 1203.929 525,511 1.774,018 UX7.655.050 $4,129259.580 $689,596220 $20,083,402.645 AL 75 3,056 21.931 31,128 755,286 1.0X.445 577.421 243.413 212.943 96,851 53245 141247 304.355.755 286.917.5X 43,476,088 1201.6X.460 AK 6 54 886 938 11,165 20,591 8.904 5.072 2.155 1,588 733 1,890 7.520.545 6.845.465 1,395,072 31294215 AZ 13 267 5213 5.421 82,669 124,827 72237 26,948 19.756 6291 2,622 11,059 35,829.400 X,906,880 6,006,1X 199,952^060 AR 42 1.282 11,676 15.718 322.727 483.483 256.090 100,544 75,581 28,495 11,094 51,615 134,350.685 127,099.685 CA 33 1.085 23.165,615 559,483,495 13,021 15,992 280,877 396215 203,732 68,006 52,062 25,598 12151 39,985 CO 111,871,150 102,449,505 13.8X.003 661236,445 11 187 2,195 3,680 42214 64,472 33.515 15,324 8,836 3,535 1.779 6,854 19.127.545 1989 18.3X.915 3240,697 103.139,120 1 DC 63 620 1,054 23,155 29,077 9,867 3,156 2.015 1,572 334 2.404 706,390* 680,850* 176223* 6,529,030* FL 49 ’.694 28,084 38,590 654.444 927,178 521.313 184,857 126,984 59,888 27,445 115,732 333,650,340 298.924, IX 48,663.754 1.406.8X.075 GA 91 3.037 27,049 39,410 907.648 1223.161 641.724 281,180 156,492 116.727 57.127 168,158 401.633,080 376.173.580 59,095,675 1.684.600270 HI 6 49 736 897 10,751 14.879 10,525 2.781 2.564 1,464 509 1.710 7,398,030 5.846280 1,553,634 42,674,900 IL 34 915 5.579 6,972 160.020 234,980 129247 59,532 28,848 19,739 7221 24.112 55.714,095 53204.615 9,864,473 268,078,465 IN 14 303 2.687 2.949 71.302 90225 54.001 21,458 9210 5,911 2259 9.289 23,005,870 21226,445 3,667,741 105.962^915 KS-NE 12 247 2.144 3,623 53,558 82.442 48,058 20,639 12.319 6,063 2287 8,787 25.460.490 23.710.8X 3.6X.953 95,590,840 KY 78 2259 15.412 16,750 554,412 767274 368,966 190,402 78,687 60.925 22.056 86.022 174.131.075 167,791,600 29.172.669 795.877,935 LA 48 1,345 13,953 18,823 394,817 578,884 311,354 140,180 94,713 37220 16,765 70,171 169,182,960 158,260,800 X.788276 805.632.X5 MD-DE 12 280 2,396 3,048 76296 98246 53,366 23,497 13,814 8,985 3,616 11,303 33,569,100 32,097,190 6,600,491 163,665,670 Ml 14 234 1,788 1,832 38,519 49,711 26,979 13,682 6,035 3,607 1,323 5,143 12.108.575 11,377,645 1,870,476 64,929215 MN-W1 7 90 698 790 10.715 13,147 9,373 4.133 3,149 1,164 524 1,752 4.477.305 4,013,685 654.057 17,311,065 MS 74 1,965 14,945 20,967 469,943 663,873 353,078 156,153 1X.712 62,781 34.014 102.634 X1.527.5X 191,662.095 34.0X241 849,015.705 MO 73 1,840 12.321 16,511 417,352 623,749 317.869 146,505 70,657 47,619 15.625 66,116 153,420,560 146.6X.185 X.651.711 684,605.865 NV 4 71 1.002 1,097 13,984 21,801 13,438 6242 3,730 1,092 422 1,838 5.674270 5,357,735 1,003,700 32.578,965 N-ENG 6 102 996 1,266 13.1X 17261 12,918 4.218 2.320 1,351 579 2.X2 7.568,910 6240220 1,497.739 31.X7.675 NM 15 262 2,722 4,280 66,986 117,507 59,557 27209 16,560 b.708 3,059 10.293 31,950,340 X,541,560 5.886.721 153,664,390 NY 10 187 817 866 20207 23,967 13,822 7,100 3.254 2515 1,085 3,434 9.441.670 8,853250 1.9X.0X 48210.150 NC 79 3,512 21219 29,596 906.796 1,168,528 653,443 284,586 133,603 143.249 62.566 171.023 366.734.025 348.572,145 58,952,024 1,888.006,775 NW 18 XI 2.614 3.X7 48.767 76.578 44.549 19,532 13254 4,384 1.938 6.727 19.864,880 18,856,970 3283.M7 107259230 OH 19 508 5,315 5225 115,950 147.688 86.423 44277 18,184 11,558 4,968 16.215 38.446.035 37258.785 8,OX,988 IX. 149,760 OK 41 1,489 18,434 20,942 461,385 751,681 372,622 146,865 89257 X.355 16,127 66,181 176,309,825 170,465,580 27,556,171 770240,6X PA-SJ 8 116 970 1263 16,516 20,304 14,880 9,569 4,429 2,666 1,079 2.953 8,434,330 7,6X280 1,561,369 34,114,090 SC 43 1.763 13,029 19,653 545291 701,700 401.586 165271 108,382 96,460 42.203 100,129 234.917.860 221,803.285 37.525.X7 USMO&IO TN 68 2.805 23,268 32.362 792.017 1,073,499 543252 232,679 147.713 79.678 30,460 131,185 305.1X.035 285,705,155 46.303.X7 12X.047.1X IX 112 4202 58,875 99.117 1,576.323 2.480.861 1.316207 525267 268.577 145,335 66,609 253.497 778.467.285 7X.784.5X 121.194.554 3,385,672^640 UT-ID 10 94 791 880 10.4X 18,015 9.542 5228 2,882 1,422 507 1.791 4,235,965 3.995265 774.181 18,715,310 VA 43 1.490 9,854 15,268 456.6X 600,816 315,611 133244 62,903 66,068 18,845 72217 181.868.745 172, IX, 360 28,906,562 1.014.647,875 WV 9 111 884 1.100 22.025 28,496 14.438 11,629 2,826 2.512 825 3.529 6,962,550 6.734,580 1.466.X1 X,095,720 WY 8 65 431 546 7,555 12,997 7.131 6,013 2.236 1226 341 1.178 3,318,710 3.192.1X 562.065 15,555,895 DK FLSHP’’ 6 61 378 417 4,988 8.406 5,909 5,757 1253 791 235 835 2,445,915 2278.005 411,939 13201255 IA FLSHP’ 8 63 416 476 8,053 11,053 6,302 3,525 2,029 885 341 1,383 2.933,005 2.770,595 549243 14.7X.5X MT FLSHP’’ 6 72 597 562 5,876 9,454 7,004 4,814 1,884 953 300 1.031 2.922.555 2.863295 471,111 15,423,735 PR’ 1 41 374 IX 4,124 5,003 5,122 811 930 698 293 294 1,195,640 1.006,915 191,043 4,402.120

associations. state conventions. and Convention Executive Committee offices A specific church's relationship to an associatxxxa state convention, or the SBC is determined solefy by each of those respective autonomous Baptist bodies , rYwe?^nSJ:J?urches Nonreportingrefers to those still affiliated with the Convention but who have not submitted a report tor three or more years *VBS statistics based on VBS reports or Uniform Church Letter statistics •includes Campus BYW as well as church statistics •Includes small amounts of income from fees, rentals, etc •Due to incomplete reporting of the 1968 financial data for churches m the DC convention, this figure a sjgrvficantty understated ’Not a state convention but to be shown as part of SBC statistics Churches of the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Feilowsrxp previously reported through the Northern Plains Baptist Convention See note on page fl

74 50 29 68 88 78 45 82 42 38 62

157 180 365 591 550 185 181 209 569 922 198 166 537 432 514 184 127 432 441 978 399 935 909 1,039 2^61 1987 ’ 1,043

Ind. 15,226

1 1 5 6 5 3 5 8 9 6 1 2 10 26 37 21 40 13 18 Otter 91 10 22 55 66 10 Non- 67



Cob.) in ™porttng CMy (Not Churches 39 53 42 31 69 37 86 Total 79 48 88 44 39 63 554 155 161 189 193 219 368 566 606 942 164 428 517 125 203 532 436 190 434 403 947 996 915 6S3 1.048 2.299 1988 1,054





1 6 3

1 5 2 8 8 2 7 3 3 5 4


1988 10 12 14 32 68 99 IK 27 66 36 25 20 63 39 26 71 75 26 with 593 20 37 594 43 44 600 671 62.7 606 65.0 346 502 72.6 138 57 67 67 78.9 674 62.5 58.8 523 831 658 568 204 444 70.8 65.2 690 804 200 65.5 537 81 885 59.8 532 736 75.0 124 614 490 804 536 145 918 82.3 91 224 92.7 107 n Area 1988

Churches Percent 2,487 Pop.) Under

Suburban 6

6 0 More 1 5 9 5 6 4 churches 9 9 12 1 1 1 3 13 15 16 28 20 54 8 1 39 67 26 2 9 i 32 27 42 27 71 33 67 68 2 27 55 43 20 3 j 133 14 10 119 172 18 109 153 635 34 page 15 More 118 16 284 209 125 33 or 94

284 3,000

1988 page oacx> 2.907

or on

icodArwe on on

nolo 1

9 3 5 2 1 2 5 1


note 27 40 19 (50,000 41 20 18 13 nnt» 1 nonreportmg 16

1 3 2 16 2 26 1 1 39 8 5 7 3

6 5 4 458 2 3

7 2 8 6 19 124 22 13 15 19 20 87 iooo 2,999 33 18 12 13 10 48 21 See 64 22 of

513 See

Downtown 1 1 6 3 2 2 9 5 35 25 21 53 45 29

22 29 36 36 22 36 27 27 number 620 1988 139

1.500- 1,999

7 5 2 3 8 4 1 6 8 6 12 Convonoon 97 42 49 31 22 24 25 81 19 54 53 82 66 75 55 14 30 23 67 The 54

— 139 193 128 161 166 114 248 120

r^rrvnntmn Convention 1988

3 9 4 7 3 2.294 7 2 Area 1 1 2 2 2 12 51 41 99 12 24 70 62 52 11 12 66 90 72 66 -, 107 119 105 116 303 m Suburban Baphsl years 1.542 1,000 1,499


Baptist h

7 5 4 6 4 7 more 7 7 16 10 11 3 1 Ria™ 64 5 17 8 1 14 38 23 43 49 93 5 56 1 26 26 30 9 1 14 45 90 64 3 1 1 17 80 4 1 70 2 13 106 138 51 41 17 10 12 163 290 11 107 59 15 14 81 88 77 102 170 92 152 78 or 176 112 166 Plans 118 137 107 101 288 1988

1,735 2,349 750-999 toodArM three

(10.000-49,999) Northern Membership


6 8 4



6 3 3 3 5 4 1

2 4 4 2 3 Northern 8 5 19 34 1 16 15 58 21 4 32 8 9 13 26 2 9 47 10

4 3 10 113 106 12 37 182 10 13 23 39 48 53 the 227 187 126 20 308 130 168 11 46 45 68 156 45 31 185 10 71 83 27 200 460 345 39 80 226 76

161 City 3.460 the — 500-749 1988


report . Area


3 8 3 4 2 7 i 6 4 3 4 4 3 3 through 15 11 Downtown 84 80 52 30 12 22 94 29 18

20 43 97 125 200 165 217 111 ___ 113 176 130 300 203 280

through „ 2.682 Membership

Church years 1 .

16 18 19 10 9 14

25 11 25 63 13 12 68

11 40 26 61 400-499 29 14 32 45 47 43 31

152 185 489 of 159 216 142 270 122 166 151 171 143 117 296

289 1988 submitted 3.750 of Location reported

8 more 5 4

9,999) 8 7 7 9 1 (S2o. 1 1 2 5 4

15 23 16 11 Size 90 28 37 10 50 13 25 36 reported ______126 105 181 275 144 357 163 260 129 or not 234 180 459 225 319 387


7 , 9 by 5 2 5 14 39 10 20 24 11 12 59 12 33 68 300-399

37 23 52 53 38 83 43 138 190 250 568 177 273 151 264 322 144 178 227 192 278 273 have three Size 1987

4.284 gtortousl,

9 8 6

8 7 m 2 4 8 9 2 25 22

10 47 38 37 36 17 15 10 90 13 25 45 previously 197 128 527 530 142 242 who 431 270 353 250 723 215 348 587

478 250

by 6,164 8 7 6 Town 4 14 15 6 19 24 23 12 12 12 11 59 68 200-299 40 37 21 54 but 57 90 45 41 148 195 report 254 572 266

149 185 259 328 146 185 192 227 270

278 (5002,499) 1988 a 4,339

Fallowkh® 2 5 5 5 5

Churches 6 5 5 7 2 3 31 20 23 12 97 34 23 28 16 12 28 30 42 11

146 105 Fe«owsh<) 376 182 142 347 273 149 252 221 180 461 171 347 336

1 7 3 4.145 3 9 1 5 8 6 4 9 2 7 10 4 of 150-199 36 46 12 13 16 19 24 81 153 125 467

221 216 283 141 202 361 122 Bapost 304 278 Convention 216 228 Pop.)

submitted 1987

3,643 Baptist 8 3 7

6 8 5 9 the 15 32 20 29 37 27 24 34 30 38 11 10

not 62 20 10 10 23 Churches 169 119 506 185 145 158

305 388 188 500 325 258 147 396 177 375 403

1 5 3 4 4.722 8 5 3

8 5 2 8 3 6 9 11 4 100-149 33 with 15 17 13 13 86 Southam Village* 20 143 114 190 439 190 259 211 346 137 115 have 302 of 206 271 207


Southern Number 3.456

5 under 2 9 who 16 43 44 44 14 51 31 53 22 35 10 16 16 12 42 63 89 24 16

21 22 183 174 179 180 157 425 337 267 162 254 314 336 153 140 269 502

1 affikated 3 5 2 3 50-99 4.732 1

8 Montana 8 19 4 but 16 11 33 14 41


24 20 854 847 637 418 218 613 429 476 Montana sbH 1,404 1.853 1.145 1987

1.182 1,421 the 1,648

14.133 8 6 the statistics 13 19 14 27 52 79 56 95 32 31 39 30 19 33 24 44 12 16 41 35 91 15

64 26 55 21 21 25 Number 199 103 109 125 and 105 151 statistics 153 104

278 those 1-49

1 2 2 3 3 7 2.370 6 2 Open 1 9 8 5 15 13 22 38 and 23 14 39 33 28 to 23 Country SBC

Convention 446 846 892 645 718

623 220


481 1.419 SBC 1.877 1,162 1988 1,198 1,442

1,656 of

14.347 the of


part Fotlowah® 54 52 49

89 71

92 64 72 41 with 61 62 183 part 266 102 908 296 246 262 228 165 110 40 110 66 62

257 298 499 94 96 68 84 45 as 125 Fehowsho 51 62 101 1,048 115 1.272 1.673 1,332 3.030 185 292 502 1,960 1,832 2.997 265 2,168 1,423 956 1.753 1.480 275 227


185 297 243 2.738 4.072 916 666 261 066 1 3.6874

1.478 as 1.753

1,481 4.150

1 1,833 2,792 3.497 1997 1.346

1 2250 1283 1 3.020 Churches Reporting 3.058 37.286 Baphst eportmg

shown affiliated Baptist

shown 72 Nont 61 63 41 94 65 71 90 Total be 49 54 63 111 116 102 187 508 489 805 262 301

still 965 280 234 187 303 247 345

915 694 567 267 282 085




1 2


1 1,840 1988

1 3.512 to 2259 1 1 1 3.037 3.056 Churches

Southern to 37

but Southern those



cl to



and Dakotas




Conventions ’ ’ ol convention the SBC ’ ’

State ’

’ of ’ nonreporting

’ state

’ and state a





Includes Not


QUARTERLY REVIEW )uly Augu8t Septem ber 1989



6.6 3.1 0.6 I. 0.0 5.3 3.1 1.2 5.1 ■6.6 3,564 4.083 3,150 9,959 1.6 7.0 3.9 II. 3,603 -1.0 1.6 -0.1 29.3 0.7 -0.8 9.1 -6.7 14.5 20.6 3.2 -0.7 4.7 0.0 26,498 0.4 -0.4 68.132 40.017 36.888 88,113 19.312 11.362 13.6 35.361 14.522 64.877 28,813 11.962 16,878 11.1 -27.6 77.979 more -3.0 -5.0 -5.9 50.4 161,561 Pop.)

141,023 -12.3 512.134 3,000 -31.5

-14.5 % 1279.811 or Change City


444 481

2.283 9.945 8.147 4,567 5,606 723 2.196 2209 2,550 or 12235 64.025 32.934 21.102 94,107 96,806 12.462 46.948 47.282 30 45.124

41 38.031 61.202 95211 25.744 3,092 2,886 MS 3.650 3,098 4.700 5,983 298,171 5,661 4,653 Large 9,800 1.100.814 4,700 19,111 10,184 53,837 9,962 14,285 25.157 61,134 24.666 20.521 30,684 39.287 220.393 28.086 128,172 29.07"' 319,962 32,329 203.972 72,357 89,248 241.507 137,380 180.609 120.930 396,665 234,054 1988 224.199 1.176.531 229.097 50,006 787 962

1.541 1.842 1,516 1,802 6.879 9.769 5.008 3248 3282 1 3.771 9.296 43.095 34.830 76.655 16.188 60,003 89.604 48.630 37 50229 61.493 62.643 45.861 46,684 37,800 61,288 w 241.314 1.064.020 6

8.2 0.6 6.8 Pop.) 2.6 1.0 2.9 2.9 6.7

0.9 page ■1.2 1.5 3.6 2.6 -2.0 15.0 -1.2 -5.7 3.5 -4.3 3.3 -2.4

2.6 -1.1 ■4.6 4.7 -2.5 -2.2 -13.6 -8.0 6.5 -117 -3.2 11.8 -7.1 % 47.0 -23.6 15.1 51.5 City -16.6 on 4,610 7.628 1.200 3.511 3.629 1,105 4,152 4998 2.255 8.633 1,010 2275 2.330 2.311

14.614 10210 14.823 14246 62.618 48.954 30.011 77.619 79,094 13.481 84.967 78.324 62.064 85,777 127,403 120.206 144,286 Change 122.504 110,576 139.014




649 5,136 4.735 2.237 4,289 5.844 See 8,704 8,833 2.623 9,222 2.017 11,182 7,407

5,867 33.766 52.700 56,975 20.059 19.204 42.024 115,939 74,547 32.476 524.441 183,172 16,223 183.927 221.206 773 24.739 200.072 895 126.067 776 950 183.700 911 775 109,662 815 973 151,225 347.243 121,975 257.846 125,611 1988 2.727 (10,000-49,Wt 242,708 4290 6,968 7.820 1,650 8.201 9,639 4244 2.489 3.410 11.381 14,786 10237 12.000 97,961 43277 34.662 74.945 13.153 79,551 68.472 51,087 66.131 92.820 88,061 66,625 3,546,252 101.850 142419 118.243 1988 249.038 750-999 1,495,045

Convention —

1.6 1.7 -1.9 9.9 0.5 0.9 -3.1 7.9 0.6 2.5 22.1 -4.0 71.2 28.6 1.8 4.0 22.5 10.4 2.4 -3.8 7.0 5.1 4.1 -3.8 -11.8 4.0 ■2.0 -19.3 0.9 -0.9 10.4 -4.0 ^Op.) -5.4 27.9 -49.9 -0.8 47.0 -22.4 -17.7 % -12.5

547 3,839 4,995 1.927 1,693 2.619 9.482 1.831 1,397 9.321 3.431 2,091 8,064 5,926 2,834 2.332 Baptist City 11285 12.560 19.094 Change 20.796 76,306 15,693 68.365 66,110 78.020 28.982 35.515 96.142

138,490 110,408 186,596

112.976 102.442

121,018 136.680 112.011 207,070 282.319


2.101209 833 576 Plans 1,891 1.498 2,325 2.576 7,101

4.276 1,600 Small 1,369 2,583 3,315 4.738 9,373 33.897 2,206 12,280 16,590 86.683 8,230 16,525 2,084 84.045 98.931 12,188 10,626 64.666 54.766 114,273 308.625 132.408 96,863 16,206 29.589 128.038 84,015 101,647 165,814 862 (2,500-9,999 400 1998 145,960 1988-1987 1,304 1,366 1.743 6.656 4.845 3,593 1,849 1,299 1,796 1.770 1,398 9.640 5252 8,664 3,036 1,300 2.739 8,122 1.871.209 13,630 13,085 19.318 35.980 73,819 MMRbenNp 89.505 37.665 55.514 96,935 23.235 42.467 50.187 43,676 77.977 49219 58214 90,196

Northern 132.852 125,005

400-499 1.196.117 of Membership


1 5.2 1.9 0.7 0.4 -6.5 5.5 3.7 2.4 9.6 2.7 14.9 -2.2 31.2 S&e

1.2 2.5 0.3

45.5 2.1 4.1 0.2 -0.4 75.7 ■ 1.4 4.7 -0.2 16.4 1.4 -11.0 -17.1 -15.7 31.6 17.5 -0.6 -0.4 -1.0 -14.6 -13.3 % -25.1 107 Pop.) -10.9 757

346 328 326

1,664 1.355 2.646 8,048 5.182 1,855 1.339 9,899 5.427 2.764 2.461 through 3.735 2.45* 3,097 8,613 3,393 4.677 Change

13,135 12.515 17.140 95239 43,554 37228 63.087 30.788 88,965 44.672 78.162 49.320 80,837 55,919 62.633 123.801 160.367

110.332 133,715



Town 503 704 513 Church 880 379 1,591 468 1,017 1,525 3.484

Location 2,005 1,204 9,066 1,969 reported 9.937 2.139 55.355 8,676

9,390 5,972 13,960 66,716 83,135 1.352 10.022 7.613 67.159 99,357 58,930 86.934 241.999 32.899 520 58,326 97.888 118,203 910 470 (500-2,499 13,071 111.904 67.522 83.997 19M of 1.472 1,588 2261 6.340 5.310 2.012 9244 9,198 8,693 2.047 2.492 5.876 4,069 3,625 2.363 2,046 3270 2.045 11.785 11.058 48.325 31,661 60.208 35.109 21.771 52,806 67.018 86.611 61.513 85,363 61,829 129.512 129,377 106,044 117.638 177,600 by 144.096 1.437.764 200-299 1.515.177


5.2 0.8 1.9 -2.2 4.4 6.1 -1.5 -4.8 1.8 •0.4 0.6 -2.2 -1.6 21.3 5.9 2.9 -1.6 0.6 -0.4 1.8 -6.4 -1.4 Size 0.7 -35.1 -12.9 •1.5 18.3 0.1 -3.3 0.1 -2.5 -0.5 -81.3 349 63.3 809 892 796 776 829 % 20.8 -33.9 979 359 490 14.2 22.6 901 -11.8 123.2 5,481 1.993 1,998 1257 3.475 5,982 3,850 3.966 5,310 7218 2.045 4.878 4.922 2.749 18,090 16.731 25.406 32.036 25,860 65.119 60,021 47,601 24,492 43.770 38.407 31231 58,183 29,613 80,050 60,398 Change 719.312 150-199


Fellowship Country Village

48 132 209 347 264 415 387 98 698 375 3,631 746 2.334 990 356 895 1,183 2,355 and 547 8.828 2,254 3,087 7.049 10,601 1,722 1.869 1.029 7.381 1,359 1.234 1204 1.239 4.083 1,326 3,637 3,523 4200 7.736 1.113 2.416 4.505 3,912 2.907 3.572 4.700 2.465 2.780 Baptist Open 12,246 175,232 19,688 14.436 17.792 232.265 44,682

18,170 113,171 334,923 38,084 31.374 62.890 21.310 23.057 48,179 236.957 40.316 49228 23.759 46,676 49.839 22.064 487.007 162,014 1988 267.835 165,017 306.538 100-149 585.967 117,478 378,162 117.087 334.683 Membership 3,543.933


361 711


820 Southern 661 959

1.087 1.553 1.849 1.459 1,651 1.093 1.123 3.167 3286 3.197 2.317 3.834 2.675 3.106 3,936 4.599 6,431 7.5 8.9 2.2 3.1

0.9 0.1 11.641 19.419 12.182 13,620 12.869 13.742 13.534 0.5 11.425 10,881 0.3 0.3 20,073 23,386 31,783 25.782 2.3 0.7 25.100 20,133 37.427 0.3 -1.2 0.4 -1.9 5.9 -1.5 1.3 50-99 7.2 0.9 0.3 1.1 1.3 0.7 -1.9 -2.3 353.942 -3.4 8.7 0.7 0.9 % 0.5 0.8 -0.7 3.7 0.8 2.0 -0.2 -0.1 0.5 0.6 -3.0 Total




186 131 760 578 783 267 937 402 565 881 441 916 641 461 591 533 767 618

1,952 1.179 1.268 1,798 the 1.014 1.215 1.341 1.863 1 3.538 5.015 6.363 3.297 3,405 3.143 2.682 5,161 3.178 2297 9.024 4.191 3.431 1-49

8,792 4,595 8,513 77.813 10,819 13,242 18,295 27.626 statistics 20.238 76,337 17,875 24.562 12.261 20.589 50.047

96.977 82,622 599,931 13.691 89,209 144.341 746.429 699.584 29,966 and 63,974 119,835 Total 20.189 621.791 658,127

768.274 575.069 231.905

120.417 918.865 394,438 1,068.660 Members 479,555 2.460.903 1,163,921 1987

1,214.249 SBC Total 1.031.057

14.727.770 700 472


5,003 8.408 9.454

13.147 17261 14.879

18,015 12.997 11.053

98.246 76.578 20.304 20.591 64 29.077 90,225

82.442 49.711 21,801 23,987 28,496 Grand 124.827 767274 117.507 147,688 578,884 751.681 701 483.483 396.215 234.980 663.873 623.749 600.816 Total 927,178 part Fellowship 1.036,445 1.223.161 1,168,528 1.073.499


5,003 9.454 8.408 Present 14.818.496 11.053 12.997 18,015 as 28.496 20,304 76,578 17,261 23,987

13.147 21.801 49.711 98.246 14,879 600.816 90,225 82.442 147,688 701,700 751.681 29.077 117,507 64.472 20,591 623.749 663.873 578,884 767.274 234.980 927.178 124,827 396,215 483.483 1.073.499 2.483.861 1,168,528 Baptist 1,223.161

1988 1.036.445 shown 14,821.496






Dakotas and * State *

’ ’

’ the Conventions

convention SBC and

* of

’ ......











QUARTERLY REVIEW I July. y\UgUS( Septem ber 1989 Work in States' with Fewer Than One Hundred Churches. 1987-1988 Total* for States with Fewer Than 1000 Churches------1988 Percent Change 847 +3.3 Churches 820 8,088 +4.8 Baptisms 7,716 187,863 +1.1 Total Members 185,716 110,228 +3.0 SS Ongoing Enrollment 106,999 28,263 +7.3


CT Enrollment ’ $58,238,230 $57,833,520 -0.7

Total Receipts 1988

$10,575,236 +4.6 Mission Expenditures $10,106,662 States

’Not including Puerto Rico. Canada, and other foreign in

of Churches Items—1988

3 roadcast Number of Ethnic Churches, Work

jt Worship Total Churches State Sunday Baptist Multfok) Service* Number Weekday School Sunday (TV or hutch ►aperin RA Fun-time Media Education Doctrine SBC and Stat* Reporting kjdget Budget WMk Member* Program Study Radto) Convention* Churches Preaching Library 5.045 5,100 1,070 3,312 26,602 17.217 32.490 18,317 2,869 12.625 SBC 36.874 Baptist

155 1,992 1,968 391 Hundred 197 875 48 265 2,780 1.231 AL 3,030 48 37 5 23 2 24 4 54 49 37 26 139 AK 19 16 230 167 250 149 24 129 AZ 266 863 724 107 96 1.272 ' 617 84 407 17 116

1,197 445 One AR 114 50 866 476 77

496 941 503 82 62 CA 1,048 11 167 92 16 124 20 84 6 CO 183 172 6 DC 52 25 6 239 363 Southern 1,391 768 237 749 78 165 1,607 945 223 Than FL 1,673 329 1,990 1,045 426 230 929 59 2.997 2,669 1,277 29 of GA 9 1 46 6 6 21 23 49 39 31 87 91 HI 20 110 534 392 813 422 34 331 43 IL 908 17 240 151 30 164 21 8 IN 298 280 24 53 10 10 193 126 155 14 109 Fewer K&NE 246 226 649 268 115 310 1.141 859 102 665 40 2.168 1,933 527 163 122 KY 446 43 96 984 1,332 1.268 658 131 64 LA 15 237 164 37 184 32 125 6 MD-OE 262 207 33 14 45 37 8 158 Summary 203 105 8 22 with Ml 228 4 74 27 5 32 5 42 4 MN-WI 89 65 101 181 1,498 1,447 250 830 140 573 31 1,960 1,797 930 224 138 MS 603 36 139 1,139 1,832 1.567 1,038 94 34 MO 7 2 63 49 2 65 37 3 38 NV 71 81 9 5 36 6 37 7 7 102 71 44 39 132 N-ENG 13 25 220 195 257 234 140 17 46 NM 7 106 44 12 100 62 NY 165 601 251 59 308 2,817 1,057 2.578 1,854 236 NC 3,457 269 207 20 85 ’5 6 4 296 278 193 80 77 NW 15 12 410 114 499 476 257 27 183 211 OH 39 104 965 979 1.423 1,346 665 80 31 OK 6 9 99 13 21 110 97 60 7 114 PA-SJ 154 1,557 1,000 404 856 176 31 SC 1.753 1,562 297 158 65 295 1,527 889 2.738 2.517 1.319 163 700 1,321 TN 202 349 3.148 2,354 3.772 2.289 489 TX 4,072 81 62 5 37 5 6 2 92 80 45 250 166 UTID 39 166 1,305 399 1,480 856 938 ’39 8 VA 1 10 93 13 5 110 104 51 7 10 WV 3 2 55 34 64 54 37 WY 6 18 3 5 3 58 21 54 24 2 9 OK FLSHP” 61 3 55 15 2 56 39 IA FLSHP’ 62 1 55 32 3 17 37 MT FLSHP’' 72 62 39 2 8 10 3 8 5 2 PR’ 40 'Mr., n state donventKin but to be shown as part of SBC statistics the Northern •Churches of the Dakotas Soulhorn Baptist FeftowsNp and the Montana Ptams Baptist Convention See note on page 6 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 15 14 Number of Churches Reporting Major Items—1988 05 Tithes Coopera­ Total On­ fspedd Mteaion Ongoing Church tive No. going Expendk Church Church Ongoing Brother­ Program by Sunday hires Property Pastor Debt SBC and State Reporting wwu hood MHetry Gita Letter School VBS Training Conventions Churches Baptisms 32,852 14.404 X.042 X.826 X.M1 X.446 34.600 28.628 23.103 25.778 18,866 4.178 15.169 36.874 29.609 X227 X.261 16,968 16.743 16.466 15.X1 9,188 10.245 6,807 13.316 4.072 12.594 12.981 17.1X 4207 4.145 3,813 1.765 Open Country and Village 17 501 3.377 2.412 3.825 42X 4,268 2.886 3.368 1.9X 3.4W 4 299 3.711 3.724 3.356 3,655 3,625 3.559 Town 2.734 3.036 2.373 3.421 5.283 3713 3.316 3.373 3.674 5.564 5.528 5,362 5,171 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 4.238 4.659 3501 5217 5.028 5.060 5,177 5.616 5.343 5,068 5.1X 3.050 City (10.000-49.999 pop ) 5 687 4.461 3.473 5.112 5.378 4.972 5.513 4,057 5,674 4.928 2.663 1.087 2.597 Crty (50.000 or more) 2.369 2.932 2.888 2.844 2.310 2233 1,969 1,670 455 ’.503 3 OX 2.315 2.409 2.966 1.768 1.737 1.709 1.5X Alabama 1.005 795 1284 1 3X 1.811 1,22b 266 243 IX 251 1 846 1.265 1X 245 271 261 Open Country and VMlage 271 225 221 263 166 262 273 232 2X 258 282 279 277 Town 243 238 213 212 349 289 264 264 288 365 362 355 342 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 320 314 292 348 232 347 370 243 237 216 145 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 372 332 1X 234 246 246 219 211 250 222 232 50 X 53 Crty (50.000 or more) 47 54 53 45 37 40 34 5 8 54 49 50 54 9 9 9 8 Alaska 3 7 7 9 6 6 4 6 9 6 6 4 6 6 Open Country and .ulage 6 5 9 7 9 6 6 6 5 7 9 9 9 Town 9 6 8 15 12 17 9 8 8 17 17 17 16 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 13 15 14 8 13 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 12 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 7 9 5 12 12 12 13 247 Crty (50.000 or more) 13 247 243 149 110 2X 262 255 263 200 IX 174 26 14 X 266 235 2X 24 X 31 31 Arizona 17 14 8 20 X X 26 25 34 41 41 40 37 Open Country and Village 21 28 15 35 43 37 X 41 43 41 41 20 41 30 17 X 43 Town 41 43 33 X 37 X 40 43 38 22 X 41 40 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 41 29 29 99 66 X 38 39 102 IX X Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 80 73 48 93 96 93 104 1.1X Crty (50.000 or more) 105 1229 1.133 460 452 976 1253 1247 955 X2 712 589 142 621 1.272 1.027 1,032 1266 438 669 663 651 Arkansas 418 252 121 185 484 475 677 189 187 178 75 Open Country and Village 681 135 83 163 188 172 189 148 140 129 83 140 191 168 X 132 140 140 Town 141 122 115 150 103 158 141 133 137 150 162 161 158 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 134 126 105 57 91 150 156 163 94 93 87 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 163 84 53 93 94 92 X 80 Crty (50.000 or more) 96 92 386 X1 556 864 432 887 977 946 995 600 645 669 40 22 X D 1 048 842 843 X 45 44 40 CaWomia 18 20 9 37 79 37 X 45 X 85 84 79 c Open Country and Village 46 48 20 77 106 70 X 40 107 104 52 X 69 X 101 112 111 Town 111 62 72 261 IX 288 116 96 102 284 316 304 297 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 212 226 149 249 352 275 274 320 418 402 358 441 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 328 313 303 218 389 365 362 429 170 Crty (50,000 or more) 468 176 174 168 X 121 88 164 177 165 179 133 117 16 15 5 15 183 161 5 14 15 16 Colorado 7 8 37 21 40 17 12 12 16 44 43 43 Open Country and Village 26 27 15 X 16 X 39 39 43 X X 31 31 Town 45 19 19 14 28 X Pl 29 31 X X 22 31 27 20 37 37 X Crty (2000-9999 pop) X 26 25 50 32 50 < 39 X 37 50 51 51 49 Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) I 51 X 42 34 47 48 51 PI Crty (50.000 or more)

c District of Columbia 52 37 40 45 27 X X 10 X 6 34 6 47 3 6 Open Country and Village Town > Crty (2000-9999 pop.) c Crty (10,000-49,999 pop) OQ Crty (50,000 or more) c 52 37 40 45 X X 10 X 6 34 6 47 3 6 GO Florida 1,673 1.474 1.499 1,644 1273 1.182 1.243 X9 1,533 1,837 1,628 1.M1 1.519 Ml 1.557 Open Country and Vdage 508 410 442 500 334 332 233 448 4X 4X 490 447 137 471 Town 183 159 165 180 127 140 104 169 177 176 178 163 79 168 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 165 160 157 164 ia IX 103 158 165 162 158 157 92 158 Crty (10.00049.999 pop) CD 348 326 323 343 250 279 231 3X 343 341 333 326 223 326 3 Crty (50.000 or more) 469 419 412 457 343 356 288 428 454 454 442 426 270 434 CD Georgia 2.X7 2,366 2.4X 2.9X 2,350 1.827 2,189 1,752 2,489 2,897 2.853 2.8X 2.6X X5 2.527 Open Country and Village 1,693 1.199 1.256 1.6X 864 1.045 783 1,274 1.619 1,588 1,568 1.507 344 1.355 Town 269 2X 233 266 184 243 194 252 263 260 261 243 1X 248 s Crty (2000-9999 pop.) 291 261 261 288 226 249 218 269 284 ai 279 274 150 259 co Crty (10.000-49.999 pop) 488 4X 451 482 355 421 X7 450 479 474 462 440 259 424 Crty (50,000 or more) 256 231 239 254 IX 231 190 244 252 250 239 232 123 241

Hawaii 49 46 42 48 X 34 41 26 42 49 49 40 47 28 48 Open Country and Village 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Town 4 4 1 3 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 4 Crty (2000-9999 pop) 14 13 13 14 8 13 6 11 14 14 12 14 10 14 Crty (10.000-49.9X pop) 17 17 16 17 13 16 10 15 17 17 14 17 9 16 Crty (50,000 or more) 13 11 12 13 10 9 8 12 13 13 11 13 9 13

Knott 906 667 669 895 612 467 557 X9 7X 868 862 825 802 317 7X Open Country and Village 333 IM 203 329 IX 153 77 218 323 323 318 282 2X Town 145 118 111 144 81 X 65 123 141 1X 138 124 X 137 Crty (2000-99X pop) 150 1X 131 149 97 122 84 IX 146 145 145 IX 75 1M Crty (10.000-49.9X pop) 174 150 148 173 121 IX 101 144 170 170 160 157 100 161 Crty (50.000 or more) 106 84 76 100 59 M 42 82 88 86 64 100 42 67 Indiana 2X 245 243 2X 213 166 210 IX 246 290 289 285 265 187 274 Open Country and Vilage 45 X 29 45 23 X 13 32 41 44 41 40 20 40 Town 53 37 X 53 23 X 23 41 51 48 50 44 31 46 Crty (2000-99X pop) 45 X 40 44 24 28 15 35 45 44 41 33 41 Crty (10.00049.9X pop) 84 74 75 83 50 69 40 77 82 82 79 76 58 M Crty (50,000 or more) 71 62 63 71 46 55 44 61 71 71 71 64 45 67

Kansas-Nebraska 246 207 203 242 171 154 183 123 210 243 238 229 225 118 229 Open Country and Village 26 18 14 X 15 15 9 22 X X 25 25 3 24 Town 66 43 45 54 32 34 16 X 55 51 52 49 22 49 Crty (2000-99X pop) 47 X X 47 23 37 19 40 47 47 45 43 21 45 Crty (10.00049.9X pop) 66 49 49 55 40 46 X 51 55 55 52 54 X 54 Crty (50,000 or more) 61 58 66 60 44 51 44 58 60 59 55 54 34 57

Kentucky 2.168 1.770 1,734 2.131 1.M1 1,049 1.383 910 1.M1 2,090 2.066 2.043 1.934 760 1.904 Open Country and Village 1.424 1.0X 1,062 1.400 561 767 448 1.122 1,371 1,353 1.331 1261 359 1,219 Town 227 209 202 225 IX 1W 131 203 225 223 225 204 103 220 Crty (2000-99X pop) 169 155 153 167 114 145 112 157 163 161 160 148 87 156 Crty (10.00049.9X pop) 204 191 192 204 144 163 132 192 IX IX IX IX 128 185 Crty (50,000 or more) 144 117 IX IX 94 118 87 127 132 IX 129 126 83 124

9 2

5 6


12 12 56 37 81

11 12 42 20 37

11 26 88


10 48 34

14 77 22 17 28 45 51 81 28 90 12 11 48 35 240 182 23 49 23 59 157 56 95 56 135 161 57 178 980 254 61 63 18 12 11 220 42 24 185 157 127 144 112 137 242 306 246 356 350 679 289 144 123 448 171 184 107 577 250 173 188 149 870 167 196 1.216 1,734 267 1,797 234 303 335 541 460 586 972 1.707 1,229 1,355 1,641 1.2S2 1.230 2.320 3,789 I 1 5 6 8 7 7 7 2 4 14 13 4 14 11 11 42 18 22 91 51 9 6

99 86 44 16 73 32 83 81 75 12 55 29 10 24 56 32 19 21 59 24 74 11 14 27 34 13 92 57 60 X 35 71 150 141 X 44 48 50 X 73 10 10 343 490 17 91 32 673 79 134 84 93 107 150 X 189 95 108 134 188 IX 553 202 114 IX 505 354 103 108 555 117 171 732 305 189 169 900 349 286 249 263 389 610 1,185 1.797 9 6

5 8 6 70 53 35 28 11 25 32 11 89 44 11 11 25 64 40 19 34 9 17 18 72 27 83 64 14 77 52 10 47 32 30 218 24 52 52 18 146 148 176 48 52 54 83 57 164 125 927 230 67 60 15 10 211 97 38 25 152 209 110 133 143 238 135 289 362 340 651 241 255 IX IX 444 169 162 178 517 236 174 137 829 151 191 1,627 258 1,728 1,188 340 223 304 500 426 571 984 1,832 3,064 1,172 1.262 1.549 1.409 1.175 2.467 3,656 1 2 9 8 7 4 6 13 58 29 11 37 38 81 33 10 10 12 22 67

63 51 17 31 9 16 19 29 83 48 65 12 75 243 11 18 50 27 48 34 44 29 159 157 176 21 55 56 90 56 60 182 140 63 62 15 231 252 12 99 42 21 195 114 143 153 146 120 234 721 311 257 380 357 278 147 130 462 561 177 174 182 250 188 145 168 928 1,767 1,023 265 1,313 242 205 349 1,917 316 542 466 585 1.961 1283 3266 1,344 1,694 1,440 2,552 1224 1,006 3,823 2 9 5 6 12 12 58 39 82 32 46 22 37 26 94 11 11 12 69 10 50 39 16 19 22 51 82 29 83 13 11 29 83 54 248 50 35 25 50 36 164 186 159 23 57 60 95 56 256 61 66 67 18 183 141 12 11 232 25 43 198 135 159 145 119 143 723 251 322 260 380 149 372 291 136 479 590 175 175 190 109 256 192 151 170 1,035 931 279 1,800 1,924 1,318 251 206 319 357 549 467 604 1289 3,342 2.006 1,386 1.723 1,459 1262 2.592 1,021 3,903 2 9 9 5 6 12 39 82 32 23 60 38 89 43 11 11 12 25 68 50 10 22 40 15 19 29 86 52 83 14 52 251 11 51 30 81 24 51 36 34 185 159 164 23 56 57 61 94 65 66 18 183 141 234 257 68 12 11 25 43 136 121 144 159 201 147 248 323 741 261 384 373 291 150 138 487 176 174 190 109 594 194 257 151 170 1.042 947 1.807 277 251 209 1,937 1.329 324 368 557 475 607 3,376 2,035 1,312 1.391 1.739 1,478 1279 2,630 1.044 3,962 8 2 8 8 8 5 3 3 71 29 10 45 37 79 38 21 31 10 9 25 59 51 15 36 11 13 74 21 57 62 11 18 79 53 213 19 41 33 30 45 32 180 152 161 42 51 86 55 49 59 138 781 51 13 10 11 176 228 249 99 23 42 176 115 140 150 110 560 132 236 316 253 379 370 253 131 123 156 158 413 177 392 224 187 149 162 859 191 1,523 272 1,189 225 304 337 1,782 843 500 422 564 966 1,820 1,092 3,138 1,107 1,629 1,038 2,095 3295 4 8 4 2 2 3 1 7 14 1 2 4 17 19 23 58 6 22 20 4 5 7 31 4 31 44 5 2 13 37 23 25 28 134 26 73 11 51 51 22 23 21 106 24 15 76 74 97 123 25 182 159 117 44 25 23 26 37 74 10 132 121 794 287 91 56 11 654 28 113 143 196 113 302 294 240 227 164 251 139 111 116 600 111 131 139 641 151 132 124 649 244 440 222 224 395 335 332 465 705 1,133 1,079 2.098 1.314 1,142 2.232 2 3 6 4 5 5 6 2 4 4 16 27 7 26 26 33 66 6 24 9 23 51 6 8 43 18 47 8 8 32 178 22 62 45 60 16 75 46 38 26 95 40 24 30 143 145 156 70 32 44 39 46 58 193 581 40 11 155 123 235 13 80 40 835 142 102 119 137 193 110 215 292 235 354 344 121 422 111 190 139 140 148 890 376 184 146 903 286 161 197 803 263 763 167 1260 277 287 606 449 399 1,353 527 857 1,509 2.734 1.557 1,691 2.838 7 7 6 8 7 8 3 4 6 17 72 25 7 32 27 32 9 34 5 7 22 65 52 46 8 7 8 15 15 59 31 188 50 41 13 34 14 24 22 61 83 32 26 31 128 134 132 36 72 96 186 45 40 26 39 76 126 19 32 92 93 150 422 980 212 34 122 129 172 182 180 122 111 862 239 250 207 488 282 147 152 154 946 366 140 122 133 213 197 163 642 237 830 1,002 264 262 507 346 793 362 481 1,514 1.713 1,032 1274 1,716 2.489 46 52 45 206 75 82 129 192 203 364 1,431 1,550 2.963 1,039 1,164 1,495 2,192 3,031 2 9 5 9 32 6 11 38 39 82 12 48 27 60 11 11 12 26 69 51 16 22 89 69 86 14 100 53 20 29 11 251 31 82 53 39 51 36 24 158 166 187 18 23 58 61 95 57 12 11 68 67 68 184 142 257 232 42 25 322 141 145 157 223 147 121 253 151 325 386 379 746 139 192 106 261 294 177 177 493

602 259 194 151 171 941 280 326 1,047 560 250 212 374 1,815 477 609 1,931 1 3.421 2.070 1,316 1,407 1,737 1,548 1.280 1.053 2.710 3,979 7 7 8 9 9 9 3 5 9 75 30 35 33 42 23 47 7 23 82 56 48 33 14 16 75 70 20 55 11 27 10 17 220 28 71 45 82 177 41 32 37 153 157 12 20 46 57 90 54 52 48 12 10 60 168 136 224 97 218 677 41 22 187 137 151 137 115 217 131 119 282 238 344 608 171 173 178 359 267 410 452 233 750 171 145 165 199 271 227 339 1,388 504 438 546 315 944 1,634 1,064 1,553 1.207 2.776 1,148 1.502 1.000 1.185 2.265 3.432 2 7 8 5 9 7 76 5 38 38 29 20 33 7 10 40 25 80 57 48 18 9 9 70 36 12 16 72 22 60 10 14 214 44 18 29 29 69 92 38 23 145 155 171 39 52 55 12 50 87 52 51 58 160 132 228 93 657 40 23 216 182 150 138 108 136 210 135 124 169 167 180 264 218 333 332 262 577 420 458 164 141 154 242 704 193 254 902 513 435 541 223 306 331 1,356 943 1,589 1,033 1,524 2,671 1,109 1,216 1,417 1.195 2248 3,334 2 9 5 6 12 12 39 40 82 33 49 27 63 11 12 13 26 71 51 23 89 15 20 20 29 90 69 11 102 257 31 86 57 25 53 190 52 36 61 159 166 18 23 58 97 59 70 12 11 61 68 68 184 142 258 234 43 26 165 160 228 148 148 121 262 151 142 326 264 391 381 755 182 178 198 110 298 605 194 151 499 260 172 955 281 251 213 328 1,059 564 481 620 376 1,832 1,960 L349 1,332 1.423 3.457 2,095 1.753 1,570 1,319 1,088 2,738 4,072









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New Qty Qty Open City Qty Town New Open Qty Qty Nevada Qty Qty Town Open Town Qty Missouri Qty Qty Qty Town Town Qty Qty Open Open Qty Town Qty Minnesota-Wisconsin Open Qty Qty Town City Open Qty Qty New Marytand-Daiaware City City Open Town North Open Town City Qty Qty City Open Town Qty Northwest Louisiana Open Town City City Qty Qty Ohio Qty Qty Open Town City Penn.-So. Qty Open Qty Qty Oklahoma Open Town Qty Open Town Qty South Town Town Qty Qty Qty Tennessee Town Qty Qty Open Qty Qty Open Qty Qty Texas Qty Qty Qty Open Town Qty Qty

QUARTERLY REVIEW July. August, Septem ber 1989 8”S8kR gSSSSg B8S88’ 32::S" g"'~S“S 8"KSS~ S~“"

Distribution of Baptisms. SBC. by Age Group. 1988 5 £- CO O CT> OS to 2 8 r- —— *— co c*> co 2 12 12 39 15 10

14 15 fe***Rj« 9 *22® 56 2 H cs 9 91 Cl

9 91 0? 91 91 9Z 8 2 7

8 6 10 12

39 10 13 11 13 13 17

SR3R1K* 11 54 53 6S L SI 9 >1 l Z ■CCMM r- v r- 6 9 9 3 6 3 8 17 19 11 17 63 22 gasasg 56 27 21 21 27 18 15 99 20 60 21 8 !

I 9 8 2 3 7 6 9 5 10 12 19 18 10 12 16 17 18 13 41

8RRXR* 12 14 14 13 15 69 23 60 •? S^SRRR 62

6 NCMCDCl •- O 7 6 3 7 9 6 18 10 12 18 19 12 12 13 15 16 17 23

SRRIXR'’’ 14 14 59 69 61 62 19 22 20 63 91 24 147 191 774 288 1,463

3 7 CO CM —- CO CD CD 9 5 8 4

8 CM CO CM r— 6 10 13 16 19

cm 12 12 10 o R R * 14 40 55 55 19 19 12 19 75 Number of Baptisms by Age Divisions—1986 I

1 cm cm JCCM^WCM j^cucv w r- co j--cnr-a>- 2 4 je r- co cn co m m ■- in 10 13 30 43 73 88Cmd State Total Children Children 130 192 291 729 2 Young Senior Convwitiona Baptteme M M1 Youth Adult Adult Adult

SBC ...... 346,320 2,738 40,591

66,936 80,391 75,459 69,641 10,564

2 7 gjCMDCh- 3 3 3 6 12 16 11 16 10 10 10 11 13 42

CO R R CM X 04 40 51 AL ...... 21,931 124 2.675 4,543 5,628 4,512 3,865 584 AK ...... 886 12 115 165 152 253 183 6 AZ ...... 5,213 37 588 690 894 1,423 1,327 254 AR ...... 11.676 97 1,580 2,417 2,819 2,395 2,018


2 cm cm 4 in •— w co

1 m CT> -- -- CM 9 CM CO CD r- CM 05 4

10 CA ...... 12 14 42

18 19 13.021

16 209

17 16 1.426 13 17 63 1,936 2,294 3,331 67 3,302 523 CO ...... 2,195 24 265 339 375 578 536 78 DC’ ...... 620 5 87 97 118 142 131 60 FL ...... 28,084 245 2,845 4.139 5.777 7,026 6,783 1,269 5 GA ...... 8 a 9 5 - 27.049 195 3,060 5,245 6,855 5,889 5,207 596 5 HI ...... 738 1 48 79 115 227 229 37 IL ...... 5.579 86 719 1,092 1,194 1,179 1,095 214 IN ...... 2.687 24 272 440 536 630 655 130

6 CM CD CT! CM CT> 7 6 6

12 KS-NE ...... 16 13 18 10 15 17 20 23

E=’S”“ 59 15 69 2.144 8RR1XR* • 1 25 330 356 372 520 467 74 KY ...... 15,412 68 1,458 3,372 4,073 2,962 2,923 556 LA ...... 13,953 78 1,750 2,966 3,457 2,900 2,484 318 MD-DE ...... 2,396 13 226 416 415 560 669 97

Ml ...... 1,788 25 174 282 3 o> cm cn w co in 314 481 448 64 9 8 r-~- cm o> ’-r co co WCMCO-mCM 18 15 10 12 58 13 13

SRRSR* 10 53 MN-WI ...... r^srirr 698 9 64 116 110 198 176 25 MS ...... 14,945 77 1,671 3,559 4,065 2,968 2,290 315 MO ...... 12,321 105 1,776 2,696 2,526 2.247 2.447 524 NV ...... 1,002 4 98 142 207 232

274 45 5

2 6 jij •— c*> co m r-~ 7 9 gco-wwcn 2 15 10 12 18 16 15 12 60 12 51

8RRRS* 12 13 N-ENG ...... 53 19 54 18 20 996 79 20 6 94 119 170 294 279 34 176 118 258 537 NM ...... 2,722 19 1.143 331 537 629 540 574 92 NY ...... 817 6 59 97 124 273 233 25 1 NC 21,219 159 2,328 4,365 5,092

4,729 4,053 493

6 •- CM CD O CM O> 3 7 J* w wcno. 6

6 H

19 11 12 NW ...... 18 14 20 24 15 16 17 72 SRRjRR* 62 2,614 16 •; 265 365 19 420 23 20 698 684

92 24 166 OH ...... 5,315 56 552 830 1,009 1,215 1,374 279 OK ...... 18,434 181 2,371 3,659 4,824 3,620 3,233 546 PA-SJ 970 8 95 165 142 237 280 43 SC ...... 13,029 72 1.576 2,901 2,969 2,744 2.417 350

TN 23,268 144 2,756 4,813 5,947 4.799 4,260 549 S' TX...... 58,875 520 7,664 11,453 13,754 12,534 11,567 1,383 UT-ID 791 13 87 142 144 200 171 34 VA 9,854 42 879 1,933 2,292 2,181 2,222 305 J rfl { jh { jli 5 jib I jlij fllj f|I } fli WV ...... 864 10 79 151 180 188 221 55 WY...... 431 5 62 78 71 91 112 12

DK FLSHP** 378 10 70 56 61 79 91 11 IA FLSHP* 416 3 49 51 87 111 98 17 MT FLSHP’’ 597 5 56 102 99 148 152 35 PR*...... 374 11 32 81 125 111 14

'Estimated by age drvis»on *Not a state convention but to be shown as part of SBC statistics ’Churches of the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Fellowship previously reported through the Northern Plains Baptist Convention See note on page 6

QUARTERLY REVIEW 20 July, August, September 1989 21 Distribution of Members and Churches by Size. 1988

sseesss 888888 8X8888 S3 882S88£8®££S8883SE Church Size Percent Percent Churches p (Total Members) of Members of Churches •OtWAV co CM

7 1988-1987

6 50-99 2.4 12.8 75 3.0 30 46 76 2.5 5.8 8.0 2 5 9.3 0 9 61 2.5 1 4 8 •21 •2.9 •1.7 -49 ■2.3 ■49 17.5 •2.7 •1.3 196 •04 101 24 ■80 -49 148 400 204 -285 ■118 ■130 •147 — t’ ns 100-149 3.9 12.8 oi tri -r cn Q cm' -r

1.100 CO O ® CO co r- cn - 5.701 3.510

16.495 CM CM —

546 880 866 938 1,100 1266 1263 1,097 3.307 5225 cm 4280 3.680 -- cn ® cn ® ® c-> — 5.421

15268 200-299 19,653 10.2 16.511 32.362 99.117

29.596 20,942 16.7 20,987 15.992 19M 15,718 31.128 483.471 State


300-399 9.3 10.7 — ® ” 8 8 88

76 91 88 81 80 £SS88® SSJBfcSS SS8X 80 of masses S3833S? Percent Churches Reporting 400-499 8.1 ’ 7.3 cn ® oj — m «r r-cn-®® - ocncn-oo cn cn m cm cn cn aa o co in o cn ooooaioco co® 12 Additions

h Church 500-749 14.2 9.4


m m 47 S ® r- un 5> 3838 Other R8S8P13 S2S33? 324 428 4 829 312 612 604

325 587 615 495 652 <£> tO ®

Rats v ci r-- -r un t Sunday •T 'r r- 438 <-> cn ' -v ® ®

School Per Enrolled In 750-999 10.1 4.7 and

7 1


1 56 1.6 78 28 7 87 83 5.2 -63 45 88 84 4 6 •28 •5.8 190 138 153 531 -80 ■06 180

■61 --<=>«?-£ •2 111 220 310 31 r •12.2 •11 1,000-1,499 12.5 4.2

2’S22S 3§.§a§s 8 cm g eg cn S coS co o SES.BSE 8383 cn ui co cm cm' w co — — ai cm’ to cm' Baptisms 8 1,500-1,999 7.2 1.7 ? g 1 by

416 597 374 791 884 431 378 970 736 696

620 SgS.ISz 886 9,854 1,788 2.614 5.315 2.144 2,396

5.579 2,687 2,000-2,999 7.4 5.213 2.195 1.2 13,029 18,434 23.268 58,875 15.412 13,953 21.219 11.676 13.021 28,084 27.049 5 I 21.931 3,000 or more 9.4 0.8 Additions


Stats Total 100.0 SBC 100.0


22 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 23 24 Number of Churches,1 Total Membership, and Sunday School Enrollment by Size of Church Membership and Location—1988______1 1 su 1 h h S ec and Total MambaraNp, and jl 1 i 1 • 4 s * 1 5

Location Sunday School Enrolment 3! § " § s ' ’

284 458 2.682 1,735 O u c h e s 36,874 2370 4.732 4.145 6,164 B g § s B E E S'

1,495,045 1.100314 1379311 1.196,117 719312 1315,177 77313 M em bers!^ 14,818,496 353.942 1 5 8 8 $ 5 g B

Sunday School Enrolment 7,911,373 68,516 227.183 354,774 Z15.611 581,976 778,487 654383 848,897 mi L ~ Ml 5 - 12 ’ 3,654 1,761 566 17,501 3,047 3333 2,796 Churches

g 92**91 8 s g


606,339 333321 228357 400.010 484.128 892.347 Open Country Membership 3,543,933 § fe

« § 167.486 10,546 *99*01

and \Mage Sunday School Enrolment 1,696,174 125,065 190,010 218.296 397,380 280,780

961 ’ 515 S 3 ? Ml ns g 1 7

247 O u c h e s

£ § g

922*981 ll *91*622 8 $ s g 2 pf 5 h 8


8,020 Membersivp

§ 5 ? 506'59

fc $ i i t i o e s g si

i? s 5.774 Sunday School Enrolment 7.651

L « $2 s § 8 R Mi SSI -!-!

316 87

Small Qty O u c h e s 3,713


s *♦€*99 B £ S I « S g s s



(2.500 Membershp 1.871309

§ 295*91 S S lE lC L ! | 8 « 3 R 8 70.855 84,680 9,999 pop ) Sunday School Enrolment 1,037.457 •is CM 5 *}| § BBS Ml 5 Hi H

72 526

M edun Q ty 1 O u c h e s 5,687 684 5 tb 3 § 6 2 R S s < d




3.543352 QUARTERLY (10,000- Membersh

497 559 229 624 540

Large Qty Churches

g § 5 a § ll § » 8 s fi S §



188356 222 577 155,619

(50,000 or Membersh© 5 £ 8 S 5 § a I R S B ? 314,187 83,044 93,961 105,181 336,189

more pop) Sunday School Enrolment

REVIEW July. In Percent 10. 40 75-99 50-74 30-39 20-29 Average 100 Churches Average Total 10-19 Under By 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


— Wayne. New Osage Reynolds, Benton, Butler. Barton, Muskogee-Seminole-Wichita, Dallas, Harrison,

Number 49 August, or

Number of Madrid, more 10



MO Undesignated MO MO MO

Number Number


September MO


DeTerre, Southern of Percent

100% 24.4 24.3 Associations 10.6 16.8 11.5

2.5 of of 8.5% 1.4


as MO Churches Members


Top OK Distribution 25,000 5,000-7,499 7,500-9,999 3,500 2,000-3,499 10,000-24,999 Enrollment School 1,000-1,999 Under By

In 10.

In Baptist Sunday 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


Sunday — Per Harmony, Lake Windward Middle Douglas. Maui Oahe, Western, Ten Big Per Buckville,

4,999 1,000



Region, County, more Association Association

DK Cherokee,

of School, Associations


FL AR Churches

Oahu. of HI Associations.

OK HI Associations

1983-1988 Percent HI

GA 100% 20.0 13.9 15.6 14.2 15.6 10.3%

3.0 7.4 Gaining

9.0%-9.9% 8.0% as 15% 12.0%-14.9% 11 10.0%-10.9% 7.0%-7.9% Under Undesignated By .0%-1



— or 12,272 In 10. 8.9% 1,207 7.0% 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4, 3. 2. 1.

more 30.9 Baptism

1.9% 1988 Stewart. Crescent Bay Color Southwest Montana Mt. Lahontan. Massachusetts, Bethel. In



Area. Sunday


CA Gifts Per TN

Hi-Une, Bay-West


Ml NV Washington.NW


AZ School


N-ENG Percent Enrolled 17.5 14.1 15.6 14.8 12.8% 11.7

MT 100% 4.0 9.5


25 [ SBC Church Statistical Profile by Size of Church Membership, 1988

Size of Membership

2000- 3,000 Under 100- ISO- 200- SOO- 400- SOO- 750- 1,000- 1,500- 749 999 1,499 1,999 2,999 or More Profile Item* Total 50 50-99 149 199 299 399 499

Nonresident Membership as a Percentage 276 27.1 27.0 27.4 28.6 30.5 32.2 32.2 32.8 33.4 of Total Membership 296 18.4 24.7 26.5 Average Sunday School Attendance 53.2 50 7 47.9 46.1 43.6 42.2 42.2 42.1 as a Percentage of Enrollment 483 62.3 60.0 58.8 57 4 55.8 Baptisms Per 100 4.7 4.4 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.6 4.3 Enrolled in Sunday School 4 4 5.7 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.2 49 Per Member 211.60 213.75 224.31 232.28 250.74 273.55 297.44 335.28 351.90 418.97 Total Gifts ...... $278.66 358.33 267 60 229.58 33.03 37.00 39.40 42.71 48 43 52.88 58.84 61.65 68.71 Missions Expenditures $ 46.54 44 00 33.82 31.77 30.60 16.75 19.33 21.88 25.11 28.07 31.88 31.53 31.64 Cooperative Program $ 23.25 15.55 12.78 12.52 12.33 14 42 4.97 5.21 5 30 5.26 5.13 5.20 5.23 4 53 3.60 Associational Missions $ 5.01 7 47 582 5.20 5.00 Mission Expenditures as a 17.0 17.0 17.7 17.8 17.5 17.5 16.4 Percentage of Total Gifts 16.7 12.3 12.6 13.8 14.5 15.5 16.5 Cooperative Program as a Percentage 8.9 10.0 10.6 11.3 11.7 12.1 11.5 10.0 of Undesignated Gifts 10.32 5.3 5.7 6.4 6.8 8.0 Sunday School Enrollment Percentage 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Distribution 100.0 100.0 1000 100.0 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 Cradle Roll 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 10.5 9.9 10.2 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.3 10.0 9.9 102 Preschool 10.2 8.8 9.4 9.6 15.7 15.5 15.5 15.4 15.1 14.4 13.7 13.3 13.0 12.6 Children ...... 14.5 15.1 15.6 15.6 12.2 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.7 13.6 13.8 13.6 13.3 13.3 12.9 Youth 13.3 12.3 13.2 5.6 5.7 6.1 6.7 8.0 9.3 9.9 12.2 Young Adult Single 7.4 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.4 8.0 9.3 10.0 9.8 9.6 9.2 8.7 8.1 7.7 7.6 Young Adult Mamed 8.7 6.0 7.3 8.8 26.5 27.4 27.6 28.5 28 4 26.4 24 6 23 5 23.3 23.6 23.9 24.6 25.0 QUARTERLY 25 5 12.6 16.4 16.7 16.4 16.5 16.2 16.9 16.2 15.2 14.7 Senior Adult 15.7 15.3 15.2 15.8 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 Adults Away 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.4 Homebound Unit 1.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 3.7 2.9 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 General Officers 1.9 6.1 5.2 4 4



July. SBC Average1 for Selected Items by Size of Church Membership—1988

August, Size of Membership Percent of 1000- 1,500- 2,009- Churchee Item Total 1-49 50-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-749 75&9M 1,499 1,999 23T or More Reporting3

September Baptisms 12 4 5 5 6 7 9 11 14 17 24 34 52 130 80 Other Addrtxms 16 5 6 7 7 8 10 13 19 26 38 60 88 202 82 Total Membership 402 32 74 124 173 246 346 446 607 862 1204 1.716 2404 4,858 100 Resident Membership 284 26 56 91 125 179 253 324 434 599 817 1.165 1,615 3240 99 1983 Sunday School Enrollment 218 31 49 68 87 117 167 218 306 450 662 1,027 1,435 2992 96 Church Training Enrollment 86 22 29 37 44 54 69 84 102 130 172 224 300 609 63 Muse Ministry Enrollment 58 9 15 21 26 33 44 53 72 103 148 218 307 550 84 WMU Enrollment 47 11 15 19 23 29 38 47 58 77 99 125 162 271 70 Brotherhood Enrollment 28 9 12 14 16 20 24 27 32 38 46 55 62 87 51 Total Gifts $115,282 12.727 21,029 29,351 37,773 53,817 78,676 104.881 154.049 237.914 361.577 581,016 853252 2,049,966 97 Total Receipts $122,639 13.351 21,978 30,284 39,132 55,710 81.162 109.121 161.642 252,539 384,103 623200 936,966 2294,534 97 Local Expenditures $101,231 11.110 18,382 25246 32.706 45,414 67.489 80.254 134.327 204,854 305.296 505.206 791.346 1,996,449 96 Cooperative Program $ 10.222 707 1,182 1.799 2,407 3,886 6,152 9,065 13,700 22,069 34,530 55.705 77,642 156,496 90 Mission Expenditures $ 19.451 1.676 2,743 4.117 5,496 8,354 13,015 17.799 26.20C 42,001 84.157 101,627 149,813 337,394 96 Church Debt $131,204 25.599 35.425 38.736 43.129 51283 65.435 78.192 107.771 151,167 232.423 421.774 602,962 1,632763 39 New Construction $ 68,433 8,567 13,089 15,275 17.786 28.051 46,952 53,941 102273 156,557 184,619 294,200 460.736 1,043,862 19

'For churches reporting each item ’As a percent ol reporting churches | mm £8.8.8(55 mys § esEssai styssse sbsssr ssss'ss &ssisf5fg Church Debt as a Percent of Total Gifts. 1967-1980 B Blf-IBB jmssss mm ss§=§§ ms 11 5 83Stf8g sgjgssf &32?8Sf 8rS5E3 gg'S’SSd SU'SlS

!■ »li BBOI-I! ws §.smE mm ms 2 ®&R®*® £5;®®®®

§ ggmg liStsSB mm 8=§~§§ m= o w^j-ocoso coaf^^*"® or-m>»a»r> cd

— § Igs.asg gm.p. SEESSE g£§m 8.5.§g§E 3S§8SS ggge

E 8Je£8Sf8 ASSESS 33889^ 8883?®^ 883888 8&88Z9 39^3 M *“ *“ — — — —

I !■!!■§!■!■ !s-B2-§-§- £-£-5B^s-mm

g 88So38 ?§S83R 383383 SSgfcgS SSRgtS 2gS’g3'3 SS'S's Convention

1 W.BB p.p-ss ^§§es asms ms IS 2 sassss g^RSER S8R8S9 ss£e§is gsiSgss sgssga BsiS State

by ® ®®82®R< ®5R

Yaw Items


K mn’SRR RRRRRt *3fi«®’ 8R’®Rs: 8^8«®S £8C=«i2® ZZ®R Selecte

Average' Amount Paid for New Construction sssssa asassg assess sbssss asssssa sssasa rsrr for

and Church Property by Size of Church. 1988 1

3 83SRS9 ££3533 SS3SR8 SSSR38 3S888S 8t83B~ RUSS

8 SS2558 SBSiCas 838833 8BCS8S £33838 8898S3 3398 Average

k sskk’B 8g§=§8 mm §m?R §s®£«£ 88§a Church

8 mm SgggE? §S“~gS mm £§=§§" sSa§

9 mm mm mm mm ggg§?§ mm m~

S' S s 8 a o ^SS!538 Su?5z-s ii-iisi 385^15 218SS8 gessSS SSSE

July. August, September 1989 29 28 QUARTERLY REVIEW 82-323 S8

^8 5 S9833’ ? =

3 83-5» sgssss 2S—«“’ S88iTs SJTg-»

ifa g5 »s.m.E? CT-iCT- 3=S§gg[ “?S- msES = --5§£SS§8 CT jSjCTVV-O§§6555 Eg»®~£g Jf S?8

S EEgm §3588? 5MSS55 SS£i??3 SSSSSS SS8 fc £ oicom — ■« r- cn cJ — — co oi — oi oi o ol — — — — _ _ _ cn - h O 3£33«£ 3885583 £JS3SR 333333 38RS88 ^38822 832 tih 3 -vwcnwcnoi m cn w cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn ■» cn cn w cn cn cn w oi cn cn cn w w cn cn w •* cn w oi oi s sS.SS.g’ SSsSSS gi^BSS ss§g3§ 3e8§s? §5§=E§ gg

1988 § 8~“’3R“’ Sg-R" SSE’’"- ES” S^SS^S °S £«<■'> -

Number of Missions Started and Currently Operated — 1 ______by Southern Baptist Churches, 1988 ____

SBC and State Conventions Started In 1988 Currently Operated

SBC 1,085 4,650 Report AL 31 199 AK 5 28 AZ 28 94 AR 27 68 CA 100 306

CO 15 41 School

DC ? §583.8.5 S3SS§3 3§3§?s ggsgjg ggssge sss FL 56 272 ct —— ”-rj ctct ct' CT no ' GA 50 275 24 HI 4 Bible

IL 21 96 g 82S8£S g^~S8 Sg»833 g«8S£S RZS IN 22 76 KS-NE 10 53 KY 45 141 LA 33 162 S gssssss ”8§SSS RS9SE” arR-3” gssssx gigsg MD-DE 7 42 Ml 21 55 MN-WI 4 34 Vacation MS 31 149 sssSss qisEsss ssssss seejes assess eksses esss MO 24 109 NV 12 54 N-ENG 25 62 NM 5 61 § R53SS£ E8§»«« i?SR 8§SrSS S5S = NY 18 49 04 ” ” ------~ - - oi cn - NC 67 349 NW 9 64 b OH 20 85 2 S SSSS §§«ag? Sgs^s s^’§§ S8 OK 34 140 g g^sssn "sg~ss rss'sIs* ss“”,E’~ g’sss'”’s PA-SJ 13 48 SC 22 117 TN 41 131 a s;s£- jq csf — oi oi- —’ cn - - oi V —■ TX 231 1.028 UT-ID 10 38 VA 19 89 WV 4 29 WY 4 14 DK FLSHP” 5 22 IA FLSHP1 1 11 MT FLSHP1 • 3 1 4 PR’ 8 21 M i s t?

July, August, September 1989 30 QUARTERLY REVIEW 31 Sunday School Ongoing Enrollment Vacation Bible School Enrollment. 1978-1988 by Department—1988-1987

1IM 1N7 19M-1N7

Percent Percent Numerical Departments enrolment of Total of Total Change Change Cradle Roll (home ministry, birth—two years) 57,558 0.7 62.872 0.8 Preschool (5 years and under) •5,314 •8.5 809,351 102 828,067 10.4 Children (6-11) ...... -18.736 -2.3 1.142,747 14.5 1.156,011 14.5 Youth (12-17)...... •13264 •1.1 1,055,999 13.3 1,092,606 13.7 Young Adult Single (18-29) •36,607 •34 581,866 74 585237 7.4 Yotmg Adult Married (18 29) -3,371 •0.6 688,680 8.7 703.839 8.9 Adult (30-59) ...... -15,159 •2.2 2,020,807 25.5 1.992274 Senior Adult (60 and over) 25.1 28,533 1.4 1242,477 15.7 1205,592 152 Adults Away ...... 36,885 3.1 46.429 0.6 55.343 0.7 Homebound Units -8,914 -161 115,856 1.5 118,724 1.5 General Officers •2,868 •2.4 149,803 1.9 141.521 1.8 8,062 5.7

Total Sunday School Ongoing Enrollment 7.911.373 100 7.942.106 100 •30,733 -04

Enrollment and Avtr>y Attendance for Sunday School, Church Training, and Music Ministry—1988 Sunday School Ongoing Enrollment ______by State Convention and by Department—1988 Sunday School Church Training Mueic Ministry Average Average Average Home­ Attendance SBC and State Oracle Pre- Attendance Attendance Y. Adult Y. Adult Senior Adults bound General aaa Conventions Total Rot Children ae a as c Youth Single Married Adult Adult Away Unit Officers Percentage Average Percentage Average S8C and Average SBC ...... 7,911,373 57,558 Weekly Weekly of Ongoing Ongoing Weekly of Ongoing 809,351 1.142.747 1,055,999 581,866 688.680 2.020.807 1242.477 State Ongoing of Ongoing Ongoing 46.429 115,856 143,603 Enrollment Enrollment Attendance Enrolment Enrolment Attendance Enrollment AL 577.421 3,819 Conventions Enrollment Attendance 54,716 74.834 74.588 44.415 53.198 152,369 94233 3.152 AK ...... 10,306 11 791 8,904 141 1,381 1,882 1244 505 956 2,068 1,774,018 1,094,382 61.7 467 33 21 188 7.911.373 3,822,326 48.3 1.993,738 897.458 45.0 AZ 72237 434 9,063 12297 9,354 6,969 6247 17,054 8,600 179 804 1,016 100,869 47.4 141247 89,709 63.5 AR 256,090 2,154 24,399 37204 34,991 17.285 AL 577.421 279.135 48.3 212,943 22,582 65,568 42.252 1,605 3,337 4 713 40.4 1,890 1205 63.8 CA 203,732 1,885 22.622 38294 30,287 17,374 4^14 AK 8,904 4,273 48.0 2,155 871 16,555 46,001 23,390 981 2,129 41.6 11,059 7,039 63.6 CO 33,515 354 4.146 5,919 4.541 AZ 72,237 31,040 43.0 19.756 8219 2,502 3,058 8,989 3,155 47 266 538 51,815 32.156 62.3 256,090 123,524 48.2 75,581 37.050 49.0 DC 9,867 23 AR 907 1.482 1,369 675 853 2,555 1,661 70 90,137 442 52,062 18,368 35.3 39,985 23,280 582 FL 272 CA 203.732 521,313 2,835 54.330 75,509 70230 43,126 43,601 131,165 3,820 43.2 6,854 4,170 60.8 81.568 3.672 7 449 7 828 CO 33,515 16,640 49.6 8.836 GA ...... 641.724 4,806 64,806 85.028 82,675 48,809 56.427 170,706 103.427 3,589 9 598 11 853 2,015 1,016 50.4 2,404 1,447 602 HI .... 10,525 146 1,142 2,113 DC 9,867 5,097 51.7 1,728 875 999 2,317 877 48 123 157 52,606 41.4 115,732 75,311 65.1 IL ...... 129,247 848 14,184 22.570 FL 521,313 230.751 443 126,984 18,801 8,880 10,646 29,296 18,550 755 1 610 3 105 75,990 486 168,158 108.074 64.3 IN...... 54,001 355 5,574 9,099 GA 641.724 317.463 49 5 156,492 7.737 4,038 5,887 13,970 5,820 116 395 LOW 2,564 856 334 1,710 943 55.1 HI 10,525 5,054 48.0 KS-NE 48,058 432 6237 24.112 12,471 51.7 8,054 6,594 3,441 4355 11,718 5,614 349 421 843 IL 129.247 63,284 490 28,848 10,299 357 KY ... 368,966 2,990 35,135 54,897 50,149 24,934 31,067 41.4 92W 3,868 42.0 9.289 4,576 49.3 94.132 60,036 1,937 5.497 8 192 IN 54,001 22,354 LA 311,354 2,456 32,554 47279 42,807 23.775 29,191 75,837 45,464 1.973 4 816 5 202 409 8,787 4,997 56.9 MD-DE KS-NE 48,058 22.029 45.8 12,319 5,041 53,366 443 6,507 9.295 7,389 3,918 4,401 57.6 13,428 6,178 230 559 1 018 194.113 52.6 78,687 34,320 43.6 86,022 49,557 Ml...... 26,979 321 3,162 KY 368,966 5,182 4.033 1,781 2.023 6,822 2,645 123 210 677 46.3 70,171 43.157 61.5 MN-WI LA 311.354 141.959 456 94,713 43,828 9,373 128 1,324 1,762 1,364 651 717 2,421 60.6 641 69 34 262 25,197 472 13,814 4,172 30.2 11,303 6,848 MD-DE 53,366 MS 353,078 2,837 2253 37.3 5.143 2,543 49.4 36,393 49,474 45,338 24.719 33,036 88,468 57.152 1,952 6,205 Ml 26,979 12.131 45.0 6,035 MO...... 7 504 787 44,9 317,869 2.057 34.446 51,485 43,663 21296 25,035 9,373 4.831 51.5 3,149 1,129 35.9 1,752 74.417 52,824 1,346 4,708 6590 MN-WI NV ...... 13,438 74 1.770 2,831 2,230 854 949 3,444 890 57 118 221 51.6 130,712 68,546 52.4 102,634 67,020 65.3 N-ENG MS 353,078 182^97 12,916 229 1,769 2,561 1.710 882 1,183 3,510 446 66,116 36,098 54.6 643 62 20 347 MO 317,869 153,596 483 70,657 31.545 NM...... 59,557 479 6,573 9,366 8,359 3,801 5,909 14,717 8,447 161 660 1 085 39.9 3.730 1,224 32.8 1,838 954 51.9 NY . NV 13,438 5,364 13,822 225 1,540 2,693 1,859 1,317 935 3.940 398 2,302 1,173 51.0 725 152 78 358 NE 12,916 5,723 44 3 2,320 924 42.9 10,293 5,863 57.0 NC 653,443 5,322 59,370 77.708 77,295 44,518 59.373 NM 59,557 25,507 42.8 16,560 7.107 180,448 118.457 3,817 11,855 15,280 1,779 51.8 NW 44.549 355 6,158 6,928 501 3254 1,672 51 4 3,434 9,010 6,258 2,754 3,870 9,731 4,853 363 357 840 NY 13,822 OH 86.423 707 10,394 16,302 13,270 5,630 7,582 21,870 536 133,603 55.964 41 9 171,023 105,189 61.5 7,987 346 579 1 756 NC 653,443 350,381 OK 372,622 2,315 38,596 58,387 30.5 8,727 3,432 51.0 55,121 28.420 32,117 87,878 57,023 1,854 5,109 5 802 NW 44,549 18,845 42.3 13.254 4,036 PA-SJ 49.2 14,880 135 1,954 2,680 2,126 1223 1245 3,987 1,027 35 38,520 44 6 18,184 6,978 384 16,215 7,977 118 350 OH 86,423 SC ...... 401,586 3,311 37,673 50,324 49.064 27,579 493 66,181 40,416 61.1 34,814 107,602 73,599 2,340 7,709 7,551 OK 372,622 166,148 446 89,257 44,043 347 2,953 1,572 532 TN 543252 3,341 52,432 PA-SJ 14.880 6.770 455 4,429 1,538 71.111 68,637 41,096 51,058 144.744 89,506 2,349 7,355 11.623 47 4 100,129 63,812 63.7 IA 1.316207 8,587 SC 401,586 203.978 508 106,382 51,350 139,070 93,862 184,216 99,364 108,821 331,596 202.718 10,715 17,506 19 750 UT-ID 9.542 194 1202 2,018 1,444 53.3 147,713 74.959 507 131,185 79,764 60.8 552 726 2201 824 37 108 236 TN 543.252 289.382 VA 315,611 434 253,497 159.470 629 2290 31,650 41.403 39,092 21277 25,345 84,428 56,801 1.710 5,436 TX 1,316.207 597.059 45 4 268,577 116.589 6 179 44.9 WV 14,438 148 1,518 2284 1,982 775 4.579 480 2,882 1,092 37 9 1,791 805 1,348 3,833 1,920 45 202 383 UT-ID 9,542 WY 7.131 53 1,123 20,939 333 72217 46.747 64.7 1,592 1,096 238 527 1,737 540 2 70 153 VA 315,6’1 154.454 48.9 62,903 52.2 2,826 1,062 383 3,529 1,903 53.9 DK FLSHP’’ 5,909 59 1,068 WV 14,438 7.538 1.456 728 290 510 1,339 350 3 2 104 2,236 810 362 1,178 441 37 4 IA FLSHP' 6,302 85 WY 7.131 3.141 44.0 864 1,199 892 497 514 1,560 495 7 40 149 314 835 447 53.5 MT FLSHP’’ 7,004 97 1212 1,676 932 320 DK FLSHP 5,909 2.871 486 1.253 394 557 1,585 451 11 21 142 40.0 1.383 662 47.9 PR' 5,122 88 387 625 786 489 IA FLSHP 6,302 3.223 51 1 2,029 812 463 1,332 467 137 25 323 392 1,031 393 38.1 MT FLSHP 7,004 3,302 17.1 1,884 738 195 66.3 'Not a state convention but to be shown as pari of SBC statistics 5,122 3.708 724 930 539 580 294 PR . Dak°ta9 Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Fellowship previously reported through the Northern Plains baptist convention See note on page 6 •ChLrchOToMhe Dakota^'&xittVn baptist Felk^shi'pand the Montana Southern Baptist Fellowship previously reported through the Northern

Plains Baptist Convention See note on page 6

QUARTERLY REVIEW 32 July. August. September 1989 33 Sunday School Enrollment. 1972-1988










79 '80 REVIEW 74


July, Summary of Sunday School Enrollment by State Convention__1988

Tow Ongoing Sunday Softool Enraknont

August, Ongoing Sunday Church Location School Enrotaent

HedtamOty S0C and State Country Town Smei City etmber Septem 19U-1M7 (10^00- 1988-1983 1988-1971 and (500-2,499 Conventions 1987 1.^) 49.988 ar more Pop.) Pop-) Poo.) Number Percent1 SBC 7.911.373 7,942.106 ■0.4 1.2 78 1,696,174 736,587 1.037.457 2.047.007 2.394,148 36261 577.421 579278 •0.3 96 162,525 45.442 AK 8.904 8,627 87.358 141271 140,825 2.986 32 250 829 99 72.237 1.014 1,075 2,424 3,562 69.872 3.4 401 54 100 AR 256,090 2.340 4,156 8,488 13,180 1989 256,155 ■0 0 44,073 263 99 52,333 31.965 47.010 203.732 207.739 73.543 51,239 1266 100 CO 24 1 3,585 7250 33.515 33.802 14.628 67,485 110,784 995 -0.8 162 962 3,307 95 DC 3.987 8.300 16,959 9,867 10,574 179 96 FL •21 4 521,313 515.872 9,867 45 87 GA 188 58.799 28.992 55,996 641,724 641,076 0 1 151,505 226,019 1.644 96 HI 169,513 51,933 93,594 10,525 9,317 13.0 199,912 126.772 2925 96 39- 83 328 2.161 129247 131.549 5225 2.718 48 96 IN 21,871 17.325 30,726 54,001 53,689 42299 17,026 895 99 3278 4,366 4,890 KS-NE 25,005 16.462 296 99 48,058 49,044 •20 3.5 KY 174 1,510 4.733 6,858 372,053 -0.8 12.651 22,306 242 98 31 <354 134.439 43.118 315,304 -1.3 49.438 83,585 58,386 2.131 96 MO-DE 9.6 77.959 31.025 37,169 53,366 55,657 61.533 103,668 1,316 99 -12.5 -9.2 7.456 6,000 Ml 26,979 26,674 6,022 22,136 11,752 253 -32 1,047 97 MN-WI 9.373 1.384 2,828 10,828 10,892 9,396 -03 1223 69S3 223 96 350 426 398 1,757 MS 353,078 6.442 86 97 354.466 0.8 63 MO 127,846 36,120 49.365 103,977 317.869 320,097 -0.7 -2.6 35,770 1,931 99 NV •2.1 69.436 47.187 53,650 13,438 12.975 3.6 77.871 69.725 1.815 99 N-ENG 60.3» 895 681 12,916 12.336 1,394 1,781 8,687 69 97 42.71 166 9> 1,470 NM 59.557 60.963 961 7,147 3282 100 -2.3 7.6 23.9 3.848 98 NY 13.822 4,551 8270 27,846 15.042 14.109 -2.0 6.6 251 96 1.072 806 1,937 5,641 NC 653.443 4.366 141 85 657,910 •2.4 NW 262,373 50,901 73.536 115,615 44,549 45,389 ■5.0 142.018 3.421 99 OH 151 1,850 5,454 7.027 86,423 85,374 1.2 20,038 10,180 294 99 OK -0.7 7269 7236 10,815 372.622 380,578 32,853 28.250 493 99 PA-SJ -2.0 9.3 54.480 53,189 14,880 16,063 66266 96,718 101,969 1,407 99 SC 19.3 1,456 1,338 1,129 401,586 403,755 ■0.5 6,830 4.127 106 98 -0 1 125,387 39238 51.142 TN 113,457 72,362 1.737 99 543.252 540,296 05 -0.8 3.0 142.843 41.578 64,161 1.316.207 1.321.760 -04 131,014 163,656 2.710 99 5.8 17.7 108,067 119,642 UT-ID 9.542 9,544 165,311 301.686 621,501 3,979 ■00 0.9 292 284 96 VA 315.611 316.585 999 2,060 3.047 3,132 91 -0.3 -5.0 86,439 99 WV 28.366 16,631 64.386 119,789 14.438 14.250 36.5 1,469 99 WY 2.368 2,162 3,656 4.775 7.131 6.566 86 66» 1,477 106 96 8.5* 459 851 1.512 2.074 DK FLSHP’’ 5,909 2,235 61 95 6,062 •2.5» 13.6* 32 ER IA FLSHP’ 303 755 1,766 2.385 6.302 6.382 -15.7* 700 59 97 MT FLSHP’’ ■6 O’ 356 1,355 7,004 6.062 15.5> 2,523 1,924 61 96 PR’ 25 63 38 7* 189 1223 5.122 4,904 1.836 1,499 2257 69 96 560 126.7 221 720 1.029 1205 1,947 40 98

’Hot a state convention bui to be shown is pan of SBC statistics ’,The state convention ---- -— or— fellowship-.-v — was not "m o*ic - fellowship territory were grouped statistically and ’Churches of the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowi Church Training Enrollment by Department—1988-1987

1968-1967 1MI 1967

Percent Percent Numerical Percent of Total Enrollment of Total Change Change Departments Enrollment -8,862 -5.6 149,474 7.5 158,336 81 Preschool -9,717 ■39 238,834 12.0 248.551 12 7 Children -52 296.714 15.0 315,106 16.1 •16,394 Youth .. -23,076 -3.4 652,661 32.7 675,737 346 Aduti ...... 6,029 75 86,801 4.4 80.772 4.1 Equipping Centers ■2.875 -34 82.143 4.1 85,018 4.4 New Church Member Training •1,607 -68 21,960 1.1 23,567 1.2 MasterLrfe 44.285 24 4 226.000 11.3 181.715 93 Other 50,161 37 4 184,243 92 134.062 69 Hold Fie 2.7 51,051 2.6 1,857 36 General Officers 52,906

Total Church Training 39,801 20 1.993.738 100 1,953,937 100 Enrolment

Church Training Enrollment by State Convention and by Department—1988______

New Equip­ Church ping Master- Hold General S8C and Pre­ Training Life Other Ale Officers Adult Centers 1972-1988 State Conventions Total school Youth

184.243 52.908 296.714 652.661 86,801 82.143 21,960 26.000 SBC 1,993.738 149,474 238,834 4.224 1,551 13,336 8,143 6,494 212.943 18,528 28,607 35,995 87.906 8,159 AL 96 210 66 370 158 30 2,155 160 277 255 533 AK 3,334 194 2,953 2,150 358 19,756 1,148 1,480 1.744 5,601 794 AZ ...... 1,666 1,456 393 4.436 3.430 2,108 75.581 6,824 11.227 13,193 30.848 AR 9,516 7.650 1,494 4,219 4,859 13,170 3.447 4,597 626 CA ...... 52,062 2,484 917 152 1,033 2,298 814 609 147 1,453 CO 8,836 597 816 1,010 35 50 2,015 46 51 129 694

rc Enrollment. 5.496 6,541 844 14,400 13,756 2,863 126,964 9,512 13,885 17,196 42,491 FL 4,329 6.498 4.451 1,715 21,521 10.792 156.492 12.288 19,290 24,290 51,318 GA 538 449 40 137 147 611 286 190 29 HI 2.564 137 765 1,383 1,893 220 4.739 6.266 28.848 1.427 2,337 2,924 6,894 IL 157 1,051 1,022 249 1,084 1,164 2.710 514 654 IN 9210 605 284 775 590 183 1,892 1,627 12,319 851 1,245 1,672 3200 KS-NE 4.124 656 10,836 7,907 2.068 78,687 4.748 9,076 11,549 23285 4.438 KY 624 5,870 5,557 2.509 8.660 13,714 16213 35,957 2,923 2,686 Training LA 94.713 2,928 295 1.093 1.120 353 2,999 13,814 477 748 1,285 2.516 MD-DE 840 1,054 170 444 564 1,576 531 571 44 Ml 6,035 241 577 89 226 679 145 485 44 342 MN-WI 3,149 259 303 2.570 1,040 7.463 3,557 4,129 130,712 12,734 20,194 23,571 52.243 3211 MS 8,004 7.098 2,001 8,356 10,038 22,846 3,699 2,936 647 MO 70,657 5,032 93 192 260 5 867 541 3,730 235 304 361 872 NV 217 39 329 340 64 Church 2,320 116 182 189 484 360 N-ENG 824 214 2,387 1,990 381 1,049 1,966 2.268 4,561 920 NM 16.560 334 134 352 932 129 385 119 490 NY 3,254 154 225 3,377 6.481 6.465 1,439 22.483 19.450 133,603 6,853 12,173 19,010 35,872 NC 994 113 2,322 2.919 278 13.254 685 1,055 1,036 2,953 899 NW 1,982 2.543 472 1,749 1,834 5.449 917 1,484 612 OH 18,184 1,142 5,125 2.343 15,180 32.794 2,067 2.433 1,007 5,978 OK 89,257 8,582 13,748 130 289 277 36 769 680 4,429 291 384 428 1,145 PA-SJ 10.041 10.200 3,185 13,755 17,780 36,125 4,094 3.478 1.594 SC 108,382 8.130 5,562 3,495 1.243 11,161 10,481 4,419 147,713 12,357 19235 23,593 56.167 TN 12.686 4.959 37.177 30,658 5.974 268,577 20.247 31250 40,438 72.426 12.762 TX 419 581 77 285 597 111 305 79 UT-ID 2,882 169 259 4,055 4.614 836 14,918 11,710 1.252 62.903 2,139 4,031 6,690 12.658 VA 272 35 464 479 61 107 282 375 553 198 WV 2,826 479 219 51 172 246 494 269 132 29 WY 2.236 145 27 257 148 84 17 195 181 DKFLSHP” 1,253 99 133 112 141 161 22 341 369 54 2,029 130 183 174 454 IAFLSHP’ 466 242 24 78 200 132 319 123 300 MT FLSHP’’ 1,884 163 35 184 173 106 36 138 PR’ 930 8 58 Ljl so.rbe.n Bapfesl F-O-SW P-<—Y »» Plains Baptist Convention Soe note on page 6

QUARTERLY REVIEW ly, August, September 1989 37 36 Summary of Church Training Enrollment by State Convention—1988 »- 3 t 1 1 s M o

38 I »- f

Medium City Large City Town (10,000- (50,000-

SBC and State 1988-1987 1988-1983 1988-1978 (500-2,499 ll s o -o 49,999 o r m on 8 6W'S *>d > (*

1 1 Conventions % Change % Change % Change Pop.) Pop.) Pop.) <75 S 8 s o 8 8 £ S cm § 1,993,738 8 □ 507,189 200.521 cm ct cm 8S8S38 o SSS538 co 8.SS338& CT CM' m " '

01 . -2.6 4.0

cm ct cm m ct cm ' '


•13.0 12.7 Ct ct ct h. ct CM cm cm CM ' "

0.2 6 7 68.6

ct CT • ct CO w r-~ o — ’

■31 -9.2 •5.6

cm cm ct CM in CM m co JO

125 22.3 348 co' CT r~- w o cm w w ’

194 ■8.0 192

2,015 2,194 102.7 2.015 CT cm RS co CM h- - ct • —

126.984 125,138 •1 7 8.535 53.153 CMCTg£| cm W nJ CM CT ’ w ct

0.8 156,492 152.751 13,407 26,704 RS ct CM CM • S —

2,564 2.225 39 7 67 676 « ct ct =*z CT w CO CM ct

28.848 23,988 170 4,258 4,490 ct CM 6 ct CT CM S

9,210 11.842 -28.8 979 3.410 2 o 477 | CT ct 8~SSS«

12.319 4.3 0.3 11.806 12.5 • CM ct —

78.687 74.475 5.7 8 3 330 29.453 1

ct 94,713 96.477 33,116 1 ct •1 8 •5.8 -3.5 8 o CM 1,434 ' ct

13.814 13.401 31 25.0 40.9 CM • •» 121 I —

6,035 5.875 2.7 •21 8 5.4

5 ct CM w

3.149 3,340 -5.7 45 7’ 181 4’ 32 CM CT tffiCSRS 9.215 I w

MS 130.712 129.138 1.2 •3 2 60,042 13.289 CO CM g cm

MO •9 4 70.657 70,632 0.0

14.898 12.388 14.470 — in cm '

3.730 3.326 NV 12 1 198 369 91 2.414 N-ENG CM 619 : CO ct 2.320 1.746 329 31 8’ 7

94 CD CM 10.3 CT ct NM 16.560 15,008 195 1,355 1,648 3,035 3.254 3.574 CT ct NY -9.0 -209 305 192 1.000 g CT o co cm CT Q CT co w »- S ’

130.372 2.5 73 37.5 48.716


CT CM in M • S cm in cm cd “ '

11,162 187 118 37.2 524 . 6.421

2 CO cm in ct ct ~~ CT ao — O ’ ’ ’

6.4 18.2

15,693 159 1.070 6,967

in cm cm o g CT CM in r-~ R CT to '

90,985 •19 •73 -0.9 17,670 19,428

w cm CT — CM


3,876 174

143 66.9 458 2.041

g g in • CT


CT CT ct CM ct CT —

QUARTERLY 101,126 72 -46 0.2 40.757 29,858

r. — CO CT 8 ct CT w cm O CT

143.998 •0.7 2 6 -5 0 44,961 33,985

cm in r- ct g g in co V

271,355 •1.0 5.0 22.0 23,397 CT 60,508 Q g cm ct CM cm CT --


2,492 157 •11 5 55.6 81 1.106

co in oj 8 S CM Ct co CO ct CT C~ ’ I

58.743 71 195 784 12,663 14,553

ct ct cm cm Ct CT R Q ’

27 4

3,016 -63 86.5 518 1.122

co S R o CM CM ct CT 1,951 146 35.5» 75.8’ 123 703

CM. in CO co Bi CT 8^32 ^835

DK FLSHP’" -15.2’ 37 P 13 59 CT r CM W O cm CT —

IA FLSHP’ 9.8’ REVIEW 12.81 708 68

C- CT $M ct CT V

MT FLSHP’" 33 4’ 8 3 8’ 749 61

CT CT Q cm o S

PR’ 864 108 1 .725 37

'As percent of reporting churchc 28 15 ’Not a state convention but to t 8j oi 1 1 1 f 2 i 1 I t G G 8 S ?

’Th® atato convontion or toilow-i

PR' MT "Churches 'Not IA DK WY WV VA UT-ID TX TN SC PA-SJ OK OH NW NC NY NM N-ENG NV MO MS MN-WI Ml MD-DE LA KY KS-NE GA CO IN IL HI FL X CA AR A2 AK AL SBC Adult Youth Children July, General Vocal Handbell Preschool Instrumental Plains




(18 Ensembles SBC (12-17 state


August, Leaders

(6-11 Total Rinoers and

” ”

(4-5 of end



years) the over)


Convention Muse years) State

Dakotas Departments

Ministry by September



See to

State 1.774,018 Ongoing

253,497 131,185 100,129 171,023 be 102.634 168,158 115,732 141,247 72.217 66.181 66.116 Total 16,215 70,171 86,022 24,112 10,293 39,985 51,615 11,303 11,059 note 3.529 1,031 1.383 2,953 6.727 1.178 1,791 3,434 2,302 5.143 8,787 9,289 6,854 1,838 1,752 2,404 1.710 1,890 Music shown 294 835 Music


on Enrollment

1989 page as Convention

by Fellowship part 128,163 22,335 10,737 13,400

5,340 9,068 7.146 5,358 4,328 7,819 5,037 5,891 8.252 3,743 9,939 6 1,214 1,867

Ministry 904 272 150 695 125 122 138 219 739 61Q 470 127 482 116 768 149 141

56 67 91 65 ot 15 84 Ministry 84 Department



Enrolment 171.811 1.774.018 statistics 27,858 Chttdren Ongoing 12.232 14.844 10,724 16,245 10,659 13,539 687 240,836 345,947 6.855 9,449 7,037 128,163 6,016 128,649 150,113 8,105 1,236 7.448 3,528 5,532 1.047 1,957 1,011 40,398 52,244 a-a the 292 102 243 120 103 159 535 238 908 201 200 416 806 130 784 217 633 220 106 74


Montanta —

1N8 Ongoing and Ongoing ChHdren 174,136 26,376 12,725 15,569 11,039 16,332 10,665 13,728 6 9,523 7.402 6.423 8,688 1.282 7,436 2,151 3,581 1,002 5,783 1,069

327 563 245 118 106 172 545 270 953 218 209 430 801 139 943 207 663

115 orrotai 138 86 98 16 Southern

387 136 — 19.5 100 2.9 7.3 2.3 8.5 7.2 by 1988-1987 240,836 35,191 22.545 18,691 13,316 23,781 16.418 11,033 22.459 Youth 10^02 15,927 12-17 8.493 8,570 1,563 7.745 2,826 1,333 4.417 7^57 1.096 1,041 1,107 1.033 Department Baptist 325 105 125 325 636 161 288 241 228 615 215 164 226 218 728

26 59 99


Enrolment 1.738.294 Ongoing Enrollment 701,084 249,572 345,694 122,090 114,801 122,382

31,917 50.754 Fellowship 687,668 29,531 90,809 50,642 40.451 23.801 36,594 72.806 24,901 26,775 32,781 65,536 45.606 55,027 17,544 18,816 Adutt 6,787 1,709 2,804 3,898 1,251 2,168 4.733 3,055 3,809 9,625 1,677 2,587 4,394 1,405 355 498 261 427 133 583 951 748 661 745 784


previously Handbell 52,244 Rtngera orTotal 3,289 9,149 4.158 3.184 5,928 3.175 1,646 2,016 2,237 4,526 3,144 3,364 1.802 1.713 40 432 157 287 297 330 144 199 571 263 132 100 43 33 66 2.9 77 37 70 7.0 17 16 57 21 19 30 49 1 33 23 46

— 8 4 8 8 3

1988 reported 150,113 20,067 11,513 12,884 12.963 10.909 10,716 Vocal 5,622 8.176 6.325 2,081 6.825 8,013 5.737 2.614 7,957 3.844 3.964 1,109 1,010 1,167 226 320 134 299 300 860 Numerical 335 964 213 498 880 194 147 162 742 122 45 99 34 Change -13.416 35.724 35,312 ■8.736

6.559 8.481 5.781 1.490 through 253 1M8-1M7 Ensemble 40.398 mental Instru 6.839 2.802 1,730 2.804 1,361 2,068 1.611 3,596 3.425 2,626 1.959 1.477 1,226 1.376

598 278 124 309 408 191 172 334 946 108 153 707 256 399

24 35 29 65 54 70 97 81 54 48 the 48 ­

Change Percent Northern 128,649 266 308 -1 -3 14.873 12,906 11.779 2.0 54 2.9 0.1 47 5.163 9.354 7,154 4,423 6,117 1.607 7,375 4,294 2,688 7.262 7,145 3.257 3,861 9,849

9 5 320 249 195 330 827 39 146 166 324 832 221 636 981 819 851 631 194 955 186 170 177 173 35

Music Ministry Enrollment 3 ssstss sasses sssste asscae assess: eaasas sss? by Organization. 1984-1988

t 8 S;ggs? Rsg5?a g§se=e 88=°s§ S^Ss* ««’= cm' — cm' — — — — cn — ~ cm' co —

800 2 XSJSSs §§££££ O§££$ 88

000 A §88888 §88s§ «sl?s.g 3?Sg’E

\ Adult gj cm co — — 35 5" "* cm a co co cm jo co' — co' — j^> co to CD — cm ai co" — Poo.) 4 U W (1M00-

SOO N a A m O ty

«n 8 333 * ■*“ '= - * ■’SM • Children 9-11 years ooo Youth 12 -17 years I

5 £3S~S2 ssssg g?s^8» ggsess ggsgsg egssjs ass- 200 eg cm co' — to« cm’ o' to — — a> tri — to ai o’ j» co' Poo.) Town (500-2,499

100 *q o « ~ « u £ =«*"§£ mm asRS Prest hool Children 6-8 fears 8 5 ® £5 ’ S2- S’ P ’-■• X ft?' 8 t— ——— 0 Jf'i U m *

I 6 W co o co cm — o> cm co o co co aq co — r-* o — cn ai'Cc^Joo o cm o -m X ’R85R9 KJ8SSS3 SBS1'’

&J'o6uo II


Thousands SpecW Group*

5> V 9 6 9>

1.6> 71 43 81 48 59 84 81 96 30 04 2.3 5.7* 3.0 61 28 30 40 ■61 106 10 107 19.5 12.7 151 121 108 16.5* 254 76. 180 II 335 209 24 253 218 28 34 265 180 140

P General Leaders 1

12 10 15 10 58 20 92 3.8 3.6 6.3 4.3 81 2.7 0.3 42 3.1 23 22 43 2.0 2.1 0 5 ■03 -08 ■26 -4 ■0.4 -6.3 •10 •13

130 15.5 135 189 '2 4 1Z4> 11 107 11 302 362 120 110 smgE; sms® rnsag a§E?g§ earns sasges =s§# 100 I S s’-esfl" ~'='g-S’ “S8S’-’- 5S--2" 8”’S~S Sg-B" 90 « 80 E E 6 e§£§?g a?§sg3 §E?sg? sg§8 70 ■M — — — — Q> to cm" co' CD — W- CT> to to C3 — CO- — Cm' CO — CM O CD — CO' CO CO Cm' Q — C? — CM C*> — •- — — co <5 —co CM CD r~ — o CO — r- —co O cn co f" 60 -Handbell Rin 9 50 —-— 40 __—


20 Instrumental tnsemoie State


10 Convanttofw 0 SBC ¥ 8 S ¥ a ° tfll 1984 1965 1986 1087 1988 Si«558 SiSx-sSSSiii ¥i5SS8 EE55SSSsSS Yeer

40 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 41 Woman’s Missionary Union ___

viiyvnigOngoing Enrollmentfc... by Organizations—1988-1987______—______—------—"I------“I IMS*1*7______IMN IM17 Woman's Missionary Union Numerical Percent Ongoing orfoS Onaobg orifoS Change Chsngo Enrolment Enrollment Ongoing Enrollment by Organization. 1984-1988

2.829 1.6 176.401 14.7 173.572 14.5 Mmob Fnends 15 ywn ind und») 2,174 1.0 229,054 226.880 19.0 Girls in Action (6-11 years) -5,102 ( -4.6 105,588 88 110,690 9.2 Acteens (12-17 years) 3.009 3.9 79.986 6.6 76.977 64 Baptist Young Women (18-29 years) •166 0.1 1 068 0.1 -177 Campul Baptist Young Wonwn' 991 0.2 523.606 522615 436 Baptist Women (30 years and over) 2.726 3.2 88.403 7.3 85.677 7.2 WMU Officers

1.197.479 100 6.450 05 Total WMU Ongoing Enrollment 1.203.929 100

'Reported by Woman • Missionary Union, Birmingham. Alabama

WMU Ongoing Enrollment by State Convention and by Organization—1988

Campus Baptist Girts Baptist SBC and WMU Young m Young Baptist State Officers Women1 Actions Acteens Women Women Conventions Total Friends

523,606 88.403 891 176.401 229.054 105,588 79,966 sac 1.203.929 7,559 41,687 7,085 55 98.851 14,182 17,934 10,349 AL 82 592 135 1,588 319 311 149 AK 246 2,804 503 6,291 1,014 1,327 397 AZ 1,591 12,143 1.737 75 28.495 4,316 6.475 2.158 AR 2,912 12.361 2.166 25.596 2.380 4,026 1.753 CA 1.457 281 620 809 241 127 CO 3,535 79 1,056 17 1.572 131 128 161 X 3,649 26.841 3.977 30 59,888 8.822 11.780 4,789 FL 7,312 51,975 8.522 40 116.727 17,728 20,812 10.338 GA 77 746 91 1,464 198 258 94 HI 1,177 8,580 1,760 30 19.739 2.727 3,683 1,782 IL 2,756 568 748 1,090 486 263 IN 5,911 292 2.542 491 6,063 1,008 1243 487 KS-NE 4,529 25,115 4.566 96 60.925 8,938 11,725 5,956 KY 2,149 14,187 2.658 94 37.220 5,549 8,878 3.705 LA 537 4,073 653 8.965 1261 1,653 808 MD-DE 160 1.687 361 3.607 514 643 242 Ml 576 109 153 192 74 60 MN-WI 1,164 4.812 24.458 4.528 125 62.781 9.600 12.791 6.467 MS 2.535 22,909 3.635 47.619 6,305 8.961 3254 MO 20 515 106 1,092 121 237 91 NV 74 485 100 1,351 232 374 86 N-ENG 395 2.477 554 6.708 1,110 1.517 655 NM 1,332 226 295 325 202 135 NY 2.515 11,075 68.417 10.434 98 143,249 18.671 21,638 12.916 NC 156 2.170 449 4,384 513 860 236 NW 523 4.938 1,020 ■11,558 1.890 2.292 895 OH 1,906 14.153 2,682 40 36.355 6.166 8,791 2,617 OK 178 1,099 235 2.666 421 510 223 PA-SJ 44,060 6.921 74 12.743 15.467 9,504 7.671 SC 96.460 5,516 33.616 6,299 24 79,678 11,816 14.771 7.636 TN 8,567 53.167 9.524 110 145.335 25.936 36,608 11,423 TX 92 616 155 1.422 229 259 71 UT-ID 3,226 35.013 5.150 66.068 8.726 9.192 4.761 VA 124 1,084 262 2.512 344 470 228 WV 14 406 91 216 373 126 WY 1.226 52 271 82 791 185 168 33 DK FLSHP’- 28 409 105 885 93 202 Li lA FLSHP 37 393 104 953 147 209 MT FLSHP’’ 420 . 59 34 52 49 PR’ 698

-Reported by Woman s M.ssxmary Unxm. Bvmmghanv Alabama ■SIX'MooUn. B»«t F«»W W -.^b

Plains Baptist Convention See note on page 6 Year

QUARTERLY REVIEW 42 j July, August, September 1989 Summary of WMU Ongoing Enrollment by State Convention—1988

Total Ongoing WMU Enrolment Churches Reporting Ongoing WMU Church Location Enrolment

Open Medium City LaraeCtty Country Town Smaidty (10,000- (50,000- sac and State 19U-1N7 IMS-1913 19H-1979 and (500-2,499 (2300- 48,999 or more rnp Conventions 1M8 1987 % Change % Change % Change VWege Pop-) 9,999 Pop.) Pop) Pop.) Number Percent*

S8C ’.203.929 1.197.479 05 25 100 306.480 136,006 172.615 292.392 295.545 891 25.778 70 AL 98.951 96,856 00 60 15 8 28.636 9.724 15.706 24.896 19.834 55 1.989 a AX 1.588 1.464 85 639 530 121 188 207 461 611 40 74 AZ 6.291 6.946 -9 4 •119 16 7 118 606 996 1,150 3.419 174 65 AR 28.495 27.976 1 9 1 9 11 7 4.643 4.256 6.356 8,019 5.146 75 712 56 CA 25,596 25,112 1 9 144 49 0 296 907 1,495 7.450 15.450 669 64 CO 3.535 3.509 07 16 236 110 532 438 1,009 1,446 121 66 DC 1.572 1.175 338 -3 4 453 1.572 30 58 FL 59.888 59,665 04 46 11 4 9272 4,410 7257 16,590 22,329 30 1.243 74 GA 116,727 115.721 09 1 9 90 33,693 12.065 19,455 32.939 18,515 40 2.189 73 HI 1 464 1.287 138 768 62 1 20 8 378 633 425 41 84 IL 19.739 19297 23 10 7 18 0 3.387 2.883 5,009 6.145 2.285 30 557 61 IN 5.911 5.696 37 70 4 8 415 542 601 1.975 2.378 210 70 KS-NE 6,063 5.873 32 06 196 292 671 1,170 1.835 2.095 183 74 KY 60,925 59,924 1 7 34 24 4 21.882 8,459 9,119 13,044 8.325 96 1.383 64 LA 37.220 37.760 1 4 04 96 10,141 4.173 5,444 7.191 10.177 94 890 67 MD-DE 0.965 9.065 ■09 75 82 1.249 1,013 1.004 3,884 1 835 215 82 Ml 3,607 3,878 •70 1 6 22 60 170 368 1.634 1.375 142 62 MN-Wl 1.164 1 326 122 140* 18 7* 25 23 55 283 778 60 67 MS 62.781 61,568 20 76 232 24.106 6.315 8,625 17,017 4.591 125 1.353 69 MO 47.619 46,810 1 7 06 1 3 11.102 9.414 9.385 9,038 8.680 1,260 69 NV 1.092 897 21 7 94 87 0* 114 40 179 115 644 43 61 N-ENG 1,351 1.535 •120 151' 135 0* 10 134 158 707 342 51 50 NM 6,706 6,660 07 169 164 486 689 1.433 3,137 963 178 69 NY 2,515 2.675 -60 -84 114 218 92 311 914 980 95 58 NC 143249 144,060 •06 09 57.716 15,113 18.054 26,094 26.174 98 2.734 79 NW 4.384 4.382 00 -20 14 4 154 594 692 2.022 922 193 65 OH 11.558 11,715 •1.3 05 16 7 1,059 1,000 1.658 3,761 4.080 376 75 OK 36,355 36,580 -06 09 11 4 5,649 6 468 6.877 8.701 8,620 40 903 63 PA-SJ 2.666 2.479 75 35 4 199 294 353 170 1.305 544 80 73 SC 96.460 96.427 00 1 5 1 4 34.900 10.485 12.795 24.050 14,156 74 1.557 89 TN 79,678 77.786 24 05 8 1 21,523 7,520 10.440 19.942 20229 24 1,691 62 TX 145,335 144.306 07 69 137 13233 17.028 19.807 31,768 63 389 110 2.838 70 UT-IO 1.422 1.364 43 40 262 17 106 154 667 478 61 66 VA 66,068 66,733 •10 •29 •9 6 21,000 7.030 4.895 11,748 21.395 1.236 84 WV 2.512 2.481 12 93 383 315 475 672 883 167 87 79 WY 1 226 1.165 52 22 1' 86 6* 75 132 340 372 307 38 59 DK FLSHP’’ 791 874 •9.5* 01' 188* 39 86 229 366 71 40 66 IA FLSHP’ 885 890 ■06 3 8* 91' 38 32 261 347 207 51 82 MT FLSHP’- 953 819 16 4' 38 5* 20 0* 22 185 207 229 310 42 58 PR* 696 741 ■58 269 928 48 63 215 71 301 23 56

'Reported by Woman's Missionary Union. Birmingham. Alabama ’As percent of reporting churches *Nct a state convention but to be shown as part of SBC statistics 'The state convention or fellowship was not m existence, as such, for one or both of the years used to calculate this percent change Churches existing n such earlier yearts) the state or fellowship territory were grouped statistically and were used as the basts for computing percent change ■Churches of the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Feilowstvp previously reported through the Northern Plains Baptist Convention See note on page 6

« 88 *“ mg irsiii i§ m K 3 8'2

ssas s°"8sl sEaggi is sssiis sisiSa sihs

is 1814 SsgSSS 8§88§i aa§i§ S £ 8 i £ £ § a S 8 B « & II 8 i BI85 assists §sySga siSasi |£

3 sassgg S§si«s =$£t

m co co sS=s§^ sgg3s§ g

tEsig isaasS scsass slSsa? 5 8 s;w sg^sici tsaSSs saiiis sSxl; RJ 8 i S rj g> 8

z i s a? 8 8 « 2 a SsSasi sssats sagg’Sj §3 Distribution of Brotherhood Enrollment. 1988 1 s stesms sss sssssts sssssts gsssss sspissr ssrr Reporting


I §S??gS *8^88 8g§?ER SJRSXs ggjqJSJ SgRgSK SRKC 1 Churches

p '

s S§ssgs a§6«=9 3£s=E= g§«5»s sS-SS? *£5sa? 6 « t 04 — — n- — cJm _

Pop or w p ttp .



n o t.

» §g?W E£?S§ SSSSSS sszgjg g^sgR ssrs City

g> oj r><-> r-~w cQ <• m - ®r> W® o’ W S o . « - - • > »

Pop.) 49,999 (1M00- Medium — •

ro n v .n w o

Location st

= |’3pS !S?«« sx(sgS= ’£***•? SsSS2E *»?' „ Pop.)

52“ ~ na> — ® cm W oi

SmalCJty , Church # ,m ...... laln p

^?8ss ESOC" ggs SSJJSR S82SSU R-8S S - cm® - c->—’ -vH ®’ mW cm® Pop-) Town (500-2,499


s gssgss =§sg? RS jgis” gss gs 83§sgg agsgss =- r 1 hroug E - -• a> — ou tt w m cx> r>i ® ® ® ,

»» .a p o n M

y , s

Xii£2Z3zl 222”*°‘S*• n<=«?«" p-F^Ri®® b-®®_a, 00^0®?, r,a,a„

1 Change s? ~ryro®? g>R®

19U-1979 > x ^ o „ %

-Ml l-tM N C G o w a h p

0 ottnppm® 040 —n — Ri ocomSocsi ® ®2>r»- 1- *4>s2a-C: zis^S ‘‘?'?£2X‘4i 2

rf co ^^mcofflcn ma>sgzs^ Rt?t?a

M ontan.

th .

s 8*5§^ SaO’g statistics s n»z«- S® ®~eMSC:w- s® m- ; SW W




P a io -O T o

E xSSgSE t535gi^ ggsssa sSSsss •m-sg ?§§SSS 8588 as 1 s s ~=a- as ~~ ->ss"- ss ”-'a-’“-s ss S BapM t





churches but



reporting and

convention of

Conventions 01

Sec s.aa state



0 S 8 8 g 3 0 Churche, a s Not

s SSVS58 SiSx^ sSsSis slssibi eessSS sSse ’

QUARTERLY REVIEW 46 July, August. September 1989 48 Per Capita M ission Expenditures by State Convention, 1 QUARTERLY July,

August. 1-99 3.0 100-199


| | September

200-299 Per

7.8 by


Capita Percent 14.2

Size 1989 | I


7 of



Distribution Church


Church 9.9 |

Parcant 1,000-1,499

Membenhlp Offerings, Membership. 13.4

of 1,500-1,999

Total 8.6 | I

Gifts and

2,000 1988 23.4

or Gifts

more 49 Total Tithes, Offerings and Special Gifts, and Mission Expenditures by 50 State Convention—1988-1987, 1988-1983, 1988-1978 0 fl 5 s J 4 It '1 Pw W - l J f l s s I 1 Capfti « O M I0 8 3 a § g S r § s g- g g 8 S uo § as I 5 5 $ J H 8 § S s

3.0 £ 3.9

sxsgss sisgab sse Estem 898353 iSSISag SSlM;" — C--SS" E^sg'X g£S£§8 S-wTsfer-r OH buivvcon 559533 SSgisige

3 7 i s “ uo •* >!!(§«

4 0 9 2 c\( to

3.9 108 - co id

15 4.8 as cn ss

6.5 11.5 cm co “

0 2 5.9

SulSx^s mm gasm “ gssssg iSg'JW egwas S2E2EE HO ’ 3g£ S 93893 ss o g-g-SR SSgRS — 33t-"" 39359 gsgsS

4.3 9.0 r cm

5.9 6.6 SS S cm

24.0 24.3 s c sr ^

6.5 10.9 = s as



R'ssaz* sggggs r- mm sSssSsi sers XggSS smsis S88£8^ §§siaR 8?8R®8E cn siSSSlS RR R — "RS &?Eg£g SSEsER OH 939559 SsSiSsi?

NE -2.1 •7.3 r-~ as ■• r

5.0 5.5 »n “ as r- = *SiRR

1.8 1 5 •» ■» r cn ” ^

DE 5 2 8.9 — cn ; -

5.4 •1.1 cn as s ” s •- I

■W1 0.4 ■32

^| SSZiiZ £ 6815358 sscgfcS R« OH mm RRBR smss RRSBS5 xcy 3R-- gmfg §EgEE§ HO 599838 w

0 2 2.0 o j ao

2.0 2.6 o e — §£ r

9.9 8.6 m 5 com - o

NG 9.6 18.0 e ‘ r- es is ” s

0.4 16.7 § -* - r " ’



cucnc^cocom sss=ss o ^iSSSbi sggm gssg-s mas? gEESO 95^889 mm 8KRR28 co S"®ts-fe gsSEgg HO 3598^3 wtd

4.7 4 2 o cn

•13.1 as •- -

6.9 4 J co “ as '35

0.0 1.7 co co

SJ 3 2 -3.4 r-~ izo QUARTERLY


6.5 oecr-cncy gsmg assm •- =8 HEHl mm ggm? O £C5SJS mm SRSlSR o »5 g^BsS §2885= 899959 Zt8£3R«

6.1 4.0 eno co

■0.4 •1.1 — •-

ID 1.3 ■3.9 V cqr^o fi"- R~

52 cocn 53 ’

2.1 ’ 274 s ’

0.8 8 2

co am ms MSSs £§3£ 838" 8S gsS? S«SS ress 8853 •- S! co O 9998 -stSa

FLSHP* -0.5 9.4 co co as ®§^ REVIEW

:LSHP -2.4 5.5 as o o =

FLSHP»* 6.7 11.1 cn 8 co

-0.5 ■12.1

1 8 I i I

J I 8 o July, $19,257,289- Other $30,855,308 Offering Armstrong Annie $26,198,770 Home Cooperative Program Home



September Total "Including





such 1988 Foreign

Mission Board Home Foreign






on Total Mission

church Mission Foreign Board Missionaries




bonds Boards $26,941,954 $71,279,709 $67,021,931 Cooperative

Program Offering 1988 Other Moon Lottie

51 Cooperative Program Gifts to SBC Causes as a Percent of Total Chinch Gifts. 1978-1988' 3 mgSs 88i5H8S RIHS? §?E8S§ eBsSBS §IR8Ri SsasSs g SR5*”* ssW jjj o irf— — e — «f v> — ttSiti a —

g R Hi i IsE a § E "g S’ S 3

E» S38 E ? $ o' O SJ? !■ e’B8’ o: ~~ < cm’ — !

E «•

M W §1 ?« s 8 ?i i? Funds

2 s -g| s'S -'a g ? E x ? 3

*Baasd only on churches which reported gma through th* Cooperative Program. m s i?8 i BE S a ^E : 22j 8 R! <0

Property and Asset Values Reported by State Convention—1988 1988 irbse — E asms gasses mm $ ma t

Gross and

j ’'■gsR'si sgssaS ggSs'ER g ssss sg'ssgs ssss Valu® of All Endowment, h Value ot State Fixed Assets Trust, or Baptist Office Owned by State Foundation SBC and State Convention Building Convention' Funds is g s RH8 2^525 3^88 ® «8se ?8EE^ a§?§ 2,622,203,751 1,148,716,185 Mission SBC...... 65,997,058 5 g §?E8 IOms ^ISe* E SW3i £??£ Convention of

g h- rffvfs." h.

AL ...... 3,500,000 100,651,000 66,280,000 AK...... 198,481 362,856 200 AZ...... 1 ,242,000 26,631 .798 3,724.581 AR...... 1,910,310 4.930.464 State CA...... 2,133,000 11.540,910 20.702.773 i £ s §§§ Sg *3 XS 3 S S s8s § § CO...... 2,500,000 4,500,000 J 8 - R'B"1 " Sg g 8 “g- 2 ” DC ...... 1 .512,000 6.884,000 4,322,000 by FL...... 1 .991 .418 67.436,727 28.032.641 GA ...... 6,842,134 161 .798,281 91 .643.219

Distribution i$g

HI...... 1.500,000 2,148,433 145.788 IL...... 2,331 ,412 6,954,166 579,482 2 ?£?S8§ g»???5 sS£§8i? ilS«Uii « §ES§ SgsSfiS 1382 IN...... 319,654 1 ,491 .036 126,077

and s srfgjje Esgsgs s^risr g sass saga's s»s= KS-NE...... 662.727 2.405.552 ...... KY...... 2,239,518 216.245.129 64.934,972 LA...... 2,405,588 10,190,792 32,240.112 MD-DE...... 496,000 1 ,931 ,700 1 ,584.000 Ml...... 328,152 1 .018,425 401 .944 MN-WI...... 300,000 350,000 188,000 Receipt MS...... 1 ,619,619 17,344,640 2 «s§»iu smss sshis mses MO...... 1 ,871 ,469 56,368,280 58,876,469 8 s'sESES ?s8?'88 WK? 8S=*S« NV...... 370,000 672,403 2,510 o co ci — nJ oi — v H

'Including state Baptist office building and all state institutions or minatnes owned by the convention 'Not a state convention but to shown as part of SBC statistics ’Churches of the Dakotas Southern Baptist Fellowship and the Montana Southern Baptist Fellowship previously reported through the Northern Plains Baptist convention See page 6 52 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 53 Distribution of Cooperative Program Receipts in Accordance with Instructions of the SBC Year ended September 30,1988

Distribution for Operating Operating Capital 1988 1988 1987 1987 and Capital Needs: Expenses Needs Total Percent Total Percent Foreign Mission Board...... $ 66,000,000 ...... $ 66,000,000 48.97% $ 63,532,700 48.74% Home Mission Board...... 25,799,300 ...... 25,799,300 19.14 24,960,600 19.15 Annuity Board...... 1,030,700 ...... 1,030,700 0.76 999,200 0.77 Southern Seminary...... 5,782,225 309,129 6,091,354 4.52 5,658,183 4.34 Southwestern Seminary...... 7,855,949 32,084 7,888,033 5.85 7,593,501 5.83 New Orleans Seminary...... 4,381,671 57,714 4,439,385 3.29 4,290,916 3.29 Golden Gate Seminary...... 2,528,946 291,839 2,820,785 2.09 2,539,670 1.95 Southeastern Seminary...... 3,983,718 291,839 4,275,557 3.17 4,026,611 3.09 Midwestern Seminary...... 2,283,591 32,084 2,315,675 1.72 2,197,073 1.69 Radio and Television Commission 5,401,600 ...... 5,401,600 4.01 5,237,600 4.02 American Seminary Commission 252,200 ...... 252,200 0.19 244,500 0.19 Brotherhood Commission...... 951,100 ...... 951,100 0.71 924,000 0.71 Committee on Public Affairs...... 448,400 ...... 448,400 0.33 435,700 0.33 Southern Baptist Foundation...... 283,800 77,084 360,884 0.27 420,123 0.32 Education Commission...... 475,800 96,456 572,256 0.42 642,078 0.49 Historical Commission...... 453,000 308,741 761,741 0.56 1,010,491 0.77

QUARTERLY Christian Life Commission...... 795,100 269,996 1,065,096 0.79 1,278,979 0.98 Convention Operating Budget.... 2,849,000 771,650 3,620,650 2.69 3,424,630 2.63 Stewardship Commission...... 443,900 212,285 656,185 0.49 829,012 0.63 Peace Committee...... 36,641 ...... 36,641 0.03 99,617 0.08 $132,036,641 $2,750,901 $134,787,542 100.00% $130,345,184 100.00%

Totals REVIEW!


August, etmber Septem


& W A p -pN ®- © p® -*PP “‘U1 O -'© -bb-b'MA b-N b® m-'m'oaAb-N’-i-MboN-ioa 03 --‘M-‘®W'4®®w®®®m®-‘MM-‘®®wo®a —mw®nmoo-om®®®a-© W A © _M p W © M ® - - M O N W W A - W O - M O p p ® A © Mj\® M A - N © pp M A - s w a © b b ® m '© b a '© b b '© b m b b b b b a © © b b b '©—b b m m b b ’© b b b b © b AxJ'JaMOACnA^-UlMM-WOMAWM-O-WWWA-CnWWMOOO©®-®®-* M O® —MAO®MUl®OO''JNO® —— (^(^©©©©©©fflOOttAOM-UtWAWO-

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5 13 2 2 10 17* 28 13 34 Number of Baptist and Baptist Preference 248 Directors College Students. 1980-1988’

0 2 5 2 17 34 0 26 15 21 219 36 Number Part-Wne Directors 6



1 7 3 9 1 5 7 7 6 3* 5 5 7 7* 4 1* 26 4 5 27 11 11 3 4 25 12 13 18 5 24 22 17 19 52 17 17 22 84 517 no,,

FuMme Directors s-

— 2 9 1 4 5 2* 8 4 4 o 4 41 3 41 11 20 11

30 34 22 23* 11 12* ' 524 435 230 20 405 219 307 323 547 355 297 161 828 1.473 10,726 4,300 Students Vocation 1 — B

* ’ ...... 8 5 1 3* 2 1 3 7 3*** 4 7 12 12 8 8 4**' 14 19 8 3 5 4... 19*** 61 26 14*.. 25 41... 26 1 37 15*** 71*** 10 29 34*** 11*** 16*** Wort 723 137*** Number Student 1988-1987 —


5 3 39 13 27 36 15 6 59 13 46 32 18 16* 13 45 32 10 38 49 21 43 23 25 37 29 37 71 10 130 tudsn^ 1,004 Number ^S Ministries

33 32 83* 85 245 523 200 210 850 841 173 425 479* 125 520 875 682 127 177 119 100 150 1,844 1.859 6,763 3,508 6,501 5.236 1,087' 3,800 5,805 Campus 4,500 4.788 16,191 20.794 13,630

14.621 37.500 156,931 Stodents n Programs I Student

65 75 98 65 66 60 920 683 500 295 200' 1,694 1,000 4.300 7.800* 1,550 8,900 6,500 1.251 2,000 2,000 3,494* 18,000 40,531 12,597 51,533 43.241 31,509 30,655 28,667 63,500 25,500 35,000 27.270 36,960 618.181 Students 129,700 Baptist statistics






E Wort

Department. shown




to Southern



but data

Dakotas Student latest

by the on

convention ’ of



1 based







•Churches sec AK AR CA CO X FL Not HI IL IN KS-NE GA


QUARTERLY REVIEW E July, August, September 1989 Ui CD Senior Colleges and Universities, 1988-1989

i • | Enrolment | > II Enrollment Total if Safi ft Fail, 1968 1968-1900 if Is Location President 1 Name I Total Total I if if 1 If! *.~ec Cortege Danville VA 24541 Frank R Campbell M 902 993 1206 1223 102 176 623 27 12 14 1 54 1OTJ08 Baptist Coartgc at Charleston Chartewon SC 29411 laxyC HuntW Jr 16 1 926 1 926 2.711 2.715 97 217 5.994 88 30 11 129 116.904 Baylor Unrversrty Waco TX 76790 Herbert H Reynolds 633 11 789 it 789 17 109 17 109 951 2.378 82 89 139 151 604 567 1.560 1202.6® Bevnoni Cortege Nashville TN 37212 WVkam F Trout! 179 2.580 2688 3250 3250 1® 351 6682 38 10 43 25 116 127.686 Blue Moux-tam College Blue Mountain MS 30610 E Harald Haner 34 333 374 480 524 88 4.721 52 10 12 81 52.791 Buef3 006 666 768 768 54 143 346 24 2 12 24 80 W.718 Campoee Unrvwarty Bums Creek NC 27506 Normen A Wiggrn 164 4 195 4 195 6 354 6 368 985 655 13.037 35 119 214.426 Csmpbelswie Cortege Campbelsvlle KY 42718 Kenneth W Winters 49 726 734 859 870 104 3574 31 20 25 35 122 104.970 Carson-Nww'nen College Jerterson City TN 37760 J Cordes Madder 153 1 995 2000 2.748 3 025 92 300 13.881 74 27 52 46 243 170.8® Cumberland Cortege Wikamaburg. KY 40769 James H Taylor 110 1 904 1 904 2200 2266 87 16 17 151 140.000 Danas Bapt'SI University Danas TX 75211 Gary Cook 05 2.018 2.018 2.773 2 773 315 272 4360 1® 56 30 53 58 302 87.539 Fast Texas Baptist University Ma-s.-ail TX 75670 Robert E Cr arg 54 809 868 1,100 1 1® 116 4229 132 10 5 14 164 108J61 Flood® Baptist Theological Cortege GracevSle Fl 32440 Joseph P OufVw A 368 370 410 413 47 1 7® 215 67 81 45.416 Fixmen University Greenville SC 296 >3 John E Johns 192 3 205 4905 5 119 1 1 ’95 235 639 23.197 42 12 24 10 10 297.8® Gardner -Webb Cosege Bering Springs NC 2001 7 M Christopher Whsn 1 1 2 189 2 189 3.160 3 175 304 404 9.90? 82 32 5 20 136 321328 Georgetown College Georgetown KY 40324 W Morgan Patterson 19 1 460 1 471 1.959 1 959 290 234 11.049 15 12 25 60 116.000 Grand Canyon Cortege Phoenix AZ 05061 841 R Wilkwns 76 1.813 1 813 2573 2.573 1® 262 09 8 79 73.823 Hannibal LaGrange Cortege Hannibal MO 53401 Pau F Brown 14 812 639 1,258 128 3.918 33 15 8 5 80 62.984 Hardm Srmmons Unrversity Abrtene TX 79686 JesseC Fletcher 145 1 928 1 928 2.487 2 752 198 268 17.029 68 5 11 14 126 182.725 Houston Baptist Unrversrty Houston TX 77074 Fdward D Hodo 118 2 434 3,312 4098 5578 1202 440 -i76 58 27 42 217 158.429 Howard Payne Umve-sitv Brownwood TX 76801 Pen Newtxxy 70 1.247 1 247 2 056 2056 102 11 129 57 11 83 97.250 Judaon Cortege Maron Al 36756 N H McCnxnmen 3 594 610 664 51 519 2 12 25 61.454 I ousiana Cortege PrwvtUe LA 71359 Ttobert L Lynn W 1.017 1.242 1.302 1 800 135 7 667 34 27 24 25 110 117.700 Mars H® Cortege MvshM NC 20754 Fred B Bortiey 102 1 345 1 345 1 882 1 882 283 U2BD 19 12 4 78 85.000 Mary Hard n Bayxx University iahoma Baptist University Shawnee O 74801 Bob R Agee 156 1 967 1 970 2982 4 716 237 10.415 148 « 72 224 797 244 000 Ouachita Baptist university Arkadelphia AH 71923 Ban M Ekod 106 1.362 1 361 1 816 1.816 100 2Lt> 12,045 1.39 23 • i 211 394 132.340 QUARTERLY Palm Beech Attantx Cortege West Palm Beech Fl 3340' Claude H Rhea A 87 1 135 1 135 1,160 1 IK 163 1.378 23 45.000 Richmond University & Ftenrrcrtd VA 23173 Renard I Morns 274 4 948 7 545 6 106 16 715 1 147 880 29.786 7 21 522.726 Samlord University Bxmngham AL 35229 Thomas F Corts 210 4 089 5 077 5,020 6.892 920 785 32 631 110 73 92 4® 310.075 Sooner Co*ege Acme Gecrgie 30t6’ James D Jordan 61 831 840 934 947 103 5.408 10 19 22 12 55 118 125.864 Southern Baptist Cortege Wanul Ridge AH 72476 D Jac* Ncholas 2 592 582 964 964 111 2,880 63 15 1® 51J2BB Southwest BapOst University Boirvni MO 05613 Edwsi Hewett A 3 2.712 2.712 3.810 3.610 301 5,403 186 123 13 180 20 502 137.429 Stetson University DeLand FL 32720 H Douglas l on 182 2.975 2.975 3.152 3.152 ®7 490 10 13 1 31 266.647 Union University Jackson TN 38305 Hymn E Barntoot 100 2.017 2 104 3 109 3.181 290 15521 49 12 47 38 64 208 109.364 Bristol VA 24201 Gary M PoUion 5 450 450 514 514 63 17 367 58.296 Virgma Interment Cortege gjf«l m ? Wake Forest University L-j ’hemes K Hearn A 901 5 JI 7 5 359 5640 5689 1 Mt 1.244 37 TOT 14 87 1 728 1 726 4.176 4 178 54 534 6.821 35 22 12 20 12 101

REVIEW Waytand Baptist Unrversity

William Carey Cortege J Raipn Noonkostm 70 1 931 2 769 22® 3 103 188 IM 8.382 25 18 16 70 Wrtiam Jewell College Liberty MO 64068 J Gordon KngsJcy 127 1 984 1 964 3482 3.482 344 13 6 19 34 75 163.000 Wngaie Cortege Wingate NC 26174 Paul R Corts 96 1,729 1729 2.093 2 093 240 16219 7 8 7 26 50 107.000

Talef- 8eerier Cirti|ii 6222 101 164 111275 140 036 172.751 13336 16916 582 942 2 763 1 111 1 038 1 009 1 775 8.316 8.980.164

Statistics are provided by the Education Commission, Southern Baptist Convention I

I ul V ’

Au Junior Colleges, 1988-1989 S st u -

etmber Septem

Enrolment Enroament Total 0 ii Fafl, 19M 1900-1906 || Nam® Location Reg. Total Reg. Total 1 1989 If ii { Anderson College Anderson. SC 29621 Mark L Hopkins 57 1,045 1,045 1,881 i 1,881 180 if 7,665 4 5 29 42 41.333 Chowan College Murfreesboro. NC 27855 Bruce E Whitaker 74 974 974 1.106 1,106 134 6.560 2 7 4 North Greenville College Tigerville. SC29688 9 22 08,750 Paul Taimadge 40 532 532 587 587 81 Truett-McConnell College 4.942 15 12 28 41.506 Cleveland, GA 30528 H M FiMbright 57 1,488 1.488 2,873 2,873 96 2,953 3 1 14 IB 31,500 Total—Junior Cofiegee 228 4,039 4,039 6.447 6,447 493 22.120 24 24 24 0 38 110 203.009 Statistics are provided by the Education Commission. Southern Baptist Convention

Seminaries, 1988-1989

Name Location President Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary Mill Valley. CA 94941 William O Crews. Jr Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Kansas City. MO 64118 Milton Ferguson New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary New Orleans LA 70126 Landrum P Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Wake Forest. NC 27587 Lewis A Drummond Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville. KY 40280 Roy L Honeycutt. Jr Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth. TX 76122 Russell H Dilday.Ji Seminary External Ed Div of Southern Baptist Semi nan es Totals—Seminaries

Figures include Hispanic Baptist Theological Seminary Statistics are provided by the Education Commission Southern Baptist Convention Bible Schools and Academies, 1988-1989 O fficers

Oct. Foreign Students Volunteers 1988

In Enroll

Students Students Students Volunteers



Enrollment Total Documents

and Church Founding

Church Fail, 1968 1968-1969

Library Public Volum es Pastoral M inistry

President Educational M inistry Homo M ission Other Vocations Total Vocations 1907-Oct. Graduated Since M inistry Music Name Location Total ftag. Total Rog. Graduated Faculty, Administrative

Bible Schools American Baptist 835 162 39 201 32.034 College...... Nashville. TN 37207. Odell McGIothian, Sr. 15 168 818 205 805 30 Clear Creek Baptist 13 47 191 18,509 Bible College Pineville. KY 40977 Bill 0 Whittaker...... 18 168 168 191 198 31 1,330 90 41 Fruitland Baptist Bible 1,683 120 5 15 140 21.275 Institute -...... Hendersonville, NC 28739 Alex L Booth. Jr 26 120 120 140 140 44 Yellowstone Baptist 1 1 32 35 25,486 College Billings. Montana 59101 Jack E Coward 8 31 31 31 35 3 10 1

67 487 1,137 567 1,178 108 3,858 373 86 14 0 94 567 97,304 Totals—Bible Schools ......

Accsdemles Fork Union Military 6,455 18,000 Academy...... Fork Union. VA 23055 Kenneth Whitescarver 77 603 603 669 669 101 Hargrave Military 75 4.095 13,780 Academy Chatham. Virginia 24531.. Michael B Colegrove 48 310 310 453 453 Harrison-Chilhowee 5,209 Baptist Academy Seymour. TN 37865 William L. Palmer 17 135 135 125 125 30 2,349 12,300 Hawaii Baptist Academy Honolulu. HI 96817...... Dan Kong...... 68 946 946 954 954 104 1,529 2.411 7,000 Oak Hill Academy Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363 Ed F Patton 23 186 186 286 286 16,000 Oneida Baptist Academy Oneida, KY 40972 Barkley Moore 68 503 503 503 503 106 2,590 San Marcos Baptist 4,521 15,702 Academy...... San. Marcos. TX 78666. Jack E. Byrom 43 280 280 471 471 76 7,500 Valley Baptist Academy Harlingen. TX 78550 .... Robert E. Smith...... 15 158 158 162 162 29 588

95,491 Totals—Academies 359 3,121 3,121 3,623 3,623 521 24,538 0 0 0 0 0 0 July,

Senior Colleges and Universities, Financial Report, 1987-1988

ugust, >

­ ­ ­

I Fees Con Con

o fj

fo r fo r Septerr Received ns


from Needs Endow

and 3

? State State

11 o f and

ll aI A m ount fro m ventions

Name O peratic A m ount from ventions Capital

li Incom a T u itio n Property ih Total m ent Value II Averett College $ 429.918 $ $ 1.416.682 S 20.965 $ 3.979.877 $ 30,000.000 $ 3.078.832 $ 10.038.566 dT Baptist College al Charleston $ 13,117.398 $ 7.396.617 741.023 200,000 426.813 52,751 7.009.892 3.070.000 1.826,071 21.5G4.454 23,420,525 Baylor University 9 628 889 5.594.924 3.582.240 12,593.001 51.706.107 312,400.000 219374.000 169.869,969 Belmont College 389.143,969 102 600 896 1.288,933 316.281 1.469.316 433.246 9.133.869 20.000.000 7.046.968 CD Blue Mountain College 24.360,002 31.414.970 13.425.000 452201 76.766 373.866 220.672 821.823 2.541.874 3,017.747 00 Bluefield College 434.764 6.359.621 2,166.533 4,085 23.496 1.120.125 194.110 5,407.567 00 Brewton-Parker College’ 5.601.677 1.965.881 487,845 96.676 301.995 57,667 3317.449 4.000.000 4,004.740 5.290.739 California Baptist College 9.295,479 4.447,174 917,906 861.484 102.331 2.872.573 3.950,000 1,990.490 6.549363 8,539,753 6 990 634 Campbell University 920,745 629.077 603,762 13,356.226 40.000.000 24.075.387 61.055,061 85,130,448 25 148 676 Campbellsville College 756,130 340,609 52,853 2.105.709 1.250.000 2,441.841 Carson-Newman College 8.427.406 10.869.249 5.328.160 1.600.248 501,676 2.101,050 255.445 8.480.784 10.759.828 23,709.931 34 469 759 Cumberland College 13.104.005 1.289.199 1.604,902 646,332 6261.710 5.300.000 11.152.465 19.054,012 30.206,477 Dallas Baptist University 12 134 911 1.043,376 1.626.639 455.213 5.653,321 5.000,000 8.168.048 11.922.178 20,090 226 9 339 600 East Texas Baptist University 324.582 898.231 910,651 2.408.841 2.500,000 8.296.901 13,496.564 21.795.465 5.966.341 Florida Baptist Theological College 904.075 154.206 31.453 345,504 2.500.000 658.797 3.702.165 4 360 962 1.809.516 Furman University 1.044,000 425,000 4.460.000 2,940.000 19.042.000 62,792,000 57.652.000 120 444 000 36.766.000 Gardner-Webb College 351.854 527.782 740.586 228.513 6.442.006 5,950,000 5.308,499 19.554.578 24.863.077 13 300 000 Georgetown College 1.094.798 328,957 576,953 4.739.094 3.950.000 12.894,747 20.080.932 32,975,679 10.161 781 Grand Canyon College 625.021 2.507,348 184,937 4.677.180 2.876.407 11.543,118 14.419,525 10.500 000 451.000 275.000 25.000 2.420,000 326.000 3,900,000 Hardin-Simmons University 4.226.000 3,735.000 1.313,18/ 1.327.571 2.269,116 5.897,563 27.650.000 26.800,000 Houston Baptist University 54.450.000 14.032.368 1.732,906 2.650.756 1,163,913 8.395,455 28,500.000 28,854.808 19,977.164 48.831 972 13 332 423 Howard Payne University 1,003.196 617.140 1.223.068 2.887.790 5.700,000 16,000.000 13.529.817 29.529.817 6 400 000 Judson College 799,022 321.844 144.000 1.082,024 1.325,196 12.718,000 14,043.196 3.355.100 Louisiana College 2,090.754 90.000 520.170 720,940 2.973.207 11.000.000 11.774.977 15,683.305 27,458.282 6 820 490 Mars Hill College 920.619 3.551.889 179.961 5.399.426 8.300,000 11.541.162 16,439,880 27.961.042 10.318.716 Mary Hardin-Baylor. University of 1.014,077 849.215 837.221 3.945.780 14.621.570 Mercer University" 12.781.058 27.402.628 8 244 000 1.526.753 324.503 13,556,754 5,018.168 27,769.955 66.000.000 85.791,670 114.792.511 200.584.181 Meredith College 936.049 76.0ra.995 316.427 367,926 8.047,324 13.903,432 22.927.248 36.830.680 12.314261 1.837,065 306.093 2.172297 861,710 10285.428 11,095,181 31.213.090 42.306.271 18.866.767 Mtssoun Baptist College ’'' 366,807 219.867 2.160.399 445,000 247.437 4.573.614 Mobile College 4,821,051 3,120200 1.217,185 403.748 41.483 2.992,680 906,091 12.627.175 Oklahoma Baptist University 13.533,266 6.535.168 2.472,456 296,049 1.096.346 5,117.872 10,000,000 20,325,304 27,910.657 48.235.961 Ouachita Baptist Unrversrty 12 612 480 1.882,630 284,805 337.513 4.406.954 1.250,000 12.559,950 18.150,967 30.710.917 11.166.866 Palm Beach Atlantic College 814.672 1.018.742 4,735.994 18,951,309 22.490,481 41.441 790 8 119 092 Richmond. Unrversrty of 495.378 2.525,489 8,316,319 30396,250 242389.000 103,436.000 345.725,000 55.672.000 Samford University 3.591.633 3.122.000 2,058.042 17.430.333 4.250,000 33,515,075 67,124.147 100.639.222 34,126.336 Shorter College"" 338,628 102.600 653.043 361,527 2.976.703 4.500.000 7.531,723 10.114,504 17 646 227 4 976 448 Southern Baptist College 487.436 312.867 46.243 953.569 1,350.000 8.000.000 8.746.498 16 746 498 2 194 821 Southwest Baptist University 1.076.009 1.023.606 94.672 8,546.942 2.100,000 2.525,583 18.197,045 20.722,628 13,862 688 Stetson University 1.302,341 2.967.534 1.060,545 19322.125 21.874.240 39,904.393 61.778.633 Union Unrversrty 1.314,314 25.115 445 316.281 567.126 288.180 5.049.684 1.500,000 7,990.952 16,906.243 24.897.195 Virginia Irrtermont College 9.529 581 295,142 932,116 40.642 1.950.711 600.000 1,010,373 7,435,326 8.445.699 4.682.857 Wake Forest University 177,127 4.745.094 17,421.450 39.531.84 7 15,000,000 258.833.048 225,850,573 484,683.621 270 350 000 Wayland Baptist University 1.224.786 448.407 1,515 141 4.390.042 6.000,000 8.277.903 39,238.500 47,516.403 9.622,552 William Carey College 969.027 207.925 361.465 135.591 3373.256 11,600.000 1.695,136 12,543,084 14 238 220 6 650 500 William Jewell College 107.671 1.037.783 1.245.845 2.179.986 7.913.425 10,000.000 32,000.000 18,922,444 50,922.444 15 500 000 Wingate College 974.758 330,980 512.175 5.477.137 30,000.000 8,820.841 23,839,256 32.660.097 10.408.950 $3,599,254 | Totato—Senior Colleges $53,649,612 $71,241,862 $69,749,881 $399,003,965 $657,965,000 $1,299,621,966 $1,465,907,234 $2,765.529200 $969,915 654 cn ’An Additional $96,676 received for endowment "An additional $451.660 received for endowment ’’’An additional $10,000 received for endowment ""An additional $102,600 received for endowment Statistics are provided by the Education Commission, Southern Baptist Convention Junior Colleges, Financial Report, 1987-1988





Received Last

Needs Year of

11 L 1 State Grants


Budget Racal Goals Campaigns In Name Donations, and Amount from ventions Capital 11 Hi Illi Anderson College $ 473,952 $219,853 $482,904 $ 199.959 $4,126,125 $ $3,213,844 $ 13,118,827 $ 16,332,671 $7,198,171 Chowan College 480.000 428,165 265.385 186.481 3,112,528 10,000.000 5,301.774 16,761.905 22,063,679 8.200,000 North Greenville College 488.872 200,000 331.498 217.150 1,861,421 350,000 2,735,578 10,000,000 12,735,578 4.244,116 Truett McConnell College* 422,349 224.246 122.073 2,256.769 3,022,309 3,577.028 6,599,337 3,327,315

Totals—-Junior College* $ 1,865.173 $848,018 $ 1.304,033 $ 725.663 $ 11.356.843 $ 10.350,000 $ 14,273.505 $ 43,457.760 $57,731,265 $ 22,969,602 'An additional $2?' 777 received 'or endowment Statistics are provided by the Education Commission. Southern Baptist Convention

Seminaries, Financial Report, 1987-1988

­ Gifts,


Last tor Con Needs




?ml o5 Southern


Progress 11 lili

Name P rew nt Property Value Budget Fiscal Donations. Goals Campaigns In Amount Baptist vention Capital and IhI! from H Golden Gate Baptist Theological Sem $ 2,553,468 $301,052 $239,628 $472,842 $4,000,000 $2,611,761 $10,248,604 $12,860,365 $5,257,672 Midwestern Baptist Theological Sem 2,236.349 60.259 118.957 120.453 407,817 750.000 2.094.809 9.766.229 11,861,038 4,027.306 New Orleans Baptist Theological Sem 4.356.504 60.259 328.962 399,567 1.021,127 13.200.000 5,377.818 20.686,134 26,063,952 6,399,327 Southeastern Baptist Theological Sem 3,935,187 588,636 454,267 747.886 8.222.578 18,364,383 26,586.961 5,972,546 Southern Baptist Theological Sem 5.754.302 806,230 1,763.804 2.154.497 31,924,487 30,123,657 62.048,144 13,595,155 Southwestern Baptist Theological Sem 7.808.668 776.501 2,737.097 3,365,874 34.985,060 44.756.730 79.741.790 18,788,820

Total*—Seminaries $26,644,478 $120,518 $2,920,338 $5,714,816 $8,170,043 $17,950,000 $85,216,513 $133,945,737 $219,162,250 $54,040,826

Bible Schools and Academies, Financial Report, 1987-1988

­ ­

Gifts, Con Con


for for Received Received from



lit Last

and of

State State




Am ount Income Endowment from ventions Operations ______Name Am ount from ventions Capital Donations, and Goals Campaigns In Income Tutlon Present Property Value Present Endowment Budget Illi Fiscal Bible Schools Amencan Baptist College $ 417.003 $...... $ 5,121 $ $281,425 $ 350,000 $...... $ 660.604 $ 660,604 $ 926,552 Clear Creek Baptist Bible College 405,621 622,718 127,875 312,564 700,000 2.107.043 4.335.662 6.442.705 1,468,778 Fruitland Baptist Bible Inst 385.877 58.574 36,306 130.706 2.000.000 630,000 4,000.000 ■330.000 675,823 Yellowstone Baptist College 1,800 83,907 7,787 31,365 1.000,000 152,000 714.155 866,155 164,640

Totals—Bible Schools $ 1,210,301 $...... $770,320 $ 171.968 $ 756.060 $ 4.050.000 $ 2.889.043 $9,710,421 $ 12.599.464 $ 3.235.793

Academies Fork Union Military Academy $ 181,156 $...... $ 114.617 $ 62,860 $ 5,508.618 $ 3,550,000 $1,835,009 $11,470,790 $13,305,799 $6,643,451 Hargrave Military Academy 202.726 361.905 50.660 2,755,843 828.251 2.940.565 3,768,816 3,764,740 Harrison-Chilhowee Baptist Academy 353,065 102,616 180,020 110.468 230,635 1.305,188 2.369,920 3,675.108 1,175,355 Hawaii Baptist Academy 37,734 674.735 6,684 3,121,464 200.000 188,839 17,197,559 17.386.398 3,850,237 Oak Hill Academy...... 176,030 278,799 1.341,238 1.300,000 27.604 1.999,326 2,026.930 1,302,001 Oneida Baptist Institute 317,570 919.567 34.125 989.561 1.283.522 4.944.690 6.228.212 2.563,385 San Marcos Baptist Academy 458.505 49,589 80,103 1,952,318 1,331,711 1.704,739 16.779.915 18,484.654 4.337,299 Valley Baptist Academy 401.984 147.423 27.261 560,346 593.708 2,313.000 2,906.708 977.725

Totals — Academies $-2,128,770 $ 102,616 $ 2.726.655 $372,161 $ 16,460,023 $6,381,711 $7,766,860 $60,015,765 $67,782,625 $24,614,193

Supported jointly by the Southern Baptist Convention and the National Baptist Convention. U S A . Inc Statistics are provided by the Education Commission. Southern Baptist Convention



Net 803 from

Patients Revenue 45.521.656 54,423,209 51.778,543 52.524.325 90.734 53,797.710 17,257.539 88.422.987 67.744.978 46.851,200 61,261,865 46.106,866 70 45.244.659 34.631.306 $67,950,081 163,200,000 139.468.487 175.422,296 249,589,417 592

No. Out 32 34.905 45.310 60,098 71.662 40,302 34,195 16,208 67.382 27.286 63.077 59,130 34.772 65.718 48,036 61,269 117,318 Patients 116.649 131,216 153,338 715.947



All 46.0 66.7 77.0 66.5 84.6 62.0 75.0 73.7 56 72.0 660 670 57.1 Avg. 62.8 56.0 70.7 67.2 245.0 203.5 Occu- 66 Daily*

No. Days Adult 75.637 61,438 74,493 80.142 76.682 Patient 21.416 75.415 87.556 69,908 69,660 78,464 68,154 90.065 135,019 100.477 160,227 118,016 188.940 170.755 402,595 215.441 263,484 ­ 620 No. 849 born New 1,335 3,112 1.928 2.644 1,550 3,242 2.380 2,831 4.839 6.169 3.533 4.260 2,161 3.152 2.294 2.400 Patients

No. 9,503 8,576 3.899 8.362 Adult 14,120 15,163 12,049 22,246 13,733 23,328 17.976 17.890 12,926 11,579 21.018 27.041 10.292 14.419 48.759 33,016 36.652 14.399

70 32 64 34 38 12 36 36 40 64 80 55 50 33 69 28 38 No. 160 bom Beds New

No. 252 102 377 457 383 351 335 566 315 612 370 622 882 337 358 308 307 335 357 328 Adult 1,629 1,134 1988 — Year 1945 1963 1901 1954 1975 1911 1953 1960 1923 1958 1948 1914 1912 1948 1948 1903 1924 1968 1920 1949 1925 1924



...... III ......

...... Jr Jr Jr

composite Director


a Beaman. Jividen Waters Brown or Powell >s Gettys Smith

Morrow Corey Chandler

Stringfield Garrett

C Strum... E D. C. McKibbens C Clark J. H. Akin

Anderson J.

Preslar. C.




A. Feezor Pearson

Holloway. M. H. H

Administrator, B

Taylor Kent E. David

H. Executive

Robert Dan H. M. Dan W William Tommy Len Roddey Charles Robert C. Joseph David Boone Michael T. Afton Selman Center Ben. Thomas


...... composite


39202 ...... is Baptist

37901 40207

...... 75246

30312 Inc., 78551

and data

35999 76703 ...... 24503


38146 36198


42001 Dallas Jackson 40503

1 79601-2316 Texas. Knoxville Atlanta Inc., 29220 Louisville

Waco ’ City




Htghlands. Harlingen

Gadsden Amarillo

...... Center. Memphis Lynchburg Location


’ Paducah System.

Center," Abilene


" Center,' Tennessee ...... Center,

Hospital. Montgomery Kansas



Hospital Southeast


Center. and Hospitals.

Nashville ......


and 27103 of

Hospital. Medical

Center. Hospital Hospital. Medical Hospital 78286 Inc.,

Baptist Hospital, Baptist


Center, Center. Center. Center Medical

Hospital. Name

Hospital, Baptist



Antonio Medical


Baptist Hospital Baptist


San Medical

Baptist East Baptist Antonio


Baptist in Baptist Memorial Medical

Medical Medical Medical Hospital. Memorial Memorial




Tennessee Plains Louisville Winston-Salem Baptist San Beaumont

Arkansas. Hospital

Baptist Baptist Georgia Central The Western Mississippi Baptist hospitals Baptist North Baptist Baptist Baptist East Baptist Baylor Hendnck High Hillcrest The Valley Virginia

Baptist three

data data


KY AL AL GA KY KY MS MO NC SC sc TN TN TN TX TX TX TX TX TX State TX VA •1987 Indudes 'Joint ■Indudes "1986


Hospitals—1988 (continued)

Facilities and Services Wtthto Hospitals Personnel Educational Program a. Prematura Nursery: J c. Poatoparativs Recovery Room; 4 d. HamodWysia (Inpatient); 1 a. Hamodlatyaia (Outpatism); fa f. Stood Bank g. Organ Bank; i I h. Reapiratory Therapy p Department; L Pharmacy W/FT Registered Ptiarmadat; I fa Pharmacy W/PT Registered 3 II Pharmacist Slate Name and Location 1 II I y i a.c.d.f.h.i 4 0 245 839 No AL Baptist Memorial Hospital of Gadsden 35999 a.c.d.f.h.i...... 0 9 355 962 No AL Baptist Medical Center. Montgomery 36198 a.b.c.d.e.I.h.i 4 62 406 2,187 Yes 5 5 GA Georgia Baptist Medical Center. ‘ Atlanta 30312 a.b.c.d.f.h.i 0 0 218 844 Yes 0 20 KY Central Baptist Hospital.’ Lexington 40503 a.c.f.hj.i...... 0 0 318 968 Yes 0 0 KY ...... The LouisvHte Baptist Hospitals. Louisville 40207 a.b.c.f.h.i ...... 0 0 322 1,300 No 27 0 KY Western Baptist Hospital. Paducah 42001 a. b.c.d.f.h.i 0 1 438 2.490 No MS Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Jackson 39202 6 b. c.d.e.f.g.h.i. 5 18 177 893 Yes 10 MO Baptist Medical Center. Kansas City 64131...... NC North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc.. 376 605 3,572 Yes 0 76 Winston-Salem 27103...... a.b.c.d.f.g.h.i 308 c. d.e.f.h.i...... 0 0 96 379 No SC Baptist Medical Center, Easley 29641-0687 5cib— 0 0 308 1,496 Yes 18 SC Baptist Medical Center at Columbia. Columbia 29220 a.c.f.h.i ...... a.b.c.d.f.h.i ...... 7 14 558 2,484 No TN Baptist Hospital, Inc.. Nashville 37236...... a. b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j 23 46 1.006 5,094 No TN Baptist Memorial Hospital.’ Memphis 38146 b. c.d.f.h.i...... 0 0 273 1,115 Yes 55 15 TN East Tennessee Baptist Hospital. Knoxville 37901 TX Baptist Memonal Hospital System.’ 6 659 3,163 Yes 228 34 San Antonio 78286...... a.b.c.d.f.g.h.i.j 1 No 149 8 Baylor University Medical Center,” Dallas 75246 a.b.c.d.f.g.h.i ...... 35 142 903 3,640 QUARTERLY TX a. c.d.e.f.n.i.j ...... 0 0 301 1,397 Yes 0 0 TX Hendnck Medical Center, Abilene 79601-2316 b. c.d.f.h.i...... 0 0 313 979 No TX High Plains Baptist Hospital. Amarillo 79106 6 6 Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center, Waco 76703 a. c.d.h.i.j 0 0 117 922 Yes TX TX The Baptist Hospital of Southeast Texas. Inc., 0 0 187 1.235 No Beaumont 77704 ...... b. c.d.h.ij...... 6 a.b.c.d.e.f.h.i.) 0 0 282 1,413 Yes 9 TX Valley Baptist Medical Center. Harlingen 78551 a.c.d.e.f.h.i.j ...... 200 12 300 1.299 No i 3 VA Virginia Baptist Hospital.” Lynchburg 24503

REVIEW includes Baptist Hospital East and Baptist Hospital Hylands, data is a composite Jo

"•Pastoral Care Annual Conferenco JULY. Hospitals—1988 (continued)

AUGUST, Capital and Operating Program Religious Ministries a 3

SEPTEMBER Cspltsl Operating

1 Interns

I W orship

c A **e t* from

from 1

c Total 1 Chaplains Year

Assets > Ptant Fund* 1

e E Assets All Other Nat Receipts Denomlnstlon Receipts □•nomination Numbar Second Frequency £ Service z AL

1989 Baptist Memorial Hospital of Gadsden 35999 $39,197,933 $24,733,076 $14,464,857 $22,912,881 $ $ 2 Weekly 6.167 Baptist Medical Center. Montgomery 36198 107.411.243 43.359.813 64,051.430 56,551,000 3 0 GA Georgia Baptist Medical Center ’ Atlanta 30312 124.372.000 82.561,000 2.362.000 33.832.000 6 5 Da4y 11.790 KY Central Baptist Hospital. Lexington 40503 77.173.744 42.415.789 19.891.776 30.740.442 3 2 Weekly KY The Louisville Baptist Hospitals. Louisville 40207 66,168.967 36.963.303 15.726.712 2 Weekly KY Western Baptist Hospital. Paducah 42001 74,493.278 35.030.555 39 462723 24.342.459 11.390 2 Weekly 6.236 MS Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Jackson 39202 72.373.137 48.084.183 24.288.954 27.124,500 169,702 None 12.251 MO Baptist Medical Center. Kansas City 64131 55.106.793 32,145.685 23,605,548 2 10 5 Weekly NC North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, inc , Winston-Salem 27103 290.600,000 107.700,000 116,100,000 86.000,000 937,000 4 10 2 4 Weekly 9.927 SC Baptist Medical Center. Easley 29641-0687 21.540.155 13,552.680 7.987.475 9.694,362 111,549 Weekly sc Baptist Medical Center at Columbia. Columbia 29220 132.475.069 67.201.679 19.856,007 40.622.656 140,000 464,591 5 7 0 Daily 5.655 TN Baptist Hospital. Inc . Nashville 37236 90 A9fi RA-l 3 2 weekly TN Baptist Memorial Hospital,' Memphis 38146 386.079.217 221.039,812 165,039.405 26,728.596 8 19,536 TN East Tennessee Baptist Hospital, Knoxville 37901 58.628.509 26.830,513 31.798.076 6.841.552 6 4 1 2 Weekly TX Baptist Memorial Hospital System,’ San Antonio 78286...... 130.537.850 50.137.774 80.400,076 59.941.514 383.369 7 11 3 2 Daily 5.824 TX Baylor University Medical Center." Dallas 75246 241.033.000 172.889.000 15.426.000 64.167.000 155.318 8 6 •5 Daily Hendnck Medical Center. Abdene 79601-2316 71.000.051 45.280.001 3.185,017 34.960.191 298 662 6 Daily 4.857 TX High Plains Baptist Hospital. Amanllo 79106 102,346.671 47.065.932 55.280.739 58.915,000 178.309 2 2 Daily 3.495 TX Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center. Waco 76703 100.758.135 64.668.174 36.089.961 49241.480 318.355 3 7.014 TX The Baptist Hospital of Southeast Texas. Inc . Beaumont 77704 28.372.229 13.028.369 15.343.860 12.319.830 425.111 3 Weekly 4.030 TX Valley Baptist Medical Center. Harlingen 78551 94.464.806 60.034.692 34.430.114 62.688,416 328.356 3 2 Weekly 1.146 VA Virginia Baptist Hospital. "Lynchburg 24503 63,074.158 30.905,459 32.168.699 29.500 2 2 0 Weekly

includes Baptist Hospital East and Baptist Hospital Highlands, data is a composite 'Joint ownership; Arkansas. Mississippi, and Tennessee 'Includes three hospitals in San Antonio Northeast. Southeast, and 3Baptist Medical Center data is a composite •1987 data "1986 data Retirement Facilities—1988 1988 — Homes

s ’ Children

’Ministry oi Rayola Baptist Community ’Facilities consist of nursing home and retirement village which is completed, statistics are a compilation •Bethea Baptist Home is part of South Carolina Baptist Ministries for Aging, J Thomas Garrett, director ’Buckner 7ownhouse and Burner Quadpiex were combined and are now called Buckner Baptist Village •Consists of Baptist Memonals Village, Hospital. Skilled Nursing Home, and Intermediate Care Nursing Home 'Consists oi homes in Newport News. Culpeper, and Richmond

QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 68 69 o Southern Baptist Summary—1845-1988

Sunday Church Music School vts taining Ministry WMU Brotherhood Church Mission total All Membership Baptisms Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Property Gifts Gift! Churches

• 1845 351,951 23,222 $ S $ 4.126 1855 542.396 43.722 6.590 I8601 649,518 51,342 1879 1.516.351 53.760 1880 1.672 631 78.243 377.214 13.455 1883 934.817 53.908 502.105 13,513 <884 975.153 62.424 556.715 14 102 1885 1.013 160 65 197 326 003 4.700.893 202.170 1 513.640 14.488 1886 1.071 823 90 877 372 929 6.840.281 209,116 1,603.934 14.346 1887 1 125 892 83 158 448 365 9 180.634 219.282 1.876.260 14.874 1888 1 165 812 73,052 539 083 11 515.881 295 394 2.203,700 15.343 1889 1 194.654 77.507 549 127 13.282.024 306 493 2.287.930 15,894 1890 1 235 908 81 806 577 230 13 382.359 398 916 2,876.927 16,091 1891 1 282 220 84 076 494 845 14 703.308 3.252.716 16,654 1892 1.321.540 82 478 15 600.061 3.045.689 17.710 1893 1 363 351 93 842 17 361 794 3.218.789 17.346 1894 1,431.041 105.190 414.379 17 913.444 2.927.162 17,803 1895 1 468 991 90 877 576.711 19.551.268 2.970.429 18.143 1896 1.529.191 97.557 611 528 18 351.855 425,871 2.547.347 18.678 1897 1 568 906 98 984 611 612 18.681.227 667.190 2.895.080 18.922 1898 1 586.709 77 243 628,002 19.207,537 613,946 2.857,071 18.873 1899 1 608 413 73 635 636.944 19.437.323 701,323 3.069.507 18.963 1900 1 657 996 80 465 670 569 20.025,344 881.219 3.456.014 19.558 1901 1 683.039 95.610 712.012 20.637,619 971.984 4.016.394 19.653 1902 1 737 466 108.517 745.474 21,513,888 1,086.308 4.571,325 19,911 1903 1 805 889 103,241 761 059 22.828.672 1.127.794 5.038,253 20,431 1904 1 832.638 103.021 7 76 248 23.824.590 1,210.134 5,379.081 20.402 1905 1.899 427 105.905 844.040 25.471.209 1,476.330 6.083.860 21.802 1906 1 946 948 124.911 876 682 27.917 149 1 704 130 7 108.934 20.776 1907 2.015 080 129,152 959 795 30.861.438 1.817.556 7.863.416 21.266 1908 2.139 080 146.717 '. 055.721 34.637.020 1.997.634 8.522.652 21.887 1909 2.218 911 140 980 I 131 981 37.203,522 2.264.198 9 474.777 22.438 1910 2 332 464 134 440 I 248.116 43 393.899 2 480 207 10.424.486 23.248 1911 2 421 203 132.396 1 288.014 60 700 46.843.897 2,522.161 10.926.406 23.676 1912 2.446.296 123.471 1 329 720 76 665 48 634.360 2.631 976 10.883.092 23,982 1913 2 522 633 137 396 1 491 426 117.695 53.392.795 2.811 515 12.158,587 24.171 1914 2 588.633 151.441 1 705.871 159.932 56.861,492 3,038 044 13.073.940 24.338 1915 2 685.552 168.235 1 760.802 153.071 58.319.638 2.977 667 12.541.890 24.451 1916 2 744 098 160.497 1 784 992 175 540 61 159.186 3.233.011 13.415.834 24.602 64 772.860 3.560.963 15.346.158 24.883 QUARIERLY 1917 2.844 301 148.699 1 835.811 1918 2 887 428 113.833 1 759.208 230 540 69.974.092 4.911.105 I 7.852.929 24,851 1919 2 961 348 123.069 1 835 936 301,873 74.273,728 7 331 266 21.327.446 25.303 1920 3 149 346 173.595 1.926,610 322,011 97 732.990 14.038.661 34.882,082 27.444 1921 3.220 383 233.571 2 147 654 384 215 102.404.038 10.962.725 33,432,746 27.634 1922 3 366 211 224.844 2.220.035 483.166 115.346.960 9,849.857 32.167,978 27.919 1923 3.494.189 195.864 2.381.717 495.149 148 108 127.121.096 9.393.618 34.439.436 27,611 1924 3 574 531 209 676 2.536,953 546 1 93 269 906 141.737.127 9.863.154 37 359.615 27.517 1925- 3.649.330 224.191 2 691.828 28.167 531 415 165.909.278 8.255.435 39.627.009 24.341 1926' 3 616 694 193 279 2 683.331 38.077 498 426 195.005.216 8 161 411 39.855 829 24.774 205.705.944 7 843.652 39,787,237 24.274 19277 3.673 712 197 155 2 780.043 480 190 440 009 REVIEW 1928* 3 705 876 183 020 2.797 129 44 230 500 564 523 736 207.614.545 7 402 788 39.927 910 25,705 1929 3 770 645 1 75 631 2 776 665 51 079 501.405 531 394 213,327 088 7 641 330 39.337 149 24.010 1930 3 850 278 198 579 2 839 183 57 983 533 976 624 659 217.979 116 6.763.837 37 489.021 23,731


July. 1931 3.944.566 211.253 2.952.910 69.786 546.948 651.690 5,819 375 32 618 128 23 806 1932 4.066.140 226,855 3.051.469 71.568 583.842 563.830 209.719,089 4.951.011 27.341.488 1933 4,173.928 211.393 3.069.484 24.035 83.600 618.283 58 1 442 204,376.293 3,880.774 23.289.361 24,270 August. 1934 4.277,052 209.364 3.104.411 100.902 649.773 571.702 202.095.794 4.251.668 24.653.276 1935 4.389 417 220.047 24.360 3.157.458 140.878 662 004 593.766 202.101.914 4.624.515 26.888.567 24.537 1936 4.482.315 191.993 3.173.356 198,153 693.186 595.852 203.469.481 4 986.885 29.188.687 24.671 1937 4.595.602 204.567 3.211.707 264.247 742.201 612.075 206.668.413 5.702,150 32.265.687 24.844 1938 4.770.185 256.814 3.368.851 375.455 805.945 715.402 210.466.838 5 798,529 35.265.340 24.932 1939 4 949.174 269.155 3.523.853 421.377 874.791 747.845 214.724.695 6.267,263 37.136.531 25.018

September 1940 5.104.327 245.500 3.590.374 541.026 919.689 758.151 221,974,479 6,787,627 40.359.038 25.259 1941 5.238.132 209.593 3,553,467 617.404 954.179 768.976 232.944.315 7.822,340 44.857.607 25,603 1942 5.367.129 209.127 3,430.939 590.114 801.567 748 465 54.868 204.131.184 9.681,772 52.247,622 25,737 1943 5,493.027 202.301 3.332.978 548.707 777.732 715.433 33.009 248.168.495 13,455.640 63.067,085 25,790 1944 5.667.926 218.223 3.372.909 635.947 759.885 719.186 34.750 295.534.009 17.300,389 76,588,615 25,965 1945 5.865.554 256.699 3.525.310 801.218 703.332 739.360 38.538 276,089,771 22.490.751 98.458.425 26,191 1946 6.079.305 253.361 3.738.924 1.055.678 802.859 767.521 71.412 313,053.779 27,240.704 115.226,949 26,401 1947 6.270.819 285,152 4.004,075 1.328.790 927.908 761.907 97.146 366,830,652 28.471.014 132,162,846 26,764 1948 6 489,221 310,226 4.301.490 1.268.171 1.079.024 1989 856.332 119.230 450.489.517 30.605,598 155,574,504 26.822 1949 6.761,265 334,892 4.643.650 1.443.072 1,235.438 943.135 142.412 548.261.564 31.316.818 178.337,307 27.285 1950 7.079.889 376.085 5.024.553 1.642.772 1.440,895 1,033,479 167.744 645.271.741 33.402.224 197,242.154 27.788 1951 7.373.498 375,525 5.253.695 1.770.418 1.554.660 1,087,427 185.587 761.510.838 37,268,172 222.838.109 28,289 1952 7.634.493 354.384 5.491,056 2.059.163 1.677,293 1.143.993 214.486 890.697,339 45.822.830 248.004.289 28,865 1953 7.886.016 361.835 5,759.128 1.849.544 2.108.370 1.188.080 242.918 1,020,504,214 48.427.760 278.851.129 29,496 1954 8.169.491 396.857 6.356.489 2.570.290 2.062.952 1.302.060 273.406 1.162.761.138 52.926.157 305.573.654 29.899 1955 8 474.741 416.867 6.641.715 2.652.788 2.223.502 1.245.358 404.281 1 323.453.534 58.360.247 334,836.283 30,377 1956 8.708.823 384.627 6.823.713 2.733.990 2.316,354 1.267.850 445.630 1.491.385.336 64,954.516 372.136.675 30.834 1957 8 966.255 389.716 6.972.350 2.777.104 2.414.584 553.021 1 324.295 511.521 1.662.512.890 70.015.299 397 550.347 31,297 1958 9.206.758 407.892 7.096.175 2.908.157 2.503,920 622.694 1.395,974 582.497 1.825.474.318 74.750.699 419.619.438 31,498 1959 9.485.276 429,063 7.276.502 2.910,258 2.608,110 682.477 1.456.192 617.263 77,753.190 453.338.720 31.906 1960 9.731.591 386.469 7.382.550 3.004,730 2.664,730 646.696 I 484 589 619.105 2.204.351.556 81.924.906 480.608.972 32.251 1961 9.978 488 403.315 7.506.846 3.088.721 2.724.369 715.104 1.496.634 628.087 2.385.175.418 84 434.006 501.301.714 32.598 1962 10.193.052 381.510 7,570,455 3.176.559 2.747.581 791,477 1.489.352 628,063 2.567.836.860 91.433.845 540.811,457 32.892 1963 10.395.940 355.325 7.610.727 1.512.840’ 3.176,307 2.748.553 859.608 634.651 2.751.429.716 96.077 109 556,042,694 33.126 1964 10.601 515 374.418 3.216.2384 7.671.165 2.722.029 923.871 1.509.4843 603,696 2.954.380.965 100.164.740 591.587.981 33,388 1965 10.772.712 361,634 7.659.638 3.394,953 2.610.187 872,186 1.469.739’ 483.219 3.080.663.120 106.743.944 63 7 958,846 33,797® 1966 10.949.493 360.959 7.603.685 3,388.924 2,552.073 945,004 1.459.8283 463.553 3.273,868,971 115.197.437 669.779.972 33,949® 1967 I 1.142.726 378,937 7.579.203 3,439,325 2.514.165 1.019,130 1 444.4283 457.770 3.495,020.717 120.454.869 711.775.365 34.147® 1968 11.332,229 373.025 7.545,513 3.227.705 2.455,497 1.038.290 1.407.673’ 448.738 3.656.597,050 128.023.731 761.877.082 34.295® 1969 II 489.613 368.225 7.418,067 3.648,255 2.343.595 1 062.494 1.291.2213 430,339 3.900.472.691 133.224,335 809.608.812 34.335® 1970 11 629.880 368.863 7,290,447 3,212.436 2.228.217 1.076,487 1 199.8133 422.527 4.127.738,253 34,360® 1971 7.141.453® 138.500.883 857.098,689 11.826.463 409.659 3.241.917 2.106.855 1.088.980 1.137.586® 451.538® 4.307 682.773 160.546 250® 34 441® 1972 12.067.284 7.177.6516 935 044 620 445.725 3.240.514 2.044.445 1 173.004 1.125.6415 454,272® 4.601.622.835 174.772 885® 1 023 146 829 34 534® 1973 12.297.346 413.990 7 182.550 3.239.973 1 949.640 1.252.628 1.102.432’ 461 080 5.022.607.547 193.549 922 1 136 238 734 34 665® 1974 12.515.842 410.482 7 190.829 3.354.681 1.904.986 1.304.068 1 115.1493 460.713 5.614.906.403 219.389.030 1 258 557 004 34 734® 1975 '.2.735.663 421.809 7 281.532 3.491.376 1.886.177 1 354.944 1.133.587’ 476.002 237.617.406 1 387 339 703 34 902® 1976 12.922.605 384.496 7 458.375 3.275,013 1.850.406 1.372.598 1.139.034’ 478.981 6.897.558.829 262.373 823 1 545 977 274 35 073® 1977 13.083.199 345.690 7.430.931 3.193.877 1.778.179 1.382.104 1 118.085’ 473.309 7.605.102.513 289,372 474 1 691 206 562 35 255® 1978 13.196.979 336,050 7 338.046 3.179.015 1.775.701 1.424.693 1.094.966 3 466 698 8.455.626.539 316.919.377 1 869 701 706 35 404® 1979 13.379.073 7.317 960 368.738 3.197.517 1.752.026 1 465.774 1 086.7853 469.315 9.609.575.477 356.207.790 2 083 955 800 35 605® 1980 13.606.808 429.742 7.433.405 3.338.824 1 795,619 1.527.397 1 100,043 3 495.666 10.768.305.191 401 499 506 2 315 149 038 35 83i ® 1981 13.789.580 405.608 7 528 400 3.328.086 1.814.179 1.590.992 1 1 14 461 3 512.900 12.100,841.870 441.400.157 2 583 985 280 36 079® 41 1.554 13.998.252 7 678 604 3.276,977 1.949.348 1.634.774 1 149.2663 529.642 13,187.085,015 486 935 086 2 919 507 245 36 302® 1983 14.185.454 394.606 7 815.443 3.244.355 1.987.390 1.656,764 1.175.3543 565,349 14.514.045.215? 529.283.289 3 165 237 965 36 531 ® 1984 14 349 657 372.028 7 857.337 3.249.777 1.972.907 1 667.385 1 169.6303 568,383 568.059 173 3 437 112 245 36 740® 1985 351,071 14.486.403 7 960.796 3.304,463 1 969.038 1.677.738 1 165,2403 573.740 16 079.145.24C 610.668 080 3 638 340 885 36 979® 1986 14 618.567 363,124 7 943.973 3.279.754 1.954.345 1.724.092 I 180.9673 569.204 17.999.436.935 635.377 346 3 844 289 480 37 116® 1987 14.727 770 338.495 7 942 106 3,319,671 1 953.937 - ir738.294 1 197 4793 572.987 19.066.871.365 662.691,289 4.008 914 325 37 286® 1988 14.818.496 346.320 7.911.373 3.351 280 1 993.738 1.774.018 1.203.929 3 525.511 20.083.402.645 689 598.220 37.567® *No data available lor 1861-71 ‘B M As dropped from list ’Figures include statistics from the church as well as college and/or hospital BYWs ’Reported incorrectly in 1965 Southern Baptist Handbook ’Nonreporting churches are included Nonreporting refers to those still affiliated with the Convention but who have not submitted a report for three or more years “The data is not comparable to previous years See page 36 in 1972 Handbook 'Not part of the 1984 Uniform Church Letter Affiliates of the Baptist World Alliance—1988 Church Churchet Members (Latest figures submitted to the BWA office in McLean, Virginia, March 1989)

J«P»o—...... In a few cases there has been no direct report for several years. The information provided is the most current 214 28,799 Japan Baptist Union...... 54 4,586 available. Kona—...... 1.400 300,000 Malaysia—Malaysia Baptist Convention. Church 94 5,208 New Zealand—Australasian Conference of Seventh Day Africa Churches Members 5 123 The Baptist Union of New Zealand 199 23,466 Okinawa—Okinawa Baptist Convention...... 60 20,420 30 2,160 Angola—Baptist Convention of Angola...... Papua New Guinea—Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea. Inc.. Baptist Evangelical Church in Angola...... 55 34,558 335 36,500 Philippines—Baptist Conference of the Philippines, Inc 137 Burundi—Union of Baptist Churches of Burundi...... 14 10,730 8,372 Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches. Inc...... 702 Cameroon—Cameroon Baptist Convention...... 493 38,528 68,810 General Baptist Church of the Philippines, Inc 304 Union of Baptist Churches of Cameroon...... 170 43,000 15,140 Luzon Convention of Baptist Churches, Inc.. Central African Republic—Fraternal Union of Baptist Churches 6 800 268 31,859 Mindanao Convention of Southern Baptist Churches. 889 Ethiopia—Baptist Evangelical Association of Ethiopia...... 50 6,178 52,166 Singapore—Singapore Baptist Convention 24 Ghana—...... 137 16,100 5,800 Sri Lanka—Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya ivory Coast—Evangelical Baptist Church...... 20 2,284 Taiwan—Chinese Baptist Convention 152 Kenya—Baptist Convention of Kenya...... 750 45,000 17,162 Thailand—Thailand Baptist Convention Liberia—Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, Inc 188 53,000 217 23,100 Malawi—The African Baptist Assembly, Malawi, Inc...... 780 49,270 Totals for Asia......

Religion 15,880 2,352,131 Baptist Convention in Malawi...... 264 20,000

Evangelical Baptist Church...... 77 6,800 Central America and Caribbean Islands Mozambique—Baptist Convention of Mozambique 7 500

of Antigua—Antigua Baptist Association...... Nigeria—Mambilla Baptist Convention in Nigeria 160 15,069 4 560

Bahamas—Bahamas National Baptist Missionary and Education Convention Nigerian Baptist Convention...... 2,704 456,095 211 5,000 Barbados—Barbados Baptist Convention Rwanda—Union of Baptist Churches in Rwanda 27 30,773 4 421 Bermuda—Bermuda Baptist Fellowship.. Sierra Leona—Baptist Convention (Sierra Leone) 27 2,586 3 329 Costa Rica—Baptist Convention of Costa Rica . . South Africa—Baptist Union of South Africa 613 57,509 20 1,936 Cuba—Baptist Convention of Eastern Cuba Baptist Union of Transkei.. 160 5,572 120 5,969 Baptist Convention of Western Cuba. Tanzania—Baptist Convention of Tanzania 555 63,143 102 6,150 Dominican Republic—Dominican Baptist Convention...... Togo—Togo Baptist Association...... 117 7,216 14 1,075 World El Salvador—Baptist Association of El Salvador Uganda— 200 15,000 58 7,069 Guatemala—Convention of Baptist Churches of Guatemala Zaire—Baptist Community of Bandundu 30 22,316 116 11,890 435 218,471 Haiti—Haitian Baptist Convention 91 49,140 Baptist Community of Western Zaire Baptist Haiti Mission...... Baptist Community of the Zaire River. 221 176,944 278 30,000 48th Communaute des Eglises Baptists Autonomes 7 7,000 Honduras—National Convention of Baptist Churches . 56 4,500

The Jamaica—...... Zambia—Baptist Convention of Zambia 350 25,000 281 39,991 Nicaragua—Baptist Convention of Nicaragua Zimbabwe—Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe 173 30,000 68 7.185 Panama—The Baptist Convention of Panama Baptist Union of Zimbabwe 21 1,700 84 7.068

Trinidad and Tobago—Baptist Union of Tnntdad and Tobago 22 3,300 II Total* for Africa...... 8,851 1,479,278

Totals for Central America and Caribbean Islands...... 1,532 181,583 Asia Europe Australia—The Baptist Union of Australia, Inc...... 775 60,520 Austria—Baptist Union of Austria...... Bangladesh—Bangladesh Baptist Fellowship 108 4,063 12 727 Belgium—Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches Bangladesh Baptist Sangha 222 12,235 11 730 136 8,967 Bulgaria—Union of Baptist Churches in Bulgaria 12 730 Czechoslovakia—Baptist Union of Czechoslovakia. . Burma—Burma Baptist Convention 3,377 452,364 29 4.017 Burma Seventh Day Baptist Conference 15 810 Denmark—The 44 6.106

Section Europe—European Baptist Convention (English Language) Hong Kong—Baptist Convention of Hong Kong 55 36,618 50 4,150 Finland—Finnish Baptist Union (Finnish Speaking) —Baptist Church of Mizoram 25 41.060 10 844 Baptist Union of Finland (Swedish speaking) The Baptist Union of India' 21 1,742 Bengal Orissa Bihar Baptist Convention...... 66 6,119 France—Federation of Baptist Evangelical Churches 80 4,250 Convention of Baptist Churches of the Northern Circars. 210 125,000 Germany, Democratic Republic—Union of Evangelical Free Churches in the GDR 220 19,427 Council of Baptist Churches in North East India 3,969 488,367 Germany, Federal Republic—Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany Council of Baptist Churches in Northern India 470 60,000 (ERG) 405 70,059 Karnataka Baptist Convention 90 12,000 Hungary—Baptist Union of Hungary 202 12,000 North Bank Baptist Christian Association 416 28,423 Italy—Baptist Evangelical Christian Union of Italy 81 4,448 Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches 721 312,000 Netherlands—Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands 82 12,342 Indonesia—Convention of Indonesian Baptist Churches. 75 6,050 Norway— 65 5,908 Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches 106 72,000 Poland—Polish Baptist Union 57 3,033 Portugal—Portuguese Baptist Convention 57 3,612

72 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 73 — B

J? 00 CO Percent Change in Number of Churches and Inclusive

C/5 CD ______Membership for Selected Denominations in the Unites States. 1985-1986 itember

Number of Churches Inclusive Membership 1989 Percent Percent Denomination *1QQK noc lisa! Change

Southern Baptist Convention 36,898 37,072 .47 14,477,364 14,613,618 .94 * * The United Methodist Church 37,876 9,150,668 * •

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 11,554 11,531 -.20 3,048,235 3,007,322 -1.34

Lutheran Church in America 5,817 5,832 26 2,898,202 2,896,138 -.07

The Episcopal Church 7,274 7,054 -3.00 2,739,422 2,504,507 -8.56

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod 5,876 5,897 .36 2,628,164 2,630,588 .09

The American Lutheran Church 4,940 4,959 .38 2,332,316 2,319,443 -.55

* Figures not available Source: Yearbook ol American and Canadian Churches. 1988. PP246 252. Yearbook ol American and Canadian Churches. 1987.W2A0~2A6. Financial Reports from Religious Bodies Membership Statistics of Larger in the United States—1987 Religious Bodies In the United States'

Per Member Report Total M Sunday Year No. of Church Percentage ______Religious Body School Total Con­ Total Reported Churches Membership Enrollment’ ol Total Benev- gregational Con­ African Methodist Episcopal Church..... Religious Body 1981 6.200 Contributions o fences Expenses tributions African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 2.210.000 1987 6.060 American Baptist Association...... 1,220,260 255,554 1,705 American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. .. 817% $ 15.24 $ 171.38 $ 186.62 1987 5.833 Alaska Moravian Church...... Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese 1.568.778 368,930 16.23 35.45 182 96 218.41 of North America. The...... 1985 150 Armenian Church of America, Diocese of the 280.000 Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (General Synod) 30.34 163.75 375.95 539.70 1979 66 Assemblies of God...... 450.000 1987 11.004 Baptist Bible Fellowship. International 2.160.667 1.415.444 Baptist General Conference...... 1986 3.449 Baptist General Conference 1.405,900 36 88 184.78 221.66 762 Baptist Missionary Association of America 16.64 Baptist Missionary Association of America 74.611 1987 1,347 21 89 194.59 694.31 888.90 Christian and Missionary Alliance. The 227.638 97,247 Brethren In Christ Church ...... 1987 1.785 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 244.296 171,084 19.14 209.62 885.39 1.095.01 1987 4.195 Christian and Missionary Alliance...... Chnstian Churches and Churches of Chnst 1.086,668 331.487 5.614 12.94 59.47 400 08 459.55 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1983 2.340 Christian Reformed Church in North America 718.922 102.05 626 42 728.47 1987 Church of God (Anderson. IN)...... 14.00 Church of God (Anderson. IN) 682 225,451 1987 2.314 198.552 Church of God General Conference (Oregon. IL). Church of God (Cleveland. TN)...... 196.205 1984 5.346 Church of God in Christ. The 505.775 125 55 293.39 418.94 1982 9.982 Church of the Brethren...... 29.97 Church of God in Chnst. international The 3.709.661 85 56 542.85 628.41 Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The 200,000 Church of the Nararena...... 13.61 1987 Church of the Brethren...... 8,682 4.000,000 3.716,500 84.26 390.89 475.15 1987 1,052 Churches of God, General Conference 17.73 Church of the Nazarene 154.067 56,848 1987 5.080 543.762 Conservative Congregational Christian Conference 19.43 127.11 527.01 654.12 Churches of Chnst...... L”. 850.868 1987 13.364 Community Churches. International Council of 1.623.754 4346 266.47 309.93 1988 200 Cumberland Presbyterian Church...... 14.02 Conservative Baptist Association of Amenca 200.000 1982 16 14 109.53 569 02 678.55 Episcopal Church, The 1.140 225.000 The Episcopal Church...... 1987 7.387 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 2.462.300 558,944 Evangelical Congregational Church...... 21.90 96.30 343.78 439.78 1987 11.133 5.288.230 will Free Baptists...... 1987 2.524 19 34 16873 703.82 872.55 General Association of Regular Baptist Churches 200.387 159.390 Evangelical Covenant Church...... 1981 1,571 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South 300.839 ...... 13.54 42.93 274.07 317.00 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America America...... 1977 1.950,000 1696 68 10 333.43 401.53 International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Evangelical Lutheran Synod...... 1987 1,290 Jehovah's Witness...... 192,327 45.227 36.32 370.83 650.30 1021.13 1987 8,547 773,219 Evangelical Mennonite Church’ Jews...... 1987 3.416 5.943.347 Evangelical Methodist Church ... . 22.45 79.33 273.96 353.29 Liberty Baptist Fellowship 1987 510 200,000 Lutheran Church—Missoun Synod. The 11.57 98.44 752.74 851.18 1987 5,912 Evangelical Presbyterian Church*...... National Baptist Convention of Amenca 2.514.375 658.023 1956 2,668.799 Free Methodist Church of North America 17.23 173 55 833.77 1.007.32 National Baptist Convention. U S A . Inc 1958 26 OOO 5,500,000 National Pnmitive Baptist Convention. Inc 76 98 291 87 368.85 1975 606 Friends United Meeting 20.87 Orthodox Church in America 250,000 2205 211.35 233.40 Polish National of Amenca 1,000,000 Fundamental Methodist Church ...... 9 45 1960 Presbytenan Church m America 282,411 24 34 283.63 307.97 1987 924 General Association of General Baptists. 790 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) 190,960 90,986 1987 11.513 2,967,781 1,095,792 International Pentecostal Church of Chnst Progressive National Baptist Convention, inc 1967 655 521.692 Reformed Church m America The Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 11 18 24 81 197 05 221 86 1987 925 Reorganized Church of Jesus Chnst of Latter-Day 338.348 99,661 15 03 55 58 314.32 369.91 Saints...... 7 Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod 1987 1,097 Roman Catholic Church, The 191,618 36 64 269 46 466 03 735.49 1987 23,552 53.496.862 Mennonite Church...... Salvation Army. The...... 7.146.930 1987 1.097 434.002 110,584 Mennonite Church. The General Conference 42.31 24301 331.37 574.38 Seventh-Oay Adventist Church 1987 4.096 Southern Baptist Convention 675.702 511,572 1988 37.567 14.818.496 The Missonary Church...... Unttanan-Universalist Association 7.911.373 1986 956 173.167 Moravian Church In America. Northern Province 1091 48 06 392 42 44048 United Church of Christ 1987 6.395 1,662,568 United Methodist Church. The 435,628 1986 37.750 9.124.575 North American Baptist Conference United Pentecostal Church. Internationa. 1988 500,000 The Orthodox Presbyterian Church...... 19 70 182 35 743 12 925.47 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 1987 1.187 418.791 49.387 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) 15.05 83 31 470.22 553.53 Totals...... 311.207 39.653,422 26,408,275 Presbyterian Church In America 2610 234 40 663 77 898.17 Plu> Total* of U5 Smaller Bodie* Pnmitrve Church in in the U.S.A. 12.37 105 50 747.55 853 05 38,503 4.273.263 776.551

Reformed Church in America...... 1734 118 10 563 18 681.28 Grand Totals...... 349.710 1 43.926,685 27.184,826 Reformed Episcopal Church 18 14 226 55 1.022 58 1.249.13 — Seventh-Oay Adventist Church 69 19 554 73 247 06 801 79 Religious Bodies with membership of 125,000 or more 15 43 4500 246 55 291.55 'Data only for 1987 or 1988. Source Year Book of American and Canadian Churches. 1989 United Church of Christ. 12.90 40 22 271 69 311.91 The United Methodist Church” 22 84 61 58 208 03 269.61

Unity of the Brethren 400 1326 318 14 331 40 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 16 14 69.99 363 73 433.72

‘1988 data ■1987 data

76 QUARTERLY REVIEW July. August, September 1989 77 c £ S ■Includes ce rc u o S 'Includes 'Includes Statistics Total one compiling baptism records,

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II. Major Denominational Groups Percent ot United States Adults Attending Chui ch Synagogue During Average Week 1986. by Sex American Baptist Churches In the U£A Offices: P.O. Religious Pieteience. and Race jewwi L-cngrcgauon.. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0651; Daniel E. Weiss, Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Central Body General Secretary, Harold Davis, president of Reform Judaism in the United States and Canada 838 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10021; Rabbi Alexander M. Assemblies of God: Headquarters, 1445 Boonville Ave­ Schindler president nue, Springfield, MO 68502; G. Raymond Carlson, gener­

al superintendent United Synagogue of America The Central Body of Coo- servative Synagogues in the United States and Canada Baptist Missionary Association of America: Headquar­ Franklin D. Kreutzer, president Rabbi Jerome P. Epstein, ters, 721 Main Street Little Rock. AR 72201; Gary Divine, senior vice-president 155 Fifth Avenue, New York NY president 10010. Christian Church (Disciples ot Christ): Headquarters. Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 45 222 South Downey Avenue, P.O. Box 1966, Indianapolis. West 36th Street New York NY 10018, Sidney Kwestei, IN 46206; John 0. Humbert, general minister and president Rabbi Pinchas Stolper, executive vice- president president Church of Christ Scientist Headquarters, Christian Sci­ The Lutheran Church Mheouri Synod: Headquarters. ence Church Center. 175 Huntington Avenue, Boston, 1333 South Kirkwood Road, St Louis. MO 63122; Ralph MA 02115; Directors: Harvey W. Wood, Mrs. Ruth A Bohlmann. president Elizabeth Jenks, John L Setover, Mrs. J# Goodsig, Rich­ ard Bergenheim. President Mrs. Pearline B. Thompson; National Association of Free WH Baptists, Inez (Mailing treasurer, Donald C, Bowersock; clerk. Vrgrta S. Harris P.O. Box 1088) 1134 Murfreesboro Road, Nashville. TN 37202; Melvin Worthington, executive secretary. Churches of Christ No general organization. National Baptist Convention, USA, Inez 915 Spain Church of God (Anderson, Indiana): Edward F Foggs, Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802; T. J. Jemison, president executive secretary David L Lawson, associate execu­ tive secretary Keith Huttentocker, director of church ser­ National Convention of Free WB Baptista USA- P.O vice; James E. Wfems, drector of world service; P.O. Box 2400, Kinston, NC 28502; Bishop J. Ervin Reddick, Box 2420, Anderson, IN 46018. president

Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee): Headquarters. Presbyterian Church (USA): Headquarters, 100 Wither­ Keith at 25th Street NW, Cleveland 37320-2430; Ray­ spoon Street Louisville, KY 40202-1396; stated clerk Directory of Christian Groups In United States mond E. Crowley, general overseer; Ray H. Hughes, first James E. Andrews. assistant R. Lamar Vest second assistant John D. Nich­ ols, third assistant Robert E. Fisher, general secretary­ The Roman Catholic Church: National Conference of treasurer. Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference, I. Cooperative Agencies 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC National Cound of the Churches of Christ In the U5A Dtvlaion of Church World Service: Ann N Beardsloe. act­ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Sdrts (Mor­ 20005; Archbishop John L May, president 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. Patricia ing assoc, gen. sec. mon): Headquarters, 47 East South Temple Street Salt The Salvation Army National Headquarters, 799 Bloom­ McClurg, pres.; Arie Brouwer, gen. aec.; James A. Hamil­ Communication Unit J. Martin Bailey, acting assoc, gen. Lake Qty, UT 84150; Ezra Taft Benson, president ton, assoc gen. sec.; Eileen Lindner, assoc, gen. sec.; field Avenue, Verona, NJ 07044; Commissioner Andrew sec. Dorothy J. Marple, asst gen. sec.; Sande Elinson. asst Church of the Nazarene: Headquarters, 6401 The Pasco, S. Miler, national commander; Colonel Harold E. Shouits, Commission on Faith and Order Jeffrey Gros, asst gen. Kansas City, MO 64131; B. Edgar Johnson, general gen sec. national chief secretary. sec. secretary Division of Church and Society: Kenyon Burke, assoc, Commission on Regional and Local Ecumenism: Kath­ Seventh-Day Adventist Headquarters, 6840 Eastern Av­ gen. sec Cumberland Presbyterian: Headquarters. 1978 Union Av­ leen S. Hurty, asst gen. sec. enue, NW. Washington. DC 20012; Neal C. Wilson, DfvWon of Education and Ministry Arthur 0. Van Eek, enue. Memphis. TN 38104; Robert D. Prosser, stated president Commission on Stewardship: Ronald E. Vallet asst gen. assoc, gen. sec clerk. sec. Southern Baptist Convention: 901 Commerce Street Suction on Education for ChristlMi Ufa and Mlaalon: Episcopal Church: Headquarters, 815 Second Avenue. Commission on Justice and Liberation: Lois Dauway. Nashville, TN 37203-3697; Harold C. Bennett president Dorothy R. Savage, Ima Jean Kidd, interim execs. New York NY 10017; Edmond L Browning, presiding asst gen. aec. and treasurer of Executive Committee; Martin B. Bradley, Section on Global Education: Loretta W. Force, exec bishop. recording secretary of the Convention. Administration and Finance: Ruth M. Woodcock, assoc, 2115 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 gen. sec. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America: 8765 West United Church of Christ 105 Madison Avenue. New York Section on Ecumenical MHattla* and Education: Office of Finance and Services Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631; Herbert W. Chilstrom, NY 10016; Avery D. Post president Carol Joyce Brun, Department of Financial Management Leo Lamb, bishop; Lowell G. Almen, secretary. secretary Charles H. Lockyear, drector of finance and Section on Professional Church Leadership: controller treasurer. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese: Headquarters, 8-10 East Arthur 0. Van Eek, acting dir. Department of Business Services: Dorothy L Weeks, 79th Street New York, NY 10021; His Eminence Arch­ The United Methodist Church: C. Faith Richardson, sec­ Section on Bible Translation and UtUxatkx.. exec, dk bishop lakovos. Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdio­ retary of the General Conference; 168 Mt Vernon Street Arthur 0. Van Eek, staff Department of Publication Services: Terrence S. Taylor, cese of North and South America President of the Synod Newtonville, MA 02160. Division of Ovsrsaas Ministries: L Newton Thurber, act­ exec. dir. of Bishops. ing assoc, gen. sec. Department of Data Processing: Thomas McCloskey. dr.

Office ot Personnet Emilio F Carrillo, Jr, asst gen. sec.

July. August, September 1989 80 QUARTERLY REVIEW 81 82 Section III Facts of Interest QUARTERLY


S o u rc e T h e 1 9 8 9 Information P le a s A e lm a n a cp , 6 0 July, Source:


Statistical Puichasing


Abstract Personal


the for




Power 1988, Consumption

p. United









83 Median Income of Families. United States New Housing Units Started. (in 1986 Dollars) United Stales. 1965—1985

Ymt Source Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1988 p 682

United States Unemployment Rates 1985-1987. January-May 1988

Source Th* World Almanac. 1989. p. 152.

84 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August. September 1989 85 Average Income for Nonfarm Family of Four Population of the United States. 1975-1985, at Poverty Level. U.S.. 1960—1986 and Projections for 1990-2000. by Age Group

Welfare Recipients and Percent Distribution by Age Group

Payments. U.S., 1987 Percent 100 - Senior Adults Number of Total Average 90 - Category Recipients Amount Amount 80 - Old Age 1,455,387 $262,912,000 $180.64 70 - 60 - Aid for 50 - Dependent Children 10,866,000 $1,360,400,000 $125.19 40 - Young Adults 30 -

Blind 83,421 $24,749,000 $296.67 20 -

10 - Children Disabled 2,846,191 $815,560,000 $286.54 0 _.

75 1980 1985 1990 1995 20 Totals 15,250,999 $2,463,621,000 $161.53 Year

Source The World Almanac. 1989. p 543 Source: Current Population Reports. Series P-25, No. 704. No. 721. No.952.

86 QUARTERLY REVIEW July, August, September 1989 87 Population of the United States, 1975-1985, and Projections for 1990-2000, by Age Group

Thousand' 120,000

4 100.000 ,Adults tS 5^ v's ♦ 80.000' ♦ Sr Adults ►>(

60,000' .vOunL Adults '8 2G v’s —♦ ♦ 40,000: 4 30.000 I-

1975 80 85 90 95 2000'

30.000 *outr '. ' ' V’S v A ♦ ■e t 1 I

20 000 ~ -4- -

hildrpr n ,rs P'eschoolp's 10,000 Percent Distribution by Age Group

Percent 100 Senior Adults 90





40 Young Adults



’0 Children

1980 ’985 1990 1995 2000 rear Median Income by Size of Family, Birthrates for Selected Countries United States, 1986 1975-1986 (Per 1.000 Population)

1975 79 '80 '81 '82 '83 '84 '85 '86

Souroa: Information Almanac. 1962. p 112; 1983. p. 130, 1985, p. 131; 1987. p. 136, 1989. p 141

Women Returning to Work Within Distribution of Principal Types of One Year of Childbirth. United States. Accidental Deaths. U.S.. 1987 1976. 1980. 1987

Principal types of accidents accounted for 80,100 deaths in 1987.

Source The World Almanac. 1989. p 808 Source The World Almanac. ' 989. p 157

QIARTERI.Y REVIEW Inly, August. September 1989 H9 88 Indexes of Medical Care Prices. 1970—1986 Crime in the United States. 1987

Number Percent Change Over Offense 1987 1986 1978

Murders ...... ___ 20 100 2 5 2 8 Forcible rape ...... ----- 91.100 0 4 34 8 Robbery ...... 517,700 4 6 21 3 Aggravated assault...... 855.090 2.5 49 6 Burglary...... 3.236,200 -0.2 3 4

m m m l Larceny/theft ...... 7.499.900 3.3 25.2 8 Motor vehicle theft ...... 1,288.700 5.3 28.3

Years Source Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1988. p 87 Source The World Almanac 1989 p 819

Living Arrangements of Persons in the U.S. 65 Years Old and Over. 1986 Drug Usage—America's High School Class of 1987

Living with someone else 9% Living with someone else 20%

Male Female

Source Statistical Abstract of the United States 1988 p 35 Percent Ever Used Source The World Almanac. 1989 p 215 QI AK I f.KI Y KI \ II W July. August. September 1‘tH'i Section IV High School Dropouts. U.S.. 1970 — 1986 Southern Baptist Directories

Southern Baptist Convention

Jerry Vines, President, Jacksonville, Florida 1989 session: June 13-15, Las Vegas, Nevada 1990 session: June 12-14, New Orleans Louisiana 1991 session: June 4-8, Atlanta, Georgia 1992 session: June 9-11, Indianapolis Indiana 1993 session: June 16-18, Houston, Texas 1994 session: June 14-16, Orlando, Florida

SBC Executive Institutions Committee Golden Gate Baptist Theological 901 Commerce Street, Nashville, TN Seminary: Strawberry Point, Mill 37203; Valley. CA 94941; William O. Harold C. Bennett, President and Crews, President; Tel. (415) 388- Treasurer; Tel, (615) 244-2355, 8080. Midwestern Baptist Theological General Boards Seminary: 5001 North Oak Street U.S. Energy Production. Consumption, and Imports. Annuity Board: P C, Box 2190, Dal­ Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118 1970 — 1986 las, TX 75221-2190, 2401 Cedar Milton Ferguson, President; Tel Springs, Dallas, TX 75201; Darold (816) 453-4600 H. Morgan, President; Tel, (214) New Orleans Baptist Theological 720-0511 Seminary: 3939 Gentilly Boule­ Foreign Mission Board: 3806 Monu­ vard, New Orleans. LA 70126; Lan­ ment Avenue, P.O. Box 6767. Rich­ drum P. Leavell II, President Tel mond, VA 23233; R. Keith Parks, (504) 282-4455 President; Tel. (804) 353-0151. Southeastern Baptist Theological Home Mission Board: 1350 Spring Seminary: Wake Forest, NC Street, NW. Atlanta. GA 30367 27587; Lewis A. Drummond, Larry L Lewis, President; Tel President; Tel. (919) 556-3101 (404) 898-7000 The Southern Baptist Theological Sunday School Board: 127 Ninth Av­ Seminary: 2825 Lexington Road. enue, North, Nashville, TN 37234; Louisville, KY 40280; Roy L Hon­ Lloyd Elder, President: Tel (615) eycutt, President; Tel (502) 897- 251-2000 4011

QI IARTERLY REVIEW July August. September 19HU Southwestern Baptist Theological Education Commission: 901 Directory—State Conventions

Seminary: Box 22000, Fort Worth, Commerce Street Suite 600, Nash­ — Assistant, Date Assistant to, or State Name of State Body TX 76122; Russell H. Dilday, Presi­ ville, TN 37203-3620; Arthur L Address Founded Executive Director Associate Secretary AL Alabama Baptist State P O Box 11870 s A Earl Potts Harper Shannon dent; Tel. (817) 923-1921. Walker, Jr., Executive Director- Convention Montgomery 36198 AK Alaska Baptist Convention (205) 286-2460 Hortense Bames

1750 O'Malley Road i Bill G Duncan Anchorage 99516

Seminary External Education Divi­ Treasurer, Tel. (615) 244-2362. (907) 344-9627 AZ Arizona Southern Baptist 400 West Camelback Road § Jack B Johnson Convention Phoenix 85013

(602) 264-9421 sion: 901 Commerce Street, Suite Historical Commission: 901 Com­ AR Arkansas Baptist State P O Box 552 e Don Moore Jimmie Sheffield Convention Utile Rock 72203

(501)376-4791 merce Street, Suite 400, Nashville, CA The Southern Baptist General 500, Nashville, TN 37203-3697; 678 E. Shaw Avenue i 0 B Hogue Wendell Foss Convention of California Fresno 93710 (209)229-95.3.1 CO Colorado Baptist General 7393 S Alton Way 1956 Charles E Sharp Doran G. McCarty, Executive Di­ TN 37203-3620; Lynn E. May, Jr., Convention Enniewood 80112 (303) 771-2480 DC District of Columbia Baptist 1628 16th Street. NW 1877 Convention rector, Lee Hollaway, Communica­ Executive Director-Treasurer, Tel. Washington. DC 20009 (202) 265-1526 Florida Baptist Convention 1230 Hendncks Avenue 1854 Dan C Stringer J C Waiters tions Director, Jack Cunningham, (615) 244-0344. Jacksonville 32207 (904) 396 2351 The Baptist Convention of 2930 Flowers Road South 1822 James N Griffith Edwin L Cliburn Director of Seminary Extension De­ The Radio and Television Commis­ the State of Georgia Atlanta 30341 (404) 455-0404 Hawa" Baptist Convention 2042 Vancouver Drive ’943 Honolulu 96822 (808 ) 946-958’ IL Illinois Baptist State partment and Extension Center sion: 6350 West Freeway, Fort Box 19247 1907 Maurice Swinford Association Springfield 62794-924 7 IN (217) 786-2600 State Convention of Baptists P 0 Box 24189 '958 Mark Coppenger Education; George Knight, Direc­ Worth, TX 76150; Jimmy R. Allen, in Indiana 900 N High School Road (317) 241-9317 Indianapolis 46224 tor of Educational Resources and President; Tel. (817) 737-4011. KS-NE Tie Kansas-Nebraska 5410 VJ Seventh Street 1946 R Rex Lindsay Convention of Southern Topeka. KS 66606 (913) 273-4880 Independent Study Education; Kir­ Stewardship Commission: 901 Com­ Baptists KY Kentucky Baptist Convention P O Box 43433 1837 William Marshall James Hawkins Middletown 40243-0433 (502) 245-41011 by L Clark, Director, Seminary merce Street, Suite 650, Nashville, LA Louisiana Baptist Convention P 0 Box 311 1848 Mark Short Truman C Ken Alexandria 71309 MD-DE (318) 448-3402 Studies Department; Tel. (615) TN 37203-3634; A. R. Fagan, Pres­ Baptist Convention of 1313 York Road 1836 Kenneth R Lyle MarylandDelaware Lutherville. MD 21093 Ml (301) 321 7900 242-2453. ident; Tel. (615) 244-2303. Baptist State Convention of 15635W Twelve Mile ’957 Robert Wilson Michigan Southfield 48076 MN-WI (313) 557-4200 Minnesota-Wisconsin Southern 519 16th Street. SE 1983 Otha Winningham Southern Baptist Foundation: 901 Baptist Convention Rochester. MN 55904 Mb (507) 282-3636 Mississippi Baptist Convention P 0 Box 530 1836 Earl Kelly Commerce Street, Suite 700, Nash­ Jackson 39205 (601)96^-3800 Standing Committee MO Missouri Baptist Convention 400 E High 1834 Donald V Wideman Jefferson City 65101 ville, TN 37203-3260; Hollis E. NV (314)635-7931 Baptist Joint Committee on Public Nevada Baptist Convention 406 California Avenue 1978 Ernest B Myers Reno 89509 (702) 786-0406 N-ENG Baptist Convention of New Johnson III, President; Tel. (615) Affairs: 200 Maryland Avenue, NE, P 0 Box 688 1983 James H Curnn Tom Moncrief England 5 Oak Avenue (617) 393-60’3 Northboro. MA 01532-0688 254-8823. Washington, DC 20002; James M. NM The Baptist Convention of P O Box 485 ’912 Claude W Cone New Mexico Albuquerque 87103 NY (505) 247-0586 Dunn, Executive Director-Treasur­ The Baptist Convention of 6538 Collamer Road 1969 R Quinn Pugh New York Jack L Parroti East Syracuse 13057 (315) 433-1001 NC Baptist State Convention of P O Box 1107 ’830 Royj Smith Commissions er, Tel. (202) 544-4226. North Carolina George E Short Cary 27512-1107 (919) 467-5100 James W Lambert NW Tom C Womble Southern Baptist Commission on Northwest Baptist Convention 1033 N E 6th Avenue 1948 Cecil C Sims Portland. OR 97232 (503) 238-4545 OH State Convention of Baptists the American Baptist Theologi­ 1680 E Broad Street ’954 Tai D Bonham Orville H Gnffith Associated in Ohio Columbus 43202 (614) 258-8491 OK Baptist General Convention of 1141 N Robinson 1906 William G Tanner Lyle Garlow cal Seminary: 901 Commerce tne State of Oklahoma Oklahoma City 73103 (405) 236-4341 Organizations PA-SJ Baptist Convention of 4620 Fritchey Street 1970 Wallace A C Williams Street, Suite 600, Nashville, TN Pennsylvania-South Jersey Harrisburg, PA 17109-2895 SC (717) 652-5856 Woman’s Missionary Union: P.O. General Board of South 907 Richland Street 182’ Ray P Rust Carolina Baptist Convention Columbia 29201-2398 37203-3620; Arthur L Walker, Jr., TN (803) 765-0030 Box 830010, Birmingham, AL Tennessee Baptist Convention P O Box 728 1874 D L Lowne Brentwood 37024-0728 (615) 373-2255 Secretary-Treasurer; Tel, (615) TX Baptist General Convention of 35283-0010; Carolyn Weather­ 333 N Washington 1848 William M Pinson Jr Ed Schmeitekopf Texas Dallas 75246-1798 (214) 828-5100 UT-ID Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist 244-2362. P O Box 10329 1964 Darwin E Welsh Anita Lemke ford, Executive Director; Tel. (205) Convention Sandy. UT 84091 (801) 255-3565 VA Baptist General Association Brotherhood Commission: 1548 2828 Emerywood Parkway ’823 Reginald M McDonough John C Ivms 991-8100. of Virginia P O Box 8568 (804)672-2100 Richmond 23226 WV Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN West Virginia Convention o< 801 6th Avenue ’970 Thomas A Kinchen Baptist World Alliance: 6733 Curran Southern Baptists St Albans 25177 WY (304) 727 2974 38104; James H. Smith, President; Wyoming Southern Baptist Box 3074 1984 John Thomason Convention Casper 82602 (307) 472-4087 Street, McLean, VA 22101-3804; DK FLSHP* Dakotas Southern Baptist P O Box 7187 ’983 Dewey Hickey Harnet Hickey Tel. (901) 272-2461. Fellowship Bismark. ND 58502 Denton Lotz, General Secretary- IA FLSHP (701) 255-3765 Iowa Southern Baptist Westview 27 1975 O Wyndell Jones Fellowship The Christian Life Commission: 901 2400 86th Street (515) 278-1566 Treasurer; Tel. (703) 790-8980. MT FLSHP- | Des Moines 50322 Commerce Street, Suite 550, Nash­ Montana Southern Baptist P O Box 50760 ’967 James Nelson American Bible Society: 1865 Broad­ Fellowship Billings 59105 (406) 252-7537 ville, TN 37203; Richard D. Land, way, New York, NY 10023; John D. Executive Director-Treasurer; Tel. Erickson, General Secretary; (615) 244-2495. Maria I. Martinez, General Secre­ tary; Daniel K. Scarberry, Treasur­ er; Tel. (212) 581-7400.

94 QUARTERLY REVIEW July. August. September 1989 95 State Papers—1988 Fro- Or- Convention Name o NC Biblical Recorder R G Puckett 85 000 $7 00 Weekly 1833 P O Box 26568 Raletgh 27611 (AREA C0d"E) TELEPHONE NUMBER TOTAL ------NW Northwest Baptist Witness James L Watters 15.000 $5 00 2i issues 193’ 1033NE 6th Avenue annually Allow six to eight weeks for arrival of first issue Portland. OR 97232 OH Ohio Baptist Messenger Theo E Sommerkamp 32.500 36 issues 1952 1680 E Broad Street annually MAIL TO CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER Columbus 43202 OK Baptist Messenger Glenn A Brown '14 268 $5 00 Weekly 10’2 127 NINTH AVENUE NORTH • NASHVILLE,TN 37234 1141 N Robinson Oklahoma City 73103 PLEASE ATTACH ADDRESS LABEL from a recent issue TO CHANGE YOUR PA-SJ Penn-Jersey Baptist °eggy Masters Peggy Masters 7 000 $5 00 Monthly 1971 4620 Frnchey Street ADDRESS. Harnsburg. PA 17109-2895 sc Baptist Courier John E Roberts Donald M Kirkland 125 000 $7 50 Weekly 1869 Also include such a label whenever you write us about your subscription. P 0 Box 2168 Greenville 29602 TN Baptist and Refleclor W Fletcher Allen Lonnie Wilkey 70 000 $6 55 Weekly 1835 □ Check here to change address of a subscription in force. Print new address P 0 Box 728 Brentwood 37024-0728 above and attach label from a recent issue, showing old address. Please send notice TX Baptist Standard Pres nan h Wood Toby Drum 309 000 $8 85 Weekly 1888 of change 6 weeks in advance. P O Box 660267 Dallas 75266 UT-ID Utah-Idaho Southern Darwin E Welsh Anita Lemke 2485 $3 00 '0 issues 1965 Baptist Witness annually P 0 Box 1039 Sandy. UT 84091 96 QUARTERLY REVIEW July. August. September 1989 97 Baptist State Assemblies 1M9DMM Telephone ENHANCE YOUR STEWARDSHIP Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly...... Talladega...... year...... (205) 761-1100 AK LaVeme Griffin Baptist Assembly...... Wasilla...... year...... (907) 376-6887 AR Arkansas Baptist Assembly...... Siloam Springs. year except December. nuary, and February 501 376—4791 Paradise Valley Baptist Conference Ctr.. Prescott...... Year...... 602 445-8141 Jennes Park Baptist Assembly...... Sonora...... ; Year...... ono209 965-3735 Ponderos? Southern Baptist Assembly . Larkspur...... Year 1719 481-2482 Blue Sprinos Baptist Assembly...... Marianna...... Year 904 526-3676 Lake Yale Baptist Assembly...... Leesburg ...... Year 904 357-3050 West Florida Baptist Assembly Panama City... Year 904 871-3812 Georgia Baptist Assembly...... Toccoa...... Year 404 886-3133 Norman Baptist Assembly Norman Park.... Year 1912 769-3011 Camp Pinnacle...... Clayton 404 782-3232 Camp Tugalo...... Toccoa 404 886-3133 PREACHING Camp Kaleo...... Forsyth Year (912 994-5333 Pu'u Kahea Baptist Conference Center Waianae Year... 808 696-3467 Lake Sallateeska...... Pickneyville Year 618 336-5272 Streator Camp and Retreat Center Streator ...... Year (815672-0084______Stewardship is one of the most important themes in Highland Lakes Baptist Center...... Martinsville...... Year..... 317 996-2728 Webster Conference Center Salinas. KS . Year 913827-6565------preaching. Jesus spoke more frequently on stewardship Cedarmore Baptist Assembly Bagdad...... Year (502 747-8911 Jonathan Creek Baptist Assembly Hardin...... Year (502 354-8355 than on any other subject. Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center Forest Hill...... Year 318 445-6797 Skycroft Baptist Assembly Middletown...... Year. (301 293-2202 Every pastor can enhance his preaching on stewardship Camp WO-ME-TO Jarrettsville...... Year (301 692-9331 Bambi Lake Baptist Assembly with the booklet, Preaching Helps on Stewardship. & Conferencecenter Roscommon..... Year (517) 275-5844 919 Camp Garaway (WMU)...... Clinton...... Year (601)924-7034 919505 It’s packed with outlines, illustrations, and content around Gulfshore Baptist Assembly Henderson Point, 704 Pass Christian Year...... 601 452-7261 614 12 sermons. 601505 289-9730 Central Hills Baptist Retreat Kosciusko...... Year...... 405 Windermere Baptist Assembly Roach ... . Year...... 918'314 346-2205 ne 6-August 29 384-2410 Inlow Youth Camp. Tajique . 405 687-3538 Sivells Baptist Camp...... Cloudcroft...... Year...... 405 629-2374 PREACHING HELPS ON STEWARDSHIP Camp Caraway for Boys . Asheboro...... ne 12-August 12 405 625-4828 Camp Mundo Vista...... Asheboro...... ne 12-August 4 405 ne 5-August 12...... 278-9501 North Carolina Baptist Assembly Oak Island...... 803 Truett Camp...... Hayesville...... ne 11-July 28...... 1 389-8828 1989 Sermon Titles 803 SERMON 7 Year...... 685-5751 Seneca Lake...... Senecaville..... 803 369-2101 Our Calling: Fulfilling Falls Creek Baptist Assembly...... Davis...... ly 1O-August 11 . 615 423-0031 Camp Hudgens. .. . McAlester...... ne 5-July 21...... 1615 SERMON 1 Our Mission 369-2101 Indian Falls Creek Assembly...... Davis ...... ne 19-23 ...... 1512 369-3219 Camp Nunny Cha-ha...... Davis...... June 5-July 21...... 505 How to Become a 369-2101 Hispanic Assembly...... Davis...... June 12-16 915 369-2101 Christian Steward SERMON 8 Deaf Assembly ...... Davis...... July 24-30...... 817 Camp La Vida (WMU)...... White Oak June 5-August 11...... 635-6608 Jesus, Lord of All McCall Royal Ambassador Camp Sunset. . . June 5-August 11 878-6025 SERMON 2 White Oak Conference Center...... White Oak All Year...... 635-4685 Camp Carson Baptist Assembly Newport All Year...... 623-2764 Trustworthiness: The Real Test SERMON 9 Camp Linden Baptist Assembly. Linden...... All Year...... Alto Frio Baptist Encampment...... Leakey. . . (All emcampments are 232-5271 Every Baptist a Missionary Aspendale Baptist Encampment Cloudcroft. NM individually operated 682-2605 SERMON 3 Big Country Baptist Assembly Leuders .. by either an associ­ 228—4542 The Church—His Body Camp Copass Baptist Encampment Denton...... ation or area. If you 382-9984 SERMON 10 Chaparral Baptist Assembly ...... Iowa Park would like specific 855-4182 Circle Six Ranch Baptist Camp Stanton...... dates for any camps, 915 458-3467 SERMON 4 Biblical Principles East Texas Baptist Encampment . . Newton. . . Kse call that camp !409 379-2737 Heart of Texas Baptist Encampment Brownwood ... t of these camps 915 784-5821. Little Becomes Much for Cooperation Highland Lakes Baptist Encampment Spicewood...... are open all year) 512) 264-1777 High Plains Baptist Assembly...... Canyon...... 806 499-3429 Lake Lavon Baptist Encampment McKinney 214 736-2273 SERMON 5 SERMON 11 Lake Tomahawk Baptist Encampment . Livingston...... 409 563-4644 Lakeview Baptist Assembly...... Lone Star 214 656-3871 An Extraordinary Gift The Christian Steward Latham Springs Baptist Encampment Aquilla . 817) 694-3689 Mt Lebanon Baptist Encampment Cedar Hill...... (214)291-7156 Palacios . .. Palacios...... (512)972-2717 SERMON 6 SERMON 12 (806)447-2627 Panfork Baptist Encampment...... Wellington Pineywoods Baptist Encampment Woodlake (409) 642-1723 What Is Sacrificial Giving? Staying on Course Plains Baptist Assembly...... Floydada (806)983-3954 Tarrant Baptist Encampment...... Glen Rose (817) 443-0604 imberline Baptist Camp & Conference Center...... Lindale. 214) 882-3183 Order your copy today of Trinity Pines Conference Center Trinity...... 409 594-5011 Preaching Helps on Stewardship (FB-32) Zephyr Baptist Encampment Sandia 512 547-2448 / WIN\ VA Eagle Eyrie Baptist Assembly Lynchburg All Year 804)384-2211 for $1.50 per copy. Send your request to: Camp Plankatank (RA) Hartfield June 10-August 12 804) 770-9552 Them All? Peaks of Otter Camp (RA) Bedford June 29-August 12 (703)586-2308 SBC Stewardship Services (307) 472-4087 WY Mountain Top Baptist Assembly Casper Summer...... 1 1 27 Ninth Avenue, North Give Nashville, TN 37234 615/251-2036

98 QUARTERLY REVIEW 221-9-W106 Have you ever really studied Jesus, the Man9 The Faces of Jesus, a unique new video, lets you discover the many moods of God s Son Follow the sculptor as he reflects Jesus human feelings of laughter, sorrow, anger, and suffering as well as His feelings of love and compassion Dramatic narration presents highlights of Jesus ministry, death, and resurrection Allow Jesus to become even more real to adults, youth, and older children as they see His moods change before their very eyes Use this video as an introduction to a study on the life are ministry ol Jesus or as an inspiring presentation for a variety of groups within your church 4429-95 + -34 00 '/i" VHS. S49.00 r ■ ■ ■ Please send me more information on flow my church can save 30% with CAVE! ■ i Churchs name Your church can save 30% off the purchase ol ■ The Faces of Jesus and all other audiovisuals ■ through membership in The CAVE (Church ■ Address i Audiovisual Education) Plan' Write today for ■ more information1