Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information


Coinciding with the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Baptist movement, this book explores and assesses the cultural sources of and practices. Although the Baptist movement has been embraced, enriched, and revised by numerous cultural heritages, it has focused on a small group of Anglo exiles in Amsterdam in con- structing its history and identity. Robert E. Johnson seeks to recapture the varied cultural and theological sources of Baptist tradition and to give voice to the divergent global elements of the movement that have previously been excluded or marginalized. With an interna- tional communion of more than 110 million persons in more than 225,000 congregations, constitute the world’s largest aggre- gate of evangelical Protestants. This work offers insight into the diver- sity, breadth, and complexity of the cultural influences that continue to shape Baptist identity today.

robert e. johnson is currently Professor of Christian Heritage and Academic Dean at the Central Baptist Theological Seminary. He has also taught at the Faculdade Teologica´ Batista de Sao˜ Paulo, , and the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the editor of American Baptist Quarterly and the author of numerous scholarly articles.

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ROBERT E. JOHNSON Central Baptist Theological Seminary

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information

cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, , Madrid, , Singapore, Sao˜ Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, , Mexico City

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C Robert E. Johnson 2010

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A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Johnson, Robert E. A global introduction to Baptist churches / Robert E. Johnson. p. cm. – (Introduction to religion) Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 978-0-521-87781-7 (hardback) 1. Baptists. I. Title. II. Series. bx6331.3.j64 2010 286.09 –dc22 2010010210

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List of Illustrations page vii Acknowledgments ix List of Important Baptist Organizations xi Global Baptist Timeline xv

Introduction 1

part i. foundations 7

1. The Primal Shaping Processes of the Global Baptist Movement 9

part ii. age of emerging baptist denominational traditions: global baptist development phase 1, 1600–1792 51

2. Seeds for Diversity amid an Early Anglo Prevalence 53

part iii. the frontier age: global baptist development phase 2, 1792–1890 97

3. Baptists’ Frontier Age in the British Empire 99 4. Baptists’ Frontier Age in the United States 140 5. Baptists’ Frontier Age in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America 185


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information

vi Contents part iv. age of proliferating traditioning sources: global baptist development phase 3, 1890 to present 231

6. Baptists’ Evolving Traditioning Sources in Africa, Asia, and Oceania 234 7. Baptists’ Evolving Traditioning Sources in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Eurasia 285 8. Baptists’ Evolving Traditioning Sources in North America 334

part v. beliefs and practices 385

9. Baptists’ Beliefs and Practices 387 Conclusion: A New Context for Baptist Identity 428

Index 433

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1. First Baptist Church in America, organized in Providence, RI, in 1638, under the leadership of . page 92 2. Sandy Creek Baptist, organized in Sandy Creek, NC, in 1755 under the leadership of and Daniel and Martha Marshall. 93 3. Bloomsbury Chapel, , as it appeared in about 1848, noted for its social activism. 100 4. Johann Gerhard Oncken (1800–84), a German Baptist pastor and evangelist who pioneered Baptist work in many parts of the European Continent, 1834–84. 101 5. First Chinese Baptist Church, San Francisco, organized in 1880, representative of the many ethnically identified Baptist churches around the globe. 182 6. Singers illustrate the very up-to-date methods and technologies employed by many Baptist congregations of India today. 225 7. A women’s choir from Northeast India represents the many tribal traditions and long history of Baptists in India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Thailand. 225 8. U Naw Baptist Church, Yangon, Burma’s first Baptist church organized by Adoniram and Ann Judson in 1816. 226 9. First Baptist Church, Mawlamyine, Burma, organized by the Judsons in 1827. 226 10. Ann Hasseltine Judson (1789–1826) and Adoniram Judson Sr. (1788–1850), the pioneer American Baptist missionaries to Burma. 227 11. The Maitrichit Chinese Baptist Church organized in 1837 in Bangkok, Thailand. 228 12. Matondo gathering at Kinkosi, Democratic Republic of Congo, in 1928 – on this occasion, 228 persons were baptized. 282


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viii Illustrations 13. Lott Carey (1780–1829), born into slavery in the United States, earned his freedom and established Liberia’s first Baptist Church in 1822. 282 14. William L. Judd and the Haitian Baptist leader Lucius Hipolite in 1847, a work sponsored by the Baptist Free Mission Society. 328 15. Cuban Baptist Pastors during a Baptist convention held in Baracoa, . 329 16. Worship at the Central Baptist Church, Moscow, 1989. 330 17. Baptist Church of Bucha, near Kiev, Ukraine. 331 18. Nannie H. Burroughs, corresponding secretary for the Women’s Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention. 378 19. Helen Barrett Montgomery, advocate for women’s education, a New Testament translator, president of the Woman’s American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, and president of the Northern Baptist Convention. 379 20. Kowloon City Baptist Church in Hong Kong. 426 21. Pleasant Valley Baptist Church near Kansas City, Missouri. These churches are illustrative of the megachurch trend in the Baptist movement. By 2010, Kowloon City had more than twelve thousand members and Pleasant Valley more than eight thousand. Both churches have shopping-mall-sized campuses. 426

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I began my faith pilgrimage in a relatively small Baptist church in the eastern United States, a religious context quite misunderstood and often belittled in today’s Western culture (and usually with justifiable cause). Little did I know during my formative years the importance this seemingly insignificant faith community would have in shaping my character over the long term. Not only did I gain my earliest spiritual and theological formation through that church; I also formed my very first peer friend- ships, learned important lessons about communicating across generational barriers, gave my first public addresses amid the plaudits of encouraging community leaders, grew into an awareness of my social justice responsibil- ities, and began to develop my own sense of vocation. Moreover, growing up in that church community confronted me with my need to embrace a more enduring set of values than the ones to which I initially had been attracted. That fellowship of saints helped me begin the exploration of who I am as an individual in community and taught me to value education, hard work, and a larger perspective of the world. It was not then, nor is it today, an elite or politically powerful congregation, but I am obliged to that community of the faithful for the foundations it gave me for life. Because hundreds of other churches like that one had valued education and had united in 1830 to establish a college, I was able to continue my intellectual and spiritual journey of formation at a widely known East Coast university. There my horizons were further broadened, my curiosity was sharpened and deepened, and my desire to serve God and humanity was heightened. The vision of still other churches and church leaders enabled me to do graduate studies, providing me with the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed to enter my life’s vocation of scholarship and education. I owe an incredible debt to both a wonderful ecclesiastical heritage and to more people than I will ever know personally, many of whom were and are not Baptists.


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x Acknowledgments I must express gratitude, however, to a few of the people I do know for their assistance in making this project possible. First, I want to acknowledge Andy Beck, my initial editor at Cambridge University Press, who assisted me in designing, refining, and launching this project. Then I affirm my appreciation to Jason Przybylski and Emily Spangler of Cambridge Uni- versity Press and to Larry Fox, Peter Katsirubas, and Katherine Faydash for later phases in reading, editing, and producing this book. There also were anonymous scholars who evaluated the initial manuscript and offered valuable feedback for improvements that have been incorporated into the finished product. This project could never have been completed without the skilled assistance of these and countless other persons. In addition, I wish to acknowledge the support of Rev. Dr. Molly Mar- shall, president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, for allowing me the time needed to research and write this book. I am also indebted to my faculty colleagues, many of whom read portions of the manuscript and offered valuable suggestions for improvement. Special appreciation is offered to Dr. Deborah Van Broekhoven, executive director of the American Baptist Historical Archives, now located at Mercer University in , Georgia, and to the library staff of Central Baptist Theological Seminary for their assistance in locating and obtaining resources and graphics essen- tial to the research and illustrating of this book. I am grateful to many other persons who contributed graphics and photographs besides the ones that were finally selected for inclusion in this volume; among them were Laura Willis, Jeff Faggart, John Carter, Ben Chan, and Francisco Litardo. I am appreciative also of the lifework and scholarship of a host of educators and historians of Baptist heritage who have been formative in my understand- ing, including Edwin Gaustad, Leon McBeth, William Brackney, Albert Wardin, Bill Leonard, Richard Pierard, and many other like-minded schol- ars, women and men, Anglo, African, Native, and Asian, some who have long ago passed from this life but whose work continues to influence my thinking today. Finally, I wish to voice the gratitude I hold for my wife, Rebecca, and for her faithful support and encouragement during the lengthy process required to research, write, and edit this manuscript. She sacrificed many holidays, special events, and evenings together as her contribution to the project. For all this and much more I am affectionately grateful.

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Important Baptist Organizations

ABA American Baptist Association (United States) ABC American Baptist Convention (American Baptist, United States) ABC-USA American Baptist Churches in the USA ABES American Baptist Education Society (United States) ABFMS American Baptist Free Mission Society (United States) ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Society (United States) ABMS African Baptist Missionary Society (United States) ABMU American Baptist Missionary Union (United States) ABPS American Baptist Publication Society (United States) AIC African Indigenous Churches (Africa) AUCECB All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (Russia) BBFI Baptist Bible Fellowship International BEM Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry BGC Baptist General Conference (United States) BGAV Baptist General Association of (United States) BGCT Baptist General Convention of (United States) BMA Baptist Missionary Association (United States) BMS Baptist Missionary Society (England) BUS Baptist Union of Scotland () BWA (global) BWM Baptist World Mission (Conservative Baptists, United States) BZM Baptist Zenana Mission (India) CBA Conservative Baptist Association of America (United States) CBB Brazilian Baptist Convention (Convenc¸ao˜ Batista Brasileira) CBF Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (United States) xi

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information

xii Important Baptist Organizations CBFMS Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (United States) CBM Canadian Baptist Ministries () CBM Convencion´ Bautista Mexicana (Texas, United States) CBNB National Baptists (Convenc¸ao˜ Batista Nacional do Brasil) CCT Church of Christ of Thailand (Thailand) CEREA Centre de Regroupement Africain (Congo) CNBM National Convention of Mexico (Mexico) FBFA Fundamentalist Baptist Fellowship of America (United States) HBCT Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas (United States) HMB Home Mission Board (Southern Baptist, United States) FCBC Free Christian Baptist Conference (Canada) FMBNBC Foreign Mission Board (National Baptist, Inc., United States) FMBSBC Foreign Mission Board (Southern Baptist, United States) FWBES Education Society (United States) GARB General Association of (United States) GCSDBC General Conference of Seventh Day Baptist Churches (United States) IBFI Fellowship International (United States) IM International Ministries (ABC-USA) JBU (Caribbean) JBMS Jamaican Baptist Missionary Society (Caribbean) JLJ Jacob, Lathrop, Jessey Separatist Church (London) NAFWB National Association of Free Will Baptists (United States) NBC Northern Baptist Convention (American Baptist, United States) NBCA National Baptist Convention of America (United States) NABC North American Baptist Conference (United States and Canada) NBCUSA National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (United States) NCWW National Committee on Woman’s Work (United States) NM National Ministries (ABC-USA) OFWB Original Free Will Baptists (United States) PNBC Progressive National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. SBC Southern Baptist Convention (United States) UCBRF Union of Christians-Baptists of the Russian Federation

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Important Baptist Organizations xiii UEFCC Union of Evangelical Free Church Congregations () WBF (United States) WBFMS Woman’s Baptist Foreign Mission Society (United States) WBHMS Woman’s Baptist Home Mission Society (United States) WEIU Woman’s Educational and Industrial Union (United States) WMU Woman’s Missionary Union (United States)

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Global Baptist Timeline


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xvi Global Baptist Timeline

1550 1575 1600 1610 1620 Elizabeth I (Eng., reigned 1558–1603) James I (Eng.) (1603–1625)

Separatists (Eng.) Sources Cultural Traditioning First General Baptist Church 1609 (Eng.)

EUROPE (1570–1616) (Eng.) John Smyth (fl. 1586–1612) JLJ Church org. 1616 (Eng.) Baptist Sources Spitalfields Church org. 1611 (Eng.) Traditioning Indian Nations French rule Great Lakes & Mississippi Valley ca. 153 4–1713 Spanish rule SW regions of USA 1609–1854 Ponce de León claims for Spain 1513 Jamestown Colony 1607 Sources Cultural

Traditioning First African slaves arrive 1619 Baptist Sources NORTHAMERICAASIA Traditioning

Major cultures include Afanasievo (Siberia); Ainu (); Angkor (Cambodia/Thai); Champa (Vietnam); Chengbeixi (China); Ottoman (Middle East); Paekche (Korea); Phu Lon (Mekong River); Phung Nguyen (Vietnam); Qijia (Mongolia); Qinglian'gang (China); Sa Huynh (China); Shilla (Korea) Sources Cultural Soan (Pakistan/India); Son Vi (Vietnam); Indus (India/Pakistan) Traditioning Baptist Sources Traditioning Kingdoms of Axum 5th cent. BCE–12th cent. CE; Zimbabwe 500–1700; Ghana 800–1077; Mali 1200–1500; Mandinka 1235–1645; Songhay 1400–1591 Portuguese colonial trade begins early 1500s Sources Cultural

Traditioning Slave trade begins in 1520s Baptist Sources Traditioning Native cultures include Cañans (Ecuador); Caral Supe (Peru); Norte Chico (Peru coast); Chavin (Peru); Chibchas (Colombia); Amazon (Brazil); Moche (Peru) | Mayan civiliz. Mexico c. 600 BCE; New Mayan Empire c. 900–c. 1191;Aztecs est. Mexico City 1327; Cortéz conquers Aztecs 1519; Sources Cultural

Traditioning Pachacutec est. Incas in Peru 1438; Pizarro conquers Incas 1533; | African slaves to Hispanolia 1501 CARIBBEAN Baptist Sources LATIN AMERICA & LATIN Traditioning

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures prior to 56,000 BCE Cultures of Polynesia, Micronesia, & Melanesia New Zealand Maori Culture 500–1300 Sources Cultural Traditioning OCEANIA AFRICA Baptist Sources Traditioning

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Global Baptist Timeline xvii

1630 1640 1650 1660 Charles I (Eng.) Cromwellian Commonwealth (1625–1649) First Particular First Scottish Baptist Church First London & Irish Baptits, Mark Lucar leaves 1630s (Eng.) Confession 1644 1650s JLJ Church over

EUROPE Parish Baptism First Welsh Seventh Day Dorothy Hazzard, 1633 (Eng.) Baptists 1630s Baptists 1653 (Eng.) Bristol 1660s (Eng.)

Plymouth, MA, Newport, RI, Colony 1620 First Baptist Baptist 1641 (USA) First Baptist Church (USA) Providence, RI, Boston 1667 (USA) 1638 (USA) Obediah Holmes whipped on Boston Swansee Baptist Roger Williams Williams’ Common 1651 (USA) Church 1667 (USA) arrives in Boston Bloody Tenent of John Clarke’s 1631 (USA) Persecution 1644 Ill Newes from New NORTH AMERICA NORTH (USA) England 1652 (USA) Portuguese arrive in Goa Dutch gain British in Bombay 1510, Canton foothold 1661 1517, & Japan in Taiwan 1640 Qing Dynasty 1540s 1644 (China) Dutch expelled from Taiwan ASIA 1662

Char Bouba War Persian Shahdom Songhay Empire conquers 1634–1654 gains control of the Mossi 1670s East African Kanem-Bornu Coast conquered by AFRICA Songhay Empire 1651–1658

British colonize Cabral claims Bermuda 1612, Brazil for Barbados 1625, French colonize Dutch colonize Portugal 1500 Antigua 1632, Dominica 1832, Suriname 1667 & Santa Fe, NM, Bahamas 1640, Martinique 1635, founded 1605 & Jamaica 1655 &Tortuga 1659


Explorer Abel Tasman visits 1642 New Zealand 1642, & Fiji 1643 OCEANIA

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xviii Global Baptist Timeline

1670 1680 1690 1700 Royal Bristol Baptist Restoration (1660) College org. 1679 The Particular Baptist Fund Venner Rebellion Delaune’s A Plea org. 1717 1661 (Eng.) for the Non- Grantham’s Conformists 1683 EUROPE Conventicle Act Christianismus 1664 (Eng.) Primitivus 1678 Act of Toleration 1689 Seventh Day Cohansey Baptist Baptist, Newport, Kittery, ME, Church org. 1690 WelshTract Baptist Church, RI, 1671 (USA) Baptist Church (USA) Deleware 1703 (USA) 1681 Cold Spring Baptist Church 1684 (USA) First Baptist Pennepeck Baptist Charleston, SC, NORTH AMERICA NORTH Church 1688 1696 (?)

Moghul Empire Treaty of Nertchinsk 1526–1858 between Russia & China 1689 ASIA China conquers Mongolia 1691

Dutch est. Cape Town 1689 (S. Africa) AFRICA

Henry Morgan governor of Nijmegen Treaty: Scottish attempt to Jamaica 1673–1688 Spain cedes colonize Darien Western (Panama) Hispaniola 1699 & (modern Haiti) to France 1697 CARIBBEAN ATIN AMERICA ATIN L OCEANIA

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Global Baptist Timeline xix

1710 1720 1730 1740 English General Salters’ Hall Skepp’s Divine Baptists of the Meeting 1719 Energy introduces Gen. Association High Calvinist and Gen. Assembly Brine to Cripplegate Baptist, Tradition 1722 reunite on basis of London, strong advocate of

EUROPE Six Principles in High 1730 Hebrews 6:1–2

First Great Awakening Schism among New Light Baptist Association begins 1735 Congregationalists over 1707 (USA) est. Baptism 1740s & 1750s General Baptist George Whitefield Churches in NC in Colonies 1740 Baptist Church 1729–1742 Philadelphia Confession of in Great Valley (USA) First Separate Baptist Faith 1742 NORTH AMERICA NORTH formed 1711 Church 1743 (USA)

End of Safavid Nadir Shah raid Dynasty 1722 Delhi 1739 (Persia) ASIA Chinese gain control over Tibet 1724

Ibo Kingdom Sherbo People Kansar Kingdom est. 1732 (Nigeria) United 1717 est. 1724 (Sierra Leone) (Guinea) Yaoundé Kingdom

AFRICA Lomé Kingdom Douala Kingdom 1741 (Cameroon) est. 1721 ( Togo) est. 1727 (Cameroon) Montevideo est. 1717 Coffee introduced to Brazil 1727

& Viceroyalty of Santa Fe de Bogata


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xx Global Baptist Timeline

1750 1760 1770 1780 Ann Dutton Keiss Church org. 1740s (Eng.) (Scot.) 1750 Gill's A Body of to Kettery Doctrinal Divinity Baptist Church 1783 (Eng.) 1770 (Eng.) Fuller’s The Gospel Worthy of

EUROPE New Connection All Acceptation 1785 of General Baptist org. 1770 Indian Baptist Sandy Creek Ebenezer Moulton Black Baptists Henry Cowan Church, RI 1750 Baptist Church to Nova Scotia [South] Robert Steven (USA) 1755 (USA) 1760 (Can.) [North] (USA), & David Charleston Baptist Acadians Horton Baptist George (USA, Can.) Assoc. 1751 (USA) expelled 1755 1765 (Can.) (Can.) Kehuckee Assoc. Silver Bluff Church 1773 (USA) Russian rule extend 1765 (USA) to NW region USA Isaac Eaton’s Warren Assoc. Loyalist Migrations NORTH AMERICA NORTH 1742–1841 Academy 1756 1767 (USA) 1783–1798 (Can.)

British victory at Plassey 1757 Konbaung Dynasty Chinese gain control makes Rangoon of Xinjiang 1768 capital of Burma ASIA 1755

Igbira Kingdom First settlement of est. 1743 Baoule Kingdom freed slaves in (Nigeria) est. 1750 Sierra Leone 1787 (Ivory Coast)

AFRICA Tiv Kingdom est. 1748 (Nigeria)

Frank Spence, Bahaman Baptists Brazil Capital 1780 removed from First Spanish Salvador to Rio mission in de Janeiro 1763 & California Jesuits expelled at San Diego from Spanish est. 1769 CARIBBEAN America 1767 Viceroyalty of LATIN AMERICA LATIN La Plata est. 1776

Spain claims First English Hawaiian Islands settlement in 1751 Australia 1788 OCEANIA

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Global Baptist Timeline xxi

1790 1800 1810 1820 Strict Baptists begin Haldane Baptist Union to form Careys to India Revivals 1813 (Eng.) Baptist Missionary 1793 (Scot.) Society 1792 (Eng.) Baptist Irish Soc. 1813 EUROPE

First African, Savannah Second Awakening Nova Scotia Ann & Adoniram 1779 (USA) 1795–1830 (USA) & New Brunswick Judson 1813 (USA) Assoc. 1800 Free Will Baptists 1780 Gen. Conf. of Triennial Conven. (USA) Horton Academy 1814 (USA) Churches 1802 (USA) 1828 (Can.) of Christ in Virginia Free Baptist Church 1787 (USA) Harding, Chipman, Nova Scotia NORTH AMERICA NORTH & Dimock (Can.) 1821 (Can.)

First Baptists First Baptists in Judsons in Qajar Dynasty in India 1793 Indonesia Burma 1813 est. 1795 (Persia) 1813–1857 ASIA Krishna Pal, first Baptist of India 1800

David George, Sierra Lott Carey, Liberian Baptist immigrants Leone Baptists, 1792 Baptists, 1822 to Grahamstown 1823 (S. Africa)

British seize

AFRICA Cape Colony 1806

George Leile, First Bethel Baptist, Baptists in Trinidad Jamaican Baptists 1791 Bahamas 1790 1816

Amos Williams, Bahamas Baptists in Haiti & 1788 1823



Whale hunters Unification of est. settlements Hawaii 1795 in New Zealand 1790s OCEANIA

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xxii Global Baptist Timeline

1830 1840 1850 1860 Union of Assoc. Memel Baptist C.H. Spurgeon, Britain outlaws slavery 1833Churches Baptized Church 1841 (Lith.) Metropolitan Christians in Tabernacle (Eng.) Johann G. Oncken becomesGermany & Frederik Nilsson Baptist 1834 (Ger.), 1849 exiled from Dublin Revival 1859

EUROPE Swedish Baptists, 1851 First Danish Baptists 1830s A.P. Foster 1848 Finland Baptists Norwegian Baptists 1856 1860 Primitive Baptist Churches Trail of Tears 1838 Southern Baptist African Baptist (USA) Conven. 1845 Assoc. 1853 (Can.) Landmark Baptists (USA) Amherstburg (USA) Assoc. 1841 (Can.) N. American Baptist First Chinese Baptist in Midwest Conf. 1851 (USA) Sacramento, 1860 1824 (USA) Free Baptists (USA) 1841 (Can.) Baptist General Grant’s Indian Richard Preston to American Indian Conf. America 1856 “Peace Policy” NORTH AMERICA NORTH Nova Scotia 1816 Mission 1842 (USA) (USA) 1869 (USA)

Assam Baptists 1830s (Ind.) Burmese Bible Elizabeth Sale, Meghalaya Bapt. 1840 Zenana Mission 1860s (Ind.) Telugu Baptists 1836 (Ind.) Karen Baptist 1854 (India) ASIA 1852 (Myan.) Myanmar Baptist Maitrichit Chinese Baptist Baptist Assoc. of Conv. 1865 Church, Bangkok 1837 First Chinese 1851 (Ind.) Baptists 1840s Baptists on Island Telugu Baptist German Baptist Fernando Po, 1841 presence (India) in immigrants to S. Africa S. Africa 1858–1861

Cameroon Baptist Carl Gutsche AFRICA Church 1849 sent by German Mission to Nigerian Baptist 1853 S. Africa 1867 Sharper Morris, Turks & Caicos 1830 Jamaican Baptist Jamaican Baptist Baptists in Mexico Mission Soc. 1842 Union 1849 1864

& Baptists in Dominican Calabar Theological

CARIBBEAN Republic 1843 College 1843 (Jamaica) LATIN AMERICA LATIN

Tasmania First Aboriginal Austr. Baptist John McKaeg Baptists 1835Baptist 1848 Mission Soc. 1863 1832 (Austr.) (Austr.) (Austr.) Baptist Unions Baptists in Victoria 1862, Bathurst St. Nelson, NZ, S. Austr. 1863, & OCEANIA Sydney 1836 1851 New S. Wales (Austr.) 1868 (Austr.)

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Global Baptist Timeline xxiii

1870 1880 1890 1900 Baptists in St. Petersburg 1855, Marianne Hearn, Merger of General 1860s, Ukraine 1864 hymn writer (Eng.) Union of Baptist & Particular Baptists Baptist Union Wales, 1866 Churches of 1891 (Eng.) Scottish Baptist Union 1869 Tbilisi Baptist Russia 1887 Church 1880 Baptist Union

EUROPE Norwegian Baptist Union 1877(Georgia) Austria- Ireland 1895 Bulgarian Baptists Assoc. of Baptists Estonian Baptist Latvian Baptist Union 1879 1880 1885 Union 1896 Lucinda Williams, Dallas Baptist Convention Baptist Convention 1868 Bacone College Manitoba & Ontario & Quebec Hannah Morris 1870 (Can.) 1880 (USA) Northwest Terr. 1888 (Can.) 1884 (Can.) General Assoc. of WMU of SBC 1888 General Baptists 1870 (USA) First Chinese Baptist Primera Iglesia San Francisco Bautista Mexicana, National Baptist Women’s Baptist Foreign 1880 (USA) San Antonio 1887 Convention NORTH AMERICA NORTH Mission Soc. 1871 (USA) (USA) 1895 (USA) Naga Baptists 1870s (Ind.) Baptist Church of Garo Baptist Conv. Mizoram 1903 First Baptists in Japan 1873 1890 (Bang.)

First Baptist Tokyo 1876 Samacesam of ASIA Telugu Baptist Churches 1897

Ogbomosho Baptist ABMU assumes Congo Pentecost S. African Baptist 1874 (Nig.) Livingstone Miss. 1886 Mission Soc. 1892 Xhosa Baptist 1876 work 1884 (Congo) (S. Africa) First Congo Baptist Baptists in Malawi Baptist Union S. Church 1887 1892

AFRICA Africa 1877 Afrikaanse Baptiste Baptists in Democ. Republic Kerk 1886 Coloured Baptists, Baptist in Zambia of Congo 1878 (S. Africa) 1888 (S. Africa) 1905 Baptists in Baptists in Chile Baptists in Brazil, 1871Argentina 1881 1892 Bahamas Baptist Union 1892 First Baptist

& Church, Bahia 1882 German Baptists in Brazil 1893 Convention of the

CARIBBEAN Cuban Baptists 1886 Baptist Churches of


Baptist Union Maori Whitley College, Canterbury New Zealand Baptists 1880s Melbourne 1891 Assoc., NZ, 1882 1873 J.H. Cole Baptist Union New Zealand Perth Baptists Baptist Union Tasmania Baptist Mission 1895 (Austr.)

OCEANIA Queensland, 1884 Soc. 1885 1877 (Austr.) Baptist Union West. Austr. 1896

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xxiv Global Baptist Timeline

1910 1920 1930 1940 Finnish Baptist Union 1904 Baptist Union of Convenção Baptist Romania 1919 Portuguesa 1920 Bund der Baptisten- Baptist World Alliance 1905 Gemeinden 1924 Baptist Unity of Union of Christian (Swit.) Union of Bulgarian Baptist Brethren 1919 Baptists 1922 (Pol.) (Czch.)

EUROPE Churches 1908 Unión Evangélica Federation of Evangelical Baptist Union of Lithuanian Baptist Bautista Española Baptists 1911 (Fra) Hungary 1920 Union 1923 1929 Lott-Carey Convention National Baptist Fundamentalist Baptist Federation 1897 (USA) Conv. of America Baptist Fellowship of Canada 1944 First Japanese Baptists Seattle, 1915 1920 & 1965 (USA) 1899 (USA) American Baptist Conservative Baptist Northern Baptist Convention Assoc. 1924 (USA) National Assoc. of Foreign Mission 1907 (USA) Iowa Indian Baptist Free Will Baptists Society 1943 Convención Bautista Church 1924 1932 (USA) Conservative Baptist Mexicana 1910 Baptist Faith & World Baptist Churches 1947 NORTH AMERICA Matthews Controv. 1910 (Can.) Message 1925 (SBC) Fellowship 1932 Bangladesh Baptist Bengal Baptist Japanese Baptist Fellowship 1920 Union 1935 (Ind.) Convention 1947 1914 (Ind.) Conv. Philippines Nagaland Baptist Baptist Union of Baptist Chur. 1935 Council 1937 (Ind.) North India 1948 ASIA

Ceylon Baptist Baptist Convention Korean Baptist Council 1935 of Hong Kong 1938 Convention 1949 Seventh Day Baptists, Baptists in Ivory Convenção Baptista S. Africa 1906 Coast 1927 de Angola 1940 Baptists in Ghana 1918 Baptists in Union of Baptist African Baptist Zimbabwe 1920 Churches Burundi Assembly of Nigerian Baptist Conv. 1919 1928 Malawi 1945

AFRICA Baptists in Églises Baptistes de la Mazambique 1921 Malagasy Baptist Communauté Baptista République Centrafricaine 1920 Association 1932 du Zaire Ouest 1946 Asociación Bautista Bahamas National Convención Convención Bautista de de El Salvador Baptist Missionary Bautista Libre de Cuba Occidental 1905 1934 & Edu. Conv. 1935 Cuba 1943 Unión Bautista Église Baptiste

& Convención Bautista de Convención Boliviana 1936 Indépendante Cuba Oriental 1905 Bautista de Chile 1946 1908 Convención CARIBBEAN Convenção Batista Brasileira Bautista de Convención Batista LATIN AMERICA 1907 Nicaragua 1937 de Guatamala 1946

General Baptists in Baptist in Guam 1911 Australia Northern Mariana Baptists in 1926 Islands 1947 Papua New Guinea 1949 OCEANIA

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information

Global Baptist Timeline xxv

1950 1960 1970 1980 Union of Baptist Churches Federación de Igl. Assoc. of Returned First Baptists of in Austria 1953 Evangel. Independ. Evangelical-Christ. Njardvik 1984 de España 1957 Baptist 1978 (Ger.) (Iceland) Assoc. de Igrejas Batistas Portugueses 1955 Union of Evangel. EUROPE Christians-Baptists Union of Baptism- Unione Cristiana Evangelica 1979 (Rus.) Minded Congreg. Battista d'Italia 1956 1989 (Ger.) No. Baptists becomes American Original Free Will American Baptist Baptist Conv. 1950 (USA) Baptists 1961 Conv. Becomes 1987 (USA) ABC-USA 1972 Baptist Woman’s Miss. Society Progressive Ontario & Quebec 1951 National Baptist Conv. 1961 (USA) Independent Baptist National Miss. Baptist Missionary Assoc. 1950 Fellowship Baptist Convention Baptist Women in International 1984 of America 1988 NORTH AMERICA Ministry 1985 Northeast Council of Baptist Thailand Karen Gabungan Gereja NW India Bapt. Churches 1950 (NE India) Baptist Conv. 1955 Bap. Indonesia 1971 Assoc. 1977

Conv. Indonesian Baptist 1951 Bangladesh Baptist Sri Lanka Baptist Singh Evangelical

ASIA Sanfha 1956 Sangamaya 1974 Baptist Association Malaysia Baptist Conv. 1953 1980 (Pak.) Chinese Baptist Conv. Japan Baptist Union Singapore Baptist Baptist Conv. 1954 (Taiwan) 1958 Convention 1975 Syria 1983 1947 Union de Églises Baptist Convention Baptist Conv. Baptistes du Rwanda of Kenya 1971 of Sierra Leone 1974 Union des Églises Baptistes du 1962 Cameroon 1952 Igreja União Baptist Baptist Convention Baptist Union of 1968 (Mozam.)of Tanzania 1971 Zambia 1976

AFRICA Baptist Evangelical Assoc. Ethiopia 1961 Baptist Conv. of Baptist Union of Baptist Conv. Malawi 1970 Uganda 1974 of Namibia 1984 Convención Batista de Convenção Batista Costa Rica 1947 Convención Bautista Nacional do Brasil Barbados Baptist Hondureña 1958 1967 Conv. 1974 Convención Nacional Bautista & de Venezuela 1951 Convención Bautista Dominican National Antigua Baptist Convención Nacional Bautista de Panama 1959 Baptist Conv. 1968 Assoc. 1980 Colombiana 1952 CARIBBEAN Convención Bautista Conv. Baptiste Convención Bautista Bermuda Baptist LATIN AMERICA LATIN Paraguay 1956 de Haiti 1964 del Ecuador 1972 Fellowship 1981

Marianas Assoc. of General Fiji Bapitst Baptists 1962 (Guam) Mission 1973 Baptists in Samoa 1976 Baptist Union of Baptists in Solomon Islands Seventh Day Papua New 1969Baptists 1975 Guinea 1977 Baptist Bible College,

OCEANIA Queensland (Austr.) Kwinkia 1969 (Papua New Guinea)

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Frontmatter More information

xxvi Global Baptist Timeline

1990 2000 2010 Union of Evangelical Union Evangelical Christians-Baptists 1990 (Bela.) Christians-Baptists Central Asia 1992 Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists 1990 (Georgia) Union Evangelical

EUROPE Christians-Baptists Union of Evangelical Ukraine 1992 Christians-Baptist 1991 (Moldov.) Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Canadian Baptist 1990 (USA) Ministries 1995

American Baptist Women’s Ministries 1990

New Baptist Covenant 2008 NORTH AMERICA NORTH

Nepal Baptist Church Council 1993 Baptist Convention in Vietnam 1989 Samevesam Telugu

ASIA Baptist factions reconstitute the Baptist Convention of Telugu Baptist Churches 2007 (Ind.) Baptists in Guinea 1988 Baptists in Guinea- Convention Baptiste du Togo Bissau 1993 1988 AFRICA Bras Panon Baptists 1989 (Réunion)

Union Nacional de Iglesias Granada Baptist Bautistas de Costa Rica 1981 Assoc. 1981 United Baptist Asociación Nacional Organization of & de los Bautistas Libres Suriname 1981 1986 (Uruguay) CARIBBEAN St. Vincent Baptist Fraternidad de Iglesias LATIN AMERICA LATIN Convention 1987 Bautistas de Cuba 1989

Dame V. Boyd becomes first woman president of the New Zealand Baptist Union 1984

OCEANIA Fiji Baptist Convention org. 1987

© in this web service Cambridge University Press