Ethno-Racial Attitudes and Social Inequality Editor's Proof
Editor's Proof Ethno-Racial Attitudes and Social Inequality 22 Frank L. Samson and Lawrence D. Bobo 1 Introduction (1997)). Within psychology we have seen an ex- 22 plosion of work on implicit attitudes or uncon- 23 2 Sociologists ordinarily assume that social struc- scious racism that more than ever centers atten- 24 3 ture drives the content of individual level values, tion on the internal psychological functioning of 25 4 attitudes, beliefs, and ultimately, behavior. In the individual. We argue here that, in general, a 26 5 some classic models this posture reaches a point committed social psychological posture that ex- 27 6 of essentially denying the sociological relevance amines both how societal level factors and pro- 28 7 of any micro-level processes. In contrast, psy- cesses shape individual experiences and outlooks 29 8 chologists (and to a degree, economists) operate and how the distribution of individual attitudes, 30 9 with theoretical models that give primacy to in- beliefs, and values, in turn, influence others and 31 10 dividual level perception, cognition, motivation, the larger social environment provides the fullest 32 11 and choice. Within the domain of studies of ethno- leverage on understanding the dynamics of race. 33 12 racial relations, each of these positions has mod- Specifically we argue in this chapter that ethno-ra- 34 13 ern advocates. From the sociologically determin- cial attitudes, beliefs, and identities play a funda- 35 14 istic vantage point Edna Bonacich trumpets the mental constitutive role in the experience, re-pro- 36 15 “‘deeper’ level of reality” exposed by class ana- duction, and process of change in larger societal 37 16 lytics (1980, p.
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