Illinois Wesleqan Universitq Bulletin ALUMNI ISSUE NOVEMBER, 1954 Homecoming FRED MUHL DIES Wesleyan's 38th annual Home- coming was successful. The weather field runners Illinois ever had. After was clear but cold. It rained prac- graduation he returned to Bloom- tically all week, but cleared Satur- ington, first coaching football at day; however, the floats and house Bloomington High school and then decorations survived the weather, at Wesleyan, under the late Thomas and Wesleyan won the Homecom- Scott. In 1910 he became director ing game. Happy alumni and tired of athletics. In 1922 when the phys- students all felt repaid for the time ical education department was en- and effort that went into the cele- larged, he relinquished some of the bration. active coaching, but continued as CONVOCATION Wednesday morn- director. From time to time he was ing featured skits by campus organ- called upon to do coaching, and izations and the introduction of the was even doing some basketball campus queen candidates. coaching as late as 1939. In 1940 "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," star- he was called upon to serve again ring Robert Lewis, ran successfully as director of athletics while some for eight nights. It was very well changes were being made in the attended, and was a sell out several department. of the nights. He was a teacher as well as a GREEK SING on Friday after- coach, and he served as teacher of noon brought out many of the early mathematics from 1911 until his arrivals for Homecoming. Winners Professor Fred Muhl, known to death. He met his class on the in the women's division were Sigma many generations of Wesleyan Thursday just preceding his death. Kappa, first; Kappa Kappa Gam- alumni, died Saturday morning, In recognition of his many years ma, second; and Alpha Gamma October 23. His death occurred one of service, the honorary degree of Delta, third. In the men's division, week after Homecoming. On Home- Doctor of Science was conferred Sigma Chi was first; Phi Gamma coming day, he had attended the upon him at the Founders' Day Delta, second; and Theta Chi, third. alumni luncheon and also the foot- convocation in 1952. Phi Mu Alpha won the music divi- ball game. At half time he was one During the years he coached at sion, with Sigma Alpha Iota plac- of the members of the faculty hon- Wesleyan, he produced many cham- ing second. ored by the students and the Wes- pionship teams. Among the most THE PEP RALLY, BONFIRE AND leyan band. He had been on the famous of these were the 1910 foot- ROPE PULL were held in the sta- faculty for 44 years. ball team, captained by Theodore dium on Friday night. The Sigma Professor Muhl was born in 1880 Fieker, and the 1914 basketball Chis won the rope pull, and Jerry in Bloomington, where he attended team, whose captain was Dr. J. Peterson of Sigma Chi was chosen the public schools. He graduated Norman Elliott. the "Campus Beast." The house dec- from the University of Illinois in Surviving are his wife in Normal, orations were judged Friday night. 1904. While there, he became fa- and two sons, Frederick Jr. ex '31 of The theme of the decorations was mous as a football player, and is Santa Monica, California, and Rich- "Welcome Alumni." In the wom- still considered one of the best open ard ex '32 of Los Angeles. en's division Alpha Gamma Delta was first, Sigma Kappa second, and Kappa Delta third. Sigma Chi was New Self-Liquidating Men's Dormitory To Be Constructed first in the men's division, with Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Gamma Delta as At its fall meeting, the Board of ber 1. second and third. Trustees authorized construction of The total cost of the new building THE PARADE theme was the a new men's dormitory. The new will be about $400,000 and will be "Show of Shows." The band used its building will be located north of financed for the most part by bor- gray and green uniforms for the Magill Hall on Franklin Avenue, rowing and by gifts of interested first time. Sigma Kappa won first and will be of the same style of friends. The debt will be liquidated in the women's division, Kappa architecture. It will have a capac- by income from the building. Kappa Gamma tied for second with ity of 135 students. With the prospect of heavy en- the Brokaw nurses, and Kappa It is hoped that specifications for rollment for a number of years to Delta was third. Phi Gamma Delta the building will be ready very soon come, the need for the dormitory is won first in the men's division, with and that the contracts can be let very evident if Wesleyan is to meet (Continued on page 3) and the building started by Decem- the needs of the student body. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN IWU BULLETIN Page 2 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN ALUMNI ISSUE Born... Address communications, changes of address to Mrs. Edith Elliott Kuhn, Alumni Secretary. November, 1954, Series 52, No. 11. Issued monthly by Illinois Wesleyan To Mr. and MRS. ROBERT ADY University, 210 East University Street, Bloomington, Illinois. Entered as second- (Barbara Hall '51) a son, Byron, on class matter at the post office in Bloomington, Illinois. August 10. To MR. and Mrs. HUGH ALCOTT ex'51 a daughter, Candice Ann, on Sep- tember 14. A Final Tribute to "Mr. Wesleyan" To MR. AND MRS. BRUCE CHARLES AMES (Joyce Eichhorn ex'49) '50 a son, Illinois Wesleyan can never be He knew its fruitful past and its Richard Scott, on July 3. quite the same without "Fred" intricate present, and his mind kept To Mr. and MRS. BRUCE P. AN- buzzing, like a good honey bee, for DREWS (Marilyn Melville ex'53) a Muhl. He was as much a part of its future welfare. ... daughter, Susan Virginia, on August 2. Wesleyan as Old North, Homecom- To Mr. and MRS. DEAN BRADLEY ing, football and basketball games, "He must have had a lot of in- (Janet Melville ex'49) a daughter, Janet fluence on all the generations of Anne, on July 4. and Commencement. At the dedi- To MR. AND MRS. CURTIS BROWN college youth who came in contact cation of Shaw Hall just a week be- (Shirley Bodecker '50) '49 a daughter, fore Dr. Muhl's death, Vernon L. with him. The honorary degree of Carol Sue, on July 10. Nickell told those present of the 1952 attempted to, but could not, To MR. and Mrs. ROBERT LESTER BROWN '49 a son, Stephen Robert, De- fine influence "Mr. Wesleyan" had denote or summarize, his great con- tribution to this university over cember 20, 1953. had upon him and hundreds of To MR. AND MRS. GINO CANTELE other students. half a century. (Mary Ann Coolidge ex'57) a daughter, "Even this fall's freshmen must Ann, on September 24. Gino is a sopho- A tribute to Dr. Muhl, written by more at Wesleyan. one of his colleagues, Dr. W. E. have noticed the white-haired man To MR. and Mrs. ROBERT CARBERY Schultz, appeared in the October 27 slipping quietly about among us. He '48 a daughter, Christine Marie, on Au- ARGUS. A portion of it is quoted came daily from his home in Nor- gust 22. To MR. AND MRS. PAUL CAREY here. mal (lately riding, instead of fol- lowing his former habit of walking (Virginia Swartz '48) '45 a daughter, " ... It was . . . in Old North, in Catherine Beth, on September 5. the two the front hall and his office and miles) to teach a class in To MR. and Mrs. RUSSELL CAREY mechanical drawing on the third mine - all less than a week ago - ex'50 a son, John Russell, on September that I had my last . . . visits . . . floor of Old North, read his Chicago 27. newspaper, or browse about the To MR. AND MRS. HENRY CHARLES with Mr. Wesleyan, our oldest fac- (Ardith Ridenour) '43 a son, James Gib- ulty member and truly our most campus, always winding up at the son, on October 24. lovable character. Center, of which he was as proud To MR. AND MRS. GERALD DAL- as if it had been a private resi- RYMPLE (Ruth Tobie) '41 a daughter, "Fred Muhl had a real sense of dential mansion. Little did those Janet Sue, on September 18. belonging, and when he came to To MR[ and Mrs. FRANK DENEEN, freshmen dream that here was a JR. ex'45 a son, on September 22. this campus from Illinois to coach star quarterback from Illinois, a To MR. and Mrs. ALAN C. DICKER- football and teach mathematics, he student of Greek in partial prepara- SON '52 a son, Scot Taylor, on October transferred wholeheartedly to Wes- tion for the Methodist ministry, a 2. leyan. A graduate of the state uni- To MR. AND MRS. ROBERT FISCH- president of the CCI, and a gifted ER (Patricia Hollowell) '50 a son, John was more loyal to Wes- versity, he banquet speaker, celebrated for his Robert, on August 15. leyan than many of her alumni. dry wit and his rich philosophy. To MR. AND MRS. CHARLES Toward the end his regard for and GAINES (Jean Reichert) '53 a daugh- interest in Wesleyan almost became "They saw him receive a signal ter, Deborah Jean, on May 29. an obsession. Only ten days ago he honor this month between halves at To Mr. and MRS. DAYLE GARRETT the Homecoming game, and they (Florence Berner ex'43) a daughter, Jill was drawing a new campus map, in Elaine, on September 17. colors, planning means of beautifi- just barely missed, by a trick of To MR. and Mrs. DALE GISH ex'51 cation and location for future build- Fate, seeing him at the Millikin a daughter, Teri Renee, on October 19. ings .. game - for Fred would have been To Mr. and MRS. GARY G. GRAY there even in the wind and wet (Margaret Connelly ex'52) a son, Gary Muhl's interest in col- G., on July 3. "Professor weather. lege history made him our first col- To MR. AND MRS. JACK GUESb (Ruth Hodgskiss) '53, a son, Gregory lector of institutional souvenirs and "In his recent failing years, Pro- John, on September 26. miscellaneous items of information. fessor Muhl didn't get older; he just To MR. AND MRS. RONALD HINTON His scrapbooks preserving records got a little more remote, as he gave (Barbara Jackson ex'53) '51 a daughter, up his duties, one by one .... Sherri Kathleen, on October 9. of sport events became too big for To MR. AND MVR:S. R. E. HOLMES his own quarters and were donated "No, Fred Muhl hasn't died. He (Nancy Forshey ex'53) '51 a daughter, many years he to the library. For has just faded out of our busy pic- Deborah Sue, on October 10. as a master penman, the inscribed, ture. College life will go on as usual, To Mr. and MRS. CHARLES HOWELL diplomas for graduating classes. (Ida Mae Bell '51) a daughter, Rose but he will be tremendously missed Ann, on August 8. "He knew this school - from the by many people, in town and at To MR. AND MRS. PHILIP HUNT small and struggling college, with Wesleyan. It is really unfortunate (Carol Fulk ex'52) '51 a daughter, Nancy two buildings in the middle of a that our students could not have Carol, on February 23. city square, to a small university, known him in his prime - as teach- To MR. AND MRS. RAY ISAAC (Betty Calimese ex'51) '52 a son, Dennis, on with an imposing physical plant er, athletic coach, or just 'friend- June 13. and a modern educational program. about-campus' to one and all." (Continued on page 15) HOMECOMING (Continued from page 1) Theta Chi second, and Phi Mu Alpha third. The ALUMNI LUNCHEON was well attended. Richard Read '44, president of the Alumni Associa- tion, presided at a brief program. A feature was a candid mike, of which Henry Charles '43 was in charge. This gave alumni a chance to greet their friends. The FOOTBALL GAME was one of the highlights of the weekend. Wesleyan went into the game as the probable underdog. Wheaton College had been unbeaten, and they started in by controlling the play. In the first quarter they made a touchdown and kicked the extra point. In the second quarter Dick ALUMNI AND FRIENDS attending the 1914-1917 Law Classes dedication of William Edward Shaw Williamson, son of Aubra William- A d i ll nth S d . fH caem l c aii ong ue unay or home- son '32, ran 67 yards for a touch- Hold Reunion . . . coming. down. Gino Cantele kicked the A number of members of the law point, and the game was tied. Wes- classes which graduated between Seen at Homecoming leyan held in the second half, and the years 1914 and 1917 attended The following out-of-town alumni were was hoping for a tie game, when in the Homecoming luncheon and the seen at Homecoming. There were many others present who did not the last quarter they blocked a football game together. Later others register at Wheaton punt in the end zone and the Memorial Center. joined them and they ate dinner in Lillian Aitchison '26, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fell on it for the two winning the commons in Memorial Center. liam Akerly (Nancy Fearheiley '52) '53, points. At that time it was decided to elect Forrest M. Alexander ex '32, Rev. E. H. During the half time Miss Carol officers and to work toward a more Alford ex '87, George Allison '51, Mr. and Harbridge of Kappa Delta, was Mrs. William Allison (Catherine House active group from the old law '49) '50, Jean Anderson ex '55, Mrs. Victor crowned HOMECOMING QUEEN. school. George Bauer was perhaps Armstrong ex '44, Meredith W. Ayers ex FACULTY HONORED during the the moving spirit in promoting the '32, Gilbert Baechler '51, Lloyd Baldwin half time ceremonies were those idea. Howard Helmick had suggest- '50, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Bane (Janet Lagesen) '53, Richard Barley '54. who had been on the campus a ed the same plan. At an informal quarter of a century or more. As Burton Bates '46, George H. Bauer '17, meeting the following officers were Mr. and Mrs. William Beadles (Nell Al- each faculty member was intro- elected: President, Howard Helmick exander '50) '51, Horatio Bent '03, Mr. duced, the band made an appro- of Decatur, Illinois; vice president, and Mrs. Dana Belyea (Jean Evans) '50, Mr. and Mrs. James Bielenberg (Marilyn priate formation and played an ap- Robert Kavanaugh of Peoria, and propriate song. Those introduced Smith '49) '50, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bird secretary, Harry Riddle of Bloom- (Mary Jane Wise '53) '52, Janet Birth- and for whom the band played were ington. Among those present dur- hold ex '55, Mrs. Richard Blair (Marilyn Fred Muhl, 44 years on campus; ing the day were Mr. and Mrs. Cleary) ex '55, Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Professor Ralph Browns, 32 years; George Bauer and George Bauer Bonnell (Jean Bruner '49) '48, Russell Dean W. T. Beadles, 31 years; Con- Bramwell '45, Paul Braziller '52, Mrs. III, Effingham, Illinois; Mr. and Jerry Breitman (June Grabb) '36, Floid stance Ferguson, 28 years; Dr. S. C. Mrs. Warner Carlyle, Bellflower; F. B. Brian '15, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Brown Ratcliffe, 27 years; and Virginia B. Brian, Toulon; Howard Helmick, (Shirley Bodecker '50) '45, Mr. and Mrs. Husted, 24 years. This was Profes- Decatur; Robert W. Johnson, Edward S. Brown (Irmalee Lewis '49) '50, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown (Suzie sor Muhl's last appearance at a Springfield; Myron Merris, Deca- Homecoming, for his death occurred Bell ex '51) '50, Mr. and Mrs. John A. tur; Howard Millard, Decatur; Mr. Brown (Helen Lindsay '40) '41, Mack one week later. and Mrs. E. J. Pacey, and Miss Sue Brown '53, Rev. Robert L. S. Brown '47, THE DEDICATION OF WILLIAM Pacey of Paxton, Illinois; Otto Mary Burke ex '57, Rev. Roy Burrill '49. EDWARD Mrs. Francis Bush (Audrey Ashdown) SHAW ACADEMIC HALL Belch, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cooke, was the outstanding event of the ex '54, Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Butler (Eu- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Forister and nice Truitt) '25, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Byham weekend. At 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Octo- Harry Riddle, all of Bloomington. (Ruth Butler ex '54) '51, J. Warner Car- ber 17, faculty, students, alumni and lyle '14, Richard Caruso '53, Mr. and Mrs. friends met in the newly erected address was "The Place of the Pri- Ronald Cate (Donna Dorland '53) '54, building to pay tribute to Dr. Shaw, vate College in American Educa- Mrs. Theodore Chase (Jean Stout) '52, president of Wesleyan from 1939- Jeanne Cicciarelli '53, Mr. and Mrs. Don- tion." President M. J. Holmes in- ald Clemens (Shirley Henderson ex) '52, 1947, for whom the building was troduced a number of guests. Mrs. Grant Coningham '44, Francis Conklin named. Taking part in the cere- George Orser, daughter of Presi- ex '27, Donald Conrady '54, Mr. and Mrs. mony were Dr. Loyal Thompson '10, dent Shaw, and her son, William Robert Copenhaver (Alice Louise Kuhn) ex '33, Keith Coppernoll Dr. Myron Wicke of the Methodist Edward Orser, were '54, Mr. and present, hav- Mrs. Richard Cunningham (Mary Fran Board of Education, and Vernon L. ing come from Ashland, Virginia. Norton '50) ex '50, Mrs. Gordon DeHart Nickell ex'18, Superintendent of Mrs. Anna Gulick, who has made (Phyllis Bender) '50, Arthur F. Dela- Public Instruction for the state of many good things possible on the hunty '17, Mr. and Mrs. James Desormey Illinois. The subject of Dr. Nickell's campus, was also present. (Delores Penfound ex '52) '50. (Continued on page 15) IWU BULLETIN Page 4 panying work for the Wesleyan school ics" for the Harvey & Howe Publishing of music. Company in Chicago. NATALIE GOLDSTEIN is living in GEORGE ONGEMACH is in the army. 4 Pleasantville, N. Y. ROBERT PERLMUTTER is working as Class of 195 DAVID GREER is with the Brethren a surveyor in White Plains, N. Y. GENE ARCHER is working in the sales Service Commission in Germany. ELEANOR PETTIT is doing kitchen promotion department of the nev vGeneral JOAN HARDEN is teaching third grade planning for the St. Charles Manufac- Electric plant in Bloomington. in Urbana, Ill. turing Company in the Chicago area. RICHARD BARLEY is in the army. GEORGE HARLAND is in the army. ANN PHILLIPS and NORMAN KERR HOWARD BERGGREN is in t he army. JOYCE HARNEY and RICHARD '52 were married on June 5. They are RICHARD BEIN is in the army. VOSS '55 were married on August 28. living in Rochester, N. Y., while Norm is WARREN BIRKETT is studyi ng music They are living in Bloomington, while in the service. composition in the U of I gradua te school. Dick finishes his senior year at Wesley- JACK POUST is living in Portland, MARLENE BOCKEWITZ anid WIL- an. Joyce is employed by Nierstheimer's Oregon. He is working in the purchase LIAM WALKER ex '54 were m:arried on Drug Store. department of a grain brokerage firm. W. July 10. "Molly" is teaching music in FRANCES PETTIT HARRIS (Mrs. BISSESSARNATH RAMCHARAN is s in the J.) is living in Long Beach, Calif. working for the State Farm company Raymond, Illinois, while Bill i MARY HAZZARD is taking additional navy. in Bloomington. work at Western Maryland College. JAMES RIDENOUR is general chair- is working for ROBERT LOREN BREIDENBACH HAZZARD has an assistant- man of the Sigma Chi fund raising cam- the Hayes Freight Lines in St. Louis, Mo. ship in the theater workshop at Michigan paign. erator at OMER CAREY is an IBM op State College. He is working on his mas- DONALD RINKER is in the army. )mpanies' the State Farm Insurance Co ter's degree also. BETH RITTENHOUSE and Charles Ala. branch office in Birmingham, He ROBERT HILL is attending the grad- Vaughan were married on August 1. They rried on and CAROL GRANT were ma uate business school at Indiana Univer- are living in Long Branch, New Jersey. the June 21. Carol is teaching in Bir- sity. NANCY ROBERTS is teaching school mingham school system. SUSAN HOOSE was married on No- in Orion, Ill. NANCY CARROLL is teaching music at vember 20 to THOMAS JEFFERSON '52. ROBERT ROPER is attending the Poplar Grove, Ill. LA VERNE HOOGHEEM is in the Kirksville, Mo., college of osteopathy and JAMES CASE is in the army. army. surgery. RONALD CATE is a service engineer MARY LEE INMAN is teaching music MARGARET SCHAEFER is teaching for the Illinois Bell Telephone Company in the Virden, Ill., schools. vocal music in the Petersburg, Ill., ele- in Urbana. ROBERT JENKINS is the grade school mentary and high schools. RICHARD CHESNUT is atteniding the coach at Fairmont, Ill. RICHARD SCH L I C H TER and Bowman-Gray medical school in Win- LAURENCE JOHNSON is in personnel GRETCHEN SPRAIN ex '57 were mar- ston-Salem, N. C. work for United Air Lines in Chicago. ried on August 28. Rich is working as a WILLIAM CLARK is studyin g chem- VERNON KLIEWER is working on sales trainee for the American Steel istry at the Bradley University graduate his Ph. D. in music at Indiana Univer- Foundries. He and Gretchen are tem- school. sity. He and DIANE SUTOR were mar- porarily living in St. Louis, Mo. ROBERT CODA is studying medicine ried on August 29. Diane is employed as GLENN SCHMID is a salesman for at the University of Rochester. a typist in the English department on the Harrison Wholesale Company in Chi- RONALD COLTON is Gar- the campus there. cago. rett Biblical Institute in Evan:ston. He EVELYN LANGE is studying music ed- ARTHUR SCHMITTLER is teaching was married to Miss Carolyn C:arson on ucation in the University of Illinois grad- music in the Nashville, Ill., high school. August 14. uate school. CHARLOTTE SEILS is music super- FRANCIS CONLEE is workin g at the SHARON LEACH is working as a sec- visor for the Melvin-Sibley, Ill., schools. State Farm Insurance Compsanies in retary for the Capen Insurance Agency CURTIS SHARP is coaching at the Bloomington. in Bloomington. high school in Hinckley, Ill. He and Miss DON CONRADY is in the ma rines. ROBERT E. LEARY is attending the Charlotte Christian were married on KEITH COPPERNOLL is wor king for Iowa State College graduate school of June 26. the Bankers' Insurance company Sin Chi- chemistry. DAVID SNYDER is waiting to go into cago. JEAN RITTER LENNERTZ (Mrs. the service. ROGER COVENTRY has an assistant- James) is living in Merced, Calif. ELAINE SPIRES and NEAL SMITH ship in music at the University of Ari- MAX LYLE is with the Travelers' In- '53 were married on August 22. They are zona. surance Company in East Hartford, Conn. living in New York City, while Neal is THEODORE CHASE is in the army. DAVID McCULLOCH is in the Ma- studying at Union Theological Seminary. NONA CRAYCRAFT is workin g on her rines. JOANNE SPONSLER is secretary to master's degree at the University of Den- WINFORD McELROY is in the army. the advertising sales staff at the McGraw- ver. BURT McINTOSH is attending the Hill Publishing Company in Chicago. OMER CREECH JR. is teachinig in the Garrett Biblical Institute. He is minister DANIEL SPRECKELMEYER is a grad- Sidell, Ill., public schools and is attending of the Methodist church in Waynesville, uate student in the Illinois Wesleyan the University of Illinois graduat e school. Ill. music school. SARA LEE CURLESS is studying phi- MARJORIE McROBERTS is a case MARILYN BARNES STEPHENS (Mrs. losophy at Boston University graduate work aid for Illinois Children's Home and Richard) is teaching grade school in school. Aid society in Chicago. Riverside, Ill. JOHN DALE is attending Bost;on Uni- HENRY MENDENHALL is working for HELENE STUTE is an anaesthetist for versity school of theology. Dun and Bradstreet in Chicago. the Christie Clinic in Champaign, Ill. PATRICIA DARCY is living in Bloom- FRANK MERRILL is working for the MRS. CHARLOTTE SULT has been ington. State Farm Insurance Companies in awarded a $2,000 grant for a year of HADLEY DAVIS is sales prom otion as- Bloomington. graduate study at Catholic University, sistant in the agency departmen t of the MILDRED NEARING and RICHARD Washington, D.C., in the field of nursing State Farm Insurance Companies in BRUSH '56 were married on June 26. education. Bloomington. He and SHIRLEY LEPPER "Mitzie" is teaching kindergarten at the ROBERT SUMNER is in the army. '53 were married on July 18. Franklin school in Bloomington, while EDWARD SUTHERLAND is in the MARILYN DAVIS is a junior designer Dick is attending Wesleyan. army. in the interior display departiment of WILLIAM NELSON is shoe manager JOHN MELVIN SYKES is in the army. Marshall Field's in Chicago. for J. C. Penny's store in Bloomington. JACK TARTER is temporarily coaching AUDREY DEARINGER is wor king for MARGUERITE NIGRO is the vocal at Benld, Ill., while waiting to go into the Associated Merchandising Cor poration music teacher at Winthrop Harbor, Ill. service. in Chicago. JOHN NOTTOLI is in the army. HARRIET STATTON TRACY (Mrs. HERBERT DREW is a male nurse at ERNEST OEST is coaching at the David) is living in Homewood, Ill., while the veteran's hospital in Hines, I 11. Bath-Lynchburg high school, Bath, Ill. Dave attends Garrett Biblical Institute. GORDON FORNFEIST is in thae army. BARBARA OLSON is working on the JOAN VANNICK is a receptionist and GERALD GARAFOLO is doing accom- magazine "What's New in Home Econom- typist at the Palmer House in Chicago. Alumni in Service IWU BULLETIN Page 5 Class Notes to the Alumni Fund from that far off ARMY: James Aikens ex'56, Donald 1882 spot. Albery ex'56, Richard Barley '54, Howard Some months ago Dr. J. R. Van Pelt MRS. and MRS. J. VERNE SWARTZ Berggren '54, Richard Bein '54, Walter sent in an interesting note about Mrs. (Jessica Calhoun '10) have moved from Byerly ex'53, Robert Byers ex'57, James M. L. Keplinger, who lives in Carlinville, Chicago to Normal. Case '54, Theodore Chase '54, David Don- Ill. She was formerly Miss Mary (Molly) 1900 nan ex'56, Gordon Fornfeist '54, George Ayers of Danvers and her father was a The Bulletin is indebted to VIRGINIA Harland '54, LaVerne Hoogheem '54, John long-time trustee of Wesleyan. She mar- SINCLAIR (Mrs. Bayard Catron) for Ivie ex'56, Lowell Koester ex'56, Winford ried M. L. Keplinger in 1880 before she the account of the 90th birthday celebra- McElroy '54, Wallace Malmborg ex'56, finished her college work. Mr. Keplinger tion of MRS. FLORA CORRELL SAW- John Nottoli '54, George Ongemach '54, graduated from Wesleyan in 1869 and YER. Clark Penn ex'55, Gus Polizos '52, Ronald lived in Carlinville until his death in 1901 Raufeisen ex'57, Donald Rinker '54, 1929. During his lifetime he was public Members of the class were sorry to James Rose ex'53, Victor Sheldon ex'57, administrator for Macoupin County, Ill., learn of the death of REV. GRANVILLE Harry Sinclair ex'54, Chester Stanton under six governors, beginning with Gov. CALHOUN, which occurred on August 3 ex'56, John Stockton ex'55, Gene J. Fifer and ending with Small. Mrs. Kep- at his home in Plainfield, Wis. Only a Stroner ex'55, Robert Sumner '54, Ed- linger in her 95th year still lives in Car- few weeks previously he sent the Alumni ward Sutherland '54, John Swensen ex linville. She knew the Van Pelt family Office the program of his series of sum- '56, John Sykes '54, Michael Theis ex'56. through Dr. Samuel Van Pelt '75, who mer sermons. Rev. Calhoun represented MARINES: Don Conrady '54, David served as pastor of the Danvers, Ill., the class on the alumni dinner program, McCulloch '54. church as a young man. at the time of the 50th reunion. He was a minister of the Methodist church and NAVY: Paul Jorgesen ex'57, Stanley 1887 had a long and successful career in his Kreider ex'53, William Osborne ex'55, E. H. ALFORD ex was honored at a work. His wife preceded him in death James Peckmann ex'56. dinner given by Sigma Chi alumni and undergraduate chapters in Bloomington. by a year. His sister, JESSICA CAL- AIR FORCE: Andrew Connolley ex'57 The occasion was his 71st year as an HOUN SWARTZ '10, of Normal survives. (Navy), Robert Heath '49 (Army), War- active Sig. He is the only living member 1902 ren Oldham ex'57 (Army), Eugene Salch of the local charter group. MR. and MRS. EDWARD C. STONE ex'52 (Army), Harry Shubert ex'52 '00) of Washington, D.C., 1890 o/ (Letta Brock (Army). were in Bloomington recently after a Members of the class will regret to DISCHARGED: George Allison '51, cruise in the Middle East during which learn of the death of GRACE FUNK Jesse Baker '52, Donald Buell ex'54, Rob- they visited Athens, Cairo, Istanbul, Je- (Mrs. W. K. Bracken) ex. She died Au- ert Walker Butler II '52, William Davis rusalem, Damascus, and other places in gust 19 in Bloomington. She was a mem- '51, Alan Dickerson '52, Donald Hilde- the Holy Land. Leaving the cruise ship ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Wes- brand '50, Robert Kaiser ex'52, James at Venice, they motored through the leyan. A son, a granddaughter who also McLain '52, Victor Peyron '52, Dyrle Dolomites and Tyrolian Alps and went attended Wesleyan and a grandson sur- Quick '51, Roy Strawn ex'52, Gerald by train to Innsbruck, Munich, and Vien- vive. Vandervort ex'53, Norman Wesley ex'54. na. They climbed by bus to Hitler's moun- 1891 . tain hideout, witnessed the spectacular JUDGE HOMER . HALL ex, one of pageant at Siena, Italy, which has been Bloomington's leading citizens, died sud- Oiven annually for 400 years and flew Alumni Represent IWU denly September 22. He was a lawyer home from Paris. and long time member of the McLean REV. C. M. WORTHINGTON (H) has At Inaugurations County Bar Association. He served two sent the Alumni Office a number of in- terms as county judge and three terms teresting photographs. One of them was The following people have repre- as congressman from the 17th Illinois of himself taken in 1904 when he was district. At Weslevan he was a member sented Wesleyan at presidential in- with the Anglo-Chinese school at Pen- of Phi Gamma Delta. His wife, SUSAN ane. S. S. Asia. There are some pictures augurations: FORMAN HALL ex '91, and one son of Hedding College, of Prof. Smith, pro- W. Lynn Smith '45 at the inaug- survive. fessor of Greek, and Mrs. Esterbrook, 1892 uration of the president of James- wife of Pres. Esterbrook. There is a pic- The sympathy of the class is extended ture of Mr. Worthington, Mr. Underhill town College, Jamestown, North Da- to EMILY COATES (Mrs. John Sudduth) and Mr. Victor Henry '04, all members of kota, on October 4. ex because of the death of her husband the Hedding track team. SUDDUTH '91, which occurred in Un- JOHN 1904 Miss Irene Bear '24 at Mount July. CARRIE ATKINSON (Mrs. J. W. Ains- ion College's inauguration, Alliance, 1893 worth) was chairman of a dinner given Ohio, on October 15. REV. JOHN GUTHRIE ex has moved by the Mason City Women's Club to to Arlington, Calif. Mrs. A. F. Lang (Doris Huelsman from Raymond, Ill., honor the Golden Anniversary of the 1895 club. '47) at the presidential inaugura- An honor has come to WILLARD REV. HARRY M. BLOUT (H) is now tion at the University of Oregon, through WOODING of Fort Wayne, Ind., livine in Miami, Fla. He formerly was Eugene, Oregon, on October 19. his son-in-law, William Sihler, who has in Villa Grove, Ill. been made a rear admiral in the Navy Mrs. Robert Bethards (Sarah Mc 1905 Civil Engineer Corps. Admiral SIhler Is Bureau LIDA SMITH (Mrs. A. J. Dodson) at- Mahan '27) at the inauguration of at present comptroller of the Navy tended her family "Price Reunion"~ in the president of Beloit College, Be- of Yards and Docks with headquarters Firestone Park in Lisbon, Ohio, recently the loit, Wisconsin, on October 29. in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Sihler is and visited relatives in Ohio, Pennsyl- Wooding. The Sihlers have former Helen vania and Indiana. She was entertained two sons. MARGARET WAGNER is teaching 1896 in the home of Mrs. Billy Sunday at Wi- nona Lake, Ind. music in the Pana, Ill., public schools. EMILLIE WRIGHT (Mrs. Thomas R. 1908 JANET WEBER is teaching in the Philbin) ex has moved from Hollwood, come to us of the death of school. Word has Sterling, Ill., township high Calif., to Los Angeles. ELLEN BAIRD (Mrs. Williams) (H) on CHARLES WILSON is doing graduate 1898 June 19, in Modesto, Calif. work at Illinois State Normal University. JOHN W. MOORE, a graduate of the 1909 23'/ He and JOYCE HARDESTY '55 were law school, attended the Iowa-Ohio foot- WALDO A. KUHN ex died August married on September 6. Joyce is a senior ball game in Iowa City. He never misses in Gettysburg, Pa. He attended the old at Wesleyan. a Wesleyan game when he is in town. Wesleyan Academy. He farmed at Anna- MARGARET WILSON is teaching mu- 1899 wan, Ill., for a number of years. He later sic in the public schools in Midland, KATHERINE MUNFORD, who is liv- went to Washington, D.C. Since 1948 he Mich. ing in Melbourne, Australia, sent a gift has lived near Gettysburg where hq IWU BULLETIN Page 6 1913 of the rapidly growing areas of Los An- GEORGE HINSHAW is busy in foreign geles. The church has 890 members and farmed and operated a real est ate busi- building plans for the Goodyear company, is receiving 50 more in November. ness. He was a member of Siggma Chi. and at the time the office received a Lt. Comdr. James Schnepp, son of His wife, two sons, and a brothe r, LOUIS note from his wife, he was in Europe. LOUISE LEYONMARCK (Mrs. Delmar S. KUHN, survive. The nephew and namesake of GEORGE Schnepp) has been given full command of 1910 HINSHAW was killed in an automobile the USS Wiseman, a small destroyer. DR. HENRY A. BURD will ag ain be on accident near Bloomington. His young 1918 the fachlty of the Banff Schoo1 of Ad- wife was also killed. The couple leave The members of the class extend sym- vance Management to be held at Banff, two small children. pathy to MARION AUSTIN (Mrs. John Alberta, January 31 to March 112, under 1914 J. Parry) upon the death of her husband the auspices of the Universitie s of Al- Edward B. Rust, son of ADLAI RUST, which occurred October 9 in Urbana, berta, British Columbia, Manit oba and was elected executive vice president of Illinois. Dr. Parry was a member of the Saskatchewan. He will teach th e courses the State Farm Mutual Automobile com- English department at the University of in marketing. Dr. Burd is considlered one pany. From 1941-47 he was director of Illinois for thirty-five years. He was noted o the outstanding men in this field. the branch offices and from 1951-54 has as a Welsh scholar and an authority on HERBERT E. PETERSON (H of Pas- headed the auto company's operating di- Arthurian legend. Besides Marion, he is adena, Calif., died July 14. He attended vision. survived by a son and a daughter. Hedding three years and then attended 1915 W. JOE HILL of Benton, Illinois, and and graduated from Northwest ern Law The Alumni Office is indebted to ADA Mrs. Esther Hutton of Harrisburg, Illi- School. He was highly regarde d by all ADAMS (Mrs. Reuben King) for a num- nois, were married September 11 in Ben- who knew him and his passing will be her of clippings about Wesleyan alumni ton. Judge Hill was assistant attorney regretted by his Hedding friendIs. Three living in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area. The general under IVAN ELLIOTT in 1949. sisters and two brothers of Pasa dena and Kings were interested in the Kresge 1919 one brother of Moline survive. Tr he Alum- Foundation gift to Wesleyan, since Reu- MARY ROBINSON (Mrs. Robert Alli- ni Office is indebted to RUTH MOSELY ben has been associated with Kresge's son) is vice president of the 16th district (Mrs. W. J. Andres) ex '09 for tlhe notice ever since his graduation from Wes- of! Mr. Peterson's passing. Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs and leyan. director of the Tazewell County League .THOMAS B. SCOTT, who directed CLARA BRIAN was one of a group of of Women Voters. athletics at Wesleyan from 1907-10, died four Methodist women who made a 2500 at his home in Modesto, Calif., O)ctober 4. mile trip through the south, where they 1920 He had practiced law in Modeesto ever visited missionary projects. DORIS BROWN (Mrs. Joseph W. since 1912 where he was a civic leader. EDITH GOODSPEED (Mrs. George Moore) has rented her home in Madison, A Canadian by birth, he had degrees Buehrig) has another grandson, born Wisconsin, for two years, and plans to from several universities. He came to July 4. travel during that time. She is spending Wesleyan after graduating from SNorth- DONALD S. KYGER ex, who has been the winter in Albuquerque, New Mexico. western. His wife survives. head of the Boy Scouts in Shelbyville, WILBUR G. GUILD is assistant man- DR. LOYAL THOMPSON (H ) had a Indiana, has moved to Centralia, Illinois. ager of design engineering for the Chi- letter from Rev. E. B. Steiner of Dhar- RAYMOND P. MILLER is now living go office of Standard Oil of Indiana. chula, India. He would like to see more in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He formerly was DR. HERMAN GUNN ex, who attended news of missionaries in the Alum ni Bulle- in Chicago. Wesleyan for a short time, died suddenly tin and wonders about students at Wes- LOUIS B. BUSH has moved from Los at his home in Ashtabula, Ohio, on Au- leyan in foreign fields. Angeles to Glendale, California. gust 23. He was a physician and served The Alumni Office has receivred from REV. L. J. SAILOR (H) attended the in World War I in France. He was a FRANCIS WINDLER of MEanhattan University of Life sessions at the Univer- member of the National Safety Council Beach, Calif., a used i n a his- sity of Illinois earlier in the year. in World War II. torical 14 game at Towa nda, Ill., HERBERT LIVINGSTON has been ap- July 4, 1908. Mr. Windler, who was the 1917 pointed a member of the Bloomington catcher, made the that won t he game COL. EARL C. EWERT ex is living in Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. from Merna. The ball is accompanied by Lanikai, Oahu, T.H. He has retired from Mr. Livingston has practiced law in an interesting diagram of the pl ay. te army. Bloomington since graduation from the 1911 SMembers of the class will be sorry to Wesleyan law school. He is a veteran of The sympathy of the class is extended learn of the death of HELEN HAIR- both World Wars. to JESSIE DRISKELL (Mrs. Howyard Ru- GROVE which occurred in Glendale, Cali- DR. JESSE MURRELL has resigned as pert) because of the death of her hus- fornia. Helen taught home economics in pastor of the First Methodist Church of band, which occurred suddenly Septem- the Glendale High school for many years Covington, Kentucky, to become the exec- ber 18 in Seattle, Washington. Mr. and until ill health forced her retirement. She utive secretary of the Kenton County Mrs. Rupert have both been itnterested was a member of Sigma Kappa. Her Protestant Association. He is the author and helpful with alumni events in Seat- sisters, Mary '16 and Della ex'18, survive. of numerous magazine articles and a book, tle. /Members of the law class will regret to "Seniors in Sunday School," which has learn of the death of JUDGE GEORGE wide circulation. Before going to Coving- 1912 W. HOGAN which occurred October 1 at ton he was district superintendent in ZELMA MONROE and LORAI[I MON- his home in McLeansboro, Illinois. He Florida. The death of Mrs. Murrell, a ROE ex are both retiring from th eir work was an outstanding citizen of his town church leader in her own right, in 1952, this year. Lorah has taught at Bloom- and of the county. He was county judge was one of the reasons Dr. Murrell de- ington High School ever since leaving and his name was again on the ballot ciq ed to take up his new work. college, and Zelma has directed t]he home for the November elections. Besides prac- /Graduates of the law school will regret economics extension service of t he Uni- ticing law and taking an active part in to learn of the death of JUDGE JOHN versity of Kentucky thirty year s. Lorah church and civic affairs he was president M. TUOHY which occurred October 9 at will spend some time with Zelma in Lex- of the Peoples National Bank. He was his home in Dundee, Illinois. Judge Tuohy ington, Kentucky, where she has a home. also considered the father of the oil in- practiced law in Bloomington for three Later they plan to do a great deal of dustry in Hamilton county, having been years after graduation, then moved to traveling at home and abroad. instrumental in getting the oil drilling Chicago, where he was chief trial lawyer CHARLES A. ZWENG visited t he cam- started. His wife, two daughters, and for the firm of Ryan, Condon & Livings- pus enroute to his home in Nort h Holly- three grandchildren survive. ton. He was judge of the Superior court wood, California, from Washingt on, D.C. P. CLIFTON KURTZ is chairman of in Cook county for three years until he He is associated with his son and son- the schools division of the 1954 Commu- was appointed Appelate judge for the in-law in the Pan American Na vigation nity Chest drive in McLean county. First District. At Wesleyan he was a Service. Mr. Zweng left the praictice of REV. AND MRS. GLENN ROWLES member of Phi Alpha Delta. His wife, law in 1936 to take air naviga tion. He (Kathryn Gothard '09) (H) are living in four sons and two daughters, survive. has written 22 technical books 1that are Van Nuys, California, where he is as- His two brothers, Daniel and William, used for text books and inform ation in sistant minister of the Congregational are also Wesleyan alumni, and lawyers navigation. His latest is entitledI "Rules Church of the Chimes. It is a new in Chicago. William is Circuit court of the Air." church, four and a half years old, in one judge, Lawyers of the Law Classes 1914-1917 at the Homecoming Luncheon

1921 vey McMillen) ex is living in Blooming- A. Richards) is living in Atascadero, Cali- Dr. Donald Timmerman, husband of ton. fornia. She moved there from Fayette, LOIS HOFFMAN, has been named as 1924 Iowa. associate secretary of the Cleveland, Ohio, EARLE KLOPP celebrated his thirtieth The sympathy of the class is extended Church Federation. He was formerly pas- anniversary with the State Farm Insur- to GLENN V. DODDS ex because of the tor of the Bond Hill Methodist Church ance companies in Bloomington. He is death of his father which occurred in in Cincinnati. In addition to serving the General Superintendent of Claims. September after a long illness. Mr. Dodds church, he served as member and execu- The sympathy of the class is extended conducted a tour of educators through tive of a number of important organiza- to WILLIS MaGIRL ex because of the Europe last summer. While in London, tions in Cincinnati. death of his father, James D. MaGirl, he was interviewed by the BBC's North /Members of the class will regret to president of the MaGirl Foundry and American Service. learn of the death of RUTH TODD (Mrs. Furnace company. REV. GLENN S. REDDICK has moved D. K. Campbell) ex which occurred Oc- The Mason City Methodist Church from La Grange, Illinois, to Blooming- tober 24 at her home in Sullivan, Illinois. where LLOYD STROUSE is pastor, cele- ton. She taught English and Latin in the brated its centennial in October. A his- RUBY MAE SYRCLE (Mrs. Kent) has Sullivan high school until ill health forced torical pageant and special services were moved from Yakima, Washington, to her retirement this fall. She was a mem- part of the week long celebration. Seattle. ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Her hus- WALTER YODER resigned as city at- ROBERT S. WILSON has moved to band, Donald K. Campbell, preceded her torney of Bloomington. He was the first Bethesda, Maryland, from Washington, in death. A daughter Margaret survives. attorney to serve under the new city D.C. ELIZABETH WOOD ex, executive sec- manager plan and was most helpful in 1927 retary of the Chicago Housing Authority getting it started. WAYNE ECKLEY and Miss Edna Earl since 1937, has resigned. During her 1925 Perrie were married in Lothian, Mary- land. He is a member of Theta Chi. They tenure in office, the Chicago Authority MR. AND MRS. CHARLES CLARK are at home in Annapolis, where he is made tremendous strides. In May, 1953, (Venetta Throne ex'27) celebrated their professor of diesel engines in Marine En- the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote a fea- 25th wedding anniversary in August. They gineering at the U. S. Naval Academy. ture on her under the heading "Land- observed it with open house at their REV. HOMER HOEWING was a cam- lady to 50,000 People." home in Colfax, Illinois, and a family pus visitor this summer. He is now living A DR. LEROY YOLTON Memorial dinner. Mr. Clark is superintendent of in Adair, Iowa. Fund has been established as a perma- the Octavia school unit. They have two PAULINE RIEDELBAUCH has been nent fund of the Presbyterian Church, sons, one a junior at the University of made head of the Department of Bio- U.S.A. The interest from the fund will Indiana and one a freshman at Wes- logical Sciences in the Pekin, Illinois, be used for scholarships in the Silliman leyan. high school. University school of nursing in the Phil- Betsy Doland, daughter of REV. AND Mr. and MRS. H. B. WATSON (Greeta ippines. MRS. ROY DOLAND (Dale Philips) is a 1922 Gring) have purchased a new house in sophomore at Cornell College in Iowa Lakeland, Florida. They now have a feel- E. GRACE CLARKE was in Blooming- and is a charter member of a newly ing of permanence. They also have a ton on her way to Murrayville, Illinois. organized social group. "beautiful new granddaughter, after three She was called there by the serious ill- A son has been born to Dr. and Mrs. grand boys." ness of her mother. She is the dietician John Douglas of Laramie, Wyoming. Dr. for the state hospital in Pontiac, Michi- Douglas is the son of MRS. FRANCES 1928 gan. LOONEY (Frances Green) and the late LOUISE JANE CRAIN (Mrs. C. D. HOBERT HENDERSON ex is living in Park Douglas '13. Burgess) ex is living in Trenton, Ohio. Jerseyville, Illinois. EDNA POSTLETHWAIT (Mrs. Charles LEROY DANIELS, who has taught The son of Mr. and MRS. R. R. MESS- H. Agnew) ex has moved to Chicago music in Flint, Michigan, and Milwau- ERLY (Elizabeth Burgess) is out of the from Lombard, Illinois. kee, has received a Fulbright scholarship service and has a position in Niagara DR. HAROLD HODGE was in Bloom- for the year 1954-55 to teach in Anatolia Falls, New York. He is in the engineering ington when the Hodge family held a College, Thessalonika, Greece. department of Bell Aircraft. He attended reunion. The Daily Pantagraph printed a G. ERMOND MECHERLE ex has re- the engineering school at the University number of pictures of the reunion and signed the numerous offices he held in of Illinois. wrote up the Hodge family, which is a the State Farm Insurance companies be- HOMER C. TORRYSON (H) has very interesting one. cause of ill health. In addition to being moved from Prospect Heights to Mt. BRANSON WRIGHT, a graduate of a member of the boards of the Auto, Life, Prospect, Illinois. the law school, opposed Leslie Arends, the and Fire companies, he was a trustee of 1923 incumbent, for congressman from the the State Farm Agent's Retirement plan. DR. FRANKLIN R. MILLER is with 17th Illinois District in the November He has been with the State Farm, which the Snyder-Jones Clinic in Winfield, Kan- elections. his father founded, since 1928. sas. 1926 1929 MILDRED SUTHERLAND (Mrs. Har- MARY ELIZABETH BEAN (Mrs. Wm. The sympathy of the class is extended IWU BULLETIN Page 8 STUBBLEFIELD '46 were injured in Sep- tember in an automobile accident, from to JOHN ALEXANDER because of the which they are recovering. death of his brother Lee, which occurred CHAPLAIN ELMER WEHKING is now September 25. stationed at Ramey Air Force Base in MR. AND MRS. ALFRED JENSEN Puerto Rico. His family is with him. (Mildred Glenn '30) have a new home in 1934 the College Hill section of Cincinnati. ROYAL J. BARTRUM has been pro- "Duke" s field service manager for the moted to be claims vice president in the Crosley and Bendix Home Appliance divi- Automobile company of the State Farm sion of Avco Manufacturing company. Insurance companies in Bloomington. HORACE S. MILLER is with the Bank- Royal, Jr., son of Mr. and MRS. BART- ers Life and Casualty company. He is RUM (Mary Fern Martin '36) was the living in Arlington Heights, Illinois. winner of the annual soapbox derby in MR. AND MRS. GLEN MURPHY (Al- Normal, Illinois. berta Mapes) live in Armington. Alberta JOHN DICKINSON is president of the is teaching band and vocal music in the McLean County Community Chest. Easton grade and high schools. They at- CAESAR FOLI and his family of Mack- tended the class 25th reunion in June, inaw, Illinois, were present at the cele- although their names were inadvertently bration of the 46th wedding anniversary omitted from the list in the August Bulle- of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Foli tin. in Bloomington. PAULINE MURRAY (Mrs. Howe) is ALICE McCARTY (Mrs. Ewald Schlen- living in Normal, Illinois, and teaching in ker) and her husband are doing out- the Normal Community unit. standing work as directors of the Ame-i- M. H. WARLOW ex is living in Warren, canization School in Bloomington. The Ohio. school, started a number of years ago by 1930 public-spirited citizens, is now part of RICHARD A. BYERLY ex has moved the Adult Education program. from Bloomington to Naperville, Illinois. MISS CAROL HARBRIDGE, a soph- LEAH READ (Mrs. William R. West) RUTH CHRISTOPHER (Mrs. Selmer omore, was chosen to reign over ex is living in McKinney, Texas. Ostlie) received a master's degree in the 1935 Science of Education from the University Homecoming as Miss Wesleyan. She is a member of Kappa Delta VIRGINIA BALL (Mrs. Wilfred Ma- of South California in June. han) has moved to Creve Couer, Mis- 1931 and comes from Fond du Lac, Wis- souri, from Dallas, Texas. VICTOR AULT has moved from Fort consin. GLATHA COX (Mrs. Patterson) is liv- Wayne, Indiana, to Indianapolis, Indiana. ing in Hawthorne, Nevada. She formerly HARRY BEALE ex has moved to in January, 1955. The title is "Introduc- lived in Arizona. Cazenovia, New York, from Cortland, New tion to Education: Understanding Teach- COL. CARTER DUNCAN ex has been York. ing Through Developmental Laboratory made base commander of the Bunker Hill The sympathy of the class is extended Experiences." This is the third in a series Air Base in Indiana. Previously he was to ELEANOR FORSYTH (Mrs. Robert of books by Dr. Bottrell. The editor's ob- commander of the Pope Air Force Base Sylvester) because of the death of her servation on the new book is that it is at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. mother, Mrs. Charles Forsyth, which oc- addressed to a wide understanding and HELEN HODAM has moved from Bel- curred in Arlington, Virginia. Mrs. For- inclusive range of community problems, ton, Texas, to New Concord, Ohio. She is syth, a civic and club leader in Bloom- and not just to teachers and school teaching in Muskingum College there. ington for many years, had been making people. Dr. Bottrell's wife received the de- MARJORIE MARTIN was director of her home with Eleanor. gree Doctor of Education at the August the Odell, Illinois, Centennial pageant, EARL LEE ex has moved from Name- Commencement of the University of given early in September. oli, Illinois, to Granite City, Illinois. Houston. 1936 J The Alumni Office has received word DEAN CARTER has moved from Pon- embers of the class will regret to that ALBERT W. RIDER, a graduate of tiac to River Grove, Illinois. learn of the death of WARREN BENDER the music school, died September 27 in HOWARD DAGLEY has moved to which occurred September 2 in Blooming- Dearborn, Michigan. He taught music in Pekin, Illinois, from Newton, Illinois. ton. He was employed by the Union As- the Dearborn schools before entering the Mrs. Stanley Fisher reports that the bestos and Rubber Company and owned army. Following the war he entered the Bulletin made a slight mistake as to the a stationery supply business. He was a radio advertising business. He was editor nature of STANLEY FISHER'S work. Al- member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. His wife, and publisher of the Dearborn Guide. At though he took music courses at Wes- two sons, and two daughters survive. Wesleyan he was a member of Phi Mu leyan, he has been identified with the DR. AND MRS. SAM DOOLEY (Betty Alpha. administration rather than music at the Sue Clark ex) and their four children LORENE ROCKE (Mrs. Charles Ste- University of Louisville. He is assistant have moved from Waban, Massachusetts, phenson) of Los Angeles, California, with dean and head of the cooperative depart- to Norwalk, Connecticut. her daughter Sara were in Bloomington ment of the Speed Scientific School of HELEN LAWRENCE (Mrs. W. J. Don- visiting GRACE ROCKE (Mrs. Yontz the university. Speed School is an engi. ovan) helped her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnett Jr.) '30. neering college with a plan whereby the E. D. Lawrence, celebrate their 40th wed- The sympathy of the class is extended students work three months and then go ding anniversary in Danvers, Illinois. to LOIS SPANGLER (Mrs. Gene Taylor) to school three months. Stanley's job is MARY O'BRIAN (Mrs. Martin Too- ex because of the death of her mother, to coordinate the program with industry. Mrs. Minnie Spangler, which occurred in hill) has moved from Winnetka to Park Bloomington In October. WILLIAM C. RASCHE has a new ad- Ridge, Illinois. dress in Brookfield, Illinois. He has been has purchased a THERESA STEPHENSON (Mrs. The- living in Chicago. LAWRENCE VEITCH new home in Hudson, New Hampshire. resa Barkhurst) has moved from West 1933 Hudson is a small residence town across Los Angeles to San Rafael, California. The sympathy of the class is extended the Merrimac river from Nashua. Larry is 1932 to MARY ELLEN CRUM because of the Personnel Director of Doehla Greeting v/ DR. LEE ALEXANDER died suddenly death of her mother which occurred in Cards, Inc. September 25 in Salem, New Jersey, Pontiac, Illinois, after a long illness. Mrs. where he made his home. He was a chem- Crum, who lived in Bloomington for many 1937 ical engineer for the Du Pont company. years, had been making her home in RAYMOND M. CALDWELL has moved He was a member of Tau Kappa Ep- Dwight, Illinois, with Mary Ellen. to Corpus Christi, Texas, from Normal. silon. His wife, two sons, a daughter, a DALE McMACKIN ex has moved from FLORENCE CASKEY (Mrs. Joe Cas- brother, and two sisters survive. East St. Louis, Illinois, to Troy, Illinois. tle) has moved from Wichita Falls, Texas, DR. HAROLD BOTTRELL, associate Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stubblefield, par- to Austin, Texas. professor of Education at the University ents of MARJORIE STUBBLEFIELD The sympathy of the class goes to ED- of Houston, has a new book coming out (Mrs. Robert Willman) ex and JACK WARD CLOTHIER because of the death of his mother which occurred in Bloom- the cast when the Peoria Players pre- IWU BULLETIN Page 9 ington in September. sented "Come Back Little Sheba." This ROBERT GREENHALGH ex is living was his first performance on the siage. band which occurred after a long illness in Palisades, Rockland County, New York. He has been a member of the troupe for on August 7. Besides his wife, four chil- He is an artist with Young and Rubicam a number of years, but has previously dren survive. He was a graduate of Le- Advertising Agency in New York City. helped with directing, maka-up, and land Stanford and the University of Illi- sound. nois law school. MR. AND MRS. LOWELL HALL (Ruth EDWARD TELLING has an address in Lillibridge '40) have returned to Milwau- 1940 Danville, Illinois. He has been in Fort kee, Wisconsin, after six months in thir- PAUL G. ANDERSON ex has com- Wayne, Indiana. teen European countries observing foreign pleted a course of study and is now eli- JANE WINCHELL (Mrs. H. R. Wilson) educational methods in science and gible for the Chartered Life Underwriter ex has moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, from speech therapy. designation. Paul is a local agent for Concord, California. Farm Insurance Companies in thn NORMA HOUSEHOLDER (Mrs. Robert State MR. AND MRS. W. Y. ZEHR (Mary- McLean County Agency. C. Brown) ex has an APO New York ad- anna Richardson '43) have moved to GENEVIEVE HALLER (M s. William dress because of her husband being in Pontiac, Illinois, from Ripon, Wiscon- Brunelle) has moved to Miami from Co-al service. Norma has formerly lived in sin. Lakeland, Florida. Gables, Florida. MARY T. NEWLIN left August 10 for ALBERT JOHNSON received a M.A. 1943 Japan, where she will teach for the Air degree from the University of Iowa in MR. AND MRS. C. M. BUETTNER Force. She has an APO address. August. (Eloise Kruse '44) have moved from Port- HELEN PURVINES (Mrs. R. W. Ket- LAWRENCE TAGG ex has been :n'ad land, Oregon, to Lake Grove, Oregon. tlecamp) is president of the Springfield, an assistant professor at the Unives' py The sympathy of the class is extended Illinois, alumni group. of Dayton. He directs the university to HENRY CHARLES upon the death of HORACE W. SMOCK has been ap- chorus, the men's glee club, anid the an- his father which occurred in August. pointed superintendent of the Sherwin- nual Christmas and Easter presentations THOMAS COLLIER ex has moved to Williams Company lacquer department in of the University of Dayton-Community Santa Ana, California, from San Berna- Chicago. He has been with Sherwin- Chorus. dino. Williams since 1939, when he received 1941 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT SCOTT a master's degree from the University of MR. AND MRS. WARREN BAKER (Patty Gerling ex'45) have moved from Illinois. He was chief engineer from De- (Marjorie Dick ex'44) '41 have moved Chicago to South Bend, Indiana. cember 1951-1953 and until his present from Streator to Peoria, Illinois. MR. AND MRS. JOE SPRING (Eunice appointment he was assistant superin- WILLIAM CHRIST, director of the Partlow ex'50) have moved from Bloom- tendent of the lacquer department. glee club at the University of Cincin- ington to Tempe, Arizona. HAROLD WIMBERLY has moved from 1938 nati and professor in the teachers col- Jacksonville, Illinois, to Clinton, Illinois. ALICE BEYER (Mrs. Earl Ziegler) was lege, directed "On the Town" early in responsible for sending a nice freshman the summer. DR. AND MRS. JOHN L. WRIGHT to Wesleyan from Midland, Michigan, M/SGT. JACK CRAIG ex is stationed (Jean Barr ex) are living in New Or- where the Zieglers live. at the University of Washington with the leans, Louisiana. John is taking advanced SHERWOOD DEES is superintendent Air Force R.O.T.C. detachment. His post courses in surgery at the Alton Ochsner of schools in Dixon, Illinois. He has been office address is North Bent, Washington. Clinic there. principal of the Olney, Illinois, high LUCILLE HIGGASON (Mrs. William REV. EDMUND ZEHR attended a sum- school. Bushell) is living in Jacksonville, Illi- mer school for supply pastors at DePauw STANLEY KOMAREK has moved to nois. University. Pasadena, Texas, from Wichita, Kansas. MARTHA JANE PRINDLE (Mrs. Rob- ELIZABETH LANGSDALE ex is living ert L. Atkinson) is president of the 1944 in Westminster, Maryland. She formerly League of Women Voters of McLean WILLIAM CHERIKOS ex has moved was in State College, Pennsylvania. (ounty. from Bristol, Tennessee, to Flora, Illinois. FRANCIS MIX has accepted a position JOHN C. VEATCH has moved from /KEITH DALRYMPLE ex was killed by as secretary of the McLean County Tu- Joliet, Illinois, to Bloomington. He is lightning August 25 while playing golf. berculosis Association. She has been serv- working at the new General Electric His death will come as a shock to mem- ing as night duty nurse at St. Joseph's plant. bers of the class, and the sympathy of Hospital and she has also taught in the 1942 all who knew him goes to his wife, VIR- Brokaw Hospital school of nursing. Mark Bower, young son of MR. AND GINIA ROBERTS '44. LT. COL. AND MRS. CECIL PETTY MRS. ROBERT BOWER (Marjorie Pow- WENDELL HARBERT ex has moved to (Marjorie Hartenbower '45) and three ell) was struck by a car and suffered a South Dartmouth, Massachusetts, from daughters are living in Tokyo, Japan, fractured leg and collarbone. Belvidere, Illinois. where Col. Petty is stationed with the ROBERT CORLEY is teaching in the LYLE LANZ'S mother was on the cam- Air Force. University of Illinois branch at Navy pus at Homecoming time. Lyle is one of JANE WACHS (Mrs. Matthews) has Pier, Chicago. moved to Hastings on Hudson, New York, our Gold Star alumni, having lost his from Merrick, L.I. SYL LEGNER and Miss Phyllis Kidwell life in the Far East during the war. were married on August 28 in St. Mary's MR. AND MRS. HERBERT McGRATH 1939 church in Bloomington. Syl is a member (Charlotte Miller ex'50) are living in MABEL ASHLEY has moved from of Phi Mu Alpha. Burlington, Colorado, where Herb is as- Illinois, to Long Beach, Cali- Galesburg, JACK McNEIL ex is working for East- sistant manager of the Walgreen Store. fornia. ern Air Lines in Miami, Florida. Herb is a graduate of the University of The sympathy of the class is extended DALE MEHRHOFF has moved from Colorado pharmacy school. The Mc- to BETTY BOULTON (Mrs. James Chris- Elgin, Illinois, to Park Ridge, Illinois. Graths have recently seen MR. and Mrs. topher) because of the death of her fa- The HAROLD REISCH family has pur- STAN FIXTER '44 and MR. AND MRS. ther, Dr. S. S. Boulton, which occurred chased a 192 acre farm near Columbia, RUSSELL MATHIS (Barbara Browns) in Towanda, Illinois, where he had prac- Missouri, and are living there and enjoy- '47. They also saw Mrs. Vera Saar Pres- ticed medicine for many years. ing it very much. Harold is still pastor cott of Castle Rock. Mrs. Prescott taught MORGAN EVANS played in the Na- of Olivet Church in Columbia, where the home economics at Wesleyan for many tional Amateur Golf Tournament at De- congregation has built a new educa- years. troit last summer. He was one of the tional building. He is also Extension Min- MARY LOU NIGRO (Mrs. Fred Poor) low qualifiers. ister for the Rural Seminary and Bible has moved to Aurora, Illinois, from Man- ROGER H. MARTIN is assistant man- College of Missouri, which cooperates kato, Minnesota. ager of tubular products for Jones and with the University of Missouri. Laughlin Steel Corporation in Pittsburgh, REV. AND MRS. CHESTER SHELDON REV. VERNON TAYLOR is living in Pennsylvania. (Helen McNichol '40) have moved from Nyssa, Oregon. ESTHER J. HAWKS (Mrs. R. R. Ste- Milford, Illinois, to Dwight, Illinois. CLAIR WHITNEY ex has an address phenson) is living in Fort Lauderdale, The sympathy of the class is extended in Roodhouse, Illinois. He has been sta- Florida. to BARBARA SHERRILL (Mrs. Hal tioned at Wright Patterson Air Force ARTHUR STUBBS was a member of Stone Jr.) upon the death of her hus- Base in Ohio. IWU BULLETIN Page 10 in Muncie, Indiana. He has been in Pratt, Louis, Missouri, where Bill is in medical Kansas. school at W shington University. 1945 JEANNE CLINE (Mrs. Thomas Stil- HAROLD RANKIN is teaching in the MARVIN BOWER has set something well) ex has moved from Wynnewood, Washington School in Urbana, Illinois. of a record in taking Life U nderwriter Pa., to Ardmore, Pa. ROGER F. ROSE has moved from examinations at the State Fairm Insur- WALTER DUDA is doing graduate Altadena, California, to New Haven, Con- ance Company. State Farm ass ociates are work at the University of Illinois. He has necticut. able to take the LOMI exa minations been director of instrumental music at MORSE SAITO has returned to the through company policy. Marvvin passed Mississippi College. United States for a year's furlough after four examinations last year and four NORMAN C. GEARY is sales repre- five years in Kobe as a missionary. He more this year. He also took t wo exam- sentative for the new Evanston, Illinois, is working on his master's degree at the inations in Underwriting. If he passes branch office of Connecticut General Life University of Michigan. His wife re- four examinations next springg he will Insurance Company. Norm and his wife mained in Japan with their six year old have tied the national record and will and son live in Grayslake, Illinois. adopted son who could not come with complete the course in several years less KAY JOHNSTON (Mrs. Arvid J. Ol- them because he was foreign born. than most people take. son) has moved from South San Fran- MR. AND MRS. JACK SCHULER (Ina DR. AND MRS. JOHN DOSES (Margot cisco, California, to Marshall, Michigan. DeWall) have moved to Sterling, Illi- Patterson '43) are living in E1l Cerrito, DR. ROBERT G. KILLOUGH ex is nois, where Jack is music instructor in California. This is in the San Francisco practicing medicine in Bloomington. He the high school. Bay area, where John is comp leting his was formerly in Oak Park. KEITH O. WILSON has moved from second year in the doctor-dra ft. He is CAROLINE SCHULTZ and Richard J. Collinsville, Illinois, to Mt. Vernon, Illi- with the Epidemic Intelligenc e Service Ferme were married on October 30 in nois. of the U. S. Public Health Service. Last the Wesley Methodist Church of Bloom- 1949 year he was called to fourteen epidemics ington. They are living in Chicago, where L. BROWN and his family in different parts of the country . At pres- Caroline is a case worker with the Cook ROBERT where he owns the ent he is doing polio research. Margot is County Department of Welfare, and Dick live in Champaign, Paint Store in looking after the family and w riting fic- is attending the University of Chicago T. M. Bacon and Sons with his father. The Browns tion. graduate school of social servicde admin- partnership have a daughter and three sons. Caroline is a member of Alpha MR. AND MRS. ROBERT GC)FF (Wil- istration. NADINE CALLAHAN and R. Robert Gamma Delta. ma Schausten) ex are living in South Simpson were married August 28 in Quin- FRED SHERMAN ex has moved from Bend, Indiana, where Bob is assistant cy, Illinois. They are living in Bluffton, a Woodburn, Indiana, to Fort Wayne, In- manager of Penney's store. It seenis quite MR. diana. Indiana, where Dr. Simpson is practic- large store. The Goffs have Te n R WILLIAM WAYLAND, JR. has moved ing. Nadine has been doing graduate work AND MRS. ROBERT SCOT')uth Bend from Miami, Arizona, to Danville, Illi- at the University of Syracuse. Gerling) who have moved to Sc nois. ALAN CRAWFORD is band director in from Chicago. the West Frankfort, Illinois, high school. WAYNE HALL ex has mo ved from 1947 MR. AND MRS. R. W. DAUBEN- Champaign, Illinois, to Park F(orest, Illi- PAULA ABSHER (Mrs. W. S. Reid) is SPECK (Joyce Seibel) are living in New nois. teaching in McLean, Illinois. Haven, Connecticut. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS HAMNET BARBARA BROWNS (Mrs. Russell MR. AND MRS. ROBERT DINIUS (Margaret Gilley) have purchas ed a home Mathis) reports that the Colorado Springs (Sally Holton ex'50) are living in Chi- in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. They are happy Wesleyanites had a good time at a pot- cago, where Bob is working as a chemist. about their new home and h(ope to be luck held during the summer. The occa- A letter from BILL DUELL brought the there forever. Margaret is continuing her sion was the visit of Dean and Mrs. Wil- alumni files up to date on what he has work as professional accompa,nist and liam T. Beadles from the campus. been doing. He graduated from the Yale coach. EDWARD E. EDWARDS is living in school of drama in 1952 with a master's WILLIAM HENDERSON ex and his Peru, Illinois. He has been in Michigan. degree. During his years there he played wife and three sons are living in West The sympathy of the class is extended 60 roles besides directing summer stock Collingswood, New Jersey. Bill is in his to ROBERT GUENTHER because of the in Oklahoma City and Milford. He is now last year in medical school at Jefferson. death of his father, Otto H. Guenther. living in New York City. Since going He is having a busy year, sirnce he is Mr. Guenther was a soil conservationist there to live, he has been a stage man- president of the Student Americcan Medi- for the United States Department of Ag- ager, acted in a children's theatre and cal Association and is on the Dean's com- riculture. A veteran of World War I, he appears frequently in TV. He has been mittee. was also a lay minister of the Methodist on the Robert Montgomery TV show as REV. PAUL OLSON is minisiter of the Church. well as "You Are There," "Kraft TV," Methodist churches at Orange ville and THOMAS ROSE ex is living in Gary, and "Studio One." Cedarville, Illinois. Indiana. H. ROGER ELLIOTT is working for NONA POSTLEWAIT (Mrs. James C. JUNE SCHROEDER (Mrs. Guy F. the William Rocke Hydrotherapy Com- Fisher) ex is living in PrinceEton, Illi- Scott) ex is living in Norfolk, Virginia. pany, Inc., in Bloomington. nois. She is a registered nurs e. She formerly was in West Palm Beach, MR. AND MRS. J. T. FLAVIN (Mari- MR. AND MRS. FREDERIC K SUM- Florida. lyn Stine '50) are living in Belleville, MERS (Lorraine Hitchens '43) ex are liv- BETTY LOU SISSON and Dr. Ted Al- Illinois. They moved there from Pacific, ing in Madison, Kentucky, wher e Fred is len Glass were married on September 5 Missouri. business manager of the medi cal clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, where he is prac- LORRAINE HARRIS (Mrs. Boyd Por- there. ticing dentistry. They are living in Eager, ter) has moved from Atlanta, Georgia, to MR. AND MRS. PHILIP R . VANCE Arizona. Betty Lou is a member of Sigma Cheraw, South Carolina. (Beverly Minch) and two chil[dren are Kappa. She has been secretary to the BERT HUMPHREY has returned to moving from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, to director of the Arizona Water Project. his home in Waukegan after some time Bedford, Massachusetts. Phil has ac- 1948 in the north and west. He was a campus cepted a position with M.I.T.' s Lincoln MR. AND MRS. ROBERT FENNELLY visitor on his way home. He has been Laboratories in research and develop- (Eleanor Ann Browns '46) ex were on in Point Barrow, Alaska, the territory ment work. He has been associ ated with the campus in October. They were visit- farthest north in the United States, work- the aircraft division of Goodyea r in Ak- ing her parents, Professor and Mrs. Ralph ing on a naval reserve project, drilling ron in the electrical engineerintg depart- Browns. for oil. While there he took time out to ment. He also did research w ork there HELEN HENRY, who has been in Mil- go out on the end of the peninsula which and taught some courses at Alkron uni- waukee, Wisconsin, is now living in Mt. is literally the farthest point north in versity. Prospect, Illinois. Alaska. Herbert Hoover, Jr., was one of Dean Zumwalt, husband of AL ICE LIL- PATRICIA LA TEER and Arthur their visitors at Point Barrow. Later Bert LIBRIDGE ZUMWALT ex, ha s become Charles Roth were married June 25 in worked at the Folsom Dam project in a full partner in the "Associat;ed Engi- Peoria, where they are now living. Pat is California. neers," a Peoria, Illinois, firm. a member of Kappa Delta. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT JOHNSON 1946 MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM MUNDT (Jeanne Victor) have moved from Knox- CLINTON IVOR BROWN is now living (Shirley Heil '47) ex are living in St. ville, Illinois, to Oak Park, Illinois. EDGAR A. KING is an attorney with pa Kappa Gamma. They are living in IWU BULLETIN Page 11 the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hart- Cambridge, Ohio, where he is in hospital ford, Connecticut. administration work. high school. JANET ANN MELVILLE (Mrs. Dean MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM TAGG MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL OLSON Bradley) ex has moved from Birming- (Carol Rau) are living in Decatur, :Ili- (Marilyn Thompson ex'52) are living in ham, Alabama, to Ottumwa, Iowa. Janet nois, where Bill is in charge of music Downers' Grove, Illinois, where Russ is met ELIZABETH CROSSMAN NASH '44 and public relations for the First Pres- teaching history and is assistant coach at a meeting of the AAUW in Ottumwa. byterian Church. at the high school. He received a M.S. MR. AND MRS. J. ROGER MILLER WILLIAM VON RUDEN ex has moved degree in political science from the Uni- (Arlene Truscott) are living in Abilene, from Chicago to Shawano, Wisconsin. versity of Wisconsin. Texas, where Roger is teaching music ed- The address of MR. AND MRS. LEE JOANNE PALMER ex is living in Salt ucation at Hardin Simmons College. WEISKOPF (Ellen Kruse ex'50) was in- Lake City, Utah. ELLAGENE MORGAN has moved to correctly given in the last news bulletin Members of the class will be sorry to Titusville, Pennsylvania, from Elgin, Illi- as being in the state of Pennsylvania. learn of the death of the infant son of nois. They are still living in Pasadena, Cali- MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM PRICE (Bar- JOHN D. MOSSER and Miss Helen fornia, having bought a house there, and bara Scott) ex. Deane were married on October 16 in they have no intention of moving. DR. ROBERT W. SENIFF ex is prac- Decatur, Illinois. They are living in Mon- Through some their Alumni Bulle- ticing dentistry in New Haven, Connecti- ticello, Illinois, where John is a chemist tin was returned to the office by he cut. He graduated from the University of for Viobin Corporation. postal authorities with the Pennsylvania Maryland dental school in June, 1954. ANDREAS PALOUMPIS and Miss address. DERWOOD SHIPLETT is working on Elaine Stamos were married on August 15 PHOEBE WHIPPLE is acting executive his master of music degree at the Uni- at St. Demetrious Greek Orthodox Church director of the Bloomington-Normal Girl versity of Illinois. in Chicago. They are living in Kirkland, Scout Council. RALPH L. SMITH ex is living in Tuc- Illinois, where he is instrumental instruc- son, Arizona. tor in the high school. 1950 FRANCIS SOMERS is basketball and Professor and MRS. M. SCHEFFEL MR. AND MRS. CHARLES AMES baseball coach at Normal Community PIERCE (Dorothy Parmenter) are living (Joyce Eichhorn ex'49) have moved to High School. in Madison, Wisconsin, where he is work- Johnston, New York. Charles received his SARA SUTHERLAND and Philip Mi- ing toward advanced degrees and serv- master's degree from Harvard Business chael Madden were married on August ing as varsity debate coach. Dorothy has School last June and now is commercial 14 in Coronado, California. They are liv- seen a number of alumni in Madison. manager for the General Telephone Com- ing in Coronado, while he is stationed Recently the Pierces, the ROGER MILL- pany in Johnston. there with the navy. Sara is a member ERS (Arlene Truscott), the LEE CUM- PHYLLIS BENDER (Mrs. Gordon De- of Kappa Delta. MINGS (Helen Tagg), the ROBERT Hart) and her husband are living in PHYLLIS SWANSON (Mrs. Duane LUSHES (Marie Garrison) and Rev. and Tolono, Illinois, while he is attending Cooper) ex has moved from La Canada, Mrs. L. R. Tagg attended church serv- law school at the University of Illinois. California, to Bloomington. ices together. The Millers have since CHARLES B. BLOSSOM ex is living MR. AND MRS. KEITH VERNON moved to Texas and the Cummings have in Helena, Montana, where he is teach- (Marion Bute ex'52) are living in Belle- moved back to Milwaukee. ing. ville, Illinois, where Keith is teaching DOROTHY PIERSON (Mrs. John Cla- MR. AND MRS. JAMES W. BRYNER geography in the high school and junior vin) has a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ad- (Mary Fran Temple) have moved to college. dress. She has been living in New York Champaign, Illinois, from Ramsey, Illi- WILLIAM A. WAGNER was married to and has appeared on some television nois. Miss Karen Ruth Moser on August 8 in shows. ELIZABETH JANE CONNELLY (Mrs. Cropsey, Illinois. They are living in Fair- MR. and Mrs. DAVID REID, who were Kenneth W. Montgomery) ex is living in bury, where Bill is band instructor for recently married, are living in Baltimore, Macomb, Illinois, where her husband is the Fairbury-Cropsey schools. He is a where David has two churches and his farm adviser for McDonough County. She member of Phi Mu Alpha. wife is assisting him in religious educa- and her husband have a four-year-old OWEN WEST received the degree of tion. daughter, Margaret. master of music education from Wes- ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ ex has ANN FAILE ex has moved from Chi- leyan in June. He and his wife (Nancy moved to Terre Haute, Indiana, from Mt. cago to White Plains, New York. Hill '52) are living in Gibson City, Illi- Auburn, Illinois. GEORGE A. FREDERICK is living in nois, where Owen teaches music in the NORMAN ROSENTHAL ex has moved Chicago. high school. to Indianapolis, Indiana, from Edwards- ROBERT LEE HARRIS has moved to MARINA ZACCARO (Mrs. Firestone) ville, Illinois. Hollywood, California, from Peoria, Illi- is in Naples, Italy, which she is making DON SALZMAN, who taught last year nois. her headquarters while in Europe. She at Wesleyan, is teaching part time at ROBERT HAYS is living in Joliet, Illi- joined her husband in Ehringer, Ger- Thornton Township high school and doing nois. He is working for the Caterpillar many, the end of August. work toward a doctor's degree at Univer- Tractor Company there. 1951 sity of Chicago. DONALD HILDEBRAND has been dis- OLIVER ALLYN ex is a theatrical BETTY SEYBERT (Mrs. Richard charged from the army and is now in de- signer in Chicago. Green) has moved to Sherman, Texas, his senior year at Vanderbilt University from Bloomington. law school. DONALD H. ANDERSON ex is teach- ROBERT SCHREIBER was responsible MARJORIE LAWRENCE (Mrs. James ing in Peru, Illinois. for sending a student to Wesleyan this Keasling) has moved to Oakland, Cali- IDA MAE BELL (Mrs. Charles How- year. Bob did graduate work in insur- fornia. ell), who has been hospitalized at the ance at the Wharton School after grad- HELEN MALCOR (Mrs. James Christo- USPHS Hospital in Detroit, is convalesc- uation at Wesleyan. He is now with the pher) has moved to Springfield from ing and hopes to be out of the hospital Chicago group office of the Bankers Life Champaign, Illinois. by Christmas and rejoin her husband, Company. ROBERT NELSON and Miss Carol who has a position at Hines Hospital. ABDOOL SHAFFEEULLAH of British Paulsen were married on August 21 in The Howells young daughter, Rose Ann, Guiana was unable to send money toward Dwight, Illinois. They are living in Plain- has been with Ida Mae's parents in the Alumni Fund because of currency field. Bob is employed by the Blockson Bloomington while she has been in the and exchange difficulties, so he decided Chemical Corporation in Joliet, and his hospital. to send British Guiana stamps which the wife is teaching second grade in the JOHN BOWLES III ex has moved from Alumni Office sold and credited to him Plainfield public school. Bob is a mem- Cleveland, Ohio, to Bloomington. and to the class. ber of Tau Kappa Epsilon. P. GLEN COLER is music director for CHARLES SMITH ex is living in For- DONALD C. NORWOOD is teaching the elementary and high schools in Paw- rest Hills, Long Island, New York. math and science in the McLean, Illinois, nee, Illinois. JEANNE SMITH and John Green were high school. MARGARET ANNE CONNELLY (Mrs. married October 23 in Chicago. The of- DONALD NYLIN has moved from Gary G. Gray) ex is living in Decatur, ficiating clergyman was REV. JOHN Onarga, Illinois, to Herscher, Illinois. Don Illinois, where her husband is a member WOLF '47. Jeanne is a member of Kap- is teaching general science in the junior of the Walrus Manufacturing firm. IWU BULLETIN Page 12 SEIFU ZELLEKE has moved from San GUS POLIZOS was a campus visitor Juan, Puerto Rico, to Addis Ababa, Ethi- this fall. He has been in the army the CHAUNCEY CONKLIN h as moved opia. past two years. from Bloomington to Hollywoo d, Florida, 1952 EVERETT ROEDER is teaching biology where he has a dance studio. While in STEVE ANDROPOULO has received and general science in the Midlothian Bloomington he was dance ins tructor at his master's degree and now is in a schools. Wesleyan. training program with the Safeway Gro- DONNA SCHULTZ (Mrs. Clifford ALEX COSMIDIS ex, who plays for cery Company. He is very happy because Smith ex) is living in 29 Palms, Cali- the New York Giants farm syst em, played he has received his permanent U.S. resi- fornia, while her husband is stationed second base for the Minneap)olis team dence permit and it is now only a matter there with the Marines. last summer. of time before he receives his U.S. citi- HARRY ALFRED SHUBERT ex has BEVERLY CRAWFORD ex is working zenship. moved to Savoy, Illinois, from Mineral, in the railroad sales office of United MARILYNN BELL (Mrs. McCabe) ex Illinois. SAM SMILEY received the degree of States Steel Corporation in IPittsburgh, is living in Pekin, Illinois. Pennsylvania. master of fine arts in August from the MR. AND MRS. MARTIN E. BIRCH University of Iowa. BEN F. DAY has moved f rom Man- (Roslyn Johnson '50) are living in Chi- DARBY SMITH and Gilbert B. Siegel hattan, Illinois, to Channahan , Illinois. cago, Illinois, where Martin is a teacher were married October 16 in California. WILLIAM DUVALL has moved to at the Illinois Industrial Home for the They are living in Manhattan Beach, Bloomington from Waukegan , Illinois. Blind. California. Darby is a member of Sigma Bill is principal of the grade school in ROBERT W. BUTLER has been dis- Alpha Iota. She was the soprano soloist Lawndale, Illinois, and is living at home. charged from the army and is working for many outstanding events on the cam- MR. AND MRS. JOHN EKLIUND (Ann for the State Farm Insurance Companies pus. She has both master's and bache- Duffield '53) have moved from Wood- in Bloomington. While in the service, and lor's degrees from Wesleyan. She has been bury, New Jersey, to Chicago. J ohn is still stationed ig Korea, he called on Tai Sun singing with the Roger Wagner choral in the navy, and will be st ationed in Kim '36 in Seoul. Mr. Kim is the present group in Los Angeles. Chicago for another year. mayor of Seoul. SALLY VEATCH and Darold C. Stod- MR. AND MRS. WENDELL GOLDEN CAROLYN CAMERON (Mrs. David dard were married on July 7. They are (Clara Siapno ex'52) are living in Hart- Jarvis) cx is living in Popponesset Beach, living in Champaign, Illinois, while her ford, Connecticut, where the3y are at- Massachusetts. husband is stationed at Rantoul with the tending the Kennedy School olf Missions. MARSTON DAUGHERTY ex and Miss air force. Sally is a member of Alpha Wendell graduated from Iliff School of Genevieve Figueriedo were married in Gamma Delta. Theology in Denver last Ju ne. Clara Solvang, California. He is a veteran of MARY JO WHITE (Mrs. E. N. Sever- graduated from Denver Univ ersity last the Korean War. They are at home in son) ex is living in Downers Grove, Illi- March. They have been accept(ed as mis- Arrowsmith, Illinois. nois. She and her husband have two sionaries by the Methodist Ch urch, and FLORISSA DE VRIES has moved to children. after a year's training in Ha rtford will Evanston, Illinois, from Paw Paw, Michi- DOROTHY GALLAGHER (Mrs. Rich- ard C. O'Sullivan) ex is living in De- go to Africa. gan. MERLIN HINCKLE ex is livirng in Den- gn troit, Michigan. ailroad of- JEANNE DOERN (Mrs. Orville Whil- ver, Colorado, where he is a re din) ex has moved to Skokie, Illinois, JESSE BAKER is living in Lingle, fice clerk. Wyoming. MR. AND MRS. RONALD HINTON from Chicago. REV. AND MRS. HERBERT J. GRUL- (Barbara Jackson ex'53) are living in MARTHA EBBERSTEN (Mrs. Ralph KE (Barbara Jean Turner ex'53) are liv- Bartonville, where Ron is teachling. E. Dodd) is living in Bethalto, Illinois, ing in Waukegan, Illinois. They were liv- MR. AND MRS. R. E. HOLMIES (Nancy where she is teaching art in the high ing in Evanston. Forshey ex'53) are living in Dainville, Illi- school. LORRAINE BALSLEY ex has moved nois. Bob is minister of the Henning and LEO EBERT is stationed in England to Sacto, California, from Del Paso Jamesburg churches. He gradu ated from and does not expect to leave there until Heights, California. Garrett Biblical Institute in Jiune. June, 1956. He likes England very much, 1953 MR. AND MRS. PHILLIP H UNT (Ca- and has heard from LUCILLE HYNE- YVONNE AMBLER is living in Dwight, rol Fulk ex'52) are living in i Jackson, MAN (Mrs. De St. Croix) '24, whose hus- Illinois, having moved there from Hins- Michigan, where Phil is teacthing com- band teaches at Oxford. dale, Illinois. merce in the high school. ALICE FAIRCHILD (Mrs. Robert BARBARA BARLING (Mrs. Don Wil- MR. AND MRS. ORVILLE LE FEVER Heath) is living in Normal, Illinois. Bob liamson) ex has moved to Moline, Illi- (Maxine Lane ex'53) are living in Man- graduated from dental school at Wash- nois, from Bloomington. cos, Colorado, where both are teaching. ington University this summer and now MARYANN BECKMAN ex and James MR. AND MRS. JOHN LEIGHTY is in the service. R. Weisenborn were married on Septem- (Eloise Stattner) have moved from Pana, LEONARD GENUNG is living in In- ber 4. They are living in Quincy, Illinois. Illinois, to Villa Grove. John is s band di- dianapolis, where he is working for the She is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. rector of the unit and high sch ool choral Indianapolis Music Company, selling band BARBARA BRUCE (Mrs. Leslie E. director. instruments. Glenn) ex has moved from Urbana to AGNES LENARD ex has m oved from MARCIA HASELTINE (Mrs. Carl Lin- Normal, Illinois. Her husband is with Chicago to Farmingdale, New Jersey. den) and her husband are busy with the college trainee program of the State DR. WILLARD WAITE LEO NARD ex their rooming house in Cambridge, Massa- Farm Insurance companies. is living in Palatine, Illinois, where he chusetts. The Lindens honeymooned in HERSCHEL CLINE and HARRIET Scandinavia. At present, he is attending is practicing medicine. SCHAEPE ex'55 were married during the JANE McCALL (Mrs. Joe Krnight) has Harvard and Marcia is following her pro- summer. They are living in Viola, Illi- moved from Weldon, Illinois, to Bloom- fession of nursing. nois, where Herschel is pastor of the ington. The sympathy of the class is extended Methodist Church. Herschel is a member WILLIAM MASCHGER haas moved to Mr. and MRS. GERALD LANG (Eliza- of Sigma Chi, and Harriet of Kappa from Springfield to Girard, Il linois. beth Williamson) on the death of their Kappa Gamma. MARY MARGARET MUIR i s living in infant daughter in August. SHIRLEY GADDUM has moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. MR. AND MRS. FRED LAWLER (Pa- CAL NEEMAN ex, who caught for the tricia Patyk '53) are living in Abingdon, Gainesville, Florida, from Marine City, Michigan. Binghamton, New York, p rofessional Illinois, where Fred is teaching vocal mu- baseball club, has been rated thae number sic in the high school, and Pat teaches MR. AND MRS. CHARLES GAINES one catcher in the Yankee bas eball farm vocal music in the elementary school. (Jean Reichert) are living in Ottawa, Illi- system. VERNE MARTIN is teaching in Na- nois, where Chuck is elementary vocal ARTHUR FIELDS SMITH moved perville, Illinois. supervisor in the public schools. from Roberts, Illinois, to Springgfield, Illi- WILFRED MILLER is attending medi- MR. AND MRS. ROBERT GUENZLER nois. cal school in Chicago. (Mary Ann Hagemeyer) were on the E. CHARLES SMITH has m oved from VICTOR PEYRON has been discharged campus Homecoming. Mary Ann has re- Brentwood, Missouri, to WebstEer Groves, from the army and is teaching music in signed her position with the Girl Scouts Missouri. Chenoa, Illinois. in Joliet. Bob is completing his work in personnel management at Fort Benjamin ington, Indiana, while Ray continues his IWU BULLETIN Page 13 Harrison and is going back to Texas to studies in the Indiana University busi- Fort Hood. Mary Ann plans to accom- ness school there, and Donna is doing Company. Diane is a member of Sigma pany him. secretarial work. Donna graduated from Alpha Iota. Indiana CLEO HALE (Mrs. E. McDonald) ex University in June. She is a TAE WAITE ex was married on March has moved from San Diego, California, member of Alpha Gamma Delta. 7 to Ramon M. Mann of Compton, Cali- to Champaign, Illinois. KENNETH DE VORE ex and Miss Jean fornia. They are living in Los Angeles, MICKEY JEWETT (Mrs. Russell Pol- Miller were married September 12. They California, where Tae is completing her lock) ex is living in Whiting, Indiana, are living in Bloomington, where Ken is undergraduate work at the University of having moved there from New Jersey. employed as a concrete block worker. Southern California and her husband is BOYD JOHNSON ex has moved from BETTY JEAN GRIFFITH ex is living working on his master's degree. Rockford, Illinois, to Los Angeles, Cali- in Elmhurst, Illinois, having moved there JOHN WITT ex is a student at the fornia. from Littleton, Colorado. Chicago College of Osteopathy and Sur- MR. AND MRS. LEONARD KESL JEAN KENDALL ex has moved to In- gery. (Ella Janes ex'51) are now in Edwards- diaanpolis, Indiana, from Champaign, Illi- ville. They had been living in Blooming- nois. Jean received her bachelor of arts 1956 ton. degree from the University of Illinois CAROL CARLSON ex is working for RICHARD MYERS KING ex is living last June and is now employed by the the Federal Savings and Loan company in Normal, Illinois. He was graduated Indianapolis Public Library. in Bloomington. from the University of Illinois in June. ALLAN MEYER ex is a baseball player CAROL CONLEY ex and S. C. Spence LOUISE LAVENGOOD ex has moved for the farm team. Jr. were married September 25. They are from Indianapolis to Wabash, Indiana. DONALD C. NEWPORT ex is living in living in Oak Park, Illinois, where Carol NANCY LOU LENTZ (Mrs. Harry A. Kenosha, Wisconsin. is an artist for Hoskinson and Rohloff Ware, Jr.) ex is living in Indianapolis, CHARLENE PARKS ex and Walter and Associates. Indiana. Georgi Jr. were married in October. They ALICE GRIMM ex is living in Bloom- DONNA LINN and William O. Gentry are living in Ardmore, Oklahoma, while ington and is working for the State Farm were married on July 24. They are living he is in the Air Force. Insurance companies. in Wilmette, Illinois. Donna teaches in RUSSELL E. POPEJOY ex and Miss BARBARA McQUEEN ex and Donald the Greeley School in Winnetka. She is Nancy Bonser were married on August 29 A. Korte were married on July 17 in the a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. in the Heyworth, Illinois, Methodist Springfield First Methodist Church. They MARILYN MELVILLE (Mrs. Bruce P. Church. They are to live in Japan after are living in Springfield, where Donald is Andrews) ex is living in Chicago. She December. Russ is with the air force. associated with the Sangamon Electric graduated from Northwestern University GRACIA SOBIE ex has finished her company. Barbara is a member of Kappa in 1953, and was married on August 8 college work in Chicago by attending Delta. of that year. night school at Northwestern. She has CAROL PALMER ex and DALE KOOI JAMES P. O'BRIEN and Miss Violet an interesting position as secretary to were married on June 20. They are living Wilford were married October 9 at Holy three top executives in the Westinghouse in Bloomington. Dale is a junior at Trinity Church in Bloomington. They are offices in the Merchandise Mart build- Wesleyan. living in Colorado Springs, Colorado, ing. NADINE PARK ex is employed as a where Jim is stationed with the army. ALICE STOIK ex is teaching eighth secretary for Franklin Life Insurance MR. AND MRS. JOE SHIVE (Joyce grade at Trewyn Junior High School in Company, Loami, Illinois. Applegate '52) who are living in Boston, Peoria, Illinois. PATRICIA PAYNE (Mrs. Anthony Massachusetts, have expressed apprecia- DONNA RAE SWAN (Mrs. Ed Alsene) Vestuto) ex is living in Bloomington while tion for the Alumni Bulletin. Joe is in ex is living in Des Moines, Iowa. Her her husband attends Wesleyan. Tony is his second year at Boston University husband is in the sports department of the school photographer. School of Theology. He is also minister the Des Moines Register. They had been CARLTON RAM ex, who was at Scar- to youth at the Melrose, Massachusetts, living in Bloomington, where Ed was ritt College in Nashville, Tennessee, last Congregational Church. Joyce has a posi- with the Pantagraph. year, is at Southwestern College in Win- tion with the State Street Trust Com- JEAN ANN WALTER ex was married field, Kansas, this year. pany of Boston. in December of 1953 to Jack A. Whit- MARIANNE ROBBINS ex is working NORMA J. SMITH (Mrs. Bruce Pat- man. They are living at present at Lake on the office staff at Lakeview Hospital rick) is teaching in the Bartonville, Illi- Charles, Louisiana. She is working for a and attending night classes at Danville nois, grade school. She was married dur- firm of interior decorators. Junior College. ing the summer. RITA MAE WINKLER ex has moved R. THOMAS ROBERTS and Miss Ila MR. AND MRS. ROBERT TEUTSCH to Phoenix, Arizona, from Chicago. She Jean Buth were married on August 1 in (Ruth Lux ex'52) have moved to Venice, is working for the American Institute for Bloomington, where they are now liv- California, from Long Beach. Foreign Trade. ing. Tom is a junior at Wesleyan. He is JACK TURNQUIST is living in Iowa the son of MR. and Mrs. RUSSELL ROB- City, where he is on a teaching assistant- 1955 ERTS '27. ship in the mathematics department, and MARJORIE HAEMMERLE ex and LOIS ROBERTS ex is attending Michi- working toward a M.S. degree which he Richard A. Harner were married on Au- gan State in East Lansing. will receive in June. He is working in gust 27. Marjorie is living with her par- PATRICIA WALQUIST ex is working actuarial science. ents in Oak Park while Dick is in the for Aetna Insurance Group as a member MR. AND MRS. B. G. WILLHOITE navy, and is attending the Freeman of the office staff in Chicago. (Eleanor Taylor ex'50) are now living in Business College. She is a member of BENNY WEISS ex is a student at the Pontiac, Illinois. They were in Milwau- Alpha Gamma Delta. University of Illinois. kee, Wisconsin. JAMES HOWELL ex and CARLENE ROBERT WILEY ex is an assistant DAVID WOMELSDORF is teaching in RAYMOND ex'56 were married October 2. product supervisor for G. & M. Labora- Princeville, Illinois. Jim is an assistant manager of Thorp tories in Chicago. John Wooledge, husband of FRANCES Finance Corporation in Baraboo, Wiscon- FUNK WOOLEDGE ex, received a dis- sin. Carlene is a member of Kappa 1957 tinguished military standing honor in the Delta. MARILYN ALFORD ex is living in ROTC program at Purdue University. He GENEVIEVE IRONS ex is attending Chicago and is a typist for Illinois Bell is a senior in the engineering school. Michigan State in East Lansing, Michi- Telephone Company. gan. DALE ANDERSON ex is a student at 1954 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT PINKER- Augustana College in Rock Island, Illi- ELIZABETH BURNHAM ex is study- TON (Mary Alice Trutter) ex are living nois. ing physical therapy at the University of in Chicago, where Bob is attending the MARTHA BALDWIN ex and KEN- Buffalo, New York. Northwestern dental school. NETH SWANSON were married in EDWARD DEEGAN ex is living in DIANE RICE ex and Allan Jackson March. They are living in Bloomington Stone Park, Illinois. were married on July 31 at her parents while Ken is attending school at Wes- DONNA DOOLEN ex was married on home in Onarga, Illinois. They are now leyan. September 4 to Raymond N. Engleman. living in Kankakee, Illinois, where Allan OLGA M. BALL ex and Jerome G. They are living on the campus in Bloom- is employed by the Phillips Pipe Line Krueger were married February 27. Olga IWU BULLETIN Page 14 1954 Football Team is a student at Northwestern University Inthe News and a part time employee at Marshall Has Excellent Season Newsweek Magazine, in the Sep- Field and Company. tember 13th issue under the title, MAX BRANDENBURG ex is living in Starting with few experienced "Assemblies," devoted a column and Chicago, where he is attending chiropody men back, the Wesleyan football school. a half to the 23rd national conven- HELEN JO CADDY ex was married to team under the leadership of Don tion of Toastmasters' International, Jerry Scalise on August 14. They are liv- Larson '50 has pleasantly surprised which Ralph Smedley '03 founded a ing in Forest Park, Illinois. the fans. The most surprising game number of years ago. Dr. Smedley ELIZABETH CLARKE ex is attending was the Wheaton game, which Wes- was present to greet the 1500 dele- Dental Nursing School in Chicago. leyan won. Most disappointing con- gates. He has seen his original Cal- JOHN COTTON ex is living in Cin- test was the one with Millikin, ifornia organization grow to 1700 cinnati, Ohio, and is attending Piano School of Technology at the Cincinnati which Wesleyan came close to win- branches. Delegates were present Conservatory of Music. ning. The following are scores of from 47 states and five foreign JOAN DEITCHE ex is attending De- games played this season: countries. Newsweek ca 11 s the Paul University. Toastmasters "an o c c u p a t i on- Wesleyan 25 Elmhurst 0 ELIZABETH EUTENEVER ex and D. al group that is daily growing more 14 and W. Urish were married February Wesleyan S7 Washington U. 52 indispensable." in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. are living Wesleyan 9 Wheaton ... 7 Paul E. Hensel '33, personnel di- DOROTHY GRIFFITH ex and Robert Wesleyan 7 Millikin 13 Edison were married May 29 and are liv- rector of the Central Soya Company ing in Denver, Colorado. Wesleyan 19 Beloit 6 of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been ex is attending St. RONALD HAIDU Wesleyan 13 Lake Forest 7 elected to the position of vice-pres- Procopius' School in Lisle, Illinois. ident. Paul joined the company in Wesleyan 46 Augustana 6 THORA HARMS ex and JAY MERCER 1943 as personnel director of the Wesley '56 were married on August 4 at Wesleyan 7 State Normsal 27 Gibson City, Illinois, plant. Follow- Methodist Church in Bloomington, where they are now living. Jay is a junior at ing military service he returned to Wesleyan. Gibson City and from there went JO HAYNES ex is attending Millikin to Fort Wayne to organize the per- University in Decatur, Illinois. Basketball Schedule sonnel department. Previous to en- a stenog- SHARON HEMMER ex is tering business, he was an athletic rapher for Swift and Company in Chi- December 4 At Augustana coach. He is vice-president of the cago. 7 Quincy JOANN HITCHCOCK ex is attending 10 Lake Forest American Society of Personnel Di- Illinois State Normal University. 15 Elmhurst rectors. JOAN HUBER ex is attending Bob 16 Macalester Standard Oil of Indiana an- Jones University in Greenville, South 18 At Southern Illinois nounced in September the reor- Carolina. 28-30 Quincy College Tournament VERNALEE JOHNSON (Mrs. Donald ganization of its manufacturing L. Windsor) ex is employed as a clerk January 5 Wheaton department and among the new in Mason City, Illinois. 8 Southern Illinois appointments was that of Wilbur HAROLD KEHLENBACH ex is em- 12 State Normal ployed by McGrath Sand and Gravel 15 At North Central Guild '20 as assistant manager for Company. 19 At Millikin the design engineering department. DELORES KENYON ex is on the office 29 At St. Joseph He was previously assistant chief staff of Quality Foods Inc. in Lacon, 31 At DePaul engineer. Illinois. LOUISE KNIGHT ex is a student at February 5 Augustana An unusually beautiful statue of the University of Illinois. 9 At State Normal Abraham Lincoln portraying him ROSLYN MARTINI ex is employed by 12 North Central 17 At Wheaton in his New Salem years has been Caterpillar in Peoria in the Personnel presented to the State of Illinois department. 19 At Lake Forest MARILYN MARX ex is assistant to 23 Millikin and has been erected in New Salem William Taylor, D.M.D., and physical 26 At Elmhurst State park. Wayne Townley '18 pre- therapy aid at the Variety Children's sided at the unveiling June 21. The Hospital in Miami, Florida. gift was made by the Sons of the SHIRLEY MILLER ex is living in Am- fessional softball pitcher for Raybestos- Pioneers boy, Illinois, where she is employed as an Manhatten Corporation in Bridgeport, of Utah of which Nicholas accountant. Connecticut. Morgan is president. Avard Fair- at FRED SECRIST ex is a student JUDITH WILSON ex is employed in banks was the sculptor. Mr. Morgan, Rockford College and is working in the drafting department of Engersol's Mill- the office at the Meadow Gold Dairy who made the presentation, has given to Wesleyan a number of ing Company. in Waukegan, Illinois. SARA SHAW ex is working in an of- framed photographs of the second fice as a typist and is living in Villa Powell expedition and three hand- Park, Illinois. We have no information on the follow- somely bound volumes of the Utah ing members of the class of 1954. In any BETTY SIROVATKA ex is employed alumnus knows where any of them are Quarterly. as a secretary for J & H Sales Company in Chicago. living or what they are doing, we would The May issue of Trade Associa- appreciate hearing from him. tion World, a magazine for profes- GORDON STONE ex is attending Brad- ley University in Peoria. JEWELL CLARK sional executives, has a guest edi- MICHAEL WARREN ex is a student GEORGE FALCONER torial by Harold Wallace '26, a grad- at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. ROGER FRAWLEY uate of the law school. The title of DIANE WENDEROTH ex is a student JAMES FRENCH the editorial is "Service Opportu- at Northern Illinois in De Kalb. BILLYE J. PARRISH nities Unlimited." Mr. Wallace is HOWARD WIELAND II ex is a pro- MANUELA WONG (Continued on page 18) Howard Millard '17, Warren Miller '51, IWU BULLETIN Page 15 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mitchell (Shirley Seen at Homecoming av Schroeder ex '54) '51, Mr. and Mrs. How- (Continued from page 3) ard Montgomery (Mary Alice Esch '51) Born . . '52, Rev. and Mrs. John Muir (Janis (Continued from page 2) Vernon Dierker ex '28, Mrs. Edward Phelps) '51, Jack Musselman '48, Dallas Diggle (Bee Bower) '52, Mrs. Roderic Myers '31, John J. Myers ex, Elbert N. (Pat Frieburg) '46, Bessie Dona- To Mr. and MRS. DONALD KINCAID Dillon Nevins '16, James Niebauer '52, Marguer- hue '33, John Doran '51, Mr. and Mrs. (Barbara Seay ex'50) a son, Robert Alan, ite Nigro '54, Herbert Norton '26, Gene A. on October 9. Warren A. Downs (Helen Prothero) ex Nuziard '50, Donald Nylin '50, Mrs. John '31, Mr. To MR. and Mrs. R. JAY KNUTH '53 and Mrs. James Duguid (Dorothy Obuchowski (Penelope Griparis) '50, Er- a son, Rickie Lee, on September 13. Ramseyer ex '46) ex '43, Mr. and Mrs. nest Oest '54, Marvin Oglesby '49. John Eklund (Ann Duffield '53) '51, Mrs. Paul Oliver ex '48, Mrs. Arvin Olson To Mr. and MRS. GLENN LOCKEN- Max J. Engel (Elizabeth Wharrie) '43, (Helen Zick) ex '47, Barbara Olson '54, VITZ (Mary Ellen Gerth ex'50) a daugh- George Falconer '54, Mrs. Thomas Farr Charles H. O'May '30, J. Oliver Orr '26, ter, Renee Ferris, on August 16. (Alta M. Eckhoff) '44, Mrs. Richard Mrs. William Orth (Mary Workman) '47, To MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM Mc- Ferme (Caroline Schultz) '46, Milan E. Harrison A. Oury ex '50, Edward J. Pacey KAIN (Dorothy Rich) ex'51 a son, Folkers '40), Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Forbes '17, Frank Perucca '50, Harry L. Peters Thomas Wayne, on June 16. (Virginia Vogelsang) '49, Ralph Foster ex ex '26, Eleanor Pettit '54, Mr. and Mrs. To REV. AND MRS. JOHN MUIR '28, Wesley A. Frederickson '31, James Herbert C. Polchow (Phyllis Spencer) (Janis Phelps) '51 a son, John Martin, French '54, Mr. and Mrs. William Froe- '48, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pray (Esther Clay- on September 12. lich (Nancy Hoose ex'52) 49, Mrs. DeLoss ton) '25, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preikschat To MR. and Mrs. CARL NIER- Funk (Sina Belle Read) '16, Richard Ga- (Carol Kling) '52, Mrs. Harlan Printz STHEIMER '41 a son, Raymond Carl, bos '51. (Helen Smith) ex'32, Dr. and Mrs. Jack on August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaines (Jean Probasco (Laurastine Welch '29) '28, Du- To MR. and Mrs. DONALD C. NOR- Reichert) '53, Ellen Gantner '53, Norman ane Quisenberry '52, Mrs. Charles Ritchie Geary '46, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gember- WOOD '50 a son, Russell Welby, on (Betty Lou Stoutenborough) ex '47. March 24. ling (Mary Jane Cleaver '42) ex '42, To Mr. and MRS. PAUL H. NYLIN Leonard Genung '52, Mr. and Mrs. James Nancy Roberts '54, Mr. and Mrs. John (Dawn Hite '51) a son, Steven Paul, on Getty (Joan Schneider) ex '54, Jerry Rodino (Jeanette Wharrie ex '49) '45, May 9. Gilbert '53, Mrs. John Gillespie (Sylvia Jean Sage '53, Mr. and Mrs. Richard To MR. AND MRS. ALBERT OLSON Plouer) ex '54, Mrs. Gordon Graham (Ann Sauer (Frances Cherry '53) '52, Margaret (Caroline Ripka '42) '41 a daughter, Fairchild) '50, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grib- Schaefer '54, Charlotte Schaeffer '44, Janice Elaine, on August 6. bons (Helen Nichols '51) '49, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schlitcher (Gretch- To Mr. and MRS. RICHARD O'SUL- Mrs. Allan Griffith (Shirlee Haegele '51) en Sprain ex '57) '54, Glenn Schmid '54, LIVAN (Dorothy Gallagher ex'52), a son, '52, William Gross '52, Robert Guenther James Schmidt '52, Arthur Schmittler Mark John, on September 10. '47, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guenzler (Mary '54, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schneider (Jane To Mr. and MRS. RUSSELL POL- Ann Hagmeyer) '53, Mrs. Paul Haase Conley ex '55) ex '52, Mrs. Warren LOCK (Mickey Jewett ex'53) a son, Wil- (Patricia Barclay) '49, Joan Harden '54. Schwulst (Ann Wilcox) ex '46, Mr. and liam Lawrence, on April 12. Mrs. Donald Scott (Carolyn Dowse ex Florence Harms '53, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. To MR. AND MRS. RICHARD READ Harney (Gladys '53( 51, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott (Mary Green) ex '28, Clifford (Lois Marvin ex) '44, a son, Peter John- W. Harrison ex Burmeister '53) ex '54, Curt Sharp '54, '24, Jack Hawkins '51, son, on October 24. David Shipton '50, Coyner Smith ex '54, Robert Hays '50, Jack Heiken '49, James To MR. and Mrs. AIKEN RIDDLE Helbling Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith (Margaret ex '49, J. Howard Helmick '15, ex'47 twin daughters, Sandra and Susan, Jerry Melzer '51) '52, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Henderson ex '45, George Herbst in July. '52, L. Smith (Marilyn Jean Jansen ex '51) James Hershbarger '48, Harry C. To MR. and Mrs. PAUL SCHILLING- Heyl '14, Mrs. John Hilpert (Nancy Stev- '45, Marvin Smith '53, Mr. and Mrs. ER ex'42 a son, on July 24. ens) '52, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith (Vira Bryan '17) '16, Charles Holforty To Mr. and MRS. JOHN CARLTON (Ella James ex '47) '41, Marion Hornkohl William Smock '50. SCHMIDT (Barbara Crawford '51) a ex '54, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hornberger Paul Snow ex '46, Jo Sponsler '54, son, Timothy Stuart, on January 30. (Jean Miller '44) ex '44, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Spreckelmeyer '50, Mr. and To MR. and Mrs. ELMER SCHROER William Humphries (Jeanne Mills ex '47) Mrs. Paul Stichter (Dorothy Brown ex ex'54 a son, Jay Kenton, on August 24. ex '45, Shirley Hunt ex '55, Mary Lee '50) '46, Mrs. Darold Stoddard (Sally To MR. AND MRS. DELMAR Inman '54, Kingston Isenhart '51, Robert Veatch) '52, Alice Stoik ex '52, Mr. and SCHROER (Martha Ten Eyck) ex'54 a Jenkins '54, Glenn Johns ex '50, Mrs. Mrs. William Stoutenborough (Dorothy Jeffrey Brian, on August 19. Thomas W. Johns (Alice Varney) '51, son, Arnette ex '47) ex '49, Mr. and Mrs. To Mr. and MRS. E. N. SEVERSEN Laurence Johnson '54, Robert W. John- Fred Stroud (Kathryn Eeten '49) '47, (Mary Jo White ex'52) a son, Mark son '16, Robert Joiner '53, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Stuckey (Helenjean July 27. William Jones (Ann Smith '53) '52, Mr. Stephen, on Lauterbach '51) ex '51, Jack Tarter '54, To MR. and Mrs. E. CHARLES SMITH and Mrs. Joe Joseph (Rozanne Read) Richard Taylor '48, Mrs. Dean Teece Jane Gillette, on Sep- ex '49. '51 a daughter, (Marilyn Paschen) '48, Mr. and Mrs. tember 20. Donald Joslyn '51, Sam Kahn '51, Jo- Raymond Temple (Alice Sutter) '40, Mr. To Mr. and MRS. CLIFFORD SMITH seph D. Kelley '39, Joan Kent ex '54, and Mrs. Bert Theobold (Patricia Krause) (Donna Schultz) ex'52 a son, Jeffrey Mrs. William Kidd (Jane Fager) '53, Mr. '52, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thoele (Mary Allan, on October 7, 1953. and Mrs. John Kinnison (Eddrie Kiddoo Lou Sargent) '49, Harold J. Thrall '50, To MR. and Mrs. GEORGE SWEENEY '46) '47, Louise Knight ex '57, Mr. and Kenneth Titchenal '51, Mr. and Mrs. ex'44 a daughter, Sheryl Ann, on August Mrs. Darwin Kramer (Agnes Marshall David Tracy (Harriett Statton '54) '53, 10. '49) '46, Walter W. Kronsagen '23, Wil- H. Leo Unger '40, Mr. and Mrs. William To Mr. and MRS. J. A. THELANDER lian Kuntzi '49, Ramon LaCosta '50, Hugh L. Van Deventer (Dorothy Pray) ex '48. (Janet Sieveking '44) a son, Steven Landess '50, Evelyn Lange '54, Mary Joan Vannick '54, Carl F. Van Singel James, on August 3. Lemka ex '53, Virginia Lestina '53, Mr. '51, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vernon (Marion To MR. and Mrs. BILLY VANDEVEN- and Mrs. Walter Lewis (Mary Read '50) Bute ex '52) '50, Charles Wagner ex '55, DER ex'49 a son, Steven Bryan, on Au- ex '51, Mary Lillibridge ex '54, Robert Margaret Wagner '54, James D. Walker gust 8. Link '53, Mrs. Cyrus Locher (Beulah .Ba- ex '37, Mrs. William Walker (Marlene ker) ex '04, Gordon Lofgren ex '53, Walter Bockevitz) '54, Fred Wareing ex '15, Lohman '39. Janet Weber '54, Mrs. A. D. Wedel (Betty Wyckoff (Joyce Knourek '50) '49, Sybil Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luhring (Ruth Jean Mellor) '45, Merrill F. Wehmhoff Wyle '52, Del Yarnell '52, William Zwan- Ghilain) '43, Mrs. William Lynch (Elean- '16, Aubra C. Williamson '32, Mr. and zig '24. or Pregl) '51, William McCarty '17, Joyce Mrs. Daryl Wilson (Vera Morris ex '46) Mrs. Omar Harter (Helena Karr) '13, McGaughey ex '56, Marjorie McRoberts '46, Harold Wimberly '43, Harry L. Witt- Mrs. George Orser (Eloise Shaw) ex '36, '54, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malban (Mary wer '50, David Womelsdorf '53, Mrs. John Rev. and Mrs. L. J. Sailor (Bernice Chatten '48) '49, Vivian Maquet '53, Fred Wooledge (Frances Funk) ex '53, Mr. Bridgford '17) '16, Donald Salzman '49, A. Martin '22, Mrs. John Matheson (Mar- and Mrs. Melvin J. Wright (Suzannah Mr. and Mrs. Duane Vanderwater (Mar- ion Ahlenius) '27, Byron M. Merris '16, McCracken '24) '17, Mr. and Mrs. William ilyn Buchholz '52) ex '49. IWU BULLETIN Page 16 Campus Harold W. Thompson of Hillsdale, Illinois, has accepted a position as an admissions counselor for north- ern Illinois and southern Wiscon- sin. He was formerly principal of the Hillsdale Community High school. His daughter Jo Ann is a student at Wesleyan. Wesleyan is offering evening classes to employees of the State Farm Insurance companies. These are college credit courses. The com- pany has also made it possible to take some day courses on company time. This is an excellent opportu- nity for many to continue their ed- ucation. Among the evening courses offered are speech, business law, shorthand, business psychology, and principals of accounting. Increased enrollment has made it necessary to change convocation rules. For the rest of the year, freshmen and seniors will alternate with sophomores and juniors in at- tending convocation. A recent picture of Dr. Holmes and Dr. Fred Muhl looking over plans The third annual New Students' for campus development. Parents day was held October 10. Mary Ann Dierker (VERNON DIER- Milan Sebek, a senior from Czech- Children of Alumni KER ex'28) oslavakia, spoke, and Miss Myung Margaret Formhals, Milton Formhals Children of alumni always have a spe- (MILTON J. FORMHALS ex'25, de- Kim from Korea sang. W. W. Col- cial place at Wesleyan. Each year brings ceased) vert of Chicago spoke on "What a number of "descendants" to the cam- Ann Foster (RALPH FOSTER ex'28) Parents of a New Student pus, and this year is no exception. Listed Expect Jackie Geiger (JOHN GEIGER ex'18) below are the names of some of the chil- of Illinois Wesleyan." Charles Clark David Gill (RAYMOND GILL ex'25) dren of alumni. If there are omissions, '25 spoke on "Why Martin C. Graham (MR. AND MRS. We Chose IWU it is due to the fact that the students in RONALD C. GRAHAM (Jessie Martin for Our Son." registering did not indicate that their ex'22) ex'19) Wesleyan was one of three schools parents were alumni. The alumni office Ronnie Greenwood (DR. L. S. GREEN- would appreciate having the names of in the Midwest whose students WOOD ex'26) any students and parents who were voted on a campus Beau Brummell. Kay Henderson (HOBERT F. HEN- omitted. DERSON ex'22) The winner was Bob Lewis, a senior. Richard Ahlenius (EDWARD AHLENI- Elizabeth Keepper (LESTER H. KEEP- Mrs. Nettle Roeder, wife of Art US '30) PER ex'30) James Clark (MR. AND MRS. Roeder, maintenance man at Wes- Charles Kronsagen (W. W. KRONSA- CHARLES CLARK (Venetta Throne ex leyan, died in Normal after a long GEN '23) '27) '25) illness. Mary Jo Logan (MR. AND MRS. RUS- Ronald Clauser (MRS. PAUL CLAUS- SELL LOGAN (Louise Mallory) '32) Dr. and Mrs. Holmes made a ER (Helen Worner) '31) James McClarey, John McClarey (MRS. Jean Ann Cochran (MRS. G. E. western trip in November. They J. O. McCLAREY (Ruth Park) ex'23) COHRCAN) (Scott) planned to see alumni groups in Todd Martin (FRED A. MARTIN '22) Fletcher B. Coleman Jr. (FLETCHER Denver, Los Angeles, San John R. Matheson (MRS. JOHN Francisco, B. COLEMAN SR. '26) MATHESON (Marion Ahlenius) '27) Portland and Seattle. Joan Copenhaver (MR. AND MRS. Barbara Montgomery, Jack Montgom- The annual art purchase show ROBERT COPENHAVER (Alice Louise ery (MR. AND MRS. DEWEY MONT- Kuhn) ex'33) was hung in the large lounge in GOMERY (Madeline Wonderlin) '27) Robert William Cummins Jr. (MR. AND Memorial Center the first of No- William Myers (DALLAS MYERS '31) MRS. ROBERT CUMMINS (Luetta Zahn George Nafziger (ELMER R. NAF- vember. A gallery talk preceded the '32) '29) opening. ZIGER '16) 3 Patricia Neumeyer, Roberta Neumeyei The old Behr Observatory has Us." Dean Beadles introduced the (CARL NEUMEYER '39) been reopened for public use and new faculty members, and the Col- Janet O'May (C. H. O'MAY '30) will be open to the public on Wed- legiate Choir, under the direction Judith Orendorff (DR. ALLEN OREN- nesday evenings. The observatory of Lloyd Pfautsch, sang. DORFF ex'21) was the gift of C. A. Behr in 1894. Mrs. William T. Beadles (Leta Margery Peters (HARRY L. PETERS ex'26) The reopening is part of a plan to Richardson '25), wife of Dean Eleanor Pray (MR. AND MRS. A. LEE use the building for research. Beadles, was hospitalized for a PRAY (Esther Clayton) '25) At the first student convocation number of weeks. She missed Home- William Printz (MRS. HAR LA N President Holmes spoke to the stu- coming for the first time in many PRINTZ (Helen Smith) ex'32) dents on "What Wesleyan Means to years. (Continued on page 18) CONTRIBUTIONS OF ILLI- Ethel Crumbaugh Donald Lantz Purity Baking Company NOIS WESLEYAN FRIENDS Lori B. Cunningham Mrs. Nelson Levis Mrs. Inez J. Quinby Fiscal Year 1953-54 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damaree Horace Link & Company Railroad Salvage The August Alumni Bulletin Dearth & Schneider Livingston's F. M. Raisbeck carried the names of alumni Delta Omicron P. E. McBride Melvin Read who contributed to the Alumni Delta Phi Delta O. A. McClintock F. C. Reinbold Fund during the fiscal year Dewenter & Company A. W. McClure Mrs. L. C. Rinker 1953-54. Below are listed the C. A. Dobbs Everett N. McDonnell Foun- Mrs. E. F. Rittenhouse names of friends and com- Clay Dooley dation V. B. Robinson & Company mercial firms who have given Mary Ellen Doyle McKnight & McKnight Pub- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Robinson generously to Wesleyan dur- Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Drake lishing Company Art Roeder ing the past year. Eisner Grocery Company William McKnight, Jr. Dr. T. A. Rost Acme Roofing Company Effie A. Ellison Maroa Methodist Church St. James Methodist Church, Sidney W. Adams Emmett-Scharf Electrical LaVern Mather Danville Admiral Corporation Company R. C. Matthews Schaeffer, Hooton & Wilson Mrs. Viola B. Adsit Leonard B. Ettelson Mattoon First Methodist A. T. Schrckedanz Albee Rug Company Mrs. E. M. Evans Church Sears Roebuck & Company Alexander Grant & Company Felmley-Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meinzer Jack Sheean Cecil Allen Mrs. Mary A. Fiebig Mrs. Cherrie M. Mendonsa Wayne O. Shuey Minnie B. Allen Lois M. Fisher Methodist Church Board of Virgil Simpson Anderson's Floor Covering Mrs. H. L. Fleming Education James M. Smith G. B. Arnett C. W. Frey & Sons Midland Structural Steel Smith Printing Company Velma J. Arnold Gage Structural Steel Mrs. Carrie W. Miller Sidney B. Smith Associated Colleges of Illinois Gailey Eye Clinic Miller Hatchery Soft Water Laundry Frances E. Baker John H. Goodwin Mrs. Hazel H. Miller Mrs. Fannie Spence Roscoe Ball Mrs. Ida B. Goold Mrs. Rosella C. Millhon Stans Foundation Banner Baking Company Gray-Trimble Electric Com- Moberly & Klenner Stern's Furniture Edith M. Banner pany Model Paris Laundry and Virgil Stewart Robert Barber Great States Life Insurance Dry Cleaners R. B. Still Arthur C. Barr Company Eldo Moore Melita E. Stoddard Beatrice Food Company Mrs. Raymond G. Green Frank Moore Stone Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Ira Bell Lucretia Hackett Merle Mortland Mrs. W. T. Storment Bement Methodist Church Mrs. Fred Hantke Murray Dairy Store Mrs. O. N. Swaar Arthur F. Bentley Dr. Freeman Havighurst Mrs. Flora H. Myers Charles Swartz Henry C. Berenz Charles E. Hickman Rev. Selden Myers Miss Marian Swigart Mary Best A. V. Hodgson National Bank of Blooming- Mrs. Ethel Tanner Borg & Beck Mrs. Irene Hodgson ton Mrs. Florence Taylor Biasi's Drug Stores Holder Hardware Normal Sanitary Dairy Thomas Taylor, Jr. Bloomington Offset Process, Mrs. B. W. Honnold Mrs. L. E. Nutt Chester Thomson Inc. Chester P. Honnold M. C. Nutt George Trick Mrs. Florence Fifer Bohrer H. B. Huisinga W. F. Oberst United Methodist Movement Joseph F. Bohrer Mrs. Edith M. Hutton Dr. and Mrs. Howard Oborn Mrs. Minnie Searless Van Pelt J. F. Borland Ideal Dispenser Company Oesch Transfer Company Mrs. Roscoe Van Pelt Boylan Brothers Illinois Conference, Method- Mrs. Arvilla D. Orr P. M. Virtue Brunton Storage & Van Com- ist Church Mrs. Winifred B. Otwell Mrs. Caroline C. Vissering pany, Inc. Illinois Conference, Board Daily Pantagraph John R. Wagenseller Frank Buchholz of Missions Daily Pantagraph Foundation Mrs. Raymond Wakeley Ronald Buchholz Illinois Conference, MYF Parker Brothers Mrs. Nellie V. Wallace S. A. Buddemeier Illinois Telephone Company George W. Parker Flora A. Watson Bunn Capitol Grocery L. D. Ioder Charles T. Parr Grover W. Watson Capen Insurance Company A. V. Irwin Paxton Typewriter Company V. A. Wertsch Elizabeth Carr Mrs. Alta W. A. Johnston Ross E. Peabody C. N. Wettengel Robert Caughey Kappa Kappa Gamma W. L. Peck Mrs. Violet M. Whitmer Myran F. Chase Keeran Vending Service Peoria First Methodist Church Mrs. J. F. Wight Mrs. Effie A. Church Bessie G. Kent Gustavius & Louise Pfeiffer H. S. Wiley Mrs. Fannie Cochran Everett F. Kent Research Foundation John Wesley Williams W. M. Coleman Mrs. R. A. Killey Piper City Methodist Church Williams Bakery Leon Conn Mrs. Ulta F. Kramer Dr. K. L. Pistorius Robert H. Woll Edmund B. Coon Kresge Foundation Henry Popp Mrs. Mattie Wood Cotton's Village Inn Alta E. LaCharite Oubri A. Poppelle Mrs. H. Warner Eva F. Cox Laesch Dairy Presser Foundation Zinser Paint & Wallpaper Harry J. Cox Ira G. LaForge Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Price Store

Three IWU Alumni Celebrate Ninetieth Birthdays . . . was very young, and she was brought up by her aunt, Mrs. Isaac Three Wesleyan alumni have re- in Central Illinois, retiring in 1931. Funk, wife of a pioneer settler. She cently celebrated their 90th birth- He went to Baldwin, Kansas, where attended Wesleyan from 1880 to days. Mrs. A. T. Beall (Lillian Hon- he still maintains a home, but he 1883. She has four sons and two eywell) '84 (H) celebrated her 90th spends a large part of the year daughters. Since her husband's anniversary at her home in Lake with his daughter, Mrs. Purcell death in 1939, she has made her Bluff, Illinois, on March 31; Rev. Smith, in Berkeley. His birthday home with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Alva B. Peck '91 on July 27 in Berke- celebration lasted for nearly two Sawyer Jr. She is active in many ley, California, and Mrs. Amos weeks, for messages and flowers organizations. At Wesleyan she was Sawyer (Flora Correll ex '83) on began to come in from all parts a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. September 5 at the home of her of the country. Mrs. Smith held An open house was held in her son in Springfield. open house for him, and many honor. Rev. Peck, a Methodist minister, came to pay their respects to their Mrs. Beall received both her has been a member of the Illinois good friend. bachelor and master degrees from Conference for more than 60 years. Mrs. Sawyer was born in Hudson, Hedding College. For a time she He served a number of churches Illinois. Her mother died when she (Continued on page 18) IWU BULLETIN Page 18 Wesleyan Receives Gift In the News Darwin Rust Chairman A sum of money, $1,700, has been (Continued from page 14) given to Illinois Wesleyan by the executive president and treasurer Of Fund Committee Misses Frances and Gladys Baker of the Association of Credit Bureaus Darwin L. Rust '35 is chairman of in honor of their mother Katherine of America, Inc. Dr. Sam Dooley '34 has acepted the 1954-55 Alumni Fund commit- Riedelbauch Baker '97. An addition- of the Com- tee. Other members of the commit- al gift has been given by Arthur the position of Director tee are Ben Arnold '36, Richard Bentley of Paoli, Indiana, a friend munity Health Service of New York. Read '44, Elisabeth Stubblefield '36, of the family. Since Mrs. Baker's At the time of his appointment the Judge Robert Underwood '37, and interest was music, the income New York Times carried an en- Harold Walters '35. from the principal is to be given thusiastic editorial about his ap- The committee held its first to that senior in the school of music pointment. He has been on the staff meeting October 29 and formulated judged to be superior in general of the Harvard School of Public plans for raising more than $18,000 musicianship, including evidence of Health in Boston for the past few needed to support the teaching superiority in performance as well years. The Anderson Physical Labora- program at Wesleyan. Letters are as theory. Miss Frances Baker is going out in November to all alum- a mathematics teacher at Vassar tory of Champaign, Illinois, cele- anniversary Septem- ni who have not contributed since College. In her correspondence with brated its 10th the beginning of the new school President Holmes, Miss Baker wrote ber 23 in the new laboratory build- ing on South 6th Street. Dr. Scott year. that her mother had attended one Anderson '35, who established the The number of alumni giving is commencement at Wesleyan since laboratory, has seen it grow from constantly increasing and the aver- her graduation. Jerry Garafolo was age gift is increasing, so the com- the 1954 winner of the award. three rooms in another building to a large well equipped building of mittee is optimistic about this year's its own. A staff of 12 persons car- prospects. .1 Thomas B. Scott Dies ries on the research and makes tests for commercial firms. Much of Thomas B. Scott '10 died October Portland, Oregon, Meeting its work is done for large corpora- 6 in Modesto, California, where he Alumni living in the Portland, tions. At the anniversary celebra- had practiced law for many years. tion papers were read by outstand- Oregon, area had a picnic just be- He was probably Wesleyan's first ing scientists upon subjects within fore the opening of school. Mrs. director of athletics. He attended the scope of the laboratory's work. Clarence Beyer (Elmira Koehler) law school during the years he was An anniversary banquet was held organized the picnic and in spite coach. He was a graduate of North- of rain in the morning 20 people at the Urbana Lincoln hotel. western and played football there Sylvester Melvin, graduate of the attended. Those present were Mr. against such stars as Walter Ecker- (Eloise class of 1878, accompanied by his and Mrs. Clyde Buettner sall. Following graduation from law Kruse '44) '43, Mrs. Buettner Sr. daughter, Mrs. John Vandaveer of school he taught political science Greenfield, flew to Denver in Octo- and the three Buettner children; at the University of Puget Sound in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hastings and ber for a two weeks' stay. He made Tacoma. In 1912 he went to Mo- the trip at the invitation and ex- two children, '51; Mr. and Mrs. desto. He was an outstanding civic pense of a chiropractic hospital in Richard Payne (Reba Brown) '39 leader. Members of the county bar Denver. Twenty-five of the oldest and four children; Jack Poust '54 association and of the California people in the United States were and Mrs. Jeanette Poust; Mr. and Supreme Court joined in paying Mrs. Clarence Beyer (Elmira Koehl- invited for a session to discover if tribute to him. Mrs. Scott, a broth- er '49) '50. possible if anything could be er and two sisters survive. learned about their habits that pro- longed lives. Mr. Melvin, who will Campus Children of Alumni.. . be 103 years old on November 29, (Continued from page 16) is actively engaged in business, as THE THREE TWINS presented Tom Roberts (RUSSELL ROBERTS secretary and treasurer of the their act at a convocation in No- '27) Green County Farmers' Insurance vember. They were very well re- Jack L. Sampson (C. M. SAMPSON Company. His wife, Addie Strick- ceived. Two of the original mem- '26) land Melvin, also attended Wesley- bers are Wesleyanites, Bill Biggers Lyle Smith (MR. AND MRS. LYLE SMITH (Helen Ringeisen '32) ex'20) an and was a member of the class '50 and Al Douglas '51. They are of 1877. She is nearly 95 years old. currently appearing in Chicago. David Swartz, Edward Swartz (MRS. THE BARRINGTON HIGH L. B. SWARTZ (Cecile Parcher) ex'25) R. Grant Vickrey (RICHARD VICK- Celebrate 90th Birthdays . .. SCHOOL DANCERS gave a program REY ex'32) (Continued from page 17) at convocation early in November. C. Howard Wampler (MR. AND MRS. They are students who specialize in C. H. WAMPLER (Dorothy Williams '26) taught at Hedding. She married international folk dancing. The '23) Rev. T. Allen Beall, who died in originator of this group 15 years Eleanor Wilcox (MRS. CHARLES 1918. She has three children, four ago is Truman Chiles '27. He is WILCOX (Harriett Hatfield) '26) grandchildren and nine great- still their sponsor. Richard Williamson (AUBRA WIL- grandchildren. Two of her grand- DR. THEODORE SANDS of Illi- LIAMSON '32) children graduated from Wesleyan. nois State Normal addressed the Norma Wilson (ETHELBERT F. WIL- A grandson, Lt. H. H. Beall Jr., ser- SON ex'08 deceased) sophomore-junior convocation upon David Zwanzig, William Zwanzig (WIL- ving in Germany, could not be pres- foreign policy. LIAM ZWANZIG '24) ent for her birthday gathering.