Illinois Wesleqan Universitq Bulletin ALUMNI ISSUE NOVEMBER, 1954 Homecoming FRED MUHL DIES Wesleyan's 38th annual Home- coming was successful. The weather field runners Illinois ever had. After was clear but cold. It rained prac- graduation he returned to Bloom- tically all week, but cleared Satur- ington, first coaching football at day; however, the floats and house Bloomington High school and then decorations survived the weather, at Wesleyan, under the late Thomas and Wesleyan won the Homecom- Scott. In 1910 he became director ing game. Happy alumni and tired of athletics. In 1922 when the phys- students all felt repaid for the time ical education department was en- and effort that went into the cele- larged, he relinquished some of the bration. active coaching, but continued as CONVOCATION Wednesday morn- director. From time to time he was ing featured skits by campus organ- called upon to do coaching, and izations and the introduction of the was even doing some basketball campus queen candidates. coaching as late as 1939. In 1940 "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," star- he was called upon to serve again ring Robert Lewis, ran successfully as director of athletics while some for eight nights. It was very well changes were being made in the attended, and was a sell out several department. of the nights. He was a teacher as well as a GREEK SING on Friday after- coach, and he served as teacher of noon brought out many of the early mathematics from 1911 until his arrivals for Homecoming. Winners Professor Fred Muhl, known to death. He met his class on the in the women's division were Sigma many generations of Wesleyan Thursday just preceding his death. Kappa, first; Kappa Kappa Gam- alumni, died Saturday morning, In recognition of his many years ma, second; and Alpha Gamma October 23. His death occurred one of service, the honorary degree of Delta, third. In the men's division, week after Homecoming. On Home- Doctor of Science was conferred Sigma Chi was first; Phi Gamma coming day, he had attended the upon him at the Founders' Day Delta, second; and Theta Chi, third. alumni luncheon and also the foot- convocation in 1952. Phi Mu Alpha won the music divi- ball game. At half time he was one During the years he coached at sion, with Sigma Alpha Iota plac- of the members of the faculty hon- Wesleyan, he produced many cham- ing second. ored by the students and the Wes- pionship teams. Among the most THE PEP RALLY, BONFIRE AND leyan band. He had been on the famous of these were the 1910 foot- ROPE PULL were held in the sta- faculty for 44 years. ball team, captained by Theodore dium on Friday night. The Sigma Professor Muhl was born in 1880 Fieker, and the 1914 basketball Chis won the rope pull, and Jerry in Bloomington, where he attended team, whose captain was Dr. J. Peterson of Sigma Chi was chosen the public schools. He graduated Norman Elliott. the "Campus Beast." The house dec- from the University of Illinois in Surviving are his wife in Normal, orations were judged Friday night. 1904. While there, he became fa- and two sons, Frederick Jr. ex '31 of The theme of the decorations was mous as a football player, and is Santa Monica, California, and Rich- "Welcome Alumni." In the wom- still considered one of the best open ard ex '32 of Los Angeles. en's division Alpha Gamma Delta was first, Sigma Kappa second, and Kappa Delta third. Sigma Chi was New Self-Liquidating Men's Dormitory To Be Constructed first in the men's division, with Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Gamma Delta as At its fall meeting, the Board of ber 1. second and third. Trustees authorized construction of The total cost of the new building THE PARADE theme was the a new men's dormitory. The new will be about $400,000 and will be "Show of Shows." The band used its building will be located north of financed for the most part by bor- gray and green uniforms for the Magill Hall on Franklin Avenue, rowing and by gifts of interested first time. Sigma Kappa won first and will be of the same style of friends. The debt will be liquidated in the women's division, Kappa architecture. It will have a capac- by income from the building. Kappa Gamma tied for second with ity of 135 students. With the prospect of heavy en- the Brokaw nurses, and Kappa It is hoped that specifications for rollment for a number of years to Delta was third. Phi Gamma Delta the building will be ready very soon come, the need for the dormitory is won first in the men's division, with and that the contracts can be let very evident if Wesleyan is to meet (Continued on page 3) and the building started by Decem- the needs of the student body. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN IWU BULLETIN Page 2 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN ALUMNI ISSUE Born... Address communications, changes of address to Mrs. Edith Elliott Kuhn, Alumni Secretary. November, 1954, Series 52, No. 11. Issued monthly by Illinois Wesleyan To Mr. and MRS. ROBERT ADY University, 210 East University Street, Bloomington, Illinois. Entered as second- (Barbara Hall '51) a son, Byron, on class matter at the post office in Bloomington, Illinois. August 10. To MR. and Mrs. HUGH ALCOTT ex'51 a daughter, Candice Ann, on Sep- tember 14. A Final Tribute to "Mr. Wesleyan" To MR. AND MRS. BRUCE CHARLES AMES (Joyce Eichhorn ex'49) '50 a son, Illinois Wesleyan can never be He knew its fruitful past and its Richard Scott, on July 3. quite the same without "Fred" intricate present, and his mind kept To Mr. and MRS. BRUCE P. AN- buzzing, like a good honey bee, for DREWS (Marilyn Melville ex'53) a Muhl. He was as much a part of its future welfare. ... daughter, Susan Virginia, on August 2. Wesleyan as Old North, Homecom- To Mr. and MRS. DEAN BRADLEY ing, football and basketball games, "He must have had a lot of in- (Janet Melville ex'49) a daughter, Janet fluence on all the generations of Anne, on July 4. and Commencement. At the dedi- To MR. AND MRS. CURTIS BROWN college youth who came in contact cation of Shaw Hall just a week be- (Shirley Bodecker '50) '49 a daughter, fore Dr. Muhl's death, Vernon L. with him. The honorary degree of Carol Sue, on July 10. Nickell told those present of the 1952 attempted to, but could not, To MR. and Mrs. ROBERT LESTER BROWN '49 a son, Stephen Robert, De- fine influence "Mr. Wesleyan" had denote or summarize, his great con- tribution to this university over cember 20, 1953. had upon him and hundreds of To MR. AND MRS. GINO CANTELE other students. half a century. (Mary Ann Coolidge ex'57) a daughter, "Even this fall's freshmen must Ann, on September 24. Gino is a sopho- A tribute to Dr. Muhl, written by more at Wesleyan. one of his colleagues, Dr. W. E. have noticed the white-haired man To MR. and Mrs. ROBERT CARBERY Schultz, appeared in the October 27 slipping quietly about among us. He '48 a daughter, Christine Marie, on Au- ARGUS. A portion of it is quoted came daily from his home in Nor- gust 22. To MR. AND MRS. PAUL CAREY here. mal (lately riding, instead of fol- lowing his former habit of walking (Virginia Swartz '48) '45 a daughter, " ... It was . in Old North, in Catherine Beth, on September 5. the two the front hall and his office and miles) to teach a class in To MR. and Mrs. RUSSELL CAREY mechanical drawing on the third mine - all less than a week ago - ex'50 a son, John Russell, on September that I had my last . visits . floor of Old North, read his Chicago 27. newspaper, or browse about the To MR. AND MRS. HENRY CHARLES with Mr. Wesleyan, our oldest fac- (Ardith Ridenour) '43 a son, James Gib- ulty member and truly our most campus, always winding up at the son, on October 24. lovable character. Center, of which he was as proud To MR. AND MRS. GERALD DAL- as if it had been a private resi- RYMPLE (Ruth Tobie) '41 a daughter, "Fred Muhl had a real sense of dential mansion. Little did those Janet Sue, on September 18. belonging, and when he came to To MR[ and Mrs. FRANK DENEEN, freshmen dream that here was a JR. ex'45 a son, on September 22. this campus from Illinois to coach star quarterback from Illinois, a To MR. and Mrs. ALAN C. DICKER- football and teach mathematics, he student of Greek in partial prepara- SON '52 a son, Scot Taylor, on October transferred wholeheartedly to Wes- tion for the Methodist ministry, a 2. leyan. A graduate of the state uni- To MR. AND MRS. ROBERT FISCH- president of the CCI, and a gifted ER (Patricia Hollowell) '50 a son, John was more loyal to Wes- versity, he banquet speaker, celebrated for his Robert, on August 15. leyan than many of her alumni. dry wit and his rich philosophy. To MR. AND MRS. CHARLES Toward the end his regard for and GAINES (Jean Reichert) '53 a daugh- interest in Wesleyan almost became "They saw him receive a signal ter, Deborah Jean, on May 29. an obsession. Only ten days ago he honor this month between halves at To Mr. and MRS. DAYLE GARRETT the Homecoming game, and they (Florence Berner ex'43) a daughter, Jill was drawing a new campus map, in Elaine, on September 17.
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