
440 Halszka Osm6lska

Hulsanpes perlei n.g. n.sp. (Deinonychosauria, , Dinosauria) from the Upper Barun Goyot For­ mation of

By Halszka Osm6lska, Warszawa

With 2 figures in the text

OSMOLSKA, H. (1982): Hulsanpes per/ei n.g. n.sp. (Deinonychosauria, SaUl-ischia,Dinosa u­ ria) from the Upper Cretaceous BarunGoyot Formation of Mongolia. - N. Jb. Geol. Pa­ läont. Mh., 1982 (7): 440-448; Stuttgart.

Abstract: A fragmentary pes of an immature deinonychosaurian () is described which is referred co the new genus and species Hulsanpes perlei. A comparatively long and slender metatarsus comprises three subequally thick metatarsals lI-IV, metatarsals I and V not being preserved. The second pedal digit was specialized and capable only of uni­ planar flexion - extension movement at the metatarsophalangeal joint. Familial assignment of H. perlei to the is tentative. Key words: New taxon, Dinosauria, Saurischia (Deinonychosauria: Hulsanpes), Campanian, extremities; Mongolia (Nemegt basin, Khulsan). Zusammenfassung: Fußskelett-Reste eines juvenilen Deinonychosauriers aus der mongo­ lischen Oberkreide werden als Hulsanpes perlei n.g. n.sp. beschrieben und mit Vorbehalt den Dromaeosauriden zugeordnet. Der relativ lange und schlanke Mittelfuß enthält etwa gleichstarke Metatarsalia lI-IV. Die spezialisierte 2. Zehe konnte nur uniplanare Bewegun­ gen im Metatarso-Phalangeal-Gelenk ausführen.

Introduction 1. During the Polish-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition in 1970 (KIELAN­ ]AWOROWSKA & BARSBOLO 1972) a small metatarsus, measuring about 4 cm in length, with a complete phalanx II -1 attached, was found in the U pper Cretaceous sand deposits of the Barun Goyot Formation at the Khulsan locality in the Nemegt Basin, , Mongolian People's Republic. This metatarsus shows a rough surface on the bones and the articular ends are lacking or badly abraded. This fact and the very small size of the metatarsus indicate that it belonged to a very young anima!. In addition to the specimen described below, the theropods thus far found in the Barun Goyot Formation at the Khulsan locality include several incomplete skeletons of sp. and of an undetermined dinosaur, as weil as a number

DOI: 10.1127/njgpm/1982/1982/440 0028-3630/82/1982-0440 $ 2.25 © 1982 E. Schweizerbart'scheVerlagsbuchhandlung, 0-7000 Stuttgart 1