Gary Moore Takes Lead at Naco
COUNTY EMPLOYEE HEALTH AGENCIES COUNTY PARKS & REC WORKFORCE HIT BY COPE THROUGH PIVOTS ‘180 DEGREES’ TO COVID-19. PG. 6 CHALLENGING TIME. PG. 15 OFFER PROGRAMS. PG. 17 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of COUNTIES VOL. 52, NO. 15 AUGUST 3, 2020 Senate GOP introduces coronavirus Gary relief bill Moore by Charlie Ban senior writer Takes Negotiations over the fifth coronavirus relief package be- gan July 27 with U.S. Senate Lead at Majority Leader Mitch McCo- nnell’s (R-Ky.) introduction of the $1 trillion Health, Eco- nomic Assistance, Liability NACo and Schools (HEALS) Act. The package of bills does not Boone County, Ky. Judge/Executive Gary Moore, with wife Linda by his side, is sworn in as NACo president by Senate Majority Leader contain any additional fund- Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). The ceremony was part of NACo’s Annual Business Meeting, held online July 20. Photo by Timothy Epner ing for local governments, nor does it include direct funding by Rachel Looker ident Denise Winfrey, Will “Years ago, I was in county during the meeting. for the 95 percent of counties staff writer County, Ill. interim county government, so this is very ex- “Wow, those were some with fewer than 500,000 res- executive — were elected by citing, it’s my honor to swear surprises I didn’t know idents. The HEALS Act does Boone County, Ky. Judge/ acclamation. you in.” about,” Moore said. however include $300 billion Executive Gary Moore, with NACo members recorded McConnell was a county Moore, who is serving in his in supplemental appropria- his wife Linda standing by his their votes on bylaws amend- judge, representing Jeffer- sixth term as judge executive, tions to programs of interest to side, took the oath of office ments and other association son County, Ky., from 1977 to announced his presidential counties.
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