Weesageechak History.Pub
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Native Earth Performing Arts Weesageechak Begins To Dance Festival I June 1989 Bones by Ben Cardinal directed by Peter Hinton Deepshit City by Daniel David Moses directed by Clarke Rogers Diary Of A Crazy Boy by John Mcleod directed by Tomson Highway Princess Pocahontas And The Blue Spots by Monique Mojica directed by Muriel Miguel Three Indian Women by Teressa Nahanee directed by Vinetta Strombergs Up The Road by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Larry Lewis Festival II June 1990 Generic Warriors And No-Name Indians by Ben Cardinal directed by Tomson Highway Moonlodge by Margo Kane directed by Leonard Fisher The Bootlegger Blues by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Larry Lewis Festival III December 1990 Almighty Voice And His Wife by Daniel David Moses directed by Marrie Mumford Dog Soldier by Jack Burning directed by Vinetta Strombergs Diva Ojibway by Tina Mason directed by Ed Roy Walking The Line by Rebecca Belmore & W. Allen DeLeary directed by Deb Porter Festival IV November 1991 20th Century Indian Boy by Mark Seabrook directed by Larry Lewis A Savage Equilibrium by Fernando Hernandez - Perez, Jani Lauzon & Monique Mojica directed by Floyd Favel Albeit Aboriginal by Marie Anneharte Baker directed by Kate Lushington Generic Warrior And No-Name Indians by Ben Cardinal directed by Larry Lewis Going Through Deja Vu by William Merasty directed by Marrie Mumford Night Of The Trickster by Beatrice Moisionier directed by Marrie Mumford School Of Hard Knocks by Leonard Fisher directed by Floyd Favel Festival V December 1992 Diva Ojibway by Tina Mason directed by Richard Greenblatt Generic Warrior And No-Name Indians by Ben Cardinal directed by Paul Thompson Lady Of Silences by Floyd Favel directed by Allen Macinnis These Days by William Merasty directed by Michele George They Found My Nose At The Leland Hotel by Tina Mason directed by Marrie Mumford Trials And Tribulations by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Lynda Hill Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Doris Linklater directed by Muriel Miguel Festival VI November 1993 Dances With Gold Dust by George Chiang & Jonathan Fisher directed by Lynda Hill For Godly And Divinia by William Merasty directed by Don Kugler Quest For Fire by Lenore Keeshig-Tobias directed by Daniel David Moses Sticks And Bones by Theresa Marshall directed by Michele George The Dark Virgin by Warren Arcan directed by Monique Mojica The Sweat by Kennetch Charlette directed by Robert Rooney Trials And Tribulations by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Lynda Hill Festival VII October 1994 Coming Back by Marie Eshkibok-Trudeau directed by Vinetta Strombergs Dinky by Columpa C. Bobb directed by Lee Maracle Girl Who Loved Her Horses by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Larry Lewis No Totem For My Story by Joseph Dandurand directed by Herbie Barnes Ravens by Joyce B. Joe directed by Daniel David Moses Your Dream Was Mine by Greta Cheechoo & Shirley Cheechoo directed by Richard Greenblatt Festival VIII November 1995 City Of Shadows by Daniel David Moses directed by Randy Reinholz Ora Pro Nobis by Larry Loyie directed by Constance Brissenden Ravens by Joyce B. Joe directed by Gary Farmer Sixty Below by Patti Flather & Leonard Linklater directed by Vinetta Strombergs The Big Bear by Michael Lawrenchuk directed by Carol Greyeyes Urban Tattoos And Other Myths by Marie Humber Clements directed by Margo Kane Festival IX November 1996 Dead White Writer On The Floor by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by Elizabeth Theobald Mary of Patuanak by Bruce Sinclair directed by Lynda Hill Project 7 by Ken Williams directed by Randy Reinholz Red W(h)ine by Sharon Shorty directed by Vinetta Strombergs Skin Deep by Yvette Nolan directed by Carol Greyeyes The Virgin Sister Brigette Regina Virginia by Pamela Matthews directed by Bruce Hunter Frigid Explains It All For You Festival X February 1998 Annie Mae’s Movement by Yvette Nolan directed by Anne Anglin Munahii/Muhjii by Kitty Bell directed by Alanis Odjig On The Toad To Freedom by Jani Lauzon directed by Sarah Stanley Red River by Jim Millan & Daniel David Moses directed by Jim Millan The Trickster’s Dance Extravaganza by Alejandro Ronceria directed by Alejandro Ronceria West Wind by Daniel David Moses directed by Loretta Todd Festival XI February 1999 A Windigo Tale by Armand Ruffo directed by Carol Bolt The Shaman of Waz by Lorre Jensen directed by Lynda Hill The Trickster of Third Avenue East by Darrell Dennis directed by Jean Yoon Trail of the Otter by Muriel Miguel directed by Monique Mojica Uquamaq by Yves Sioui Durand & Catherine Joncas directed by Paul Thompson Festival XII November 1999 FORBIDDEN GODdeSses by Raoul Trujillo directed by Raoul Trujillo Juliet igwa Romeo, The Chief’s Son by Pamela Matthews directed by Celeste Sansregret Oron:ia’oron:ia’ by Santee Smith directed by Alejandro Ronceria The Crisis In Oka, Manitoba by Douglas Nepinak directed by Alanis King Festival XIII November 2000 Grey Owl: The Strange Case of Archie by Armand Ruffo directed by Judith Thompson Belaney by Nicole Tanguay directed by Billy Merasty Hand To Hand by Bruce Sinclair directed by Colin Taylor Sad But True by Deak directed by Anne Anglin Stuck Between 2 Women by Alanis King directed by Paul Thompson The Daphne Odjig Art Show by Shirley Cheechoo directed by Richard Greenblatt The River of Life by Byron Chief-Moon directed by Byron Chief-Moon Voices by Penny Gummerson directed by Alanis King Wawatay September 2001 Festival XIV by Doris Peltier directed by Marion de Vries A Red Shoe Tale by Gloria May Eshkibok directed by Richard Greenblatt Cyclop’s Beauty by Daniel David Moses directed by Colin Taylor de Winter’s Tale by Dawn Dumont directed by Alanis King Nicimis (Little Brother) by Joseph Dandurand directed by Joseph Dandurand Shake by Yvonne Wallace directed by Billy Merasty Smothered Sweetly by Jerry Longboat directed by Jerry Longboat with Peter Chin Stones Of The Soul by Darrell Dennis directed by Jean Yoon Native Theatre - Native Life - Native Earth Festival XV January 2003 O’Keefe by Larry Guno directed by Marianne Weston White Buffalo Calf Woman by Rose Stella directed by Mark Christmann suicide notes by Kenneth Williams directed by Vinetta Strombergs In the Midst of Memory by Curtis Peeteetuce directed by Maja Ardal Tales of an Urban Indian by Darrell Dennis directed by Herbie Barnes Four Directions by Dawn Dumont directed by Marion de Vries Time Stands Still by Terry Ivins directed by Lorne Cardinal Festival XVI October 2003 The Place Between by Lisa C. Ravensbergen & Michelle Olson dramaturgy by Yvette Nolan Stretching Hide by Dale Lakevold & Darrell Racine directed by Vinetta Strombergs Is There Bingo in Heaven? by Penny Gummerson directed by Linda Moore Stalker by Dawn Dumont directed by Jean Yoon Cousins by Ryan McMahon directed by Herbie Barnes On the Toad to Freedom by Jani Lauzon directed by Darren O’Donnell Red Mother by Muriel Miguel directed by Paula Danckert Festival XVII October 2004 First Encounter by Mosha Folger directed by Marion de Vries Lovechild by Alanis King directed by Lisa C. Ravensbergen Indian Daze by Carl Brave Rock directed by Nina Lee Aquino Dreary and Izzy by Tara Beagan directed by Ruth Madoc-Jones Talking to my Horse, by Archer Pechawis Whistling the Garry Owen directed by Archer Pechawis The Only Good Indian by Turtle Gals Performance Ensemble directed by Arturo Fresolone Inspiration Point by John Garfield Barlow directed by Bill Lane Ever Sick by Tonto’s Nephews directed by Tonto’s Nephews Festival XVIII September 2005 Spirit of the Masks by Le La La Dancers RRAP by Mark Dieter directed by Lisa C. Ravensbergen Young Voices (excerpts) by Lena Recollet, Clifford Cardinal, Waawaate Fobister, Amy White, Matt Poushinsky and Stephen Reid directed by Marjorie Chan, Darrell Dennis and Judith Thompson My Baby You’ll Be : Ankewi:ra enkenhake by Julia Jamieson directed by Muriel Miguel and Alejandro Ronceria Fancy Dancer by Dawn Dumont directed by Joanna Falck Metamorphosis by Christine Friday-Keeshig and Manik 1derful directed by Penny Couchie The Death of a Chief adapted from Shakespeare by Yvette Nolan and Kennedy MacKinnon Festival XIX January 2007 Uqquaq, the Shelter by Geneviève Pepin and Laurentio Q. Arnatsiaq Exit Eagle Eye by Spy Dénommé-Welch directed by Lisa Ravensbergen Young Voices (excerpts) by Candace Brunette, Waawaate Fobister, Amy White, by Falen Johnson, Lena Recollet and Clifford Cardinal directed by Lisa Ravensbergen, Michael Greyeyes, Judith Thompson, Alejandro Ronceria, Marjorie Chan and Yvette Nolan Rhymekeepers Eekwol, Geo, GreenTara, and Manik Spirits, Beings & Life Forces by Christine Friday-O’Leary directed by Alejandro Ronceria To Overcome by Nadine Jackson directed by Lisa Ravensbergen My Father Told Me by Gaétan Gingras Heat Lightning by Drew Hayden Taylor directed by David Ferry Festival XX October 2007 Confessions of an Indian Cowboy by Margo Kane Evening in Paris by Michelle Olson, directed by Muriel Miguel Young Voices Showcase by Candace Brunette, Meegwun Fairbrother, Waawaate Fobister, Cara Gee, Falen Johnson, Jeff Legacy, Tyler Pennock, Spy Dénommé-Welch, Jennifer Williams, directed by Yvette Nolan, Lisa C. Ravensbergen, Nina Lee Aquino, Jani Lauzon, Tara Beagan, Judith Thompson by Santee Smith, dramaturged by Brian Quirt Woman in White by Drew Hayden Taylor, directed by Greg Spottiswood God and the Indian February 2009 Festival XXI The Velvet Devil by Andrea Menard Coca Cola Stories by Joseph Tisiga Manat’Siwin by Melina Laboucan-Massimo & Tai-ze Gordon Winter by Kenneth Williams Young Voices Showcase Sarain Carson-Fox, Scott Iserhoff, Melinda Jane, Falen Johnson, Telly James, Angela Loft, Justin Many Fingers, Paula Jean Prudat, Eva Rose Tabobondung, Lena Recollet Tombs of the Vanishing Indian by Marie Clements Festival XXII January 2010 Land of the Living by Michael Greyeyes Gathering Light by Michelle Olson Sunset Road by Miria George Young Voices & Harvest Showcase By Ryan Cunningham, Erin Dickson, Lacey Eninew, Waawaate Fobister, Christian Goulet, Falen Johnson, Paula Jean Prudat, Aaron Shingoose, Melinda-Jane Stepanowich Outside Eye on Inside Work Featuring work by Keith Barker, Tara Beagan, Falen Johnson, Yvette Nolan and dramaturged by Randy Reinholz Whose Justice? By Leonard Linklater Native Theatre - Native Life - Native Earth .