
The Sveconorwegian in southern , relative to deep crustal structures and events in the North Atlantic


Starmer, I. C.: The in , relative to deep crustal structures and events in the North Atlantic Proterozoic Supercontinent. Norsk Geologisk Tidssk rift. Vol. 73, pp. 109-132. 1993. ISSN 0029-196X.

Sveconorwegian tectonism was related to Jistric shears (followed by later faults) which ramped from depth, delaminating the crust into major units (the - Belt, Sector and -Vest Sector). During the Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period (ca. 1500-1300 Ma), plutonic complexes were intruded, the Rj ukan and Groups of the Telemark Supergroup were deposited, and Fennoscandia rifted from Laurentia. Just before 1250 Ma, Early Sveconorwegian deformations caused a crustal delamination as Fennoscandia rotated. An Inter Sveconorwegian extensional period (ca. 1250-IIOO Ma), with acid and basic intrusions and eruption of the Group of the Telemark Supergroup, reflected increasing E-W back-are tension related to further west. The Main Sveconorwegian orogenic phase started (ca. 1100 Ma) with regional E-W compression and complex deformation related to collision with Laurentia: later deformations, and granitic intrusions (between ca. 1050 and 950 Ma) resulted from post-collisional convergence. l. C. Sto rmer, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC lE 6B T, UK.

In southern Norway, tectonic ;malysis allows an evolu­ ( 1990b, 1991) by relating deformation effects to intrusive tionary sequence to be established and to be compared and metamorphic phases dated by the Rb-Sr whole-rock with available radiometric data. isochron data of Field & Råheim (1979, 1981), Field et al. This study covers the Proterozoic rocks from the Man­ (1985), Jacobsen & Heier (1978), O'Nions & Baadsgaard dal-Ustaoset Zone in the west to the Phanerozoic Oslo ( 1971) , Pedersen ( 1981), Smalley & Field ( 1983, 1985) and Region rocks in the east (Fig. l). This area is divided Smalley et al. ( 1988), and the U-Pb zircon data of Lamb into the Telemark Sector, bordered to the east and et al. ( 1986). Table l summarizes these results with the southeast by the Kongsberg-Bamble Shear belt, which additions and modifications presented in the present comprises the N-S Kongsberg Sector and the NE-SW study. In the KB Belt, Starmer (1990b, 1991) recognized Bamble Sector: these were originally continuous around three deformation phases (Dl -3) in the Kongsbergian the Kongsberg-Bamble Bend, which is now parti y ob­ Orogeny, which was broadly coeval with the Labrado­ scured by Phanerozoic rocks of the Oslo Region. The rian- (ca. 1700-1570 Ma) of North Telemark Sector comprises the Telemark Basement America and Sweden, although Late-Kongsbergian effects Complex, overlain, in the north, by the Telemark seemed to have persisted until just before 1500 Ma. A Supergroup (the 'Telemark Suite' of Dons, 1960) and, Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period of magmatism (ca. further south, by supracrustal rocks in the -Fyres­ 1500-1340 Ma) was followed by the Sveconorwegian vatn and Norsjø areas. The western limit of the Telemark Orogeny, which seemed to have consisted of three main Sector, the -Ustaoset Zone (of Sigmond 1984, stages. An Early Sveconorwegian phase (constrained to 1985), will be considered and references will be made to be between ca. 1340 and 1250 Ma) included the D4 and the region to the west of it, which Sigmond et al. (1987) D5 deformations. It was followed by an extensional separated as the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector: this sec­ period, now termed the Inter-Sveconorwegian extensiona1 tor contains some rocks of the Telemark Supergroup, period (between ca. 1250 and 1100 Ma) and the Main resting on a basement with a history similar to that of Sveconorwegian orogenic phase (from ca. 1100 to the Telemark Basement Gneiss Complex (Starmer 1990b, 950 Ma). The latter included the D6, D7., D7n and D7m 1991). deformations and was coeval with the Grenvillian Oro­ Abbreviations will be used for the Telemark Basement genic Cycle (of Rivers et al. 1989) in North America. Gneiss Complex (TBGC), the Telemark Supergroup The new work has expanded the structural analyses (TSG), the Kongsberg-Bamble Shear Belt (KB Belt) and over the Telemark Sector: the summary presented here the Kongsberg-Bamble Bend (KB Bend). results from fieldwork based partly, in central Telemark, The region was affected by two : the Kongs­ on the map sheet '' (Dons & Jorde 1978) and, west bergian Orogeny (between ca. 1700 and 1500 Ma) and the of the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, on the sheets 'Mandal' Sveconorwegian Orogeny (between ca. 1250 and 950 Ma). (Falkum 1982) and '' (Sigmond 1975). The loca­ The evolution of the KB Belt was deciphered by Starmer tion of these sheets is shown on the inset map of Fig. 2. IlO l. C. St armer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFf 73 (1993)


MAJOR FAULTS MU Mandal-Ustaoset Zone FB Friction Breccia - PKF Fault SECTORS R-VAS Rogaland-Vest-Agder TS Telemark T8G Telemark Supergroup TIIGC Telemark Basement Gneiss Complex BS Bamble • autochthon p parautochthon KS Kongsberg OR Oslo Region

.>- Faults

BASIC INTRUSIONS � 'Main phase hyperite' (gabbroid) stocks (-1 240 Ma) and 'Late phase hyperite' (gabbroic- dolerilic) sheels & sills (-1 150-1 140 Ma)

SUPRACRUSTAL ROCKS Telemark Supergroup

Bandak Group

'Heddal Group'

Seljord Group V T­ Ajukan Group - V�mork, Tuddal Fms l ? Rjukan Group � Nisser- supracrustals


Polyphase (pre-06)

Quartzite-nodular rock units (Bamble Sector) Polyphase

Variable (qtz-plag-bi-hb)

Post-Kongsbergian alkaline complexes and granitic-charnockitic augen gneisses

Granitic rocks, with approximate intrusion ages

*­ 950 - 880 Ma 'Post-Tectonic' (915 .± 35 Ma) � (& 'Post-Sveconorwegian' -950 Ma at H) � -1000 - 990 Ma 'Late Sveconorwegian' � approximate lines (y of cross-sections -1060 - 1050 Ma medium grain } AA' BB' 'Mid- 0 (Fig. 5) Sveco- -1 060 - 1050 Ma coarse grainl± augen norwegian' -t-\>- N Mixed 'inter-Sveconorwegian' (1200 - 1140 Ma) and 'Early-Sveconorwegian' ( - 1250 Ma with migmatites) Kristiansand � t F 1200 - 1140 Ma 'inter-Sveconorwegian' H Høvringsvatn Complex -1250 Ma 'Early Sveconorwegian' + migmatites l ± augen -Morkheia GM Pre-Sveconorwegian( -1 580 Ma) Mid-Kongsbergian o km 30 Complex & charnockite l± augen

Fig. l. Lithological map of region, showing granite chronology (and the Heddal Group of Dahlgren et al. (1990a)). Inset shows major divisions. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (I993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway Ill


lnset map shows areas of Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 11250,000 berggrunnskart sheets: (TI SAUDA (Sigmond, 1975) (ID MANDAL (Falkum, 1982)

� SKIEN (Dons & Jorde, 1978)

r;'l Fyresvatn area of � Venugopal, 1970

approximate lines AA' BB' of cross-sections (Fig. 5)

MU Mandal-Ustaoset Zone

PKF Porsgrunn-Kristiansand Fault

FB 'Friction Breccia' Fault L Lifjell synform lA\® Bamble Sector \OI P autochthon (A) & parautochthon(P) Main monocline of autochthon [\\\J N -� Margins of 06 deformation domains Zones of thrust slices �m!!i] t -.c::: Faults


-+-- antiform --.::P- overturned antiform

-+- synform � overturned synform

-E-W (locally tighten-E-WF6) ...... {:::· -N-S (locally tighten-N-S F6 & F71) ------n, (commonly tightened by D711) F6 folds nucleate on also tightened by D7 -/-·-F6 First order 1 plus F7 } n (and tighten) F5 folds 1 where -N-S at Nisser and in the ---/-·-· F6 Second order l plus F71 & by D7m where -E-W Bamble Sector and . . adjacent TBGC -·-·-·-·- FS (shown only at NorsJØ Nosser) km 30 & } (see Starmer, 1991)

Fig. 2. Synthesis of structural interpretation of region. Inset shows N.G.U. map sheets. 112 /. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)'

Tahle l. Evolution of the region, modified after Starmer ( 1990b) in order to incorporate features discussed in text.

Approximate Major Stage Tectonisin Events date (Ma)

Post-tectonic phase Uplift Sub-Cambrian peneplain 725 and ENE-WSW metagabbro dyke 800 faulting 'Post-Tectonic ' 915 ±35 Medium grain. 'Post-Sveconorwegian' granites 945

Main Sveconorwegian E-W folding. Conjugate shears orogenic phase N-S folding Medium grain. 'Late Sveconorwegian' granites 1000-990 Dolerite sheets N-S folding 1025

Medium grain. 'Mid-Sveconorwegian' granites Static metamorphism 1060-1050 Coarse grain. 'Mid-Sveconorwegian' granites Metamorphism (including facies) D6 Complex tectonism. F6 folding. Thrusting 1100

Inter-Sveconorwegian 'Late-hyperite' basic sheets and sills Bandak Group 1150-1140 extensional period Uplift Medium grain. 'Inter Sveconorwegian' granites, migmatites 1200-1140 and mobilised gneiss

'Main phase hyperites' (gabbroids) 1250-1220

Early Sveconorwegian DS Thrusting NW. F5 shear folding 1250 phase Coarse grain. 'Early Sveconorwegian' granites

D4 Thrusting NW ?1270

Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period <1340 Heddal Group Seljord Group Intrusions (including large alkaline complexes with granite-chamockite) Rjukan Group Nisser supracrustals 1500

Kongsbergian Orogeny D3 Thrusting WSW of Kongsberg Sector and dextral strike-slip of Bamble Sector against TBGC >1500 Metamorphism (including granulite facies) 1540 D2 Thrusting NW . Folding Granites and chamockites 1600-1580 DI Thrusting NW. Recumbent folds 1650 ±50 Supracrustals (quartzites and variable gneisses) < 1700

The new work has involved correlation of fabrics, folds and minor shear folds (Fig. 5ii), before the 06 folding and shear criteria in relation to intrusive events. buckle folding (Fig. Siv). The 06 deformation was the Coeval intrusions can be correlated across the region first phase to affect some basic intrusives (the 'main' and using their distinctive textures and mineralogies, together 'late phase hyperites') and it produced mid- to upper with their relation to tectonic events. The results of the facies S6 fabrics. The series of 07 deforma­ relative dating of intrusions are included on Fig. l, which tions caused only limited fabric developments and oc­ is a modification of published maps. Figure 2 is a synthe­ curred under lower metamorphic conditions than 06. sis of the results in terms of the sequence of structural The first part of this study summarizes the evolution of events and provides the tectonic elements necessary to the KB Belt and then describes the other major units of construct a model for the regional evolution. The events the region (the TBGC, the TSG, the Nisser-Fyresvatn of the KB Belt can be correlated across the TBGC, but and Norsjø supracrustal rocks, and the Mandal-Us­ only the Sveconorwegian deformations (04-07) can be taoset Zone), with the new interpretation of their struc­ recognized in the overlying TSG. The Sveconorwegian tures in terms of the Sveconorwegian events in the KB deformations can be separated in the Telemark Sector, Belt. The second part suggests a model for the Sveconor­ because of their distinctive effects. D4 was a ductile wegian evolution of the whole region and relates it to shearing restricted to certain zones. Subsequent deforma­ deep crustal processes and to major events in the tion ( correlated with 05) produced foliations, intrafolial Proterozoic Supercontinent. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 113

Evolution of the Kongsberg-Bamble Belt by all Sveconorwegian deformation phases and were and adjacent TBGC locally reworked and cut by granites, gabbros, amphibo­ lites, pegmatites and aplites (Starmer 1990a, b). The Previous studies have described the evolution and three­ emplacement age of the intrusions has been suggested to dimensional structure of the KB Belt (Starmer 1985a, b, be 'c. 1250 Ma' based on Rb-Sr whole-rock data (Smal­ 1990b, 1991). The presently exposed KB Belt developed ley et al. 1988), 'probably older than"' 1250 Ma' (Nij­ at deeper levels than the adjacent TBGC and was land & Senior 1991), and 'between"' 1490 and 1397 Ma' brought up by successive events in both the Kongsber­ (Starmer 1990a) based on structural correlations: how­ gian and Sveconorwegian Orogenies. The KB Bend, ever, all these ages fall within the Post-Kongsbergian from the N-S Kongsberg Sector to the NE-SW Bamble anorogenic period. Sector, formed around a TBGC salient at the start of the The early Sveconorwegian phase of intrusion and de­ Kongsbergian Orogeny, although it underwent modifica­ formation occurred under mid- to upper amphibolite tion during later deformations over which it exerted a facies conditions and was constrained to have happened major infl.uence. The Bamble Sector (Figs. l and 2) between ca. 1340 and 1250 Ma (Starmer 1990b). As comprises a parautochthon ( emplaced during the Sve­ discussed later, it probably occurred just befare 1250 Ma. conorwegian Orogeny and representing a continuation of It started with D4 northwestward thrusting of the KB the Kongsberg Sector) and an autochthon (representing Belt over the TBGC and a shearing of Post-Kongsber­ part of the adjacent TBGC): the interface of the Kongs­ gian intrusives, which increased incrementally towards berg Sector and the Bamble parautochthon with the the KB Belt-TBGC interface, where it formed extensive TBGC is a polyphase zone where shearing was mylonites. Subsequently, 'Early Sveconorwegian' decom­ repeatedly concentrated. pression granites intruded at this interface, as sheets that Starmer (1990b, 1991) deri ved consensus ages ( noted coalesced around the KB Bend and split up northwards below) for the events in the KB Belt by correlation with and southwestwards along the margins of the Kongsberg the available radiometric data. The sources of these data and Bamble Sectors. During the final stages of consolida­ are listed in the Introduction. During the Kongsbergian tion, the granites underwent D5 shearing, directed up­ Orogeny (Table 1), conditions reached mid- to upper wards NW and concentrated at the margin of the KB amphibolite (and locally granulite) facies and the earliest Belt (where the granites and their D5 fabrics were later recognizable deformation (Dl), at 1650 ±50 Ma, was a cut by 'main phase hyperite' gabbroids). northwestward, fl.ake-tectonic thrusting of quartzites and The Inter-Sveconorwegian extensional period (the sillimanitic rocks in to variable ( quartz-plagioclase­ 'Sveconorwegian anorogenic phase' of Starmer, 1991) biotite-hornblende) gneisses, which also extended into occurred between ca. 1250 and 1100 Ma. It started with the TBGC. The KB Bend was initiated as the Bamble the intrusion, between ca. 1250 and 1200 Ma, of 'main Sector developed NE-SW recumbent folds and the phase hyperite' gabbroid stocks which varied in composi­ Kongsberg Sector developed first-order, N-S folds, com­ tion from troctolite to gabbro and norite. They formed prising a central antiform with two fl.anking synforms. discordant to subconcordant masses, elongated in the The fl.oor thrust beneath the curved KB belt ramped at regional grain, and were emplaced in several pulses, the western and northwestern margin against the TBGC, producing cross-cutting intrusions in some bodies. The where it formed a wide mylonite zone (Fig. 1). There was gabbroids were consanguinous in the Kongsberg and a second phase (D2) of northwestward thrusting (befare Bamble Sectors, although higher levels are exposed in the ca. 1535 Ma), resulting from reactivation of the listric former because it underwent less uplift during the subse­ basal shear. The Kongsbergian Orogeny ended with the quent D6 phase (Starmer 1985b; Brickwood & Craig D3 deformation (;::::1500 Ma), when the N-S Kongsberg 1987). The gabbroids cooled under prolonged high P-T Sector was thrust WSW over the TBGC and the NE­ conditions and developed corona growths. They were SW Bamble Sector underwent dextral strike slip against later amphibolitized and intruded by granites during the the TBGC, but absorbed considerable shearing internally latter part of the extensional period and the Main Sve­ by development of complementary domains of clockwise conorwegian orogenic phase. The extensional period con­ and anti-clockwise angular shear, because its bounding tinued with high heat fl.ows, which eventually caused shear was listric åt depth. All the Kongsbergian deforma­ partial melting of acidic gneisses and migmatization. This tions (Dl, D2 and D3) in the KB Belt therefore seem to culminated in the intrusion of a few 'Inter-Sveconorwe­ have been related to a listric basal shear. gian' granites (the 'anorogenic Sveconorwegian' granites The Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period (between of Starmer, 1991) at ca. 1150-1140 Ma, followed by the ca. 1500 and 1340 Ma) was a time of transtension and intrusion of 'late hyperite' sheets (now amphibolitized). attempted rifting under upper amphibolite and local The Main Sveconorwegian orogenic phase commenced granulite facies conditions (Starmer 1990b): numerous with the D6 deformation (ca. 1100 Ma), which involved intrusions included alkaline basic-intermediate-acid mid- to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism and complexes associated with voluminous, coarse granite­ buckle falding, followed by thrusting. The Kongsberg charnockite bodies (later augen gneisses). These intru­ and Bamble Sectors decoupled and were thrust W and sions cut Kongsbergian structures, but they were affected NW, respectively, over the TBGC. Subsequently, a static 114 l. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFf 73 (1993) metamorphic climax and intrusion of 'Mid-Sveconorwe­ wegian granitic rocks and migmatites than the KB Belt, gian' granite sheets (ca. 1060-1050 Ma) was followed but also has older, Kongsbergian and Post-Kongsbergian (between ca. 1050 and 950 Ma) by D71 (N-S) buckle intrusions and remnants of Kongsbergian supracrustal folding, intrusion of 'Late Sveconorwegian' granites, and rocks, similar to those in the Belt: these include migma­ then virtually coeval D7u (N-S) and D7m (E-W) tized equivalents of the variable ( quartz-plagioclase­ buckle folding. biotite-homblende) gneisses, with the same thin layers Slip vector analysis (Starmer 1985c) shows that the of quartzite, quartz-rich gneiss, biotite schist, graphitic KB bend had a curvature of ca. 40° in the Early Sve­ schist, sulphidic schist, marble and calc-silcate rock pres­ conorwegian phase (D4 and D5) and that this was ent in these variable gneisses of the KB Belt (Starmer increased by ca. 20° (to ca. 60°) during D6, at the start 1990b ). Some workers (e.g. Ploquin 1980) have suggested of the Main Sveconorwegian orogenic phase. Through­ that the gneisses are metamorphosed and migmatized out this period (D4 to D6), the metamorphic grade was rocks of the overlying TSG, but they have structures highest, at mid- to upper amphibolite facies, around the which are of Kongsbergian age and locally develop com­ KB Belt-TBGC interface and it decreased west and plex interference patterns with the Sveconorwegian fold­ northwest into the TBGC. During and just after D6, ing: the earlier structures are not developed in the regional mid-amphibolite facies conditions increased 1o­ overlying (post-Kongsbergian) TSG and its migmatized cally to upper amphibolite facies, sillimanite grade in the relics, which are included in the underlying TBGC gran­ Bamble parautochthon (Starmer 1990b): here, Kullerud ites. The TSG was deposited on a TBGC basement, but & Dahlgren (1990) have also recorded local granulite the interface was the site of later granite intrusions and facies metamorphism. the original re1ationships have been 1argely obliterated: Post-Sveconorwegian events included granite intru­ however, the present study has revealed that the TSG sions and faulting. The large and was not affected by the Kongsbergian (D1-3) deforma­ Granites (Fig. l) were part of a number of 'Post-Tec­ tions recorded in the TBGC further south. tonic' granites that intruded southem Norway and Swe­ The 'Early Sveconorwegian' D4 deformation produced den between 950 and 880 Ma. Faulting resulted from a major shear zone along the KB Belt margin, at the a series of movements from Late-Proterozoic to post­ eastern boundary of the TBGC, and 'Early Sveconorwe­ Permian times and produced the Friction Breccia and gian' granites intruded around this shear zone in the Porsgrunn-Kristiansand Fault, which downthrew the adjacent KB Belt and TBGC, at ca. 1250 Ma (Starmer Kongsberg and Bamble Sectors, respectively, relative to 1991). The new studies show that D4 shear zones also the TBGC. At the Kongsberg Sector margin, the Friction formed and were intruded by the granites further west, in Breccia was hinged in the north and had downthrows the intra-TBGC zone, and at the western margin of the increasing southwards to many hundreds of metres TBGC, in the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. The granites had (Starmer 1985a, b). The Porsgrunn-Kristiansand Fault feldspar megacrysts and subsequently deve1oped D5 au­ produced downthrows �0.6 km of the Post-Tectonic gen, S5 shear foliations and F5 microfolds: these D5 Herefoss Granite and � 0.8 km of the sub-Cambrian features were concentrated around the sites of the earlier, peneplain, in the northeast. Gravity studies suggested D4 shear zones and away from them the remnants of the larger ( �2 km) downthrows on the Porsgrunn-Kris­ granites contained less well-developed shear foliations, tiansand Fault in the northeast of the Bamble Sector, but rare microfolds and sparse augen. These remnants, ac­ this may have partly reflected earlier D6 thrust ramps, companied by relics of migmatized gneisses and amphi­ followed by a listric extensional detachment (Starmer bo1ites with F5 microshear folds and S5 fabrics, were 1991): the downthrows may have also varied along its commonly included in homogeneous, medium-grained length because of linkage with other faults, particularly granites. These later granites were equiva1e nt to the one trending NW from the Herefoss Granite to the 'anorogenic Sveconorwegian' (now termed 'Inter-Sve­ Mandal-Ustaoset Zone (Fig. 1). conorwegian') granites intruded at ca. 1150-1140 Ma in the Bamble Sector (Starmer 1991). As discussed later, they probably intruded across the whole region over an The Telemark Basement Gneiss Complex extended period from ca. 1200 to 1140 Ma, they were cut (TBGC) by 'late hyperite' sheets at ca. 1150-1140 Ma and partly reworked by the D6 metamorphism and fluid activity at The TBGC has a less complete record of Kongsbergian ca. 1100 Ma. They outcrop particularly in the area south effects than the adjacent KB Belt, but it reveals the same of the main TSG outcrop (Fig. 1), where Dahlgren et al. series of Sveconorwegian events. A number of authors (1990a) noted that they intruded between 1200 and (e.g. Falkum 1985; Smalley & Field 1985) have described 1100 Ma. Later granites, intruding both the TBGC and Kongsbergian effects in the TBGC between 1650 and TSG, were coeval with, and sometimes continuations of, 1500 Ma, and Starmer (1985b) noted that the Kongsber­ the 'Mid-Sveconorwegian' granites that intruded the gian tectonism in the KB Belt suggested the presence of Bamble Sector at 1060-1050 Ma (Starmer 1991). Post­ a more rigid pro to-TBGC block to the north west. Tectonic Granite bosses intruded the TBGC and TSG The TBGC contains a higher proportion of Sveconor- between 950 and 880 Ma. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway llS

The Telemark Supergroup (TSG) Starmer ( l98Sb) suggested that the supracrustals of the TSG were deposited during the Post-Kongsbergian General stratigraphy and age of deposition: previous work anorogenic period and/or during the Sveconorwegian The outcrop of the Telemark Supergroup (TSG) curves extensional period. Reconnaissance surveys ( Starmer around the north and northwest of the TBGC basement 1990b) of the TSG indicated that most of the major (Fig. l) and comprises shallow-water marine sediments folding occurred after the extensional period, during the and bimodal volcanics, generally metamorphosed under 06 and D7 deformations, but the new studies have facies conditions. It is usually divided into the revealed earlier DS structures in the Rjukan, Seljord and Rjukan, Seljord and Bandak Groups. Each Group was Heddal Groups, but not in the Bandak Group, thus considered to reach a maximum thickness in excess of confirming the presence of two sequences. 2 km by Sigmond et al. (1987), although Dahlgren et al. Radiometric data, particularly Rb-Sr whole-rock ( l990a) suggested that the Seljord Group exceeded 4 km. isochrons, have suggested eruption ages for the Rjukan In the TSG, disconformities existed between and within Group from ca. 1630 to ca. Il00 Ma (e.g. Priem et al. the major Groups (Atkin & Brewer 1990). 1973; Kleppe 1980). Verschure et al. (1990) thought their The lowermost, Rjukan Group has a lower Tuddal Rb-Sr errorchron age of 1290 ± 60 Ma approximately Formation of rhyolites, dacites and tuffs, with numerous dated the volcanism, but Dahlgren et al. ( l990a) derived xenoliths of quartzite, suggesting deposition on mature a U-Pb zircon age of lSOO Ma. As discussed later, the : the upper Vemork Formation com­ Rjukan and Seljord Groups were first deformed by prises basalts, felsic tuffs and clastic sediments. The the D4-DS phase and were probably deposited during overlying Seljord Group contains quartzites, meta­ the Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period between ca. arkoses, quartzite conglomerates and some pelites: it was lSOO and 1300 Ma. Dates around 1200 Ma, e.g. Sm­ deposited unconformably on the irregular volcanic to­ Nd whole-rock isochrons of 1190 ± 37 Ma, MSWD = pography of the Rjukan Group, which has an erosion 0.6 (Menuge l98S) and 1198 ±3S Ma, MSWD = 1.24 surface, commonly with metre-scale hollows, suggesting (Menuge & Brewer 1990), may record resetting due to only short-term exposure at the surface. The Rjukan and metamorphism, fluid activity and granitic intrusions. Seljord Groups now seem to be absent west of the Later, the Bandak Group was erupted at ca. llSO Ma Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, although the northem continu­ according to most data (e.g. an 114S ±98 Ma Rb-Sr ation of the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector, within the whole-rock isochron, Sigmond & Andresen 1976; and an Caledonides of West Norway, may have correlatives in 1160 Ma U-Pb zircon age, Dahlgren & Heaman 1991). the Group supracrustals of the Menuge ( 198S) suggested that Rb-Sr whole-rock iso­ area (Torske 1982). chrons of 1107 ± 24 Ma (Priem et al. 1973) and 1106 ± Dahlgren et al. ( 1990a) proposed a separate 'Heddal 26 Ma (Kleppe & Råheim 1979), probably dated green­ Group', at the top of the Seljord Group, in the east (Fig. schist to amphibolite facies metamorphism, rnigmatiza­ l): it contains siliceous volcaniclastic sediments, rhyolitic tion and deformation (D6 of the present study). ignimbrites, tuffs and minor marbles. The present study shows that the Heddal Group is distinct from, but grades with, the Seljord Group and it thickens eastwards as the The deformation of the Telemark Supergroup (I'SG) : Seljord Group thins: this may reftect a lateral facies previous work and the new studies change. Gabbroic-doleritic dykes and sills intruded the In the main TSG outcrop ( Figs. l and 2), Dons ( 1960) Rjukan, Seljord and Heddal Groups at ca. 114S Ma, noted that E-W folding was dominant in the south and according to the U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages of N-S folding was dominant further north: several phases Oahlgren et al. ( 1990b ). of folding were alm ost 'coaxial'. Along the southem The uppermost, Bandak Group is a bimodal volcanic margin of the main TSG outcrop, Nilsen ( 1982) reported sequence of metamorphosed basalts and rhyolites inter­ developments of E-W transposition foliations in the calated with clastic and volcanogenic sediments. It was Rjukan Group, before deposition of the Bandak Group deposited unconformably on the previously deformed and later N-S folding. Recently, Dahlgren et al. (1990a) Rjukan and Seljord Groups and the TBGC (Dahlgren et noted folding of the Rjukan and Seljord Groups before al. 1990a) and it extended west of the Mandal-Ustaoset deposition of the Bandak Group. (Sigmond 1978). Later, all Groups of the TSG were In the new studies, the earliest deformation recognized metamorphosed under greenschist to lower amphibolite in the Rjukan, Seljord and Heddal Groups produced facies conditions, but metamorphic effects were locally structures and fabrics, correlated with DS: these were more intense at their interface with the TBGC: along the intruded by basic sills and later deformed by typical F6 southem and eastem margins of the main TSG outcrop, buckle folds, which also deformed Bandak Group rocks. adjacent to underlying later granites in the TBGC, con­ Very open, major FS folds developed (Fig. 4ii) with formable TSG layers formed medium-grained ( quartz­ ENE-WSW axial planes, before deformation by D6 plagioclase-muscovite-epidote-chlorite-bi o tite) schists and 07. Minor FS folds bad wavelengths of centimetres and gneisses. or metres and were sometimes symmetric, but were NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) 116 /. C. Starmer


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· · ) · ,�.":· :/;1(/{.ø\ '' J :\'l' � ( ';/17 . {/!' (// . . : . / . l . . . \\. '· · · . . � /·· . :-:-.\ · . . · · · l · · · \* · · · ·· ·· . ·· :'l/�'\! ... . (.( . . /). ! j: i , . . l l : . . l1\1 �- · . . . . :. .. /. 'l :,. �)\. . . . � } />:/...... ' ...... / ... \\ ;· � / · / . . · / . · . . . .. · - · . '·( . . ��-��\'� . . l\ . : / %, . . / . .. : . · . . · .. l l* . . / >; ..·.··.� :: \.. \- . ; ,l,/. � . . l l \.' 1ol_ . . . / "�' .. . · . * • 'P l l \* '1{' ·.�.,. �l ' . \ .. / · / . l \ ;\:.\.. � ...... 1 · .. / . ; / . l: .-..... \· . . . . 1 �� . · , . .. • . · .. .. · .. Y , \ • ,, . . l . l '\ ' \ : , l .�----1 :\ 1,··:: :'! . l ,.. l ' . l .. . structural \ '/ . l . trends l 1: f 1 l 1 \ / · ;.. ' r l ' *IÅ..r.\ ::.:/ .:( -:!/ . l .. -. . .. folds 1 + l l ,.... . major F6 brachy f 'j:' / order l ! l f f l 1 "...... kr"' l : l l:/ l· � ., t �./ 2 ord er :It ..1 j . incipient domain \ � /l . / 1 :[ // ; f . ... . / / )...... ,. . l . . .. boundaries (and ...... · . .: . later litho-boundaries) . . · . DEXTRAL TRANSPRESSION

Ø\\�R DEXTRAL SHEAR COUPLE (after Sandersen & Marchini, 1984)

E extension --+-- � ___J"_ strike slip folds thrusts normal R, R' (Riedel) C compression faults shears

EFFECTS OF 06 TRANSPRESSION X % �rend of falding Domains 1 to 6

· · · rn · · · m l· ] E-W compression (Domains 1 & 6) E-W dextral transpression (Domains 2-5) -see text . . . Kongsberg-Bamble bend l Syntheticl (R) shears KB { S shear between Domains 2 & 3 Ma dal-Ustaoset Zone k { a, n Antithetic (R') stri e slip . . Bamble auto hthon-parautochthon JUnctton or oblique shears a � a" shear transmttted north from a'

Fig. 3. Development of the D6 stress fields and deformations. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (I993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 117 commonly asymmetric and northward vergent: they were The Telemark Supergroup around Norsjø open to tight structures in the Rjukan Group rocks, In the east, adjacent to the Oslo Region rocks, the TSG although they formed rarer, more open folds in the outcrop extends southwards around Norsjø (Fig. 1). Seljord Group and were markedly disharmonic across The new studies show that these TSG rocks Iie in a the interface. Their tightness generally increased south­ large asymmetric synform that curves within the TBGC wards in Rjukan Group rocks and, just south of Lake salient (Fig. 2). This TBGC basement consists of coarse­ Bandak (Figs. l and 2), many were tight to isoclinal grained 'Early Sveconorwegian' granites and later granite shear folds. Here in the south, DS formed the transposi­ intrusions. The basal TSG layers are metamorphosed by tion foliations noted by Nilsen ( 1982) in Rjukan Gro up these intrusions to quartz-plagioclase-muscovite-bi­ rocks and, in Seljord Group conglomerates, it formed otite-epidote gneisses and schists. Above these, Seljord flattened pebbles, which now plunge ENE to NE, with Group meta-arkoses and quartzites and Heddal Group DS and D6 mortar textures. metarhyolites are interfolded by major isoclines: remnant The second phase of folding recognized in the TSG hinges confirm these are not thrust slices. The isoclines has been correlated with D6: it affected all Groups of the are correlated with F5, since they were cut by subconcor­ TSG and the intruded basic sills. Because of the com­ dant amphibolitized sills, before being folded again by plexity of the D6 stress fields, discussed later, the orienta­ typical F6 major and minor buckle folds, coaxial with tions of F6 axial planes varied systematically across the the major first-order synform. The sills are correlated region: after removal of the effects of later deformations with the 'late hyperite' sheets which intruded the KB Belt (Figs. 3 and 4), the orientations of F6 folds are seen to and adjacent TBGC between DS and D6. Later, have been ENE-WSW in the south of the main TSG medium-grained 'Mid-Sveconorwegian' granites cross­ outcrop, turning towards NE-SW further north and cut D6 structures and were deformed by D7. towards N-S in the east and west. The F6 buckle folds The curved first-order synform of TSG rocks is over­ formed on all scales and varied in style from open to turned W on an axial surface striking NNW-SSE in the tight structures which became asymmetric or overtumed. north, but turning N-S further south. At its southern Some penetrative S6 fabrics were produced, particularly end, the axial surface has been bent E-W and the fold is in the south of the main TSG outcrop, but they became asymmetric, verging N, with local overtuming. Smaller less prevalent northwards, where local S7 fabrics also major and minor F6 buckle folds are coaxial and deform developed. the amphibolitized sills. The curved first-order synform is The subsequent D7I deformation produced major N-S therefore interpreted as an F6 structure: it is slightly buckle folds, particularly in the west of the main TSG discordant to F5 folds and S5 fabrics ( deformed by D6) outcrop (Figs. l and 4v), where almost N-S trending F6 within the curved TBGC salient and it is disharmonic to folds were realigned. North of Lake Bandak, a fan of a large F6 synform in the TBGC at its southwestern end axial planes, from N-S to ENE-WSW, resulted from (Figs. l and 2). the interaction of F6 and F7 folds (see later). Between 30 As discussed later, the F6 synform of TSG rocks and 50 km north of Bandak, the axis of the antiform developed with some original curvature, resulting from producing the westemmost exposures of the Rjukan the pre-existing DS curvature within the TBGC salient Group (Figs. l and 2) underwent binge migration from and a change of D6 stress field through Norsjø. The an F6 NE-SW fold in the north to a N-S (D7I x F6) southem end of the synform was further bent by a late fold in the south. Elsewhere, D7I produced some new D6 increase in curvature of the TBGC salient and KB N-S folds on all scales. They varied from open to tight Bend, and locally by subsequent F7m folding. The north­ structures, with S7I fabrics formed in hinges under green­ em part of the F6 synform was tightened by D71• schist facies conditions. Later, F7u (N-S) folds tightened the N-S F7I folds and F7111 (E-W) folds tightened the E-W F6 folds, but some new, open concentric folds formed on all scales The Nisser- Fyresvatn supracrustal rocks and, although concentrated in the zones of earlier F7 I These supracrustal rocks rest unconformably on the or F6 folding, they also developed elsewhere (Figs. l TBGC south of the main TSG outcrop (Fig. 1). Al­ and 4v). The distinction between the D7I and D7u though they have lithological differences and more in­ phases is less obvious in the TSG than in the TBGC tense deformation and metamorphism, the rocks around and KB Belt, where they were separated by an intrusive Nisser have been tentatively correlated with the Rjukan episode. Group by some authors (e.g. Dons 1960; Ploquin 1980). The new studies show that the structures of the TSG Smaller outcrops occur west from Nisser to Fyresvatn can be correlated with the Sveconorwegian DS, D6 and and Stout (1972) correlated rocks on the east side of D7 deformations, but no DS structures can be identified Fyresvatn with the Rjukan Group, showing that they in the Bandak Group. D4 was localized around shear rested unconformably on granitic gneisses and migma­ zones in the basement (the TBGC and KB Belt) and no tites to the north. He considered the whole sequence to earlier, Kongsbergian structures or fabrics can be iden­ be inverted and correlated the granitic gneisses with the tified in the TSG. Bandak Group, but the present studies suggest that these 118 /. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)

· · END D711 and D7111 .:··· ·

··· ....

4v END D7 (D71, D711 & D�11) (see Flg. 2)

4iv END D6 (see F�g. 3) -- 06

, 07111 & 111 ' tightening of / F71 (-N-S) ' earlier folds tightening �' F71 F6 pl unge depression (of Thrust slices (in F71) " W) plunge depression "'-p" F71 � �:�:;�ural

L L1f1ell synform N Norsjø synform


4iii END BANDAK GROUP DEPOSmON (LATE IN EXTENSION PERIOD) ,,,�------�� ,, ,l '11 l/'

�'l 4ii END DS ' ,,,


tf/� Main phase hyperite stocks Eastern limit of major units Large granite bodies � NI Nisser Widespread migmatisation � Bandak Gp. Exposed granite/ Major FS folds +05 sugen • ••-.· open to light 1"7771 Granite a sheets �i=i=i=� Probable extent � gentle .. ... � of granite . at depth � Margin of gentle __,."" � S .... ,:.·./ shear lntra-TBGC shear at depth: ramp F synform �--·­ .. �."·'/ \ ��s?L4 . Structural trends ...... flat · ······ � .. / � . .. · m granite above shear . LS shearing ....., .

Fig. 4. Stages of the Sveconorwegian tectonism (see Fig. 5). lnsets of second-order stress fields show folds (F), thrusts (Th) and normal faults (N). NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 119

Later Porsgrunn­ BM Bamble Sector Kristiansand Fault (PKF) Kongsberg Sector and Mandal-Ustaoset K Zone Fault (MU) (restored by 1 km) F (inset); area NW of Fyresvatn km lntra-TBGC shear zone ("'25 IT SW of section BB') (Figs. 4ii & iv) � from Venugopal V, T Vemork and Tuddal (1970) Formations (Rjukan Gp.) N Norsjø NI Nisser


SUPRACRUSTAL ROCKS Telemark Supergroup (TSG)

Bandak Group � 'Heddal Group' ""''"""'"""'''''"'r-'l"'....";d � Seljord Group IIIIII]] Rjukan Group

� V - Vemork Fm [T - Tuddal Fm. ]

10 km 10 ·km L approx seale


Fig. 5. Semi-balanced cross-sections showing stages of the Sveconorwegian tectonism. 120 /. . C Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) rocks are a D7 x D6 dome of TBGC basement (Fig. 2), rich rocks were also deformed by F6 folds. The basic comprising 'Inter-Sveconorwegian' granites with rem­ sheets (now amphibolitized) intruded the supracrustals, nants of 'Early Sveconorwegian' granites, migmatized the underlying TBGC and the interface: they seem to variable gneisses and . Dons & Jorde (1978) have been coeval with 'late hyperite' sheets in the KB also grouped these rocks with the basement granitic Belt and basic sills in the Rjukan and Seljord Groups. gneisses. They were metasomatized to homblende-biotite gneisses Mitchell (1967) showed that the Nisser supracrustal by later granites and were deformed with the supra­ rocks comprised metarhyolites, amphibolites (meta­ crustals into major F6 and F7I folds with N-S to basalts) and agglomerates, intruded by amphibolites and NW-SE axial planes. The F7I folds were aligned by axial olivine gabbros. He recognized a first phase of ENE­ plane rotation to become almost coaxial with F6. Later WSW folding under amphibolite facies conditions and a E-W, F7m folds affected all rocks. second phase of N-S folding and granitization under epidote-amphibolite facies conditions. The supracrustal rocks la y in a complex ENE-WSW synclinorium formed by the first phase of folding. The gabbros developed The Mandal-Ustaoset Zone and the corona growths and were scapolitized, like the 'main Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector phase' hyperites of the KB Belt, but unlike them did not develop gamet rims in the coronas. The Mandal-Ustaoset shear zone (Figs. l and 2) is a The new studies have shown that the earliest struc­ major N-S lineament, first described by Sigmond (1984, tures are foliations, intrafolial folds and minor isoclinal 1985). The latest movements along it bad caused normal folds with angular hinges and amplitudes of centi­ faulting on planes dipping east at low angles, after the metres or metres. These structures are typical of F5 deposition of Bandak Group rocks and intrusion of and S5, with which they have been correlated. They 'Post-Tectonic' granites, but before the deposition of were cut by 'hyperite' gabbros. Major, tight to isoclinal Cambrian shales. An earlier, 2.5-3 km wide belt of F5 structures interfolded the supracrustal layers in a highly sheared gneisses was overlain by basal conglomer­ pattem akin to that in the TSG east of Norsjø (Figs. l ates of the Bandak Group. Further south, this older and 2). The F5 folds were ENE-WSW, an orientation shear zone was thought to have been intruded and still preserved around the binge of the main ENE­ obliterated by a linear N-S augen gneiss body, from WSW synform (Fig. 2), which appears to have tight­ which Wilson et al. (1977) bad obtained an Rb-Sr ened a major F5 synform after the intrusion of lensoid reference age of 980 Ma, interpreted as dating its meta­ gabbros into S5 fabrics. Similar effects are seen in the morphism. Pedersen ( 1981) compared this body with the Bamble Sector, where some large gabbros intruded F5 Fennefoss augen gneiss, from which he obtained an synforms, which were subsequently tightened by D6 Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of 1026 ±57 Ma (LR. = (Starmer 1991). O. 7044 ±5; MSWD = 0.86). Later major and minor, tight to isoclinal buckle folds Starmer ( 1990a) suggested that this linear augen gneiss ( equivalent to the first phase folds of Mitchell, 1967) body was coeval with coarse 'Mid-Sveconorwegian' are correlated with D6. The folds bad rounded hinges granites, intruded after D6, at ca. l 060-1050 Ma, and and deformed S5, but developed some S6 fabrics, espe­ developing augen textures during D7 I: it bad intruded cially at their hinges. Axial planes were generally ENE­ the southem part of the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone (Fig. 1), WSW and folds were asymmetric or overtumed with where earlier, D6 shearing bad separated domains under­ northward vergence. Amplitudes varied upwards from going different D6 deformation effects. The Rogaland­ 50 cm. The D6 phase amphibolitized and foliated the Vest Agder Sector, to the west, and the Telemark Sector, gabbroic intrusives and tightened the major ENE­ to the east, underwent similar Sveconorwegian events WSW synform. (Starmer 1990b ), although Sigmond (1985) noted Subsequent, open N-S folds (equivalent to the second markedly higher U and Th concentrations and magnetic phase folds of Mitchell, 1967) are correlated with F7I: anomalies to the west. they refolded the D6 ENE-WSW structures, but were The new studies suggest that the D6 shearing in the themselves tightened or bent by the D7u (N-S) or D7m south of the Mandal-Ustaoset zone reactivated an older (E-W) folding. On the southeastem edge of the shear zone, preserved further north, where (pre-D6) supracrustal rocks, the 'Late-Sveconorwegian' Bandak Group rocks were deposited on augen gneisses granite intruded across the F7I N-S folds, but was formed by earlier, D5 shearing. These augen gneisses affected by the F7n N-S and F7m E-W folding (Figs. l developed from porphyritic 'Early Sveconorwegian' gran­ and 2). ites, probably intruded along older (D4) shear zones, as In the smaller outcrops west from Nisser to Fyresvatn, discussed later. The Mandal-Ustaoset Shear Zone was minor shear folds, with typical F5 styles, were tight to not folded by successive deformations, because it was a isoclinal with associated S5 foliations, and they pre-dated major discontinuity along which the adjacent basement intrusion of basic sheets and F6 buckle folding. In the blocks continually decoupled, as at the junction of the KB adjacent, underlying TBGC, F5 minor folds in biotite- Belt and the TBGC. NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (I993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 121

Regional evolution: the Early Sveconorwegian gin), but some roofed under the TSG cover, producing p hase isolated apophyses of coarse granite in the Nisser supracrustals and in the Seljord Group rocks (Figs. l The D4 thrusting and the intrusion of and 5i), above the subsequent 05 shear zones. 'Early Sveconorwegian' granites The 04 deformation involved northwestward thrusting and was localized around major crustal discontinuities. The D5 deformation The KB Belt was thrust over the TBGC, causing shear­ At the KB Belt margin around the KB Bend, the Early ing of the intrusions of the preceding, Post-Kongsbergian Sveconorwegian granites were in the final stages of con­ anorogenic period. This shearing increased, from both solidation under the prevailing mid to upper amphibolite sides, towards the KB Belt-TBGC interface where new facies conditions, when the 05 deformation occurred mylonites were formed. Away from the mylonite zone, (Starmer 1990b). In these granites, 05 produced ductile shearing produced small incremental movements on in­ shear zones of augen gneiss with mylonitic laminae and numerable closely spaced foliae, such that major litho­ micro and minor F5 folds, all refiecting a simple shear logical boundaries and structures were preserved. At the directed upwards to the northwest. The KB Bend, which N-S Kongsberg Sector margin, there was oblique north­ then had a curvature of ca. 40°, was displaced upwards westward shearing and thin mylonites were produced over the TBGC salient, where the strike of 05 mylonitic n across the whole Sector, which was bent at its orthem laminae and augen layers in the granite curved round end to a NE-SW orientation (Fig. 4i). At the NE-SW from N-S to NE-SW. This resulted from laminar shear Bamble Sector margin against the TBGC, thrusting to flow controlled by the boundary conditions (the TBGC the NW and the progressive incremental shearing pro­ salient and KB Bend). All the structures refiected shear­ duced an arching, consistent with the ramping of a thrust ing upwards and northwestwards (at ca. 60°), perpendic­ following the older (Kongsbergian) listric basal shear ular to the micro and minor F5 fold axes, with minimal (Fig. 5i). In the TBGC just northwest of the Bamble compression across S5 shear foliae. Away from the KB Sector margin (Fig. l and section B-B', Fig. 5i), the Bend, zones of ubiquitous augen continued N and SW upper part of a Mid-Kongsbergian granite was sheared along the margins of the Kongsberg and Bamble Sectors, to 04 augen gneiss. but eventually disappeared where the granite split into The coarse 'Early Sveconorwegian' granites are dis­ separate sheets. The shearing was concentrated in the tincitive rocks, with feldspar megacrysts, variably eastem and southeastem ( upper) parts of the granites sheared to augen. They were emplaced as sheets in the around the salient: to the northwest in the TBGC, this TBGC, particularly at the interface with the KB Belt, 05 shear zone became fiat-lying, as shown by F6 folds of into which they overlapped. Here, the sheets coalesced in augen layers above unsheared granite (Figs. 5ii and iv), the TBGC salient and the KB Bend, but split northwards but it ramped again over the major F5 isoclines at and southwestwards along the margins of the Kongsberg Norsjø. and Bamble Sectors. The sheets also thinned northwest­ The N-S Kongsberg Sector was thrust obliquely ward into the TBGC, where they were intruded by WNW at its western margin with the TBGC (Fig. 4ii), medium grained 'Inter-Sveconorwegian' granites. Both but in the north, where its post-04 margin was NE-SW, series of granites included relics of the early TBGC thrusting to the NW disappeared northeastwards as the supracrustals and of the basal TSG, beneath which they granites terminated (Starmer 1985a). intruded (Fig. 5i). The NE-SW Bamble Sector developed major NE­ In addition to intrusion at the KB Belt margin, Early SW, F5 shear folds and was thrust NW over the TBGC. Sveconorwegian granites (later developing 05 augen) Along the interface, the southwestward disappearance of were emplaced along the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone and in augen zones in the granites and their replacement by a smaller intra-TBGC zone, both of which were probably major F5 folding in the TBGC, coincided with the place 04 shears (Figs. 4i and 5i). Around both zones, they where the granites no longer crossed the interface and were later intruded by homogeneous, 'Inter-Sveconorwe­ were wholly confined to the TBGC. This suggests that, gian' granites before being overlain by the (pre-06) under the elevated metamorphic conditions, the mechan­ Bandak Group rocks. The intra-TBGC zone accommo­ ically weak granites absorbed much of the 05 strain at dated stresses in the TBGC block and its later reactiva­ the interface. tion infiuenced the 05 and 06 deformations. It now The F5 folds were formed by heterogeneous simple outcrops northwest of Fyresvatn (F, Fig. 5) as sheared shear, directed steeply upward NW , and were tight to sheets and lenses of granitic augen gneiss and migmatized isoclinal. Many were tightened by D6. The NE-SW F5 variable gneisses. folds developed as micro- and minor structures, with The configuration of the Early Sveconorwegian granite major folds in the NE-SW Bamble Sector and adjacent sheets can be derived partly from their 05 shearing and TBGC: they extended into the TBGC salient, where the 05 structures produced above them (Fig. 5ii). The major F5 isoclines interfolded the Seljord and Heddal sheets seem to have largely followed older 04 shears, Groups and were preserved in the later (F6) Norsjø with mylonites forming a roof (as at the KB Belt mar- synform. Further southwest, in the TBGC adjacent to 122 /. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (I993) the Bamble Sector, the older variable gneisses were oped hornblende and garnet in the granites. Because of downfolded into the Early Sveconorwegian granites and the later D6 deformation, the present margin of the KB these major F5 folds became larger to the southwest, as Belt and its intruded granites represent lower D5 crustal shearing and augen development decreased in the gran­ levels than those exposed to the northwest in the TBGC. ites: here, the major NE-SW falding also spread further northwest into the TBGC (Fig. 4ii). Although shearing and augen development at the Regional synthesis of the Early Sveconorwegian phase Bamble-TBGC interface were replaced southwestwards of crustal de/amination by falding, there was D5 shearing at lower structural During the Early Sveconorwegian phase, the stress fields levels, in the Early Sveconorwegian granites and of D4 and D5 were similar and caused a NW directed, migmatites of the intra-TBGC shear zone and the Man­ oblique sinistral thrusting in the listric shear zones, pro­ dal-Ustaoset Zone. Mylonitic and augen textures ducing a major crustal delamination. Whilst D4 caused reflected shearing NW or NNW in these granites, befare localized shearing around these zones, the effects of D5 they were overlain by Bandak Group rocks (Fig. 5). were more widespread and varied. The two deformations The intra-TBGC shear zone (IT, Fig. 5ii) outcrops just were separated by Early Sveconorwegian granite intru­ west of the limit of the Nisser-Fyresvatn supracrustals, sions, generated during relatively rapid decompression at in a large F7I antiform northwest of Fyresvatn (Figs. l the end of D4 by magma which rose and ponded along and 2). In this area ( originally mapped by Venugopal, 1970), the TBGC comprises migmatized variable gneisses the major D4 shear zones. The accumulated, viscous with D5 shears, minor isoclines and intrafolial folds, granites rose up the shear zones and crystallized slowly, together with Early Sveconorwegian granite sheets con­ befare being sheared to augen gneisses by D5. There are taining D5 augen zones. These structures were intruded similarities with the Amitsoq augen gneisses of West by 'late-hyperite' sheets and later all were deformed by Greenland, suggested by Chadwick & Nutman (1979) to F6 and F7 major and minor folds. D6 shearing trans­ have intruded as subhorizontal sheets of porphyritic posed F5 isoclines and intrafolial folds, but it also granite-monzonite following earlier fabrics. formed same mylonitic laminae across the D5 augen The regional D5 effects are interpreted (Fig. 5ii) as textures. When the effects of F6 and F7 falding are resulting from shearing along the granitic sheets, em­ removed, the augen appear to have formed as NNW­ placed along listric D4 thrust planes. These shears were SSE to NW-SE, L5 lineations on S5 foliations dipping reactivated because D5 was a NW-SE compression like at <30°. Thus, the D5 shear zone must have been a flat, D4. The upward northwestward displacement of the KB even if it underwent same reorientation during the exten­ Belt over the TBGC salient caused the earlier D4 arch to sional period. The D5 shearing on the intra-TBGC zone migrate NW , away from the Bamble Sector (section also affected Early Sveconorwegian granites beneath the A-A', Fig. 5ii), but further southwest (section B-B'), synform of Nisser supracrustals. shearing was replaced by major NE-SW F5 falding, The F5 falding of the Nisser synform (NI, Figs. 4ii and which extended further northwest into the TBGC. 5ii) and the TSG to the north developed above the Further northwest in the TBGC and TSG, the major intra-TBGC shear zone on ENE-WSW axial planes F5 folds terminated southwestwards as shearing de­ (befare deformation by D6 and D7), whereas the F5 creased away from the TBGC salient, and they termi­ falding to the southeast, in the TBGC and Bamble Sector, nated northeastwards due to replacement by shearing at bad NE-SW axial planes and was related to shearing at the Bamble Sector margin: they were ENE-WSW de­ the KB Belt margin. Beneath the Nisser synform, the tachment folds which absorbed the displacement above intra-TBGC shear zone formed augen zones in the Early the intra-TBGC shear (Figs. 4ii and 5ii). The large Nisser Sveconorwegian granites, which now outcrop further east synform developed because the underlying intra-TBGC (Fig. 1). Northwest of the Nisser synform, the tightness shear began to lock on the ramp just to the northwest, of F5 falding decreased: in the main TSG outcrop, passive where the granite sheet thinned and shearing decreased major folds were gentle structures, while minor shear folds towards its termination. The relay of stress into the varied from tight to isoclinal in the south, but from apen overlying TSG produced the transposition structures of to tight in the northwest. The major F5 folds (including Nilsen (1982) and tight minor folds. The gentle major the Nisser synform) were ENE-WSW brachy-antiforms folds were formed passively by differential shear, trans­ and synforms and formed befare intrusion of basic sills mitted from below, and were restricted in length because and deposition of the Bandak Group, but were subse­ of lateral strain variations due to stresses being taken up quently tightened by D6. Minor folds were concentrated elsewhere. In particular, the falding disappeared north­ in the Rjukan Group and were disharmonic to structures eastwards as displacement was progressively taken up on in the overlying Seljord Group. the KB Belt margin shear, which the intra-TBGC shear D5 metamorphism reached mid-amphibolite facies con­ may have joined at depth. Further northwest in the TSG, ditions over most of the region, with slightly higher grades the ENE-WSW F5 falding became gentler and gradu­ around the KB Belt margin, the intra-TBGC shear zone ally disappeared above the blind shear tip of the intra­ and the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, where S5 fabrics devel- TBGC shear zone (Fig. 4ii). NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 123

The Mandal-Ustaoset Zone was probably a ramp of period' by Starmer (1991). It was accompanied by high the main floor thrust, since D5 shear zones do not seem heat flows and acid and basic intrusions. The Bandak to have developed further west in the Rogaland-Vest Group was also deposited during this period. Agder Sector (Sigmond 1975, 1978). The Early Sveconorwegian phase, with its D4 and D5 shearing, separated three crustal blocks, represented by The main phase hyperite gabbroids the KB Belt, the Telemark Sector (with its intra-TBGC The 'main phase hyperite' stocks were emplaced between shear zone) and the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector. The ca. 1250 and 1220 Ma, as discussed above. They intruded whole phase seems to have occurred during a relatively the KB Belt and some small bodies intruded the Nisser short period (probably just before 1250 Ma, as discussed synform. Geomagnetic surveys show no evidence of near­ below), since the D4 and D5 deformations were similar surface intrusions elsewhere, suggesting that the re­ and the intervening, decompression granites intruded D4 stricted exposure of gabbroids is not solely the result of shears and formed mechanically weak layers that local­ deeper levels being brought up by D6 thrusting of the ized D5 shearing. KB Belt and D6 doming around Nisser. The bodies The date of the Early Sveconorwegian phase can be underwent prolonged subsolidus cooling under high P-T inferred from available radiometric data. D4 affected the conditions, developing corona growths. They were later Vatnås granite of the Konsberg Sector (Starmer 1985a) amphibolitized, but commonly retained cores of coro­ from which Jacobsen & Heier (1978) obtained an Rb-Sr nite, although bodies in the Bamble autochthon and whole-rock isochron of 1341 ±20 Ma (I.R. = 0.7064 ± 5) Nisser synform were more heavily altered than elsewhere. thought to date its intrusion. D4 also seems to have Some bodies were cut by granites during the later part of occurred before 1250 Ma, since at the Bamble Sector the extensional period and the subsequent Main Sve­ margin, the southwestem end of the Early Sveconorwe­ conorwegian orogenic phase. gian granites had apophyses which intruded large igneous complexes of the Post-Kongsbergian anorgenic period. These complexes yielded Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons of Inter-Sveconorwegian granites, migmatites and partial 'ca. 1250 Ma' (Smalley et al. 1988), but within them, the melts of acidic gneisses apophyses cut corona growths around S4 shear fabrics and the dates have been suggested to record metamor­ After emplacement of the main phase hyperite gabbros, phism and fluid activity linked to the intrusion of Early the extensional period continued with high heat flows Sveconorwegian granites ( Starmer 1990a, b). and a prolonged period of migmatization and gran­ Jacobsen & Heier ( 1978) obtained an Rb-Sr whole­ itic intrusions. These 'Inter-Sveconorwegian' granitic­ rock isochron of ll75 ± 20 Ma (I.R. = 0.708 ±2) from granodioritic bodies (the 'anorogenic Sveconorwegian D5 angen gneisses, formed by shearing of Early-Sve­ granites' of Starmer, 1991) were homogeneous and conorwegian granites at the Kongsberg Sector margin, medium-grained. They did not accumulate along major but they obtained the same date (1175 ± 50 Ma, I.R. = shear zones, but the basal mylonite zone and quartzite 0.70240 ± 12) for coronite metagabbros which intruded units of the Bamble Sector formed a roof to Sveconorwe­ S5 fabrics elsewhere in the granites. These ages probably gian granite intrusions and migmatization in the underly­ reflected disturbance of Rb-Sr systems during metamor­ ing variable gneisses (Starmer 1991). The migmatization phism and corona growth (Starmer 1991): recently, the of the TBGC gneisses was extended under the Bamble intrusion age of the gabbros has been constrained as Sector (Fig. 5iii), and their upper surface (beneath the being a minimum of 1232 Ma, from U-Ph zircon and mylonite and quartzite) was subsequently utilized by the baddeleyite ages on these bodies in the Bamble Sector D6 basal shear of the Bamble parautochthon (Starmer

(Dahlgren et al. 1990c), and 1224 ± 15 Ma (I.R. = 1991).

0.51112 ± 5, MSWD = 2.55) from Sm-Nd whole-rock This p hase of migmatization is particularly well deve1- mineral isochrons on these rocks in the Kongsberg Sec­ oped a1ong the Risør peninsula (described by Starmer tor (Munz & Morvik 1991). These dates provide a 1969) where post-D5 granitic melts intruded main phase minimum age for D5, which sheared Early Sveconorwe­ hyperite stocks, but were themselves cut by late phase gian granites, emplaced around 1250 Ma. In the TBGC, hyperite sheets. these granites, with angen and F5 micro- and minor The high heat flows caused partial melting of some folds, formed inclusions in 'inter-Sveconorwegian' gran­ acidic gneisses in the Bamble Sector, but this effect was ites, intruded from ca. 1200 to 1140 Ma. more widespread in the Kongsberg Sector, where the 'mobilized gneisses' (of Starmer 1979, 1985a) veined other gneisses and corona textures in the main phase hyperites, but were themselves intruded by 'late hyperite' Regional evolution: the Inter-Sveconorwegian sheets. In the Bamble Sector, this phase culminated with extensional period a few Inter-Sveconorwegian granite bodies (the 'anoro­ A period of limited extension between ca. 1250 and genic Sveconorwegian' granites of Starmer (1991)) pierc­ 1100 Ma was termed the 'Sveconorwegian anorogenic ing exposed levels at ca. 1140 Ma. 124 /. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)

These granites were much more extensive in the TBGC Zone, with a maximum thickness (Sigmond 1978, Fig. 8) northwest of the KB Belt, where they seem to have of about 5 km just east of this Zone, whereas thicknesses roofed under the main TSG outcrop and are now ex­ elsewhere reach a maximum of about 3.5 km. This varia­ posed along its southem and eastem margins (Fig. l). tion suggests that the N-S Mandal-Ustaoset Zone acted Here, Oahlgren et al. ( l990a) reported multiple-intrusion as a listric growth fault during Bandak Group deposi­ granites yielding U-Pb zircon and Rb-Sr whole-rock tion, with a downthrow to the east (Fig. 5iii) producing ages of 1200-1100 Ma. These homogeneous, medium­ a down-sag basin in a hanging-wall synform. The growth grained granites intruded 05 structures in the older fault was probably initiated during uplift after the gran­ migmatized gneisses and the coarse Early Sveconorwe­ ite intrusions: the Rjukan and Seljord Groups to the east gian granites, with which they were foliated by 06. were tilted by roll-over structures in the TBGC and TSG, Boundaries between different granites were diffuse and but were not depressed significantly because of the com­ this effect was enhanced by later reworking during 06 bination of the uplift and the listric nature of the fault. (at ca. 1100 Ma). However, there was probably considerable fault displace­ Large granitic bodies intruded the then deeper levels of ment, with the Rogaland-Vest Agder basement, to the basement exposed in the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector, west, brought up from depth. After some erosion, the west of the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. Here, Falkum region sank slightly on both sides of the fault, before and ( 1985) reported 'homogeneous granitic plutons' intruded during Bandak Group deposition, and later it was de­ over an extended period from 1200 Ma to Il 00 Ma. pressed much further in the crust before the 06 deforma­ Earlier 'mafic intrusives' were coeval with the main phase tion at ca. 1100 Ma. hyperites. After the granitic intrusions, regional uplift ended corona growth and led to erosion of the Rjukan and Regional evolution: the D6 deformation at Seljord Groups before deposition of the Bandak Group. the start of the main Sveconorwegian orogenic phase The late hyperite basic sheets and the basic sil/s in the Preliminary analysis of regional 06 effects (Starmer Telemark Supergroup 1990b) revealed a number of deformation domains. The present study has extended further north and separated Subconcordant, 'late-hyperite' sheets intruded both the six 06 deformation domains (Figs. 2 and 3), although KB Belt and the TBGC (Starmer 1979, 1985b). Sheets these have gradational boundaries. < 5 m wide were widespread, but some larger bodies Oomain l was the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector with reached decametres, or more, in width. They were doler­ a planar structure produced by a series of N-S fold ite-gabbros, which intruded S5 fabrics and the medium­ phases (Falkum 1985), correlated with the 06 and 07 grained Inter-Sveconorwegian granites and were deformations (Starmer l990b). It was separated from the deformed with them by 06, which produced a foliation other domains to the east by the Mandal-Ustaoset and severe ( commonly total) amphibolitization. Zone, which underwent oblique sinistral 06 shearing in The late hyperite sheets seem to have been coeval with the south. gabbro-dolerite sills in the TSG (Starmer 1985b). These Oomain 2, east of the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, con­ sills intruded the Rjukan, Seljord and Heddal Groups sisted largely of granites and bad a major bend (the and reached l km in thickness. They were amphibolitized 'Syrtveit bend' of Starmer, 1990b). Inter-Sveconorwegian during 06, but rarely some retained relict igneous miner­ granites developed tight F6 major folds, intruded at ca. als and textures. The sills have yielded U-Pb zircon ages 1060-1050 Ma by coarse Mid-Sveconorwegian granites, of 1145 Ma (Oahlgren et al. 1990b) and may be linked to which were sheared to 071 augen gneisses. To the north the eruption of the overlying Bandak Group. of the bend, dextral 06 shearing occurred at the eastem margin, against Oomain 3. Oomain 3 curved around Oomain 2 to include the The Bandak Group of the Telemark Supergroup Bamble autochthon. It consisted of variable gneisses and The Bandak Group was a bimodal volcanic and sedi­ migmatites, with some granites. North of its bend, Oo­ mentary sequence deposited at ca. 1150 Ma (as discussed main 3 bad tight NNW-SSE F6 folds with some asym­ earlier). It rested unconformably on the TBGC, the metric drag folding reftecting dextral shearing at the Rjukan and Seljord Groups, the 05 shear zones, and the western margin against Oomain 2 and sinistral shearing Inter-Sveconorwegian granites. at the eastem margin against Oomain 5. These effects There was only limited extension during deposition of were partly related to displacement on the Mandal-Us­ the Bandak Group and there is no record of a major, taoset Zone, as discussed later. The bend itself had linked fault system in the underlying TSG and TBGC complex structures enhanced by later F71 N-S and F7111 (except for the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone and the KB Belt E-W folds. South of the bend, most of the Bamble margin). Sigmond ( 1978) showed that the Bandak Group autochthon underwent E-W compression producing N­ occurs both east and west of the Mandal-Ustaoset S (to NNE-SSW) folds, but just to the northwest in the NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 125

TBGC, and at its eastern margin against the pa­ ca. 40° to ca. 60°, with effects extending north west to rautochthon (Domain 4), sinistral shearing occurred. bend the F6 synform of TSG at Norsjø. A change of Domain 4 was the Bamble Sector parautochthon, stress regime occurred in a NW-SE zone through the which developed NE-SW major F6 folds, later reori­ KB Bend and Norsjø, at the junction of Domains S and ented ENE-WSW as the parautochthon was thrust NW 6 (Fig. 3): this became more marked in the later stages of onto the TBGC. D6. To accommodate the regional deformation, the Domain 5, northwest of the Bamble parautochthon, TBGC was arched up in Domain S, south of the main comprised the TBGC and TSG, which developed major TSG outcrop, producing a broad mega-dome which re­ F6 brachyfolds with axial surfaces curving from ENE­ oriented SS fabrics and some early F6 folds. This doming WSW in the centre to N-S in the east and west (Figs. 2 of the TBGC brought up higher facies DS and D6 and 3). The central part also developed an ENE-WSW assemblages, extensive Inter-Sveconorwegian granites mega-dome. The boundary with Oomain 6, to the north, and the Nisser-Fyresvatn supracrustals. Its wider effects ran northwest from the KB Bend through Norsjø and extended further south, uplifting the Post-Kongsbergian then turned southwest towards the Mandal-Ustaoset Gjerstad-Morkheia intrusive complex in the south of the Zone. In the west, the major F6 folds were tightened and TBGC (GM, Fig. l) and the SS garnet-hornblende partly realigned by F7I N-S falding and commonly fabrics of the KB Belt margin. It also contributed to became asymmetric or overturned westwards. uplift of the Bamble Sector, the parautochthonous part Domain 6, in the north, included the Kongsberg Sec­ of which was also thrust. Southeast of the mega-dome, tor and developed major F6 folds with approximately towards the TBGC salient, uplift of the Bamble Sector planar N-S axial surfaces, again affected by 07I N-S was assisted by tight F6 falding in the adjacent TBGC falding. (Fig. Siv). The mega-dome subsequently located the in­ Across the six Domains, 06 showed a gradual se­ trusion of a large, Late Sveconorwegian granite (the quence of stages. D6 metamorphism started befare, but 'Treungen Granite') south of Nisser (Fig. 1). continued through an 'early' falding stage and a 'later' decoupling stage, when the Bamble parautochthon was thrust NW as the increasing curvature of the KB Bend, The early stages of D6 and the F6 fo /ding the upwarp of the mega-dome and the decoupling of F6 buckle folds developed on all scales, with styles domains became more prominent. varying from open to tight, and rarely to isoclinal in D6 metamorphism in the Bamble Sector and the adja­ minor folds. Their orientation varied across the region cent TBGC reached mid- to upper amphibolite facies (Fig. 3). D6 tightened all scales of FS folds, including the conditions and preserved some earlier granulite facies Nisser synform, but many new folds were also formed rocks in anhydrous zones. Locally in the south of the and brachyantiforms and synforms were common, al­ Bamble Sector, within the older granulite facies zone though they were extended and bent in the 'later' 06 l), around (Fig. metamorphism during and after stage. Axial planar S6 formed around hinges, but almost D6 reached granulite facies conditions (Kullerud & coplanar S71 fabrics later developed locally, where N-S Dahlgren 1990). The grade decreased northwards to F6 folds were tightened by D71• lower and mid-amphibolite facies in the Kongsberg Sec­ The F6 falding was most intense in the Bamble pa­ tor and the rest of the TBGC, except in the Nisser­ rautochthon (Domain 4), since its front against the TBGC Fyresvatn area and around the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, initially formed a scarp, producing stress concentrations. where it locally reached mid- to upper amphibolite facies. The F6 (and D6 x FS) folds formed with NE-SW axial

The overlying TSG was metamorphosed under upper surfaces and were commonly overturned NW . Major and greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. In the minor folds varied from close to tight with S6 axial planar KB Belt, the margins of main phase hyperite gabbros fabrics of biotite and hornblende. The hyperites were were altered to garnetiferous amphibolite and smaller amphibolitized, folded and foliated, although some fab­ stocks and sheets, including the late hyperite sheets, were rics seem to have formed during early compressions generally completely amphibolitized. In the KB Belt and before the main F6 falding: some shear folds developed in TBGC, some granitic and pegmatitic neosomes were the margins of stocks and in thin hyperite sheets, and generated. some of these became isoclinal. Along the coast from West of the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, metamorphism Risør to Arendal, very late, F6 minor folds formed open reached upper amphibolite to granulite facies grade to elose structures on E-W (to ENE-WSW or ESE­ around the Rogaland anorthosite province in the south, WNW) axes, with S6 biotite fabrics. but decreased northwards, as in the TBGC, to lower At the Kongsberg Sector margin, SS fabrics in Early amphibolite facies beneath the Bandak Group. Sveconorwegian granites were arched, F6 N-S folds were The curvature of the KB Bend and TBGC salient formed, and FS N-S folds were tightened. Within the increased during the early D6 (falding) p hase, and dur­ Kongsberg Sector, the first-order, Kongsbergian N-S ing the later 06 (decoupling) phase, when some folds folds were tightened and F6 N-S drag folds formed. were bent. From analysis of slip vectors (Starmer 198Sb), In the TBGC salient, D6 deformed the curved DS D6 increased the curvature of the bend by ca. 20°, from fabrics and folds. A curved, major F6 synform folded the 126 /. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)

Seljord and Heddal Group rocks around Norsjø (Figs. l curred about lO km west of the Kongsberg Sector in the and 2). TSG (Figs. 2 and 3). Here, dose to the change of stress field at the junction of Domains 5 and 6, a zone of thrust slices in Heddal Group rocks seems to have been out-of­ The 'later' stages of D6 and the decoupling of domains the-syncline shears related to tightening of the F6 Norsjø synform, just to the south. At the northern end of these During the later stages of D6 deformation, as the KB thrust-slices, an elongate N-S block, about 10 km west Bend increased its curvature (Fig. 3), there was major of the Kongsberg Sector, has structures that are discor­ decoupling of the D6 Domains and same hending of dant to those of the surrounding rocks, but are deformed earlier F6 folds. Oblique sinistral decoupling occurred with them by F7u apen N-S folds. The block encloses between Domains l and 2, along the southern part of the rocks tentatively assigned to the Seljord Group and to Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. There was ductile shearing be­ the Heddal or Rjukan Groups (Fig. l). It is interpreted tween Domains 2 and 3, which were also bent at the as a D6 pop-up with later, Mid-Sveconorwegian southwest end of the D6 mega-dame as it became more medium-grained granites intruded within it and to the prominent. The Bamble parautochthon (Domain 4) was east. thrust NW over the TBGC (of Domain 5) and major falding then generally ceased in the Bamble pa­ rautochthon, but it continued in the TBGC and TSG. In Regional synthesis of the D6 deformation Domain 5, the increasing curvature of the KB Bend and TBGC salient increased the curvature of F6 axial sur­ The D6 deformation resulted from a regional E-W faces in the TBGC and TSG and tightened and extended compression, producing N-S folds in the west (Domain the folds: more significantly, it produced the mega-dame l) and in the north and east (Domain 6). Within the in the south. Just to the north, the southern edge of the intervening area, effects in the other Domains (2-5) were main TSG outcrop developed a dip northwards because more complex and can be related to the secondary stress the gentle major F5 synform in Seljord and Heddal field of an E-W, dextral shear couple, which became Group rocks was tightened to produce the gentle F6 increasingly transpressional. in the later stages of D6 'Lifjell synform' (L, Fig. 3) with ..1.=c a. 30 km. Within (Fig. 3). The shear couple was limited in the west the TBGC salient, the increased curvature caused bend­ (against Domain l) by decoupling on the Mandal-Us­ ing of the southwestern end of the major F6 Norsjø taoset Zone; in the north (against Domain 6) by the synform, enhancing its discordance with D6 x D5 struc­ margins of Domains 2, 3 and 5; and in the east (against tures in the TBGC. Domain 6) by the margin of Domain 5, marking a The Bamble parautochthon was thrust NW over the NW-SE zone of stress change through the KB Bend, the TBGC, developing mylonitized shears which formed an TBGC salient and Norsjø. imbricate stack of ramps (Fig. 5iv). These D6 frontal Initially, an E-W dextral shear couple was generated ramps were listric and joined a low-angle basal shear in the east of Domains 4 and 5 by the NE-SW grain of beneath the parautochthon, giving the wedge profile the Bamble Sector and adjacent TBGC. This shear cou­ shown by gravity studies (Starmer 1991). The D6 basal ple expanded westwards, becoming more transpressional thrust followed an older, Kongsbergian discontinuity as the KB Bend and TBGC salient increased their curva­ which was a suitable site for shearing during D6 meta­ ture due to an increasing, supplementary N-S compres­ morphism because it formed the roof to variable gneisses sion: this caused NE-SW falding in Domain 4 (the that bad been migmatized during the proceding exten­ Bamble parautochthon) where it was later reoriented sional period. The displacement of the parautochthon ENE-WSW: it also caused the sigmoidal pattern of decreased southwestwards towards the autochthon, major F6 brachyfolds in Domain 5. In the later stages of against which it developed an oblique ramp (Fig. 3), with D6, an antithetic (Riedel R'), oblique sinistral shear much of the displacement being taken up by formation developed in the south of the N-S Mandal-Ustaoset of a large monocline in the autochthon. This 'main Zone (Starmer 1990b). monocline' (Fig. 2) could have absorbed 'potentially up The D6 deformation of Domains 2, 3 and 5 was to 2 km' of the displacement (Starmer 1991). related to decoupling on the underlying intra-TBGC The Kongsberg and Bamble Sectors seem to have shear zone (Fig. 5iv): the northwestern margin of these decoupled as the KB Bend increased its curvature and Domains reftected a blind shear tip, extending northeast became the site of a major change in stress field. Along along that of the earlier (D5 x D4) intra-TBGC shear the KB Belt margin, thin mylonitic developed in the zone, from the northern termination of oblique strike­ Early Sveconorwegian granites as the Kongsberg Sector slip on the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone (Figs. 4ii and 4iv). was thrust W and the Bamble Sector was thrust NW . The transpressional features were above the intra-TBGC However, at the Kongsberg Sector margin, major thrust­ decoupling zone and the ENE-WSW mega-dame, and ing was restricted to the extreme south and further north major folds of Domain 5 reftected detachment falding only minor drag folds and the thin mylonitic laminae realigned by F5. The mega-dame accommodated the developed in the granites, although same thrusting oc- increased curvature of the KB Bend and TBGC salient NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993) Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway 127 and developed as an antiformal arch by fault bend beneath this Domain and the Mandal-Ustaoset shear at folding as the upper slab rose over the ramp of the its base, the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector (Domain l) intra-TBGC shear zone (Fig. Siv). The doming caused also underwent N-S F6 folding. D6 tightening of the FS Nisser synform and it was gravitationally possible because of the preceding granitic intrusions in this area. The mega-dome caused some The main Sveconorwegian orogenic phase spreading of earlier F6 axial surfaces and a hending of after D6 Domains 2 and 3. The D6 shearing of the intra-TBGC shear zone is seen After D6, static metamorphism continued for a time, northwest of Fyresvatn ( Figs. l and 2), where it pro­ producing garnet growths across S6 fabrics. The whole duced mylonitic laminae across DS augen textures in region then rose in the crust, but exposed levels of the Earl y Sveconorwegian granites (as at the KB Belt mar­ KB Belt were above those of the adjacent TBGC, until gin) and transposed rninor FS isoclines in the rnigmatized they were downthrown by late faulting (Fig. Siv). gneisses. Above the sheared augen gneiss layers, some F6 minor folding developed, but it became more intense beneath, where tight to isoclinal major folds in 'late The Mid-Sveconorwegian metamorphism and granitic hyperite' (amphibolite) sheets were overturned west­ intrusions wards, with marked discordance to structures in the Coarse, and later medium-grained, granites intruded the overlying augen layer and subconformable Bandak KB Belt at ca. 1060-lOSO Ma, mostly as subconcordant Group rocks above (Fig. Siv). sheets (Starmer 1991). They developed larger bodies in The blind intra-TBGC shear zone accounts for the the TBGC. variable style of F6 folding in the TSG of Domain S. Just The coarse-grained granites were monzogranitic to north of the binge of the gentle 'Lifjell Synform' at the granodioritic and locally migmatitic. Large bodies were northwest end of Seljorsdvatnet (Figs. l and 2), intense concentrated in the west, in the Rogaland-Vest Agder major and minor recumbent folding occurred in the Sector and the TBGC, but sheets intruded the Bamble Seljord Group conglomerates at Vallar bru: this is inter­ autochthon and the southwest of the parautochthon. preted as core-crumpling within a second-order, major They now vary from massive to foliated and have devel­ F6 antiform. The continuity of the TSG cover over oped D71 augen in places. reactivated DS features in the TBGC, north of Lake The medium-grained granites bad similar compositions Bandak, caused F6 axial surfaces to fan at the western to the coarse-grained, which they intruded, with local end of the major D6 x FS Lifjell synform: this fan was intermixing where consolidation was not complete. The later enhanced by F71 and F7111 folding. Elsewhere, ma­ medium-grained bodies were concentrated in the east of jor F6 folds generally nucleated on the gentle first-order the TSG and TBGC near the Kongsberg Sector and FS folds: they commonly bad subhorizontal axes and around the TBGC salient at Norsjø, and further west in were more continuous than those in the TBGC, because the D6 Domain 3, particularly in the Bamble autochthon of the lack of earlier complex structures in the TSG. and northwards into the TBGC, where they were associ­ Dextral transpression accounts for most of the major ated with many sheets of the coarse-grained granite. The D6 features (Fig. 3), including the northwestward thrust­ medium-grained granites now vary from massive to ing of the Bamble parautochthon and its antithetic sinis­ weakly foliated, with S71 fabrics of muscovite-clino­ tral shearing against the autochthon, the antithetic zoisite-biotite. sinistral shearing between Domains 3 and S, the synthetic In the Bamble parautochthon, static metamorphism tightening of the KB Bend, and the sinistral shearing on after the coarse-grained intrusions prolonged their crys­ the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. The hending and decou­ tallization and locally formed small almandines within pling of Domains 2 and 3 was related to the underlying them. Metamorphism decreased in grade northwestwards intra-TBGC zone, the south western end of the mega­ and caused muscovite growth in the Bamble autochthon, dome, and to the northward termination of decoupling in the northwest of the parautochthon, and in the on the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone: the synthetic dextral slip, TBGC. Both generations of granite caused widespread in the north, between Domains 2 and 3 was enhanced by migmatization and rnicrocline porphyroblastesis, devel­ the hending. oping augen gneisses in some main phase hyperite bod­ D6 reactivated D5 shears and enhanced the separation ies, particularly in the southwest of the Bamble Sector, of the D5 crustal blocks, but it partitioned the block near Kristiansand (Starmer 1991). above the intra-TBGC shear zone into several domains (2, 3 and S), because of transpression emanating from the asymmetry of the TBGC salient at its eastern end. The Late Sveconorwegian D 7 deformations and minor The northwestern limits of DS and D6 ENE-WSW intrusions folding were similar, because the same discontinuity (the intra-TBGC zone) was responsible. Beneath the intra­ The effects of two N-S folding phases (F71 and F711) are TBGC shear, Domain 6 underwent N-S F6 folding: not as clearly separated in the TSG as in the Bamble 128 l. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)

Sector and TBGC, where there were intervening intru­ The D711 and D7111 deformations formed ubiquitous sives, and the successive deformations have been corre­ minor folds (A.= 1-50 m) and some major folds, which lated by Starmer (1991) with those recognized by were normally open and upright. The two phases com­ Falkum (1985) in the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector. In monly occurred together and seem to have been almost the Bamble Sector, the D7I phase produced major and coeval: in some places, they produced domes and basins. minor N-S folds and foliated the Mid-Sveconorwegian Locally, axial planar fabrics of biotite-epidote-muscov­ granites, before the intrusion of small dolerite and gran­ ite developed in hinges, indicating epidote-amphibolite ite sheets and the subsequent F711 (N-S to NE-SW) and to upper greenschist facies conditions. The F7 11 folds F7111 (E-W to NW-SE) folding. formed on N-S (to NE-SW) axes. The F7111 folds were Isolated F7 I min or folds (A.= 1-50 m) were wide­ concentrated in the south and west of the region (Fig. spread, but were concentrated in a zone of major F7I 4v) and had E-W (to NW-SE) axes, but were locally folding in the_ west, where the post-D6 grain was suitably NE-SW in the Bamble parautochthon: they formed par­ oriented around N-S (Figs. 2 and 4v). Major and minor ticularly where the dominant grain was E-W, especially folds were generally open to close, but some minor in the D6 Domain 5, in the TBGC, and in the south of structures became tight. The folds were commonly up­ the TSG where they accentuated the fan of axial planes right, but were asymmetric to overturned in the west, north of Lake Bandak by extending the F6 Lifjell syn­ where this effect was enhanced by D7u tightening. Axial form westwards. Around the KB Bend, they foliated surfaces trended about N-S (from NW-SE to NE­ Mid-Sveconorwegian granite intrusions. SW), deve1oping biotite fabrics under lower to mid-am­ Minor NE-SW conjugate shears, with small displace­ phibolite facies conditions in the KB Belt and TBGC, ments ( <2 m) formed at the TBGC-Bamble pa­ but epidote emphibo1i te facies fabrics in the TSG. In the rautochthon interface and initiated the Porsgrunn­ west of the main TSG outcrop, a few major F7I folds Kristiansand Fault lineament. They bad related drag folds developed by realignment and binge migration of F6 and were brittle-ductile, oblique dextral thrusts and folds, which were extended and tightened to become normal faults, dipping southeast and developing local more N-S, since Z6 1\ Z71 was <45°. Between 30 and biotite-muscovite-epidote fabrics. 50 km north of Lake Bandak, the axis of an antiform in Post-Sveconorwegian granites intruded the 'main mon­ the westernmost exposures of the Rjukan Group under­ ocline' of the Bamble autochthon (Fig. 2). Starmer (1991) went binge migration (Figs. l and 2). Near Bandak, the compared them to granites of the Høvringsvatn Complex F7I folds developed a plunge depression (P, Fig. 4v): to (H, Fig. l) for which Pedersen ( 1981) obtained an Rb-Sr the north, major F7I N-S (to NNE-SSW) folds plunged whole-rock isochron of 945 ±53 Ma (LR.= 0.7041 ± 7, S, whereas to the south, they plunged N. The plunge MSWD = 0.88). depression originated at the western end of the F6 Lifjell synform, which was not crossed by F7 I folds, but it was later accentuated when F7 111 E-W folding extended the The 'Post-Tectonic' Granites, faulting western end of the synform. The plunge depression and basic dykes he1ped to accentuate the fan of axial planes to the north of Bandak (Fig. 2) and this feature was also enhanced A number of Post-Tectonic Granites in southern Norway later by F7m E-W folding, which tightened, extended and Sweden have yielded Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons and realigned E-W F6 hinges. between 950 and 880 Ma (i.e. 915 ± 35 Ma). In the present The F7I folding was concentrated in the west and may study region, they commonly formed subcircular bodies, have been linked with displacement on the underlying emplaced partly diapirically, and it has been suggested that Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, since the higher level, intra­ the large Herefoss Granite (Fig. l) diapired through its TBGC shear zone was folded (Fig. 5v). Around the own chilled margin (Starmer 1991). The intrusions were Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, at the northern termination of concentrated in the belt of F7I and F7u N-S folding, its D6 reactivation, a zone of D7I thrust slices cut F6 folds extending 50 km east and west of the Mandal-Ustaoset and coarse Mid-Sveconorwegian granites: these slices Zone: they also occurred in a N-S belt ca. 70 km to the were later deformed by F7u N-S folding (Figs. l and 2). east Uust east of Fig. l), stretching from two large bodies In the Bamble Sector, thin (

probably coeval with E-W metadolerite dykes in the Prior to the Sveconorwegian Orogeny, during the Rogaland-Vest Agder Sector, which intruded, at ca. Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period between ca. 1500 800 Ma, in fractures formed during uplift (Falkum 1985). and 1300 Ma, the Rjukan Group of the TSG was erupted on the TBGC in the north and plutonic alkaline complexes with voluminous augen gneisses were intruded into the basement (the TBGC and the KB Belt) further Discussion south. The present differing levels of exposure resulted General larg�ly from later tectonism. Atkin & Brewer ( 1990) cons1dered that the Rjukan Group rocks had chemical Major crustal shear zones at the TBGC margins, with the signatures of within-plate rifting during early continental KB Belt in the east and with the Rogaland-Vest Agder extension and Starmer (1990a, b) suggested that the Sector in the west, persisted through the Sveconorwegian plutonic complexes bad intruded under transtensional Orogeny and were followed by late faulting. These shear rifting conditions. It is now suggested that the Post­ zones se ented the region into major crustal blocks, � Kongsbergian anorogenic period and its extensional con­ each of wh1ch absorbed the stresses in different ways. The ditions were coeval with the rifting and separation of tectonism, during both the compressional and the ten­ Fennoscandia from Laurentia, particularly since the sub­ sional periods, strongly suggests that the shear zones were sequent phase seems to have involved rotation. Previ­ listric at depth, a feature probably inherited from earlier ously, it has been generally assumed that the separation Kongsbergian structures: the Kongsbergian deformation� occurred somewhat later, during the Sveconorwegian­ (D1-D3) in the KB Belt were related to a listric basal Grenvillian Orogeny. shear which was enhanced during the Sveconorwegian In Fennoscandia, the deformations of the subsequent, Orogeny (Starmer 1991). The Early Sveconorwegian D4- Early Sveconorwegian phase seem to have been confined D5 deformations of the basement (the TBGC and the KB to southern Norway, and tensional conditions predomi­ Belt) were transmitted to the TSG cover, whereas the nated during this period in the of Central Swe­ Main Sveconorwegian D6-D7 p bases were an active den and Finland: however, granites similar to those of deformation of both the basement and TSG cover. the Early Sveconorwegian phase intruded southern Swe­ The Rjukan Group of the TSG was erupted after D3, den at ca. 1250 Ma (Holme & Lindh, 1991). The whole and the Seljord and Heddal Groups were deposited soon Early Sveconorwegian phase was relatively short-lived ' afterwards, possibly with a lateral facies change from one . . occurnng JUSt before 1250 Ma, since it involved D4 to the other. This occurred during the Post-Kongsber­ northwestward thrusting followed by rapid decompres­ gian anorogenic period (ca. 1500-1300 Ma) and prior to sion, generating granites which ponded slowly in the the D4-D5, D6 and D7 deformations of the Sveconor­ shear planes and were sheared themselves by D5 north­ wegian Orogeny. The Bandak Group was Jaid down later westward thrusting. The crust was delaminated at low (ca. 1150 Ma) after the Earl y Sveconorwegian D4-D5 ' strain rates, along the older shear zones where the me­ deformations. chanically weak granites were concentrated. In general, the relationship of the Rjukan, Seljord and The D4-DS deformations produced major shear zones Heddal Groups to the Early Sveconorwegian (D4-D5) at the KB Belt margin, the intra-TBGC zone and the structures in their TBGC basement suggests the latter Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. The intra-TBGC shear zone might be a metamorphic core complex, with the supra­ resulted from internat adjustments of the TBGC block crustal Groups emplaced by post-DS extensional detach­ and controlled the tectonism above. The Mandal-Us­ ments, later obscured by granite intrusions, migmatiza­ taoset Zone seems to have been the basal shear of the tion and deformation. However, at Norsjø, the Seljord system, where the Rogaland- Vest Agder Sector under­ and Heddal Group rocks were isoclinally interfolded by thrust the TBGC, leaving a fixed suprastructure of D5 before the extensional period and before being de­ Rjukan, Seljord and Heddal Groups (Fig. 5ii). In­ formed into the large F6 synform. This F5 folding is frastructural thickening relative to a fixed supra-structure consistent with the D5 deformation in the underlying has been described from the Cariboo Mountains, British basement of the TBGC salient and indicates that the Columbia, by Murphy (1987). TSG was not emplaced tectonically by a major detach­ The D4-D5 deformations (Figs. 4 and 5) caused a ment after D5. In part, D5 caused the contrasting defor­ crustal delamination by thrusting directed NW with sin­ mation sty1es in the TBGC and the overlying TSG. istral obliquity and some variation in direction between Emplacement could have occurred during the earlier, the shear zones (at the KB Belt margin, the intra-TBGC Post-Kongsbergian anorogenic period. zone and the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone). This gave a lim­ ited rotation between the segments and probably reflected effects at the leading edge of the Fennoscandian The Proterozoic Supercontinent and plate tectonic regimes block, which was undergoing clockwise ( dextral) rota­ The Sveconorwegian tectonism of the study region tion. The D4-D5 thrusting may have been synthetic to reflects larger scale events in the Fennoscandian segment subduction further northwest, during rotation. Palaeo­ of the North Atlantic Proterozoic Supercontinent. magnetic studies (Patchett et al. 1978; Stearn & Piper 130 l. C. Starmer NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT 73 (1993)

1984) have suggested a Sveconorwegian, clockwise rota­ facies conditions developed in anhydrous zones of relict tion of Fennoscandia relative to Laurentia. Kongsbergian and Post-Kongsbergian granulite facies During the subsequent Inter-Sveconorwegian exten­ rocks, an event recorded by the preliminary Sm-Nd sional period, the 'main phase hyperite' gabbroid intru­ results reported by Kullerud & Dahlgren ( 1990) from the sions were restricted to the KB Belt, with some small Arendal area, Here, Lamb et al. (1986) bad obtained a bodies in the Nisser synform. This is suggested to result U-Pb zircon age of 1587 ± 6 Ma and Field et al. (1985) from intrusion (at ca. 1250-1220 Ma) into a transten­ bad derived Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons of 1540 ± sional pull-apart, developed just before (at the end of the 21 Ma (LR.= 0.70349 ± 14, MSWD = 7.2) for the char­ rotation) by a N-S dextral shear on the curved KB belt nockites, interpreted as dating intrusion and granulite with reduced effects at Nisser (Fig. 4iii). During intru­ facies metamorphism, respectively ( Starmer 1990b). The sion, E-W back-are tension may have been developing charnockitic rocks were deformed by Kongsbergian and due to the start of subduction further west, since these Sveconorwegian events, but retained their anhydrous gabbroids have subduction-related chemical characteris­ character, in many places: they were cut by main and late tics (Atkin & Brewer 1990; Smalley & Field 1991). phase hyperites, and intruded by Mid-Sveconorwegian The high heat ftows of the extensional period were granite sheets at ca. 1060 Ma (Field et al. 1985). probably associated with the back-are setting and acted During the later deformations, D71 was concentrated on a thickened crust formed by the D4-D5 thrusting: in the west, D711 was more widespread, and D7m was melting produced migmatites, granites and a crustal com­ concentrated in the south and west. These deformations ponent in the Bandak Group acid volcanics (between ca. and the Mid-Sveconorwegian granites were also proba­ 1200 and 1140 Ma). All these rocks, and the late hyperite bly related to post-collisional convergence. basic sheets in the TBGC and TSG, were concentrated in The numerous Post-Tectonic Granite intrusions be­ the west of the region (Figs. l and 4iii) in broad N-S tween 950 and 880 Ma reftect a major thermal event at zones, possibly related to subduction further west. The deeper levels, and their association with N-S D71 and Bandak volcanics bad a subduction-related component 0711 folding beits may indicate a relation to crustal and some MORB-like features (Atkin & Brewer 1990) thickening. South of the Post-Tectonic Bohus Granite in and developed in an E-W tensional environment. West southern Sweden, local granulite facies metamorphism of the study region, terrestrial andesites were erupted has been dated at 907-882 Ma by Sm-Nd whole-rock (Sigmond 1978). mineral isochrons (Johansson et al. 1990). It is suggested that Fennoscandia then started to close The spatially and temporally separated occurrences of on Laurentia, until collision produced the complex D6 local, post-D6 granulite facies metamorphism may reftect deformations (at ca. 1100 Ma), resulting from a regional increased geothermal gradients during post-collisional E-W compression which affected the different D5 crustal thickening. The regional uplift after the Post-Tectonic blocks in different ways. The compression caused N-S Granite intrusions may partly represent isostatic read­ folding in the lowest slab (Domain l of the Rogaland­ justments after the crustal thickening. Vest Agder Sector) beneath the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone, The Sveconorwegian stresses (Fig. 4) changed from and in the overlying slab (Domain 6) beneath the intra­ NW-SE compression in the Early Sveconorwegian D4 TBGC shear zone. The slab above the intra-TBGC shear and D5 phases (just before 1250 Ma), through N-S zone underwent a complex D6 transpression (producing compression to E-W tension during the main phase Domains 2-5): this was generated by an increasing, hyperite intrusions at the start of the Inter-Sveconorwe­ supplementary N-S compression, coupled with the gian extensional period (ca. 1250-1100 Ma), to E-W asymmetry and increasing curvature of the KB Bend and compression during D6 (at ca. 1100 Ma). This is consis­ TBGC salient. The transpression was probably limited tent with a clockwise rotation of Fennoscandia within just to the east, in Oslofjorden, by the N-S Østfold­ the stress field, between the onset of D5 and the main Marstrand Zone (Fjordzone), which Park et al. (1991) phase hyperite intrusions, followed by E-W closure with suggested underwent sinistral shearing at ca. 1100 Ma: Laurentia prior to the 06 collision. this shearing may have been associated with the in­ creased curvature of the KB Bend. The transpressional Acknowledgements. - Thanks are due to Janet Baker for her patience in drawing regime was also limited in the west by another sinistral the diagrams and to Tim Brewer and Robert Preston for critical reading of early shear along the Mandal-Ustaoset Zone. versions. Roland Gorbatschev and an anonymous referee are thanked for helpful After the D6 collision, the Main Sveconorwegian oro­ reviews of the original manuscript. genic phase included a number of effects suggestive of Manuscript received June 1992 crustal thickening during post-collisional convergence. 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