Some descendants of John Humphreys, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, ten generations of whom have made their home in the Southern States.





All branches of the family believe that they are WELSH.

Tradition recorded by Rebecca (Humphreys) Parker, born 23 July 1853, Anderson Co., S. C.

"Col. Humphreys was an officer who was with William the Con­ queror in all his wars in England. For his service William gave him a large land grant in Sussex. From this man all Humphreys in America are descended. Following our branch, Daniel Humphreys, a Presby­ terian preacher came over and settled at , Pennsylvania. He raised six children-bavid, Solomon, Elijah, Benjamin, Katie and Polly. David was our great grandfather. He came to North Carolina and there married Martha Word. Solomon and Elijah never married. They moved to Tennessee where Solomon was a physician of great fame. Benjamin married and moved to Tennessee and was lost sight of all the others. Katie married Drury McGee and Polly married a Halbert."

Tradition recorded by Sally (Humphreys) Boyett, born 5 Feb. 1844, Pickens County, S. C.

"The Humphreys family came to America from Wales ten years before the Revolutionary War. Coming over were David, Daniel, and Benjamin, and they were the only Humphreys in America at that time. David settled in North Carolina, Daniel in Virginia, and Benjamin in Baltimore, Maryland. They were pure Welsh."

Tradition printed in MEMORIAL AND GENEALOGICAL REC­ ORD OF SOUTHWEST TEXAS, Goodspeed, 1894. Taken from biography of Benjamin Wayne Humphreys, born 27 Nov. 1816, Williamson Co., Tennessee.

"The Humphreys family was founded in this country by Humphrey Jones (with a handle to it), who left Wales on account of some political trouble in the time of Cromwell and the Charleses. For some reason he had his name reversed. The Southern branch has added the letter "s."

To the hundreds of HUMPHREYS DAUGHTERS whose thousands of descendants bearing other surnames we have not found it possible to trace


To those HUMPHREYS SONS who left no descendants to be traced because as young men they gave their lives in defense of .their homeland,


Respectfully Dedicate This Book.


In 1883 Frederick Humphreys, M.D., published THE HUMPH­ REYS FAA11LY IN AMERICA. This large excellent volume covered thoroughly those branches of the HUMPHREYS family living in the Northern States. It also gave a good summary of the HUMPHREYS who were Quakers and lived in the \X1elsh Tract in Pennsylvania. In addition there were many helpful records concerning scattered HUM­ PHREYS families in the Southern States.

In preparing the material included in this book, use has been made of data and suggestions given in THE HU1\1PHREYS FAMILY /,'\­ AMERICA as it relates to families in the Southern States. This data has been verified and extended. Research has disclosed many addi­ tional families of HUMPHREYS in the Southern States who are not included in THE HUJ\1PHREYS FAMILY Ii\' AMERICA and who have no verified connection with the family co,·ered in this book.

The family we shall attempt to trace descends from John Humph­ reys who died in Pennsylvania in 1723. It has been found to include, from THE HUMPHREYS FAMILY IN AMERICA .. the Tennessee and Kentucky families listed on pages 1048-1052 and the Chester County, Pennsylvania, and Virginia families listed on pages 1012-1013.

In THE HUMPHREYS FAMILY fl\- AMERICA the suggestion was made that the HUMPHREYS family of Chester County was a part ofthe HUMPHREYS family of the \X1elsh Tract. There are many reasons for thinking that the two families may be connected but the independent research of Mr. Cass K. Shelby, Hollidaysburg, Pennsyl­ vania, Dr. Arthur E. James, West Chester, Pennsylvania, and the author of this book has failed to show any connection since the two families came to America.


About l 905 Mrs. Martha (Humphreys) Maltby began collecting records of her ancestors and relatives. In 1919 the author of this book became interested in family history and started the exchange of family records with Mrs. Maltby. Ir was her intention to publish a book that would include all her early ancestors but she passed away in 1939 without having completed her work. This book makes no attempt to cover records of all the early families with which the HUMPHREYS intermarried. Rather it is an attempt to record all branches of the family that descend from John Humphreys who died in Pennsylvania in 1723. Records of descendants are usually carried but one generation after the name has changed from HUMPHREYS, because they are then included under other family names.

While credit is given throughout the book to the person who submitted the records for each individual family, special thanks are due to certain individuals for extensi\'e and continued interest in many different ways. Mr. Cass K. Shelby, Mrs. Margaret Shepard, Miss Grace Humphreys, Mrs. Louise (Maltby) McNellis, Mrs. Dorothy (Carter) Broughton, Mrs. Claire (Humphreys) Sutton, Mrs. Mary (Humphreys) James, Mr. Thomas H. Humphreys, Miss Lois Humph­ reys, Mr. Walter S. Humphreys, Mr. Allison Battle Humphreys, Mrs. R. H. Boyett, Mrs. Ruby (Humphreys) Foster, Mrs. Charles J. Hum­ phreys, Mrs. J. E. Woods, _Mr. Cary N. Weisiger, Mrs. Hattie Celestia (Humphreys) Parker, Miss Mary Lee Humphreys, Mrs. Queenie Humphreys (Morton) Stout, all are connected with the family under consideration. Dr. Arthur E. Jones, Dr. Millard K. Bushong, Mrs. Thomas J. Pearson, Miss Sarah B. Crown, Mrs. R. Y. Jones, Mrs. Sarah H. J. Adams, Mr. Alfred W. Humphreys, Mr. Robert M. Hum­ phreys, Mrs. M. E. Thrower, Mr. Edwin Humphrey, and Mrs. Grace Lodder have all assisted in many ways.

The author has on file an extensive collection of records for fami­ lies of Humphrey, Humphries, and Humphreys, that have not been included in this book because no connection has been established as yet.

Whatever corrections and additions any reader may be able to make will be greatly appreciated.

Fayetteville, Arkansas Allan S. Humphreys 1954

200 copies of thi~ book haw been printed. This is copy



East Pikel

/ ~ To Phoenixville

\ \ \ \ \ \

Schuylkill township

~ Charl'!!stown resbyteria.n township :;hurch

\ \

\ \ Penna. \ E?.R. CHESTER CO~ITY P E N N S Y L V A N I A \ \ N


JOHN' HUMPHREYS, the earliest known of this 2. 1. David, b. 1694 line, was of Welsh blood, as is attes.ted by family tra­ 3. 11. Morgan dition and by his surname. His birth date and marriage 111. Ann date are unknown. He died 18 December 1723, in 1v. Elizabeth. Believed to be Elizabeth, widow of Charlestown township, Chester Co., Pa. His wife was Jacob Wayne, who was granted letters of ad­ Catherine and she was still living in June 1726 when m1mstration 15 Sept. 1736 in Philadelphia. her son David made final settlement of his father's \X1ayne was used in later years as a middle name estate. in two widely separated branches of the Hum­ The earliest authentic record of John Humphreys is in phreys family and in both branches the tradition the office of the Recorder of Deeds in Philadelphia, Pa. persists that they were related to General An­ Here we learn that he purchased from Joseph Richards thony \X1ayne, a nephew of Jacob Wayne above. of that city, on 24 Nov. 1716, three hundred and forty (U'/ay11e Family of Pe111zsyfra11ia, by Edwin J. acres of land in Charlestown township, Chester Co., Pa. Sellers, p. 27) This parcel was a part of the large tract called "Picker­ 4. v. Thomas ing :Mines," formerly owned by Charles Pickering, one v1. Catherine, married 8 June 1744, in First Pres­ of the party that had come over with William Penn in byterian Church, Philadelphia, to Gunnar Swan­ 1682. son. (Peun. Arcbfres. 2nd Ser. Vol. IX, p. 35 In the deed covering the transfer, John Humphreys and 68) was designated as "of Philadelphia County, yoeman," 5. n1. Daniel, b. ca. 1714 which raises the question as to whether he had been living in America for some time, or was a Welsh farmer 6. v111. John recently arrived and looking for a place on which to 1x. Esther settle. Just when the family moved to this land is un­ certain. REFERENCES: The Humphreys tract was rectangular in shape, ex­ l. From ''Phoenixi·ille and Its Vicinity" by Samuel Whitaker tending lengthwise for about a mile and a quarter along Pennypacker, (later governor of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia: the northwest side of the road to the present Charles­ 187 2, pgs. 13-17, 180, we learn that Charles Pickering was from Asmore, county Chester, England, He made an exploring trip town village and for nearly half a mile in width along up the Schuylkill Ri,er and on reaching the site of Phoenix,ille the Pot House Road. Schuylkill township was taken off discovered in the nearby hills of the west side evidence of silver and lead ore. He formed a partnership or company with sixtet.1 of the northwest end of Charlestown township in 1826 prominent men of Philadelphia to exploit the territory, among and the boundary between them now divides the original whom were Edward Shippen, Joseph Richards, Samuel Car­ penter, and Griffith Jones, and they obtained a patent for 5368 Humphreys tract crossways and nearly in the middle. acres on which mining operations were begun. This grant was Most of the tract can be seen from the observatory tower known as "Pickering Mines." It was practically square in out­ line except for an extension running over the bank of the river. on Mount Joy at Valley Forge Camp site five miles to Pickering creek flows in an irregular line diagonally across the the east. squan:, Pothouse Road bounding it on its northeast side. The line dividing the present townships of Schuylkill and Charles­ The names of John's children are shown in the settle­ town runs parallel to and approximately half a mile from chis side, The ancient Manor of Bilton skirted it to the southeast. ment of his estate, but other than that David was the Charlestown township, which at first covered the entire area, eldest, the order of births is unknown. was named in Pickering's honor. Its so:.itherly edge is the outer boundary of the "Great Welsh Tract."

Children of John and Catherine, surname HUM­ Not enough ore was found to make the operations pay and PHREYS: they were finally abandoned. After Pickering's death by drown­ ing at sea, the tract was divided up among the partners into


sixteen separate but equal parts. Joseph Richards got Lot No. Humphrey of the County of Philadelphia, yoeman. Whereas 9 which was the northeast corner. This is the one he sold later the sd. Joseph Richards is seized in the full equal sixteenth to John Humphreys. The next lot to the south, No. 8, fell to part of a certain tract of land situate, lying and being in the Samuel Carpenter, who later transferred it co John Varley. county of Chester in the said province, containing 5358 acres called by the name of Pickering's Mines, which by virtue of a The first settlers of Charlestown township were almost all certain writ of partition was lately divided, whereupon a cer­ Welsh. Those living along the river were largely of the Society tain parcel thereof containing 340 acres was allotted to the said of Friends, or "Quakers," while farther inland lived members Joseph Richards, 28th August, 1705. Now the sd. Joseph Rich­ of other religious denominations. Later on a large influx of ards and Gartry his wife in consideration of L 30 sells to sd. Germans and some Swedes took place. During the encampment John Humphreys all the above land in the county of Chester of the Continental Army a short distance to the south at Valley adjoining the land of William Saunders and Joseph Wilcox, Forge in the winter of 1777-8 many of the farm houses of beginning, etc. etc-Witnesses: Samuel Carpenter, Senr., Cath­ Schuylkill township were used by the officers of that body as erine Holt, Thomas Mitchell. Ack. Oct. 14, 1739 by Richards headquarters. John Varley's house was turned into a hospital and wife before Caleb Cowpland, J.P. Recorded March 14, and a larger building devoted to that purpose was put up on the Yost Smith portion of the older Humphreys tract. A num­ 1739/40. ber of the inmates of this hospital died of small pox and camp 3. From "History of Chester County, Pennsylvania" by Futhey fever and were buried in Smith's meadow a hundred vards or and Cope, p. 170 Pickering Lotts, were included in the non­ so east of the barn. · residential land of Whiteland and it was not until 1722 that Charlestown road is an extension of Bridge Street, Phoenix­ we get the names of actual settlers in the Charlestown Rate. ville, which city is three quarters of a mile from the settlement Of these were-Daniel Jones, Manuel Jones, Thomas Jones, of Wilmer. Pot House Road was so called because of an old James Jones, Philip Jones, and John Humphreys. pottery that once stood beside it. 4. The original papers in the settlement of the estate of John 2. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Land Records, Book Humphreys, are filed under No. 74, Register of Wills Office, G-1, pages 58-59. Nov. 24, 1716. Joseph Richards of the city Philadelphia County section of City Hall. The following are of Philadelphia, merchant, and Gartry, his wifr, sell to John abstracts:


Administration Book C p. 4 l Peter F,·ans, Registrar General by the consenatiYes, who were in the majority in the -w Catherine Humphrey of County of Chester, widow, and David Humphrey of ye sd county, yoeman. \\'hereas John congregation. After his separation from this church he Humphrey died intestate, having "hilst he lived and at the preached for a while to his adherents in temporary time of his death divers goods, rights and credits within the said province and counties, by means whereof the full disposi­ quarters. The foundation of the Charlestown Presby­ tion and power of granting Letters of Administration-do terian Church was laid in 1743_ David Humphreys was hereby grant unto you, the said Catherine Humphrey and D,n id Humphrey-full power-to administer the goods-of said deed. a prominent member of this group and worshipped with within the said province and counties. Inventories required by it until his death and is buried just across the road Feb. I .'\th next and inventory account by January 14, 1-24. from the old church long since unused. Granted at Philadelphia 13th January 172_',. Administrators bond: Know all men by these presence that No complete list of David's children has been lo­ we Catherine Humphrey of County of Chester and Da, id Hum­ tated. The 17 34 will of his sister in law, Mary Lewis, phrey of the sd county, yoeman, James Parry, and James Jones, both of sd countv, ,·oeman, are held firmlv bound unto Peter names two. The 1744 will of his mother-in-law Magda­ Evans, Regr. Genl..:___signed by Catherine· Humphrey, David ien Lewis, names seven. There is rather definite evidence Humphrey, James Parry and James Jones. Witnesses: Da, id Evan and Jas. Bnl\,ne. for including a still younger daughter, Priscilla. There In,encory: A true and proper in,·entory of all goods, chattels may have been still other younger children. and credits of John Humphreys, late of Charlestown in the counti· of Chester, deceased the 18th da,· of this Instant, made Da\·id Humphreys is carried on the Charlestown and appraised the 2.,th dav of December anno Dom , - 2.,. (items follow) Bond from Philip D,nis and Lewis \Villiams. township tax fot from 1724 until 177 L The plantation nmtains .Ho acres of land. Appraisers: Tims. Edwards and James Abraham. Children of David and Catherine, surname HUM­ Inventory account: The account of David Humphrey, son and PI-IREYS: admr. of the Goods and Chattels of John Humphreys, his late father, deceased, and of the admini,tration lw him made as of 1. Madgalcn, b. ca. 1731 and for so much of the same Goods and Chacdes as of and for his payments and disbursements out of same as folio" eth: The 7. 11. Jonathan, b. ca. 1733 wido" s thirds or dower was L 48-10-8; son David's share, I 9-8-.'\; daughters Ann, Flizabe1h, Carherine, and Esrher and 8. 111. Samuel sons Morgan, Daniel, Thomas and John each, 9- H-1. Entire estate Ya!ued at L 247 da,ed, Philadelphia, ·I June l-:: 2<,. ff. Sarah, (This may ha\·e been the Sarah Hum- phreys who married 6 Sept. 1762 to John 1 ( 2) DAVID" HUMPHREYS, (John, ) was born l 694, Thomas. son of Philip and Esther Thomas.) possibly in Wales, died 27 August 1774 and was buried (Pe1111. Archil'es, 2nd. Series, Vol. II p. 125) in the Charlestown cemetery. He married about 17 30 to Catherine Lewis, the daughter of Evan and Magdalen v. Esther Lewis, of Whiteland township, Chester County, Penn­ 9 v1- John, b. ca. 1741 sylvania. The Lewis family was also of Welsh origin. H\ n1. Joshua, b. ca. 1743 In 1729, half of the Humphreys tract was sold to James Davis, and the other heirs then transferred their 11. Ylll. Priscilla interest in the remaining half to David. Later David sold fifty-eight acres to Yost Smith and then lived on REFERENCES: the remaining 112 acres until he transferred it to his son, John, in 1772. I. Chutn Co11111}• l,md raords, at West Chester, Pa. Book F-2 (\'ol. 50), p. ·105 No,·. 17, 1772. David Humphreys, of About 1728, David built a tannery on the farm. This Charles1\\ n,hip of 1he County of Chester af,,resaid, containing .'140 the Presbytery of Philadelphia over the practices ad­ ,Hre,-and 1he said John Humphreys being so lawfully sei,ed of the ,aid land and premises, died intestate, lea,·ing issue, vocated by the Rev. Gilbert Tennant. Mr. Rowland was l )a, id Humphre, ,, pan,· hereto, 1he eldc,;t son of 1hc ,d. John a follower of Tennant and rhus incurred strong opposi­ H umphn·, ,, ,\J.,rgan, Ann, Fl izahc1h, Thoma,, Cathuine, D.111iel, John, and F,ther to "h,Hn the land 1hen ,ame, lw their tion, which culminated in 1741 by his being debaired ind~mure hearing ,L11e the eighrh day of December 1-:29 did


ABOVE: The pine tree, the cemetery u·all, and the ''Neu· Light" Presbyterian Church.

BELOW-LEFT: The pine free in the cemetery u·ith Dt1t'id's tombstone beside it.

BELOJl"'-RIGHT: The tombstone for Dat'id Humphreys. GENEALOGY

grant and umvey unto James Davis, of Charlestown, afsd, l 70 ITEM. I bequeath unto Isaac, the son of my daughter Eliza­ 1 and / 2 acres, being part of the above mentioned 340 acres, the beth, deceased, che sum of five shillings to be paid to him in sci Da, id Humphreys, eldest son of John Humphreys deed., cwo years after my decease. having obtained release from the said Morgan, Ann, Elizabeth, Thomas, Catherine, Daniel, John and Esther Humphreys for the ITEM. I bequeach unto Ann and Magdallin, two daughters remaining part of the _'>40 acres--Now chis indencure wimessech of my daughter Elizabech, deceased, to be paid to each of chem chat che said Da, id Humphreys and Catherine, his wife, for and one gown and one petticoat of red and blue ·worsted and one in consideration of the sum of £ 200, money of Pennsylvania, shilling to each in a few days after my decease. pd. by John Humphreys, as well as for the nacural love and ITEM. I leave and bequeath unto Magdallin Humphrey, affection which they bear cheir son, have granted, bargained, Daughter of David Humphrey and my daughter Cachrine, one sold, etc. unto che sd. John Humphreys all that piece-situate case of Drawers that stand in my room and also two shillings in Charleswwn, beginning at a "hitt, oak, being the corner of and sixpence co be paid to her soon after my decease. Yll,c Smith's land, thence bv che same souch-10 a corner of Nichlllas Holderman·s line, ihence by sd. line-by John Buck­ ITEM. I do bequeach unto Jonathan and Samuel, the two waiter's and John Varley's land respy.; line of Jonacn Coats sons of the above said David and Catherine Humphrey, the land. \X'icnessed by Samuel Prichard and Jonatn Coals. Ac­ money from che big brass cetle equally divided becween them co knwledged NoY, lS, 1773, Rernrded l 0 i Jan, 1791. he payd in two years after my decease.

2. Chester Co. Prob<1te Court Records, \X'est Chesler Pa. Will ITEM. I bequeath unto Sarah, the daughter of the abm·e Bk. A (Vol. l) page 224. David and Cacherine Humphrey, my feachered bed blanket and ~ ... ;;gs and also stampt sheet also a pewter dish. \Viii of han Lewis, of Whiceland cownship, Daced 16, Feb. 1-26. Plan cation ( 150 anes) on "hich he lives to wife Maud ITEM. I bequeach to Esther, the daughter of the abo,·e said during her lifetime or "idowhood chen co son Griffich, after David and Catherine Humphrey, the oak chest and a blanket her

1 of che ab,we sd. David and Catherine Humphrey the sum of Will Book B (Vol. 2) page 4. Will of Mary Lewis of \X hite­ one pound cen shilling to each of them to be payd unto them land township, spinscer. Dated 12 Aug. l 7_'1-1.-my brother in four years :1fcer my decease. Griffith Lewis-Che chree children of mv brother Griffith, viz., Rebeckah, \X'illiam, and Samuel-che · three children of my ITEM. Lastly I do dominate and appoint my beloved son in brother-in-law, Llewellyn David, of Charlestown, namely, Ann, law DaYid Humphrey sole executor of this my last will and Isaac, and Magdalin-che cwo children of my brocher-in-law, testament giving unco him my said executor all the rest and Da, id Humphrey, nameh·, J\lagdalin and Jonathan-Che estate residue of my escate over and above what is before mentioned whereon mr dear mother !i,·es. Executors: Da,·id Griffith and whacsoever and wheresoever it may be or whatsoever specie, Daniel bans. Pro,ed 25 May 175(,. goods or chattels i: may be in to do these with as the Sd. David Humphrey shall see good. In witness whereof I have hereunto Will Book B (Vol. 2) page 18. Will of Griffich Lewis. Daced sec my hand -ind seal the day and year above written. 20 Dec. 17.',(,. \X1 ife Mary. Sons Samuel and \Villiam when chey are of age. Daughter Rebecca. Legacies to Elizabeth Da,ies; Magdellin Lewis (Seal) sister Catherine Humphreys; sister Mary Lewis. Balance to Goshen Monthly Meeting House. Friends George Ashbridge Signed sealed acknowledged and declared by the above named and haac Haines to be trustees or guardians, Wicnesses: John J\fagdellin Lewis co be her last will and testament in presence Cuthbert, David Ho,, ell, Nicholas Career. Pro, ed l Oct. 1757. of: Owen Howell, \X'illiam Ball, John Reese.

Will Book B (Vol. 2) page 239. 3. '"History of Chester County, Pemisyfrania" Futhey and Cope, p. 249. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The twelfth day of Jan­ uarv Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and forty five 4. "Pew15yfr<111i<1 Archii-es'' 2nd Series Vol. XI (Tax lists­ I l\iagdellin Lewis of Charlestown in che County of Chester and Chester Co.). pro\'ince of Pennsyhania, widow, being sick of body but of sound mind and memory, Blessed be God and considering the 5, "Cope Collectio11" Pennsylvania Genealogical Society, Vol. uncertainty of life and certainty of


1 i. Rebecca, who married John Freak and lived m ( 4) THOMAS" HUMPHREYS, (John, ) was born Carolina. about 1700 to 1710. When and where he died is un­ known. His name does not appear on the tax lists of 11. Catherine, b. ca. 1740. These two younger daugh­ Charlestown township. He was living 1729 when the ters lived with their sister, Rebecca, after the younger children of John sold their interest to David. death of their mother. In the settlement of the estate of his brother, Morgan, iii. Sarah, b. ca. 1742 he is mentioned in a bill of 1741. It is quite possible that he left Pennsylvania and went to Virginia or Caro­ REFERENCES: line. ( See Appendix)

I. Record of Orphans Court of Philadelphia. #255 1 July 1 1755. ( 5) DANIEL" HUMPHREYS, (John, ), was born about 1714, as he comes on the tax lists in Charlestown Petition of Catherine Humphrey and Sarah Humphrey, chil­ dren of Morgan Humphrey late of Chester Co., deed., by their township in 1735 as a single freeman for one year only. friend Joseph Richardson, of Bristol twp., yoeman. That Mor­ It is believed that he left for Virginia shortly thereafter. gan Humphrey died intestate about twe!Ye months ago lea,·ing real estate, that a certain John Freak took out Adm. That the He died 1788 or 1789 in Surry County, N. C. When said Catherine and Sarah are absent from the Prm·ince. That and to whom he married is unknown. It seems probable said John Freak was ordered by the court June 5 last to appear but Samuel Morris, High Sheriff, remrns thac said John Freak that he married and lived in Virginia until his children is not to be found in his ..... ptenr learns since the J. F. is were grown. Then he moved on into Surry County, in this city. Citation issued June 16, 1755. N.C. Order of the court July 16, !'755. Isaac Jones, Daniel Bezenet and Thomas Laurence w audit account of John Freak. Return of auditors July 29, 1755. Find balance re. in hands of John Freak one third of ,,·hich to belong to said Freak in right of his wife Rebecca, one of the daughters of said Hum­ phrey. Pounds 45 belonging to the other t\\ o daughters. Account-DaYid Humphrey Dr to Dr. Robert Evins, Joseph Williams, Anthony Prichard, Hugh Willson, Elizabeth Paschil, Thos. E,ins, John Phillips, To Mor­ gan Humphreys, the deed., when he went to Carolina. Cr. To advice of a lawYer in Carolina: To J\fr. Moland-ro a search at Chester for copy of a pow er of Atty. To a demand against the estate of Thos. Humphrey. Letter addressed "Dear Cousen Josua Richardson" written by DaYid Humphrey who mentions he is Overseer of the Poor. "But as for the childrens names, I belie,·e that it is Catrn and Sarah"-no date. On re, erse of this Chester Co. sold-of Mor­ gan Humphrey two children Catharine of 15 and Sarah 1:1- Joseph Richardson. Account of John Freake-Estate of Morgan Humphre\­ mentions lodging of Catherine and Sarah Humphrey-abm e account proved before Robt. Strottel July 25, 1755 by Rebecca Freake, eldest daughter of Morgan Humphrey, deed. Account John Freake. To advice of a lawyer in Carolina. John Freake takes oath 28 July 1755 before Josh. Maddox.

1741 Bill. The estate of Morgan Humphrey to Thomas Hum­ phrey Cr. By a pattern of a great coat-proved before Sam Lightfoot 28 Dec. 1754 Endorsed receipt for aboYe to John Freake-by David Humphrey-witnessed by Isaiah Thomas and Sarni Humphreys. ~ 18 Jan. 1944, C.H.Haynes, n This little city, Mount AiryJ' Bond-John Freake of City of Philadelphia, Marriner, to former Register- of Deeds, is situated on Renfrows Creek Joseph Richardson of Bristol Tp. Philadelphia Co., yoeman. 700 Surry Co.,N.~ •• wrotei (now called Ararat river), and I am eon!'ident th~ Humphries pounds Sept. 4, 1754 to cover Bond of Joseph Richardson to lived in this section." Register General. Witnessed by Jno. Jenkins. July 30, 1755 Deposition of George Aberdeen and Richard He purchased 400 acres of land in Surry Co., N. C. Smith who lately came from Carolina where they were well acquainte~ with Rebecca Freake, late Rebecca Humphrey and in 1782, paying for it with 1200 pounds of Virginia her two sisters Sarah and Katherine v,ho lived with their sister Currency. This land was near the present town of Mt. Rebecca from the time of the death of their mother near twel,e months. Sworn before Josh. Maddox. Airy, just over the Virginia line.


Daniel was a man of prominence being Captain of a degrees ease chircy four chains to a pine thence i'-.'orth rhirt,· degrees Fast t\\ enty four chains co black oak; thence fast thirry tax district in Surry County. He listed 500 acres, five fi,e chains co a "bite oak, chence South fifty degrees ease rhinv white polls and one negro poll in 1 784. A year later he fi,·e chains to a pine, thence N. eighty degrees east twent,· fi, e had 800 acres but only four white polls as David seems lhain, ro a "hire oak; thence South ten chains to a pine: thence South forty fi,e degrees \\'est fifty ,ix chains to a pine; cl,ence to have established his own farm at that time. In 1 789 \\"est fifty four co the beginning "hire oak; containing by Benjamin listed the land that had belonged to Daniel es,imation four hundred acres, he the same more or less, "hich he the said Humphries is to ha,e and co hold with the appurt· so he must have died shortly before. enances and· all rights, pri,·ileges and impro,·ements to che same in any wise belonging to him the said Smith, his heir, Daniel had sold some of his land to Richard Laurence and a,signs fore,er, and the .,aid Thos. Smith, for himsc,lf, his heirs and ,1ssigns, doth hereby co, enant and agree w and "irh and some to his son, David. After his death, Benjamin the Daniel Humphries, he the said Humphries, his heirs and bought the interest of the other heirs in his home place. assigns shall and may fore, er hereafter peacabh· and quietly ha,e, hold, pos,ess, enjoy, che afore granted four hundred aue, No complete list of his children has been located and of land and premises "ichout the least molestation of am· per­ son whatsoe, er and free and dear from all manner of encum­ the order of their births is uncertain. brances "hatsoe, er and the said Thos. Smith dorh obi i,::uc himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns ,o ;, ar­ Children of Daniel and his wife, surname HUM­ rant and fore,·er defend the said land and premises to him the said Dani. Humphries, his heirs and as,igns, against the ju,t PHREYS: daims of him the said Smith and all other persons "hatsoe, er, according to the real and true meaning of rhe abm e act and 12. 1. David, b. 25 May 1753 deed.

13. 11. Benjamin, b. ca. 1755-1760 In wi:ness "hereof the parties h,l\ e hereunw set their hands and ,eals the ele,·ench day of N," ember, one thousand ,e, en 14. iii. Solomon hundrd and eighty two. Thos. Smith (SL\L) 15. IY. Elijah Signed, sealed and deli,ered in the presence of: 16. v. John Da, id Humphries Jo. Laurence vi. Katherine said to have married Col. Drury Benj. Humphries McGee Ack. by attorney, Sam Humphries

vii. Mary (Polly) said to have married Mr. Hal­ SURHEY COL:NTY. NoYember ,ession 1782 The execution bert, and lived at Elk River, N. C. of the within deed was ackmrn !edged in open rnurt by the s.iid Samuel Humphries and ordered registered. viii. Rachel, married her cousin Samuel Humphreys. TFST: Jo \Villiams CC (See No. 8) 1784, Feb. 9, Book B, p. 299. Daniel Humphreys tn Richard Lawrence I~ acres on Renfroes Creek-part of the tract sold b,· 1x. Casandra to Daniel Humphrers. Nine pounds good and la" ful money. Dan"! Humph res REFERENCES: \Viwe,ses: Da,id Humphries (Jurat), Benj. Humphries, Sol. Humphries.

I. Surry County, l\'orlh Cll'oli11a-L11,d T,·,msfns Book B, 1 ~w,, Aug. 2, Book C, p. 512. Reuben Matthis to Benjamin p. 228. Humphreys 200 acres on Forkner Creek-including \Villiam Forkner's old improvement whereon George Read now !i,e,­ This indenture made this ele,ench dav of Nm ember and One hundred pounds current money of State of North Carolina. year of our Lord, one thousand se,en hun~ired and eighty t\\0, Reuben (his mark) Manhis (Seal) hecween Thomas Smith of the Count\· of Surr,·, Stace of :'-.'orth Carolina, of the one part, and Daniei",, of che u>unt,· \X'itnesses: Da,id Clark, Boling Clark, Job (his mark) SageberL of Surry and State atoresai


1789, May 18, Book E, p. -16. GRANT to Samuel Humphre,·s Da,·id Humphreys, Elijah Humphreys, Solomon Humphreys, on Little Flat Shole Creek. 100 anes. (entered 28 May 1783) and John Humphreys "e for our seh es and our heirs do ~,,·e (N. C.-L. G. B. 70, p. 1(,7) and grant unto the said Benjamin Humphreys, all our right and title to said land for e,er together with all its appurtances 1789, May 18, Book E, p. 47. GRANT to Samuel Humphreys unto che same Benjamin and heirs and assigns, fore,er free and on Stony Creek, 100 acres. (entered 28 May 1783) (N. C.- dear from our claims or any of our se,eral heirs. L. G. B. 70, p. 170) In witness "hereof, "e hereunto se,·erally sec our hands and 1790, Aug. 1, Book E, p. 133. Samuel Humphreys to John seals chis day ,tnd year first abm e written. Hurd 100 acres on Little Flat Shole Creek. Twenty pounds. Samuel Humphreys Sealed, signed and acknowledged in the presence of: Witness: And"w Kincannon. Samuel Laurence Da,id Hurnphre\'s (Seal) 1790, Dec. 10, Book F, p. 61. GRANT to Solomon Hum­ Benjamin Lrnrence Elijah Humphreys (Seal) Sol Humphrey, (Seal) phreys (# L\83) 3UO acres on the water of Tarrat, adjoining John Laurence Richard Gidgins and Daniel Humphreys. Ten pounds per 100 John (his mark) Humphreys (Seal) acres. (entered 26 May 1780) (N. C.-L. G. B. 77, p. 41) SURRY COUNTY, FEBRUARY TERM 1796 the execution 1791, May•'!, Book E, p. 146. Samuel Humphreys to Thomas of the within deed was proved by the oath of Samuel Laurence Ball. 100 acres on Big Flat Shole Creek. Sixty fi,e pounds. and ordered co be registered. Witnesses: ? ? ? ? ? ? TEHST: Joe Williams CS C 1793, May U, Book F, p. US. Solomon Humphreys to Drury 1-:'9"', Aug. LI, Book G, p. 9~. Benjamin Humphreys to Cas­ McGee (Grant # l?,83) 300 acres adjoining the line of Daniel andra and John Humphreys. Twenty acres-part of _trau o\\ned Humphreys. Thirty pounds Virginia money. b,· Daniel Humphren-for good "ill. (See cransacuon tn derail Solomon Humphreys ei,ewhere) · Witnesses: Da,id Humphreys, Bowater Sumner. Benjamin Humphreys.

1794, May 10, Book F, p. 123. Samuel Humphreys to Thomas 1"'98, Feb. J, Book H, p. 24. Thomas Adams \X'ord, Sheriff Ball 100 acres Big Flat Shole Creek. Sixty fi, e pounds. to Samuel Humphreys (highest bidder) Four hundred acres on \lVicnesses: D. HL•mphreys, Jun. ( ?) Flat Shole Creek, being a cran of land granted to Mathew Bass. Ten pounds. 1794, Aug. 8, Book H, p. 220. GRANT to Benjamin Hum­ \Vitnesse,: Richard Puckett, Edwin Hickman, Isaac Forkner. phreys ( # 1765) 50 acres at _;;o shillings per JOO acres. Ad­ joining Humphreys old line. Da,id H's corner and Drury I ~9H, Feb. 1, Book H, p. 50. Samuel Humphreys to \X1illiam McGee's corner. Scutherd 200 acres on Flat Shole Creek. 100 pounds currency. \X"itnesses: T. A. \X ord, Edwin Hickman, Jsaac Forkner. 1795, July 20, Book F, p. 335. Da,id Humphreys w Le" is Forkner 100 ,1cres on the west side of Renfrnes Creek, being a J 798, Feb. I, Book H, p. 'iO. Samuel Humphreys to Richard part of the original tract formerly the propery of Thomas Smith. Pucketc. 200 acres on Flat Shole Creek 100 pounds currency. 150 pounds Vir,inia Currency. Corners at a large Quarq of \X'itnesses: T. A. \\'ord, Edwin Hickman, Isaac Forkner. Rocks above where wagon road crosses creek. Witnesses: Benjamin Humphreys, T. A. Word. l "'W,, Aug. H, Book H, p. 89. Benjamin Humphreys to James Roberts (,9 acres on the middle fork of the Ararat Ri,er.. ">00 1795, August U, Book F, p. 292. This Indenture made this dollars. thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord, One Thou,and \X"itne"e,: T. A. \Vord, \X'illiam Smith, \X1m. McCraw. Seven Hundred and ninety fi,e, between DaYid Humphreys, Elijah Humphreys, Solomon Humphrey,, and John Humphreys, 1-9<), Feb. l 'i, Book H, p. Ull. Thomas Adams \Vord, esquire, of the County of Sl'.RRY and Stace of North Carolina, of the High Sheriff of Surr) Coun:,, en Benjamin Humphreys, a deed one part and B£:njamin Humphreys of the County and State of trust. Thomas A. \X'ord bought three young negroes from aforesaid of the other part. Benjamin Humphreys and ga,e him a deed of trust on 1500 acres of land on the Tennessee Ri,er. \X'itnesseth: that for and in consideration of the sum of One \Vitnesses: Randolph Lrn rence, Thomas Dickenson. Hundred pounds, Virginia Currency to the said Elijah Hum­ phreys, in hand paid, doth hereby relinquish all our rights, 1805, May 28, Book K, p. 287. DaYid Humphreys to Knight titles and demands, as heirs to our father's estate to that parcel Small 150 acres on both sides of Flat Sholes, Tarrarat Waters. of land hereafter mentioned, being a part of a tract of four Fifty pounds. hundred acres, originally granted to Thomas Smith, whereon Wicnesse,: \X'ill A,mstrong, James Lovell. our father lived at hi, decease to the said Benjamin Humphreys, his heirs and assigns fore,er, situated, h·ing and being ;n che 180-J, Dec. 5. GRANT to David Humphreys 100 acres. This Count\' of Surry and State aforesaid and on both side, of Ren­ was entered 20 Feb. 1779. L. G. B. 120 p. 147. frou Creek beginning where the main hollow road crosses the said land on the wt:sc side thence following said road to the J80-l, Aug . .',I, Bonk K, p. 275. Benjamin H~mJ:hreys to Thomas bend on the top of the first ridge aho,e "here Da,id Hum­ Perkins. 50 acre, on Seed Cane Creek, begtnmng at a red oak phreys now lives, from then following Da,id Humphre,·s line in Humphrey·s old line. Fifty dollars, money of the U. S. to a pine marked D.B. on the river bank; thence folio" ing up Mentions Drun· McGee's line and Lewis Forkner's Corner. the river to a poplar a small distance about the sernnd bend \X'itnesses: T. i. \\'ore!, Dan Smith. thence a South east course back to che back line from thence, including all the land contained in the original det:d granted 1805, March J, Book K, p. 423. D,IYid Humphreys to Thomas to Thomas Smith, lying North and Ea,c of said line rnncaining Perkins. One hundred anes on both sides of Sconey Creek. One hy estimation two hundred acres he che same more or less, to hundred dollars, money of the U. S. have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy all and singular the abm e Witnesses: T. A. \X'ord, John Lawrence. land and premises together "i,h all the profits, ad,·antage,, appurtenances, hC'reditaments thereunco belonging and in any 180'i, April 25, Book L, p. 2_,. Da,id Humphreys, Charles "i,e appertaining w him the said Benjamin Humphre,·s and his Lew is Humphreys, Rachel Humphreys, and Cathanne Hurn­ heirs and assigns fore, er and from and against chem the said phre,s, w Thomas Perkins. A trace of land on Sconey Creek

-8- G L :'; E A L O G Y

(both ,ides) ago"eeable lO the Lour,e of rhe original gran_t made younger brother, Joshua, was also lea,·ing Virginia for w Samuel Humph re,,. ,\Ln 18, 1-8'). (also on borh sides of the 1-lull,m mad) One hun


Jacksons RiYer and the "arm springs-and all the houses on REFERENCES: it-etc James McClane (seal) 1. CO. E-3, p. 41 (Wills 1-89-1827) Witnesses: Richard Madison, William Dunlop, \X'illiam Patron. SLRR}" JI. B. "In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Humphrey, of the 3. "Augwta County, Virginia" Chalkley, Vol. I, page, 199, Count\' of Surry and State of North Carolina, saddler, being 215,218,227,429,526. Yer} sick and "eak in body but of perfen mind and memory thank, be w God, calling unto mind the mortallity of my body 4. ''The Humphreys E,mily i11 Amaic,1" Frederick Hum­ and knowing th,u it is appointed once for all men co die, do phreys,, M.D. make and ordain this m,· last will and testament, that is co sa,· 5. "Faye/le County, J..:.e11/ucky" Deed Book No. 2, p. 50~. Principally and first of all I giYe and recommend my soul inti, the hands of Almighty Gud that ga,e it and my body I recom­ (8) SAMUEL' HUMPHREYS, (Da\'id,' John,'), was mend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial ac the discretion of m, Executors, doubting nothing but ac the born about 1735, Charlestown township, Chester Co., General Resureuion I shall receiYe the same again by the Al­ Pa. He died before February 1801, in Surry Co., N. C. mighty Power of God. He married his cousin, Rachel, ( daughter of D:miel And as wuching ,uch worldly estate "herewith it has pleased God to ble" me in this life, I give, deYise and dispose of the Humphreys). She was still living in \Villiamson County, same in the folio" ing manner and form. Tennessee, when the 1830 census was taken and was first-I do "ill and desire that m,· just debts be paid. between 80 and 90 years of age at that time. It is prob­ Seu,ndh-1 do gi, e and bequeath unto Rachel, my dearly able that she was buried in the family gra\'eyard on the belo, ed "ife, the hou,e "herein I now Ii Ye. Also all the house­ hold furniture and utensils thereunw belonging also the land farm of her brother Benjamin Humphreys. and plantation "hereon I no\\ li,e with all the hereditament, appencnances and farming utensils thereunto belonging, also Samuel does not appear on the tax lists in Charles­ one sorrel horse together "ith all nw debts and nHn cable ef­ town township, Chester Co., Pa. It is belie,·ed that he fect, all r.,; h~r 'u,t-' and at her dis posit! during her widow hood and \\ hen ,he ceases to be m,· widow it is my will and desire left Pennsylvania as a young man and joined his uncle, that 111,· land should be equally di,ided between my t\HJ sons, Daniel, in Virginia. He acted as attorney for Daniel in namely, Da,id and Charles. the purchase of Daniel"s farm in Surry County, N. C. Also I do gi,·e and bequeath unto my behlved daughter Catherine, one bed and furniture and one black walnut chest.

Samuel took up land grants and bought and sold land And I do hereb,· constitute, make and ordain 01\" trusty son D.l\ id Humphrey,- and my dear wife Rachel Humphren n~y in Surry County, N. C. (See rt:cords under Daniel~5) sole exennor, of this m,· last "ill and ,estament. And I llo herdw utterh disallow, re, okc and disannul all and e, ery other The 1790 census for Surry Co., lists Samuel Hum­ form.:r testa,;1ents, \\ ills legacies, bequests and execuwrs by me phries with 1 male over 16; 2 males under sixteen and in am· "a,, named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying and n>n­ firming th(s .1nd no other w be my last will and testament. two females. The 1800 census shows 1 male 45 or o,·er, In w itne,s "hereof I ha, e hereunto set my hand and seal this 1 female 45 or 0\ er, 2 males 16-26 and 1 female 16-26. third da, of februan· in the \ ear of our Lord one thou,and The 1810 census shows none of this family 10 Surry eight hu;1drcd one. · · County. Signed, sealed published, pronounced and declared by the said' Samuel Humphreys as his last will and testament in ,he This family disposed of its property in Surry Co., in pre,em, of us and in the presents of each other h,n e hereulllo ~uh~trihed our nanu.·s: 1805 and joined the family of Benjamin Humphreys and Samuel Humphre\ s (seal) moved to \X'i!liamson County, Tennessee. Thoma, Bryant, \\"ekomb Garret. Feb. Session 1801-\\'elcomb Garret ga,e affirmation that he· In 1816, Elijah Humphreys, of Sumner County, Tenn., san, Samuel Humphreys sign aboYe will. willed his sister Rachel a bed stand and furniture. 2. /1J1cll/Ol'J' ~-A (No date on paper) lnYentory of estate of Samuel Humj,hre, ,. Da, id Humphreys was execuwr. The !n· Children of Samuel and Rachel, surname HUM­ , enlllr\' included usual items of household furniture, also !11- PHREYS: duding one dictionan· and a number of books.

17. 1. David (9) JOHN HCMPHREYS, (Da\'id,C John,'), was born about 1741 in Charlestown township, Chester Co., 18. 11. Charles Lewis Pa. He died after 1796 in Jefferson County, Virginia. 111. Catherine. She was 0\ er sixteen when the 1800 He married on or before 17 NoY. 1772 in PennsylYania census was taken in Surry Co., N. C. She and to Ann North, daughter of Roger and Ann (Rambo) her


In 1772 John and Ann Humphreys purchased from to inform your Excellency of two vacancies in the Sixth David and Catherine Humphreys, the homestead of 112 Pennsylvania Regiment and at the same time to recom­ and ½ acres. John continued the operation of the mend Mr. Dixon and Mr. Humphries to be appointed tannery which his father had started many years before. as ensigns. The former is my sergeant-major, a person of good morals and as brave as Caesar. The latter has been a volunteer in Major Lee's Corps. The Major has strongly recommended him to me as a person of un­ blemished character." Again on p. 103, "Appointments -Sargeant Major Sankey Dixon to be Ensign 1 Sept. 1779. Mr. John Humphreys, Volunteer, to be Ensign 2 Sept. 1779. The above is the order I would wish to be observed, and permit me to assure you sir, that I am, with every mark of respect, your Excelly's Most humble and obt. Sert. Josiah Harmar, Lt. Col. Corot. 6 Pa. R." John Humphreys was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Pennsyl­ vania.

Children of John and Ann, surname HUMPHREYS: Hi.iMPHREYS HOCSE built 1778 by John and A1111 Humphreys 011 ,, portion of the origi11t1l tract bought by his grandfather, 19. 1. Hannah b. 28 May 1774 John, in 1716. This stone house, considerably remodeled, is still in me (1952) by present ou·11ers. 20. 11. David b. June 1775

The key stone bearing the date 1778 indicates the 21. iii. George Washington b. 4 July 1778 year that John and Ann built their commodious stone 22. 1v. Roger North b. ca. 1780 house on this farm. Although much remodeled, this house is still in use ( 1952) by the family that has owned 23. v. John b. unknown it for more than thirty years. 24. v1. Anna Rambo b. 14 Jan. 1785 As most of the Humphreys and some of the Norths 25. vu. Abigail North b. 4 July 1787 had already gone to Virginia, John and Ann sold their home to Ezekiel Howell in 1790. Their names are not found in the 1790 census. Several of the North families REFERENCES: were living in Cumberland county at that time so it is 1. Will of Magdellin Lewis. (See under David-2) possible that John and Ann were visiting there on their way to Virginia. 2. Chester Co., Pa. Deed Book F-2 Vol. 30, p. 105. 3. Chester Co., Pt1. Tt1x Lists 1767-1781. While a relatively young man, John did not enter into farming or business after reaching Virginia. He 4. "The Caleb North Genealogy" Dexter North 1930. may have been in ill health following his service in the 5. Cumberland Co., Pa. 1790 Census, p. 80-81. Revolutionary War for he lived but a few years after 6. Jefferson Co., Va. Assessment records 1793-1799. reaching Virginia. 7. Chester Co., Pa. Deed Book F-2, Vol. 30, p. 108. April 24, 1790. John Humphreys and Ann his wife sell to Ezekiel Howell John and Ann were assessed in Charles Town for the the land which David and Catherine, his wife, had by their deed dated Nov. 17, 1772, conveyed to him, John Humphreys, years 1793-1796. their son. "To have and to hold against them the said John and Ann his wife and against his heirs and against the heirs of John Pennsylvania Archives, 8th series, Vol. 3, p. 102 Humphreys, the father of the above named David Humphreys." states, "Camp West Point, Aug. 25, 1779. Sir: By the Consideration being £500 for 112 and ½ acres. Acknowledged Oct. 24, 1790. Recorded Jan. 14, 1791. resolve of Congress, 28 June last, I observe that when­ 8. Annals of Phoenixville" Pennypacker, p. 87. "In Schuylkill ever vacancies happen in a regiment, the commanding township, the Quakers and Mennonites, though avowing no officer is to notify the President of the State that proper interest in either side, were strongly in sympathy with the colonies. Nearly all of the active assistance came from the persons may be appointed, I must, therefore beg leave southern portion of the township and it is estimated that about


thirty men served during the war. The onlv names which have 13. October 27th, 1897 been preserved are: Ezekiel Howell, Wiliiam Bodily, Patrick Ar:iderson, Isaac Anderson, Capt. McFall, Samuel Roberts, Fred­ Mr. DaYid Humphreys erick Yost, Edward Lane, Isaac Richardson William Schofield James Schofield, George Schofield, Frede;ick Gearhart, Joh~ Dear Cousin: Parry,, David Parry, Jacob Varley, Jacob Boyer, and John Hum­ With pleasure and incerest I have tried to gather some in­ phrey.' formation for your North Genealogy. But for our delayed equi­ noctial storm on Monday, which seems to have , isited you more 9. "Montgomery Co., Pa. Will Book No. l ," p. 37, contains seriously, I would have sent this off sooner. Just before receiv­ the will of Roger North. The will of his widow, Ann North, ing Mary's letter, I took the enclosed clipping from a Baltimore was dated 18 Dec. 1797 and probated 15 Ma,· 1798. The will paper for further inquiry. Ths Col. George Humphre)·s North mentions daughters: Sophia, Sarah, Elizabeth,' and Ann. Sons: is the eldest ;on of Mr. Geo. N., of Philadelphia, who married Joshua, John, w·illiam, and Caleb. Son-in-law: George McEl­ Miss Clemson, a sister of Mrs. ~ 1ashington whom you remem­ haney. Grandson: Samuel Davis_ Grand-daughter: H.rnnah ber as visiting his relatives here. He came here with U. S. or Humphreys, to whom she willed three pewter plates. Federal army, the same one who captured the Sword from his kinsman, Mr. Greene North. The history of this Sword you will 10. Letters from Mrs. Calvin B. North, Selinsgrove, Pa. to find on page 174 of the Book "e send you. Mr. K. borrnwed Martha (Humphreys) Maltby, of Kansas City, Missouri. (Ex­ from Mag. Keyes. In it mention is made of your North ances­ tracts) tors in connection with the Keyes Family more satisfactory than I could write. Mr. Geo. Nonh and wife are dead, his second 29 Dec. 1904. "Roger North, who married Ann Rambo was son Walter is a minister in Buffalo, three or four younger are in Provincial Service in 1748 as a Lieut. under Col. Edward liYing in Phihtdelphia. John Washington says he will write his Jones. (Penn. Archives, 2nd Set. Vo!. 2, p. 452) Ann North brother in Philadelphia for the address of one of these cousins H'!mphreys, with brothers William, John, Joshua, and sister for me (0 send you, The only daughter, Bessie, is unmarried, is Elizabeth went to Juniata County, Pa. From there Ann wenc on very wealthy from legacies of old Uncles and. Aunts of the w Virginia to her brother George. Ann died in Virginia. Norths. One was named Caleb, living in Penn. Mr. North, her George North, of Virginia was twice married and a son of the father was poor, I always heard. Mr. Green N, and son Robert second wife (Nathaniel Green North) savs that his mother"s died in Miss. Mrs. Sarah Hawks has kept up with the widow of name was Keyes and her mother"s name wai Hall, of Halltm,n." R. She (Mrs. H.) saw the Sword taken a: her Fathers. Annie Campbell had an old letter written to \Vm. Darke North of 9 Jan. 1905. "According w the NORTH familv tree Ann Bunker Hill, Va., from Joshua N., in Tompkins Co., N. Y., North and John Humphr~ys had: David, George, Roger,' John, 18~-L He had receipt for payment of 58 guineas to Caleb North, Ann, and Abby. The children of David were: John, Da, id, Cork, Ireland, and familr, e!e,·en in number, dated May 1st Thomas, George, Sarah, and Susan. The children of Roger 1729, to go to America, arri,·ing in Philadelphia, July 20th. The were: Robert, John, George, Ann, Maria, and Emily. The chil­ eldest son Roger married a Swede Ann Rambo, the letter says dren of Ann (Humphreys) Kearsley were: Ann, George, (the Book says Lydia) had eight sons and fi,e daughters, one Samuel, and John. The children of Abby (Humphreys) Tate of them Ann married Humphreys. Annie C. chinks his name were: Mary, Magnus, Willimina, George, and John. \Vhen was David, he came from Penn. to the Old Furnace in Iron Roger North married Ann Rambo, U Oct. 17 .B, he settled at Business, died there, Col. George H., when ) oung was with the mouth of Mingo Creek, on banks of Schudkill Pro,·idence him. The widow moYed to Martinsburg but died at Beh id ere. township, Montgomery Co., Pa., where ,heir· thirt~en children They were 1he grandparents of my husband and your Father. we:e. born: Sophia, Sarah, Samuel, John, Joshua, Elizabeth, Capt. Geo. N. was her brother, married Eliza Keyes, the parents William, Roger, Ann, Caleb, George, Thomas, and Hanna." of Wm. D. and of N. G. North. Annie C. says she was with her in her last illness at Mr. Worthington's. Your grandmother 11. ''Phoe11ix1•i/le and its Vicinity'' Pennvpacker p 115 Keves was Sarah Hall. The family gaYe Hallmwn its name. I hoi,e haYe been explicit wid10ut wearying you and that you "~hen. Washington's Army was encamped ~t Vall~y Forge: I which 1s only a few miles distant from the old Humphreys and better half are in imprO\ ed health, you, looking as well as Place, ma~y of the fa~m houses in this vicinity were selected when I left vou. Af:er tv.o \\eeks Mr. K has his hand on a by t~e officers _for their quarters, and others were pressed into board in a sfing but comfortable-cough is be1ter, the changes ser:1ce as hospitals. The Humphrey House as well as the Yost in weather gi,·e one cold which I try to walk off when weather Smith and John Varley Houses situated immediately adjoining admits, over these rough storms, My hand is unsteady in wric­ the Hump~rey Place were all used as Hospitals. In addition a ing, from age I suppose but I scarcely recognize it. Annie C. large hospital was erected on the farm of Yost Smith which ,a\s your Sister's Portrait is ac her house when you wi,h it. was part of the original 540 acres and had been former!; owned Affectionately, by John Humphreys. The soldiers placed there had the small pox_ and camp fever. About forty-five of them died and were Your Cousin R buned beneath some cherry trees a hundred yards eastward from the barn." (The ab,n e leuer \\ as written to David Humphreys, of Norfolk, Virginia, by Rebe,-ra (Brown) Kearsley, wife of George ~'ash­ !'r:esent day visitors in this community will find that the ingwn Tate Kearsley) ong1~al Humphreys land has again been selected for an Arm,· Hosp1tal. VALLEY FORGE GENERAL HOSPITAL has been (10) JOSHUA' HUMPHREYS, (David," John,'), c


Joshua first appears on the tax list of Charlestown township in 1764. Beginning in 1769 he is in the neigh­ boring township of Tredyffrin, where he is designated as "clock,naker" and holder of eight acres of land. In 1771 he was in East \X'hiteland township where he had forty acres and was still classed as "clockmaker." An interesting account of Joshua and his clocks will be found in a well illustrated book, "Chester County Clocks and their Makers" by Dr. Arthur E. James, of \X'est Chester, Pa. One of Joshua's clocks is in the Ches­ ter County Historical Society Museum. Joshua and Ann migrated to Staunton, Augusra County, Virginia, where he bought land in 1775 and continued as clockmaker. \1?hile in Staunton, Joshua serYed as \'estryman and warden of the parish for 1778-9. He sen·ed on the commission of the peace of the shire and later was chosen as one of the judges of the county. In 1779 he was appointed to take tithables for Captain Smith's company.

In 1781 Joshua and Ann left Augusta County and went to Richmond, Virginia, doubtless because his oc­ cupation favored living in a city. The 1782 census lists the entire family in Richmond. But finally Joshua decided to go to Kentucky, pos­ sibly because his older brother, Jonathan, was also going there, so he sold his Richmond, Virginia, property in October 1789 and in November he was passing through Augusta County on his way to Kentucky. He seems to have had seYeral land grants in Fayette and Bourbon Counties but because of his skill as a clock­ maker, made his home in Lexington. In the family Bible of his son, Charles, we find his death date and age. Also death date of his elder brother, Jonathan. He has often been confused with his contemporary­ Joshua Humphreys of Delaware County, Pennsyh·ania, distinguished builder of ships for the U. S. NaYy.

Children of Joshua and Ann, surname HUM­ Examples of clocks made by Joshua Humphreys before the PHREYS: Re1·ol11tion,1ry War. LEFT-Ou·ned by Mrs. K. R. Dorries, Jr .. Jr' est Chester, P,1.­ 26. 1. David b. 1769-70 The brass dial is inscribed-''foshu,1 Humphreys, East IFhile­ l,wd.'' 27. ii. Elijah b. 1771-72 RIGHT-In 111use11m of Chester County, Historical Society, IVest Chester, Pa. 28. 111. Joshua, Jr. b. 1773-74 CE,l\'TER_.:._Enlargcd face of clock at righl. It is imcribed, "Joshua H11mphry's-Charlestou·11." 29. !\'. Mary b. 1774-75 Photographs by co11rtesy of Dr. Arthur E. Jtlmes, ,111/hor of 30. v. Charles b. 1775-76 "Chester County Clocks '111ti their Makers."


1777-78 7. Richmond, Virginia, Census for 1782 Wardship No. 2 31. v1. Parry Wayne b. Joshua Humphreys, age 39, watchmaker-3 slaves, 1 cattle, 1 horse,-Ann age 36; David age 12; Elijah age 10; Joshua age 32. vii. Esther ( or Henrietta) b. after 1 782 8; Mary age 7; Charles age 6, Parry age 4. 8. Henrico County, land records, Richmond, Va., Deed Book REFERENCES: 3, p. 109 Joshua Humphreys, of the City of Richmond sells ~o John Strobia for £150 cur~ent money_, one half acre l_ot m Richmond No. 414 on the city plan. W1tnesses: John Robmson, 1. Chester Co., Pa. Tax Lists show that Joshua Humphreys Jr., Nath;niel Sheppard, Leigh Claiborne, and Geo. Laughlin. was in Charlestown township 1764-1768; in Tredyffrin town­ Recorded Oct. 5, 1789. ship 1769-1770; and in East Whiteland township 1771-1773. 9. Augusta County Court Mimaes, Staunton, V~. OHice 2. Penn. Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. II, pages 125 and 134 judgements. Joshua Humphreys vs William Sheels. Plamuff an,d give 24 Nov. 1768 as license date for marriage of Joshua Hum­ his family, 1789, employed defen~ent to carry them to Kelly s phreys and Anne Jones. Landing on the Kanawha on their way to Kentucky, but de­ fendent failed to meet his engagement. Writ Nov. 1789. 3. Augusta County, Virginia (Staunton) Deed Book 2 I, p. 229. This indenture made the 23 day of November in the year 10. Kentucky Land Grants-Jillson, p. 118 Va. Land Grants of our Lord 1775, between Alexander Sinclair, merchant and 1782-1792 Joshua Humphreys---400 acres on Hickman Creek, Jane, his wife, of the County of Augusta, of the one part and Fayette Co., (now Nicholas Co.) Ky. Surveyed 26 Feb. 1783. Joshua Humphreys, watch and clock maker of the other part. 11. Fayette Co., Ky. Deed Book "A" p. 164 and p. 166 1797 Joshua Humphreys 1(,86 acres in Bourbon County and 3083 Witnesseth: that for and in consideration of the sum of one acres in Bourbon County. hundred and ten pounds current money of Virginia to the said Alexander Sinclair and Jane his wife, in hand paid by the said The death date and age for Joshua Humphreys are recorded Joshua Humphreys at or before the sealing and delivery of in the family Bible of his son, Charles. these presents, the receipt whereof the said Alexander Sinclair doth hereby acknowledge and therefore doth release, acquit and 12. Fayette Co., Ky. Com·t Order Book No. 2 p. 240_ ~pril discharge the said Joshua Humphreys, his executors administra­ 1810 On motion of Charles Humphreys, letters of Admm1stra­ tors by these presents the said Alexander Sinclair and Jane, his tion were granted him on the estate of Joshua Humphreys, wife, hath granted, bargained, sold, alined and confirmed and deceased. by these presents doth grant bargain sell, alein and confirm unto the said Joshua Humphreys and to his heirs- forever, one 1 ( 11) PRISCILLA' HUMPHREYS, (David/ John, ) lot of land or part of a lot containing a quarter of an acre lying and being in the town of Staunton in the County of Au­ was born after 1744 in Charlestown township, Chester gusta, which said quarter of an acre is part of the Iott number Co., Pa. She died about 1798 while the family was on twelve fronting New Street on the west and the new Court House Street on the south joining the lot No. 13 as appears by its way from Kentucky to Ohio. She married 22 April the plan of the said town of Staunton, as appears of record in 1766 in the Swedes Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, to the Clerks office of the said county of Augusta and all houses, buildings, orchards, ways, waters, water courses, commodities, Joshua Stephens, Jr., who lived near Valley Forge. hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said-etc. Joshua Stephens was born about 1733 and died about etc. etc.- Alexander Sinclair 1823. Witnesses: William Holliday, Seraiah Stratton, John Christian. The family left Pennsylvania about 1790 and went to Warm Springs in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Deed Book 23 p. 548. Indenture 28 Nov. 1780. Between Joshua Humphreys, silversmith, of the town . of Staunton, and then moved on to Lexington, Kentucky, as Joshua County of Augusta and Commonwealth of Virginia and Ann, held a 400 acre land grant in Fayette County, Ky. He his wife and Captain Thomas Smith, Innkeeper of the same pl.ace, of the other part. had served as a private in Captain Robert Cochran's Witnesseth: Joshua and Ann, for twenty thousand pounds Company of Chester County (Pa.) Militia. (sic) current money of the Commonwealth aforesaid-a quarter of an acre--lot No. 12-fronting New Street on the West and From Kentucky, the family moved on into Ohio in new Court House on South, adjacent to No. 13. 1798. All of the children were born in Chester County, Joshua Humphreys (seal) Witnesses: John Lancelay (?),William Handly, Sanp Matheros, Pennsy Ivania. William Cocke. Children of Joshua and Priscilla, surname STEPH­ 4. Augusta Co., Va. Court Order Book No. XVI pages 224, 261, 281. Joshua Humphreys chosen as a county judge. ENS: 5. Augusta Parish Book, p 808. Joshua Humphreys elected i. David Humphreys b. 1768 vestryman and warden. 1778-1779 6. Augusta Co., Va. Order Book No. 16 p. 155. John Hix, ii. Sarah b. 1770 servant of Joshua Humphreys-was set free. Ibid, Book No. 17 p. 626 May 21, 1779 Persons to take tithables in certain military 111. Catherine b. 1772 companies-Joshua Humphreys appointed for this purpose for Captain Smith's company. Ibid, Book 17, p. 359 Dec. 19, 1781 iv. Hannah b. 2 May 1776 Joshua Humphreys removed out of the county-so recom­ mended to his Excellency the Governor to be struck out of the Commission of the peace for the county. v. Silas


v1. John b. 23 Dec. 1781 ard, he was appointed commissioner and trustee for the newly established town of Rockford. (State Records of v11. Ebenezer David b.7May1784 N. C., Vol. XXV p. 14 and p. 112-General Assembly nu. Priscilla b. 30 Nov. 1786 of N. C., held at Fayetteville)

1. Pemzsyfrania Marriages, Vol. I, pages 408 and ;23, Joshua Stephens, Jr., of near Valley Forge, married in the Swedes Lutheran church, Phil'a., on April 22, 1766 to Priscilla Hum­ phreys. Letter dated 4 Dec. 1893 from B. A. C. Stephens of En­ senada, Lower California, to C. K. Shelby, giYes list of the children of Joshua Stephens, Jr., and Priscilla Humphreys. 2. See also the Cope Collection at Penn. Gen. Society, Phila­ delphia, Vol. 77, p. 33. On June 4, 1902, Bascom Asbury Stephens, Los Angeles, Calif, submitted this record to the library of the Historical Societv of Pa. in Phila. "Prior co 1771 there lived in Chester Count)·, Pa., a family of Humphreys of at least three children­ Joshua, Jonathan, and Priscilla. Priscilla married in 1771 ( ?) to Joshua Stephens. They lived near Valley Forge. Their children were: David Humphreys Stephens who married Eliza Wing; Sarah Stephens married Chas. Vandever: Catherine Stephens died young; Hannah Stephens, b. May 2, 1776 in Chester Co., Pa., d. March 13, 1800; married Thos. McClish: Silas Stephens -no children; John Stephens, nine children; Ebenezer Da,·id Stephens-eleYen children; Priscilla Stephens-fourteen chil­ dren. Priscilla and Joshua lived at first in Virginia-now Kana­ wha, W. Va., second near Lexington, Ky., and third in Ross Co., Ohio in 1798. Joshua, (brother of Priscilla who married ABOVE: Pou·der honz c,trried by Capl,1in Dat'id Humphreys Stephens) went to Nicholas Co., Ky. in 1783. He was granted during his se1Tice in the Ret·ol1tlio11,try JVar, 400 acres of land in Fayette Co., Va., now Nicholas Co., Ky. on BELOW: T ombsto11e of Captain David Humphreys and his treasury warrant." u·ife, Martha (JVord) Humphreys. 3. Additional family data secured from "The Stephem F,1mily" by Dan W. Stephens.

1 ( 12) DAVID' HUMPHREYS, (Daniel," John, ), ,:, ,t, / was born 25 May 1753, probably in Virginia .He died 25 Feb. 1839, and is buried near Madison, Oconee Co., S. C. The large boulder marking his grave had added to it on 20 May 1938, a bronze marker placed by W'alhalla Chapter, D.A.R. He married 3 April 1791, in Surry Co., N. C. to Martha Word, ( daughter of Charles Word, Jr., and Elizabeth Adams, of Mt. Airy, N. C.) Martha was r born 2 Sept. 1770 and died 28 Nov. 1843, and is buried I/~ : .... ;t beside her husband. :11 In May or June 1780, David Humphreys was com­ ,, ' i mander of a company of drafted militia, under Col. George Alexander. After three months he returned to his home in Surry Co., N. C. Soon afterward he joined Having joined his brothers in selling the remainder as Capt. of a company of volunteers under Maj. John of the lands owned by their father to their brother Ben­ Armstrong. In 1781 he again served as volunteer and jamin, David left for South Carolina where in 1795 he captain under Col. James Martin. He ~as discharged bought land in Pendleton District. He prospered in this Nov. 19, 1781. (W 90-f7) locality and added to his lands until he had about one thousand acres. Before his death he had disposed of With Constant Ladd and Joseph Cloud, he was ap­ some of his land to his sons and his son in law. pointed to divide the County of Surry into two distinct counties in 1789. In 1790, with William Thornton, His will was dated 15 Sept. 1836 and recorded 20 Stephen Wood, John Thomas Longino, and Jacob Shep- March 1839.


Children of David and Martha, surname HUMPH­ 10, three; males 26-45, three; females under 10, one; females REYS: 26-45, one. 1810 Pendleton Co., S. C. David Humphries-males under 10, two; males 16-26, two; males 26-45, one; females under 10, 33. 1. John T. b. 7 Feb. 1 792 two; females 10- 16, one; females 26-45, one. 34. ii. David b. 30 Sept. 1793 3. Surry Co., N. C. Ta:,: Lists. For 1785. David Humphreys, l 00 acres and one white poll. For 1786-same. For 1789, 100 35. iii. Elizabeth b. 8 Dec. 1797 acres and two white polls. 4. Surry County, N. C. Land Records. (See under Daniel (5)) 36. IV. Charles W. b. 8 Feb. 1800 5. Oconee Co., S. C. Land Records. 37. v. Thomas Jefferson b. 30 March 1802 Book 8, p. 52. Recorded 26 Jan. 1796. Robert Box to David Humphreys, 200 acres-Pendleton District near Tugaloo old vi. Katherine b. 1 Nov. 1804 She is not men- town, for 200 pounds sterling. tioned in the will of her father. Book 8, p. 103. Recorded 26 June 1797. Moses Guest to David Humphreys, 3 7 acres lying on Tugaloo River-fifteen pounds 38. vii. Martha Jane b. 23 Oct. 1806 sterling money. Witnesses: Richard Hooper and Morgan Guest. Book 8, p. 621. Recorded 11 Aug. 1814. Spencer Shelton to viii. Sarah b. 25 June 1809 She is said to have David Humphreys-648 acres on Greer's Creek of Tugaloo River-Consideration 5400. Dower renounced by Sarah Shelton, married Capt Leonard Towers and to have had wife of Spencer Shelton. Witnesses: John Gleton, Joseph Wil­ no issue. liams, and Alex Shaw. 6. Surry Co., N. C. Deed Book "B,'' p. 369. Nov. 4~ 1782. 1x. Keturah Harriett b. 29 Jan. 1813 She is said Spencer Ball, of Edgecomb Co., N. C.-appointed-David to have married William C. Lee. Humphreys his attorney to convey land lying on Rutledge in Surry Co.-200 acres to Joe Gurley, 200 acres to Ratcliff Boon, and 50 acres called Hallow Spring. Witnesses: Benjamin Hum­ REFERENCES: phreys, Orman Morgan, Matthew Bass. 7. North Carolina land records, Book B-2, p. 152. Grant No. 2388. KNOW YE, That we have granted unto David Hum­ . 1. _Historical and family data from a pamphlet published and phreys, assignee of John Tilman, a Private in the Continental distributed by the D.A.R. and credited to the KEOWEE line of this State, two hundred and seventy four acres of land COURIER (S. C) . for 2 June 1938. Extracts concerning the in our county of Sumner on the East side of Cedar Lick Creek: ceremony at unve1lmg of marker at grave of Captain David Beginning-etc.--corner to Joseph Hendricks preemption etc. Humphreys. -TO HOLD to the said Humphreys, his heirs and assigns forever. Dated 7th January 1794. "The spea½er for . the occasion was Col. R. T. Jaynes, who Richd. Dobbs Spaight ~ave a mos! mterestt~g and entertaining historical sketch, dos­ J. Glasgow, Secretary mg by _callmg attent10n to the Masonic apron which he wore Warrant No. 1093 and which was once the property of Captain David Humphreys and _had been _worn on many state occasions. It is very old and S. Williams, D. S. fragile. but with care will last for many generations to come Matthew McCarmack & David White, Chain Carriers. the damty embroidery still being bright enough to show ho~ 8. Copy of part of statement on microfilm in McClung His- beautiful it once was. torical Room, Lawson-McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee. State of Kentucky ) The grave had been marked for years with a massive boulder County of Floyd ) ss of native stone but without any name upon it. The tablet read as follows: On this 18th day of February 1834 personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the Floyd County Court now Captain David Humphreys sitting, John Moore, a resident of Kentucky in the County of 1753-1839 Floyd aged seventy-five years, who being first duly sworn ac­ Patriot, Soldier, Pioneer cording to law doth on his oath make the following declaration Martha Word Humphreys in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed 1770-1843 June 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States Daughter of Charles Word, Jr. under the following named officers and served as herein stated. Who was killed at the battle of He first entered the 'service on or about the 15th day of May King's Mountain in the year 1781 as a volunteer in the militia of North Carolina, in a company commanded by Captain DAVID UMPHREYS. This tablet plac~d here by great grandchildren BENJAMIN UMPHREYS was Lieutenant, SOLOMON UM- PHREYS was Ensign and ...... Hawk, Sergeant of the Com- Sponsored by Walhalla Chapter, D.A.R. pany. He then resided in the County of Surry and State of The cemetery is located_ four miles north of the highway North Carolina. He met his company on or about the day above bridge <;>ver the Tugaloo river between Toccao and Westmins­ stated at a small town in Surry County, N. C., called Richmond. ter. Thi~ land was owned long ago by Captain Humphreys After lying at Richmond 2 or 3 weeks Major White and Phillips and consisted of about a thousand acres." and Col. James Martin, Colonel of the regiment to which his company belonged arrived and we then marched on to a place 2. U. S. Census Records: called Moravian Town where we were joined by another com­ pany of militia. We then marched to headquarters in the woods 1790 Surry Co., N. C. David Humphries-males under 16 not far distant from Salisbury when we joi=d General Ruther­ none; males over 16, one; females, two; slaves, three. ' ford, the commander-in-chief of the militia. The day that his 1800 Pendleton Co., S. C. David Humphrys-males under company joined the troops at headquarters several other com-


panies of militia arrived and the next day we marched on will. I also give him my old negro fellow Will for the purpose towards South Carolina line in different directions chiefly (as of haYing him taken care of for che balance of his life. he then understood) for the purpose of keeping the tories down, not stopping at any one place more than two days at a SEVENTH: I give and bequeath to my daughters Sarah time passing in our march what was then called Cross Creek Towers, Martha Elston, and Keturah Harriett Lee respectively, Settlement and Cape Fear Settlement besides other places not all the property heretofore put into their possession. now recollected, till we came near Wilmington in che State of North Carolina; when we advanced within about half a mile EIGHTH: All the residue of my estate except the negroes, I of the town and fired several rounds cowards the town and then desire to be sold and the proceeds, together with the negroes, I marched into rhe town. There w·ere about fifty prisoners found desire to be divided between all of my children, share and share in the cown in prison left there by the British and caries when alike---the negroes instead of being sold to be appraised singly or in lots under the direction of my executor, and by them as­ they evacuated it, some of whom he saw after their liberation in a very wretched condition almost destitute of clothing and signed to such of my children as may agree to take them, they making up to the ochers any deficiency in their lot, or paying much emaciated. - - -" in money such sum or sums as shall render all equal. If more 9. LAST WILL AND TEST AMENT of DAVID HUMPH­ than one should claim a lot the preference to be decided by lot. REYS-Recorded 20 March 1839 in Will Book No. 1, pages In this division I desire and direct that the children of any de­ 59, 60, 61. Picken's District, South Carolina. ceased child shall be represented by such father or mother and after the death of my wife I desire and direct that the personal I, David Humphreys of Pickens District in the Stace afore­ estate given to her during her natural life shall be divided in said, for the disposition of such property as it has pleased God the same manner as the residue of my estate as above, that is to bless me in this world, do make and ordain chis my last will the negroes by appraisement and assignment-the rest by sale and testament. and distribution among all my children equally except that my daughters Sarah Towers and Keturah Harriett Lee if then alive FIRST: I desire chat all my just debts and my funeral ex­ shall each receive one hundred and twenty one dollars to make penses be paid by my executor, for which purpose they will them equal with their other sister Martha Elston first and then appropriate any money I may die possessed of which, collect the balance ro be distributed as aforesaid, the children of any any debts which may be due to me or if need be, sell any deceased child representing its parents. property which may be best spared. NINTH: I authorize and direct my executor, in the event of SECOND: I give and bequeath to my wife Martha Humph­ my death before I shall have the opportunity to do so myself, reys, during her natural life, the following property-viz: one to make good and sufficient warranty titles to the lands sold by third part of my land to be acertained as hereinafter directed Charles, the title being still in myself though intended for him. only requiring that her part shall include the house wherein I now live---also two negro men, Ben and Charles, and a negro TENTH: I nominate and appoint my sons John T., and David woman, Tanas and all her children now born or which here­ Humphreys and my friend Joseph N. Whitner executors of this after may be born, also such portion of my stock of all de­ my last will and testament and now that I have, under great scriptions-household furniture and plantation implements of solicitude, made to my judgement the best disposition of my every kind, as my executors may deem amply sufficient for her worldly estate for the benefit of my children I exhort them to a comfort and convenience, together with such parts of the crop continuance of their affection for each other and all proper al­ on hand and provision in store for house and farm, as may in lowances for the supposed inferiorities of a father who desires their judgement and discretion, be necessary - and at her to leave this record of the great satisfaction thay have given death such of the above as remains to be disposed of as will be him heretofore in life. Let them therefore acquiesce in their dis­ found hereinafter more fully directed. positions and never disgrace themselves or the family by a liti­ gation in court but if thy cannot agree, appoint their own THIRD: I give and bequeath to my son John T. Humphreys friends to determine for them. all the property hereto put in his possession confirming his title or the title of chose to whom he may convey the same. Witness my hand and seal this fifteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and sixty first year of - FOURTH: I direct that the land whereon I now live be American Independence. divided by my executors or by fit and proper person to be chosen by chem, into three parts or parcels as nearly equal as J. Whitfield David Humphreys may be. One part of which, including the house be for my A. N. McFall wife as aforesaid ,one other part of the said land I give and A. Evins bequeath co my son David Humphreys, his heirs and assigns 10. The originals for the five vouchers which follow, are in forever. I also give to my son David all property herebefore the State Library at Raleigh, North Carolina. They represent put in his possession, confirming his title to the same or the Rev. War service by the four brothers. titles-of those :o whom he may have sold. "State of North Carolina No. 2661 FIFTH: Having given my bond for title for the land intended Salisbury District for Charles, he having received the proceeds, the same is re­ garded as his part of the land. I also give and bequeath to him £ 32-15-6 all other property of which he has been herebefore put in pos­ This is to certify that David Humphreys was allowed thirty session, confirming his title or the title of those to whom he two pounds, fifteen shillings and six pence Specie for public may have sold. claims by the Upper Board of Auditors. 6th day of September 1782. SIXTH: I give and bequeath to my son Thomas J. Humph­ By order reys, the remaining third part of my lands to be ascertained as Jas Mulloy CB before directed and to be located between the lot assigned co Charles Bruce his brother David and his mother, and also that part given to Traugott Bagge Auds." his mother during her life, after her death to the said Thomas J. Humphreys his heirs and assigns forever. I also give to my "State of North Carolina (corner torn) son Thomas J., a negro boy Bill or William. In consideration Salisbury District of the foregoing bequest to my son Thomas J., I charge him £1-11-6 with the care of his aged mother and the negroes and other 3 property whilst the same are kept together in persuance of this l. 14 - 16


This is to certify that David Humphres was allowed one pound Humphreys, and then in 1804, sold the remaining land eleven shillings and six pence Specie for public claims by the Upper Board of Auditors, the 6th day of September 1782. before leaving for Tennessee. By order Jas Mulloy CB It is probable that as he went to Tennessee he was ac­ Charles Bruce companied by his brothers, Dr. Solomon, and Elijah, by Traugott Bagge Auds." his sister Rachel and her three children, and possibly by "State of North Carolina No. 222 Salisbury District some members of the Lawrence and Orton families. £ 35 4 - 1 - 6 In 1805, Benjamin purchased a farm of 153 acres in 39 - 1 - 6 Williamson Co., Tennessee, and on it the family lived, This is to certify that Benjamin Humpres was allowed thirty five pounds Specie for public claims, by the Upper Board of died, and were buried until it was sold in 1822. One Auditors, 14 day of June 178? acre was reserved at that time for the grave yard. By order Saml Henderson CB Io 1809, about a year after his wife died, Benjamin Traugott Bagge James Hunter Auds." carefully drew up his will. It provided that nothing be "State of North Carolina No. 212 disposed of until 1822, so that all his young children Salisbury District could be kept together at the family home until they £ 2 • 12 were grown. His directions were carefully carried out This is to certify that Elijah Humphries was allowed two pounds twelve shillings Specie for public claims, by the Upper by the elder son. Board of Auditors, 12th day June 1782. By Order Family tradition states that Benjamin was seriously ill Sam! Henderson CB James Hunter at Valley Forge while serving in the Revolutionary War. Traugott Bagge Auds." It is probable that he visited the family of his cousin, "State of North Carolina No. 274 (?) John Humphreys, at the old family home. Later Ben­ Salisbury District jamin served in the militia in North Carolina. £ 5 - 10 · 7-4 His descendants carry the tradition that he was re­ £5-17-4 This is to certify that Soloman Humphries was allowed five lated to General Anthony Wayne. This has been ac­ pounds ten shillings Specie for public claims by the Upper counted for earlier in this book. Board of Auditors ...... of Sept. 1782. By Order Jas Mulloy CB His will carries a list of the names of his children Charles Bruce then living but the order of their births is not definitely Traugott Bagge Auds." known.

(13) BENJAMIN" HUMPHREYS, (DanieV John,1 ), Children of Benjamin and Jane, surname, HUMPH­ was born about 1755-1760, probably in Virginia. Family REYS: · records say he died 27 July 1814, in Williamson Co., Tenn. (Court records indicate the year was 1815.) His 1. Jane (Jincy) b. unknown; d. fall of 1822, Wil­ wife was Jane Lawrence, ( daughter of Richard and Isa­ liamson Co., Tenn.; m. 4 March 1806 to David belle Lawrence, of Surry Co., N. C.). She died 27 July Orton. No information concerning any family. 1808. Doubtless they are both buried in the family Her brother, Daniel, was administrator.

graveyard on what was Benjamin's farm in Williamson 39. 11. Daniel Jones, b. 11 April 1 795, Surry Co., Co., Tenn. N.C. Benjamin served as a witness when his father pur­ 40. iii. \X1iley Jones b. 1798 chased his farm in Surry Co., N. C. He had a land grant for fifty acres and also bought and sold other tracts in 1v. Mary (Polly) b. unknown; m. 22 Jan. 1821, Surry Co. He first appears on the Surry Co. tax lists in \X'illiamson Co., Tenn., to Wilby Ray. 1789 when he lists 785 acres and three white polls. This v. Elijah b. unknown. Family tradition says he was evidently his father"s land and the polls were for was accidently killed. In 1816 he was be­ his brothers. He purchased the interest of his brothers queathed "one black coat" by his uncle, Elijah, in the land left by their father, Daniel. Two vears later of Sumner Co., Tenn. On 1 Oct. 1817, an Elijah he gave a small tract of this land to Casandr; and John Humphreys took out a land grant (R-624) for


400 acres on East Fork of Goose Creek, in Smith Co., Tenn. Henrv Lawrence 84 3 9¼ Patse~· Lawrence 23 3 9¼ Isaac· Forkner 84 3 9¼ v1. Sally b. unknown; m. 29 Nov. 1820 in Wil- DaYid Lawrence 34 3 9¼ liamson Co., Tenn., to Peter Edwards. Sarah Lawrence 104 3 9¼ Nancy Lawrence 39 3 9¼ v11. Anna b. ca. 1805; m. 28 June 1821 in Wil- Rhoda Lawrence 124 3 9¼ liamson Co., Tenn., to Hezekiah Hill, b. ca. Given under our hands and seals this 18th of Oct. 1798 Hugh Armstrong 1800 in Tenn. The 1850 census for the 16th James Bryson Civil District of \X1illiamson Co., Tenn., lists Attest: T. A. Word these children, surname HILL: Clerk of Comm. a. Sarah C. b. 1828, Tenn. Division of land of Richard Lawrence b. Penelope J. b. 1829, Tenn. Number of Value c. Francis M. b. 1833, Tenn. (male) location Acres £ Name 1 123½ 50 Rhode Lawrence d. John A. b. 1837, Tenn. 2 69.1 90 Henry Lawrence e. Henry C.H. b. 1840, Tenn. 3 69.1 100 Coleby Creed 4 69.1 100 Benjamin Humphreys 41. vm. Harriet, b. 1804 5 69.1 70 Salley Lawrence 6 69.1 80 James Roberts 1x. Hesther, b. unknown. (John Roberts) 7 81 150 Patsey Lawrence 8 81 110 John Lawrence REFERENCES: 9 72 135 Nancy Lawrence 10 72 140 David Lawrence 11 72 110 Benjamin Lawrence 1. SURRY COUNTY, North Carolina, (Dobson-County Seat) 12 135 100 Nicholas Baker No. 963, 12 Aug. 1796. Randolph and Samuel Lawrence sub­ 13 247 90 Mornen Lawrence mit inventory of estate of Richard Lawrence-including 2046 Hole (sic) amount £ 1325 currency Virginia money @ 8s & acres of land, seven negroes, etc etc--one pair money scales­ dollars twenty dollars-three shillings and nine pence Virginia Cur­ rencv--one French crown and a half-(note-an extensive 973 £ l 5 S @ L0s & dollars £ 795-0f the estate of Richard estate) Lawrence, Deed. 10 January 1797. No. 966, Nov. 1796. In the account of the sales of the estate 2. Surry Co., N. C. Land Records for Benjamin Humphreys of the above Richard Lawrence we find mentioned: Samuel will be found under Daniel (5). Humphreys, who bought "sides of leather;" Thomas Word, a surveyor; Isabelle Lawrence, who bought a large number of 3. Williamson Co., Tenn. Land Records items including the family Bible, so was probably the widow.; Deed Book A-2, p. 114, 10 Dec. 1805. William Caldwell sold Benjamin Humphreys; Richard, Samuel, Henry, Randolph, John to Benjamin Humphreys for $700, 153 acres on the west branch and Joseph Lawrence. of Mill Creek. 'W'itnesses: James Davis, David Orton, James Donaldson, Daniel Sanders. Accts # L006, 12 Jan. 1797. Additional sales from estate of Richard Lawrence: Randolph, Samuel, Joseph, Richard, Henry, Deed Book G, p. 483, 23 Jan. 1822. Robert Hudspeath and John, Isabelle, Benjamin, and Mourning Lawrence. Also: Wil­ Daniel Jones Humphreys, executors of Benjamin Humphreys, liam Word, Thomas Word, and Benjamin Humphreys. deceased, sold at public auction to Josiah Still. 153 acres (one acre excluded for grave yard) on west branch of Mill Creek, 18 Oct. 1798. "We, Hugh Armstrong and James Bryson ap­ for S1377.50. pointed by the Court to settle with the administrarors of Richard Lawrence, deed, after deducting the sum of 541 pounds 4. Williamson Co., Tenn, Court Minutes Book 2 (1812-1815) 2 shillings 7 pence and 3 farthings for debts that appear to be p. 60, 12 Jan. 1813. "Ordered that oversee the owing by the estate and for services done by the administrators cleaning out and keeping in repair the public road from Liberty (all which sums may be seen at large in an exhibit marked with Meeting House to Davidson Co. line and that the hands of the letter A herewith filed) report the following sums to b~ Luke Pryor, Th(,mas Taylor, Green Seat, John L. Street, W. due and owing by the administrators to the persons whose Keith, Nathaniel Barnes, James Williams, David Hamer, John names the several sums are set opposite to viz: Hamer, Jr., Harris Hanna, Joel Riggs, Nimrod Fielder, Henry Robertson, Solomon Humphreys, and Benjamin Humphreys, £ s D work thereon under his direction." Ibid p. 282, 2 Oct. 1815. lssabell Lawrence 71 17 7½ "The last will & testament of Benjamin Humphreys, deed., was Joseph Lawrence 70 0 I½ produced in open court and proven by the oaths of Henry James Lawrence 83 8 9¼ Lawrence and John P. Irion and order to be recorded." Clabourn Lawrence 65 7 7½ Benjamin Humphreys 46 9 7¼ 5. 1¥,illi,1mson Co., Tenn, Wills & Inventories Book B (1812- Randolph Lawrence 61 17 7¼ 1818) p. 161, October Session 1815-Will of Benjamin Hum­ Nicholas Bvker 31 17 71/4 phreys, deed. dated 10 Sept. 1809; proved July session 1815 by Colby Creed 42 3 SV4 the witnesses. Ibid. p. 187. Inventory of Benjamin Humphreys Richard Lawrence 56 2 7½ estate, Jan. Session, 1816, by Robert Hudspeth, Executor. Ibid. Samuel Lawrence 63 7 7½ p. 3~8, Octobtr Session 1817. An account of money and pro­ Benjamin Lawrence 57 3 9¼ perty of the estate of Benjamin Humphries, deed. Signed by D. John Lawrence 41 3 9¼ J. Humphries, Exr.


6. Williamson Co., Tenn. Wills Book 3, 1819-1825, p. 317. Item, at the division in the year above mentioned, if my son Settlement of estate of Benjamin Humphreys, deed. Jan. session Daniel Jones, Willy Jones, or Elijah all wish to have a part of of 1822. Daniel Jones Humphreys, Executor. Date 5 Jan. 1822. my tract of land, I wish it equally divided amongst them, ac­ Produced in open court, January Session, 1822 and ordered to cording to quantity and quality and be reckoned in their parts be recorded. in the division, but if any of them should not wish to take ~ part in it, then I wish the one or two who want it, to have it if 7. Revolutionary 'War Record of Benjamin they can pay up the other legatees, and further my desire that if any of my sons should take the plantation where I now live, Humphreys From the War Department, that it should be a home for my younger children until they marry or are otherwise provided for. Futhermore, my will and Adjutant General's Office May 5, 1931 desire is that my executors shall let my children have such things as may suit them and be best spared as they come to The records of this office show that Benjamin Humphreys need them,and a just account to be kept against each child by served in the Revolutionary War as a private in Captain Jason my executors to enable the children to make settlement with Riddick's Company of the 4th Virginia Regiment, commanded each other at the time above mentioned, and I do appoint, con­ by Major Isaac Beall. He was drafted February tenth, 1778, for stitute and ordain my true and trusty friend Robert Hudspeth one year. In June, 1778 he was transferred to Captain George and my son Daniel Jones (when he comes to be of age) execu­ Walls' Company in the 4th, 8th and 12th Virginia Regiment, tors of this my last will and testament, hereby making null and commanded by Colonel James Wood, and was reported sick at void all and every will and wills heretofore made by me, ratify­ Valley Forge. In October, 1778 he was transferred to Captain ing and confirming this. In writing whereof I have hereunto John Steed's Compan} of the 4th Virginia Regiment, commanded set my hand and seal the day and date above written. by Colonel John Nevill and he was discharged February 16, 1779. Benj. Humphreys (SEAL) The name Benjamin Humphreys has not been found on the Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Lawrence, records on file in this office of soldiers in the Revolutionary John P. Irion. War from North Carolina. The collection of Revolutionary War Records in this office is far from complete, and it is suggested as a possibility that ( 14) SOLOMON" HUMPHREYS, (Daniel," John,1) additional information may be obtained from the Librarian, was doubtless born· in Virginia about 1750-60. He died Virginia State Library, Richmond, or from the Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C., or from the North Carolina His­ in June or July 1817, in Williamson Co., Tenn., and is torical Society, Raleigh. probably buried in the graveyard on the farm formerly signed, C. H. Bridges, Major General, owned by his brother, Benjamin. Family tradition and The Adjutant General all other evidence indicates that he was unmarried. For record of additional military service, see under David­ ( 12) It is probable that he came into North Carolina along with his father and brothers, from Virginia. North 8. BENJAMIN HUMPHREYS, deceased, Will, October Ses­ sion, 1815. From the records of Williamson County, Tennessee, Carolina Land Grants ( Book 77, p. 41) indicate that he certified by Mr. D. L. Jones, County Court Clerk. was issued 300 acres on 10 Dec. 1790 but had entered In the name of God, Amen :-I, Benjamin Humphreys of the the land 26 May 1780, so he must have been a grown County of Williamson and State of Tennessee, being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, do this tenth man at that time. This land grant he sold in 1793 to day of September one thousand eight hundred and nine, make Drury McGee, his brother in law. and publish this my last will and testament in maner and form following (viz). Solomon is not listed in the 1790 census for Surry First I recommend my soul to God who gave it, and my body Co., N. C. but was probably included as one of the to the grave in hopes and full assurance of the resurrection at the last day, and as to my worldly things with whid, the Lord "males over 16" under the name of Benjamin. has blessed me, my will and desire is that they be divided in maner following. Item, that all my just debts be paid by my On 20 May 1794 he bought 260 acres of land (in executors hereafter named. Item, my will and desire is that my Grainger Co., Tenn.) from Joseph Beard, the considera­ family, viz, my children and slaves that I have now in posses­ sion with all that may appertain to me, with all my stock of tion being 100 pounds. every kind, household furniture and plantation tools of every kind may with my children remain where I now live until the (Deed Book A. p. 192. Grainger Co., Tenn.) Wit­ year One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, at which time I wish all my estate moveable and immovable, equally nesses were John Bowman and his two brothers Elijah divided amongst the heirs of the body of Jincy Orton, Dani~! and David. It is doubtful that he ever lived on this Jones Humphreys, Polly Humphreys, Willie Jones Humphreys, Elijah Humphreys, Sally Humphreys, Anna Humphreys, Harriet property. Humphreys, and Hesther Humphreys, to be done in the follow­ ing maner, viz. For the children to choose three, five or seven In 1795 he joined his brothers in selling to Benjamin, good honest men of the neighborhood to apportion the whole his father's farm. It seems probable that he joined Ben­ of my estate at that time in nine allotments and the children draw for choice according to seniority, beginning at the eldest jamin in the move to Williamson Co., Tenn., in 1805. and in rotation down to the youngest, and should any of the above named legatees die in their nonage the division at the Whether or not he had served previously is not time above mentioned be made equally amongst the living known but he was Ensign in the company which his children.


brother David served as Captain. This company was ness to the within indenture, and made oath that he saw part of the N. C. militia. The record is found under his Joseph Beard the grantor therein named, sign, seal, and brother, David (12). deliver the same as his act and deed. Let it be registered. Arch'd Roane." He is first mentioned in Williamson Co., Tenn., in 1813. Doubtless he had been there with Benjamin all REFERENCES: along but having purchased no land, there was no record of his presence. In 1816 Elijah Humphreys, of 1. State of North Carolina, Grant No. 2387 Sumner Co., Tennessee, bequeathed to his brother, Dr. "Know Ye, That we have granted unto Elijah Humphreys, Solomon Humphreys, "the whole of my clothes and assignee under James Lasters, a Private in the Continental Line wearing apparrel except one black coat." of said State, Six Hundred and forty acres of land in our county of Sumner, on a small creek or branch of Smiths Fork between Williamson Co., Tenn. Wills and Inventories Book B, two tracts of John Overton: Beginning etc. etc. - To Hold to the said Humphreys, his heirs and assigns forever. Dated 7th of p. 312 indicates that at the July session, 1817, Solomon January 1794. was deceased and an inventory was filed by D'l (Daniel) Richard Dobbs Spaight J. Glasgow, Secn:tary Humphreys. This shows such items as-a sorrel horse, a Warrant No. 2858 saddle bridle and whip, a silver watch, saddle bags, a S. Williams, D.S. Benj. A. Humphreys & Edm. Jennings, Chain Carriers. Morocco pocket book, a case of medicines, a set of medi­ Recorded in Book B-2, p. VEB, North Carolina Land Records. cal books "Hughes Lectures," and a case of razors. Most of these items were purchased before the October term 2. State of North Carolina, Grant No. 2391 of court by Daniel Humphreys, his nephew; David "Know Ye, That we have granted unto Elijah Humphreys, assignee of David Rives, a Private in the Continental line of Humphreys, son of his cousin Samuel; and David Orton. this State, Six hundred and forty acres of land in our county of Hawkins, in Powell's Valley: Beginning etc.-corner to Richard­ Family tradition says that he was "a doctor of great son's & Co. large survey-to Henderson's & Co. survey. etc. To renown." Doubtless he was an important person in that Hold the said Humphreys, his heirs and assigns forever. Dated 7 January 1794. newly settled country. Richard Dobbs Spaight J. Glasgow, Secretary Warrant No. 2683 by James Mayberry for Stokeley Donelson, D.S. (15) ELIJAH' HUMPHREYS, (Daniel," John,1) was Alex Caldwell & William Kallem, C.C. born about 1750-1760, probably in Virginia. His will Recorded in Book B-2, p. 153, North Carolina land records. was dated 6 Aug. 1816 and probated August 1816, in 3. In the name of God Amen: I Elijah Humphreys of, '.the Sumner Co., Tenn. He was unmarried. County of Sumner and State of Tennessee being weak in body but sound in mind and memory and knowing the uncertainty of A record of his military service will be found under this human life do make the following my last Will and Testa­ his brother David-( 12). ment. Item l. I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Charles L. On 13 Aug. 1795 he joined his brothers in selling to Humphreys two hundred and twenty acres of land out of the their brother Benjamin, the land formerly owned by three hundred and twenty acres that is coming to me from Thomas Massy for a six hundred and forty acre land warrant their father. His seal and signature occur on the deed which I let the said Massy have. My said Nephew to receive and the recital indicates that the one hundred pounds the land if said Massy shall be able to make him a title thereto. And the other hundred acres of land in the hands of the said of Virginia Currency was paid in hand to Elijah Hum­ Thomas Massy which is coming to me out of Said Warrants, I phreys. give and bequeath unto my relative Sally Humphreys, daughter of my Niece Katy Humphreys. And the said hundred acres of land that I allow the said Sally Humphreys to receive so soon On 13 May 1794, Elijah was one of the witnesses as said Thomas Massy shall be able to make a title thereto­ when Joseph Beard sold 250 acres of land in Hawkins which land i• to be laid off by my said Nephew Charles U. Humphreys to the said Sally as soon as a sight can be processed ( now Grainger) Co., Tenn., to Solomon Humphreys. as above stated. The above transaction was registered 5 March 1801 in It is my will that the said hundred and forty acres of land Deed Book A, p. 192, Grainger Co., Tenn., and there warrant that I heretofore transferred to my Nephew David appears this statement: "Be it remembered that on the Humphreys by assignment, I allow my said Nephew David to have and enjoy the said land warrant, proceeds thereof to him­ twenty-fifth day of October one thousand eight hundred, self his heirs and assigns forever. before me Archibald Roan, one of the judges of the I also give and bequeath unto my said relative Sally Hum­ Superior Courts of law and equity for the State, per­ phreys my bay filly of two years old. I also give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Charles L. Humphreys my bay horse. I sonally appeared Elijah Humphries, a subscribing wit- give unto my sister Rachel Humphreys my bed stand and furn-


iture. give unto my niece Katy Humphreys my chest. I also And this deed is made in this manner that is to say to belong give unto my said relative Sally Humphreys my Bucian ( ?) & to the said Casandra and John as long as they both live and to Bridle. I give unto my said Nephew David Humphreys my silver the heirs of the longest liver. watch. Benjamin Humphreys (seal) I bequeath unto my Brother Dr. Solomon Humphreys the whole of my clothes and wearing apparrel except one black 2. An inventory of the estate of John Humphreys was made coat, which I give unto my nephew Elijah Humphreys. P also at May term, 1798 (File 723). Drury McGee (brother-in-law) give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Charles L. Humphreys was named as his guardian and as such made annual reporcs on the whole of my money, my book accounts, my shot gun, all my the small estate until 183 L shoe making tools, farming tools, and kitchen furniture after my just debts are paid. 3. Accounts No. 684. "An account of the sale of the personal estate of John Humphreys, deed., made on the third day of I hereby appoint my said Nephew Charles L. Humphreys November 1832, to wit: Executor of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking Sold to Samuel Simmons-one gray mare $17.00 all former will or wills by me made. In writing whereof I have Sold to Patsy Poor-one sorrell horse $17.50 hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of August 1816. Sold to Drury McGee-one saddle $ 3.00 Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged Given under my hand this 12th day of Feb. 1834. in the presence of us Daniel H. Wyn. W. Hall Elijah Humphreys W. M. Kass Isaac W. Lane (17) DAVID' HUMPHREYS, (Samuel,' David/ 1 John, ), was born about 1780-1783 in Virginia or soon 4. State af Tennessee, Sumner County, Court August Term, 1816. after the family reached Surry County, N. C. When and The last will and Testament of Elijah Humphreys dee. was where he died is unknown. Nothing has been found to produced in court for probate and the same was duly proved indicate that he was ever married. by the oaths of William Hall, and W. M. Kass subscribing wit­ nesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon Charles He had a few land transactions in Surry Co., N. C. L. Humphreys, Executor named in said will qualified as such by taking the oath prescribed by· law, and together with Frances Then after the death of his father, he and his mother, M. Weathered his security, entered into and acknowledged their sister and brother seem to have joined his Uncle Benja­ bond to the Governor in the penalty of five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs. min in their move to Williamson County, Tennessee. There is no record of his having bought land in Wil­ (16) JOHN 1 HUMPHREYS, (DanieF John,1). Prob­ liamson County. He did take up land grants in Western ably born in Virginia and came into Surry Co., N. C., Tennessee but it is doubtful that he ever lived on them. along with the other members of the family. He may have been the youngest son. He died Oct. or Nov. 1832 Census records seem to indicate that he cared for his in Surry Co., N. C. He was unmarried. widowed mother, who was over eighty years of age when the 1830 census was taken in Williamson County. He had no land grants and bought no land in Surry Co. When he joined his brothers in disposing of their Before 1816 his uncle, Elijah, had assigned to him a father's land to Benjamin, they signed their names to land warrant (location unknown) for 140 acres of land. the deed while he made his mark. Elijah also willed to David, his silver watch.

I. Deed Book ''G," p. 97. SURRY COUNTY, N. C. REFERENCES: Benjamin Humphreys to Casandra and Jno Humphreys, a deed. I. Surry Co., N. C. Lmd records. This indenture made this 13th Aug. 1797 between Eenj. Humphreys of the County of Surrv and State of North Carolina Book K, p. 287. 28 May 180.,-David Humphreys to David of the one part, and Casandra and John Humphrevs of the Small 150 acres on both sides of Flac Sholes, Tararat Waters. County and State aforesaid of the other part-witne;seth that Witness: Will Armstrong and James Lovell. for and in cor>sideration of ,he good will which I so bear to Book K, p. 425. I March 1805-David Humphreys to Thomas the said Casandra and John and more especially for the better Perkins. 100 acres on Stoney Creek. \X'itness: T. A. Word and maintenance an


!820-David Umphres-2 males 26-45; one female over 45; REFERENCES: 2 slaves. 18.'>0-David Humphreys-I male 40-50; I female 80-90; 7 slaves. I. Tenn. Li111d Office, Memorial Building, Nashville----Book T-H-1, 16 April 1822-Charles L. Humphreys, gra!lt of 240 1840-No Humphreys listed. acres located IO- I-Sec. I I. 3. Tennessee Land Office, ,'lfemori,d Building, Nashl"ille. 2. Gibson Co., Tenn. Book H (1841-1843) p. 670. Indenture 20 March 1824. David and Charles Humphreys-640 acres between David W. Humphreys, heir of C. L. Humphreys, deed., located 10-2-8 sec. Book X, p. 679. and William 1. North, of Williamson Co., Tenn., of the one part and William P. Seat, of the County of Gibson, of the ocher 4. Madison Co., Tenn. D. B. 2, p. 586. 31 Aug. 1829. In­ part-witness that the said D. W. Humphreys and W. L. North denture: James Brown for David Humphres (both of Tenn.) for S200, sold 240 acres of land granted Charles L. Humphreys, sold to Frederick R. Smith, for S1024, 400 acres in Madison by grant No. 16979, cert. warrant 3642, dated 19 Nov. 1819 in Co., Tenn.,-an undivided interest in a 640 acre tract of land 10th surYeyors district, range I, Section 11. Signed D. ·w. granted to David and Charles 1. Humphries by Grant No. Humphreys and W. L. North. 21893 (21873) Signed: James Brown, attorney in fact for David Humphries. 3. lr'illiilmson Co., Tenn. 1850 census. 5. Madison Co., Tenn. D. B. 3, p. 76. 9 March 1832. In­ D. W. Humphreys, male, 25, farmer, b. Tenn. denture: Quit claim deed, David Humphries (Williamson Co., Frances Humphreys, female, age 22, b. Tenn. Tenn.) to James Brown (Madison Co., Tenn.) David Hum­ phries hath for locative services rendered by the said James 4. lf7illiamson Co., Tenn., Deed Book W, p. !64. l March Brown in locaring, surve) ing, and perfecting into a grant, 640 1854. acres-in the name of David and Charles L. Humphries-one undivided fourth part of said 640 acres. Daniel Baugh loaned a negro woman and her child to his Witnesses: Edwin C. Estes Signed-David Humphreys. daughter, Frances H. Humphreys. Leonidas Sanders (19) HANNAH' HUMPHREYS, (John,' David,·' (18) CHARLES LEWIS• HUMPHREYS, (Samuel,' 1 John, ), b. 28 May 1774, in Charlestown township, 1 David/ John, ) was born about 1782-1784, in Virginia Chester Co., Pa.; died 8 April 1857 in Scioto County, or Surry Co., N. C. He was dead by June 1843. He Ohio, and buried in Pond Creek Cemetery. Her age was married 9 Dec. 1820, in Williamson Co., Tenn., to 82 years, 10 months and 18 days.; m. 1792, probably at Elizabeth North. Martinsburg, Virginia, to Joseph Lucas, (son of Wil­ In 1816 he served as executor of the estate of his liam and Susannah (Barnes) Lucas and brother of uncle, Elijah Humphreys, of Sumner Co., Tenn. From Robert Lucas, Governor of Ohio 1832-1836 and of Iowa this estate he inherited 220 acres of land, a bay horse, a Territory 18 38-1841.) b. 1 771 near Shepherdstown, Va.; shot gun, shoe making tools, farming tools, kitchen d. 12 Aug. 1808 in Scioto Co., Ohio. furniture, and all money and accounts of his· uncle. Hannah is mentioned in the will of her grandmother, He is not listed in the 1830 census record for Wil­ Ann North, being willed three pewter plates. liamson Co., Tenn., and seems to have owned no land The family foved to Northwest Territory in 1797 and tn that county. located at the mouth of Pond Creek, Adams County. In 1822 he took a land grant in Madison Co., Tenn., This is now Rush twp., Scioto County. and in 1824 he joined with his brother David in another Joseph Lucas was one of three representatives from land grant in Madison Co. As the jointly held land Adams County in the first legislature. grant was sold in 1829 for David Humphreys, no men­ tion being made of Charles, it is possible that Charles From 6 April 1803 until his death in 1808, he was was dead at that time. Associate Judge of Common Pleas for Scioto Co., Ohio. He was a Presbyterian. No list of his children has been located and only one child has been identified. Children of Joseph and Hannah, surname LUCAS:

Child of Charles Lewis and Elizabeth, surname HUM­ 1. William PHREYS: 11. Joseph, who went to Muscatine, Iowa. 1. David W. b. 1825; date of death is un- iii. Louisa, who married John R. Brown, of Pike known; married before 1850 to Frances H. Co., Ohio. Baugh, ( daughter of Daniel Baugh, of Wil­ liamson Co., Tenn.) b. 1828; living 1854. iv. Rebecca, who married Jacob Hibbs, Sr.


v. Sarah, who died unmarried. Town. He was Sheriff of Jefferson County in 1823 and 1824 and again at the time of his death. vi. Samuel, b. 1807; d. 1878; m. 1833 Nancy Hitchcock and moved to Muscatine, Iowa. He and his family were members of the Presbyterian Church. REFERENCES: Childrer of David and Catherine, surname HUMPH­ REYS: 1. Scioto County and Pioneer Records of Southern Ohio by Nelson W. Evans, p. 126 and 402. 42. 1. John b. 11 June 1798 2. Letter G. W. Lucas, of Cherokee, Kan. to M. H. M. 1906. 3. J 850 Census records for Muscatine Co., Iowa. 43. ii. George b. 2 Feb. 1800

(20) DAVID• HUMPHREYS, (John,3 David,2 John,1 ), iii. David b. 1805; d. 2 Aug. 1869, and buried was born 1775 in Charlestown township, Chester Co., 10 Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town. Un- Pa. He died 24 April 1850 at the home of his eldest son. married. He lived for a number of years in He married 1 August 1797 to Catherine Keyes, ( daugh­ Ohio. ter of Humphrey and Sarah (Hall) Keyes, of Jefferson 44. 1v. Sarah Ann b. 26 June 1808 Co., Va.), born 1778; died 2 May 1844. They are both 45. v. Thomas Keyes b. 5 Oct. 1811 buried in Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, West Virginia. 46. vi. Susan - b. 25 April 1815

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David Humphreys was one of those who solicited REFERENCES: money to erect public buildings for Jefferson County, Virginia. In 1806 he was directed to supervise the con­ 1. History of Jefferson County, W. Va., by Dr. Millard K. Bushong. struction of a new brick structure for a county jail. 2. Diary of Thomas Keyes Humphreys, Jefferson Memorial He bought and sold land in the town and the sur­ Building, Forest Park, Saint Louis, Missouri. 3. Jefferson County, West Virginia-Will Book 3, p. 422. rounding country. He operated a tanyard near Charles Will of Sarah Keyes.


I, Sarah Keyes, of Jefferson County, Virginia, being advanced in less than two hours over fifty men had enrolled.-The com­ to a good old age and though weak of body, of sound mind pany left Charles Town the next morning for Harpers Ferry. and memory and being desirous of expressing my wishes On Wednesday, August 24, the men embarked on two flour whilst I have the power of doing so, with regard to the dis­ boats. After an hour's voyage the company landed and elected tribution at my decease, of the little property I possess, do officers-George W. Humphreys being capcain.-After travel­ make, constitute and ordain this my last will and testament, ling down the Potomac quite a distance members heard the hereby revoking and annulling all former wills or will made by sound of firing at Bladensburg, a few miles out of Washington. me. That is to say- -The Jefferson volunteers were too late for the fighting. When they reached the mouth of Seneca Creek, they saw the capital lTEM-1 give and bequeath to my son Thomas Keyes and in flames.-Capcain Humphreys then decided co report to Gen­ to my daughter Eliza North, each a feather bed and all my bed eral Winder at Rockville. When Humphreys arrived there his clothing to be equally divided between chem, except an extra company was mustered into service on Aug. 26 for thirty days. new bed quilt which I gave to the former. The company pitche

dresses. Mary is as fat as she can be. She has had but one since A wnttng purporting to be the last Will and Testament of you left, that a fine boy named George, born on his Uncle David Humphreys, deceased, was thi's day produced to the George's birthday. Since your Pa soled the tanyard he hires the Court, and there being no subscribing witnesses thereto, Samuel black boys out. Ben does for our house boy. I have a pretty W. Locke and George H. Tate were sworn, and severally de­ good woman but she has four children. Our relations are all posed, that ther are well acquainted with the Testator's hand well except W'illelma Asqueth with a pain in her side quite writing and ,·erily believe the said writing, and the name bad. She boards at Mr. Career's. Ann Carter's well and has a thereto subscribed, to be wholly wrinen by 1he Testator's own house full of children. All your old acquaintances still multiply hand. Whereupon the said writing is ordered 10 be recorded, to fulfill the great command. Mrs. Sappington has none that as rhe true last Will and Testament of the said DaYid Hl;.un·­ the only one. Mary Polk was married to John Brown, your phreys, deceased. And on motion of John Humphreys, who groomsman. He became so disapated his Uncle took him to made oath, and together with George H. Tate, George B. Ilenois there he practiced law and reformed. He has been away Beall, George Rissler, John J. Hammond, Abraham H. Herr, about three or four years, returned about two months ago and and Thomas Rutherford, his securities, entered into and ac­ married and she has gone with him. Thomas remembers John knowledged a Bond, in the penalty of Twenty fo·e Thousand Crane, he has been living in the south for some time, a mer­ Dollars, conditioned as the law directs Certificate is granted the chant in Arkansas, come in to see his Mother about three said John Humphreys, for obtaining Letters of administration, months ago. Last week he was married to L. Sadler's daughter. on the decedents Estate in due form. Next month she will start with him. Goes by where Susan lives. I would like to send some little things I have made for Teste Robert T. Brown C.C. the children but I am not acquainted enough with them. I haw made aprons for your little ones too and for all my grand­ (21) GEORGE WASHINGTON" HUMPHREYS, children, that is the girls, the boys I have to send unmade as I can make none to fit. Nightcaps and aprons is all I can make at (John,, David,' John,1), was born 4 July 1778, Charles­ so great a distance. I am glad you will have a church so near. town township, Chester Co., Pa. He died 11 August I hope you may get a minister that will have an interest for the flock but-to see there so many for the ...... They have raised 1846 at his home "Belvidere." Later, when the land was our pues five dollars more besides collections every month. If sold out of the family, his body was removed and buried it gets much larger it will be like the tithes of England not the apostiles who worked with their own hands. Paul gloried on the Tate lot in Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, because he was not chargeable to no man. Mr. Hill kept school \X1• Va. He was unmarried. and preached a better sermon than many that does nothing but write one all week, though I know all have not the same gift but if the heart is right God giveth the utterance. I have but little news as I go out but seldom. John Kearsley manages his father's farm, looks very well. Christeen and children well. The Doctor talks of going out to see all of you next spring. You please give my love to your parents and little ones, receive mr best wishes and kind love both you and Thomas. Your ever thoughtful Mother, C. H. (Catherine (Keyes) Humphreys) I have just now met the Doctor in the store. He says you must not call your son Levy for he when grown will not thank you for it. Falval he says is a handsome name. (Letter addressed to: Mrs. Helen A. Humphreys, Manchester, St. Louis County, Mo.) )\/OTE: The Doctor was Dr. Levi O'Conner Cordell, brother of Helen (Cordell) Humphreys. 7. WILL BOOK 2, page 198. JEFFERSOJ\' COU1\TY, W'EST VIRGINIA. Last Will and Testament of David Humphreys. _I, David Humphreys, of Jefferson County, Virginia, do make this my Will, First-I direct that my Executrix hereinafter named, do sell the whole of my estate, real and personal, and of whatever kind I may possess for ready money, as soon as convenient after my decease, say within three months and the money arising from such sale, with the money I may dye pos­ sesed of, after paying my just debts-I direct and will one third of said estate to my wife and the other two thirds of mv said estate to be equally divided by my executrix, between mv six children, John, George, David, Sarah Ann, Thomas, and S~san, and as I owe but few debts, I desire the Court to suffer mv executrix, to qualify without requiring security and Lastly, ·1 George IFashi11gto11 H11mph1·eys do appoint my wife Catherine, Executrix of this my Will. In Phil ad el phia, on the 17th of April 1799, President Given under my hand and seal this first day of May 18.W. John Adams sig11ed a commission appointing George David Humphreys (seal) W. Humphries as a second Lieutenant in the Eighth 8. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW AND CHAN­ CERY FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY May 18, 1850. Regiment of Infantry in Service of the United States to


he again served as Captain of a company of volunteers from Jefferson Co., Va. In 1817 he was elected to the Virginia General As­ sembly. In 1819 a subsidiary of the African Colonization Society was formed in Jefferson Co., Va. Among the vice presidents were: B. C. Washington, J. T. A. Wash­ ington and G. W. Humphreys. He bought and sold land in Jefferson County and loaned money to others. He was a very successful man in business. He was also a very considerate man in his dealings with others.


I. ..Historical Register, U.S. Army," Heitman, Vol. 1, p. 555.

Befridere 2 . .. History of fefferson Co., W. Va. by Dr. Millard K. Bushong. 3. ''On the first day of March last, George W. Humphreys and John H. Tate entered into the following agreement-John take rank as such from the tenth day of January, 1799. H. Tate agrees to sell George W. Humphreys that part of the He resigned from the service on 15 June 1800. But land belonging to the heirs of the late Wm. Tate which was recently assigned to him-consisting of fifty-two acres, one when Washington, D. C. was attacked by the British, rood, and twelve perches, provided that the said Geo. W. Hum- jOHN AD.AMS, lhrtiilma of tl)t UttittD '9tatu e,f 2tmutu, To all who il1all fee thefe Prefeats~ Gr«tilJg,:

JlUO\lJ. ~t, £11,,,,t "'i''"'";J ,tu,:ial a,,,., and Q,yl,n:- m ~~trl'f1",;,, ,,,,,/ ..,,.{t,k,,,.• r j ,,; ,.. '/ ,' '.'..-,-,;;._ h;,1rnk;c,;{;tefi--,i':-: :_,-, IiJ,f._,-~i,,,;,,,1i!;,&?;;\'Or,?£;i;,.;1t:s


phreys shall pay him fifty dollars per acre and insure one James, Jerry, Viney, Mary, Manha, Phebe, Florinda and thousand dollars in cash. The remaining balance (after de­ Thomas, children they now have together with all they may ducting the amount with interest which was advanced to J. H. have hereafter, with my men Mathew and Frederick, shall be Tate by said Humphreys whilst at S. Hanover) shall be paid emancipated at my death, or as soon thereafter as all or any in paper, which the said Geo. W. Humphreys shall insure to be may demand deeds of manumission. Jerry Moore to make the good. Witness our hands and seals this second day of April demand for his wife and children under twenrv-one vears of eighteen hundred and thirty seven. age, as well as for himself. On the day that Jerry· may fix on to accept his freedom and that of his wife and children under age, George W. Humphreys (seal) Jno. H. Tate (seal) I direct he shall be paid out of my estate six hundred dollars in

4. "This indenture made this 3rd day of April 1837, between cash and be furnished with a good wagon and four horses (his ~a~nus W. Tate of the County of Jefferson, and State of Vir­ choice of all my horses) with gear complete. Macchew and ginia, of the one part and Geo. W. Humphreys, of the same Frederick in like manner to he paid one hundred dollars each place, of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said Magnus W. in cash. Tate ~or and in consideration of the sum of Twenty six hundred ai:id ~1xteen do~lars, current money of the United States, unto I give, bequeath and remit to my nephew, Samuel Lucas, son him m hand ~aid by the said George W. Humphreys-hath sold of my sister Hannah Lucas, all the debt or sums of money -:-unto the said George W. Humphreys-a certain tract of land which he owes me. m the County of Jefferson and State of Virginia, being said Magnus W. Tate share (the dower excepted) of his father's I give and bEqueach to my sister Ann Kearsley, five thousand estate called "Belvidere"--containing fifty two acres, one rood dollars, and remit discharge and release Jonathan Kearsley from and twelve perches. I have also sold to said George W. Hum­ all the debt and interest he owes me at this time. phreys all my right and interest in and to a road from the land of Wm. Tate, deceased, to the turnpike road-." I give and bequeath to my niece Maria L. Humphreys, two thousand dollars. Magnus W. Tate (L.S.) 5. WILL BOOK 11, p. 109. CHARLES TOWN JEFFERSON I give and clevis'" to John N. Lane, of the City of Lancaster, COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. ' mv farm on the Shenandoah river known by the name of che Sheeler farm containing one hundred and thirty seven acres, be I, George W. Humphreys, of the County of Jefferson and the same more or less, with its appurtenances, in crust as fol­ State of Virginia, do declare this as my last will and testament, lows: I direct that che rents and accruing pro fies shall be ap­ hereby revoking and annulling all former wills by me made. plied to the separate use and benefit of my niece Ann Margaret Carter, annually during her natural life, and at her death the . FlR?T-1 desire and direct that my sla"es, Jerry Moore and farm :o be divided among all her children then living, share his wife Viney, with their children: Henry, Joseph, Nimrod, and share alike.


remit, discharge and release to George H. Tate all debts ville, Virginia. He married 25 June 1807, in Martins­ and interest which he owes me, or may owe me at my death. burg, Va., to Hanna Wager, (daughter of John and I give and bequeath to my sister Abigail N. Tate my gold Sarah (Harper) Wager, of Philadelphia, Pa.), b. 3 Sept. watch as a specific legacy and I bequeath and devise co her, all the residue of my estate, real, personal, or mixed, which I have 1786, in Philadelphia and died 17 Aug. 1849, in Berry­ at my death. ville, Va., and buried in Grace Episcopal Cemetery. I constitute and appoint my sister Abigail N. Tate, Executrix, and John Humphreys (son of David) and Humphrey Keys, The estate of Roger Humphreys was appraised 15 Executors of this my last will and testament. And I respectfully March 1824 by John Augustine Washington, Bushrod ask the Court of Jefferson County to require no security of rhem when they qualify as executors hereof. Signed and sealed as my C. Washington, and Lee Griggs. The administrator was last will and testament this 22nd day of April 1845. George Washington Humphreys. (Jefferson Co., W. Geo. W. Humphreys (seal) Va. Will Book 5 p. 150) Subscribed by George W. Humphreyys and ac- knowledged by him before us as witnesses, who Children of Roger and Hanna, surname HUMPH­ hereto subscribe our names as witnesses at his REYS: request, in his presence and in presence of each ocher. 1. Emily, b. and d. dates unknown. She mar- Ec~w. E. Cooke, Chs. G. Stewart, Robert T. Brown ried William R. Seevers and they made their 6. fe//erso11 County, Ir'. V". Will Book I I, p. 456-457 home in Baltimore, Md. They had five daugh­ List of the notes, accounts, and money belonging to George ters, surname SEEVERS: W. Humphreys, deed. a. Anna Catherine Humphrey Keyes S7429.00 Isaat: Showalter 110.17 b. Mariah Wm. T. Washington 206.25 same 828.55 c. Jennie Thos. B. Washington 1036.67 same 10.'17.02 d. Eveline G. W. Cutshaw 89.72 J. J. Miller 300.00 e. Emily, b. 12 Jan. 1850, buried in Grace Geo. W. Turner 300.00 Cemetery, Berryville. Thomas Tummer 10.00 N. G. North 25.00 Geo. H. Tate 703.66 u. Anna Catherine, b. 30 July 1811; d. 18 Matthew Ranson (2 notes) 266.35 March 1835, and is said to be buried in Zion David Howell (2 notes) 60.16 Money in bank 778.47 Episcopal graveyard, Charles Town, West Va. John Yates 1500.00 She was the 2nd. wife of Colonel Treadwell E. E. Cooke & Co. 187.93 Smith, of Berryville, Va., b. 1789; d. 1873. His Jno. T. A. VVashington 210.23 Mrs. L. Washington 653.61 first wife was Elizabeth Lowery and his third same 52.29 wife was Sarah Jane Blackburn. Colonel Smith Henry Lashorn (5 notes) 424.86 Jno. T. Gallaher 50.00 accumulated a considerable fortune. Many Jno. Humphreys (2 notes) 2000.00 prominent descendants of his first wife are still Wm. D. North 11.98 Wm. Johnson 25.17 living in and around Berryville, Va. Children Jonathan Kearsley 902.14 of Anna C. and Treadwell, surname SMITH: Samuel Lucas 500.00 Jno. Yates (2 notes) 226.04 a. Roger R., b. 18 Sept. 1829; d. 1 Sept. 1908; Jno. J. H. Straith (2 notes) 33.36 Cash on hand 45.59 m. 25 Oct. 1859 to Elizabeth F. Rice. Acct. agt. Lester 24.33 b. Emily Frances, b. 12 Nov. 1830; d. 1888. Signed: Abigail N. Tate John Humphreys Unmarried. Humphrey Keyes c. Annie Maria, b. 1 Jan. 1832; d. 1917. Un­ Inventory of the personal property of Geo. W. Humphreys­ married. housegoods, farm implements, crops, animals and slaves S9942.75 d. Charles Horace, b. 1833; d. 1904; m. Eliza Total estate as listed $22,834.66 S. Blackburn.

(22) ROGER NORTH 1 HUMPHREYS, (John, m. Maria Louisa, b. 1812; d. 8 Feb. 1890, and 1 David," John, ), was born about 1780 in Charlestown buried, after removal from "Belvidere," in township, Chester Co., Pa. He died Feb. 1824, in Berry- Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, W. Va., on


the Tate lot. Through the kind prov1S1on of correct description, he will look it up. His name is Lucas, a relative of Samuel's.-Give my best love to sister M. and her uncle, George Washington Humphreys, she Cousin Mary. I will write soon to sister M. Today I am in a lived her later years at "Belvidere," together great hurry. Excuse haste and believe me ever your affectionate with her cousin George Tate and his niece, cousin, G. W. Humphreys. Mary Ann Daugherty. This lovely home was 3. Musc"tine County. low". Census for 1850. the gathering place for all the relatives. George W. Humphries, age 36, born Virginia 1v. George Washington, b. ca. 1814; d. ca. 1883. Martha Humphries, age 32, born Ohio Irene Humphries, age 4, born Iowa About 1839 he went to Muscatine, Iowa, and Ella Humphries, age 1, born Iowa engaged in mercantile business and in land. He 4. All data concerning Anna Catherine (Humphreys) Smith was, for a time, sheriff of Muscatine Co., Iowa. and her descendants was furnished through the courtesy of Miss His wife, Martha was b. ca. 1818 in Ohio Sarah B. Crown, Woodlawn, Berryville, Ya. She is a descendant J., of Colonel Smith by his first wife. and died May 1855. They are both buried in Items from the diary of Colonel Treadwell Smith: Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine, Iowa. They had two daughters, surname HUMPHREYS: "Friday-Aug. 17, 1849 Died in Berryville, at the residence of her son-in-law, Treadwell Smith, at ½ past 9 o'clock, P.M. Mrs. Hannah Humphreys, in the 63rd year of her age. Relict of a. Irene, b. 1846 Roger Humphreys, Esq., late of Jefferson Co., Ya. Beloved by all that knew her." b. Ella, b. 1849 "There was $89 due me from Mrs. Hannah Humphreys estate v. John, b. and d. dates unknown. With his cousin, which I gave Mr. Seevers a receipt for and he is to turn it over to Miss Maria Humphreys. John Humphreys Tate, he attended Hanover College in Indiana for two years. After college 5. Copy of will of Maria Louisa Humphreys, of Charles Town, W. Va. Dated 23 June 1888. he joined his brother George and his cousin "In the name of God, Amen: I, Maria L. Humphreys, of George W. Tate on a business trip to Iowa, but Charles Town, West Va., being of sound mind, memory, and he did not remain there long. He was a mer­ understanding do hereby make, publish & declare this to be my last will & testament, hereby revoking all others by me made. chant in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1883 and later died there. He was married but left no issue. 1st. After the payment of my debts and funeral expenses I give & bequeath w my friend N. S. White of Charlestown, two thousand dollars in trust, to be by him safely loaned or invested vi. Robert Harper, died 9 June 1884 at the home & the annual interest thereon to be paid to my dear friends and of his nephew, Roger Smith, of Berryville, Va. relatiYes, G. H. Tate and Mary A. Daugherty equally, for and during their natural lives. On the death of either, I give one He was unmarried. For many years he was a half, and on the death of the other, I give the other half of resident of Baltimore, Md., where he was secre­ said two thou5and dollars, as follows-one half to the children of my deceased sister, the late Mrs. Emily Seevers-the other tary of Mount Vernon Mills. He made frequent half to the children of my deceased sister, A. C. Smith, equally. visits to his relatives in Virginia. Letters to his -but the share to my nephew R. R. Smith to be paid to and held by my niece A. C. Seevers, of Baltimore in trust to loan cousin, George Tate, indicate that he was a or invest the same securely and pay the annual interest thereon careful business man. He is buried in Grace to my nephew R. R. Smith and his wife during their lives and to pay said interest to the survivor for life--at the death of the Church Cemetery, Berryville, Va. sun·ivor, I give, bequeath the said sum of money to the daugh­ ters of my sister Emily Seevers, of Baltimore equally to be REFERENCES; divided among them. 2nd. I give and bequeath to Mary V. Aisquith one hundred dollars. l. A series of eight letters and notes written bv Robert Har­ per Hui:nphreys and addressed to his cousin, George H. Tate, 3rd. I give and bequeath to V. M. Fine(?), Stephen Dalgarn at. Belvidere, cover the period from 1866 to 1882. They are ( ?) and ochers, deacons of the Presbyterian Church, Charles chiefly about mone} matters. The letters are the property of Town, two hundred dollars in trust to be used in repairs and Mrs. Margaret Shepard, of Cincinnati, Ohio. improvements to said church as may seem to them best. Should objections be made by my legatees or heirs to this bequest, I 2. Letter to George Tate, of Charles Town, W. Va. give the same to the said deacons individually. Hudson Black Hawk, Iowa 4th. I give to mv dear friend Anna H. Campbell, one hundred May 6th 1866 dollars. Dear George: 5th. To my beloved pastor, Rev. A. C. Hopkins, fifty dollars in token of my sincere affection for them. I am buisy gectini:: ready to. start w Muscatine County and therefore have but time to wnte a few lines. I recd. a letter (,th. Subject to the bequests aforesaid and which I desire to from Treasurer Bremer County. He says he can find no record be paid with interest from my death, as soon as m_ay be after of the land you describe.-You must have made a mistake in my dece:ise, I give & bequeath all the rest and residue o_f n;1y the Range if no other. The treasurer says-if you will send the estate wherever situated, as follows-one half to the children


of my deceased sister Emily Seevers, the other half to che chil­ cup and saucer, marked "D;" Sara Daugherty is to have my cup dren of my deceased sister A. C. Smith, share an share alike, but and saucer that Ellen D::idge gave me (made in Canton, China); the share of my nephe" R. R. Smirh is to be held in trust by Fannie Campbell is to have my hair and enamel bracelets and mv niece A. C. Seevers to be by her safely loaned or invested the ring with the yellow set. Ellen Carter, the old clock, and a;d the annual interesc co be paid to my nephew R. R. Smith blue enameled breast pin. My white tea set is for Eliza Gallaher, and his wife during their lives and to the suninir for life. and my rocking chair and cushion to F:rnnie Gallaher; also a After che


Before the Civil War, Mr. Roger Smith resided on the old Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1811 Smith farm just east of Berryville, which is now owned by his Dear Brother: nephew, Mr. Blackburn Smith, a well known lawyer of this place. After the war he opened a mercantile business here, and _Last evening. I was present at the uniting of our mutual in the eighties he retired from business and has led a retired fnend _and relat1ve, Mr. John Humphreys, and Miss Susan Alli­ life since. bone, rn the bonds of matrimony. She is the daughter of my particular friend Thomas Allibone, deceased. I recommend her Mr. Smith was leading member and vestryman of Grace to your notice as a lady of good sense, handsome accomplish­ Episcopal Church. Treas. of the church for 30 years, and for a ments, candid and amiable disposition and will shortly possess score of years treas. of Berryville. not less than ten thousand dollars in property. My prayer is that they may be successful and happy. -Smith family furnished soldiers-In Rev. War-Jonathan Smith-Treadwell Smith fought in War of 1812 and in the I have yielded to their entreaties by letting my daughter Ann Mexican War. Charles H. Smith, brother of Roger R. Smith, accompany them to your village and staying with them (and who died about 4 years ago, and Capt. J. Rice Smith fought relatives) until spring. As she goes off in a hurry she will want several articles of clothing, and I would thank you to pay under the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. Mr. Blackburn Smith, son of the late Charles H. Smith, was a member of Gen. rnto the hands of Mr. J. H. the amount of the moity that I paid Fitzhugh Lee·s staff in the Spanish Am. War. for you to Johnson, the book seller, say Sl 7.34 principal part. I have directed him to apply to the use above and the remainder Mr. Smith is survived by one sister-Miss Annie M. Smith, to forward to me. His receipt shall be a discharge in full. who has made her home with her brother since his wife's death rn 1894, and a number of nieces and nephews among whom are: On the 14th inst. Mrs. North was safelv delivered of a son; both mother and child promise to do well. I have now four CapL J. Rice Smith of Richmond. sons and four daughters living. You will readily agree with me Mrs. Sarah J. Crown, widow of the late John 0. Crown. that the old war-worn soldier will be kept preHy bu·f to pro­ Hon. Blackburn Smith, of Berryville. nde for them as long as he is able to make account, as on busi­ Miss Emily Smith. ness I principally depend. Last winter I had the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Mark. I am much pleased with them Mrs. Eustace W'illiams, Louisville, Ky. both, and from what I have since learned thev will not lament He was buried in Green Hill Cemetery. the journey to Philadelphia as I understand the child is quite well. Your old friends in our city are in good health; but we have (23) JOHN4 HUMPHREYS, (John,' David," John,1), lost, about six years ago Joseph North, Jr., in September Uncle Joseph; this winter Mrs. North, the widow of Joseph North, was born in Charlestown township, Chester Co., Pa., Jr., leaving eight children, all females, and I fear but a slender but the date is uncertain. The date of his death is un­ support, but it is consolation that Cousin Jane and Lydia can and will help them out. Wishing you and your family a full known. He was living in 1813 but is said to have died share of the comforts of life and a blissful eternity, as a young man and without issue. He married 17 Jan. I subscribe myself your affectionate brother, 1811, in Philadelphia, Pa., to Susan (Susannah) Alli­ Caleb North bone, ( daughter of Thomas Allibone, deceased), After

3 1 the death of John Humphreys, his widow Sman is said (24) ANNN HUMPHREYS, (John, David/ John, ), to have married Professor Morehead, of Cincinnati, and was born 14 Jan. 1785, Charlestown, twp., Chester Co., removed to Ireland, where he had inherited an estate. Pa.; died 10 May 1858 and is buried at Edge Hill Ceme­ tery, Charles Town, Jefferson Co., West Virginia. She married in 1803 to Jonathan Kearsley, (son of Judge REFERENCES:

I. THE HUMPHREYS FAMILY IN AMERICA suggests that John was the eldest child, but other evidence indicates that he may have been born between 1781 and 1784, there being a gap of five years between the known birth dates for Roger and Anna.

See under John-(9) in the 9 Jan. 1905 letter of Mrs. Calvin B. North. Other than that Hannah was omitted from the list, this is exactly the order of birth for the other children. It was also a fairly common custom in the Humphreys family in the early days to name the first son in honor of the grand­ father rather than the father. See under (46), the 6 May 1897 letter of Saidee Llewellyn. 2. In 1811, John Humphreys bought a lot in Charles Town. This lot, he and Susan sold, 3 Dec. 1813 to John Anderson. 3. During 1812, he was a member of the firm of Humphreys and Keyes operating a general store in Charles Town.

4. Letter from Caleb North to his brother George North. /011,,:han Kearsley and Ann (Humphreys) Kearsley


John and Nancy (Morrow) Kearsley, of Shepardstown, give to my son John my gold spectacles which I wish him Va.) He was born 21 Nov. 1778 and died 21 Dec. 1852 to receive as an expression of affe..:tion. and is also buried at Edge Hill. I give to my sister in law Eleanor Cramer, one hundred dollars as an expression of gratitude and affection and in case of her decease before mine, I give one hundred dollars to be Children of Jonathan and Anna, surname KEARS­ equally divided between her daughters, Nancy and Eleanor. LEY: To my namesake, Anna Kearsley, daughter of Geo. W. T., I give Three hundred dollars to be put out at interest for her benefit, until she is eighteen years of age. 1. Ann Margaret, b. 7 May 1809; married Isaac ~ Newton Carter I give to my son Sam1 C. Kearsley, Jane's Rutherford, and hope that he and his brother George W. T. Kearsley can make it so he can remain with his mother until he is older and as 11. John, b. 7 Aug. 1813; married Eliza Brice Sam' C. Kearsley owns his brother, that they may be so placed that they may cultivate a brotherly love and affection and see Ill. George Washington Tate, b. 15 Jan. 1819; their mother occasionally. married Rebecca Brown I have thus made disposition of what little of this worlds goods I have, and hope that my children will be satisfied. It has 1v. Samuel Cramer, b. 11 Feb. 1828; married given me much anxiety, and I have done in a conscientious way Leslie Thomson. what I thought best and right, and my sincere desire and prayer is that they may be heirs to a richer inheritance beyond the grave. • REFERENCES: My son Geo. W. T. Kearsley has been very kind in attending to my business for me without charge and I appoint him my executor and to be paid liberally. No doubt his brothers will I. For descendants of these four children, see '"History of rnnsult with him should there be any difficulty about the Serv­ Ke<1rsley F<1mily," by Elmer L. ~'hite. ants or otherwise, and I desire that security may not be required of my executor when he qualifies at Court. 2. '"I Anna Kearsley, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do publish and declare this as my last will and testa­ Published as my last will and testament this 7th day of ment. February 1857. I: is my will and desire, and I do give to my children, in­ Witnessed in the presence of the cluding the children of my daughter Ann M. Carter, who are testator who signed the above and to have the portion my said daughter would have had if living, acknowledged it before us, all being all my property after payment of and deducting the legacies then present together. hereby given. E E Cooke Geo. H Flagg I W Cameron That portion of the above bequest which would go to my Anna Kearsley grand-daughter Sarah, I give to my son Geo. W. T. Kearsley, as trustee-for her sole and separate use for her life, and after Copy of the above will and other data was furnished by Mrs. her death to her children or their descendants living at her Dorothy Carter Broughton, Letohatchee, Alabama. She is a death, and if there be none such at her death, then to her great great grand-daughter of Anna (Humphreys) Kearsley. brothers and sisters or next of blood kin. Hodding Carter, editor of the Greenville, Mississippi "Delta Out of the portion above given to my son John it is my will ihat my grandson Jonathan B. Kearsley shall have five hundred Times Democrat" and contributor to a number of well known dollars for the purpose of finishing his education, and if I furn­ magazines, is also a great great grandson of Anna (Humphreys) ish my said grandson money, or otherwise be at expense for Kearsley and reports that his branch of the family has a portrait him, I wish that to be deducted from the principal and what of his great great grandmother. may be left to be paid to him when he is twenty-one years of age. (25) ABIGAIL NORTH• HUMPHREYS, (John,1 I give my gold watch to my grand daughter Ann H. Carter, David/ John,1 ), was born 4 July 1787 probably in and also a little black child-Ellen Ann-which I wish to re­ main with her mother until Ann can have her properly cared Charlestown townshsip, Chester Co., Pa. She died 15 for. November 1862, at "Belvidere," Jefferson Co., Va., and I have given Mary Ann to my grandson Kearsley Carter and is buried at Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, Jeffer­ I now confirm the gift and request that he will have her taken care of and give her such religious instruction as the law will son Co., \Vest Virginia. She married 5 February 1807 in allow of. She is the daughter of Ellen. Jefferson County, Virginia to William Tate, (son of I give to my grandson Thomas L. Carter, my boy Albert, be­ Magnus and Mary Riley (McCormack) Tate, of Jeffer­ lieving he will have him well taken care of, he was a favorite son County, Va.) He was born 20 Jan. 1776 at Belvidere of my dear Husband and died 5 June 1818 and is buried at Edge Hill. I give to my son Geo. W. T. Kearsley, I give William and his wife Jane and infant child and hope they will not give him trouble, but will be good obedient servants and teach their He was a lawyer and a trustee of Charles Town. He children to be so, and if so that my son will give them Ten also served as Sheriff of Frederick County, Virginia. Dollars a year at the end of each year as a reward for good beha,ior, and I giYe to my son Geo. W. T. Kearsley the house and lot in Charlestown where Jane now lives. Children of William and Abigail, surname TATE:


1. Mary Ann b. 1808; d. 11 May 1832, aged 25 of two thousand dollars for the support and education of said children if in his discretion he shall consider it necessary to do years, 1 month and 27 days.; m. Joseph T. so, and no otherwise. · Daugherty, Esq. (See will of their daughter) FIFTHLY: I leave three negroes, Andrew, Beverly, and Polly, and also Polly's child or children, in the State of Missouri, in 11. Magnus W., m. (1) Ann Vaughn; m. (2) the care of Richard Vaughn, to be hired out by him for me, and Virginia Gay I give to my son Magnus W. Tate, the privilege of purchasing all of my said negroes in Missouri at the sum or price of one iii. Willelma, b. 1813; d. 18 Sept. 1853 aged 41 thousand dollars to be paid by him to my executors. years; married Mr. J.E. Asquith. SIXTHLY: I give and devise all the residue of my escate, real and personal, not heretofore disposed of, to be equally IV, George H. b. 1815; d. 25 April 1890 in his divided between my children-Magnus W. Tate anJ John H. Tate, and my grancl daughter Mary A. Daugherty, one chird 75th year, In Cincinnati, Ohio. Buried at Edge each. Hill. v. John Humphreys, b. 26 Dec. 1816; married Margaret K. Chenoweth, and lived in Cincin­ nati, Ohio. Their daughter, Abigail Humphreys Tate married Perrin G. March and a daughter, Margaret C. March married Harvey L. Shepard.

folm Humphreys Tate

I hereby appoinc George H. Tate and John H. Tace my sons co be execucors of chis mv last will and cestament, and I desire that chey may ncH be required co give security when chey qualify as executors before che courc of probate. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sec my hand and seal this 21st day of March, 1854. Abigrlil '(Humphreys) Tate Signed, sealed, and acknowledged by A. N. Tace before us, and witnessed by us, and atcesced in her REFERENCES: presence, and ac her requesc, al che cime of acknowl­ edgemenc by her. Edward E. Cooke l. W. W. B. Dutton "I, Abigai_l N. Tate, of Je_fferson Co., Va., do publish Abigail N. Tate (seal) and declare this as my last will and testament whereby I re- voke all other wills by me heretofore made. ' The following is a list of che personal propercy of Mrs. Abigail North Humphreys Tate according co appraisement made FIRST: I give and devise to my son, George H. Tate, one I hundred acres of land to be laid off and alloted to him as he January 2, 1863, at "Belvidere." (Copied August 949 by Mrs. may select and cho0se: also the sum of two thousand dollars Margarec March Shepard, Cincinnaci, Ohio, a great grand and my gold watch. daughcer of Abigail (Humphreys) Tace.) I Grandfacher 8 dav clock $ 25.00 SECONDLY: To the child of my grandson, William T. 15.00 Dougherty, deceased, I give six hundred dollars but if anocher I Mahogany sidebo~rd 1 pr mahogany knife boxes 3.00 c~ild be b?rn to him of his wife, which may po~sibly happen, I 2.00 give the six hundred dollars to be divided between said chil­ 3 Brinania ware waicers dren. I Tea sec, Britcania ware 4.50 2 Large silver pitchers 2.00 THIRDLY: I give my niece, Maria L. Humphries, two Breakfasc sec gilc chairs 10.00 hundred dollars. pr. nystal glass pickle jars 2.00 pr. silver cascors 4.00 FOURTHLY: I give to my son John H. Tace, truscee to and Egg boiler 1.00 for the use of my daughter Wilhemina Aisquith's children, two Sec breakfast places I. 50 thousand dollars; and my servant Rachel and her children and Loe of dishes 1.00 I do authorize the said John H, Tate to use the principal' sum Glass :-ugar bowl .50


Three old pitthers 2.00 Garden tools 3.00 Sheffield tea pot .50 Hand saw & old planes 2.00 13 Irish tumblers 2.00 Old mahogany bed & steps 3.00 Lard lamp 5.00 2 Old ovens 2.00 Set of Dishes 5.00 2 fine shoats 20.00 Gold rim tea plates 1.25 1 sow and pigs 10.00 Tureen & soup plates 5.00 Grindstone 1.50 Blanch mange molds I.OU Bathing tub 2.00 Large brass kettle 3.50 Iron Kettle 3.50 Lot of crocks 1.50 Wash stand, bowl & pitcher 3.00 3 Water bm·kets 3.00 Basket .75 l Table I.OU Table & C. 1.00 Tin buckets and pans 2.00 Curtains & gilt cornice 20.00 Big copper boiler 5.00 Radiator 14.00 Ice tub & milk cooler 2. 50 Shovel, tongs & poker 2.50 Side saddle 18.00 Hearth brush .25 \X'ash stand & bowl I.SO Silver candlesticks & snuffers 3.00 Keg cement I.OU Lott of books 5.00 Wheat screen 1.50 Safe 5.00 Preserving furnace 10.00 5 Old candle sticks of brass 1.00 Coal stove 4.50 Old table from Wales 1.00 loo lbs. lard 15.00 Large Welsh Press 4.00 U Stone jars 3.25 Pieced carpet I.OU 8 Glass jars 2.00 Brass coal bucker 1.00 11 Glass tumblers .75 Flv brush .75 2 Tin cans .50 6 Splat back chairs 7.50 4 Blk. Bottles .25 Rocking chair 6.00 Water can & wheel barrow 7.50 4 Card tables 20.00 I Old four poster bed 1. 50 Kerosene lamp 1.50 950 lbs. bacon (fine) 20c 190.00 Sofa 16.00 Hominv mill 2.50 2 french vases & 3 silver waiters 6.00 Bed . 5.00 The French carpet 25.00 Bed feathers 25.00 Crumb cloth 3.50 Covered chamber 1.()0 1 Rug 7.50 Trunnel bed 5.00 3 pr. comforters 5.00 Carpet 15.00 3 pr curtains 2.00 Shovel & tongs 1.00 Old set fine tea china 25.00 Franklin grate 2.50 Old set dinner ware 30.00 pr curtains 2.00 11 Irish goblets 5.50 Large dining room table 7.50 Old hammer & saws 1.00 2 rugs 1.00 Barrels 1.00 Stair carpet and rods 10.00 Lumber .50 Oil doth 6.00 Mare "Lock" 200.00 6 Rush seat chairs 6.00 Mare "Nance" 250.00 2 Sheffield pitchers 2.00 Colt 100.00 I Japan waiter .50 Cutting box 2.00 l Preserving kettle 2.50 Wagon & body 75.00 1 Mahogany dining table 7.50 Lumber 50.00 8 Chippendale chairs 4.00 Ox 25.00 2 Rocking chairs 2.00 Heifer 35.00 I Coal stove and screen 10.00 Red & white cow 20.00 Brass shovel, tongs, spittoons 1. 50 Red cow 35.00 Writing table 2.00 Smithv tools 5.00 Dining room carpet 17. 50 Corn ~heller .50 Map 1.00 Set single harness 10.00 Old mahogany knife boxes and knives 1.00 Carriage & harness 300.00 Corner cupboard 7.50 Mahogany stand & stool 1.50 Corner table 2.50 fine carpet 20.00 Tray & flour sifter 1.00 Lot of chambers 2.00 2 Tin pans 1.00 Brass tongs & shovel 1.00 2 Oven lids 1.50 1 Large satinwood bureau 10.00 Cook stove & kitchen furn. 20.00 1 Old mirror 1.00 Dough trough & chairs 2.00 13 Jelly glasses 5.00 6 Flat irons 2.00 18 Champagne glasses 5.00 l Axe 1.00 Celery glasses & pitcher 3.00 1 Mahogany bed stead 2.00 Bohemian glass dishes 5.50 l Very old oaken chest 1.00 5 Bohemian glass dishes (small) 2.50 1 Cherry chest 1.00 6 Toddy mugs 1.50 I Hand vice & screw driver 1.50 Curtain pins .75 Old stove 2.50 2 doz silver dessert spoons 15.00 Crow bar 2.50 doz silver tea spoons 7.50 2 Spades 1. 50 doz. other silver spoons 12.00 5 Old axes 2.50 Alabaster vase .50 2 Shovels 1.50 Glass jars 5.50


Blue vases 2.00 Lot of stoneware 4.50 Coal stove 7.50 2 pr candle moulds 2.00 carpet & rug 25.00 Spinning wheel .25 Basement of bed 2.00 IO stone jars 7.50 Bed curtains 4.00 1 cow 35.00 2 Blankets 4.00 2/ 5 of 22 acres of wheat 88.00 Slop bucket 2.00 4 chairs 3.00 Safe . 25.00 (26) DAVID• HUMPHREYS, (Joshua/ David,C 1 Sausage stuffer & grinder 5.00 John, ), was born 1769-70 in Chester Co., Pa. He died Sick chair 1.00 Contents of garret 10.00 before 14 Aug. 1815, in Fayette County, Ky. He married Wash stand & contents 5.00 Elizabeth Moore Cook (Cooke), ( daughter of John and Single bed stead 5.00 Elizabeth (Robinson) Cook, formerly of Spotsylvania Carved bed and bedding 25.00 Bed curtains 3.00 Co., Va., and grand daughter of John Robinson, Speaker 3 pr wool blankets 10.00 of the Virginia House of Burgesses.) I pr still yards 1.00 Mortar & pestle 1.00 I st shelf bottles & jars 8.00 David was a watch maker and engraver as was his 2nd shelf bottles & jars 5.00 father. 3rd shelf bottles & jars 5.00 Lard can 2.00 The Lexington Ky., Library has a "Map of tbe Seat Basket 1.50 White wash brush .50 of War, 1812-1815," presented by \X1illiam A. Leavy. Ches: of set of drawers 1.00 This map was prepared by David Humphreys. old gun 1.00 Chair & ironer .75 2 Apple pairers .50 He also executed the plates showing surveys used by I Pieced cotton quilt 1.00 James Hughes in his .. Hughes Reports," the first pub­ I pr silver candle sticks .75 I very fine old bureau 10.00 lication of the various decisions by Kentucky's Supreme 1 old day bed . 75 Court . Mahogany wash stand, bowl & pitcher etc. I. 7~ large old bed stead 5.00 He designed and made for the Commonwealth of Feather mattress 35.00 Feather mattress 15.00 Kentucky, a Seal and Press. For this work he received Feather bolster & pillows 15.00 twelve pounds. straw bed 2.50 small mahogany bed & bedding 20.00 a I Hepplewhite bed 8.00 In the fall of 1800, militia company was organized I candle stand 1.50 in Lexington and one of the privates was David Hum­ I doz. damask table cloths 10.00 3 diaper table cloths 4.50 phreys. 2 pairs extra long damask table cloths 10.00 6 short damask table cloths 12.00 Child of David and Elizabeth, surname HUMPH­ 2 table cloths 2.00 REYS: 18 dinner napkins 8.00 14 dinner napkins 5.50 1. James H., b. ca. 1790-1795; d. 21 Sept. 1826; · 36 Tea napkins 8.00 12 French napkins 1. 50 m. 6 Dec. 1821 in Lexington, Ky., to Joanna 12 Towels 9.00 Hickey, ( daughter of Simon Hickey). James 7 white woven counterpanes 25.00 6 Towels 4.50 was student at Transylvania University 1808- 25 Towels 6.25 1810. He was a physician and served as bonds­ 2 doz. tea towels 1.00 12 pr. linen pillow cases 15.00 man for several of his friends. No known issue. 5 Bureau covers 3.00 12 pr large linen sheets 5.00 8 pr linen sheets 20.00 REFERENCES: 3 doz single cotton sheets 6.00 Chair cover · 2.00 2 pitchers & bowl 2.50 I. Fayette Co., Ky., Court Order Book No. 3, p. 297. Wardrobe 6.00 4 old leather chairs 8.00 James Haggin was appointed administrator of the estate of Churn & tub 3.00 David Humphreys as the widow declined to act. Charles Hum­ 1 New rug 25.00 phreys was security. Joshua Humphreys, John Marsh, and Luke 2 Tin boilers I. 50 Usher were appraisers. Kegs .50 Old hogshead 2.00 2. "Virginid County Records" Crozier, Spotsylt-m1id Co., Va. 4 barrels 2.00 D. B. '"F," Vol. I, page 505, May 30, 1798. 8 sheep at $8 64.oo 3 ... Memairs of Lexington'' by William A. Leavy. 1 sleigh 10.00 Lot of tubs 2.50 4. "'Ke11.'11cky Historical Societ;• Register," Vol. 30, p. 236.


5 . .. Ibid .. Vol. 41, p. 52. Roll of Students-Transylvania U., all the research for this branch of the family 1808-1810, James H. Humphreys, son of David. from the time they left Pennsylvania. 6. Fayette Co .. Ky Marriages 1803-185 l. b. Elizabeth, b. 1822; married Lucien Wingate 7. "Kent11cky Reporter' for HJ Dec. 1821: "Ibid" 25 Sept. 1826. c. Sarah, b. 1826; married John R. Mullaney 8 . .. Tbe History of Pioneer Lexington, Ke11t11cky"' by Charles R. S:aples. d. Emma, b. 1835; married William Henry Lee 9. James H. Humphreys served as bondsman in the following marriages: 11. James Hughes, was living in Harrodsburg, Ky.,'..;. in 1823 and died, unmarried, in , 22 Sept. 1819 James Armstrong and Jane Ridgeley 28 Ma, 1821 Thomas M. Hicke1· and Pollena Keen La. 20 Sep·t. 1821 Jas. S. Tingle and Anna Cath. Hughs 25 No,. 1823 Joe Reed Megowan and Sarah Cassell REFERENCES:

(27) ELIJAH• HUMPHREYS, (Joshua,' David," I. From a lener written (22 Feb. 1946) by Cass K. Shelby. John,'), was born 1771-1772, probably in Chester Co., "I remember my grandmother Shelby in early years talking Pa. He died 1801 in Fayette Co., Ky. He married about to me about her great grandfather Joshua Humphreys and re­ 1796, Mary McConnell, ( daughter of James and Mary peating the then accepted notion that he was the builder of the famous war vessels of 1812, the Constitutiqn, the Constellation, (Elliott) McConnell who had come to Fayette Co., Ky., etc. As a boy I readily accepted the story, but on reaching the from the Cumberland Valley o_f Pennsylvania, about thinking age I began to wonder how a clockmaker, who was said with equal emphasis to have come there from Virginia, 1780). She was probably still living in 1817 and the could build and launch frigates in the blue grass region of "Polly'" who signed, with Charles Humphreys, as bonds­ inland Kentucky. Now, I never completely ignore traditions, in spite of their usual unreliability, and so, in later years I began man for the marriage of "Nancy" and P. R. Pleasants. hunting around Philadelphia where Joshua was alleged to have She held a warrant for 2,974 acres of land on the East li,·ed. I soon found out that he was not the younger Joshua Humphreys (Benjamin's son) who was the actual shipbuilder, Fork of Eagle Creek in 1798. but after a long time I accidently discovered the real connection with that terriwry, and tradition was in part confirmed.'' Children of Elijah and Mary, surname HUMPH­ 2. Fayette Co., Ky. District Court Book "B," p. 127. 16 Oct. REYS: 1798. Mary McConnell, widow, and John McConnell, Elijah Hun:i­ 1. Ann Katherine (Nancy), b. 10 March 1797, phreys and Mary his wife, Thomas Dickenson and Betsy his near Lexington, Ky. She died 18 April 1864, wife, James, William, and Francis McConnell and Margaret McConnell, infants, by John McConnell, Sr., their guardian, all Louisville, Ky., and was buried in Cave Hill heirs of James McConnell, deed. etc. etc. 1 ) 14 181 7 Cemetery. She married ( Oct. in 3. Fayette Co., Ky. District Court Book "C," p. 435. 10 Feb. Fayette Co., Ky. to Peyton R. Pleasants, (son 1801. of Matthew and Ann (Bailey) Pleasants, of Marv McConnell, widow, John McConnell, Elijah Humphreys Versailles, Ky.). He died in January 1818. She and Mary his wife, late Mary McConnell, Thomas Dickerson and Elizabeth, his wife, late Elizabeth McConnell, William Mc­ married (2) on 10 March 1820 in Lexington, Connell by Elijah Humphreys, his guardian, etc. all of Fayette Ky., to Dr. Joseph Winlock Knight, (son of Co., Ky., to James Patrick, of Augusta Co., Va., etc etc. Dr. John and Mary (Stephenson) Knight, of 4. Fayette Co., Ky. Circuit Court Book "B," p. 465. Shelby Co., Ky.). Dr. Knight was a member of Mary McConnell, widow, John McConnell, Mary Humphreys, the Kentucky Legislature and Ann met him in late Mary McConnell, etc etc-Commissioner who conveyed and diYided lands on behalf of Margaret McConnell, infant heir of Frankfort while visiting there during a session James McConnell, and on behalf of Nancy Humphreys and of that body. Later they moved to Louisville James Humphreys, heirs of Elijah, deceased, who intermarried the said Mary Humphreys, nee Mary McConnell, all of Fayette where he took up his practice as a physician. Co.-Deed delivered to Henry Marshall had been drawn up by Here he died m 1871. Children, surname Henry Clay. Dated 12 Sept. 1805. KNIGHT: 5. Items from Kentucky Reporter of 15 Oct. 1817. C. 7 1821; 1838 Peyton R. Pleasants, of Frankfort to Miss Nancy Hum­ a. Mary Humphreys, b. Jan. m. phreys, of Lexington on 14 Oct. 1817. to Col. John Warren Shelby, grandson of General Isaac Shelby, the first Governor of (28) JOSHUA' HUMPHREYS, Jr., (Joshua,' David," 1 Kentucky. Their grandson, Cass K. Shelby, John, ), was born about 1773-74, possibly after the of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, carried out family had reached Staunton, Virginia from Chester Co.,


Pennsylvania. He died 23 Nov. 1823 in Fayette Co., Ky. John, 1 ), born 1774-1775; died in Fayette Co., Ky.; mar­ He married Mary T. or J. After his death she married ried in Fayette Co., Ky. to James Hughes. on 14 Nov. 1827, at the home of James Haggin (her He was a distinguished lawyer and the author of late husband's brother-in-law) to Isham R. Trotter, of Hughes' Reports, the first reports of the Kentucky Franklin, Williamson Co., Tenn. Court of Appeals. He was an Englishman of distin­ Before his marriage, Joshua seems to have lived for a guished family. Indicative of the high regard in which time with or near his brother, Parry Wayne Humphreys, he was held is the fact that through him, many Hum­ on Yellow Creek, Montgomery Co., Tenn. This was in phreys men in later generations became lawyers and the 1813 when he was appointed as a road overseer there. name James Hughes was used frequently in naming their sons. He practiced from 1793 to about 1806-7. He returned to Kentucky where we find him in 1816 acting as bondsman in the 'marriage of Samuel Haggin Children of James and Mary, surname HUGHES: and Jane Patterson, of Fayette Co., Ky. 1. Elizabeth, married Matthew Jenkins. Joshua had two claims for land on Otter Creek. One 11. James, Jr., unmarried. was for 1441 acres and the other was for 1707 acres. m. Anna Catherine, married Harry Cowan. He dated his will on 4 Nov. 1823 and it was probated in Dec. 1823. His brother Charles and his wife Mary IV. Sarah were executors of the will. He mentions, besides his iv. Patsy. These two youngest daughters were un­ wife, his nephew James H. Humphreys, of Harrodsburg, married and are said to have had the Hughes Ky., and his two children. Witnesses were: E. M. Patter­ and Humphreys famiy records which were lost son, T. W. Combs. and Notty Coor.. in the burning of their residence in 1860. Children of Joshua and Mary, surname HUMPH­ REYS: REFERENCES:

1. Parry T. or G. Nothing definite is known I. Memoirs of Lexington aud Vicinity, \Villiam A. Leavy, in concerning this child but it is barely possible Ky. Stale Hist. Reg., Vol. 40, p. 355-360. that he went to Williamson Co., after his (30) CHARLES' HUMPHREYS, (Joshua, David," mother's second marriage and from there, went John,1 ), was born 1775-76, probably in Staunton, Vir­ to Hernando, Miss., where lived his uncle­ ginia. He died 2 Oct. 1830, Lexington, Ky. He married Parry Wayne Humphreys. If so, he died 10 ( l) 22 l\Iay 1800, in Lexington, Ky., to Sarah Cowan, Hernando on 6 July 1846 at the age of 24 (daughter of David and Mary Cowan), d. 25 March years. 1824, Lexington, Ky. Charles married (2) on 19 Octo­ ii. Hetty W. (probably Henrietta) ber 1826 in Lexington, Ky., to Elizabeth 1\L Rigg, ( daughter of Jonathan Rigg). After the death of REFERENCES: Charles Humphreys she married on 20 May 1833 to Judge Daniel Mayes. l. Ky Reporter of 24 Nov. 1823. "Joshua Humphries, of Lex­ ington, died 23 Nov. 1823." Charles Humphreys was in business in Lexington 2. Ky. Hist. Soc. Reg. Vol. 45, p. 196. Isham R. Trotter, when barely twenty-one years of age. His first business Franklin, Tenn. Married on Thursday, 14 Nov. 1827 at home venture was dissoh·ed and a new one started in 1797. He of James Haggins, to Mrs Mary Y. Humphreys." dealt in hardware, drygoods, groceries and medicines. 3. Williamson Co., Tenn. Minute Book 1812-1815, Jan. 181.'>. He also operated a chain of blacksmith shops over the Isham R. Trotter came into court and qualified as justice of peace for this county. count\·. In addition to this, he practiced law, and was a 4. Montgomery Co., Tom. County Court !Hiuut£'S Book 5 member of the Lexington Bar. He published a book 1815-1815, p. 52. On. 19, ISL\. Joshua Humphries, appointed entitled, ""A Cumpedium of Cu111111011 Law" and one of o,·erseer of road from East Fork of Yellow Creek to Palmna." ··,\tiscella11eous Essays." 5. Fayette Co., Ky .. Will Book "F," p. 229. He sen·ed Transylvania Uninrsity both as a lecturer (29) MARY• HUMPHREYS, (Joshua,· David,' 10 law and as " member of the board of trustees.


He had a large and popular family but lost many of REFERENCES: his children in early life. I. Ky State Hist. Soc. Reg. Vol. 40, p. 355-360 "Memoirs of Entries in his family Bible began with his first mar­ Lexington," by \X'illiam A. Leavy. riage and were carefully kept so we have a complete "Charles Humphreys, Esqr., son of one of our early residents, and accurate record of all of his children. Joshua Humphreys, Senr., whom I remember pleasancly from seeing in my counting room in the year 1803 and some of his Children of Charles and Sarah, surname HUMPH­ remarks to me as a young scholar at College, and a brother of David Humphreys, watchmaker and engraver, who made a Map REYS: of the Seat of War 1812-1815, a copy of which I presented within the last year to the Lexington Library, also a brother of Joshua Humphreys, Jr., a much esteemed citizen for some years. 1. Charles, Jr., b. 7 April 1802; d. 14 April 1822. Charles Humphreys, a member of the Lexington Bar for a great many years was much less distinguished from others by 11. Henr}, b. 30 March 1804; d. Sept. 1839 in superior talents though of good parts than for his unremitting industry and close attention to business and I may add, as a Houston, Texas. He was guardian for Sarah A., model gentleman, which more than made up for want of su­ Hetty N., and John in 1831. periority of talent. Though he possessed a good intellect and was exceedingly well informed and a good writer. He pub­ iii. Polly (Mary), lished a stout octavo volume, a Compedium of Common Law b. 30 Nov. 1805; d. Nov. which sold at S3.00 also a volume of Miscellaneous Essays. He 1824. was a valuable member of Society and earnest in promoting the best interests of Lexington. He was a good lawyer for collect­ iv. William, b. 12 July 1807; d. l June 1826. He ing debts and often employed by my father who held him in· very high esteem. He was first a merchant and engaged at was a member of the senior class and of the different times in other business though as a lawyer he had Whig Society, of Transylvania University. always a respectable practi(·e. His family was an interesting and amiable one. His first wife was a Miss Cowan and several v. Elizabtth M., b. 23 March 1809; m. 29 Dec. children were lost, after grown, by consumption. His second wife was a Miss Riggs, who after his death became the wife of 1840, to Alexander Calvin Macfarlane, b. 25 Daniel Mayes, Esqr., attorney at law and judge. Mr. Hum­ April 18 l 8 in Lee Co., Va. Children, surname phreys hospitable residence, which he built, was on south side of High Street beyond Spring, set some distance back from the MACFARLANE (MACFARLAND) (There street. He died 1830."

may have been still later children.) 2. "History of Ky." by Kerr, Vol. II, p. 1055. The legislature appointed a new board of trustees for Transylvania University a. Ellen Reily, b. 29 Dec. 1841, Austin, Texas. -Henry Clay, Robert Trimble, Edmond Bullock, John T. Morris, Jr., Robert Wickliffe, John Pope, John Brown, and b. Arthur Preston, b. 19 Oct. 1843, Galveston, Charles Humphreys. Texas. 3. Fayette Co., Ky. Deed Book 28, p. 223. Date 1853. Real 47. v1. Parry\X1 ayne, b.11January1811. estate of Charles Humphreys "as heired by Parry W., John, Charles, and Elizabeth McFarland. (apparently all the other children were dead by 1853) 48. vu. John Cowan, b. 1 June 1813. 4. "The HistorJ of Pio,uer Lexington, Kentucky" by Charles viii. Joshua, b. 12 March 1816; d. 1 Jan. 1817, R. Staples. Pages 136, 158, 146, 150, 157, and 242, all give brief items concerning Charles Humphreys and his business con­ aged 10 months. nections in Lexington.

tx. Sarah Ann, b. 9 Sept. 1818; said to have 5. The Ky. Reporter, for the years 1822 to 1826 carries death married but died without issue ..Not mentioned notices for several members of this family. a~ an heir in 1853. 6. Heirs in Court of Appeals Deeds, Frankfort, 1833 Heirs of James Cowdn included-Henry Humphreys and Elizabeth Hum­ x. Hetty N. b. 12 Nov. 1820; d. 1843 at Dr. phreys, son and daughter of Sarah Humphreys, deed., a sister of James Cowan. Mary Cowan was mother of James Cowan. Chambers, \Vashington Co., Texas. 7. Records copied April 19~0, at Lebanon, Tennessee, by Child of Charles and Elizabeth, surname HUMPH­ Allison Battle Humphreys from a Bihle in his possession which former!) belonged to his great grandfather-Charles W. Hum­ REYS: phreys. The Bibk has neither front nor back cover so the pub­ lisher and the date of publication cannot be learned. x1. Charles William, b. 2 Aug. 1827. His mother, MARRIAGES Elizabeth, was his guardian in 1831. One of four heirs mentioned in 1853. Family tradition Chs Humphreys and Sarah Cowan were united on the 22 day of May in the year 1800. says he married and had two daughters living Charles Humphrey:; & Elizabeth L. Rigg were married on the in Mississippi in 1886. l'J:h Oct. 1826.


BIRTHS (31) PARRY WAYNE' HUMPHREYS, (Joshua,' 1 Charles Humphreys was born on the 7th day of April at two David,2 John, ), was born 1777-78 at Staunton, Virginia. o'clock on a Thursday in the year 1802. He died 19 Jan. 1839, at Hernando, De Soto, County, Henry Humphreys was born on Friday night at eleven o'clock Mississippi, and is said to be buried in a Methodist the 30th day of March in the year 1804. cemetery there. He married 31 Jan. 1805, to Mary West, Polly Humphreys was born at 9 o'clock on Saturday morn­ ( daughter of George and Elizabeth (Clark) West, of ing the 30th day of November 1805. Montgomery Co., Tenn.), b. 1 Dec. 1785, probably in William Humphreys was born at 12 o'clock on Sunday the 12th day of July 1807. Bertie Co., N. C.; d. after 1840, when she was still in Hernando, Miss. Elizabeth M. Humphreys was born on the 23rd of March 4 o'clock in the morning 1809. He grew to manhood in or near Lexington, Ky., MARRIAGES where he studied law with James Hughes, an English­ Alexander C. Macfarlane and Elizabeth Humphreys were man of prominent family, who had settled in Lexington united on the 29th day of December in the year 1840. and had married Mary Humphreys, the older sister of BIRTHS Parry Wayne. Parry Humphreys was born the 11th January 1811 2 o'clock in the morning. About 1801 he seems to have gone to Tennessee and settled on Yellow Creek, in Stewart County, near the Jno C. Humphreys was born l June 1813. 3 o'clock. Montgomery Co., border. Joshua Humphreys was born 12th of March 1816 at 8 o'clock in the morning. He was a member of the Superior Court of Law and Sarah Ann Humphreys was born the 9th of Sepe., 12 after 11 Equity 1801-1807 and was elected representative in the o'clock at night 1818. XIII Congress, 1813-1815. He served as one of the com­ Hetty N J L H Humphreys was born the 12th of Nov. 1820. missioners for the settlement of the boundary between 6 o'clock. Tennessee and Kentucky and was appointed by the leg­ (Reverse of Page) islature to be Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, BIRTHS which position he held for fifteen years. Charles William Humphreys born 12 o'clock 2 August 1827. Humphreys County, Tennessee, was named in his Alexander Calvin Macfarland was born 25th of April 1818 honor. As a judge, "he is remembered for his courtesy, in Lee Coupnty, Virginia. urbanity, and incorruptible integrity." Ellen Reily Macfarland was born 29th day of December in the year 1841 at half past 4 o'clock in the morning, city of On account of his health, he moved from Tennessee Austin, Texas. to Mississippi about 1836 and was president of the bank Arthur Preston Macfarland was born the 19th day of October of Hernando at the time of his death. in the year 1843 at half past 4 o'clock in the morning, City of Galveston, Texas. Children of Parry Wayne and Mary, surname HUM­ DEATHS PHREYS: Henry Humphreys departed this life the ···: day of Sept. in the year 1839 at Houston, Texas. 49. 1. West Hughes, b. 26 Aug. 1806 Henrietta Humphreys departed this life the .... day of ...... in 50. ii. Charles Jones, b. 1811 the year 1843 at Dr. Chambers, Washington County, Texas. DEATHS iii. Elizabeth, b. 1815; m. Rev. William H. Bayless, b. 1806, in Georgia. He was a Baptist Jos. Humphreys deceased 1 April 1810, aged 67 years. clergyman and served as joint executor of the Jonathan Humphreys departed this life the day of .... in the year .... 1813. estate of Parry Wayne Humphreys. He and his family left Miss. and moved to Dallas Co., Ark., Jos. Humphreys died 1st January 1817 aged 10 months. between 1842 and 1845. Children ( up to 1850) Ch. Humphreys, Jr., died 15 April 1822. surname BAYLESS: Mary Humphreys died in Nov. 1824. a. Mary E. b. 1834, in Tenn. Sarah Humphreys (Mother) died in March 1824. b. Elizabeth W. b. 1842, in Miss. William Humphreys died 1 June 1826. Charles Humphreys (father) died 2nd Oct. 1830. c. Robert H. H. b. 1845, in Ark.


1v. Joshua P. b. 1818-1819 d. 31 Aug. 1840, De a con,picuous candidate for the Go,·ernorship of chat great Scare. He departed this life at Hernando, De Soto Co., on Sat­ Soto Co., Miss.; m. 1839-40 to Eliza Jane urday last - We know not a public man in the country who Young (?). Letters of administration on deser\'es to be more deeply lamented at his death. Joshua·s estate were granted William .McMa­ -. Aiempbis E11q11h-er, Friday, Feb. 22, 1839. pa. 1, col. 6. hon, 23 Nov. 1840, in Marshall Co., Miss. He "Died-on Saturday last, 16th inst., at Hernando, Miss., the had no issue. Honorable Parry W. Humphreys-. The deceased, when in Ten­ nessee-filled several stations of honor with credit to himself v. Georgiana, b. d. m. ( 1) Alfred and satisfaction to the community, and at the moment of his death was the President of the Bank at Hernando. But ic was H. Powell who died soon after his marriage. chiefly around the fireside and in the domestic circle that this He was a junior member of the law firm of good man was esteemed and beloved. And here may be added the cestimonv of one who had been favored and honored with Humphreys, Barton, and Powell and lived in his acquainc~nce for three years previous to his death, that this Holly Springs, Miss. Georgiana married (2) good man was most beloved where he was best known. In his death the State of Mississippi has unwillingly released one of before 1 April 1846 to D. H. Bledsoe. No fur­ its most valuable spirits; his immediate community, its best ther information. citizen; society, its richest ornament; friendship, its truest dis­ ciple; all his relations, a Father; and the religion of Jesus, its best pattern and brightest jewel." B F D 51. v1. Robert West, b. 14 April 1824. 8. Montgomery Co. (Tenn.) Court Minutes VI, Jan. 17, 1815, p. 2. REFERENCES: 9. De Soto Co., Miss. Probate Court Records. March term 1839. Extracts. W'illiam H. Bayless and C. J. Humphreys ap­ I. "Tennessee Gazette and Mero District Adi·ertiser'' (Printed plied for letters of administration upon estate of P. W. Hum­ and Published by Benjamin J. Bradford, on Market Street, phreys, deed., who died intestate. Bond in the sum of forty NashYille, Tenn.) No. 58 of Vol. 4, Issue of Wednesday, Feb. thousand dollars was executed and signed by W. H. Bayliss, 1:\, 1805.-Nashville items for 6 Feb. 1805-1\farried, on Thurs­ C. J. Humphreys, John L. Brown, and H. F. Samuel on 4 March day last, Parry W. Humphreys, Esq., attorney at law of chis 1839. place, co the amiable Miss Maria West,


Robert Humphreys gave a refunding bond dated 30 Jan. 1847. Various records refer to Henrietta as Hetty, Hatty, l March 1843, an application of Eliza Jane Humphreys, and Esther. widow of Joshua P. Humphreys, for an allotment of S125 per year. James and Henrietta had several daughters but their In the bill of Dr. Dockery, he shows constant attention to names are unknown. Joshua P. Humphreys on Aug. 28, 29, 30, 1840. In the bill of L. M. Evans, it is recorded that Eliza Jane REFERENCES: Humphreys on l Sept. 1840 bought black dress handkerchief­ black silk gloves-2 yards crepe--4 yards ribbon. 23 June 1845, in a letter submitted by Robert Humphreys: I. "History of Mercer t1nd Boyce Counties, KJ•." p. 70. "the said Joshua P. Humphreys died without children and 2. "Kentucky Gt1zctte" for 6-7-1803. petitioner is his brother:· 1 April 1846 deposition of West H. Humphreys: "Joshua P. 3. ''Kentucky Stale Historict1/ Register,·• Vol. 40, p. 355-360. Humphreys is my brother. He died in De Soto Co., Miss., leav­ ing a widow aml no children; brothers Charles, Roher!, and myself, West H. Humphreys and sisters-George Ann Bledsoe ( 33) JOHN THOMAS• HUMPHREYS, (David,' 1 ,rnd Elizabeth Bayless." Signatures of D. H. Bledsoe and W. H. Daniel," John, ), was born 7 Feb. 1792, Surry Co., N. Bayless are also shown as husbands. C. He died 15 April 1873, Prentiss Co., Miss. Married Above information given as part of relinquishment of other heirs to Robert Humphreys. 23 April 1816, Bachelor's Retreat, S. C., to Jane Eliza­ beth Verner, ( dau. of John Verner, and his second wife, Marshall Co., Miss. Probate Court, Cause # 36. Joshua P. Humphreys, Intestate vs W1m. M. McMahon, Admr. In final Rebecca Dickey), b. July 1796; d. 25 Jan. 1886, Prentiss settlement of estate. Co., Miss. Credits-By this amount due from distributees of P. W. Humphreys, deed., to Joshua P. Humphreys, deed., the division He was named an executor of his father's estate al­ of property $62.00. Robert Humphreys representing all of said though he had previously been given his share of the discributees is to be charged with one half of this debt & widow of Joshua P. Humphreys owes the other half. property. S723 deduct Roberts half-Balance due distributees b1· Admr <,92.27 Robert Humphreys proportion one half S346.13 · He had several land transactions in Oconee Co., S. C., then moved to Anderson District, S. C., where he lived 11. De Soto Co., Miss. Special term court Nov. 1839-Joshua P. Humphreys was appointed County Treasurer. 1834-1839. After the long overland trip to Mississippi, 6 Ja~. 1840 Ordered by the court that Joshua Humphreys be he lived at Pontotoc for one year, then in 1840 settled in sworn m open court as deputy of said court. Tishomingo Co., Miss., where he lived until his Jeath. 4 Feb. 1840 Charles J. Humphreys, Joshua P. Humphreys, & Prentiss County was cut off of Tishomingo in 1870. H. F. Samuel signed bond for S6,000 for Charles J. Humphreys as guardian of Robert Humphreys, minor heir of P. W. Hum­ In pension records he is described as being five feet, phreys. eleven inches tall, with light hair and blue eyes and fair · ( 32) HENRIETTA' HUMPHREYS, (Joshua,' David," complexion. He was a farmer and, according to the cen­ 1860, John,'), was born after 1782 and probably in Rich­ sus record for a very successful one. mond, Va. \X'hen and where she died is unknown. She Children of John Thomas and Jane, surname HUM­ married 26 May 1803 in Fayette Co., Ky., to James PHREYS: Haggin, Esqr., (son of Captain John Haggin, of Mercer Co., Ky.) Joshua Humphreys was bondsman at the 1. David Waddle b. 17 Jan. 1817, Pickens Dist., wedding. S. C.; living Oct. 1886 in Miss.; m. ca. 1855-56 to Miss Johnson. Apparently his wife died and James Haggin was one of the foremost lawyers m he returned and lived his remaining years with Lex_ington and Kentucky. his parents. An only daughter, surname HUM­ He built a residence in Lexington in 1814-1815. Later PHREYS: he bought a large farm in Woodford County, fourteen a. Emily Jane, b. ca. 1857, Tishomingo Co., miles from Lexington, on the Frankfort Road, and sold Miss. his Lexington home. Later he sold this \X'oodford 11. Martha (Patty) b. ca. 1818; m. James Bu- County farm to David C. Humphreys, Esqr. (This chanan. The family lived near Pontotoc, Miss. David was not at all related to the family of Henrietta.) Into his law partnership, Haggin took Thomas M. 111. John Verner, b. ca. 1820; unmarried. A Hickey, son of Simon Hickey. Major and killed in Civil \X'ar.


1v. Rebecca Caroline, b. ca. 1822; m. before 1850 Ri,·er. Consideration. Love and affection which I bear for m,· son John T. Humphreys. W'itnesses: Thomas J. Humphren and to Dr. Anson Gordon Smythe, of Bethany, Miss. Joel Pius. · Their son, Smythe, bought the 5. Census records for Pickens Co., S. C. old Humphreys home and it is still in posses­ 1820-John T. Humphreys-males I (26-45); 2 (under 10); sion of this branch of the family. females 1 ( 16-26) and 1 (under 10). v. Mary Ann, b. ca. 1824; m. 3 Nov. 1857, 18.'>0-John Humphreys-males 1 (30-40); l (10-15); 2 (5- 10); females l (30-40); 1 (10-15); 2 (5-10); 2 under 5. Tishomingo Co., Miss., to David Gaillard. No 1840-No records for the family of John T. Humphreys. issue. 6. Pickens District, South Carolina, Will of JOHN VERNER. v1. Jane Elizabeth, b. ca. 1827; m. 1 Nov. 1854, "Be it remembered that I, John Verner, being weak of bod) Tishomingo Co., Miss., to Benjamin Hawes. but of sound mind, do hereby make my last will and testament as follows. Having given off to my sons Samuel Verner, I. V. Two daus. Adelia and Callie. Verner, E. P. Verner, and my daughter Rebecca (now Mrs. Wes Sheles), also what I intended for them by deed of gifts or vu. Harriett Amanda, b. ca. 1829; m. 12 June otherwise, I do hereby give and bequeath unto my absent chil­ dren, viz :-William E. Verner, Mary I. Cockerham, John T. 1859 to Wade Cowan. Two children; Wade Humphreys, Charles I. Verner, U. L. Strebbling, an equal Thomas Cowan and Jennie Elizabeth Cowan. divide of all the property chat I may die-hopeful of having full confidence in my sons--Samuel Verner, and E. P. Verner, vm. Sarah Dickey, b. ca. 1831; m. 10 Oct. 1854 I do hereby appoint them as my executors and appoint D. D. Verner and L. H. Verner such a divide of the common property to John B. Rowan. An only dau. Nannie, b. as they may think themselves entitled to. 1856-d. 1930. Tombstones in Baldwyn (Miss.) It is my desire that the negroes may have a right to choose Cemetery show: John B. Rowan, 1832-1921; ,heir own master's giving them the same humanity I extend to my other slaves heretofore. Sallie D. Rowan, 1831-1883. It is my desire and charge that you all be satisfied and main­ 1x. Nancy, b. ca. 1833; m. Lental L. Harwell. tain a dignity of character not to have any difficulty in the senlement of this my last will and testament. Children, surname HARWELL: William Hum­ Witness mv hand and seal this 4 Dec. in the year of our phreys, b. 1859; Sallie, b. 1863; Annola, b. Lord, one th(;u,and eight hundred and fifty. 1867; and Thomas, b. after 1870. In presence of L. H. Johns A. M. Haslet x. Maria Louisa, b. ca. 1835; m. Rev. David Oliver Hia JOHN VERNER (Seal)

Todd. 7. From an article on the "VERNER FAMILY'" by Wade Thomas Cowan. xi. Susan Pettigrew, b. ca. 1839; m. Stephen D. "My grandfather was John Thomas Humphreys-My mother's Smith. A dau., Nannie Smith, b. 1869. family umsisred of four brothers and eight sisters. The oldest, Da, id Waddle married a Miss Johnson. To them was born one xu. Charles, b. ca. 1841; He was unmarried and child, Jennie. Martha (called Pattie) married and raised a family near Pontotoc, Miss. Elizabeth (called killed in Civil War. Be11ie) married Benj. Hawes and to chem were born two girls, Adelia and Callie. Caroline married Dr. A. G. Smythe and had xm. George, b. unknown. Family tradition says one son, Andrew Jackson. Mary married David Gaillard and a son named George died at the age of sixteen had no children. Sallie married John B. Rowan and had a daughter, Nannie. Harriett Amanda married Wade Cowan and years. had two children, Vfade Thomas and Jennie Elizabe,h. Nancy married L. L. Harwell and had children Wm. Humphreys, Sallie, Anna, and Thomas. Mariah married Rev. David Todd, a REFERENCES: Prebyterian, no children. Susan married Stephen Smith and had David and Janie. Three sons of this family never married. One, George, died at the age of sixteen years. Verner was killed in l. Oconee Co., S. C. Book I Ii. p. I 16. John T. Humphreys, the Ci, ii \Xlar and ranked as Major. Charlie was also killed in along with his brother Charles, were witnesses when their ba11le.-The old Humphreys home is in a beautiful level place father, David, deeded land to James H. Dendy. Dated: r July surrounded by a large grove of very large oaks and it was here 1816. on this lawn on the 10th of June 1864 that Gen. N. B. Forrest drew up his first line in the battle of Brice's Cross Roads. Quite 2. [hid Book I, page 22.'>. John T. Humphreys sold to Hane, a numher of Confederate soldiers were killed in the vard and David, 250 acres on Spear·s Creek. No consideration stated. No out buildings, but the yankies fell back to the Cross R;,ads and wi.nesses. Dated 28 Feb. 18.'>_',. there the heaviest fighting "as done. It was with difficulty that Mrs. Humphreys could be persuaded co ,·acate her home 3. lhid, Book 2, p . .'154. Dated 2 Dec. 1856. John T. Hum­ during this battle, but finally was induced to go about a mile phries sold to John Pullum, 170 acres on Mill Creek, for Sl,000. to the rear of the Confederate lines."· Witnesses: Robert Ballew and Joel Pitts. 8. Sketch of the life of Ebenezer Penigrew Verner, in the 4. Ibid, Book 2. p. y;r,. Dated 2., Nm·. 18.'>(,. D,n id Hum­ SOLTflERf'.; PRESBYTERIA1,·, in 1891, written by John W. phreys deeded to John T. Humph re),, "'O acre, on Tugaloo Shelor.


9. C. S. Censm Records for 1850 and 1860. died 28 September 1869, in Anderson Co., S. C., and is 10. Marriage records for Tishomingo County. Mississippi. buried at Roberts Presbyterian Church, where he 11. Abstracts from Pension Record of John Thomas Hum­ preached for fifty years. He married ( 1) Susan Gilbert, phreys (WC 13576 BL -11 ll4-160-55) of Bordeaux, S. C.; m. ( 2) Rebecca Cunningham, "Corporal in Captain William Towers· Company, Volun­ ( daughter of and Jane (Hood) Cunningham, teered at Pendleton, S. C., Jan. 1, 1814. Serwd Jan. 20, 1814 to July 28, 1814. of Laurens District, S. C. She was born 27 Oct. 1805 Affidavit-June 26, 1855, John Thomas Humphreys, Tisho­ and died 29 June 1844 and is buried at Roberts Church. mingo Co., Miss. Aged 63. He married ( 3) .Mary M. Hunter, ( daughter of Dr. Affida,·it-May 31, 1878. Prentiss Co., Miss. William and Anne (Anderson) Hunter, of Virginia. Jane Humphreys, aged 82, of Prentiss Co., She married J. T. She was born 1808 and d. 25 Jan. 1882 aged 74. Humphreys at Bachelors Retreat, District of Pendleton, S. C., April 23, 1816 by Rev. Andrew Brown. Her maiden name was David attended an academy at \X'illington, Abbe,·ille Jane Verner. Neither previously married. John T. Humphreys died Prentiss Co., Miss., April 15, 1873. He was born N. C. District. He was licensed to preach Oct. 1819. In 1820, After discharge lived in Pendleton (changed to Pickens Dis­ with Thomas C. Stuart, he visited the Creek and Chicka­ trict) 1814-1834. From 1834-1839 in Anderson Dist. S. C.; 1839- 1840 Pontotoc, Miss.; 1840-1873 lived in Prentiss Counn·., Miss. saw Indians with the hope of establishing a mission Occupation: Farmer Height 5 ft 11 inches Eyes, blue Hiir light among them. The Creeks spurned the offer. The Chicka­ Complexion fair. saws accepted. Stuart went to :Mississippi and established Affidavit-Oct. 11, 1878 Oconee Co., S. C. Mrs. Rebecca Shelor, formerly Rebecca Verner-aged 72 March 21 lase. Pres­ the mission but David Humphreys decided to remain in ent at the marriage of her sister Jane to John T. Humphreys South Carolina. In 1821 he ·was called to the Roberts April 23, 1816 at her father"s home, by Rev. Andrew Brown, Presbyterian Minister. Family Bible in possession of her father, and Good Hope churches and lived on a farm near the John Verner. Her brother David D. Verner, aged 74, present Rock Mills. From 1842 to 1850 he was stated supply at at the marriage. Anderson C. H. He represented the South Carolina Pres­ Affidavit-Nov. 7, 1878 David W. Humphreys, eldest son of John T. and Jane Humphreys, born 17 Jan. 1817. Has lived in bytery in the General Assembly at Philadelphia in 1831; the family all his life except a part of 1848 and 1857 and 1858. at Pittsburgh in 1849; at Lexington in 1857; and at Now resides with hi; mother. Affidavit-Nov. 7, 1878 Dr. A. G. Smythe, her physician. Her inability caused by paralysis. Affidavit-Aug. 30, 1884 Mrs. Jane Humphreys. Residence, Lee Co., Miss. P. 0. Baldwyn. Affidavit-Oct. 22, 1886 David W. Humphreys. Residence five miles from Baldwyn on the Baldwyn and Pontotoc Road, Prentiss Co. Aged 69. His mother, Jane, died 25 Jan. 1886, of paralysis. Dr. A. G. Smythe, of Bethany, Miss., attended her.

(34) DAVID' HUMPHREYS, (David,; Daniel," -John,'), was born 30 Sept. 1793 in Surry Co., N. C. He

Rei·. Dal'id Humphreys Dr. Thomas Stuart Humphreys


Baltimore in 1869. Nine ministers of the gospel came son by his first wife, Caroline Allison, was from the churches he sen ed. General Shephen D. Lee. Their home was in Columbus, Mississippi. The following epitaph was placed on his grave by the congregation of Roberts Church. '"Having won the rare Children of David and Rebecca, surname HUMPH­ distinction of great fidelity to truth and great popularity REYS: among men, the man of God sleeos, rests. A natural man in whom the love of truth and the love of mankind 52. ii. Thomas Stuart, b. 9 December 1827 were twin passions. Piety sat Empress and Philanthropy 53. iii. Samuel Cunningham, b. 17 February 1829 stood by her side. A prince among his brethren, he was courteous without pomp, amiable without weakness, en­ 1v. John Lee, b. 29 April 1833; d. 15 May 1870, gaging without effort. Decided yet gentle, tender yet and buried at Roberts Church, He was a travel­ firm, proud yet considerate, always true, earnest, gener­ ling salesman,- and lived many years in New ous, strong. His history is engraved, not here, but in the York City. He was unmarried. He was a Lieut. hearts of his generation." in Co. G, of 2nd Regt., having been promoted There is also a marble tablet in the church in his from the ranks. Wounded at Wilderness and memory. The congregation had his biography prepared captured. ""Hist. of Anderson Co., S. c:· by in booklet form so that all might have a copy. His son, Laura A. Vandiver, p. 226. Rev. David Humphreys, delivered his 50th anniversay 54. v. David Word, b. 13 April 1834 sermon, composed by him a few days before his death. Throughout Anderson County, he was lovingly called, 55. v1. William Wirt, b. 30 Oct. 1837 "Father Humphreys." v11. Martha Jane, who married Mr. Towers, of The 1860 census for Anderson County, lists him as Anderson, S. C. No issue. "farmer" with real and personal property \·alued at $40,000. viii. Susan Gibert, b. 28 Feb. 1841, buried· at Roberts Church. Children of David and Susan, surname HUMPH­ REYS: 1x. Rebecca Cunningham, twin to Susan. Both died at age of 5 or 6 years. 1. Elizabeth, who married as his second wife, Dr. Thomas Lee, of Charleston, S. C. Dr. Lee's x. Patrick Henry, died in infancy.

No children by the third marriage.

Re,·. Val'id lf7 ord Humphreys IVillimn JY'h-t H"mphreys


REFRENCES: proaching I hope the Lord will be with us. Quite a number of our neighbors have been killed or wounded and no appearance of 1he war closing. Write soon. Your affectionate Father 1. Copy of letters furnished by Walter S. Humphreys, La­ vonia, Georgia. David Humphreys July !6th 18(,2 Rock Mills, S. Car. Srace of South Carolina Anderson District "Dear Thomas, On chis twency-ninrh day of March 1844, personally appeared I have been expecting to hear from you as co what you before me at Anderson Courthouse- thought of Williams wounds. I have seen a number of returned Volunteers wounded most of them, who have seen William, DAVID HUMPHREYS, a resident of the district and State think he is improving. Should he recover it will be a hair- aforesaid who firsr being duly sworn according co Law, doth breadth escape from death. It would be a hard trial ...... on his oath state, chat he is the son and Administrator upon the up a son under ...... but if I had e,·idence you are all estate of his deceased Mother, Martha Humphreys, late of prepared for the spirit land it would greatly lessen the anguish. Pickens Disrrict, in whose right as rhe widow of Cal?tain Da,id There must be perpetual danger-all the time. The great busi­ Humphreys, deed., doth on his oath make the followmg declara­ ness of life should be co become reconciled to God and readv tion, in order to obtain the benefit of the Acts of Congr.ess to go at his command. We are all pretty well. Corn crops well passed July 7th 1838 and the 23r.d of August 1842, gra.ncmg now needing rain. Portion of bottom very young. We have to widows of persons who sen-ed dunng the War of Revolunon-:­ plough over the late corn again. The lightest wheat crop we That the said Martha, deed., was the widow of Capt. Da,id have had for years. We get letters from David occasionally. He Humphren who was an officer in the War of rhe Revolution is well pleased with his young Bride so far, says he wished to and a pensioner of the united States under the Act of the 7 come in to see us chis summer but times are so troublesome will June 18.,2 at the rate of S240 per annum a~ the South Carolina have to delay. I suppose you know more of the others than we Agency.-And further declares that the said Martha was m~r­ do. Every thing is selling very high. wheat Baken beef horses ried to the said David in the year heretofore stated and as wtll mules milk cows salt shugar coffee. We are crying to economize be more satisfactorily shown in rhe papers filed in her late ap­ in every thing. Wearing our old cloths and doing without plication under Act. 7th July 1838, which i~ respec.tfully _re­ luxuries. Our summer meetings are approaching but the public ferred to: chat she, was not marned to him pnor to his lean~g mind is so absorbed in the war, I fear it will be difficult co the sen ice but previous to the !st Jany 1794 and tha_t she ~1d arrest or interest it on more important matters. A number of not intermarrv since the death of her husband, the said David. our Congregations have been killed or wounded and great · (signed) David Humphreys trouble overspreads the community. The Lord has a controversy with us and we are smarting for our sins. If we would repent Sworn to and subscribed on the and forsake our sins the dark clouds would pass away and dav and vear above written be- -brighter days would follow. Brothers John, Charles, and fore me in open court Thomas have sons in the war. David Lee ( ?) near Corinth was Josiah J. Gouse ( ?) on a skirmish and the Yankees and them got near together and Presiding Judge he saw a Yankee raise his gun to fire upon a messmate Wilson of one of the Abbeville ? papers ? and he raised his quick and (David is spoken of as Rev. David of Anderson District (Rock fired first floored the Yankey and saved Wilsons life. Quite a Mills) as administrator of his mother's estate) number more will leave as conscripts soon for ...... camps near the ...... Doctor Lee's people and Samuel ...... pretty 2. Journal of Mississippi History, Vol. JO, pp. 8-16. well and our ...... We had a letter from your wife not ...... She is trying co do the best she can. Great corn? crops '"Early Presbyterian Missions among the and Chicka­ are making in Midle and Southern Geo. In Florida it is abund­ saw Indians in Mississippi." ant and made. I hope we shall be able to feed our army. Write when you can get time. Your affectionate Father. (35) ELIZABETH' HUMPHREYS, (David/ Daniel," David Humphreys. John,'), was born 8 Dec. i797 in Pickens County, S. C.; July 23 1862 Rock Mills So Car. died 1826, Richmond, S. C.; married 1813 to James "Dear Thomas, Hogan Dendy, (son of William and Clary Dendy), b. We had a letter from you some time since. We are pretty 13 March 1783, Laurens C.H., S. C.; died 14 July 1846, well. I got wet lately my back is the worse for it. The rest Richland, S. C. After Elizabeth's death he married sec­ well. We still hear favourable accounts from William. Sloan came home Monday says he is still improving. It is a narrow ondly to Elizabeth Knox and had eleven additional escape if it be an escape. He must have been very much sunk and children. exhausted by his exposure in an open Waggon and a scorching sun but I hope he may recover. No very late letter from David. On 22 Aug. 1816, David Humphreys deeded to James He was quite well when he wrote. Wished co come in with his bride but thought the times too unsettled. We have a drought H. Dendy, 300 acres on Greer's Creek, Pickens Co., now chat is injuring our crops. .Some in the bottom planted S. C., the consideration being the "love and good will late that will not probably make anything. Wheat greatly in­ jured. Oats cutt off. If rains come soon the corn would vet do and affection which I have and bear towards my loving tolerably well. Samuel went on to see William but did nbt stay friend, James H. Dendy." (Oconee Co., S. C. Book 10, long he William was well cared for. He was here yesterday all pretty well. Elizabeth pretty well. Quite a number-wounded p. 116) soldiers are getting home again some almost every day. We hear frequently from William by them. Our family are pretty Children of James and Elizabeth, surname DENDY: well. Our ? conscripts ? are going to Columbia for drill. The public mind is very much absorbed by the war while I fear the i. Ann Maria, b. 19 Oct. 1813 one thing needful is neglected. Our summer meetings are ap-


11. Martha, b. 28 Nov. 1816; d. 4 July 1861; 23 Miss. Apparently visited his cousms m Ander­ Sept. 1834 to James A. Doyle, b. 3 Dec. 1804; son Co., S. C., about 1895. d. 24 July 1884. a. William Elliott Doyle, b. 26 April 1846; d. REFERENCES: 9 Sept. 1934; m. 2 June 1886 to Sarah Louisa Adams, b. 7 April 1856; d. 9 June 1896. I. Let1er of Re,,. Da,id Humphreys, 16 July 1862. "Brothers John, Charles, and Thomas all have sons in the war. Da-·id Their daughter, Gary Doyle married J. E. Lee, near Corinth, was on a skirmish and the Yankees and Woods. chem goc near tcgether and he saw a Yankee raise his gun to fire upon a messmate, Wilson of Abbeville, and he raised his quick and fired first, floored the Yankee and saved Wilson's 111. Caroline Elizabeth, b. 3 Aug. 1820 life." 1v. James Word, b. 24 March 1823; living 1850, 2. Letter of Lois Humphreys. "l remember when a child (b. 1886 )that a cousin Charles Humphreys visited my grandfather. Benton, Co., Ala. He was from Mississippi. Where he fitted into che family l do not know. He was a man about my grandfather's age, as 1 v. Augustus l\foore, b. 16 July 1826. remember him." (Note: As Charles W. Sr. died before 1870, this muse ha,e been the son, Charles W., Jr.)

REFERENCES: 3, C. S. Census Records for Tippt1h Co., Miss. 1850 p. 504, 3rd Div. Sept. 9

Familv records from Mrs. J. E. \X1oods, 516 Nugent, Temple, Charles W. Humphrers, age 50, farmer, S1,000, b. S. C. Texas. · Elizabeth A. Humphreys, age 48, b. N. C. David Humphreys, age 20, b. S. C. I. Census Raords. 1850 Benton Co., Ala., 1860 Pickens Co., Manha Humphreys, age 15, b. S. C. S. C. S.irah Humphreys, age 13, b. Miss. Ann M. Humphreys, age 12, b. Miss. Charles W. Humphreys, age 7, b. Miss. (36) CHARLES W. 1 HUMPHREYS, (David,' Daniel,c 18(,0 Northern Div. June 16, P. 0. Ripley 1 C. W. Humphreys, age 60, farmer, S1600-4000, b. S. John, ), was born 8 Feb. 1800, Pickens Co., S. C. He C. Elizabech Humphreys, age 58, b. N. C. died 1860-1870 ,in Tippah Co., Miss. He married in David Humphreys, age 30, farmer, b. S. C. South Carolina to Elizabeth A .Towers, born ca. 1802 Manha Humphreys, age 26, b. S. C. Sarah Humphreys, age 22, b. Miss. in N. C., and still living, 1870, in Tippah Co., Miss. Ann Humphreys, age 20, b. Miss. C. \V. Humphreys, Jr., age 17, farmer, b. Miss. They must have gone to Mississippi between 1834 1870 Range 3 Twp. 4 Aug. 19 P. 0. Ripley. E. Humphreys, age 68, (f), 5800-600, b. N. C. and 1838. The will of David Humphreys, dated 15 Martha Humphreys, age 36, b. S. C. Sept. 1836, indicates that he had given his son, Charles, Ann Humphreys, age 29, b. S. C. (sic.) money and was therefore not leaving him any portion C. \X'. Humphreys, age 27, works on farm, b. Miss. of his real estate in South Carolina. 4. Ripley, Mississippi 27 December 1844 Children of Charles and Elizabeth, surname HUM­ To the commissioner of pension of the U. States PHREYS: Dear Sir: I am informed by my brother, David Humphreys, of Anderson Dist., South Carolina, and who is adm. of the Estate 1. David b. 1830, in S. C. This man is men- of l\fartha Humphreys, Deed., char there is some money due sd. tioned in a letter written 16 July 1862, by his Estace from the general government which accrued (0 sd. Mar­ :ha Humphreys as the widow of David Humphreys, a Revolu­ Uncle David to Thomas. He served in the Civil cionary soldier. For the purpose of enabling sd. David Hum­ War. No further information. phreys, Adm. to obtain the same money for the Estace, I, Charles W. Humphreys, a citizen of Tippah County and Seate of Mississippi, do hereby release the claim upon the general 11. 1834, 1870, Martha, b. in S. C. Living un- Gcn'ernment for my portion thereof and desire chat the whole married, in the family home near Ripley, Miss. amount be paid over to David Humphreys as Adm. of sd. Estate and hereby give my ft.JI and free consent thereto as one 111. Sarah, b. 1838, in Miss. Living 1860 in the of the heirs and legarees of said estate being the son of the said David Humphreys and the sd. Martha Humphreys and family home. Not so listed in 1870. May have brocher of the sd. David Humphreys, Adm. As this claim has married. herewfore been bro't to the notice of the Department if this authority on my part is not sufficient to enable you to pay the part I may be entitled IO or in any way affecrs the general 1v. Ann M. b. 1840, in Miss. Living 1870, un- settlement, please give me proper instructions as to what will married, in the family home near Ripley, Miss. be necessary for me to do to effect the above object and for­ ward chem to me at Ripley, Tippah County, Mississippi and v. Charles \X'., Jr. b. 1843, in Miss. Living 1870, oblige, unmarried, in the family home near Ripley, Very respectfully (signed) Charles W. Humphreys


(37) THOMAS JEFFERSON• HUMPHREYS, (David,' v. John A., b. 1843; d. 1885, Copperas Con, 1 Daniel," John, ), was born 30 March 1802, Pickens Texas where he is buried. Married Ruth Dennis District, S. C. He was killed during a storm, in Florida, at Copperas Cove. They had seven children. in 1855. He married in 1836, at Bachelors Retreat, S. C., Five died in infancy. A daughter, Betty, lived to Isabelle R. Towers, ( dau. of John and Rebecca to be three years of age. A daughter "Johnnie" Towers), b. 27 Oct. 1815, in S. C.; d. 28 Jan. 1907, at reached maturity and married a Mr. Reeves. the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. W.Abbott, on San­ 56. v1. Sarah, b. 5 Feb. 1844 or 1845 ches Creek ,near Weatherford, Texas. v11. David C. b. 1846. He was a farmer, un- Thomas was willed one-third of the lands of his married in 1870 in Miss. He is said to have father and in addition, a negro boy. He was charged died there. with the care of his mother. She died in 1843. viii. Susan Elizabeth, b. 1848. May have died The 1840 census for Pickens Co., S. C. shows his between 1860 and 1870 as not mentioned in family group to consist of 1 male and 2 females under 1870 census. five, 1 male 15 to 20; one male 30-40; one female 20-30; and one female 70-80, doubtless his mother. 1x. Harris J., b. 1851; Living 1870 in the family home in Miss. No further information. Thomas bought from his brother David, an undivided third part of his father's estate, and about four vears x. Isabell, b. 10 Sept. 1853, Choctaw Co., Miss.; later, in 1848, sold all his land to brother-in-law, Leon­ d. 7 May 1835 and buried Spring Creek Ceme­ ard Towers. The census record for 1850 shows the tery, near \X'eatherford, Texas. She married (1) family in Choctaw County, Mississippi. The family about 1883, in Parker, Texas, to John Sweatt. moved to Florida in 1855 but after Thomas was killed m. (2) R. H. Ferry. An only son by first mar­ there in a storm, his widow brought the family back to riage was John Humphreys Sweatt. the old home in Choctaw County, Miss. REFERENCES: In 1857 she joined the Old School Presbyterian Church at Poplar Creek, Mississippi. She and her chil­ l. Oconee County, S. C. Book 3, p. 145. 31 Dec. 1844.

dren were faithful members of this church. David Humphrey, to Thomas J. Humphreys. All my un­ divided one-third part of all thar plamation whereon David Their portion of Choctaw County became Mont­ Humphreys, deceased, formerly lived in Pickens District. Con­ sideration S750. gomery County in 1871 and in 1882 she and her re­ maining children moved to Texas and settled near 2. Oconee County, S. C. Book 3, p. 562, 10 Dec. 1848. Center Mills, Hood County. A year later she broke up Thomas J. Humphreys w Leonard Towers. Tract of 1,000 acres on Tugaloo Ri,·er. Considerarion S2,000. Dower re­ housekeeping and went to her daughter's home where nounced by Isabella Humphreys, wife of Thomas J. Humphreys. she lived until her death. Witnesses: William McBrayer and Joel Pius. 3. U. S. Cenrns Records, Cboct,1u· County, lHississippi. Children of Thomas J. and Isabella, surname HUM­ PHREYS: 1850 Western Division of County, Dec. 14, p. 37. 501-502 Thomas J. Humphreys, age 48, farmer, SSOO, b. S. C. i. One boy and one girl of the three children Isabella Humphreys, age 34, b. S. C. Rebecca Humphreys, age 12, b. S. C. ii. born before 1840 were dead before 1850 and Leonard Humphreys, age 9, b. S. C. John Humphreys, age 7, b. S. C. are buried at Poplar Creek, Miss. Sarah Humphreys, age 5, b. S. C. David Humphreys, age 4, b. S. C. iii. Rebecca Jane, b. 1839; d. 1919; m. after 1882 Elizabeth Humphreys, age 3, b. S. C. to George W. Abbott. They are both buried at 18(,0 Township 17, P. 0. Poplar Creek, Aug. 13, p. 308 841-811 Isabella R. Humphries, 44, $1500 & S2410, b. S. C. Spring Creek Cemetery, near \X'eatherford, Rebecca J. Humphries, 21, Spinsrer, b. S. C. Texas. No issue. Leonard T. Humphries, 19, Farmer, b. S. C. John A. Humphries, 17, Farmer, b. S. C. iv. Leonard T. b. 1841; died Feb. 1863, near Sarah H. Humphries, 16, Spinster, b. S. C. David C. Humphries, 14, b. S. C. Jackson, Miss., while a soldier in the Civil Susan E. Humphries, 12, b. S. C. War. Buried Poplar Creek, Miss. Harris J. Humphries, 9, b. S. C. 1870 Township 1 -:, Range 7, P. 0. Poplar Creek, On. 18


41-41 Isabell Humphries, 52, S225 & S41.3, b. Ga. (sic.) Please direct your to: Davis Ferry Post Office, Pickens Jane Humphries, 31, b. S. C. District. John Humphries, 29, b. S. C. Yours with due Respect Sarah Humphries, 27, b. Miss. (sic.) David Humphries, 24, Farmer, b. S. C. (signed) Thos. J. Humphreys Harris Humphries, 18, Farmer, b. S. C. (sic.) Isabell Humphries, 16, b. S. C. (sic.) 8. A newspaper memorial to Mrs. Isabelle R. Humphrey. "Mrs. Isabelle R. Humphrey died at the home of her daugh­ 4. From letter of Sarah Humphreys Boyett to Robert H. ter, Mrs. G. W. Abbott, on Sanches Creek, near Weatherford, Borett, written 30 June 1921. "Now for the powder horn, your (Texas) January 28, 1907, at the age of 91 years, three months great-great-gnndfather had it made so it would hold one pound and one day. She was born in South Carolina, October 27, 1815, of powder and he carried it through the Revolutionary War. and was the daughter of John and Rebecca Towers. In 1836 she After he died, then my father got it. Mother wanted your Uncle was married to Thomas J. Humphrey at Bachelors Retreat, S. C. Tom to have it because she named Tom for him. I arn glad that They were the parents of cen children. Two died in early life­ your Aunt Ada (who was Tom's widow) was kind enough to f!,·e re~ched the years of maturity. Two sons and one daughter turn it back to the family as she had no one to leave it with. It l~e ?uned at Poplar Creek, Miss. Two sons and one daughter was your great great grandfather David Humphreys' lJowder lte m the cemetery at Granbury, one son in Coryell county at horn. Cousin David (Note) asked mother for the horn but he Copperas Cove. All have gone before leaving only three daugh­ died before mother did. Your Aunt Bell (Isabelle) was going ters, Mrs. G. W. Abbott, Mrs. Sallie Boyett of Brazos, Mrs. R. to write Ada for it. She wanted John (Sweatt) to have it. I am H. Ferry of Weatherford. glad it is where it is. You take good care of it. You are just as In 1855, she with her husband moved to Florida. In 1855 her much HUMPHREYS as John Sweatt." husband was killed in a storm, leaving her with eight children (No:e-'Cousin David Humphreys· was David \X'ord Humph­ to raise and educate. The same year she moved back to her old reys, who died 1899) home in Choctaw, now Montgomery county, Miss. In 1857 she joined the Old School Presbyterian Church South 5. In possession of the R. H. Boyette. family, Marshall, Texas, at ,Poplar Creek, Miss. Her delight was trying to train her is an original had written, leather bound song book on which children in the "way they should go," always going with them is inscribed-"Thos. J. Humphreys Book, May 30, 1829." to church and Sunday School, of which she was a dear lover, but owing to her afflictions the last six years of her life was 6. In possession of the R. H. Boyette family is the original spent at home, which for a while worried her. During the war lerter telling of the death of Leonard T. Humphreys in the she lose her oldest son, which was a great trial to her. She was Civil War. sorely tried in the loss of husband and five grown children but Camp Near Jackson Miss. she felt that God doeth all things well. Feby 11th, 1863 In 1882 she moved from Mississippi to Texas; settled in Hood county near Center Mills; lived there until 1883; broke Mrs. Humphries: up housekeeping and came to live with her daughter, Mrs. G. Dear Madam. This informs you that I received your letter a W. Abbott, where she lived until death released her from her few days ago and now hasten to reply, hoping this may soon sufferings. She was never heard co murmur. Thank God her reach you and give the necessary satisfaction. Annexed you will sufferings are over, for today she is with her husband and chil­ please find descriptive list of Leonard and a statement of what dren vieing with Angels around the great white throne. is due him from tht: Government and what is due the same. "Hark! the golden harps are ringing; And cake pleasure in also stating that he made a good soldier. None in my Company ever more ready than he to do his duty, Sounds unearthly fill her ears; and whose early demise was an irreparable loss to us. Hoping Millions now in heaven are singing, our loss is his gain. The general health of my Co. is good with Greets her joyful entrance there!" few exceptions. Hoping the annexed list will prove all right. I subscribe myself your very respectfully, By one who loved her." R. G. Prewitt (38) MARTHA JANE' HUMPHREYS, (David,3 Dan­ Due L. T. Humphries .$135.65. iel/ John,1 ), was born 23 Oct. 1806 in Pendleton Dist­ 7. Archives Building, Washington, D. C. Pension Record rice, S. C. She died 2 Jan. 1855 in Benton (later Cal­ W 9047. houn) County, Alabama .She married 1822, in S. C., to 29 May 1842 Allen Elston, (son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Els­ Dear Sir: ton, of Pendleton District, S. C.), b. 25 May 1802; died I take the l :berty of addressing you for the purpose of gain­ 21 May 1879. ing . some informat_ion as regards widows of Revolutionary Soldiers, to ascerta•n whether or not my Mother will be en­ They emigrated about 1836 from S. C. to the Chocco­ tided to half or any part of the Pension that was allowed my locco Valley and settled near Corn Grove, P. 0. in Ben­ Father in his lifetime. My father died 25th February 1839. Genl W. ~hompson was of the opinion that if the proof of their ton (later Calhoun) County. After the death of Martha, marnage could be made that she would be entitled. I have he married (2) Mrs. Minerva Gibson, of Fayetteville, procured that proof and I address you for the purpose of as­ certaining the fact and in complyance of this request you will Tenn. confer a particular favour on your friend. Children of Allen and Martha, surname ELSTON: I have the _pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of several valuable publtck Do~uments forwarded by you to me; and would thankfully receive others. i. Nancy b. 23 June 1823 in S. C.


ii. Sabra b. 6 May 1825 in S. C. Deed Book I, for Gibson Co ... Te1111., and Entry Book 3. p. 205, for same county show that by warrant #2339, 111. Martha Elizabeth b. 8 June 1827 in S. C. issued 12 Sept. 1822, there was surveyed for Daniel 1v. \X1illiam Clark b. 6 March 1829 in S. C. Humphreys, forty seven and one-half acres of land in v. Sarah b. 17 June 1831 in S. C. Carroll Co., Tenn., on the north fork of the Forked Deer River, 13th Dist., 4th Range, 2nd Sec. It touched v1. John Humphreys b. 18 June 1835 in S. C. land of T. P. Laughlin and Joel Lewis. v11. Catharine Hudson b. 31 Oct. 1837 in Alab. Children of Daniel Jones and Margaret, surname vm. Susan Frances b. 14 Feb. 1840 in Alab. HUMPHREYS: 1x. Evaline Borders b. 18 Sept. 1842 in Alab. 1 57. 1. Benjamin \\' ayne, b. 27 Nov. ]816 x. Ann W. b. 24 Oct. 1844 in Alab; d. in 10- fancy. 11. Hartwell Henry, b. 22 Dec. 1818; d. 4 July 1822. REFERENCES: 58. 111. \X'illiam Green, b. 20 March 1821

1. Census records, Benton Co., Alabama, 30th District-1850 1v. Rebecca Jane, b. 29 Jan. 1824; m. Brodie \\lilliams. Their children, surname WILLIAl\IS: 2. "l\'otable Southern Families" by Zella Armstrong, Vol. 3, p. 49. a. Tom, m. Nannie Cox, of Gadsden and mo\ ed to Florida. 1 (39) DANIEL JONES HUMPHREYS, (Benjamin,' b. Baxter, married and had children named: Daniel," John,'); was born 11 April 1795, Surry Co., Brodie, Sadie, and Inez. N .. C. He died 29 Jan. 1838 in Madison Co., Tenn. He c. Erasmus, was unmarried and lived in Tampa, married 15 Aug. 1815, in Davidson Co., Tenn., to Mar­ Florida. garet E. Seat, ( dau. of Hartwell and Rebecca Seat), b. 14 May 1801; d. 9 March 1854. Their excellently pre­ d. Isham, is said to have died unmarried. served tombstones, under tall cedar trees, are in the e. Azalee, m. Jones Moore, and had children: Boykin-Humphreys Cemetery between Rumbolt and Willie Ann, John, and Jeff. Gadsden, Tenn. Many of their descendants are also f. Abigail, m. Rufus Tatum, and had children: buried in this same cemetery. Mattie, Tom, Moody, and Herbert.

They lived near Nolensville, Williamson Co., Tenn., v. Azalee Marcella, b. 23 June 1828; d. ca. until after the birth of their third child and then moved 1909-1912, Searcy, Ark.; m. 22 Jan. 1845 by to what later became Crockett County, Tenn. Rev. Young A. Mclemore to Hinton J. Jelks, (son of Mary Jelks), b. 1820 in N. C. Children, Family tradition says she was a beautiful woman, small in stature, but of strong character and one who surname JELKS: could use a rifle as well as a man. Left a widow with a. Garrett Marshall, b. 21 Dec. 1846, a phy­ several small children, she reared them and then on 20 sICian. July 1849, married a widower, James Baxter, who sur­ b. Mary E., b. 1848; married. vived her. c. John B., b. 1849. Daniel Jones served as administrator of the estate of d. Claudia his unmarried uncle, Dr. Solomon Humphreys, who died e. Lucy July 1817, in Williamson Co., Tenn. In Jan. 1822 he f. William served as administrator for the estate of his father, g. Edward Benjamin and again in Jan. 1823, he was administrator for the estate of his sister, Jane (Humphreys) Orton. v1. Murray Hill, b. 22 Oct. 1830; d. 16 Oct. 1845. He witnessed land transactions for his brother, Wiley Jones Humphreys, but seems to have bought no land in v11. Erasmus \X1atkins, b. 3 Jan. 1833; d. 1 Sept. Williamson County. 1844.


vm. Margaret Thena, b. 11 June 1837; m. 15 Sept. later he sold this same land in two portions to Nelson 1853, Madison Co., Tenn., to Thomas G. Ar­ Fields and Valentine Waggoner. (Williamson Co., nold. They are said to have taken their family Te1111., Deed Book G., p. 342) to Arkansas. On 24 Oct. 1822, at the sale of the personal property of his sister, Jane (Humphreys) Orton, he purchased a REFERENCES: stand of canisters, eight plates, a barrel, five chairs, and a bay mare. (Williamson Co., Will Book "B," p. 614) l. Family tradition states that Daniel Jones Humphreys went through the Creek and Florida W,ars with General Andrew No complete record of his family has been obtained, Jackson, and was an Ensign. Later he sen·ed as sheriff of Wil­ liamson Co. and was tobacco inspector for the district. He but the following are believed to be some of the mem­ moYed co J\fadison Co. near Jackson, in 1825. bers. His son, Benjamin Wayne Humphreys was administrator of his estate. The estate was declared insohent in June 1839 and Children of Wiley Jones and Louvicie, surname the Court appointed Samuel Lancaster, Martin Cartmell, and HUMPHREYS: \Villiam Calloway as commissioners to make a pro rata divis­ ion of the deceased"s property among creditors. l. A daughter, b. before 1820. No further After setting aside the widow's support, the personal prop­ record. ercv was sold. Some of the items were: cl lots of books-3 bo~ght by B F Collenswonh and I by J. B. Williams: I book u. Solomon B., b. ca. 1825 ( 1850 census for rnse; I large Bible sold to the widow for S2. I falling leaf table snld to the widow for S5. 50. The widow bought about Haywood Co.) d. ca. 1864-1865. He was a mer­ half of the 130 items sold. William Green Humphreys bought chant in Brownsville. Samuel L. Humphreys a razor and strop. Now in possession of his grandson, Thomas Hare Humphreys, who relates the family tradition that the strop was appointed administrator of his estate dur­ was the skin from the back of an Indian found dead during the ing the January term of Court, 1865. There is Ren,lu,ionary \\'ar, by Benjamin Humphreys. no record of marriage or issue. 2. Madison Co., Te1111. 18-10 Census Margaret Humphreys-I f 30-¼0; 2m 5-10; Im (15-20); If (0-5); If (10-15) 59. iii. Samuel Link, b. 18 Jan. 1827. 3. Williamson Co .. Tcm1. /8211 Cms11s p. 3 Umphres, Daniel J.-lm under JO: Im ( 18-2(,); lm (2(,--i5); 3f (10-16); 3f iv. Harriett, b. ca. 1833. ( 1(,-26): Sen,n sl:i,es. Child by the second marriage of \'viley Jones, sur­ -i. lFilli,1mso11 Co., Tl'1m, ll''i/ls ,111d Iure11/ories, Book B, p. .H2, 355, and y;g_ name HUMPHREYS: 5. lVilliamso,1 Co., T e1111. ff"i/1 Book 3, p. 517. v. Benjamin, b. unknown; Said to have married 6. D,1l'idso11 Co .. Tenn. Af<1rri<1ge Rec01·d Book I, p. 151. an Elizabeth Jones and to have had a daughter 7. i\fadison Co1111ty, T emz., i\fiwlfes of County Court, Vol. -I, Claudia who married Mr. Miller and lived in p. 571, 5,5, 578, and 587. Halls, Tennessee. (This may have been the B. . Family data from: Mrs. Mary James and Mrs. Claire Sutton. Humphreys, age 30, farm laborer, living in the family of Thomas Durham near Ripley, Tenn., (40) WILEY JONES' HUMPHREYS, (Benjamin," when the 1870 <::ensus was taken in Lauderdale 1 Daniel," John, ), was born 1798 in Surry Co., N. C. He County.) died 1843 in Tennessee. He married his first wife on 9 December 1817 in Davidson Co., Tenn. She was Lou­ REFERENCES: vicie (Levica) Jane Link, who was born 1800 in Vir­ ginia and died 1834 in Tennessee. He is said to have I. Davidson Co., Tenn. Marriage Book 1, p. 190. been married a second time but no information is avail­ 2. Census records for Williamson, Davidson, Haywood, and able concerning this marriage. Lauderdale Counties. Family data furnished by Mrs. T. J. Pearson, Brownsville, According to the 1820 census he was in Davidson Co., Tenn. Tenn. His family consisting of one male 16 to 26, one female 16 to 26, and one female under ten. (41} HARRIETT' HUMPHREYS, (Benjamin,3 Daniel,2 On 3 April 1822, he purchased of Jonathan Hill, for John,1 ), was born ca. 1804 probably before the family $378, a tract of land containing 54 acres and 47 poles of had left Surry Co., N. C. She died in November 1879, land on Mill Creek, in \X1illiamson Co., Tenn. A year m Texas. She married 26 September 1822, in William-


son Co., Tenn. to Samuel Berry Orton. He died 10 No­ vu. Mary Ann Elizabeth b. 8 October 1835 vember 1875, in Lamar County, Texas. vm. Samuel Wallace b. 26 March 1837 They moved from Tennessee to Texas m 1838 and 1x. Harriett Humphreys b. 19 Feb. 1844 settled at Honey Grove in Bonham County, Texas. x. Sarah Arline b. 19 August 1845; m. A. R. Some extracts from the sketch of Benjamin Murray Turner. Orton in "Biographical Sout•enir of the State of Texas" published by F. A. Battey & Co., Chicago, in 1889. REFERENCES: "Samuel Berry Orton was born in Franklin Co., Tenn. (Probably meant to read, Franklin, Williamson Co., I. Records from Bible in possession of Samuel B. Orren, of Canyon, Texas. Tenn.) and was there married to Harriett Humphreys. 2. All other data furnished by Mrs. 1. G. Hodges, 5 IO Har­ They came to Texas in 1838, crossing the Red River on rison AYe., San Antonio 9, Texas. She is a grand daughter of Jan. 8 of that year, and being one of the three families Benjamin Murray Orton. that first settled on the present site of Clarksville. Two years later he moved to the southwest part of Lamar (42) JOHN-· HUMPHREYS, (David,' John,' David/ 1 County and bought a tract of 320 acres and died IO Nov. John, ), was born 11 June 1798, Jefferson Co., Va. He 1875. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal died 19 Oct. 1880, Charles Town, West Virginia. He Church, and assisted in organizing the first church in married 11 Feb. 1823 to Marry Ann Davis ( dau. of Dr. Southwestern Lamar County. Mrs. Harriett Orton was a Joseph W. Davis and Elizabeth (Rutherford) (Conrad) daughter of Benjamin Humphreys, of North Carolina, Davis, and grand daughter of Robert Rutherford, Mem­ a distinguished soldier of the Rev. War. Mr. Humphreys ber of Congress, 1793-1799) born 12 Feb. 1801; died 19 ,ettled in Williamson Co., Tenn., and died there. His June 1857. John and Mary are both buried on the same daughter Harriett was born in that county ( ?) and was lot with his father, 10 Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles a woman of superior intelligence and great goodness of Town, W. Va. heart. Coming to Texas at the date she did, her children He bought and sold a number of tracts of land in were deprived of the advantages of school training and Jefferson Co. One of the best known was the "Flowing also largely of church privileges; but she made up for Springs Farm" of 125 acres which he purchased 22 May these disadvantages by her own personal efforts, teach­ 1824 from his father in law. (Jefferson Co., \X1. Va. ing them around the fireside and by her own example Deed Book 12, p. 506.) That same year, "Walnut Hill" of industry and piety, inculcating lessons which were of was inherited by his wife. the greatest use to them and which they have remem­ bered through all the years that have since intervened. He is mentioned in many old family letters and legal -She d~~d in Nov. 1879 having passed the 75th year of transactions as he remained in Jefferson County long her age. , after many of his relatives had moved away.

Children of Samuel Berry and Harriet, surname OR- He served as the administrator for the estate of his TON: father. He was a farmer and a member of the Presby­ terian Church. 1. Jane Lawrence b. 18 Oct. 1824 Children of John and Mary Ann, surname HUMPH­ 11. Rebecca b. 24 March 1826 REYS: m. William Johnson b. 31 December 1828 1. Joseph \X'. Davis, b. 9 Nov. 1823, Jefferson 1v. Benjamin Murray b. 15 Nov. 1830; m. 12 Co., V.1.; d. 23 Jan. 1859, Sacramento, Cali­ Feb. 1874 to Temperance Budd. Children: Sam­ fornia. He wa~ a physician and was unmarried. uel B.; Harriett J.; William Bell. 60. 11. Catherine Keyes. b. 23 July 1825. v. James Hervey b. 5 Aug. 1832; d. 15 March 1854. m. Elizabeth Rutherford, b. 28 Jan. 1827, at Charles Town; d. 1 Sept. 1854, and is buried v1. Hezekiah Hill b. 13 Jan. 1834; d. 12 Feb. on same lot wirh her father at Edge Hill. She 1861. married 12 April 1852, to William Bru<=e Sut-


ton, a prominent merchant of Fort Smith, Ark. then living, the share of such children as are minors at the time of the said death to be paid to them as they each attain the age He went to California with his brother-in-law, of twenty-one years. David Humphreys and had not yet returned 3. I give and bequeath to my son, David Humphreys, the sum when his wife died. An only son, surname of one thousand dollars, in trust, for the benefit of the children SUTTON: of my said son living at the time of my death. I direct that the said sum be safely invested by my said son for the purpose of a. John Drennen, b. 28 Jan. 1853. He died un­ chis trust and that the interest on the said sum be applied by the said trustee to the support and education of my said grand­ married. He is mentioned in the will of his children. I direct that the said sum of one thousand dollars grandfather. shall be equally divided among my said grandchildren the share of each co be paid to him or her as he or she attains the age of 61. 1v. John Thomas, b. 30 March 1830. twenty-one years. Should any of my said grand children die be­ fore attaining the said age, his or her share of the said sum shall be equally divided among his or her surviving brothers 62. v. David, b. 2 May 1832. and siscers. I also give co the children of my said son David Humphreys, co be equicably divided among chem, my glass bowl vi. Mary Anne, b. 30 March 1834; d. 20 May and stand, the large Family Bible, and my library. 1842. 4. I do hereby release my son David Humphreys from the payment co my estate of any indebtedness by him to me for vii. George William, b. 2 Feb. 1839; d. 17 May sums of money heretofore paid by me for him or on any ocher 1842. These two younger children are both account whatsoe,·er. I give to my said son my leather travelling Crunk. buried at Edge Hill.

John Thomas Humphreys

John Humphreys 5. I give co my grandson, John D. Sutton, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars and his mother's portrait.

REFERENCES: 6. I give and bequeath to Rebecca Kearsley, the wife of George W. T. Kearsley, two hundred dollars, my gold specta­ cles, one lounge, and a large looking glaS!i which is now in her 1. Family records were furnished by Grace Humphreys, possession. Norfolk, Va. 7. I give and bequeath to George T. Kearsley, one hundred 2. Jefferson County, West Virginia, !Viii Book A, p. 175 dollars and my eight day clock. I, John Humphreys, of the County of Jefferson in the State 8. I give and beqt.:eath to Charles B. Kearsley one hundred of West Virginia, being of sound and disposing mind and dollars. memory do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following, hereby revoking all other wills heretofore 9. I give co the daughters of George W. Kearsley-namely made by me. Meta Selden, Bessie Wysong, Agnes Kearsley, and Rebecca Kearsley, each twenty-five dollars. 1. I direct my executor hereinafter named, to pay all my just debts, funeral expenses and all costs of administration of my 9. (sic) I give my friend George W. T. Kearsley the sum of estate. three hundred dollars. 2. I give and bequeath to my son, John Thomas Humphreys, 10. I give and bequeath to Hannah Heidwohl, my bed, bed­ for his use during his life, the sum of five hundred dollars and ding, and bedstead, stove and three chairs in the room now oc­ at his death, that sum to be equally divided among his children cupied by me.


11. I give to my old and faithful servant, Samuel Branson, a Henderson), b. 30 July 1809; d. 9 Aug. 1836 and buried wooden trunk now in my room and all my personal clothing. at Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, Va.; m. (2) 25 12. I give to my old servant, Peter Brown, five dollars. Aug. 1840, at Gillam, Mo.; to Esther C. (Lawson) 13. I give and devise to the trustees of the Presbyterian Payne, ( dau. of Henry Chinn and Margaret Steptoe Church of Charles Town, to be used by them in the repair and improvement of the church building and parsonage building (Lee) Lawson), b. 7 Feb. 1817; d. 20 May 1865 and attached thereto, as the said repairs and improvements may in buried at Lexington, Mo. their judgement from time to time be needed, the sum of two hundred dollars. 14. All the rest and residue of my estate of every description I divide into three equal parts, one of which I give to my son John T. Humphreys, one other part to the children of my son David Humphreys, and the remaining part to my grandson, John D. Sutton. 15. I do nominate, constitute and appoint George W. T. Kearsley and George H. Tate, executors of this my last will and testament and I do request that they not be required to give security for the faithful performance of their duty as such exe­ cutors. In witness that the foregoing is my true last will and testa­ ment, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 14th day of April 1880. Witnesses: John Humphreys (seal) Wm. H. Travers David Hewell In a codicil dated 12 June 1880, the sha,e of the estate set aside for John D. Sutton was to be paid to George H. Tate to be used for John D. Sutton. Da1·id English Humphreys Also to George H. Tate was given "all my sha.res of stock in the Chespeake and Ohio Canal Company and in the Smithfield, Charles Town and Harpers Ferry Turnpike Company." For a time, George Humphreys was a merchant in Georgetown, D. C. In 1839 he sold, "Cool Springs," Witnesses: John Humphreys William H. Travers near Harpers Ferry, and removed to Missouri. In 1846 J. D. Heidwohl he went co California by wagon and returned by boat to Philadelphia. His wife was living in Virginia during (43) GEORGE" HUMPHREYS, (David,' John,' this period. They returned to Saline Co., .Mo. David," John,'), born 2 Feb. 1800, Charles Town, Va.; died 22 Sept. 1876 and is buried at Fulton, Mo.; m. ( 1) Child of George and Janet, surname HUMPHREYS: on 26 Dec. 1826, Georgetown, D. C., to Janet Lingen 63. i. David English, b. 13 October 1827 Henderson ( dau. of John and Lydia Ridgley (Perry) Children of George and Esther, surname HUMPH­ REYS:

11. Margaret Catherine, b. 4 August 1841, Saline Co., Mo.; d. 8 March 1897, Lafayette Co., Mo.; m. 14 !',larch 1878, Lexington, Mo. to Julius Clarkson, b. 21 Dec. 1834; d. 3 Aug. 1909. He was a farmer living near Higginsville, Mo. Both are buried in Oak Grove Churchyard. Children, surname CLARKSON: a. Samuel b. Julius iii. Susan Virginia, b. 25 Jan. 1844; d. 18 Aug. 1854. iv. Olivia, b. 22 July 1846; in Virginia; d. 25 1883 Mo.; 13 George Humphreys June and buried at Lexington, m.


April 1865, Lexington, Mo., to Andrew J. family and am content to go where you think best, if Lauchner b. 23 Sept. 1840. Sergeant Co. ''H" there are onlv three houses in the town. 1st Mo. Calvary. Ci,·il \iear. Cabinet maker. Pa has lately purchased four barrels of flour at $11.00 Children, surname LACCHNER: a barrel, and the very last to be had at that, made of old a. Fannie Maud wheat, it is selling for S12.00 But one good thing, there b. Arthur Edward is plenty of corn and buck wheat. c. Frank P. George and \X'illiam Turner are going to the South v. Mary Paulina, b. 6 October 1850; d. 13 April this winter and intend taking their colored people to 1875; m. 22 Aug. 1872 to John Riley, of Aul­ try if they can succeed better in raising cotton than ville, Mis~uuri. A daughter, surname RILEY: wheat. a. Lillian I have been very busily engaged in preparing for my

v1. Harry L. b. 1852; died 1 Jan. 1857. trip, have purchased some wool, had it picked and carded, and am now spinning to make some linsey for vu. John Diggs, b. I 2 Dec. 1857, Henrietta, Mo.; the servants and flannel and stockings for the children.,. d. 22 March 1924, Saint Louis, Mo.; m. 1889, in Saint Louis, Mo. to Mrs. Morehead, a widow Children of Enos and Sarah Ann, surname COR- with some children. He was associated with his DELL: half-brother Da,·id, in the Humphreys Com­ 1. Amelia Catherine b. 20 Oct. 1829 mission Business in Saint Louis and continued this business after the death of David and until 11. Annette b. 24 Dec. 1832 his own death. He had no issue. His estate was m. Edward Humphreys b. 26 Aug. 1835 left to the children of his three sisters after l\', Susan Luella b. 16 June 1838 bequests to the two daughters of his wife.

V. David Ernest b. 16 May 1840 REFERENCES: YI. Virginia b. 5 Jan. 1843

Famih- records furnished by Marcha (Humphreys) Maltby, VU. Christine b. 28 Dec. 1844 Kansas City. Vlll. Sarah Leona b. 30 l\fay 1846

1 ( 44) SARAH ANN· HUMPHREYS, (David, John,: lX, \Y'illiam Enos b. 29 June 1848 David," John,'), born 26 June 1808 near Charles Town,

Va.; died July 1849, Jefferson City, Missouri.; married REFERENCES: 1 Jan. 1829, Charles Town, Jefferson Co., Va. to Enos Basye Cordell, ( son of Presley and Amelia (Conner) I. Family Lcucr, Cordell, of Leesburg, Va.), b. 6 Sept. 1807, Leesburg, 2. "Cordell Records" 1940 by Allan S. Humphreys. Va.; died 17 Sept. 1878 in Saint Louis, Mo. ( 45) THOMAS KEYES· HUMPHREYS, (David,' They lived first in Leesburg, Va. In 1835 he went to John, David," John,'), born 5 October 1811, Charles Jefferson City, Mo. "He was a merchant, banker, and Town, Va.; died 10 July 1851, at "Jefferson," his home shipper to the larger part of the county and the river in Saint Louis Co., Mo., and is buried in Old Bonhomme portion of Calloway Co., Mo." He was an elder in the Churchyard; married 11 Jan. 1834, in Leesburg, Va., to Presbyterian Church. Helen Arrete Cordell, ( daughter of Presley and Amelia She attended school in Bethlehem Pa., 1822-23. She (Conner) Cordell, of Leesburg, Va.), b. 15 Dec. 1815; was a woman of strong christian character and a devout d. 20 Dec. 1865 and buried at Old Bonhomme. member of the Presbvterian Church. Thev lived near Charles Town, Va., until 15 Oct. 0 From Charles Town in Dec. 1836, she writes to her 1835, 0n which date they joined several families of husband ·in Missouri. "I am willing and anxious to do relatiYes, droYe through the mountains to \X'heeling, whatever may be most to the interest of ourseh·es and boarded the boat, "Ohio," on Oct. 29, sending their·


horses overland. Leaving Louisville, Ky., on the boat vi. Mary Amelia, b. 17 Nov. 1843; d. 12 March "Tempest," on Nov. 2, they reached Saint Louis, on 1908. Unmarried. Attended Park College, Park­ Nov. 9, 1835. ville, Mo. Lived with her brother Richard, near Springfield, Mo. On Feb. 24, 1836 he purchased 300 arpents (250 acres) of land from James Long, the consideration being vu. Richard Lewis, b. 18 Nov. 1845; d. 24 March $1350. 1930. Unmarried. Buried, with his sister Mary, in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield, Mo. He helped to collect money for the erection of Old Bonhomme Church and superintended the construction 66. viii. Helen Thomas, b. 27 Nov. 1847. of this building. REFERENCES:

1. Diary of Thomas Keyes Humphreys, now at Jefferson Memorial Library, Saint Louis, Missouri. 2. Bible of Helen Arete Cordell Humphreys, in possession of her great grand daughter, Helen (Goodwin) Alexander, Hyattsville, Maryland.

Helen Arrete (Cordell) Humphreys

Children of Thomas Keyes and Helen Arrete, sur­ Bonhomme Presbyterian Church name HUMPHREYS: 3. St. Louis, Missouri 64. 1. Ellwood, b. 5 Jan. 1835, Leesburg, Va. July 2nd 1836 ii. Henry Martin, b. 24 May 1836, Saint Louis Dear Mother:- Co., Mo.; d. 5 Sept. 1839, and buried on the It is a source of great pleasure to write a letter to you, knowing that you can appreciate my little impr!?vements _so Hiram Cordell farm. well, having a turn for it. We received your letter_ m part with Sarah Ann and Susan this day having sent Presly Cordell, Jr. iii. Catharine Keyes, b. 6 Oct. 1837; d. 11 Oct. on our mare to Manchester for a milk strainer. You would be 1858, Unmarried. pleased to see my spring house that I have j~st _built. It is made with a square place paved and walled up similar to the place you keep milk in your cellar only with the difference t~at two iv. Janet Lingan, b. 5 Aug. 1839; d. 4 Jan. 1929 springs rise up in it sufficiently high to surround the milk pans and buried in Maple Park Cemetery, Spring­ and then run off. I built, executed all the work myself only Asa B. Cordell came and assisted me in raising the logs. Floretta field, Mo.; m. 11 May 1880 ( as his second milks. We have one cow, very fine one, if we can only keep wife) to John C. King. They had an only son: her home. I am sorry to hear of the wheat turnin~ out _so bad but all is for the best. We had a great deal of ram dunng the a. Elwood Humphreys King, b. 3 Feb. 1882; d. time of corn planting but the whole month of June, ~ith the 20 Feb. 1882. exception of one or two sprinkles! has ·been ver)'. dry. ttme. Mr corn looks fine. The few wheat fields that, are m this country bid fair to turn our well. I have been complimented very highly 65. v. Henry Cordell, b. 14 Aug. 1841. here as being a successful farmer, having as they called it here


poor land or that which has been culti,·ated too hard. This land well as houses. We heard a colored man deliver a sermon, the has been cleared fortv vears, tended with rnrn and rested with best preacher we have heard in this state. He is thought so oats e,·er since, which· would kill down Virginia soil in five (Here is but a poor sketch of my domicile, the fence is the way years. I wrote a lener to brother John and one hy .Mr. Clagett I intend to place it, the hill from the house to the spring is co Father. I am sorry to hear of sister Mary's illness but I hope covered with percimon and peach trees. (PICTURE)) much of she may recover. You write ,hat Enos expects co trv the \Vesc. that he preaches regularly among the white congregations. Mr. I have been trying co get che time to write to Enos but mr own Cordell received a letter from Dr. Cordell. Tell John I am affairs require so much writing about that it has been out of looking for a Jong letter from him. Mr. Cordell's family is my power. You can say to Sarah Ann that the objection which well. Helen and the children are very well. Ellwood has just she states to this country we have not as yet heard of, that of climbed on the table and pesters me so much that I can hardly the disease called the cold plague; and water in this neighbor­ write. I took him to the congregation during preaching yester­ hood flows in great abundance but ic was chat objection that day and he would sing when he heard the rest at the same. He prohibited me from going on chose immensely rich prairie lands behaved uncommonly well in every other respect. Our love to as they want for water so much. And as for St. Louis, there can all. I remain your affect. son, no place in the Union be found co exceed it in business accord­ ing to its population. As to its health we cannot judge as we Thomas K. Humphreys have been out no season. If she e,·er comes out I would advise her to bring ,l\,faria as girls are scarce in chis country. I had to July 28 18.36. For want of opportunity I have not sent this gi,·e S2.00 for a young woman to come during Helen's confine­ letter co Manchester but send it tomorrow by Jim as he has to ment for one week only and she a very poor get along at chat. take the hide of an ox which I shot for breaking in to my corn­ I procured a .small girl from Mr.Seewright for her victuals and field. I have just finished making a high fence around our yard dothes. I ha,·e great prospect for potatoes and pumpkins but and brought home my cow again. She has been away for several our garden spot was a soddy piece of land and my peas and C "eeks. We expect to ha,e preaching at our house on Sunday by did not thrive. It will be in fine order bv another season. I shall a Baptist minister-the funeral sermon of the lady who formerly 0 try to give you a sketch of my house and C. in this letter if I owned this place. I expect co ,·isit St. Louis on Monday next for ha•;e the room. Great cucumber patch, plenty of corn, beans the purpose of selling my carriage at auction as I am in want growing, should I be able w have me some rails mauled this of some little necessaries for the familv. Gi,·e mv lm·e to all. coming winter I shall be fixed. I intend putting a porch co my Helen is writing to Susan. · · T.K.H. house on one side and board up the other as the rain beats in when it comes driving hard. I have just finished making a good 4. Saturday September 1st. road from the house to the main road to Sc. Louis and shall (Probably 1838 or 18.39) hang a gate co the yard shortly. We have some apples and the greatest quantity of peaches. Our society here is fine. We have Dear. Susan: a temperance society. At the last meeting it subscribed for cwency numbers of a Sc. Louis Temperance paper. We shall As Mr. Claggett was going to Virginia I could not let so have Camp Meeting to n1mmence next Friday in this neighbor­ good an opportunity pass without a line or two although hood. Thomas and myself had written a partnership letter a week or two ago to Pa and l\,fa so shall be somewhat at a Joss. Now you July 15, 1836 all in the East can alwavs find some news to write about if none about yourselves. I am ·acquainted with all your neighbors and Helen and I ha,·e been to Mr. Hamilton's, her father and Asa feel interested in hearing from them but in that respect I labour B. Cordell's. We received the letter from Facher, Susan and under a great disadvantage in writing letters so must excuse me yourself and was glad to hear the news. Tell Facher chat I feel if this should contain but little news. The wedding we wrote grateful for his assistance w me in ,hat which he has done and about is over and we had a pleasant wedding, the most plentiful still is doing. It seems as Helen says to spur me up when I re­ and Virginia like of any that have taken place since we came to ceive a lener stacinf'. abouc funds to diminish m,· debts. lt is Missouri. The gentleman was a Virginian and wanted it con­ true I never wa:; in debt before. it lies heavv ori mv mind. I ducted in Virginia style. Richard returned from a tour through like Father's plan of sending money by the Union Bank. While some of the upper counties yesterday. He purchased a farm ad­ I think of it, tell Father chat I shall send mv certificate of this joining Brother George in Saline county. He says he introduced Lind claim by the first oporcunity. I am afraid to send it by him to some of the young ladies. I have not seen him since his mail. Mr Garrett has declined going until this fall. (I do not return so could not give the particulars. He has been living underscand Father's letter when he savs chat in case the certifi­ with Mr. Potterfield and Henry was staying in his place during cate of deposit does not reach me that it is payable co m,· order his absence so he hurried on to Manchester as soon as he got on the recurn of the t·ertificate). Helen has just read the letter back. He brought a letter to me from Sarah Ann. They are all and fully satisfied me that you are to send the certificate by well. She calls her daughter Luella. It is a very preny name. I Enos and I am to procure any sum for it <>Yer 5600 chat I can in give you the credit of being the authoress of the name as it St. Louis and place it in che hands of the purchaser with my ,,eems co be derived from the word Llewellyn. \Ve all keep well name on the back of it. yec. I am still gecting along pretty well with my poultry. It is a July 22nd 18.36. source of great amus~menc to me, I can assure you, and of help co us coo both our table and will be at market this winter as I write hy degrees as my work cakes up a great deal of time. that is the best rime to sell poultry. If nothing should occur I \Ve finished cutting and hauling our oacs. I cut it all myself. shall be able to sell I am in hopes. I am rather afraid we \Ve ha,·e erected a gate to the yard of this appearance (PK:­ shall be dissapointcd in sending chis by Mr. Claggett as I haYe TURE) For want of plank, I cannot make many improvements no opportunity of sending this to him as he has gone to town about the house although ic wants it badly. \Ve have just had but Thomas is going in the morning so am in hopes he will a rain and it will beat in from the sides but the porch I intend meet him in town. Give my love to brother John and Family, building and some w eatherhoarding will prevent that. I attended Brother Le,·i and Famih'. Tell Christine it was Mother's wish a public dinner held at Manchester and given by the candidates to have written to her b)· Mr. C. but it was not in my power to for the several offices of State and countv. There was forty of go down to write for her and she so seldom uses her pen now­ them in number. Large concourse of peopie; many speeches,' one a-days that she thinks it too great a task to write a letter herself good address was delivered by Col. Strother for the House of so she muse excuse her this time. I have been expecting a letter Congress. Excellent dinner equal to Virginia. We have been from Christine m,·,elf. Yours affeccionacely, chis day at Camp Meeting at the church near Mr. Hiram Cor­ dell's, no linen tents, all made of clapboards and will answer as Helen.


Dear Sister: nearly all beside themsel,es, their Christmas gifts being of. a ,nv noisy nature (that is the boys I mean). Hervy gave Erny a to to Helen has requested me add a fe" line, this leuer. I bugle a11<1 '" ord, Torn a '" urd, Lo,el a small horn, and Dick a shall do so. I often think of a Sabbath morning "hen at home ,mall eolian harp. They were parading all day throughout the with the children (for Helen and myself take it in turns for house, a, it was ton cold to go out. Virginia and her family going to preaching) what Father's family can be doing. I fanq ,pent the day and night \\ ith us and are still here. I expect she 1 can see them all brushing and getting ready for Church. I will break up housekeeping as Enos thinks it \\lrnld be to her sometimes allow mvself to think or wish I "a, in Charleswwn, ad, antage. Harriett is so unruly without a master, he adns~s but onlv for a moment. Sarah Ann sent u, a Jeerer b,· Richard her co ,ell her and purchase a younger girl to nurse. Mr. Bay s Cordell: She seems to be much plea,ed "ich her situ.ation and friends "ish her to come on next spring and spend the summer adds that there is but one thing wanting w make up her happi­ "ith them and !ea,e her rwo oldest children there to be edu­ ness for this world and that is her Mother and Father near on cated but I do nor think she will be willing to do that. We in the States. But it is far from me to desire Father and Mother ha, e 'had a picture here representing "Chris~ Healing the Sick." co lea, e comforts thev now possess and mo, e to the \X' escern It remained two nights and "as shown 111 the Pre,byrenan \Vilds and still be se1;arated from more or less of ,he children. Church. I went on Christmas night with Henry to see it. Mr. Now could we he situated in or near the same count,· it would Capers "a, to h,n e preached that n_ight at the l\lethodist Ch~rch be some inducemen, but as it i,, John in Virginia, p;H,r Da,id but postponed on account of the picture. He. preac·hed last Sun­ in Ohio, n>u in Arkansas, and the balance in Missouri more da,· and l\lr. Fenwn at night. I did not _go as H was quHe mudd~·­ than one l;undred miles apart, what satisfaction? \\/e well know Mr. Fenton preached t\\o or three nights last week m this that Father and Mother are of coo settled a disposition co 1110, e place. They talk something of trying to get him here. He "ent about much. No, I should ,a,· nen,r nuwe from Virginia merely from here last Monda,· (2•Hh) and took a package for you Ill be w sati,fr the w ishe, of the"ir children, without the, ha,e ac­ left in Manchester. He said if he did not mtet with what he desires so to do. Now no one wishes ti, ,ee their should con,ider a good chance, he \\ould keep it until the parents more than I. It "ill ah, avs gin, me the greates, earthly seurnd "eek in January, at which time he v. ill gn t,> St. Louis pleasure to see Father and Mother. \X'hen I staned w this ,o attend Presh,ten and \\ill lea,e ic in care of Mr. Enoch country.among the fir~t of our family who did so, little thought Berr, to "hom ,it i; directed. I ha,e spent my time ,..,ry agree­ I ,hat all but one .in so short a time w ou]d follm,. ably-,ince I came up except chat I am ,ery lonesome sometimes, "·ithout the expectation of t'Yer returning seeing: n1y p.1nicularh· on Sunda; s as the "e~ther and walktng ha,e pre­ fritnds again and when I had that of sickness it ofcen ,enced nw ,l[(ending church e,ery Sabbath. If l suffer myself w brought tears to my eyes" hen thinking of you all. You must let think mu~h about heme, I think ic is impossible for me to stay us krnm direnh· after vou reach niur home how ,·"u are pleased until March. I ,tri, e tll keep as busy as l can but on Sundays, I Mr. ·Llewellyn I would be glad to re~ei,e find it almo;t impossible w keep from getting the blues. I wenc from him. I wish ,o know where and in what uiunt), ,·isiting wday for the first time (that is-strangers). I ha,e "hac the on the land and che quality of the same. I been w Henn·, and Virginia's a good many (Imes. I called to 0 do a_..,sure ~ou Su~an that J ha\'e a great de...,ire to !-lee you. \\'e see Mrs. Hm;gh and Mrs. Da,·isson toda,· but I find it i~ not were li,ing together the last of the family and I had not \\ eaned good for dyspeptic affcnions to go , isiting during the h'.il1dai s m,·,elf from ,·ou as from Sarah Ann. H,m e,er l "ould I ikc to a, ,ou must participate in good mugs or else they feel sli~h.te


in che scree! abouc Janet's size and he howled ouc "Oh Jen" co be explained. Opinions of the neighbors are various but I and wanted to run afcer her. I asked him "hac I muse tell Henry believe the general conclusion is that he muse have attempted for him and he said "Tell him I wane a pepel" (meaning pen­ suicide and lo,·e is assigned as the cause or rather fear of a cer­ cil). I belie,·e I have given you all the ne" s. The children all tain ri,·al living in Jefferson. Now do not speak of chis publicly had a greac deal of fun wich some mask, from che score, one as the first is thought seriously true and the last is rumored and had speccacles on and looked like an old woman. Virginia and believed by some. At all events it has cooled his melancholy I puc on a double calico wrapper night cap and we caused chem and he now appears quite cheerful and ,vas chief beau ac the a good deal of fun, che other had a , ery red fac·e and whiskers. Pie I\'ic alongside of Miss Nannie. I could fill this with one Dixon put on a large pair of pantaloons and scuffed chem full line of nonsense or another buc shall have to stop for press of and che lase mentioned mask acced as a gallanc co che old lady. rime. Tell Callie received hers lately and shall answer ic shortly. We were very parcicular wich che lictle ones co show chem che Do you write as soon as you receive the shirts. I have made masks before chey were puc on the face. When you wrice gi,e chem by the best pactern on one that I thought looked nearest me che news of the whole neighborhood as you did before. I to the one you desired. They are miserably done up so you must have been anxiously looking for another leccer. Remember me co form your opinion of them until after they are done up br all inquiring friends and relacions. Caccy says you muse tell Rachel. Mv love co Dixon. Tell him I will write soon. Cam is Pink she will wri,e to her afcer che holidays are over and give well and is a very good boy, he has been ploughing and is a her an au:ounc of all the doings up here in the greac cic,· of great assiscance to his unde. I chink he grows very fast. Re­ Jefferson. We had Henry's and Virginia's families co dine wich member me affectionacely to Virginia and family, also Henry us coday and participace wich us of a curkey. I forgot IO cell and family and Enos· family. All are well except chills occas­ you I have had the pleasure of parcaking an oyscer supper wich ionally nothing more. Enos and Virginia. Dixson received a leccer from Ell a week or two ago and he sends one by chi, mail co Ell. I was glad to Your attached sister, see Ell did gee a le11er off ac lase. I hope he will concinue :o wrice as it "ill improve him in w ricing. I look e,·ery mail for letcers buc ha,e only recei,·ed two since I came up. You must Senc from J\lanchester Mo. gi,e me all the news as an~·thing will imeresc n\e chat comes J\fay 13th from home, however trifling it may be. Tell me how you do, how you sleep, where you sic, and how do you gee along in the To: eating departmenc. Don't let my ducks get frozen. I forgot be­ fore I left co cell you I "ished you co send old ,',I rs Stephens a Mr. James H. Cordell pair of ducks. You will ha, e co send her two females as I have Jefferson Cicy, Mo. bu[ one drake. The,· were so kind as w !et me ha,·e ice when I so much needed ic. ·Good bYe. J\h love rn all the children. Your -. Excraccs from letters written by Janet (Humphreys) King a11ached, · · 1918-1920. She was born 5 Aug. 1839; d. 4 Jan. 1929. Helen. "I have always been interested in Catherine Keyes Humph­ 6. Bonhomme May 9th 1850 reys-our grandmother. She was all ready co visit Missouri wheh she was taken sick. remember a large box of presencs for My dear Brother: I us all was sent after her death. Many of the things she made As you may suppose I was perfeccly taken by surprise when herself." I receiYed your epistle: as you no doubt will be at the reception "My great grandmother must have been Catherine Bayse, of chis h,n ing beer so long delayed. N(m I near make .,polo­ grandfather Pressly Cordell's mocher. She was buried in Cousin gics, it i~ ju~t out of n1~· line, I an1 tno ~traightfor\\ard, as so Hiram Cordell's home burying ground. My first brocher Henry che reason is just chi,, that at times I could noc gee ic IO rbe was buried there. It became a part of Dr. Stevens farm later on office, at ochers out of paper, and at others, children or self as he married Missouri Cordell, Cousin Hiram's only daughter. ,ick, s,l chis is juSi maf/er of f,,ct-it is not apologizing. I hope This Hiram Cordell was grandfather Pressly's first cousin. Mrs. you are not left er>tirely destiruce of a certain part of dress quice Payne's facher, Stt:pcoe Cordell, was his brother." · indispensable to man, I ba, e had your, done some time but un­ fortunateh· when Thomas "enc do" n lase he started in rather a "J\h , isic co Charles Town was jusr after the dose of che hurry and° I forgot co send chem. He will go again shorcly and I \X'ar_:._about 1868 Archur and his brother John were all the think it he11er co send by him or else rnuld meet frequencly I children Cousin David had when I was there: I spent some time "ich an opportunity. He is waiting to hear of Enos' arri,·al in Sc. "ich them. Uncle Llewellyn came home as I did-co rake his Looi.,. I suppose he has started by chis time. I \\ as quite amused bovs Dick and I\'ewton, ·home from school. I visited father's at I our le11er and have had some hearty laughs o,·er it, by chis co.:isin George Tace. Maria Louisa Humphreys, an old maid, presume navigation has encirely dosed. Did you ever know I kept house for him. J\1ary Daugherty, her niece, liYed \\ ich such a backward spring? \X'e are the onh· ones in these parts them. Their home was near cown-a hn·ely place named Beln­ who are so fortunate to to have peas up-ours are stuck. Ha, e dere-all spoikd during the Ci,·il War.-I was im·ired to a you heard from our new young since he reached home uepheu· social at the home of father's cousin-Humphrey Keyes. I mec wich his bride? strange chat Enos should agree co such an Hm, Roger Humphreys, Jr (Note-error for Robert) a brother of unequal match. \X-'e received a letter from John T. Humphreys Maria Louisa and a bachelor." who I suppose has reached home by this time. Does Virginia still talk of going Ease? I h,l\'e not heard anything ,aid abouc it "There are ,·arious Humphreys in Arkansas.-Uncle John's lacely. How are che li11lc folks? I have been h,lpiug 1hu11 lately son-John Thomas left a family there. Cousin Kate Drennen h,11·e chills. You must excuse chis misterable Ie11er as I am writ­ left a son Charles. I do not know Cousin Bettie's name-have ing in a great hurry so I can cake advantage of an opportunity forgo11en. Edwill Llewellyn lives in Chirnr Councy bordering co rhe office. Our folks ha, e had a May part) on the bt at che on Louisiana and right on che ." Lake. I call it "IVi11frr Pie ,'\ic" as there was 1101 a leaf on the trees and so cold they had co wear sh,nds but chey thought it "There ne,·er has been a likeness of my father, T. K. Humph­ "ould not be romantic enough unle'5 rhey had it in the woods n,n. He used co say he was too ugly to. have a likeness taken. although they had tht: full ad,·ancage of che sun co \\ arm them M~ father "as a perfen gentleman but noc handsome and one through the leafless boughs. It was Mr. Com, ay's arrangement or' the most industrious and pious of men. He was a great if it had been \\arm it would ha,·e been a beautiful place al­ Christi:m "orker-always Sunday school superintendenc of the though it came off prety well I belie,e. Thomas Pre.,Ie, has re­ Presbnerian, or Baptise, or J\1echodist church whereever he was co,ered from his nl\'sterious indisposicion but the cau,e rema,n, neede;L"


(46) SUSAN5 HUMPHREYS, (David/ John,3 David/ Children of John Richard and Susan, surname LLE- John,1 ), was born 25 April 1815, Charles Town, Vir­ WELLYN: ginia. She died 4 Nov. 1894, at "Llewellyn Place." Chi­ 1. Eugene, b. 14 Dec. 1838 cot County, Arkansas. She married 27 Sept. 1837, Charles Town, Va., to John Richard Llewellyn, (son of 11. Sarah (Saidee) b. 11 May 1840 Richard and Phillipa (Bate) Llewellyn, of "Meadow­ 111. Ellen Catherine b. 25 Aug. 1843 brook," Jefferson County, Virginia). He was born 17 Nov. 1803, Cecil Co., Md., and died 1 July 1837, at 1v. Adelle b. 9 Nov. 1844; d. 31 May 1927; m. "Llewellyn Place," Chicot Co., Arkansas. 1870 to William Henry Elder. A daughter, Maud Elder, b. 19 Feb. 1871, married 10 July 1894 to James Berkley Lewis. Their third son, John Llewellyn Lewis, b. 21 Aug. 1901; d. 25 Jan. 1945; m. 28 Aug. 1926 to Mary Lynn Simms, of Lake Village, Arkansas. He gradu­ ated from West Point in 1925. They had three children: John Broadus Lewis ( also a graduate of West Point), b. 10 Nov. 1928; m. 8 June 1951 to Frances Tresylan Shouse and they have a son, John Llewellyn Lewis, b. 1 July 1953; Francis Scott Lewis, b. 18 Feb. 1930; married 1 June 1951 to La Nell Smith; Mary Lynn Lewis, b. 27 Feb. 1933; m. 28 Aug. 1953 to John Ernest \Vesson. Both attended the Univer­ sity of Arkansas where she was a Delta Gamma and he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. v. Lucy Throckmorton, b. 15 July 1847; m. William Albert Smith. vi. Edwyl, b. 15 July 1849; died 8 April 1904; married 1891 to Bettie Lee Carlton. vii. Richard, b. 21 June 1856 viii. Thomas Newton, b. 24 Dec. 1857

Susan (Humphreys) Llewellyn

He accumulated a fortune at Louisville, Kentucky, then moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi, where he lost much of his property in the financial crisis of 1837-1838. He saved a plantation at Spanish Moss Bend, Chicot County, Arkansas, and moved there about 1839. This plantation he operated with slaves inherited from his father. He was a merchant and planter and a member of the Levee Board for Chicot County. She was a member of the committee that collected the money to buy "Mount Vernon." The Llewellyn Family


REFERENCES: deeply interested in our genealogy but have ...... oppor- tunity towards collecting any certain data. Received a nice kind letter from Mattie a few weeks ago, did not answer it hoping I 1. "," Goodspeed, p. 1077 might get some more information on this subject but I gather from your letter you wish to ascertain what I know of my own 2. Family data from Saidee Llewellyn, Martha (Humphreys) family. I now remember my mother telling me of their rich Maltby, and Lynn Lewis Wesson. bachelor uncle-George Humphreys who represented his county 3. Gaines Landing, Chicot Co., Ark. in the Va. Legislature, taking Willelma Tate and herself when May 6th 1897. school girls to visit Col. North's fa111ily in Philadelphia, of her Dear Cousin Janet: speaking of the stylish Cousin Sarah North-I think an old maid-and that our grandfather's mother was a Miss North Yes, I am gratefully surprised but do not feel you to be a and her mother Katherine Keyes mother a Miss Hall. There stranger remembering so well meeting you in St. Louis at the were four sons-Roger, John, David, and George. I think hotel with Mrs. Gamble and your returning my call at my Roger married a Miss Wager, a relative of my father. Cousin sister's-Mrs Adele Elder in St. Louis twenty years ago. You Maria Humphreys called my father "cousin" before his marriage were a mere school girl then, but to me a very attractive one. I to my mother. I think Robert Humphreys was his son. John have always taken a deep interest in Cousin David's family­ married Miss Susan Alibone of Philadelphia, for whom my your grandmother was a favorite sister in law of my mother's. mother was named. He was handsome, a spendthrift, died young. She afterward married Professor Morehead; of Cincin­ I often think of Mattie and her visit to us and would love to nati, who inherited an Irish estate, went to Ireland to live. hear of her and her family. I only knew Louise through hearing David, my grandfather, married Katherine Keys, lost his arln Mattie speak of her. 1812 at battle White House in defense of Washington City. I am living· at Gaines Landing, eight miles above my old Was for many years afterward high sherif of Jefferson Co., con­ home, with my niece whom I brought up and educated-Mrs. sidered then a place of honor. George died without marriage-­ J. B. Lewis, ne Maud Elder. She has two lovely boys-her left his fortune divided between his sisters familys and Maria oldest 21 months and the other just ten days old. Humphreys. My grandfathers sisters were Mrs Tate, Mrs Kearsley and Mrs Pots. Of the Tates I only knew one daughter Your letter dated 26th April was missent--only reached me married a Asquith one a Daugherty-George Tate I have seen yesterday. I am trul} sorry I cannot give you any decided help when on a visit to Va. I think died without being married. Dr as to records of my mother's family. Cousin Amelia Newton John Tate family must be some of them living in Cincinnati, wrote to my mother to know something of the family record Ohio. He called to see me when I was there many years ago. I some years ago with a view to joining the D.A.R. She asked visited George Kearsley family when I was a girl in Va. Some how we were connected to David Humphreys of Washington's months ago I saw thc death of his wife Cousin Rebecca Kears­ Staff. My mother gave her the same answer as Cousin David H. ley in one of our city papers mention that she was the mother of Norfolk gave you, but could furnish no proof. of a Mrs Reese of this city. I have never let her know of our relationship. One of my mothers cousins-Margaret Kearsley­ I can only tell you things I heard my mother talk of. The married Newton Carter and I know Cousin Thomas Carter who oldest brother-I do not remember his name--seemed to heir married a Miss Jennings of New Orleans. One son-Pal...... the bulk of the property as they do in England and had the Carter holds a very responsible position in African gold mines. care of the aged mother being very old and blind. Another I have heard my mother talk of some relations named Sievers, brother-her Uncle John, married a Miss Susan Alabone for Smith and Marks but do not know where to place them. Sarah whom my mother was named, died without heirs. Her Uncle Newton Carter married a Mr. Gallaher. Annie Carter was Mrs. George never married, represented his district in the legislature Campbell of W. Va. Mrs Potts (this should be Lucas) grand at Richmond, kept up the family ties and family pride. Was father's sister went to Ohio to live-when my mother was a quite wealthy-left it to his sisters families who were Mrs. child. Kearsley (Margaret Ann) and Mrs. Tate (Abby Humphreys) and my mother's Cousin Maria Humphreys and Emily Humph­ Susan Humphreys was born in Charlestown, Va. Apl. 25th reys who must have been a daughter of the oldest son. Cousin 1815 married to John Richard Llewellyn there in Sept. 27th George Tate who always lived at the old home Bellvidere near 1837-died Nov. 4 1894-who was born near Charlestown Nov. Charles Town, I believe is dead. He would have known most 17, 1804. My father's family came from Wales to Maryland about the family. Dr. John H. Tate, if still alive, lives in Cin­ with Lord Baltimore---We have the old family Bible of several cinnati, Ohio. One of Aunt Tate's daughters married Asquith, generations. It was published in seventeen hundred and some­ died early leaving no daughters--other married Daughtry­ thing-bound in leather in perfect preservation. His father was left no heirs--children dying early in life. Of my Mother's Aunt Richard Llewellyn mother Phillipa Bate, his grand father was Kearsley's family I have only met Cousin George Kearsley and John Llewellyn grandmother Mary Jordan-great grandfather family. Cousin Tom and Kearsley Carter their sister Cousin was Richard Llewellyn and great grandmother Miss ?Jestine?­ Annie--Mrs Campbell-whose mother was Margrete Ann One cousin married Edmond Key near relative of Francis Key Kearsley. Tena Cordell told me Cousin Annie Campbell had who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. One married a son of the family genealogy all traced out-try writing to her. She Richard Henry Lee of the Revolution--one of his Aunts was a has always lived at the old home, Charles Town, W. Va., and Mrs Eden she left a fortune to his sister Aunt Margaret Elenor would no doubt know more about the family. My Mother told who married John T. Throckmorton lived in their fine old me her father's mother's name was Anna Hall. My Mother home "Roxton" in Jefferson Co., Va. One sister married Mr thought the family was of Welsh descent as the Llewellyn's are. Baber one child died without issue One married Mrs D ...... y My Father had in the old family Bible record of his family back have two children-do not know if any are alive--one lived in as far as 1706-we have it yet. I hope you will succeed and will Ky. one in Ohio--My father's brothers Jorden, Charles, and be much pleased to hear the particulars of your search. If you Justinian di_ed without issue. write again tell me something of yours and your sisters families. Of my mother's sister Sarah who married Enos B. Cordell With much affection, lived in Leesburg, moved to Jefferson City, Mo. you no doubt Your cousin, Saidee Llewellyn know as much as I do. Amelia the eldest married at my Mother's -Col Thomas Newton, of Little Rock. Ark., is I think still 4. (No date, prob. 1898) living in Washington City. Dear Janet: Virginia married during the Civil War at our home to Your letter indeed was a pleasant surprise. Like you I am Charles Saunders I think in IS64. Died in Carlisle, Ark. where


their oldest son lives. He married Miss Turrentine. Percy mar• ington, Ky. He died 25 Jan. 1892, and he and his wife ried Miss Eva Johnson lives in Greenville, Miss. Basey ( ?) and Llewellyn are married living in Chicot Co., Ark. Edward Hard• were both buried, at their request, on the old Humph· ing Sanders lives in Miss. not married. Of Llewella Harding, reys Ranch, near Montell, Uvalde County, Texas. He Christine C., and Leona Armstrong and their brother Ernest I've no doubt you know more than I do. Also of my mother's married in Kentucky, to Jane W. Rigg, born Feb. 1815, brother Thomas Key Humphreys family. Her brother David was in Ky.; died June 1898 in Uvalde Co., Texas. Her par• dissapated died in Va.-never married. From Cousin David H. of Norfolk you could get the members of his family Thomas H. ents were both born in Virginia. Humphreys. Catherine or Kate married at our home Col. John Drennan of Van Buren, Ark. Bettie Humphreys married Wil• liam Sutton of Fort Smith, Ark. My family Eugene, Richard, Newton are unmarried live in Chicot Co., Ark. Edwyl married in 1891 to Miss Bettie Lee Carlton, of Va. Have three little girls-oldest nine years. He died suddenly 8 April 1904. My sister Lucy Throckmorton Llewellyn married William Albert Smith, of New Orleans, La. --

(47) PARRY WAYNP HUMPHREYS, (Charles,4 Through the influence of Henry Clay, a friend of his 3 1 Joshua, David," John, ), was born 11 Jan. 1811, Lex• father, Parry Wayne obtained an appointment as Mid­ shipman in the U. S. Navy at the age of eighteen and was assigned to the Frigate "Consolation." After serving for seven years, he resigned to accept a commission in the Navy of the Republic of Texas, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander,aboard the Schooner "lnvinci•

Parry Wayne Humphreys (1811-1892) Parry and Maria (Clubb) Humpb,.eys

-62- GENEALOGY ble" under Captain Brown. He was detailed from sea (48) JOHN COWAN° HUMPHREYS, (Charles," service to act as secretary of the Navy, Republic of Joshua," David,2 John,1 ), was born 1 June 1813, Lexing­ Texas, under Rhodes Fisher and President Houston. ton, Ky. He died Sept. 1868, at Somerville, Fayette When Texas was annexed to the United States, the Navy County, Tenn. He married 14 Feb. 1842, Shelby Co., was discharged. Tenn., to Sando! Fort Battle, ( daughter of William and Chloe Crudup (Boddie) Battle, of Shelby County, He joined Taylor's Army of invasion into Mexico as Tenn.) born 1823 in Wake Co., N. C. and died May Quartermaster under Major Cross. When the army was 1872, Somerville, Tennessee. discharged at Veracruz, he returned to Lexington Ken­ tucky and married Jane Rigg, to whom he had been en­ As the family home was in Lexington, Ky., he was gaged since he was 18 years of age. doubtless educated there. His father and several uncles being lawyers, it is not strange that he followed that He then returned to Austin, Texas and was sheriff of profession. Travis County for a time, then served in the Land Office as clerk. In 1862 he joined the service of the He settled in Somerville, Tennessee and began the Confederacy and was quartermaster clerk under Ben practice of law in 1837. He was County Judge for Fay­ McCullor. After four years of service and the close of ette Co., Tenn., 1850-1862. After the Civil War he was the war, he taught school in Lampassas County at Mc­ tendered, but declined, a seat on the Supreme Bench. He Anelly' s Bend and at Lampassas. He then went to In­ refused to take the oath of allegience. dianola, Texas, where he met Dr. Crearz, Collector of In February 1842 he bought two town lots and Customs at that point and with whom he had served in another parcel of more than three acres in Somerville, the U. S. Navy. The Doctor was a ships surgeon and where he made his home. In later years he had many secured the appointment of Parry Wayne as Keeper of additional land transactions there. the Light House at Aransas Pass, Texas. His will, dated 12 Aug. 1868 and probated Oct. 1868, When the Texas Navy was discharged, the U. S. mentions wife and children but does not list them by Government allowed all the officers five years pay in name. It mentions 111 acres of land and U. S. Bonds to consideration of being discharged. Parry Wayne's claim the amount of $20,000. It provides that each child of $9,000 was allowed and paid so he resigned at the should receive $2,000 at 21 or marriage and states that Light House and went into the hardware business in certain advances in money had already been made to his Corpus Christi. Unsuccessful in business, he was re­ eldest daughter, Grace. His wife was appointed execu­ appointed as Keeper of the Light House where he re­ trix and Joel L. Pulliam was directed to advise and mained until age caused him to resign. He then went to assist. Witnesses were: J. A. Hill and W. C. Trent. the ranch of his only son in Uvalde County. John Cowan Humphreys is listed among the men of He was a Chapter Mason and belonged to the first prominence in West Tennessee. lodge established in Texas. Children of John Cowan and Sando!, surname HUM­ Only child of Parry Wayne and Jane, surname HUM­ PHREYS: PHREYS: 1. Charles West, b. 1844; killed at Shiloh aged 67. i. Parry, b. 18 January 1852 eighteen years.

REFERENCES: ii. Grace, b. 1846; married 12 Dec. 1866 to Stephen K. Watkins, planter, of Williston, I. Family records furnished by Byron Humphreys, of San Fayette Co., Tenn. Sons, surname WATKINS: Antonio, Texas. I a. John Humphreys 2. "The Texas Historical Association Quarterly," Vol. XIII, p. 124. b. Richard L. 3. Aransas County, Tex,,s. 1 RSO Census, Precinct No. 4 Rock­ iii. Mary S., b. 1850; d. 1883; m. 3 Feb. 1870 to port. William A. Milliken, Professor of Law, Van­ Parry Humphreys, 69, Light house keeper, Ky., Vir., Ky. derbilt University. Later lived in Washington, _Jane. W. Humphreys, 65, Asst. Light house keepe1, Ky., Vtr., Ytr. D. C. Children, surname MILLIKEN:


a. Lavinia, b. 1872 education was interrupted and later he studied law in b. Lucy, b. 1874 his father's office. Again he returned to Lexington for a c. Sandal Battle, b. 1876 course of lectures in law, at Transylvania, by his uncle, Charles Humphreys, and then returned to Tennessee, d. Humphreys, b. 1878 where he obtained his license in 1828. 68. iv. Alfred Battle, b. 1852 He lived for a short time in Clarksville, Montgomery v. Flora Turley, b. 1854; m. 3 March 1880 to County, then took up residence in Somerville, Fayette John Preston Edmondson, a lawyer of Somer­ County, where his cousin, John Cowan was also a law­ ville, Tenn. Their only child, a son, died in yer. In 1834 he was elected as a delegate to the con­ infancy. vention to revise and amend the constitution of the State. Later he was a member of the State Legislature, v1. Hettie, b. 1856; married Robert M. Cousar, and an unsuccesful candidate for Governor in 1835. an attorney of Somerville, Tennessee. Later with the Treasury Department in Washington, After his marriage he was elected by the legislature to D.C. the newly created position of Attorney General of the State. He was re-elected in 1844 and in Dec. 1851, he vii. J. C., b. 1858; a daughter who evidently died retired from office. young as she was not mentioned in the census of 1870. Appointed U. S. District Judge in 1853 by President Pierce, he held office until 1861 and then accepted the viii. Sallie C., b. 1862; died by 1 Nov. 1880, inte­ commission as Judge under the Confederate Govern­ state. On 4 July 1878, Thomas B. Turley had ment. He was impeached for high by the thirty­ been appointed as her guardian. Her estate at seventh congress on the charge of having advocated that time being valued at about $5,000. in a public speech at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 29, 1860, for giving aid to armed rebellion, for conspiracy REFERENCES: with , and for imprisoning W. G. 1. "Battle Book" by H. B. Battle, Lois Yelverton and W. J. Brownlow. Battle, p. 669. He was editor of an eleven volume report on cases of 2. 1860 and 1870 Census records for Fayette Co., Ky. the supreme court of Tennessee. He was portly and 3. History of Tenn. (Faye/le and Hardeman Counties) Good­ handsome and advocated the abolition of the liquor speed. 1887. traffic. 4. "Beginning of West Tenn. in the Land of the Chi.kasau·s,'' 1541-1841. His family Bible, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., 5. Fayette Co., Tenn. Will Book "B,'' p. 248. Phil ad el phia, MDCCCXLIV is in possession ( 1951 ) of 6. Fayette County, Court Minute Books "M" through "Q." his grand daughter, Mrs. S. H. Stout, of Memphis, Tenn.

7. Fayette County, Marriage Books "A," "B," "C" and "L." Children of West Hughes and Amanda, surname 8. Shelby County. Tenn. M"rriage Records. HUMPHREYS:

(49) WEST HUGHES;; HUMPHREYS, (Parry Wayne,' 1. Gideon Parry, b. 26 April 1840; died 6 Sept. Joshua," David," John,'), was born 26 August 1806, 1840. Named for his two grandfathers. Montgomery Co., Tenn. He died 16 Oct. 1882 at the 69. 11. Jerome Pillow, b. 24 May 1842. residence of his son-in-law, near Nashville, Tennessee. He married 1 Jan. 1839, in Nashville, Tennessee, to iii. Mary Cynthia, b. 25 Aug. 1844; d. 7 Oct. Amanda Malvina Pillow, ( daughter of Gideon and 1865. She changed her name to Amanda P., but Anne (Payne) Pillow, of WiUiamson, County, Tenn.) was always called "Queenie." She died un­ born 27 Sept. 1817; died 4 March 1853. One of her sis­ married. ters was the wife of Gov. Aaron V. Brown, of Tenn., 70. iv. Anne Payne, b. 5 July 1846. and a brother was General Gideon Johnson Pillow. · West Hughes was sent back to Transylvania Uni­ v. Robert West, b. 19 April 1848; d. 12 July versity for his education. Due to poor health his formal 1848.


fudge JVest Hughes Humphreys fudge Robert West Humphreys


or ridicule. Quarrel with nobody, under any circumstances; have l. "Beginnings of West Tennessee" by Samuel Cole Williams, no secrets or secret keepers and say nothing that you would not 1930. be willing that all persons should hear. In regard to expenses, buy nothing that you can do without, and buy for comfort, not 2. Family Bible of West Hughes Humphreys. show. Recollect that all are respected most in the end for good 3. Davidson Co., Tenn. Marriage Book 2, p. 28. qualities of head and heart, than for their appearance; but neat­ ness and cleanliness are indispensable to obtain your own re­ 4. "Daily World" Nashville, Tenn. Tue. Oct. 17 and 18, 1882. spect or that of others. Seek entertainment more in books and in employmenc that is useful than in running after miscellaneous 5. ''Humphreys Family in America" by Frederick Humphreys, company. Pray God to keep your hearts pure and conduct right. ~f.D. Farewell my dear daughters and may God have you in his 6. "Dictionary of American Biography" holr keeping. 7. Humphreys Family in America, p. 1047-1048. West H. Humphreys Copy of a letter written by Judge West Hughes Humphrers to his daughters Queenie and Annie ( 16 and 14 years of age) (50) CHARLES JONES" HUMPHREYS, (Parry on leaving for the South. Their mother had died several years before and their only brother, J. Pillow Humphreys, having Wayne,' Joshua," David/ John,'), was born in 1811, gone to the wars. Miss Queenie died at the age of 19. probably in Montgomery Co., Tenn. He died 23 October Melrose, 22 Feb. 1862 1866, in Texas. He married 12 January 1843, at Her­ Dear Daughters: nando, De Soto County, Mississippi, to Ann Hawes Coleman, (dau. of J. Wm. H. and Ann (Hawes) Cole­ I am about to leave you and know not whether I shall ever see you again. I feel it my duty to say something to you by way man), b. 21 Sept. 1823, in Ky., died 19 Jan. 1908, in of advice. I say to you first, stay together and love one another. Ark. Be always together and never separated one hour if you can help it. In these dangerous times, stay in the house, or about it. Take all the exercise you can by walking in the passages, jumping the Like his father and his brothers, Charles Jones Hum­ rope or otherwise. Sleep as much as you can and be prudent in phreys was educated as a lawyer. Together with his earing. Adhere to your habit of not eating supper. These few habits will keep you healthy. In regard to your conduct and brother-in--law, Rev. William H. Bayless, he served as conversation, keep out of company as much as you can, talk as administrator for the estate of his father, at Hernando, little as you can and listen to others respectfully. Say all that vou can, with truth, in praise of others, and nothing in censure Mississippi, in 1839 and the years following.


Between 1844 and 1846, he and Rev. Bayless took . a. Mary, b. 29 Dec. 1883; m. Dr. Charles A. their families and moved to Dallas County, Arkansas. Archer. The 1850 census for Dallas County lists him as a farmer. b. Katie, b. 21 June 1885; m. Tom Gore. Apparently the family moved to Mt. Lebanon, Louisiana c. Duncan, Jr., b. 20 Oct. 1887; m. Louise Ross. and were there in 1858 and for several years following. d. Anna, b. 14 Sept. 1890. Then they moved on to Texas to escape the Civil War and he died in Texas. The widow brought her seven e. Patti, b. 11 Feb. 1894; m. R. P. Mitchell. living children back to Arkansas in 1868. f. James H., b. 23 Sept. 1898; m. Marie Brock.

Children of Charles Jones and Ann, surname HUM­ vm. Elizabeth Walker, b. 9 March 1863; d. 1945; PHREYS: m. 5 May 1885 to Nash Flanagin, (brother of Duncan above), b. 1855; d. 4 Feb. 1907. Chil­ i. Parry Wayne, b. 4 Feb. 1844 in Miss.; d. dren, surname FLANAGIN: 1862, in Virginia in military service. He was a. Humphreys, m. 26 Dec. 1928 to Elzie Gallo­ unmarried. way. ii. Anna Hawes, b. 11 Dec. 1846, in Ark.; m. 5 b. Laura Eva, m. 6 Sept. 1911 to Cleve Turner. May 1870, Clarke Co., Ark., to Dr. John Archi­ c. Anna Bess, m. 10 Feb. 1928 to Frank Steel. bald McCallum. Children, surname McCAL­ LUM: 1x. Robert Wayne, b. 17 Nov. 1866; d. 5 July 1899, Argenta, Arkansas. He was unmarried. a. Joan, m. Alex Brown b. Effie, m. Nat Howell REFERENCES: c. Annie, m. Bob Flatt I. De Soto County, Miss. Probate Court Records, March term d. Eliabeth, m. Mr. Williams 1839. C. J. Humphreys and William H. Bayliss applied for and were appointed administrators of Parry Wayne Humphreys. e. Lillie, m. Ed Williams Ibid Nov. term 1839-Account of personal estate is recorded.

111. Mary West, b. 3 Nov. 1848, Dallas Co., Ark.; 2. Ibid. Jan. term 1840. C. J. Humphreys chosen guardian by younger brother, Robert Humphreys. d. 24 March 1863, Mt. Lebanon, La. Unmarried. 3. Ibid. Dec. term 1841. C. J. Humphreys ordered to hire out 71. iv. Edwin Coleman, b. 8 Nov. 1851. the negroes of his father's estate. 4. Ibid. 8 Oct. 1844 Charles J. Humphreys, administrator of v. West Hughes, b. 27 July 1854; d. 6 March estate of Parry W. Humphreys, deed. this day made his annual 1920, Hot Springs, Ark.; m. 19 Dec. 1883, settlement of said estate. Little Rock, Ark., to Eva Burroughs Garrison. 5. De Soto Co., Miss. Census of 1840 Children, surname HUMPHREYS: Mary Humphreys; Males 2 (20-30 yrs); females 1 (20-30); females 1 ( 50-60) and 15 slaves. a. West Garrison, b. 6 Dec. 1885; d. 4 Jan. 1951; m. Norma Tucker. No issue. 6. Dallas Co., Ark. Census of 1850 Smith twp. C. J. Humphrey, age 38, Farmer, $1125, b. Tenn. b. Eva, b. 25 Jan. 1890; m. 10 April, 1912, to Ann W. Humphrey, age 24, b. Ky. Charles Herbert Willey. No issue. Perry Humphrey, age 7, b. Miss. Ann Humphrey, age 4, b. Ark. Mary Humphrey, age 2, b. Ark. 72. vi. Charles Jones, II, b. 15 Jan. 1858. Thos. R. Dorris, age 26, b. Tenn. Wm. H. Bayliss, age 44, Bapt. Clergyman,· $1050, b. Ga. vu. Kate Crane, b. 10 Oct. 1860; d. 23 Dec. Elizabeth Bayliss, age 35, b. Tenn. 1930, Arkadelphia, Ai:k.; m. 14 Feb. 1883, at Mary E. Bayliss, age 16, b. Tenn. Elizabeth W. Bayliss, age 8, b. Miss. Arkadelphia, to Duncan Flanagin, ( son of Robt. H. H. Bayliss, age 5, b. Ark. Harris and Martha E. (Nash) Flanagin. Harris 7. "Arkansas and Its People" Vol. III, p. 197. Flanagin was Governor of Arkansas during the 8. "History of Arkansas" Fay Hempstead Civil War period), b. 5 Aug. 1852; d. 4 May 9. Family Records furnished by: C. J. Humphreys, Little 1929. He was LLB, U. of Va., Planter and Rock, Ark.; Dr. Lincoln Humphreys, Chevy Chase, Md.; Mrs. lawyer, Arkadelphia, Ark. Children, surname C. A. Archer, DeQueen, Ark.; Mrs. Cleve Turner, Arkadelphia, FLANAGIN: Ark.; Mrs. Bessie (Humphreys) Flanagin, Arkadelphia, Ark.; Mrs. C. H. Willey, Pine Bluff, Ark.


Arkadelphia, May 10, 1932 12. Arkadelphia, May 28, 1932 Dear Miss Mary: Dear Mrs. Maltby: Through the suggestion of Judge T. H. Humphreys, I am You will think I am interested. I am. I recd. your letter this writing to you. I am trying to trace the Genealogy of the A.M. and I certainly do appreciate all the information you Humphreys relatives. My father was Charles Jones Humphreys, sent me. Did you want me to correct these papers and send son of Parry Wayne Humphreys. I would not be so at a loss for them to you or did you say correct them and keep them? Now information but my house with all the family records burned one correction is, my Mother was Ann Hawes Coleman her three and one-half years ago. I feel sure you have heard about mother was a Miss Ann Hawes. ' the William and Pelham (Bros.) Humphreys who went to Texas. I recd. a letter from Washington, D. C., last Saturday I am enclosing a letter I recd. from a Mr. Van Bibber. I wish wanting all the information I could give as to relationship as you would return these letters please as I have not written to these brothers had died and left a $43,000,000 estate. This party any of them except Mrs. Callie Van Bibber, who was a Hum­ who wrote to me is trying to get enough relatives together to phreys. investigate the claim. My Mother's family were here from Vir­ ginia, also my Father's but my Father's father had gone to Mr nephew, Dr. Lincoln Humphreys, who is a physician in Tennessee before he was born and so he was a Tenneseean by the Army, is stationed in Washington, D. C. He had a patient who had married an Humphreys and she is the one that is on birth. Did you know William and Pelham and how were they related to you or me, and are we related? Perhaps you have the committee to investigate. I am sending you the whole in­ formation I received from Mr. J. K. Van Bibber 311 11th your Family Tree. Judge Humphreys says he has not kept up with his, so told me to write to you and you would give me all Street S.W., Washington, D. C. Please return it :o me as I want to keep it. Again thanking you and I do hope we can the information I wanted, which I do hope you can. trace their lines. I was Bessie Humphreys till I married Mr. Nash Flanagin Sincerely, who is dead now and I am a widow. These Humphreys boys Mrs. Bessie H. Flanagin were unmarried and of course their estate would have to go to 1124 N. 7th Street, Adkadelphia, Arkansas cousms. My father and mother had nine children but they have all 13. (No date-probably summer 1932) passed on. My sister passed away a year ago last December, Dear Mrs. Maltby: leaving me the only one living. Of course if you and I are re­ lated the property would be help to you as well as me if I am I can't think of anything I appreciated more than your nice related to them near enough and I am so anxious to find out. lecter as I was so very anxious, for two reasons, to find out all I could before I pass away, as we did not have anything about Will you write to me and tell me if we are related and how, the Humphreys, the other reason the big estate. My father and and all you know of the boys. My oldest brother, Parry Wayne mother had nine children. My oldest brother Parry Wayne Humphreys, died in Virginia in year 1861 or 1862 in Army. Humphreys was born 4 Feb. 1844 died in Va. in the Army, not Hope I can hear as this party is anxious to investigate every­ yet 18 yrs. old. My oldest sister Anna Hawes was b. 11 Dec. thing for me and the heirs. 1846 in Arkansas, married 5 May 1880 to Dr. J. A. McCallum. Sincerely, Mary West, b. 3 Nov. 1848; d. 24 March 1863 in Mt. Lebanon, La. Edwin Coleman, b. 8 Nov. 1850, in Ark., d. July 1897, Mrs. Bessie Humphreys Flanagin married Sallie R. Harris 16 Dec. 1877. Both dead. West Hughes Humphreys, b. 27 July 1854 married Eva B. Garrison in Little 11. Arkadelphia, May 19, 1932 Rock, 16 Dec. 1883, d. 6 March 1920 in Hot Springs, Ark. Dear Mrs. Maltby: Charles Jones Humphreys, b. 14 Jan. 1858, m. Annie Dick on 10 May 1885 in Little Rock, d. in Little Rock Aug. 1915. Kate I am just in receipt of a letter from Miss Mary Humphreys, C. Humphreys b. 10 Oct. 1860, m. Duncan Flanagin 14 Feb. of Norfolk, Virginia, who tells me that you might be able to 1883; d. 23 Dec. 1930, in Arkadelphia, Ark. Elizabeth Humph­ trace my Genealogy. She said she did not know your price but reys, b. 9 March 1863, m. Nash Flanagin, 5 May 1885. This is I would like to hear from you. I was an Humphreys before I me. My husband d. 4 Feb. 1907. I've been a widow 25 years. married. I am a niece of Judge West H. Humphreys of Nash­ Robert B. Humphreys, b. 17 Nov. 1866, d. 4 July 1901, never ville, Tennessee. He has been dead a number of yea'rs. I want married. I am sending some names of the Committee who are the Humphreys Ger:ealogy for m\- children as I am the last one to investigate the claim of big estate. Mr. W. M. Humphreys, of the children of Charles J. and· Ann Humphreys. I also would Etowah, Tenn. Mrs. Earnest Tallant, Tellico Plains, Tenn. Write like to know if I am related to William and Pelham Humph­ to me again, please. Sincerely, reys, of Texas, who died several years ago. Mrs. Bessie H. Flanagin, 7th St. Arkadelphia, Ark. My parents moved from Tennessee to Mississippi, then to P.S. I'll be glad to send you all the names of my sisters and Arkansas, after goi::ig to Texas during the War between the brothers children if you wish them. States. My father died in Texas in 1866, then my Mother with My family-I married Nash Flanagin. May 5th 1885. seven children came to Arkansas in 1868. 1st child-Humphreys Flanagin, b. 25 Mar. 1887; m. 26 Dec. 1928 to Elzie Galloway. Let me hear from you. I am very anxious to trace my genea­ logy. I am a widow, my husband died in 1907. 2nd child-Laura Eva Flanagin, b. 3 Sept. 1889; m. 6 Sept. 1911 to Cleve C. Turner. I have a "family tree" of my Mother's side. Her Mother was a Miss Hawes. Hawesville, Kentucky, was named for her 3rd child-Ann Elizabeth, b. 25 Dec. 1891; m. 10 Feb. 1928 to mother's father. Frank Steel. Let me hear from you please. Humphreys has one little girl, Eva Ann Flanagin, 3 years; Sincerely, Laura Eva Turner has seven children: Cleve T. Jr., 18 yrs, James Flanagin Turner 16, Ann Elizabeth Turner 14, Humph­ Mrs. Bessie Humphreys Flanagin reys Hawes Turner 10, Martha May Turner 8, Otis Talbot 1124 7th Street, Arkadelphia, Ark. Turner 4, Laura Eva Turner 2 and 1/z. Annie Bess has one little


girl Mary Elizabeth Steel. They (my children) are so anxious e. West Humphreys, b. 24 Sept. 1884; living for 'the Humphreys genealogy. They have a family tree of my mothers family of Hawes, dating back from my great great 1951, Montreat, N. C. Presbyterian minister. Uncle Samuel Hawes, of Rev. days-1637 I think. But we had Children: West H., Jr. and two daughters. absolutely nothing on the Humphreys side only who was_ ~y grandfather and father. My sisters and broth~rs all left fam1~1es f. William Cobbs, b. 30 Dec. 1886; living 1950, and I'll be glad to give you their ages, marnages, or any thmg Nashville ,Tenn. Has sons: Wm. C., Jr. and I know-so glad to do it. Is Judge Thadden H. Humphreys (sic) related to me? He told one of my brothers sons he felt Robin. that we were related. I married the youngest son of ex-Gov. Harris Flanagin. He was war governor of Arkansas. I'll. be so ii. Elizabeth Hughes, b. 10 Aug. 1854; m. May glad if there are any questions that I kn?w to tell you 1f you will only tell me. Have you heard anythmg of the vast estate 1881, Clarksville, Tenn., to Cary Nelson Weisi­ left to the Humphreys heirs by William and Pelham? ger, ( son of William Bolling and Sarah N. (Anderson) Weisiger), b. 1856. He was a 5 (51) ROBERT WEST HUMPHREYS, (Parry Wayne," banker and merchant in Memphis, Tenn. Chil­ 2 1 Joshua," David, John, ), was born 14 April 1824, Mont­ dren, surname WEISIGER: gomery Co., Tenn.; died 25 May 1878, at Bailey's a. Cary Nelson, Jr., b. 22 Jan. 1882; m. 19 May Springs, near Florence, Alabama; married 2 October 1906, Marie Louise Little. Their children 1851 to Mary Walton Meriwether, ( dau. of Charles are: Margaret Page, who m. H. E. Proctor; Nicholas Minor and Caroline· Huntley (Baker) Meri­ Cary Nelson, III, Pastor of the Mt. Lebanon wether, of Clarksville, Tenn.), b. 12 March 1830, in United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ky.; d. 1924. Carter Byrd, Lieut. in U. S. Air Force; Mary He graduated 1843, from U. of Tenn., then began Randolph. study of law with his brother-in-law, Alfred W. Powell, b. Mary Humphreys, b. 4 Oct. 1886; m. Thom­ in Holly Springs, Miss. In the fall of 1844 he entered as W. White, III, of St. Louis, Mo. One Harvard Law School where he graduated with dis­ son, Thomas W. IV. tinction in 1846. He immediately entered the service in c. Elizabeth West, b. 7 Oct. 1891; m. Hamilton the War with Mexico. He was commissioned a 1st D. Whitelaw of Mt. Vernon, New York. Lieut. infantry on 20 March 1847. He was honorably They have three children. mustered out 25 July 1848, and returned to his home to d. Lucy Page, b. 22 Nov. 1893; m. Joseph H. practice law. McNaugher, of St. Louis. They have one In May 1861, he was elected commander of the Home son; John Randolph. Guards for Montgomery Co., Tenn. He was a very suc­ 111. Caroline Meriwether, b. 2 Aug. 1856; d. cessful business man but lost most of his personal prop­ 1947, in Louisville, Ky. Unmarried. erty during the Civil War. iv. Robert West, Jr., b. 1 Nov. 1860; d. 10 Aug. Children of Robert West and Mary, surname HUM­ 1888. Unmarried. PHREYS: v. Edward Meriwether, b. 12 May 1863; At- 1. Nancy Minor, b. 4 July 1852; m. 21 April tended Vanderbilt U. An Episcopal Rector. 1875, Clarksville, Tenn., to Robert Lewis Ar­ Unmarried. mistead, b. 7 May 1847. He was a son of Wil­ liam Blair and Mary Robina (Woods) Armi­ vi. Parry West, b. 13 May 1865; married and stead. He was a merchant in Nashville, Tenn. had an only son who died young. Was general Children, surname ARMISTEAD: land agent, Clarksville, Tenn., 1905. a. Robert Lewis, b. 31 Jan. 1876; d. 5 June vu. John Barker, b. 26 Jan. 1867; m. a Miss 1897, unmarried. Logan. Children ,surname HUMPHREYS: b. Charles Meriwether, b. 15 Nov. 1877. No a. Annie Dee, m. Robert Yates, of Rome Ga. issue. No issue. c. Ellen Barker, b. 31 Aug. 1879. No issue. b. John Barker, Jr., Montrose, Alabama. No d. Nancy Minor, b. 14 Sept. 1881; m. Ellis S. issue. Allen, M.D. of Louisville, Ky. They had one son. vm. David, died in infancy.


REFERENCES: v. Margaret Rebecca, b. 15 Nov. 1877; d. 1921; m. 12 Nov. 1902 to Rev. John F. Yarbrough, 1. Family records from Mrs. E. S. Allen, Louisville, Ky., C. (son of George Wesley and Mary Boyce (Mor­ N. Weisiger, Jr., Ivy, Virginia. ris) Yarbrough). It was a double wedding 2. "Armistead Family" by Mrs. Virginia Armistead Garber. ceremony at the Methodist Church, Lincoln­ 3. "Meriwether Genealogy'' by Louisa H. A. Meriwether, p. ton, G e o r g i a . Children, surname Y AR­ 22-38. BROUGH: 4. "Anderson-Overton Genealogy," p. 300. a. May Boyce, m. Lorin S. Kelley, Atlanta, Ga. 5. "Picturesque Clarksville, Past and Present," by W. P. Titus, p. 16 and 30. b. Margaret Althea, unmarried, teacher, At­ 6. "History of Tennessee," Goodspeed 1886, p. 770. lanta, Ga. 7. Montgomery County, Tenn. Census records for 1850-60-70. c. Frances, m. Thomas Thornton, of Elberton, Georgia. 8. "Historict1l Register, U. S. Army" by Heitman, Vol. l, p. 555. d. Elizabeth, unmarried, secretary in R.F.C., Atlantaij 1 (52) THOMAS STUART" HUMPHREYS, (David, e. John Francis, graduate, U. of Georgia, Med. David," Daniel," John,1) was born 9 Dec. 1827, Ander­ School. son Co., S. C. He died April 1907, Lincolnton, Georgia. Hem. (1) Savannah Alice Cantelou, b. 3 Sept. 1831; d. vi. Loula Agnes, b. 29 Sept. 1879, m. 12 Nov. 26 Dec. 1868. Hem. (2) Althea Hollenshead, b. 2 Nov. 1902, Lincolnton, Ga., to Albert Dorsey Dozier 1849; d. 1915. (son of Thomas H. and Ida Cunningham (Wilkes) Dozier), b. 21 June 1877, Thomson, He was a graduate of Erskine College in 1848 and Ga.; d. 10 March 1936. Both were educated in took an M.D. degree from Erskine and Jefferson Medi­ public schools and are members of the Metho­ cal College. dist Church. He is a farmer. Children, surname DOZIER: He served as Colonel in the Confederate Army and was in battles in Virginia and at Chickamauga with a. Thomas Albert, b. 7 Sept. 1903; m. Josie Wright's Brigade, the 22nd Georgia Regiment. Hall. b. Louise Agnes, b. 26 Nov. 1911; m. Dr. E. S. His home was at Lincolntown, Georgia. McDaniel. Children of Thomas Stuart and Althea, surname c. Ralph Stuart, b. 10 Jan. 1917; m. Josephine HUMPHREYS: Huddleston.

1. Thomas Arthur, b. 9 Dec. 1854; d. ca. 1929. vii. Martha Jane, b. 24 April 1882; living 1950, Unmarried. Decatur, Ga.; m. 9 June 1931 to Rev. John F. Yarbrough, her brother-in-law. He died 30 Jan. ii. John Samuel, b. 17 Feb. 1866. He married 1952. and had a daughter, Lucille, and a son, Thomas. viii. Ralph Wilbur, b. 6 March 1884; d. 1 Nov. iii. Savannah Alice, b. 20 Nov. 1868; m. Vanie 1918 of gas poisoning and buried in the Somme N. Carroll, of Atlanta, Georgia. Children, sur­ American Cemetery, Bony, Aisne, France. Un­ name CARROLL: married. M.D., Tulane University, 1915. a. Erin, m. Lee Penn. 1x. Walter Stuart, b. 29 August 1889; living b. V anie, m. Clifford Pope. 1953, Lavonia, Ga. Unmarried. Owner and c. Owen Manager, Lavonia Insurance Agency. Children of Thomas Stuart and Althea ,surname

HUMPHREYS: REFERENCES: 1v. Robert Toombs, b. 1876; d. Feb. 1929. Un- Family data from: Walter S. Humphreys, Lavonia, Ga., Mrs. married. A. D. Dozier, Tbomson, Georgi.1.


(53) SAMUEL CUNNINGHAM5 HUMPHREYS, {54) DAVID WORD5 HUMPHREYS, (David,4 (David," David,3 Daniel,2 John,1), was born 17 Feb. David, 3 Daniel,2 John,1), born 13 April 1834 in An­ 1829, Anderson Co., S. C. He died 18 Aug. 1906, An­ derson Co., S. C.; died 23 Dec. 1899, at Fernandina, derson Co., S. C. He married 7 Dec. 1848, Mary Juliet Florida; married (1) 23 May 1862, at Sardis, Panola Mills, (daughter of William and Margaret (McClin­ Co., Miss., to Sarah Cloud Williamson born 1840, York tock) Mills, of Laurens, S. C.), b. 22 Nov. 1830; d. 8 Co., S. C.; d. 27 May 1863 at Sardis, Miss.; married (2) Dec. 1904. They are both buried at Anderson, S. C. 25 Feb. 1869, at Harrison Station, Mississippi, to Agnes Sherman, (daughter of Granville and Ruth Sherman), He served throughout the Civil War. He owned and b. 2 Dec. 1851, Tallahatchie Co., Miss; d. 10 Feb. 1935, operated a large plantation and was an Elder in the Fernandina, Florida. Presbyterian Church. He was educated at Davidson College and took his Children of Samuel and Mary, surname HUMPH­ theological work at the Seminary in Columbia, S. C., REYS: where he graduated in 1860. His first pastorate in Mis­ 1. William Mills, b. 25 Dec. 1849; d. 15 March sissippi was at Senatobia church in Presbytery of North 1850. Miss. The invasion by the Federal Army interrupted his work. After the war he supplied the Vaiden and Hope­ ii. Rebecca, b. 23 July 1853; m. 20 March 1873, well churches in Central Mississippi until 1869. Then to Dr. Marshall Parker and they made their until 1878 he served at Charleston, Sand Spring, Long home in Kansas City, Mo. She was interested in Creek, and Courtland, in Mississippi. In 1878 he moved the preservation of family records. Children, to Florida where he served churches at Enterprise, surname PARKER: Cuchee Valley, Mikesville and Lauraville. Later he a. Lawrence, b. 8 April 1874. moved to Lake City where he lived fourteen years. b. Rhett, b. 11 March 1876 By his first marriage there was an only daughter who c. Julia, b. 8 Aug. 1878; m. Rev. Wm. Wyly died at birth. d. Mary, b. 20 Dec. 1880 e. Dewitt, b. 20 Sept. 1886 Child of David and Agnes, surname HUMPHREYS:

iii. John McClintock, b. 11 Oct. 1854; d. 16 Dec. 76. i David Granville, b. 17 Jan. 1873. 1862. REFERENCES: 73. 1v. David, b. 14 July 1857 1. Family data from Miss Lois Humphreys, Honea Path, S. C.; v. Alice, b. b. 19 July 1860; d. 19 Dec. 1925. Dr. David Granville Humphreys, of Fernandina, Florida. "She cared for her parents in their old age, en­ 2. Christian Observe,-, May 30, 1900, p. 13, furnished by tertaining all the 'kith and kin,' and was, all in Historical Foundation, Montreat, N. C. all, one of the Iovliest characters I ever knew." 3. Letter furnished by Walter S. Humphreys, Lavonia, ( Lois Humphreys) Georgia. It was addressed to his father, Dr. Thomas S. Humph­ reys. v1. Samuel, b. 23 July 1863; d. 13 June 1924; m. Sardes Depot, Panola Co., Miss. 25 Sept. 1901, to Nell Overstreet, ( daughter of Sept. 30, 1863 Dr. Taft and Addie (Lang) Overstreet, of Live "My Dear Brother, Oak, Florida), b. 28 Feb. 1879; d. 13 June It has been a long time since I have heard from you. I cant 1945. No issue. imagine why you keep such a protracted silence unless it be a press of business. If I had have known where you were, I would 74. vii. Clarence, b. 11 March 1866 have written more frequently than I have done. I am still, as you see by the caption of my letter, a citizen of Missippi, and 75. viii. Arthur Lee, b. 27 March 1868 I have taken for a wife one of her fair daughters and I expect my bones will rest under her green sod unless some Yankee send me to my long home in some distant State I have not yet volunteered or done anything for my country in the way of REFERENCES: fighting for her. My churches, up to this time, have vetoed my entering the service, but I suppose now by a late act of the General Assembly, I will come under the conscription law. I am Bible and Family records from: Miss Lois Humphreys, Honea not of a very bellicose nature and would greatly have preferred Path, S. C., Mrs. A. L. Humphreys, Tampa, Florida. to remain at home and attend;n3 to my peaceful avocation, but


I suppose they need me hence I must obey "the powers that be'' and was Probate Judge, 1868-1882. He served as Mayor You doubtless have heard Jong since that I am a married man. I wrote you to that effect some time ago. I married a Miss of Anderson, President of the Savannah Valley Rail­ Williamson of Panola county, a member of one of the best road, President of the Board of Trustees of Patrick families in this county. She is one of the greatest women in the State, not strikingly beautiful but good enough looking, de­ Military Institute, Anderson, S. C., and was Major votedly pious and with some property. I married in May. Sallie General in the State Militia. He was Past Grand Master is not very stout looks much stouter than she really is. She was taken with the measels soon after we were married had a pretty of the Masonic Lodge. For a time he was a law partner rough time of it. An ugly cough followed the measels which of William Henry Trexcott, who was later Asst. Sec. of she has yet and I fear will hold on to her for some time to come. Instead of getting better it grows worse daily and I fear State under President Buchanan. it will settle on her lungs. We intended starting on a visit to Carolina but for one or two reasons we will be under th·e Children of William Wirt and Anna, surname HUM­ necessity of postponing it for the present. Our special reason is PHREYS: that Sallie is not well enough to go. She is looking over my shoulder and she tells me to tell you that "I am ge11ing fat on the strength of a married life but she cant say so much for her­ 1. William Henry, b. 7 Dec. 1868; d. 13 Nov. self" It is true I am getting fatter every day and have been 1902. Unmarried. He was in the fertilizer busi­ doing so ever since I was married. I received a letter from home a few days ago. All well. William was improving. ness. What a miraculous interposition of Di,·ine Providence. Father thinks with care he will renwer. The Yankess ha,·e made 77. ii. Wade Cullen, b. 27 June 1870. several raids upon our county. They are in force at Memphis and they annoy our citizens a good deal. They have no prin­ iii Anna Virginia, b. 18 Sept: 1873; d. 13 Feb. ciple of honour or jus,ice about them, they commit all kinds of barbarous atrocities upon our citizens, steal negroes, burn 1952; m. 29 June 1898, Anderson, S. C., to dwelling houses, destroy crops and insult ladies. We had a con­ Thomas P. Weston, (son of Thomas P. and siderable force at Senacoba, a depot above this, which held them in check but they are gone now and we may expect more Amy (Adams) Weston), b. 30 March 1872; d. visits from them. They are certainly the most inhuman wretches 2 March 1899. He was educated at Patrick I ever saw, they exceed the savage Indians in their relentless cruelty. But I hope the day of retribution is speedily coming. I Military Institute. He was agent for Southern waru co go down co see Aunt Lucinda in a week or two but for Express Company, Salisbury, N. C. After his the present I am so tied down I can not get about at all. We are staying with the wife of Sallie's brother who is out on a death, his widow returned to live at the family Guerilla party. I do not know how long he will be gone. We home in Anderson. have some three or four Guerilla companies now in service scouring the Miss. Bottoms and the country between this and 1v. Louise Lee, b. 29 July 1875; living 1953, at Memphis. I must close. Please write soon and give me all the news. I will always write regularly when I can keep up with the old family home, 419 W. Whitner, Ander­ you. I have not heard from Alice in a long time. Sallie joins me son, S. C. in love co you. Your affectionate Brother, D W Humphreys­ Direct your letter co Sardis in the care of James Williamson. v. Nell, b. 4 Nov. 1879; living 1953, at the family home, with her sister.; m. 20 Oct. 1909, ( 55) WILLIAM WIRT"· HUMPHREYS, (David, 1 to William Frank Farmer, (son of James La­ .David," Daniel," John,'), was born 30 October 1837, fayette and Louise (Hunter) Farmer), b. 5 Anderson Co., S. C. He died 6 October 1893. He mar­ Dec. 1879, Townville, Anderson Co., S. C.; d. ried 27 February 1868, at Anderson S. C., to Anna 9 April 1936. He graduated from The Citadel, Josephine McCully, ( daughter of Stephan and Elmira in 1899. He was Pres. of The Anderson Fer­ (Keys) McCully, of Anderson, S. C.), b. 11 Feb. 1841; tilizer Company. He was a Presbyterian. Chil­ d. 22 May 1912. Both are buried at Anderson, S. C. dren, surname FARMER: He was educated at Centre College, Kentucky, where a. William Humphreys, b. 15 Sept. 1911; m. 23 his roommate was Wade Cullen Bryant He studied law May 1953, Georgetown, S. C., to Mary Elea­ and was admitted to the bar in 1860. At the first call nor Bonds, ( dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert for troops he volunteered, helped organize Co. B., 4th Waymon Bonds). S. C. regiment and served with it a year as First Lieut. and Captain. He fought at First Manassas, Williams­ b. Frank Hunter, b. 19 June 1913. burg, Seven Pines, Gaines Mill, and Frayser's Farm, where he was very seriously wounded. He recovered, REFERENCES: joined the Palmetto Sharpshooters and served as Major until the end of the War. I. Family records from Wade Cullen Humphreys, Louise Lee Humphreys, and Nell (Humphreys) Farmer. He resumed civil life as a lawyer in Anderson, S. C., 2. "History of South C,;-olh!,:-Am. Hist. Soc." Vol. 4, p. 231


3. "Confederate Military History" Gen. C. A Evans, Vol. 5, Co., to Mary Jane Meriwether, twin to his first wife. p. 661 Both he and his second wife are buried, along with all 4. "History of Anderson Co., S. C." Louise Ayer Vandiver their children, in Geronimo Cemetery, located about three miles east of Seguin, Texas. (56) SARAH5 HUMPHREYS, (Thomas Jefferson," David, 3 Daniel/ John,1), was born 5 Feb. 1844 or 1845, Pickens Co., S. C. She died 14 March 1932 and is buried at "Dobbs Valley," a small cemetery near Mineral Wells, Texas. She married 14 Jan. 1872 to Robert Eli Boyett, who died 9 Jan. 1920. Children of Robert and Sarah, surname BOYETT:

1. Ely Hickman, b. 2 Dec. 1874, Granberry, Texas; d. 5 Aug. 1948. Married Cora Trimble.

11. Thomas Humphreys, b. 5 Jan. 1876; d. 22 May 1920; married Ada Day.

iii. Robert Word, b. 7 March 1878; d. 17 April 1949; m. 29 July 1900 to. Nora Bradford. They have a son, Robert H. Boyett, of 2002 Port Caddo Drive, Marshall, Texas. His wife has furnished practically all of the information on this branch of the family as well as the picture of Capt. David Humphreys' powder horn, now in their family.

1v. Isa Evelyn, b. 12 Jan. 1880; m. 24 April 1900 to William Stewart. Dr. Benjamin ff'ayue Humphreys

v. Mary Journigan, b. 27 Oct. 1882; d. 16 July He was ambitious for an education, but schools were 1898, unmarried. few and it was necessary for him to work out his own vi. Leonard W., b. 2 Nov. 1888, Copperas Cove, education, often by himself, He entered the junior class Texas.; m. Grace Martin. of the University in 1840 and got his A. B. degree in


1. Family data from Mrs. Robert H. Boyett, Marshall, Texas. 2. From a letter written by Mrs. Robert H. Boyett: "We also have the powder horn made and carried through the Revolu­ tionary War by David Humphreys, which she (Sarah Humph­ reys Boyett) gave us, along with this letter which she wrote to Robert H. Boyett, 30 June 192 l." (Copy of letter will be found under Thomas Jefferson Humphreys-No. 37.)

(57) BENJAMIN WAYNP HUMPHREYS, (Daniel Jones,' Benjamin," Daniel," John,1), was born 27 Nov. 1816, near Nolensville, Williamson Co., Tenn.; died 25 March 1896, Seguin, Texas; m. ( 1) ca. 1849-50, prob­ ably in Madison Co., Tenn., to Ann E. Meriwether, (dau. of George M. and Martha (Williams) Meri­ wether, of Georgia), b. 15 June 1828, in Ga.; d. ca. 1851-52. m. (2) 19 Nov. 1853, probably in Madison · H11mphreys Ilo•15c•-Seguin, Texas


1842. In 1845 he received his M. A. degree. Then he 79. Vl. Martha (Mattie), b. 17 Aug. 1865. studied medicine with Dr. Thomas Newbern and was at vu. Charles Wayne, b. 25 Nov. 1867; d. 12 Aug. Louisville in 1846. In 1847 he entered Jefferson Medical College and graduated the following year. He practiced 1883.

for a time in Tenn. and came to Texas in 1853 and 80. Vlll. Maud, b. 18 Aug. 1870. settled on a farm on the San Marcos river. For educa­ tional advantages for his children, he moved into Seguin REFERENCES: in 1869. He served as administrator of his father's estate in 1. Family records from Bible of Dr. Benjamin Wayne Hum­ phreys an 1859 edition by Jesper Hardings and sons of Phila­ 1839 in Madison Co., Tenn. In 1846 he bought 274 delphia. acres of land in Madison Co., Tenn., but sold it in two 2. Tombstone records from Geronimo Cemetery. (Note: there portions the following year. In 1850 he bought a lot of are a number of date conflicts between the Bible and the tomb­ stone records but they are of no importance.) 1 and ¼ acres in the town of Denmark, Madison Co., Tenn. Two years later he bought another plot of 5 and 3. Bible records from Tenn. (Bible of Daniel Jones Humph­ reys.) ½ acres in the same town. In 1853 he sold both pieces 4. Memorial and Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas, of property. In 1855 he bought his first land in Guada­ Goodspeed, 1894, pages 453-454. lupe Co., Texas. Benjamin Wayne Humphreys was born near Nashville, Tenn., in 1816. His parents moved co Madison County in 1825, He was one of the few physicians in Texas in those near Jackson. His health and activity are perfect. Although his early days and was very successful in his practice. Phys­ eyesight is impaired, he refuses surgical assistance. His father, Daniel Jones Humphreys, was born in North Carolina, as was ically unable to serve in the Civil War, he furnished the his fzther, Capt. Benjamin Humphreys, who led his company means that kept three of his· relatives in service. through the Revolutionary War, and was in many battles with General Wayne's Division. He had camp fever at Valley Forge, Children of Benjamin Wayne and Ann, surname which left his hearing badly damaged. His mother was born near Nashville, and was educated there. Her name was Mar­ HUMPHREYS: garet E. Seat. The Humphreys family was founded in this country by Humphrey Jones (with a handle to it), who left i. George, died as an infant. Wales on account of some political trouble in the time of Cromwell and the Charleses. For some reason he had his name reversed. The Southern branch has added the letter "s." His Children of Benjamin Wayne and Mary Jane, sur­ father, at seventeen years of age, went with his neighbor, Gen. name HUMPHREYS: Andrew Jackson, through the Creek and Florida wars. He was given the office of Ensign, and planted the flag on many Indian ii. Henrietta Ann, b. 1 Feb. 1856; d. 1934; m. fortifications. He sened as Sheriff of Williamson County, and Tobacco Inspector in his district. B. W. Humphreys got a fair 21 Oct. 1903 to William Erwin Wilson. No education in English, but higher schools were out of his reach. issue. She was a teacher for many years and in He studied on without a teacher, and in 1840 entered the Scace University, junior class. He graduated 1842, A. B. The Master 1897 returned to Tennessee and visited in the of Arts degree was tendered him by the faculty in 1845, He family of her uncle, William Green Humphreys, studied medicine with Dr. Thos. Newbern, cook a course of lectures in Louisville in 1846, and entered practice with Dr. near Humboldt, Tenn. She obtained and carried Newbern. In 1847 he entered Jefferson College and graduated back with her, copies of the family Bible rec­ next year. Four years practice on big plantations broke his health, and in 1853 he came co Texas and settled on a nice ords. farm on the San Marcos. He was soon in a large practice. In 1869 he moved to Seguin for schools and succeeded well. iii. Francis Azalee, b. 15 Sept. 1857; d. 1929; m. 5. Madison Co., Tenn. 1850 census. 1 June 1885 to J.M. Abbot. Children, surname ABBOTT: 6. Madison Co., Tenn. Minutes of County Court Vol. 4, pp. 571-587. a. Charles Wayne 7. M<1dison Co., Tenn. Deed Bk. 10, p. 433; 11, p. 305; 13, b. Thomas L. p. 264; 15, p. 123; 16, p. 319; 16, p. 577. c. Julius 8. M<1dison Co., Tenn Wills & Inventories Bk. 3, p. 25, and p. 51. d. Mary 9. The Humphrey House. 78. iv. Thomas Merriwether, b. 9 April 1860. The pioneer building in Guadalupe County has been touched on in several previous articles; but certainly ic ought to be re­ v. Mary Berry, b. 16 May 1862; d. 7 Jan. 1933. corded chat during the Builders' Survey of ante-bellum houses Unmarried. in Texas, two designs of such houses in Seguin were selected as worthy of preservi!~g ir: ii,~ Library of Congress. One of


these is Sebastapol which is known to the present generation piece. The sandstone vases on the mantel are gems. Once they as the Zorn home. The other home is the Humphrey House, were called goose neck because this perfect pair have handles often called Erskine Number One. of this design. The front of these vases have an apple blossom pattern in pastel shade and gold. Just after the War Between the States, Dr. Benjamin Wayne Humphrey moved his homestead from Prairie Lea, Texas to The brass bell is the same one that was on the door when Seguin. This house of Colonial Design was cut in three sections, the house was moved from Prairie Lea. A flower and wreath and each section hauled on a set of wooden wheels drawn by pattern so intricate that it must have been engraved by an artist, oxen the entire distance of almost thirty miles from Prairie Lea decorates this door bell. It resembles those seen on the doors to Seguin. in Natchez as do other furnishings in the Humphreys House. The house was placed on its present location and attached to In the dining room are walnut chairs, walnut table, and wal­ a concrete house of four rooms which had been built there by nut cabinet and a wall rail for cups from Grandmother Erskine. Captain Seay in 1855. Three of these concrete rooms are still a The decanter is of Natchez type. The bisque candleholders of a part of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollamon, and are used rose design, and the lovely silver are from the Humphrey Line. now as a dining room, a kitchen and a general work room, The pink Hutted demitasse cup along with the rest of the col­ called in the early days a scullery. All three of these rooms lection of demitasse of Haviland and Dresden were once Grand­ have been restored and refinished. One better thinks though as mother Erskine's collection. All the paintings in the Humphrey he steps from one of these rooms to the other, as all three of House are the work of the late Miss Agnes Erskine. the floor levels vary. Equally unique in this concrete section is the attic or loft above one of the rooms, for there a hundred The Humphrey House is so well restored by its present own­ years of history is stored in trunks. It is here that the concrete ers that reality is not: and the past is-when one walks through of the Park's type has withstood the ravages of time. A part of the Humphrey House. one of the walls has been torn down because its weight seemed (Compliments of Willie Mae Weinert and The Seguin Enter­ a threat to the contractor when the house was restored. prise.) To the west of the concrete section are two bedrooms built recently. There is a long porch ending in a square area that is ( 58) WILLIAM GREEN5 HUMPHREYS, (Daniel used as an outdoor sitting room. That in turn, connects with the main section brought over from Prairie Lea. One is on his own Jones,4 Benjamin/ Daniel,: John,1) was born 20 March to remember to step up to the level of the main section. 1821 near Nolensville, Williamson Co., Tenn. He died There are nine fireplaces in the rooms of this house. In fact only one room has no fireplace. Two large living rooms form rhe first floor of the Colonial Section, and above are two identical rooms. The huge timbers of the foundation were so well preserved that when the house was "shored up" by the present owners, very few of these had to be replaced. Once there was an outside kitchen some distance away from the main section, because of the fire hazard. This kitchen has long ago fallen into ruins. The flooring of the upper porch has been replaced as has the treaci of the stairway worn thin by the feet of four generations. The stairway is an outside one leading from the lower porch to the upper porch. The rafters of the upper porch are the original v.·alnuc timber. The two upper bedrooms are furnished in handmade walnut furniture. That in the east bedroom has "come down" to the Hollamons from the Humphrey family. Some of this is believed to have been the property of the Merriweather family. Mrs. Benjamin Wayne Humphrey having been a Miss Merryweather _before here marriage to Dr. Humphrey. It may have a history beyond that, as Mrs. Humphrey's mother and grandmother (a Mrs. William) both lived and died in this house. In the other upper bedroom is walnut furniture inherited from the Hollamon family. There is a huge, square four-poster walnut bed which is known as the "Sam Houston Bed." Sam Houston liked it so well when he was a guest of Col. Hollamon in 1859 during his political campaign for Governor of Texas, that he ordered one exactly like it for the governor's mansion in Austin. It is not known who made either of these beds other than a cabinet maker in Seguin made them. Anton Ts~hoepe and a Mr. Berger were two cabinet makers in Guadalupe County in the fifties. The dresser matching this Sam Houston Bed as well as the bed have been restored to its former beauty. The~ star:id on opposite sides of the bedroom. The perfect pro­ port10ns m the cathedral panels and the flow of line is the work of an artist. Both of walnut beds have testers after the very best Colonial form. The two lower living rooms are filled with museum pieces inherited from all the families of which the Hollamons are descendants. The Hollamon Love Seat is an exquisite walnut f¥/i/l,;am Grf:!12 Humphreys


9 Jan. 1909 in Memphis, Tenn., and is buried in the Children of Samuel Link and Roberta, surname Humphreys Family graveyard near Humboldt ,Tenn. He HUMPHREYS: married 1 Feb. 1844 in Madison Co., Tenn., by Rev. 90. i. Solomon B., b. 8 May 1852 James Gilliland, to Mary Adaline Todd, ( daughter of John and Nancy (Henderson) Todd, both of whom are ii. Mildred, b. 17 July 1858; d. 1928, unmarried. also buried in the Humphreys Graveyard). Mary Todd iii. Louvicie Jane, b. 27 July 1860; m. 15 Dec. was b. 28 Nov. 1820 in North Carolina and died 19 1878 to James Escue, (son of William Escue). Jan. 1894 and is buried beside her husband. James died about 1890. Children, surname Census records for 1850 and 1860 show that William ESCUE: Green Humphreys was a prosperous farmer in Gibson a. Ella, m. (1) John Willis and (2) John Lan- Co., Tenn., during this period. He also served as county caster. collector. b. Albert, m. Myrtle Hineman. He bought and sold land wit.h a shrewd eye for values. c. Mattie, m. A. S. Audleman. He was a, Royal Arch Mason and a member of the d. William Link, m. Fanny Kate Barcroft. Church of Christ. e. Samuel Thomas, who lived, unmarried, at Children of William Green and Mary, surname Brownsville, Tenn. HUMPHREYS: f. Alma, m. Vernon Dunavent. 81. i. James Benjamin, b. 21 Oct. 1844 91. iv. Samuel Thomas, b. 17 Nov. 1862 82. ii. Lemuel Erasmus, b. 17 Dec. 1846 v. Laura R., b. Oct. 1867; d. 9 Jan. 1893; m. 1 83. iii. John Cyrus Sharp, b. 3 Nov. 1848 Nov. 1888 at Forked Deer, Tenn., to Callie 84. iv. Wiliiam Daniel, b. 26 Jan. 1851 Wesson. Children, surname WESSON: a. Dalton, m. Minnie Akin. 85. v. Clarinda Rowena, b. 16 Jan. 1853 b. Laura, m. William Hay. 86. vi. Bennett Seat, b. 11 Nov. 1855 vi. Wiley Jones, b. 24 Sept. 1869; d. Jan. 1948; 87. vii. Theophilus Henderson, b. I April 1857 m. Nov. 1891 at Forked Deer, Tenn., to Lena 88. viii. Emerson Etheridge, b. 17 March 1861 Pearson, ( dau. of Henry Jackson and Malinda 89. ix. Robert Franklin, b. 28 March 1865 (Wilder) Pearson). She was living in 1951. Children, surname HUMPHREYS: x. Daughter who died in childhood. a. Cecil Pearson, m. Estelle French. No issue. REFERENCES: They live RFD, Brownsville, Tenn. b. Inez, m. W. P. 'McCleish. No issue. Family_ data from: Thomas H. Humphreys, Mrs. Mary James, Mrs. Claire Sutton. 92. vii. Charles T., b. 27 April 1872.

(59) SAMUEL LINK5 HUMPHREYS, (Wiley Jones,4 viii. Robert J., b. 30 Sept. 1875; living 1951; Benjamin/ Daniel,2 John,1), was born 18 Jan. 1827, married at Forked Deer, Tenn., to Emma Wil­ Williamson Co., Tenn. He died 26 April 1913 near lis, ( sister of Ida May Willis). Their home is Gates, Tenn. He married in 1850, probably in Haywood at 1934 Nelson, Memphis, Tenn. Children, Co., Tenn., to Roberta Hood, ( daughter of Anthony surname HUMPHREYS: and Sarah (Patterson) Hood), b. 14 March 1831 in a. Willis, living, unmarried, in Memphis, Haywood Co., Tenn.; died 1 August 1816. They were Tenn., 1951. He is connected with the living in the home of her father when the 1850 census PRESS SCIMITAR. was taken. For many years he operated a general store b. James, married and living in Memphis, in the Forked Deer community, near Gates, Tennessee. Tenn., 1951. He is with the U. S. Engineers. They are both buried at Forked Deer, Tenn. He has a daughter.


REFERENCES: will always be remembered and retold by members of the family."

1. Family data from the Bible of Samuel Link Humphreys, now in possession of Mrs. Parker, at Gates, Tenn. (61) JOHN THOMASG HUMPHREYS, (John,S 1 David,< John," David," John, ), born 30 March 1830, 2. Davidson Co., Tenn. Marriage Book 1, p. 190. Charles Town, Virginia; died ca. 1894 in San Francisco, 3. Family records from Mrs. Thomas J. Pearson, Browns­ ville, Tenn. She was for many years, a neighbor of this family. California; married Nov. 1860, at Charleston, Arkansas, to Belle Aldridge, ( dau. of Thomas and Amanda M. (60) CATHERINE KEYES" HUMPHREYS, (John,' (Jones) Aldridge, who were early settlers near Fort David,' John,3 David,2 John,1 ), was born 23 July 1825, Smith, Ark.), b. 10 Jan. 1841, Charleston, Ark.; d. 14 Charles Town, Virginia; died 9 Dec. 1858, Van Buren, Feb. 1932, Fort Smith, Ark. Arkansas; married 28 March 1848, at the home of her He was educated in Virginia and practiced law in Van aunt, Susan (Humphreys) Llewellyn, Chicot Co., Ark., Buren, Arkansas. as the second wife of Colonel John Drennen, (son of Thomas and Isabella (Moore) Drennen), b. 12 Feb. He was Captain of the 1st Arkansas Battery during 1800, at Elizabeth, Allegheny Co., Pa.; died 27 Sept. the Civil War. On the Chickamauga Battlefield will be 1855, at Indianapolis, Indiana, of yellow fever. He was found four tablets at different points telling something then on his way to Virginia to bring to Van Buren, his of the part played by the Arkansas Battery there. wife and three sons. John Humphreys made a trip to California with his He was founder of Van Buren, Arkansas. He was older brother when a young man. Later in life he re­ Indian Agent there, and chiefs of the tribes from the turned to California where he remained until his death. Indian Territory often met in his home in Van Buren. Belle Aldridge Humphreys was a refugee in Upshur Children of John and Catherine, surname DREN­ Co., Texas, while her husband was engaged in the Civil NEN: War. She was a person of strong character and excellent business ability. She developed two additions to the city 1. Charles Holden, b. 13 June 1849 of Fort Smith, Arkansas. 11. Harry C., b. 2 March 1852 Children of John Thomas and Belle, surname HUM­ iii. William Moore, b. 23 April 1855; d. July PHREYS: 1875. i. Eustace W., died in infancy.

REFERENCES: 93. ii. Thomas Hadden, b. 20 Sept. 1865 94. iii. Gustavus Adolphus, b. 15 Nov. 1867 I. "History of Arkansas" Fay Hempstead, p. 896. 2. "Arkansas Gazelle" for 1 June 1941. Copy of letter­ 95. 1v. John, b. 13 Feb. 1869 "September 28, 1855 v. Ora Belle, b. 15 March 1870, Sebastian Co., Mrs. John Drennen Ark.; died 22 May 1922, Fort Smith, Ark. She Dear Madam: was unmarried and made her home with her It bewmes mr painful. duty to inform that your husband, mother. John Drennen, died last mght at the American Hotel in lnJian­ apolis, Ind., after_ 10 days sickness-supposed to be yellow v1. Birdie, b. 1 Jan. 1873, Fort Smith, Ark.; died fever. Every attent10n was shown him, having had the attention of three of our best physicians. His body is in a metallic coffin 8 Aug. 1934, Fort Smith, Ark.; married 28 June and placed in a vault in order to remove his remains co Ar­ 191 l,at Fort Smith, to Arthur Joseph Coniff, kansas should you desire it. Have the goodness to let me hear from you at your earliest convenience. Very truly your obedient of Rochester, N. Y. (son of John and Bridger servant, Coniff), b. 11 March 1869, at Macedon, N. Y.; W. J. Elliott, Prop. living 1949, Fort Smith, Ark. No issue. American Hotel, Ind.

The proprietor of the hotel failed to add the information which REFERENCES: was lated obtained, that because John Drennen was a fellow 1':1ason, he _had emptied his hotel of guests, and cared for the SKk man himself under quarantine. It was a Samaritan act that Family data from Thomas Hadden Humphreys.


( 62) DAVID'i HUMPHREYS, (John, 5 David, 4 John, 3 byterian Elder, and for twenty years was representative David," John,'), b. 2 May 1832, Charles Town, Vir­ of the Northwestern Life Insurance Company. ginia; d. 5 July 1905, Norfolk, Virginia.; m. 28 Oct. Children of David and Mary, surname, HUMPH­ 1858, to Mary Ellen Cameron, ( dau. of Samuel and REYS: Margaret (Curran) Cameron, of Charles Town), b. 22 Nov. 1831; d. 10 Feb. 1902. They are both buried on 1. Arthur Cameron, b. 3 Oct. 1861, Charles the Cameron lot in Edge Hill Cemetery, Charles Town, Town, W. Va.; d. 18 Dec. 1943, Norfolk, Va.; W. Va. His epitaph reads, "In all life's duties, showing m. (1) 12 April 1905, Jane L. Carter; m. ( 2) a true Christian spirit, patient, kind and submissive to 3 July 1924, in New York City, at the home of God's will. A Presbyterian Elder for forty years, a brave Dr. G. A. Humphreys, to Alice Mary Saunders, Confederate soldier. Blessed are the pure in heart." of Edinburgh, Scotland. He was representative for an English shipping firm so crossed the ocean a great many times. An only daughter by second marriage, surname HUMPHREYS: a. Elizabeth Anne Cornwallis, m. Ensign Clin­ ton John Thro, Jr. ii. John Douglas, b. 20 June 1865, Norfolk, Va.; d. 3 Aug. 1908, Lincoln, Neb.; m. 17 April 1893, at Lincoln, Neb., to Minnie Kiefer. Chil­ dren, surname HUMPHREYS: a. Mary Ellen, b. 20 Jan. 1894, Lincoln, Neb.; m. 10 March 1926 to Capt. Jack Lester Meyer, of Lincoln. b. Robert David, b. March 1897; d. Aug. 1897.

iii. Mary Curran, b. 10 June 1872; d. 26 Jan. 1943, Norfolk, Va. She was unmarried. 1v. Hugh Selden, b. 21 Nov. 1875; d. 25 June 1876, and buried at Norfolk, Va. v. Grace Atkinson, b. 22 Nov. 1878; d. 15 Dec. 1952, at Norfolk, Va. She was unmarried and her cousin Ellen Hoof had lived in the home for many years.

Maior Dal'id Humphreys REFERENCES:

He was educated by private tutors. He went overland 1. Bible records and all other family data furnished by Grace to California about 1853, with his brother-in-law, Wil­ Humphreys, Norfolk, Va. liam Bruce Sutton. At the start of the war he enlisted 2. Letter from David Humphreys, of Norfolk, to Helen as a private in Co. G, 2nd. Va., under Col. Thos. J. (Humphreys) Bartlett. Jackson but was disabled and discharged. He recovered Norfolk, Va. June 8, 1897 and enlisted again in 1862 as private in Co. B, 7th Va. Dear Cousin Helen: Cavalry. Later he became a major. Many of his experi­ Your welcome letter of the 3rd came to me only yesterday ences during the war are included in his book, "Heroes and as evidence of its appreciation, I am answering it today without typewriter or amanuensis. I rarely do this as I am so and Spies of the Cfril War." crippled up with wounds and rheumatic gout that I have most of my letters written for me, which is never satisfactory to the From 1869 he lived in Norfolk, Va., where he served writer as it is difficult to convey to another, one's exact mean­ ing in just the way one would express on&:s self. But it is better as member of the city council. He was a Mason, a Pres- for the reader when typewriting is used by me.


Yours gives me much information that I highly appreciate ton. I met this George at one time at Belvidere on a v1s1t to and of which I was ignorant. You speak of Annette-well do I Maria Louisa. She died only about 10 years ago and we often remember one occasion when Aunt Sarah was dining at my talked of our western relations. She had a fine mind and mem­ home at "Sylvan Retreat," and our mothers made us lock arms ory, indeed was a remarkable woman and I hardly think she and walk under the dining table which we did without thump­ could have been wrong in speaking of her own brother George ing our heads, so you see we were small. I remember Earnest and her nephew David. had an appointment to Annapolis as a cadet but for some reason he did not stay there but went home. My father took Our grandfather David lost his right arm in defense of Wash­ him to N and was much chagrined that he did not stay. Amelia ington City against the British Fleet in the War of 1812-14 and was rather erratic and one could never count upon her and the only recently I have found out that the ball, as big as a walnut Catholic Church suits her well no doubt. I remember Uncle without the hull, had been taken by my father to the home of Enos, having seen him once after he went West to live but my only brother in Arkansas and left there. I am trying now to can't remember Aunt -Sarah nor do I remember either your recover it if it can be found, as my Grandfather gave it to me father or mother and seldom heard from any of you. My father because I was named after him and nursed him so long before told me that your place was about 4 miles (I think) out of St. he died. Louis and would become very valuable if the city grew that way. He also told me that your father had built a church mainly You asked about my own family. married Mary Ellen by himself. The grandfather, Thomas Keyes, after whom he was Cameron, of Charles Town and should like to have you know named was a deeply religious man, never permitted any work her and know you would like her. We have four children. The to be done on Saturday Eve after 3 o'clock P.M., and himself eldest, Arthur Cameron is 31, is my partner in business, un­ held religious services. He was a great Methodist I think. married, and a very capable man, The next is John Douglass, Grandmother Cath.erine Keyes Humphreys was a very pious he lives in Lincoln, Neb. He is about 29, married Minnie Keifer. woman, spent hours every day in the study of her Bible and They have one child, a bright little girl. The other two are wrote not only all over the margins of its pages but interlaid girls-the oldest Mary Curran and he youngest Grace Atkinson. sheets of paper between its pages, all of which were closely Of my brothers and sisters I have to say that you know of the written in fine hand. She was a prayerful as well as vigorous brother Joseph W. Davis Humphreys who was a doctor and christian and one of the best housekeepers that ever lived. died in Sacramento, California. The other John Thomas re­ While she was also a disciplinarian ruling her family by the turned from California and lived for some years in Arkansas, strictest rules. You see that the family have in all generations where he married Miss Belle Aldrich. They have six children. been noted for their religious as well as for their patriotic He went back to San Francisco Cal., and lives there away from character. Aunt Sue and her family I knew more of than I did his family. He was quite an eminent lawyer but has been nearly of any other of my Aunts or Uncles for the reason that I spent blind for some years, is a spiritualist and an unhappy man. One parts of two winters in Chicot Co. (Ark.) and had some of of his sons is a physician in New York, another is a prominent them at my own house in Charles Town at several times. I lawyer in Fayette, ille, Arkansas. The youngest boy John, is at would like tot see all my cousine but hardly think that possible Van Buren, Ark., as are the sisters. I have never seen them but as I am old (66) and they are widely scattered. know they are nice children. Through a friend in Charles Town I obtained the following Now I come to my sisters, Catherine Keyes and Elizabeth copy of the inscriptions on the slabs over the graves in the Rutherford. They were remarkable women. One a perfect Humphreys lot. blonde, the other a brunette, one with deep blue eyes and flaxen hair, with clear white skin; the other with black eyes "David Humphreys, died April 24, 1950 aged 76 years." that could flash long lashes and the blackest shiny long curls I "Catherine Humphreys, wife of David Humphreys, died May ever saw anyone have. They were equally attractive and popular. 2, 1844 aged 66 yrs." These were our Grandfather and Both earnest bright christian women who adorned their home Grandmother. and profession. Kate, as we called her, married a planter at the home of Col. Llewellyn, in Arkansas, Col. John Drennen, the "David Humphreys, son of David Humphreys, Senior, died founder of Van Buren. He died of yellow fever in 1855. She Aug. 2, 1859 aged 64." This was our Uncle David who was died in 1857 of pneumonia leaving three sons and quite a large . all his life a drunkard but died a Christian. fortune. They are dead and the fortune gone. My younger sister Bettie, known as "Betty the beautiful," married a merchant, "Mary Ann, consort of John Humphreys, daughter of Doctor William Bruce Sutton, of Fort Smith, Ark. I crossed the plains Joseph W. Davis died June 19, 1857 aged 56 yrs 4 mo 7 with him in 1854. She died in Sept. 1854 leaving a fine boy, days" just as fine looking as a boy could be. He died in Texas just as he reached manly estate. "John Humphreys, died Oct. 19, 1880 aged 80 yrs" These were my Mother and Father. Now my dear cousin you have been passing through deep waters. "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that "Janet L. Humphreys, wife of George Humphreys born July shall try you." Death is not extinction, it is but the messenger 30, 1809, died Aug. 8, 1836." This was Janet Henderson, sent from our Father to bring us to himself and there to meet the grandmother of our cousin Janet Batterton, who thinks all our loved cnes, not lost ones. "Tis but the voice that Jesus that I am wrong in holding that our Grand Uncle Roger was sends to call us to his arms." I have been 41 years an elder in her Great grandfather and not the one armed David. I may the Presbvterian Church and have faced death in an hundred possibly be wrong but hardly think I can be in this case as battles an'd always sung to myself of Heaven in the thickest I make from all I remember or ever heard that she de­ fight. scended from Roger. My family unite with me in love to you and yours. Write I am having a search made of an old graveyard at "Old whenever you can. If I go West next month will try to see you but as I can't dress or undress without help, travel means Belvidere,'' the old home of Col. Geo. W. Humphreys and later of Aunt Abigail Tate, for copies of the instcriptions there and trouble. God bless and keep you all and that we all meet under think the search may throw some light upon these doubtful the shade of the trees, is the prayer of your affectionate cousin. questions. D. Humphreys Cousin Maria Louisa Humphreys, who lived at Belvidere, was 3. Extracts from a series of letters written in 1897 by David the sister of George Humphreys, of Iowa, and David, the son Humphreys of Norfolk, Virginia to Janet (Humphreys) Bat­ of George and Janet, was the father of our Cousin Janet Batter- terton.


"Sarah Ann Humphrevs married Enos B. Cordell, a merchant, Charles Town, Va.; died 9 Jan. 1886, Saint Louis, Mo., and moved to Jefferson City, Missouri. Her oldest daughter married Col. Th,,mas Newton, of Arkansas, who was for a long and buried in Pleasant Hill, Mo. Married 31 Jan. 1854, time a member of Congress from that Stace." at "Hylton," near Jefferson City, Mo., to Frances Mel­ "The youngest daughter of David Humphreys an

REFERENCES: (63) DA1/ID ENGLISH· HUMPHREYS, (George,' David,' John,' David," John,' j, was born 13 Oct. 1827, Family data from: Mrs. A. N. Maltby.


( 64) ELL WOOD6 HUMPHREYS, (Thomas Keyes,:' Children of Ellwood and Elizabeth, surname HUM­ 4 1 David, John,3 David,2 John, ) was born 5 Jan. 1835, PHREYS: Leesburg, Virginia; died 26 March 1919 and is buried in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri; married 1. William Sparrow, b. 14 June 1862; d. 15 12 Sept. 1861 at Fulton, Missouri, by Rev. S. A. Mutch­ Oct. 1863. more, to Elizabeth Simpson Sparrow, ( dau. of John and 98. ii. Thomas Keyes, b. 28 Oct. 1863. Elizabeth (Simpson) Sparrow, of Tipperary Co., Ire­ land), born 27 August 1839, in Ireland; died 2 Aug. 99. iii. David Chalmers, b. 14 April 1865. 1918, Springfield, Mo. 1V. Helen, b. 16 Sept. 1867; d. 7 Nov. 1918.

Family Group at the home of Ellwood Humphreys, Sr., about 1900-1905. Front Row-L. to R.: Mabel (Stuart) Humphreys, Ellwood Humphreys, Jr., Thomas K. Humphreys, Jennie (Baxter) Humph­ reys, George E. Humphreys, Eleanor B. H11mphreys, Ellwood H11mphreys, Sr., Elizabeth (Sparrow) Humphreys, La11ra (Schwab) Humphreys, Marion Humphreys. Back Row-L. to R.: Llewellyn Humphreys, Sue E. Humphreys, Vashti (Ward) Humphreys, Helen Humphreys, Bertram K. Humphreys, Richard L. Humphreys, T. Roy Humphreys, Mary A. Humphreys, Mary B. Humphreys, Janet (Humphreys) King, Allan S. Humphreys. As a boy he lived in Saint Louis Co., Missouri. After She was unmarried. Buried beside her parents. the death of his father, his mother took her family to 100. v. Llewellyn, b. 16 Sept. 1867 (twin to Helen) Fulton so that her sons might attend Westminster Col­ lege. He returned to farm a portion of his father's home vi. Allan, b. 16 March 1869; d. 27 Sept. 1876. place in Saint Louis Co. When all his sons were grown He and William are buried beside their grand­ and had moved away, he sold the farm in Saint Louis parents in Old Bonhomme, Saint Louis Co., Co., and bought a small suburban tract near Springfield, Mo. Missouri, to be nearer several of his sons. He served as 101. vu. Marion, b. 14 Oct. 1870. an Elder in the Presbyterian Church for many years. All his children were born in Saint Louis County, Missouri. 102. viii. Ellwood, Jr., b. 13 Nov. 1874.


1x. Katherine, b. 22 Jan. 1876; d. 14 June 1876 and buried at Old Bonhomme. 103. x. Bertram Kerr, b. 24 July 1878.

Four Sons of Ellwood Humphreys, Sr. L. to R.: Thomas K., Marion, Llewellyn, and David Chalmers. EIIU'ood and Elizabeth (Sparrow) Humphreys

REFERENCES: After living short periods in several towns in Mis­ souri and Kansas, he went to Webb City, Missouri, in From family Bible of Ellwood Humphreys, Sr. 1899 and established a small dry goods store. It was on Main and Daugherty Streets and gradually expanded (65) HENRY CORDELL" HUMPHREYS, (Thomas into a rather large store. About 1910 he retired from Keyes,5 David,< John,3 David,2 John,1 ), was born 14 active business. He spent his winters in Florida. At the Aug. 1841, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; died 20 Sept. 1923, time of his death he still had large holdings of real Webb City, Missouri; married 15 Jan. 1877, Saint Louis estate in and near Webb City. Co., Mo.,to Sarah Emily Higgins, ( daughter of George Washington and Sarah (Miller) Higgins, of Saint Louis He was a member of the Presbyterian church and the Co., Mo.), b. 28 Jan. 1854; d. 20 Jan. 1938. They are I.0.0.F. lodge in which he had filled local offices. The both buried in Webb City, Missouri. family home was on North Ball Street. At the beginning of the Civil War he was a student Children of Henry Cordell and Sarah, surname HUM­ in Westminister College, Fulton, Missouri. He enlisted PHREYS: in Company "H," 4th Missouri cavalry,and served under 104. i. Cordell, b. 25 April 1878. Col. John Q. Buckridge. His services were confined to ii. Enola Josephine, b. 1 Dec. 1879; d. 24 Sept. Missouri and Arkansas. He was with General Price in Arkansas and later lost two fingers in an engagement 1882. twenty-five miles south of Kansas City. He was taken iii. George Higgins , b. 19 Dec. 1881; d. 14 July prisoner and escaped after many hardships. 1904.


iv. Pearl (Margaret) b. 9 Nov. 1885; m. 7 (66) HELEN THOMASG HUMPHREYS, (Thomas June 1907 to Roy C. Graham, ( son of John Keyes, 5 David," John,3 David,2 John,') was born 27 James and Hettie (Campbell) Graham) Their Nov. 1847, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; died 9 March 1923 and children, surname GRAHAM: buried in Carthage, Missouri; married 16 March 1869 to a. Virginia Humphreys, b. 10 May 1908, Chi­ Charles Lamb Bartlett, ( son of Charles and Milcena cago, Illinois; m. Mr. Gurney. Mt. Kisco, (Lamb) Bartlett), born 8 Nov. 1832; died 30 April Westchester County, N. Y. They have two 1897, Carthage, Missouri. children: Graham and William H. He was for many years, a merchant in Carthage, Mis­ b. John Calvin, b. 17 May 1911, Chicago, Illi­ souri. nois; married Polly Luke. They make their home in Bedford Hills, Westchester Coun­ Children of Charles and Helen, surname BARTLETT:

ty, N. Y. They have three children: John 1. Helen, b. 23 Dec. 1869; m. James Allen Calvin, Jr., Sandy, and Margot. Higdon. ii. Milcena, b. 29 June 1871; m. William Nel­ son Wharton. iii. Daisy, b. 7 Feb. 1873; d. 20 Sept. 1873.

iv. Charles Lamb, Jr., b. 31 July 1874; d. 5 April 1876. v. Nina, b. 7 Sept. 1877; m. James A. Good- win.

vi. Blanche, b. 12 June 1882; m. Roy C. Wii- liamson. vii. Charles Albert, b. 24 March 1885.


"Cordell Records," by Allan S. Humphreys.

(67) PARRY'; HUMPHREYS, (Parry Wayne,5 Charles 3 1 W.,4 Joshua, David," John, ) was born 18 Jan. 1852, in Mississippi, while his mother was on her way to join her husband in Texas. He died 9 April 1932, at Uvalde, Texas. He married 5 January 1874, on Mustang Island, to Maria Agnes Clubb, daughter of a sea captain who served as a pilot at the bar at Port Aransas, Mustang Island. She was born 2 Dec. 1855, in Texas, and d. 21 Feb. 1952, Uvalde, Texas. Her father was born in S. C. Henry Cordell Humphreys Family L. lo R.: George H. Humphreys, Henry Cordell Humphreys, and her mother in Louisiana. Cordell Humphreys, Sarah (Higgins) Humphreys, Pearl Hum­ phreys. Parry served as lighthouse keeper at Aransas Pass during the four years his father lived in Corpus Christi. REFERENCES: Then he resigned when his father returned, and went to Uvalde County in April 1877 where he engaged in l. fop/in NeU's Herald, 20 ~ept. 1923. ranching until 1910 when he sold his ranch, retired, 2. Family data from: Mrs. Pearl (Humphreys) Graham. and moved to Uvalde where he lived until his death.


Children of Parry and Maria Agnes, surname HUM­ ( 68) ALFRED BATTLE" HUMPHREYS, (John 1 1 PHREYS: Cowan," Charles W., Joshua," David," John, ) was born 1852, Sommerville, Tennessee; died Nov. 1878, Somer­ i. Henrietta, b. 8 Oct. 1874, in Aransas Pass ville, Tenn.; married 29 Oct. 1874, Lebanon, Tennessee, lighthouse; living 1952 at Uvalde, Texas. to Madeleine Ross Allison, ( daughter of Robert Porter Married 5 May 1920 at Uvalde, Texas, to Mar­ and Alethia (Sanders) Allison, of Lebanon, Tenn.) cus L. Motes, b. 4 April 1869 in Alabama. born 10 April 1854, Lebanon, Tenn.; died 21 April 105. 11. Parry, Jr., b. July 1877. 1921, Lebanon, Tenn. iii. Agnes Lee, b. 18 Dec. 1880, Uvalde Co., Alfred Battle Humphreys was an A. B. graduate of Texas; married at Bisbee, Arizona, to Elwood the University of Ky. and an L.L.B. from Cumberland Ragsdale. They have an only daughter, sur­ University, Lebanon, Tenn. He made his home in Somer­ name RAGSDALE: viJle, Tenn., where he was a prominent lawyer, and a a. Mayme Glenn, m. James Marion Ratcliff, public administrator. He was a member of the Episcopal and they have a son Warren D. Ratcliff. Church. His promising career was cut short by yellow fever. 1v. Jane Rigg, b. 21 Aug. 1883, Uvalde Co., Only child of Alfred Battle and Madeleine, surname Tex.; living 1952, Uvalde, Texas; m. 27 Nov. HUMPHREYS: 1910 at Hondo, Texas, to Jessie Duff Hatch, (son of Amos and Jane Hatch), b. 16 July 108. i. Allison Battle, b. 22 Oct. 1875. 1877, Beeville, Texas. Children, surname HATCH: REFERENCES:

a. Jessie Duff, Jr., b. 9 Sept. 1911; m. Theo I. "Battle Book," by H. B. Battle, Lois Yelverton. and W. J. Casper and lives at Hobbs, N. Mex. They Battle, p. 669. have two children. 2. "The History of the Alison or Allison Family in Europe and America" by Leonard Allison Morrison, 1893. p. 165-169. b. Eugenia Bell, b. 17 Jan. 1913; m. Herbert McCrea. They have a daughter. 3. Fayette County, Tenn., Minute Book "N." (4 Jan. 1875)

c. Byron Glenn, b. 14 Jan. 1922; killed in (69) JEROME PILLOW,; HUMPHREYS, (West action 26 Nov. 1943. Radio operator on Hughes,-' Parry Wayne/ Joshua/ David,2 John,'), was HMS Rhona. Purple Heart. born 24 May 1842, Nashville, Tenn.; died 9 Nov. 1894 near Nashville; married ( 1) 28 Nov. 1871, at Triune, 106. v. Edward Clubb, b. 8 April 1886. Williamson Co., Tenn., to Mary Elizabeth Claybrooke, 107. v1. Byron, b. 29 Dec. 1889. (daughter of Col. John S. and Mary A. Claybrooke), born 7 May 1847; died 7 March 1873 and buried in Mt. vii. Elva Maria b. 28 July 1891, Montell, Texas; Hope Cemetery, Williamson Co., Tenn. m. (2) 24 May married 29 March 1916 in Bisbee, Arizona, to 1880 to Clara Imogene Morton of Williamson Co., Frank Clarence Keller, b. 12 Jan. 1883. They Tenn. (cousin of John Watson Morton), b. ca. 1860. were living 1951 at Carlsbad, New Mexico. A A son, surname KELLER: Jerome Pillow Humphreys enlisted in the Confederate a. Frank C., Jr., m. Jessie Douglas and they Army at the age of eighteen and became Chief of Ar­ have two children. tillery, Forest's Calvary Corps.

viii. Colvin, b. 9 Dec. 1894; killed in action in He had many land transactions in Davidson Co., France, 8 Oct. 1918. Tenn. He deeded to his wife, Clara, all his interest in the 400 acre tract on which the family lived "about one REFERENCES: mile from the court house in Franklin, Williamson Co., Tenn. on the turnpike to Columbia, Tenn., as a home Family records from Mr. Brron Humphreys, 135 Fairbanks for all our children until they become twenty-one. Dated Ave., San Antonio 10, Tex., Mrs. E. L. Foster, 111 West Mag­ nolia Ave., San Antonio, Tex. 23 Sept. 1893.''


Children of Jerome and Clara, surname HUMPH­ born 8 Nov. 1851, either in Dallas Co., Ark., or Mt. REYS: Lebanon, La. He died July 1897, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. He married 16 Dec. 1877, Clarke Co., Ark., to Sallie i. Claree Morton, b. 25 May 1881; died 7 Roseanna Harris, ( daughter of Jessie R. and Roseanna Nov. 1889. Harris), born 23 Oct. 1854; died 1915. ii. James Pillow, b. 18 Feb. 1883. Children of Edwin C. and Sallie, surname HUMPH­ There is some uncertainty about the accuracy of names REYS: for the remaining children. 109. 1. Harris, b. 8 Nov. 1878 iii. Wayne ( or Florence?) b. ca. 1886. ii. Eva West, b. 23 Aug. 1881; married 26 Oct. iv. Hetty, b. ca. 1888. 1904 to Wilton Earl O'Neal, and they have a son, Wilton Earl O'Neal, II. v. Annie Queen, b. ca. 1890. 110. iii. Charles John, b. 10 Oct. 1884 REFERENCES: 111. 1v. Edwin Coleman, Jr., b. 28 March 1888 v. Sallie Marion, b. 31 July 1893 I. Family Bible of West Hughes Humphreys, rn possession of Mrs. Stout, of Mt:mphis, Tenn. 2. Marriage records, )f/illiamsr;n Co., Tenn. REFERENCES:

(70) ANNE PAYNE'' HUMPHREYS, (West Hughes/ Family data from: Mrs. C. J. Humphreys, Little Rock, Ark. Parry Wayne,' Joshua," David," John,') was born 5 July 1846, Nashville, Tenn.; died 14 July 1899; married 15 (72) CHARLES JONES·· HUMPHREYS, II, (Charles Sept. 1869 to John Watson Morton, Jr., born 19 Sept. Jones,'' Parry \Xlayne,' Joshua," David," John,1 ), was 1842; died 21 Nov. 1914. born 15 Jan. 1858, Mt. Lebanon, Louisiana; died Aug. 1915, at Little Rock, Ark.; married 10 May 1865, Car­ He was Secretary of State for Tennessee in 1905. lisle, Arkansas, to Annie Terry Dick. Children of John W. and Anne Payne, surname Children of Charles Jones and Annie, surname HUM­ MORTON: PHREYS:

1. West Hughes Humphreys, b. 15 Sept. 1870; 1. Solon, b. 6 May 1886; living 1952 North d. 28 Dec. 1929. He was treasurer of David­ Little Rock, Ark.; m. Lucy Pugh. An adopted son Co., for three terms. son grew to manhood and was killed in an airplane crash in Virginia. 11. Queenie Humphreys, b. 27 Dec. 1872; liv- ing 1953 in Memphis, Tenn.; m. Samuel H. ii. Lincoln, b. 12 Ap~il 1891; living 1952, Stout. She and her daughters, Annie Morton Chevy Chase, Md.; m. 14 Jan. 1919 at Wash­ and Margaret H. (both of whom are lawyers), ington, D. C. to Julia Josephine Youngquist, furni~hed many family records from the Bible d. 1945. He is a physician and a retired Naval of West Hughes Humphreys. Commander. Served in WW I and II. Mason. iii. John Watson, III, b. 11 Oct. 1875; died 4 Children, surname HUMPHREYS: Feb. 1922. Unmarried. a. Robert Lincoln, b. 27 Aug. 1920, Washing­ ton, D. C. Lt. Com. USN WW II. iv. Robert Lee, b. 20 June 1877; d. 26 Jan. b. Richard Solon, b. 3 June 1922, at Pago 1946. Unmarried. Pago, Tutulia, American Samoa. 1st Lt. USAF WW II and in service 1950. REFERENCES: c. Joan, b. 10 Jan. 1930, Norfolk, Va. Family data from Mrs. S. H. Stout, Memphis, Tenn. REFERENCES: (71) EDWIN COLEMAN° HUMPHRYES, (Charles 3 Jones,' Parry Wayne,' Joshua, David," John,1 ), was Family data from: Dr. Lincoln Humphreys, Chevy Chase, Md.


(73) DAVID McBRIDE'; HUMPHREYS, (Samuel Cun­ his death _with lo~al registrar even. I tried every way to get 14 necessary 10format10n but failed. I hate to discourage you but ningham,-·· David,• David," Daniel/ John,1), born fear you will have my luck. July 1857, Anderson Co., S. C., died 18 Oct. 1927; m. This William Humphreys moved to Texas from Tennessee. 16 December 1880 at Honea Path, S. C. to Emma Don­ My relatives all went to Tennessee too but the folks there are nald, (daughter of John and Polly Ann( Rasor) Don­ trying to get money for themselves and I've gotten no help from any one. I do know we are in direct line of descent. I nald), born 28 Nov. 1857; died 15 May 1932. don't know any of the people you mention. I had a great uncle, Tom Humphreys, who lived in Georgia. Children of David and Polly Ann, surname HUM­ The Humphreys from whom we are descended came to Phila­ PHREYS: delphia, Pa., from England. He was named Daniel. His sons were David, Solomon, Elijah, Benjamin. Daniel moved to N. C. 1. Lucile, b. 9 Aug. 1883 and his son Davie] is the one from whom I am directly de­ scended. The other moved to Tennessee. Solomon was a phv­ ii. Lois, b. 20 Dec. 1886. Living 1952 at Honea s1nan of great fame. This William Humphreys must be a s,;n of one of those three. I believe Benjamin's son William Hum­ Path, S. C. She furnished most of the records ph~e~·s never married. This is a family name. I had a great uncie for her branch of the family. W1_lliam _and an. uncle William. There is ·a man in Georgia who da1ms direct descent but he didn't even reply to my letter and I've forgotten his name. 111. Juliet, b. 31 Dec. 1890 The Texas authorities wrote me it was just a case for lawvers 1v. Alice Lee, b. 15 Feb. 1893. M. S. Erskine to quarrel over and discouraged me. I wish tho vou could have College. Teacher ( 1952) Kennedy Street luck and if so write me please. · School, Anderson, S. C. Author, "Heaven in Lucile Humphreys My Hand," The John Knox Press, Richmond, Va. (74) CLARENCP HUMPHREYS, (Samuel Cunning­ v. John Donnald, b. 15 July 1895; m 3 April ham,' David,' David," Daniel," John,') was born 11 1920 to Gladys Reese, ( daughter of John and March 1866, Anderson Co., S. C.; died 29 May 1931 at Mattie (Niell) Reese, of Anderson, S. C.) Live Oak, Florida; married 11 Oct. 1892, to Martha born 16 Aug. 1899; d. 20 Nov. 1939. He had Postel Cater, ( dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Buriss) service in WW I. He is a Mason and a mem­ Cater, of Anderson, S. C.) born 14 Jan. 1870; died 16 ber of the Shrine. Automobile business, An­ Dec. 1939. The family moved to Florida in 1896. He derson, S. C. Children, surname HUMPH­ was an elder in the Presbyterian Church and active in REYS: civic affairs. He was a Mason and Shriner. "Throughout a. Dorothy, b. 21 Dec. 1920. Graduate of his lifetime hundreds of poor families have been made Winthrop College. Teacher of Physical happy entirely through his benevolence and efforts." Education. An only daughter, surname HUMPHREYS: b. Daughter, twin to Dorothy, b. and d. 21 Dec. 1920. 1. Elizabeth Mills, b. 3 Feb. 1895; m. 18 June c. David, b. 18 Sept. 1924. Served at Anzio 1916 to Thomas Emmett Anderson, son of Dr. Beachhead and elsewhere in Italy in WW L. M. and Grace (Gray) Anderson, of Lake II. Resumed studies and grad. 1948, at City, Florida), born 7 Feb. 1892. They were Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. living ( 1952) in Tampa, Florida. He owns surgical supply stores in Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville, Florida. Children, surname AN­ REFERENCES: DERSON:

1. Family data from Miss Lois Humphreys, Honea Path, S. C. a. Grace Elizabeth, b. 31 March 1918 2. Donalds, S. C. b. Clarence Leonidas, b. 25 May 1921 30 Jan. 1933 Dear Mrs. Jones: c. Thomas Emmett, b. 31 Aug. 1923 About this time last year I spent quite a bit of time trying to prove our relationship to the William Humphreys who at REFERENCES: one time owned what is now valuable propertv in Texas. It seems however that the lands were disposed ·of before his death which occurred a long time ago. There is no record of Family records furnished by Miss Lois Humphreys.


(75) ARTHUR LEE'· HUMPHREYS, (Samuel Cun­ {76) DAVID GRANVILLE" HUMPHREYS, (David 0 1 ningham;' David,' David," Daniel, John, ) was born 27 Word;' David,' David," Daniel," John,') was born 17 March 1868, Anderson Co., S. C.; died 26 Aug. 1928, Jan. 1873 at Harrison Station, Mississippi; living 1950 Live Oak, Florida; married 19 Dec. 1900, at Live Oak, at Fernandina, Florida; married 21 July 1897, at Lake Florida, to Alice Johnson, ( daughter of Henry Muzzy City, Florida, to Eva Mizell Henry, ( daughter of John and Katherine (Phillips) Johnson), born 4 Oct. 1876, C. and Eva (Mizell) Henry, of Lake City, Fla.), born Houma, Louisiana; living 1950, Tampa, Fla. 13 Sept. 1875. A. Lee Humphreys, as we was always known, grad­ He was educated at F.S.C. (now Univ. of Fla.) and uated second in his class in 1890 at The Citaclel, Charles­ at Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. He has practiced ton, S. C. He was a member of the St. Cecelia Society. medicine since 1897 and is now at Fernandina. He is a He was principal of the Live Oak high school 1893- member of the Nassau Co. Med. Soc.; Fla. State Med 1894, lated studied law and was admitted to the bar in Soc; Southern Med. Assoc.; Assoc. of A. A. Surg. He i:i 1898 and practiced at Live Oak, Fla., until his death. Surg. of S.A.L.R.R. He is a charter member of his Ro­ tary Club and a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. Alice Johnson Humphreys was a descendant of dis­ tinguished New England families. When illness pre­ Children of David and Eva, surname HUMPHREYS: vented her return to Winthrop Normal College, Rock 1. David Granville, Jr., b. 25 O_ct. 1899, Fer- Hill, S. C., she read law and in 1898 was admitted to nandina, Fla.; d. 25 June 1929, Jacksonville, the bar-probably the first woman admitted in Florida. Fla. Educ. Wash. & Lee; M.D. from John She was in partnership for two years with A. Lee Hum­ Hopkins. At time of death was Asst. Surgeon, phreys before their marriage. Riverside Hospital, Jacksonville, Fla. Children of Arthur Lee and Alice, surname HUMPH­ ii. Rosemary, b. 23 Oct. 1902, Fernandina, REYS: Fla.; m. 30 June 1925, Fernandina, to John 1. Katherine, b. 9 Sept. 1902, Live Oak, Flori­ Richardson Hardee, (son of John R. and da. Graduated from Rollins College in 1926. Annie (Davis) Hardee, of Crandall, Florida.) In business with "Donovan Displays." b. 7 Feb. 1901. Children, surname HARDEE: ii. Margaret, b. 12 March 1909, Live Oak, a. Rosemary, b. 2 Sept. 1926 Florida; married 1 Feb. 1946, at Winter Park, b. John Richardson, Jr., b. 18 Sept. 1930 Florida, to Norton Lathrop Donovan, ( son of iii. Henry Word, b. 22 June 1911, Fernandina; James M. and Cornelia (Smith) Donovan), living 1950 at Fernandina, Fla.; m. 21 April born 28 May 1923, Toronto, Canada. Margaret 1937 at Green Cove Springs, to Dorothy Ho­ graduated from Pasco High School, Dade bein, (adopted daughter of F. M. and Carrie ,City, Fla. Then spent a year at Woman's Col­ Hobein, of Fernandina, Fla.) b. 19 Jan. 1916. lege, Tallahasse, Fla., where she studied com­ He is owner and operator of a shrimp boat mercial art. She worked with the Florida which covers ports in the Gulf of Mexico. exhibit at Cleveland, Ohio, and at Atlantic City. She and her husband originated "Dono­ Children, surname HUMPHREYS: van Displays," in which all the family unite a. Eva Caroline, b. 16 Dec. 1938 their efforts. b. Donald Granville, III, b. 16 Aug. 1940; d. iii. Arthur Lee, Jr., b. 24 Aug. 1915, at Live 31 March 1942 Oak, Florida. Graduate of Pasco High School. c. Henry Word, b. 26 Dec. 1941 Rejected for military service for defective vis­ d. Katherine Sherman, b. 30 Dec. 1943 ion, he had charge of radio servicing for e. Frederica Hobein, b. 14 Aug. 1944 bombers at McDill Field under civil service. f. Roland Hoge, b. 14 Nov. 1949 Now associated with "Donovan Displays." iv. Ruth Sherman, b. 5 Aug. 1914; m. 5 Aug. REFERENCES: 1939 at Fernandina, Fla. to Edwin C. Burgess, Miss Lois Humphrers, Mrs. A. Lee Humphreys, Sr. Jr., ( son of Edwin C. and Vera (Jones) Bur-


gess, of Callahan, Florida), b. 17 June 1916. Children, surname BURGESS: 1v. Josephine Walker, b. 9 March 1918; d. 20 a. Granville Cheveley, b. 16 Feb. 1949, Jack­ June 1927. sonville, Fla. 113. v. David Cullen, b. 29 Nov. 1919.

REFERENCES: vi. Ruth Holmes, b. 16 Sept. 1921; m. 4 Oct. 1946 to Hobart Ray Everett, (son of Lawrence Familv records from Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Humphreys, Fer­ and Ruby (Wann) Everett, of Crowder, Miss., nandina; Fla. b. 24 March 1922. She is a graduate of the (77) WADE CULLEN'' HUMPHREYS, (William College of Charleston and a member of St. 1 1 Philips Episcopal Church. He is a graduate Wirt," David,• David,' Daniel," John, ), was born 27 June 1870, Anderson, S. C.; married ( 1) June 1900, of "The Citadel," and of Wharton School Charleston ,S. C., to Rosalie McCormack, ( daughter of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa'. William J. and Pauline (Walter) McCormack, of He is presently accountant and Asst. Supt. of Charleston, S. C.), b. 10 Aug. 1878; d, 6 March 1904. Roper Hospital, Charleston, S. C. Their home He married (2) 30 Oct. 1913, at Summerville, S. C., to is "Woodlands," Summerville, S. C. Children, Anna Helen Walker, ( daughter of Legare J. and Emma surname EVERETT: Josephine (Trenholm) Walker, of Charleston, S. C., a. Ruth Holmes, b. IO Oct. 1947 and grand daughter of George A. Trenholm, Secretary b. Hobart Ray, Jr., b. 29 Nov. 1949 of the Treasury for the Confederacy), b. 11 March 1882. c. ·wade Humphreys, b. 14 April 1953 He graduated from "The Citadel," on July 4th, 1891. For nine years he was shipping clerk of the Chicora REFERENCES: Works and for thirty-four years he was superintendent Family daca from: Mrs. Wade C. Humphreys, Mrs. William of Etiwan Fertilizer Works. He is now retired from W. Humphreys, Mrs. H. R. Everett. business. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, An­ (78) THOMAS MERRIWETHER/] HUMPHREYS 4 derson, S. C. His Charleston home is at 15 Limehouse (Benjamin Wayne,' Daniel Jones, Benjamin,3 Daniel,: 1 Street and his summer home is on Sullivan's Island. John, ), was born 9 April 1860, near Prairie Lea, Texas; died 5 Dec. 1927, and is buried in Geronimo Cemetery, Only child of Wade Cullen and Rosalie, surname near Seguin, Texas; married 5 Dec. 1901, to Pearl Short, HUMPHREYS: ( daughter of Jacob Lindsey and Emma (Mitchell) i. Wade Cullen, Jr., b. 8 June 1901; d. 4 Oct. Short), b. 8 April 1876; d. 5 Nov. 1942. 1918. Educated at Porter Military Academy, Thomas M. Humphreys was a lawyer and a graduate Charleston, and Greenbrier Military Academy, of the U. of Tenn. W. Va., where he died. Children of Thomas M. and Pearl, surname HUMPH­ Children of Wade Cullen and Anna Helen, surname REYS: HUMPHREYS: 1. Charles Wayne, b. 30 Jan. 1903; d. 28 Jan. 112. u. William Wirt, b. 28 Oct. 1914 1940, and is buried in Arlington National iii. Helen Trenholm, b. 7 Feb. 1916; m. 4 Oct. Cemetery; m. 1931, in Philadelphia, to Alma 1947 to Joseph Seraphino Maturo, of Teaneck, Hannon. No issue. He was a graduate of the N. ]. She is a graduate of the College of U. S. Naval Academy in 1923 and remained Charleston and a member of St. Philips Epis­ in the service until his death. He was a Lieut. copal Church. His business location is in Commander, and gunnery officer on the Charleston while their home is in Summer­ U.S.S. Colorado.

ville, S. C. An only daughter, surname MA­ 11. Elizabeth, b. 6 Feb. 1906, Houston ,Texas; TURO: living 1952 at 1612 Bissonet, Houston 5, a. Helen Humphreys, b. 3 Dec. 1948. Texas; m. 18 May 1928, Houston, Texas, to

-87- HU flrf PH RE Y S

Allan C. Pagan, ( son of John Shaw and Jeanie (80) MAUDE·· HUMPHREYS, (Benjamin Wayne,·· (Young) Pagan), b. 6 Aug. 1896, Callendar, Daniel Jones," Benjamin,' Daniel," John,'), born 18 Scotland. He is a geophysicist. Children, sur­ Aug. 1870, Seguin, Texas; d. 24 Oct. 1948, Seguin, name PAGAN: Texas; m. 1 Aug. 1894, Seguin, Texas, to Allen Caper­ a. John Shaw, b. 12 June 1929, Houston, ton Erskine, (son of A. M. and Elizabeth (Maney) Ers­ Texas. kine), b. 29 July 1871; d. 20 May 1946. Both are buried b. Allan Cunningham, b. 26 March 1931, in Geronimo, Cemetery. Houston, Texas. Children of Allen C. and Maude, surname ERSKINE: c. Charles Humphreys, b. 18 May 1932, Hous­ ton, Texas. 1. Allen Caperton, Jr., b. 21 March 1896; d. d. Robert Young, b. 21 Sept. 1938, Houston, 26 Jan. 1949. Unmarried. Texas. u. Elizabeth, b. 13 Dec. 1899; married Thoma~

REFERENCES: Hollomon and they live in the home built by her grandfather. Children, surname HOLLO­ Family data from Mrs. A. C. Pagan. MON: Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth, graduate U. of Texas, (Kappa Kappa Gamma). (79) MARTHA" HUMPHREYS (Mattie), (Benjamin iii. Maude, b. 6 Nov. 1902; married Charles Wayne5, Daniel Jones\ Benjamin3, Daniel2, John,1 ), was born 17 Aug. 1866, Seguin, Texas; died 9 Feb. 1938 Baer, of Seguin, Texas. and buried in Geronimo Cemetery, near Seguin, Texas; iv. Benjamin Wayne, b. 7 Jan. 1903; m. Mary m. 27 March 1884 to James Russell Christian, (son of ...... Lives in Staunton, Va. Has two boys Dr. James Russell and Ellen (McGarack) Christian), b. and a girl. 8 Aug. 1861; d. 30 June 1916, and buried beside his wife. v. May, b. 6 Jan. 1906; married Larry Baker; Goliad, Tex. Children of James Russell and Martha, surname CHRISTIAN: vi. Alexander Madison, b. 6 Jan. 1906 (twin); m. Hilma Horner and lives in Corpus Christi, 1. Mary Ellen, b. 1885; living 1951 at 114 Texas. West Summit Ave., San Antonio, Texas; mar­ ried 1909 to Harry Pennington, ( son of Asa vu. James Christian, b. 7 July 1908; m. Lillian and Martha (Morgan) Pennington), b. 1881...... and they have three children. Mr. Pennington invented the Pennington Sig­ naling Core Barrell and a number of other REFERENCES: devices for use in oil fields. Children, surname PENNINGTON: Family data from Miss Elizabeth Hollomon. Additional in­ a. Harry, Jr., b. 7 Nov. 1910; married and has formation from Mrs. Weinert. children-Harry III, Barbara Ann, and Mary Martha. (81) JAMES BENJAMIN'' HUMPHREYS, (William 1 ii. Benjamin Humphreys, b. 6 Aug. 1888; d. Green/ Daniel Jones, Benjamin," Daniel," John,1), was April 1947; m. to Willie Ruth Porter. Their b. 21 Oct. 1844, in Madison (now Crockett) Co., Tenn.; home is 702 Harold Street, Houston, Texas. d. 14 Feb. 1922, and is buried in the Humphreys family Children, surname CHRISTIAN, are Ethel, grave yard near Humboldt, Tenn. He m. (1) 15 Dec. Margaret, and Ruth. 1869, Emma Jane Hardison, ( dau. of James Y. and Dolly B. Hardison, of Columbia, Tenn.), b. 26 March iii. James Russell, Jr., b. 23 April 1891; d. 1848; d. 20 March 1892, in Alamo, Tenn.; m. (2) 1893, 1946; m. to Ella Cage Tourtelot. No issue. to Mrs. Belle Roberts Orr, ( sister of John C. Roberts, of Roberts, Johnson, and Rand Shoe Co., of St. Louis, REFERENCES: Mo.), b. 16 April 1859, Cannon Co., Tenn.; d. 16 July Family data from Mrs. Harry Pennington, Sr. 1936, and is buried in Jackson, Tenn.


He enlisted 1864 in Co. B, 14th Tenn. Regt. Cavalry, July 1937. Both were members of the Church of Christ and served about a year. He was a Democrat, a Royal and are buried in Humboldt, Tenn. She was a great Arch Mason, a member of the Church of Christ, and grand daughter of the Revolutionary patriot, Nancy County Clerk 1878-1886. Morgan Hart, and an older sister of Susan Alice Hart, 2nd wife of John Cyrus Sharp Humphreys. He was a Children of James Benjamin and Emma Jane, surname farmer and a member of the Masonic Lodge. HUMPHREYS: Children of Lemuel E. and Mary Jane, surname 1. Aurelius Edgar, b. 11 Sept. 1870, Ripley, HUMPHREYS: Tenn.; d. 1952, St. Louis, Mo.; m. ( 1) Dec. 1891 to Jimmie Rhoads, d. Nov. 1893 and i. Valeria Adeline (Addie), b. 21 March 1872; buried at Alamo, Tenn.; m. (2) 3 Oct. 1900, d. 6 Jan. 1945, St. Louis, Mo.; m. 11 June St. Louis, Mo., to Gertrude Latta. He was a 1899, Gadsden, Tenn., to James Ann Medlin, real estate dealer and a Mason. His home was d. 15 Aug. 1927, Thayer, Missouri. He was a at 5520 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. An only farmer and cattleman at Caruthersville, Mo. son by first marriage, surname HUMPH­ Children, surname MEDLIN: REYS: a. Mae, b. 8 Oct. 1900; m. 14 April 1933 to a. George James, b. 24 Nov. 1892. Married Merrill Burrows. They have a daughter, and lives in St. Louis. Said to have had no Valeria. issue. Home is at 7818 Murdock St., Webs­ b. William Lemuel, b. 1 Aug. 1905; m. 1925 ter Groves, Mo. to Gloriavina Thornberg, b. 1 Dec. 1908. They have three children; James, Shirley ii. Clara Ophelia, b. March 1872; d. Aug. and Thomas. 1947; m. ca. 1893 to Will Parker, of Gates, Tenn., d. 14 Feb. 1951. Children, surname ii. William Benjamin, b. 16 Nov. 1873; living PARKER: at Bells, Tenn.; m. 1898 to Lorene Willough­ a. Bemis, died 1948. by, ( dau. of John W. Willoughby, of Gads­ b. Jessie May, m. Clarence Bond. Lives in den, Tenn.), b. Aug. 1882; d. 4 Feb. 1951. Louisville, Ky. Children, surname HUMPHREYS: a. Teresa Victoria, b. 1901. 114. iii. Lemuel Ethridge (Eth), b. 12 July 1874. b. Thora, b. 1904; died in childhood. 115. 1v. William Yelton, b. 29 March 1876. c. Katherine Alice, b. 1906; d. 1944; m. J. D. Tilson, Jr. v. Mary D., b. 29 Feb. 1880; living 1953 at d. W. B., b. 1908; d. in childhood. 530 East Main, Halls, Tenn.; m. J. B. Lawr­ ence. They have five sons and four daughters. 117. iii. Thomas Hart, b. 1 March 1876. Only child of James Benjamin and Belle, surname iv. Elizabeth, b. 7 Dec. 1877; d. 23 Dec. 1902, HUMPHREYS: in Indian Territory, where she was teaching school. She was a graduate of Freed-Harde­ 116. vi. James Roberts, b. 27 Feb. 1894. man College. Unmarried.

REFERENCES: 118. v. Joseph Filo, b. 12 April 1882. v1. Rowena, b. 7 April 1884; d. Jan. 1914; m. Family data from: Mrs. Mary James, Mrs. Claire Sutton, Oct. 1906 at Humboldt, Tenn., to Fred For­ Mrs. J. B. Lawrence. sythe, who later married her cousin Mary {82) LEMUEL ERASMUS•; HUMPHREYS, (William Adyline Humphreys. They had an only daugh­ Green,5 Daniel Jones," Benjamin," Daniel,2 John,'), was ter, surname FORSYTHE: born 17 Dec. 1846, at Humboldt, Tenn.; died 5 Sept. a. Mary Sue, b. 22 Sept. 1908; m. 8 May 1926 1931. Married 12 Jan. 1870, at Jackson, Tenn., to Mary to Benjamin Lelon Henry. They live in Jane Hart, ( daughter of William Kimbro Gooch and Tampa, Florida, and have two children, Mary Elizabeth (Batey) Hart), born 19 August 1853; d. Benjamin and Eugene.


REFERENCES: 1875; d. 6 June 1946, and buried at Bells, Tenn. Children, surname PEARSON: Family record~ furnished by Mr. Thomas Hare Humph re) s, a. Hugh Humphreys, b. 28 June 1902; m. Miss Mary Arcelta Humphreys, Mr. William Benjamin Humph­ reys. Claude Lucile Batchelor. b. Fred Harris, b. 18 June 1906; m. Aline (83) JOHN CYRUS SHARP'' HUMPHREYS, (William Bryant. Green/ Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,' Daniel," John,1 ), was c. Mary Sue Blanche, b. 12 March 1908; m. born 3 Nov. 1848, Gibson Co., Tenn.; d. 31 Jan. 1937 Rufus Erwin \\'?bite. in Nashville, Tenn., and buried at Jackson, Tenn. He married ( 1) 4 Feb. 1875 at Gibson, Tenn., to Alice d. Clyde Henry, b. 15 Dec. 1911; m. Joe Loretta Fly, ( dau. of John Logan and Sarah A. (Davis) Farrow. Fly, of Gibson Co., Tenn.), b. 28 Aug. 1856; d. IO Aug. Children of John C. S. and Susan, surname HUMPH­ 1879. He married (2) 16 Oct. 1881 at Alamo, Tenn., to REYS: Susan Alice Hart, ( dau. of \Y/illiam Kimbro Gooch and Mary Elizabeth (Batey) Hart, and a great grand daugh­ iii. John Bob, b. 29 July 1882; m. 11 Nov. 1924 ter of the Revolutionary Patriot, Nancy Morgan Hart), to Lilla Mai Pegram, ( dau. of Baker M. and b. 18 Sept. 1864; d. 20 May 1950, at Memphis, Tenn., Ellen Pegram). He attended Potter Bible Col­ and is buried at Jackson, Tenn. Both were members of lege Bowling Green, Ky., 1901-2. They live at the Church of Christ. He was an Elder in the Church 3189 Miami Road, Memphis. An only daugh­ for many years. He also taught school, served as chmn. ter, surname HUMPHREYS: of county court, and was Representative for Crockett a. Peggie Bob, b. 17 Sept. 1932. Student Co. 1908-1909 in the Tenn. Legislature. (1950) Memphis, Tenn.

Children of John C. S. and Alice, surname HUMPH­ 1v. Stella Claire, b. 21 Sept. 1885; m. 18 Nov. REYS: 1905 to James Howard Sutton, (son of Wil­ liam Howard Sutton, minister Church of 1. Mary Jane, b. 2 March 1876, Gibson, Tenn.; Christ for many years and President of Burritt died 1952; m. 1 Dec. 1897, Crockett Co., College, Spencer, Tenn., and Ella (Faulkner) Tenn., to Henry Pearson Yarbrough, (son of Sutton, of Lebanon, Tenn.). She attended Henry and Sally (Pearson) Yarbrough), b. 15 Potter Bible College, Bowling Green, Ky. Both March 1872, Jackson, Tenn.; d. IO April 1948, are mC;mbers of the Church of Christ. An only and is buried in Memphis. Children, surname daughter, surname SUTTON: YARBROUGH: a. Alice Eloise, b. 27 Feb. 1907; m. 11 April a. John Claude, b. 12 Sept. 1898; m. Belah 1935, at Franklin, Tenn., to Allison Battle Lorane Bishop. Humphreys, Jr. ( See his record for further b. Hallie, b. April 1899; d. April 1900. data.) c. Alice Loretta, b. 18 Aug. 1901; m. Gus Malcom Edwards. v. Sadie Louise, b. 18 Dec. 1888; m. 4 June 1919, to John Hurley Agnew. She is a gradu­ d. Wilma, b. 9 Nov. 1903; d. 25 Dec. 1904. ate of Middle Tenn. State Normal, and is a e. Mary Louise, b. 5 July 1906; m. John Ver­ member of the Church of Christ. He is a non Clark. graduate of the College of Agriculture, U. of f. Lillie, b. 31 Jan. 1908; m. William Jardon Tenn. Their home is in Memphis. Children, Prichard. surname AGNEW: g. Frances, b. 12 Aug. 1912; m. Charles Sid­ a. Alicia Claire, b. 27 July 1920; m. 5 Oct. ney Taylor. 1940 to Howard E. Bowling.

11. Ethel Lo-:etta, b. 9 Dec. 1877; living 1951, b. Louis Mervin, b. 12 Aug. 1922; B.A. 1949 RR #7, Humboldt, Tenn. m. 17 Feb. 1901, ( with distinction) Southwestern, Memphis, Henry Hugh Pearson, (son of James and Tenn. Four years in W'W II and again in Emma (McKnight) Pearson), b. 11 Nov. sen ice 1951.


REFERENCES: He is a farmer and a member of the Catholic Family data from: Mrs. Claire Sutton. Church. Children, surname CALLAN: ( All (84) WILLIAM DANIEL·; HUMPHREYS, (\X'illiam unmarried 19 5 I) 1 1 Green;' Daniel Jones, Benjamin,: Daniel," John, ), was a. Robert Emmett, b. 10 Oct. 1909. born 26 Jan. 1851, Gibson Co., Tenn.; died 10 Oct. b. Daniel Thomas, b. 22 May 1912; d. July 1918, near Humboldt, Tenn.; married ( 1) 16 Dec. 1875, 1950. near Columbia, Tenn., to Mollie Hardison, ( dau. of c. Margaret Lee, b. 18 June 1914. James Y. and Dorothy (Barker) Hardison, of Columbia, d. Cora Martha, b. 20 April 1918. Tenn.), b. 12 March 1854; d. Jan. 1879. He married (2) 23 April 1882, at the home of his brother, J. B. Humph­ e. Raymond William, b. 9 Oct. 1920. reys, Gadsden, Tenn., to Cora Hardison, ( dau. of John J. 121. v1. Green Daniel, b. 24 Nov. 1889. and Mary Hardison), b. 30 Nov. 1864, Columbia, Tenn., n1. Mary Adyline, b. 8 Oct. 1896; living 1951 d. 24 Oct. 1952,and buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, Hum­ at 1126 NW 63rd St., Miami, Florida ( 35); boldt, Tenn. William Daniel Humphreys was a farmer. m. 1 Oct. 1916 (as his 2nd wife) to Fred Daughter of William Daniel and Mollie, surname Lenard Forsythe, b. 1882. (His 1st wife was HUMPHREYS: Rowena Humphreys.) Children, surname FORSYTHE: 1. Loretta, b. 13 Aug. 1876; li,ing 1951, 344 a. Corinne Humphreys, b. 17 Aug. 1918. Marshall Ave., Nashville, Tenn.; m. 27 Dec. 1899 to Eugene Norman W'illoughby, b. 6 b. Fredna Louise, b. 6 Dec. 1920. Jan. 1873; d. 1915. He was owner and opera­ c. Nancy Jane, b. 13 April 1924. tor of a spoke factory in Crab Orchard, Tenn. viii. Annie Lou, b. 8 Oct. 1896 (twin); living Children, surname WILLOUGHBY: 1951, at Humboldt, Tenn. m. 14 Nov. 1920, to a. John William, b. 23 Sept. 1900; in Miss.; d. William Carlos Bledsoe, b. 1 Jan. 1892. She 26 April 1930. is a member of the Church of Christ while he b. Alvin Bernard, b. 16 Oct. 1904, Spring is a Baptist. A son, surname BLEDSOE: City, Tenn. a. William Carlos, Jr., b. 10 May 1921; m. c. Humphreys Blanchard, b. 16 Feb. 1906, Bobbie Joe Crocker. Crab Orchard, Tenn.; d. 23 Aug. 1908. REFERENCES: d. Charles Edwin, b. 13 Aug. 1907, Crab Or­ chard, Tenn. Familv data from Mrs. Cora Humphreys, Mrs. Donald Tritt e. Nancy Ophelia, b. 3 April 1911, Crab Or­ Humphr'eys. chard, Tenn. (85) CLARINDA ROWENA'' HUMPHREYS, (Wil­ f. James Robert, b. 19 Oct. 1913, Crab Or­ liam Green,'' Daniel Jones,1 Benjamin," Daniel," John,1 ), chard, Tenn. was born 16 Jan. 1853; died 21 Aug. 1889; married 22 g. Mary Lou, b. 23 May 1916, Crab Orchard, Nov. 1871, at Jackson, Tenn., to Levin Hill Harris, (son Tenn. of Newton and Nancy (Spencer) Harris), b. 15 June Children of William Daniel and Cora, surname 1844; died 22 Feb. 1928. He was a physician and made HUMPHREYS: his home in Bells, Tennessee.

119. ii. John Edwin, b. 12 Jan. 1884. Children of Levin Hill and Clarinda, surname HAR­ RIS: 120. iii. Ulna Clifton, b. 9 Aug. 1885. 1. John Hill, b. 19 Feb. 1873; d. 14 Jan. 1951; 1v. Robert Taylor, b. 27 Oct. 1886; d. 10 Jan. m. 18 Nov. 1896 to Carrie Wood, of Bells, 1887. Tenn. He was an M.D. from Vanderbilt U.

v. Verna, b. 6 Aug. 1888; d. 2 Aug. 1926; m. 11. Nancy Bell, b. 4 Nov. 1874; d. 22 Sept. 19 Aug. 1908 to Robert Emmett Callan. Their 1944; m. 3 June 1922 to C. J. Pearsall, of family home is on Route 3, Humboldt, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn.


iii. Edgar Raymond, b. 4 Aug. 1877; d. 9 1. Mary Elna, b. 1880; d. 1948; married to March 1938; m. 10 July 1907 to Helen Frau­ Richard Andrew Crockett. She was a graduate enthal. He was an honor grad., School of nurse and cared for her parents and grand­ Dentistry, U. of Tenn. parents. She is said to have had the family Bible of her great grandfather-Daniel Jones 1v. Hiram Smithson, b. 18 Jan. 1879; d. 31 Humphreys. Children, surname CROCKETT: Aug. 1911; m. 11 April 1909 to Maude Hop­ kins, of Bells, Tenn. a. Henry Humphreys, b. 14 July 1914; m. Frances Anna Scruggs, ( dau. of Donald v. Newton, b. 5 Feb. 1881; d. 9 June 1914. Higginson and Elizabeth (Clark) Scruggs), Honor graduate, School of Dentistry, Vander­ b. 11 Aug. 1916. He is B.S.E.E. 1936, U. of bilt U. Tenn. In Marine Corps 1936 to present. Colonel since 195 I. Guadalcanal, \X!\X1 II. vi. Clara Adaline, b. 9 July 1882; d. 26 July Children, surname CROCKETT: Donald 1914; m. 25 Sept. 1903 to F. C. James, of Gadsden, Tenn., b. 3 Jan. 1873; d. 20 Aug. Humphreys, b. 25 Feb. 1945; d. 30 April 1947. He was an A.B. graduate, George Pea­ 1945; Douglas Andrew, b. 7 March 1946. body College and an M.D. from U. of Louis­ b. Richard H. Grad. LT. of Tenn. He is also a ville, Louisville, Ky. Their only daughter, Colonel in the Marine Corps. Ruth Olive James, b. 4 March 1905, is a B.A. 11. Henry Ethridge, b. 26.May 1882, Crockett graduate, Memphis State College, and M.A., Co., Tenn.; living 1952 at 557 S. Cooper, Duke U. She is a teacher of Spanish, Central Memphis, Tenn.; 111. Aug. 1918, Memphis, High, Memphis, Tenn. Tenn., to Helen Leamon, who died 5 Sept. vii. Orben Ann, b. 9 Feb. 1884; living 1951 at 1944. He is a lawyer. No issue. Vanndale, Arkansas; m. ( 1) 29 Dec. 1914 to iii. Edith Annie, b. 7 Feb. 1886, Crockett Co., William Shockley Warfield, Chattanooga, Tenn.; living 1952. Married 19 Nov. 1911, at Tenn.; m. (2) 25 June 1940, Vicksburg, Miss., :Memphis, Tenn., to Henry A. Crockett, b. 27 to R. S. Godley. She is an A.B. graduate from Dec. 1882, near Franklin, Tenn. He is an George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. engineer. A daughter, surname CROCKETT: viii. William Lee, died in infancy. a. La Venia Sarah, b. 11 Nov. 1912, Memphis; m. 30 Aug. 1936, Huntington ,W. Va., to ix. Minnie Ida, died in infancy. Keith Gale \X1eiford, b. 18 May 1914. He is an electric crane operator. REFERENCES: 1v. Charles, b. 17 June 1888, Crockett Co., Family records from Mrs. Mary James, Mrs. R. S. Godley. Tenn.; married in Chicago, lllinois, to Martha Lang. Residence: 848 Agatite, \V. Chicago, Ill. (86) BENNETT SEAT' HUMPHREYS, (William No issue. 1 Green,-· Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,' Daniel," John, ), was born 11 Nov. 1854, Crockett Co., Tenn.; died 11 Jan. REFERENCES: 1917, Memphis, Tenn., where he is buried. He married 12 Dec. 1878, in Crockett Co., Tenn., to Sarah McBride Family data from Mrs. Mary James, Colonel Henry H. Crock­ \X'elch, (dau. of Henry and Mary (Harding) "\X,'elch), ett. b. 23 Dec. 1860, Crockett Co., Tenn., d. 20 Aug. 1943, Memphis, Tenn., where she is buried. (87) THEOPHILUS HENDERSON' HUMPHREYS, (\Xfilliam Green,·· Daniel Jones, 1 Benjamin," Daniel," He was a merchant and made his home in Crockett John,1 ), was born I April 1857, Crockett Co., Tenn.; Co., Tenn. A paralytic stroke confined him to a wheel d. 9 Feb. 1901; married ( 1) 20 Feb. 1882, by T. B. Lari­ chair for twenty years. more, at Mars Hill College, Florence, Alabama, to Re­ Children of Bennett and Sarah, surname HUMPH­ becca Isabella \X'ade, ( dau. of \X'illiam and Amanda REYS: (Goodwin) \'\'ade, of Florence, Alabama), b. 6 Feb.

-92- GI: NEAL O G Y

1860; d. 30 March 18')2; married (Z) 23 Aug. 1893, by REfERENCES: J. R. Phillips, at Alamo, Tenn. to Bertha Harris, ( dau. of Rowland G. and Margaret (Benson) Harris), b. 21 F,1n1ily data furnished by Mrs. Mary James. Oct. 1866; d. 8 NO\. l 949. He was a student at Mars Hill College, Florence. Alabama, 1879-1882 and was a (88) EMERSON ETHERIDGE•; HUMPHREYS, (Wil­ member of the Church of Christ. liam Green," Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,; Daniel," John,1 ), was born 17 March 1861, Crockett Co., Tenn.; d. 17 Children of Theophilus and Rebecca, surname HUM­ l\farch 1904; m. 1882, to Mattie Lou Hall, ( dau. of PHREYS: John Hall), b. 11 Feb. 1862; d. 13 March 1904. p·, ~~- I. Larimore McDonald, b. 13 Oct. 1884. Children of Emerson (Dick) and Mattie, surname 123. II. hy Ethridge Johnson, b. 23 Sept. 1886. HUMPHREYS: 124. Ill. Otho \X 1 illiam, b. 4 Nov. 1888. 1. Theophilus Clyde, b. 25 Sept. 1885; d. 3 125. I\'. Theophilus Bennett, b. 15 Sept. 1890. Feb. 1933; m. 3 June 1906 to Lillie Lemond, ( dau. of N. Lemond, of Alamo, Tenn.) No \'. Jesse Day, b. 7 March 1892; d. 7 Oct. 1892. I. issue. Children of Theophilus and Bertha, surname HUM­ PHREYS: 126. ii. Allie Bennett, b. 29 Jan. 1889. v1. Roy Franklin, b. 29 July 1894; living 1952 iii. Mary Louise, b. 25 April 1891; living 1951, at RR :;=7, Humboldt, m. 23 April 1930, to RR #3 McKenzie, Tenn. m. 12 Oct. 1913 to Sadie Willoughby, ( dau. of 0. U. and Suzy Starkey Abner Pearson, of Braden, Tenn. Chil­ (Griggs) Willoughby), b. 22 June 1902. He dren, surname PEARSON: served in \X'\X' II in Field Artillery. He is a a. Martha Layton, b. 29 April 1916; m. 24 farmer, a democrat and a member of the Oct. 1944 to Barnett Alton Matthews. Church of Christ. No issue. b. Richard Humphreys, b. 22 Oct. 1918; m. vu. Mary Margaret, b. 20 April 1896; living 10 July 1943 to Margaret Joan Trewern. 1952 at Gadsden, Tenn. m. 23 April 1918 to He is grad. U. of Tenn., Coll. of Agricul­ Frederick Charles James, b. 3 Jan. 1873; d. 20 ture. Now ( 1952) Major in USMCR. Aug. 1947. He was an A.B. graduate of 1v. Maude Evelyn, b. 24 Nov. 1894; m. 5 Dec. George Peabody College and an M.D. from 1917 to Clone Jackson Ford. She was a student University of Louisville. She attended Freed­ at Freed-Hardiman College, 1911-1915. Chil­ Hardiman College, 1911-1914, is a member of dren, surname FORD: the democratic party and the Church of Christ. a. Clone Jackson, Jr., b. 24 Nov. 1929. Grad. Due to her untiring work and interest, many Lambuth Coll., Jackson, Tenn. of the records of Humphreys families in West Tennessee are available. An only son, surname b. Rosemary, b. 6 Nov. 1931. JAMES: REFERENCES: a. Frederick Charles, Jr., b. 31 Oct. 1920; m. 31 Jan. 1941 to Jean Craddock Raines, b. Familv data furnished by Mrs. Mary James and Mrs. S. A. 23 Nov. 1924. He served as a technical sgt. Pearson: in the air force in WW II. He is a graduate of David Lipscomb College, Nashville, and (89) ROBERT FRANKLIN'; HUMPHREYS, (William 1 of Union University, Jackson, Tenn. He is Green,'' Daniel Jones,' Benjamin," Daniel,2 John, ), was an accountant teacher, Gadsden High born 28 March 1865, Crockett Co., Tenn.; died 8 March School and has a son, Frederick Charles, 1948, Water Valley, Miss., where he is buried; m. ( 1) III, b. 26 Nov. 1946. at Humboldt, Tenn., to Azalee Williams, ( dau. of vm. Roland Green, b. 10 June 1898; d. 26 May Woodson and Missouri Williams), b. 4 Aug. 1866; d. 1929; m. 28 March 1925 to Ann Raines. No 15 Dec. 1901, and buried in Humphreys Cemetery near issue. Humboldt, Tenn. He m. (2) 24 Feb. 1903, at Bells,


Tenn., to Essie Casey, ( dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth a. \Villiam Franklin, b. 17 May 1947, Oxford, (Benson) Casey), b. 9 May 1874; d. 13 Sept. 1949, and I\Jiss. buried at Water Valley, Miss. He was a farmer and b. Alice Fay, b. 4 Aug. 1948, Oxford, Miss. lived in Water Valley from 1918 until his death.

REFERENCES: Children of Robert and Azalee, surname HUMPH­ REYS: Family records from Mrs. Mary James, Mrs. Howard Humph­ reys, Mr. Casey Humphreys. 1. William Cyrus, b. 1 July 1889; d. 25 Oct. 1914 and buried in Humphreys Cemetery, (90) SOLOMON B.' HUMPHREYS, (Samuel Link,' Humboldt, Tenn. Wiley Jones,' Benjamin/ Daniel," John,1 ), was born 8 ii. Pony Carlisle, b. 23 June 1892; d. 24 Sept. May 1852; died 7 Sept. 1891; m. 17 Jan. 1884,at Forked 1906 and buried in Humphreys Cemetery, Deer, Tenn., to Nancy Pearson, ( dau. of Henry Jackson Humboldt, Tenn. and Malinda (\'<'ilder) Pearson).

127. iii. Robert Jackson, b. 1 March 1894. Children of Solomon and Nancy, surname HUMPH­ REYS: iv. Vergie, died as a young girl. 1. James, who died aged about fifty-two and was v. Vera, died as a young girl. unmarried.

Children of Robert and Essie, surname HUMPH­ ii. Lula Trice, who married Walter Douglas and REYS: had no issue.

v1. Casey, b. 18 Dec. 1904, Gadsden, Tenn.; iii. Lilliam, who married \Villiam Thomas Clark, living 1952 at 519 W. 21st, Haleyville, Ala­ and had children, surname CLARK: bama; m. 14 Oct. 1933, Holly Springs, Miss., a. Elizabeth, who married Richard White. to Fannie Mae Carithers, ( dau. of Robert b. Thomas, who married about 1950 to Bob­ Frank and Ida Carithers); b. 25 July 1907, bie Jean Scott. Water Valley, Miss. He is a clerk in transpor­

tation department. I C. Railroad and is per­ REFERENCES: manently located at Haleyville. She is a grad­ uate of Miss. State Coll. for \Vomen and is a Family data from: Mrs. T. J. Pearson, Brownsville, Tenn. teacher of home economics. No issue. (91} SAMUEL THOMAS•; HUMPHREYS, (Samuel vii. Howard, b. 5 July 1906, Gadsden, Tenn.; 1 Link,·· Wiley Jones, 1 Benjamin," Daniel," John, ), was living 1952 at Tillatoba, Miss.; m. 20 April born 17 Nov. 1862; died 3 Feb. 1941; married 15 Nov. 1930, Charleston, Miss., to Gertrude Massey, 1888, at Forked Dear, Tenn., to Ella Celestia Pearson, ( dau. of Lucian O. and Betty Massey), b. 11 ( dau. of Henry Jackson and Malinda (Wilder) Pear­ Oct. 1910, Tillatoba, Miss. He served 15 son), born 3 March 1866; died 25 June 1905. He was months in WW II. Member First Christian always known by his middle name-Thomas. All their Church, Water Valley, Mis;,. No issue. children were born at Forked Deer, Tenn. viii. William. b. 5 April 1909, Jackson, Tenn.; Children of Thomas and Ella, surname HUMPH­ living 1952 on Lafayette St., Water Valley, REYS: Miss.; m. 9 June 1946, Grenada, Miss., to Minnie Cox, (dau. of Elijah and Alice Cox}, 1. Hattie Celestia, b. 26 Oct. 1889; m. 26 Oct. b. 10 Sept. 1914, Ashland, Miss. He clerks in 1909, to Emmett Garfield Parker, Sr. Their hardware and furniture store, Water Valley, home is in Gates, Tenn. She has her grand­ Miss. Served four years in Army, WW II; father's family Bible and furnished many of member First Christian Church. Children, sur­ the names and dates for his descendants. name HUMPHREYS: Children, surname PARKER:


a. Ella, b. 25 Jan. 1911; m. 11 Sept. 1936 to REFERENCES: Jimmy Harwell and they have children: Jimmy, Jr., and Celestia. Their home is in _Family Jara from: Mrs. Emmer G. Parker, Mrs. T. J. Pearson, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Anella H'-'mphreys.

b. Emmett G., Jr., b. 11 Oct. 1917; m. 11 Oct. (92) CHARLES T." HUMPHREYS, (Samuel link,· 1937 to Ebbie Lee Viar. They have a son: Wiley Jones,' Benjamin,' Daniel," John,'), was born 27 Emmett G. Ill. Halls, Tenn. April 1872; died 27 Jan. 1938; married 7 Dec. 1893, at c. Annie Mae, b. 9 July 1924; 5 June 1946 to Forked Deer, Tenn., to Ida May Willis. William Alexander. Two sons: \X1illiam Children of Charles and Ida, surname HUMPHREYS: Polk and Joseph Alexander. Their home is in Dyersburg, Tenn. 1. Odis, married 31 March 1920 to Mabel Read, ( daughter of Robert lewis and Henrietta d. Cornelia Celestia, b. 19 Dec. 1927; m. 7 (Field) Read, of Brownsville, Tenn.), b. 14 March 1953, to George Ellett Lawrence, April 1899. Their home is at Forked Deer, ( son of George Malcolm and Earle ( Pink­ Tenn., where is a farmer. Children, surname erton) Lawrence). She is a grad. of U. of HUMPHREYS: Tenn. (Delta Delta Delta). He attended U. of Ark. and U. of Miss. (Sigma Chi). a. Odis, Jr., married and has children: Jean and Linda. 11. Henry Link, b. 11 Oct. 1891; m. 14 Nov. b. Catherine, married John Childress. 1918 to Victoria Barnes. He owns and oper­ c. Helen Claire. ates a cotton gin at Blytheville, Ark. They have a daughter, surname HUMPHREYS: 11. Joyce a. Anella, b. 4 Sept. 1933. U. of Ark. (Delta Delta Delta). REFERENCES:

iii. Nettie E., b. 25 Aug. 1896; m. 9 Sept. 1919 l. ''Lewis of W',zrner Hall," by Sorley, p. 312. to W. C. Haynes. Their home is in Tipton­ 2. Family data from: Mrs. T. J. Pearson, Brownsville, Tenn. ville, Tenn. Children, surname HA YNES: a. Margaret C., b. 11 June 1921. (Grad. U. of (93) THOMAS HADDEN· HUMPHREYS, (John Tenn. Delta Delta Delta), m. 15 Sept. 1946 Thomas/ John," David,4 John,3 David,2 John,1 ), was to William Donnell. They have a daughter: born 20 Sept. 1865, Upshur Co., Texas; died 7 Nov. Anne Haynes Donnell. 1951, Fayetteville, Ark.; married 10 Sept. 1890, Fayette­ b. W. C., Jr., b. 18 Jan. 19390. Grad. U. of ville, Ark., by Rev. S. W. Davies, to Beulah C. Botefuhr, Tenn. (Alpha Tau Omega). U. S. Army ( dau. of Major Hugh Carl Christian and Amelia (Harri­ ( 1953). son) Botefuhr), b. 4 Dec. 1868, Fayetteville, Ark.; d. 21 April 1926, Little Rock, Ark. They are both buried in iv. Tommie Irene, b. 17 July 1898; m. 22 Aug. Evergreen Cemetery, Fayetteville, Ark. 1920 to John S. Turner who died 17 June 1950, Tunica, Miss. Children, surname TUR­ He attended public school in Fort Smith, then the U. NER: of Arkansas, and then went to the U. of Virginia to study law. He practiced law in Fort Smith and served as a. John Thomas, b. 27 March 1923, Tunica, city attorney. In 1894 he moved to Fayetteville and Miss.; m. 24 June 1947 to Jane Shannon. opened an office for the practice of law. He was elected b. Dorothy, b. 29 Dec. 1924, Tunica, Miss. to the Arkansas House of Representatives from Wash­ c. Philip, b. 13 May 1927, Dyersburg, Tenn. ington Co., in 1899 and served four years, acting as d. Anita, b. 19 July 1930, Tunica, Miss. speaker of the House in 1901. In 1903 ,when the 11th Chancery District was created in Northwest Arkansas, v. Augie Jackson, b. 27 May 1901; d. 13 Jan. he was appointed as the first chancery judge. He served 1903. 10 this capacity until 1916 when he was appointed an


associate justice on the Supreme Court. He retired 1 Jan. Horse Ca,·e, Ky.; living 1951, in New York City. It was 1943 with the distinction of ne\'er having had an op­ while she was living with her sister, Mrs. H. K. \X'ade, ponent for his position on the court. and attending the Uniwrsity of Arkansas, that she met G. A. Humphreys. The Washington Co., Bar Association made him an honorary life member 24 May 1950 and placed a life He graduated from the U. of Ark., in 1890 and then sized portrait of him in the court room of the county attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in court house. New York City, where he later graduated after having He was a member of the American Bar Association to interrupt his education for two years to earn money and the Arkansas Bar Association. He was a 32nd degree to complete his course. He practiced medicine in New Mason and was a member of the Fort Smith Consistory. York City until his death. He was a member of Kappa Sigma. He was an elder of Children of Gustavus Adolphus and Blanche, surname the First Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville. HUMPHREYS: The "Little Rock Gazette" 10 Nov. 1951 had the fol­ 1. Aldridge, b. 4 Aug. 1906, in New York lowing editorial. "'It was the good fortune of Thomas City; living 1950 in Bronnille, N. Y.; rn. 29 Hadden Humphreys to enjoy the respect, affection and Oct. 1936, at Elijabeth, N. J., to Frances confidence of the people among whom he passed his Bryan, ( daughter of Samuel S. and l\lary ( Os­ years. The fact that during a period of nearly four borne) Bryan), b. 11 Jan. 1910. He was edu­ decades he was never opposed for election as chancellor cated at Princeton UniYersity and is a gradu­ or associate justice of the Supreme Court is explained by ate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, these inestimable possessions as well as by the way he of New York City. He serYed three and three­ discharged his official duties. He was at the same time fourths years as a Lieut. Colonel in the Pacific endowed with bodily health and vigor and with the during \V\X' II. He is now practicing surgery wholesome, temperate life he led he was spared for four (urology) at N.Y.H., Cornell Med. College, score and six years. Thomas Hadden Humphreys leaves N. Y. City. Home address is 8 Hobart St., a heritage of public service of upright living and of Bronnille, N. Y. Children, surname HLTM­ sound and inspiring morality." PHREYS: He is listed in Jf/bo's Jf/ho in America. a. Joseph Osborne, b. 25 Oct. 1939, New York City. Children of Thomas Hadden and Beulah, surname HUMPHREYS: b. Thomas Barlow, b. 8 July 1941, New York City. 128. 1. Hugh Harrison, b. 20 Aug. 1891. c. Mary Bryan, b. 29 Aug. !')42, New York

129. 11. Francis Aldridge, b. 19 Aug. 1894. City.

130. m. Thomas Hadden, Jr., b. 27 Feb. 1907. 11. Blanche Barlow, b. 19 Oct. 1909; m. ( l) 5 No. 1951, to \X'illiam Stocking Gould, Jr.,

REFERENCES: of New York Cin-, ( Columbia U., 1926), She married ( 2) D. R. Stoneleigh. She was edu­ 1. Family records furnished by Thoma; Hadden Humphre,·s. cated at Brearley School and Bryn l\lawr. Her home ( 1951) is. on Old Bedford Road, Green­ 2. Obicuarv notices in the ""Arkamas Gazelle" and the "l\orth Jr',,st Ark. Times." wich, Conn. Children by first marriage, sur­ name GOCLD: (94) GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS· HUMPHREYS, (John a. \X'illiam, b. ca. 1933. Thomas,'' John/' David,' John,: David," John, 1 ), was born 15 Nov. 1867, Franklin Co., Ark.; died 11 Feb. b. (~ynthia, b. ca. 1935. 1930, New York City, and buried at Fort Smith, Ark. He married 11 Jan. 1899, Fayetteville, Arkansas, to REFERENCES: Blanche Bibb, ( daughter of Thomas and Sarah ( Bar­ Famih data frnm Dr. Aldridge Humphre\S, Judge T. H. low) Bibb, of Franklin Co., Ky.), b. 16 Aug. 1874, at Humph;e,·s.


(95) JOHN· HUMPHREYS, (John Thomas;· John,' (96) MARTHA STANLEY· HUMPHREYS, (David 1 David,' John,' David," John, ), was born 13 Feb. 1869, English;· George,-· David,' John,:: David," John, 1 ), was Sebastian Co., Ark.; living 1949 at Fort Smith, Arkan­ b. 3 July 1858, at Walnut Grove, Cole Co., Mo.; d. 1 sas; m. ( 1) 26 Oct. 1893, Crockett, Texas, to Ruth Self, Jan. 1939, Kansas City, Mo.; m. 6 Oct. 1886, Saint Louis, (daughter of Tom and Emma Self), born 26 Oct. 1873, Mo., to Arthur Norman Maltby, b. 7 March 1854, at Lincoln, Ark., and died 29 Jan. 1945 at Fort Smith, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. 23 Nov. 1928, Kansas City, Mo. Ark. He married (2) Mariam Bayliss, of Fort Smith, She was educated at Monticello Seminary, Alton, Arkansas. Illinois. They were both actively engaged in genealogi­ cal work for many years. He was an electrical engineer. He lived in Shreveport, Louisiana, then retired and lived for a time at Hot Only daughter of Arthur and Martha, surname Springs, Arkansas. MALTBY:

An only son of John and Ruth, surname HUMPH­ i. Louise Humphreys, b. 15 Nov. 1889, Se- REYS: dalia, Mo.; m. 12 Oct. 1920, Kansas City, Mo., to Maurice J. McNellis, b. 23 Oct. 1880, Done­ 1. John Wharton, b. 8 July 1896, Fort Smith, gal, Ireland. She was educated at Columbia Ark.; living 1949 in Atlanta, Georgia; m. 12 University, N. Y. C., and taught at Indian­ June 1920, at Atlanta, Georgia, to Adelaide apolis, Indiana. Children, surname McNEL­ C. Callaway, ( daughter of I. T. and Addie C. LIS: Callaway), born 16 April 1896. His grammar a. Maurice Maltby, b. 14 Jan. 1922; m. 8 Feb. school education was in Little Rock and Tex­ 1947, Ethel Margaret (Schild) Burdick, b. arkana, Arkansas, followed by high school in 7 March 1925. Their children are: Anas­ Fort Smith and Shreveport. He entered tasia, b. 17 Nov. 1947, Margaret Louise, Georgia Tech. in 1914, graduated in 1918, on b. 30 Aug. 1949, and James Maurice, b. 1 the Honor Roll and with membership in Phi Jan. 1953. Their home is in Kansas City, Kappa Phi. His social fraternity was Pi Kappa Mo. Alpha. He served in the Navy during WW I. b. Louise Maltby, b. 24 May 1925; m. 31 May He was with Arthur Tufts Const. Co., Atlanta, 1947 to James Burton Kring, b. 25 May 1919-1921; with A. Ten Eyck Brown, archi­ 1921. Their children are: Marilyn, b. 5 tect, 1921-1937; and has been a partner in June 1948, Kansas City, Stephen James, b. Barili and Humphreys, Architects, Atlanta, 22 July 1949, Manhattan, Kao., Michael 1937 to the present. He is a registered archi­ David, b. 27 Oct. 1951, New Haven, Conn. tect in Georgia, N. C., Fla., Alab., Louisiana c. David Louis, b. 25 August 1931, Kansas and Texas and has designed buildings in all City, Mo. these States. He is a member of Druid Hills Baptist Church, being President of the Brother­ REFERENCES: hood and Past Chmn. Board of Deacons. Past President of the Optimists Club. Member Family data from: Mrs. A. N. Maltby, Mrs. M. J. McNellis. Chamber of Commerce. Member Georgia En­ gineering Society and of the Georgia Chapter, (97) LOUISE MINOR· HUMPHREYS, (David Eng­ Am. Inst. of Architects, of which he is a past lish," George," David,' John," David," John,'), was b. president. An only daughter, surname HUM­ 24 Dec. 1865, Jefferson City, Mo.; m. 16 Jan. 1889, PHREYS: Sedalia, Missouri, to William Hancock Powell, b. 13 April 1867, Pc.ttis Co_, Mo.; d. 4 Nov. 1931, Sedalia, a. Adelaide Ruth Mo. He was a member ofthe Executive Council of the REFERENCES: American Banking Association from 1917 to 1919. He was a Colonel on the Staff of Missouri's Governor Familv data from: John Wharton Humphreys, Atlanta, Georgia: Frederick D. Gardner.


Children of William and Louise, surname POWELL: (98) THOMAS KEYES7 HUMPHREYS, (Ellwood/ 1 Thomas Keyes/ David,' John,' David," John, ), was i. William Humphreys, b. 4 Jan. 1890; m. 18 born 28 Oct. 1863, St. Louis Co., Mo.; died 3 May 1943, June 1912, Trenton, N. J. to Gladys Ward Springfield, Mo.; married 29 Jan. 1885, St. Louis Co., Stull, b. 7 June 1890, Trenton, N. J. He gradu­ Mo., to Nancy Jane Baxter, ( dau. of George and Aman­ ated from Princeton University with the class da (Cuthbertson) Baxter, of Gasconade Co., Mo.), b. of 1912. He was a First Lieutenant, 342nd 27 March 1862; d. 14 Jan. 1937, Springfield, Mo. They Field Artillery and served from 1917 to 1919. are both buried in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield, He served in France and later, for a short Mo. period, was a member of the Army of Oc­ cupation. They had two children. They moved to Springfield, Missouri, about 1886. For about fifty years he was actively engaged as a building a. William Stull Powell, b. 12 Nov. 1913, contractor. For many years he serYed as Supt. of the Sedalia, Mo.; m. 2 Jan. 1939, Chicago, Sunday School and an Elder in Westminster Presby­ Illinois, to Dorothy Eileen Lefevre, b. 22 terian Church. April 1914, Chicago, Illinois. He is a grad­ uate of Leland Stanford University. During Children of Thomas and "Jennie," surname HUM­ WW II he was a Captain in the U. S. Air PHREYS: Forces. They have three children: \X'illiam Geoffrey Powell, b. 17 March 1942, Pasa­ i. Mary Baxter, b. 19 Feb. 1886, St. Louis Co., dena, Calif.; Valerie M. Powell, b. 24 May Mo.; living 1953, unmarried, in Springfield, Mo. She cared for her parents during their May 1945, Chicago, Illinois; Mary Lee Powell, b. 12 July 1949, Pasadena, Calif. final years. b. Mary Thompson Powell, b. 14 Dec. 1921, ii. Thomas Roy, b. 30 July 1887, Springfield, Sedalia ,Mo.; d. 3 Nov. 1943; m. 5 July Mo.; living 1953 in Tulsa, Okla.; m. 12 Oct. 1941, Le Moyne Stiles, of New Mexico. 1912, to Bessie Myers, (dau. of Harry and Edith (Roberson) Myers, of Springfield, 11. Janet Lorne, b. 12 Nov. 1892; d. 18 Jan. Mo.), b. 23 Sept. 1889. He is a construction 1894. superintendent in Tulsa, Okla. No issue.

iii. David Humphreys, b. 23 March 1897; m. 111. Allan Sparrow, b. 26 Oct. 1889, Spring- 3 Jan. 1920, Sedalia, Mo., to Marion Thomson field, Mo. Unmarried. Living 1953 in Fayette­ Wooldridge, ( daughter of James R. and Cora ville, Ark., where he is connected with the U. Wooldridge). He was educated at the U niver­ of Ark. sity of Missouri. Enlisted as a private in the I 1v. Eleanor Boude, b. 9 Nov. 1893, Springfield, Signal Corps in 1918 and was discharged, Dec. Mo.; living 1953, with her sister in Spring­ 1918, as a Second Lieutenant in the Field field, Mo. A.B., 1916, Drury College, Pi Beta Artillery. He is presently President of the Phi. For more than thirty years, superinten­ Ward Parkway Bank, Kansas City, Mo. They dent of kindergarten class, Westminster Pres­ have an only son: byterian Church. a. James Wooldridge Powell, b. 4 April 1922. v. George Ellwood, b. 27 Sept. 1896, Spring- He enlisted in Jan. 1943 and was discharged field, Mo.; m. 12 Dec. 1924, to Miriam Math­ with service connected disability, April ewson, ( dau. of Arthur and Lizzie (Roth) 1944. He graduated from Yale University in 1946. Mathewson, of New Madrid, Mo.), b. 19 Aug. 1899. He attended Drury College where he was a member of Kappa Alpha. He enlisted REFERENCES: in Ordnance Corps, 17 May 1918 and served in France. Later with Dodge, Chevrolet, and Studebaker agencies, Springfield, Mo. He is a Family data from: Mrs. A. N. Maltby, Mrs. M. J. McNellis, Mr. D. H. Powell. Mason and secretary of the Springfield Chap-


ter of S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Deacon, Presbyterian ner, (son of Henry J. and Christina Gant­ Church. An only daughter, surname HUMPH­ ner) b. 23 Oct. 1927, St. Louis, Mo. He REYS: served as Pfc. Army Air Force. a. Mary Louise, b. 26 March 1929, Spring­ field, Mo.; m. 17 June 1950, Springfield, REFERENCES: Mo., to Earl A. Raymond, ( son of Clarence Arthur and Leah (Dunbar) Raymond, of Family data from: Miss Ethel Humphreys. Bucyrus, Ohio), b. 12 April 1921, Lykens, ( 100) LLEWELLYN° HUMPHREYS, ( Ellwood," Ohio. She graduated A.B. Drury College, Thomas Keyes,-· David,• John,' David," John,'), b. 16 Pi Beta Phi. He is in the budget department Sept. 1867, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; died 2 April 1915, of the U. S. Air Forces. Kennett, Missouri, and buried at Georgetown, Ky.; m. 7 June 1900, Georgetown, Ky., to Luella Vashti Ward, REFERENCES: (dau. of Edwin and Elizabeth (Wallis) Ward), b. 28 Feb. 1876; living 1952, Georgetown, Ky. His A.B. 1894 Family data from: A. S. Humphreys. was from Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., where he was a Phi Delta Theta. His B.D. 1897 was from Presby­ (99) DAVID CHALMERS" HUMPHREYS, (Ellwood/ terian Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. He held Thomas Keyes/ David,' John,' David," John,'), was b. pastorates in Kentucky and in Missouri. 14 April 1865, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; d. 5 July 1902, and buried in Old Bonhomme Cemetery, Saint Louis Co., Children of Llewellyn and Vashti, surname HUMPH­ Mo.; m. 25 Nov. 1891, Saint Louis Co., Mo.,to May REYS:

Belle Woods, ( dau. of David and Eliza (Brewster) 1. Sue Elizabeth, b. 29 April 1901; m. 14 Oct. Woods, of Saint Louis Co.), b. 3 May 1869; d. 12 March 1926 to Basil Duke Owens, (son of Athelston 1950, Overland, Mo. She is buried in Laurel Hill Gar­ and Alice (Forman) Owens), b. 20 July 1896. dens, St. Louis Co., Mo. She is active in church and D.A.R. He is a He was a farmer. After his death, his widow sold the deacon in the Presbyterian Church. He is a farm, and resumed teaching in order to educate her farmer and cattleman living near Georgetown, young children. She taught for thirty-nine years in the Ky. Children, surname OWENS: Normandy School District, including twenty-three years a. Elizabeth Ward, b. 12 April 1930. Student, at McKinley Elementary School. On her retirement she U. of Ky., where she is a Kappa Kappa was complimented with many testimonials from her fel­ Gamma. fow teachers and students. Among her pupils had been b. Basil Duke, Jr., b. 27 May 1936. five of her grandchildren. ii. Nell Davis, b. 3 Dec. 1905; m. 29 Jan. 1932 Children of David and May, surname HUMPHREYS: to Wallace Shropshire, (son of William Clay and Bess (Patton) Shropshire), b. 29 Jan. 1. Ethel Lee, b. 7 Sept. 1892; living 1952, 1903. He is President of American Chemet Overland, Mo. For many years she has been a and Columbia Paint Co. Their home is in secretary in the Saint Louis Chamber of Com­ Chicago, Ill. A son, surname SHROPSHIRE: merce. a. William Wallace, b. 26 Nov. 1936. 131. ii. Leslie Earl, b. 22 June 1894. iii. Edwin Ward, b. 17 July 1910; m. 22 Sept. 132. iii. Elmer Claude, b. 26 Nov. 1895. 1934, to Susan Gaines Grover, ( dau. of Porter and Eleanor (Gaines) Grover, of Georgetown, iv. Helen Lucile, b. 26 Nov. 1897; m. 30 June Ky. He is an engineering graduate, U. of Ky., 1921, Saint Louis, Mo., to Herbert Sebastian where he was a Phi Delta Theta. He is Vice Miles, b. 25 Oct. 1892, Oxly, Mo. An only president of Southwestern Tobacco Company daughter, surname MILES: and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Their a. Emma May, b. 27 Nov. 1924, Saint Louis, home is in Georgetown, Ky. Children, sur­ Mo.; m. 19 Jan. 1951 to Ralph G. Gant- name HUMPHREYS:


a. Eleanor Grover, b. 28 Oct. 1935. born 13 Nov. 1874, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; living 1953 b. Edwina Ward, b. 18 Sept. 1938. at his surburban home near Springfield, Mo.; m. ( 1) 3 June 1902 to Mabel Clyde Stuart, ( daughter of Charles 1v. Mary Miller, b. 7 April 1912; m. 16 June and Elizabeth (DeFoe) Stuart, of Saint Louis County, 1939, Lexington, Ky., to Lee Hoyt Larison, Mo.), b. 29 April 1878; d. 1 Oct. 1951, and is buried in (son of Eldon Lee and Ruth (Hoyt) Larison), Maple Park Cemetery. m. ( 2) 27 Nov. 1952 to Barby! b. 20 July 1912. He was educated as a mining Leah (Hollender) Powers, ( daughter of William Clar­ engineer. He is vice president of American ence and Daisy Eleanor (Sears) Hollender, of Spring­ Chemet and Columbia Paint Co., and a deacon field, Mo.), b. 6 Feb. 1901. in the Episcopal Church. She is active in Red Cross, Girl Scouts, P.T.A., P.E.O., and the He was educated at Drury College, as were his Rep. Women's Club. Their home is in Helena, brothers Marion, Llewellyn, and Bertram. Montana. A son, surname LARISON: After the death of his father, he purchased the inter­ a. Hoyt Humphreys, b. 17 Oct. 1940. est of the other heirs in this property and later sold it as residential property, when the city expanded in that REFERENCES: direction.

Family data from: Mrs. L. H. Larison, Helena; Montana. He has always been very active in church work, serv­ ing for many years as a Presbyterian Elder. He has no (101) MARION· HUMPHREYS, (Ellwood," Thomas issue. Keyes,·· David, 1 John,' David," John,'), was b. 14 Octo­

ber 1870, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; d. 20 May 1939 at Den­ REFERENCES: ver, Colo. and is buried beside his father in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri; m. 26 Aug. 1900, Family data from: Ellwood Humphreys, Jr. Laura Alice Schwab, of \1Vindsor, Missouri, d. 25 Nov. 1936, at Sante Fe, New Mexico. She was a teacher of ( 103) BERTRAM KERR· HUMPHREYS, (Ellwood," expression at Drury College and was later active in Thomas Keyes/ David, 1 John," David," John,1 ), was summer conference work in the Presbyterian Church. born 24 July 1878, Saint Louis Co., Mo.; d. 24 April He took his A.B. degree at Drury in 1898 and his B.D. 1936, Springfield, Mo., where he is buried in Maple at McCormick in Chicago. After a number of pastorates, Park Cemetery; m. 25 Dec. 1923, Springfield, Mo., to including one at Rock Island, Ill., he made headquarters Gladys Richardson, ( dau. of Charles Henry and Nellie at Omaha, Neb., and was used by the church at large in Louise ( Bowdin) Richardson, of Springfield, Mo.), b. various capacities, chiefly in campaigns for raising 21 Feb. 1900. money. He was awarded the D.D. degree by Drury He was employed for a number of years at a large College. mercantile store owned and operated by his uncle Henry An only son of Marion and Laura, surname HUMPH­ Cordell Humphreys, in Webb City, Mo. Later he was REYS: store manager for the J. C. Penny Store in Springfield, Mo. i. Marion Schwab, b. 26 Jan. 1905; m. in Kansas City, Mo., to Lorene Forsen. He is an Only son of Bertram and Gladys, surname HUMPH­ engineering graduate. He has lived in Sante REYS: Fe, N.M., and in Denver, Colo. An only 1. Marvin Sparrow, b. 8 August 1924, Spring­ daughter, surname HUMPHREYS: field, Mo.; m. 10 Sept. 1944 in Yuma, Ari­ a. Laura Lee, b. Sept. 1936, Sante Fe. N. M. zona, to Royola Chase, ( dau. of Loynal Ben­ ton and Fern Ethel (Sayre) Chase, of Carls­ REFERENCES: bad, Calif.) b. 24 Aug. 1927, Carlsbad, Calif. He served in WW II as motor machinists Family data from: Rev. Marion Humphreys. mate, U. S. Coast Guard, 1942-1946. He is (102) ELLWOOD· HUMPHREYS, Jr., (Ellwood,'' now a building contractor in Carlsbad, Cali­

Thomas Keyes,5 David,4 John,3 David,2 John,1 ), was fornia where they make their home. Children,


surname HUMPHREYS: a. Keith Cordell, b. 20 March, 1940, Boston, a. Kenneth Marvin, b. 26 June 1945, Ocean­ Mass. side, Calif. b. \X1arren Prescott, b. 3 March 1943, Boston, b. Carl Bertram, b. 14 May 1948, La Jolla, Mass. Calif. c. Nathaniel Davis, b. 21 June 1949, Middle­ boro, Mass. c. Karen Royola, b. 18 Jan. 1951, Carlsbad, Calif. iii. Frances Appleton, b. 10 Sept. 1912, Port- land, Maine; m. 23 Dec. 1933, Cambridge, Mass., to Frederick W. Whittemore, (son of REFERENCES: Stewart and Alice (~abson) Whittemore), b. 9 Oct. 1912, Cambridge, Mass. Home is in Family data from: Marvin S. Humphreys.· Wellesley, Mass. Children, surname WHITTE- MORE: (104) CORDELL' HUMPHREYS, (Henry Cordell/ a. Nathaniel B., b. 17 July 1938, Cambridge, 1 Thomas Keyes,-· David,' John,: David," John, ), was b. Mass. 25 April 1878; d. 6 July 1945, Nevada, Mo.; m. 16 Oct. b. Alison, b. 4 Feb. 1944, c,imbridge, Mass. 1901, Salem, Mass., to Emma Frances Patch, ( daughter of Warren Prescott and Caroline (Upton) Patch), b. REFERENCES: 30 Jan. 1876, Denver, Colo.; d. 19 Feb. 1949, St. Peters­ burg, Florida. Family data from: Henry Cordell Humphreys. Associated with his father, he developed several real estate subdivisions near Webb City and Joplin, Missouri. ( 105) PARRY" HUMPHREYS, Jr., (Parry/ Parry Wayne/ Charles W.,' Joshua," David," John,1 ), was Children of Cordell and Emma Frances, surname born July 1877, Uvalde Co., Texas; he died 18 May HUMPHREYS: 1945, San Antonio, Texas. He married Bertha McKin­ ney. i. Carolyn Upton, b. 9 Oct. 1902, Webb City, Mo.; m. 18 June 1932, Francestown, N. H., to Children of Parry and Bertha, surname HUMPH­ Lawrence K. Hawkins, ( son of Laurence A. REYS: and Elizabeth Hawkins), b. 9 April 1904, 1. Irene, b. 10 August 1907. Pittsfield, Mass. He is a corporation lawyer for United Fruit Company and their home is ii. Byron Albert, b. 10 October 1909; married in Winchester, Mass. Children, surname Juanita Wallace. Living 1310 San Francisco, HAWKINS: San Antonio, Texas. a. Carol Upton, b. 5 Feb. 1934. iii. Genevieve Ruth, b. 25 Jan. 1912; m. Wal- b. Laurence A., b. 16 July 1938. lace Walker. ii. Henry Cordell, b. 5 Dec. 1905, Webb City, 1v. William Morgan, b. 27 Nov. 1914; m. Elsie Mo.; m. 18 April 1939, Lynn, Mass., to Louise Nunley. Their address is Box 626, Crystal Davis Keith, ( daughter of Herbert Nathaniel City, Texas. Children ,surname HUMPH­ and Edna Kent (Davis) Keith), b. 12 March REYS: 1911, Lynn, Mass. He was educated at Har­ a. Joe Wayne, b. 19 June 1948. vard, Class of 1927 'and in the Graduate b. Mike Lynn, b. 1951. School of Banking, 1949. He is a member of v. Agnes Lee, b. 18 March 1918; m. Mr. Hall. the Lions Club and the White Mountain Ski Runners. He is a Congregationalist and is Treasurer of Middleboro Savings Bank, Mid­ REFERENCES: dleboro, Mass., where he makes his home. Familv data from: Mr. Byron Humphreys, Mrs. Eugene Children, surname HUMPHREYS: Foster. ·


(106) EDWARD CLUBB7 HUMPHREYS, (Parry," vi. Barbara Faye, b. 9 Aug. 1930, Uvalde, Texas; 5 1 Parry Wayne, Charles/ Joshua,:< David,2 John, ), was m. 1 June 1948 at Kerrville, Texas, to James born 8 April 1886, Uvalde Co., Texas; d. 28 August E. Mercer, (son of Ivan R. and Hallie Mer­ 1949; m. 19 April 1908, Uvalde Co., Texas, to Amanda cer), b. 20 Feb. 1930. Their home is in San Elizabeth Farmer, ( dau. of Jesse and Annie Louise Antonio. A son, surname MERCER: Farmer), b. 21 Dec. 1889; living 1951, San Antonio, a. George Edward, b .10 Nov. 1949, San An­ Texas. tonio. He was in the real estate business until his death. REFERENCES: Children of Edward and Amanda, surname HUMPH­ REYS: Family data from: Mrs. Eugene Foster. i. Gladys Amanda, b. 31 March 1909, Uvalde Co., Texas; m. 6 Dec. 1929 to Jack Walker ( 107) BYRON7 HUMPHREYS, (Parry," Parry Wayne,5 Davenport, (son of Jack Walker and Ruby 1 Charles,' Joshua," David,2 John, ), was born 29 Dec. Zenobia Davenport), b. 3 Feb. 1908. Their 1889, on his father's ranch near Montell, Uvalde County, home is in San Antonio, Texas. Children, sur­ Texas. He married 3 July 1920, at Fayetteville, Arkansas, name DAVENPORT: to Charlotte Lee Williams, ( daughter of George and a. Eugene Walker, b. 5 Jan. 1933, San An­ Elizabeth Williams), b. 29 April 1901. tonio, Tex. b. James Ray, b. 20 Aug. 1935, San Antonio, He served over seas in WW I. His home 1s in San Tex. Antonio, Texas. c. Mildred Ruth, b. 20 April 1946, San An­ tonio, Tex. Children of Byron and Charlotte, surname HUMPH­ REYS: ii. Parry Jesse, b. 7 Dec. 1915; unmarried 1951; living in San Antonio, Texas, with his younger 1. Irene, b. 28 June 1921, Fort Worth, Texas; brother. m. Feb. 1942 at New Braunfels, Texas, to Ed­ gar Bonhan, ( son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bon­ iii. Annie Agnes, b. 8 March 1920, San An- han), b. Aug. 1919, Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Their tonio; m. 10 Nov. 1943, McComb, Miss., to home is in San Antonio, Texas. A son, sur­ James Leroy McKee, ( son of Hershel Edward name BONHAM: and Della May McKee), b. 31 Oct. 1918. a. Ronald Joe, b. 13 Oct. 1946. Their home is in San Antonio. A daughter, surname McKEE: ii. Ruby Elizabeth, b. 15 Sept. 1922, Uvalde, a. Molly D., b. 1 Nov. 1948, San Antonio, - Texas; m. 4 Aug. 1941, San Antonio, Texas, Texas. to Eugene Leroy Foster, (son of Mr. and Mrs. iv. Hettie Mae, b. 26 March 1922, Hondo, N. A. Foster), b. 19 June 1921, in Oklahoma. Texas; m. 26 Oct. 1940, New Braunsfels, He is an educator, living in San Antonio, Texas, to Charles A. Post, (son of Mr. and Texas. A son, surname FOSTER: Mrs. Joe Z. Post), b. 29 March 1916, Hopkins a. Eugene Leroy, Jr., b. 23 Jan. 1945. Co., Texas. Their home is in San Antonio. iii. Jewell Lee, b. 25 Feb. 1925, Uvalde, Texas; Children, surname POST: m. 6 Oct. 1945, at Travis Park Methodist a. Richard Leslie, b. 6 Oct. 1944; d. April Church, San Antonio, Texas, to Francis Ran­ 1952. dall Baker, Jr., (son of Francis Randall and b. David Lee, b. 20 Sept. 1945, San Antonio. anna (Hardy) Baker), b. 5 Feb. 1926, Wash­ v. Edward Carl, b. 9 Oct. 1927, San Antonio, ington, D. C. She is a graduate of Bracken­ Texas. Graduate, Texas A & M College, 1950. ridge H. S., San Antonio, Texas. He is a rug Asst. Biologist, Texas Wild Life Service. Liv­ salesman and estimator. He served four years ing, 1950, in San Antonio. Unmarried. in U. S. Naval Air Force. Their home is in


Woodlawn, Landover Hills, Maryland. Chil­ Tenn., to Alice Eloise Sutton. (See 83 for her dren, surname BAKER: record.) He was educated at Castle Heights a. Gregory Randall, b. 19 Oct. 1947, Be­ and Cumberland University. Asst. Dean, Cum­ thesda, Md. berland U. Law School; judge of 5th judicial circuit for two years; Asst. Atty. Genl. of iv. Byron, Jr., b. 4 March 1938, San Antonio, Tenn. 1943-1952; Apptd. state solicitor gen­ Texas. eral of Tenn. in 1852. He is a Presbyterian. No issue. REFERENCES: iv. Burton Weldon, b. 26 Nov. 1908, Lebanon, Family data from: Mr. Byron Humphreys; Mrs. Eugene Fos· Tenn.; m. Lucy Cornell. Educated at Castle ter; and Mrs. F. R. Baker, Jr. Heights. Major (1950) in U. S. Army and (108) ALLISON BATTLE7 HUMPHREYS, (Alfred stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. Children, Battle," John Cowan,.-, Charles W.,-1 Joshua," David,2 surname HUMPHREYS: 1 John, ), was. b. 22 Oct. 1875, Somerville, Tenn.; m. 27 a. Burton W., Jr., b. Sept. 1944. Dec. 1900, Jacksonville, Florida, to Maude Dixon b. Clifford, b. 16 Jan. 1950. Sperry, ( dau. of Burton W. and Julia Ann (Dixon) v. Julia Sperry, b. 25 Jan. 1912, Lebanon, Sperry), b. 7 Oct. 1882, Alma, Michigan. They make Tenn.; m. William G. Whitsett. They live in their home ( I 952) in Lebanon, Tenn. Dallas, Texas. Children, surname WHIT­ Having lost his father when yellow fever ravaged SETT: West Tennessee in 1878, Allison Battle was reared by a. William G., Jr., b. 25 Nov. 1942. his mother among her people in Lebanon, Tenn. He b. John Allison, b. 1 Jan. 1946. was educated for law at Cumberland University (A.B. c. Julia Sperry, b. 28 May 1948. and B.L.) and in 1896 went to Florida to establish practice. He remained there until 1905 when he returned vi. Charlotte, b. 29 June 1914, Lebanon, Tenn.; to Lebanon. m. H. LeRoy Austin. She is a graduate of He is a Spanish-American War Veteran. He is Presi­ Vanderbilt University. They live in Lexington, dent of the Inter-State Ice and Coal Co., of Lebanon, Ky. Children, surname AUSTIN: Tenn. He is a Presbyterian. a. Grace Alethia, b. 3 Apr. 1942. b. Charlotte Ann, b. 1 Aug. 1945. He has the old family Bible of his great grandfather showing records which definitely indicate the origin of the family in Chester Co., Pa. REFERENCES:

Children of Allison Battle and Maude, surname 1. Family data from: Allison Battle Humphreys, Lebanon, HUMPHREYS: Tenn. 2. "Memphis Commercial Appeal" 3 Jan. 1952. i. Grace Alethia, b. 24 Jan. 1902, Jackson- ville, Fla.; m. Marion Thomas. They live in 7 Nashville, Tenn. Children, surname THOM­ (109) HARRIS HUMPHREYS, (Edwin Coleman,6 3 AS: Charles Jones,5 Parry Wayne,• Joshua, David,2 John,1) was born 8 Nov. 1878, Arkadelphia, Ark.; married 19 a. Marion, Jr., b. 19 Feb. 1924. Nov. 1901, Bethlehem, Ark., to Mary Bell Davidson, b. Houston, b. 12 Jan. 1928. (dau. of W. F. and Mollie (Williams) Davidson), b. 19 ii. Madeleine, b. 17 Sept. 1903, Jacksonville, Nov. 1878; d. 18 Jan. 1938. Fla.; m. Marsh Fisher. They live in San An­ He was educated at Ouachita College while she at­ tonio, Texas. Children, surname FISHER: tended Henderson College. They moved from Arka­ a. Madeleine, now m. to Richard Kyle. delphia to Hot Springs in 1909, where he organized iii. Allison Battle, Jr., b. 28 June 1906, Le- HUMPHREYS DAIRY, INC., which is located about banon, Tenn.; m. 11 April 1935, Franklin, six miles from Hot Springs, Arkansas.


He has served as vice-president of the Certified Milk Bradley, ( dau. of Wren and Jennie (Free­ Producers of Arkansas and as president of the Lakeside man) Bradley), b. 13 April 1922. He is sales school board. He is a member of the \Voodmen and of manager for Humphreys Dairy, Inc. They are the Board of Stewards of the First Methodist Church of members of the First Methodist Church, Hot Hot Springs. His home is on Route 2, Hot Springs, Ark. Springs. Children, surname HUMPHREYS: Children of Harris and Mary Bell, surname HUMPH­ a. Harris Eugene, b. 8 April 1940, Hot REYS: Springs. b. Paul Wightman, b. 25 Jan. 1943, Hot 133. 1. Frank Edwin, b. 20 Oct. 1902. Springs. ii. Sallie Mable, b. 23 Dec. 1904, Arkadelphia, c. James Curtis, b. 28 Oct. 1944, Hot Springs. Ark.; m. Ernest Spurlin. She graduated from d. Thomas Joseph, b. 22 April 1946, Hot Henderson Brown College, B.A. ( cum laude) Springs. and taught for fifteen years. She is a member e. Marilyn, b. 1 Oct. 1948, Hot Springs. of the Methodist Church and is secretary­ treasurer of Humphreys Dairy, Inc. REFERENCES: iii. Harris Paul, b. 28 Oct. 1907, Arkadelphia, Ark.; m. 24 June 1931, Hot Springs, Ark., to Family data from: Miss Mary Lee Humphreys. Lois Christine Nickels, ( dau. of Edgar A. and Dollie Lee (Ward) Nickels), b. 17 Sept. 1911. (110) CHARLES JOHN' HUMPHREYS, (Edwin Cole• He was educated at Ouachita College. He is man," Charles Jones,·· Parry \Vayne,' Joshua,' David,' sales manager of Humphreys Dairy, Inc. He is John,1 ), was born IO Oct. 1884 near Arkadelphia, Ark.; a member of the Board of Stewards of the living 1953, at 2711 Gaines Street, Little Rock, Ark. He first Methodist Church and is a past vice­ married 5 June 1907, at Paris, Illinois, to Mahulda Flor­ president and presently on the board of dir­ ence Jenkins, (Daughter of Luther and Mahulda E. ectors of the Civitan Club, of Hot Springs, (Massey) Jenkins). He is Ph.G., Valparaiso School of Ark. Children, surname HUMPHREYS: Pharmacy. Both are members of the Baptist Church. a. Mary Lee, b. 3 April 1932, Hot Springs, Daughter of Charles and Mahulda, surname HUM­ Ark. Attending U. of Ark. Dean's Honor PHREYS: List, Sophomore Council, Kappa Kappa i. Anne Elizabeth, b. 8 June 1909; m. 5 Oct. Gamma, Mortar Board. 1944 to Raymond Leslie Poulsen, ( son of b. Sally Ann, b. 5 Aug. 1933, Attending Hen­ Emil T. and Jennie (Woods) Poulsen), b. 20 drix College. Feb. 1908, Yonkers, N. Y. She is a graduate c. Martha Lois, b. 24 Aug. 1937. of Ouachita College, Magna Cum Laude, June d. Sue Belle, b. 30 June 1942. 1930, and taught in Little Rock. He is in• iv. Davidson, b. 21 Nov. 1911, Hot Springs; d. spector, Alcohol & Tax Division, U. S. Treas­ 15 Jan. 1948, Hot Springs; m. 17 June 1933, ury, Dept. Int. Rev. The yare members of the Hot Springs, to Rhea Disheroon, ( dau. of Baptist Church and live in Oklahoma City, Herbert and Sallie (Howell) Disheroon.) She Okla. A daughter, surname POULSEN: teaches in Hot Springs and is a member of the a. Suzanne Lynn, b. 26 Sept. 1949, Lodi, Calif. Methodist Church. Children, surname HUM• PHREYS: REFERENCES: a. Davidson Herbert, b. 10 April 1941, Hot Family data from: Mrs. C. J. Humphreys, Little Rm:k, Ark. Springs. b. Richard Coleman, b. 1 June 1942, Hot ( 111) EDWIN COLEMAN' HUMPHREYS, Jr., (Ed­ Springs. win Coleman," Charles Jones/ Parry Wayne,• Joshua,'' v. Charles Eugene, b. 21 Oct. 1918, Hot David," John,'), was born 28 March 1888 and married Springs, Ark.; m. 15 May 1939 to Mary Ellen 26 June 1918 to Julia Urlene Baskin, (daughter of Wei-


don and Ellen (McCune) Baskin, of Vaiden, Missis­ Oct. 1942, Charleston, S. C., to Martha J. Lynch, sippi), born 15 March 1895. ( daughter of Dr. Kenneth Merrill and Juanita E. (Kirk) Lynch, of Amarillo, Texas) b. 27 March 1919. They make their home in Jackson, Mississippi, where he is in the wholesale hardware business. She is a graduate ( 1940) of Vassar. He is a graduate Children of Edwin Coleman and Urlene, surname of College of Charleston and Harvard Business School. HUMPHREYS: Episcopalian ( St. Phillips) and St. Cecelia Society. He is presently Research Director, Charleston Development i. Edwin Coleman, III, b. 1 July 1919; m. 15 Board. June 1941 to Ruth Simmons, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simmons, of Tylertown, Their Charleston residence is 43 Church Street and Miss.), b. 10 Sept. 1920. He was educated at their summer home is on Sullivan's Island. Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss. He is a Children of William and Martha, surname HUMPH- Major in the U. S. Air Forces and is now REYS: stationed at Lake Charles Air Force Base, Lake Charles, La. Their children, surname 1. Josephine Trenholm, b. 2 Feb. 1945. HUMPHREYS: 11. Katherine Kirk, b. 9 April 1946. a. Edwin Coleman, IV, b. 28 Sept. 1943. b. James Walter, b. 26 Dec. 1947. m. Margaret Walker, b. 14 May 1948.

u. Weldon Baskin, b. 2 March 1922; m. 15 REFERENCES: April 1946, Virginia Maurine Speed, ( daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wood W'. Speed, of Family data from: Mrs. W. W. Humphreys, Charleston, S. C. Collins, Miss.) b. 2 Sept. 1923. He was edu­ cated at Hinds Junior College, Raymond, .Miss. (113) DAVID CULLEN· HUMPHREYS, (Wade Cul­ 1 He enlisted in the Air Corps and served 38 len/ William Wirt,'' David,' David," Daniel," John, ), months in the 5th Air Corps. He is presently was born 29 Nov. 1919, Charleston, S. C.; married 30 manager of Stokes Interiors-Gulf Coast, Inc., Sept. 1942, to Mary Frances Cannon, (daughter of Dr. of Mobile, Alabama. Children, surname Joseph Henry and Gertrude (Johnson) Cannon, of HUMPHREYS: Charleston), b. 15 Aug. 1922. a. Weldon Baskin, Jr., b. 31 July 1948. He is a graduate of College of Charleston, 1940; b. Virginia Lou, b. 13 Aug. 1949. Episcopalian ( St. Philips) and St. Cecelia Society. iii. Joan, b. 17 Aug. 1929; m. 17 June 1950, at During WW II he was trained at Annapolis and Jackson, Miss., to James Edward Parkin, (son. rapidly promoted to Lieut. Commander, as a blimp of Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Parkin, of Jackson, pilot. He is now a Lt. Commander in U.S.N.R. Miss.). They are both graduates of the U. of Miss., Oxford, Miss. Their home is in Jack­ He is Deputy Collector of Customs, Charleston, S. C., son, Miss., where he is a pharmacist. Children, where their address is 86 King Street. Their summer surname PARKIN: home is on Sullivan's Island. a. James Edward, Jr., b. 10 Sept. 1951. Children of David and Mary, surname HUMPH­ b. Samuel Coleman, b. 13 Feb. 1953. REYS:

REFERENCES: 1. David Cullen, Jr., b. 25 Aug. 1944.

11. Ann Gaillard, b. 9 Oct. 1947. Family data from: Mr. E. C. Humphreys, Jr.

(112) WILLIAM WIRT- HUMPHREYS, (Wade Cul­ REFERENCES: len," William Wirt,° David,4 David," Daniel/ John,1 ), Family data from: Mrs. Wade C. Humphreys, Charleston, was born 28 Oct. 1914, Charlestown, S. C.; married 17 S. C.


(114) LEMUEL ETHRIDGE' HUMPHREYS, (James a. Christine Barbara, b. 7 March 1953, Cuy­ Benjamin," William Green/ Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,3 cuse Creek Camp, Youton, B. C. 1 Daniel," John, ), was born 12 July 1874; died 23 Dec. 11. Robert Michael, b. 14 July 1930, Lytton, 1941 in an auto accident and is buried at Bells, Tenn. B. C. He is now in the Forestry Service. He married 25 Dec. 1901 to Una Stovall, (daughter of Hart and Ellen (Cockrill) Stovall), b. June 1879. She REFERENCES: is living ( 1953) at Bells, Tennessee. Children of Eth and Una, surname HUMPHREYS: Family data from: Mrs. William Y. Humphreys, Hope, B. C., Canada. i. James Stovall, b. 22 Sept. 1903; m. 3 April 1925 at Bells, Tenn. ,to Louise Wainwright. (116) JAMES ROBERTS' HUMPHREYS, (James Ben­ They live in Dyersburg, Tenn., where he is jamin,'' William Green," Daniel Jones, .. Benjamin," employed by the G. M. and 0. R. R. They are Daniel," John,'), was born 27 Feb. 1894 at Alamo, members of the Christian Church. No issue Crockett Co., Tenn.; m. (1) 10 March 1917, Jackson, Tenn., to Sue Mai Trautt ( daughter of Judge J. M. 11. Harris Ethridge, b. 13 Aug. 1907; m. 18 Trautt); m. (2) 12 Jan. 1937 to Gradie Griggs. Aug. 1935 at Jackson, Tenn., to Minnie Lee McNeil, ( daughter of Odie and Beulah ( Mar­ During WW I he was in Co. A, 117 Infantry, 30th com) McNeil). He attended Union University, Div. Jackson, Tenn. He was in military service Feb. He is living ( 1951) Beech Bluff Road, Route 6, Jack­ 1944 to Nov. 1945. Their home is in Mem­ son, Tenn. phis. A son, surname HUMPHREYS: a. Harris Ethridge, Jr., b. 30 April 1942. Children of James Roberts and Sue Mai, surname HUMPHREYS: iii. Mary Ellen, b. 2 Oct. 1911; m. 3 Jan. 1937 to Harvey Griffin, of Bells, Tenn. A son, b. 1. James Roberts, Jr., b. 13 Jan. 1919; d. 9 and d. Aug. 1905. Jan. 1929 during brain surgery. ii. William Yelton, b. 21 July 1922; m. 1941 REFERENCES: to Mabel Rentzell, of Dallas, Texas. He had four years of service in WW II with the 2nd Family records from Mrs. Una S. Humphreys, Bells, Tenn. U. S. Marines. His home ( 1951) is in Dallas, Texas. Children, surname HUMPHREYS: {115) WILLIAM YELTON' HUMPHREYS, (James a. Charles R., b. 1944. Benjamin,'' William Green,° Daniel Jones,4 Benjamin,3 1 b. Patricia Louise, b. July 1951. Daniel," John, ), was born 29 March 1876; living 1953, in Hope, B. C., Canada; married 8 March 1927, to' Michael Ann Kelly, ( dau. of John William and Adelia REFERENCES: Ann Kelly), b. 21 April 1889, Kilcullen, County Kil­ Family data from: Mr. James Roberts Humphreys, Jackson, dare, Ireland. Tenn. She came to Canada in 1919. She served in W.A.A.C., {117) THOMAS HARP HUMPHREYS, (Lemuel in France and United Kingdom during WW I. He was Erasmus," William Green,'' Daniel Jones,.. Benjamin,3 a bridge man and moved to Hope in 1934. Daniel" John,1 ), was b. 1 March 1876, Crockett Co., Children of William Yelton and Michael Ann, sur­ Tenn.; m. 7 Feb. 1904, Humboldt, Tenn., to Lila Grace name HUMPHREYS: Perry, ( dau. of William Galbreath and Artelia (Hamil­ ton) Perry), b. 28 Feb. 1883, Crockett Co., Tenn. 1. James William, b. 28 July 1929, Lytton, B. C.; m. 14 July 1950, Eleanor Jean Ferguson, b. 27 They are both living {1952) at their country home Oct. 1934, Cuycuse Creek, B. C. He is a logger near Humboldt, Tenn., where all their children were -a high rigger. They have a daughter, sur­ born. Concerning the home place, he writes: "The farm name HUMPHREYS: was bought by my grandfather from his stepfather,


James Baxter, in 1865 and in 1868 he built a home and is now engaged in farming near Hum­ where the old Baxter house stood, leaving a part of the boldt, Teno. A son, surname HUMPHREYS: original house standing. My father ( Lemuel E.) bought a. Larry Jones, b. 15 Aug. 1949. from his father in 1881 and moved in. I rented from my v. James Benjamin, b. 1 March 1919; m. 11 father and moved in with him and my mother in 1908 Aug. 1946, Atlanta, Ga., to Hermoine Shel­ and bought the farm in 1945 except the portion already nutt, ( dau. of L. V. and Eleanor (Huey) Shel­ given me by my father in 1929 on which the old house nutt, of Forest Park, Ga.), b. 15 March 1922. stood. I tore away and built new on the old site in 1932 He served in WW II as a 1st Lt. in the Chioa­ and now live in the home I built with a son living on Burma-India theatre. He is engaged in farm­ either side." ing near Humboldt, Teno. Children, surname He is a member of the Masonic Lodge and all mem­ HUMPHREYS: bers of the family belong to the Church of Christ. a. Jere Thomas, b. 26 March 1949. b. Robert Vaughn, b. 26 October 1950. Children of Thomas H:irt and Lila, surname HUM­ c. Daniel James, b. 6 May 1953. PHREYS: vi. Sarah Nell, b. 6 July 1922; m. 4 Oct. 1943, 1. Gwendolyn, b. 8 Feb. 1905; m. 16 July to Robert Lee Mays, (son of A. P. and Helen \ i40 to Warren Dana White, (son of Judge (Thompson) Mays), b. 23 Aug. 1922. He W arreo Lee and Minerva (Dana) White, of served as a staff sgt. in European Theatre in Springfield, Missouri.) b. 7 July 1913 in W WII. He is employed by Southern Bell Tel. Springfield, Mo. Graduate Electrfral Engineer & Tel. Co., Jackson, Tenn. Children, surname from Missouri School of Mines, where he was MAYS: a Kappa Alpha. He is a Radar Technician and a. Leigh Humphreys, b. 10 May 1947. they makes their home in West Hempstead, N. Y. They have two children, surname b. Linda Diana, b. 18 March 1948. WHITE: REFERENCES: a. Warren Humphreys, b. 12 July 1941. b. Grace Dana, b. 16 Aug. 1946. Family data from: Mr. Thomas H. Humphreys, Miss Artelia Humphreys. ii. Mary Artelia, b. 9 Aug. 1906. Graduate Draughoos Business College, Nashville, Teno. (ll8) JOSEPH FILO· HUMPHREYS, (Lemuel Eras­ She is unmarried and makes her home with mus/ William Green,' Daniel Jones,' Benjamin," Dan­ her parents. iel," John,1 ), was b. 12 April 1882, Gadsden, Teno.; d. iii. Thomas Perry, b. 28 Sept. 1909; m. 6 Jan. 10 Nov. 1918 Humboldt, Teno. m. 20 Dec. 1906, Hum­ 1936, Humboldt, Teno., to Mozelle Lanier, boldt., to Minnie Elizabeth Hamilton, ( dau. of Nicholas (dau. of Charles W. and Mira (Matthews) Perkins and Hattie (Tucker) Hamilton), b. 6 March Lanier), b. 19 May 1913. He is a Mason, a 1888, Humboldt, Teno. She is living (1952) with a son farmer, and also supervisor of inspectors of and daughter at 2301 Kline Avenue, Nashville, Teno. ordnance for Proctor and Gamble, Milan, ( She is now Mrs. L. A. Boone.) Teno. Their home is at 1811 Maple, Hum­ Children of Joseph and Minnie, surname HUMPH­ boldt, Tenn. Children, surname HUMPH­ REYS: REYS: a. Thomas Lanier, b. 26 March 1939. 1. Joseph Hamilton, b. 15 May 1909, Hum- boldt, Teno.; m. 16 March 1940, Phoenix City, b. Lyla Katherine, b. 6 March 1944. Ala., to Clara Virginia Gafford, ( dau. of Em­ iv. Lemuel Galbreath, b. 30 April 1914; m. 20 mett and Maudie (Hendrickson) Gafford), b. Nov. 1948, Nashville, Teno., to Roberta Jones, 3 June 1918, Etta, Miss. He served during ( dau. of E. L. and Nell (Dunham) Jones, of WW II and was awarded the Bronze Star for Murfreesboro, Teno.), b. 14 March 1918. He bra very in action in Italy in 194 5. He has re­ is a graduate of David Lipscomb College, 1939 cently ( 1953) returned from Baumholder,


Germany, where he was stationed. He was a nell), d. 19 June 1950. He is now retired after having Captain in Ordnance. Their home is on Route been employed by the Bell Telephone Co., of Penna. 4, Blue Springs, Mississippi. Children, sur­ Children of John and Grace, surname HUMPHREYS: name HUMPHREYS: a. Joseph Hamiiton, Jr., b. 20 May 1941, i. William Levi, born 5 May 1909, Crab Or- Greenville, Miss. chard, Tenn.; living 1953, at 39 Woodland b. Elizabeth Irene, b. 2 Oct. 1942, Humboldt, Avenue, Trenton 8, N. J. Married Matilda Tenn. Hills, daughter of John Hills. No issue. c. Joyce Love, b. 12 Aug. 1945, Greenville, ii. John Edwin, Jr., born 18 July 1910, Route Miss. 1, McCalls, Ferry (now Holtwood), Penna.; d. William Emmett, b. 9 Sept. 1946, Green­ living 1953, Holtwood, Penna.; married 2 vilte, Miss. Sept. 1932 at Quarryville, Penn., to Mae Har­ ii. Grace Irene, b. 7 Oct. 191L Treasury Dept. riet Mullen, ( daughter of James Green and of National Life and Accident Co., Nashville, Edith (Wagner) Mullen), born 3 Nov. 1911 Tenn. Unmarried. Lives with her mother at at Pleasantville, N. J. Children, surname 2301 Kline Ave., Nashville, Tenn. HUMPHREYS: a. John Edwin, III, b. 30 July 1938, Lancaster, iii. Benjamin Arthur, b. 15 Nov. 1913; m. 2 Penna. Nov. 1940 to Maxey Judson Winn, of Mem­ b. James Mullen, b. 14 Feb. 1940, Holtwood, phis, Tenn., b. 15 July 1918. He moved to Penna. Nashville in 1946 and operates his own Awn­

ing and Tile business. Children, surname REFERENCES: HUMPHREYS: a. Judith Grace, b. 3 Aug. 1941, Humboldt, Family data from: John Edwin Humphreys, Jr. Tenn. ( 120) ULNA CLIFTON· HUMPHREYS, (William b. Carole Winn, b. 13 July 1942, Humboldt, Daniel," William Green," Daniel Jones,4 Benjamin/ Tenn. 1 Daniel," John, ), was born 9 Aug. 1885 Humboldt, c. Charlotte Lynn, b. 15 Feb. 1945, Humboldt, Tenn.; died 26 April 1945, Humboldt, Tenn.; m. 15 Tenn. Oct. 1911, Humboldt, Tenn., to Stella Boone, ( dau. of d. Martha Ruth, b. 18 Nov. 1947, Nashville, Milton A. and Mattie (Powell) Boone), b. 27 April Tenn. 1892, Humboldt, Tenn. She was living (1951) on Route e. Marie Eileen, b. 5 Aug. 1950, Nashville, 3, Humboldt, Tenn. Tenn. Children of Ulna and Stella, surname HUMPHREYS: 1v. Thelma Ruth, b. 30 March 1916; d. 14 Oct. 1918. i. William Milton, b. 8 Oct. 1913; m. 25 June 1937 to Virginia Stehr. He lives at Humboldt, REFERENCES: Tenn., where he owns and operates a filling station. A son, surname HUMPHREYS: Family records from: Mrs. Minnie (Hamilton) (Humphreys) a. Jerry Milton, b. 28 June 1939. Boone, Mrs. Joseph Hamilton Humphreys. ii. Charles Boone, b. 18 June 1926; m. 14 (119) JOHN EDWIN· HUMPHREYS, (William Dan­ Sept. 1947 to Doris Grace. He served eighteen iel;' William Green,' Daniel Jones,' Benjamin," Daniel," months in WW II, fourteen months being 1 John, ), was born 12 Jan. 1884; living 1953, at Miles­ combat service in Japan. He is employed at burg, Penn.; married ( 1) 5 Aug. 1908, to Grace Martin, the Humboldt Hosiery Mill and lives on ( dau. of Levi and Martha ( Gochenauer) Martin), b. 24 Route 3. No issue. July 1876; divorced 1937; d. 3 Aug. 1949. Hem. (2) 29 May 1937, at Milesburg, Penn., to Charlotte (Pen­ REFERENCES: nell) King, ( dau. of James and Josephine ( Lyttel) Pen- Family daca from: Mrs. Stella Humphreys.


(121) GREEN DANIEL- HUMPHREYS, (William (122) LARIMORE McDONALD' HUMPHREYS, Daniel,'; William Green,3 Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,' ( Theophilus Henderson," William Green,·· Daniel 1 Daniel," John,1 ), was born 24 Nov. 1889. He married Jones,' Benjamin,:: Daniel,' John, ), was born 13 Octo­ 28 Nov. 1920 to Ophelia Tritt, ( daughter of Edwin and ber 1884; married 15 Aug. 1907, Nashville, Tenn., to Mollie E. (Branch) Tritt), born 23 Dec. 1899. They are Bena Forrest Wakefield, ( dau. of James Thomas and both living at their farm home on Route 1, Humboldt, Martha Alice (Harris) Wakefield), b. 24 Jan. 1885. Tennessee. They and their family are members of the He is a contractor and builder. They are members of Church of Christ. the Christian Church and make their home on Route 4, near Humboldt, Tenn. Children of Green Daniel and Ophelia, surname HUMPHREYS: Children of Larimore and Bena, surname HUl\lPH­ REYS: t. William Daniel, II, b. 4 Nov. 1921. He is a farmer. Unmarried 1953 and he and his broth­ t. Ewell Wakefield, b. 2 June 1908; d. 14 Feb. ers, John and Benjamin, still make their home 1912. with their parents. 11. Carl Wade, b. 12 June 1916; m. 4 Nov. 11. Donald Tritt, b. 20 May 1924; m. 26 March 1944, at Richmond, Ky., to O'Della Faye Row­ 1946, to Elvis Maie Brewer, b. 24 Feb. 1929. land, ( dau. Howard F. and Ruth (Powell) He has had a year of military service. He is a Rowland), b. 19 Jan. 1922. He is an ordnance farmer and lives on Route 1, Humboldt, Tenn. engineer. They make their home in Hum­ No issue. boldt, Tenn. Children, surname HUMPH­ REYS: iii. James Marlin, b. 11 May 1926; married Georgia Ann Blankinship, b. 15 Nov. 1922. a. Carla Faye, b. 3 Feb. 1949. He has had seven months of military service. b. Drborah Wakefield, b. 25 May 1951. Their home is in Detroit. They have two daughters, surname HUMPHREYS: REFERENCES: a. Jannie Ann, b. 17 Aug. 1946. Family data from: Mrs. L. Mel). Humphreys. b. Lynn, b. 19 March 1950.

1v. John Clifton, b. 22 Dec. 1928. Unmarried, ( 123) IVY ETHRIDGE JOHNSON' HUMPHREYS, 1953. (Theophilus Henderson/ William Green,·· Daniel Jones,' Benjamin,' Daniel," John,'), was born 23 Sept. v. Fred Motley, b. 3 April 1931; married 20 1886; 111. (1) 1 May 1910, Jackson, Tenn., to Della Lee March 1952 to Doris Shevers. Their home is Smith, b. 29 Nov. 1890; m. (2) 23 Sept. 1950, Memphis, on Route 1, Humboldt, Tenn. A son, surname Tenn., to Ida Hudson Hodges, b. 6 March 1898. He is a HUMPHREYS: steam fitter. They make their home at 2105 Court, Mem­ a. Donald Wayne, b. 31 Jan. 1953. phis, Tenn. v1. Elizabeth Annie, b. 25 June 1933; married Children of Ivy and Della, surname HUMPHREYS: 2 June 1951 to Earnest Ray Owens, b. 13 Jan. 1935. Their home is on Star Route, Finger, 1. Ivy Ethridge, Jr., b. 23 Dec. 1912; m. Lois Tenn. They have a daughter, surname Isabel Sawyer. He owns and operates a filling OWENS: station at Ellendale ,Tenn. No issue. a. Mary Ann, b. 16 May 1952. ii. Evelyn Marie, b. 19 June 1923 (adopted); \'JI. Benjamin Carlos, b. 29 May 1938. m. \X'illiam Preston Watkins, b. 15 April 1916. surname WATKINS: REFERENCES: a. Lois Juanita, b. 18 April 1946. b. \'X'illiam Preston, b. 22 Aug. 1948. Famil\' data from: Mrs. Green D. Humphreys and J\lrs. Donald 't·lumphreys. c. Rubert Eugene, b. 3 Sept. 1950. HUMPHREYS

REFERENCES: ( 125) THEOPHILUS BENNETF HUMPHREYS, (Theophilus Henderson," William Green/ Daniel Family data from: Mrs. Mary James, Gadsden, Tenn. Jones,' Benjamin," Daniel,2 John,'), was born 15 Sept. 1890; living 1951 at Gadsden, Tenn.; m. (1) 8 Oct. ( 124) OTHO WILLIAM" HUMPHREYS, (Theophilus 1911, Hortense Graves, ( daughter of Thomas J. and Henderson," William Green," Daniel Jones/ Benjamin," Martha Ann (Farrow) Graves), b. 2 March 1895; d. 20 Daniel," John,'), was born 4 Nov. 1888; He married Aug. 1934. m. (2) 20 Oct. 1940, at Brownsville, Tenn., ( 1) 3 Dec. 1912, at Jackson, Tenn., to Naomi Tilithy to Ethel (Lee) Williams, (daughter of James L. and Glenn, (dau. of Solomon and Mary (Fuller) Glenn), Annie (Dixon) Lee), b. 2 May 1897. They are Demo­ b. 17 April 1888; d. 29 March 1925; m. (2) 16 Nov. crats and members of the Church of Christ. 1925, Brownsville, Tenn., to Ida Belle Covington, ( dau. of Richard L. and Nancy (Watson) Covington), b. 5 Children of Theophilus and Hortense, surname July 1887; d. 16 Jan. 1949 .. HUMPHREYS: He is connected with .Memphis Power and Light Co. i. Theophilus Graves, b. 1 March 1913; m. 8 He is a member of the Baptist Church and lives at 179 Oct. 1932 to Grace Evans, ( dau. of Will and South Cox, Memphis, Tenn. Etta (Blurton) Evans), b. 4 Jan. 1911. He is Children of Otho and Naomi, surname HUMPH­ a farmer living on Route # 2, Bells, Tenn. REYS: Their children, surname HUMPHREYS: i. William Woodrow, b. 17 June 1917; m. 26 a. Theophilus James, b. 21 April 1937. Dec. 1949, Memphis, Tenn., to Jane Marie b. Jane Evans, b. 9 Oct. 1941. Nelson, ( dau. of Chester and Nora (Butler) c. Nancy Jean, b. 15 March 1945. Hicks, and after their death adopted by Wal­ lace C. and Marie (Walker) Nelson), b. 21 11. Milton Freed, b. 21 July 1915; m. 18 April June 1927. He was educated at Union Uni­ 1949 to Bertha Racha, b. 25 Feb. 1932. He versity. He served in the Army in WW II. He served in the Navy in WW II. He is a farmer is now with Allen Blind and Shade Co., Mem­ and lives at Rt. # 3, McKenzie, Tenn. phis, Tenn. Children, surname HUMPH­ REYS: iii. Roy Marshall, b. 23 Dec. 1917; m. 14 a. William Cowan, b. 2 Feb. 1951. March 1942 to Nancy Ann Williams, b. 14 b. Glenda Louise, b. 19 Feb. 1952. April 1926. He operates a filling station at Gadsden, Tenn. They have a daughter, sur­ Children of Otho and Ida, surname HUMPHREYS: name HUMPHREYS: ii. Rebecca Ann, b. 17 April 1928; m. 16 May a. Marsha Lee, b. 22 July 1947. 1947 to Thomas Marion Padell, (son of Henry and Emma (Douglass) Padel!, of 1v. Doris Ann, b. 28 Feb. 1921; m. 4 May Memphis, Tenn.), b. 13 Jan. 1925. Children, 1939 to Joe Byron Kincaid, Jr., b. 13 July surname P ADELL: 1921. They have a son, surname KINCAID: a. Emily Jane, b. 14 May 1948; d. 15 May a. Joe Byron, III, b. 5 Nov. 1942. 1948. v. Mildred Louise, b. 15 May 1929; m. 4 Jan. b. Nancy Ann, (twin) b. 14 May 1948, d. 15 May 1948. 1949 to James Thomas Raines, Jr., b. 9 Dec. 1926. Their children, surname c. Beverly Ann, b. 23 Feb. 1951. RAINES: a. Thomas Bennett iii. David Nowlin, b. 17 Feb. 1930; In U. S. b. Janet Navy during WW II. Enlisted in the Army in 1950. Unmarried 1951.


Family data from: Mrs. Mary James, Gadsden, Tenn. Family data from: Mrs. Mary James.


( 126) ALLIE BENNETT· HUMPHREYS, (Emerson (128) HUGH HARRISON' HUMPHREYS, (Thomas Etheridge,'' William Green," Daniel Jones,_, Benjamin," Hadden,7 John Thomas/ John,' David,' John,' David," 1 Daniel/ John, ), born 29 Jan. 1889; died 20 Nov. 1950; John,'), was born 20 Aug. 1891, Ft. Smith, Ark.; died married 22 June 1913 to Ettie Florence Mobley, (dau. 6 December 1951, Little Rock, Ark.; married 17 June of John Mobley). Her home is at 719 Auburndale, 1914, Pine Bluff, Ark., to Mattie Orto, ( daughter of Memphis, Tenn. Dr. Zaphney and Margaret (Coffin) Orto, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas). She is living (1953) in Pine Bluff. Children of Allie and Ettie, surname HUMPHREYS: He was educated as a civil engineer at the U. of Ark., i. Mary Helen, b. 30 June 1914; m. 17 June and was a Kappa Sigma. As a professional engineer he 1933 to George Hughes Davis. A daughter, constructed highways in Missouri and Arkansas and surname DAVIS: later dealt in supplies for highway construction. a. Mary Glynn, b. 10 Dec. 1935. Children of Hugh and Mattie, surname HUMPH­ ii. Martha Jeanna, b. 20 May 1920; m. 17 July REYS: 1941 to Henry Cook Wilson. Their children, surname WILSON: 1. Hugh Harrison, Jr., b. 27 April 1915, Pine a. Janet Lynn, b. 10 April 1945. Bluff; m. Jan. 1949, ·Hot Springs, Ark., to b. Julia Helen, b. 31 Aug. 1949. Frances Madge Grace ( dau. of Harold Byrd and Marion (Belke) Grace, of Hot Springs REFERENCES: and El Dorado, Ark.), b. 30 Oct. 1926, El Dorado, Ark. She attended Sophie Newcomb Family data from: Mrs. Mary James, and Mrs. S. A. Pearson. College and the U. of Ark., and is a Chi Omega. He attended the U. of Ark., where he (127) ROBERT JACKSON· HUMPHREYS, (Robert was a Kappa Sigma. For five years he operated Franklin,," William Green," Daniel Jones/ Benjamin," an advertising agency, then in July 1941 he Daniel," John,'), born 1 March 1894, near Humboldt, entered military service as an aviation cadet. Tenn.; married 11 Feb. 1915, at Jackson, Tenn., to Allie As pilot, flight instructor, and squadron com­ D. Mason, (dau. of H. D. and Tennie (Neely) Mason), mander he earned the rank of Captain and b. 16 Jan. 1895. Their home is at 419 Hollywood, Jack­ went overseas. Two years in the India, Burma, son, Tennessee. China Theater brought increasing responsi­ An only son of Robert and Allie, surname HUMPH­ bilities and the rank of Lieut. Col. He left REYS: active duty in Dec. 1945 and is presently Lieut. Col. and pilot in the Air Forces Reserves. Re­ i. Robert Mason, b. 28 May 1916; married 30 entering business he served as sales manager Aug. 1934, at Corinth, Miss., to Elizabeth Ann in several different lines, finally locating per­ Smith, ( dau. of Wallace B. and Allie (Ma­ manently in Little Rock, Ark., where he now ples) Smith), b. 8 Oct. 1917. He is an electri­ owns and operates the following businesses: cian for the G. M. & 0. R. R. at Jackson, Custom Line Homes, General Supply Co., Tenn. She is owner and operator of the "Allie­ and Coronet Tile and Marble Co. The right Nell" Hat Shoppe, Jackson, Tenn. Their home to membership in the State Society of the Cin­ is on Poplar Corner Road, Jackson, Tenn. cinnati of Pennsylvania is vested in Hugh They have two sons, surname HUMPHREYS: Harrison Humphreys, Jr., as he represents the a. Wallace Jack, b. 17 Aug. 1946, St. Louis, eldest male line of descent from Lieut. John Mo. Humphreys, who was an original member fol­ b. Robert Charles, b. 30 June 1950, St. Louis, lowing the Revolutionary War. The family in­ Mo. cludes two daughters, surname HUMPH­ REYS: REFERENCES: a. Marian Randall, b. Nov. 1949, Little Rock, Family data from: Mrs. Mary James. Ark.


b. Laurel Kathleen, b. April 1951, Little Rock, b. Kathryn, b. 27 July 1949, El Dorado, Ark. Ark. v. Elizabeth Ann, b. 19 Aug. 1927, Fredrick­ ii. Martha Orto, b. 23 Sept. 1916, Pine Bluff; town, Missouri; m. 16 April 1949, Pine Bluff, m. 14 Dec. 1940, to Collins Adams Andrews, to John Briscoe Higman, III, (son of J. B. Jr., (son of C. A. and Mildred (Owen) An­ and Clara Mabel ( Garrigue) Higman), b. 2 drews, of Pine Bluff), b. 10 May 1915. She Oct. 1924, Bonita, La. She attended the U. of was educated in Washington, D. C., and at Ark., and was a Pi Beta Phi. He was educated the U. of Ark. She is a Presbyterian and a at Centenary College, Shreveport, La. During member of Chi Omega. For five years she WW II he served with the 787 F. A. Bn., served as secretary to her grandfather, Judge 1943-1946, in the European Theater. A daugh­ T. H. Humphreys, of the Supreme Court of ter, surname HIGMAN: Arkansas. Mr. Andrews attended the U. of a. Linda Ann, b. 3 Oct. 1950, Pine Bluff, Ark. Ark., and was a member of Sigma Alpha Ep­ silon. From 1942 to 1946 he was a warrant officer, junior grade, with the Air Force at REFERENCES: Big Spring, Texas. He now owns and operates a large cotton plantation near Pine Bluff, Family data from: Mrs. Hugh Humphreys, Sr., and Hugh H. Humphreys, Jr. Arkansas. Children, surname ANDREWS: a. Martha Humphreys, b. 15 July 1942. b. Collins Adams, III, b. 2 Oct. 1946. (129) FRANCIS ALDRIDGE' HUMPHREYS, (Thom­ as Hadden,, John Thomas," John,-· David, ➔ John, 3 iii. Margaret Coffin, b. 9 April 1920, Pine David/ John,1), was born 19 Aug. 1894, Fayetteville, Bluff; m. 4 June 1943, to William Noel Ark.; m. 20 August 1917, New York City, to Margurite Campbell, ( son of Daniel Morrison and Mary Kemper Willis, ( daughter of Rev. Richard Baxter and (Wynn) Campbell, of Raleigh, N. C.), b 21 Mary Jasper (Bocock) Willis, of Fayetteville, Ark.), b. Sept. 1919. He was educated in engineering at 23 Aug. 1889, Hampden Sydney, Virginia. She is a North Carolina State College, and was a graduate of Crescent College and was educated in music Kappa Sigma. In WW II he served with the in Berlin, Germany. He graduated B.M.E., U. of Ark., Army Engineers at Pine Bluff Arsenal and at 1914. During WW I he was a 1st Lieut. with the 533rd Dalfas, Texas. He is a Captain in the reserves Engineers and served in France. He has been a highway at present. Their home is in Florence, S. C. engineer and also a contractor and builder. He is a Children, surname CAMPBELL: Kappa Sigma and an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. a. Margaret Ann, b. 27 Feb. 1945, Dallas, Their home is in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Texas. b. David, b. Oct. 1949, Florence, S. C. Children of Francis and Margurite, surname HUM­ c. Mary Wynn, b. 20 Oct. 1950, Florence, PHREYS: S. C. 1. Margurite Kemper, b. 20 June 1920, Little iv. Zaphney 0., b. 1 Sept. 1921, Pine Bluff; m. Rock, Ark.; m. 8 Nov. 1942, Ft. Smith, Ark., 13 July 1943 to Bettie Nagle, b. 22 Dec. 1922, to James Edward Pomfret, Jr., (son of J. E. El Dorado, Ark. They were both educated at and Mary Helen (Ferris) Pomfret, of Phila­ Monticello A & M College, Monticello, Ar­ delphia, Pa.), b. 17 Nov. 1915, Philadelphia, kansas. He has been in military service for Pa. During WW II he served in France as a thirteen years. During WW II he served in Captain in the 4th Armored Division, U. S. the Pacific area. He is a jet fighter pilot, a Army. He graduated B.S. in B.A., U. of Ark., Major in the Marines, and is now ( 1953) 1948 and is now Purchasing Agent for the serving in Korea. Children, surname HUM­ University. She was also educated at the U. of PHREYS: Ark., where she was a Chi Omega. Their a. Bettie Anne, b. 14 June 1944, El Dorado, home is in Fayetteville, Ark. Children, sur­ Ark. name POMFRET:


a. Marguerite Kemper, b. 11 March 1944, 11. Reata Katharine, b. 20 Jan. 1937, Little Fayetteville, Ark. Rock, Ark. b. Allison Ferris, b. 5 Aug. 1946, Fayetteville, Ark. REFERENCES:

c. James Edward, III, b. 5 Aug. 1946 ( twin) Family data from: Thomas Hadden Humphreys, Jr. ii. Beulah Botefuhr, b. 12 Feb. 1923, Spring­ (131) LESLIE EARL8 HUMPHREYS, (David Chal­ field, Mo. Unmarried 1953. During WW II mers,7 Ellwood/ Thomas Keyes, 5 David," John,3 David," she was in service in the W.A.C.S. John,'), born 22 June 1894, St. Louis Co., Mo.; m. 6 iii. Francis Aldridge, Jr., b. 2 May 1928, Ash­ April 1916, St. Louis Co., Mo., to Elgis Katherine Ham­ ville, N. C.; m. 7 March 1953, Milford, Dela­ mons, (dau. of William and Nancy (Graham) Ham­ ware, to Evelyn E. Short, ( daughter of Mr. mons), b. 3 Sept. 1894, Doniphan, Missouri. arid Mrs. Harold Louis Short, of Milford, For more than thirty years he has been connected with Delaware. He graduated B.S. in B.A., U. of Shapleigh Hardware Company, St. Louis, Mo. Their Ark., 1949. He is a 1st Lieut. in the U. S. Air home is in Overland, Missouri. Forces and was a Sabre Jet Pilot in Korea in 1952. Children of Leslie Earl and Elgis, surname HUMPH­ REYS: REFERENCES: i. Infant, b. and d. 11 Aug. 1917.

Familv data from: Mrs. F. A. Humphreys, Sr., and Mrs. J. E. 11. Lester Earl, b. 5 May 1919; m. 22 April Pomfret: · 1941, Union, Missouri, to Nellie Juanita Hos­ kins, (dau. of Luther and Retha (Denham) (130} THOMAS HADDEN' HUMPHREYS, Jr., Hoskins), b. 30 Jan. 1918, Harrisburg, Ar­ (Thomas Hadden,7 John Thomas,'' John/ David," John/ kansas. He was educated at Southeast Missouri David," John,'), was born 27 Feb. 1907, Fayetteville, State College. He had three years service and Ark. Married 24 Nov. 1931, Little Rock, Ark., to two years overseas, in WW II. He was a Sgt. Katherine Dowdle Rainwater, ( dau. of Loid and Rea with the 155th Army Airways Communication (Dowdle) Rainwater), b. 6 April I 908, Morrilton, Ark. System. Presently automatic maintainer with She was educated at Gunston Hall and the U. of Western Union in St. Louis. Their home is in Ark. He took both his B.A. and his LLB. degrees at the Overland, Mo. Members ofthe Baptist Church. U. of Ark., in 1931. An only son, surname HUMPHREYS: For a time he served his father as secretary and then a. Earl Dean, b. 11 Nov. 1945; St. Louis, Mo. in 1942 entered military service. In 1945 he returned to iii. Jean Lois, b. 8 Jan. 1921; m. 21 M_arch inactive duty but retained his reserve commission as 1942 to Martin E. Forde, (son of Martm J. Lieut. Commander in the Navy He went to Manila as a and Delia (Davin) Forde), b. 12 May 1918, civil employee of the War Dept. for war crimes prosecu­ St. Louis, Mo. He served as Cpl. Med. Corps tion. Then was recalled to active duty and transferred in WW II. They are both connected with St. to regular status as legal specialist in 1947. In 1949 he Louis Administration Center. (Civil Service) was made a Commander and is stationed as district legal They make their home in Overland, Mo. officer, 1st Naval Dist., Boston, Mass. Their home is Wheeler Lane, Natick, Mass. iv. Sue Elizabeth, b. 14 Dec. 1922; m. 22 July 1938, St. Louis, Mo., to A. Paul Vance, (son Children of Thomas Hadden and Katherine, surname of Benjamin L. and A. Adellia (Cullison) HUMPHREYS: Vance), b. 22 July 1919. He served in WW II i. Thomas Hadden, III, b. 17 April 1933, and is now Lt. Commander, N.A.T.S. and a Little Rock, Ark. Now ( 1951) attending pilot for Monsanto Chemical Company. Their Severn School, preparing for U. S. Naval home is in Overland, Mo. Children, surname Academy. VANCE:


a. Michael Clay, b. 15 July 1939, St. Louis, a. Phillip Dean, b. 21 Sept. 1941. Mo. b. Kathleen Ann, b. 28 Feb. 1943. b. Dennis Paul, b. 11 June 1942, Cape Girar­ c. Christine Virginia, b. and d. 21 Aug. 1950. deau, Mo. d. Gregory Howard, b. 23 Sept. 1953. c. Terry Lee, b. 31 Dec. 1946, St. Louis, Mo. ii. Doris Louise, b. 26 June 1920, Hannibal, d. Rebecca Sue, b. 13 Oct. 1949, St. Louis, Mo.; m. 4 Oct. 1940 to Robert Heob Ober­ Mo. beck, ( son of Joseph William and Martha v. Ruth Adele, b. 24 May 1926, St. Louis, Mo.; Hoeb) Oberbeck), b. 17 Dec. 1918, St. Louis, m. 26 Feb. 1944 to Joseph A. Andreotta, (son Mo. He served as mechanic in U. S. Army Air of H. Urban and Emily M. Andreotta), b. 9 Forces in WW II. Their home is in Berkeley, July 1918. He served in WW II and was part Mo. Their children were born in St. Louis. time overseas. Their home is in Blairstown, Children, surname OBERBECK: N. J. Children ,surname ANDREOTTA: a. Anita Marie, b. 29 Jan. 1944. a. David Humphreys, b. 8 March 1945, St. b. Richard Wayne, b. 14 Feb. 1947. Louis, Mo. iii. Billy Dorwin, b. 15 Oct. 1921, Hannibal, b. Glen Urban, b. 30 Oct. 1947, Blairstown, Mo.; m. 2 May 1943, St. Louis, Mo., to Will­ N. J. anna Ince, ( dau. of James Nathaniel and Jane vi. Vida Lucile, b. 7 Feb. 1931, St. Louis, Mo.; (Roberts) Ince, of Louisiana, Mo.), b. 10 m. 15 Sept. 1951, St. Louis, Mo., to Hulon D. Nov. 1923. Aerial gunner, Army Air Forces, McDaniel, ( son of Dallas and Gillette Mc­ WW II. Shot down and spent ten months in a Daniel), b. 15 Aug. 1929. He is an engineer­ German prison camp. Recalled to active duty ing graduate from Missouri School of Mines, in 1951 and served seven months in Japan and Rolla, Mo., and is presently with McDonnell Korea. Now ( 1953) supervisor aerial photo Aircraft Company. cameras on B-36 planes, at Travis Air Force Base, California. Children, surname HUMPH­ REFERENCES: REYS: a. Dorwin Dennis, b. 11 Jan. 1945, Louisiana, Family data furnished by: Mrs. Jean Lois Forde. Mo. (132) ELMER CLAUDE' HUMPHREYS, (David Chal­ b. Billy Dale (twin) b. and d. 11 Jan. 1945. mers,7 Ellwood," Thomas Keyes,'' David/ John," David/ 1v. Audrey Lois, b. 7 Oct. 1925, St. Louis, Mo.; John,1 ), was born 26 Nov. 1895, St. Louis Co., Mo. He m. 1 April 1949, St. Louis, Mo., to Leslie was married 26 May 1917, St. Louis, Mo., to Helen Gil­ Donald Orr, (son of Leslie Robert and Alta bert Feith, ( daughter of Jane (Ready) Orr, of Bagley, Wisconsin), b. and Anna Effa (Gilbert) Feith), born 17 Sept. 1897. 27 Oct. 1924. Medical division U. S. Army, He is employed by the transportation system in St. WW II. Graduate of Logan Basic Chiro­ Louis. They make their home in Overland, Saint Louis practic College, St. Louis, Mo. Their home is County, Missouri. in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Children, sur­ name ORR: Children of Elmer Claude and Helen, surname HUM­ a. Leslie Donna, b. 24 Jan. 1950, St. Louis, PHREYS: Mo. i. Virginia Anna May, b. 24 July 1918, St. b. Jennifer Lois, b. 15 June 1951, St. Louis, Louis, Mo., to Howard Le Roy Noll, (son of Mo. Howard Rufus and Martha (Beckman) Noll), c. Steven Robert, b. 15 Sept. 1953, Ft. Atkin­ b. 23 Oct. 1915. He served in WW II as an son, Wisc. electrician in the Navy. Their home is in St. Louis Co., Mo. All their children were born v. Chalmers Claude, b. 9 Nov. 1930, St. Louis, in St. Louis. Children, surname NOLL: Mo.; m. 27 April 1952, St. Louis, Mo., to


Beverly Jean Le Page, ( dau. of Louis Earl and Children of Frank and Josephine, surname HUMPH­ Cleda Marion (Hendricks) Le Page, of St. REYS: Johns, Mo.), b. 20 April 1932, St. Louis, Mo. i. Frank Edwin, II, b. 9 Dec. 1927, Hot He served three years in U. S. Army. Was 19 Springs, Ark. Educated at Georgia Military months at Ft. Knox, Ky. Instructor in tank Academy and University of Arkansas. Served maintenance. One year in Korea with 45th in the Air Force in Japan. Married 27 Feb. Inf. Div. Their home is in St. Louis, Mo. 1953, at Smackover, Arkansas, to Sara Nell Vickers, ( daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. REFERENCES: Vickers, of Smackover). She is a graduate of Southern Methodist University. Family data from: Mrs. E. C. Humphreys. ii. Virginia, b. 5 May 1929, Hot Springs, Ark.; (133) FRANK EDWIN' HUMPHREYS, (Harris,7 Ed­ m. 25 Feb. 1950 to Leo M. Keller. She at­ tended the U. of Ark. Their home is in Den­ win Coleman,'' Charles Jones," Parry Wayne/ Joshua/ 1 ver, Colorado. A son, surname KELLER: David, s John, ), was born 20 Oct. 1902, Bethlehem, a. Scott Allan Keller, b. 3 Feb. 1951. Ark. He married 2 Dec. 1926, at Hot Springs, Ark., to Josephine Pound, ( daughter of Theodore F. and Mary iii. Harris Theodore, b. 19 July 1930, Hot (Ferguson) Pound), b. 18 March 1907, Atlanta, Ga. Springs, Ark.; m. 23 March 1952, McCall, Idaho, to Carol Stephens. Educated at Ar­ He was educated at the of Ark. He is plant man­ U. kansas College and Henderson College. Serv­ ager for Humphreys Dairy, Inc. He is president of the ing in U. S. Air Forces. A son, surname HUM­ local Farm Bureau and a State Officer of the Dairy PHREYS: Association. a. Theodore Lee, b. Jan. 1953, McCall, Idaho. He is past president and district governor of Toast­ iv. Robert Pound, b. 6 Jan. 1949, Hot Springs, masters International and a member of the Lions Club. Ark. He is a Mason and he and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church where he is a Deacon. REFERENCES:

Their home is on Route 2, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Family data from: Miss Mary Lee Humphreys.



While definite proof has not yet been obtained, there 1v. Sophia, who m. Mr. Brigham. is evidence favoring the belief that one or more of the v. Mary (Polly), whom. Mr. Rushing. following families may be descended from either ( 4) THOMAS" HUMPHREYS, or (6) JOHN" HUMPH­ vi. David REYS, both of whom are recorded in this book. vu. Absolam, (See 5) Data for this HUMPHREYS family was secured from vm. William Perry, who m. and had several chil­ court records in Dickson and Humphreys counties in dren, one being a son, William Elbert Hum­ Tennessee and from family records supplied by: Mr. G. phreys (living 1916) who died in Oklahoma. W. Humphreys, Nacona, Texas; Mr. D. D. Humphreys, Hohenwald, Tennessee; Mr. Robert Humphreys, Frank­ 3. Horatio Humphreys, who m. Susan Adams, ( dau. fort, Kentucky; Mr. H.J. Humphreys, Salem, Arkansas; of Sylvester and Rebecca (Boyd) Adams, who came and Mr. Albert M. Humphreys, Thayer, Missouri. from Halifax Co., Va., to Humphreys Co., Tenn.). All of the following children are said to ·have married and I. John Humphreys, was in Dickson Co., Tenn,, as moved to Arkansas. (See "Chappell, Dickey, and Kin­ early as 1805 and is frequently mentioned in the records dred Families," p. 353) of the county. He was a surveyor, a Justice of the Peace, a juror, and was referred to as "Colonel." He is believed 1. Ann to have come to Tenn., from Virginia, possibly via N. C. u. Catherine His will, dated 16 Sept. 1826 and proved Jan. 1827, is of record in Will Book "A," p. 55 (No. 29). It is iii. George R., (See 6) lengthy and ~isposes of considerable property to chil­ 1v. John dren and grandchildren. His wife is unknown but was living in 1820. (Census) Children were: v. Rebecca 1. John Howard ( See 2) vi. Thomas ii. Horatio (Gates?) ( See 3) vu. Benjamin

111. Stokley ( See 4) viii. Samuel iv. Clarinda, who m. Amos Reynolds, but died 1x. William, (See 7) without issue. x. Martha v. Sophia, who m. ( 1) Amos Reynolds, and had issue: Clinton, John Severe, and Carolina; m. 4. Stokley D. Humphreys, b. ca. 1797, possibly in (2) Edward Holley. N. C.; m. Jermirry (Jemina ?) Patterson, b. ca. 1795. vi. Dilly, who m. John Tapley Patterson, and had Their home was in that portion of Dickson Co., that issue: Polly White Patterson. later became Houston Co., Tenn. Children were: vii. Jenisa, who m. Asa A. Brown, and had issue: 1. John Patterson, b. 1817, ( See 8) John Humphreys Brown, and Asa Madison ii. Robert, b. 1820, (See 9) Brown. iii. Susan, b. 1823 2. John Howard Humphreys, b. before 1775; d. 1843 iv. William, b. 1825, (See 10) or 1844; wife was unknown. His will was dated 20 Nov. 1839, Humphreys Co., Tenn., at which time all but three v. Mary E., b. 1827; m. 20 Sept. 1845, Dickson of his children were of legal age. Children were: Co., Tenn., to Humphares Halliburton. Lived at Erin, Tenn. No issue. i. George W. vi. Franklin, b. 1832; d. at Jackson, Miss., during ii. Stacy, who m. Mr. Cole. Civil War. May have had a wife and children iii. Martha, who m. Mr. Downey. in Dickson Co., Tenn.


5. Absolam Humphreys-It is possible that this man Kay, Curtis Fulton, Chester Boone, Erma was b. 1817, Waverly, Tenn.; That hem. 24 Oct. 1844, Esther, Verna Muriel, and Ruth. Tipton Co., Tenn., to Mary E. Smith. That they moved to Hickman Co., Kentucky, and had a son named John 8. John Patterson Humphreys, b. 1817, Dickson Co., Howard Humphreys, b. 1857. A John Howard Humph­ Tenn.; married twice; was a physician; represented reys, of Mayfield, Ky., had a son Robert Humphreys, b. Franklin Co., Ark., in Senate and House, 1858-1861. 1893, and reared in Mayfield. He is living in Frankfort, His children were: Ky., and is chairman of the Kentucky State Democratic By first marriage: Central Executive Committee. 1. Tennie, m. Dr. John Payne, Altus, Oklahoma. 6. George R. Humphreys, b. 1813 in Tenn.; m. in 11. Virginia, m. Mr. O'Donohue, Ozark, Arkansas Tenn., to Martha R...... , b. in Va. in 1822. He was a farmer and was living in Marshall Co., Miss., in 1850. 111. Gussie, m. Mr. Housel. They had: iv. Grundy. He died unm. 10 Long Beach, Calif. i. Horatio J ., ( See 11) By second marriage: ii. M. T. (daughter), b. 1847, in Tenn. v. David D., Sr., ( 1953 Clerk and Master, Chan­ cery Court, Hohenwald, Tenn.) His mother 7. William Humphreys, b. 1823, in Tenn. Came to died when he was a young boy and he was Arkansas before the Civil War. A ford on Spring River, reared by his uncle, William D., who took the near Hardy, Arkansas, gets its name from William and twins, aged about 15, back to visit in Houston his brother, Tom Humphreys. William's children were and Dickson Counties, stopping at the family six in number: home, "Old Vernon." 1. Tom, who lived for a time in Fulton Co., Ark., v1. William E., (twin of David D. above). and had a son William who lived in Mam­ moth Springs, Ark. 9. Robert Humphreys, b. ca. 1820, in Tenn.; d. 1863, ii. Marion, who lived in Fulton Co., Ark., but Graves Co., Ky.; m. Saphronia Jane West, of Kentucky, died in Oklahoma. He had two sons and a who d. 1863. Their children were: daughter. 1. John Patterson, b. 1848, (See 12) 111. Angeline, who married Mr. Claud. 11. Richard D., who d. in Graves Co., Ky. iv. Drucilla, who married Mr. Diddie. 111. Fannie, m. Robert Coulter and d. in Tulsa, v. Martha, b. 6 Aug. 1855; d. 20 July 1901; m. Oklahoma. Columbus Mcllroy, ( son of Samuel Mcllroy, 1v. West Howard, d. in Mayfield, Ky. of Randolph Co., Ark.), b. 1856. They had two children: Minnie Mcllroy, b. 8 Jan. 1878; v. Nora, m. John Rye, and died in Paducah, Ky. d. 10 June 1916; m. John Layl, and Frank Mc­ v1. Robert, d. in Mineral Wells, Texas. Ilroy, b. 25 Dec. 1879; m. 15 March 1903 to Myrtle Pruitt, and lives in Pocahontas, Ark. vu. Amos West, d. in Henrietta, Texas.

vi. Johnson, b. 1856; d. 1906; married and had 10. William D. Humphreys, b. 1825 in Tenn.; d. Dick­ three children: son Co., Tenn.; m. 21 Jan. 1847 Dickson Co., Tenn., to a. George, who died unmarried. Arabella Halliburton. Their children were: b. Green, who died unmarried. 1. Henry c. Albert M. Humphreys, b. 1877; m. 28 Jan. 1898 to Clara Gertrude Holcombe. They 11. Stoakley had six sons and three daughters: George Dewey, Joseph Troy, Lloyd Monroe, David 11. Horatio James Humphries, b. 7 April 1838, Gib-


son Co., Tenn.; d. Sharp Co., Ark.; m. 4 Feb. 1862, to iv. Ethel Humphreys, b. 1 July 1895; m. S. L. Eliza C. Livingston, b. 1840, Alabama. Family tradition Napier. says he changed the spelling of the name to avoid con­ v. Florence Humphreys, b. 26 Nov. 1892; m. W. fusion in mail He was a physician and was living in Earl Justin, d. Aug. 1952. He was a son of H. Sharp Co., Ark., 1870-1875, living at Ash Flat. All his J. Justin. children were born in Arkansas. vi. Anne Humphreys, b. 22 Sept. 1898; m. I. E. i. Emma C., b. 1863; m. Mr. Elmore. They lived Cummings, of Henrietta, Texas. in Mammoth Springs, Ark. Had a son George Elmore, of Jonesboro, Ark. 13. George Thomas Humphreys, b. 1869; m. and has ii. Horatio J., Jr., b. 1866. three sons: iii. George Thomas, b. 1869, (See 13) i. Horatio James Humphreys, b. 1895; living 1v. William W. 1950, at Salem, Sharp Co., Ark. m. and has three sons: Jack Sumter, James Webster, and v. Elbert G., who m. and had a son Cecil, who George R. m. and has an only son Milton. ii. George Thomas, Jr. vi. Tollie, who died 17 Feb. 1950. iii. William Wainwright Humphreys. 12. John Patterson Humphreys, b. 16 July 1848, Graves Co., Ky.; d. 14 Aug. 1935 at Nocona, Texas; m. The following data was furnished by Mr. Charles D. Clementine Bradshaw, b. 20 July 1858, in Ky.; d. 1945, Young, Vice President, The Pennsylvania Railroad Com­ in Nocona, Texas. They left Mayfield, Ky., in the early pany, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. '80's and settled in Wise Co., Texas. In 1887 he resigned as a member of the Texas Twentieth Legislature and John Humphrey ,b. ca. 1720; d. 1774, had the follow­ moved to Madison Co., Ark., where he joined the Ar­ ing children: John, Charles, Jacob, Urie (Uri or Oree) kansas Conference of the Methodist Church. For fifteen who married Thomas Drake, Sr., Thomas, and Isaac, b. years he was a circuit rider, serving at Cincinnati, Hunts­ ca. 1744; d. 1801. ville, Cane Hill, and Elm Springs. He moved his family The above Thomas was b. 2 June 1742; d. 7 June back to Texas in 1902. Their children were: 1824 and is buried in Short Hill Cemetery, Bluemont, i. William Robert Humphreys, b. 17 Dec. 1883; Virginia. He served in the militia in the Revolutionary m. Gladys Kilgore. Their children are: War. He m. (1) Mary Marks, b. 14 May 1742; d. 8 a. Zoe Evelyn, b. 18 Aug. 1928; m. Roy Ma~­ Dec. 1811. Hem. (2) Mary Richards. By his first mar­ well Smith. riage Thomas Humphreys had twenty-one children: John, Thomas Marks, Jr., Abner, Jesse, Joseph, Oree, b. Anna Ruth, b. 21 Sept. 1930; m. Ward Hannah, Euphnnia ( called Effie), David, Ester, Charles, Byrd Benson. Martha (called Patsy), Jacob, Tacy, Mary, Lee, Ann c. William Howard Humphreys, b. 21 Nov. (Nancy), Rachel, Jonah, Marcus and another whose 1931. Now (1953) an Ensign in U. S. name is unknown. Navy, and unmarried. The above Euphemia Humphreys, b. 7 August 1772; ii. Grundy West Humphreys, b. 1 June 1889, d. 6 Nov. 1821; m. ca. 1790, in Paris, Va., to John Ab­ Huntsville, Ark.; m. Ruth Abrams. He is ner Young, (son of John Young, of Va.), b. 3 June President of Justin Leather Goods Company, 1766; d. 1 June 1819. Their sixth child was Abner Nocona, Texas. A daughter: Elaine, b. 27 Jan. Humphrey Young. 1928; m. James Robert Floyd. Abner Humphrey Young was b. 3 Nov. 1802 (or iii. Nora Humphreys, b. 11 Jan. 1886. She is un­ 1803 ), in Fleetwood, Va.; d. 8 October 1860, Washing­ married ( 1953) and makes her home in ton, D. C.; m. 5 Oct. 1826, Washington, D. C., to Mary Dallas, Texas. Ann Randolph, b. 9 Nov. 1803; d. 2 Sept. 1870, Wash-

-118- GENEALOGY ington, D. C. Their ninth child was Thomas Humphrey ticipation in "The Donation Lanus," which were sold Young. at Vincennes. Thomas Humphrey Young was b. 1 Sept. 1845; d. 30 On May 13, 1817, George Humphreys was appointed Oct. 1925; m. 12 Nov. 1873 in Washington, D. C., to Agent for Gibson County ,a position which he resigned Annie Cowden Forster, b. 19 Sept. 1853; d. 8 March the following year. 1908. They were the parents of Mr. Charles D. Young, George and Frances (Garrard) Humphreys were who furnished this information. members of the Presbyterian Church in Princeton, In­ diana. Records for the family following, were furnished by Children of George and Frances (Garrard) Humph­ Mr. Alfred W. Humphreys, of Galt, Missouri. reys: GEORGE HUMPHREYS,1 was born ca. 1764; died 1. Joseph, b. 31 Oct. 1784 in Kentucky; d. ca. 10 April 1840 and he is buried in a cemetery near Penn­ 1839, in Gibson Co., Indiana; m. to Peggy ington, Edwards County, Illinois. He was first married Flynn; children: Jane, Frances, Elizabeth, Si­ to Frances Garrard (Girard, Gerrard), believed to have las, Uriah, Andrew Jackson, Martha Ann, and been the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Garrard of Daniel. Ruddell's Mills, Kentucky, who died ca. June, 1836, in Gibson County, Indiana. She is believed to have been ii. Uriah, b. 1796 in Kentucky; d. ca. December buried in the old Humphreys Cemetery located on the 1842; in Linn County, now Sullivan County, original Humphreys homestead in White River Town­ Missouri; m. 25 May 1815 to Rachel Gordon, ship, near Princeton, Gibson County, Indiana. b. 26 March 1796; d. 23 May 1876, in Lindley, Missouri; children: George, James, Garrard George Humphreys later married, 25 February 1838, (Garrett), Marshall, Nancy, Elizabeth, Joseph in Clay County, Illinois, Miss Mary Rose, b. ca. 1806, d. Wesley, and Elisha Emory. ca. 1884 ,in Tulare County, California. Her grave in the Deep Creek Cemetery has been marked by the Alta Mira iii. George, Jr., b. in Kentucky; d. 1840 in Gib­ Chapter, D.A.R., of Lindsay, California, because of son Co., Indiana; m. 3 December 1818 to Jane George Humphreys' service in the Revolutionary War. Woods, b. 30 January 1803, d. unk. at Little­ ton, Illinois. Children: Lucy, Elizabeth, Ma­ During the Revolutionary War, George Humphreys riah, Sarah, George, III, and Uriah. enlisted in the fall of I 781, at or near Williamsburg, Virginia, serving until the termination of the war, at 1v. Elijah, b. 25 May 1807; d. unk.; m. to Sarah which time he was a Dragoon in Captain Hughes' Troop Garwood. They lived near Albion, Illinois. of Light Dragoons, in the First Regiment commanded Hannah, a daughter, was married to Thomas by Colonel White. Garthorp; their daughter ,Ella Garthorp Lee Hawkins, lived at Bone Gap, Illinois. Nothing For his military service, George Humphreys received further is know of this family. two land grants located in Muhlenberg County, Ken­ tucky, and many years later was issued two bounty land v. Elizabeth, b. unk.; d. unk.; m. November 1802 warrants. in Muhlenberg Co., Ky. to Samuel Murphy. Children, surname MURPHY: Thomas, Re­ Since three of their daughters were married in Muh­ becca, Jesse and Adah. Elizabeth was married lenberg County, Kentucky, and since George and Frances (2nd) to John Sovern, and there was one Humphreys di~posed of several properties there, includ­ child. Polly Sovern. ing some lots in the town of West Port, it is assumed v1. Sarah, b. unk., d. unk., m. April 1805 in Muh­ that they lived for some time in Muhlenberg County, lenberg Co., Ky., to John Adams, Jr. Children: Kentucky. They moved to what is now Gibson County, Lucinda 'and John Shannon ADAMS. Indiana, prior to 1812, probably about 1807; some of the sons served in the War of 1812 from that county. vu. Nancy, b. unk., d. unk., m. December 1809(?) They acquired a large acreage of land in the White in Muhlenberg Co., Ky., to Peter Groves. River Township, Gibson County, Indiana, through par- Issue: one child, Frances GROVES.


v111. Dice, b. unk., d. unk., m. 9 January 1817 in Flynn. His Will was proved in Gibson Co., Ind., 14 Oct. Gibson County, Indiana, to \X1illiam Britting­ 1839. There is little information about this family. The ham. No further information. children were: 1x. Hannah, b. unk.; d. unk.; m. 19 March 1818 in 1. Jane, m. 16 July 1823 to James Manning. Gibson County, Indiana, to Andrew Culbert­ ii. Frances, b. unk, d, 1848; m. 19 Aug. 1830 to son. No further information. William Martin. Children, surname MAR­ x. Lucy, b. 5 Sept. 1803 in Muhlenberg Co., Ky.; TIN: Amadine, James, and Rachel. d. 4 June 1873 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois; m. iii. Elizabeth, m. Daniel Beedle. {1st) 16 Aug. 1821 in Gibson Co., Ind., to George W. Brittingham; m .. (2nd) 27 Octo­ 1v. Uriah, b. unk., d. unk. ber 1834 in Gibson Co., Ind., to John Taylor, v. Silas, m. 24 May 1840 to Maryetta Brown. and they had one son, Hiram Thompson Tay­ lor; m. (3rd) to a Mr. Tomes; m. (4) to John v1. Andrew Jackson. Dunning. vii. Martha Ann. xi. Mariah, b. unk.; m. 21 August 1828 in Gibson viii. Daniel. It is possible that this Daniel was the Co., Ind., to William Garwood. This family father of Joseph, Dan, Jerry, George, Will, went by emigrant train to Walla Walla, Maggie, and Martha Humphreys, a family re­ Washington, and nothing further is known lated to Mrs. Sarah C. (Humphreys) Stevens of them. living at Patoka, Indiana. She is the daughter Children of George and Mary (Rose) Humphreys: of the Joseph mentioned ,whose father was a ( the second wife) Daniel Humphreys. Mrs. Stevens has two sons: Wilbur Stevens, of East St. Louis, and xii. Van Buren, b. ca. 1839. No further informa­ Ralph Stevens, of Charleston, South Carolina. tion. xiii. George, b. ca. 1840. No further information. URIAH" HUMPHREYS, b. 1796, in Kentucky, d. ca. Source Materials for above information: December, 1842, in Linn Co., now Sullivan Co., Mis­ souri; buried in an old family burial plot on the Hum­ 1. Service Record of George Humphreys, The National Ar­ phreys homestead located about 2½ miles southwest of chives, File No. W 761, BL Wt. 1 401-100, BL Wt. 60-60-55. the town of Humphreys, Missouri, the exact spot now 2. Records of Gibson County, Indiana: Court of Common unknown; m. 25 May 1815, in Gibson Co., Indiana, to . Pleas, Box 66, File 15, "Elijah Humphreys et al versus Heirs of George Humphreys," Rachel Gordon ( dau. of Samuel Gordon, a native of Will and Inventory Record E., p. 68, Will of Joseph Humph-. South Carolina, but an early settler in White River reys. Township, Gibson Co., Indiana), b. 26 March 1796, d. Marriage Record "A," License No.'s 72, 155, 197, 228, 347, 695, 23 May 1876; buried in the old Lindley, Missouri, Ceme­ and 952. tery beside her second husband, Ahijah Woods. 3. Tartt, James T. History of Gibson County Indiana, 1884, pp. 64 and 79. Uriah Humphreys was a soldier in the War of 1812 4. Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, Marriage Book No. l. while a resident of Gibson Co., Indiana. He was a Pri­ 5. Journal of Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 19, Nos. vate in a Company of Infantry of the First Regiment of 1-4, April 1926 to January 1927, p. 52. Indiana Militia, commanded by Captain Joseph Mont­ 6. Des Cognets, Anna R. Got·ernor Garrard of Kentucky, His gomery. Descendants and Relatit-es. Lexington, Ky., James M. Byrnes, 1898, p. 88. The marriage of Uriah Humphreys to Rachel Gordon 7. Ardery, Mrs. Wm. B. Kentucky Court and Other Records, is given in Tartt's History of Gibso11 County Indiana Vol. JI. Lexington, Ky.: The Keystone Printery, 1952, p. 14. as one of the first hundred marriages occuring in Gib­ 8. Jillson. Kentucky Land Grants, p. 339. son County. ( p. 64) JOSEPH" HUMPHREYS, b. 31 Oct. 1784 in Ken­ In 1839, Uriah and Rachel (Gordon) Humphreys tucky, d. 1839 in Gibson Co., Indiana; m. to Peggy migrated to what is now Taylor Township, Sullivan


County, Missouri, where they lived on a farm located 1866 to Samuel Smith. Children, surname about 2Vz mile~ southwest of the present town of Hum­ SMITH: Maggie, m. Van R. Mickens; phreys, which was named for the family. Dave, m. Maude Sims; Bob, m. Rinda Sims. Uriah Humphreys died only three years after going c. James F., b. 1848. to Missouri. His Will, dated 16 Nov. 1842, was "ad­ d. Daniel Boone, b. 29 March 1850, d. 14 mitted to Probate and Record in the County Court" of April 1862. Linn County, Missouri, 15 December 1842. e. Elisha G., b. 1853, d. unk.; m. Martha ...... (?); Children: Willie, m. Mary After Uriah's death, Rachel (Gordon) Humphreys Meeker; Tommy, m. Goldie Meeker; Mag­ was married to Mr. Ahijah Woods of Lindley, Missouri, gie, m. Sam Meeker; Sammy; John; Jane; then a thriving community about two miles south of the Mary; Ethel. Humphreys homesite. She is buried beside the second f. Mary E., b. 1854, m ...... Hopper. husband in the Lindley Cemetery. g. George B., b. 22 April 1856, d. 17 Feb. Children of Uriah and Rachel (Gordon) Humphreys: 1875. i. George, b. ca. 1817, d. unk., m. Mary Ann h. Nancy E., b. 1858, m. Thomas Hopper. Constant ( dau. of John and Margaret (Wood) 1. Garrard B., b. 1860. Constant, natives of Ohio), b. 21 Jan. 1818, j. Celia J., b. 229 July 1864, d. 30 June 1906; d. 3 April 1884. He ~as a soldier in the War m ...... Hopper. Between the States, having been a member of k. Rachel M., b. 30 Dec. 1867, d. 3 Nov. 1868. Company K, 7th Missouri Cavalry, and is I. Barkley, b. unk., d. unk. Children: Eva, m. buried in the Lindley Cemetery, Lindley, Mis­ \X1alter Hamlin; Etta, m ...... Phillips. souri. Their children were: m. Doc, b. unk., d. unk. Children: Phillip, m. a. Rachel A., b. 3 Jan. 1841, d. unk. Maggie Bradley and they have six children: b. Uriah, b. 2 May 1842, d. unk. Mary; Dora; George; Sam; Anna; and Ma­ c. Margaret E., b. 22 Sept. 1843, d. 9 April bel; Clay; and Celia. 1855. iv. Marshall, b. 31 August 1825, in Gibson Coun­ d. John W., b. 30 January 1846, d. 9 Septem­ ty, Indiana, d. 16 Nov. 1891 at Galt, Missouri; ber 1919. m. 21 April 1864, Grundy County, Missouri, u. James, b. ca. 1819, d. 1848, in Sullivan Co., to Eliza Ann Haley, b. 12 April 1828, d. 8 Missouri; m. 22 May 1842 to Eleanor Reed June 1891. Both are buried at Galt, Missouri. ( ? ) in Gibson Co., Indiana. There were two Children, surname HUMPHREYS: children, Catharine and Rachel, who were liv-· a. Charles Haley, b. 12 May 1865, d. 14 Aug. ing in Gibson Co., Indiana, at the time of 1865. James· death. There is no further information b. Uriah Gordon, b. 30 Aug. 1866; living at about this family. Galt, Missouri. iii. Garrard (Garrett), b. 19 March 1821, in Gib­ c. Wade Hampton, b. 2 Dec. 1868; living at son Co., Indiana, d. 22 Sept. 1899, in Sullivan Galt, Missouri. Co., Missouri, buried in the Union Grove d. Rachel Lizzie, b. 6 Feb. 1872, d. 25 April Cemetery north of Osgood, Missouri; m. to 1883. Margaret Anne Constant ( dau. of John and v. Nancy, b. ca. 1828 in Gibson Co., Indiana; m. Margaret (Wood) Constant, natives of Ohio, t~ Andrew J. Constant (son of John and Mar­ but early settlers in Linn Co., now Sullivan garet (Wood) Constant, natives of Ohio, but Co., Missouri), b. 1823, d. unk. in Sullivan early settlers in Sullivan Co., Missouri). Co., Missouri. Children: Nothing is known about this family except a. John W., b. 1842. that there were at least three children: An­ b. Elizabeth F., b. 1846, d. unk., m. 8 Nov. drew J., b. 26 Mar. 1847, d. 12 Sept. 1852;


Rachel, b. 1849; and John M., b. 26 Dec. 1857, g. Minnie, b. 7 Oct. 1871; d. unk. d. 18 Feb. 1861. Two of these children, An­ h. Frank, b. 19 Feb. 1874; d. 27 Sept. 1905. drew J. and John M. are buried inthe Lindley 1. James G., b. 5 April 1876; d. 11 Sept. 1910. Cemetery, Lindley, Missouri. j. Verna Naomi, b. 7 June 1878; d. 8 April vi. Elizabeth, b. ca. 1830, d. unk.; m. 20 Dec. 1950. 1848 to David Williams. This family left k. Helen, b. 30 Jan. 1882; d. unk. Sullivan Co., Missouri, at an early date, and 1. Herman, b. 25 March 1883; living at Gash­ little is known about the descendants. There land, Missouri. were ten children, but the names of only two m. William F., b. 16 June 1885; living at Galt, are known: (surname WILLIAMS) Missouri. a. Minnie, b. 29 Dec. 1864. b. Marvin, b. 29 Dec. 1864, (twin of Minnie) living in 1949 at 307 Mtn. View Ave., GEORGE" HUMPHREYS, JR., b. unk. in Kentucky, Santa Cruz, California. (All other children d. 1840 in Gibson County, Indiana; m. 3 December of Elizabeth (Humphreys) and David Wil­ 1818, in Gibson Co., Ind., to Jane Woods, ( dau. of liams were dead in 1949.) His son, Marvin Joseph and Polly (Dickson) Woods; granddaughter of Williams, Jr., was living at Galt, California, Joseph Woods, Revolutionary Soldier, and Mary (Ham­ in 1949. ilton) Woods), b. 30 Jan. 1803, d. unk. in Schuyler Co., 111. Jane (Woods) Humphreys is buried at Littleton, vii. Joseph Wesley, b. 12 March 1832 in Gibson Illinois. Co., Indiana, d. 25 N~v. 1872, in Sullivan Co., Missouri, buried at Lindley, Mo.; m. 24 June Children of George, Jr., and Jane (Woods) Humph­ 1852 to Cynythia Yates. This family left Sulli­ reys: van Co., Mo., soon after Joseph Wesley's i. Lucy, b. unk., d. unk.; m. (1st) 10 Jan. 1838, death, and little is known about the descend­ in Gibson Co., Ind., to Thomas W. Martin; ants. A son, Ahijah, was living in Kansas City, m. (2nd) to ...... Rue. They had one child, Kansas, about 1940. The following are be­ Nelly RUE, who married ...... Cabble. Lucy lieved to be children of this family: Winfield is presumably buried at Quincy, Illinois, where S.; Uriah; Ahijah; Marshall G.; Nancy A.; she lived before her death. and Cynthia, who married Milton Brown. No further information at this date. ii. Elizabeth, b. unk., d. 1905; m. 12 Aug. 1846, in Gibson Co., Ind:'; to James Sloan. Children, viii. Elisha Emory, b. 12 July 1836, in Gibson Co., surname SLOAN: Jane; Louis; George; Uriah; Indiana, d. 18 Dec. 1823 in Sullivan Co., Mis­ Thomas; James; Frank; and Emma. Elizabeth souri; m. 11 Feb. 1854 to Mary Ann Dobbins, (Humphreys) Sloan is buried at Littleton, ( dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Kirkpatrick) Schuyler Co., Illinois. Dobbins, natives of Illinois but early settlers of Sullivan Co., Mo.), b. 9 Aug. 1836, d. 25 iii. Mariah, b. unk., d. 1901; m. (1st) to Thomas Feb. 1924. Both are buried at Humphreys, Payne; two children, surname PAYNE: Wil­ Missouri. Children: liam, and Elizabeth; m. (2nd) to William a. Thomas Marshall, b. 17 Nov. 1854; d. 11 Dean; children, surname DEAN: Ellen; Sarah; Nov. 1931. Anna; and George. Mariah is buried at Little­ ton, Schuyler Co., Illinois. b. Elizabeth, b. 1 June 1857; d. 16 Nov. 1940. c. Emma Alice, b. 3 Jan. 1861; d. 4 Oct. 1922. 1v. Sarah, b. unk., d. unk.; m. to George McCul­ d. John A., b. 10 Oct. 1863; d. 17 Sept. 1935. lough. Children, surname McCULLOUGH: George; Louis; and Emma. Sarah is buried at e. Sarah Margaret, b. 3 June 1866; living at Denver, Colo. Littleton, Schuyler Co., Illinois. f. Charles C., b. 13 March 1867; d. 16 Aug. v. George, III, b. ca. 1833, d. 1853; unmarried; 1925. buried at Littleton, Schuyler Co., Illinois.


vi. Uriah, b. 11 Feb. 1836, d. 13 May 1877, ii. S~san, ~- 9 December 1867, living at Osgood, buried in Knox Co., Ind.; m. to Julia Ann Mtssoun; m. 28 January 1889 to Cardinal Baerkman, b. 26 May 1837, d. 2 July 1884, Boone (Major) Ralls. Their children sur- buried in Knox Co., Ind. Children: name RALLS: ' a. Delbert; no descendants. a. Everett b. George; no descendants. b. Mary A. c. Uriah Leroy, b. 16 April 1876, living at iii. George Wesley, b. 25 June 1870, d. 14 August Ironton, Ohio; m. 24 Feb. 1912 to Ruth 1871. Gail Quick, b. 11 Nov. 1893, at Farina, Illinois, d. 30 Sept. 1922. They had one v1. Samuel C., b. 8 April 1873, living near Os­ child: (I) Everett Cecil Humphreys, b. 8 good, Missouri; m. 7 July 1892 to Ella Fisher, Nov. 1913, living at Ironton, Ohio. b. unk., living near Osgood, Missouri. Their children: LUCY~ HUMPHREYS, b. 5 Sept. 1803, in Kentucky, a. Wayne Humphreys d. 4 June 1873, buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mt. Car­ b. Roxanna mel, Illinois. She was married four times: (1st) to v. Uriah, b. 6 November 1876, living near Os­ George W. Brittingham, on 16 Aug. 1821, in Gibson good, Missouri; m. 26 May 1895 to Nora May Co., Ind.; (2) to John Taylor on 27 Oct. 1834, in Gib- Barton, b. 23 October 1876, living near Os­ son Co., Ind.; (3rd) to ...... Tomes; (4th) to John good, Missouri. Their children: Dunning, presumably of Mt. Carmel, Illinois. There was ~ne son, born of the second marriage. a. Wade A., b. 16 April 1896, living near

I Osgood, Mo.; m. 18 February 1926 to Ethel Lucy (Humphreys) Brittingham was married 27 Oct. R. Cochran. 1834, in Gibson Co., Ind., to John Taylor, b. unk., d. 7 b. Bessie Cleo, b. 14 August 1901, living near Jan. 1836, buried in Knox Co., Ind. Their son, Hiram Osgood, Mo.; m. 10 September 1924 to Thompson TAYLOR was born 28 July, 1835, in Knox Clabe S. Moore, also living. Co., Ind. He died 22 Oct. 1882, and is buried at Mt. c. John Ernest, b. 5 October 1903, living near Carmel, Illinois. He was married 8 Aug. 1865 to Rose Osgood, Mo.; m. 26 May 1928 to Faye Handel, b. 8 Sept. 1847, d. 25 Dec. 1915, buried at Mt. Caldwell. Carmel, Ill. CHARLES c.-1 HUMPHREYS, (Elisha Emory,3 JOHN WESLEY' HUMPHREYS, (George,3 Uriah," 1 Uriah," George, ) was born 13 March 1867, in Sullivan George,') was born 30 January 1846, presumably in Sul­ County, Missouri, where he died 16 August 1925 in a livan County, Missouri, where he died 9 Sept. 1919. He railroad accident. He is buried in the "new" cemetery at was married 4 Sept. 1864 to Elizabeth Smith ( daughter Galt, Missouri. He was married to Dessie Winters of Sam Smith), born 7 Sept. 1845, died 19 May 1927. ( daughter of Nathan Winters), born 10 June 1870, who Both are buried at the Union Grove Cemetery north of is living near Galt, Missouri. Osgood, Sullivan County, Missouri. Children of Charles C. and Dessie (Winters) Hum­ Children of John Wesley and Elizabeth (Smith) phreys: Humphreys: 1. Truman, b. 16 March 1894, living on a farm i. Mary Ellen, b. 15 July 1865, d. 12 July 1894; near Galt, Mo. He was married to Maebel m. 28 March 1885 to Robert S. Long, b. unk., Irene McCracken 28 July 1919, daughter of d. 6 June 1927. Their children, surname James and Emma (Daniels) McCracken. They LONG: were the parents of one daughter: a. Bessie, b. 20 May 1886; d. 18 April 1920. a. Betty June, b. 18 Oct. 1920, now living in b. Burton, b. unk., d. unk. St. Paul, Minnesota; m. 22 March 1946 to c. Sam, b. unk., d. 30 Oct. 1925. Marvin George Helsper, of Chokio, Minne­ d. Lee, b. unk., d. unk. sota. Their children, surname HELSPER:


(1) Scott Thomas, b. 14 Aug. 1947; (2) ( 1) Philip Martin, b. 24 November 1942. Christine, b. 15 Nov. 1948; ( 3) Linda (1) Lawrence Eugene, b. 3 January 1947. Pearl, b. 16 Nov. 1951. b. Marshall Eugene, Jr., b. 14 Sept. 1912, 11. Linda, b. 2 Feb. 1898, living on a farm near frving at Tuscumbia, Missouri; m. 22 April Galt, Mo.; m. 14 Nov. 1928 to Estel L. 1933 to Margaret Helen Whitfield, ( dau. Rhoades (son of Virgil Estel and Minnie of Paul Whitfield), of Trenton, Missouri. Alice Rhoades). They have one son: Charles They have three children: Rex, b. 5 October 1933. ( 1) Marjorie Ann, b. 8 April 1934, m. 14 iii. Mary Frances, b. 25 Nov. 1902, living near Feb. 1953 to Paul Howard. Galt Mo.; m. to Roy Vencill ( son of Ora and (2) Martha Susan, b. 26 September 1941. Retta Vencill). They have one son: Lee, b. (3) Marshall Eugene, III, b. 28 July 1947. 11 May 1933, m. Barbara Head, daughter of c. Alfred Wendell, b. 5 June 1915, living at Herbert and Velma Head. Urbana, Illinois. d. Arthur Francis, b. 5 June 1915, living at URIAH GORDON• HUMPHREYS, (Marshall,' Tarkio, Missouri. Uriah, 2 George,') was born 30 August 1866, at Lindley, Missouri. He is living at Galt, Missouri. He was married e. Loren Stanley, b. 30 October 1924, living at (1st) 21 September 1887, at Kirksville, Missouri, to Tuscumbia, Missouri. Mattie Baird Hannah ( dau. of John T. and Sue (Wis­ 11. Infant son, (unnamed) b. 1 Feb. 1897, d. 2 dom) Hannah, of Kirksville, Missouri), b. ca. 1866, d. Feb. 1897. 24 Jan. 1912. She is buried at Kirksville, Missouri. He was subsequently married to Gertrude L. Reger, ( dau. of Louis Philip and Susan W. (Schrock) Reger) who THOMAS MARSHALL• HUMPHREYS, (Elisha E.,3 died in 1916 and is buried at Galt, Missouri. He was Uriah," George,') was born 17 November 1854, in Sulli­ married (3rd) to Mrs. Stella (Casebeer) Peyton who is van County, Missouri. He died 11 November 1931 at his living at Galt, Missouri. home near Lindley, Missouri, and is buried at Lindley. He was married 20 May 1880, in Linn County, Missouri, Uriah Gordon Humphreys was educated at Kirksville to Hannah Eliza Pickens, b. 1859, d. 1939, buried at State Normal, Kirksville, Missouri, where he was grad­ Lindley, Missouri. uated in 1887. He has been a successful farmer at Galt, Missouri, for many years. He is a member of the Metho­ Thomas Marshall Humphreys was a successful farmer dist Church and the aMsonic Lodge at Galt. in the Lindley, Missouri, community for many years.

Children of Uriah Gordon and Mattie Baird (Han: Children of Thomas Marshall and Hannah E. (Pick­ nah) Humphreys: ens) Humphreys: i. Marshall Eugene, b. 14 Aug. 1888, living at i. Pauline A. Humphreys, living at Warrens­ Galt, Missouri. He was married 29 December burg, Missouri. 1909 to Euna Grace Reger, ( dau. of Louis Philip and Susan W. (Schrock) Reger), b. ii. John C., b. unk., d. ca. 1951; m. to Mary De­ 24 August 1889, at Reger, Missouri, living at Witt, ( dau. of W. H. W. and Lura V. (Re­ Galt, Missouri. Their children are: ger) DeWitt). Both are buried at the Rural Dale Cemetery, east of Trenton, Missouri. a. Philip Gordon, b. 18 July 1911, living at They were the parents of three daughters: Medford, Oregon; m. Nov. 1937 to Mar­ Mildred; Virginia; and Margaret. jory Anita (Lindley), of Medford, Oregon. They have two sons: iii. Edith


Abigail North ...... 11, 12, 29, 33, 34, 61 Billy Dale ...... 114 Abner ...... 118 Billy Dorwin ...... 114 Absolam ...... 116, 117 Birdie ...... 76 Adelaide Ruth ...... 97 Blanche Barlow ...... 96 Agnes Lee ...... 83, 101 Burton Weldon ...... 103 Ahijah ...... 122 Byron ...... 63, 83, 102, 103 Albert ...... I 16, 117 Byron Albert ...... 101 Aldridge ...... 96 Callie ...... 67 Alfred Battle ...... 64, 83 Carl Bertram ...... 101 Alfred Wendell ...... 119, 124 Carl Wade ...... 109 Alice ...... 70 Carla Faye ...... 109 Alice Fay ...... 94 Carole Winn ...... 108 Alice Lee ...... 85 Caroline Meriwether ...... 68 Allan ..... ·····························80 Carolyn Upton ...... 101 Allan Sparrow ...... 55, 80, 82, 98 Casandra ...... 7, 8, 18, 22 Allie Bennett ...... 93, 111 Casey ...... 94 Allison Battle ...... 39, 83, 90, 103 Catherine ...... 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 78, Amanda Pillow ...... 64 95, 116, 121 Amos West ...... 117 Catherine Keyes ...... 52, 56, 59, 62, 76, 78, 79 Andrew Jackson ...... 119, 120 Cecil ...... 75, 118 Anella ...... 95 Celia ...... 121 Angeline ...... 117 Chalmers Claude ...... ,, ...... 114 Ann ...... I, 3, 5, 11, 67, 116, 118 Charles ...... 9, 13, 14, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, Ann Gaillard ...... 105 64, 92, 118, 122, 123 Ann Hawes ...... 66, 67 Charles Boone ...... 108 Ann Katherine ...... 37 Charles Eugene ...... 104 Ann M ...... 47 Charles Haley ...... 121 Anna ...... 19, 20, 26, 28, 32, 33, 121 Charles John ...... 84, 104 Anna Catherine ...... 29, 30, 31 Charles Jones ...... 40, 41, 42, 65, 66, 67, 84 Anna Rambo ...... 11, 12, 61 Charles Lewis ...... 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23 Anna Ruth ...... 118 Charles R ...... 106 Anna Virginia ...... 71 Charles T...... 75, 95 Anne ...... 118 Charles Wayne ...... 73, 87 Anne Elizabeth ...... 104 Charles West ...... 63 Anne Payne ...... 64, 65, 84 Charles William ...... 39, 40 Annie Agnes ...... 102 Charles Word ...... 16, 17, 46, 47 Annie Dee ...... 68 Charlotte ...... 103 Annie Lou ...... 91 Charlotte Lynn ...... 108 Annie Queen ...... 84 Chester Boone ...... 117 Arthur Cameron ...... 59, 77, 78 Christine ...... 106 Arthur Francis ...... 124 Clara Ophelia ...... 89 Arthur Lee ...... 70, 86 Claree Morton ...... 84 Audrey Lois ...... 114 Clarence ...... 70, 85 Augie Jackson ...... 95 Clarinda ...... 116 Aurelius Edgar ...... 89 Clarinda Rowena ...... 75, 91 Azalee Marcella ...... 50 Claudia ...... 51 Barbara Faye ...... 102 Clay ...... 121 Barkley ...... 121 Clifford ...... 103 Benjamin ...... 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, Colvin ...... 83 22, 37, so, 51, 52, 73, 85, 116 Benjamin Arthur ...... 108 Cora ...... 91 Benjamin Carlos ...... 109 Cordell ...... 81, 82, 101 Benjamin Wayne ...... so, 51, 72, 73, 74 Curtis ...... 117 Bennett Seat ...... 75, 92 Cynthia ...... 122 Bertram Kerr ...... 80, 81, 100 Daniel ...... I, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 18, 22, 85, Bessie ...... 67, 123 119, 120 Bettie Anne ...... , ..... 112 Daniel Boone .... ········· ...... 121 Betty ··················· ...... 48, 123 Daniel James ...... 107 Beulah Botefuhr ...... 113 Daniel Jones . .. 18, 19, 20, 21, 50, 51, 73, 92 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME HUMPHREYS

David ...... 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Elizabeth Rutherford ...... 52, 62, 78, 79 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, Elizabeth Walker ...... 66 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 36, 37, 39, 43, Ella ...... 30 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, Ellwood ...... 25, 56, 57, 59, 80, 81, 100 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 68, 70, 72, 77, Elmer Claude ...... 99, 114 78, 79, 85, 116, 118 Elva Maria ...... 83 David C...... 42, 48 Emerson Etheridge ...... 75, 93 David Chalmers ...... 80, 81, 99 Emily ...... 12, 29, 30, 31, 61, 79 David Cullen ...... 87, 105 Emily Jane ...... 42 David D ...... 116, 117 Emma ...... 118, 122 David English ...... 54, 79 Enola Josephine ...... 81 David Granville ...... 70, 86, 87 Erasmus Watkins ...... 50 David Kay ...... 117 Erma Esther ...... 11 7 David Lee ...... 46 Esther ...... 1, 3, 5, 14, 118 David McBride ...... 85 Ethel ...... 118, 121 David Nowlin ...... , ...... 110 Ethel Lee ...... 99 David W ...... 23 Ethel Loretta ...... 90 David Waddle ...... 42, 43, 44 Etta ...... 121 David Word ...... 45, 46, 49, 70, 71 Euphemia ...... 118 Davidson ...... 104 Eustace ...... 76 Davidson Herbert ...... 104 Eva ...... 66, 121 Deborah Wakefield ...... 109 Eva Caroline ...... 86 Delbert ...... 123 Eva West ...... 84 Dice ...... 120 Evelyn Marie ...... 109 Dilly ...... 116 Everett ...... 123 Doc ...... 121 Ewell Wakefield ...... 109 Donald Tritt ...... 109 Fannie ...... 117 Donald Wayne ...... 109 Flora Turley ...... 64 Dora ...... 121 Florence ...... 84, 118 Doris Ann ...... 110 Frances ...... 119, 120 Doris Louise ...... 114 Fra.nces Appleton ...... 101 Dorothy ...... 85 Francis Aldridge ...... 96, 112, 113 Dorwin Dennis ...... 114 Francis Azalee ...... 73 Drucilla ...... 117 Frank ...... 122 Earl Dean ...... 113 Frank Edwin ...... 104, 115 Edith ...... 124 Franklin ...... 116 Edith Annie ...... 92 Fred Motley ...... 109 Edward Carl ...... 102 Frederick ...... 10, 65 Edward Clubb ...... 83, 102 Frederica Hobein ...... 86 Edward Meriwether ...... 68 Garrard (Garrett) ...... 119, 121 Edwin Coleman ...... 66, 67, 84, 104, 105 Genevieve Ruth ...... 101 Edwin Ward ...... 99 George ...... 12, 24, 26, 30, 43, 54, 57, 73, 78, Edwina Ward ...... 100 79, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 Elaine ...... 118 George B...... 121 Elbert ...... 118 George Dewey ...... 117 Eleanor Boude ...... 80, 98 George Ellwood ...... 80, 98 Eleanor Grover ...... 100 George Higgins ...... 81, 82 Elijah ...... 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, George James ...... 89 22, 23, 37, 85, 119, 120 George R ...... 116, 117, 118 Elisha Emory ...... 119, 122 George Thomas ...... 118 Elisha G ...... 121 George W ...... 116 Elizabeth ...... 1, 3, 5, 16, 39, 40, 45, 46, 67, George Washington ...... 11, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 61, 87, 89, 119, 120, 121, 122 78 Elizabeth Ann ...... 112 George William ...... 53 Elizabeth Cornwallis ...... 77 Georgiana ...... 41, 42 Elizabeth Annie ...... 109 Gideon Parry ...... 64 Elizabeth Hughes ...... 41, 42, 68 Gladys Amanda ...... 102 Elizabeth Irene ...... 108 Glenda Louise ...... 110 Elizabeth Mills ...... 85 Grace ...... 63 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME HUMPHREYS

Grace Alethia ...... 103 James Mullen ...... 108 Grace Atkinson ...... 53, 77, 78 James Pillow ...... 84 Grace Irene ...... 108 James Roberts ...... 89, 106 Green ...... 117 James Stovall ...... 106 Green Daniel ...... 91, 109 James Walter ...... 105 Grundy ...... 117 James Webster ...... 118 Grundy West ...... 116, 118 James William ...... 106 Gussie ...... 117 Jane ...... 18, 20, 44, 49, SO, 51, 119, 120, Gustavus Adolphus ...... 76, 77, 96 121 Gwendolyn ...... 107 Jane Elizabeth ...... 43 Hannah ...... 11, 12, 23, 28, 32, 61, 118, 119, Jane Evans ...... 110 120 Jane Rigg ...... 83 Harriett ...... 19, 20, 51, 52 Janet Lingan ...... 56, 59, 80 Harriett Amanda ...... 43 Janet Lingen ...... 61, 78, 79 Huili ...... ~l~l~ Jannie Ann ...... 109 Harris Ethridge ...... 106 Jean ...... 95 Harris Eugene ...... 104 Jean Lois ...... 113 Harris J ...... 48, 49 Jenisa ...... 116 Harris Paul ...... 104 Jere Thomas ...... 107 Harris Theodore ...... 11 5 Jerome Pillow ...... 64, 65, 83, 84 Harry L...... 55 Jerry ...... 120 Hartwell Henry ...... 50 Jerry Milton ...... 108 Hattie Celestia ...... 94 Jesse ...... 118 Helen ...... 80, 122 Jesse Day ...... 93 Helen Claire ...... 95 Jewell Lee ...... 102 Helen Lucile ...... 99 Joan ...... 84, 105 Helen Thomas ...... 56, 77, 79, 82 Joe Wayne ...... 101 Helen Trenholm ...... 87 John ...... 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Henrietta ...... 14, 38, 40, 42, 83 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, Henrietta Ann ...... 73 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 76, 78, Henry ...... 39, 40, 117 97, 116, ll8, 122, 123, 124 Henry Cordell ...... 56, 81, 82, 100, 101 John A...... 48, 49 Henry Ethridge ...... 92 John Barker ...... 68 Henry Link ...... 95 John Bob ...... 90 Henry Martin ...... 56, 59 John Clifton ...... 109 Henry Word ...... 86 John Cowan ...... 39, 40, 63, 64 Herman ...... :...... 122 John Cyrus Sharp ...... 75, 89, 90 Hesther ...... 19, 20 John Diggs ...... 55 Hettie ...... 64 John Donnald ...... 85 Hettie Mae ...... 102 John Douglas ...... 59, 77, 78 Hetty ...... 38, 39, 40, 84 John Edwin ...... 91, 108 Horatio ...... 116 John Howard ...... l 16, 117 Horation James ...... 116, 117, 118 John Lee ...... 45 Howard ...... 94 John McClincock ...... 70 Hugh Harrison ...... 96, 1 ll John Patterson ...... 116, 117, 118 Hugh Selden ...... 77 John Samuel ...... 69 Inez ...... 75 John Thomas ...... 16, 17, 25, 26, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, Irene ...... 30, 101, 102 53, 54, 59, 76, 78, 79 Isaac ...... 118 John Verner ...... 42, 43 Isabell ...... 48, 49 John W ...... 121, 123 Ivy Ethridge ...... 93, 109 John Wharton ...... 97 Jack Sumter ...... 118 Johnnie ...... 48 Jacob ...... 118 Johnson ...... 117 James ...... 75, 94, 119, 121, 122 Jonah ...... 118 James Benjamin ...... 75, 88, 89, 91, 107 Jonathan ...... 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 40 James Curtis ...... 104 Joseph ...... 118, 119, 120 James H ...... 36, 37, 38 Joseph Filo ...... 89, 107 James Hughes ...... 37 Joseph Hamilton ...... 107, 108 James Marlin ...... 109 Joseph Osborne ...... 96 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME HUMPHREYS

Joseph Troy ...... 117 Margaret Coffin ...... 112 Joseph W. Davis ...... 25, 52, 78, 79 Margaret Rebecca ...... 69 Joseph Wesley ...... 119, 122 Margaret Thena ...... 51 Josephine Trenholm ...... 105 Margaret Walker ...... 105 Josephine Walker ...... 87 Margurite Kempner ...... 112 Joshua ...... 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 36, 37, 38, Maria Louisa ...... 12, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 43, 59, 61, 39, 40, 41, 42 78, 79 Joyce ...... 95 Mariah ...... 119, 120, 122 Joyce Love ...... 108 Marie Eileen ...... 108 Judith Grace ...... 108 .Marilyn ...... 104 Julia Sperry ...... 103 Marion ...... 80, 81, 100, 117 Juliet ...... 85 Marion Randell ...... 111 Karen Royola ...... 101 Marion Schwab ...... 100 Kate Crane ...... 66, 67 Marjorie Ann ...... 124 Katherine ...... 7, 16, 21, 22, 81, 86 Marsha Lee ...... 110 Katherine Alice ...... 89 Marshall ...... 119, 121, 122 Katherine Kirk ...... 105 Marshall Eugene ...... 124 Katherine Sherman ...... 86 Martha ...... 9, 12, 17, 30, 42, 46, 47, 73, 88, Kathryn ...... 112 116, 117, 118, 120 Keith Cordell ...... 101 Martha Ann ...... 119, 120 Kenneth Marvin ...... 101 Martha Jane ...... 16, 45, 49, 69 Keturah Harriett ...... 16, 17 Martha Jeanna ...... 111 Larimore McDonald ...... 93, 109 Martha Lois ...... J 04 Larry Jones ...... 107 Martha Orto ...... 112 Laura Lee ...... 100 Martha Ruth ...... 108 Laura R...... 75 Martha ~l;,nley ...... 55, 61, 79, 97 Laurel Kathleen ...... 112 Manha Susan ...... 124 Lawrence Eugene ...... 124 Marvin ~parrow ...... 100, 101 Lee ...... 118 Mary ...... 7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 38, 39, 40, 66, Lemuel Erasmus ...... 75, 89, 107 67, 116, 118, 121, 123 Lemuel Ethridge ...... 89, 106 Mary Adyline ...... 89, 91 Lemuel Galbreath ...... 107 Mary Amelia ...... 56, 80 Leonard Towers ...... 48, 49 Mary Ann ...... 43, 53 Leslie Earl ...... 99, 113 .Mary Artelia ...... 90, 107 Lester Earl ...... 113 Mary Baxter ...... 80, 98 l.illian ...... 94 Mar; Berry ...... 73 . Lincoln ...... 66, 67, 84 Mary Bryan ...... 96 Linda ...... 95, 124 Mary ( urran ...... 77, 78 Llewellyn ...... 79, 80, 81, 99, 100 Mary Cynthia ...... 64 Lloyd Monroe ...... 11 7 Muy D ...... 89 I.ois ...... 47, 70, 85, 86 Mary Ellen ...... 77, 106 Loren Stanley ...... 124 ,Wary Elna ...... 92 Loretta ...... 91 l\fary Frances ...... 124 Louise Lee ...... 71 Mary Helen ...... 111 Louise Minor ...... 61, 79, 97 Mary Jane ...... 90 Loula Agnes ...... 69 Mary Louise ...... 93, 99 Louvicie Jane ...... 75 Mary Margaret ...... 93 Lucile ...... 69, 85 Mary Miller ...... 100 Lucy ...... 119, 120, 122, 123 Mary Lee ...... 104, 115 Lulu Trice ...... 94 .Mar} Paulina ...... 55 Lyla Katherine ...... 107 Mary S ...... 63 Lynn ...... 109 Mary West ...... 41, 66, 67 Mabel ...... 121 Maud ...... 73, 88 Madeleine ...... 103 Maude Evelyn ...... 93 Magdalen ...... 3, 5 Maury (Murry) Hill ...... 50 Maggie ...... 120, 121 Mike Lynn ...... 101 Marcus ...... 118 Mildred ...... 75, 124 Margaret ...... 51, 82, 86, 121, 124 Mildred Louise ...... 1 IO Margaret Catherine ...... 51 Mi!wn ...... 118 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME HUMPHREYS

Milton Freed ...... 110 Robert Taylor ...... 91 Minnie ...... 122 Robert Toombs ...... 69 Mcrgan ...... 1, 3, 5, 6 Robert Vaughn ...... 107 Nancy ...... 37, 43, 118, 119, 121, 122 Robert Wayne ...... 66, 67 Nancy Jean ...... 110 Robert West ...... 41, 42, 64, 65, 66, 68 Nancy Minor ...... 68 Roger North ...... 11, 12, 29, 30, 32, 61, 78, 79 Nathaniel Davis ...... 101 Roland Green ...... 93 Nell ...... 71 Roland Hoge ...... 86 Nell Da\·is ...... 99 Rosemary ...... 86 Nettie E ...... 95 Rowena ...... 89, 91 Nora ...... 117, 118 Roxanna ...... 123 Odis ...... 95 Roy Franklin ...... 93 OliYia ...... 54 Roy Marshall ...... 11 O Ora Belle ...... 76 Ruby Elizabeth ...... 102 Otho William ...... 93, 110 Ruth ...... 117 Parry ...... 62, 63, 82, 83, 101 Ruth Adele ...... 114 Parry Jesse ...... 102 Ruth Holmes ...... 87 Parry T ...... 38 Ruth Sherman ...... 86 Parry 'X'ayne ...... 14, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 62, 63, 66, Sadie Louise ...... 90 67 Sallie C...... 64 Parry West ...... 68 Sallie Mable ...... 104 Patricia Louise ...... 106 Sallie Marion ...... 84 Patrick Henry ...... 45 Sally ...... 10, 19, 20, 21, 22 Patsy ...... 118 Sally Ann ...... 104 Paul 'X'ightman ...... 104 Samuel ...... 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 22, Pauline A...... 124 70, 116, 121, 123 Pearl ...... 82 Samuel Cunningham ...... 45, 70 Peggie Bob ...... 90 Samuel Link ...... 51, 75, 76 Pelham ...... 67, 68 Samuel Thomas ...... 75, 94 Phillip ...... 121 Sarah ...... 3, 5, 6, 12, 16, 17, 39, 40, 46, Phillip Gordon ...... 124 49, 72, 78, 119, 120, 122 Phillip Martin ...... 124 Sarali Ann ...... 24, 26, 39, 40, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, Polly ...... 7, 9, 18, 20, 39, 40, 116 79 Pony Carlisle ...... 94 Sarah Dickey ...... 43 Priscilla ...... 3, 14, 15 Sarah H ...... 48 Queenie ...... 64, 65 Sarah Nell ...... 107 Rachel ...... 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22, 118, 121 Savannah Alice ...... 69 Ralph Wilbur ...... 69 Sidney ...... 79 Reata Katherine ...... 113 Silas ...... 119, 120 Rebecca ...... 6, 70, 116 Solomon ...... 7, 8, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 50, Rebecca Ann ...... 110 85 Rebecca Caroline ...... 43 Solomon B ...... 51, 75, 94 Rebecca Cunningham ...... 45 Solon ...... 84 Rebecca Jane ...... 48, 50 Sophia ...... 116 Richard Coleman ...... 104 Stacy ...... 116 Richard D ...... 117 Stella Claire ...... 90 Richard Lewis ...... 56, 80 Stokley ...... 116, 117 Richard Solon ...... 84 Sue Belle ...... 104 Robert ...... 12, 67, 116, 117 Sue Elizabeth ...... 80, 99, 113 Robert Charles ...... 111 Susan ...... 12, 24, 26, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 76, Robert David ...... 77 78, 79, 116, 123 Robert Franklin ...... 75, 93 Susan Elizabeth ...... 48 Robert Harper ...... 30, 31, 59, 61, 79 Susan Gibert ...... 45 Robert J...... 75 Susan Pettigrew ...... 43 Robert Jackson ...... 94, 111 Susan Virginia ...... 54 Robert Lincoln ...... 84 Tacy ...... 118 Robert Mason ...... 111 Tennie ...... 117 Robert Michael ...... 106 Teresa Victoria ...... 89 Robert Pound ...... 115 Thelma Ruth ...... 108 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME HUMPHREYS

Theodore Lee ...... 115 Wade Cullen ...... 71, 87 Theophilus Bennett ...... 93, 110 Wade H ...... 121 Theophilus Clyde ...... 93 Wallace Jack ...... 111 Theophilus Graves ...... 110 Walter Stuart ...... 46, 69, 70 Theophilus Henderson ...... 75, 92 Warren Prescott ...... 101 Theophilus James ...... 110 Wayne ...... 83, 123 Thomas ...... 1, 3, 5, 6, 12, 69, 85, 94, 116, Weldon Baskin ...... 105 117, 118, 121 West Garrison ...... 66 Thomas Arthur ...... 69 West Howard ...... 11 7 Thomas Barlow ...... 96 West Hughes ...... 40, 41, 42, 64, 65, 66, 67, 84 Thomas Hadden ...... 67, 68, 76, 95, 96, 112, 113 Wiley Jones ...... 18, 20, 50, 51, 75 Thomas Hart ...... 51, 89, 90, 106, 107 William ...... 39, 40, 67, 68, 80, 85, 94, 116, Thomas Jefferson ...... 16, 17, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 72 117, 120, 121, 122 Thomas Joseph ...... 104 William Benjamin ...... 89, 90 Thomas Keyes ...... 24, 25, 26, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, William Cowan ...... 110 78, 79, 80, 81, 98 William Cyrus ...... 9,1 Thomas Lanier ...... 107 William D ...... 117 Thomas Marks ...... 118 William Daniel ...... 75, 91, 109 Thomas Marshall ...... 122, L?4 William Elbert ...... , ...... 116 Thomas Meriwether ...... 73, 87 William E ...... 117 Thomas Perry ...... 107 William Emmett ...... 108 Thomas Roy ...... 80, 98 William Franklin ...... 5:4 Thomas Stuart ...... 44, 45, 46, 47, 69, 70 William Green ...... 50, 51, 73, 74, 75 Thora ...... 89 William Henry ...... 71 Tollie ...... 118 William Howard ...... 118 Tommie Irene ...... 95 William Levi ...... 108 Truman ...... 123 W. M ...... 67 Ulna Clifton ...... 91, 10s William Mills ...... 70 Uriah ...... 119, uo, 121, 122, 123 William Milton ...... 108 Uriah Gordon ...... 12·'1 William Morgan ...... 101 Urie ...... 118 William Perry ...... l 16 Valeria A...... 89 William Robert ...... 118 Van Buren ...... 120 William Sparrow ...... 80 Vera ...... 94 118 Vergie ...... 94 William Wainright ...... Woodrow ...... 110 Virginia ...... 115 1 i. 7, 124 William Virginia Anna May ...... 111' William Wirt ...... 45, 46, 71, 87, 105 Virginia Lou ...... ,...... ios William Yelton ...... 89, 106 Verna ...... 91, 122 Willis ...... 75 Verna Muriel ...... 117 Winfield S...... 122 Vida Lucile ...... i 14 Z.iphney ...... 112 Wade A ...... 123 Zoe Evelyn ...... 118 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

ABBOTT, Charles W.-73, George W.-48, 49, J. M.-73, BATTLE, H. B.-64, 83, Sando! F.-63, W. J.-64, 83, William Julius-73, Mary-73, Thomas L.-73 -63 ABERDEEN, George--6 BAUGH, Daniel-23, Frances H.-23 ABRAHAM, James-3 BAXTER, Nancy Jane (Jennie)-80, 98, James-50, 107, ABRAMS, Ruth-118 George-98 ADAMS, Amy-71, Benjamin-41, Elizabeth-15, John-26, BAY, Mr.-58, Luella-58, Sarah-58 119, Lucinda-119, Sarah-47, Susan-116, Syl vester-116 BAYLESS, Elizabeth-40, 66, Mary-40, 66, Robert-40, 66, AGNEW, Alicia C.-90, John H.-90, Louis M.-90 William-40, 41, 42, 65, 66 AISQUITH, J. E.-34, Mary V-30, 31, Willelma-26, 34 BAYLISS, Mariam-97 AKIN, Minnie-75 BEALL, George-26, Isaac-20 ALDRIDGE, Belle-76, 78, Thomas-76 BEARD, Joseph-20, 21 ALEXANDER, George-15, Helen-56, Joseph-95, William- BECKMAN, Martha-114 95, Wm. Polk-95 BEEDLE, Daniel-120 ALLEN, Ellis S.----68, 69 BELKE, Marion-Ill ALLIBONE, Susannah-32, 61, Thomas-32 BENNETT, William-25 ALLISON, Caroline-45, Madeleine R.-83, Robert P.-83 BENSON, Elizabech-94, Margaret-93, \X'ard B.-118 ANDERSON, Anne-44, Clarence-85, Grace-85, Isaac-12, BERGER, Mr.-74 John-32, Dr. L. M.-85, Patrick-12, Sarah----68, Thomas E. BERRY, Enoch-58 -85 BEZENET, Daniel-6 ANDREOTTA, David-114, Emily-114, Glen-I 14, H. Urban BIBB, Blanche-96, Thomas-96 -114, Joseph-114 BISHOP, Belah L.-90 ANDREWS, Collins A.-112, Martha H.-112 BLACKBURN, Eliza-29, Sarah-29 ARCHER, Dr. Charles A.-66 BLAKINSHIP, Georgia-109 ARDERY, Mrs. Wm. B.-120 BLEDSOE, D. H.-41, 42, William C.-91 ARMISTEAD, Charles M.----68, Ellen B.-6S, Nancy Minor-68, BLURTON, Etca-110 Robert L.-68, Robin-68, West H.----68, William B.-68, BOCOCK, Mary Jasper-112 William Cobbs----68 BODDIE, Chloe Crudup----63 ARMSTRONG, Christine-62, Ernest----62, Hugh-19, James- BODILY, William-12 37, John-15, Leona-----62, Will-8, 22, Zella-SO BOND, Clarence-89 ARNOLD, Thomas G.-51 BONDS, Mary-71, Robert-71 ASHBRIDGE, George-5 BONHAM, Edgar-102, Ronald-102 AUDLEMAN, A. S.-75 BOON, Raccliff-16 AUSTIN, Charlotte-103, Grace-103, H. Leroy-103 BOONE, Mrs. L. A.-107, Milton-108, Stella-108 BABER, Mr.-61 BOTEFUHR, Beulah C.-95, 96, Hugh C. C.-95 BABSON, Alice-101 BOTELER, Mr.-79 BAER, Charles-88 BOWDIN, Nellie L.-100 BAGBY, Miss-62 BOWLING, Howard-90 BAGGE, Traugott-17, 18 BOWMAN, John-20 BAILEY, Ann-37 BOX, Roberc-16 BAKER, Caroline-68, Francis-102, Gregory-103, Larry-88, BOYD, Rebecca-I 16 Nicholas-19 BOYER, Jacob-12 BALL, Spencer-16, Thomas-8, William-5 BOYETT, Ely Hickman-72, Isa Evelyn-72, Leonard-72, BALLEW, Robert-43 Mary J.-72, Robert E.-72, Robert H.-49, 72, Robert Word BANFORD, James-9, Sallie-9, Wm. H.-9 -72, Thomas H.-49, 72 BARCROFT, Fanny K.-75 BOYKIN-50 BARKER, Dorothy-91 BRADFORD, Benjamin-41, Nora-72 BARLOW, Sarah-96 BRADLEY, Maggie-121, Mary E.-104, Wren-104 BARNES, Nathaniel-19, Susannah-25, Victoria-95 BRADSHAW, Clementine-118 BARTLETT, Blanche-82, Charles-82, Daisy-82, Helen-77, BRANCH Mollie-109 82, Milcena-82, Nina-82 BRANSON, Samuel-54 BARTON, Nora-123 BREWER, El\'is M.-109 BASKIN, Urline-104, Weldon-105 BREWSTER, Eliza-99 BASS, Matthew-8, 16 BRICE, Eliza-33 BASYE, Cacherine-59 BRIDGES, C. H.-20 BATCHELOR, Claude-90 BRIGHAM, Mr.-116 BATE, Phillipa----60, 61 BRITTINGHAM, George-120, 123, \X'illiam-120 BATEY, Mary-89, 90 BROCK, Marie-<,<, BATTERTON, Charles-79, Frances-79, Janet-78 BROUGHTON, Dorochy Carcer-33 BATTEY, F. A.-52 BROWN, Gov. A. A.-64, Andrew-44, Alex-66, Asa A.- INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

116, Asa M.-116, A. Ten Eyck-97, Capt.-63, James-23, CLAUD, Mr.-117 39, 41, John H.-116, John R.-23, Maryetta-120, Milton B. CLAY, Henry-37, 39, 62 -122, Peter-54, Rebecca-12, 31, 33, 53, 61, Robert T.-26, C:LA YBROOKE, Col. John S.-83, Mary A.-83, Mary Eliza- 29 beth-83 BROWNE, James-3 CLEMENTS, Catherine-41, Sarah-41, William-41 BROWNLOW, W. G.-64 CLEMSON, Miss-12 BRUCE, Charles-17, 18 CLOUD, Joseph-15 BRYAN, Frances-96, Samuel S.-96 CLUBB, Maria Agnes-62, 82, 83 BRYANT, Aline--90, Thomas-10, Wade Cullen-71 COATS, Jonathan-5 BRYSON, James-19 COCHRAN, Ethel-123, Robert-14 BUCHANAN, James-42, 43 COCKE, William-14 BUCKRIDGE, Jahr. Q.-81 COCKRILL, Ellen-106 BUCWALTER, John-5 COFFIN, Margaret-111 BUDD, Temperance-52 COLE, Mr.-116 BULLOCK, Edmond-39 COLEMAN, Ann H.-65, 67, Hawes H.-41, J. W. H.-6S BURDICK, Ethel-97 COLLENSWORTH, B. F.-51 BURGESS, Edwi~-86, Granville--87 COLLIER, John C.-41 BURISS, Elizabeth-85 COMBS, T. W.-38 BURROWS, Merril-89, Valeria-89 CONIFF, Arthur J.-76, Bridget-76, John-76 BUSHONG, Millard K.-24, 25, 27 CONN, Notty-38 BUTLER, Nora-110 CONNER, Amelia-55 BYRNES, James M.-120 CONRAD, Elizabeth-52 CALDWELL, Alex.-21, Faye--123, William-19 CONSTANT, Andrew-121, John-121, 122, Margaret-121, CALLAN, Cora-91, Daniel-91, Margaret-91, Raymond-91, Mary Ann-121, Rachel-122 Robert-91 CONWAY, Mr.-59 CALLAWAY, Adelaide-97, I. T.-97, William-51 COOKE, Edward-29, 33, 34, Elizabeth Moore-36 CAMERON, I. W.-33, Mary Ellen-77, 78, Samuel-77 COOK, John-36 CAMPBELL, Anna H.-12, 30, 31, Daniel-112, David-112, CORDELL, Amelia-55, 61, 78, Annette-55, 78, Asa B.-56, Fannie-31, Hettie-82, Margaret-112, Mary-112, William 51, Christine-55, 57, 61, David E.-55, 78, Edward H.-55, -112 Enos Basye-55, 57, 59, 61, 78, 79, Helen A.-26, 55, 56, S8, CANNON, Dr. Joseph H.-105, Mary Frances-105 59, Hiram-56, 57, 59, James H.-58, 59, Levi O'Conner-26, CANTELOU, Savannah Alice-69 57, Missouri Ann-59, Presley-55, 56, 57, 59, 79, Richard- CAPERS, Mr.-58 57, 58, Sarah Leona-55, Steptoe-59, Susan L.55, 57, Thomas CARITHERS, Fannie Mae-94, Ida-94, Robert F.-94 P.-59, Virginia-55, 58, 59, 61, William-55 CARLTON, Bettie Lee-60, 62 CORNELL, Lucy-103 CARPENTER, Samuel-1, 2 COULTER, Robert-117 CARROLL, Erin-69, Owen-69, Vanie-69 COURSAR, Robert M.-64 CARTER, Ann-33, 61, 79, Dorothy-33, Ellen-31, 79, Hod­ COVINGTON, Ida Belle--110, Richard-HO ding-33, Isaac Newcon-26, 33, 61, 79, Jane-77, Kearsley- COWAN, David-38, Harry-38, James-39, Jennie-43, Mary 33, 61, 79 -39, 39, Sarah-38, 39, Wade-43, Wade Thomas-43 CARTER, Palmer-61, Molly-79, Nicholas-5, Sarah-61, 79, COWPLAND, Caleb-2 Thomas L.-33, 61, 79 COX, Alice--94, Elijah-94, Minnie--94, Nannie-SO CARTMELL, Martin-51 CRAMER, Eleanor-33, Nancy-33 CASEBEER, Stella-124 CRANE, John-26 CASEY, Essie-94, Thomas-94 CRAWFORD, Alexander-9, Elizabeth-9, James-9 CASPER, Theo-83 CREARZ, Dr.-63 CASSELL, Sarah-37 CREED, Colby-19 CATER, Martha Postel-85, Thomas-85 CROCKER, Bobbie Joe--91 CHAMBERS, Dr. 39, 40 CROCKETT, Donald-;;-92, Doublas-92, Henry-92, La Venia CHASE, Loynal-100, Royola-100 -92, Richard-92 CHENOWETH, Margaret-34 CROWN, John-32, Sarah B.-30, 31, Sarah J.-31, 32 CHILDRESS, John-95 CULBERTSON, Andrew-120 CHRISTIAN, Benjamin Humphreys-88, Ethel-88, James Rus- CULLISON, Adellia-113 sµll-88, John-14, Margaret-88, Mary Ellen-88, Ruth-88 CUMMINGS, I. E.-118 CLAGGETT, Mr.-57, 58 CUl''NINGHAM, Rebecca-44, Thomas-44 CLAIBORNE, Leigh-14 CURRAN, Margaret-77 CLARK, Boling-7, Christopher-41, David-7, Elizabeth-40, CUTHBERT, John-5 49, 92, 94, John V.-90, Thomas-94, William Thomas-94 CUTHBERTSON, Amanda-98 CLARKSON, Julius-54, Samuel-54 CUTSHAW, G. W.-29 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

DALGARN, Stephen-30 DUNNING, John-120, 123 DANA, Minerva-107 DURHAM, Thomas-51 DANIELS, Emma-123 DUTTON, Mrs.-31, W. B.-34 DAUGHERTY (DOUGHERTY), Mary-30, 31, 34, 59, Joseph EDEN, Mrs.--61 -31, 33, Sarah-31, William-34 EDMONDSON, John P.--64 DAVENPORT, Eugene-102, Jack-102, James-102, Mildred EDWARDS, Gun M.-90, Peter-19, Thomas-3 -102, Ruby-102 ELDER, Cecil---62, Florence-62, George---62, Maud---60, 61, DAVID, Ann-5, Harvey--43, lsaac-5, Llewellyn-5, Magda- 62, William---60, 62 lin-5 ELLIOTT, Mary-37, W. J.-76 DAVIDSON, Mary B.-103, W. F.-103 ELMORE, George-118 DA VIES, S. W.-95 ELSTON, Allen--49, Ann-50, Catherine-SO, Evaline-50, DAVIN, Delia-ll3 John--49, 50, Martha-SO, Nancy--49, Sabra-50, Sarah-50, DAVIS, Annie-86, David-9, Edna-101, George-lll, James Susan-SO, William-50 -3, 5, 19, Jefferson---64, Dr. Joseph W.-52, 78, Mary Ann ERSKINE, Agnes-74, Alexander-88, Allen-88, Benjamin- 26, 52, 57, 78, Mary G.-ll l, Philip---3, Samuel-12, Sarah- 88, Elizabeth-88, James-88, Maude-88, May-88 90 ESCUE, Albert-75, Alma-75, Ella-75, James-75, Mattie- DAVISSON, Mrs.-58 75, Samuel-757, William-75, William Link-75 DAY, Adah-72 ESTES, Edwin C.-23 DEAN, Anna-122, Ellen-122, George-122, Sarah-122, Wil­ EVAN, David-3 liam-122 EVANS, C. A.-72, Daniel-5, Fanny L.-9, Grace-110, L. M. DE FOE, Elizabeth-too -42, Nelson-24, Peter-3, Will-ll0 DENDY, Ann--46, Augustus-47, Caroline-47, Clary--46, EVERETT, Hobart Ray-87, Lawrence-87, Ruth Holmes-87, James Hogan--43, 46, James Word--47, Martha--47, Wil­ Wade Humphreys-87 liam--46 EVINS, A.-l 7, Robert---6, Thomas---6 DENHAM, Retha-ll3 EYLLER, August-79, Nancy-79 DENNIS, Ruth-48 FARMER, Amanda-102, Annie-102, Frank Hunter-71, James DES COGNETS, Anna R.-100 L.-71, Jesse-102, William Frank-71, William Humphreys DETHERAGE, Achilles-9 -71 DE WITT, Mary-124, W. H. W.-124 FARROW, Joe-90, Martha Ann-ll0 DICK, Annie Terry---67, 84 FAULKNER, Ella-90 DICKENSON, Thomas-8, 37 FI:ITH, Helen Gilbert-114, William T. S.-114 DICKEY, Rebecca--42 FENTON, Mr.-58 DICKSON, Polly-122 FERGUSON, Eleanor-106, Mary-115, Thomas-9 DIDDIE, Mr.-ll7 FERRIS, Mary Helen-112 RISHEROON, Herbert-104, Rhea-104 FERRY, R. H.--48, 49 DIXON, Annie-ll0, Julia-103, Sankey-ll FIELD, Henrietta-95 DOBBINS, Mary-122, Thomas-122 FIELDER, Nimrod-19 DOCKERY, Doctor--41, 42 FIELDS, Nelson-51 DODGE, Ellen-31 FINE, V. M.-30 DONALDSON, James-19 FISHER, Ella-123, Madeline-103, Marsh-103, Rhodes---63 DONELSON, Stokeley-21 FLAGG, George H.-33, Mrs. George-31 DONNALD, Emma-85, John-85 FLANAGIN, Anna---66, Anna Bess---66, 67, Duncan-66, 67, DONNELL, Ann-95, William-95 Eva---67, Harris--66, 68, Humphreys---66, 67, James H.---66, DO NOVAN, James-86, Norton-86 Katie---66, Laura Eva---66, 67, Mary---66, Nash---66, 67, Patti DORRIES, Mrs. K. R.-13 -66 DORRIS, Thomas---66 FLATT, Bob---66 DOUGLAS, Walter-94, Emma-ll0, Jessie-83 FLOYD, James R.-ll8 DOWDLE, Rea-113 FLY, Alice-90, John-90 DOWNEY, Mr.-ll6 FLYNN, Peggy-119, 120 DOYLE, Gary-47, James--47, William--47 FORD, Clone Jackson-93, Rosemary-93 DOZIER, Albert---69, Louise---69, Ralph---69, Thomas A.---69, FORDE, Martin-113 Thomas H.---69 FORKNER, lsaac-8, 19, Lewis-8, William-7 DRAKE, Thomas-ll8 FORMAN, Alice-99 DRENNEN, Charles H.-59, 76, Harry-76, John---62, 76, 78, FORREST, N. B.--43 79, Thomas-76, William Moore-76, FORSEN, Lorene--100 DUNAVENT, Vernon-75 FORSYTHE, Corrine-91, Fred-89, 91, Fredna Louise-91, DUNBAR, Leah-99 Mary Sue-89, Nancy Jane-91 DUNHAM, Nell-107 FOSTER, Annie C.-119, Eugene LeRoy-102, Mrs. E. L.-83, DUNLOP, William-to 101, 102, 103, N. A.-102 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

FRAUENTHAL, Helen-92 HALLIBURTON, Arabella-117, Humphares-116 FREAK, John--6 HAMER, David-19, John-19 FREEMAN, Jennie-104 HAMILTON, Mr.-57, Artelia-106, Charles--9, Mary-122, FRENCH, Estelle-75 Minnie-107, 108, Nicholas--107 FULLER, Mary-110 HAMLIN, Walter-121 GAFFORD, Clara-107, Emmett-107 HAMMOND, John J.-26, William-7 GAILLARD, David-43 HAMMONS, Elgis Katherine-113, William-113 GAINES, Eleanor-99 HANDEL, Rose-123 GALLAHER, Eliza-31, Fannie--31, John T.-29, 61, Wallace HANDLY, William-14 -31 HANNA, Harris-19 GALLOWAY, Elzie--66, 67 HANNAH, John-124, Mattie-124 GAMBLE, Mrs.-61 HANNON, Alma-87 GANTNER, Christina-99, Henry J.-99, Ralph-99 HARDEE, John, R.-86, Rosemary-86 GARDNER, Frederick-97 HARDING, Llewella-62, Mary-92 GARRARD, Daniel-119, Elizabeth-119, Frances-119 HARDINGS, Jesper-73 GARRET, Welcome-10, Mr.-57 HARDISON, Cora-91, Dolly-88, Emma Jane-88, James--88, GARRIGUE,. Clara-112 91, John-91, Mary-91, Mollie--91 GARRISON, Eva B.-66, 67 HARDY, Anna-102 GARTHORPE, Ella-119, Thomas-119 HARMAR, Col. Josiah-11 GARWOOD, Sarah-119, William-120 HARPER, Sarah-29 GAY, Virginia-34 HARRIS, Bertha-93, Clara Adaline-92, Edgar-92, Hiram- GEARHART, Frederick-12 92, Jesse-84, John-91, Levin Hill-91, Martha-109, Min• GEORGE, Jane-5 nie---92, Nancy-91, Newton-91, 92, O1ben Ann-92, Rose• GIBERT, Susan-44 anna-84, Rowland-93, Sallie R.--67, 84, William Lee-92 GIBSON, Minerva-49 HARRISON, Amelia-95 GIDGINS, Richard-8 HART, John-41, Mary Jane--89, Nancy Morgan-89, 90, GILBERT, Anna E.-114 Susan Alice--89, 90, William-89, 90 GILLILAND, Rev. James-75 HARWELL, Annola-43, Celestia-95, Jimmy-95, Lental L.- GLASGOW, ].-16, 21 43, Sallie-43, Thomas-43, William-43 GLENN, Naomi T.-110, Solomon-110 HASLET, A. M.-43 GLETON, John-16 HATCH, Amos--83, Byron-83, Eugenia-83, Jane-83, Jessie GOCHENAUER, Martha-108 Duff-83 GODLEY, R. S.-92 HAWES, Adelia-43, Ann-65, 67, Benjamin-43, Callie-43, GOODE, Frances Melvina-79, Thomas-79 Samuel-68 GOODWIN, Amanda-92, Helen-56, James A.-82 HAWK, Mr.-16 GORDON, Rachel-119, 120, 121, Samuel-120 HAWKINS, Carolyn Upton-101, Elizabeth-IOI, Ella-119, GORE, Tom-66 Laurence-IOI GOULD, Cynthia-96, William-96, William Stocking-96 HAWKS, Sarah-12 GOUST, Josiah-46 HAY, William-75 GRACE, Doris-108, Harold B.-111, Frances Madge-111 HAYNES, Margaret-95, W. C.-95 GRAHAM, John C.-82, John J.-82, Margot-82, Nancy-113, HEAD, Barbara-124, Herbert-124, Velma-124 Roy C.-82, Sandy-82, Virginia-82 HEIDWOHL, Hannah-53, J. D.-54 GRAVES, Hortense-110, Thomas-110 HELSPER, Christine-124, Linda-124, Marvin-123, Scott- GRAY, Grace-85 124 GRIFFIN, Harvey-106 HEMPSTEAD, Fay-66, 76 GRIFFITH, David-5 HENDERSON, Janet L.-54, 78, John-54, Minnie--31, Nancy GRIGGS, Gradie-106, Lee-29, Suzy-93 -75, Samuel-18 GROVER, Porter-99, Susan Gaines-99 HENDRICKS, Cleda-115, Joseph-16 GROVES, Frances-119, Peter-119 HENDRICKSON, Maudie-107 GUEST, Morgan-16, Moses-16 HENRY, Benjamin-89, Eugene-89, Eva-86, John C.-86 GOOCH; Thomas-19 HERR, Abraham-26 GURLEY, Joe-16 HIA, Oliver-43 GURNEY, Graham-82, Mr.-82, William H.-82 HIBBS, Jacob--23 HAGGIN, James--36, 38, 42, John-42, Samuel-38 HICKEY, Joanna-36, Simon-36, 42, Thomas-37, 42 HAINES, Isaac-5 HICKMAN, Edwin-8, William-25 HALBERT, Mr.-7 HICKS, Chester-110, Jane Marie-110 HALL, John-93, Josie-69, Mr.-101, Mattie Lou-93, Sarah HIGDON, James A.-82 -12, 24, 25, 61, William-22 HIGGINS, George-81, Sarah-SI, 82 HALEY, Eliza A.-121 HIGMAN, John B.-112, Linda Ann-112 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

HILL, Mr.-26, Francis M.-19, Henry-19, Hezekiah-19, -107, Thomas-2, Vera-86 John-19, 63, Jonathan-51, Penelope-19, Sarah-19 JORDAN, Mary--61 HILLS, John-108, Matilda-108 JUSTIN, H. J.-118, W. Earl-118 HILLEARY, Gus-31 JUSTINIAN, Miss--61 HINEMAN, Myrtle-75 KALLEM, William-21 HITCHCOCK, Nancy-24 KASS, W. M.-22 HITT, Willie W.-25 KEARSLEY, Agnes-53, Ann Margaret-12, 26, 28, 33, 61, HIX, John-14 Anna-33, Charles-53, George--12, 33, 53, 54, 61, 79, John HOBEIN, Carrie-86, Dorothy-86, F. M.-86 -12, 26, 33, Jonathan-28, 29, 32, 33, 79, Margaret--61, HODGES, Ida H.-109, Mrs. L. G.-52 Rebecca-53, Samuel Cramer-12, 33, 79 HOEB, Martha-114 KEEN, Pollena-37 HOLCOMBE, Clara G.-117 KEITH, Herbert Nathaniel-101, Louise Davis-101, W.-19 HOLDERMAN, Nicholas-5 KELLER, Frank C.-83, Leo M.-115, Scott Allan-115 HOLLAMON, Elizabeth-88, Thomas-74, 88 KELLEY, Adelia Ann-106, John W.-106, Loring S.--69, HOLLENSHEAD, Althea--69 Michael Ann-106 HOLLEY, Edward-116 KEY, Edmond--61, Francis S.--61 HOLLIDAY, William-14 KEYES, Barbary-25, Catherine-24, 25, 26, 61, 78, 79, Eliza­ HOLT, Catherine-2 beth-12, 25, Gersham-25, Humphrey-24, 29, 59, Mag-12, HOOD, Anthony-75, Jane-44, Roberta-75 Margaret-25, Ruth-25, Thomas-25, 78 HOOF, Ellen-77, Mollie-31 KEYS, Elmira-71 HOOPER, Richard-16 KIEFER, Minnie--77, 78 HOPKINS, Annie-31, A. C.-30, 31, Maud-92 KILGORE, Gladys-118 HOPPER, Thomas-121 KINCAID, Joe Byron-110, William-9 HORNER, Hilma-88 KINCANNON, Andrew-8 HOLLENDER, Barbyl-100, William-100 KING, Ellwood-56, John C.-56, S. M.-41 HOSKINS, Luther-113, Nellie Juanita-113 KIRK, Juanita-105 HOUGH, Mrs.-58 KIRKPATRICK, Sarah-122 HOUSEL, Mr.-117 KNIGHT, Elizabeth-37, Emma-37, John-37, Joseph Win­ HOUSTON, Pres.--63, Sam-74 lock-37, Mary H.-37, Sarah-37 HOWARD, Paul-124 KRING, James B.-97, Marilyn-97, Michael David-97, Ste- HOWELL, David-5, 29, 54, Ezekiel-11, 12, John-5, Nat- phen J.-97 66, Owen-5, Sallie-104 KNOX, Elizabeth-46 HOYT, Ruth-100 KYLE, Richard-103 HUDDLESTON, Josephine---69 LADD, Constant-15 HUDSPEATH, Robert-19, 20 LAMB, Milcena-82 HUEY, Eleanor-107 LANCASTER, John-75, Samuel-51 HUGHES, Anna Catherine-37, 38, Elizabeth-38, James-36, LANCELAY, John-14 38, 40, Patsy-38, Sarah-38 LANE, Edward-12, Isaac W.-22, John-28 HUNTER, James-18, Louise-71, Mary M.-44, Dr. William LANG, Addie--70, Martha-92 -44 LANIER, Charles-107, Mozelle--107 HURD, John-8 LARIMORE, T. B.-92 INCE, James-114, Willanna-114 LARISON, Eldon Lee-100, Hoyt Humphreys-100, Lee Hoyt IRION, John P.-19, 20 -100 JACKSON, Andrew-51, 73, Thomas J.-77 LASHORN, Henry-29 JAMES, Arthur-13, Frederick Charles-92, 93, Mrs. Mary-51, LASTERS, James-21 75, 89, 92, 9:\, 94, 110, 111, Ruth Olive--92 LATHAM, Dr.-9, Laura Bowman-9 JAYNES, Col. R. T.-16 LA TTA, Gertrude--89 JELKS, Claudia-50, Edward-50, Garrett-SO, Hinton-SO, LAUCHNER, Andrew J.~55, Arthur Edward-55, Fannie John-SO, L•·.-:y-50, Mary-50, William-50 Maud-55, Frank P.-55 JENKINS, John--6, Luther-104, Mahulda F.-104, Matthew- LAYL, John-117 38 LAUGHLIN, George--14, T. P.-50 JENNINGS, Edm.-2 l,-Miss--61 LAWRENCE, Benjamin-8, 19, Clabourn-19, David-19, JOHNS, L. H.-43 George Ellett-95, George Malcolm-95, Henry-19, 20, JOHNSON, Mr.-32, Miss-42, 43, Alice-86, Eva--62, Ger­ Isabelle-18, 19, J. B.-89, Jane--18, James-19, John-8, 19, trude--105, Henry Muzzy-86, William-29 22, Joseph-7, 19, Mourning-19, Nancy-19, Patsey-19, JONES, Amanda-76, Ann Katherine--12, 13, 14, Daniel-2, Randolph-8, 19, Rhoda-19, Richard-7, 18, 19, Samuel-8, D. L.-20, E. L.-107, Edward-12, Eliza Royal-79, Eliza­ 19, Sarah-19, Thomas--6 beth-51, Griffith-I, Humphrey-73, Isaac-6, James-2, 3, LA WSON, Esther C.-54, Henry C.-54 Malachi-12, Manuel-2, Mrs. R. Y.-SS, Phillip-2, Roberta LEAMON, Helen-92 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

LEAVY, William A.-36, 38, 39 McF ARLANE, Alexander-39, 40, Arthur-39, 40, Ellen-39, 40 LEE, Ethel-ll0, H. H.-31, James L.-ll0, Major-ll, Mar­ McGARACK, Ellen-88 garet Steptoe--54, Stephen D.--45, Richard Henry-61, Dr. McGEE, Drury-7, 8, 20, 22 Thomas--45, 46, William C.-16, William Henry-37 McILROY, Columbus-117, Frank-117, Minnie--117, Samuel LEMOND, I. N.-93, Lillie--93 -117 LE FEVRE, Dorothy-98 McKEE, Della May-102, Herschel-102, James-102, Molly D. LE PAGE, Beverly Jean-ll5, Louis E.-115 -102 LEWIS, Catherine--3, 5, Elizabeth-5, Evan-3, 5, Francis S.- McKINNEY, Bertha-101 60, Griffith-5, Harold--62, James B.-60, 62, Joel-50, John McKNIGHT, Emma-90, Robert-25 B.-60, John L.-60, Llewellyn-62, Magdalen-3, 5, 11, McLEMORE, Young A.-50 Mary-3, 5, Mary Lynn-60, 61, Raymond-62, Rebeckah-5, McMAHON, William--41, 42 Samuel-5, William-5 McNAUGHER, John-68, Joseph-68 LIGHTFOOT, Sam-6 McNEESE, S. B.-41 LIKEN, Mr.-58 McNEIL, Minnie-106, Odie--106 LINDLEY, Marjorie--124 McNELLIS, Anascasia-97, David-97, James Maurice--97, LINK, Louvicie--51 Louise-97, Margaret-97, Maurice J.-97, Maurice M.-97 LITTLE, Marie L.-68 MADDOX, Josh.-6 LIVINGSTON, Eliza C.-ll8 MADISON, Richard-IO LLEWELLYN, Adelle-60, 61, 62, 79, Charles-61, Edwyl-59, MALTBY, Arthur Norman-97, Louise H.-97, Mrs. A. N.- 60, 62, Ellen-60, 62, 79, Eugene----60, 62, 79, John Richard- 55, 61, 67, 79 58, 59, 60, 61, 78, 79, Jorden-61, Justinian-61, Lucy-60, MANEY, Elizabeth-88 62, Richard-59, 60, 61, 62, Saidee (Sarah)-32, 60, 61, 62, MANNING, James-120 79, Thomas Newton-59, 60, 62 MAPLES, Allie--111 LOCKE, Samuel W.-26 MARCH, Margaret C.-34, Perrin G.-34 LOGAN, Miss-68 MARCOM, Beulah-106 LONG, Bessie--123, Burton-123, James-56, Lee--123, Robert MARK, Mr.-32, Mary-118 -123, Sam-123 MARSH, John-36 LOGINO, John Thomas-15 MARSHALL, Henry-37, Robert-9 LOVELL, James-8, 22 MARTIN, Amadine--120, Grace-72, 108, James-15, 16, 120, LOWERY, Elizabeth-29 Levi-108, Radd-120, Thomas-122, William-120 LUCAS, G. W.-24, Joseph-23, Louisa-23, Rebecca-23, MASON, Allie--111, H. D.-111 Robert-23, Samuel-24, 28, 29, 30, Sarah-24, William-23. MASSEY, Betty-94, Gertrude--94, Lucian-94 Mahulda-104 LUKE, Polly-82 MASSY, Thomas-21 LYNCH, Dr. Kenneth-105, Martha J.-105 MATHEROS, Sanp--14 L YTTELL, Josephine--108 MATHEWS, Sampson-9 McALLISTER, J. C.-9 MATHEWSON, Arthur-98, Miriam-98 McBRA YER, William--48 MATTHEWS, Barnett-93, Mira-107 McCALLUM, Annie----66, Effie--66, Elizabeth--66, Joan-66, MATTHIS, Reuben-7 Dr. John-66, 67, Lillie----66 MATURO, Helen Humphreys-87, Joseph S.-87 McCARMACK, Matthew-16 MAYBERRY, James-21 McCLANE, James-9, 10 MA YES, Daniel-38, 39 McCLINTOCK, Margaret-70 MAYS, A. P.-107, Leigh Humphreys-107, Linda Diana-107, McCLEISH, W. P.-75 Robert Lee--107 McCLISH, Thomas-IS MEDLIN, James Ann-89, Mae-89, Shirley-89, Thomas-89, McCONNELL, Elizabeth-37, Francis-37, James-37, John- William L.-89 37, Margaret-37, Mary-37, William-37 MEEKER, Goldie-121, Mary-121, Sam-121 McCORMACK, Mary-33, Rosalie--87, William-87 MEGOWAN, Joe Reed-37 McCRACKEN, James-123, Maebel-123 MERCER, George E.-102, Hallie--102, Ivan-102, James-102 McCRAW, Wm.-8 MERIWETHER, Ann E.-72, Charles N. M.--68, George-72, McCREA, Herbert-83 Louisa H. A.-69, Mary Jane--72, 74, Mary Walton--68 McCULLOR, Ben-63 MEYER, Jack Lester-77 McCULLOUGH, Emma-122, George-122, Louis-122 MICKENS, Van R.-121 McCULLY,, Anna Josephine--71, Stephan-71 MILES, Emma May-99, Herbert S.-99 McCUNE, Ellen-105 MILLER, Mr.-51, 58, J. J.-29, Sarah-81 McDANIEL, Dallas-114, E. S.-69, Gileue-114, Hulon D.- MILLIKEN, Humphreys--64, Lavina--64, Lucy--64, Sandol 114 Battle--64, William A.-63 McDONALD, Henry-9 MILLS, Mary Juliet-70, William-70 McELHANEY, George-12 MITCHELL, Emma-87, R. P.-66, Thomas-2 McFALL, Capt.-12, A. N.-17 MIZELL, Eva-86 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

MOBLEY, Ettie F.-111, John-111 PADELL, Beverly Ann-110, Emily Jane-110, Henry-110, MOLANO, Mr.--6 Nancy Ann-110, Thomas-110 MONTGOMERY, Joseph-120 PAGAN, Allan C.-88, Charles Humphreys-88, John Shaw- MOORE, Clabe-123, lsabella-76, Jeff-50, Jerry-28, John- 88, Robert Y.-88 16, 50, Jones-50, Willie Ann-50 PARKER, Annie Mae-95, Bernis-89, Cornelia Celestia-95, MOREHEAD, Gov. Charles-9, Mrs.-55, Professor-32, 61 DeWitt-70, Ella-95, Emmett Garfield-94, 95, Jessie May MORGAN, Daniel-31, Martha-88, Orman-16 -89, Julia--70, Lawrence-70, Marshall-70, Mary-70, Mrs. MORRIS, John-39, Mary Boyce--69, Samuel--6 -76, Rhett-70, Will-89 MORROW, Nancy-33 PARKIN, James-105, Sam N.-105, Samuel C.-105 MORRISON, Leonard Allison-83 PARRY, David-12, Jarnes-3, John-12, Mary-12 MORTON, Clara Imogene-83, 84, John Watson-83, 84, PASCHIL, Elizabeth--6 Queenie H.-84, Robert L.-84, West H. H.-84 PATCH, Emma Frances-101, Warren Prescott-101 MOTES, Marcus L.-83 PATRICK, James-37 MUIR, George C.-9 PATTERSON, E. M.-38, Jane-38, Jermirry-116, John Tap­ MULLANEY, John R.-37 ley-116, Polly White-ll6, Sarah-75 MULLEN, James G.-108, Mae Harriett-108 PATTON, Bess-99, William-10 MULLOY, Jas.-17, 18 PAYNE, Anne--64, Elizabeth-122, Dr. John-117, Mrs.-59, MURPHY, Adah-119, Jesse-119, Rebecca-119, Samuel-I 19, Thomas-122, William-122 Thomas-119 PEARSON, Clyde Henry-90, Ella Celestia-94, Fred Harris- MUTCHMORE, S. A.-80 90, Henry Hugh, 90, Henry Jackson-75, 94, Hugh Hum­ MYERS, Bessie-98, Harry-98 phreys-90, James-90, Lena-75, Martha L,-93, Mary Sue NAGLE, Bettie-112 -90, Nancy-94, Richard Humphreys-93, Sally-90, Starkey NAPIER, S. L.-118 Abner-93, Mrs. Thomas J.-51, 76, 94, 95 NASH, Martha E.--66 PEARSALL, C. J.-91 NEBLETT, John--41 PEGRAM, Baker M.-90, Ellen-90, Lilla Mai-90 NEELY, Tennie-Ill PENN, Lee--69, William-I NELSON, Jane Marie-110, Wallace C.-110 PENNELL, Charlotte-108, James-108 NEVILL, John-20 PENNINGTON, Asa-88, Barbara Ann-88, Harry-88, Mary NEWBERN, Thomas-73 Martha-88 NEWTON, Amelia--61, Thomas--61, 79 PENNYPACKER, Samuel W.-1 NICKELS, Edgar-104, Lois-104 PERKINS, Thomas-8, 22 NIELL, Mattie-85 PERRY, Eliza-31, Lila Grace-106, Lydia Ridggley-54, Wil­ NOLL, Christine-114, Gregory-114, Howard-114, Kathleen liam Galbreath-106 -114, Phillip--114 PHILLIPS, J. R.-93, John--6, Katherine-86, Major-16, Dr. NORTH, Ann-10, 12, 23, Bessie-12, Caleb-12, 32, Colonel Sidney B.-9 -61, Calvin B.-12, 32, Dexter-11, Elizabeth-12, 23, PICKENS, Hannah-124 George-12, 32, Hannah-12, Jane-32, John-12, Joseph- PICKERING, Charles-I 12, 32, Joshua-12, Lydia-32, Nathaniel G.-12, 29, Robert PIERCE, President--64 -12, Roger-10, 12, Samuel-12, Sarah-12, 61, Sophia-12, PILLOW', Amanda Malvina--64, Gideon--64, Gen. Gideon Thomas-12, Walter-12, William-12, 23, 29 Johnson--64 NUNLEY, Elsie-101 PINKERTON, Earle-95 O'BANYON, Sarah Keyes-25 PITTS, Joel--43, 48 OBERBECK, Anita-114, Joseph-114, Richard Wayne-114, PLEASANTS, Matthew-37, Peyton R.-37 Robert Hoeb-114 POLK, Mary-26 O'DONOHUE, Mr.-117 POMFRET, James Edward-112, 113, Allison F.-113, Mar- OLIVER, Drury-41 guerite K.-113 O'NEAL, Wilton Earl-84 POOR, Patsy-22 ORR, Mrs. Belle Roberts-88, Jennifer Lois-114, Leslie D.- POPE, Clifford--69, John-39 114, Leslie R.-114, Robert-I 14, Steven-114 PORTER, David-25, Willie Ruth-88 ORTO, Mattie-Ill, Dr. Zaphney-111 POST, Charles A.-102, David Lee-102, Joe Z.-102, Richard ORTON, Benjamin-52, David-18, 19, 21, Harriett-52, Heze­ Leslie-102 kiah-52, James-52, Jane-51, 52, Mary-52, Rebecca-52, POTTERFIELD, Mr.-57 Sarah-52, Samuel-52, William-52 POULSEN, Emil T.-104, Raymond-104, Suzanne Lyon-104 OSBORNE, Mary-96 POUND, Josephine-115, Theodore-115 OVERSTREET, Nell-70, Taft-70 POWELL, Alfred H.-41, Alfred W.--68, David Humphreys- OVERTON, John-21 98, James W.-98, Janet Lorne-98, Mary L.-98, Mary T.- OWEN, Mildred-112 98, Mattie-108, Ruth-109, William G.-98, William Han­ OWENS, Athelston-99, Basil Duke-99, Earnest-109, Eliza­ cock-97, William Humphreys-98, William S.-98, Valerie beth Ward-99, Mary Ann-109 M.-98 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

PREWITT, R. G.-49 RUE, Nelly-122 PRICE, General-81 RUSHING, Mr.-116 PRICHARD, Anthony--6, Samuel-5, William-90 RUTHERFORD, Elizabech-52, General Griffich-16, Robert- PROCTOR, H. E.--68 52, Thomas-26 PRUITT, Myrtle-117 RYE, John-117 PRYOR, Luke--19 SADLER, L.-26 PUCKETT, Richard-8 SAGEBERRY, Job-7 PUGH, Lucy-84 . SAMUEL, H. F.-41, 42 PULLIAM, Joel----63 SANDERS, Alethia-83, Daniel-19, Leonidas-23 PULLUM, John-43 SAPPINGTON, Mrs.-26, 79 QUICK, Ruth G.-123 SAUNDERS, Alice Mary-77, Basye-62, Charles----61, Edward RACHA, Bertha-HO H.-62, Llewellyn-62, Percy-62, William-2 RAGSDALE, Elwood-83, Mayme G.-83 SA WYER, Lois Isabel-109 RAINES, Ann-93, James Thomas-110, Janet-110, Jean C.- SAYRE, Fern Echel-100 93, Thomas B.-110 SCHILD, Ethel-97 RAINWATER, Katherine Dowdle-113, Loid-113 SCHOFIELD, George-12, James-12, William-12 RALLS, C. B.-123, Everett-123, Mary-123 SCHROCK, Susan-124 RAMBO, Ann-10, 12 SCHWAB, Laura Alice-80, 100 RANDOLPH, Mary Ann-118 SCOTT, Bobbie Jean-94, Miss-62 RANSOME, Matt-25 SCRUGGS, Donald Higginson-92, Frances-92 RANSON, Matthew-29 SEARS, Daisy-100 RASOR, Polly Ann-85 SEAT, Green-19, Harcwell-50, Margaret E.-50, 73, Rebecca RATCLIFF, James Marion-83, Warren-83 -50, William P.-23 RAY, Wilby-18 SEEVERS, Anna Cacherine-29, 31, Emily-29, 31, Eveline--29, RAYMOND, Clarence Arthur-99, Earl A.-99 31, Jennie-29, 31, Mariah-29, 31, William R.-29, 30, 31, READ, George--7, Mabel-95, Robert Lewis-95 79 READY, Alta Jane--114 SEEWRIGHT, Mr.-57 REED, Eleanor-121 SELDEN, Meca-53 REESE, Gladys-85, John-5, 85, Mrs.----61 SELF, Emma-97, Ruth-97, Tom-97 REEVES, Mr.-48 SELLERS, Edwin-1 REGER, Euna-124, Gertrude-124, Louis-124, Lura-124 SHANNON, Jane-95 RENTZELL, Mabel-106 SHAW, Alex-JG REYNOLDS, Amos-116, Carolina-116, Clinton-116, John SHEELS, William-14 Severe-116 SHELBY, Cass K.-15, 37, Isaac-37, John Warren-37 RHOADES, Charles-124, Estel-124, Minnie-124, Virgil- SHELES, Wes-43 124 SHELOR, .John W.-43 RHOADS, Jimmie--89 SHELNUTT, Hermoine-107, L. V.-107 RICE, Elizabeth F.-29, 31 SHELTON, Sarah-16, Spencer-16 RICHARDS, Gartry-2, 3, Joseph-!, 2, 3, Mary-118 SHEPARD, Harvey L.-34, Jacob-15, Margaret March-30, 31 RICHARDSON, Charles H.-100, Gladys-100, Isaac-LI, SHEPPARD, Nachaniel-14 Joseph----6, Joshua-6 SHERMAN, Agnes-70, Granville-70, Ruch-70 RIDDICK, Jason-20 SHEVERS, Doris-109 RIDGLEY, Jane-37 SHIPPEN, Edward-1 RIGG, Elizabeth-38, 39, Jane W.----62, 63, Joel-19, Jonathan SHORT, Evelyn-I 13, Harold L.-113, Jacob Lindsey-87, 38 Pearl-87 RILEY, John-55, Lillian-55 SHOUSE, Frances T.-60 RISSLER, George-26 SHOWALTER, Isaac-29 RIVES, David-21 SHROPSHIRE, Wallace-99, William-99, William Wallace- ROAN, Archibald-21 99 ROBERSON, Edith-98 SIMMONS, Ruth-105, Samuel-22, Walter-105 ROBERTS, Belle-88, James-8, 19, Jane-114, Samuel-12, SIMMS, Mary Lynn--60 John-19, 88 SIMS, Maude-121, Rinda-121 ROBERTSON, Henry-19 SIMPSON, Elizabech-80 ROBINSON, Elizabeth-36, John-14, 36, W. D.-62 SINCLAIR, Alexander-14, Jane-14 ROSE, Mary-119, 120 SLAVH~S, Wm.-9 ROSS, Louise-66 SLOAN, Emma-122, Frank-122, George-122, James-122, ROTH, Lizzie-98 Jane-122, Louis-122, Thomas-122, Uriah-122 ROW AN, John B.-43, Nannie-43 SMALL, Da,id-22, Knight-8 ROWLAND, Howard-109, Rev. John-3, O"Della Faye-109 SMITH, Annie Maria-29, 31, 32, Blackburn-32, Capcain-13, INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

14, Charles Horace-29, 32, Cornelia-86, Dan-8, Della Lee Thomas-19 -109, Elizabeth-111, 123, Emily F.-29, 31, 32, Frederick- TENNANT, Rev. Gilbert-3 23, Nannie--43, Nellie-31, Richard--6, Robert-121, Roger THOMAS, Esther-3, Houston-103, Isaiah-6, John-3, R.-:--29, 30, 31, 32, Roy M.-118, Samuel-121, 123, Stephen Marion-103, Philip-3 --43, Thomas-7, 8, 14, Treadwell-29, 30, 31, 32, Wallace THOMPSON, General--49, Helen-107, Rebecca-9 111, William-8, 60, 62, Yost-2, 3, 5, 12, Dave-121, Jona­ THOMSEN, Leslie-33, 79 than-31, 32, Joel--41, J. Rice-31, 32, La Nell--60, Loren THORN, John--41 P.-79, Maggie-121, Mary-117 THORNBERG, Gloriavina-89 SMYTHE, Dr. A. G.--43, 44, Andrew J.--43 THORNTON, Thomas-69, William-15 SOVERN, John-119, Polly-119 THRO, Clinton John-77 SPAIGHT, Richard Dobbs-16, 21 THROCKMORTON, John T.--61 SPARROW, Elizabeth S.-80, 81, John-80 TIBBETTS, Wilbur-79 SPEED, Virginia Maurine-105, Wood W.-105 TILMAN, John-16 SPENCER, Nancy-91 TILSON, J. D.-89 SPERRY, Burton W.-103, Maude Dixon-103 TINGLE, Jas. S.-37 SPURLIN Ernest-104 TITUS, W. P.-69 STAPLES, Charles R.-37, 39 TODD, Rev. David--43, John-75, Mary A.-75 STEED, John-20 TOMES, Mr.-120 STEEL, Frank--66, 67, Mary E.--67 TOURTELOT, Ella Cage-88 STEHR, Virginia-108 TOWERS, Elizaheth--47, Isabelle-48, 49, John--48, 49, Leon- STEPHENS, Bascom Asbury-15, Carol-115, Catherine-14, ard-16, 48, Mr.--45, Rebecca--48, 49, William--44 15, Dan W.-15, David H.-14, 15, Ebenezer-15, Hannah- TRAUTT, J. M.-106, Sue Mai-106 14, 15, John-15, Joshua-14, 15, Mrs.-59, Priscilla-15, TRAVERS, Bessie-31, Wm. H.-54 Sarah-14, 15, Silas-14, 15 TRENHOLM, Emma Josephine-87, George A.-87 STEPHENSON, Mary-37 TRENT, W. C.-63 STEVENS, Dr.-59, Paul-120, Wilbur-120 TREWERN, Margaret Joan-93 STEWART, Charles G.-29, William-72 TRIMBLE, Cora-72, Robert-39 STILL, Joshia-19 TRITT, Edwin-109, Ophelia-109 STILES, LeMoyne-98 TROTTER, Isham R.-38 STOKES, Allen--41 TSCHOEPE, Anton-74 STONELEIGH, D. R.-96 TUCKER, Hattie-107, Henry St. George-25, Norma-66 STOUT, Annie Morton-64, 84, Margaret H.-84, Samuel H.- TUMMER, Thomas-29 84 TURLEY, Thomas B.--64 STOVALL, Hart-106, Una-106 TURNER, A. R.-52, Anita-95, Ann E.-67, Christine--26, STREBBLING, U. L.--43 Cleve-66, 67, Dorothy-95, George-55, George W.-29, STRAITH, John J. H.-29 H. H.-67, James F.-67, John-95, Laura-67, Martha-67, STRATTON, Seraiah-14 Otis-67, Philip-95, William-55 STREET, John L.-19 TURRENTINE, Miss--62 STROBIA, John-14 UPTON, Carolyn-101 STROTHER, Colonel-57 USHER, Luke-36 STROTTEL, Robt.-6 VAN BIBBER, J. K.-67 STUART,, Charles-100, Mabel Clyde-SO, 100, Thomas C.-44 VANCE, A. Paul-113, Benjamin-113, Dennis Paul-114, STULL, Gladys-98 Michael Clay-114, Rebecca Sue-114, Terry Lee-114 STUTHERD, William-8 VANDEVAR, Charles-15 SUMNER, Bowater-8 VANDIVER, Laura A.--45, Louise-72 SUTTON, Alice Eloise-90, 103, Mrs. Claire-51, 75, 89, 91, VARLEY, Jacob-12, John-2, 5, 12 James Howard-90, John Drennen-53, 54, William Bruce- VAUGHN, Ann-34, Richard-34 52, 53, 62, 77, 78, 79, William Howard-90 VENCILL, Lee-124, Ora-124, Retta-124 SWANSON, Gunnar-1 VERNER, Chales I.--43, D. D.-43, 44, E. P.-43, I. V.-43, SWEATT, John--48, John Humphreys-48, 49 Jane Elizabeth-42, 44, John--42, 43, 44, L. H.-43, Mary- TALLANT, Mrs. Earnest--67 43, Rebecca--43, 44, Samuel--43, William E.-43 TARTT, James T.-120 VIAR, Ebbie Lee-95 TATE, Abigail H.-34, 78, 79, Gay-31, George H.-12, 26, VICKERS, R. N.-115, Sara Nell-115 29, 30, 31, 34, 54, 59, 61, 79, John Humphreys-12, 27, 28, 30, WADE, Mrs. H. K.-96, Rebecca Isabell-92, William-92 34, 61, 79, Magnus-12, 28, 31, 33, 34, 79, Mary Ann- 12, WAGER, Hanna-29, 30, 31, 61, John-29 31, 34, 79, Willelma-12, 34, 61, William-27, 28, 33 WAGGONER, Valentine-51 TATUM, Herbert-SO, Mattie-50, Moody-50, Rufus-50, WAGNER, Edith-108 Tom-50 W AINWRlGHT, Louise-106 TAYLOR, Charles-90, Hiram-120, 123, John-120, 123, WAKEFIELD, Bena Forrest-109, James T.-109 INDEX TO PERSONS WITH SURNAME OTHER THAN HUMPHREYS

WALKER, Anna Helen-89, James--41, Legare J.-87, Marie- -50, Charlotte Lee-102, David-122, Ed-66, Elizabeth- 110, Wallace-101 102, Erasmus-SO, Eustace-32, George-102, Inez-SO, Is­ WALLACE, Juanita-101 ham-SO, J. B.-51, James-19, Joseph-6, 7, 8, 16, Lewis- WALLIS, Elizabeth-99 3, Mr.-66, Martha-72, 74, Marvin-122, Minnie-122, Mis­ WALLS, George-20 souri-93, Mollie-103, Nancy Ann-110, S.-16, 21, Sadie- WALTER, Pauline-87 50, Samuel Cole--65, Tom-SO, Woodson-93 WANN, Ruby-87 WILLIAMSON, James-71, Roy C.-82, Sarah Cloud-70, 71 WARD, Dollie Lee-104, Edwin-99, Luella Vashti-SO, 99 WILLIS, Emma-75, Ida May-75, 95, John-7S, Margurite WARFIELD, William Shockley-92 Kemper-I 12, Rev. Richard Baxter-112 WARWICK, Jacob-9 WILLOUGHBY, Alvin Bernard-91, Charles Edwin-91, Eu­ WASHINGTON, Bushrod-27, 29, John-12, John Augustine gene Norman-91, Humphreys Blanchard-91, James Robert -29, John T. A.-27, 29, Mrs.-12, Mrs. Louisa-29, Thomas -91, John William-89, 91, Lorene-89, Mary Lou-91, B.-29, Wm. T.-29 Nancy Ophelia-91, 0. U.-93, Sadie-93 WATKI!':l'S, John Humphreys-63, Lois Juanita-109, Richard WILLSON, Hugh--6 L.-63, Robert Eugene-109, Stephen K.-63, William Pres­ WILSON, Mr.--46, Henry Cook-111, Janet Lynn-111, Julia ton-109 Helen-111, William Erwin-73 WATSON, Nancy-110 WINDER, General-ZS WAYNE, Anthony-1, 18, 73, Jacob-1 WING, Eliza-15 WEATHERED, Frances M.-22 WINGATE, Lucien-37 WEIFORD, Keith Gale-92 WINN, George-9, Maxey Judson-108, Milly-9 WEINERT, Mrs. Max-74, 88 WINTERS, Dessie-123, Nathan-123 WEISIGER, Carter Byrd-68, Cary Nelson-68, 69, Elizabeth WISDOM, Sue-124 West-68, Lucy Page-68, Margaret Page-68, Mary Hum­ WISE, William--41 phreys-68, Mary Randolph-68, William Bolling-68 WOOD, Carrie-91, James-20, Margaret-121, Stephen-15 WELCH, Henry-92, Sarah McBride-92 WOODS, Ahijah-120, 121, David-99, Jane-119, 122, Joseph WESSON, Callie-75, Dalton-75, John E.-60, Laura-75 122, Jennie-104, May Belle-99, J. E.--47, Mary Robina-68 WEST, Elizabeth--41, George-40, 41, Martha--41, Mary--40, WOOLDRIDGE, Cora-98, James R.-98, Marion Thompson- 41, Robert--41, Saphronia Jane-117 98 WESTON, Thomas P.-71 WORD, Charles-IS, Martha-15, 16, 17, Thomas A.-8, 19, WHALEN, James-9 22, William-19 WHITE, David-16, Elmer L.-33, Grace Dana-107, Major- WORTHINGTON, Mr.-12 16, N. S.-30, Richard-94, Rufus Erwin-90, Thomas W.- WYLY, Wm.-70 68, Warren Dana-107, Warren Humphreys-107, Warren WYN, Daniel H.-22 Lee-107 WYNN, Mary-112 WHARTON, Wm. N.-82 WYSONG, Bessie-S3 WHITELAW, Hamilton D.-68 YARBROUGH, Alice Loretta-90, Elizabeth--69, Frances-69, WHITFIELD, J.-17, Margaret H.-124, Paul-124 90, George Wesley--69, Hallie-90, Henry-90, Henry Pear­ WHITNER, Joseph N.-17 son-90, John Claude-90, John Francis--69, Lillie-90, Mar­ WHITSETT, John Allison-103, Julia Sperry-103, William G. garet Althea-69, Mary Louise-90, May Boyce--69, Wilma -103 -90 WHITTEMORE, Alison-101, Frederick W.-101, Nathaniel B.-101, Stewart-101 YATES, Cynthia-122, John-29, Robert--68 WICKLIFFE, Robert-39 YELYERTON, Lois--64, 83 WILCOX, Joseph-2 YOST, Frederick-12 WILDER, Malinda-75, 94 YOUNG, Abner Humphrey-118, Charles D.-119, Eliza Jane WILKES, Ida Cunningham-69 --41, Jeanie--88, John-118, John Abner-118, Thomas H. WILLEY, Charles H. --66 -119 WILLIAMS, Abigail-SO, Azalee-50, 93, Baxter-SO, Broadie YOUNGQUIST, Julia Josephine-84