Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index A
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Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 43:184, 341, 45:182 A Abid, Omar, 37:121n Abiding Mother, Genuine Mother: Mother through the A. J. Rife Construction Co., 48:172 Ages; Tributes to Mother, by Henry F. White, A. K. A., by Sandi Garrett, noted, 52:364 revd., 7:96–97 A. L. Barnett (company), Leslie, 33:279 Abilene or Bust, by Bill Gulick and Thomas Rothrock, "AAA Cotton Plow-Up Campaign in Arkansas," by noted, 5:191–92 Keith J. Volanto, 59:388–406 Abington, Eugene H., Backroads and Bicarbonate: The Aaker, Jerry, book by, noted, 53:398 Autobiography of an Arkansas Country Aalseth, Margaret, 49:286 Doctor, noted, 14:77, 286; revd., 14:392–94 Aaron, Nadine (Mrs. O. R. Aaron), Little Rock, 57:163, Abington, Mrs. Eugene H., Beebe, 2:363 164, 167, 171 Abington, W. H., 3:227, 237–38, 243n, 39:32 AAUP. See American Association of University Ables, Hamp, 14:145, 237 Professors Abner (of Lum and Abner), 30:64, 69–70 AAUW. See American Association of University Abney, James F. (CSA), 15:172, 175 Women Abolitionist incident at Camden, 11:332–33 Abadie, Silvestre, 1:297–98 Abolitionists, 3:76, 29:200, 30:123–44, 44:329–30 Abandoned lands (1864), 1:72–73 Abolitionists and the South, 1831–1861, by Stanley Abandoned Orchard, by Eleanor Risley, noted, 4:370 Harrold, revd., 55:329–31 Abbey, Fred (USA), 49:10 Abraham, James, 1:69 Abbey of Saint Walburg, 56:81 Abraham, James B., 5:372 Abbot, Mr., Dallas Co., 35:278 "Abraham G. Mayers," by Daniel F. Littlefield Jr., Abbot, David, perfects irrigation system for rice, 29:70 34:122–48 Abbot, Willis J., 34:56, 58 Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings, ed. Roy Abbott, Alfred, 49:335 P. Basler, revd., 6:90–91 Abbott, Ben, Washington, 18:186 Abraham Lincoln Deals with Foreign Affairs: A Abbott, Bill, Garland Co., 59:416 Diplomat in Carpet Slippers, by Jay Abbott, Daisy Rhea, featured in book, 35:302 Monaghan, noted, 56:489 Abbott, Emma, at Hot Springs, 1:75 Abrahams, Roger D., book by, noted, 53:499 Abbott, Frank, coed., "Reminiscences of Confederate Abram, Morris B., 29:61 Service by Wiley A. Washburn," 35:47–90 Abrams, Annie, Little Rock, 42:255n Abbott, Jane, Little Rock, 4:164 "Abridgement of the Diary of Warrant Officer Earl E. Abbott, John S. C. (auth.), 38:356–57, 51:21–24, 27 Moreland of Fort Smith, Arkansas," by Doyle Abbott, Shirley, 49:95, 182, 334–35 F. Smee, 5:220–45 The Bookmaker's Daughter: A Memory Unbound, Absentee ownership, problems of, 18:90 cited, 59:416, 423; revd., 51:86–87 Abstract from 1910 Federal Census Montgomery rev., 50:390–91 County, Arkansas, noted, 44:87–88 Womenfolks: Growing Up down South, revd., Abstracts from Crawford County, Ark., Newspapers: 42:369–70 "The Van Buren Press" Feb. 3, 1866–April Abel, Annie H., 38:357–58 13, 1868, noted, 54:109 The American Indian as Slaveholder and Acan, Mr. (Frenchman), 16:64 Secessionist, revd., 52:189–91 Acan family, Ashley Co., 46:140 The American Indian in the Civil War, 1862–1865, Acanssas, river of (named by H. Joutel), 19:195–96 revd., 52:189–91 Acanza (Indian tribe, named on Vaugondy's map), book by, noted, 52:473 19:195 Abel, Hiram, 23:61 Accacia Bayou, Calhoun Co., 48:162 Abel, Ida Lee, Lexa, 20:97n Accancea (Indian tribe named by H. Joutel), 19:195–96 Abel, T. J. (Freedmen's Bureau agent), 51:148, 151 Accanssa village, 1:50 Abenaqui Indians, 48:166 Accidentals (baseball club in Little Rock, 1867), 25:330 Abercrombie, Charles, Desha Co., 12:52 Achansa (Indian tribe named by A. Douay), 19:194 Abercrombie, Irene, "The Battle of Prairie Grove," Acheson, Dean, 56:258 2:309–15 Ackansas, 53:119 Aberdeen, Ark. Co., 6:181, 11:294, 21:337, 354, Ackerman, A. J., 33:331, 34:256–58 22:127, 27:135 Ackerman, Curtis, 56:393 Abernathy, Imogene Lytle, 20:186 Ackerman, F. S., Eureka Springs, 41:214 Abernathy, Mamie Ruth Stranburg, Hot Springs, ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union 1 Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 Acme, Sheppard, Hot Springs, 55:293 injunctions or appt. of receivers, 1:122 Acme Brick Company, Hot Springs, 37:19 No. 394 (1939), licensing of pest-control operators Acorn, Polk Co., 21:45, 69 and "tree doctors," 26:61 Acree, F. F., 15:176 No. 409 (1947), allows state forests on given, "Across Arkansas in 1844," by Francis J. Scully, 13:31– purchased, or exchanged lands, 24:217 51 No. 414 (1917), est. Ark. State Plant Board, 26:48– "Action at Prairie De Ann," by James Harris Atkinson, 49, 66 19:40–50 No. 482 (1963), est. weights and measures, 26:72 Action before Westport, 1864, by Howard N. Monnett, No. 512 (antibolshevik law, 1919), 37:268, 56:182 noted, 54:496 No. 655, 54:456 Action Comics, 51:2–18 No. 787 (1997), 57:62 "Activities of the Women of Arkansas during the War No. 832 (1979), est. Ark. Museums Div., Dept. of between the States," by Clara B. Eno, 3:5–27 Parks and Tourism, 38:295 Acts of Arkansas No. 905, 55:100 No. 1, Initiated Act (1929), 38:309–31 Ad. Hine (USA steamboat), on Ark. River, 17:190, No. 3 (1937), est. exams of persons accused of 24:167–68, 172–77, 220, 226, 244, 29:238– crimes, 37:230 41 No. 10 (1958), 56:429, 59:246 Adair, B. F. (Pulaski Co. African American legis.), art. on controversy over, 56:443–61 31:222–24, 222–24, 33:14, 303, 44:231 D. W. Mullins on, 56:458–59, 460 picture of, facing 31:222 and NAACP, 56:446–48, 449–50, 453–55 Adair, B. H., 12:369 No. 19, 54:149–50, 159–60, 159–60 Adair, C. R., and Zenith rice, 5:131 No. 25 (eclectics registration, 1935), 35:39 Adair, Callie, 8:110 No. 38 (Reorganization Act, 1971), 37:71–72 Adair, Edward, 56:131 changes name of Ark. State Hosp. to Ark. Mental Adair, George W., 36:21 Hosp., 37:232 Adair, John L., 50:155–56, 157 No. 39 (1967), est. Ark. Archaeological Survey, Adair, W. S., 35:341 53:309–10 Adair, William P. (CSA), 25:67–68, 26:274n, 277, No. 42 (1953), on forestry comm., 24:218 29:248 No. 46 (1873), provisions for penitentiary leasing, Cherokee del., 31:175 52:5 Adair place (archeological site), pictures of artifacts No. 48 (1939), expands forestry comm., 24:215 from, following 3:312 No. 58 (Antiquities Bill, 1967), 53:309 Adams (USA steamer), 18:340 No. 69 (1913), 52:27 Adams, A. (del. to secession conv.), table facing 13:184 No. 73 (1931), and certified seed, 26:58–60 Adams, A. B., Eureka Springs, 56:164 No. 76 (1893), limits convict leasing, 52:9 Adams, Arthur L., 1:286 No. 82 (1959), and protection of hist. sites, 53:309– Adams, Berry, Ashley Co., 16:69 10 Adams, Bill, Clarksville, 6:75 No. 85 (forest-fire law, 1935), 24:213 Adams, Bob, Marion Co., 17:158 No. 99 (1917), calls const. conv., 1:117 Adams, Bryant, Ashley Co., 16:69 No. 115 (Anti-NAACP Bill), 56:447, 448 Adams, Carl, appt. welfare dir., 57:383 overturned, 56:453 Adams, Chance, 33:196 No. 148 (physician licensing, 1935), 35:39 Adams, Charles, Helena (early settler near Cadron), No. 163 (1947), authorizes Div. of Forestry and 10:127, 133 Parks, 24:217 Adams, Gen. Charles W. (CSA), Helena, 2:285, 13:5n, No. 167 (Ellis Refunding Act, 1933), 2:319 9, 11n, 14n, 21:245, 38:356 No. 197 (1957), est. Prairie Grove Battlefield del. to secession conv., 12:212–13, 13:181–83, 184 Comm., 16:220 Adams, Miss Charlie, 14:241 No. 241 (1943), and admissions to state hosp., Adams, Cindy, 14:241 37:230 Adams, Crockett (CSA), 5:410 No. 261 (obscenity law, 1961), 29:49 Adams, Drury, Independence Co., 36:136 No. 270 (1967), appropriation for Ark. Adams, E., Izard Co., 6:73 Archaeological Survey, 53:309 Adams, Eliza, diary of, noted, 17:210 No. 345 (1943), appropriation for educating African Adams, Emma, Ft. Smith, 47:298 Americans, 27:6 Adams, George, Cleburne Co., 44:363 No. 355 (1937), est. appeals from temporary Adams, George H., Heber Springs, 5:362, 37:93 2 Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 Adams, George Rollie, 42:311 Adams, Mrs. M. E., 14:137 Adams, Hattie, 14:241 Adams, Mathew, Izard Co., 37:184n, 185–86 Adams, Henry, 53:421 Adams, Moses S., 29:149 Adams, Herbert Baxter, 35:116–18, 122, 37:75 Adams, P. H., Izard Co., 6:73 Adams, Hilda, Jefferson Co., 43:183, 341, 47:190, 365 Adams, Peter F., Fulton Co., 6:73 Adams, Horace, 5:94, 40:91, 43:279 Adams, Reuben R., 31:113–14 and AHA, 4:375, 5:110, 6:367, 7:142, 144, 10:302, Adams, Robert, Searcy Co., 37:210 11:207, 12:177, 13:213, 14:178, 15:176, Adams, Robert H. (CSA), 42:75–77, 147 334–35, 342–43, 23:184, 368 Adams, Ross B., Garland Co., 59:416 "An Arkansas Alderman, 1857," 11:79–101 Adams, Rus, 20:380 papers by, noted, 9:222, 12:178 Adams, Samuel, 7:104 picture of, 25:282 acting gov. of Ark, 3:189 rev., 1:74–78 pres., Ark. Sen., 26:354 "The Year 1856 as Viewed by an Arkansas Whig," Adams, Sherman, 59:247 1:124–33 Adams, Solomon, Ashley Co., 16:65 Adams, Mrs.