What’s New AKA Comp’s Signature THE MODERN SCHOOL IT Solution has been implemented across many schools around Illinois. As Back-to-School is in full swing, check out the full suite of services available via this signature solution. Some services may be brought à la carte. Contact us today or visit www.akacomp.com/education To learn more about this signature The Most Common Ways solution. Hackers Access Your Network You are under attack. Right now, For a FREE consultation, call me di- cybercrime rings in China, Russia, and the 2 We strongly recommend an rectly at 773-733-4402 or email me at Ukraine are hacking into small businesses acceptable use policy that limits the like yours to steal credit cards, client websites employees can access with work
[email protected] information, and swindle money directly devices as well as work material they TODAY! out of your bank account. Some are even access with personal devices. We can being funded by their own government to easily set up permissions that regulate attack American businesses, and half of all which websites your employees access July / August 2017 cyberattacks are aimed at small and what they do with company-owned businesses. The National Cyber Security devices, even granting certain users more This monthly Alliance reports that one in five small freedom than others. You also need to publication businesses have been victims of detail what an employee can or cannot do provided cybercrime in the last year. It’s critical that with personal devices when taking work courtesy of you protect yourself from the following 10 home.