
exception of the mustard. Into & the shoulders. It is made of , or Serge with UrMn etlk collar and Applique trimmings, the kettle; barely cover with vinegarcookingand of interesting: and rather heavy

HAT OF BLACK SILK BEAVER, WIT13 FUR BRIM AND BANDS OF tUma ROW RIBBON, EDGED W] CUT STEEL BEADS. NARITH ctrola. Special Correspondence of The Star. one will shortly see, as the new hats IVktrola T\1% $15 The Fox Trot i are on and NEW IS. . They tumbling: forth the counters Oak YORK, September on women's heads, but the fundamental ay that Lewis invented the modern fact is that the low crown is the other hew danc postilion hat, but all the milliners in . The indicationsecondclassis produced these shapes so quickly that that the woman who wear a brim V loud and. cle the observer was bewildered and credit will take up with the marquise hats, played has hither and and those others of sweeping: done yon. What worn by that famous personageproportionsin 1 in perfect time. does it make who thoughtdifferenceof French history called "la grande it drst, as lone as every one thought of mademoiselle." There are Victc It In time to make It the feature of khe The Velvet Berette Worn. \1 early fall and revolutionise all millinery.There are so many sources from ^ j| Victrolas in great Probably It won't last until which the milliners could draw the vel. s « aAITI* n f It, ^ttin, ,nv h.,tChristSuan». vet berette that it is little wonder it W of styles from $10. women have gotten into the was introduced among the first of the I V .at habit of buying many hatscontinentaland high-crowned hats. Italy, as well as 1 THie all Victor deale has worn this ' rapidly discarding one shape for France, jaunty shape m nn n ss s By Christmas the women whoanother. and since the days of Henrybeforeol t ROBERT C,ROGERS victor lauong macm Navarre and his white plume. It is a take up the postilion now will be charming shape, that velvet berette, CGMF ANY Camden, N. J. ready for another, and a totally when it is molded to the shape. Consequently, it is wisedifferent of the face beneath it, andproportions 1313 F STR eet n.w. to make the best of this especial hat believe that it will have a longeimilliners D. C. while it lasts. and more acceptable run than the Washing!on, One thing is certain; it ushered in postilion, which will be takenconspicuous the high-crowned hat. The milliners up by all those who can carry off had decided that something must be clothes. daring done to compel women to buy new hats (Copyright. 1915.) aad not depend on the ones they had ,XXSS38X?SSS3«J£JC«S*3SSS5SWS5S3S3SSCJSSCS te carry them through the autumn; JQl'tU more likely, the origin was deeper than that and did not concern the individual "We Fulfill Our Promises." at first; It was the idea of the Paris AMERICAN milliners that unless they showed FASHIONS. E. F. Droop & Sons Co. something strikingly different in the form of a hat, the American buyers 1^^* ,. , Price We Will Furnish \ Mr. and Mrs. would to more than a There is one neglect buy few good thing about thil Stoi e in the Vernon Castle shapes, trusting to the skill of their of a bib The Only City P19-5® pattern skirt, apart from thf ! own workrooms to satisfy the set and Deathig in Dancing demand. Americangraceiui nare.the fact that it I A Genuine Hornless Victrola KSjmzMM|B may be made either with or without a bib the Fox If French working women were to VICTOR GOODS ' reap material benefit from the visit of The gathers, or corded , may alec !: And 12 Selections (6 Double-face j the foreign buyers, the milliners had to be omitted and the skirt gathered 01 take in a amount EXCLUi5IVELY large of money, shirred to a simple waistband. One maj io-inch 1Records) of Your Own \ otherwise there would be more and make the M ain 7448 ji more destitution among the widows skirt according to one's Phone and orphans and more prospect of as it were. The shirred belldimensions, Choosing during the coming winter;unemploymentis charming with a slender figure; th< 'e Without a Victor. therefore, the desire to change the bib effect lends length to a short one No Home Complei shapes of clothes and of hats so that and an eflect jl gives of less breadth tc the old ones would no \ c*,,w to longer serve, a stout figure. g V_/Lllvl UIVIW , $25 $250. naa a vuai ana important motive As may be seen, the bib is a It. Knowing it. there is lees behind simple We Maintain the Best Vic:tor Service in Washington. behind the necessity for buyingrebellion V \ £ new hats this autumn. ClnL I!-'> You Entrance of the High . I DROOP, 1300 G Street. I After the high crowns were decided *»3«XXSSXJtSSSSSaSX%JSSSSSX36XX**afcK ||| upon as the leading feature of the new asason, it was left to the Individual In Paris to create as manydesigners i /i shapes as their brains dictated in which this innovation could be incorporated. The $150 , The first startling shape to appear was Cannot Olstain Anywhere the postilion, it la reminiscent of the Open 8:30 A.M. Close 5:30 P.M. end of the stormy eighteenth century, uirTDni A- 1 which ushered in the first strong V IV1 More efficient service or miire courteous attention than of that binding together of evidencethe its people In France against pernicious Sold on terms that make "THE BUSrcqKJfEB- \ is accorded every customer here. royalty.the beginning of the united to all. republic that is fighting today without possession possible king or emperor as leader. It was a | for records man's hat.this postilion.and to it we Pay $lo.OO (your will later add the long full coat rp selection) and begin paying I with brass 2Chttt buttons, the shoulders frtttS $c fastened the Victrola one month later, -(&. covered with two or three . era st aw PB55A. AVE. In with the postilion, which Is e no interest on de- ] ©ju9 sketched today, there have arrived charge high-crowned sailors from Reboux with red payments. FOS TER the masque veil just covering the nose, 1 also the draped , the Henry IV This machine may be T4 COMPLETE VICTROLA STOCK 1330 G Street berette, the silk hat of the Eton had in boys, the uplifted fur of the mahogany, golden Caucasian fighters. Russian and weathered oak. McCormack What the different styles are, every At His Best. S2toobtoarb & Hotfjrop GET THIS NUMBER Fourth Floor. "When My Ships \\ #, llll iill*? ii iinin I j Come Sailing ol till can STARTS FALLING! Home" There's no need F waiting you J As You Step in Off the Street." No. 7442S. pay the entire amoiint for a Victrola. for Those "Just $1-50 Some Good Advice L^uhh l«v aiii* aacv.nftvmpn can | The Large»t and Handsomest Victrola* J VU1 VUOJ it plan, you get Threatened With BtUm in Be Sure It's a At this Kuon of the year many | Department This City Victrola NOW sind pay for it in small an f Kann's Victor Sealed Re your people And their hair coming out at ... alarming rate and often fear baldneu*. I ANOTHER OF THE "HARI ^ are it. Thia may very be the ultimate ( GET" RECORDS.as usual our s,tocks t amounts while you enjoying + easily ' result If proper scalp treatment is not are complete. taken at once. All excessive loss of ( ' Come in and let us play this song hair can be almost Immediately stop- for widely appealing melo by JCTfc-dy pod by the use twice daily of a little \ you.a Mr. Parisian Hsge. which invigorates and ( irick's the famous English composer, nourishes the slowly dying hair roots/ Fredc Francis Dorel. into a renewal of healthy normal ac- ; tlon. New hair quickly grows on the ) : COMPREHENSIVE FALI. STOCKS OF VICTROLAS thin spots, old hair stops falling and 1 if the is In a few days KNABE 12 ANGELUS difference apparent THE BIB SKIRT. 12 I NOW READY ms ) mm by the very look of the hair itself tak- I J tag on new life, luster and beauty. ( affair and easily constructed, and th< PIANOS l PLAYERS From 15.00 to reet N.W. Parisian Bags can be obtained from t skirt without the bib is still ipori Priced $ $300.00 1110 G Si any of (VDonnell's Drug 8toree or any / easily built. Q gj Victrola Parlors.Fourth Floor. I | is not expensive. This style of skirt is particularly at ' ^ tractive In thin or medium ma 'M< (^ weight V -* r »-*' .' t v* « *

- I i i 1e-'d*->:yi..'.y;.'-jiLr.-;.»}^ipfeagj (; i; J