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la (hit la n e: “Individual resistance is a two* edged sword • • • one sic/e the struggle for our individual Spanish Syndicalists liberty, the other by example Reply - p. 2 breaking down the morale of our enemy and uplifting the For a Revaluation of courage of those who are Ideas - p. 2 searching for a way out." —FRANK LEECH Frank Leech ■ • - p* 3 Vol. 14, No. 3 January 17th, 1953 T hreepence Ships Crews to Resist McCarran Z African Federation for What?'J ’HE first determined resistance to should not have to bear the cost the application of the McCarran of maintaining alien passengers Act to the crews of ships calling while the Government investigated T H E second official Conference isare not recognised by law, they canthe Nyasaland chiefs who have come to at American ports may take place their eligibility to enter the United now completing its work on theat least organise in Northern beg the Queen in humility not to ratify the plan for federation. The need of when the French liner Liberte makes States. The company claimed in its v draft federal constitution for British Rhodesia (whose railways, for in the African above all is not debase its next Atlantic crossing. An official petition that the costs of mainten ^'Central Africa. %he proposals for stance, are owned by the same com ment—that has been taught to him by of the American immigration ser ance would amount to about l federating Northern and Southern pany, so that the Southern Rhodesia his white conquerors who teach the $6,000 a month. ^Rhodesia, and Nyasaland, into onerailway workers have their union, vice recently stated that he hoped Christian doctrines of humility to others reports that the crew would refuse ^territory^have aroused the strongest despitevits proscription, recognised —but pride in his own heritage and I possible opposition from Africans, in fact if not in law). There is potentialities. to have their permits stamped were who are comp^tely ignored in thea corresponding divergence of the wrong, because some of the crew Desertions in American Army discussions leading to federation. degree of oppression from state toIn this way the Kikuyu schools in were needed ashore to tie up the Mr. Truman is reported to have Their objections are simplf and state, but the federation of NyasaKenya blazoned a trail of self-education ship. We hope the reports are right. said in a newspaper interview that that might well be pursued by all in jfcodamental. The Federal As- land with Northern and Southern One way of getting rid of laws such MacArthur’s attacks on Korean war Central Africa, and before rejecting the benffily would be dominated by theRhodesia would lead to one strong as this one is by non-cooperation. policy If set a bad example for Service men methods used in Kenya, it might be as in Korea, and lad to a crop of desertions. jbfte .minority who would be state,a with the white dominance well to ponder on what drove them to all ships’ crews refused to have their pjmanent parliamentary . majority more firmly entrenched than ever. such action—the Imperialist and Christ permits stamped, and refused to General MacArthur says it is “fan Jr virtue of the unequal representa- *6 million Africans would be placed ian attack upon independent education. allow blacklegs tie up the ships, tastic and wholly unwarranted” to fn* Eventually Dominion status under the domination of 170,000 The Nyasaland chieftains, themselves American ports would soon be at suggesta he bears any responsibility for current desertions. ^ould be asked and granted, and Europeans, for the scheme proposes rulers, might consider it expedient to standstill. Whitehall rule . would finish. appeal to the Queen, but conscious “If desertions are excessive they can fe d e r a l parliament of 35 members, Meanwhile, the American ship Africans wouldnthen be subject to of whom 6 would be Africans. African opinion which is growing in be ascribed more realistically to lack of jMsame type of oppressive rule as the Rhodesian and Nyasaland territories, ping companies are making it clear faith in President Truman’s policies of that witch-hunts are all very well appeasement which forbade victory in South Africa—permanently an<^ NKOMO IN LONDON should look to itself for emancipation. The building of independent schools, and so long as their pockets do notKorea 20 months ago.” ^isivel£—without Colonial Office At a recent Press Conference in a complete boycott' of all governmental suffer. The American President terference in native questions, yet London, Mr. Joshua Nkomo, Presi Whether MacArthur or Truman is functions, is the key. The Europeans Lines have begun a court action responsible is not clear. But what both Jll with the threat of the British dent of the African National Congress in Southern. Rhodesia, and secretary of the might well look with amusement at the over the McCarran-Walter Immigra seem agreed upon is that desertions are led forces to suppress rebellion Railway Workers, put the case against Continued on p. a tion Act. They claim that theyoccurring in the American Army. to-day in Kenya (and maybe to-federation from the African point of snrow in South Africa), view. Undoubtedly of sincerity and good fit is not that there is much will, Mr. Nkomo’s case was that co jritively to be said for Whitehall operation was possible if, as he put it, j t . Southern Rhodesian Africans “Europeans played the game.” He depre Aid to cated violence but insisted that if it had Spanish Refugees i t at the pretence that “if we don’t not come it was not because Africans JPORGOTTEN MEN is a cliche we we federation, the Afrikanders will had ended, and almost the only help they 4. According to recent reports there were satisfied in any way with the have heard so often that in the last now receive is through the Social Ser pble you up and you' will get are 754 tuberculars among the Spaniards. present position. He felt that respon few years it sometimes seems to have vice for Emigrants Aid (SSAE), an Extra food and special medicines would Ttheid”. There is not an atom ofsible leaders could not be held respon lost all meaning. But forgotten men is agency financed by the French Govern do a great deal of good in these cases. lerence between Malan’s apart- sible for what happened if federation still the best phrase to describe the tens ment, which has some 7,500 Spanish 5. Often a small sum given for a bid and the systems ruling in were forced through. of thousands of men who, after fighting cases on its lists. The aid from this special need will make a big difference "jenya and Central Africa. In Unfortunately, the effort to keep the for years against authoritarian despotism source does little more than touch the in the fortunes of a refugee—for uthern Rhodesia the Negro who struggle on a constitutional basi? is in in their own country of Spain, now live edge of the problem, since an old man, example, a hearing aid, sewing machine, finust have a late pass to be out after evitably doomed to disappointment in so as a section of the unwanted poor of incapable of work, is given 3,500 francs work tools, vacation for a child, an nine o’clock is no better off than heweighted a parliament. The property and France. These are the men who repre a month (less than £4), which in a artificial limb for a cripple, a small sent in a more real sense than anyone would be in the Union. The differ’literacy (in the English language) quali country with about the highest cost of monthly allowance. To illustrate: a fications barred most Africans from the else the causes which have been flaunted living in Europe is insufficient even to young Spaniard in his early 40s, who has ence between Smuts and Malan has vote, but even those few who had the about the world for the past decade and provide bare necessities. silicosis of the lungs, has been living always been exaggerated. However, vote—such as Mr. Nkomo himself—had more. Years before the Second World It is in order to find the additional miserably for the past 10 years in a Whitehall rule—by its very remoteto admit that it was of very little use War was fought, ostensibly for the des aid that is necessary in so many cases public hospital in Toulouse. His one ness—is at least better than rule to them. They were still second-class truction of Nazism, they were fighting that a group' without partisan attach pleasure in life is the visit of his family by the white man on the spot citizens, had to carry passes and be sub a real and fundamental struggle not ments has gathered in New York to form from Spain, once a year. If he had £5 who knows where his interests lie. jected to segregational laws. only against Nazism, but also against the a Committee to Aid Spanish Repub or £6 a . month (added to the sickness principles which the Nazis and their Africans prefer the present anoma The attempt to rouse conscience in lican Refugees in France. The Chair benefit which he could collect if he were opponents between 1939 and 1945 shared man of the Committee is James T. living outside the hospital), he could rent lous system—whereby even if inEngland so soon becomes bogged down | in common. And ten years before the by politicians.