Shohei Juku Aikido Canada

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Shohei Juku Aikido Canada Shohei Juku Aikido Canada Monthly Newsletter March, 2011. Number 75 “Over the Rainbow” Spring, March, hopeful Spring, joyful days... We had to practice saying these words around the time of the graduation ceremony in March. The Grade 5 class gave a graduation speech to Grade 6 and Grade 6 did the same to Grade 5 and the teachers. Around now I usually look back at all my memories about past graduation ceremonies. I think the ceremony does leave long lasting impressions on everyone's hearts. The other day I watched the 83rd Academy Awards on TV. This award was established in 1927 to promote the art of movie making in America. When I was a student I used to go watch foreign films like American movies. I preferred going alone. That way if I saw sad scenes, I could cry hard without worrying about anybody else. But there were no such scenes in Bruce Lee movies. In fact I was so excited that I danced around a lot. It was hard to copy Bruce Lee but his moves were so cool that it was worth trying. I skipped school and stayed at the movie theatre all day long with my lunch box. I was definitely young then! That much I was into Bruce Lee but unfortunately he never received an Academy Award. I believe he didn't even get nominated. When people accept an Academy Award, they thank their staff and cast members, praise and recognize their efforts but apparently they do not receive any prize money. The winners only receive a statue called “Oscar”. With no monetary rewards I think everyone will truly enjoy watching it. I love watching the acceptance speeches. Some winners are too excited that they go over the time limit and make everyone else nervous, or some would use slang in their speech only to apologize afterwords. Some even forget to say what they wanted to say and others give political criticisms in their speech. They are all different and that's why it's interesting to watch. But the common theme is their appreciation towards people that supported them like their parents, wives, husbands, daughters and sons. They call their loved ones' names and say “thank you”. They look so real and sincere that it always touches my heart to see that. Although these actors and actresses usually look so beautiful and unreal this is the moment they go back to being normal and being themselves. This year the show ended with everyone, including the Children's choir, singing “Over the rainbow”. This song never gets old; it has a beautiful melody. Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこか Way up high 空高く There's a land that I heard of 子守唄で聞いたことがある once in a lullaby 国がある Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこか Skies are blue 空は青く And the dreams that you dare to dream 信じた夢は全て現実のものとなる Really do come true Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこかに Bluebirds fly 青い鳥は飛ぶ Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, Oh, Why can't I 虹を超える鳥たち 僕も飛んでいくよ I wonder what's out there for us? Shall we go look together? Tamami Nakashimada Kaichikujou Like a flower if I could be more charming Like a bamboo if I could be more honest with myself... (an excerpt from the calendar made by Suganuma Sensei) "虹のかなたに" (Over the rainbow) 春、三月、希望の春、喜びの良き日、喜びの日。。。。3月になると、よくこの卒業式の呼びかけの練習を させられていました。5年生は先輩の6年生に、6年生は、諸先生並びに、後輩の5年生に言葉を送り、卒 業して行きました。3月になると、卒業式の思い出が懐かしく思い出されます。やっぱり、何とか"式"とい うのは後々まで記憶に残るものなのですね。 先日、テレビで"第83回、アカデミー賞"を見ました。この賞はアメリカ映画の発展を目的に、1927年 に始められたそうです。私も学生の頃は洋画、アメリカ映画をよく見に行っていました。一人で行くのが好 きでした。一人だと悲しい場面では遠慮せずに、涙をぼろぼろ流し、ワンワン泣けるからでした。でもブ ルースリーの映画はそれは無かったのですが、一人身体が踊っていました。ブルースリーのまねは難しかっ たのですが、格好が良かったので、まねのし甲斐がありました。学校をサボり、お弁当を持って映画館に一 日中入っていた頃、あれも若さ!だったんですね。。。それくらい、夢中になったブルースリー、残念なが ら彼はアカデミー賞は逃しました。ノミネートも無かったのでは? そのアカデミー賞、キャストや、ス タッフの皆さんを表彰し、その労と成果を讃えますが、賞金は一切付与されないという事です。受賞者に は"オスカー” と呼ばれる像を送られるのみ。金銭が絡んでいない分、いつまでも純粋に楽しめる大会である のだと思います。受賞された方々が、夫々スピーチをされますが、そのスピーチを聞くのも私は好きです。 興奮して、予定の時間を超えてしまい、周りのスタッフをはらはらさせてしまったり、ついつい汚い言葉 (スラング)が出てしまい、後で誤ったり、興奮してしまって、自分が何を言っているのか分らなくなった俳 優さんが出たり、スピーチの内容が政治批判めいていたりと、本当にさまざまで、そこが面白いなと思いま す。でも殆どの受賞者の皆さんに共通するのは、自分を支えてくれた、たくさんの人たち、両親、妻、夫、 娘、息子などの名前を挙げながら、"有難う"の感謝の言葉を言われることです。それが実に自然で、胸が熱 くなってしまいます。華やかに見える俳優さんたちが自分に戻った瞬間のようだなあー思います。今年のア カデミー賞の最後は、子供たちが混じり、” 虹のかなたに"を合唱しました。いつ聞いても良いメロディーで す。 Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこか Way up high 空高く There's a land that I heard of 子守唄で聞いたことがある once in a lullaby 国がある Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこか Skies are blue 空は青く And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true 信じた夢は全て現実のものとなる Somewhere over the rainbow 虹の向こうのどこかに Bluebirds fly 青い鳥は飛ぶ Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, Oh, Why can't I 虹を超える鳥たち 僕も飛んでいくよ 私たちの虹の向こうは、さてさて何があるのでしょう? 一緒に探してみませんか? 中嶋田 玉美 花意竹情 -かいちくじょうー 花のように 人を惹きつける魅力と 竹のような 素直な心を持てたら。。。。。 (菅沼師範ご作成、カレンダーより抜粋) Shohei Juku Dayori (March 2011) 祥平塾だより(平成 23 年 3 月) Harima Shoheijuku 播磨祥平塾 The 18th Harima Shoheijuku (Head Instructor Mr. 二月十二日(土)高砂市体育館にて第十八回播 Horiuchi) seminar and test took place at Takasago 磨祥平塾(代表堀内利宏氏)の講習会と審査が City Gymnasium on Saturday February 12th. 行われました。当日は関西各地区の道場と広 Despite the cold weather nearly one hundred 島、岡山、東京からも参加者があり百名近い人 members from various dojos in Kansai area, 達が厳しい寒さの中汗を流しました。なお今年 Hiroshima, Okayama and Tokyo showed up for this は播磨祥平塾を開設して十周年を迎えました。 event. This year will be the 10th Anniversary since 十周年の記念行事を七月三十日(土)に行いま す。 the opening of the Harima Shoheijuku. We will have a commemorative event on Saturday July 30th. 横浜祥門会 二月十九日(土)東京都中央区体育館に於て横 Yokohama Shomonkai th 浜祥門会(代表安川英俊氏)の講習会と審査が On Saturday February 19 Yokohama Shomonkai 行われました。今回は祥門会の会員と祥平塾 OB (Head Instructor Mr. Yasukawa) held a seminar だけの参加で三十四名と少人数ではありました and test at Tokyo Chuou Gymnasium. There were が、じっくりと錬り合い、中身の濃い充実した only 34 members there including the Shomonkai 講習会となりました。 members and the former members of Shoheijuku but the seminar went quite well with everyone ~天の試練~ working hard with one another. 春は卒業や就職、入学、転勤など生きていく上 に於て大きな変化に出会う時期でもあります。 Trial by Heaven 人生は楽しいことばかりではありません。苦し Spring can be the time of year when people make いこと、きついこと、悲しいことなどにも出会 changes in their lives like graduating from school, います。そうした苦しみ、きつさ、悲しさなど getting a job, starting school or a new job. に負けないで、逃げないで一日一日を生き生き Everything doesn't always go well in our lives. と凛として生きていって欲しいと思います。 Sometimes we may have to deal with things that are painful, difficult or sad but I hope you take 「先哲の言葉」(新井正明)とういう本には孟 courage to face them and live each of your lives to 子の言葉として次のように載っております。 the best you can. 「天が重大な任務をある人に与えようとすると き必ずまずその人の精神を苦しめ、その筋骨を In his book “Sentetsu no kotoba” Masaaki Arai 疲れさせ、その肉体を飢え苦しませ、その行動 writes the words by Mencius “When God gives a を失敗ばかりさせて、そのしようとする意図と 食い違うようにさせるものだ。これは、天がそ man an important task, he first lets the man have a の人の心を発憤させ、性格を辛抱強くさせ、こ hard time both mentally and physically. He also うして今までにできなかったこともできるよう lets the man continue to make mistakes while にする為の貴い試練である。」 trying to accomplish this task. God gives us this precious trial in hope that the man will get more 合気とは determined and motivated and learn to persevere to 解けばむつかし道なれど achieve what he couldn't before.” ありのままなる天のめぐりよ (開祖道歌) Aiki A Path that's difficult to understand 菅沼守人 yet it's simply about following the natural flow of heaven. Doka (poems of the way) by the Aikido founder Morito Suganuma Messages From Members Gibsons Dojo Report I've been teaching kids for almost four years now, March is here and maybe with it, spring! Training and I've met many great kids in my classes. at Gibsons dojo has been very good. Brian, Sometimes I feel little bit sad when kids decide to Gabriel, April and myself are all getting ready for try something else and stop practicing Aikido. On testing next month when Suganuma Sensei arrives. the other hand, kids bring their friends to class and We have been spending alot of time making sure introduce them to Aikido. Their friends sometimes our technique is correct and our stamina is good. become new Aikido students too. It is always nice April, Sasha, Athena, Brian, Howard and I had a to have them. Kids have a lot of potential and it is chance to make it into Vancouver in late February very important that they try new things. I hope for some training at Kensington dojo. This trip when they grow up, they have nice memories of was a lot of fun and very satisfying. It was good to their Aikido days. see many mock tests upto nidan. Everyone is looking sharp and will represent well during shinsa Shinobu with Sensei. Gambatte! We're almost there. Another student suggested that April and I hold a Winter 2011 Kids Testing summer weekend training session and camp out. What does everyone think of that? Send me an *Brentwood Park Aikido class email at [email protected] if you're liking that idea. We'll gauge interest and, hopefully, set a date. We The test was held on February 16th. Well done! It are very much looking forward to seeing Suganuma was nice to see their parents take Ukemi for their Sensei has been a long time! own sons and daughters. Congratulations for your promotions. Russ 10th kyu Mira Guram, Kaito Mckelvie, Surrey Dojo Report Hannah Sun, Eric Sun Our first Surrey Advertisement on the Surrey Semi 7th kyu Rena Kudo, Kirika Blaine Leisure Guide Spring Session came out this February. Our goal is to double our students for this year. The students continue to train for the *Kensington Colour belt class(Saturday) upcoming Suganuma Sensei Seminar and test. Tama Sensei continues to prepare the students of The test was held on February 26th. All of our the test by providing mock testing and feedbacks. young members showed good progress and good attitude. Congratulations! The Surrey Dojo continues to grow each month and in each class there seems to be a new student that 9th kyu Kyle Pridgeon wants to try Aikido. We plan to have another workshop in the near future. 8th kyu Curtis Vanderschyff, Derrick Chiang, Good luck to the students testing and continue to Darrien Shota Imai practise your basics! Semi 7th kyu Grace Cheng Surrey Aikido Class times: Mondays: 6:30-8:00pm 7th kyu Dexter Vanderschyff Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00pm 6th kyu Alice ChangYi Wang Sincerely Thank you to Mr.
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