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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-28-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-28-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-28-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1401

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COUNTY THE WEATHER from the liai.laoelb or ih. Balkan, SOCORRO I URTON BOOM III PETROGRAD MAY but it now is eriiiiii that s. to necessary suc-ritlc- e FORECAST. prepared make the APOLOGY AND to satisfy Uulgalia .did gain Washington. Auk. -- . New M. her in hebalf of the al- IE Saturday, generally (air. e)eiBt 1' may -- i iI day 1 lies. he .m v how SHOWS CLASS 01 portion.--; Sunday, and south fair. MAGAZINE CAUISE BE OBJECTIVE ever, before the Serbian repp to the warmer south, portion. repi CgMtattons of the entente pow-ci- s Is of i s. r IS TO BE TENDERED FOR LOCAL wi Vi'iil i: REPORT. received. The vote he p.it llaiM. Was only the pi Maximum degree bum oil APPROPRIATING t.mpcr.itire. H OF clple tnVoivetj negotiations! now minimum, SH degrees range. 34 de- ACTIVITY 81 OF ADVANCE BY re pi'ovecdlli i el Serbia I. it gree; temperature at p. m, SK de- ".en and (1 ece regarding tin' ev- grees; east ; mania clear. act nat ui e el en, eaalont to be made LI FOR STATE FAIR bgilgarta. THEUNTERRIFO AuSTRO GERMANS rioi-iiieii- GERMAN PEOPLE WIN taMftaw (Ami Wales is threat! ind with amain POINT OVER KAISER coal strike as the result of diaaatl faction among ib, miners with the AS FOR THE ARABIC Ex- Mineral and Livestock 1ST MOHNIN LIASCD Way In Which tile settlemeat recently ILL lOLIHL ! ClAt WIHI indiuacy Destioys Eveiy- - lUrlin. Aug. (I (via London. Mag. arrangi d by Uavld Lroyd-Geor- gt hibit to Be One of Best to 2. 1 a. iu.1 The annoum lament Senator iiocrais ic alue Which Can minister of munitions, Is hi lug inter pi'cted bj the nn Be Seen at Big Show to Be made in the reiehstug before its ad mine iwnai Jouinnicnt today that an agreement Begin Digging for Facts Rc not Be Moved a Russians , Held Here in October, had been reached to place the in-- gartfing His Record, Conduct Retieat. GERMANY HASTENS TO APPEASE scriptlcn, "To the German people.'' over the main portal of the Mich! IOl I VI VII ill l VMS stag, set s controversy, lit N s iv COMMITTEE IS NAMED tb an old and; h:mi THE CRITICAL SITUATION WHICH will permit of putting the finishing CHIPPER OLD BACHELOR FURTHER EFFORTS TO building.! TO HANDLE MATTER touches on the, relchstag CONSIDERED For twenty years the space for an FORMIDABLE ENCIRCLESLAVSFUTILE war olflf tonight made pubis the HAD DEVELOPED WITH AMERICA low Hi; rflclal . inscription has i. mauled 1. 1, ink be- - f'd ommunli stlon (in a great rauae the n ichstug refused to ucceptj main points of Hi" Now Out- front, our artillerv bis concentrated Only Four Counties one proposed hy tile arcnuei i and Dai on the tletman positions a very Bmperor William declined to snno-rei.-h- side of Fold and They Wil fire. To i In ROTth of of tion another proposed by th Diverted From Foreign to1 Believed Wot ki Arias. Ambassador Bernstorff Calls at Department State and Oernaan trenches have been uposi .m i Be in Line Within Few Days stag. Domestic Over-look- ed ia d Formally Notifies Secretary Lansing of Willingness of Ka- Itefore the renhslag adjoin' Affairs Not pease Bulai an ammunition pol ed T.elwa en the Sunn and the Is Prediction. Johannes Kaempf proposed to Full to by Politicians. Herman encampment have been iser's Government Grant Satisfaction United cheers foi the emperor and time in hatter) Bf tl States for Outrages Perpetrated by Submarine Command- lust the "The enenn find al long raagi IA DISPATCH TO MOHNIN9 JOUSNAL1 stag, two socialists joined IKSPONDKNCC gnc. N. - SSVea hells on the city of rompl. Guarantees Against Further Violations of Internation- Beeerro, M.. Aug. 27. The hoard cheering, Wasbingioi An- - 'J n p I ers: I. oiel. in, in. The cnuslng some damage ami killing a of county commissioners of Socorro p. of en- - ploltation of rni ns in full Ion the nurse seriously wounding another al Law Expected to Accompany Tender of Regrets and aWtgty met in special session here il ,v and AND ci- Brest it sk line, have resumed after hearing from Secretary BRITISH RUSSIAN dore Burton by 'olll, Meekly hftl nurse the offensive in tin Baltic province Violently Such Reparation as Can Be Made for Loss of Life and cmn-gMo- - The Hermans have K V Wiley, of the state fair attracted the att intlnn f the demo- are pressing tin Busslona both in CONSULS ATTACKED and shelled the village of lllcncd-l.es- - appropriated HOO to he used tha districts southeast or Mltau ami to Other Injuries Sustained by Citizens of This Country. Ponts-Mousso- n, th iialin In gathering; an exhibit of the country', the east of Koviio. iii an effort to IIV MOSNINS JOURNAL BPfCIAt LlAltO W and ViSUI Thunn. n of resource to lie shown at the state fair roach the ma III lllle of rails ay a hi' u Loudon, Aug. L'7 4 9 :t p. m Annul rtsv illhw oui il led to be h Id in Alhuiuerrue from Oc- passes gb Villi i ml Dvlnsk to AMMUNITION SHIPMENTS ui MimNiNfi joum.i asastaa WIMI dispatch to Reuter'l Telegram tin many U0 tober II to October 16 next This ma) In time, provs fires" aslilnglon. Aug. J7 lierinsiiy's pany from Petrograd says: TO Following vote by which tha nportaat rina n ALLOWED PROCEED Intention to offer full satisfaction lo the I.I A R HI SSI A s coinmir-stoncr- s "A telegram received here fro e interested III appropriation was made, the themselves illhough a l I It IIS rations (lie ulled States for the sinking of heron, Persia, reports that the to look up tin nta on which pre-ver- I'l TLX BJWIi appointed a committee con- ttari using ore troops ini win 1ST MOHNINS JOUIN.L SSSSIA4 0MI WlNII mil n ib. White star linn Arabic wild the sisting of J. C. T. Rrown sian and British consul and their eminence of favorable kind Is e retiring Los Angeles, Aug. 27. More than J. Leeson, of the Russian, win. a! irom 1 1 5 i Itafy escort have been attacked al htimcd tor ui ton. They - Berlin, Aug 2. (via London. loss oi iwo American lives formally i nil J S Mm 'I'avish to have charge acknowl- and Hie line on a half million of ammunition either j llrest-lilo- rounds jKSAghever l an band led b) i d.U'e ih; a p m l The fall of sk of the wort of (fathering the exhibit aimed i him us candidate sid" of the fortress. and fifty-fou- r ruses of rifles held up was communicated l" Hi state de- M. Schuneniiinn. th German against Ih.' might be ' caused discussions today among mom-Th- ;t n expending the money appropriat- t. issues wo necks ago lu the govei nmcni on partment todav l.v fount von Hern agent Tabril, The BritLthere diverted I'er of the relchstag. event il ed The committee is regarded llB at Ih suspicion thai the) were intendsd for ninbassador, iietiug on I regarded as emph.isisln lerman one of the most representative thnt defended thotnsslvss with rtflsSi bul south HSXlcan MIlbtiHteilng expedition the Russia ni f in- - line- - Ho- - foreign office could possibly have hern named, and auffersd some iossss. iion tbat were released today for shipment to j abb, to resume 'be offet of government. it Is certain they will see to it "A cabinet meeting WSS held with omes at the Imperial GtrmM that prospect of success. Carranaa age.iis Masatlan The that Socorro county makes a go.., I 'the result that a request was senl to ased to tune were given lo let The memprsndum read lo Robert bill i reallng a 'lit Maine orders showing at the fair. jihe commander of a Perots brigade The pass Lansing, Meireliiry of stale, by fount trading monopoly In nitrogen product 100,000 rounds ol ammunition of Cossacks who wen- encamped lone i Kst.i Bernstorff. outlined the position of The mineral display from Socorro Will not be pressed foi passage al this from 'alelgco. Calif., lo 'ol. wil) days march from Kenghever to send inn am til the .li now II the German government in the Arabic Manty be one of the beat ever (lime. If the law Is passed It probably ban f ut u, Villi iwri exposition Cat-- a detachment there immediately," his rental nil Mexici purpose. ise and promised Hint n the event mti it my and Grant, will not lake effect until after the Callfornl fax. McKlnley the rountrj Is l aid Waste. it Is found that the Arabic was al-- I Siena. and other war. Il is so id the proposed moaoUol Would NuJlifj I i Itussh.iih appar. nllv had caen lacked without warning, the imperial rich minim; counties of the state will was designed to meet a possible Anglo-- j it The nomination of Hurt, loth r.i. l, ami ' Hits be German evtrneaegd not only would have plenty of competition when TEUTON ADVANCE American trust In cyanide. HJMi to this liranch of the fair. C. T. republicans would, they tin lie ierinans arrived, as the hit inESSELSOF dlaaVOW the net, but would give the BrOWn collect- these two Issues on Whtctl il e no claim to the capture o ' will exhibit his private I 111 II i I i n IT iTtONM ll'nlted Stales "full satisfaction. ion, which is one of finest in dent Is weak befole tl luntn Mid K"IK and i ty. Tin ustrlan offi. ia - the the -- i vi an imi oi Ki IttparatioM mm ssuianc- stnte, anil it Is big th chduks Joseol to believed ih.it other Tbis, li is well known, would hitvo mining men county will in the also ON PETROGRAD IS P ATLANTIC FLEET to Include reparation for the Anierl- - ex- publicans . Contribute to the success of the coii-tutui- e. j l"int trtegram expressing entire teanN lost niid assuranees thai twoh hibit. so strong. arrlv .1 Thereof Indications, th. re - liceri sent in- i ISO ll'e bus Jiragedies would goi reueaieil H Hut Is i O'e. be H lysi nes still are car r will ttty en- thai mler-Itussia- no .only i ; comma n No :.( i lo rn lid Nicholas, further developments in the tirely it at-tr- a, as said nb. rying to tl re. thing movable on her minerals, however, to looked lllti the matter l.v T no prove, - of tin armies, nation al e cipeeti il lloW mill! Hie i the attention of visitors to thn and claim cpa oil I. prove thai '.III use lo the Invad- REACH NORFOLK President Polncare. Mmisler of War submarine conimiinder w ho mm. the fair. The tW thai nurto he job efs. and bu nuiig luiatnl Lutmb WW doffre, the lib MR j to w Millcrand and General Ara had ri purled lo Perils Mexico, H 1h also one of the richest of chairina ties in take ith then ' com The row Ih llve-iloo- Von Mm (kftooae frsnch mender Meantime, President Wilson and in agriculture and especially in .k of messags follows Seelelaly llillslng, 'In. ugh visibly en- - mill kindred industries. The Th" Intlmatloi thai (he Russians Russians Say Capital of ( y t couraged by display of range cattle, nurses, poul- was only m lii d "lininc have fortified another front pending itiiesnips .ind lit and relieved Oouni voll )i an opportunity offen- scut moinenl Bsrnatorff'a assurances ami reports try ami sheep to he made by this ni Is enfetor win n had prai ler n renewed re Protected by sive has received some oonflrmatloM. if the whole OCUte M;ii!ciiv I'S While on Ambassador licraid on his con- county will undoubtedly make the ally iprir about where struggle they JWPlc 'if all New open Baltic Would do good It Is slated thai ttlf new line is be- world by reason of tk ference! wiib foreign Mini der von Mexico thir nstltuents conli-vlctor- Steaming From ilon to ing -- ngthem ,1 by Hie arc maklnc. With ', mplttt JagOW, are In u walling Be. pveH jn astonishment awful, I., 'pecla-ollow- . lr all latest attitude. in of secretary Wiley left this afternoon ler who, methods known lo milltaiy engineers. dtnaa the final Hampton Roads, ton (be American governmenl can we you accept fis Albuquerqw after arousing the ed up The itussian armlet still are Intact, your armll I beg lo our apt ii thert nut) bo forthoomlng the guns pros- homage (tli cut good people ,,f to a high pitch senate with virtually all their and respectful ami iii man disavowal and explanation of of SV MOSNINa JOUHNAL PCIAL LAStD W,RI pects n' a plentiful supply of wishes together with the assurances what all evidence received has enthusiasm over the fair. hour after hout after ni"i" i ivfio teem I arm-- . mil Petrograd. Aug. 1 via London, -- ammunition. I'm this reason mili- ever before ur bat-flee- ed prove was night, pouring on 'iia thai more thstl Norfolk. a Aug. 17 Blghl t, t" an "unfriendly ant." I V tary writers here are of the ..pinion haiipv and proud t Lewi Ol TV Til T ; an p. m. i Wsikhing he likelihood tor Simmons gav. lis arc tleshlps of the Atltntic wllb Uto tatnet incidem. that Grand Duke Nicholas now thouldjate your hlghni d your ii r.KE i iin rowAi of a Gorman advance n Petrograd, Kis'oiiiiiiendalion for Hurt. ui round. with eight destroyers, st. limed into II. imp became known tonight that tim 1" able to make ta ml, the Aus- - - Looking Into Collier's demo- - lllanl soldiers." imi Roads tonli hi after their ci'iiis, slat, depsrtmtbt has been lufol nu d the Ketch points out tha in,' Rus- the t I."ek at b.ss grand dUk l eplied thai i Is ready to renew (lis-- I the man! I I t crate fervid. npMfttsh roe-u- i 'llu in Beaton wile." bi man' covers In approuch-i- find this v v in. Only - Sian retirement ci heat y, op you n four counties in all New Mex- - of Burton: "The s, ii nls (xpresM d bv Secretary Pun eussiOn of the l.usitaola Incident and lea to capital and tha is W- ommendatl w- vv i"i toe three cks hi. army reclprn-s- e hue failed to make appropriations I H ' - are a to otter rgparatton for the Amertcgn Itremelv whether tlo (ler- - Kirs was ot the first ""li- - bis suite governort "" m doubtful tlt fall of War- com- - thibits nt the state fair, and those u i relations and Wedll Ive more lives lost when that vessel was sent possession groaawoa o declare ninuo ki Brest-LI- batlleshllis 'our b matU, wlthoul undisputed Hon or ti - on the Inside looking out ited States and n ting between the com- I smaller craft of the fleet iii due lo the bottom without warning by a Of Baltic sea, and partii ularly the i ltli tin others within the next vve. k. the The apl lire h. allied armies Is o. Ulga, the lll'lcl thai elect arrive lore S.iiunlav ami S.nilav rmgfl lubmartne P Sidenl B, Je-- " gulf of could undeftake trenches In the f It. Putney, Sheriff A - the flortOUS end in I .. llali-th- There no i espouse to to operations against Specif n al n del. ga lion r htlr cruise from the lib has been tbi re- 'risks attaching by Paris this et enlng, but what la I w - Romsra and I) A. Macpherson - Clev landers, desiring s ill. I. e Will palil- big flgbleit. Igeotlted a series last A merisaa note on this subject Petrograd this autumn. Inent considered mot Rignfficani - the Albuqusrojus yesterdsy from ooo appropriation f' harbor, wai man. in "i and it is known Hint the United suites itii P af- - Moreover, on the whole front from continued activity of the air squadron, inty, where tbey went to In Hi llvlsbuis ti l p mi, oil. I.V Welt. would noi listen I., reparatlua pro it is not- appealed lluitoll turned vv Ht their successful of San the Dvina to the upper Bobr, ha h has been ombai ding lerman i -- M III I I I I. invasion down their plea bei inse be lh"llgbl III HlRTN Ho nipt rioridg, ,h hlgan, posals wiiii me situation creeled ny Mi(Ue hav- - only two armies positions in e US I county, owing to the death ed the (ierinans Prani well as amJ I I VI I U 111 A - it nil list and be. a us. he was a reprs ol INI III T j Virginia kt nsa- 'I'. vas Nebraska. the tinging e( the afavblc still pend- "f th child y of General v.m Bus lot! in munition factories gi the of Jose Ortiz Pino, of that i loss v'"W I. rse id tile d" ing. on VOfl tentative of the niti d States and not mii nrgls nd With the attack the Arable uallsleo, one county commls-Jone- i fourland and that of General border. Vug. 7 of the trograd, (vi troyi rs . Tlippe. disavowed, however, and gUaraittget ol on Nismen river. (tonllnurd Page Hli.) Santa 1'e county, it was Eichborn the at There -- H. li.M) ll. III.) I'll wing given aguinsl repetition, u found lluirow." (lerman impracticable to hold a meeting an ni i iota i statement com vi inueignd Paulding uomniuBlcatlon explaining that the ef ih board tht-fsi- r I of commissioners, but progress of hostilities was liven aj Uutitanls was torpedoed a reprisal boosters Ik'pii assured tt have thnt o against (Ileal Britain, under u very in fa- - Twenty-Tw- Counties Are Now in Line member of the board is for the State Fair that she was armed, W of an appropriation for an exhibit "f th,- and thai killing of Americans was ountv's ratources at the fair, llgli - Hid regretted gnd in" Intended, and offer- tint meeting of the board will lllrpa lowiird Prederli kstadt on Wed- - egln-lu- '' h -- precti Rg ii par it probably would pave today not less i at which than ii. ...I, iv Thursdaj lbs nmy pur- i 5 Ming hnii lb" way fin an amicable setllemeut. "" will hp aet llf,ju f,,r (hat pur- pose sued a vigorous offensive iigainst our day a one Mm. low . ui sliuall.m. tfoops defending this region There di ills Aboiil the niilv shadow over the op- oanbj Fe county, being the site of ha been obetingte figining during timism in official today wus 'lif i. ih ispltnl most historic "holes and the lip si few days on the roads inward con- - ' in .Vow AMERICA SUFFERS i. ist by the "If" In the promise Mexico, feels an especial ut the south of Hie VaurkAlm-Nsph- reyed b) Embassador von pride In displaying to the rest of the Bertistofff lailwak In Ih" dire. Hon of llvlnsk. LACK OF SHIPS Some thoUghl u disposition l'" the splendid resources of the FROM Officials north of ib" railway line between b Germany lo quogtitfn the evidence "Wnty, and it ia confidently expected Mb and PoncWSSch, our troops on Hull Ho Arable, a peacelul 'lint ih,. county will have one of the messeii Thurada) pressed ih.. Germans mi the a vessel, inoffensive, tost interesting and noteworthy Was gei unarmed and from Ponedli Skopobki w;im - wet without warning, might on display at fair. A men. ill shipping faelllllcs "in- attacked the Is j Vllna there no Im- - Toward ws pliaai.' I (,!;, tetemenl Issued lead to Interminable and unsatisfii' ' hangs on Wednesday, . - RUSSIANS portant by the ;,tai. ,i. iilm. nl based on a tor) negotlatioiin. Il win. even sug- INFLICT i in Hie middle Nismen on the from consular repori from The gested tli.it the submarine which fired between Hie sources of the llolu and i he a LOSSES ON TURKS; tatemnni follows; torpedo might even have fallen Prlplaii, the retreul of our troops cov- "Th" d.epartmenl bus victim to British wavrshfpt and would by eneagemeritH ered read guard the Amt) n an "l" nl at never be able In report. 'T MuS,N JOURNAL SPECIAL WISB1 mm I LAID a ttispati Ii slatliiR that .Miction 4illi imlHtid fetrograd. Aug. 27 (via London. "Most energetic attempts by the nt thai poll were nompli nlng bitterly Oemtag offb lals have nt.ltle It plain P in. i following official be-- The (ierinans lo lake tin offciolvc dm lug of tin- lack of thipplni t.o llltiet inn their governmenl, as soon as II Wednesday night and Thursday m the I wee tden Km i Amtriei many e has relieved tin atretn upon iu rein Pallyatok region and north "f Hully-Sto- k chants hat ink bad to dUx busi- - Hons with ib" i nlted stales hy limit-In- n were succesiifull; slopped by uh neas hi III" rtiirehoiisi . were full audi submarine aotlvtttee, will ask tbo Hi the Wednesday coastal region anil i os t IgS enemy heavy losses. Ihev bud no rn. .n- - f sblpptug the American govern me it lo demand that wonts, crossing llrest-Utovs- k 'r the Arkhave river. "In the region of we i out. his thtl ""t to Hie nlted Stales Great Britain and It. r allies fltatn BV destroyed a Turkish blockhouse, y blew up fortifications in conformity "The dispatch further slated thai l. tf. ting vvdh legitlmatt neutral .0111 "leans of hand grenades. with oiib rs ami our troops forming the Italian vessels SaTi giving Hi" Merce, ami thus petrnll the Impolill- of accom-IMna- d our motor boats, garrison of these forts rejoined P" ti hipmenti tion nt foodstuffs for ibe German t,. th.. ii a torpedo boat, sank two th. at in v In the field tin nt if civil population 'i be American note Wing III vessels and their cargoes." ir arg II 'In Kngland on this sUbjtCI has been Btates, . h Ib" fnlted Iin preparation for some time and UTAH MAKES "KILLING" e Italian lines had la probably will be tlisputched as soon as rp n eight per tales loo It hi negotiatldnt with German) are. on CONVICTS DRINK WOOD :: AT SAN DIEGO SHOW i em ind Hi ir patsegggf fates (the WW) toward satisfaclorj adjust- - ALCOHOL: ONE IS DI pel pi ;. es prevalent pp Ions meni Tb.- eetnm un lcation practically completed allies' actios MO"IW'S JOURNAL SSKCIAL llAfID WO" was when n. salt Uke, Aug. 27 The Utah m in dei taring at on . .a.; a band innile . ..mmission was advised todavy Jefferson City. Mo., Aug. 2i one redfaftlng id'eessary '"at the K H ptton Mtnnttog rises. state of Utah had been a ward convict in the Missouri penitential y a gold it has been medal for Its agricultural died tonight ami another Is believed In Hi:" connection Rlsptay, f,,r granu-bee- complete" Ii il is preparing to its apples and Its ) lo be dying fl op. be effects of drink fair greunds ihla aflernoon arii. that ilei nuinv -- machine; was against hy ugMr by the Panama-Cal- l- ing wood alei.h.d. whnb they had .vi. "king his Smith pi. .test the tcuuistcenut - iin- - k in I?rni- exposition at Han Diego. The amucgltd Into 'hen relit Alfred not Injured ton. Mm stow ta the I'niied Slates the trentmnt d Hie It is said agricultural college was award-- died Mm) Theodore Irwin Is electric wire as he was leaving of cotton as c.intiiib.iild. " gold Croik'T slrendy showing I fall a dis- Hint Hie imperial governnieiil medal for its of a- - n ; In'e.l coin Sibil lo si in n roe in the prison kleplttU, ('rocker's term ground and the whs from dded lo TwewU min rnnniifi PvwikjtisJ) Rrported lpllil to purchase agricultural results and fot sikoiio ,1 - ed by I Iving siiihjIi on " iwo tant e of about thirty feet. has Indicated Its desire a has-reli.- I . Sandoval and Rio irtbn KtlWKU lo 4a wi whs to have explicit ui months f map of the state. l Ablhlls smitn e, To-- TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915.

PERSHING S IRISH DIVISION SHOP HEFFRON BELIEVEPRFACHFR WESTERN SHELLS WIFE AND THREE AND TURKS IN SHOT TWICE B WAS SLAIN DURING ARE grate fires had been burning m the house last night. A hole was found burned th th eeillng of the dining DAUGHTERS DIE room which whs taken t.. indicate that BAIONET FIGHT CRAZED PRIEST A BUSINESS "Steel Locked" live eoala might have fallen from the (irate on the second floor and burned n through. The of was specially prepared of ihc finest open health iulilv are eoiirse the fire Tont of lrr from the dining room into a large hall converted the rigid leinforcr cups winch arc loiked into SUFFOCATION annually into Bf and up a ntatrwa to the aec ond f!o..r Dead Lie in Heaps on Hills and Recovery Is Believed Probable, (Inspector in Gary St Itoawell, whose wife eel mm the base of Wh.Mt.KN SHELLS. Lieutenant I . J 1 rv ... l in 'leornia .n n k leave. in Hollows of Gallipoli Pen- Though Some Days Must! unaer arrest; ueath Inflict- 7 his feature n the most important advar )nstruction in Ml Old I lame Holliliiuc- - The house ociupieil by Pafata-inK- insula; Impoitant Gains Elapse Before Danger of ed by Newly Purchased Re- a dV "( the While Commander of Post at wan perhapn the best of a collei (ion of old baitsUlLga Made by Allies. Complications Passes, volver of the Victim, The bursting of the tlangr is prevented, ren El Paso Is Preparing Home frame scaltereil about the main pnst and cantonments faces and injured tyu Family of the Fresldln. Many of these were for Tragedy Occurs ... I.Y JOU.MAU WIMKl built us temporary buna, ks at the MO.NINO JOU.NAL .SICI.L LCA.ID Wl.t? MO.SIN. IPICL. LIA.IO IS HORWN4 JOU.NAl e.lA.D Gases cannot escape bark, thrrrbv reducing the velocity, and the London, Aug. 27. A dispatch to Winoiia. Minn., Aug. 27 - Physicians Cary, Ind.. Aug. IT. Th at . time of the Hpamsh-.Vmer- n an war rrm t lOU" mrst- - lt liter's Telegram oiupany from the attending the Rt. ltev. Patrick It. Thomas Modiesch, an hasrwad cannot be drawn from lis position causing dangc and still are gecttplcdl. Their sned-- I insi,tur Dardanelles, dated August 19. says: Heffron. bishop of the Winona dio-- j tne nary mills, and a of the gun barrel. ke appeal. uve was d some snei statement x ing eiin.it. the the severe finht-In- cese, who was shot tw ic e today by a h Slate's Attorn- v i'h de what ut the openitiK of the Panama "For moment MOTHER DIES TRYING has conn- to a stop along the half crazed priest, declared tonight the minister was killed l. feature is an WESIERN patent and one of the ele- Pai If ir e.xiicisitlon b a c oat of painl. ,uf, This cxeluie new positions, thut the bishop had a fair chance tol from his own revolver, were but they remulned ilevoid of ordinal front of our after the the unlv ments that make WESTERN shells an unusual product. TO SAVE LITTLE GIRLS we.-- recover A bulletin Issued by doctors developments today in the romfortH and utterly Inadeuuate to of battles which followed the Inveettsh. landing at bay. The most im- Bid the patient was resting easily lion of the murder Tuesday uf ai rommoilale the troops 'I tuvla niht A TRIAL WJLL CONVINf E V slatioin but that the outcome of his injuries! ltev. BdmUM A M Kaiser, T here. Only on post portant advantage secured has been of .,. tho.- the main would he in doubt for several days, toll. Ind., Lutheran minlstit r,,.,. Occur: Frame had elei tric lights to have a large- extension eif the territory held ami WL HAVE A FRESH STOCK Effort owlnx to the possibility of compile a- -' protagonist. The fire-proo- by us on the shore of state's tttasv replaced b model 11 f northern the United them lions. Mid a ciuarrel over business IniildlnKs luiv'e met small suc- pe ninsula. Keating upon Suvla bay. with Biahop Heffron was In the midst furnished a iimtiv,, f,,r cess, itlthotiKh the new artillery post, with its left occupying the lon raf)M itates Off! Darters follows for of the celebration of mass in the prt-- 1 the rime. MAUGER fori rV tofield Bcott, at tha Ireeti rn which the coast inland cottage RAABE & rata chapel of st. Hary'g when Statements made to Chief ,,f I I pevtraj milea, our army holds the , 1 7 North the dKe of the I'resiilui and some other L. M. I.easc-hes- a priest, entered Ilenitz by Attorney plain southward lei where the heights the Paul J. Tomaaoer bulsdlnga and the livery stables, are chapel In th,. half-lighte- d church! the officers in I'hicago and Qary ariil of 'Anzac' looks A6W0 upon it, so that so constructed. the intruder was able to creep for- by a woman who is reported to save MORN, - we ire in virtual possession from the I.V NO JO JHNIL IMtlAl llAIIO RI Qeneral Perahing and Mrs, ivrsh- ward to the side of the bishop and talked with Kaiser an hour before hi; Aug. L'7. -- - cliffs Overlooking the gulf of Suros, Sun I'l is. o. Warren in were married in Washington, .laii- fired one shot from a small caliber body was found hy a pAaaerby, result, I if ill 3.nuii,0i bales of rot erahaBtg, flvl-yer-o- ld Brig. I almost to Gaba Tepe." ton ol ugry If, Ml. 'rii' generpl'i airier revolver before his presence was! ed in the arrest of Modj' sch. who is can 1m- - flgltam Iftisaanaj Mumiail SHARP NOTE IS en. John J. Pershing, v Bengal early was among the most n inarkable in iHsii noted. being held pending an examlnattaa A 1 1 i affidavit and stalen 111 Describing the charge of the Irish ulay fro his burning homo nt the the army records, graduated from The first shot hit the bishop In the "I am convinced that Kaiser wan bearing n the Arabli rem had dlvlaion on hill to left of San Francisco, in which UYst Painl iii till, he fought In the a Turkish the left thigh and inflicted imly a slight allot after he had ciuarrelc-- over a department today from n state In mother and hi" three sisters. Mary Indian wars of those days, but the of the Suvla bay position, the corres- wound, the bullet later being removed business matter with persons wh.., Tin -- sudor lugc nt London mi argurct, A ami Helen, were uf Outbreak of the Spanish war found pondent says: with little difficulty. The second bul- called on him Tuesday night between sudor a mull report haa not T CARRANZA thc-i- " vi anted and burned, awaited tonight him still t captain He was appointed The Turks cume out to meet let lodged back of the left lung. S and o'clock, said Slate's Attorney lived, but 111 Ink cable offlciali M homo-coinin- g Of his father, from a captaincy to be brigadier gen- and most exciting bayonet fighting? Dr V. J. Mayo was hurriedly sum- - Hunter tonight, "and I believe that Vires have given III" substance o lieneral Pershing, Commanding eral with the support of I'tcsident followed cm (he saddle between the monad from Rochester, Minn., but It he was slain by his own weapea obtainable In Engine Baycini-t- s Information oopK on the Mi .in border, left Kl Koi.-evel- t. in UOt, and has since con two create. were flashing was decided not to attempt to probe There is evuienc,. aatiafactory to my Bf WASHINGTON gM today when Informed thai bis ducted several , impawns. Including and stabbing for several minutes be-- 1 for the second bullet until the bishop's mind that visitors called Unexpectedly YOUTHFUL BURGLARS lie and tin f his four children one auainst the Moron in 191:1, which fore thi- Turks began to give way. condition was less critical. Leasehes, gild that possibly the minimi r had iett ere dead. He will arrive lure Sun- - won him considerable recognition, Then they left the crest and ran dow nj from his cell tonight. Issued a rum-bitfl- g his newly purchased weapon where ARRESTED IN CHICAGO It could ho by 1 morning, over the ridge, the Irishmen standing statement. reached his assailant! " Senator Francis e. PREPARING nut COWING up unci firing down on them, while; Ii was declared for several years and not by himself v TO EL v so he had Kev. body was buried to- ... HOHNIHt JOURNAL ..It 11 llIB Wlftfl W. Francis, Imprisoned in 'aiii n, fathar of Mra. Pershing; will or rwiii nt intervals British machine guns on! luen mentally unbalanced. Kaiser's Chicago, Aug. 17. Two girls nnil Wyo. hills behind drowned the sound Re-tas- ime front Cheyenne, the Be ed Paso, tag AUf. of - nil hoys, none MOft than eighteen era Cruz, Musi - Kl or rifle fire the gun- j Only one of I until v I ft. the whenever SERIOUS WRECK ON veiira oM, i u pi isi n g two sepants thg death of Mis. I'ershiim and her ners were able to get u clear view of man alliance- of Hammond. Ind, late De-a- y, .1 Without Vfarren, tti onlj one Mt tonight a- - a gang, of iurniiiiH 'if wrested t" Further three children reached General J. the fleeing Turks." COLORADO MIDLAND tonight asserted thai result of 1 amily Off five, ijar t (Jeneral Pei aning commatidar Blghth Infantry his investigation he had come the ti and. in iik to the police, Is Puipoit of Message. Pennine The battle for Sari Bar) hill, whic h in to acorta of rohberles acini mothered i muses at the brigade In re. today through Associat- conclusion that aiser was murdered have confeaaed the Australians unci New Zealandersj I.V MOM N NO JOU.NAL FECIAL LIA.KO WINE! 1111 spllnl at Hi'' Penh-In- g A third lil, not .m i nineteen ri il Latl uoiieial ed Pu ss dispatch ea General hW compelled to evue- - by a sympathizer of the allies, today captUNd were Colorado Springs. Colo., Aug. 17. j old, In under arrest charged with be- Prei iken there grM cueicoiiic i.y tin- tragedy. He of his lectures ami published I uata because the troops on Iheir left Three p.'isons Wl re badly injured and 1BV KAtlD up uAconecloue at- - and prepariim' a home for his x In which be made ing 'he tutor of tha other kiiIh. Waahlngl had been did not advance far enough, was a score of others badly bruised and articles tin- n his liedi by off" tftgoii) WOUld i id two men M hah) on Do huge Of on of which he expected leave most deaperate one, according to the' shaken up when a Colorado Midland tacks. Andrea, stated ai had bi en si ngw through week. lie receiving stolon property. Thi glrll ids and men who lid San for El Paso this says: head-o- peatedty confessed that quiry throi ll 'oin ul Si H M 11 11 a orrespondent who excursion train crashed into IK years old, mid ibe burning house scan bleu for He be would leave ImtiHcliatclj life was in danger as a rest nrc Corn Heiellh k, said IK-a- Lie- in Heaps. a freight train at Idlewllel, fifty miles whether Si tgrj l.ansltm and the' CI old Mrs. Parahing ami foul lill'll ell 0, ' utterances. Lillian Beldllck, har tiatar, yean for San Franclfl everywhere j west of city, late today. I. .1(11 .111 ilii'bmi.ils acted In The dead lie thick and this Those The alleged Is Mra Mnv Ham Willi. 11 rnvlvi'H toil. ki. Tha othcis lulor l I g stench is appalling On the most seriously hurt are Mr. and Mrs. their off in capaciiiei feaCUerg I 8 N OhS the known to the police as "'""''"'Iwere dead when the reached HELATn in il j M PEREECT HARMONY IN mermlth .1 down in great ileum,. Winstead. Wltohlta. t heir peace gppi Ifl li ials eltl 11 VKN en Tfl l ninth the Turks Kan. "Ibihthoiiited Mary' llein, suffocated and their heads, l. Miss Topev. I there-I- t w a: gV) response numbers from the ridge above and' and Marv Wichita. Kan ale tliat If h I, ALL'IES'MILITARY PLAN The lioya are FTunk Ibirrlon, II mia and feet burin to sweep htllj The injured were placed on board would by ill the Lincoln. Nb., Aun. 'J 7. Lincoln tried euir men off the Samuel Kb e, 17; Kugono Lanier, Hi. tha ngUlar weatl nd Midland 10 Mr. Billlman of Ccncrai Perahlng, Includ- entirely, They themeelvea wcrei train, piiiiiip IT. relatives LC A.tCt Wl M Kit i.npine, iv; Mrterri driven back, however, with fiighiful which was unable to proceed, and (V MO.NINO JOU.NAL. ..tClAL IR yearn old. lion to Hie fad tha leaped the ing two sisters, learned of thg tragic (It Ms.) Tin nnd Ills liTolher Tony. fantry, md her maid from to were brought to hospitals In this city. London. Aug. U a. patltlOfl bad all. 11 b of Mrs. Parahtng and children losses Being unnnie hury ineiri i,nni Herodin and Tom Mamotna art I porch roof i" the mound after throw. death engine es- correspondent of Hi" Timet press dispatches A sis- - dead, the Turks throw their bodies' The crews of both trains e of Molen goods. ties Ina Mrs. Moswcll s tW eMhtraaj down oiilv ihrouirh says that lie has been authorised ':. held rei liven Dial down the gulley until they are etoppc d caped injury by Jumping. The acci- According to the confessions the ll beam,. known tonlihi ihat the In officers and men, aroused by her ter. Miss May Perslilng. slated iergiua Sanaonoff, ftuaalan forebpt t by the nature of ground, while dent is said to have been caused by case ol II. V. Francis, n tieWBpl w Mrs. Penhlng was planning Join the hlgheal pollre say Ihi'V have nnlved. the lines mid Hie noise of craohllttg ood. mix-u- p minister, to declare that the Kl othe-r- thrown after them are (topped a in orders. orreapondei I, ImprlHoni'il at ' her liiisluiiiil al I'aso, and robbing hottaeg for m rahlng and her lllldi ell - It military in Ureal Britain, irtrln have been ra h by first, Conaaquently, the- whole At the hospitals late tonight was authorities fot aei ding nt dispatches 1 thought until todaj thai she the I I w o .1 h and have oh Cum h In a reek arc in lull mole bun l( ' said that all the injured would re- France and Itussia .cor! I. a is rnadj ith In gulley la choked with Turkish dead iniiny hundreds ol dollar u. liable to inaa, ku ihk at I.I Paso. lefl tha Pr on ipiestions ttrategy ami Ihat talned "The Australians and New Zealim-- i cover. That there was not a heavj all " ejf loot. t.i ib pai mahl oniideraMa casually it is said, never has been any difference wnltli dc-r- s to! list, was due to the there da ma Hal have gained another addition - corn Two weeks nun for pi pared b inm. filet that both trains were ii. need- .f 'opinion between the high evira- Ho prisoner s release was b;lioreil ami then newly occupied territory. In Until General r poaltiojj they now ing slowly w hi'ii the crash came. mande. all ffiirts to .1 11 ui ball for him their narfOW have: seiicls Ins' i ncl ions no arrangementa' TAKE POLICEMEN I111I1 rj, spreeentai li v TALIS elbow room and are in touch with 100 ba le W e lib- - I'm t funeral, ill in ie posts across the plain to Might Saieel. our Rare llein bay. And what is not their letl Till lives o n Perahing and har urn-- 1 portaiit advantage they have a nroiis rnaracier I'luinis is mlghl h I'Vt I. era If chlldnn saved PEAKS IN ply Of Wgter subject employed b) mil pgnkma-Pac- Iresli within their TO KEEP ORDER IN ish thougn tiie gppargtua at ii,. If ic HP Ametioan coacarn. Until recantlj hl Mtpoaitton adjoining the Prertdlo had I11I1I IDOI but gg : was iiunii ado a summoned Immediately, sain represent. CO. Mill ul repeated ilmim he Chief v. 1: Murphj of the Ian rran- - FRENCH FINANCIER JAFFA GROCERY now Is petinltted ! see his frleilelH. AUSTRIAN ALPS PEACE MEETING o fire departtnenl tonight in a DENIES DISLOYALTY nrhiui Ulorenta, General villas' temeht crlttelalng tha Praaldlo'l "good things to eat Waahtngton agent, lefl hen. tonight ertulpmenl aad yatani n inade- - V MO.NINO JOU.NAL LIAIID Will) 1I1 nil fttad, He said that at Paris, Aug. 27 I ti p. in.) Loulsj onferi nce lie would hold tomorrow .V MO.NINO JOU.NAL IMlKL LIAIID WII IK MtigNiMi louauii nPiriAi tlAvinwiFtl) , Dreyfus, former member of the Cham-- 1 1 lus of Eastern ii HaJ, Gen, Arthur Murray, I tonic. ug. 27 ( hi Purl-- Xuu Mi We Will Receive Morning a Shipment : I'li-sidl- 1- ber of deputies and head of the firm ".'"'"I GERMANS PRESSED would Insist thA tha I till h in.) The following official iiii e'leieeo-- pooie-oo'i- i mill nil of Louis DrevfiiH and ' ompaiiv, bunk- - irities revoke n standing ordwr to St.. lenient from he,iiliiiarlers of the CONCORD GRAPES ggkaal feir by .loiin Tobias, chairman INTO FRENCH ARMY i and grain merchants, issue d today n oi tin oust not to pull a city fire Italian army elated August IT, was ri of the local coinniltti-i-' of the friends a of allegations contained Ini, 1111 until an effort has been made given mil hei c tonight'. ibnial uf peace," to preserve order nt tha a parliamentary report pafallahed yes-- ; -- limine in. blaae, in the lajti, an, hardy operations were convention ,,1 tha aoctot) whuh will Nn tarda) to the effect 'bat ate firm had. 50c a basket three yean then uive 1. ecu nine carried out during the du of August be opened hen on Sundae afliinoon Tuokerton, N "Documents found sold lo agents of C,erniati part of u deaths bj fin- al thi Pi ealdio. on the rugged peaks of lhe Armello LI MM ED Five th"usniiii ittefateg ure etpeeted says . cargo ORDER EARLY SUPPLY on a capture ie h officer." Is Idscoicl't-ll- range. While our advancing troops grain on the steamer Normandv It hl .1 When lire to be present is nil. 10 pre the- N. w Agent s . tod in ADtWerp in August, Hilt, sub-- j 'VelSeas an Mis lloswell was the t H set of the made a moiistration on the small at and sent 10 ine coincniion pennons sisiieii jUK ,, s, del front Mil' r of Montlcello, aarnmntlji gfdd 'he grain to France. by g people in the housi to discover the Tonule plateau and behind AND VEGETABLES FOR TODAY h.iif million peraons palling forlt.. 1.. il show lliu i b al'lv thai M. Dreyfus in his statement ad- ERUITS fire. She- was an. use, by tha arnokc mountaineer detachments after cross- an embargo on the etporl of amuiunl pre laaad thl I'lcndi (u rnmani had r de PaBaglHI pass attacked mits lli.il tin grain had been sold to. tlou. and awakened hei children and called ing Vedctta Extra Fine , 'i Into annv si ii lei man iti.ens opened ppaitlona I'l" Ucgosc uro pass, R.fiOO Hermans, but states that the sale was al Ml Then she the recti Heai ten C Mr. ToI.Ims, who is th hi tlaaoc torralpe the w ar began, and at Bleached habitants of loom to the hal). feel high and Col no dl I'.cilole. tJM before that clef. tfaa i'Iii .iko law school, said he ha divided thaaa suggestion Hermun good Swc into A ,.f buck and feel high, which were strongly held by his the Interests! Bug cr ranged for the gaftecttvea to he gusi smoke drove her irovlded Dial lhoa - tn the transaction had been seOjueajj dose ;iic she- encountered 11. s in tin hall- Hi, enemy tefed throughout the audience wl " lng ti rigni iiKalust ilerman sli re- ti red b ihc-- government. w g sin- look hei hlldren to the The latter opposed a ibspciale French ii'o iions to promptly aupproaa " be protected iga Inst llle .I i'l ORAPEFRIIIT I, III w bill found off hv fire. sistance but was finally forced back N KC'TA Itl.N'KS necessary, eject gay dlstinbeis t.ii limb treaan tr tated 'hi' and pursued. Our troops established WARNED TABLF PLUMS leapt are b) I hi' issue nf Hie fin themeelvea firmly mi the peaks. MAI.aoa N'D MUSCAT aftAPB NIGHTRIDLRS GIVEN laatlup ilocanienls ar same clay, AGAINST EXPERIMENTS PEACH BB s b I his I inn "On the evening of the kink itahttahlng heir 11 by a moon, our seaplanes FINE AIMUCoTS I gene Bantachl, favored full ONfi I F RMS IN PI N i'ANTALI IL'PMS of MORN. HO IOJJMNAL i;.Tl!A C.oiiD y- -t C. thro, bombs, on the fortifications I.V I.ICIAL LIAIID WINI1 T wen st in fa uti Private J. CRAM APPLES (at end of Luke Berkeley, Calif.. Aug. 27.-- - Former liazelelt .,nd another soldier, who lllva he nori hern ETC., ETC. lit. H UIHSLRS bl oke ill the doois of the house but Garde I." President Taft warned California Hat tfm d. v Aug :'7 Three men it "c k O we by clay that was conducting a linical LIST CAREFULLY I pAD I re for,red bin k lb Haines. Then READ IHIS who pli iidiul guilty in i 'b "I SLAV political ex- swell front the porch roof SMOKELESS POWDER laboratorj for social and ii. uit court iii being mimheri periments" for Which il would have i brew in r two hlldren, Philip and AND PLACE YOUR ORDERS liaiul of iilghtrlders. who for no CARGO FOR RUSSIA to pay. he Jamel, six and three yea d. Other stales, declared, aproesi t rror throughout this se Vug. L ton. a llniln, lllll catling i" Mis Pending, would derive benefit al California's Pressed pigs in t , a delicious preserve of wdatarn eatu ki, tonight me V IJ III a ITS.) The follow ini offl- - expanse, Mr. spoke m open xtra good for sandwich. hat st if Her roalg MO.NINCI JOURNAL .ICIAL LIA.IO Wl.ll Taft the Date Nut Butter, healthful m leniences in the state prison i Hie eiai communication was laauei t todg) in Philadelphia. Aug. 27. - one of the an- Green, theater at tiie Unvenlty of glass 10c, 15c, BBC Itirhped and been caiiglit Mrs. - other was in omit. , I l. a him and six hj ailui'iall) pow- California His speech was All Flavors FrUll N tar. what VOU want for a Sll in Ibe Herman Hell fell in a flower bed largest shipments of imokelrae one' of tv-s- is eiafendants are awaiting trial a in lAVdneadai o enini; one f our the States several on a program mer drink hi r bat i. Sin was to the Pre der evil sent from Tinted which he i taken Al Sauce, Kphriam Relsleigev, a cool mini small liiiiiibaiiled the 1! .mil on the lius-sla- as cisear's and the niseis Ital will be taken to Itussia general vaudeville. "You per buttle today admitted he plied the laah when glgnal which will oi tin gee stal ion .lliliu w as fi steamship HioiieJ, well ni. moil receptive to new Chips. package! It eu en How, ml a miuhanC, and his 'el iund ni" Potato ltlsllia on be of by sail from Wilmington, Del., for Arch- Ideas than we,' he said. "This state Chips, bulk, per poll fsfc wife were whippiel at Fforlna ihe the floor Potato jeii Pershing's aged negro angel via tilasgovv. Ihe shipmciils Is ii Uiborator) for political experi- Heinz Dill Pickles, per can night of .lone 12 lie s.uikIii to secure Ibe pounds 17c w p. of nearly two million ments which we in the east are quite Picnic Ham, per pound three-yea- r In led ri utc Into onsii a aenteni e. as Jerrv t'lnrk .1. th grade of type of Willing vou If you illse. He Mil al the of the highest this should maintain ami ICruest Webster, who participated hold-in- - FOR YOUR PICNIC LUNCHEONS III A el I a si ill g on i tagu Inland powder, and is shipped in cases k are unit, willing lo pay tin- hills, and in the wMpptng, b id done earllei n i ho) ital a nam j forces were lighted," --'tin pounds each. you ma.v be sure you will ha. e to the week CommoHwaglth'e Attorney houaa most Can Tuna, per tin 20c-an- Mrs Besides Ihe explosives the Vor.uicJ pay them.'' lllngo. however n a rompro iii nil Crab Meat, extra good, per tin ''."' fused e tTUckl ISINESS TRIP ng on fli a with ber has on board twentv-fiv- auto mile and insisted that u ftVt Vaai B dead the Extra large can Sardines hipped hi New vmi, which ptji d i one of lldrpn, wiio TAFT OF cans Smoked Sardines' ten l.e ImpilHl-- Howard I. stifled I icioss the PRESIDENT J" TO ATIN AME .stowed in the bottom of the vessel 'o Kippered Herring, per tin ISC, 20c. les' 111 !, el Ml S Hull a .! W el e i the bed on another bed was i,,n viability , Boiled Chipped Beef, Salami Ccrvalat tUUI H.- r lav on the give her UNITARIAN CONFERENCE Ham. nnd until they tiled said the reason child. Ihc thud , , all sliced in our Automatic Klice-r- if you desire, i HB.NIN. ll .HCIAL ... Will) i , on- Kusslan military officers superin did given him for his beating was lack of The i of nil er in in g New fork, Aug. j , rue pereonnri tendad the loading of the' vessel aa dozen varieties. industry Retell nffer ciark ami t en erabij burned I.V MO.NINO JOU.NAL .RICIAL IOOO 1.1.11 of of Ibe vv e of the pc -- were to prison an. r Retail ihe varlnua ppanntl) Mrs. Pershing, a roused ell Sou Francisco. Aug 27. The gen- IN OUR ater taken - BAKERY DEPART MENT body In i harm- if arrertgeme nt for ger tee longer l.v Ihc smoke ami possl'dy bv Mrs. eral conferc nog of Unitarian churches, had apted the term kmirtran ban ib.' return trip Roawoll'l repealed efforts to awaken the twenty-sixt- h annual session of ORANGE slicks BITTER CREAM CAKES nnd business nn w to- on the hall ii be front WAR SUPPLIES FOR hich will i nil tomorrow elac ted ORANGE LAYER CAKES SI NSIIINK CAKES AND HURT A a a ID no n merle i CHOCOLATE CREAM roof, had Bona nfh the day Wlllliini .Howard Taft, former ROLL and steps i,, in ttlnel ii '' " at CARRANZA GO FORWARD presfden) ROLLS JELLT IN "E taken smoke a nil fii, lo the loom where of the United Slates, presi- SANT: WRECK 111 I Sep 'OKKEE CAKES II I., l.e I, eld this lie g WHIPPED CREAM PUFFS tllO'lllll ll. lei, and Anne slept and brought dent of the cein fen nog for the ensu-in- for meeting FIG slicks LATER CAKES of all kind ill this t years. them with ii. i Wai ! ii s 04UB was I.. MO.NIN. JOU.NAL .RICIAL Wl.l1 two l: ' - A ll.ID 18PBBRRY SLICES MACAROONS. KISSES. l.V MO.NINO leeeasss isoiim bv James Farrell. 2.' -- of-hi- fol- . Washington. Aug. Treasury other uffieers were elected as I ' il ND DELICIOUS ROLLS AND . Aug :'7 w, ilia. ess.blc io her. CAKES Pho. nU. f ris committee atfamlnted cua-to- one eirne-- r of instructed the collector of lows BREAD a Lot 1st, one of the spa The fire destroy d Mocha CAKES by at oln. today to issue The Kev. Walter R, of Fe the house. burned to the roof and l'ensai Hieenman. KalK.i llloael blldge OVel Isa- ll to i oitapae clearance' papers tu Ihe steamer Milwaukee gem nil secretary, Percy .1 11a.. red today, plunii caused ' ear-g- o BtOStOn, Iiim-sII- u Hon dora, hound for Mm with a A. AUterton. Ireasurer. smoking Ilsinel- - III ard nleiit. io rum- - of war supplies said to be for Car-nna- a The new council: The ltev. Mlnot JAFFA'S Major Henrv II Whitney, nil-I'- l oiith, Aug. .'. Sec rertai - forces order was for- Simons. Cleveland, ihalrman. Rev mimding Presidio, Inimeiliate- Ihe I stream B ret ii IV ii the iisephim D niels the Phones J and 32 221 West Central l.v aft with slate John Havnee Holmes. New York: Rev. killed an I'hi en luipi the vi.id appointed a loud of inepilry to warded ...11t.11n.es It department offVials. Doubt as to John Howland Lathrop, Brooklyn: Hi. il t In report on the fire. He named on VI UL ORDERS SOI. I sine rna todai C S S in .1. Q. cav- - the status of schooner arose Kev Duttoii. San Franclaro; urs le ii, .lined li tin under Major nv.es Hgrbord, First the iwaiag when she put into 'obi from a Rev. Snyder. B Snow. Huston. Charles w ei k i" can H d ale van ihe men he all I Major W. F. Lewis, medical The Cuban port with aboard E. Ware. Fit. hhurg. Mass.. Mrs. rhagraph station and c i. .. iher subiner- - corps and I.leutenapt Rutherford 8. munitions , began on war Claude V Oileon, Wesley. Mass.; Kev. w,e hour, hefor hs ar- - ii. led to ihe H.u-tz- Tweniv first .nfantry. and takiag additional Ulchurd W. koynton, Buffalo, N. T. lived. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915. THREE What's New in New Mexico Era Make it Easier For



tAL COkMlfOHMACI TO WORN. Troubles Can Easily FROM . . JOORR OF CHILE .. I COIIMIMNMIICI TO MOIHIMt - i IfRRClAL CORRIARONORMl-- t To MORNlNR JOURNAL Santa Fe, Aug- - 2- To the museum Santa mat Au. 27. The superin- Be Avoided. libra r were added today two volume tendent of the county schools of BY UNCLE of local Ofte "Civil tlovern-mem- " county, that the interest. Koosevelt Mrs. Culberson, h of by text book M the CURBY COUNTY Ueinsch. the made a report to the department of adopted by the state hoard of educa- today, pleased education which the The Irrigation congress has bet it plac- tion for the public schools, and which department very much. The value ed "on ' wheels and will meet m A is notable because of the New Mexi- of the school sites is $,3fl. of the De- Sto mild laxative ade Want Nation Ready for kion. September In Fresno regular intervals, will pn co supplement written by Hupert F. buildings IM.IM, equipment 15-1- the September in S,u rninenio, Sep lent preveiitn.- - of IUIMM Banker and Aspland of Santa Fe, editor of the libraries $530. fense Against Any Assail- 17 1 1 -. ovis Stockman tember and ii S.: n Ki 1. isc. th it are in- b .na Xew Kducation. i Mexico Journal al The average salary paid teachers is September 20. Oi day in a a. b , n The com). in ion f slm Tells of Giowth of Live- out- ant; Now Practically in Ii The supplement gives a concise $i4 per month or $467 per term. Of a is to lie devoted lo Xcursioiis. ft. e t.. hert with pepsin, old gov- nam, ol line of the structure of the state the life certifi- delegates, through he Irrigated bv under the l'r Business in Eastern teachers three have Helpless Condition, By papain, Is esot stock ernment, the state constitution and cates, of Joaquin rug one professional, two permits, trills the San and Sacra dren, being pleasant to i) gen legal of Xew Moxbo. The twenty-fn- e e scc-on- New Mexico Section. fabric first grade, forty-on- d menlo valleys, two of the richest n tie vet positive In Betloi opening chapter gives u historical av- rigatcd m grade, five third grade. The al!cs the world. from opiate or n tri otic if any In gome a of Dr. CaJd--U- 's to the MILITARY TRAINING iverv battle sketch including reference erage length of term is 6 5 months. Ambassador .derrick will discuss description it ai is n.n wlth Syrup Pepsin should be on di-I- n TO MONNIN prehistoric inhabitants. The second out griping or Othei and llflOini COMHHHMI JOUNNAL, The school census shows 2,419 per- IN "ftural Credits" and their ben.flls to of the SCHOOLS URGED nltog. ttier dep. ndaMl Clovla, X. M , Auk. 27. "We have chapter traces the development sons between ages of 5 21 in irrigation fanners, as well as other the and The cleansing of th bl goaf on an average of KiO.uOO worth state under territorial form of gov- the county of whom 1.2lit are males agriculturalists. "Is theie anvth n.. effecllvely Chech an diar-relg- n where v fee ob- thp ernment, t'hapter 3 la entitled ihe mailer wuh the Ann re an farm all uk of free Irlnl bottle caa ,,f rattle a month last four The enrollment is remarkably high rhoeu by expelling the fi m tttar tained fen writing lo Dr. W it Cald- months." said Alex Shipley, ciovis "Statehood ami the Constitution." in comparison 2,28, which mean Secretary Redfield Addi esses er"" This is what the Irrigation Com and poisons that irritate and Inflame well, t:.; Washington St.. Monticello, banker and stockman today. "It rop-.- , chapter 4 is given to "The l.eglsla- - ihai practically cVry erson from grces ptoposes lo learn this ear If the tissues III. farm-onl- y Ex-N- Conference on Policies of ir- suits nearly all small wiles to tive Department.1 Xo. to "The flveto twenty-on- e eurs of age, at- there is anything the matter, the " a few larger denls being In- ecutive Department. 6 to the tends school in Boosevelt county. The Administration; Salt Lake rigators want to know what II cluded l tk total of J200.U00. For "Judicial Department," Xo. 7 to "I.o- - average tail) attendance is 1,661. Ihe remedy. more than three ears we have made cul Oovernment," No. s to "Rtfhta "Colonisation ami Bettfetmant of The financial statement shows ex- City Next Meeting Place. " THOUSANDS LEFT it business of supplying rows to and Duties of Citizens,' No. 9 to "Kd-"Sta- penditures our Vacant Uind will receive earn last year Of $48,401.77. of aggap f.inii'is and we have proved most Mention," Xo. 10 to Lands," est consideration, with special US which the bulk, or $33. HIS, went for ' conclusively the value of cattle on Activities," and at Stockton, Irrigation Methods and thox0 li to "Beneficial teacher' wages. For rent only $17 MORNINR JOURNAL RRICIAI LIARtD IRI ordinary farm as a source of Itesults" will he discussed nl Fiesio, 'fmf: reliable! 12 to "Federal Activities Within was spent, for fuel $1,467 :'6, for Jan- Hoston. Aug. IT, A majority of " cows at-- with LaWI III profit. We have furnished to the States." Euch chapter has i itors' wages governors and f.friucr state execu- sessions for "Irrigating ami DESTITUTION were financially $4:t.r0, School supplies la'gislalloii " and of many farmer that to it review questions and delegates i con- l'loblcms tached $2,410.2!, repulrs $:', 104. 7 ; new tives, t.. the i:o rnors' asscd and it is really surprls-- n Kngineei ing " 'Flnaii. gj ac Wj emlinri I there are two appendices giving his- buildings $1,340.00, making poll tax ference here, a' he final session of how they have gfotten on their i"l (eographical tors Affeeting Irrigation Develop, toric. and information lists $74,011. interest on bonds $686. 51, the conference to. lav. agreed that the feet through careful handling of the county, very com- tnenti' with apeclal sections for "Rur- about each and a miscella neons 371. 36, In- United states is Inadequately prepar- ' 01 GREAT FLOOD !, Of the al Credits and Marketing and "Wil- . plete index. The beautiful illustra- come $1,(130.62 was ed to resist invasion by a hostile Eu- "Lei me give you nn illustration th.it derived from poll ier. Soils, Crops, Farm Hureaii Wotk" . tions include fine pictures of the tax; $30,S53.95 from the special ropean force. Diacusalon of naval Is in my mind," Mr. Shipley con-tlnue- d. ta will be discussed at S o l a .. 1 fresh communal house at Tyuon'yl, the military preparedness, selection nieui "I-u- levy; $202.65 from licenses; $6, 000. SO and 1 year we let a young San Francisco Ihe COngTOSa will meet Palace of, the C.overnors, St. Michael's Salt Lake City as the s. die of next list across the Texas line have from the stale apportionment; $635.40 In Festival hall ill the SXgOaltlon. Mini college, the capital, the Normal uni- Mar's conference, and the election of thlrtj COWg He had not a nickel to ftora sale of bonds, from sale of Noled speaUels (TOttl the t'tilled versity of other public school William Spry, governor of to We his note and and old material; 11,117.76 from state aid; I'tuh, foreign will pa) down. took because' , States and Countries .ii buildings throughout the state. The be halrmafl of (he conference i xecn ,e knew him to be reliable and Of Other sources $2,449 54. The balance Hclpnte in iic to ..hi .no. togethei second volume presented to the state five committee, were the outstanding I I character. Today he has twenty-- l on hand is $1 1,337.25 as against $12, with governors of stales, United States lMI,! Wale! is Secretary of Antonio of the closing HHH'BF'v'A eight fine calves worth $32. 50 hutj from State 540.22 last year. features session senators, meinliers of congress, men I.urern, "The Xew Mexico lilue Hook No resolutions on the subject of he will keep them yet a while us he In public life, men who are dothf, or 1 1 preparedness Were proposed, but sev- Ills plenty of feed. When he sells! Stale liltlciai ltegister tor is, ALBUQUERQUE things in the development o( the went, by II. chuck CITIZEN the ealvea and his crop he will be able edited J. MeCutcheon and eral of the exei olives said lhe felt and the hundred' of Irrigators from and sta- Certain all governors Would tn pay his note and have the cows full of historical GIVES VALUABLE MAP that the all palls of the Dnlted Stales. 1 library hus In Iheir With clear Yesterday sold him fifty tistical information. The return slates the Inten J It Case, of Kansas, is picsnlciil be- - 'rArkan COWl The way he is coming a complete set of the Hlue Hooks, TO MUSEUM LIBRARY tion oi (ititnanrtlin from tholr Con- ! appi ( )().,).,, tt mole. of the congress I aluiig he wil be worth some money ginning with that of Secretary W. Q, pressmen support In any program for idt.dav foi ii sands of I RttCh, years ugo. strengthening forces of defense persona made Homeless aim a- In a couple of years. published TRRICIAL OIRRATCM TO MORNINIt JOURNAL) the nssututai - there ever bewN nun-- "Ther" is no way In my opin-lo- n Among those who registered at Santa Fe, Aug. 27 Joseph I. toefetaV) Itedftetd Hie ii hi waiera. ronigm i better NOW I sin It a dark stH'rel un I lial l" help farmers that are hard up the museum were Mrs, Estelle skin- Kegensburger of Albilqiiet que today The discussion by the lOVemors PLAN 10 ids of f imUiih were camping on Till potnl .' Ma lie you'll than to furnish them good cows. We ner. Alice Lona, Ind.; E. presented to the Stale Museum libruo was prefaced b) remarks by wniiam high around with only the barest many re-- . liiul il ili. have found the plan very successful Itandall. Albuquerque; Lee Akers, a most welcome addition to its c. Redfield, secretary of commerce, iceeeltleg of life and were in hi re Bill it must be good cows. We Stanley, N. M.; Mrs. U 8. Keachic, of maps. It is a map of the speaking, he said, not in behalf of the ill I t loHiled III llavor believe In good stock and buy the Chicago; Miss Uertha Taylor, Albu- Cultcd Slates printed in 1X65 show- administration but as a member of It. POLICE HUTIEN 2- - Velvety body NO GRI T best. This spring we bought 2,500 querque; J. A. Pattlson, East Orange, ing the trails and railroads of those Secret, u Kedlii Id Urged ntruint of nod and. 'i Crumble proof 4 Mciling iinritv Durham and Hereford cattle in AH IN. J.; Mildred Hnrtless, Carl Allen. (lavs. New Mexico is shown to cover words and soberness of thought ill lb uind - r From a ia light lactate lona. ur plan has worked out well Mrs. A. C. Burtlesg, Mrs. I It. Allen, an equal to of what he termed these living times. illv i"iula- area that Die Herman 6 Untouched by Imuili for all parties concerned and oui Albuquerque; B. E. Mills, Yuma; E. empire for it included all of Arizona "With that spirit of restraint.'' he TROUBLECOUWTRY t inn, are unnble to enter th itr houses hank has over doubled Its deposits W. Evans, John Evans, Scaminon, and all of Colorado south of Puehlo. added, "should we not he ready for I. Clause of Hood Cil lis. AoDrosl-- j :i I result." Kan.; Mrs. J. S. King, El Paso; Miss l'ueblo de San Callus Is the only set- any emergency of any kind that ma) Margaret T. Bowers, Kan.; tlement shown in what is now Colo arise.' Should we not at least have RECORD PRICE PAID Mrs. I. P. I.owcs, Kansas City, Mo.; rado, excepting Hendts and St. the tools ready, Hot fol' offense bill Fred W. Bond, Mabel Pond, Dodge Vrain's fort. lor the defense of our nation "" ative Constal)ulaiy to Be Sterling FOR CATTLE AT TAIBAN id, iiantilies siipplicH contrl-llle- s ICIty, Kan.; Mrs. J. F. Hollinsworth, Utah then Included Novaca and Under the he "What should be of In been jlamy; W. M. Berger, Helen, N. M.; part of Colorado; Nebraska Included the state's duty in the matter oi na ficered by Airier icans; F I o- - Arkansas have . conniapONOlNei momnimc F. I' the need, it Is said, lo Gum tn 10 jousmau Alice McClelland. Belle McClelland, part of thu, two Imkotas, part of Col- ttonal defense?" i. o. James Field Inadt lllal for Tuibnn, X. M., Aug. 27. The largest lOtathe, Kan.; W. cr of New Jersey urge tectorate Likely to ast liai i 'I'. Hubly of New pun. who 5 J. Williamson, t orado, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. The7-poi- nt price paid for cattle in these parts X. M.; p. in standing army b; ijum Eagle Hill, Dewia Mix, H. In Arizona there was no settlement the Longer Than Ten Years. was in the deal Tyson N where John U. Kopke, Albuquerque; J. Harvey north of Tucson. Albuquerque is 00ft men, with an ade PtPPEHMINT-l- RED WRAPPgg Charles 10fi per head for b Hi CIMNOMi-i- , iN ni ,jn li nis K1n Bloom, Erie, Pa., Leslie T. Swallow, ipelled "Alberquei one" on the map. trained reservists. lie said felt Win wnnePf 110 head of white faced cows. They ' V. Hhodes, Das Vegas; Harry Pey- West the of that Ihe slali bad been reads it all I" are - of ltio (Irande and south lav MDWMINO JOURNAL tPICIAL ll-II- D WIRII all first class full blood Here- ton of Washington, D. S. J. tluern- - times to furnish. 2 50,Mi' men to this of water si renins fords, C; ACORla, the only settlement was San- Washington, Aug. :'7 It bacaiM Tyson offered $60 a head for! sey reserve body. pn ibablv will ml slage l.cndlng of Boston, who is an acquaintance ta ltlta del Cobre, according to the know n today Unit plans of Ihe I'nlted I'rtvnto lMucntlonnl Insti- tile yearling heifers In the Eppa herd' Br, A. V. Views of limine. lor tan dais, tution of Hoiilhwest. of Kidder of Andovei, who mop. Fast of the Rio (Irande valley tioMinor Stales f( r putting Haiti In order enn- - and was refused. K. K, At ark ' ' is excavating the Pecos sin-l- "I toy. Dunne, Of Illinois, said - lies Arc ST. nWOHNT At ll KMT, ruins; Anna and south of Anton chlco, not a i template calllng upon i he war depart Uim Arnold, of the Cross I, ranch last ni Ml. .i.,a. i, in. N, M. W'heaton Archibald and Apoloula Ar- is Hie felt the nation' mil ill reliance tor I broke S'dil about a head of calves settlement indicated. mem if neosssary lo (urntah officers hundred chibald, Cruces; N. Bul- a reierve force might a ell be found lining rapid Ij Hoarding nod liny School for to a Das Ernest for the island polios from Its corps J. F. Harris, of Tolar, at $30 Ark., i Hill (llrls unil Young lock and Amy H. W. Bullock, Albu- in a requirement that every college who Muff. head no cut hack, cash sale and Hat-H-i TAX ROLL CHECKING mnilssloncd ol fleers Special attention given to Elo- querque. ami iinii ersliy receiving funds, fed- developed ami commanded the eopMa to the Arnold pasture to get have MM cution, China painting, Vocal Cul- IN CURRY COUNTY TO eral or stair, htild giw lout years Philippine constabulary. officials II the calves. , Beat of the Chicago, Unci, ture, Music, liruwlng, tlomestlu FOX of military tiainiifg; lo its students. proposed prote. treaty branch Hclonce. The rains keep coming and the ENTHUSIASTIC said the lotale - BE COMPLETED SOON "If war were declared on the I'nlt- land gnd I'a iii- - railroad wi u llls- Courses: Trlmary, (irammar farmer! are ho confident of a mon- would provide not onl) for a complete and CROP by any of principal BU - intlnued lodi Aciidemic. strous crop year they are OVER YIELD OF ed Stales the financial protectorate and Ihe admin- this that II ported School opuna Tuesday. Hept. 7, PICIAL TO MOMNIHO JOUNNAL ropean nations tomorrow must fee a fallim hauling grain and to mur-ke- t CORRIIPONOINCI IgtratlOh of CUStomi houses but for ID their feed EASTERN NEW MEXICO ivad ii win a. Clovis, N. M., Aug. 27. check- admitted our situation would be a 1 In order to make room for this The native police (ores officered by inter-- Tot catalog nnd Information ap- year's yield. The Tniban mill hill ing of the Curry county tax rolls from precarious one," he said. bans. ply to Superior. been running rogular making meal (PtClAl. CORRIIPONDINCK TO MORNING JOURNAL) 1U00 down is moving forwards and it Referring to the Reed of a great Mule Trouble Rxpot tod, X. M , Aug. 27. F, C. Fox, Is II rriini the home grown corn for this Clovla, expected that will be completed supply of munitions, as developed b) Promol ratification of the nrotee- - general manager western re- - Chamberlain's Colic Cholera ami :nl neighboring towns. of the lines within a few weeks. It will be the Ktit'opean war. (iovernor limine torate treaty by the Haitian pnrlla- of Santa Fe system, spent grand 1iiry rec- Diarrhoea licmedv. Ii Homer Jones, one of the oldest the several membered that the aaid that any licet from Cleat brllaln menl dtaa forecast today iii dispatch- with more in this and Pew medicines have met BALDRIDGE Mttlera of the plains of Tuiban, hours Clovla morning later ommended that Ihe tax rolls be check or normally could take possession of es to the siaie department from favor or accomplished mora good than north went line to Sweetwater up LUMBER COMPANY ,l!"'l ft his home Thursd.iv ,,U . t.t down the ed and the board of county com- or destroy all means of maniilai nn i barge I (avis it Tin Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Mr. Fox is a close observer and kenpa missioners employed Mnigig a. i Remedy. be- Tl,hr,i.l f...... - , ' Wal ing in the United States, d'ArtlgUSpl 1 Diarrhoea From I small 15-ye- ar i 11.1111. uoiirn 'j...v. n .T T ,iio ammunition charge said resident PAROID ROOFING with !,.' remark.! bly well Informed on condl-- ! ker, of Carlsbad, tn do work, ginning Us sale and use has extended known in Quay and Boosevelt coun-lle- i this lie. siuh plants being almost cntlrel) head of the n IW government, is coin- flnr.s In his big territory. He talked to all parts of the I ml d Slab I and and in and around Lampasas bis been closely engaged ul this task within It! miles Of New York milled In the convention I nd Ii be- - guarantee Interestingly about "pqi conditions all summer. It lias a most dif to many foreign coiintn.s. Every let, where he came from to this ben City." lleved to have assurances of sufficient pi ilai and says that the Santa Fe southwest ficult matter In more ways than one. where ii bus received unstinted country, He was in the cattle busi- - Not so reajatiiilai Ii support from senators and ilebrales W nfltWntly belle i a b II It has re lias the largest area in crop in its his- - When work is completed Curry THE WM. FARR COMPANY nesj and was associated with T. I the (,ov, w. Hammond of Minnesota to secure fuvi rable action within a lieved more pain and lUfferlni 'il Mtorjr, What Is mote, the yield of county will find that il worth of people "ales in several cattle deals this past j wis recommended ihe creation of a board, frig days. He presided over Ihe sin saved the llTCi more than Wholesale and Retail Dealers In wheat If surprisingly large. The grout In use, I VI year. He leaves a wife and daughter while. the function "f which should be to ate for Severn vein's and Is popular any other one preparation lit Ml AMI sl,T I A I'M est crop ever seen of kafflr corn, Is enough a specialty His mother and two were The elevator still buying much Inform OOngTeBi of the needs for na- among' bis f unci colleagues. tine or two doses of it r lo naiiaain brothers mlio maize and sorghum for- old grain, ordinary of colic or For Callto ami Hogs' the Ulggeat here at his Lam- - other like kafflr corn and mllo was May relieve an attack death. All are from tional defense, He said lie not IMenil I'rolorloiiile. I I'rb-i- age crops and even Indian corn Is maize. The trying dis- diarrhoea. II has been use, In many Miirkei Are I'ald. pesas, Tex. farmers are to so pessimistic as some on the subject II Is Hold provision may be Inserted is an increase In pose epidemics of dyeentery wiih perfaei maturing; There of Ihe lust year's crop before the treaty for if nec- a of unprepatediiess,'' holding a suspl iii the an extension success. II IS MPeotaRy valuable for livestock and he looks for marked new is harvested. Threshiiif,' of Wheal ten-ye- LICENSE NECESSARY don that if need arose we would find essary of the ar limit placed on summer diarrhoeas In children. B- - CHICHESTER S PILLS itn Teas,, in feeding of cattle, sheep !h progressing, though Is delayed at nn Ml A ours giving a tin. protectorate, Doubl has been cry family should keep it at hand as I. . I U hogs fall and winter. Th' times by these battleships of fVSjSV mil. yiiiir llrngfLi ..r and this rains. foreign inpi-tallat- a of cholera morbus often re- l "I ur l'l"i'' iJTlri,ilVV FOR SOLDIER TO HUNT Vgfy good aCCOUnl Of themselves." expressed as to whether attacks 'V-ijB- Santa Fe Is great livestock road no ''IN" '" "' il " '..l.l i. r, an V t fatally before medicine can .. ... i It was his opinion Dial the nation would In willing to make loans sult .... unil ih.id i. y land is encouraging th. growing and Artist VtaMa Museum. procured or u physician summoned. n .J I i.l li. r tin, r jrour V IIMCIAI. upon patri- lo the governmsnl or invent their a i i CORIIKf PONDtNCI TO MORNING JOURNAL) feeding of livestock. Santa Ke, Aug. 27. O. 10. Hering-hau- must depend largely the Obtain. il le everywhere. (g oruM.i.i. in II Ml I1IIAMI I'll, I. M, l. i Ss anta Fe, Aug. 27 B. H. Smith, it h their money for development of the uinr Curry county ha set Its heart on the St. I.ouls of Ihe Tuos otism "f people for defense. II let. IIMI. Alwlvt RMIlhU 't artist some guar- ninny opportunities .lnii If El l'aso, has asked the game and Belief was expressed by OOV, P, t island's industries Without Tnu mini thu SOLO BY DRUGGISTS winning the prize for the best county art colony, whose six canvasses In Ah want CimMEM fish Qolds'borOUgh antee against a urn lo a nan hlstlo nut rand Jnurusl warden if a United States soldier exhibit at the state fair in Albuquer- the TaoH art exhibit in Ihe museum "t Maryland that an lit ls permitted nndll ions at ihe i ml of tan .vein s. to hunt on the I'nlted que this fall. Everybody Is at work are general fuvorites, spent the fore- extension of meoaures of defense was States II- - forest reserve without a net l of even thing Ktllh- - necessary. in"' the best noon at the museum. II,. arrived Cantaloupes Bring Dood price '" '" He was advised thai li ense pre, county and Is OOV, I'ark Trammel! of Florida Bald f,,r the fair there lat evening from Taos with his two Fe, Aug. 27 loupe s nn alisolute necessity. plenty When lo he felt that dependence was to t"1 Simla to select from. the children, Dorothy and Churlesi and of the afealtla valley have ob- Warden T. C. ap- III groweri de Baca today cal show is over, (hp belt 01 every- left this afternoon with for SI. placed Ihe citizen soldiery, mid was pointed as war- thm tained k.i cents a orate for tholr lasl deputy game and fish thing will bo chosen for the state I.oula when they attend school and applauded when he added: A den, n. v. Allnrd, th, L shipment and new market has been of Santa and fair exhibit. While be will spend the winter. Mr, if the European war lasts two Is M, Mortimer, Opened for them al Chicago. This of Baton. BerlnghaUl was enthusiastic over the years more, as seems likely, there Will us siiinlaj' Bghoal Etootad, Ihe biggesl price received Ibus far officers plans for a state nrt gallery In hol be a first plana army or navy in sun-da- y the previous, shipments brought than Santa Fe, Aug. 17, The oountg be world except our own.'' Cathedral of the Desert and rejoiced front M t" 71 cents, six carloads school convention, which met in Wauls Training In Scliisds. - over the efforts that are being made i ii shipped and another in to the Pataea of the Oovernors, adjourn- r, - iiavr to make Santa be an art center. Qov. David Walsh of Massachli- r..ow. The Mesllla valley canta- ed after electing the following off!" '.ii.llu socio" i. that state or felleral H. Wagner, loupes nn the gap iii ihe markets be- cers: I'resident, Prof J. liiiprovi-im-iil- s made for bringing Into I'honc at .Silver City. provision be tween the Salt ami Imperial valley vice president, Mrs. LocKWOOd, of encouragement op- Resinol Santa I'e, Aug. 27. I'pon rsprt ell the schools alul I i up and he llocky Fords. Nidh Madrid; secretary, V. V. Mollis, Santa tatlons made by thn state corporation portunity for the boyi of the land to l Ke; treasurer. Owen Wood Santa Tele-phon- commission, the Mountain States e develop as citizen soldiers. Irganlard siiperinlendent elementary division. i'M Lorgr and Telegraph company has In- A new note was si rin k by FraiU'ls He- - Mrs. William H. Pope: secondary dl Santa Ke. Auk. Il Urnanlzer stalled switchboard and other Im- K. Mc iovei nor, former governor of Aid vision, Howard Morgan: adult division, nlto Aland of the fraternal Union provements similar to those at Santa Wi.--. onsln. returned today from Ball .0. L, Howlds; test hers' training, Fred of America Fe, for Ihe benefit of the Silver city countjti where ha H. Mcltrlde: missionary department, southern Banti ft telephone users who hud complained iiiiny-si- x mem- - Mrs. J. Akers Stanley; home de- organised a Iodic of li to commission, but who today In peace, as rilloM, a twen- - partment, Mrs. J. F. Holllndaworth, the ternal ional propoKaiiila for han at I'ei and lodae of formed the commission that they were in Our x Ban Ha re- of UgirOTI temperance, Mrs K' M I'at- - it has been advanced America. mamben at Pedro. Well sutisfled now. people have been d b. ported the death ai Oalhrteo of the this movement which has dubbed the child of County Commlaaloner To Enlarge Htoekpenoi t ourt Kiip's MatribOtCdl officers of our state militia 'tin sol- Jose Ortll y I'lno. the funeral bavliiK ic Santa Fe, 27. I'pon of Santa Fe, Aug. 27. Supreme Court Auk reouesl diers' and has removed the incentive taken Blat a yesterday afternoon. the corporation commission, the I heals baby's Clerk Jose D. Sena today mailed to slate form officer and man. believe A. T. & S. V., aCCOMUhg to word re- urtt the membrrs of the bar. copies of the there Is as little danker lo the na- Carol! nans to fair. today from General Superin- Tt. rules of the supreme court as newly ceived tion lOdgy as at any lime In a score Sanla I'e, APR, "' I'harles This fine old Kentucky Bourbon is best for C. II. Bristol, will enlarge the - itching formulated and effective September tendent ol yenre. Nevertheless, we Can never Weeks will brlriK an excursion of South skin stockpens at I.easburg, Dona Ana al 1. Important changes have been made be secure until we put the country In Carollnana, wim have haefl in family, club, cafe anywhere everywhere. county, instead of utitlill, and the cage BaHtla to- Kinol Ointment and Keiinol Soap by the court nnd It is expected that a state of real preparedness, such us San Dleo exposition, to P re Hill stockpens was thereupon absolutely free from anytliins harsh every lawyer familiarizes himself with of the lis vast Interests demand. " morrow evening. The excursionists M tnjurioui and can therefore be used the rub's. ordered closed. The Conference during the fore- will remain over Sunday. THE MEYERS CO., Inc. "fely lor babies' ikintroublei-ccein- .i, noon considered conservation "of Spli-iidl- Constipation ' v..i rash, Trains Delayed liy storms. For Summer Complaints. as for teething rash, diafinui. etc. hlKhly Cham- mankind and natural resources,'' year ago I used a couple TI ry Fe, Auir. 27. Heavy thunder "I cannot speak too of "About ii Wholesale Distributors stop itching instantly and speedily Santa Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea discussed by John A. Dlx .former Kn of of Chiiinherlllln's Tabids liea! storms in and about Santa Fe this af- berlain's bottles I'V I'll Srv ere ami OiiM.r,. Remedy It been used by my- ernor Of New York, and by QoVi Krn-es- t and found I hem to be a splendid rem mallaai delayed service and did for has ALBUQUERQUE ''"""' hve Rgginoi ternoon train self and husband for the post fifteen 0. Lister of Wnshlnuton. edy for Indigestion and constipation NEW MEXICO the damage to In the city It- N. V. Ob- featment lor some fruit. years and has never fulled to give Oov. Henry ('. Stuart of Virginia, writes c. S. Colby, Holland. the past 20 yean. was slight but In the Mrs. Carrie everywhere. self the rainfall prompt relief," writes and OOV, Arthur Caliper of Kansas, lalnable kMii Otsaasai nd RmIhuI sai oid It wss and filled Zanesvllle, Ohio, Obtainable sp tr foothills heavy Turner. were elected members of the execu- - ""W SsNMIti trtc. ktrinol Btltimucc Md and streams hnnkfull. everywhere. Juurnsl .'mi ads hrliis uulck results. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915.

OLD MASTER IN 'Vean Gre J(,ins the "Come Back" Blade GOLF FIENDS ARE BrbmcfastI GOOD SQUAD OUT FOOD Ms 1 GEO.E.PttAlFL' FORM: PIRATES BUSY SELECTING FOR FOOTBALL AT WARFARE. The world Is full l lighting nj th wurld A NEW CHAMPION U fall ul oferMa THE BITE THE DUST A nation brmls its ',,ihl,,i and a hutnd UNIVERSITY beats his nlfr. Tk wrld ia hill ul warfare and in hlood and gore it wallow. L'tccrtlng lor a few such pulllatlc lent Old-ti- Evans, Backfield to Be Matty Shows Class Ouimet and Tiavers as Mlow: Espec Out Seven Men; Prominently Mentioned as hrrddfc Utlsk, Strong; Line Will Be He; and Strikes Jtts Wlllard. Doyle Wins Game for Giants Probable Winners at De- Packry McFarland. Though Few Old Men Mike Olbbona. troit; Dark Horses Plentiful, Jimm Clabby, Play on It. Lie, Etc.. 'IfIt I. IM l Ll.lin wiaii Etc. New York. Am II. Htm York eh., A us. 27. Will the The world Is lull of lighting and tho Ne Meal . for (on n fast, wcll-plsye- game from Mj lolf champion le Rvana. Ouirm-t- world is full of strife. the season nf 191.". forces the Ht urgh bete luduy. t to I. Matt M'tnenm But a champ will not put up a fight to I conciaaion mat the varsity eleven this i fall will outweigh w.n t i t hd in hi form save his goldarn lilt. that of iai yaar ' Tkaaa three stam, eai'h of whom In by not seven till ull lli k mil lilt II Dnvlc K'H less than or eigb; pounds. a I'hampion, have been picked (Tom W possibly by ten pounds. he gome foi New Vork with home Jess illard la Ion who There is g a brilliant field by a majority nf igood nucleus of last year s men un drive In the first inoina. storing bad American enthusiasts, lo furnish the in the game bul not all that had leni ..l erts .11 she.nl "f him The nam. winner uf tho national hoped for. ux the fastest played In NOW York I iimati u r Rolf chuiupionahip tourna- j The line will he much heavier ment, to be than this taking onl) on boui end held here from Auii.is't last year's; perhaps ten or twelve wiiun 'H September 4. tin mlnutti lo pounds would be a fair estimate from Moiv than I ."ill are i Hour. contestants ihe material in sight The back field to compete iu the i no lify ina; lalan ,. h,.:,vi.- ...... Httekaryti ...ill ,.l lound. Attgual n, on the Datroll The squad ytslerday was larg- NVw the Vnrk Country club eouraa, Harry Vardon, est that ever donned varsity unlfi Humiiikn Two but nil Boras the (innoai Bngllah tolfar, or bo shut at this stage of the season and wl,,, Home run -- Doyle Double pluya I name M these gruunda two years things get warmed up Wall il is prac- lTsntatl la Kin her; Flo, her la iiko. pronounced the eouraa the fincet tically u certainty that Coach R he had oeen in America, r f ) It- - in Hi.tlmrd I2. Itnaes on hulls iithi noted Hutchinson will be in that enviable Mathawson, Hnmk out h atudenta of the Scotch pastime have position of having more men than ha ofr ieclaiei thai no cottrae in the rnuniry - CM place. Malheweon. 7. Utnplr BtgtOt an1 demanda mora skill from tar per- .New material will be the rule this Co. kill in WW- formers otuunpionahlp competition, yeur and some of it iinquestnuiaUh is llnce ihe links were completed In June, II prepared for modern warfare, Hii good. There are stveral high tchoosi no M. II: BeWOM) ii 7. 112, one has turned in ft score bet- manaster Is full of deadly uua. that have played Class A tooth, II for seventy-tw- o Brooklyn. Auk. Miller's hum' ter than the last few years wh i ha, ,,i i.,si So far as kn iwn the BTOJU players BULLETIN. persuaded to begin sending rim wilh the bases full In the eighth been their from the eaat, middle went, south and ' , men to the university and Co h won for Ml Louie Imluy Imm llrook In the enmern theater of war Pacific coiiat, who are enured in the reporta an over- Hutdhtnaon has this year the beat field 7. were .nlfuiislta lyn. id Prre pitcher iieed national struggle, are mostly of the whelming, tittoe at lloMontirud. He Of material which has even been pre- ami all were halted Duly Miikkiiih opinion that no championship possi- la Nuld to hair eaptured more than sented to him. He will no) be ' alio mailt- - ii hnmr i un in trie ighth bility will be greatly favored or Mi .mm aM udmlaaloaa. hampered very much in making se- t i oualy by Bra klyn mllli-i- l t.i In bandtcappod the raquira lect tona. nts of course. the :,ew a - i hlil fi'll mIii mi the On other There is nothing In the report At center Wilson is likelj candi- hand It is probably ilnir unanimous that Jack VV'arhop hus uult baseball. date, though the pl.n bi ksug ' view that the "two shot stnr will he He Iuim With the Yanks for sev- I to played years ago, if iir.o l ban tJnss, who two Hi imiis .101 2uo 1 years. imp lert hopelessly behiiiit before the pi eral he cm be persua.dcd to follow the pig-aki- n llrook lyn liL'o mm 221 liminary rounds of medal play have' this fail, For tackles and guards HiilH i in Mradnws mil been . ompleti d. "Detroit," quoth a scribe, "waa thtre are l.angstoii, a rnrtaies man Hnytlci. lnii.iilcs; Dell, AppUVtOO, Mam lanatHian Eat red, lucky to trim tha Athletics." Any BrV whn hails from BOOWOll; Mi MeCnrty Nearly all of the who team is lucky with a Cobb and a Vicker, of Dexter, and aoveral others Hmlth ami i MiKlit, ani.itcui's I Iiih Is ii iti'iiion f renitii kul.lc romenacKv, ark 'oorabi ami and not yrt ill The competed Crawford in the outfield. will lie In line- Bummarv Twn-bns- (i H ut r in the ehamptonahlp rounds Chester Iee missed the lull si full to the ranki lo aere iu Inwhed lhair i im Vean Grace, pitcher for In 1914 year ' Im OS rti cr the tourniimenl are entered. up, however, for his playing lost Miller, Thl I' I l.ork. I'utshiiw the lliiiinn Bad Sox flW marly with rum, lull wae ut when Ins liruUiiK winn a ',.!. Kramer, who haa retired. - Chicago win have mora tnan doaan did much to strengthen the line and Heaoher i line II uir.K - I Mux Iiih hit Home int. went to tin- bud MM MM bough time awn Qrrgg an mead lhal arm hail pi iv, is nf national importance, in ad- won Milliliter hike race Hie other he had weight enough to hold Ins own Miller Haw un ball ff Pr4.0 notraradi and bi waa ulh iveil to k on t lit- no thai ha won the firm three (amen he pitched dition to thi. western champion,! nisthl. IniiiKlne htm man racea he with the best of tllein. Shields will I) f if Iu 1; off Dell off Appleton, i, off In Drool that ihi' kOUlhpkW In HKiiin In ililuu Tlu- win had in in 'i another pBeher in help them Jaci, Neville, Pa- - eould win he were atlll the not back to play end this year but - 'hick" Kvuiis. Ihe be i In- i n aume. Hmllh, I off Meadows. .1 Rltl 'iff ml tin Itht ni rifle mast's hope, and Nelson Whit- Brorlen is out for the team and might 4 In 3 off Meuilowa ney, of New Orleans, iften referred to lo hold his place, won lasi scar. As Pet due. Innings, Jimmy Johnston Is about to get B as The peer of Dial players," sent partner Zeke Chavea, a freshman 0 In Innings: off Dell. in Innings lln the Cubs. He a MAJOR In early, Through another trial with has registering from the Albuquerque off Appleton. in I Innings off LEAGUE STANDINGS their entries the been tried several times, charged efforts of the (Tnlted States linlf as- - high school, is likely to fill the bill. Smith, 4 In 4 multir.". Hlruck nut SLUGGING TIGERS with harboring: a butting average,' aociatlon, th field is certain to be re- - always Zeke played a hard, fust and heady -- By 4; 3; by Mesd-ow- a K. but has been acquitted. Hell. tiy Hmlth. NATIONAL l.i;.l markably strong for the Qualifying U ame last year and wus good on han- ' 4 I I w U I fol- - in r h ll inn iiml Raaon fort. Oleveiaml rounda. After Monday, tha toama- - We have always considered Fred dling pusses. Those who huve Philadelphia R4 M Mt Batterlaa: QregaT, Maya, Cara and Imant la expected to resolve into a but- Snodgrass a smart ball player, but loWed his playing career expect bun ,u I llu-n- m Ml I hhago aaTooklyn n;1 ..liiHi T rrlgan; Mitchell, Jones tle of Klants. our faith hus been rudely shattered. to make the place Without gli al di- Ii ..'.2J MEN Qelf expe rts, who for months, havo H I making a deliberate attempt fficulty. Kmmons will try out for tad IIiikIoii. A iik It. Konlnn spilt even Hoslnn II land O Nelll. fin ,'ik ,600 been afrttlng of the tnuiii.iiiu nt. have to Join the Heds. also, and his chances are considerably Chicago today, winning Hie first ChUvafi Tw.t-i.ts- e with Bummary: hiis Klrk6i I for the it1 .4i,;i delighted in again referring to the Improved by faithful work l to 4. losing llM second 4 PltUburyM Thfee-baa- e rHme, unit II i.Siiiiih, Cady, Speaker, hit contest us a struKKle between the east V nrloua Itnaehnll exuerta predict 'past two years. I Ht. to rime started bulb paines, bul Loula II II lill Ho. .per. Doubli- plays--H- i ott to and wesi Willi about ten that the Cuba it III tsln. hut If Hrea- - Behind the line there is good ma .' r.M LEAGUE LEADERS es In the firm lie wan removed with only New York S4 i4Tt OHInar; Chapman to Wbfnbaganoa to on each side. Their articles, however, ttrh"-- i pers--er- he insj tsln In spile il rial for quarter and a surprisingly .',4 4 ,411 llh-o- It. place on nut after Boston had hll him i 'in. inn, til. Klrke, Hits -- tlreia, I In s in- - aeemlngly have been Incomplute of good fullback. For the first off seasons ul earely five tlnns and scored four tuna. iiiims. off Mays, none in J inniiins: off reference in the qpi u champion, Lspraik, veteran of three KMX liKAGl I Jerome Travel's: Hie national ama- SAFETY FIRST. varsity football, and Thackeray, a Htaudi idge Hun k up the tl but un MH, hall, I In 7 :i Innlnga; off jonea, La pi tiirmi-- r npen local high W. l teur title holder and ul freshman entering from the MMM kI n)ii slugging. In the -3 on The shsdes night were (siting Isst Ml the .1111 in innlnn. Itust'S balls likely Boaton . Yanks Are Easy Meat foi chgmpidn, Prancla Ouimet, ami - school, are the candidates i niiti-Hi e When hum the baseball yard thrri- paased xKon.i Pier, held the Bravss Mil, bell, :i. off Jones, I; off bun- - k Balcomb i ii . off Charles I'vans. Jr., vvcslerner of At fulibai Wise ley and Mlnitle Hilly while k'otu--ii- y A youth who played at aeMd base igeley lo fi.uf him and it Rumim-u- p, While Indians LOragf, I, Hii'in Mitchell. 3; the tu t, who, for the paM tWO sea- tare probable selections, with Chicago ' And this is cumprisrd h irnnhlr hilling i egg, by -- IMa west- what his face: notwithstanding that hta te.inimiiteH hml 00 Vaahlngtoa by Or 4, Maya, 1'mpiren sons, has been InVlni In the a. favorite, Ida an Take Scalp of Red Sox; Na- - Hy Connolly nnil Wallace. ern kmateur tournamente. Tiu se three One broken nuse, captains the team. Score First game: Ii II K Ne York noted playefS, it has been coniplited, Two black eyes. For halves there are Aydclotte and :, 101 Dr won twenty-thre- e dur- - One dislucated law, played om hi. uno .onu ir.'O 4 7 Cleveland lih j I'liiliidelpliia I, have itolf titles Miliary, who rollback ao Lng hon- One split Hp. year, smashing type III 1 ut. Latvia the past eight years. These Units last of the , , H00 001 I Chicago, St. William JohtUk Ayde-Inii- e Ili.Nlou ... If' auk. ors do not no lude foreign or scholas- and Friday of the dashing type. Ktstidrlduc Zabol Phlladflphla An umpire heat It from the yard. BottOrlSB PIN 0, !the recruit third biiseman obtained tic victories Ti n. is has been moat has considerable speed and hits llresnahnii KargrBVi Tyler. Columbus i liih of Ihe Amer- -' His legs were wesk. hi breath came hard. practically cer- - nnd 1 1 i i from the aucce&aful, He has been winner nf hard; Friday will be i t in it i, - .. . . - I. Hughes and Whiilliia w. L ft. lean association, was the hero of to- - the final match in fourteen chant' tain or the uiner piace n ne una us Two-blie- e Wlllilli a Kami-- if r. aton to. lay by - a weight I his summer or Summary lllte KiUpat Plttaburgh R'i Si u, i lay s Kiiim' with Philadelphia, Chloa- plonshipa of dlatincl Importance. en nn little winning Wo e from New 3 in- Otiimel if in speed enough to compel rick, H.'hUlle, Hughes llaaea on bulla 84 11 go wlnniiiK, In 1. in the ninth The fact that Travels and shows Newark York, wl have not played much golf, in the nest for Mcdary's weight, ftff Tyler, S. off Hughes. I; off li.'i 1, ," dofeatlni ning. Johns started tin Inning with Kansas City ...... unsuccessful In Is pur-ntati- G in in aires: I to a Mingle a slide Snd Dvana has been course, such a selection Htniulrlilste, I ff Pierce. Chicago ii a ",ii and made beautiful - Ht- his but matchea In the cast, has caus ly and Is likely to he thann- nlngj HtaiidrldRf, n In t) t Innlnvrs; and to The Tlgei inn ten Into si coiid base when Wyi koff look ti Ht. I.ou is S3 If ,.."i ed cnthusiasta to study the peculiari ed In half a dozen particular! beiors l Inning; oW u hits off Coic in the rlrarj two Innlnga St grOUItder Hied to force lit- off labal, : in Tier, Buffalo II Uj III hulk's and ties of the Detroit eonrse w ith unusual the first game is played It take I II 4 of the flral tame bul wen loppad by CI- - iu 4 IiiiiIiikh, Oil Hushes, I lii 41. tha recruil al tha keystone sack. care. The ground wen- leatgned and of some dozen "r Brookl) ST ll r tle consideration ana a nor Manager per-hap- S out By Tyler, J; " ky, Nelthi Plan to hikI he by an BngliSnrosn are, the n am Inning. Hlruck Baltimore 40 ,311 ctitte oacrlflctd Johns third built and more men who are trying for , :i Donovan was abb- I lie De-il- l tnr by Htundrldft-c- ; b) HuaheH. Dnv lo putal scored tha winning rnn on Ctootte'a more representative of British I ut who have nut been mentioned, Kan- -- noli batamep w any the and more difficult of eastern who hails from liin-- gnlglev and u lmy v pi.w TODA1 I'timi single to right, Clcotle pitched a links the instance, Crcbbs. win hi: m . Mis- earmark Me, game i! H H nil mil crtnteat, although Doi lovaa hat coureea, than of those nearer the sas, and whn hears all the S' iu i mid ITeal mime, allowing the visitors at least a 4 k o rived an ovation be sissippi river. uf training for otiii nun afler aa DaW-so- Chicago in KaUotial Lnaftrui. thi aoattared hits. Many Baaarda, is Sines, in f I I year. Then there . , lIIU 4 Ptttanurgh ul iii ooUb n. Hll the bases lull ihe sixth H. V. Host, in .010 III Baofa: n. Although the country is practically Who played on the second team - " I e , Itu- II Huston . ooo I year. Hattrrlr PteW and Aichei ('in, mill, at Phlutdalphia .100 100 fat, the designer produced an end- ut the agricultural college last dowdy Ht. I.ouin al PbllaVdelphltt. variety of hSSStda, diagonal rrnss- - Uiili. Hmlth ui. less And as he beat It up the road Ami there are others. Two-haa- iw York Iptposlnf sum, ma w hit Archai Cliicauo nl New York. bunkera, illusive traps and he paused a moment and he thowed: The varsilv sclitdtih tins yeai all uf are ,. V. While Thiee-bas- tilt Hchulle Houblc Detroit mounds. .Nearly the kieens One broken nose. ilisalTuntfcil as I Li Nu- banked are large, giving deadly Two black games will lie played ),, Miiraiiville lo im rlciin eagtV Battel jfiavyke) and Bummary hits--- K. Col- and eye. it is known ihat plua Krhinldt Twohaaa spectacu One the M l,i i putters an opportunity for dislocated jaw. from Boawell and fill luilis W.othiunliiu in nam. La-ioi- e, with the cadets Hclimldl llasea mi rievee. ling, Jackson. Three base hits lar effort. One split Up. University of Among, Wltn w nit 2 Hitm k out By PhlladelplUji at Chli liHs -- lhaw- B, Colllna 6: off Ituuitn. Davis. Doubrf playa The course is R,f,ir, yards lnnir and relations are to Iu- resumed. II., l.'l'iuv-'- . Hn-Jol- I game I athletic 4, by ItuHMll. I Umplr ion at CJ,ffveinii M hil I,, to J- Collins. Kopf lo e lib! yards rum baseball stay sway. fixed ilpoit 4'lelce, Weaver includes six hobs thai are Hut the ticker every dsy. here, the only date yet Ni York ai Dotf II. ford Double playa Inpuuffh .. are r,00 wstch col I'Baj and (Jnlgley to Htrunk. Ibises Of halls Off or more apart; three that It I sttend s ball game now lis with the agricultural Plpp 0 Malscl. Hush lo to five In 100-ye- fd da) Y'niitiK Ii off Wyckoff. i'. Btruck tut yards or more; Ihe I might icu home and show my fraut Mesilla on Thanksgiving icotte, Park d I cili i ill I cak'iic on i 100 yards or less. One register-e- PlillaiP-lplili- i I I, Boaei ball iff Shawko ; by , class and tour of the broken nuse, more new atudenta liii'lnnnll Bj ci dtle, W. koff, Three briaf-jin- g I'liisiuirp.h. i I 3 in- - of ground follows Two hlsck eye. - Cbroafo ai is (iff Cole., in A desiription the ai the university yesterday, l -- 7. Philiidel- liil.idelphlH. Aiir. Kansas City ul St I.UsUU, No. I, 410 yardarhe toe is on a One dislocated iw, the total up to 116. last year phia iief,iiie,i Cincinnati t to ", there-- 1 "ronkiMi at Buffalo. HENDRIX BREAKS DOWN rise and a carry of 110 yards Is re- One spilt Hp. corresponding period tin- en- at the are by making a clean sweep of the seiies Inn, c quired to set onto the clear. Two was ninety-thre- e. There Now irk at Hull rollment , ...... ut of contests with the llids Mc- IN EIGHTH FRAME AND lam, Haps guard the gTOOO which la good many who i four iiulilin ami iltlebrand. a sinueiiis Quillan waa In fine form and wn hanked and traps are arranged to curatory placed, will avoid these dif- working und who have nut register- WHALES ARE WALLOPED sliced or ho,, ken secnini snnts. ficulties. The green l guarded right an nivt-- cxieiicnt Bupport BcKenary catch ed, H seems safe to prophy EASTERN GOLFERS WIN No, L' 447 yards It is this hide am) 'n il by naps in by a 170 before tin' was wild and was hit hard, bul throo and front of at least Vardon (ailed Ihe best of Its kind In cross bunker. A picturesque and semest. tb down IN lav mohninu jciuhnal ssicial Lisaio wintl end uf the first iimiiiie playa kept AMERICAN TROPHY America, It will take two Ions shuts beautiful hole Par 4. 1! Aug, After horttlw II Plttaburgh, il. ( t,, Which is on Sciire: I'. to net lose Ihe Kieeii, No. II Is Imigt'st, i nub A NEW in no ii "no PRELIMINARY EVENT Ihe Plttaburgh federals to one hit a rise Ii is well mini (ted by traps, No. 11. 44(1 WILLIAM SETS innatl ' VIM yards About yards I lx- - Siiiiiui.il usi Ini.. no runs, Hendrlx, the Chlcoso is green, the front of Phttadetphia . .OH' "I" and us nisn the from the tee Is u creek and the fair- pce-ba- - RECORD IN hit pitcher, weakened in tha ciKhth and which, however, is open. Par I. way ini lo that point is well guarded CANADIAN Batterlei ,ii Kenan MOANINS ,OUSSV LSSISO t x yarns an SS't Hi, n ni' to Plppi was nits two No. I. Por this hole by naps. A topped will Afiy.illliin and Hums nit, Auk II I'lnsieru k. reached tot thane and WlH be nec- second shot PACE us. on abaolutel) ttralght drive cross-bunke- TAKING SPECIAL e Baaea discover a 300 yards Hiiniinury To-ba- hit raj i leii off the honnra In fruns, lylnu the Hcore, The home essary. A diagonal mtikes a balls--- i bunker . - 'fr Pteh, I; Donovan, 3; off , The green also Is well Williams, Pnskeit I apai mi match for tha Amll lean ul far am a "U out ill tha ninth on hits by or alice costly. A 'odk ahot to from the lee. i;i, ii 4 In-l- n honk - j Balppd, un I'teh, In ( i protects! Par f. ray Moauuta jousnal wi" nie playa-- M Kenery to Mnllwllx. Mc- Uilier tropin, preltminai evi til t i the Kopi I, hv and elly and i 'minor's the left opens up the hole consider- aenL ciio 4 No 12. yards A Aug. 27. Selling ! iiiuk's off Donovan Innlnga ably. This is a splendid test for 35 troublesome Montreal. i v in Her b Mollwiti National Oolf Champlu ishlp aacrlflce fly, hole Kem Amateur i i ' I hole requiring great skill careful diatanc mpirik iilldabran I: ' I'ltjjbli'l s, ore; accuracy and power, Pat 5. and Canadian record by going the MoMimi, eil.uk to fflehoff. j , beglna ri . ( y in Oroh tournament whhrh tomi 4. y. A run- - .ii play The COUrae is tossed diagiuisl-i- by Mai ( No. 341 nils ditch in William, driven l hi, . 000 0( 2:00 Hsses on bulls- - off M.ICeiierj oft at i ha letroll ountry dub. ,iku 110 hy the dlp h and either a long or pac- asliliutton :t: Agonal ly across the course, protecting vin. won a $f..OOO special match McQuillan 4 Mi tick oin It 'renins e nnposeil ,,f Thcittiaf Plttaburgh Ulin 000 0! Otherwise WOll guarded green. About short drive calls for a Careful second. wits "i I ing race toduy from Directum i M m I, i Hlle il BhOI a N V Batterlei Hendrtv and right, Traps al right and left and a al Kanary, b iulll man of l'ti. to k lk5 yards from the lee, on the bank 0 ' igton ii.duv i Murphy up. The match I ItVn, Barger nd I'CbVnor, Is a trap are several other ihe rear guard Ihe green Par 4. re Klein and Liiialle Max Ma rotor ami c. f. van and there pi at the .No. If, d The is di- feature event nf the final traps nil the Bam side and rear III ai diu h meeting. - .".: I. of the green Hunks slues mi this rt illy in from of the tee. II nf it,., b.eal C.rnn.l circuit M. I.oui- Kansas Cily and catches was ELAINE V. ROSENTHAL hole are costly. To play a par 4, will a bad!) topped i long carry is match raci SI I .mi is, Aug, ST. ft I. lis and hot The first hint of the Wnshlngton s. it i .1 require ureal accuracy required for a straight shot toward the wmi Kansas Cits opened Hie en-ca- nt run early In the week and WINS WOMEN'S GOLF Ih a No. 1', I yards A ditch must be the hole, otharwiae nans nomnllcata W mi base nil halls. BOSOM by a took the event in Straight heats baaaball" here luday crossed l a .Hue from an elevated play. The green is wits hil and Actsia's Unfit elevated about II I an liosilioli ami game - u-- la had Ihe mile FOR THE WEST It thirteen inning which the In i, or shots rroas-hunk-er TITLE si III. Ml Pulled short her yar'is beyond a pgr i. ni Ih a lingl b an and .', at any stage of thi oils won in I. Drake tripled ill mean trouble. Tin- green is Well .No. 14. yards Play not extended lore in Ill for this ithe and mine in with the guarded by traps ai right Par hole depends upon the vvmd. 11 Is test. ' ,. wm,m iiiiid Paul Tewkabury, repreaewtlng the s thirteenth If txrai iwnrd NO, 6. '4 y arils A player, Chicago, un17. Miaa Klalne V. Countrj dub, 'be next winning run on Packard ivild pitch, 4. sliced against the a long wooden Aug. Woodland mule, Lav an and double i aguin v. Mitch, A wcl Tha game was marked by heavy hit-i- n disc is a shot is required; if with him. an iron ftnaanthitl, is old, of Piavtaloeibeel seme ff, The Maaaacbusetti I ST. LOUIS CAPTURES eis steal htch ow a i ,1 acored save ed drive. bOWever, gives an Ml will reach the green which is banked. Chicago, Ihe fmmen'a'tenrn might a triple tie link ami excellent fielding several uhlh. todai have .aused ond shot to t ross the diti b. The This is a plendid one-sh- nole, hut NATIONAL i M (I- - iiistatu i s, sensational PRINTERS' wesiein ni ir rhainpionahlp inn Ouimet played sixth ari aeventh reeO is raised and guarded by a moundS, ami a more or less undulat- lothlau Un the title holder, holes poorly, The leitilinu teams weal Washington ;li ing surface on the green disturb well LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Mrs. Harrj Hami id, of tndlana-ou- l bitpibar Kane'aCit) i to ion ono f-t- plans 3. d in II and took tht aaima ,si LouM 000 mill l laid Par poiis, iii an eacetleatl) played ,m round Sl I,,, uis Oil 100 IIS 101 11 L' Nn. 7. 144 Hrds- - No. It, yards- - Here Is a iiiatih.i0f Mrokei their hamaarard Battaries H ti per am 14 :i4 there 4 and 3 To u the title M iss Hnaen-- j ebmplon Batterlee: cuiiop, Packard and i countered diagonal!) A pulled shot diagonal bunker which a long drive The mitienul unnteui' k nn 27 St. ! tat Load anal! with a maahte will the creek. will carry, easy Philadelphia, Aug. national up, o'elofk Brown: Crandall. Qroom, Watson and find permitting an maahi 1 that, who ninner tourna will begin at rwu-tvas- e ni Summary hll avail right A of the hud to make nodal score mat OP 'tomorrow, pair will la while traps, which guard the for the Second, tlrive to the right, woli the championship i when tb firt Throe hi' Moelli r: poubt play already ,, ban find rear of the given, will catch over however, discover a big trap. There Printers' National Baseball prnKlmated She bud ff Ulp (il iiualtflcHtlon I II tliiilnai ywatet to i on be la til iv es BttOOS, 3. Washing' 9 Biide Rase and Par also are traps right anil left of Hie today by defeating tine, i.,uniU or uv e Iba ploy, lovon here t sioreo roand of boleoi medal Harper I; off 3. Western League. No. k. Uf yards Il will lake course which narrows the game of hegan maklnii her n er- - if off Inud.imilk. toward 22 to 14 In the final tournanieni ,j,.tW(, pftjrg are Hated to tutu, I green Struck ..in i Harp r. 4; iv Louder. three shots to reach the Traps green. The latter is banked at the league's SlRhth annual tournaine o'cIj: cor probabl) tha bad ever a - 4. nfo chita, Des Moines. 3. and mounds catch Inaccurate drives. rear Par Washington won preliminary 'a' b) s woman In Competition. A ledge green No. the retiirneil peka, St. Joseph, 1. Which raises the about 1. ;!' yards This permits a score of '" placed to-- ! Southern Association. with Indianapolis by a Mr llamnioiid also Well I ' three feet must be cleared. Hanks clear drive but topped or sec- I 4 It vclntt.l II,, spm sliced F.rrors, however, were frequent In - ftr the is at the rear and traps, right and left, ond shots will land in a cross-bunke- r, tiy, Mrpgimattni i 'leveland, Aim .' - 'leva was called spectuiular putting add to the difficulties 5. l arge mounds along set ond contest, which holes, bin her ttlai 4 Par the course make ca rested Boaton, to I, iii the opening yards-Believe- inning, b (ould not niuke up for Hie mladlrec- - Nee, ' 'i leans, II. ChattOfl No . 401 d hy ex- an accurate third shot necessary. The the end of the seventh of the 10 fie by hunching hits Pulton Defeats IVlky. perience to he the two hole Is of lion of dilM-- Hirir inghiiiu i Mstnp fame best shot grfen banked and the course nar- darkness hr iff (Sregg Boston nn ked M"' Phi Claire, Wia Aug. Fred on the course. Heavy rough grass rows as the green b 4. Mule Bock, i is approached mil ..f the bo in 'he eighth but .1. iv s Pulton or Rochester, Minn., was stops a pulled shot: a drive to the Pai . Topeka Catcher lo Hrookhn mai.ageil v left good No 17. American Association. atdSd by brllliHiit support, awarded a newspaper decision er offers opportunity for a Ill yards A mound at the Topeku. Kan., Aug. 27. Kdni j u Coast League. d mldlron second Topped seconds, or t' a Pacific to stive Ihe game. Boston had the Arthur Pelky in i ,u,l catches hooked drive and a Monroe, Topeka W slices or puns to nn green, e ,i run! slice will find rough graoa a catcher of ihe Minneapolis I; Indlanspt, la. bases Filled with one .ml in the ninth here tonight Piikv was floored four and ,rn leaell,. lias been sol'l traps Par 4. nt.iutiii. in Hie of course i li.nii , 7- .! A hut hit Into a double play. llmea In the founii rosMaf, twice for center the " annum, tl. '- "lt"0 Portland naeles. lwls No. 10. 3AK yards Woods to the are three trans for poor second shots. Brooklyn Nationals, it was Vernon, 4 : m ktaraass City. J; Cslumbu rieht ind n ditch lo the left The green at either corner la guarded 'here tonight. The price wus not Milwaukee, ; Clevelsnrt, Oakland. : 'tate this hole, but B good drive ac- - by traps Par 4. puuuc. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915. FIVE

CHURCH DEDICATION PRAISESGRADE NATIONAL GUARD WILL BE FEATURED 0 s AVIATORS SHOW SERBIA YIELDS BY A BASKET DINNER MI TEACHERS IN WILL MALOY'S OF HI TEAM FOR CHINA'S NAVY, MUCH CHIVALRY TO DEMANDS OF M t H ?S ;t the Christian .hutch September a. will SCHOOLS lie the basket dinner at noon. All v atcimrlon. lb.. 1 c MISSION ATJACKSQNVILL E those attending the morning seiches SROMOR TO EACH OTHER THE RUMANIANS a( I" :'..i arc urged to paitll 1MIS in NI this. Bach family is ieiuest.-- d to pro-va- t. 12 v Ita awn dinner The object of this coking t caches. 7 il lit niainlv social nil visitor will v. 2TC Asplund, Captain le upcit F. Secretary Himes Notified That ainplv provided for. hit1 Fitiogj lb. On lid to DO DIM and Lnghsr Is ed rears 5c Th- - uei ians Jeclaies buch Sacrifice churches if Alluuiuermie will Paling ami Cool Apples. Board of Education, Companies Are to Two I D mi: of State Send dismiss for these dedicatory services Placing Ordt America Make 01(1 to Give in Ordei That Sacred Men The pastors of all these oruaniiai ions Speaks Before Conference Each to Las Vegas for Re- will participate In some of the eer-vlc- Amounting to $75,- - format - Ideals of Humanity May Be Meeting. Trials, Of the ,iav The program will tie Realized, Urern pill llshcd lh.- lallel part of tile week 000,000, nrdinc The Kev Qeorge I.. Snivel), of Illi- autoes. 6 lb' . (hi nois, will hive charge of the dcdlca- - air meeting; of In Capt. W P Himes. in cor I Celety. 1 for . " . M JOURNAL IMnil ,p W.Rt! i tun ialea I'rr ( rrraMin,lrn r a, UOHMINI JOUaNA, . I.V Company 1.. i Lr eacrcleea, l4fn iritclloininatlon conference of Mis New Mtxieo, N'a iona.1 New York, Aug. IT, Financial cir- Hritlsh Anm Headquarter In vsh, Serbia. Aug. 27 (via London, Sweet Potatoes, M. Kuard, yesterday copy lor U.V ,j,,n fnchNI yesterday at naul received a of cles here were liiteremod today in i liaii.e, Aug. 10 lb, on: h li has 7 15 p. in I Commenting on the vote I I Latge - Itupert K. Asplund, secretary eneral order No :M from Adjutant GENERAL SECRETARY rumor dlv bv Kbr Man 10- ho.il ' that the Chine,, commission of been repeat, Stated thai chlvalrs of confidence In the government t (he slate board of education, prais- - General Herring, stating: that New naval experts rcentlv si ni ta this does not exist in thl wai aid a ihe Serbian national issembly, Un n- - OF INTERNATIONAL hers, Mexieo would send a seml-offlcl- id imlard of mission tea. team to the T cuntiv Wre negotiating for the pur- iiritish aviator, this does not apply BatlTIOUprYa says In a grade of tional rifle matches, which will be of 100 Suborn i H improve the COMMITTEE IS COMING chase submarines al ii total cost to the "rilish ami tleruian aviation leading article: of held this year at Via. pies-illativ- to that mission Jacksonville, of tTa.OOti.nOil. While Ihe i. branches Whl t tit i it is rcspcnMble' To realli.e the saded The two every com-pan- y N.-- - , Mr. Asplund said. .rack shots of of one of the sub- something of lh .,1,1 spirit of knight - iv ibzed humanity, stilt ti mar Olive in the Vegaa l!n hard C. Morse, g. ner.il se retary ing Mr. Asplund spoke at state will bo to Las inaiiii, building oinp allies hood maintains tmong the lib rs of I'll i must he made. The " try-o- of the committee Ol l lie i ... , ,,,, ,.f leliKt) ion the "equipment o(for the at which the team Will international .I, bluest' bad inspect- W hen i has! will be agreed to and s V the air. Brltiab aviator he company If, C. A . will be here for several 'hi .. II. said there are in New chosen. Kach is to fire e, his , he ihe lines all the allies, and omseqin tea. - ileiniiiii !. I hours He will be ac- grade on its own range i determine who ibis afternoon had as yet be- - j o many valuable third. ' tract iglne trouble of Ma, too MextC l.u-- o Ve- - coinp anied h Mrs They are I their environment." will be Its representatives at Las It was repo I Ins plane When It is eonghl bv i skins leach' ttu 'in New has bell gas. The dates for the company fir-- ! ri turning to their home in Y.rk tO Mat irtuii their academic "equipment Schwab, president of the Itetli lehem j damagi d craft gulls fire ''ta. lireece and Kiimanii ing are from September I to The fler several weeks' visit in Call ,,,., WM iney set an uieai tor It. Steel corporation, b id been authorized Ihe nexl d irmaaa report to previous gains so thai con--.- rounds at sag Vegas will be shot off ... Il e III I III. In pupils. They get into close I l.y the Chinese government to (dace lis his mi mi- .i ml vvb 'thei he sin v iv eil lev lie in A. J. MALOY ,!.,, September 117. Sicretary W. II Da of the Y. M rtjiii ,he families of their dis- orders with Anertcati submarine and i.' so whethel he is wounded e id, lis by the asttnalve c C. A. local of the ' ... . W ...... The team will be made up of and other afflicts i hi to slat,, builders It wass.ud ibat Mr Schwab vs do I ll 11 t,,tvviiH-- me win ice,,.-- would be tricts and are ahle achieve results Mr. and Mr- - llwi line. has ellic fifty guardsmen, the membership of association will meet I a of ln- - high-grad- e teacher might not. has also been given charge of the be II clislolll.'' lack of foresight and lh ting that a by scores Morse and take them for an automo- topic the teum to he decided the manufacturing end in tins country of a ' otiipetcncc not to agree While speaking on the of bile than) the city and The repent an made in manner made I as Vegas. With thia ride, showing i "equipment" Mr. Asplund stated that at Chlna'a vast nuval progrant, worth) of glrmen ami the) are the iflci some companies may have its environs. The associat ion direct of teachers in the state only commiiiiic.il ions thai ever panel the atendard both of candidates on the state ors will meet Mr ktdrae, They are advancing. their TOLD between lb. iw,, foei which w.ii.b' MANUFACTURERS ARE h team while others may not have any to an ive on tram No. STOCKMEN HOW lot-- . heads to snipe ;,i from (ben ;rowii-Ue- " rluy Like (The national matches will be in prog lor TO RID STOCK OF THE What is called a "messagci BOYCOTTING GEORGIA Following Mr. Asplund, Dr. Klnn-av- e ,resn from October 1( to 22. The stale ELLIS CITY BAND TO trench. Hudson for Signs bug" Is dropped over Hi, nullah lilies I l.rief tulk on hvgiene. will leave October 1 and remain learn PEST OF SCREW WORMS j ONE-STE- P bv a German oi over the Qermgn She spoke of the importance of at Jacksonville until October 11, PLAY NEW by ;i Brttlah On Aug tit emor children to hold correct pos lines evlatoi inmatlmes ttlants. I' IN CONCERT TONIGHT Th '(cultural college', pre! whin he is in Die slide! nf bu rating Harris today received i letter .an a Wall Paper ture to maintain the normal placing NOTE, LOST $1,000 M bulletin for tins week quoted the shells from (lie anil -- air crafl guns. Troy, N. Y.. nedlrlne compnns laying anil working of bodily organs. Slid A HoWing i. medics for gelling rid of long Mreamen an- attacked to thei that as a result of Ihe I) to hln ,f I. cIim ussed the right method of using' WOMAN ALLEGES IN Th Kill city ban the ecrew worm pi st front the Univer cloth bag These as ihey pi- M, Frank no further aiippllei IV Mill, I HUDSON for Picture fee) to keep them strong, empha- - one In its mi West j' little DISTRICT COURT SUIT tonlg sity of Arizona weekly news letter rem ita down lo the earth from a be Shipped in (icorgia mini II I bru- - ajlfog the need of wearing shoes that ll a line I Frames Screw worms have caused an enor- helghth of seven or eight tkottWnd lai murder is revenged." Bon days i mi! movement of "W mild pi the free mous in a W I 'ham- - s loss to stockmen the South I, el attract the altelKlon of soldiers ail,, lloslon firm wrote A Involving in the and St. (I i font muscles. suit half interest west. All farm animals affected neighborhood hers, purchasing agem tin the city Fourth nt. i" At and springy, Sando- Stripes," (march I, It ale in Ihe and thev Hill out The teachers then adjourned San Antonio hot by them and stockmen must ever he of itlsnte, refusing ti , qui le prices i to get Ihe prise when il lands k4AA4A4AA4AAJvAadiAAaAAAAa, tie grounds played games, val county, was filed yesterday in the Honolulu Van; W going in on the alert to reduce Ihe los to a Known, on certain tools desil d pc idtruT a A. H. A 1st v ne. laic Vulcklv Midi as arc for children of the district court by Stroup, attor- I used minimum, says r It II Williams. is - Hon against the Iv n. hi ( I 3. ,1 deserlp- - it taken to battalion negdqusrt- first and second grades, under the ney for Mrs. Eugene Scott, of rand "A C V, A animal husbandman of the of Sfa which wires the (sot on In the oT Dr. Flanders. The "grown- Haven. Mich igalnst J. 11. Block, five"), Haglev Hugh agricultural experiment station. svlntlon headquarter where the fate CHINESE MINISTER IS DUKE to the exercises and administrator of the estate of 4. "I.oln d lilllet. CITY ups" took little It Is t specially difficult to give am a Murray, Mr. Block, of t, ' I 'amp of a comrade may be known few contests with as much delight us a and personi "Tenting the mills on open range the G COLUMBIA Cleaners-Halte- rc- - the attention hours after he has left his OF rs (Tuttd of Sandoval county Qrnund," told war inelodl , bv thev should have. tin this account ,mr; and, I.m r assembly hall, Mrs. Siott alleges that on Novem- lllCSt. serodn anotb lev Rttliming to the have a of , .stockmen made practice someone In Kngland ma (AaMeleted ( .. - Cerreepaageaec) ...1,1 ques ber D,u;!. Murriiv gave William H. li. Triumph lie ii West I'hoiie tin th. i beard another side of the t( treating everything (hey see wheilui fgctg J0. Hi K Welling.' Qreei his promissory note for ("111 of a re lative. l'eking, July - of physical from Missi f 1,01 (lines, her march) fur-jthe- r tion education jll belongs lo them or not, They ' Thai is one of the advantages of! ton Km,, a young Chinese who has had) Qleagon, securing It with a deed of trust to 7. "guerida," (Mexican serenade!, Margaret head of the make a special effort to have an a lie left one-ha- lf in San Antonio hot belonging to the rising corps," say the remarkable career since Co.. i. science department at the Un- interest Vandeecook. assigned the enclosed pasture where anlniaK inav Britigh aVUttOra, 'It may bg tumble university less than five years DRUMMER ALLEYS spring's, and that Greer 8. "Willie Ha Mi Hoat. j weeks iversity of New Mexico. She talked be held convenient Iv ami treated Hum ago, appointed minister to says before liis relatives and cotnrililes has been i feasibility note to her. She the note has lone slepl, l.e lk roa i 1., i oi ihc of a scientific ration judg- time to iime. khOW Mexico Chinese having pe- - been lost or destroyed. She asks 9. SI. E Told, whether a man who is missing the there In ihe boarding school. In clear dic- "Sweetest Stockmen should make a special rt l'eking government to ment for tl.OHO, interest at the rale after a trench attink or coiinler-at-lac- k lltloned the fashion, Mian solo), Stt hc-- j , tion ami an interesting 1M, icornet to prevent the animals from VlgoTOttl represcn-bttive- I'm a (limn of Ten Plus of per cent from November 1909, ( Is a prisoner or .lead. gUctl Ut- tend capable and Qieason defined a balanced ration 10. "Dixie Hi IWo stepl, coming bruised or injured and when 205 YVeSt attorney'! fees and costs. ile kindnesses as this don't interfere Koo has been one ol the light! Cold and told the amount of nourishment Anderson. such an animal is found, a special re- III Assistant District Attorney H. 1!. Willi your fighting ITOUI bent for your hand men the government Ita bassess 17 for persons of 1 different pellant should be applied to keep Jamison brought suit against the kh cause; at the same time tbcv trying diplomatic negotiations oa the ages, weight, temperament, occupat- BUILDING TO BE USED away adult flies There ate no lake godonea Land Town Co, to recover the a Hiiic of the savagery out of war. past few veais. His ability won for ion under con- good fly repcllants will keep IrVWrWi and vurious climatic a fee and expense money, wtltoh be that Of course, the rule could not apply to hint Immediate recognition on rile re ditions. FOR SALOON IS GUTTED nwav flies for more than a week CATARRH alleges is owing him. According lo prleoni rs taken in trench fighting min (rum America, ami ir coal has been need to ,,1 1, tho Must "Catch" ReUgtoa, the plaintiff, the defendant entered Common tar on!) to ni anna ne e le c". o - airmen. There are relatively! gutted of a build- good advantage, bin it soon dries and Wul-Cliia- .' the BLADDER The Rev. C. (). Bfckiuan conducted into a contract with him. agreeing to Fire the interior few OH councillor of the I'u, - airmen either side and only 1 40:1 Hroailway early yes- also has an objectionable feature of foreign the op fling exercises Hi the morning. pay him $l!i0 to do all legal work in lug al South an occasional one ever coinos down office, and all C. was blistering the skin.. A mixture of fish He wan followed on the platform hy the ens? of the Alginlono" I.noil A terday morning. Ilererdlnelll in tlie enemy's lines.'' j i Ol Ills Way to Mexico 0 tttke up the Discharges in build- - oil made up in equal parts has Miss Olinda Meeker, of Allison Town Co. vs. A. J. Frank, et ul., In t,, have opened a saloon in the and lar Ihe1 poet as minister, be win pass through the oint-o- f With the first flush nf il.'Wn I24H0URS pay Ing Feeling against the location good repelling qualities. CryaUIiC P James school at Santa Fe. who read the supreme court and to th soon. British planes rise Hum Hie the United States. He king - 2 hlorofm ,,, i ,...;!, aviation a ,,n cost of printing the brief and his ex- a saloon there is said to have parts and accompanying the am met' rBflasa&l luinei "Mow to Promote lleliuion a grounds and frequently .lust as a cur- ' j mixed thoroughly and applied as in Schools Miss itHaertedi penees for his trip to Santa Fe. The, isted and a hint of incendiurlgjn reach, contingent of Chlneee who Meeker advan-,.ai.- rier pigeon makes circle before ori- company failed to pay. he alleges, and ed J. Klein. As as the paste, has also been used lo r thill a sure win to make pupils trust- Fire chief far enting his COmpSSS the) will a have qualified to enter asks Judgment for 1177.76 and Inter- o.oM naeerinin ih.. soMiiicinn iliige. Another good preparation li make worthy was to trust them. In the circle before starling out for a PS" leges for Ihe coming tef 12 per turpentine i pan, pine tar I parts tUaauMlon Ihut Kev. Mr. est at cent from November II, was totally unfounded, followed the oil 2 pans, thoroughly coBbalsai ivei the Qerman Hues. 1914. and fish mixed i .iitiriii T, 2:11 Pace, Sheldon declared "religion has to All day they are i going wins that Asking fop divorce, .loan Pimm and applied as a paste. II is claimed inning and Too LATE TO ( IjAHMIFY, lie taught of caught. " IT WAS A REAL CROWD In Ihe ap- Dubuque, ta., An "7. The local instead Miss hy some people that sprinkling ttu and dusk ol evening they brought suit against Zenuida ,,r meet of the Qreatweatern etreuit end ,,f a cayenne pop- pear out the vague distances of the WANTKU Brlgh Oallegoa de Dunn. They were mar- sulfa.,- wound with Id today, l.llliam T. owned by BV No l Either. Did You (.el a away a heavens returning borne to roost, work in him ken PSEUDO GOVERNMENT ried Aiigilit la, 1911, at Old Albu- Ind ire pet will keep fliel for about lleckwllh. of ttUtorh, 111,, won sample stick.' i Mem a Distinct Type, erell Copper. querque and, Duran alleges, his wife Wiek. the 1:11 puce, which was the feature OFFICER WOULD TAKE you newspaper man, even are The flyetl become type cer- i i - deserted him April 17, 191:1. He says If were a Where animals are found that I "Ith of day, start-er- ilfs I.K Iron in d, good mattress be- event the with fourteen 3 if an ordinary human tain marked characteristics, No ner- , they have one child, Miguel, years you're Just actually infested with screw woiins, and a purse of 11,(00, Lillian T and hlffonler Anv reasonable BRIBE, IS CHARGED; you show all vous" man is wanted; and il is old, who is In custodv of the defen ing like ourselves, would the first thing to do is to remove time for took the second and third heals feracce d III High. dant. a very great Interest in crowds. In maggots from the wound A good anv man who shows miv sign of to Monta Miller, of f'hoenlx, Ari;:., en-- 1 New York, for instance, a crowd may preparation for this purpose is a 10 nerves take rest. They shy at off ,,,. whl, h mention or names in tcre.l A. S. Vigil's barber shop on j NO TAXI TELEPHONES be caused by a man Jumping Ihe rent solution of sheep dip. the their print; JUlli Second street yestirda.v. Miller, Woolwortli building, or n may meanjehould lie sprinkled over the affected for thai is not considered good for the Wan ed a shave. He got it. When ON SANTA FE RAILWAY sliiiiilv that a woman Is wearing a nnrts. This ere Deration will canst spoil of this newest brunch of the Tired of Reading ll.,- barber placed u hot towel on Ms new style skirt down Broadway. Of the screw worms lo squirm out or the sci v ice of war. Anonymity Is abso- PROPERTY, IS REPORT too Millet complained that it iinicll-e- course, it's the reporter's business to flesh and they may he brushed on to lute Everything is done by the War News? "sour." find vvhal the excitement really is. the ground. It Is also wise to have a corps for the corps. Some nielli bet a Miller is said to told bar- Hanta Fe railway will not per- We had our chance last night when small pair of pliers that should lie have luck, as they pm ji, ail(j aome have the The ' For a change try ber that a government regulation mit tuxlcab drivers to set up poles a crowd collected on Central nvenue used lo search through the diseased do not. j name may BOt be giv- against the unsanitary of tow- for telephones on Its properly, It was about 7 o'clock. A crowd in Albu- portion grid remove the maggots Af- en, but his Is the must dramatic of ue a els existed and he was a gov- reported yesterday. The division su- querque, may Indicate any one of a lat all the maggots are removed, recent experience. that keep ernment officer. Miller is said to perintendent's office, al San Mania!, number of Ihiiigs, depending on good tepellanl should he used to "He Was a pilot living In Belgium have to the taxleab owners appealed an Indignation meeting files from depositing eggs Any of (in away ftOm the British lines when agreed to take from the bur- which Whether it's America's Qeverest Wnekry lier recently prohibited should prove an sntt-alrcra- ft shell to "keep mum." When he rei uin-e- d when the council or u parade. This was a para de. the above preparations mashed his leg a of three h In the afternoon, at which time the the Placing of telephones on Ilia A renortet from Ihe Journal edged efficient, bill mlxliire win, was bll by fifty bull, Is ,u,,l to one ounce ol barber agreed to have the money, ac- Streets, was said to have decided into the crowd, which seemed par- ounces of coal lar fragments the doctor estimated," as 10c prove especial- y cording to the statement, Mil versely ti the automobile men. ticularly huppy. The first man he carbon dlstilphlde will the stor was told to the eorrespon-d- i latter's ,it asas ahBaH lar v.,s saw smile on his face was ly beneficial. This formula should be m "He collapsed in bis seal un- ..i arrested by Patrolman Charles had a and Hbsatej MMng, SANTA FE TRAINS, HELD chewing industriously. "Tastes good, mixed thoroughly and kept well! conscious. His machine dronned ai s it Is both volatile and ln-- j At headipiarters Miller told Chief he confided lo the reporter as corked right angles lo Ihe line of flight. The BY WASHOUTS. ARRIVE Who CHlliln the affair began us a Joke toward the outside. flammable observer, was With him, managed "lien asked about his return in the Now we knew whul the secret was. to hold on by clutching si the ma- gun. afternoon he said, "I must have been The first of the easthoiind S.inla The great American public likes to NOTED POLITICIAN chine "Thev wen- v. iniper-"natin- g stalled near get something for nothing. Whoever careening down to the He is charged ith Fe (rains thai have been DIES Mexico-Arizon- OF with an officer. the New a line by wash- wus drawing this crowd cerialnlv MARYLAND earth Ihe ubseivei helpless from outs, since Wednesday, arrived here knew that little secret of American his position to do anything Whan at 10:30 o'clock. Nine other trains psychology. te bosnino jouaL SSOSIIa ttaito anaij recovered coneciousneas ami mustered SUES CITY, ALLEGING Cor- presence W Baltimore, Aug. 27. Thomas Strength and of mind enough HA followed at regular Intervals. Who did draw the crowd'' fou'll KINS' want to know. So did we, and bore's don Haves, former mayor "f Balti- lo light Ihe machine, and to tUtfl II HORSE WAS INJURED many DEATHS AND FUNERALS. what we found. more, a noted lawyer anil for round in the Rtidst of a cloud of IN CROSSING VIADUCT Imagine a young man, dressed In reatl prominent in Maryland politics, shrapnel sinukc He was not going on tha In- u one-piec- e red robe that caiiie up was Stricken V'th hort failure to taken prisoner despite his shat- .1. - F. lloffntun. in Oakland, Md , in the a leg The over his head like an Esquimaux streei tered when he found that the MISSOURI CONCORDS city is defendant in a suit y j Hoffman, years old. died today, and died in hair an shell which so WOUghl ti bonnet and had two holes pierced ghenies had nearly done for Shipment per 1,1 vesterday In Justice W. VV.'.,, , ,,'clock morning h! 55 yesterday eyes. Ihe scenario. On hour. him had not injured the engine ,,t MtClelhUt's eowrt by W. F. Brooks, highlands. He for Thai's abla home in the was painted or a Mr. Hayes was 71 years old and gj the plane. So lie made foi lie who alleges his horse was his chest sewn neui merly live in Kansas City but bis large white "7" merely that and kaakalnr In a, billion to Serving "I"1 est aerodrome, NICE NATIVE PEACHES in crosslna the Coal avenue Mv Hvm in San Rurnardlno. Calif. of he had nothing more. No name, no adver- term u.s mayor Baltimore "There he managed I,, land sal'elv. viaduct 1913. He nsks judgment ,i i. enMrlvarf I v widow, son, city solici- By the bog 5.rM' the tisement, no speech or "Now, ladies been iwic,. slate senator, Hut, as he said, he did no! dale to I'rr pound 5 Jl'.'" daughter, mother, brother and two district aUMBOS. 'rMayc gentlemen." tor and I'niteil Slates get out of his seat until the doctor (ir.ipes, Apricots, ( ir Poulright was served with a iRlPrl) Mr Hoffman had been here and Alio Ea Pears. I'luin', aula noth Hut hla hands were talking, or at came lor fear thai his leg would fall vesterday and turned it over to three veurs. The bodv was taken tu rniimrvrDO AC Watermelons, least Ihey were busy. He was pass-- ! LAM Uf rUUINUtn,, Uf nlf. He will get well.'' loupes, Bananas, et Attorney Thomas N. Wllkerson. ,. T. French's undertaking looms The asp 1 ing out some sample sticks of some- T I'nla- - is set for (rial Senlember It was shipped Inst nighl on S.uilu Fe P, AGED 88 A nice line Vigrlaliles today Green Brans, ivve'l thing or on all sides, and the G. 0, DIES, RUSSIA IS RAISING over the e.oineil reeulllfl NoN. S. The Is to he other M train funeral v C C iyor evidently appreciated gen-the.- toes, Okt.i, (. ern lull. Hell Peppers, Swtti P lloatright learned that Brooks! heli K City. crowd h's a iroalty. Judging way a. MoaN.Na jouasAL ISgeiai iCAtlD 2,000,000 NEW MEN, 'd claim with the council Jimel from the ") I I Pittsburgh, Aug. 117 --Col. Archibald lead .clliii nd ollici native Vegetables. till; that it was referred in the It. were all chewing und sampling the. John Haired Blabely, aged KH, died at bis hone Vance committee; that the cnm-- l John it. Barrett, si years old, a confection. to, HORNiNf joupn. esetAi ...... - here tonight after an illness of four ( ll"' reported July 7 he had no claim Springfield, Mo., lied at Unlike William J. Bryan, the red London, tog. U hag n.) n SUPPLIES FOR CANNING druggist of He to have been the i's opinion; council, strunger refused to any months. was said eral l'nllv anoff , Russian of and that the 3 o'clock yesterduy morning al his rohed Issue minister 'if"'l group of piomi Don' I Mason and Economy Jars, also Jelly Glasrrs. Wf ihe claim. No specific amount Mrs. stalemi (its regarding his purpose in last survivor of the war, announces that RueSis Is raising home on Kast Central avenue from various purls of Ihe s asked for, as fur as the minutes body thlffcity, his identity or the cause of neat men another two million men ind that the Vinegar Barrett was Witt him. The on Feb- tarty and I'nkling Spices hat money can buy. uwed. the causeless war. It Is believed, United States, who met here fate of Hie campaign will not be de- was Shipped last night. The funeral k ; Im- ruary It, l o and took steps erhlcb cided before some year, however, that he is to plaV an time noal Don' I lorgi lli.i Hatavia Coffee, a splendid just will he held in Springfield in of re- KNiGHTS portant pnrt in a large advertising resulted the formation the to the I'clrograd mi rcapnri-dgfl- l OF COLUMBUS 1 publican party. ol he Times. r lull I . Our in Miuiid bg I uncial of I'. C. Young. campaign now being waged In this I.V s ,20, MAY ERECT BUILDING Funeral services for Frank C, city by a certain chewing gum man Plead for Woman Suffrage. BataVia Pitied pillc ll. for salad. ijuail tins, Young were held at 11 o'clock yester- ufacturer. COLLEGE PAPERS BAR t rapet lived icadv ON , Roslon, Aug. 27. I'oimer (lovernor CENTRAL AVENUE day morning hy Father A. M. Mandn-lari- A little later, "Old 7" (if that's his 10, name) walked down Central avenue, LIQUOR ADVERTISING Alva Adams, of Colorado, speaking at 8. J. a suffrage mass meeting tonight, char- i meeting night was in Santa Harb the crowd following him like the tall their next Tuesday Burial acterised the Preamble to the No set MORN, NO federal hi Knights of Columbus will consider tery of a comet. other visitor lias ItV JOURNAL BPaCIAL LfaiD W,f ' Albuquerque to working Xew York, Aug. i". Itepresetita-iive- s constitution as a lie and a delusion '" question of putting up a building the Jaws of not grant- thirty-nin- e newspapers in those slates which have Seventh street and Central avenue, Notice. so quickly and thoroughly as he did. of college Telephone of country and Canada, with a ed woman suffrage. li would never HA WKINS this Mountain this night the knights also will The States be justified, In said, Until women have "old goes to prp.H A 10 the Wise Is Sufficient. total eJteulaUah of more iiiii.flod, w:l. (heir Co, lllnl than annual election of officers Telegraph directory the vole, tiovernoi Arthur Capper, rBe All those wishing new No one can reasonably hope for at a meeting held here today for Ihe 524 OOttacil expects to hold a btgj September con- spoke In ex Phones good when his bowels are btmt-ne- s of Kansis, also favor of ( changes In same please health purpose "f consolidating their ""'I'm on olumbus day, October telephones or stipated. Take Chamberlain's Tablets (ending the suffiage to women. 11 . t Interests, decided to bar llipior 1 1 1 Tbo ommitlee in chance la Post notify office. and get relief. They are easy to take North Second Street. roaster (i.l'S. of all kindn their H. C. Roehl, W. J White, W. J. B, ItRYN'i and plea-an- t iii effect Obtainable advertisements from Jenrnal woe! bring rranlU heeeua A- - Keleher and T. Morencv. District Manager. everywhere. columns. varylMMlr i JouraaL ' SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915.

r faulta. puxsle. ' M.iy. N a MNMRT iinriPAPU at' the Turk hi the J . within siiiMit er of Hung m he done ON THE AITTION BIXK'K inese a mystery, the Egyptian a ; Delaware Breakwater - ta; to be worehiped Paris ia had (receded ptRgjM nature i it- nn ihe fair a aur In i la nee. but France is not rtiri We matter of ronatru ilie tk agree, my cotK-lerfe- f and myself, that bur, la fact had I..,,,.,, hr. morning journal nini to it t Karia is a puzzie just inai. i.et us' several (enttiriee come here go away call il a puzzle, a labyrinth, with Ihe; The place ele. t. d fm th . a JOURNAL' army for itn Mintoaur. Modern l.ute- - waa somewhere near PUBUSHING CO. pleaaeu. It not lie ii au eggtul the mean j tia la Infinite in variety. In virtue, in within reach of ih (air. re are several pro - 0 A, MAtRRHuN ...Rraaldnt atale vice, in magnificence, in wretched- rg( held by the I'ape Mai Ri W. T Ruil.aa aUaax.r the fair manage ness You may go back to the time tat company. The pr..,.,t Tj Mr A t.t.ISTER Nw f .M ft. U I ?" la. when Caesar" lieutenant christened to oe orea Ry ,he A- - I MHUAN ' BP mat be a Henns. Iv U diiuT Lutetia. the forlorn island which he ami Heading railroads, at ruX hy Ihe people of AI'U'uero,u n their whid, !3 came upon in the midst of the Seine, nake it their terminal Waaler hriMUin lot). fr ( J aolnt arid linger as you please in the mid: fre.ght The railroad, were ,.. "u,7 MmiiN. r Haiidla-- t MeMft BL Hut wl held tradition, legend and history till. idled of ae-e- n ,,t Marti the meeting, which of - ii' irh KYom the daya of flovis now soi j .1 11 11 a small ... HtprMeatalW. Mondav night, heginning pri ly at until I . iii 11. R. eh us von may. vnu will find noth- - i ornment job was t,, rir HIUMAAN. sea eumieit th - mi;ii . eight and ending pro v ten as- M I'arfc B oilock ln- - more romantic than you may dla- - '"h deep water by mean. . ii 11 efore lo k. ta for Hie ) nne deep ftatarva """! rlaaa natter at Ih hi f nine covei in the modern Lutetia the enough to ac on,n,(, ,a M . - largest BMt..rri nt Aiwnr. n. Bdr Rat purpoae of formulating a future poh- ran of today the ships. at Cunareae ft M.r.-- 1. UTt hicf KturtiKarr iHt llnes . v for the Deople of Albiimieriiue. If lnd..rM.n.nt CarSaf olrcale'lee than any at hat Oeneral paper la Nair Of IRCttORg Of KoR BURTON BOOM IS Mackenzie, then chief la tirm MaatM The u ihe people other ngim-er- , Men... Is.umI rr gar la lha rear declined to IggVatRt Mexico were prelude ed w.iim it ' Z "' "rkriSia of Bt'iisrniiTioK, CAUSE OF ACTIVITY proposition of the Kovernment ,, Pally. bp carrlar r mall. na m .rub . lac cauae, we might regret it and Ignore inf with private interest to craatet BY UNTERRIFIED hurlior where arUHijFtiliiCHg. II. Hut pn iinlii i h are Juetly there is no praatat ( soiil'K to wrtnag their lim la Ika Journal, arbaa merce." He left a ta the i papi-- tu bm ad- - we niuil ehange our way wisdom laMas!ii 'H chnfl a baaed, unit congress. Congress left !. I tao aaa aggraaa. it to the , giaea mual aura glo of doing Ihtnga or ition- - prejudlcgai perwisdom ifnnrtanrd Frmn Rase One I of ("hairman Burtoa gad but they will the appropriation 11,31 latiua raiiwg than la ai.'i'"roil m arijr oxnar not only will continue of l.M wt .. " Twenty-thir- d mode. gaar la Real Mm. - Ta AmtH.ui. lag reaae In Intenalt). Iherely of Hie district of Apparently confrens had nu Sh tpni "I at l"l t Ohio.' rem! and digrsted what 1;, We ate Jtiat the anme aorl of people " Secund No man in public life in ensie suid of the "project It w i -- iml,: ... . na Inhabit the other (It leg of New the last decade has dune mure to heap li'irtf.r.iiir, . . ...r,..in...... mn w,.r by persons Mi m. 0, They have their hal'lli und upon the pork barrel Its deserved representing local int.. JiH'RMt. laaMaag prlaM Specifb esls, the Capo May Ileal we buve oura. WV ank Hum to make iidiuin than Burton atlon Batata Till aud llilrtj mm- yvas a plan afoot one year to I'Jny. tne rennsyivania and .f e Inlad I'raaa There lea en lul thla city a meeilng pluce. mid thrv a railroads, varioim ahlRplng leaartl Hire arrtlte eai-- hulld costly ice harbor to protect camBanUi IB It, our iri'lKference offenda nun iiHsu, t ttlhrr iimxi' ihi pulilUhedil do and vessels al a certain unimportant hut imuia inasieiii ta inns ami Near Meilt-- lliaa taka noire rORM our Invited Burton thwarted the plnn sltn-!- " imiiv nuRuy nuereated four hiium til AaatclHl4 lh in when they "a jjmr Nearh ImmiI. - of I by showing that il would be all these statfmeiiiM Kav,. Paaaa rti.r gurlag Ite weak. guiali. It ka ri'ienlv a huliit Into pi the great icheaper for the government to burn est Weight to the value of the impror Wkieh we have fallen and Dial liahit as 'till veaaeM going Into that harbor an ment constituting a hgrboi f rff uge. As a I in IIHt orrei led replace them with new ones in the harbor of refuge d not ispring" consider it advisable fur the rjhital IKA Y MHiV IT Ii.' Statea to attempt to The thought o(euired 'u Secretary Third 'There are two ways, of construct an.1 maintain such within sixte. n upon ihe framing a river and harbor t ill." re- - mild nf (imriHon, ihul ihe atlio k the present harbor of IT Is I I' H MtV. marked Burton in hl early career. refuge anil admlnlaliutlon by Cnlonel Hooacvelt I "The more popular method ha been breakwater in Deluwiire bay. Uegard ing Iwfure ghoul twelve huiidred men who to make such concession to all the the conieriarclal advantagea of the musing un tour of i proposed haHtr. After extemlve ni'ir being trained by army officer different stales and localities that you little definite ruim-y- , could .'be obtained " t in- tv,te, Mr. II. K. president for aervice to the country 111 tut of will have un overwht lining support May Be ( "I MM gtgt fair In. id, Im leurncd need, waa Juat n Utile more out or for the meiiRure. The other method. niulldatr. 111 spue with place than even la War ranted by the and the right one. is to select those ,,1 tneso niotches on hi ree that something ta the mallet Mr. freedom of the gnat Ameiiean re- projects which would benefit the "rd, Buitmi may vvt become a 11111I he wttiita ilial very formidable Albuiiieriiie, public. The Matt thought occur led Rfhota country and then finish tham candidate r(,r the pre-Juill- presidency, n. iiiilhing remedied. Their ih u lo aome of the eat Of ua at about Ihe with prumptiicHs." Specificatinn because he has made laoh than one against har-U- over Ho- VMM iikuIiihI Him an me time. Burton had overwhelming support for stand river an, a measures. '''"b which simply frittered away III'' people of Ihla ' illy, heiaiiae Burton never eata unltas fMSoaf) on Itipis9ibl0 projects, Prak, J.- l RIC1HT, Fourth 11 have hImh of tn ni ofj mill of omis- Til licit Nfil I "b'v the greatest 1,,. Tins hni'll he hungry Specificuilon He is a service uM ,h, sion. chipper old bachelor of neurly 64. country was indirect but aubstatittaL ghown The Ainell.an plupU have u When he twice defeated river har- - It la Id Hint l ttrORg Denllnir with the lulnitsmon made and h. Alitiiii'l'Mi' - sixty-thir- leiniikal'l lit nn ami Helf pogNl'H 7 bv Burton himself, according to Ihe hot" bill 'n the d ongremi. lor Una rily ;i 11 meeting plRgg RU Hf)H iluilng a aerlea of critical eondi- - prospectus in Collier', that he turned1 'esnlutions wcr,. passed puttlRg lump peuplo of hi the from oilui ntetionn the IIORi Which llUVf trlMfl Hllue the b(' down his home folks on it $2,iH)0,l)0(i su'"s hands of ihe hoard o R x llu-ii- II bloody if dbbMi Hut the for public oplnioii. whethel ikht Of ,.,,,,, harbor S'B'er. Twice seems n ininor- - If, liiMiiuae we like In hnvr I peon war. We Into the death Hut nriniion for Cleveland gintiiiig of the wrong, Is tRW I 111 llospnl lis. always mediocre, and there ,h rn,.nA thru he wan aarvtaur I'te. edOnt. Congrea. it is h. nine here .mil apeml Hu ll in Hie verge of wnr n num- and (lest Hull. have MM Off Some of the gt it MRjandruma of Me few among ua who do nut in thlsthf, whoe coufttfy and not alone "ecd, will never again try to divide ritlgSM A 11 i u tlnieg till the time, hi; ,ne unit lliut of lake ber of prgrtlcully e'l eiu Ii litet nl nr.. bnve MfdbtrateWtfeajtafct, Vield somehow, somewhere, to .congressional district, the democrats 0"y In pailful but will follow Beveridge once wrote a - t hoi- - Senator -- , . m mi furlher I nl en-a- In Hie CMJVfBtlOAg In fool Hiiice the beginning of mure iiiOiimIiu. v 1, puhtic i.piriinn. I ne uocior disuusis , 1, ... t , ,,, n,,. record There "umi, mi- tine or ;i I in. nrin Bev- howler" book on Ihe (lerinau advance. "nt; 11 11 We nol fallen over faVnlliar ml v.i in.lit vbI theorist, the fjnd a mem- - ,unP "urn and looking to the ufler llicy me sec red . tllltlea. "ul have ceadlntly figure of apeecflh tnev tha, 0Qrtan became eridge hns tieen wrong more time arm.- - 8 Die lplce Into ihe iiuiclilioin, and get the h tat ui'ia it Thiet-- Into tinnble ilistrustR tin- advanced b ( r rlvpr .,nd harbor committee ",r H'.a' iicai results When conventions and conferencei pici ... I - . "'"""' promlrn 11! of lb. 1 R 1; Thus the Burton boomi may In time Hgerlfleed 1.0 nalloiiul right than ahy other man the rhi uiigh.iut the day." he write, matist. tne .iiamausi sneere ai tnp nuse n 9 unit remained mi, in-- we have ineof hi'lii aertloiiH of Hi. We - live down Collier yawp M in nihil country. 4 lurrents hktn poured down and uuiovnlions ,of s. lehce. all lone for thirteen years, being chair- the stage and to keep out of It. of be classed We (In not k In Ihein. We I'tumlst'il 20,1)00 nsa da' timid by the taofmous of thlr-Itfje- amoniK Ihe real ones baaed t AiiMli alia bil th dust iinan dining the latter ten the I'tidcr moat gOTlOUl provoi a ion, ,l nMdlOcrM on reliable though not Impnssll.le to liondieil in on,, of scoII h novel Ihe Run seta"i,le" whil t'I'hold Also they find that from 189 neiul a dtlgfgtlon, 'i'" . When Victor Murdock anAOUOCad there hua been no I.iiliol for war. A Itn hoiigo ' achievement. 11 In the east ImUeiiH baa CaptaUl the day Burton left the alimin, 10 itonntll, a few yagei ugo. there would be inogregslye party In la 1:1, i . c few men, like Theodoie ItooHevell, t s ill III s DKMOCII money was oUl pro-di- Cuttle, put boih hands In his inuiitb ll Cnded States poured i to We 111 'iv il llii lai Ii '111; In il the, next campaign, he failed u. Wellaj in the New Republic.) FOR RENT Room, tSilie. facing allrrli lr have indulged In vociferations more or lu giving "tncjlao," though gal- ill. In constant stream for the improve- himlnma who would at Hie ruaur. the aet'tinu. Hiiltnlila fur nliimUlai M - officiate The war lias shown the weukness of ahtip. nine per rent of the proinlard mini- Ii'hh of Hungullimv tone, but the lant tar bad long before lust one of ment of Cleveland harbor. "Of lla nr alerage: haul ana Halar Ii-- lei lion. ihe deiimcrali state It I no use de AupIt thla t,lTI. lil'l Till' WOIHI pull of II nil hum Hint muiuiei have lemalned calm. A lew ills hands. eouiRe. thev say, Burton count turn nying that the central powers ero , lllag Mr. Hrv-ii- homp f,k8 n any .hem K'.h'M ll IimiI 'i.iili'il (Ol Hie httR4rl men, on ihe oilier aide, ' The Turks an- getting In Home tell not o.ily for this war better prepared ( pVopose. He was running lo aacrl-fic- o bluvvg ill: HH)i IRKMKMT. I mid nol have been favorable (hi ing ih ihla war. They have lust outset', but mi the R'bole . nl, hud heen notified (Mi.ah.) al the that Ilnd lh).y could leave It to of American rlghta in order to m utile ml Miiiiie ten thousand t'brla-Ihin- they have met Ihe o,-- asions or b , of the ninety nine per rent fallnn Wlnrevvilh ahfti dome before Ihe fl wjh pntiIp Mi(f(,tJ for hl. Rflv,. Save The Babv rink of war. Itul a pciice-n- t In Ailiieiilu and I'ulaia. w.r aa they have ,, f w" We prmiilaed In welcome the Di.nu avoid the ixird, Cleveland pruilically all the motu-- it more eollectivo mieHigeni c, will ; 3 ,. Use reliable any pi l c (lollPJ hua inei with a Ittyfjnf niu. h r" the Ana onniy ggggt touiU BOggrtgfg with And bow down before high power, energy any of the nl- - ' o.um im. i"uile ax frigid UK Hull of Not less iiihi five tliniiaund dollars and than hurbor icccptlun Ood? ITiey The spurt for Cleveland n bruH iiiinil. They 1111111' IWgflt) a I being left in fluntu Ke by lies, not oven excepting Frtuiee. the 1, who wanted wju, rcnrdlOHj month aJtORffjf (1 I Ktuned in 18M with one project to on lie bath thee. man, vvhiit have succeeded inefely In meeting Hin.tiK No 11 ineie AibU4urquri tflUTletl, And Ihe lourlsts get their rft ost I8ll.iil)0 and another to cost H0RLICKS ol the reiiRoii fur it. good. v bet-Ite- r, ejiorinou militm eguiremelite 1KH9 congreea leuM thgfl iweh-l- 11 money's Worth. IIMt.OOO. In adopted W'ua ul the rain, and Thiouxli all. and RMW0rVd by Ami vvhiit doth the Lord requlrg of in keeping Ihe material side ORIGINAL hut another project to cost not lea than realdenlH of Ilii" t win- .Hhenl It all, I'loHldenl Wllami baa lullowed thee Of IPn'ir national life, steftdler under e 1111,64. In mm. Burton being; nl Iteully. Thuvv is diHgp-li- "ut In do Jniitly, to love mercy. I al Hie good I inula meellng which lb" eM'ii tenor of bin way, auvloiiH this mull and greater Hit esses. It idle for this nlinliman tt UiH CO III IT it (e Cll'V't'llltld Malted Milk hlng And to walk humbly Qodi . all tlniea to keep the uuiilry fruiu pointing. hasn't stalled niiyt with tin wilier to pretend lo think that trie - UpbuddR every part of the body Z any harbor got Its real grub at the Ireas- loiulNlied bid leimilled, whatever Kill, n lie was released from the nut itnitbd States would make better nu- - Endorsed by thouaanda of Phy.id.rii, annUier klamplg Win n Hie ii ury. The bill passed lhat year rlghta of Ihe (actor), swim, iioiat showing in thip inatier Hum Croat ,800,00.1 Molh " Nurses the world over lor ihe cult, to preHerve the . the expenditure of city high Pi' lli Mil coal (I'opiilur t:bo.) .homed of bulldttll, "hull Britain. l mo" a century, AlWftVgfl people I lorn liciin: Iramideil thai hai or, ami the bill of 1907 V M The high on which the tnxpuMia uliont II lt(00C 'duff stands The British government has been of by an Convenient, no cooking nor addiiiontl in ib i tool by Hie hi. ..ul niuil nkttona The Balkan wisely hesitate. It authorized Ihe increase thla Mount Vein. hi, Ihe home of our first In and admirable dissolvt-inwattr- . dedicated, Hie vlHltlng In (II be- excellent urguinent JHOU.Otin. The same bill milkrequired. Simply liin n ol aerm they have huh choice as president, dan-M- In- - additional BuroMi that Ml for years been in in rhetoric, but it has been slack. $98.00(1 Agrees ItW carried an authorlz.il ion of when other foods often bil. ing Jual In in.' he 1. pi inn", ol (1 11111 11 y baa been Hie gleuteHt of in which side they ghall be walloped of gradually sliding Into Hie Po- in noient ana nine. "J rr '""" "' ,,. ,he of a wUtt and SampU free, HORUCK'S, Racine, Wii, Kducg-tktRa- I , vn conslruction mi'hhIiiii of thi cw Mexico ti ndOf 11 Kh na! the rlghta of thin tomac This danger became acute a tnatitia, gamgatio,,; has led cage ,ho Kvernment In Good" guy few years ago when It was discovered unilWa-Hcdilatiuti- ricllng.l.n, i.aS, , aTflNo Substitute la"Just as 11 hmi in ' iiiniie p rully i n tit t un May IH, the Merlin ,;-- TaCht , .u,,,..,,,! aa Original lhat a new landslide waa beginning be.-,- manlieat hf f biC HORUCK'S, tho three fmirUia of Hie andleni e, and t i huh nl wiiH notified thht thin mitlmi A physician siivh that cancer l l J'r't dub ba aecured. The of that threinened to doatro) the broad '"I nvi nsiuvi ' pui in mn ,,,,,,, rileaaaul Hie gudleRC Illicit uliont ope half of tttOUld OlRtt no word or net MMMOff ciiusi'd b tohttioooi but ho doeati'l ipJlt ' 1911) saw irit nun lawn in limit of the mansion. If not has shown all the merits and failures ...... I i nan n'hn.c tu iniHi'ive ihe rlghta of the i iuicd the or Die jiipn right away. lllc halm id the fit alt floor of the lh foundai imis of the mansion itself, l,e might have expected !t,.m a body Fancy Large Lemons, doz. 15c to aafegum ding of ,, srlfR varii.ua Sinn and the m r and engineering worli. recently com- of political lawyers nit r" , , -. 3 emad w,.,.,.t high rhiml titirilloi In m ' uvn.i,- w - ',.i,.i,.,.,., - ir. I enjoyment In No wonder thai St. I.ouis flood UllinOI IZUIIOIIS ml Uli'llllilh an" si. hair fiee cv.i.iHe and pleted, begun (lull to making things seem riKIH,rlnlit I I I ..... ,.11, was at time save in ..f t...... l.l. en-an - - uni , M. ....--- i We have Hie alute uiilverallj. It such a sensation. What does a.,... see impi ovemerns cause me iiruat tn Un Allien, an peuple. .na nd ih.. i.imi..ii. ...i.. iMin ul..'. i.n.t to wait and "OX ilW V in liis annual report! la gboul tlioua-M- ? '!...... '. . Will give. worth DM liiindied 11, Un- preHldenl leaffii 111 Si. I.ouis know about water rl . r. , . - .1...... Iveranrv - - Hrtn' -- (in .lune " ar- in. hi.'iinu nn..f. iiifin in,- ii in i in..... the expenditure for love- - l"s- "iliul t OOKIRg Apple- - thg I of fore ilulliiiH u yeur, flniitn tally, in guv In munslon to the edge of the bluff and arid us incapable practical ' I . ed the piialtimi ol Ihla ei iiiiicni Jgj ,Urbo.-- .... r u projet-t- to DM i fnncy eTeatl lomaloe-- II"' city, and la of inimenatti i d lu ncl il defellHe lint milv of itn I'lghtH BUI 0 im a. thla puim Ogli and Bean li'ic With hundred fell or mure, to the edge of making real thing go rlgfht. a en II, ..1. .11, and t'ducalinnully Vet, the Km ri d rlghtn of huimimtv and Sctiton and Paste 3(r. 1814, waa W,1M,10.M R ,al,s "est lomaiocs the Potomac. point closed nuns can- Hue llertnaiiy ihul The river at this rpMm in not a bad round for a tuwn I - Sugar Com naked Haaurnncei from ,. . , .... ol when coinineiiieitieiil dav conic Sit MF. so D.tnp, i. ii i.i. in i. .i .,. i, ir the iiresent guveinminis eim..,a rmMa KaHv Juno Peaa 2.V I loll I llic lives ami Hie propetlv "I AmttU No name, 110 a state , in nun. nS n apeakcr ol nmmilaed (late, simple stone. iinn or tha wavM has caused a eteadV r,at Britain and the nilci. claims f cans Ik-- Sardine- - In Oil ....IV UJpOn IMWI ennnda, With gin end Hlragfllhl shrubs of thui ' I cum, bound Iful erosion the root of the are the best sort governmenls . Z .1 Mackei-,.- sta ti 1I it v la Invited to gftVaga Die nl blnrr ' 1 fat" here o'ergiown. democ-r:- n OI I Fill 11. I'.nii.Kin r wbt'lhei upon Atuerliun ur belluier-- ( ti e are of sand, Ochlocracy can produce, ihen l't bWI Biun-- . IftRdUgttai ebMaj OtnettRIM inany No omes to take away bldfi strata I lalmn for Billion Upiaowd. i0 " Mexican Ill"' U re- - hand hete v is bound. If not tin timo then tit men haul veaaela, w.iuld be I'be ihliigs that wither and decay, clay, and soft sandstone, which, on It would perhapa be Imixissilde to' cuiis best Milk -- V 11a 11 cltliena of Alliimtif nine next time or the time after, to be com- Ilk' MM ipectt d Unheeded la the place, unknown, investigation, were found to be ani- a and harbor bill that suited WHlker - red hot Chile ton I nine pletely overcome and superseded by find river mil mini led ith Urn mm M Through 11 near pine the makes mated Willi water, und this, combined Ol have lit'en IRlicv Tuhlc Syrup, can IV rinallv on July lil, the govei imu iit atate everybody. Most them moan with wave, aome form of authoritative i y can Mc ate preggnt aa a leallinoniiil of thi formolly declared 10 QrRrmany ihMt the afoaloai of the has tainted with pork. It the claims rain table Syrup, gallon In murmuring endless undertone resulted in landslides have duttl't-lea- s wa sort of I'gncy Table Syrup, I gallon can aW 1. thai made ror Burton lhat he nppi 11 Inllon In WMR the HimI It vit Ion 111 In r outrage agalnat Amei una Thai seems Incessantly lo say been going on intermittently for on the subject of com 3 pkg- -. Im -- I Macaroni JSC g aulv "No mime, no date!" DROVTH IV stH TH l llll superhuman held by thlg cltj would he legirded ua "a dcliiai ages a Intul-- , Knn-ii- s tSggR, and tfa To cure the trouble small KUza-heth- Bad hud an almost divine nd- B. A. Wakefield, I'ort .) Rierce ili. Ih 111 Ii Hide cull lendiv M," I phrnHf which tConsul There u. In which might But to the spnt 00 Hani and lone, drainage tunnel was first driven ill lion on how to promote it that makes1 Best Creamery Butter one y he loid of the ihoughtleia fiihRaal in Ited of ul oiiati in A living tiny seed Is blown Ihe bottom of the sandstone strnluin the upposltlon to his candidal Pit lip Mason pint JarR, do., The drouth of several months In . ROc Then nine Ihe alnhlng of Hie Ara- And Sec' a hloaaom greets the day and carried lack Mom the river to vmite liis record. Mason ipiurt .lai--- do.. of AlliuipiciiiucoiiH In Hin II inuttern Certain sections of this district Has (' long And gives a brightness to the gray (roni n But II is not favor for Cleve- - Vinson gallon do bic with the of two Americana distance of about raet. j Burton's ifan A :tt seriously affected business prospects, Imir of the hlule a e t'c n niadc What mattei it If lure be shown From Ibis tunnel a heavy flow of which must be admitted to lie a Ma -- on ,lui- Tops. do.. and the placing in Jeopardy ol Ihe No ? prominent stale thut land I iiaine no date Several farmers b( -- I.V by Mr. Putney, . R II. Seller a, II Water immediately started und this very respectable, a very lurge und a (lot, I Kubhri liven of u number of other lll.ena of Vlnnauii Tinker Schumann in It has heen the in their experi- Jaf woit politi ally, I a I IV B MMMM 11. A. Mucpheiaou H Pipit flow continued for several months. At very doubtful town, that "Mat Ih pkg. and the l ulled Stntea. OR the facg of lli'Mim i'lallM ence of over forty years. So the elid of (hat lime Ihe fluw dim In- - the denim rats In ing up as bis worst sealiug Wax, pg la P. IfgoAlUgtgT in ihe lnierc!"t Of c The effect on sioi k Dai been deplor- , ihe in. nleiil an reported, the waa I .stu-- - J5c I I.U III SDKItlVti isiied in a nioderdte amount and ha und mistake, cum tiling thai Pm ii I har- Bob Milli Soap at pr.ic-iiiali- able. Thousand of sheep, gu.ita the ate fair. Il hard work deiii.eiiiteiy .nil ni OermaRy PoniUpl dent a BurtRfl cm l.e guilty Of error, g MM White l.iiundiy Soap . ... t.iubii Rurroufha.) l. leliiaine.l pi.c tlcallv ever have perished for lack of I ..11 MtftchM very ex-- 3 lllc every county hi "i rRMa recognised be HellougneKs ut Hie The w lmlc iinn sc gjdM blundering silica. To prevent blither erosion al bul the two remarkahle and QiRM I'linililers food and water. Tile losses in cattle tiuth-:- - pensive pMdeOtl came to a gcruga" with un gpproprlgtton ol Prom ORtlon and naked, thrnilgli Ambaatf Oft, Mil lately arrives. Collision and ihe toot of Ih,- bluff through llie'm unusually high This will whuli large Tin Cua hav. been deepen, improve j r lllr and iiin.-n.- v ing, one lo widen and I'aix-- Napkins 1 Ai-p- dor the Wathlnjjfton dtapcralon in tin- heavRM above lion of the wave a heavy ior If.Oll to ,"hf fnV an evhimi. i that tiffed the quality of both wool Orapd among living wall vv the complexion of the river ln!V(. are Cl.ing- (HU 11.00 Wulsl govetniiunt lake no action until all raltare and deatntctloa is then built along the edge of and ostrn h feuihem In sui h districts. opt ml will !" made Ly the nih- Hi,, inlow, yej Hie MloWtTan ut, near, about and abutting) nt lllc of lb. tRfitl C0UM be iikcc rtalned, aup- - tbiug mi earth here liver. Several iriigutlOli schemes have coinmla-alntier- upon the home and ininiii of William) i i il fmii iiiantii' when their we are m I world Hood W in! re- JM n,, tnai public all 'e Inaugurated in this district .'.Hi RioRiantlna th raoittpM wiih a luten Aklen Smith, a (t onv of Bui ton in i T.'.c llrt's- - niecl. Il l.e unalilmoiiH II Is a If I 111' Creator played his right THI si K.M V IIK.IIBIKIW Sunday and Men's slilrl vl hy chancellor Of cently, the prluripal on th- - aetPaie Fur 'improving'' Ht.iteimiit the Herman ) thRljtin's 1.M and I,M Work l band against bis left wbal mie loaea lai per MugRilne. Vit-- been a MfR Ml llm HI. lie lair. rtvera bdttl of which have In district Senator) si tia Hint full reparation would ba made the gains. The worst famuli, hovv.ver. Into period, tlrand river the giitK I olher neat ly dry tpf a i niiaidcrulile The men who oompoaod lha Wo - Smith then represented Burtoh revolt ai.-h'- s 3.imi im-s- s MM tiboulil it ba fuuiul thHt the aiibiunrlnti which our agelong- service of medloc-Plt- y have been shoes ' and the irngHliun furrow ed chief aipiadrona" , $4.0.000. The of engineers Shot - "flylRi found the aatue bad exceeded hlH Initfui NsVi'lt MB, ba led 0 is a vveak-kneed- Men's uhmJ iiiihIIIv OmRiandar sTUs: UVloss reponeu year sum: WM y also last tie Boys' slugs U .25 to hoatlllly to AHni'inei iiie in prac-Hcull- Htlit (Mrs. Hemejiiv) tlcference m mediocrity It probable water con- - Il eeiiH that There was no regular com inerco; . .,ptsi ntamAm XI nu tnaWef mc, burning stars of night, self The i ullage has borrowed tu provifM now ever) MM Hon of the alule. After of couree, merely an apology and u,,v!ervation will be neeeeearj on thl IT r. miles of Improved river , Si .:i spun gone viep ,,,.. m (Hrr(S- - mv where la the from everyday American life a cet lain wait i supply in tiniea of M,M a ConfgfOROg mi the matlci, Hie ofler or Indemuilv would not mifflce , for iieivveen Grand Rapid! and and past Ihe t'caiii Ol huiiinn Hlght exumpb-- Hie most deadly weap- iMrinJ UnR.WilBW. wool Satti Thai ilrmilli. Plana are nnsidered n al R2.IIII RMRrRRfig II la Indicated in the dlapKtchea from opt upint'i lannvnt ;tni umnu lvtfl f 12 ilial Ihla hoHllllty wuh md 11 flown? on In yellow lf, 75 iiiumI SiiKs na swifi hraeaa hath the journalist' miuorv will sunn be reached ns . will and decision! 1 dlstani Ol aoout twenty-on- e n.nt . .. r,( SI. 10 I 'but the prealdent We I A Without unit on Alliiniui ipie pal l, WaMlRftM And Hie stars unswercd mc roll Ihe term "hlghbrnw. path let U tn tie essaty Huch plans that (Sol 111 i 11 diNtlnvlly and deii-Rtta- light und power on hjgh: muy be called a grafter." "boas," or supply, il wan ah d to call a meeting of in will Hi. reuse Ihe ost of water IWpnty-fou- r inches, lias been In opera- - protRUM otreiiBe ahull that even Him escupe -A- T- Ihul auch But of Ihe never dMrii: aoul.'Rsk kiaker," and winch is already a fairly heavy charge - j Ihe cttMMM ul the high achool audi " Hon since Julv, 1911. Tlie improve- acci- vv bp i if i as a nut occur imaln not even by lilch can not die ha denouncfe! fcC.alpel landowners in the Irjlgated men! ha no effort on freight rate,) UtrlUm in xt Monday night for the anb-11..- . hlghbroV," dent. inlicrwlHe, th tlermun and the label sticks, hi sections. It is improbable it ever will i and that ixim.i career - ended a fnaywrlghl or a hov soo-tio- n purpnae of luiklng tlilnun ..vet. un h ni ght kill any number or hU1n or nu Itaius have just rUcn In most have." i Philadelphia may be tlt.w n e ItlKhl la a Hal Thla Hubert IHIdretti in I'llsl written aa 'cheap, or the ilrsttici. which will Ciiie DOLDE'S hete in llarlmr Xext. mailer. Americana and nettle for them eueh I ' lie may be sal, t,. drooth-BtruVe- plagiarize, he may be the n roURtry to The other project (project and pork! "Your Dollar Buys More hoHllllty o Alliii'luenpie hua heen Uiatiim. with apology and indemnity "lit- 1'ium 'schonlbov hnwlers" to shown tn he gtctOUR and unclean, extent, bul.lt is rather late begin the same Now a certain with letter ia riven 110-Ii- a South Second Sure. earned heiauae tOV left It to other there mual, mid doublleaa will. erary is not so lung a Withy.!' aeriu- i- iam.ige to his rfjti-tatlo- howlers" tP. for plowing purposes. aiul harbor bills) wd that ir lHOTj Ptume 114. 111 M rieelv a idedga a people la allow an iRtorwrt public given definite after all. but let him be proved to build a harbor of refuige near Cajiej .Iilj GOODS DKUVF.BKP. out-rage- o fly OK ifalia, ami. like Vol", H't nli;t pen ag.111.nl the rapatltloR of audi Nuvel reader who like highbrow'' and the public will THK CITY ROM XNt'K light- - the classic with topical may be from hlrrt na If he vtne u book agent. (Kdwarrt King.) - UPOn the of Americana the - in pit- did liol Hlinw Ihut InlercHl Thin great Now Pari .' Time, by hla COOl and JuhI pullcv, lurniug back, now that another the widespread American hollef What is lYari" What wa la a Hit'c when tiolh and the In of know ldge makes a man Imprac- be I the Yf prealdent ha succeeded In pre chapter the history Constanti- that What will Paris Paris Glass-Pai- nt the I I ii. gudl way. of ticable responsible fur some Prance, of the utiiei people mual coma to tin right nople is uniler ia one Walter of this heart of the center lha of neutral in the I IVIDELn MMDCD Will 11 Count curious odium but far more due tn By by New York Cement-Plaste- lorluiu, ti)l ih a mglH r nl mi. em Scull less poyuldj work. world and r nudat of a world war. where Urvar Beott, uaually a - our senile tlcferenit- to nicdlncrity Oerman people Robert of Paruv" usurp its futu linns. to ed other ,an nol Would have aacritlced and he The weight of public opinion it citv Yt'. thun; ( urate in his de. riplions makes ihe' it American call the unhUe of Albuquerque Lumber Company lake YiU'lt pi MM kept the country out of w n Cruaadeii wail before mossing a bay usually against ihe expert, the ihlnk- - pleasure; the Parisian admit thut It 42S NORTH F1H8T STREET vvheiu Huuaevelt Wuuld bnve plunged uuiil the tide ha INC. ptimiiil man in general, ia g paradiae, the Hussion fiinta It hla ' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915. SEVEN

Coprrtfht 1114 Bringing Up Father International News .service. By George McManus

i- -r - C fKTMMLN- - NOV PC your we cane 1 - I 1 DOMR.JI-.- EXAMPLE ALONG i I rv . LvmiKNnw-- i "M'W O ' I v . . . buPPobE I I csc that woul x J ( Y TOO WERE COMING K hom1uv, inc, to rv V XT SAOf 0OTOFAALOON VDURwiFE- - J MAGGIE FOR AWE til MR1 JONES IAND JObT THEN J y . ' the last time w02. at ointx moohe-'- s place:

i Missouri, Kansas At I exas i Missouri Pacific 4 STOCK EXCHANGE National BiSOUit 18 ',, National Lead 64 Nevada Copper 14 7 BitgH MSOMAL CLASSEFE COLliiS New York 8lfa Central -- i PRICES HIGHER N. V., N. II. & Hartford 62 - Norfolk & Western 107 Northern Pacific 107 FOR SALE IPlEmT IT Pacific Mail M !,.160 93 acres of good bench lands, I Pacific Tel. & Ti TONE C0NFIDE1MT highest point io feet to wattfi fine ! Pennsylvania lOX1? louitlon for nrchaid, four miles maro - linilwrai Pullman Palace Car 158 from city. Weiii o( Kay Consolidated Copper 2a,,.i 13.1 .'.a frame dwelling?: mod FOK SALE --One liundied acrei Heading 14 It ern; completely furnished; two Kond land, about of which m Republic Iron Steel (4H eleeplng porches; corner lot: shade' one halt trees; highlands; close Lb. miess of Gennany to Hock l 'o k and fruit Island $4,000 modern bungalow. in allalla; on main ditch and unly 4 Hock Island Co., pfd 4i Make Reparation for Arabic Ot water heat, hardwood floors, 3 new bungalow, with all St. A 2d 5 miles Louis Hnti 'ran.. pfd. .. sleeping porches, Highlands. built-i- n 2 from city. Ptitc $100 per acre. the modern features. I' (or your business. Incident Is Dominant Note Southern Pacific 89 $3,000 bungalow, modern, large porches; clots in. good ld' You need adettininK South' rn Hallway in pebble dash tinish, Highlands ratioii. Best buy in MbUQAierujue, of Strong Market. Tennessee Copper 58 ti $1,6003 four-roa- frame cottages: for $3.89, TBAXTON fi CO. I If you wan! lo increase it, Journal W.inl Ads are Texas Company 147 on three lots, near shops, close in; $11 Oold Avenue business builders. $32 per nut wondeilul Union Pacific no rent for month. $1,500 frame bungalow, 81 n i I insimfii ant MOUNINO JOURNAL Set. Il LBsetD Wl', (nion Pacific, pfd 'i modern, two sleeping porches, 80- - ixm iti itiMinu, 5 rv litem the cost for Journal Wants is AUK. 27. Germany's im- 76 New York, 1'nited States Steel ft. lot, near CM line, 4th ward. compared lo ihe lesulls obtained. plied willingness to disavow the sink- t'nited States Steel, pfd 1 1 $2,fi00 FtTO MOW frame, bath, barn, K'Ot Html Muilirn roOBMI o, sloa. amw ing of In' Arabic and other evidence t'tah Copper 68Vi chicken houses, shade and fruit PorteirIiiddl Co. for single inser- Writ J No ad taken for less than 25 rents a of her desire to avoid complications Wabash, pfd trees, lot 100x142, 4th ward. "in ron n k .1 l.ttlK' fO'iil room sMtli I the line. 1 hiee lines three para- 71 ' HEAL EiTATE-FIH- INBURANCB. tion. igure on six words lo with thin eOUBtry were again the Western I'll ion IllK UOl n sm i Jlfj ii Pboai IH23. a. LOANi. it mount factors of today's active and Westlnghouse Klectrlc 11$ H rasciEK UY DAT or wpiOi moilerD limes, V cents. Ftrei Innurance nonilo1 r"int strong market. Development in other Total sales, 810.000 shares. Iana W. GoW $.t$ t lid I wmk. Beat butMlns 111 Fonrth Street. 216 unn quarters, which heightened speculative 84uth w ki Ctnlrsl. IJ To insure your ad under the projier classification, get optimism figures com- t 1114 IKlMtH ill TU D1 Henlll included the COby in before (i p, in , esieci,illy lor the Sunday paper. 2 Sept c; He I.I.I N II l piled by the department of commerce. white, 71V4:; 68' itt RINTr-FvrplS- r.K.mi f..r light Chicago, Aug. 27. Bearish senti- .. All want ads are cash with order, except in case of run- Indicating thut United States now 58tte: May, 61 Iff 61 Male h.Mm.'li.'plns. ?;'l South Heon(t. the to- an exporti- ment dominated the wheat market Oats No. 2 white, 381 4(h rUHNISHBD r,...m. h..t peal, ning accounts. leads the entire world as WANTED- - BspeHencrd waitress, l ear wsler n" day on improved domestic weather Ilk, in, ehlldron. M Wwl Silver. ng nation; another very substantial psaters, Bmpleytnanl Atunoy, 1 10 Buuth a Winnipeg. FOU - rurniahed in copper values and fur- conditions and break at 'I'llll'tt Btrrpt. Plnaie :'ii4, HKNT- Mi.mii f..r :ist. abroad 101 a I a net loss REVI1CW. ! 'aii s.,uih sinn airaet. ther upward revision of price sched- The market closed wok BBAOBrHfiSrT'a WANTED --Th.ir4jgliTy etMrleaaed of 2 to with September at 97 Mi msa; niusl tiuvii tiad ttirougta tralaiftfl l''Olt UK. h.'.ia, l,i , plim I .Hi's, ules for steel, IruplViUi and kindred 2, rent maannalilr; in. alik U Weal l.'.ilX IftUj New Aug. 27. Biadstreel's In cottun semis Apply Knlnomlrt. I -- ami December at 'orn followed York, 'oit sm.Iv MlacoHaneoM. PROFESSIONAL CARP5 daefs. These rheerfnl aiififrs were r Two nicely roams 1 ff) 1 tomorrow will say: fori lti: rurelshatl wheat and fell to OniHle. I a r poets partly nullified, however, by another iC9X. for iit.iiaeki'ppliif. N.i alck. b'ii Weal run nai.k Phone liitiiW. ,MI'0.Uii ui M.I. hauls Aaso.lut..tl, at 73 1 jjj Heccmber. I'plifling factors continue to assert 'lie c.i drop in exchange on London, demand with September ,'TKD Comptht i k. Apply Mia Klllt SA 1.10 Hood wheel; pearly bsw. ill .' ai Ackermaa, taeretaeir, by in lr M 114 ' sterllmr yesterday's 88 U 1' 63 V Cats was depressed themselves trade and IndUftrlal L Slam. Weat r..ppiT Kuti Nlea rui nlaltiMl reoina. irsWrn, North atreet, I'll. an. i.i il l Uariielt Rldg. fullinii under is a hunt U the slump in other grain and under cles but at the same time thei,. WANTKU $10 iin.l i.. ponta. Haiti I'" ill H I.B Nett a loo. Ing tar. Call previous low record to $4.63 with I i:TiaTN. went a net decline of 0 ' to J gt degree of unevenncss In particular inns! api'i at III West a'l'lilriil menu,' renewed weakness In remittances to nenrnora, pr Incguliir with sections and certain industries that I'B.irih. legant ilsiged tu I'Oll MAI. "ne niioi .no! mo. .I'.iii lo J. K. It BAIT ii Provisions closed Paris nd other continental financial WAS'TBp irnlshcft, i.nih adjoining. it 1. a firmer, produeta deprives the situation of uniformity, harnl gliotgun. I'li.ne HII'W Hen Surgeon centers. ribs shade other M a Wrsl West beao n Hldg. Phone to of li'.ulia. .li.gJil alvl. ilii Bun sai.b Umpire ergam eeparator; bgr oa ii ;it Provision range at the finish However, optimism as th future -- sleep-Pi- g Ma.te t.v Ah a ushnl mpcii nhnrou were thei 1' Csntral. KOK RRNT Thraa larga anol loom a. gain A lliu'ineripiH Caning,, lo ipp iintmeatn nail S 7 seems po- ' Teti-n.-ss.- was lower to M higher. unabated: our International perch and liHth. omnpletelr furnletied a outstanding issues of the day, rvANTib .1 V.ialiliiKl.li .'"ff.'.' Salca If ill M.K ., I.,, iK, ,lo h"i I'.itist PMTnH'IARt AMI NI'HtlKONN. of the crop were litical relations appear to have Im- ileairea experienced for hollai'kr.'lilng. Mil Weal leal. Copper abiorblnn the greater Lowest prices mpimy tn tttbure M Ilia .i.H.in Hi'hool. to- proved; report larger for pi Ke ReSloo I M. II part by of its reached on all deliveries of wlient some sections gdy drmeaatrator wick lllghlunda. SOLOMON Ht'llTON. of the attention reason goes on alaie fair hne Hi, ft. W. Wiley. I'lijsla Inn land hurgisill. di- day. There was heavy liquidation on roa.l unlets; tnall order trade i itt UK'S r r'urniahi .1 Rasi wild fluctuations. Failure of the I'll. .no I T. I la natt ni.lg. In Increasing; situation l rectors to declare an extra dividend the Improved weather condition the .southern WANTFIl Snlesmcii. central. ron h.n i,r in. brighter; money everywhere iK plenti- a I. an:, On Alhuajuei ue '.at ringa' Qnt OH, T. $?. H er to the domestic north winter helt, com- rim RBNT 'OIIIK Ilklil buUM idle, TA.SM t:ii,. other action favorable WANTKU Hulrainiin or uhlllty I" aell lay- i Npea lilllal In K.tr, toir. aa lliroill. being among the heav- ful at low rates; collections are some keeping, bead. I... i .,., lu.l I. .UI,., sealed tlaet a drop 10 mission houses New una mi: .1.1 o a N M. shareholders caused ot - ers 'diift'iion csbtnM 1" Hesleo l.ighf" houaekouplng rnrkar, heap ,, Wegl Hold, llern Blsls. Ii iest sellers. The bear sentiment early what easier; foreign orders for liuinii- AtlrseUve pr.ipoalip.n ter iiluli Kon IIK.NT rooma. points In th" first hour to 55 Later I Aritona. 1 s Ptiege strong fnc fired war supplies of man. wiih refarenees, R, It. smith WaitT HI Klin HAI.B Underwood typewriter, goou mix ri 1 a iiakkh DS' took such hold of the market continue grade AddrrM red to 60 1j i d at OepkMI llu.l.llng. KDIt 1(1 Two i noma furnlahnd tot order. 110 nd gtreet Phase 77$ I'm, Hi e I Hulled l l ie. Rat, Noae anal that bullish factors abroad were ig- large proportions; higher prices pre- Koneh. Agent. 4:4 Tniat lltj steel, copper m Pa an T, gag ng. tin South Bdlth .'al: sm.b inie degnrlptlvs llekel lo ortnd Ttreai vail for Iron snd and i 1. . Hank lll.lg A 4! I'tah 2 nored. FOR RIN1 Mudoni rurnlaht'il rooma, with Mound ' 'I.. a .a AaMreeg j u. n Hlate National Buying of wheat was limited g' v has emerged from its recent spell of I I II Positions journal to l$4i ; American Smelling, 2 ' to ataaping porches. Hint ('antral. Oil. A. IBANK were seeking profits but dullness. On the other hand buyers uniting. :ie and Nationni Land IM to to shorts who .'.ii'.i'.i aranulfl v.inla situall FOB HUNT barge hoiiaikfepln looms Blill HAI.B Bine api li.ots for RPRCIAlrltTl check (he have not entirely divorced themtalvoi v.ri:i 16H9W a I r Km it la Am... p. i 4dd ress P. Bog 181 I, AM" l.i'VHH !l 6 their operations failed to un 8 el' rliai.ili. i inui.l I'hoM ml large eleeplng pureh. THROAT irlth and point advances in Fed HI l e, II I Ib'lg. from conservatism", labor situa- nleelj id It. ot phong 1171 II Maimd downward movement ami the finish the WANTKU- - Ugh) u in 1. at i ml ill fOli UK NT Three furnish rooms eral Mining, common preferred, wik, I pears! and lions, no all Ii. :il , Hoillll yon HAbB In nil picked Herlletl ;. was near the low point of the day. tion tends to reflect In sporadic strikes kinds uf ma. linna.. apxtMa, ntotvri Bo for llri'plnk I. SMIIRII U II at 35 ami 52 respectively. The better Kill per e airol pit North Thlrteerilll etieel. Influence of competitive bidding SHU. .Pun not. ill atreet Ited til known irregu- There uas frost In Wisconsin but the Phone 'J war specialties made iTy I - Tw. nlHlH'.l r eii- - 1177. ignored by corn for help; trade, though uoo.l in V THI 1'i.alll hi e'gperlaniTd guli'a-- nil: RENT- fin ns wlih this bull factor was retail . ( PHARH 8c ptiiini t ' a lar sains of 2 to 5 points and United li fllralthlnBI loai.'.i ilaeatng P' I', ,1 y 'n.i.; in. ..I.. ret Central Avenue 0$ the wanner some sections, Is not altogether fa- man: kniv "as. men" if Rani a 84.1. si, it' deal- trad rs. on account hikIiIj K. Ui)i Jill Nnrili MlKli Rdblntop Albuquerque tanttarlltMi Phone si eel again on tremendous greeei-le- Inn f. I'adet. 1777 of com belt vorable. wi'N cool weather in Hi., west I Phone 1 weather over most the SciUtg ION M'-- ings ascended K 77, best price Wall, KHIl II large alit with M. to Its In having pMUOity fame press. Illl. i tllN AI MKN the weaknea wheat checked distribution, re- - board, at reaedflable raiaaa. I'hona M taoe ihe injection of the Arabic Inci- and because of ARrENTBR ttiiailng. ecretnlng aint Pr.n Hie I lot I lo ICie. Itr, unal of was very light. of dyestufls curtails operations in palling Kmntture nr gnythlng of valua IH7W.. 414 tooth Edith, Tfceeat dent Fertilizers, motors and I few The vulume trade i.l ll. prices wag steadily some textile lines; and railway freight igi hanged for nnrt tayment. Prlcee Iron rtBMf--$1- 6 Ofl modern light g Offlt e Rbura lo io ll 3 lo 4. utilities 2 4 The course of Will MA I. IS II pean.. t pel pound. t rose and fell within to (raffle aa anna hie Phunl 1547W. rooms, mill and now, WHla-- paid. lluilla Wttel Ave Phone of seaaloh, the few is lighter than last yeftl ,1, II 111, point downward most the st 1711. va led. Phone Clll Ihla out for limits and South Porto Hlco 8J,-00- HI nn Am., atreet Phone Insignificant and of short Weekly bank cleaiinig, $3, 88, fuioii' i ii i M t N IOHH M Bugai tl-(H- i 31 100 rallies being W'TI'.ll Vllsi eila neons. - reference. tn in in stood point rise to On RENT- Nicely furuislntal reoitia with olo-- mid I ung P. .inning I oio ra i- of ihe Tliruiii "a wo 100 each. duration or wiih. ui sleeping pereki also light KOli SA I.l. in 'us Weal Avenue sales of shures WANTED Ceng evaporate s Phong $11, with, Pity Office, ivniral general liquidation hnugekeeplng auiie. No ehuaeaa, ei Bust 1 sound fiuii HufeM lilts 4 Liberal arrivals, M t o I a m I I" p. m. realizing sales caused some itl'eas Ilex - M nam llfli htouri l" m: . IK. ll'iol a In conllgnmtW no- iniik (rnN. central. . 119 i PRum 4UI. Irregularity and big Inenase OLE AN I MO, ami a Phone Isnatoe and recessions at tin CA4ifa$1 (uroiuir eioa POri HAI.B llnlil '" !" 'Hi new siuser M. D., Medical Ulrerlor. pressing featiues of ,. p ng. Oolf. III. W T Mttrpliey, eh Total sale amounted to 930,- - li. "s were the ih New York, Aug. 27. Spol cotton r a rt W. A. Phon roit iii;m iiwi iiings. twlm mgchlnei .heap if taken at ..me. Sulphur gel Him n taio the oats market. steady. .Middling t: ... No FOH J emeu end Hprlnga Ho.'. koUth Walter slreel share uidands, tu N. atreet, North M. D. provision pit trad' ts Uarelne teama ltij Aran Klosl Hi! ?7a i W. M. SHERIDAN, Should forecasts of the week's Attention of sales. a"HIl M.Vl.K sol! week list ribs, giving some WA N'TED Uooki from C K nr mrrl-md- i Won Thret and four-reoi- n flats. I I'o. of spl.'ii.ll.l fin nil in i'. will re nt none; tomor-row- 'i seemed mainly on I hum mis Preetlf Limited movement be fulfilled I OS 441 "gird i ... x N.. eommtodtty, while gptomoblte codrge. PH. ma hi. darh, Nor in an. .i. vv.ai you i mi rm IJU. water paid. Iin strength to that sis S on It nd bank statement will show large M W rbRK MAIthl S Mgegaetu. Inaujr t' lrat ternnd. Genito Urinary Disea.ses pork and bird weakened Mini. BTId 1N(1 healinr lUgb hool gill Isl'ra Kain In .Hsh, bringing excess reoorvM te gaalai In nine inorning ami evS kViotb. For hVi i: heap fm ti in k la piano Closing prices: V. Skin. toec to the $200,000,000 mark nf last New York. Aug Copp in for loon, ami hoard,he ''all W. C A. pUno it Vend m Diseases of the Sept.. Doc., 8$(4jO. rnK HUNT (inn four loom furiiishad atraei. .1, ii u I, S04 Wheat 7ttcl Kleelrolyllc, $11, (VAN i grain. Noguehl Teetei TBI All kinds ef anrka for apartment i nnutii Maead Pi Wase.rniano and - -- 73 6 3 '., e madera uot phone '.nil, fu- Corn- Sept., t.c: Do. Iron steady and unchanged. seeks an tt la no hades or .'ana. I h. "Bin'' Admlnialared. Bondl were Irregular, with small for itraet I'looe iit.j cylinder Indian rAotni Bldg. l OtS 36 He. 36c. par for difeillve PV Pun hai.b tin I'lHaene Rank ture Sept., Mull hiin.n..! i t ri bungalow offerings. Total sales, par value, in 1". Yi 'it i:i. Fiirnlehed cycle, ipeed in.. .1,1, fullc eipilpii.'il Ck t , 13.77. I I I laaa. according t" ".nihil. I'teino tw Pork lept,, $13.63; M Vllllk I.I.Mr SIM It with luge giaaa poreh, nglii ami wauir ne. it'lc new lie Cull at Mann'a Store, legated $2,750,000. J '.' .IB West i.aaei iivhih W, DILL t , lll per DIB I'ogl. DR. W. - Lard Sepl $8.02; 8.17. in paid. IHI.Mi nionlli Weal Town w p li. Boa II tor full par Tinted were un- l. ii at old States bonds W i:i hi no lo'l lo use fiir- - - 18.8$; $8.62. Now York, Aug. 27. The metal i"'i I nit" UR'i tour ami lit, room nloely tlcglnra. THUBRriJLOSH. banged RlbS- fept net. Musi I"' In g 1 locgtloll M wen on call. yatr. hrli-k- aaillliiry eondltlna, MATji. In quotaa lend 4liS$(p4.88, ah". clean, PUR Ma a well riinuhoill At A I" I I" 4 P. r., i, .0. a i.in.'.'l I" nav g pine I'o N, w roil lP.tg ''losing prices: r i se lii. gaa range, porcbeg, modern, rent II,..; Ford rosdsier. $IWl ! ItONTON WOOL. Metal evchange quotes tin quIOt, the right pltM or a' in tathaagt rlll' 417 rung Alaska Cold ItSi nnsnnalile Sliunt.d Hit and south nurland. Illl; also smdlier VKTKBINARV COU ROM $ ".t. 71. In l.os Angeles it hi, ii is anunri'ii in street Appiy Moore Hasuy Co, 8i a seventh liom. win treda fm vananl lot. HeClotkll American lleet Sugar ! hcsi part of Ihe city and Is o ts fun Wal ut" Co.. pn v. Copper, OOLLRtlR begina Sept. Aliurleaii 60 ..,1 wiih stluklev fiiriillitro rhndighnii Highlit nrie r VITIRINARI. Can I! t. 'i IW Wl MARKGTl i No proteealoa offer equal opport- iieim lIVlsHKit ma health aeekera ni l have no Irk- Anier Smelt. & Kef'ng 81 nrs une free CL Keen. Praaldeal. Whether or not the possibility of naaa In Hie family Addieaa K. T. Oatalsf Illl Amer. . Market glreet. Han Pranclecn Smelt. & Hefng. pfd. ...107 again being able to impoit rossbred Kansas WtJ Ueatock, Journal offkr. 14)8 Kansas Aug. 27. Re- 10 ft. RUN1 I, end reiam Er American Sugar Refining eauseil buy- city, Cattle uiw : I s wools from England has l Isndaon, Sooth Kdllh. I M A I' Kill SICVI MI ult American Tel. & 123'a ceipts, $80. Market strong- pi one (M II Idioms. l!t K Tel ers to refrain from buying as much Hire,, .me Journal ste'-rs- Bun REN'I Nifiv loom modern fur Hi's; J County Furveyor; Rdinund Antei loan Tobacco 224 done Is fed steers, IMO08.it; western WANTED' I "I riment, turn. titghed Ktrggaed poroll, POM RAI.R Improvi guhugbaa i" party. PITT ns thev otherwise would hae bungalow front i H Surveyor, 110 West 74 $6.Ut) (w 1 u.23 a. m ida m. Lhltalrep. An- - health-aeeke- r rtnea r Mineral Anaconda Mining has been $7.00i?8.7r,; calves, lain Villi South Kdllh. rti injJMI.W. Harden, ti nil. aUMlfa. Meal tr .. Ainuuusrque. N. M not at all certuln, but thore of s li il.l.l avenue, Ill D - Sheep Receipts, awer, ii. oiu: p. .it PfgNT I IIOil orl Second ''hisoni . In local market than '4,000. Maisei Purnlehed complete, an less business the Migtourl earn ami it. Baltimore & Ohio was ago. Of the three higher. Limbs, $8.(Hi. 3 yearlings 'ttage. I ont enlent 1" all". pa. It,. per MAI.li farm II ill siM ss t iiwri'S, there a eek month Hlo Mouth Aran gteeel Pltone PSA. monthly, no Intrreai or taxes, hlgliiy pro. Brooklyn Rapid 84 4 $6.301i 7.00. 3 n Transi million pounds estimated to have been 1 1. Hi scllvi land; gMaa e big arkeia; write MALE luoppoaed Ib'al praetlee; -- Ki.JIt UI'.M .me and liogrd Paiea Bull California Hogs or Receipts. 2,600. M nket It.. full Inf. a mull n. Man- - Petroleum 1084 sold the greater part was in foreign ppy day Ml Sfoilh Rroftal wut mill Poultry, for phop.grapha and a I plan, fm Inalili seeker, for par- $6.66 h lull Sl,l lilnslisk N. r. Life llldg. Canadian 131 higher Hulk, $6 9ni 7 80; heavy, ser Kanaaa ''lit. Ill, I'll. tori ' ai e journal. Pacific wool. RENT- - Mia eping pa.ycli erllh hoard fair l FOR t i.l i.ii-vi- RungliTne' Huff land, 3 ier f,ntrii I 44 V4 '(i 7.23; pigs, $7.00 ft 7.T.O. gtreet, iv Full HAI.B Frail ii u.'lea, lit leather have shown no appreciable ,oi,t aieaieni. TOi North rifteenih II 41$ s Prices I. afprtah loaf, .utli sere, adjoining railroad, and my road, io g I rhes,ipenke tc . Ml!, .ill. Ohio 4SH change one way or the other, the mar- Phone Arno. plo. ne laui. elei tili' piiuet, light ami leiephone, location j Chletffg Clilaago IveslaM'U. TaiCK II A It mast I I Mi Ureal Western being generally steady, he mills HAM'll the elliarllva THlf I AV, ih.y win, liny pay. that'a etiuals any In oil.. nts fn. goaatPT 1111 ket of toivr.. ' ago, Mil. & st P moment Chicago, Aug, 27. ( Ittla Iteceipts beiltli reeorl. line n.lle north enough to aay Navajo It I Rede. Slunk lo i. hard or aniiltarlam Aoplt "itic I are, fairly we'l engaged at the on plaaa. I'L 1.000. to higher. All nn Ik. cream and egga produced egga I. 15. Thnragl Poultry Varda. 717 er .1 R, Hill, Itlllawill lain tl. Allmqueiqlic, 1.1 ' "icago ,v Not thwes tern little Market Htea.l has, and 1ST. Advices from the west Indicate free oarrlaga for guests. Electric lis Bast Hseidlne avenue. A Itonioerque. N. M Cats iiilloa aoii'h ''hint, V, Beeves, laf(tf tO.tl; Texas sleers, aeral.-e- Phonp Copper 16 oltv mall Hooms or cottggee. i worthy of note regarding the little POR STtl.K Two il.ilrn Ithode lalcnd foung dog. mi.. I. in and l.ls.'k. 8.4 7.40: western $6.63 fit 8.83; IH Mri W 11 Reeal. 1 uel Iron . 3'i still left In the country 9 white pallet and rorketeto, lo th i"iiii.a I (lit S M l House, '1 eye l.t own ans.t ' wool $8 f,0 OT orgdd 7 calves, 12.00. Mlts RRlTfccH, toroierli n. I Rhrara to &ia New Southern . . . pwai twelve-month- s 6Mi or: iriiiMA nlo a glee lot of Red p.nl. u and ' Tin" City, ah has lo S A LK New hanguiow, Piilli lu tlitna 1 W Ul'tl '' nver & Rlo Hlteep Heielpts, 7,000. Market Silver ennouniea Ihet coi'kerrle. both combl .1. tlrungle. Sll'j N'orlh .a k fgaa and r. Iv. I, Qrande fine elKht-month- eotrtte. a high . laaa hoarding and rooming eg. closet clothe closet, kitchen ninet and 10c 16 i Baghlh all LOST. OR HTnl .BN Augalgt DekTar & Rlo pf I strong, higner. Yearlings. 110 atfel, up 781. mi: vi:n c.rande, Fine staple, 72074c; fine tabllaiiment at South Wauer all l. dale .onvenlenie.. Phone I. l.llllg Un. Teiritorv 7.7(i. $7. 73 It 11.50. fuft SA l.ffi e"an. y hied I'lymmna Rouk Mil. .oe row u borae. weight 1'istillers' . . . j wstern lambs, end la prepared to offer the flneat laile Securities staple, 6Si70o; fine clothing. egga. 76 per seittng. Kancy I. red I'OR SALE Owner leaving town, moat io yeai id brand n left shoulder tBc and medium Hogs Hea t In lha city gt per day. Telephone eenia Krle , - elpts. 14,000 Mai ki board II eggv, dlipoaa of home III hlghlainla. Blve borge, weight 1,144 Ilia. II years :8V medium clothing, 63o: Ana Muff urging, '.i II per getting: Black una hay fine 7u feeagg ini'ilern, 'euersl Klectrlc $770; - Hrong, higher than yester.lnv s av Mloorcaa, It per gettlgg I'all at 401 North ahaite and fruit ireie. ai ,.i.i brand on left ab.ui.ier R. it. t.ii re- half-bloo- d rombitig. 7'i'h 71c; three- aouj ewa p. i. e. good nt, terma - rrage. $6 80 6 f,; Heavy, $6,40 - Thliieeinh or phone intretno ward L.t tt't.iru ..r legreea bee tVeeeel Ma- Hulk, 4,7. i m piirini. ni- lt or l Weet Copper. ' ';"Ht Northern, pfd algbths-bloo- d combing. fi7fl!)i quar or vr I'ln.ne HI rail New Meg rq M a! ' ' oild 10; pigs, $7 nOili S.iiS Bull HAI.B It A II' B HAMS Large -- 'i Northern Ore d -- flap. HAI.k, odern name bouee, '' ttfs eomuing, iMHrnr. KaiR HfCNT ltouaekepmg rooma and hegey-Woole- raiaail. ''"Kgenheim mooth, range In tiighlanda, on ePaao to Exploration liSlh 7a. A A, 74f 7c: cottagaa. Bleeping p.rchea III send atreet car line. I'M'KU'HITK Pulled extra, Ha l,ienl(Sk. I'haniplonahtp ai Arlaon itafe Pair Mama I'a ahopa, pi. si InoailoB. Newly Illinois uler Weat Coal. , Central A, Sn f(i 66. A supers 63 fi G"l f. other information to aiihiikt in K l N DM. new and aacond-hand- fine Henver. Aim. 27.- - t'attle--Rei eipta, p"i.'h f.r papered throughout. Two screened per. hee, ALL both 'nterhorougli-Mci- . pfd "6 piif! f(l:. ."' r' ."in upariiiie.il wlih VBSIMKM' .'" Prelcolt, Arlg. Kailrb ad large enough for beda Terma raaaunable bought, gold, rented and repaired. Albu- 'luipiration 1,000 Mnrket uneven. Ib ef sti" rs, attiitlt tai".lain, nicely farnleheal. 719 areas, Neltlon. Aril Kgrhanga. 77, Copper ... iiui;ii in i... i lira M South Rdllh alraal querque Typewriter Phone 8K (in $ .a n Mouth K.litll , He... Old lnteinntioii.il Ksts n:ni 4il8T,78; rows nnd heifers. Kul! MHO matin-- ground ..r wh .le. la .111 S.ollh etteea Harvester 1084 3 sai.i! M 01. rooma i I 2 . -- No. 6 50; feeileis, $.00fl f7m R1JNT Hi.- t.est single on lie market. Kor MOV I V O Kansas ity ' . 26 Vi Cltv. Aug. Wheat stockers and fed TO Southern Kansas llghtl and " j'.t paid, use of leiephone a a. h'.ises . ..wa nnd bogg. t N i l .! Money. 1.1?; 7.2S; calves. $8 to poultrv. pig" Valley 142 2 hard, $1 08ft No Ill Mil Nnith glrat at real. Wl. - msige. pel "" '" 8tl grouud MONflY To LOAN un aularlea. buuaebold I -- i I' WANTKU-Lo- an l Hept.. faS M Sleep Iteceipts. none. nibs, enywh.-i- . e a pa ens, goods and livestock, without removal of ll.iniu. real aalat Loultvllta Nashville . . 114 Vj 8a.l$: Butt I three modern fooml, fnrulab-- t ninlgn, II Pi, elupptd i iii-U- Co., aecuniy. Addroaa tt W oar Morning : $8.00(5.8.60; ewes, 18.0098,88, el or fleighl B W. Bee, i Ualun Loan MM Soulh Third. Phone "iean Petroleum 8644 mr, 'it '2o Mav. 97 "itr d for hoiiaakaeMDIn with iiiu.lern pin, posl ill Hogs Inqulrg 404 Id, Weil Lead avenue, Albuq unique. till. JouraaL ml Copper Corn No. Z mixed, rnuTje; No. none, eonvenleDce. trtk EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915.

7! CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. ALBUDUEHOUETO tilotr. Itaiici-- . II. m- i- I ntni-liln- t Insula, i uiliT), TimiI.. Irin altea PASTIME IhaTII mi I Mtliwc. Piiuublac. Milling. Tin ami (ulnar Work. III M. Ceuirai bag l I l.l'IIMNK BE PLACED UNDER IN l NTH i. vr Tl Sit GRADE BOOKS TODAY FOR CITY AND COUNTY SCHOOLS MAKES Ml) I II M'l IS. FIRST GRADE . THE MICROSCOPE a M leainliie Hi"' I In I Ki Itn.i-iil- I'riii.ei WHITER i ir-- -- I. .il, ..in. ' .till, il i Mraalu PLOUR , BOSS BKKAI) I n Tri ailvti'ir- - Rng Hi'ad. r That Is NOT Bleached Those Bitter Sweets SECOND GRADE The Flour iieial Demand to Know i in ink- - Raaatdr u't The Tavern Keeper's Son fffffffi TlffWfflWff'ITii Srenfftd i r Mr, d - Praaawri i'U-- r What Ails the Town Calls Kit I ti Ittu-iif- l I 1. tun i . THIRD GRADE BOND-CONNE- for Meeting High School LL AND at . SHEEP WOOL COMPANY Little Herman I'n "k - llnnl K. a.l''' la Third RcmuTn . ir. Auditonum Monday Night. al-ta- Tn ail ll'ii . I ft onieil. riii ,u SHEEP AND WOOL. HIDES AND PELTS rahfhawkV Mi in. Hcrwpl men I MM here at n. R, kfaadr t mir-- e- Book and TIJiTR ami Tra ke It, id- - I'll man laaaaVf DO Offlif U'arrhiuiae. ticnue ltallrail ' Tomorrow A'hnt ail" A lliini!eritie and Monday truauaj Mar World, Booh know

iilln t" l",-l- i trttkawrUc Tluii 'i.iiM'lhinfff her nrna llta a. Iln- Mane- - Mot W'tiwunh BmHh'i Hfaarwtbr style or don't they? he the optnlon of iimae in naanlmfrm VeraMaki Mar, in Haa FOURTH GRADE a poaltlnn to knnw nniat almnt the Original MoT We believe they ffiiljiil nncj thirr la evident I verv i Brook's l.oirili ItiH'hi in hi imr tw o - that's why we Strong Hrothers Ki'iieral ihulK- In flnii out what it in i'iimi Irii'inl- anil HrtpeTa do NICE GREEN CORN hom . iium i iii niiih - aHemrgaar) VrhluwKle n I proper .he-for- anil hi the reme.h . I the Stetson Undertaken I'i mi iful Pta) of i.r.la i.'i i d - iiiirn taagadwa Work feature Dozen ihe imileiil l,eeiinien hopl8tal) I. If" in I Cart'- - I 30c prom pnowm in' troand t arid Ihwk Hats. it hkhvk k nut of ..nilitlun lit ngrawdij Ho ' TI. KTItoM; III K . (XM'I'KH Duriiiu the IiihI few weekn rpr" Word Leaaona - good dress- i h, AND -- I'll,- Hal ut As all iw m hi fOBCOND. HllltutlV.H "! till' III. fill .,.11.11 mil - list anil brlni I" our lore, iReed Joainiali I d have rMltad pracltaally erery county i adia will he paMiflietl in Saudi 's ers know, there is an In New HaStM I" the Interest ..f the invisible line that ICattng Pear, IIhmm, i. rains., fair. Kvers where Ihey hnve Knne CONCERT X . - Itan-aim- - thiy have found the puipli- with I I i nlaliiiM- mid separates real style arfiora thay .ame in eaniari cordial LOCAL make-believ- e. ITEMS anaufh aa Mia anhjaal i.f the fair but St. Mary's School frooi the fl.-- . :.h illy dlHtant and offieh when it of I -- II I I I.I.I I s. fODAY Or One the leading Itl III lfTST came In I llaWMMlan of Alliuouerque. rmwm potgftoudk Ureen i iiiii. Thi nToo4ttn nf th Woi Id pd nM At firt the romilaalnnati .skid Stetson features, tnd Hi II IV. - Mil I ;n I'lalll. linn I. i'i n poMpOliad Indef Initely, Iheinaelvea. "Whnt'ii the unit; it with Auditorium bound to be specially -- . CMegf, lelluii'. liiiiuilni I'M l''mr uml famil) li ft Inst night Mini. l hi. .ie?" At the end "f their popular this season, is the for i iilif..i nla l vlalt Hi. ffapoeittoni Hip tin. di" tiled thai iilmiii avari Thursday, Sept. 2 I fill I I i II at ton Mass atid Ban Francteoo, thlMffl In the mutter with Alhii'iuer'iiie it?i3r Gray Soft Hat with Hint nail I., lh.' nintlir with n Ii.wiii Im.H I Mi. Meal, war- - Mix. Thuinaa llluk iii"l " Mid fnm-i- l for- Th In by live 8 M. Black band rather ( y.;.tril:iv from Lad tinit KUHllalH real "ins dUere mihi'. i d nnii in oltfa i,!.,no,! thing. i. iii their automobile, The family whn ffrard to lO Hie rluht mal, vastly smart sure IIittIiik. H'.il'd limn. r li.i. nil Il M-- Bell-lmo- n I . Ivi-h- To tail. Ihe following al J9 ( hlH il II" f hml In n ill. n lading riTuI fur to interest you, even if n thtraCofi occurrad tn pratWUnl tik-- musicians nill ' part: It K I'utnev and n f "ther promi- I' THEATER "TELMO you afterward decide on Assistant I lint I lit A ..in. v II. H I. L. TFLLO. I iolinist. nent i Itlr.en. win. have Hi.' H""'! "f .lands. ,n I. ti eeaterduy fur Banta H'c, less dressy city nt haari thai H arould i"' wall BRUNO DUX K.MANN. some model v I1 i the A N l where hi' inn li. in before l 1 THIS It It OF WARD'S STORE .mil.' t.i pnea Bffraaii I ioliniit. Bho HIT . fur Aiiiii.iii fiiie uni in tone. the hi i ii i i. .mi Monday, Ha will l (iOOHS AMI YOC iler thr iiiU'i'iiHiupe and find mil MRS. R. M. In the; State. CWM 2BM VJilW ret urn Monday night. HF.NDERSON. Ml Marble Ave. I'l i s bug it i i BATE Till". BEST. iiisi what particular that I 9 following i.'i. ki.iiiim are being A' Soprano and iolinist. Thr lilting In i .ind t rid nf that bttg. TODAY Mi' Ml I. II Mm M.r i Stern In hi undrlivcr, il iiinii M . S H M , Simon n' rorillngly ii inei tinn Ima I.e. n ealled MRS. I 0 E company local office ..n MARY Telegraph i for Monday night In lh.' hlnh achool Pianist. nil. MYSTERY of gddreea: Leona I IINC.) account ..f Inaufflelenl Aibuquero.ua jriiiiJivuu Star , - , auditorium, al winch STANLEY SEDER, Pianist o . r- i i i r . iiriidy, Brueal Hortn. Ralph Patent nn Introipaettva TAKE rn It Mir i ham i -- ' All vjliuua ..Jcai i uy i u.un i eltlatni irlll taJten l Ht, - i. u MISS LOUISE NICHOLS. lll. BROKEN PLEDGE (ACIIH. KOIIAK IIMSIII.Mi. li. r. MuiiKi'. pi iii. 'in ..i tin- ii. view of themaelven and talk H over PiarHsl n A MAMMA VUDOR PORCH SHADES aland, iraa here fur aeveful houra In ii tlroraUghly frank manner with a Comeif li h.sl Mr Mode." In "I an aad PtaaHag KBKF 1IIK rOHCII ((MIL. night nt'ilcd view I" hTllMflnl nut Miss LOUISE THORNE, flniiaiiaidaiii Art Pktam hi private Cgf 01 Bgntl Kc Iniln Nn. Contralto. l,.,:,.,on- ANK OK llll'. III'. Cff iitrnl Ave. WANTED h g i ii ins i .. iiie Had Waag i from till UMMf Peeoa country, Tin I.", i. nn wdi bactn prompt i at SOIL. Special Fcalurc With Baadaya, ROSENWALD'S . D. FALKENBURG, 7nor. Coiiia'tcnt anlcawomoii with lie a inn" ii hiii. nn i home. lh' K i.'. ill end promptly "I I'.rk Ml " Edmund I Cobb. sieiniv poaltlon. y ii n .',. mhi fi.i I1 grvaraj promlnani apoakan win LOUIS HESSELDEN. basso. i! prom-- I iMHt the t lui ihk. mid H i Mai. Braaal Mayan rotwna adlraai k. i )p"ii I p. m. OoattMMMd Sliow l.lvarv and naildla horaaa. Trimbla'i THE ECONOMIST ninht rr..in California, where he pant lard thai na ipeactt win he more than Admission Pff.l liarn B. Tickets of everal tvenMi viaitinK ihe expn lillllllK ,,,,,, mtnutaa lnlonith. Judga at. IBflOl i IA PI ItK i IKD Mid win he uml eoaal ottlae. The major w .1.1 .III Rtckay win prai i any I lh mi IIIH, , i ,t ,mi with authority t" throw FIFTY CENTS U. M. Wll.l.lAMS in' cltla ut of thr hall who tnea to in lh i an Si DdaMat m thraa-minu- M iimn iwiim M p'thft.-iiMi'i'- ii ii k uatsn nam ai axcacd tha appareni Home tlma nit.. ma 1 ami .'I, Whiting HulldlBgt OlfPOl Ml A.liiin.iliii ,i it baoama My denial offiee Bagonl Hold - Is Corner und tin- this year I" b : I. thai stnli' fair til Baptanghdw 'ii ,i. a Mil-- u. Mind r i ii. oil and Mra, tlaaali Jaffa hi lav in a I'hone No. 684. fin- a.. i ttie most attthuataattc Kaal sin - .few ilns I.. .oh Aih;i Iim. Catti i.ev. pertatlona nf those who net out I" Grocery !i win iha will viaii liar aona, whn ura Skinner's It tho baal ever held itl lh'1 . ii. ...I in. in in thai ' ".v H II unJaf" mala bualnai Tin- idly w ill he ihrongad in ii . gOrt '.i i Mra, win ba Hoiiihwesi .in unit Jaffa bm ii haa . . with ihe hiKnest .lowii that from a ii. i u i i about hi months. Wl mi vr COMI'ANl .. avi i bafora entertatnad Ara tha ALL OF RUH S AND VEGE' ABLES ON llll. vii its SI... will fflail tin' Kim I'i. in. in. ..ml j hail Tr Itl smith i ir- -i Ureal people In tuke nwuy n Rood or a MARKET. Han i'iii.ii axpoalllona, albuquarque? In the TODAY! impression "f ii a. inn, praaUanl pt CRYSTAL ii .inn city to gain "i lose by th mlngl tha Auto rompany, with GO. louthwaatara la n t" gtl a in""11 or black aya tlallca, Miiaa r- -j Li i.iii manaari mi dopanda "ii Athnqpofqn. I i Tluii A Fresh Lot of Saratoga Chips A M A N tumad yaatardaj from thalr automa "1 laelng l LET US SEND and II Is fur the purpose I AS l.V h tafaT4 I. lit. I l.i Kl I'..'... Ml i iiitnii li In In bulk, per lb 30C It that th" POOpl Who ''"iii'' here Til !. Thai llrnken Window miya ihey Hmi trip both wnyn packages, 2 (or mala i .mil the In 25c wall tradtad thai I QkeJM Iwitheui any mlahApa They fnuml totobor "" EARS SELIG U Topical i I I ; i ,. i I l i M ' and to her A l ill . l in It City load lustl' I" herself ' COMPANY ii,,. highwaj in pratty good condition. inn in the audi- Try our Cheese Chips, per lb 50, Hint the unit I t Hiiesta I - M Ihem il new i ILK Rf RN, I'll.. in- 121 12.1 N. First They baok with i calladj, II a mtav lh - torium had ii.n itratlni Chalmari "ala4l" mi- VM.inan Quart Jars of Olives, excellent for picnics 50c Inn i rim every mini. tnmnhlle The Si. ill Ii went el n A nl" that onri and child I" A It li ruue. Ill in tin i". ai dialrtbutor lor Ii Ripe Cantaloupes, 6 for 25) ipan eltl Invitation axtandad Last Day of the Vaudeville I l IV I' I I 111 nun I I' llfl Itl III Ii Ml ha lhalmtri raman ..f Hi" Cl .. i." prai nut. ( OMI AND U l IOSE SWEET HAWAIIAN SONGS. i nil Htrta i.f lin In mill iff Is rr ' laava I Quart Jars of Preserves, Pickles, Onions and Sweet Relish ill. s Raaanwaid and fniniii i I jirnenl. I I il n ii HI lllff. COMPLE E Cl IANGE ODAY Mundag nWfhl for Danvar, arharc lhay 'Il Ill ImhI I'limifi Vrenidi 111 l'n In very nil per jar 35c 'win ralaiivaa and frlBla f"r 11 "lid Ih Ink-I- .inn. i OVaf th' mtatlng n 'i'i"- nf Roaan It In of Peanul 10, GRIMSHAW'S iwi'i k "i t. layi flrn nil poaalbU atdpa to that Large jar Monarch Bulte anJoyad Adults lOc Children 5c i ...... nltil I i lllr.il wald Brolhara haa ramarka i. ,i by larga and rapradaitUtlva Mn. Vaa.M har "lifimRtlniv iinnU In all rood bualnaaa ilmiiiK ihelr Ratharlng ot olMavna. Mr. Putney yev m 99 9 9 9 III "f July and aii-iu.n- l I n mi li'H fur mohthi tardai gav ....t the following Pttlor in inl.er "f the Auguat nii'i th in ragard to the mattar; THK MI IU II I M W li in. win. wni n oharga whila th. managamattl hua lh 'rii. dale fair nil., I . l. lainip tiallup Sioo Will IniiKlmn or Hie I liil.i'l Sldnej Roaanwatd. nr "f run nlitn th linn iin prat in ally ftnkdtad itn tour nil , rrllh.s l, mop CerrllloM Store H IiIh , gooda, liutnlain milii hlin, in' ..i'i' York buyina ..f and IM '" Hahn Coal Co. A. tin. th" "tat", J. - iniiniien Skinner Iiiihiiu'm in li.i'ii In the uiirk. hard anough to lua- twanly-tw- o PHONE in thin cured appropriation! from PIIONK , Ah'THH 1CITK, Al l. Sl.KS; STI'AM COAL aounllaa. riiis laavaa ioui 60 and 61 205 S. first St. iv Coke, Mill Wood, rnetory Wood, Conl Wood, Native K mill n;. Mmo Phones taxi am lino im muiit. arhtch hg,Vd not et approprlatal, hut PHONKN I".''". have plgdfad Ihamaarvna in al tMt ihe. i I.M-I- AKI- S60, Henry hauls baggaqe and lata no Uttai than saptenibdr by AMGKU1 I'AHl Ml. and ii Iff h.i fa lo t:te that tonlahl other things. Phone 939. twanty five rountlaa win hava pladgadl ihamaalvaa for noi less tnan i""' "' -r- 11.000, tha '" i i m si t u x - i i-otar In ....me ingtajicra gMy in theae oountlci PTORAGE? pi ti - MM S'lutii laoond. i,,. npi nt by clttaani "f AUCTION! In placing an appropriate oarloulturai CLEARANCE fnrlng oompatl Monday, August 30, at p. m. SHOE EE Kilt RKHT HiMim. 2.ia0. xhii.it iii th ""I'' fai' In 2:30 aJlVy anHalle tor 1 by O, M, gtanton to eel I without in baatneaa mnion. f,,i ihe Hit'.-.- ' urlrel offered for am badtmiitad reaervr or limit the ..i i.i.. il.. Ii..t or Ntorni'e: nt tUrlllaillngH nf Ills fie-ron- liiiu-- e ill hi Ml ihihit ahowi) enllre PRINGER hi nt ami ffTBtCT Ineliulwl. Annli lllla H" a i m rv Ihinn that oiild "' ' --- -. com 417 South Arno Street pan hiin happened to 'he varlou. SALE! Sous the foUowtng arildea: i ItO.Ofl Braai Bed; i s.vi.titt Mn In Mia m Drraaon I aou.no Mahogmt) Chiffonier; i ft 0.00 Mahogany I appropriawona Various nn h for haa RiM'keri I 118,10 MbJmwiui) l.adie-.- ATI Una Ileal) uml Chair; I again.! Alliu.iiuriiue.iiiH ' ntlmenU $:o.ou WHton Rug: I 146.01 llodj Hrtiaaelm Rug; we hava iivu tall afford Imve been recounted, and w.i.iiiv Rage; I amall Rug; t i Dining Table; lieather 'liDin- H. shoe buying opportunity that no one can tarty avarythHig i Tablo; a i on i i i baas accused of n ni ing ciuiii" in miii, li giis.00 Ubrar) si ftpanlali mc lor holding our Midsummer Clearance Sale Iln. calendar, and tth ,m dl Kree of i i iiiiier Ro kerai i 111.00 Hpaniah Leather Vnnchnlr; i gSO.OO Re-f- ri make clean swee of the situation and offer ulh. area tor; i on Htovei I (hie Store; in tint, everything that is re- a An- quired to furnlah a m houae. Thi- - turiHture is of the hlglieHl shoes in stc re a uniform discount of 1111 Moudliv night, Hie :iOlli of 5i , r of our at nl qualitjl and nlliCtl) mnttary, ThN U ii sale miii eattnol afford to nils-- num, a inaaa meeting will h" held 20', OFF THE REGl EAR PRICE tha hiah aohool kudltorlun at for Ihe purpoaa of dleonaarna o'clock L. GOBER, Where li s of are broken we oil shoes at a still pealel the Hitiiatii.il thoroughly II i "f "lr J. Auctioneer sies di?'. mint Shoe up the whole family You can morry u 1 moat Importance that every cltiien of Aihmitiei ini tt at thti meeting, for by doing so. QUeettDM of vital Importance to Ihe weirare of the elty will he dlBCUaaad. Lvery buyer wii more than The detathi of th" . overing of thia pec tec me again. state will ha none over, and vurloua quaatkMH lUeuaQCd This IWIggj that ffVffryhody ahottM intend thin ineelunt, JUST LOOK AT THESE REDUCTIONS AUTUMN for the future xood of ihe alatc fair Auction Sale CORNER CENTRAL AND FIFTH STREET and "I the City in Ihe issue Men's Shoes TOMORROW AND SUGGESTIONS HERE THIS AFTERNOON AT 2:30 O'CLOCK $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 MONDAY AT PASTIME Nc $1.00 $3.60 $3.20 $3.80 $2.10 $2.00 I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION :,ll Hal We invite "Thd Heal', of a PftilBtad Woman," Women's Shoes In five-pa- n motion picture production, your inspn lion, rntMiig pin ilmn nl STF.TSON. SIX AUTOMOBILES $4 00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $l. j adapted fiom the original story of the same name, has baal put lata motion dcscnbed as follows: $2.00 $1.00 1.40 KNOX -- nd MALLORY $2.80 $2.10 pictureH l. the Popular Playa and I Ford, built for jitney. I cumpany, cornea to Playera ami the I Cadillac, self starter and electric lighted. I'aalinie I healer lomoii ow and M. I Children's Shoes I i'i h. Studebaker Roadster, rebuilt and repainted. iln Mnn hIkii I'l'iii.Mi. one Of the p. oo $2.50 $2.00 $1.73 $1.30 $3.00 I $2.50 m Elmore touring $350 stane meal hytltlgjrl and versatile l()3 model car. $2. 10 $2.00 $1.60 $1.40 $1.20 $1.00 siats mil be eeen in the principal I Wtnlon Roadster. role lapfrarted by an east $4.00 and $5.00 admirable I Oakland Roadster. of widl know n players Hue is Man Petrmra'i aeeand af All cars are in good eondilton. and terms may be arranged on 1 D WINDOWS gearaaca andar the banner of the some ol these. Now i your chance to own a car. For particulars see Popular Play m ptayard oompaay, the flrat appeal in. KaVlag heen made I In The Tirlrss l E. L. Washburn Co. For ii, in Oood grand Bom nf- - J. GOBER, Auctioneer ni. neil to Journal nrfl(e. Ap