± .4 :. The Herald Wishes One and All a Very Happy New Year K. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29.1961 ■'►s' /■ S ofttin s If^raUt Arerpge Daily Net Prem Run ional, Oreanwlcli Tima, Beoop, For thfi Week Eadtag Tha WoallMr Bhafeat, North Star, Bouthara At Fort Dix Thaw, Freeze DMMaher 80 e( D. a. Weaflhii m ' . 1 • ■■rtTown Croat, Oar, Viking, Naw T orkv, r Heard Along Main Btreet OoamopollU, PanMnm, Calendar, ate. t Open^kating 1 0 , 4 « 3 : Ctoady toaigM Y JM •* th* Owter Evary coUaetar haa a faw Itatna iianrljpatpr Inrnittg llrralJi dariag ISe early iS et at «:ao tomor* */HieAaeis Mriahrr af the Audit ‘ 4 f u l Oft Some of Manchester** Side StreeU, Tory of spacial prida and Mr. Dougharty Bar*aa ef arrulattoa* '< Taeaday eteady, tflM auppar, for la no axcaptlon. Among hla la a Supervised Skating Is JEWELERS MancheMar ...A City of ViUaga Charm win bo cbargod. copy of tha drat nawapapar avar M« boyi ud gim art Oeed SamariUM '* police department. Joa A inaon, cuatotllan at the armory lithelerlted to racalva Ita nawa and bo printed Availalile at 3 Flood MMIM 1* attMld. Natural phenomena have a facil while flying on a eonmarclal air ity for bringing out the friendly and tha coveted concrete block that F IL L BE a O S E D ALL DAY VOL. LXXI, NO. 77 (CtaaatfM AdverMiriag aa Page 0) MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) night when Anaaldi left after the trip. A latter, algnad by tha pilot lighted Locations PRICE FIVE CBII1S helpful oualitiea of people.
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