Rare Book Editions at the Centre for Reformation & Renaissance Studies

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Rare Book Editions at the Centre for Reformation & Renaissance Studies Rare Book Editions at the Centre for Reformation & Renaissance Studies Toronto, Ontario 22 October 2014 Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Bacon and Essex: a sketch of Bacon’s earlier life. London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1877. Abelard, Peter. Pctri Abaelardi Opera. Parisiis: Prostant apud Aug. Durand, 1849. Abtrucke der Verwarungs Schrifft, der Chur vnd Fürsten auch Grauen Herren Stette vnnd Stende der Augspurgischen Confession Ainnungsverwandten: Irer yetzigen hochgenottrangten vnnd verursachten Kriegssrüstung halben an kaiserliche Maiestat aussgangen vnd beschehen. [S.l: s.n.], 1546. Acciaiuoli, Donato. Donati Acciaioli In Aristotelis libros octo politicorum commentarij: nunc primum in lucem editi: index rerum & verborum memorabilium. Venetijs: Apud Vincentium Valgrisium, 1566. Accolti, Benedetto, en Francesco Baldelli. La gverra fatta da Christiani contra barbari per la ricvperatione del sepolcro di Christo et della Givdea. Vinegia: Appresso G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1549. Achilles Tatius. De Clitophontis & Leucippes amoribus lib. VIII. Longi Sophistae De Daphnidis & Chloes amoribus lib. IV. Parthenii Nicaeensis De amatoriis affectibus lib. I. Heidelberg: In Bibliopolio Commeliniano, 1606. ———. Dell’amore di Leucippe et di Clitophonte. In Venetia: Per Francesco Lorenzini da Turino, 1560. ———. [Erōtikōn (Romanized form)], sive, De Clitophontis et Levcippes amoribvs libri VIII. Lipsiae: Svmptibvs I.F. Ivnii, 1776. Adam, Melchior. The life and death of Dr. Martin Luther: the passages whereof haue bin taken out of his owne and other godly and most learned mens writings, who liued in his time. London: Printed by I.L. for Iohn Stafford, 1641. ———. Vitae Germanorum philosophorum: qui seculo superiori, et quod excurrit, philosophicis ac humanioribus literis clari floruerunt. Francofurti: Impensis Jonae Rosae haeredum, typis Iohannis Kuchenbeckeri, 1663. Adam Scotus. Adami Scoti canonici regularis ordinis praemonstratensis Opera omnia: ad fidem editionis antwerpiensis anni 1659, in-fol., quam curavit Godefridus Ghiselbertus, typis mandata. Accedunt Magistri Petri Comestoris historia scholastica, sermones olim sub nomine Petri Blesensis editi, necnon Godefridi viterbiensis chronicon, cui titulus: Memoriae saeculorum sive Pantheon. Patrologiæ cursus completus. Series secunda, v. 198. Parisiis: J.-P. Migne, 1855. Adams, H. C. Wykehamica: a history of Winchester college and commoners: from the foundation to the present day. Oxford and London: J. Parker and co. [etc., etc.], 1878. Adams, Thomas. A commentary or, exposition upon the divine second epistle generall, written by the blessed apostle St. Peter. London: Printed by Richard Badger for Iacob Bloome, 1633. ———. The three divine sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity ; The leaven; or, A direction to 1 Heaven ; A crucifix; or, A sermon upon the Passion ; Semper idem; or, The immutable mercy of Jesus Christ etc. etc. etc. London ; Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson, 1847. ———. The works of Thomas Adams: being the sum of his sermons, meditations and other divine and moral discourses. Nichol’s series of standard divines. Puritan period. Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1861. Adams, W. H. Davenport. The White king, or, Charles the First, and the men and women, life and manners, literature and art of England in the first half of the 17th century. London: G. Redway, 1889. Adlard, George. Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester: a critical inquiry into the authenticity of the various statements in relation to the death of Amye Robsart, and of the libels on the Earl of Leycester, with a vindication of the Earl by his nephew Sir Philip Sydney: and a history of Kenilworth castle, including an account of the splendid entertainment given to Queen Elizabeth by the Earl of Leycester, in 1575, from the works of Robert Laneham and George Gascoinge: together with memoirs and correspondence of Sir Robert Dudley, son the the Earl of Leycester. London: J.R. Smith, 1870. Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright. Sacharissa: some account of Dorothy Sidney, countess of Sunderland, her family and friends, 1617-1684. London: Seeley, 1893. Aelian. De varia historia libri XIII. Basileae: [Ex officina I. Oporini, 1548. ———. [Klaudíou Ailiánou Perì zoón idiótetos biblíon iz (=eptakaideka) (Romanized form)]. = Clavdii Aeliani De animalivm natura libri XVII. Coloniae Allobrogum: Apud Philippum Albertum, 1616. Aelianus. Eliano De’ nomi et de gli ordini militari. Fiorenza: Appresso L. Torrentino impressor ducale, 1552. Aeschines. Aischinou kai Demosthenous logoi antipaloi. [Argentorati: Per W. Rihelium, 1545. Aesop. Aesopi Phrygis Fabellae graece & latine: cum alijs opusculis: quorum index proxima refertur pagella. Basileae [Basel]: in officina Frobeniana, 1530. Aesop, en Joannes Franciscus Quintianus Stoa, reds. Aesopi phrygis, et aliorum fabulae: his accesserunt, nonullae aliae laepidae, [et] elegantissimae: addita sunt Io. Fr. Quintiani Disticha in fabulas P. Ouidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon. Brixiae: Apud Polycretum Turlinum, 1589. Agard, Arthur. The repertorie of records remaining in the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster, the two remembrancers of the exchequer: with a briefe introductive index of the records of the Chancery and Touuer whereby to give the better direction to the records abovesaid: as also, a most exact calender of all those records of the Touuer, in which, are contayned and comprised whatsoever may give satisfaction to the searcher, for tenure or tytle of any thing. --. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fauucet, for B. [Fisher], 1631. Agathias. Agathiae historici & poëtae eximij, De imperio et rebvs gestis Ivstiniani imperatoris, libri qvinqve: graecé nunquam antehac editi. Ex bibliothecá & interpretatione 2 Bonaventvrae Vvlcanii. Cum notis eiusdem. Accesserunt eiusdem Agathiae Epigrammata graeca. Lvgdvni Batavorvm: Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1594. Agricola, Franciscus. Tractatus de primatu S. Petri Apostoli: et successorum eius Romanorum Pontificum, omnibus tám Catholicis quám haereticis vtilis maximeq[ue] necessarius. Coloniae: Sumptib[us] Hermanni Hobergen, 1599. Agricola, Rodolphus. Libellus de formando studio uere aureus, dignus: qui studiosorum omniu[m] manibus teratur. Coloniae: Ex officina Eucharij Ceruicorni, 1532. ———. Rodolphi Agricolae Phrisii de inventione dialectica libri omnes: integri [et] recogniti iuxta autographi, nuper D. Alardi Aemstelredami opera in lucem educti fidem, atque doctissimis scholiis illustrati, Ioannis Phrissemii, Alardi Aemstelredami, Reinardi Hadamarii. Quorum scholia ... Ioannes Nouiomagus. Coloniae: Martinus Gymnicus excudebat, 1548. Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius. De incertitudine & vanitate sciē[tia]rum declamatio inuectiua. S.l.: s.n., 1537. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of King James the First. 2nd ed. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1822. ———. Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1818. Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis: wherein the Hebrew words and sentences, are compared with, & explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly, by conference with the Holy Scriptures. Amsterdam: Imprinted [by Giles Thorp], 1621. Akademische Vorträge von zürcherischen Dozenten: [Wintersemester 1852-1855]. Zürich: Höhr, 1853. Alamanni, Luigi. Opere toscane. Venetijs: Apud haeredes Lucae Antonij Iuntae, 1542. Alanus. Anticlaudiani singulari festiuitate, lepore & elegantia poetae libri IX. Venetijs: Combeis sumptibus, 1582. Alberti, Leandro. Descrittione di tutta l’Italia et isole pertinenti ad essa. Nuouamente ristampata, & con somma diligenza reuista, & correta. In Venetia: Appresso Paulo Vgolino, 1596. ———. F. Leandri Alberti Bononiensis Descriptio totius Italiae: qua situs, origines, imperia ciuitatum & oppidorum cum nominibus antiquis & recentioribus, item mores populorum agrorúmq[ue] conditiones edisseruntur. Coloniae: Apud Theodorum Baumium, 1567. Albertus. De secretis mvliervm libellus, scholiis auctus, & à mendis repurgatus: eivsdem De virtvtibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam libellus: Item De mirabilibus mundi , Adiecimus, Michaelis Scoti: De secretis naturae opusculum. Argentorati: Per L. Zetznerum, 1615. 3 Albi, Henri. Histoire des cardinaux illustres qui ont esté employez dans les affaires d’estat: contenant leurs vies heroïques, & les dignitez ausquelles leur conduite les a esleuez pendant leur vie. Nouuelle edition, augmentée des vies des cardinaux de Berulle, de Richelieu, & de la Rochefaucaud [i.e. Rochefoucaud]. A Paris: Chez Iean Baptiste Loyson, 1653. Albinus, Petrus. Vita Georgii Sabini Brandeburgensis, J.C., Poetae Laureati, et Comitis Palatini in Aula Lateranensis. Lignicii: Sumptibus haeredum Rorlachianorum, 1724. Alcaeus, en Henri Estienne, reds. Carminum poetarum nouem, lyricae poese[ō]s principu[m], fragmenta: Alcaei, Anacreontis, Sapphus, Bacchylidis, Stesichori, Simonidis, Ibyci, Alcmanis, Pindari, nonnulla etiam aliorum: cum Latina interpretatione, partim solata oratione, partim carmine. Geneva: Excudebat Henr. Stephanus, 1560. Alciati, Andrea. And. Alciati Libellus de ponderibus et mensuris. Item Budaei quaedam de eadem re, adhuc non uisa. Item Philippi Melanchthonis, de ijsdem ad Germano[rum] usum, sententia. Alciati quoq[ue] et Philippi Mela[n]chthonis in laudem iuris ciuilis orationes du[a]e elegantissim[a]e. Venetijs: Per Melchiorem Sessam, 1532. ———. [Andrea Alciati V.C. Emblemata. [Lugduni Batavorum: Ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengij, 1608. ———. Andreae Alciati I.C. Mediolanensis
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