The Ligon Family and Connections, Volume 2
The Ligon Family and Connections, Volume 2 Willliam D. Ligon, Jr. New York,NY 1957 .-l!}t' fo1,r mouths. l3orn .·l;,ril :!i, /Si') Cumpikr- :llld vdit"r ui \·.,111111c·., I. ;111d II, ·-T:1,· l.1~,,11 1:;unily 1 1 and Cof1Jll'l'li1JJ1;-;._ F, lllllill'r and I :ht I 1"l':,i,ll'nl I I/ TJi~· Li gun Fa111ily ;u1d 1,i11~llll'11 _\ .... -.11ci;Lti(l11, 11JJ7. l·l1;11n11;111 ;u1d (1rg;llt izcr (1l Firs/ Li~(II\ F.-unily RL'u11io11 hl'id i11 l{icl111Jci1\!I, \::i., in 1937. :111d S,.-,,,,d l{nu1iun h"ld in \\·:1,l1i11~t,>11, 11 1 ·.. i11 1939. PREFACE In the compilation of Volume JI, the purpose is the same as before in Voiumc 1, - to preserve for l:-listory's sake ct:rt,•.in Ligon family records of current interest, brought to Jig-ht through intensive research since the publication of the iirst edition on December 18, 1947. The hopes and aspirations emphasized in the conception :rnd fulfillment of Volume I appear more real and pressing- in these days of \Vorld chaos and threats of war: and the true ideals of home, country and peace pro claim with startling and amazing clearness that it is good to love one's native soil, and to cherish the traditions which give character to a family; and that nan is master of himself! Of necessity, this Volume must be limited in space, leaving much to the future historian. It is significant in pointing out that of some early Ligon kinsmen, whose family records are herein included, either no present day descendants appear to exist, or none could be discovered with whom to establish immediate communication.
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