Renaissance and Reformation, 1970-72
IV The Catalogue a) Works by Erasmus OPERA OMNIA Omnia opera ... cum praef. Beati Rhenani. Octavus tomus theologica ex Graecis scriptori- bus theologiis ab ipso in Latinum.... Basel, Froben & Episcopius, 1540. Folio. Vol. 8 [of nine]. "Froben" censored. Spine damaged. VH 133-1. Omnia opera ... Basel, Froben, 1540. Folio. Vol. 9 of above collection. Original binding: off-white leather over wooden board tooled with design of the Virtues. Some worm- hole damage; well-preserved metal clasp; handwritten inscription on fly-leaf: Gal XV ; some leaves damp -stained. VH 133-1. Opera omnia ... in decem tomos distincta. Leiden, P. vander Aa, 1703-1706. Folio. 10 vols, in 11, front., illus. Complete, but some volumes seriously damp-stained and mildewed. Vol. Ill (Epistolae) illustrated with portraits of correspondents, e.g., Melanchthon, Luther, Charles V, etc. VH 133-2. Opera omnia ... in decem tomos.... Leiden, P. vander Aa, 1703-06. Folio. Facsimile re- print, London, Gregg Press, 1962. SELECTIONS - Translations Selections from Erasmus, principally from his Epistles. Edited by P. S. Allen. 2nd ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, [196 1]. The Essential Erasmus. Selected and edited by John P. Dolan. New York, New American Library, [1964]. (Mentor MT 571). Christian Humanism and the Reformation. Selected writings, with the life of Erasmus by Beatus Rhenanus. Edited by John C. Olin. New York, Harper, 1965. (Harper Torch- books). (French) Oeuvres choisies. Préface, traductions et notes de A. Renaudet. Paris, La Renais- sance du Livre, n.d. [ca. 1920?]. (Les Cent Chefs-d'oeuvre Etrangers). (German) Ausgewahlte Padagogische Schriften. Besorgt von Anton J. Gail. Paderborn, Schoningh, 1963.
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