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The BG News June 28, 1973

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An Bowling Green Ohio Independent Student Thuivday Juno 28, 1973 Voice THe BG news Volume 56 /Number 136 t ^J.^j Statement released . ■-' to Black Caucus if By Joan Grill THE STATEMENT asked the Black establishing Ihe steering committees Steif Reporter Caucus to nominate by July 4. four has nol vel In'en decided faculty or staff persons "with broadly He said better communication if . , Dr. George Herman, vice provost for representative viewpoints" to act as between the administration and Black instruction, yesterday read a interim-only co-assistants to the Caucus members is necessary, and the statement concerning two vacated provost for minority affairs on a pan structure <>i the committees will have •A jf J ■ V 11 positions in the minority affairs time basis to be satisfactory to members of the program to about ISO persons in the From the four nominations, the ad Black Caucus and other minority ** • Amani ministration will choose the two CO groups The statement, prepared by assistants who will work from July 5 to Man) persons later voiced discontent rsst University Provost Dr Kenneth W September 15 over Pitts reassignment, and some Rothe. acting University president, "The two people must be able to said Black Caucus members should was released after members of the work together to build an effective have been contacted by Dr Hothe black community voiced discontent Caucus structure and suggest before the reassignment was over the reassignment of William E mechanisms tor the expression of all announced Pitts from director of the Student minority concerns to Ihe Provost's Dr Herman said Ihe decision gives f Development Program to coordinator Office." the statement said ihe appearance thai the administration of academic laiason in Student Affairs The co-assistants will also work Willfull) ignored an interest group, but George Miller graduate ttudent, loft, and Paul Mile*, junior (Ed.), member* of June 19, together with the administration and I IT Kothe said that if he had Statement the Black Caucus, listen while Dr. George Herman, vice provost for instruction, Dr Winifred O Stone resigned the Black Caucus to nominate been notified ol the nature of the Black members for screening committees Caucus, he would have met with reads a statement prepared by University Provost Dr. Kenneth Rothe Tuesday as assistant to the provost for minority affairs which will then consider applicants lot them released concerning the two vacated positions in the minority affairs program. The the two vacated positions in minority After yesterday's meeting. George meeting was held yesterday in the Amani. affairs Miller University graduate and Black The statement said the two admini Caucus member, said the Black strative positions will be advertised on Caucus consists ol black faculty and and off campus and that all persons are stall members at the University, five eligible to apply and be considered on executive officers ol the Black Student Rothe views minority affairs their merits, regardless of race, sex or I Dion two representatives from the present employment Black African People s Association By Kim Schlaefer HE QUOTED a statement prepared We ask lor your cooperation in this advice on this matter, but 1 will not The nominees must meet with Ihe and iwo black graduate students. Editor by Dr Stone regarding his resignation endeavor as Mr Pitts and Dr Stone repeat that mistake " approval of the Black Caucus and other 'We ntUSt continue and expand the have pledged theirs." Dr Hothesaid He added that he would not reverse minority groups belore a decision is DR. HERMAN WAS also asked if In the wake of what he termed a programmatic thrust ot Minority hollowing his statement, what Dr. his decision on Pitts' reassignment made Pitts could he reconsidered for one of very difficult situation. University Affairs in spue i>i recent administra- Kothe termed "obvious disagreement" Dr Rothe denied a reinstatement the two vacant positions Provost Kenneth W Kothe acting tive differences which exist m achieve in the Black community over this issue demand Friday at a meeting with the ••IT IS OUR HOPE that by 1 don't see any possibility that Dr University president, issued a formal ment of common goals ensued Black Caucus, but assured them he September a new lull-time Assistant to Kothe will give ground rules to the statement Tuesday announcing With a deep sense ol personal con- would consult them on future Minority the Provost will have been appointed screening committee saying that Mr. William K Puts acceptance of the cern and regard lor the luture of my A SPOKESMAN, representing one Affairs decisions the statement said Pitt's name eannol be among them." position ol coordinator ol academic students, stall, faculty and programs. I (action of the Black Caucus, presented It said that if an assistant to the iir Herman said liaison in Student Affairs Pitts was resign as assistant to Ihe provost for demands including the immediate rein- HALF OF the caucus members provost is not chosen by September, Pitts was asked if he was forced dismissed as director of Student Minority Affairs statement of Pitts to director of walked out Those remaining prepared the administration will re-evaluate Ihe under duress to accept the job of Development June 19. l)i Kothe said Ihe administration Student Development and required a statement supporting Dr Kothe s situation, seeking the advice ol coordinator oi academic laiason in Dr Kothe also announced W mil red will seek committees having broad consultation with the Black Caucus decision to replace Pitts due to what members of the Black Caucus and student Affairs 0. Stone s resignation as assistant to representation from the Black Caucus. before any minority affairs decisions they called his "financial mismanage- other minority groups I accepted the job for various the provost for Minority Affairs to with Chicano representation and are made by administrators ment, inability to work with other Dr. Rothe's statement said the reasons I was not. in fact, given a lake up new administrative and others." to recruit qualified persons to Dr Rothe responded. "I was wrong black directors and failure to work administration's decision and request choice ot jobs One reason I accepted teaching duties outside Minority fill the two vacated posts in not seeking your (Black Caucus I within the framework of the Black for recommendations was based on the was because of my concern for all of Affairs " Caucus." fact that "the position of Assistant to you coming here Speaking to nearly 40 persons, many the Provost for Minority Affairs is In addition. I wanted to bring the in the Black Caucus. Dr Hothesaid: After Dr. Rothe finished his state- necessary in providing a concerned, minority ethnic caucus back ment. Clifford Brooks, director of the "THESE TWO men have both balanced voice to the administration as together." he said. He would not University Upward Bound program, expressed to us the fervent desire that well as being central in structuring and commenl on Dr Rothe's statement or made a plea for reconciliation of Black with the acceptance of new roles in the guiding Caucus activities." the meeting, but said. 1 will continue Caucus factions. University, they are helping to rebuild "I hope that these meetings I with in work with students for as long and as a Black consensus regarding minority "Hart of the black community wants the Black Caucus i will be regular ones hard as 1 can goals ol the institution I join them in its way regardless of what others may and that a new structure lor the Caucus MANY PERSONS said they were this hope " want," Brooks said. "We've got to get will be forthcoming which will allow dissatisfied that Dr Kothe did not Pitts new position will include together." discussion of issues and a method ot attend the meeting and answer coordination ol living learning reaching consensus which will make questions, and that many of the experiences. human relations Richard Edwards, executive assis- the Caucus an effective voice in questions directed to Dr Herman were programs, academic advising in resi- tant to the President, said Dr. Moore, University affairs." the statement left unanswered dences and development of outreach vacationing in Africa until July 12, has said Dr Herman said he was instructed opportunities. Dr Kothe explained no knowledge of the situation by Dr Kothe -who was unable to He added that Pitts also has agreed "We're not involved, and we don't PERSONS AT the meeting were attend to deliver the statement. .He to act as a part-time consultant to the want to get involved. This matter is mostly those in the Student Develop- said he had not conferred with the Student Development Program for the related specifically to the provost's ment Program, their parents and acting University president after the remainder of the summer. office members of the Black Caucus statement was written Dr Kothe said Dr Stone also "made Since Dr. Moore has just appointed a At a question-and-answer period A closed meeting was held later in a difficult commitment to preserve the new Provost, he won't interfere with following the reading of the statement. Ihe Amani lor members of the black future of minority programs at the his judgment." Edwards said. Dr. Herman said the procedure lor community only University-" Williom E. Pitts Winifred O. Stone Pornography ruling discussed

The old criterion tor defining beyond redeeming social values." he Metamorphosis does not carry prosecutor, would not give his opinion pornography- utterly without said photographic pornography but does on the ruling redeeming social value -has been Since Armstrong is a member of the carry over 200 varieties of However, he said the movie industry abandoned .National Association of Theater underground comic books. Overholser will have to conform to the point of With the new Supreme Court ruling, Owners, the subject of pornography is said that approximately ten per cent of selective distribution. He said he states have the power to set values for nothing new He said he thinks it will these might be called objectionable thinks "there is no pornography their constituents do harm than good, but he added problem in Bowling Green." the decision will throw a tremendous When the store opened up two years Last Friday, in a 5-4 decision. Chief Although the prosecutor was Justice Warren E Burger delivered amount ol confusion into the ago, underground comics were one of reluctant to state his opinion, his the opinion ol the Court The decision business the first features And. although the Armstrong said he believes that comics have proven to be popular with father. Emmett Spitler, also a lawyer, was based on Marvin Miller vs. State was eager to speak his mind. of Calilorma luture movie producers will lake out people from all walks of life, they are Miller was convicted of mailing the permissiveness of language and not going to carry anything other than violence and clean it up "The hard comics, he said. EMMETT SPITLER thought the unsolicited sexually explicit material decision was 100 per cent right." that in violation of a Calitornia statute. core pornography will disappear and So far Overholser has had no trouble possibly go underground with the local police, and he said he it would set up some guidelines and The court ruled Commenting on the violation of civil does not expect any. He views comic that it was "good for civil liberties." OBSCENE MATERIAL is no longer liberties the Court s ruling might have. books as merely lines on paper. They The same law canons apply to protected bv the First Amendment Armstrong remarked. "Sometimes show people how not to be too serious Municipal Judge II Richard Dunipace. If the work, judged by the average civil liberties cease to be practical and he was equally reluctant to give an person, applying updated community People have to be responsible lor what THE SUPREME COURT ruling. opinion. standards, appeals to prurient they do." Overholser said, will make it easier lor Dunipace did say that a judgment interests; il it depicts or describes He said he thinks hard core small towns to clamp down on value will be made up of what each sexual conduct specifically defined bv pornography is not entertaining, but pornography, but added he thinks there community wants, by community the state law. and if it lacks serious rather boring For the type ol theater will be no serious effect in the bigger standards. literary, artistic, political or scientific he runs. Armstrong refuses to run cities "Porno movies will be shown value, it would be pronounced illegal pornography movies. He said it is not more and more." The judge advocates individual Local community standards rather in good taste Comics are the only questionable freedom even though community than national standards may be used in MILES OVERHOLSER. manager item Metamorphosis carries, and standards may be different, it is an determining whether material is and part owner ot Metamorphosis, a although they are good clean fun and adult's business if he wants to buy obscene novelty shop in downtown Bowling should not be taken any more serious pornography." That juries and courts no longer need Green, has his own concept of than a comic book." he said. "They are Judge Dunipace said he does not to find that material is utterly pornography He said he believes not sold to anyone under 18 years of think pornography will go without redeeming social value pornography incorporates hard core, age. underground before they declare it obscene penetrating photographs Even though a judge or lawyer would When asked where Bowling Green For a man who owns every movie have the best information on this stands on the political spectrum, only theater in Bowling Green. Jack question, they are the least willing to three men gave their opinion. rbyOemJ. Armstrong is not worried about the Due to the Julv 4 holid ay, the 1 give an opinion. Everyone in the Judge Dunipace and Armstrong ' Supreme Court ruling I News will not publish on July 5. I profession is bound to law canons believed Bowling Green was middle-of- Obscene literature is no longer protected by the First I Look for the next issue of the 1 which hold a lawyer to respect the-road leaning liberal, and Amendment after last Friday's Supreme Court ruling. Under THE RULING has a good sobering 1 News on Friday. July6. Supreme Court rulings. Overholser thought the town was the new ruling, local communities may sat standards to effect for something that has gone Daniel Spitler. five-year county relatively conservative determine whether material is pornographic. fog. 2/The BG N.w,. Thursday. June 28, 1973 eDITGRiaLS situation prompts response

Recent events concerning the Black Caucus realize that they have not cedurally correct, was the proper deci- We. the undersigned, appeal to all community at Bowling Green State effectively monitored the accomplish- sion in the light of budgetary or fiscal students at Bowling Green to not be University and printed in the Toledo ments of either the Office of Minority mismanagement, the inability to work swayed by the theatrics and rhetoric keep it cool Blade and the BG News prompt this Affairs or any of the other mentioned cooperatively with other Black displayed by some of our colleagues response to these matters: programs. program directors, and within, most We encourage students to week out all The statement released yesterday by University Provost The aforementioned articles rep- It has been brought to our attention, seriously, the framework of the Black elements, to examine all facts, so that Kenneth W. Kothe concerning the two vacant posts in minority resent a segment of the Black family however, that at least one program Caucus which specifically emphasizes their decisions shall be based upon at Bowling Green We the undersigned director has repeatedly usurped his unity of programs affairs allows a wide realm of input from the Black Caucus and facts and not emotion. welcome this opportunity to express authority in continually bypassing the other minority groups-and rightly so. our position and our understanding of Office of Minority Affairs in going And since has has publically But if channels of communication are to be cultivated, the these issues directly to other officials in support of denounced the dessire. intent, and Stager A. Backaaaa. Associate Black Caucus must let administrators know exactly who they There was created a Black Caucus, his own program most importatntly. the willingness to Professor of Speech with an administrative structure, are. what their group stands for and what they are trying to work with the Assistant Provost for Rould lumn headed by the Office of the Assistant achieve. This type of operation has caused Minority Affairs and other program MesheshaBini Provost of Minority Affairs, who has The Caucus should have already learned from one irreparable damage to the unity and directors, the decision was inevitable Tinuyer Mesf la the responsibility for coordinating the administrative mistake when I)r Kothe did not consult them on effectiveness of the Black Caucus' Clifford C. Brooks affairs of Upward Bound, Project agreed-upon methods of procedure THE INABILITY of the family in the Ivory Saesberry the reassignment of William E Pitts, from director of Student Search. Ethnic Studies and Student last two days to willingly discuss and Egegayeba Meagetta Development to coordinator of academic liaison. Development. WE THE undersigned do not concur reconcile the differences that exist Lack of communication must not happen again. Carlos H. Jaeksoo with the removal or reassignment of a between and among us has split us into Faith L. Jaeksoa THE DIRECTORS of these - Because so many students and parents will be affected by member of the Black family without two camps This faction will support Fraaklya A. Jaeksoa programs were supposed to work with administrative decisions made in minority affairs, it is consultation with the Black family. any and all productive dialogue or dis- Bettie C. Williamson this office (Office of Minority Affairs I imperative that the caucus seek the opinions of the entire black This decision by the Provost, in cussions leading to the reestablishment Moses Z. Hortoa for purposes of unity, coordination and community agreement with the Assistant Provost of viable functioning minority group DOB I. Vlapree effectiveness Members of the Black With this opportunity for participation, the caucus must also for Minority Affairs, while not pro- programs Joka Lumdy meet its responsibilities. When persons at yesterday's meeting seemed to be reaching the boiling point, one person offered some guidance: "Keep it cool.'' Sound advice! If both sides are to work together effectively, super commie, mr. integrity this is certainly the best road to travel. And there is also a time element involved. That must not be By Nicholas von Hoffman Or perhaps the purpose was to keep Just what kind ol Communist is il conference To the magazine's credit overlooked The statement said Black Caucus nominations for John Wilson Oean 111 and the that we hate, fear and loathe so much they did quote Big Pink saying. "I the co-assistants to the provost for minority affairs must be It isn't true that every lime you turn Watergate hearings off the air for a we have to bomb them** don't like the question and answer submitted by July 4 on a television news program you see week, thereby giving the White House Big Pink, the preserver of system But if the co-assistants are to begin work on July 5, as the President Nixon toasting Big Pink in extra time to discredit the mans Czcchoslovakian liberty, the master of A meeting with the press is not a statement said, an overnight decision will have to be reached champagne Still they've been doing it testimony. In this Nixon has had Super the second most powerful military school exam " He put on his idea of often enough so that it's beginning to Commie's cooperation as the two of force in the world, gets slobbered over what a press conference should be. This could be tight. look like the American President and Ihem have more in common with each by President Truthful who tells us that, which, like Nixon's, is I talk you-take- If either the administration or the Black Caucus need more the Soviet Boss have a little bit of a other than with the people of the after we sign a few more treaties lor notes time for discussion of candidates, more time must be allotted. drinking problem nations they represent the peaceful exploitation of Mars, we II Hasty decisions often backfire. A few more of those highly Let's not call it a conspiracy Let's have nothing more to fear from IF TIME DID not get completely insignilicant signing ceremonies where just say that presidents, prime Moscow At the same time, the swept off its feet. Newsweek was they promise not to use the planet ministers and commissars, like kings barefoot pygmies in the Cambodia beginning to move in the direction of Saturn as an offensive installation and and emperors of old. have a vested bush are depicted as dangerous one of those Adolf Hitler. The Family they'll both be candidates for the AA interested interest in each others aggressors Man. articles Watergate There need be no end to these vested interests. According to White House thinking, a They didn't go that far. but we did chicken feed agreements We can Communist grows more virtuous as his read that Big Pink has found a hidden pledge mutual cooperation in the FOR GUYS like our Mr Integrity armies grow more numerous It wellspnng of personal diplomatic Well. Nixon blew it again. mining of iron ore on the planet Pluto, and Big Pink, ideology may not be as follows that the peace of the world will charm.' that he is a ruggedly Former White House counsel John W Dean has pulled the we can announce a joint declaration to important as reenforcing the props to be served by a declaration of war on handsome man who radiates a cover-up curtain aside and exposed a few carefully-guarded enforce strict ecological safeguards on their power That American wheat Albania vigorous zest for living' while secrets. Venus, and so forth and so on may have gone to help Big Pink with exhibiting "a warmly human Dean testified to the Senate's Watergate investigating The supply of stars is inexhaustible, his domestic problems and now he may AT THE SAME tune, the mass personality" as he babysits for his but the content of these agreements is committee that he did not conduct the official White House be here reciprocating by allowing media organs of both countries are grandchild in the park so minor that they would be more himself to be used as a tool in our changing their lines In Russia, the investigation which President Nixon assured the American fittingly signed by a charge d'affaires domestic politics vituperation of America has ceased Nevertheless, we do have grounds to people had cleared all administrative employees of the in a Tashkent saloon Kor those of us who have looked so Much the same thing has begun to be grateful The Cold War is lessening wiretapping. long lor an end to the Cold War. this happen here and Lavrenti Beria is dead Dean also told investigators that President Nixon told him on ON THURSDAY last. Himself and isn't quite what we had in mind But Whether we will repeat the Otherwise. Big Pink might have two separate occasions that he had talked to John D. Comrade Big Pink actually broke open then who would have guessed that we brainless, uncritical flip flop we did on swapped him for that Lincoln Continental so that Mr. Integrity could Khrlichman. a former White House aid. about an offer of another bottle of the bubbly upon the would have officially put the China isn't clear yet. but the country's signing of an agreement to sign an appoint Stalin's old chief of secret executive clemency that Dean said was made to K. Howard Communist monolith on the shelf, gone two leading newsweeklies may be agreement, when and if they agree on out on a brotherly drinking spree and moving in that direction police head of the FBI Hunt, one of the men convicted for wiretapping the agreement later on. For that they Rotten loaded with Big Pink while The Time magazine cover story tells Hut President Nixon swore: "At no time did I authorize any interrupted regularly scheduled continuing a hot war against other us that the ebullient Soviet leader Copyright. 1973. The Washington Post- offer of executive clemency for the Watergate defendants, nor broadcasting Beds in Southeast Asia displays executive flair at his press King Features Syndicate did 1 know of any such offer.'' There seems to be a slight discrepancy here. And Dean emphasized that the President persisted in the letters cover-up this spring despite his public statements declaring his deep commitment to get all the facts on the scandal. •me BG news But Nixon said: "1 condemn any attempts to cover up this abortionists having fine time case, no matter who is involved.'' An Independent Student Voice Another slight discrepancy. Editorial Staff When concern was expressed concerning Dean's credibility, he 1 am sure that the abortionist such as it is your right to do so I will not replied: Or. Il.ii m XYZ of Columbus who believe you i realize the implications when 1 speak about the President, makes $50 per murder are having a The abortionists' argument is sum editor kim m. schloefer but I have only one ally and that's the truth " line time. marized in Is 5 20 look that up, it is managing editor frances a. drag It seems obvious, in light of Dean's testimony, that the only But surely (he Id million unborn will the party line of the modern day false sports editor gory h. wrsinski way to get all the facts on the Watergate scandal is to go right to cry out for revenge, so let us reaffirm prophets some of which I mentioned photo editor mkhoel g. grene our freedoms and expose the evil of the top above One notorious one was the late copy editor (onei j. i abortion One way is the Movement to laird Russell And that means impeachment the act of accusing or calling to Restore Decency. account Douglas R Keith If anyone should get all the facts on Watergate, it should be the Right'' Someone must stand up for 4297 Main Street ■trsstim Staff the innocent unborn who are being American people Perry. Ohio 44081 killed off as if they were not even business manager essmvel f. t babies. Then the American Civil Liberties Union has the gull (sic) to sales representative John ». I defend the abortionists like Dr XYZ of so they say Editorial and Business Office. 106 Unrversrty HaH Columbus That is the ACLU for you. smut ruling always on the wrong side Phone 372-2003 "Grin and Bear It" cartoonist Lichty The BO \tm i. publ"hrd rur«d-»» ihiu r'ndjvs .luring ihr rrsulsr u'hool »*«' and one* * •*•>. If vou wish to kill something, try says "...And once again Watergate Juruu Ihr smnawi VUIIHV undri ihr suthom> ,i( lh»- ISiNu anon* lommillrr at Bo»lini Orstn Slalr cutting down the fallacies of the logical I ntvrttilv The recent Supreme Court ruling is a cop-out. proves that our three branches of Opinions ripmud in nlitoiul intoon- or olhrr oolumn> in ,1M- \r»» do not nrcritsnii rrOrt i Ihr It puts the power to determine obscenity into the hands of local positivists. (he atheists, humanists, et government provide the finest system SBSMBSS ol Ihr Inivrrsin VJmiruilnlion Isoult* or Mill of Ihr Slslr ,1 Ohio Opinions riprtttrd bs al. .oluioniiu Jo not nrowariK tHirCI Ihr or.inion>ol Ihr BO \rw» t diloiul* I" ihr Bi. Sr-- rrtlr.i Ihr authorities who must decide what they think is good for their of checks, balances and mutual sseMM ol Ihr nisionlv ol memhrrs ol ihr III. Nrws Kdilorul Bosid Do not kill the unborn and then argue 1 specific community. insult '' This policy hinders the freedom of choice that each member of the viewing and reading audiences possesses. People should be able to decide the type of entertainment or reading materials issue forum they desire. Discrimination also enters the picture as residents in small towns ruled by conservative officials will not be allowed to view nixon and forum any local movies other than those starring Bambi or Cinderella, while store bookshelves will be lined with Donald Duck coloring books and Poor Richard's Almanacs ousted by campus Just because a community hands down a strict obscenity ruling, officials will not be able to prevent persons from driving Last week the News staff asked the to a nearby liberal town to view an X' rated movie or pick up a campus community Should President dirty magazine Nixon be Impeached?" The new ruling creates more problems than it solves. Out of 4.439 presently enrolled in A new solution might be to organize a strong, influential board summer school, we received 105 of critics to review movies and books and to rate the material completed ballots 74 persons voted for according to a consistent code of ethics which will protect inpeachment. 31 persons voted against juveniles from obscene material. impeachment. Adults do not need babysitters. The meager response was rather dis- heartening. Perhaps it may be an indication of a general sense of apathy engulfing let's hear from you sleepy Bowling Green State Uni- versity. The B(i New* welcome* all letters i" the editui and upinion columns Letters ma) commenl un an\ other letter < "lumn "r editorial Or it may be the result of distribution Letters should be a maximum ol ion words typewritten We ask that problems we encountered. If so. we columns be no more than four typed pages triple-spared apologize to any reader who was The News maintains the right lo edit all submissions that en eed these unable to locale a paper limits, with respect lo the law sol libel and proper taste Nonetheless, with such a weak Letters and columns must include the author s name address and response to the hottest national issue of phone number and may be mailed to the Kditor i o The BG News. I Mi this decade, the staff has decided to University Mall. abandon this polling technique as un- workable. Thursday, Juno M, 1973. Th« BG N.w. Pog. 3 -It L-* - L ' ^ ;T! *

f. •*»«*..■ ■■■■!

Yes, / love a parade ..

Last Saturday everyone got the chance to bo a kid The Festival ot Brass Parade, sponsored by I he Promote Howling (Jroen Committee, was resplendent with balloons, clowns and Ice eream all the things that make a parade special to kids ol .ill age* Brass bands in precision formation, glittering floats, an Arabian shies on a proud stallion, majorette corps in baubles spangles and beads, rollicking clowns and whimsical antique au.os constituted a thrilling spectacle for the hordes of onlookers lining Main Street The parade previewed a drum and bugle corps competition held Saturday evening at the Rowling Green High School Stadium, sponsored by Howling Green Jaycees For over two hours. Howling Green hosted a little hit ol the magic of childhood Everyone look out the time from their daily agenda adults became children, and children did what they naturally do enjoy themselves And that s what a parade is all about'

* * Photos by * * Gene J. Puskar * * * *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•*••*••••••*••••*••

Attention Greeks! Student Play Welcome! BGSU GOLF COURSE mm There Will Be A East Poe Road at I 75 SALE ANDCLEARANCE Meeting Phone 372-2674 For Tee Times on "Special Groups" GREENS FEES Thursday, June 28 Weekdays 9 Holes 18 Holes • SPORTSWEAR BGSU Students $1 50 $2 00 • LONG DRESSES All Otheis i 00 4 00 • KNIT DRESSES AT 6:00 P.M. IN ROOM 440 Weekends BGSU Students 2 00 300 • KNIT TOPS STUDENT SERVICES All Others 3.50 5 00

• Sludenls must show 10 and validation X For Those Interested In toi special »at« A Mf Vz OFF Helping With Early Evening Pre-Registration Program Visit Our Pro Shop For The Finest In DOWNTOWN, BOWLING GREEN - NEXT TO UHLMANS Double Knit Slacks, Shoes, Golfing Supplies.

NOW LEASING FOR FALL! Announcing ... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Beautiful We've Opened Buckeye House PROUT Birchwood Place DINING HALL Mount Vernon Just For You. 2 Bedroom/Furnished Gas Heat and Air Cond. SO COME AND SEE US FOR A SPEEDY, $65 month/4 man rental BETWEEN CLASS MEAL.

From Monday - Friday OFFICE 10:30 - 1:30 650 Sixth St., Apt. 3 "CASH OR COUPONS" HOURS: WOW - WHAT A DEAL! CALL 352-9378 10-5 MON. - SAT. Bf PISANELLOS 4/Th. %G N.w,, Thursday, Jun. 28, 1973 : gateway to future rock'

By David Moteley Mason, percussion tours got notoriously bad at Secrets." a second album, WHEN THE two-record Floyd released its fourth played a concert at Blossom the "Dark Side of the Moon Barrett wrote most of the the end of 1967 and early was released This album set. " Gumma." was album. "Atom Heart Music Center in Ohio. album and played One Of .>The Pink Floyd officially songs for the first album. 1968 Barrett was known to showed bass player Roger released, it was a success in Mother.'' Performed live at Though they started a half- These Days (I'm Going to itcame a band in 1966 II Rolling Stone magazine go onstage and play only two Waters as the new the United States as well as a few places, it was hour late, the band gave a Cut You Into Little Pieces)" •as founded by Syd Barrel! said His eerie electronic- notes, and some nights he bandleader. He wrote and Europe complete with orchestra and superb performance lasting for an encore. The stage who was bandleader and guitar style and gnome-like refused to go on at all That arranged most of the songs, In 1970 Ihe Floyd was on choir. more than three hours show was the best I have toad guitarist for the first stage presence made him an he was taking more LSD and did the vocals. the road again and played In December. 1971. They began with the title ever seen. Mo years Other members authentic cult figure for the than he could handle was the "" was released track of Obscured By Pink Floyd has been Tour year for Pink Floyd two dales at Fillmore East. included , bass nascent London under- stated reason for his Billboard acclaimed the This is thought by some Clouds." and progresses into accredited as "images of guitar Richard Wright, ground .." dismissal from the group in was 1969. In November the the unique version of "Set cold, clear, lar interstellar group put in 12 hours a day band as "one of the most critics, including myself, to keyboards, and Mick However. Pink Floyd's 1968 be Pink Floyd's best album the Controls for the Heart of regions, of black moving recording studio cuts for an inventive of British groups." and added. "The Harvest to date. the Sun " This piece was water, of the exhilarating BARRETT was replaced album and another Kecords quartet de- A new album was released probably the most bleakness of the moon." The by guitarist Dave (iilmour. soundtrack, this time for impressive of the evening, band has been named the Zabriskie Point." monstrated it mastery of in March. 1973. Its name- HELP WANTED In 1968. Saucerful of sound with speakers at the with Richard Wright using gateway to future rock Dark Side of the Moon " It "sound around" speakers in sides and rear of the theater seemed a much closer But perhaps the best and a range from opening the back and sides to his full description is this: "It is attempt at achieving advantage MAN FOR DAY SHIFT - FEATURING - accoustic guitars to the superior quality in recording easily the most intellectual most amplified ol effects, and production than After a short break, they music in rock." returned to perform all of Next week: David Bowie. Char Broiled Steaks and including tape." ." a Starting BIG BARNEY After the group played its Chops soundtrack released by the July 1. 1973 return engagement at group in June. 1972. CAR WASH Full Course Family Killmore on Sept 27. Dinner 1 think it is their second- Post office relocates 12 VARIETIES Billboard again attempted best album. As always, Pink 1000 S. MAIN to describe part ol the stage and go left out the hallway PANCAKES & WAF- Floyd presents something The post office is no performance: " one original and fresh. They also longer in University Hall. doors between Hanna and FLES point Mason played the University Halls Open Taes. thru Sal. show what inventive Last week, it moved to a strings of a grand piano, musicians they all are. I new location in the -walk straight past 7:30-8 striking and plucking, while Parking Lot A. past the Kent T.O.'s Campus Comer Sundays 7:30 - 7:00 only hope they can continue northeast corner of Gilmour aided Wright with a their "non-trend" trend in Commons. Directions: State Memorial Statue and 112 EAST WOOSTKR tricky electronic effect." future endeavors. -from the old post office straight to Commons, For Your Every Day Needs ItWiJI IT ROOM In November. 1970. Pink On June 24. 1973. Floyd walk towards Hanna Hall a sign marks the spot. Groceries, School Supplies, The move was prompted NOON SPECIALS DAILY by remodeling going on in T-Shirts, Jerseys, University Hall this Imprinted Sport Wear Registration decreases summer. A post office spokesman did not know 3523365 902 East Wooster Total first-term summer specific reason." Clark said. Administration. 796 students whether the move was enrollment has declined "Things just leveled in Arts and Sciences and 80 temporary or permanent from 5.012 students last year off. freshman enrollment is students in the School of Either way. the to 4.439 this year, according down a little, and graduate Music The graduate school University post office is still to tentative registration student enrollment is has 311 students functioning as a regular post figures. down." Number of women on office Students can buy Roy G. Clark Jr.. campus this term is 2.306, stamps and money orders, W0MENS SANDALS University registrar, said FIRST-TERM enrollment and number of men is 2.131. certify and register letters this year's first-term enroll- breakdown by class is: Breakdown by male and and weigh and insure ment figures were not final freshmen. 600; sophomore. female by class is: packages because there are more 359; junior. 587; senior. freshman. 294 women and The post office is open and SUMMER FOOTWEAR registrations to record. 1.145. 306 men; sophomore. 198 from 9:30 am to noon and from However, he said the women and 161 men; junior, from 1-4:50 |i in Monday figures would be down from There are 1.369 students 347 women and 240 men; through Friday It is closed mm 800TX8T last year. enrolled in Education, 444 senior. 647 women and 498 Saturday during the summer Regular "There's no far-reaching students in Business men. months $8.98 - $18.99 To increase materials $ 87 NOW! 4 Library awarded grant AT A $5,000 grant has been the grant earlier this month. material grants were 1966. more than $1215 awarded the BGSU Library Lewis said awarded to 81 institutions million through 13.472 grants to be used exclusively for Since the inception of the has been made available to Mon.-Fri. 11-9 Stadium Plaza collection development, ac- MORE THAN $10 million College Library Resburces institutions of higher niki's booteru cording to John 1) Lewis in grants went to 2.044 of the Sat. 10-6 11 ifMiii* Blum RN


8 SE-50 STERE0PH0NES £5i NOW'2888

• 4-pole motor • Jam proof tone arm • Shur M 75 Magnetic Cartridge Superex ~*m*- CLaSSIFIED «•»«

PR0-B-V Interested in babysitting'' FOR IENT HEAD- CAMPUS CAUMDAK Two children. 75c per hour. Call 354-3262 Nice large 1 & 2 man room BGSU Karate Club will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m tonight for summer & fall Across PHONES HELP WANTED: male, full and July 3 in the S. Women Gym. The meetings are open to from Rodgers on E. REG. '60 Panasonic everyone. Beginners are welcome time nights, part time days, Wooster 352-8033. The Mythopoeic Society will meet at 7:90 p.m. July 10 in students preferred Apply in NOW person from 8 to 5 at 215 3-person furnished apt for the library of the University Lutheran Chapel. The group rent. $45 month person 228 K $3250 will be discussing Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series and Gorrell Ave Phone 352-5315 related Welsh myths S College. 625-5592. WtSONAU Sandusky. Ohio. You never hear it so good For emotional and material Very large 2 bedroom g.'We have component systems to fit anyone's needs. IOST AND FOUND pregnancy aid. call 352-6236. apartment available for im- mediate summer oc- ^ Stop by, we'll make it worth your while. LOST: 135 mm Exacta pets) needs 1 or 2 bdrm apt. cupancy. Completely camera, telephoto lens and close to campus. 352-5613 KHtSAU furnished with wall-to-wail v WAS '280. light meter. Reward. evenings. Sculpters: Mich. Alabaster carpet, cable vision, air Panasonic Contact BG News Office. HtU» W ANTIC 4 sale $1/ lb 353-2401. conditioning, laundry SA-5800 NOW 475. Phone Cynthia 372-2003 facilities and all utilities Freshmen and sophomores FOR SALE: Mobile Home SOUND ASSOCIATES 100-watt FM/AM stereo receiver. Direct coup- included except electric mots majoring in Bus. Ad. Gain 10 X 50 Walking distance Now only $150 per month ling circuit. Two 4-pole MOS FET's In the front valuable practical from campus Call 352-8585 end. Lighted dial pointer. Two tape monitors. Commuting from Lima. 2nd Call 352-5657 or 3595 for The Sound Specialists" session, a.m. classes. Would experience by working with New Kustom Kasino Amp appointment. You'll hate 2 FM RF amp and 7 FM IF amp stages. 6 ce- the BG News Good pay ramic FM IF filters. FM muting. High filter. like riders or alternate 200 wts , 4 10 in spks Best yourself if you miss this one 248 South Main drivers Call 222-1683 also. Apply in person 106 offer. 354-7814 Phono 354-4322 Dual bass and treble controls. Stereo indica- Univ. Hall. 1 or 2 F-rmmtes. needed for tor. Walnut wood cabinet. WANTK) FOR SALE: 1966 VW. Not summer or fall. House 1 blk. HELP WANTED: Grill pretty, but runs fine $300. from campus, own bdrms.. Married couple (no kids. cook 352-4432 352-7833 Evenings $47, mo 354-2304 after 3 p.m. . -•; Thuredoy, Jun. 21, 1973. The BO Newi/Poge S Art workshop continues

"Clay. I'ols and Kilns SHE MET Karnes in 1968 stoneware pottery It takes Green from Alaska to has been filling the pasl two while attending . a kiln three days to fire pots in the pursue her interest in weeks at the Arl Annex building in Pennsylvania kiln that reaches up to 2300 ceramics. She wanted to Karen Karnes. Irom Mew under Karnes direction degrees know about different firing York, and Ann Slannard. Stannard invited Karnes to The students have been techniques, kiln building and Iroin Winchester. Kngland. England tor a similar learning what they want, various styles of wheels. have been in Howling (ireen workshop with no set schedule This Horning said the workshop since June 18 working with Now they both make and week they built some was "a good place for an' 24 people in a special sell pots in Karnes' smaller wood-fired kilns exchange of ideas." She workshop workshop in Stony Point. Other people participating added that she has learned a Both women are well- N V in the program are Irom lot these past two weeks and known in the art world They came to Bowling surrounding areos and one plans to open a private because of their lectures and Grtcn at the request ol Di woman is from Anchorage, studio workshops given along the Charles l.akowsky. \l.isk.i Karnes and Stannard Coast professor ol art, as part ol a leave tomorrow to prepare Stannard came to the continuing studios course for a trip to West Dean I'nited Stales three wars The two ceramists have JACKIE HORNING, a College near Chichester. ago on sebadical trom built a special kiln that junior high arts and crafts Kngland. for another London UlUvenitl makes s a 11 - g 1 a / o d teacher, came to Bowling workshop Student receives award N.wiph.lo by Cynthia I. Mohct Narbeth Nobby The award is presenteil to honored about the award to bring better Emmanuel, senior lEd I. is students who have "as it came from a fellow understanding of inter- ' recipient of the linger contributed to international foreign student national affairs and to llollulay Award activities on campus and create and develop cultural The award, given twice who have maintained a high A PHYSICAL education and social activities." Student events planned annually. was established by academic standing major. Emmanuel is Fulfilling the goals of linger llolltday. a native of Emmanuel, a foreign president ol the World WSA was Olympic gold The first week ol summer are designed to allow Commuter Center. Moseley Theater, off 1-75 on Kngland and a 1968 graduate student from the Republic of Student Association (WSAI medalist Dave Wotlle. school might have gone a students to spend an Hall basement. Sashabaw is offering of Bowling Green South Africa, said he was He explained WSA as trying Emmanuel said that Wotlle little slow, but help is on the entertaining lunch hour SKIPPING over Friday a summer schedule of well- made one of the finest way Student Activities is on Movies will be shown every and Saturday. A Film for known artists. gestures by an American to the job trying to make the Tuesday. Wednesday and Summer Sundays has been The schedule includes foster international under- next eight weeks a bit more Thursday from noon to 12 50 scheduled featuring Mia Henry Mancini and Dionne standing." enjoyable p.m 105 Hanna Farrow and Norman Eshley Warwicke. July 4-5; Today from noon until University President At 3 p.m today. Jack in "See No Evil" Sunday at 7 Temptations and Earth. 12 50 p m 105 Hanna Hall. Hollis A Moore established \ jchh.ii of the Department and 9 p m 105 Hanna Hall Wind and Fire. July 13-IV a S500 Dave Woltle Fund'. Brown Bag Movies featuring of Popular Culture will Admission is free Carpenters. July 25-26; Fifth Wottlc gave the amount to' Buck Rogers' will be speak on They Had Faces Dimension. August 6-7. Judy shown Admission is free lor Then The American Film The Best of Bogart and WSA where a Dave Wottle Collins. August 8. Loggins Foreign Student Emergency The Enemy's Stronghold' Industry's Star System." Davis can be seen and Messina. August 12. and The Sky Patrol. ' The free lecture will be held throughout the summer on Loan Fund was started. The The Brown Bag Movies in the Casual Lounge of the Monday evenings 105 Hanna Chicago. August 20-22. lund will aid foreign Hall. On July 2 at 7 p.m.. George Carlin. August 23. Al students in financial need Green. August 24-26. Blood. Humphrey Bogart will Emmanuel, a Dean's List Sweat and Tears. August 28. appear in the 1937 film San student. Is active with Choir members Quentin " At 9 p m . Bette and Glen Campbell and Student Activities, the Donna Fargo. August 29 Davis will appear in the 1936 Health Advisory Committee film Marked Woman." Those interested in and Cultural Boost Admission to both movies is attending any of the above Planning to graduate In depart for tour tree concerts should contact March. Emmanuel hopes to Those interested in Chris McCracken at Student attend graduate school at attending the summer stock Activities If enough people Bowling Green Then be A 13-year-old idea has become a reality for Richard theater production of want to go. free trans- Award Norbeth "Nobby" Emmanuel, senior (Ed.), right, talks to Dr. would like to go back home Mathey. assistant professor of music education and director Promises. Promises" at portation and group rates Edward I. Shuck, director ol International Programs. and utilize the education he of the University's A Capella Choir. the Masonic Auditorium in can be arranged winner The 45-member choir is on its first summer tour. When Emmanuel it the recipient of the Roger Hollidoy Award. has acquired in America. Toledo should contact Chris Mathey took a similiar trip in 1960. he decided that some day McCracken at the Student he would take his own choir on a tour Activities Off ice. Last week the A Capella Choir left Bowling Green to tour the Deep South, the Califorman shores and a Canadian The play, starring Rich province The choir will be on tour until July 26. Little and David Doyle, will SBO officers schedule hours Mathey first suggested the idea of a summer lour to the run from July 3-8 Per- Two Student Body Or- Steering committee senior, will not have regular working this quarter to mandatory installation "of choir members They began contacting churches, uni- formance times are 8.30 ganization i SBO) summer members, Kris Eridon. oil ice hours but will be install bicycle racks on lire extinguishers in all off- versities and community organizations along a planned p.m. Tuesday. Wednesday. officers have listed their senior i li A. i. Handy working with Grady and campus and repair the campus student dwellings route, asking them to sponsor choir appearances in their Thursday and Friday, 5 and hours for this quarter Hathaway. sophomore Hoffman. present racks. They also will SBO also will be working towns 9 p.m Saturday, and 2 and 7 Dennis Grady. junior i It A i. and l.on I'eutsch. Iloflman said SBO will be look into the possibility of on future summer activities.. p.m. Sunday i A&S i and SBO president. I THE CHOIR will appear in churches, parks, a winery, The Student Activities 5 p.m Monday through possibly one prison and a national park Office can provide free Friday. Fred Hoffman, Their programs will include a sacred one. which features transportation and a junior (Bus Ed.) vice A Mighty Fortress Is Our God and Sing We Merrily Unto discount on ticket prices president. 10 am. until God'' by Christiansen and a secular program including noon, Monday through Polly Wolly Doodle'' and selections from Kodgers and THE PINE KNOB Music Friday Hammerstein musicals At some performances, selections from the two programs will be combined Students will stay in private homes in the communities where they perform. HAVEN HOUSE MANOR APTS. The cost of the trip was paid for primarily by the individual choir members, who were aided by a $500 grant 1515 E. WOOSTER , from the Alumni Association NEW BUILDING COMPLETED BRATHAUS 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS- C0MPLETELY FURNISHED

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6/Tha BO Hows, Thwndoy. Jun* 28, 1973 Wottle runs third fastest mile

By Gary H. Wlstaski reason. Dave Wottle sizzled that was' held in Eugene. mile race, both held in the the reconstruction of the Sporu Editor to the time of 3 53 3. the Ore. June 20. as perfect " past three weeks, set the University ol Oregon's third lastest clocking for a Running against Steve pace with Wottle a half grandstands. Maybe it was a new mile ever. I'refontaine. winner of both stride behind. Both Wottle and uniform, or a worthy cause Wottle. former BQ runner the National Collegiate Prelontaine were timed at Of just having Steve and now serving a 90-day Athletic Association THE MEET, attended by 2:56 lor three quarters, live Prefonlalne breathing down tour in the Air Force as a i NCAA I and the Amateur 12.000 excited fans, was put seconds laster than Wottle's his neck But whatever the lieutenant, termed the race Athletic Union lAAUl three together to raise funds for previous best. Commenting alter the race. Wottle said, "I lound out what I always had thought, I can kick after a Golf championships end 2 56 or 2:57 three quarters." Commenting on the final lap he said. "1 felt I had their best effort in the him...He (PrelontaineI tried Bowling (jreen s Coll ation I NCAA i Goll teams etfort by placing 62nd history of the championships to break it at the three- Team placed 23rd in a held Championships in Still- in individual play among a after limshing 27th and 29th quarter mark, but I hadn't ol 36 teams last week at the water. Ok la held o( 240 collegiate in 1972 and 1956 even started to breathe hard 76th Annual National Sophomore Mark golfers. respectively. then." Collegiate Athletic Associ- McConnell highlighted the The teams 23rd linish was MCCONNELL became the first Falcon golfer to make the cut for the final two rounds of the individual championships, lie had rounds of 72. 74. 73 and 80 for a total score of 299, 18 over par Florida won the team championship with a 10-shot margin over Oklahoma Q State. The (Jalors dethroned Texas with a four-man total ASKED IF he could go ol 1149, 29 shots over par laster. Wottle said. "Yes." Ben Crenshaw of Texas but, "I'm pretty sure I won his third straight couldn't have run a 3:51.1 individual title with a two- today " That would have over-par total of 282 bettered Jim Kyun's world record ol 3:51.1 lor the mile. Only Hyun and Kip Keino DI Kenya have laster times (or the mile than Wottle. whose previous best was 3 57.1 and who also holds the BOO meter world record at I 44 3 MAC BG't goK ••am recently placed 23rd out of 36 Immi in the Both Wottle and Pre- 76th annual National Collegiate Athletic Association Golf lontaine will depart at the champs Tournomont. end ol this month to compete against Europe's Newipholo by Gene J. Pvekor lines! in a summer Hidden Taking refuge in BG's Natatorium, Le.lie Marks, of Toledo, is campaign freasure adjusting her swim mask to take another look at the bottom BG sports happenings of the pool.

I GENERAL: Falcon Hot BO. was honored by the Directors o( America. annual Midwest Club Line will not be operating College Sports Information BASEBALL: Jim Fisher, Lacrosse All star Game during the summer months. Directors of America for his a pitcher on BG's baseball Major League Scoreboard iOne hundred BO athletes service to the organization. team, had both of his legs REESE TROPHY: BG were honored as Scholar- The sports information broken after being hit by an finished second this year Athletes for achieving a B' office at BO received three auto last week while after last year's first place NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE THURSDAY GAMES Philadelphia at New York average or better awards (or their lacrosse, working with a highway finish in the annual Reese NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlanta al San Krandsco EAST EAST Don Cunningham, athletic soccer and (ootball press maintenance crew. Trophy race. All colleges in St Louis .II Pittsburgh guide last week by the LACROSSE: Pete Farrell, the Mid-American Con- Philadelphia al New York Cincinnati al Houston business manager and v, Pel. I.II W L Pel i.ii College Sports Information (ormer BO Ail-American ference are eligible to Montreal .it Chicago assistant athletic director at Chicago 43 New York 41 31 M Lot Angeles .il Atlanta AMERICAN LEAGUE and graduate assistant compete for the trophy that Montreal 33 500 «'.• Baltimore :i4 :ui 531 :i si Louis .it 1'ittsburgh Milwaukee al Detroit is awarded to toe college lacrosse coach, was named SI Lotus M 486 7'i Milwaukee :i; 8 SB 3 s.m Diego at Cincinnati New York al Baltimore New hockey coach? the most valuable player for with the highest total Philadelphia 33 471 8'.- Boston 34 34 .urn 5 San Francisco al Houston Cleveland at Boston the North team in the third athletic winning percentage. Pittsburgh 31 4M »>i Detroit :u :i7 471 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE Minnesota al Texas KansasClt) at Oakland Crusaders, as general New York 30 tSS I Cleveland M 49 .166 14'.- By Gary H. Wlsinski Cleveland at itoston Chicago at California Sports Editor manager New York al Baltimore Lightvoet loses match WEST I have been amazed at west Milwaukee .11 Detroit A live-member selection the quality ol the candidates Minnesota .ii Texas Tom Lightvoet. BG's Mid- this summer as a member ol l-os Angeles 4« > Ms I .11 HUT Ml.l 543 committee is currently who have applied (or the City .it O.ikljnd American Conlerence the Athletes In Action, a Houston 42 33 560 6'i Chicago 537 I'hu-agoat California reviewing the credentials ol position.'' said Young "Our 1 i MAC i tennis singles touring team sponsored by SanFrandsco 42 33 560 6 * Oakland 04 more than 30 candidates who responsibility is not just champion was defeated in the Campus Crusade For Cincinnati in M 528 9 Kansas City 533 WEDNESDAY GAMES have applied tor the position Iinding a coach, it's linding the second round ol the 89th Christ Atlanta 31 42 .425 I6'l Minnesota 529 NATIONAL LEAGUE ol head hockev coach here at the right coach lor the job National Collegiate Athletic Saa Diego 23 51 an 25 Texas 348 Montreal .11 Chicago the University A reliable source said the Association i NCAA l tennis committee has narrowed the championships last The committee is selection to two choices Thursday at Princeton Uni- comprised ol athletic Those two candidates were versity Intramural entries due director Dick Young, who said to be Coach Mason ol Lightvoet was eliminated will serve as chairman. Dr Lake Superior College and by Gary Albertine of First term intramural staff members. also will be single Carl Hallberg. professor ol an unldentided assistant Louisiana Stale by scores ol entries lor coed bowling, Matches will be scheduled elimination All matches biology and Mid-American coach ol Wisconsin State 7-6 and 6-4. Albertine later tennis and golf are due today tor Monday and Wednesday will be played at 6:30 p.m. EMOTIONAL Conference i MAC i faculty University lost in the third round ol at 5 p.m. at the intramural evenings at 6 p.m on the Tuesday and Thursday on representative. .Mike play office. 201 Memorial Hall, University's goll course and the tennis courts behind the AND MATERIAL BarUey. captain elect ol the Pool hours set Lightvoet advanced into with play starting July 2 and will cost 75 cents per match Ice Arena 1973-74 hockey team. Dr the second round ol play by 3. Preliminary matches will be Coed bowling will be held PREGNANCY AID Sam Cooper, chairman ol For those wishing to enjoy defeating Jell Kalollol of The golf tournament will 9 holes and the final will be at 4 p.m. Monday and Mon. 11 a.m.-l p.m. the health and physical the comlorts ol a wet South Carolina University be single elimination, 18 holes Wednesday in the Buckeye T-R. 6 p.m.-9 p.m. education department, and swimming pool. BG's by 6-3 and 7-6 scores scratch handicap and is open The men s and women's room. Union, with a 40 cent Jim Ruehl. Ice Arena Natatonum is just the place to all students and faculty- singles tennis tournament charge per game Fri. 3 p.m.-6 p.m. director. The Nataloriuin. open 4-8 HE BECAME the second p.m.. Monday through Hti tennis player to score a THE POSITION was lelt Friday and 1-5 p.m.. point in the history ol the open alter Jack Vivian. Saturday and Sunday, NCAA event alter winning BG's only hockey coach House charges a 25 cent entrance his (irst round match 01 since 1969^70 season, let! to lee and provides suits and A BO senior. Lightvoet LAST CHANCE SALE loin Nick Mileti s Cleveland towels will continue plaving tennis Tom lightvoet Fabrics Popular Fiction & Non-Fiction STADIUM VIEW PLAZA Old Course Books 3 FREE COKES!! ONE DAY Juveniles ONLY Thurs. and Fri. 40% — 90% OFF! Fashion On Any LARGE Pizza Trim AT There are many good books here for you and other mem- bers of your family. Books for younger sisters and brothers DOMINO'S at home. 20% Off THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY THESE 352-5221 SPRING SALE BOOKS AT GIGANTIC SAVINGS! Sunday niversity Bookstore Only Mon. Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Student Services Bldg. HOT, FAST, FREE DELIVERY! 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.