North America

North America includes Canada, the United States of America, Greenland and Mexico, as well as other smaller countries.

Because the continent is so big, the weather and temperature can vary in different areas of North America. It is home to many types of . Bear

There are many different types of bears, including grizzly bears (also called brown bears), polar bears and American black bears, which are all found in North America. American black bears and grizzly bears will hunt other animals and eat nuts, berries, fruit, insects and grasses. Grizzly bears also like .

Fast Facts Grizzly and black bears hibernate (sleep) during the winter. Most bears are good at climbing and swimming. Polar bears have black skin under their fur. Bear


“North American Black Bear” by [Dennis Jarvis] is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is a large of prey, which lives in forests near rivers and lakes in North America.

Fast Facts They are not bald; they have white on their heads. Their wingspan measures over two metres. Bald eagles mostly eat fish but also eat small animals like and other . Did you know?

The bald eagle is the national emblem of the United States. Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle in Flight

Moose are and the largest of the family. They live in forests near streams and lakes in Canada as well as other areas of the northern United States. Moose are herbivores; they eat tall grasses and bushes and they like to eat water plants in the summer.

Fast Facts Only the males have antlers, which can grow as large as six feet across. Their hooves act as snowshoes to help them walk on snow or mud. Moose are great swimmers and can run up to 35 miles per hour.

“Female Moose (Alces laces) side View” by [Jerry Kirkhart] is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Moose

A Bull (Male) Moose

Raccoons are small mammals with black and white that live in both the cities and countryside in North America. eat birds, insects, nuts, seeds and fruits. In cities, they will also eat food waste from dustbins and pet food. They like to wash their food before they eat it. Raccoons have extremely strong senses of sight, smell and touch. Their paws look almost like human hands.

Did You Know?

The word ‘raccoon’ comes from the Algonquian people. It means ‘one that rubs, scrubs, and scratches with its hands.’ Raccoon

A Young Raccoon

Coyotes are members of the family and are similar to . They live on their own or in small, family groups, in burrows in Mexico, Canada and the United States. They mostly live near forests and open fields.

Fast Facts will eat almost anything, including rabbits, mice and squirrels. They are very good swimmers. Coyotes are nocturnal (active at night). Coyotes can howl – they sometimes howl when they hear car horns! Coyote

A Fully Grown Coyote American

The American alligator (or ‘gator’) is the largest in North America. They live in the south-eastern United States and northern Mexico. grow their entire lives - males can grow over 4 metres long! The bite of the American Alligator is the most powerful in the world. However, the muscles that open their mouths are weak – a person could hold their mouth shut.

Fast Facts in , USA, is the only place on Earth where alligators and live in the same place. American Alligator

An American Alligator in Okeefenokee