A. Can / Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi XXI (1), 2008, 43-68 Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi http://kutuphane. uludag. edu. tr/Univder/uufader. htm Transitivity and its Reflections on Some Areas of Grammar Abdullah Can Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi
[email protected] Abstract. Traditionally verbs can be classified into transitive and intransitive verbs according to complementation and consistent with this classification, verbs that do not require an obligatory object complement while forming clauses are labeled as intransitive verbs. In early 1980s, as a further classification, intransitive verbs were divided into separate sub- classes on the basis of their semantic and syntactic aspects. This study briefly explores the distinctive characteristics of two sub-classes of intransitive verbs, namely unergatives (e.g. “walk”, “smile”, “dream”, “swim”) and unaccusatives (e.g., “appear”, “emerge”, “exist”, “occur”) by comparing and contrasting their “Lexical-Semantic Representations” and “Argument Structures”, and examines how these differences between two sub-classes of intransitives affect various areas of grammar such as formation of -er nominals, adjectives and interpretation of pronoun “they”. At the end of the review, the findings are connected with grammar teaching briefly within the framework of Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory. Key Words: Transitivity, unaccusative verbs, English Grammar. Özet. Fiiller geleneksel biçimde, aldıkları tamamlayıcılara göre geçişli ve geçişsiz olarak sınıflandırılırken, zorunlu tamamlayıcı olarak nesne almadan