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Kfffihl4m-S Re j; . *T'M'i ; [X IH,re;- , :;n- V- ¦ ' ¦ ' . i i t ¦ ( "i * If:I il' (ME| PENNTi \ I-- ; : i ! ¦ ! I \ ! ! ill ! " ¦" ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H . - t p Ii j ' I I I , I : I I !| ! 1 . i ciid Support; Home Industry, 1 . • j t . I ^y^p ^dvertij sement i HO1 IP 3ON-S PATENT "ALL STEEL* ~T HAY BARNS AND ; r .'I- - * r . '. ' , jand Doalhs charged PR PAID ADVERTISEMENT CATTLE HOUSES I Births X arriages ¦ ! ¦ ' : : ¦ ' HOU8E8, &c, FOR I BALE Or '* ; ' i ¦ ' i ' .j * ' i ' • ¦ Itl^d. for five lines. Everjr additional .) SCALE, ' J j • j MADE IN OUR 0WK WOBKB. : : ¦ ' "¦ ' ¦ ' ' J ] WANTEDJ g C^mpany^ m 6d. - '\ Clyde Shippin ' : line , l , : ' " I I WEEKLY NEWS. ? i ! ¦ f Advert isiments under this j beading re- i i i .' ' i i 12 noon w ill be |;found on 12 WORDS «d. per insertion ¦wanted ii -Electric ^^^mk iftir y* M.VI«L Hoiase , Woterfbrd or ^f.,njmodation. Light " ¦ ' ' ¦ eeived . New and Powerful Steumors. ExoellentPassenger ' I " " ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ;. ^j- ! ! I . 18 „ 6d IO Tramore. Apply 6556 Ihis ofllce. II. I • ! : • * ¦ • . p&ge fivp. : I . i . Stewards and! Stewardesses cariitd. by; post announcements 2* .. 8d. „ ¦Peons ending 30 „ lOd. .. Livo Stook to and from all parts of "this Jin •- are particularly; requested to LET—Business Prenlises. 51 , iiigh BEST and CHEAPEST ROUTE! for Cargo and of 36 „ 1s. Od. „ TO ' 1 DUBLIN, and ;C0RK. BANDON ! -<V6 thcii names find addresses as a Street. : Apply Fiyrin, 5i. Jbhn ENGLAND SCOTLAND, and NORTH OF IRELAND, authenticity. ? 2 „ Is. 2d. „ „ Street. ¦ Ju&rsntU of ' j j | ?8 18. «d j (CoJ CORK.) .. SAILINGS TO' « INTENDED SAILINGS FROM INTENDED ¦ rnOBAOOO and Stationary Shop to U-t WATERFORD. | .'• -—^—- 1 HI inn M 11 11 ¦ ¦ ¦ r ¦ : WATERpORD. j ¦ ' : : ¦ ' 1 as a going concern: Apply Evans, jb~ ~l - : ' . MARKIKD. .; |,. B' I I i' I ¦ a •» fupiMlttd on 8pt^I«» ;j S PLEASE NOTE— < g Johnstown. 1 To LIVERPOOL—Evtjry Monday, Wed- FiFrom LIVERPOOL—Every i Monday. at i sitalrnentSyatem orCMh« Advertisements In this space Wednesday, and Friday, direct. ; !2)i$tiUcrs i : X and M*fC!A;BTHYj-|FebnMkTS S £ nesday, and' Saturday , direct. 1 ¦ ¦ ' OOLEIIA I' : Write io^ Partkml^ri. V\ ! CaUipdnl; WalerfoTd , B. MUST; be prepaid. Accounts £ BE LET, on Leaso or otherw ise, To GLASGOW—Every Monday (direct): FrF m GLASGOW—Every Monday SO I ! 1 U. nl (. le by tho ' cannot be opened for them. ~ TO and Wednesdays, via Plymouth. ¦ ... 2 p.m. ^ IP IS ANDJESTIMATEa FISE. j S 1 ¦ Large ,"Yard with Sh?ds in Tho rias and Thursday (direct) ; I I. ¦ SS Sev. In: O'Ocnndi; Adiuj, .!J lAioysiusl S ' . Street , liitely in occupation of Aldernian To BRISTOL—Every Tuesday direct (cargo ¦ From BRISTOE—Every¦ Thursday .' only tcii of John Ooleman, OW T i (cargo only). * > ¦¦ ¦2 jawj Manager I' . Key at 20 . Trancls-strect. •• f we ¦ ¦ only) M Still: Onlv ' ¦ === To CARDIFF—Every alternate Tuesday. H ¦ : ¦ [ ¦ ¦ ¦ iety, i I . Il. , : 1 1 :: :f ' ' l Koyal Livor. Soc IWaWrford, to . •To LONDON (St. Katharine Dock)- FromP; CAP.inFF-Every allerriate Friday. frk j" I \ r M r- U Kato, eoond daughter of | Edward kORICULTURE, DKlRY, MARKET rflO UE LET-Store (ffift. x 20ft.). l ith Every Saturday (via Southampton, fFrom LONDON" (St. Katharine : Dock)- ' !:• -A ! Whiskey of Find Quality and Ravpur. ' ' :/ t| ' : AND WH, MU,| Tft oli , ' j GARDEN. &C. J. -oft. newly roofed; central posit on; Newhaven , and Dbver) ... 4 p.m. Every lhur6day and Saturday. I- |: j | MncCwhy, . Trinkire, snot u ¦ by ¦ ¦ \ cheap. Apply 6645 this office. : Goods also carried to Lotdon by all Goods^alBO carried from| London infr Works, Watdrfoxd AruniM Bquftxo. Waterford. | ' . Sailings via Liverpool, Bristol, and all SaUlncs'via Liverpool and Bristol. : TVUTCHI RS,! Farmers and others will Southampton. FromF DUBBIN¦ (direct)-Every Wed- ' mOBACOO and Stationary Shop to Let »¦ IALS DELIVEBED iBT HOToi JJ . find g»d- Market for Hides! Skins, JL as a guinj; concern. Apply Ev ins, To Plymouth—Every Wednesday (direct) . nesday -:' . ... 6 p.m. »nd all cli sses of Metal, Rags, I Bones. Johnstown.; . , To Southampton — Every Satur- FFrom Belfast (ciiv'Dublin-JEvery II E«<ab, 1825, : , 1 1 ... , DE ITHS. : ' RopesL Bot lesj Hair and Bags. |Proiu pt day (direct) 4 p.m. f Tuesday ... 7 p:m. j.» Allman, Bandon. •ttentlon lyl poet. Address: M. Rocks. •To Newhaven—Every Saturday 4 p.m. FFrom Cork—Every Friday (direct) 6 p.m. " 9| ! To Dover—Every Saturday 4 p.m. From Plymouth—Every Saturday j I *: Tolophoriei: No. -2, Ban ion.i CASH! tf- -At her Mid.>ne«> , Patrici St eet; Waterford LO8T AND FOUND. F I IONEY LENT ! St. Alphon I I ' I • : To Belfast—Every Saturday (direct) (direct) , ' ¦ • : ¦ ¦ f : : !' • ¦ ! • cargo only U \ . i - BUS Iioad ,; Watei ford, on j|20th inst .12 noon FromF Southampton—Every Friday, •¦ » VALUABLES Of BVEBT \ LE—Pure Bred Cockerels. To Cork (direct)—Every i Marp iret Iwife ¦TjioR S> Persian Kilton. Thursday via Plymouth. I DEfldEIPTIOir. ! . <f Patrick Cashin and JD| Rhod( |Island Reds, and | Brown T OST—Smok e colour • (carp only) . 2 p.m. •] Newhaven—Every .' Monday . I from 6 , Newtow n iBu.ildtngs. *i rom mother |of;Mr8. ". J. Lonergon Bally- Sussek ; hindsome birds. Apply Mrs 1J Striiyeil To Dublin — Every ¦ ¦ , Saturday (via (cargo only). " ¦ ' 1 ' : i I ' , Portlawj CouiiO' R<'\vnrd to finder. Bel fast), onry) ¦ [ [" \ ' ¦ i j I ¦ • I ¦ " " s- i i ¦ i : hrtcken -R .I.P. ii . I ! McClintoci, IKnockane cargo only ...12 noon FFrom Dover-j-Every Tuesday (cargo ! ¦ I i ' . ' ¦ ¦ Waterford. - ! to ¦ ¦ : . i !. ' •• ' - i I 1 ¦ 1 | ^Direct Service London and to and fr suspended. I , s . i Jew 7, etc., T>y post attended t» aaaH> 1 ji ¦ ' - , between Aylward 's, Geor te 's- tri m Newhaven meantime ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ! and Money lonrardedr i LOST 1 . !- i i - M ; ; . , i -\ A, ¦ i day Teemed, FIBTH—February 20th, 1915, at her resi of Good street - and Gracedieu Road, one Set .11 Old Id and j8llver bonght. I FoteiQB : ' '¦ BAIiE—Two Heaps will be rewu ded : For Rates of Freight, Passenger Faro s, nd other information, apply to ; denwj, pay Lai o, Mrs.: . Nofah :M rRManu re! Apply jG6&l this office. False Teeth, Finder Honey ExchangedExchanged. I by leaving in Uiis office . j CLYDE SHIPPING CO., LT ., Custom bouse Quay, Waterfrird : . |"!. ; : :l : I Firth', at an advi noed age.. K.I.P. j : ' : . |"!. ; :l : I I Telegraphic Address: "COMBBAB." iL: . ! i- I I;; - . .! ¦ '. M II sSnTiaaorESTOXEST SECRECTECRECTi: at 4}d. I ; ; j .;r; GOOD Honey Sections clearing and Rai way ' ind < kl I each. Delicious and ecx> LO^T. Ih-tween Bridge White and Sons, Lul . Si«n.»)i . .1 Silver Curb Clmin. Kiinler ndmical. Gi ; 65."i3 Nuws oflici- . !; ACKNOTi LEDGllkNT. O'Connell Street, Waterford. rMwiirded. Apply UKE. ~ f ; C UNABI) LINE AQERBCArJ . ; ; ' ¦ ' * ' ; ' : " ~ ' -' I ' — i . ¦: I T' i . ! ¦. ¦\-Y - : . r r- ' \ : . ! ' SHEEEY'^ Mrs. Portch and her eons desire Io I Ix>st , February 20th , be- j POTATOES—The Finest Selected Tab:e Rfc,W_ARD- (direct)—Wed- WiNBROXpR and JEWEpLHB. thank the many and friends who sent at 8d per stone 16 be had tween Kint; Street P.O. and Lhv-ERPOOL TO NEW YORK. Liverpool to Philadelphia Ai Potatoes . ' Black I-eAther :• ' i lettors and ;other messages of sympathy in: 4 and f st bags at R. F. Phelan's, The 0'Lo[Uy '6 ,, Gfori.'e 8 street, .. i. ; ! eTORE8:J ! | i Bag . Reward given at ihis office. Quay l *• ¦ concerting the From Liverpool at 2.30 p na ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' , ve y sudded loss of their; ¦ : VVatcrfort 1 ¦ ¦ : ' Baiiybrfcicen, ¦ • -; 5t jiverpbol to New York (direct), every H' . ¦ ¦ belove 1 one. !' ¦ I ! . : '[¦¦ j QUtiEN 3 OO.—v\ large consignment of STRAYBD-*\ little Broiwn Terrier, blue Saturday, by U.S. Mail Steamers ; . B^QWBOOMS. Quee: l'sj Co. Table Champaons j-ust marktoi) buck. Appfy 1'eter Gr mes , ORDUNA Sat., Mar. 6 1 : ~ i~T arrivM. 'rices us usual—^he very k>w- ¦U saiUrg under the American flag. 6 Ballybricken Waterford . H I . n i ppor Ballytrucile. LUSITANIA Sat., Mar. IS for oj —Tolu i get economy: and eot. Skellonfs. Morrison's Road. J Passengers and Goods are landed at , iH£8-Moet Extensive Stock WREATHS. Philadelphia on the Wharf ot the Pennsyl- Mr. 9ROTT¥ DUNGAR^A1S Udond-hand 1' Jewellery on. use punctuality by sending your ordera to. 27- •f r ~ 30 or ' 40 I ^J Se^Window Baigainc t8 Bajrronstrand St. Largo stock of LNTED^-About Acres of TO CANADA, vania Railroad, which hag the j Shortest J^ath.j MI8CEL•¦ . LANBOU0. I : " Wj 1 ¦aid Most Direct Route to all places in the HAVING TAKEN UP. THE AGENCY FOB THI SALE OF j Wreaths.) Crosses, «c., from! 5a to £5. ! J. Gnu inc. Land. Diatance nt> object. ^ From LONDON and LIVERPOOL. estern States. ' G. McCaul , successor; to W; |Power. iTele- Applj 6559 this office. \ ; ¦ • ideal Hot Water i Jar. Sold at T' CHIMNEY CLCANirt O. trams j- McCaul . Ironmonger. WaterfordJ I I I ,1 AN ' Apply] to American Lin», Liverpool, Bell's, $2 and 89. Quay. Inspection " '- ; invited. ; ' CUNARD LINE, Cunard Wharf, or to ' j u OVERLAID ckRS K-^ x | Queenstown; 51 Bishopsgate, E.Cl, \Voterford—Harvey and HuuJ It Gladstone i HEL AN ' . ; , AR TICLES FOR SALE 1 ' ' ;. - '!« .: f J : WILL BE ¦A ¦ BLE TO SDPPLY THEM W ITHIN¦ A FEW DAYS FB0 II DATE QF : 29-31 Cockspur street, S.W., London ; 8 (treet. I ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " . • .h . i . WATEHFOBp, ; L : i i . i . i : il JOHN 8TBEET. ?uWte the Great Bronchial Cough and 12 Water streetL Liverpool. Agents: WfiterfoiSi—WaidWfiterfoW—Waid Bros., 2 {(BarronstrandBarronstrand ¦ | . ) . •CV)R ACIDINE. — : r-— ORDER. '' — 1 '—U 'give 1 Notice to his Fnends ail SJ LE—1>o BiUiard |Tables (as Cure j and Expectorant from the ¦>'trd Drothers and [Harvey ind Son.
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