ACADEMY NEWS 13th November 2015


Horace plays the Last Post

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Principal’s Report This is the last week of the Autumn Semester and many of us have been enjoying our “life less ordinary” during this project week.

The week’s newsletter is another vibrant mix of everything we have been up to and is packed with stories ranging from dog walking to sporting success. Once again I have been impressed by the way our students have thrown themselves into the week and the final results displayed today have been amazing. This week has also seen us remember everyone who has fought on our behalf to defend the freedoms we all take for granted every day. Our annual Armistice Day ceremony has always been very important at and every student and staff member, joined this year by war veterans Jack Tarr and Mack Holding and Steve Francis, Secretary of the Ludgvan Royal British Legion, halted their normal daily activity to remember those who lost their lives and gave their service.

Year 11 History students who visited the WW1 battlefields and war graves at Ypres earlier in the semester shared their experiences before the two minutes silence. These were very individual, emotional and poignant. Ananda Lee said, “For me, personally, it was quite hard- hitting because I have relatives who were buried there and I was the first person from my family to go and visit. It was quite emotional for me.” Darcy Blewett said, “When I went to see all the war graves at the Somme, the Menin Gate and Thiepval I realised the vast number of people who actually made sacrifices. For me it made such a big impact on my History because now I can relate to what actually happened instead of just reading it out of text books.”

Year 10 student, Horace Halling, bravely stepped up this year to play the Last Post and then you could have heard a pin drop during our two minute silence, no mean feat on such an emotionally charged day. He then played the Reveille to end our ceremony.

Our Armistice Day Ceremony on 11th November was featured on both BBC Radio and BBC Spotlight this year. BBC Radio Cornwall broadcast a news package and we featured on their breakfast show while Spotlight broadcast a film of the ceremony and interviews with staff and students on both their lunchtime and evening news programme. This captured the poignancy of the ceremony and I was extremely proud of every one of you.

Next week sees the start of our Winter Semester and, whilst it looks like we will be battling a few more autumn winds before then, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Best wishes

Sara Davey Academy Principal BE RESPECTFUL

Remembrance Day text On Remembrance Sunday two groups of Mounts Bay students attended remembrance services at both Madron and Ludgvan churches.

At Ludgvan Pema Bradley Peer and Josh Boase both did a reading for the congregation. Matthew Lawry, Arielle Firkin, Callum Williams, Ananda Lee, Cerys Poynter, Megan Baumbach, Alice Thacker, Lauren Jenkin and Chris Baumbach attended the service at Madron. At both churches they attended the remembrance service and observed the two minutes silence before attending the church service. The congregation at both churches commented on how lovely it was to see our young people attending. It was also great to see former Mounts Bay student, Kyle Poynter, who is now a member of the Royal Marines.

Report by Mr Blackabey and Mr Payne BE INSPIRED

Visit to Pengarth Day Centre

On 5th November seven Year 11 students went to Pengarth Day Centre for an afternoon.

The visit was organised by Jade Tottle so that she and her peers could complete a major component of their controlled assessment. This ensured that they had enough information to finish their case study in Health and Social Care.

Students interviewed day centre users about the enrichment that Pengarth provides in their life. Each student had written several questions and interviewed the over 65s asking them about this and the process of referral to Pengarth.

The day centre users sat in comfortable chairs and chatted to their friends. Whilst we were there, there was a man playing the piano and they were served scones and cups of tea.

All of the users we spoke to were really positive and enthusiastic about their time and experiences there.

Report by Tia Mathews and Cameron Heaver BE INSPIRED

Rome Trip

On Saturday 24th October we left Penzance bright and breezy headed for Bristol airport. The weather was pretty miserable in Penzance and we were all hoping to leave the bad weather behind as we stepped onto the plane bound for Rome. When we arrived in Rome we could immediately feel the difference in temperature. It was dry and approximately 20ºc at 6pm!

Our accommodation was a very comfortable apartment which was very central and ideal for walking to all of the main sights, which was lucky as we had a great deal of sightseeing to do over the next three days! The group comprised four students from years 9 and 10 and most study Italian- although this was not a prerequisite for the trip.

The idea of visiting Rome was to experience first hand life in an Italian city but also to explore the vast history that Rome has. Ms Bennett has just started teaching Latin in the school and had spent the summer learning more about Roman civilisation so, together with Mr Blackabey, they had a good amount of knowledge to be shared with the students.

During our stay we visited so many famous monuments and different viewpoints. We walked a huge amount and visited the Colosseum, the Palatine Hill, the Forum, the Ghetto, Piazza Venezia, Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Vatican City, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and so much more. Ms Bennett led everybody around the city, pointing out places of interest and taking us to the best food stops- including a Gelateria and a Pizza and Taglio shop. BE INSPIRED

Mr Blackabey was a very useful member of staff to have with us as he had prepared a whole pack of information to share with us when we visited the different places around Rome. What is very interesting about Rome is how closely the past exists alongside the present. You can be walking along when suddenly you enter a square and the Pantheon is right in front of you. We also saw the remains of the Theatre of Pompey where Julius Caesar was assassinated which is now a cat sanctuary.

The students were put to the test on a regular basis in terms of ordering food and drink and making sense of adverts and road signs. They also got to experience the various modes of transport in Rome- including the underground.

Italy is of course known for its fantastic food and pupils tried lots of the specialties; pizza sold by the slice and weight, supplì- a rice and mozzarella snack, gelato and of course pasta dishes. Having walked approximately ten miles each day, we had no problem finding room for such delicious food!

At the end of the visit we were all absolutely exhausted but content that we had covered much of what Rome has to offer. Despite not having thrown a coin in the Trevi Fountain (it was being renovated) many of the group are hopeful to return next year.

The trip was a great success and we will be looking to run the same trip next October half term. For more information, please see Ms Bennett. Report by Miss Bennett BE CURIOUS

Year 7 Stay Healthy

Miss Osborne and Mr Bromfield have been very impressed this week by Year 7s commitment and demonstration of first class healthy cooking and dramatics which illustrated strong mindedness and the emotions felt whilst put under pressure by peers.

Fantastic effort Year 7!!

Year 7 - Healthy Activities



Year 7 - Dog Walking

The Year 7s have been enjoying the company of the canine kind during Project Week. The idea behind the dog walking activity is to help identify some of the positive influences pets, in particular dogs, can have on us.

Evidence suggests there can be significant health benefits, both physical and mental, where there is the opportunity to socialise with dogs. The Year 7s had the opportunity to question a dog psychologist, brush, walk, play with and handle the dogs.

Much fun was had by all involved, the dogs especially, and the Year 7s were an absolute pleasure to work with.

A huge thank you to Bruno, Izzy and Cookie (the dogs) and also Miss McKenzie and Mrs Cyster for supporting with the activity.

Report by Mrs Trevail BE CURIOUS

Year 9 Project Week - Human Rights

To start the week all Year 9 students went to the Savoy cinema for a private screening of the film Suffragette. Despite knowing the history of the suffragette movement, we were still shocked by the graphic depictions of police brutality, the scenes of force feeding in prison and Emily Davison’s death under the King’s horse.

“We have being studying human rights. The first day we went to the cinema and watched ‘Suffragette’, this is about women's right to vote. It was a very strong movie because the things the women chose to do to get rights was incredible. - Pierre Dormeuil

Back in the classroom we discussed our reactions to the film, which prompted many questions from students on the issue of global universal suffrage and issues of inequality faced by women in the world today. Some students watched Emma Watson’s speech to the United Nations as part of the He4She campaign and the issue of girls’ education and the Taliban’s shooting of Malala was also discussed.

Many students wrote a letter in the character of Maud Watts, the film’s main protagonist. By putting themselves in her shoes they produced an empathetic response, explaining why she acted as she did and how she suffered personally for acting on her beliefs.

Next, students responded to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by producing a visual response to each. After recognising what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is, students took a Kahoot quiz to test their understanding. Each student then chose to focus on one of the human rights and research a particular story relevant to it. They were then asked to focus on how they could represent their response to the story through a sculpture, perhaps in an abstract way, and produce a maquette for firing. At the bottom of each of the maquettes there is a line taken from a poem they produced in response to the personal story they researched.

“Helping people to respect what they have, and helping others rights, I love sculpture, it's my dream job” - Louisa

Students have been thoroughly engaged in the topic and shown a variety of skills throughout the week such as: empathetic writing, research skills, planning and drafting and producing a maquette as a final product. Well done all. Report by Mrs Marsden and Mr Cross BE CURIOUS

Year 9 Project Week - Human Rights During the rest of the week students created a project about human rights and on Friday showed them to the rest of the year.

“We have looked at Water Aid, we had to choose a country and we had to make an advert.” - Noah

“We have painted a picture which is related to human rights, I have painted a portrait of Tamara as a suffragette.” - Charlotte Rodda

“Our project week has been excellent creating animations and films to allow other people to understand the basics of human rights around the world - before this, I didn't know half as much as I do now. It has been a great week!” - Thomas Hughes BE CREATIVE

Human Rights in Art

This Project Week in the Art department, we have been exploring our ideas and views on human rights. We had to first show our understanding of what human rights are and then pick one to focus on. Everyone then had to make a creative piece and a written piece to do with the subject of human rights. Many people came up with different ideas of how to link our pieces together. A lot of the work consisted of a range of colours. People used water colours, acrylic paints and some decided to keep it all pencil.

This week I have learnt many things about the past and how our generation is so different. The whole year went to see the 'Suffragette' movie in the Penzance Savoy Cinema. This movie moved many people; mostly girls as it was about how girls and women were treated by men and how unempowered we were. The movie made me quite upset but also angry because it's true. That is how girls like my friends and I used to be treated!

From Project Week I have learnt how to be creative; not just in my artwork but in my writing too! I think many people will walk away from project week and use the skills they have learnt in everyday life. They will also use what they know about the past to move forward in the future.

Report by Megan Byrne BE ADVENTUROUS

Year 10 Learn how to Stay Safe Outdoors This week as part of the Personal Safety Project, the Year 10 students have all attended a day at Carnyorth Outdoor Education Centre.

We live in a beautiful part of the world surrounded by water. All the students have been looking at how to keep safe in the environment, developing skills that would help them in an emergency. This has included water safety and first aid and how to deal with common injuries that could occur in the activities we take part in, both at school and in our social time.

The majority of the students are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and we used this time to teach the skills that would also be used on the students' expeditions.

A big thank you to all the students and staff who volunteered to go in the lake during the month of November to act as casualties to enable rescues to take place.

A cold but fun experience. Report by Mr Raggett BE ADVENTUROUS

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Following the recent success of the Duke of Edinburgh training expedition, 24 students spent another long weekend putting their skills to the test, this time on the South of the Penwith Peninsula.

One group started on Thursday morning and the others on Friday morning. Camping at Treverven and Trevedra the students showed they were self sufficient and demonstrated good navigation skills throughout.

As the weather is getting colder as winter approaches, the teams ensured they were well prepared and worked well in their teams. As the Head of Year for these students it was great to see what a credit they were to Mounts Bay.

A big thanks to all the staff who took part in supervising the groups - Mr Fish for his planning, Miss Dolan and Mr & Mrs Hall for their supervision and John Larke for his assessing. We decided to use mountain bikes to meet the groups this time and it gave us a great opportunity to see the groups and fantastic scenery despite many punctures!

DofE expeditions are now complete for the winter and students now can concentrate on the other aspects of their awards and we will be starting with the next cohort of Bronze Expeditions in the new year. Report by Mr Raggett BE INSPIRED

MBAstronomers Space News

On 15th December at 11.02am GMT, British Astronaut Tim Peake will make the six hour flight from the launch site in Kazakhstan to the International Space Station (ISS).

While in space for six months, Tim will perform more than 30 experiments for ESA (European Space Agency) and its member states and take part in numerous others from ESA’s international partners.

He will become the first British astronaut to work on the ISS

STEM/HPI opportunities

Come along to MBAstronomers in Room 9 where you can find out if you can drink fizzy drinks in space, how to cook on the ISS, discover what the ISS astronauts see in one 24 hour day and loads more!

Thursdays at 3.30-4.20pm in Room 9 Look out for the upcoming House Competition involving ‘Space and Exploration’!

To find out more: BE CURIOUS

Maths Workshop

Recently a group of us from Year 10 took part in a mathematics workshop at Penwith College. The topic was imaginary numbers and even though it was a bit tricky, we all got the hang of it by the end of the session. It was very interesting and we got to have a insight into what studying Further Maths at A level would be like. We also were able to answer A level questions about imaginary numbers which was very pleasing. I can't wait until there is another maths workshop as it is very useful and also very fun ! Report by Hannah James 10 Yellow

Sports Awards

The annual Cornwall Sports Partnership awards, held at The Headland Hotel in Newquay on Wednesday 11th November, welcomed over 200 of Cornwall's dedicated volunteer sports coaches, officials, clubs, organisations and young leaders.

They were joined by special guest Ali Oliver, CEO of the Youth Sport Trust, who was born and raised in St Austell. She stated that Cornwall is 'A county designed to inspire participation'.

Former Mounts Bay PE/Science teacher, Ann Nicholas, was delighted to be presented with the 'Lifetime Services to Sport Award'. Ann has been involved with Penzance Netball Club for over 30 years. She runs the local primary school high 5 league and also trains up new young umpires. Ann has also committed to volunteering across the years with a number of other sports.

Winners from the categories will be put forward to the BBC South West Awards / UK Sports awards.

Tommy Clifford was nominated by the Academy for the CSP Young Leader of the Year Award. Tommy was nominated, alongside Olivia Sanders, Reece Evans and Jade Tottle, for his dedication to developing his leadership skills but more so for his commitment to volunteering his time to support, coach and train others. Tommy has completed his Level 2 Sports Leadership qualification, coached at various local primary schools, assisted at last year’s School Games and recently travelled to France to support a number of students with special educational needs, working with them to develop their confidence, social and leadership skills.

A huge well done Tommy.

Report by Mr N Eddy and Mrs Trevail BE CREATIVE Working Lunch

On Friday the Creative Arts Faculty staff were invited to try out some of the Y8’s culinary skills in a working lunch at a pop up restaurant. I can report that the gastronomic future of Penzance is in safe hands as the diners were both awed and humbled by the considered menu, impeccable front of house service and scrumptious food! The dishes tasted and looked amazing!

Fish Demonstration

A big thank you to everyone who turned up to the first 'Chef Club’. This week we explored (and tasted!) some of the fruits of the sea. Will keep you all informed about future events!

Report by Mr Bromfield BE CREATIVE

Catering Success

Megan Sawbridge is the worthy winner of Star baker! October’s ‘Star Chef’ for her fabulously executed Creme Patisserie and Raspberry Tart. It was the first time she had tackled the tricky short-crust pastry, and extended with patiently tempered chocolate. She was rightly proud of an excellent product. Congratulations Megan!

Many congratulations to Ruby Dylan and Connor Bagley who competed ferociously during the school heat of the National FutureChef competition. They’ll now move on to compete in the local final (against other schools) at Senara Restaurant at Penwith College, for a chance to progress onto the Cornwall final. Best of luck Ruby and Connor! Report by Mr Bromfield


Primary Cross Country

Congratulations to all schools/pupils who attended the Mounts Bay Academy Primary Cross Country league on Monday. The primary event saw 225 pupils in years 4,5 and 6 participate. A big thank you to the marshals/hare's Toby Osborne, Imogen Wood, Katie Walker and Angus McLeod.

U13 National Football Cup

MBA came up against a strong School team this week. The students played well with many attacking opportunities. However, Wadebridge School proved too strong! BE COMPETITIVE

Year 10 Netball

Phoebe Lagor (C) The Year 10 team won 17-13 in rather rough weather Esme Dale conditions for netball this week against St Ives. The Sofia Thomas girls worked well against a team that included Year 10s Chanice Stones and 11s and played some very dynamic netball. Well Eva Hawken done. Lamorna Tregenza-Reid Sienna Hoadley Ella Leiworthy Report by Mrs Trevail Olivia Jenkin

Year 9 Netball The Year 9 girls won their netball 22-3. The girls battled the wind and their work rate was immense. It was excellent practice for us in preparation for their County Tournament this Saturday in Newquay.

Megan Byrne Megan Pengelly Megan Sawbridge Jenny Dash Esme Adams Louisa Matthews Lottie Rodda Chloe Graham. Report by Mrs Crowle

Cricket Leadership Course On the 5th November nine of us took part in a cricket leadership course, hoping by the end to have achieved another useful qualification. Many of us decided to partake in this programme because, not only do we gain extra experience in cricket, but we also improve our leadership skills and confidence when presenting. Throughout the day we learnt how to lead effective warm ups with clear, precise instructions and the rules of kwik cricket during a game. Finally we learnt how to organise a successful event. To show we can use these skills as a team, we are going to organise a primary cricket festival to inspire them. Our jobs will include: organising, promoting/advertising, running, umpiring and evaluating. Report by Skylar Finch BE COMPETITIVE

Year 9 Rugby Mounts Bay Year 9 rugby team gave a strong performance against St Ives this week when they won 50-0. The game was stopped at half time. MBA produced some excellent tries with some outstanding high level skill. Most notable was a cross field grubber kick by Harris Eddy which Toby Osborne chased down diving over to score in the corner. All the MBA squad played in the game with changes coming on after 10 minutes. Report by Mr N Eddy

Year 7 Rugby

Report by Mr Veal

Well done to the Year 7 A and B rugby teams who travelled to last week for two very competitive games of rugby. Penair were previously unbeaten and to win both games was a fantastic achievement. Well done to all who played.

Report by Mr Veal BE COMPETITIVE

Karate Silver Medallist On Sunday 1st November former Mounts Bay student, Robert Blackabey, took part in the WKA World Championships in Spain.

Robert who specialises in kumite, or sparring, fought in the 90kg weight category and in the open weight category. After four days of fighting Robert came away with two Silver medals, beaten in both finals by a competitor from Germany.

Robert trains in York and at the Mounts Bay Shukokai Karate Club which meets on Wednesday evening in the Gym at 7.00 p.m. and Thursday at 3.30 p.m. straight after school. Any students interested in training please speak to Mr. Blackabey. Report by Mr Blackabey

Badminton Competition Congratulations to all MBA students who took part in the recent Penwith Schools Badminton competition held here at Mounts Bay Academy. Both the boys first team and the girls team have progressed to the county final. Well done to all the competitors.



Help Needed For Refugee Rescue in Lesbos, Greece

A local group is getting together a container full of items to go out to Lesbos to support the volunteer rescuers and refugees arriving there. To give you an idea of the scale of the crisis, Lesbos normally has a population of 80,000 people and in ONE DAY last week over 10,000 refugees made the perilous crossing with many arriving soaking wet, hypothemic, dehydrated and in shock.

A lorry is leaving on the 25th November from Cornwall to take donated items to those desperately in need.

The rescuers are working round the clock in increasingly cold conditions manning 14km of coast and badly need wetsuits to allow them to sustain their efforts in hauling live and dead bodies from the sea. If anyone has any spare wetsuits or warm waterproof clothes they could donate they would allow the volunteers to continue with their work in far more comfort.

It would also be helpful to have CHILDREN TO TEENAGE JOGPANTS/HOODIES & WOOLLY HATS & WATERPROOF COATS to dress the survivors in when they are pulled from the water.

Any donations can be brought into Mounts Bay Academy next week.

Thank you all in advance...and please let any friends know (especially surfy friends) who may be able to help.

Invitation to Parent Homework Forum

In the Academy we recognise the important role home learning plays in our students' education. Indeed research says that good quality homework can make as much as a grade's difference to their examination results in Secondary Schools. We are currently reviewing our homework policy and would value the input from parents and carers in helping us make decisions on the topic. If you would like to contribute to the discussion, please join us for a brief forum meeting at the Academy on Wednesday 18th November at 6pm. BE A WINNER

This week’s word is: Influence


1 The capacity to have an effect on character, development or behaviour. 2 The power to shape policy or ensure favourable treatment. 3 A person or thing with the capacity to have an influence on someone or something. Last week’s winner, Rugile Talackaite

To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word influence. Send in your sentence using the link below. Click Here to enter the competition

Maths Quiz House Competition This Week’s Puzzle: Green: 81 Points Yellow: 74 Points This week’s puzzle comes courtesy of William Rodda 9 Purple: 72 Points Green Blue: 71 Points Orange: 48 Points If you were to write down each number from 1 to 200 how Red: 31 Points many times would the digit 1 be found?

Click here to submit your answer

Win an iTunes voucher

For each correct answer Last week’s solution: throughout this semester we will put your name in the hat for a 6 days (thanks Erin) chance to win an iTunes voucher – the more correct answers, the more chance of winning. Could you write next week’s puzzle? If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win house points.