WORKING PAPER 2: LINK PRIORITIZATION, AND RECOMMENDED PILOT PROJECTS Detailed scoping Study (DSS) for Vision 2063 Africa Integrated High Speed Railway Network and Masterplan Prepared for: African Union Commission (AUC) African Union Development Agency (AUDA- NEPAD) Prepared by: In association with: Aurecon AMEI Ltd ILF Consulting Engineer CPCS Ref: 16528 April 8, 2019 979 Bank St., Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1S 5K5
[email protected] Ottawa, Canada CPCS Ref: 16528 April 8, 2019 To: NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency, 230, 15th Road, Randjespark, P.O. Box 218, Midrand 1685, South Africa Telephone: +251-11-551 7700 Dear Sirs: Re: Detailed scoping Study (DSS) for Vision 2063 Africa Integrated High Speed Railway Network and Masterplan (Procurement No: 005/RIIT/CEO/CS/QCBS/16) Submission of Working Paper 2: Link Prioritization and Recommended Pilot Projects We are pleased to submit this working paper on project prioritization for the above- referenced project. This working paper presents the recommended pilot projects based on the prioritization framework discussed and agreed with the client. Yours very truly, CPCS Transcom Limited George Kaulbeck Team Leader Working Paper 2 | Detailed scoping Study (DSS) for Vision 2063 Africa Integrated High CPCS Ref: 16528 Speed Railway Network and Masterplan Table of Contents Acronyms/Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 4 1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................