December 2018 8 Predictions for the Southeast Asian Tech Scene – A Checkpoint Plus 3 New Predictions for Indonesia 2 FOREWORD Hey folks! brand-new ones just for Indonesia! Even I never expected that SEA’s tech If you know me, you know how much of entrepreneurs would be killing it at this Let’s see how many we get right. And a Southeast Asia (SEA) believer I am! level! more importantly, let’s see if SEA can surpass even Catcha’s wildest I’m always impressed, inspired and But my team and I like a challenge. So expectations in the next 24 months! invigorated by the talent, opportunities, we thought we’d try to predict the BOOM! and growth coming out of this region. future. That’s why, since 2017, we’ve That’s why I’ve focused my entire released our predictions for where the journey as an entrepreneur out of here. SEA tech landscape would go. Would you have guessed that a local Earlier this year, we announced 8 startup would acquire its competitor, predictions which we felt would reshape the largest provider and pioneer of e- the market till 2020. And today, just in Patrick Grove hailing services? time for Wild Digital Indonesia 2018 (our Co-Founder & Group CEO rockin’ premier tech conference), Catcha Group Or that SEA would have more Internet here’s a midway checkpoint of those users than the US? predictions. Bonus: we’ve added 3 If you have any questions on the report, please reach out via
[email protected]. Opinions expressed are solely perspective of Catcha Group.