latlon CCire.,., PROCESSED FOODS ",een .tampa G . If anil 1 (book 4' expire Feb. 20: MEAT brown otamp. V md W ""­ Cloudy pi", Feb. 28: SUGAR stamp 30 (book 41 expires Mnch 31, .tarl'll) to for ••nnln, lUlU expires Feb. 28. IIK~ : SHOE stamp 18 (book 11 and airplane stamp 1 (book low.: ParllT eload" oollulonal 3) valid Indefinitely: GASOLINE A- IO coupOn expires THE DAILY IOWAN Uabt snow. M.rch 21 : FUEL OIL per. 3 coupon expJJoes March 13; \ , , t' TIRE INSPECTION deadline for A coupon holden, March 31. for Band C. Feb. 211. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper


I. Re.d~ Enter Nikopol; ~i' ~n T~d;yls American Warships Push CriSIS Nears Showdown Leads On in Jap Home Waters Hit Jap Homeland-•••• First naval attack on hom!! ter­ fnlire German Russian Planes ritory befuddles surprised Japs AS ONE IOWA CITY MAYOR TO ANOTHER • • • Reds Trap Gel1D4ns­ U. S. Ships Garrison Falls Bomb Helsinki Ru slans battle to annihilate 175,000 Germans in two Dnieper traps. Squ eze upon Narva In Take Japanese BaHles Roar Toward Finns Flee Capital Estonia. Climax With Russians As Heaviest Raids • • • Blocking Nazi Escape Urge Separate ~eace Finland at Crllt.- By Surprise Thousands f1 e Finn capital un­ W DON , Tnesday (AP)­ LONDON (AP)-Thousands ot der RussJan bombs. Moscow beIJins Th e R d ann)' cra~hed into the Finns !led lrom Helsinki yester- campaign to settle bord r problems. New Naval Blow suburbs 01' manglll1NH'-rieh Ni ­ day, their capital still smoking • • • Fen Last Friday from. a RussUm bombing which kopol 11 the lower Dnirper river W.shlngton Worrled­ wrote lor their government a fiery Capital diplomats jittery over On Paramushiro ),l"Ii ol'dll.V and IIlso wiped ont notice to get out of the war now. lor , filii," Gp l'man gllJTisons in the Russia 's plans Poland. See u. S. PA IFI FLEET The criSis for Finland appeared post-war collaboration at stake. t:h~I' kasy pock!'t 200 miles to the HEADQUARTER ,Pearl Har­ nearing a showdQwn. • • • uorihwesl in a III tciless extel'­ Senate Flrhts 00- bor (AP)-D a r i n g nited minsi iOIl of 17!i,000 axis II'oops The Russian rald&-involvlne by Administration forces peat at­ tate warships have pushed the trapped in both III'eas, ' Moscow oWcial Finnish estimate a total of tempt to shelve ft'Cieral ba 110t for war into Japan's hom waters, IlIllonnc d elJrly today. 200 planes - were among the soldiers. 1,200 airline miles northeast of DiRpntchcs filed at midnight strongest thrown against Finland • • • Tokyo, striking as othel' AmCI'j­ in th Floviet capital by the As.­ in the two wars with RUSSia, and President l'eUi BIII- can fore II forg d llew bases in iOOiated Press said both batt.les were generally accepted as the be­ Coneress sends f2,815,OOO,OOO the Marshall islands from Wllich ginning of direct action by the So­ to x bill to F'. D. R. were roaring to a climax with the to hamm r Japan's inner de­ Russians effectively blocking the viet Union to wipe out her north­ ern trontier problems as she al­ fense ring. escape of five German dl visions ut The new navl blow fell last Nikopol. ready is proceeding to settle in AFt Head Issues pro~­ on Para mil hiro at the Nikopol's mines are said to be her own way the pOlitical Friday "JV T A FEW IIt"e thlnA's tllat might help ou uU t," ayor Wilber J. Teetel'll, rlA'ht, explains to Mayor­ the source of half all the man­ lem of Poland. northern tip of the Kurile is­ ot KAY SUMMERS BY does her bll lor-a-day Jim Wlel'and, who will head the Boy 8 out city reglm Feb. 12. (Eleetlcn Itory on pa, 6.) ganese tbe Nazis now are getting. The Moscow radio announced No-Strike Appeal lands, the navy annollnced in In keeplnr Gen. Dwlrht D. Eisen­ olf!cially last night that a "large Washington. It was the lirst U. S. The Germans must have it to keep hower's invasion headquarters In producing steel. group" of Soviet bombers had hit naval bombardment of the ene­ Lendon. Mis s Swwnersby, a hard at the central part 01 Hel­ 'Give All We Got,' my's homeland. And It caught the Two hundred miles to the British subject born In Ireland, sinki In n "mass raid," pounding IlOI'thwesl oUler Russian armIes Says WillIam Green F. R. Receives Japanese Spokesman, Service Vote Nipponese napping. serves all the In"ulon ehleftain's industrial, rail and port targets. A task force commanded by bored five miles deeper into a chauffeur and personal secretary. narrowIng circle where the lur­ Four bombers were lost, It added. To American Workers Sadao Iguchi, Replies Rear Admiral Wilder B. Baker She was with the general In Af­ Communleatlo". O.... up&ea penetrated to within live miles of vlvors 01 more than 100,000 rica, Sicily aud Italy. Telephone communication be­ trapped Germans were being KANSAS CITY, (AP)-William New Tax Bill tween Stockholm and Helsinki was Gr~n, president of the AmericaJ;l To 'Atrocitf Charge Reaches Floor killed or Ilaptured below the disrupted early last night, perhaps Federation of Labor, made a ter- LONDON (AP)-T~e Vichy IIIlddle Dnieper river. radio quoted a Japanese com­ • indicating another }{ussian attack. vent no-strike appeal to unions By The Associated Press The two big Soviet traps in the The Moscow broadcast, recorded yes.terday, cal·line on American President May Show Leaders All Ready munique )'esterday as saying Dnieper bend threatened to col­ U. S. Forces . A Ust of alleged allled "out­ lhat American forces had Jand­ . . by the Soviet monitor, said crews workers to "give all we got" to Disapproval-Let Bill To Push Green-Lucas lapse the entire southern front, and reported 30 large fires and many the war etfort. rages" against Japanese internees ed In the Kurlle IslandS, in addition Soviet mobile columns heavy explosions, with hIts scored AssertJng there can be no "justi­ Pass Minus Signature was cited Sunday by Sndao Iguchi, In Short Order The Nul-controlled French were lunging deep Into old Poland near the shipbuilding yards and fication or excuse for any strike or Japanese board of information station &'ave no details and Its more than 400 miles to the north­ WASHINGTON (AP)-In a last broadcast mll'M have been .a KiI~ 8~ 122 ' ~aps docks, and blasts tOUched off near stoppage of work" with the lives WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress spokesman, in apparent reply to west, and were hammering into an automobile assembly plant. of our fighting men and victory sent a $2,315,200,000 tax increase ditch move to beat a federal war rarbled account 01 a raid upon Estonia. l Americnn-BrJlJsh charges of atro­ those strategic stepplnl' Iltones "Big fires were s~n in the area In the balance, he told the Inter- bill yesterdllY to President Roose­ b::rllol, 11.$ senate opponents lot the lII0se0w's communJque d1t!..n9t of 1I'Ie 1ft .'WOrn, 8tDI1 tIIrraelc!, !'Iatlona} boilermakers unIOn con- cities by Japan. between the heart 01 Japan and 1I1tQUon the 8etolllall or old Po­ _lit'lnvasion lor $10,500,- house-approved states rights bill 8 at the eledro-mechanical works vention: veH, who had asked The purported alrocities were the Kamchatka pen I n u I n. IIIh trontl, but laid Oen. Mar­ and its depots," Moscow said. "No matter how unjusl condi- 000,000 and had riUclled the carried out In the Philliplnes, to the floor yesterday and so en­ Tbere was no confirmation .klan M. Popov'. lIeCond Baltic WASHINGTON (AP)~Amej.l­ While it was felt In London that lions may become, no matter how smaller measure l1S unrealistic. tangled the senate in parUament­ from any other source • II1II), had captured more than 80 United States, Malaya, and Burma, A Tokyo radio broadcast ear­ can landing forces killed 8,122 the Finns were anxious to eet out sharp the aggravation may be, the There Is considerable specula­ ary red tape that further consider­ vlllares north and northWest 01 ot the war, It also was believed members of the American Federa- tlon that be may show his disap­ Iguchi said in a statement broad­ ation of service voting leelslatlon lier yesterday said an American Novosokonlkl. Japanese during the Marshall is­ that the Finnish government was tlon of Labor should realize that proval by letlini the bill become cast by Berlin, and "the anglo­ was put oft until today. attack on the northern Chl­ G e r man propagandists after land invasions the na vy said last hopeful of receivlnll temis. they must stay on the job and I taw wIthout his signature. American campaign to spread Administration leaders appar­ .hlma (Kurlle Islands) "must days of reticence appeared to be night, while losing only 286. The Helsinki radio and press keep producing to the limit of their A senate-house conference re­ hatred against Japan has been ently were in control and ready not be rerarded "'htl)' ... This preparing the homeland lor heavy American wounded total 1,148 more than once have indicated that ability until tinal victory Is won." port., embodyIng the finnl draft of to push through the Green-LUcas came as dispatches disclosed reverses in tbe Dnieper bend motivaled by the desire to cover U. S. warship had bombarded and missing, 82. Japanese prison­ it was unconditional surrender at Green declared it was labor's the measure, slid through th sen­ federal balldt bill in short ordllr where the Russians also were which the Finns gaUed, but the great responsibility to back up the ate quJetly, on a unanimous voice lip their own crimes." when Senator Overton (D-La) ~he southern tip of Paramushlro within 18 miles of Krivoi Rog, big ers number !!64, with no figure re­ British view is that Finland Is as vast military movements 01 the vllte, put It encountered consider­ American Torture moved to lay It aside and take up lsland, In the Kurlles, Feb. 4. industrIal city 55 miles northwest ported on the enemy's wounded. much 21 German satellite as Bul­ united nations with the greatest able opposition before it was ap­ "Many of the 2,400 Japanese the house measure which leaves 01 embattled Nikopol. The navy, in a Pacilic fleet garia and like that country can possible supply of shiP6, planes, proved by the house, on a rollcall women who were confined at the the service vote problem up to One Berlin commentator said Paramushiro's shores. It blasted statement released here and at expect no terms except those of tanks and guns-"a vast flow ot vote of .238 to 101. Japanese primary school in Davao the states. the sou th and east coasts of the in a broadcast: "The Nlkopol and the Casabl naca conlerence. war materials which In quantity Rep. Crawford (R., Mich.) and (Philippines) were raped," he as­ He had been deleated twice be­ Pearl Harbor, said these casualty island, starting fires among in­ Belaya Tserkov (near where the RUllllian View Similar and quality is certain to over- Voorhis (D., Calif.) questioned serted, and cla imed that Ameri­ fore on si mJlar motions, but thls­ 10 German divisions are trapped figures covered the period up to stallations. That Russia holds a similar whelm the enemy." He expressed whether the measure would deal cans tortured 10 Japanese on Jan. time a switch 01 votes, chiefly by Enemy coastal defense ..una below the middle Dnieper) areas last Sunday evening (seven days view seemed underlined Sunday confidence in Ilabor's ability to adequately with war-time financ­ 20, 194 2, when Nipponese landing Republicans, carried the motion 50 have developed into battle zones belched wildl)' In relurn fire .nd of fighting) and that it Is expected when Moscow UI10lficially denied handle the task. Ing necessities. nap. Izac (D., forces were approaching Davao. to 38 over a vain appeal from not a slnrle warship was hit in ot the first magnitude. The Rus- the final figures will change title. that peace negotiations were pro~ Praising the boilermakers union Cllllf.) said provisions of the bill These 10 men, Iguchi continued, DemocL'atic Leader Barkley ot , sians are attacking with a con­ the moonlight attack. Text of. the announcement: ceeding with .Hels1JYci or that an tor its strike record, the AFL altering the war contract renego­ "were bound with ropes, bOiling Kentucky for a vote first on the At least four deep entrances to centration of streneth whi ch never "The following details regarding ultimatum lor surrender had been leader stated. tiation statutes would permit some water was poured upon them, their Green-Lucas bill. before has been experienced." the Kwajalein lagoon have been casualties ' in the assault on Kwa­ delivered. The national and international contractors to make excessive arms and legs amputated." Fifty­ Barkley then moved to amend secured. The calm-reel-protected jalein atQIl have been compiled Stockholm dispatches said fires unions affiliated with the AFL profits. six Japanese were found murdered the house bill by substituting the waters of that 60-mile long luke on the basis of reports received as were stili burnln, In Helsinki at have made 100 percent record in Rep. Knutson (R., Minn.) said by the advancing troops, he lidded. Green-Lucas bill lor Its provisions. formed a sale anchorage for the Robert Burns Named of the evening of Feb. 6 (west noon lrom bombs which hit 200 fulfilling our no-strike pledee to the tllx laws must be simp1i1ied Iruchl's Charges Senator Tafl (R-Ohio), fighting a huge invasion fleet which struck longitude date): buildinJI and killed 38 persons the government, We qow call upon before any more revenue mea­ It was not Indicated whether lederal ballot, offered as an lust a week ago. From the lagoon 1 "In the sQuthern attack force, Sunday night and Monda), morn­ our local unions to match thljl per- sures are passed. Iguchi'S charges were broadcast or amendment his plan to limit led­ Director of Division new amphibious strikes may be 1 published In Jlipan. .1 ) which captured KwaJaleln island ing. lect record." Congress, he said, "should en- eral ballots to soldier-ciUzena 01 made at other atolls in the Mar­ Declaring a n~tiol1a' service act abJe our citi?:ens to understand His statement made these ad­ and adjacent objectives, .our dead Another alert sounded at noon those states which do not provide shalls and perhaps at other Jap­ as "unnecessary as I~ is unWise," and compute the tax burden im­ ditional allegiations: Of Board Age~cies humber 157, our wounded H2. our yeste1Jf.ay; but no bombs were adequate absentee balloting pro- anese island outposts. miSSing 17. 1n the same area the dropped. Green said the AFL will resist posed 0)1 them." That Japanese men and women cedure. . were murdered in California, with Makeup 01 the task force which CHICAGO (AP) - Robert K. en!"mr dead number 4,650, enemy A FinnIsh communique said 232 with all its. powEll' the attempt Piled on top of existing revenue Contused, senators began risina attacked Paramushlro was not an­ Burns relinquished his position as prisoners, 173. , being made to enact a labor con- laws, the new bill will increase the four instances ih different Cali­ persons also were injured and lhat to ask what was the immediate nounced. It included vessels larg­ chairman of the Sixth regiona I "In the ' northern attack fo~ce, other ''))8rts of Finland had been scription law, because it w()uld government's annual income to an fornia towns cited: issue before them and none offered That Japanese internees were er than destroyers, however, for war Jabor boa rd last nigh t to be­ which captured Rio and Namur bombed. not, in the judgment of the AFL, estimated $42,239,200,000, witho·;t ~bjection when Barkley moved Norman Bell, Associated Press war come director of the national island and adjacent objectives, Increase war production, solve taking into account such non-re­ forced in bad weather to live in that further consideration be de­ old tents al Fort, BliSS, Texas. correspondent, referred to "heavi­ WLH's newly created di vision 'of our dead numbe1' 129, our wounded manpower pro b Ie m s, prevent curring receipts as payments ')t layed for 24 hours. er ships" participating in the shell­ board agencies. 436, our missing 65. In the same Iowa Bond Sales Rose strikes and migbt seriously em- th~ unlorgfven portions of 1942 in- By atta<;hing the Green-Lucas ing. barrass the nation's war ellort. come taxes. *.* * He will retain his post as chair: area the enemy dead number bill to the house measure, the ad­ The bombardment was followed 3,472, enemy prisoners, 91. . $1,1 00,000 Saturday Gr~n, spokesman for the 6\1'2 With the government planning man of the WLB's revampeQ de­ Deny Story ministration could force a senate­ by another raid by American air­ is expected final figures wi 11 d~ribed WASHINGTON (AP) - Army partment dealing with wage Clilses ','It million union members, to spend approximately $100,000,­ house co.nlerence from wllich a craft, which have been striking III the newspaper field. vary only slightly from the above ...· DES MOINES (AP)-Iowa bond totalitarian nations a8 "strl~eless 000,000 in the year ahead-pro­ authorities, cOO'llT)enting on a Jap­ compromise might emerge. There. were 1,092 American sales In the fourth war loan cam­ anese broadcast which charged in­ No chance tor house. acceptance with increasing frequency. All The announcement of the nations." Only in a democracy can vided the war continue&-this planes returned. cbt.nres reported that the dally troops killed in the three bitter paign showed a eain of only $1,- men strike for their rights," he means that somewhat less thnn humane handling of Japanese in­ of the Green-Lucas bill is seen, days of fighting at Tarawa in the 100,000 Saturqay, reports from the even by Its proponents, in view Japanese bases In tbe south­ .Wlpaper prlntinl' and .publlsh­ declared. half the expenditures will be met ternees at Ft. Bliss, Tex., said yes­ ot west PacUic came under the .., pllllel had been reconltltuted Gilbert islands 11\st fall. Of the federal reserve bank announced "To continue cjemocracy and out of current Incomes. terday there are not and nev<;!r the house's overwhelming rejec­ last of aWett air power wltb 1m­ U by the state war finance commit- tion of its principle when it passed t commlsston, and had .,.,en tolal dead al Tarawa, 1,026 were lreedom we must put our union- Here is where the additional bave been any, Japanese prisoners provemen, In weather condi­ ..!horbed to ~kI! final deels­ marines. tee showed yat.eriiai . ism second now. To win the war taxes wUl bite: or internees there . its own measure last week. Iowa had 67 peri!eKt ot its total tiona. Oen. Doul'las MAcAnhar's Ita In aU waae cas_Involvlnl' More than 4,000 Japanese died we must give everythinIJ we got." Individual Income and victory communique yesterday reported quota of $117,000,000. beUl Involuntary Al'reemenUi in, the Gilbe~ts battle. tax payers, $664,900,000. that Cape Hoskins and Rabaal IIId cJlsputei--aubJect to li0ii)' ap------~------, .--- Corporations, $502,100,000. World Awaits Russia's Next Move-May In New BrItain and Weak, on 1\1&1 to ihe national board. Gearhart I"troduces Higher exciSe tax rates, $1,051,- the nor1heut eoaat of New Gui­ Burna will have charge of op­ OWl Culminates Undercover Wrariglei , Bill to Rid u. S. 300,000. nea, had been hit hard. erations of aU industry commis­ Postal rate increases, $96,900,000. Be Ready 10 Spring New Polish Government Cape Hoskins, an air and ship­ aions-daily newspaper commis­ Of Disloyal Japs Congress took its final action on pine base, was well covered with sion, west coast iumber commis­ the bill by adopting, fi rst in the WASHINGTON (AP) - Fresh an aclion may be taken which 187 tons of bombs. Midday attacks Sion, nonferrous metals comm Is­ Announces Resignation of 3 High 'Officials WASHINGTON (AP)-Leiisla- house, then in the senate, a joint evidence that Soviet Russia may would destroy all hope, at least stirred up but minor resistance at aion, Detroit tool and die commis­ W ASliINGTON (AP)-A cal warfare againat the enemy." tion designed to rid the United (See TAXES, page 5) for the time being, of obtaining Rabaul, the enemy's anchor po­ Sion, trucking commission, war be about ready to spring a new month-fong undercover wrangle in The announcement came In a SllItes of all disloyal pel'llons of • • that cooperation amolli the big sltion in the southwest area. It Ihipbuildiug commissIon, war ship­ the office of war information statement issued In Davis' name Japanse origin or descent )Vas in- IF k S' G' I Polish government 'on the world three 01 the European war which was the third straight day of air Piog panel, airframe panel, and (OWl) culminated last night In 'here, although Davis bimleU was troduced ip the ho~ yesterday ran Inatra Ives has thrown allied diplomatic quar­ is essential to international secur­ auault ·for Wewak, Important ail; \he wale adjustment board for the announcement ot the r~ignation in New York. by Representative Gearhart (R- To Long-Hair Couse ters here into an advanced Btate ity later on. and shipping base. bUlIdlng constructIon Industry. of three top-rankine New York of­ Davis said the three relighlng CaUt.). ' . • of jitters. The latest information on Mos­ ficials of the overseas division oUlcia Is had "loYilly and effec­ The Californian's bill provides NEW YORK (AP)-Frank SI- The Polish case is coming to be cow's PoUsh attitude comes in a Pauenger Ship Sinks which is headed by Robert E. tively served the UtHted States that every person born in Japan natJ;a, idol ot the bobby-socks regarded as a severe test of uni­ broadcsst reponed by London Paramushiro* * Bombing * NEw YORK (AP)-The Japan­ Sherwood. . and are now leavinll the services and now living in the United girls, has contributed to a long­ ted nations unify-!.not unJty in Sunday nJght which forecast that Diversionary Adion tie j)Ulenger steamer Sulsul Maru The settlement was plalnl.J '1 on account of an administrative States and all those of Japanese hair c au s e - the Metropolitan winning the war, but In securing a "new democratic Poland" would loundered wIth 700 persons aboard victory for OWl Director Elmer ri!allgnment." . descent must appear in a court opera fund. the peace after victory. be capable of "friendly coopera­ WASHINGTON (AP)-The sur­ Suoday near Kag08hima and 500 Davis, for the ~1pute orieinated They are Jama P. Warburll, ot naturalization within 60 days "I want to do my part in kee!)­ The chief cause ot alarm comes tion" with Its neighbor, the ,Uk­ face ship bombardment of Japan's or them are missing, the German with· his demand that the tbree deputy director fot' , pl'opa,anda and take an oath 01 alleiliance or ina . alive the Metropolitan and its trom apprehension that Moscow, rainIan republic, one ot the 18 Paramushiro island appears to IItWI lIency DNB said last nl&ht be dismissed In the interest ot polic),; Joseph Bam.. , deputy di­ suIfer loss of citizenship. tradition of glorious operatic apparently determined to play a Russian states recently lIiven au­ have been primarUy a diversion­ In a broadcast recorded by tbl! better COOrdination of peychololll­ rector lor Atlantic d.,.ra~, and In event the Japanese American musiC;" he said. "In democratic lone hand in eastern Europe, may tonnmy in International affairs. ary operation, intended to lead the U. S. lorelen broadcast Intellilence cal warfare. Sherwood had re­ Ed J ohnlOl1, chief 01 the editorial refuses to decll(re hi!lllelf, he America there Is plenty of room set itseU up at some point in un­ The same broadcast said of the Tokyo admiralty Into deeper con­ Itrvlee. fUsed to carry out the order. ooaro. . would be presumed to have expa- for singel'll of popular music and shakeable opposltidn to courses Polish government at London that fusion and uncertainty. KaeOlhlma is a major port ot Sherwood, it was announced, Edward W. Barrett; former as­ trIa ted himself wiUully and would opera lingel'll. I am happy to be to which Washington and London It sometimes "display. imperial­ While naval experts in the Uni.. ikluaiiu, southernmost 01 the main will continue al director 01 the sociate editor bf NeWsweek ma,a­ be deported to Japan. Gearhart able to help the Met meet its pres­ have previously committed them­ istic, prOoF a sci s t tendimcla" ted States speculate on the ques­ Jlpanete ialand., The cause bf the overseas branch, but will leave :&lne, wu nan\H execuU\te ~­ did not dlscUII details of how de- ent financial emergency." .elva .. which "preclude even the possi­ tion "where Is the Japanese fleet?" 1hIti. 'linklng was not .tatJd. ShC! shortl)' tor a brief trip to London tor of the oventa. branch, directly portaUon could be handled In war- The Met Is trying to raise $300,­ No irrevocable move of that na­ bility of a friendly alP'eement" be­ the Japanese I\IIval command must D1lcbt have .truck a mine or been to make final arrangements for under Sherwood and wl\h head­ time or lay whetller It sf\ould 000. Sinatra did not announce the ture has yet been made, but some tween that government and the ponder a somewhat slmilar quel. \orpedoed. "an Intellsitlcation of pl.Ycholo,i- quartan In WublnIton. aw~lt pellce. • __ __ ,",ount of his contribu~on, oUiciala are kn9wn to fear. that Ukraine. .tion-"wbe" ~t . - ." should be?" PAGE TWO THE DAlLY IOWAN, tOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 194. A Drafting Women­ News Behind the News O.F Fie IA L DA I L Y BU L LET IN Interpreting ltemll In the UNIVERSITY CALENDAR .... lclIedulecl In tile ~ ,),,\~£RS/ryQt1 dent·, OUloe. Old Capitol. Items for the GENERAL NO'1'1CII • . ------~------~~--~~-- ~, deposited with the C~IDPua edlt~ of The Dally low~n or "'"1 " AFeminine View Expected Senate Subsidy Ban Il pjaeed In the box provldecl for their del!Osll In the Offices of 'l'1li If our wives and mothers • Dal~ Iowan. 'OENER.\L NOl'ICES must be at The Daily 10-. It Puts F. R. on Spot Fifteen German II> 4:30 p. m. the day p~"C flnt pubUcatlon: notld", wtl!J'lQ'l' III and daughters were drafted to .J accepted by telephone. and mun be 'l'YPED oa L1tGIBLY WILlTIII By PAUL MALLON Divisions Caught and SIGNED by a re.ponaible penon. aid the war effort. how much WASHINGTON - The senate Jap barbarities h a v e In- In Double Trap VoL XXI, No. 1770 Tuesday. February II, IIt4 sooner could we hope for probably next will pass the ban creased bond sale, the news peace? Russia's tremendous on food subsidies-and what will s~rles say. Any reason for buy- By KlRKE L. SIMPSON Mr. Roosevelt do then, with the UNIVERSITY CALENDAR war effort owes a great part 01 fourth term vote campaign under- inc bonds is a a-ood one. but Associated Press War Analyst its man·power hours to Rus· Moscow estimates that 15 Ger­ Tuesday, Feb. 8 luck luncheon), Ulliversity club. way, with his labor campaign &he best one Is no' emotional 8 p. m. Eta Sigma Phi initiation sian women. England's war , Phil Murray, pleading hate. but plain commen sense, man divisions have been caught 2 p. m. Kensington, UniverJitr mobilization does not exclude in the double trap sprung by the service at home of Prof. and Mrs. club. for steel wage increases, and the A bond is Ute best 1J1aee lor Dorrance S. White, 1152 E. Court women. Only the Un i ted consumers groaning audibly about money today lor any citizen. Red armies in the Dnieper bend, streit. 4 p. m. Informa tion First: but they represent a probable ag­ "au.. States. with a huge backlog of prices? U Is the best IJlace to put Thursday. Feb. 10 sia Now and After the War," bJ woman·power. has failed to The generally published suppo- money for the tuture eduCittlon gregate of only 175 men. That means the snared divisions 4 p. rn. Information First, senate William H, Chamberlillj, senate tap that source. WAC, WAYES sWan has been that he will veto of ,.,ur chll~, and the best chamber, Old Capitol; "Observa- chamber, Old Capitol. the ban and continue to pay the place to provide lor your old are .at half strength. At full and Spars have proved their strength the Russians might have lions Overseas," by Herb Plam- 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineers; value to the armed forces, but middlemen free treasury money ale. It is a wise buy to save beck, commentator, WHO "NewE feature movle: "Edge of the to hold wholesale prices down money for bulltllnc" a future had more than 400.000 ' enemy the number of women in servo troops sewed up in the Dnieper and Views." World," and color short, "Sao" while slipping an increase to the home, for payln.. future taxes. 7:30 p. m. American Association Magic in Sweden," room 223, en­ ice is far too small for the jobs farmers. The congressional and But best at all, you can there sack for annihilation, and that they could handle. could be decisive. of University Professorl!, Triangle gineering building. farm leaders naturally heard about deposit your money for Ute au- club rooms. 8 p. m. University lecture br this, and have made private plans tomoblles, refril:erators, radios, Whether RUSSian estimates are • • based on known Nazi combat losses '1:30 p. m. Society tor Exped- William H. Chamberlin, 10'lll to squeeze him around to their boWIe paJntiDl:, vaeuam eJeau- mental BiolOgy and Medicine, Union. When Ludmilla Pavlichenko, way. en. and what you wID need not replaced or upon knowledge the Russian guerilla. was visit· that some parts of aU trapped divi­ rOQm 179 medical laboratory. Wednesday, Feb. 18 • • • when this war Is over. Friday, Feb. 11 8 p. m. COncert by Univenlty ing the United States, she Db OPA authorUy expires If yOta are aot a ,00II hater, sions had already been withdrawn could only conclude that Amer· in retreat is not clear. 4j15 p. m. The reading hOUli, band. Iowa Union. July lat shorilT before his reo buy as a wise Investor. University theater lounge. Thursday, Feb. 17 ican women were soft. lazy. nomination. If he vetoes this The Wickard program caD be It seems highly probable, how­ ever, that the trapped troops com­ 7:3expect to reo ceive a degree or certificate at . have been )'Ion much cheaper. functioniD« all alon, in • quIeter creases. And, in either vent, it will in these operations are DOW threat- hundreds of miles in the rear of It***** .... ,... P-'~"~ if there had only been more subsidy way with IJrlce stablllz­ allenate the consumers who are ened with being cut off from Ger- the whole German flank to the Waste Paper On and Off Campus the April 23 convocation should equipment and materiel avail· tlOD loans aDd buyin,. the biggest bloc of voters. many. Black Sea. The Red push south is a vltll (See BULLETIN Page 5) able? If Mrs. Brown and Mrs. • • • Ordinarily, you would think he The threat to Lwow as the Rus- from Lutsk and Rovno seems head- weapon or WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE war. Save it Smith were busy at the jobs Conspicuously Agriculture Sec­ would just let farm prices gradu- sians swing southward from the ed that way. SIGNIFICANCE OF RUSSIA'S retary Wickard has come out with ally rise until election day (the Lutsk-Rovno salient is obvious. It is a th reat the Nazi high com­ and save some their husbands left for defense boy's life! GRANTING AUTONOMY TO a new post-war farm program, customary way), but this too will Moscow reports placed spear- mand cannot ignore. Some of tbe HER 16 REPUBLICS? work or to go into service, how which sounds big-post· war pro­ entail difficulties with labor and heads at Mlinov and Mizoch, &(luth German forces holding the upper UJI-.~•... Mary Jane NevIlle. A3 of Em­ '(Iub Noles· many more husbands and sons duction greater even than now. consumer. Usually, his technique ------­ metsburg: "1 think it's a smart would have been coming back But all these efforts have a is to give all claimants a little political move intended to grant home 10 live? How much soon· mouldy underside, which the farm bit, but this would be difficult in Russia further power in the post­ er could we hope to win? congressmen say will guarantee a the present tight wage-price condl~ war world. At the same time it BADMINTON* * * CLUB • In our country women have hea vy majority against Roosevelt tion, and probably would please exhibits a trend toward a demo~ Meetings will be held Tuesday ~n striving for years to in farm states. no one. cratic form of government." and Thursday at 4 p. m. and S~t· achieve parity with men; - PrOf. Kirk H. Porter, head of urday at 1:30 p. m. Members will ...... political science department: "I bring their own birds. Other to vote-to establish careers- believe it will greatly embarrass equipment will be furnished bf 10 be accepted in busineu or "" S U ·ll Britain and the United States in Women's Recreation associatioD. professional circles. Is there Hollywood Sights and Sounds 9/0 ON YOUQ RADIO DIAL post-war negotiations. Certainly MAllY EL'LEN ZDa.L any reason why they should Engli5h Anna Lee Is Loyal that will be true it the Russians Presldenl be excluded from functioning TODAY'S IOGHLIGHTS 6:15- News oC the World expect to have 16 votes in inter­ completely in our war eHort? To the Confederacy 6:30-Irresistibles national conferences. Great Brit­ ETA SIGMA PHI • • Go MORNING CHAPEL- 'Suspense'* * * Star ain now has six; maybe we can ar­ Initiation for new members 0( By ROBBIN COONS 6:45-Kaltenborn E d its the Eta Sigma Phi will be held Tues· Conscriptinq women for Chaplain Robert M. Schwyhart ~=---=""" range to have 48 ! Another in~ News teresting point is that Russia ap­ day, February 8, at 8 p. m., at the labor would be a bitter pill of the Iowa Navy Pre-Flight 7- Johnny Presents home of Prof. and Mrs. Dorrance HOLLYWOOD - Perhaps the usual, napped at every opportun­ school will be assisted by Musi­ parently expects to extend feder­ for us 10 IWallOW. MOl I 7:30-Date Wlth Judy alism In eastern Europe. This S. White, 1152 E. Court street. FBI can skip it for the present, but ity. Edward Everett Horton, the clan Richard F. Koupal and Musi­ 8- Mystery Theater women and probably most should be interesting to some Am­ EDWARD VORBA men hate the mere thouqht Anna Lee's naturalization as a host, brightly called on the bride- cian Gordon B. Terwilliger this 8:30-Fibber McGee and Molly erican liberals who seem to want Presld!!n' morning at 8 o'clock on WSUI's of drafting women. II would citizen of the United States finds groom, Hugo Haas, for a speech. 9- Bob Hope to de.vitalize federalism in their her as loyal as ever to the Confed­ The picture is "Strange Con­ Morning Chapel, when he will 9:30-Red Skelton own country." SEALS' CLUB mean that every young and speak on "Some Stars to Steer 10-Fred Waring able woman's life would be erate States of America. fession," from a novel of Chek­ Dave Danner. Al of Iowa. Olty: Members of the Seals' club will The evidence is on her dressing By." 10:15-Harkness of Washington "I think it's a good plan whatever meet Wednesday at 4 p. m. in the reqimented for perhaps elqhl hov's called "The Shooting Party" 10:30-Words at War room walls, wherever she may be -Russia in the czarist days, with it signWes in the future, and it social room of the Women's gym. hours a day. W'Orking. There's a framed motto, FROM OUR BOYS ll- War News will undoubtedly reflect back to nasi um for a short meeting belOl\l Yet the llves of our mURons Linda playing a heartless wench IN SERVICE- 11 :05-Roy Shield embroidered in pink, blue, green and Sanders the knife-packing pap the central government, making the open swim. Finance Cade~ !Job G. Jones, 1l:55-News of soldiers are reqimented and purple, which exclaims: who loves .Anna Lee and knifes the the republics mere satellites under LILLIAN CASTNEI for twenty-four hours a day. "Long Live the Confederacy." SOn ot Mr. and Mrs. Mantey P. Stalin's jurisdiction." President Darnell. Jones of Iowa City, wlU be In­ They must sacrifice the i r There are a Bonnie Blue Flag and But just how Miss Lee's new NBC-Blue Pv~. Richard Felgert of Van wi v e s and families and a Lone Star flag of Texas. Texas accent Iits into old Russia terviewed by Aon Mercer of the Wut, Ohio, pre-m.eteorology cadet: A.A. U.P. WSUI staff this afternoon at KSO (1(60); WEN .. (890) homes - the lobs for which "1 always bring them along," she is something I haven't figured out. "I believe it's a sham for future William H. Cobb, business man· explained, "to cheer up the 12:t5. Cadet Jooes. of the anny economic and political activities agel' of the university, will dlsCUIS they were trained - their air corps. is stationed at Mather rooms." She was nibbling daintily 6-Terry and the Pirates by Russia, both internally and in­ "A Pension Plan for the Univ~­ futures and security. And at her home-packed lunch, brought field, Cal. ternationally. Also r believe it's sity of Iowa" at a mellting of Oie lome will die. 6:30--Jack Armstrong .. along to cheer up Anna Lee, who You're Telling Mel 6:45-Captain Midnight obvious that the policies of each American Association of Univer­ · . said she had been hungry ever THE SOLDIER 7-Earl Godwin, News republic will be determined, ob­ sity Professors Thursday, Fe!!. liI, . Their sacrifice could be al· FILM STAR Charles Rurcles wlII since her soldier-entertaining trip * * * STUDENT SPEAKS- 7:15-Lum and Abner scurely, by the central govern­ at 7:30 p. m. in the Triansle club l~viated in a very large sense to Africa. "You really appreciate • • "The Individualillm of Emer­ star "1hen "Suspeffie" presenU ment." rooms. Guests will be welcome. Dorothy L. Sayers' "SuspIcion" 7:30--DuHy's if American women could COl!' food after meeting a K-ration kit," GOLF ON ICE is a new stunt son and Thoreau" will be dis­ Clair Kenderllder, insiructor In PROF. ERICH FUNKE (not to be confused wtth the Al­ 8--Famous Jury Trials tribute their share of help. We she said. being tried at a Canadian winter cussed on WSUI this afternoon at the department ot speech: "It Secretan fred 1Iltchc()()k story of tbe same 8:30--Spot~ht Band seems to be an attempt on the part are all agreed thai this war Blonde, blue-eyed Miss Lee is resort. That's one form of mea­ 2 o'clock by platoon A-5 of the 8:55--Coronet Short Story not a Lee of old Virginia, as you dow marbles in which an over­ pre-meteorology detachment sta­ name. The story focuses suspiCion of Russia to insure adequate rep­ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE must be won. Why not win in on a servant. believed to be a 9-Raymond Gram Swing resentation at the peace conference ORGANIZATION might surmise from her devotion weight player has a chan e to tioned here. 9:15-Chester Bowles, OPA the shortest possible time by to the lost cause. She's from Kent, make a hole-in-one simply by poisoner. and in any post-war plans that The weekly half-hour servij!!! of really utilizing all our resourc­ England, and her real name is Jo- stepping out on the course. 9:30--National Radio Forum may be set up. It also seems an the Christian Science organization SPOTLIGHT BAND - lO--Ford ProlIlm es, including woman-power?­ anna Boniface Winnifrith, a good ! ! ! Noble SissIe and his orchestra obvious attempt to insure equal will be held Wednesday, ·F·eb. U, M. R. old Saxon name but an obvious Junior says It's patriotic to skip * *.* 1:I5-Raymol)d Z. Henle bargaining power with the several at 7 p. m., in room 110, SchaeHer will broadcast over KSO and 9:30-Muslc Magic 10:30-Lou Breese frost for a marquee. During her home-work, thus saving a lot of 9:45- Keep 'Em Eating votes of the British empire. It hall. WENR at 8:30 tonight in a salute 10:55-War News search for a shorter one, she was midnight oil. to the men at Camp While in 1I:50-Treasury Song for Today ",ill be interesting to see what the RUTH JEFFERSON reading up on the Confederacy ! ! ! ll-Charlle Spivak United States and Great Britain Presillent THE DAILY IOWAN Medford, Ore. 9:55-News, The Dally Iowan 11:30-Gay Claridge and in particular on General Rob- Reveraln.. the prOOeM - the H)-Week in the/Bookshop do in retaliation, if anyth ing. It's Published every morning ex­ 1l:55-News cept Monday by Student PubUca­ ert E. Lee, and that solved her Unlled States withholds the 011 NATIONAL RADIO FORUM- 1O :15-Yesterday's Musical Fa~ a typically clever move on the ORCHESIS tions Incorporated at 126-130 Iowa problem. Having become a Lee, and then Spain linds Itself in "Helping the Small Business vorites part of Stalin." Ol'chesis club will meet Wed· avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. she read mOre. troubled waten, Man" will he discussed by Sen. 1O:30-The Bookshelf CBS Marcus Younr. Al of North Llb­ nesday, Feb. 9, at 7:5 p. m., ill er~y: "Russia is finding out that the Women's pmnaslum. • • • I ! ! James M . .Mead of New York and ll- LitUe K now n Religious WMT (600); WBBM ('7It) Board of Trustees: WUbu.r L. "My mother's a southern Irish- Last month was so balmy that Sen. James E. Murray of Mon­ Groups she will get along better with the PAT CARSON Schramm, A. Craig Baird, Kirk H. woman," she defended her position it brought reports from many talks tana over KSO and WENR at 1l:50-Farm Flashes 6-1 Love a Mystery United Nations now and after the PresIdent war by incorporating into her form Porter, Paul E. Olson, Jack Iurther, "so I have some natural who claimed they heard frogs 9:30 tonight. 12-Rhythm Rambles 6:15-Harry James ot government the principles ac­ THETA SIGMA PHI Moyers, Jeanne Franklin, Sarah rebel instincts. And I've always c:roaking and crickets chirpinr. 12:3D-News, The Dally Iowan 6:30-American Melody Hour ants " kbowledged and practiced by Eng­ Members of Theta Sigma PI1I Bailey, DoDald Ottilie, Charles been fascinated by Texas. Every- June in January-with the right 12:45-From Our Boys in Serv- 7-Blg Town . letU; SINFONJETTA- land and the 'United States." will meet toniglit at 8 o'clock in Swisher. boor I first met and particularly sound effects. RusseU Bennett will guest-con­ ice 7:3O-Judy Canova farm liked here seemed to come from I ! ! Pfe. Bob Vernon, Ml of Marlon: The Daily Iowan news room. Fred M. Powllall, Publisher duct a concert of his own compo­ I-Musical Chats 7:55-News ThE Texas. When I met Governor The Nazis back in Germany can "To me it sienilies that Russia is DOROTHY KL-aw 70,~ Marie Nau Mathre, Advertising sitions tonight at 10:30 over WGN. 2-The Soldier Student Speaks 8-Burns and Allen Stevenson on a bond tour he prom- get an idea how the war is going I!Ontemplatin~ preparation for ex­ President older Manager 2:30--Radio Child Study Club 8:30-Report to the Nation (?ansion into Asia and the near ised to make me a naturalized by the fact that the Russian front 3-Fiction Parade incte Shirley McKim, Editor PAUL WHITEMAN- 9-Romance ~ast. Expressed or not, there will Texan-I hope he doesn't forget. is now the Russian-Polish-Eston­ 3:30--Ncws. The Dally Iowan YOtlNG WOMlN\s CHRISm" and E Overseas I'd tell the boys 1 was ian front. Bob Ripley's show, heard to· 9:80-Tiny Hill be a central government to dele­ ASSOCIATION Entered as .econel cIalS mall night at 8:15 over WGN, will fea­ 3:35-Iowa Union Radio Hour 9:(5-Confident:ially Yours tHo~ from Texas, and I sang 'Deep in ! ! ! gate to these 'states' who will un­ The Y. W. C. A. adviSOry baird and matter at the postoftlce at Iowa ture Paul Whiteman IS guest to 4-Elementary French 10-News City, Iowa, under the act of con­ the Heart of Texas' a lot. I've Not mach news froID ADkara doubtedly act as a consolidating will meet Thursday, Feb. 10, ,1 Was explain how his dedication of a 4:30--Tea Time Melodies 10:I5--Fulton Lewis Jr . . influence. In this way it will be 3:30 ~ . m., in the "Y" rooms of lIeu ot March 2, 1879. even worked up quite a Texas ac- or 8toekholm. Th_ toWIIII bet­ 5-Children's Hour fl'eO. t cent-or do you think so?" ter let a hustle on or war', end song on the air helped a man to 10:30--U. S. Employment Serv- cleared for the lederal government Iowa Union. yealt Subscription rates-By mail, $5 recover from "Rmnesla. 5:30-Musical Moods ice Interview to carry on the more important MRS. HOMER CHERRING'fC)1f I did tbink so. Miss Lee said may ItDd ih_ lteeked ap with. 5:45-News, The Dally Iow.n I Trli! per year; by earlier, 15 cents she was worried, workin« with lot of UDaaetI nIBIOI'I. 10:45-Muslc You Love functions." ~ecretar:r CONFIDENTIALLY YOUIlS- 6-Dinner Hour Music ll-News weekly, $5 per year. George Sanders, for fear she rni&ht ! ! I Mary Beth Thnrn, A4 of Musca­ andIar~l i President Rooaevelt's personal 7-Unlted States in the 20th 1l:15-TreasurY Star Parade tint: "I believe Russia is plan­ ROME EOONOMICS OLVB Dick up Ilia English Iccent . . • IJI4niUne meaDI one' ell I The Associated Preas la uclu­ deCision on runnlng for a fourth Century 11:3O--Jimmy Hilliard ning ahead into the post-war peace A baked bean supper,~ • • • ' In a place aot _', .wa. The 7:30--Let Freedom Ring ~ . • .Ively entitled to use for republi­ BIlCk on the set, Miss Lee sat na_ II "yea to an IDIect widell term will be revealed by Arthur 12-Press News conference and perhaps hopes to by the Home Economics dub .nI tann cation of all news dispatches cred­ Hale at 7 toniiht over WGN. 8-Beyond Victory-What? give these sister repubUcs a voice be served in tlie eliningroolR ill beside Sinders at the wedding Iu. 1&1 .... III ... 01 IIOIBe ~a ited to it or not otherwise eced­ feast of Linda Darnell. It was other lldeCt...... Uvtnc .....- 8:l5-Wesleyan Chapel Hour MRS In international affairs." Macbride hall tomorrow attemotll We., , Ited in this paper and aIIIo Ute TODAY'8 P ..OOL\MS 8:4S-News, The Dally Iowan WGN (7") Nancy OliteD, At of St. Lout., at 5:30. The Ifflir i, open to c'" quite a feast, with a lot of silver IIdcalb.' tile apeIlle ., iIIe the: Be local news published bereln. and crystal on the table but no holt Mo.: .. "Tihssohtw hs memDers and fr~nds. 7-Conlidentially Yours Problel food, except (as Mill Lee hungrily I ! ! S-MorniDf Chapel Network Highlights Mo.: "This shows that Russia Is "Mo· TELEPHONEs remarked a few dry and ta.teless A ski toumament is lCbeduled 1I:l5-Muslcal Miniatures and Pal on the way to leading world af­ NEWIlAN ICLUII Editorial Office ..... _.. _._ .. _ ... 4192 I qUire

FATHER AND SON ENJOY REUNION We and Chaunt it" (Thomas 1\.1or­ IN THE KITCHEN-WITH MRS. ILION T. JONES Evening Music Hour ley) and "I Have Twelve Oxen" Correspondent (William Pulford). Will Be Broadcast From Far East By Madrigal Chorus Today Six Organizations The Madrigal singers, a choral W'II M t Will Lecture group under the direction of Prof. I I ee Herald Stark of the music de- • 0 Craft &,u Ud ·Annex to Women's partment, Will broadcast the reg-I . "ed gymnasIUm, 1:15 p. m. "Stalin's World Game" wiu be u 1ar program 0 f th e ,. nesday . . h t Iowa City Wuman' ,,11I b-Litera- discussed by William Hen r y evening musIc our omorrow ture dell rtmenl--Clubrooms of Chamberlin, journalist, aut.hor night at 8 o'clock over WSUI. Dnd lecturer, in a university lec­ Community building, 2:30 p. m. ture to be presented Tu sday, F b. The g r 0 u p is composetl of KUPPil KaPI,a G mma alumnae­ 15 in th main lounge of Iowa Gladys Noteboom, A3 of Orange Ilome of Mrs. Percy Bordwell, Union. I City, and Jean MeFaddt'n, A3 of I II K B10umingtun stre t, 7:30 Chamberlin began his career in Oskaloosa, sopranos; N a din e 'p. m. journalism on the staff of the Fischer, G of Decorah, and Vern..l­ Lt>tlf-r CJrril'rs' 3U ill ry- Home Philadelph ia Press and then be­ belle Vennard, A2 of Sioux City, of Mrs. Arthur Huffman and came assistant book editor of the second sopranos; Patricia Fraher, Mr~. lIarold Nundall, 1030 Mus­ New York Tribune. In 1922, he RADI O TECH r IAN First Cia Donald Kent, who tor a year was A3 of Waterloo and Shirl D n- catine avenue, 2:15 p. m. went abroad as Moscow corres­ attached to a sCluo(lnlll uf PT bu~ in th.e south Pacific, stopped ;.n can, A2 of Clea'rfield alto:~ Ha~r We ·t Luca ' Women's elu lowa- pondent tor the Christian Science Iowa C.ilY I~st w '1'1-: ~d III set' hi' of;()n, Richard Kent, a fr(;shman IJ1 Bannon, AI of Io~a City, an~ TIlinois Gas and Electric com­ 11 Monitor and lor 12 years recorded the UDlverSlty. Kl",t. 'Iuadroll was under the command of comdr., Profes. or Stark leno'S' M rsh II pany, 11 p. Ill. the development of the Soviet. Robert Kelly, "I "We 'el F,xp.'ndabl" fam in the escape from Barnes G of Fairfie:d' b o.t II Uhivellily :2 taan ' , an one, Woreen ' Relief corp -Commun­ President Kalinin, Leo Trotsky, a . and H. F. Mel!., G of Lang ton, lIy Luiiding. 2 p. m. 11 Prcm!er Rykov and Commissar Okla., bass. Unlveratly ChJc herin were among the Rus­ Prof. M. W. Lampe The program will include "Arise, In 1913 the ' army had 17 air- sian leaders he met and inter­ Ari ,This Day Rejoic " (Johnnn I plant'1 nnd 23 otrlcers in flight viewed. He traveled throughout Sacrificial D· nn r Gives Guest Sermon Wotther), "Com, Soothing Death" , training. Russia and was present at the op­ (Unch), "Sing Ye Unto the Lold" =..:===:===~====:= ening of the Turkestan-Sibenan Feb. 20 Pro/. M. Will:lI',1 Lilmpt', dil' ct-, (John Mundy). "Let My Prayer - railway in Chinese Turkestan. Planne for 01' 01 th(' 'clloul of r liglon, has Come up into T.~y Prese.nee·: Tokyo Hea.dquarters 4 MONTH I.NTENSIVE !"f.tUI nl'd Irom a tl'lp to Phila- (Henry Purcell). Ye Watchers In 1935, Chamberlln established By Church Students and Ye Holy Ones" (German mcl­ Secretarial Course lor headquarters in Tokyo as chief far THE THREE COOKS in the TIlon T. Jones family, 609 S, Summit street, have gathered in the kitchen to ,1 lphiu ~nd W.I hinglon, D. C., ody arranged by W. A. Fisher), make a marshmallow pudding. Cary, a freshman In the university, and Nancy, a junior in City high COllEGE STUDENTS ottd GRADUATES eastern correspondent for the Plnns are I ('ing m3ci,· by till' whC're h(' attended meetings in "The Trees and the Masler" (Dan­ school, are accomplished cooks and do more than help their mother crack and chop nuts, as they are A thorough, ;orensh'e. ,terrr.riar Christian Science Monitor and be­ student chlll'l'h ffOlIl in Iow.1 City tit jilt rest ot Ihe university's re­ iel Prolherce). couue-.. arlins February, July, came acquainted with many of the pictured doing above. Cory is good at cooking whole meals; Nancy's specialty lies in the art of baking OCtober. Re.-illnliuo oow opeD. for u sacl'ifkilll dilllll'r to be Iwl

Coach Harrison Demands 'Kids' Be Realists; TUJ D AILY IOWAN Sports Buckeyes Considered 'To~ghesf Foe of Y~r p TS Trail .•• Ohio S!aters Average Powerful by \ . By WmTNEY l\1ARTlN Over Three, lExpect More Nglre Dame Te~m • s'x- !....-____y_ o_k_e___ _ Ik:======~\ NEW YORK (AP)-With all 58 PoinJs Per Ga me Next Year, Backed by "~vy V-tl Boys Here we ¥o afain on ~he I-told- due credit to the Sam Breadons you-SO Qel>artmen\. There is TO and Connie Macks and Ed Bar- AH the adjectives associated Dy CHARLES C~A~BERLAlN nothing that looks quite so ~ood UGH GOIN"G AlIEAD .. rows. it's guys like Elmer Dally with sports success-"unbeaten, CHICAGO (AP)-You can put. he was sure (he group ..... ould in­ as Iowa's nal:"e at the top o[ the I who enable baseball to maintain league-leader, r e cor a-breaker," Notre Dame in your winter book c1u~e 10 captains o( various foot­ Big Ten listings with an und~~- its position as the national game. make mighty pleasant reading for as having another powerCul fool- &all teams in the Chicaao region. pu\e~ righ t to be there. To the major league magnates University of Iowa basketball ball team next Call-for the luck ·The material ..... ill arrive at an . Salurday's ,ame was some- who make their living out of the players and their Hawkeye fol­ of the Irish is stili ,olng strong. opportune time at Notre Dame, for thin, ,Iorlous to see.! whereas .;;:; sport it is primarily business, al- lowers. Notre Dame is the only big tile Irish are planning to continue we in tbe radio booth nearlY though they naturally have a deep. But the boys were admonished school listed in the navy's new spring grid practice starting next wen' nuts keel)ln, track of the rooted love for the game. To Elmer I, Monday by "Pops" Harri­ bllslc V-12 trainina proiram for month although many of the Big scOte. Several «ratIfylllK sl«hts Daily it is purely a labor of love. were J im Grafton's scorln, the Elmer Dally might be called son to rem<).in realists and not to 17 and 18-year-old hlgh school Ten conference schools are thlnk­ 99th and 100th point and shorty something of a. composite of graduates in tho Chicago region, Ing of abandoning It. forget that It is old-fashioned field BlII Anderson scorln, his tlrst mlnqr league president! who goal a nd free throw points, scored and Lieut. Henry Penfield of the Northwestern, for one, is drop- baliket fo r the Iowa Ha.wkeyes. spend a great portion of thel!' against Ohio State at Columbus navy aviation cad e t selection ping the drllls. Anderson is one of those basket- time in the operation of thell' clr- Friday and Saturday, which will board disclosed yesterday that the "Nearly an our football players ball-hungry boys that report every ~ , cults with financial remunera- make the cojTIplimentary adjec­ Irish probably would get most of will be going to the service before day for practice and really works " '\ t10n of next to nothlnJ, They'd t! ves slick. the area's top prep grldders. next [all and I'd rather see them hard [or his berth on the team. starve In two weeks if they had Bucks Powerful Lieutonant Penfield, captain of go out for some spring sport such • • • to depend on theIr lea«ue presi­ Iowa, winner of a dozen straight the 11123 Northwestern football as baseball or track," said Lynn Saturday night was a madhoU3e -..I~ dent salaries for Ihelr personal games and seven in the leafUe team, said that unper a new plan Wa I d 0 r f, Northwestern coach. of activity with the local mathe­ '~DVc1io..J ,,}CO W upkeep. race to top the conferepce with f\ of placement the boys would re- "We'll have some idea of our per­ maticians beating their brains out A~"";( MAy' SAVe." JAKE. The only way Elmer Daily dif­ perfect record, now is working for port to Notre Dame by March I, sonnel this summer and will hold trying to cope with the record sit­ ~e PAN$RSoP fers from the other is th;lt he Is its best competition of the season. in time to participate In spring summer practices starting July 1." uation. Finally as the smoke CA1bt,Ne> ~e ~RA1ic twins, speaking in a baseball way. The Buckeyes have won six of drills. They will remain in V-I2 Ohio State, with a good founda­ cleared away from the baskets it prro\ ' He's president of two leagues-the eight league games, have the best training for eight months, aradu- tion oC veterans deferred from came out that Iowa and Ives had Mid-Atlantic and the Penn State­ " offensive average, 58 3/ 8 points, ating about Nov. l, making them military service, will also skip a broken some 16 field house and both inoperative at present. lind the tllllest team, averaging 6 available for almo~t all the toot- spring season. Coach Paul Brown Big Ten records. He came here as a sort of a su­ feet 3 2/(; inches. ball season. plans to open summer drills June I understand that it was the pernumeary when it was thought Second-place Purdue, with a Other schools which will start 12, first day of Ohio Slate's sum­ first time til at the field house score one of the committeemen tor the 7-1 record, is idle this week, so the new V-12 program are SL. Am- mer quarter. board had run out 01 numbers to post - war planning committee if the Hawkeyes want to enter brose college, Davenport, Iowa; "We believe spring drills will keep core with. would be unable to att-end. The the Boi1ermaker gilme here Feb. Indi,ma State, Evansville, In~ .; be a fine conditioner {or the boys, • • • committeeman attended, so Elmer '18 still on top they must ,et no Wabash college, Crawfordsville, despito the fact that many of them Speeulation continued today as Daily made the trip from his home worse than an even break with Ind., and NeWberry colrege, New- won't be around for the football to what the Beaver alias Dave at Edensburg, Pa., for nothing, and Ohio State. berry, S. C. season," said Ed McKeever, Notre Danner ml,ht have done had be at his own expense. P\a~il\g a\. CIl\umous never bas Selection of schools is more or Dame backfield coach. "That's remained In the pme. As YOU He says baseball Is his bUS I­ been relished by Iowa basketball less up to the boys-"so you can why we're going ahead with them will remeJDber he was leading ness, but he means that's Just teams [or none of them won there see," said Lieutenant Penfield, regardLess of what the Big Ten Ives In scorlnt; with 10 minutes where his heart Is, His business since 1923. A dozen games have "just how much of the crop Notre does. After all the main gurpose ot til ,0 In the second half. SUI'­ that keeps body and soul to­ peen dropped durini that period. Dame probably will get." sports i~ to lj:et the bOy!! prepared Pfl~ 0' the year woyld have J AKE: \ gether I, that ot innkeeper. He Equals Season's Record Lieutenant Penfield did nllt for the hardships of war-and been two Hswkmen tieing and operates two hotels at Edens­ Dick Ives, holder of two BII know how many athletes would there's fine training to be had in fl,hllng each other for the Big :. eARI-'" \ burg, and his love for baseball Ten scoring records, shot hls sea­ be involved In the migration, but spring football practice ." Ten lClorln, crown on thll lame overflows right Into the 10bbllHl. nJrht In the same ,arne.. Mr. WA~HI1I6""Otoi a~cl-ie~ son's total up to 245 points, equal­ FACIt-l€l ..,.-..te. -fASK OF Baseball is the decorative motlr ling the Iowa all-time total tor a --- Rlllley please copy, ~eC1:#l'oJlt-le -r'HE.­ In each, even to the china and I season, set in 1941-42 by Tom • • • sllverware. He draws the line Chapman in 20 games. rves has Sickness Scourges UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE DIFL.I\le

Oai~ Iowan Want Ads HENRY * * * * *SALE * CLASSIFIED FOR AOVERTISING FROZEN FOOD CABINETS-For RATE CARD your own home. Size from 5 cu. ft. to 15 cu. ft. One to four CASH RATE compartments % H.P. compres-I lor 2 days- sors. Rebuilt and reconditioned, L _'f;I.f:f-;::';;-­ lOe per line per d.,. S conBeCUtive days- perfect mechaniclllly. Ready to 7c per line per day plug in 11 0 volt. Operating at 8 consecutive days- zero to 10 below. Prices trom 5c per line per day 1 month- $250 to $500. Satisfaction guar­ ~c: per line per. day anteed. Write C. E. Bullock. Box -Figure 1\ worelS to line­ 209, Galesburg. Ill. ( Mlnimum Ad-.2 linea HOUSES FOR RENT CLASSIFIED DISPLAY WE HA.VE REt.CHED THE THEY LOOK DOWN INTO AN riOc coL inch FO R RENT- Reasonable. Small VALLE\{ OF FIRE , MILORDS! Lb.VA, ANGR'I' FlAME AND HISSING Or $5.00 per month House. 813 River Street. Dial BEHOLD - ! 4666. All Want Ads Cash in 4\dvance Payable at Daily Iowan Busj­ WANTED fROM MUKDEN in Manchuria and Hakodale in J apan to Mal nell office dalJ,y uutil II p,m. &tretches the vast cbain of Jap prison camps in Which Am Bing. J ava, WANTED - A used unabridged heId el'tb er at military prisoners civilIans. who were held eraILer cans Pear a rol dictionary. c/o Daily Iowan. or CIDce11ations must be called in ;Harbor, As shown on this map. which is based on informotlon provided betore 5 p.m. WANTED - Girl [or general of­ by the International Red Cross, there are more than 40 camps and, In lleIpODlible for one Incorrect fice work. Shorthand and typ­ these. are more than 50,000 Americans-although the exact figures arc Insertion only, not known. While the Red Cross has made cvery effort to get the usual ing required. 9681. ,peeial suppl,y1>lIckages to the Americans. the Japs were last amon& the WANTED - Laundry shirts 9c. nations to aUow 84m IIhlpments-desplle international arrangements. Flat finish 5c pound. Dial 3762. 8 ut one shipmeqt hili lOne tbfQugh and a second, wbich lett but .a few DIAL 4191 Longstreth. tylonths ago. bas been reported with cal'ilo rotUng on the docks ~ th~ Russian port of Vladivostok. (}nternatlOnal WANTED-Plumbing and beating. Larew Co. Dial 9681. ROOMS FOR RENT OFFICIAL BULLnlN FOR RENT- Two room furnished INSTRUCTION (Continued from pal e 2) apartment. Phone 4315. DANCING LESSONS - ballroom, make to~m a l application at once Rcom (or rent. Dial 2454. ballet tap. Dial 7248. Mimi You de Wuriu. at the of fice of the reiistrar, room I, University hllll. LOST AND FOUND Brown'. Commerce Colleee IIARIlY 0, BARNBS LOST-Glasses in case outside Iowa City·, Accredited Rerla',.r Botany Bldg. or in alley going Business School east. Phone 4171. Established 1921 NATIONAL DlSOUSSION Day School Night School CONTIilST LOST - Navy Ensign's Gold "Open the Year 'Round" The prl!liminary cop lest of the Reiulation Wings. Cali X517. Dial 4682 "ational d isc u ~8ion on inter-Am­ Reward, erican aUairs will be held Tues­ FURNITURE MOVING day, Feb. 8, at 4 p. m. in room 7, LOST - Small Hamilton wrist Schaeffer hall. Those Who are in­ watch. Dial 2158. Reward. terested may inquire at room 11. MAHER BROS. TRANSFER Schaeffer hall tor further inCor­ . LOST - Blue and red billfold. For Efficient Furniture l40viDI maUon. Valuable identifications. Re­ Ask About Our paOF, A. (JaAlO BAlBD .,..ard. Pat Kent. 3135. WARDROBE SERVICE I 've BEEfl TH INIQ NG It.IDEEO, W OE,o.R. ,a.uNT CLAM, LoST - Small black loose leaf DIAL - 9696 - DIAL WEDNESDAY EVBNlNO OIER WHAT UOBS WOULO I 'R-EGRET 'fAAT I c ...... !.r notebook. Reward. Dial 3173. )(USIC HOUR 'BE 0 EN l'OIf-'lOU IN Nt( ACCEPT 'lOUR OEUGHTFUI- A varied pr{l/llsm of choral 1'OUNCR¥ BACK HOME .. •• ... tID INSPIRING OCCUPAilON • numbers /ly a mIxed vocal en­ •••. BUT ~EY '-'L.L TAKE OF S\lO.IELING COKE.'''' semble . under the d irectlon of SKILl...Et:l MEN.·.. so I'u­ joIo.Y ~E,o.SON ~ DECLINING P rof. Herald Stark will be presen t­ ~E 'lOU AN ASSISTANT THE HC>foJCIR, 15 'BECAUSE ed Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. 'TO 'NICK~ WHO HAS CHARGE I AM GOING '10 eE VF;Jl:{ over WSUI. The program will OF THE COI(E SHED l BUSY WORKING ON " Gol Troubles! be broadcast from studio E. An SECRET WEAPOtJ I\ udience is welcolTle. ,,,,,,,,.....,,.L I've l tNE~ED! PROF. ADDISON. ALSPA(JH -Don't Waste Voluable Time Licensed• to Wed Worrying Over Lost Articles, Oscar Z. Brann, 23, of Aurora li nd Ardis Dempsy, 21 , of Oelwein Needed Employees, or Someone to Do Your were issued a marriage license Saturday by R. Neilson Miller, clerk of diatrict court. laundry while the Little Woman's on the Swing OWNR ot a .var plant af Welt· port, &nn" M1II Vivien Kellema, Shift. Grand J~rQrl prawn above, announced to a meeUq of N~ m l!S of ~r and 'jurors tor the the KanNII City. Mo.. Women'. February terlll . of district court Chamber ot Commerce tbat abe USE THE DAILY IOWAN WANT 'ADS. wert! drawn 1estel·day. They are would no 19~er pay Income taxe. John Willi, fdreman, Oren Alt/ and invIted all industriaUeta to You'll Be Glad You Didl Philip Gough, B. E. Manville L. join _ her _In a " WeeUll!.tJ; Tea M. ollret, Edward R)'an ~nd .Par ~y" In protu t. t o being "taxed -...... , ~weySwa wro D. . . ,out 01 exlatence,::'(lDCtllJ.. ~al) • ______PAGE SIX THE DAltY IOWAN, IOWA CITY , rOWA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1944 Iowa City B'oy Scouts Choose Jim Wiegand 'Mayor for 0' Day' - *** *** *** *** *** *** * * * IT'S ELECTION DAY FOR THE BOY SCOUTS CONGRATULATIONS DEFINITELY ARE IN ORDER - Owen Thiel Hubbub ; = Community Building Presents Three Houses Excitement It "Where can I cast my vo le?" an excited Boy Scout asked Ule Palm 'Awards clerk attending the city airport election polls or the Iow·th ward, Jack Davis, Frank se ond precinct, in lhe ommun­ ity building lust n ight. Mahan, Jim Wiegand "Why, young man, you're too Earn High Honor young to vote. You must be 21:' The misguided clerk was referring Wiegand for mayor! to the airport election while the • young American in Boy Seoul Shou ti ng and re-shouting thei l' uniform awa ited his turn to cast batlle cry until the very minute a vote Cor the Boy Scout muyor­ the voting polls opened, Iowa City for-a-day. who will govcl'I1 Iowa Boy Scout Progressive party mem­ City Saturday. This was part of the hubbub in bers helped usher in National Boy the Community building yesterday Scout week last night by electing as the city polls play d competi­ their mayor, J im Wiegand, and six tion with the Boy Scouts who pre­ other city o!Cicials in the geneml sented to more than 100 spectators election at the Community build­ an exhibitiOn ol their work and disclosed returns for their mayor· ing. [or-a-day. Placing their candidates in Up~tail' s, more than 400 memo seven of the 12 electoral pos itions, bel'S 0.[ the Roy L. Chopek post 01 the Progressives chose Kenneth the American Legion held 0 sta& Reeds, police judge, Bill Wagner, chicken dinncr next to a room park commissioner, Jack DavIs, where Il fast game of b3skelball alderman-at-Iarge, Dick Williams, was in hnrdcourt progress, That councilman fifth ward, and Dick was one night of activity in [owa Emmert, councilman third ward. ICity's Community building. Citizen party men who will help run Iowa City for a day are Bill VOTING PROCEDURE absorbed the interest of Boy couts last night as they chose officials to rule OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT handclasp is exchanged fly Eagle Scouts J ack Davis, left, who was awarded 17 Roservists Leave HUller, city treasurer; Bob Crum, Iowa City Feb. 12. Jack Ne uzil, leU, is an Interested onlooker as Harry Barnes casts his vote and the bronze palm, and Jim Wiegand, right, who rezeived his gr id llalm, while Frank Mahan Jr., Eagle park commissioner; Do u i 1 as Dick Buxton walts to receive his ballot. Don Knoepfler i In background. SCOlIt and new possessor of his second bronze palm, &~mlres the new Eagle of Tom Robinson. For Reception Center Dierks, councilman second ward; Tom Nickols, councilman tirst ------.....:.------.------:­ Leaving yesterday morning for First Uniwrian church. ' Mrs. yes, 3 no; second ward, first pre­ ward, and Bill J ones, councilman Forecast For the I'cception ('enter for final as­ fourth ward. Tepley:- n nativc of Russia and a I cinct: 44 yes, 6 no; second ward, "ignments were 17 enlistd resrv­ With election clerks J ack Cooper teacher there, camc to America in Conserve Paper (ily Voles Yes second precinct: 79 ycs, 7 no; third ist5 of Johnson counly. and Bob Walter of the Citizen 1~09 as a political refugee. She Front Line Materia ls ward, second precinct: 34 yes, 16 They are John L. Amish, Marvin party, Don Knoepfler and Lewis I will discuss the historical aspect no; fourth ward, first pl'eci net: 53 R. Brenneman, Louis A. Cox, Don­ Robinson of the Progresslve party, Iowa Cily Clubs Need Protection ald F. Dolezal, Vernon A. Eggen­ of the Russian-Polish problems. yes, 5 no; fourth ward, second pl'e­ and Frank Mahan and Henry RuCt For Airport burg, Lloyd L . Finley, Earl M. of the Alpha Phi Omega scouting -Plans and Meetings I Mrs. Evans A. Worthley will cinct: 59 yes, 2 no; fifth ward, hav charge or the meeting and Food, weapons, ammunition and Gaarde, Richard W. Goss, Leo R. fraternity on hand at 6:30, the (irst precinct: 48 yes, 7 no; fifth tea will b sel·ve