(Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-02-08
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latlon CCire.,., PROCESSED FOODS ",een .tampa G . If anil 1 (book 4' expire Feb. 20: MEAT brown otamp. V md W "" Cloudy pi", Feb. 28: SUGAR stamp 30 (book 41 expires Mnch 31, .tarl'll) to for ••nnln, lUlU expires Feb. 28. IIK~ : SHOE stamp 18 (book 11 and airplane stamp 1 (book low.: ParllT eload" oollulonal 3) valid Indefinitely: GASOLINE A- IO coupOn expires THE DAILY IOWAN Uabt snow. M.rch 21 : FUEL OIL per. 3 coupon expJJoes March 13; \ , , t' TIRE INSPECTION deadline for A coupon holden, March 31. for Band C. Feb. 211. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FNECENTS TBI! A ••OOIATI!D ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1944 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 113 I. Re.d~ Enter Nikopol; ~i' ~n T~d;yls American Warships Push CriSIS Nears Showdown Leads On in Jap Home Waters Hit Jap Homeland-•••• First naval attack on hom!! ter fnlire German Russian Planes ritory befuddles surprised Japs AS ONE IOWA CITY MAYOR TO ANOTHER • • • Reds Trap Gel1D4ns U. S. Ships Garrison Falls Bomb Helsinki Ru slans battle to annihilate 175,000 Germans in two Dnieper traps. Squ eze upon Narva In Take Japanese BaHles Roar Toward Finns Flee Capital Estonia. Climax With Russians As Heaviest Raids • • • Blocking Nazi Escape Urge Separate ~eace Finland at Crllt.- By Surprise Thousands f1 e Finn capital un W DON , Tnesday (AP) LONDON (AP)-Thousands ot der RussJan bombs. Moscow beIJins Th e R d ann)' cra~hed into the Finns !led lrom Helsinki yester- campaign to settle bord r problems. New Naval Blow suburbs 01' manglll1NH'-rieh Ni day, their capital still smoking • • • Fen Last Friday from. a RussUm bombing which kopol 11 the lower Dnirper river W.shlngton Worrled wrote lor their government a fiery Capital diplomats jittery over On Paramushiro ),l"Ii ol'dll.V and IIlso wiped ont notice to get out of the war now. lor , filii," Gp l'man gllJTisons in the Russia 's plans Poland. See u. S. PA IFI FLEET The criSis for Finland appeared post-war collaboration at stake. t:h~I' kasy pock!'t 200 miles to the HEADQUARTER ,Pearl Har nearing a showdQwn. • • • uorihwesl in a III tciless extel' Senate Flrhts 00- bor (AP)-D a r i n g nited minsi iOIl of 17!i,000 axis II'oops The Russian rald&-involvlne by Administration forces peat at tate warships have pushed the trapped in both III'eas, ' Moscow oWcial Finnish estimate a total of tempt to shelve ft'Cieral ba 110t for war into Japan's hom waters, IlIllonnc d elJrly today. 200 planes - were among the soldiers. 1,200 airline miles northeast of DiRpntchcs filed at midnight strongest thrown against Finland • • • Tokyo, striking as othel' AmCI'j in th Floviet capital by the As. in the two wars with RUSSia, and President l'eUi BIII- can fore II forg d llew bases in iOOiated Press said both batt.les were generally accepted as the be Coneress sends f2,815,OOO,OOO the Marshall islands from Wllich ginning of direct action by the So to x bill to F'. D. R. were roaring to a climax with the to hamm r Japan's inner de Russians effectively blocking the viet Union to wipe out her north ern trontier problems as she al fense ring. escape of five German dl visions ut The new navl blow fell last Nikopol. ready is proceeding to settle in AFt Head Issues pro~ on Para mil hiro at the Nikopol's mines are said to be her own way the pOlitical Friday "JV T A FEW IIt"e thlnA's tllat might help ou uU t," ayor Wilber J. Teetel'll, rlA'ht, explains to Mayor the source of half all the man lem of Poland. northern tip of the Kurile is ot KAY SUMMERS BY does her bll lor-a-day Jim Wlel'and, who will head the Boy 8 out city reglm Feb. 12. (Eleetlcn Itory on pa, 6.) ganese tbe Nazis now are getting. The Moscow radio announced No-Strike Appeal lands, the navy annollnced in In keeplnr Gen. Dwlrht D. Eisen olf!cially last night that a "large Washington. It was the lirst U. S. The Germans must have it to keep hower's invasion headquarters In producing steel. group" of Soviet bombers had hit naval bombardment of the ene Lendon. Mis s Swwnersby, a hard at the central part 01 Hel 'Give All We Got,' my's homeland. And It caught the Two hundred miles to the British subject born In Ireland, sinki In n "mass raid," pounding IlOI'thwesl oUler Russian armIes Says WillIam Green F. R. Receives Japanese Spokesman, Service Vote Nipponese napping. serves all the In"ulon ehleftain's industrial, rail and port targets. A task force commanded by bored five miles deeper into a chauffeur and personal secretary. narrowIng circle where the lur Four bombers were lost, It added. To American Workers Sadao Iguchi, Replies Rear Admiral Wilder B. Baker She was with the general In Af Communleatlo". O.... up&ea penetrated to within live miles of vlvors 01 more than 100,000 rica, Sicily aud Italy. Telephone communication be trapped Germans were being KANSAS CITY, (AP)-William New Tax Bill tween Stockholm and Helsinki was Gr~n, president of the AmericaJ;l To 'Atrocitf Charge Reaches Floor killed or Ilaptured below the disrupted early last night, perhaps Federation of Labor, made a ter- LONDON (AP)-T~e Vichy IIIlddle Dnieper river. radio quoted a Japanese com • indicating another }{ussian attack. vent no-strike appeal to unions By The Associated Press The two big Soviet traps in the The Moscow broadcast, recorded yes.terday, cal·line on American President May Show Leaders All Ready munique )'esterday as saying Dnieper bend threatened to col U. S. Forces . A Ust of alleged allled "out lhat American forces had Jand . by the Soviet monitor, said crews workers to "give all we got" to Disapproval-Let Bill To Push Green-Lucas lapse the entire southern front, and reported 30 large fires and many the war etfort. rages" against Japanese internees ed In the Kurlle IslandS, in addition Soviet mobile columns heavy explosions, with hIts scored AssertJng there can be no "justi Pass Minus Signature was cited Sunday by Sndao Iguchi, In Short Order The Nul-controlled French were lunging deep Into old Poland near the shipbuilding yards and fication or excuse for any strike or Japanese board of information station &'ave no details and Its more than 400 miles to the north WASHINGTON (AP)-In a last broadcast mll'M have been .a KiI~ 8~ 122 ' ~aps docks, and blasts tOUched off near stoppage of work" with the lives WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress spokesman, in apparent reply to west, and were hammering into an automobile assembly plant. of our fighting men and victory sent a $2,315,200,000 tax increase ditch move to beat a federal war rarbled account 01 a raid upon Estonia. l Americnn-BrJlJsh charges of atro those strategic stepplnl' Iltones "Big fires were s~n in the area In the balance, he told the Inter- bill yesterdllY to President Roose b::rllol, 11.$ senate opponents lot the lII0se0w's communJque d1t!..n9t of 1I'Ie 1ft .'WOrn, 8tDI1 tIIrraelc!, !'Iatlona} boilermakers unIOn con- cities by Japan. between the heart 01 Japan and 1I1tQUon the 8etolllall or old Po lit'lnvasion lor $10,500,- house-approved states rights bill 8 _ at the eledro-mechanical works vention: veH, who had asked The purported alrocities were the Kamchatka pen I n u I n. IIIh trontl, but laid Oen. Mar and its depots," Moscow said. "No matter how unjusl condi- 000,000 and had riUclled the carried out In the Philliplnes, to the floor yesterday and so en Tbere was no confirmation .klan M. Popov'. lIeCond Baltic WASHINGTON (AP)~Amej.l While it was felt In London that lions may become, no matter how smaller measure l1S unrealistic. tangled the senate in parUament from any other source • II1II), had captured more than 80 United States, Malaya, and Burma, A Tokyo radio broadcast ear can landing forces killed 8,122 the Finns were anxious to eet out sharp the aggravation may be, the There Is considerable specula ary red tape that further consider vlllares north and northWest 01 ot the war, It also was believed members of the American Federa- tlon that be may show his disap Iguchi said in a statement broad ation of service voting leelslatlon lier yesterday said an American Novosokonlkl. Japanese during the Marshall is that the Finnish government was tlon of Labor should realize that proval by letlini the bill become cast by Berlin, and "the anglo was put oft until today. attack on the northern Chl G e r man propagandists after land invasions the na vy said last hopeful of receivlnll temis. they must stay on the job and I taw wIthout his signature. American campaign to spread Administration leaders appar .hlma (Kurlle Islands) "must days of reticence appeared to be night, while losing only 286. The Helsinki radio and press keep producing to the limit of their A senate-house conference re hatred against Japan has been ently were in control and ready not be rerarded "'htl)' ... This preparing the homeland lor heavy American wounded total 1,148 more than once have indicated that ability until tinal victory Is won." port., embodyIng the finnl draft of to push through the Green-LUcas came as dispatches disclosed reverses in tbe Dnieper bend motivaled by the desire to cover U. S. warship had bombarded and missing, 82.