Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-11
1945 • - --== IIIEAT!!, PATS, ,ed II.mpa, TI Ihroo,h U 18' A! I./I,ou,' I·~ n.. 'u.... .aOCE88ED rooDs, bl .. ..mp., C~ 111, ..,11 XI ....... (lUGAa, b.ok f ..,. ••• ." " n .... , •• II.. ........ IIHO&', ••• ~ """ Cloudy, ity ....... I, I .D' a'.... ,... 11011017. GASOLINE, 15-A ~''''.D' ,1041 t.r toa, ,aU •••••• a .... , 8·'1 C.... aD. Co, ••1111 ,., II.. ..nODI. J'UIiL OIL. p.rl... ODO IOWA: ParUy cloud,T and &br ••,b flv. CG.pID. • •••, allo la,. y •••-'. ,erlo. THE DAILY IOWAN windy. Continued WanDo. ,.... 18' II•• roo'. Iowa CItY'1 Morning Uewlpaper eel FIVE CENTS 'I''' A.IOO1A'I'U ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. APRU. II. 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 168 township the Blue recenuy n .COUnty )mght at annover Fa s to • • iht rmy I hotel. heir sup. I entitled German Frontline News Hints- YANKS SEE OWN HANDIWORK will be Soviets Jab · . Yanks (ripple ,- Yank Drive , direclor II service End of Or9on__i_ze_d_W_' a_rf_o_re__ Nea_ r Luftwaffe Moines To Cut Vienna Now 110 Miles benefl~ prisoners allied taken in the last for a junction with allied torces By Klrke L. SlmPllOn two weeks lell small doubt of what Associated Press War Analyst at the Elbe Is launched. Berlin has I H R 'd au memo most of their comrades would do. illsisted for weeks it was impend- n, uge al Lee Nit. Escape Route, There are broad hints in front "Those still wi Uing to die for ing if not in progress but without From Berlin n Rarick line news from Germany that the tuehrer are few and tar be confirmation from Moscow.
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