Third Party Licenses for Embarcadero RAD Studio XE, XE, C++Builder XE

This Document contains either required notices for third party software or the third party license documents under which the Separately Licensed Code is licensed.

(Please note that in some cases, the license listed may differ from the license under which the latest version of the code can be obtained)

Table of Contents Separately Licensed Code ......

Microsoft® .NET framework redistributable ......

Microsoft® Visual J# redistributable ......

Office UI License Agreement ......

InstallAware Express ......

Rave Reports ......

IP*Works ......

CodeSite ......

FinalBuilder ......

Apache Subversion ......

CollabNet Subversion Client and Server ......

RAD Studio Version Insight ......

Graphviz – Graph Visualization Software ......

JSON 2 HTML ......

Base64Encoder.js ......


INDY – Internet Direct Project ...... DUnit ......

JPEG public library ......

Virtual Shell Tools ......

GDI+ API port ......

GREP regular expression engine (regexp) ......

Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) ......

Unicode ......

Boost ......

ACE , TAO ......

C5 Generic Collection Library ......

Plossum Library ......

Open XML & ADOM ......

VirtualTreeView ......

JCL (IDE exception diagnostics and stack trace utility) ......

License ......

Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable EULA ......

Microsoft Visual J# .NET 1.1 End-User License Agreement ......

Microsoft License Agreement: 2007 Office Fluent User Interface ......

InstallAware End User License Agreement ......

Rave Reports Single User License Agreement ......

n software EULA ......

VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd FinalBuilder EULA ......

Raize Software CodeSite Express License Agreement ......

json2html License ......

Opera Software ASA license ......

IPG license ...... GREP regexp license ......

Unicode Terms of Use ......

Boost Software License ......

ACE, TAO, CIAO, CoSMIC license ......

C5 License ......

CollabNet Subversion License ......

Plossum License ......

LGPL 2.1 ......

LGPL v3 ......

BSD ......

Apache License, Version 2.0 ......

MPL 1.1 ......

Separately Licensed Code

Microsoft® .NET framework redistributable License(s): Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable EULA


Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft® Visual J# redistributable License(s): Microsoft Visual J# .NET 1.1 End-User License Agreement


Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

Office UI License Agreement License(s): Microsoft License Agreement: 2007 Office Fluent User Interface

Licensor: Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

InstallAware Express License(s): InstallAware End User License Agreement


Copyright: Copyright (c) InstallAware Software Corporation

Rave Reports License(s): Rave Reports Single User License Agreement


Copyright: Copyright (c) Nevrona Designs

IP*Works License(s): /n software EULA


Copyright: Copyright (c) /n software inc.

CodeSite License(s): Raize Software – CodeSite Express License Agreement


Copyright: Copyright (c) Raize Software, Inc.

FinalBuilder License(s): VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd FinalBuilder EULA


Copyright: Copyright (c) VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd

Apache Subversion License(s): Apache License, v 2.0

Licensor: or

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 The Apache Software Foundation CollabNet Subversion Client and Server License(s): CollabNet Subversion License


RAD Studio Version Insight License(s): MPL 1.1


Copyright: Copyright (c) Ondrej Kelle; Copyright (c) Uwe Schuster; Copyright (c) 2010 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Addition/Modification: Modifications include a major re-write of delphisvn. New functionality for diffing, international character support, asynchronous gathering of data, check-out and import, usability, tighter integration into RAD Studio, and other new features. Most original source files not used or re-written.

Graphviz – Graph Visualization Software License(s): Common Public Licenase Version 1.0


JSON 2 HTML License(s): json2html License


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Brenton Fletcher

Base64Encoder.js License(s): Opera Software ASA license

Source: Base64Encoder.js.dml

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006

AWSSDK.DLL License(s): Apache License, v2.0

Source: INDY – Internet Direct Project License(s): dual – BSD or MPL 1.1


DUnit License(s): MPL 1.1


Copyright: Portions created The Initial Developers are Copyright (C) 1999-2000. Portions created by The DUnit Group are Copyright (C) 2000-2003.

JPEG public library License(s): IPG license


Copyright: Copyright (C) 1991-2010, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.

Virtual Shell Tools License(s): dual - MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 or later


Copyright: Copyright (c) Jim Kueneman,

GDI+ API port License(s): MPL 1.1


Copyright: Copyright (c) Henri Gourvest

GREP regular expression engine (regexp) License(s): GREP regexp license


Copyright: Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto

Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) License(s): BSD ( Source:

Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997-2010 University of Cambridge; Copyright (c) 2007- 2010, Google Inc.

Unicode License(s): Unicode Terms of Use


Copyright: Copyright © 1991-2010 Unicode, Inc.

Boost License(s): Boost Software License


Copyright: Copyright of various authors and contributors of Boost

ACE , TAO License(s): ACE, TAO, CIAO, CoSMIC license


Copyright: Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Douglas C. Schmidt and his research group at Washington University, University of California, Irvine, and Vanderbilt University

C5 Generic Collection Library License(s): C5 License


Copyright: Copyright 2003-2006 Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft

Plossum Library License(s): Plossum License


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Palotas

Open XML & ADOM License(s): MPL 1.1 Source:

Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Dieter Köhler

VirtualTreeView License(s): MPL 1.1

Source: or

Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2001 digital publishing AG; Marco Zehe. (c) 2007

JCL (IDE exception diagnostics and stack trace utility) License(s): MPL 1.1


Copyright: Copyright (c) Marcel van Brakel, et al License

Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable EULA (

.NET Framework Deployment Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable EULA

IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY—These Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft") components, including any "online" or electronic documentation ("OS Components") are subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement under which you have licensed the applicable Microsoft operating system product ("OS Product") described below (each an "End User License Agreement" or "EULA") and the terms and conditions of this Supplemental EULA. BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE OS COMPONENTS, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE APPLICABLE OS PRODUCT EULA AND THIS SUPPLEMENTAL EULA. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT INSTALL, COPY OR USE THE OS COMPONENTS. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VALID EULA FOR ANY "OS PRODUCT" ( 98, WINDOWS ME, WINDOWS NT 4.0 (DESKTOP EDITION), WINDOWS 2000 OPERATING SYSTEM, WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL AND/OR WINDOWS XP HOME EDITION), YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO INSTALL, COPY OR OTHERWISE USE THE OS COMPONENTS AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS UNDER THIS SUPPLEMENTAL EULA. Capitalized terms used in this Supplemental EULA and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the applicable OS Product EULA. General. The OS Components are provided to you by Microsoft to update, supplement, or replace existing functionality of the applicable OS Product Microsoft grants you a license to use the OS Components under the terms and conditions of the OS Product EULA for the applicable OS Product (which are hereby incorporated by reference) and the terms and conditions set forth in this Supplemental EULA, provided that you comply with all such terms and conditions. To the extent that any terms in this Supplemental EULA conflict with terms in the applicable OS Product EULA, the terms of this Supplemental EULA control solely with respect to the OS Components. Additional Rights and Limitations. *If you have multiple validly licensed copies of the applicable OS Product(s), you may reproduce, install and use one copy of the OS Components as part of such applicable OS Product(s) on all of your computers running validly licensed copies of the OS Product(s) provided that you use such additional copies of the OS Components in accordance with the terms and conditions above. *You may conduct internal benchmark testing of the .NET Framework component of the OS Components (".NET Component"). You may disclose the results of any benchmark test of the .NET Component, provided that you comply with the following terms: (1) you must disclose all the information necessary for replication of the tests, including complete and accurate details of your benchmark testing methodology, the test scripts/cases, tuning parameters applied, hardware and software platforms tested, the name and version number of any third party testing tool used to conduct the testing, and complete source code for the benchmark suite/harness that is developed by or for you and used to test both the .NET Component and the competing implementation(s); (2) you must disclose the date(s) that you conducted the benchmark tests, along with specific version information for all Microsoft software products tested, including the .NET Component; (3) your benchmark testing was performed using all performance tuning and best practice guidance set forth in the product documentation and/or on Microsoft's support web sites, and uses the latest updates, patches and fixes available for the .NET Component and the relevant Microsoft operating system; (4) it shall be sufficient if you make the disclosures provided for above at a publicly available location such as a website, so long as every public disclosure of the results of your benchmark test expressly identifies the public site containing all required disclosures; and (5) nothing in this provision shall be deemed to waive any other right that you may have to conduct benchmark testing. The foregoing obligations shall not apply to your disclosure of the results of any customized benchmark test of the .NET Component, whereby such disclosure is made under confidentiality in conjunction with a bid request by a prospective customer, such customer's application(s) are specifically tested and the results are only disclosed to such specific customer. Notwithstanding any other agreement you may have with Microsoft, if you disclose such benchmark test results, Microsoft shall have the right to disclose the results of benchmark tests it conducts of your products that compete with the .NET Component, provided it complies with the same conditions above. *Microsoft retains all right, title and interest in and to the OS Components. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Microsoft. IF THE APPLICABLE OS PRODUCT WAS LICENSED TO YOU BY MICROSOFT OR ANY OF ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES, THE LIMITED WARRANTY (IF ANY) INCLUDED IN THE APPLICABLE OS PRODUCT EULA APPLIES TO THE OS COMPONENTS PROVIDED THE OS COMPONENTS HAVE BEEN LICENSED BY YOU WITHIN THE TERM OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY IN THE APPLICABLE OS PRODUCT EULA. HOWEVER, THIS SUPPLEMENTAL EULA DOES NOT EXTEND THE TIME PERIOD FOR WHICH THE LIMITED WARRANTY IS PROVIDED. IF THE APPLICABLE OS PRODUCT WAS LICENSED TO YOU BY AN ENTITY OTHER THAN MICROSOFT OR ANY OF ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES, MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE OS COMPONENTS AS FOLLOWS: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MICROSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS PROVIDE TO YOU THE OS COMPONENTS, AND ANY (IF ANY) SUPPORT SERVICES RELATED TO THE OS COMPONENTS ("SUPPORT SERVICES") AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS; and Microsoft and its suppliers hereby disclaim with respect to THE os COMPONENTS AND SUPPORT SERVICES all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) warranties or conditions of OR RELATED TO: TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND CORRESPONDENCE TO