Achilles: and Aeetes, 102-3, 108; and Scylla and Charybdis, 208 , 26-27, 88, 10 I, 108-I I 0, anonymous people: at the sacrifice, 241-42; own appearance in 51-52; one of , 94; , 27; organises boxing in Argonaut, 98; gods, 287-88 , 63; his wrath, 164 n. I 08; Anthemoessa, 20 I destined for Elysian fields, 277, 30 I; , I 65 and , 277, 303 , 273; in opening of Book 3, Aea, 154, 185-87; see also 224-26, 293-97; thought to help , 154, 185-87 Jason, 238; not worshipped, 269; Aeetes: arming of in Book 3, 102-3, makes desire Hylas, 283 115-17; arming in Book 4, 115-17; , 273, 282, 292; sacrificed to, and , 102-3; and 's 49-62; appears on cloak, 166; , 135-37; and , 176-80; worshipped, 269 and , 224, 228-32, 243; Apsyrtus, 114, 116-17 and, 232, 281, 298 Archimedes, 2 I 7-18 , 33; and Cyzicus episode, 85, , 101, 274, 296; island of, 174, 144-45; in Argonautica, 145-46, 271, 219 n. 300, 286-87, 294; see also 299 , birds, shipwreck Aeschylus, Eumenides, 191 , 229; like , 226; own Aethalides, 34, 164-65 appearance in Argonautica, 246-51, , and Jason, 27; and 254-56 , 55; his prayer in Iliad 2, , 64, 95 57-58; in Iliad 19, 255-56 : indestructible, 73; damaged, 77; Aigle, 277, 281-82; see also Hesperides built by and , 281 aitia: use of in Cyzicus episode, 92; : as a community, 11-12, as absent in 'Odyssean' part of Book 4, individuals, 2 7, 29; assist at sacrifice, 154, 157; reappear at Drepane, 248 5(}-54, 59; threaten combat, 115-117; Alcinous: and Aeetes, 224, 228-32, duplicate names, 131 n. 20; lack of 243; own appearance in Argonautica, reaction to Wandering Rocks, 158 246-48, 25(}-56 n. 94, 213; and ' Alexandria, 5-8 companions, 29, 167-68, 208, 219, allusion, generally, 8-41 243; and Myrmidons, 303; see also , 115 names of individual Argonauts ambiguity: of movement of Wandering Argus (son of Phrixus): describes Rocks, 212-14; of mist in Colchis, shipwreck, 75-76, 287; appeals to 226 n. 316 Jason, 133-34; speaks to Aeetes, ambrosia, 277 229-30, 297 , 165-66 Argus (Argonaut), 281 Amycus, 62-73, 286; and Homer's arming: of Lemnian women, 85; of Cyclops, 131-33 Jason and Aeetes in Book 3, 102-3; Ancaeus: at sacrifice, 52; in battle in arming without battle, 115-1 7 Book 2, 95-96 arrows, 296 , 295 Artaces, 89-90, 148 , 231 n. 329 Artacie, 33, 148, 151 anger of gods, 144-45, 282-83 arte aUusiva, I 0 animals: mastery over, 59; involved in , 274; Medea and affliction, I 71; magical ones 179-80, like, 236-37; worshipped, 269 181-82, 188-90, 195-96; recalled at assembly: in Iliad 2, 115-16; at 320 GENERAL INDEX

Lemnos, 116-11 7; and frustrated , 77, 221-22; and Hypsipyle, battles, 117; in Colchis compared to 33, 163 n. 106, 221; and beginning Or!Jssey 8, 231-32; on Drepane, 254; of Book 3, 221, 292 not held by gods, 280 Canthus, 131 Athena, 101, 234, 270-72, 281; at Carambis, 174 Symplegades, 44---46, 278-79, 285; Castor, 93-94 in opening of Book 3, 224--25, catalogue of Argonauts, 24--25, 29 291-97; active in Or!Jssey's Phaeacian Cattle of the Sun, 33, 42 n. 137, episode, 234, 237-38, 242, 254, 280; 158-60, 216-220; sacrificed in worshipped, 269; travels on cloud, Or!Jssey 12, 58, 217; and ' 277 speech, I 7 3 n. 139; see also Ausonia, 155 n. 85, 157 Thrinacia cave, Calypso's, 221 background information, 158, 267-68, , 233-34 275; about Sirens 200-2; about chariot: only used by Aeetes, I 02, 124; Scylla 207-8; about Cattle of Sun controlled by Apsyrtus, 116; Medea's 216-17; in Colchis, 228; on cart like one, 235-36 Drepane, 245-46; about and Charybdis, 33, 158-60, 207-10, 212, Thetis, 300 284, 298; and Symplegades, 42-43; ball, offered to , 295 and Phineus' speech, 174 Basileus, 89---90 Cheiron, 65 n. 33 baths: Circe's, 187; Jason's and Chryses, 55-56 Odysseus', 240 chthonic elements: at Symplegades, 44; battle, 24, 31-32, ch. 3 passim; in Book 2, 175; in Colchis, 177; see juxtaposed with boxing match, also nekuia 69---70; battle against Bebryces and , 32, 124 Or!Jssey 9, 132-33 Cios, 130-31 battle imagery, 20 n. 75, 83-84; at Circe, 33, 42, 157-60, 160-200, 221, death, 83-84, 92 n. 44; in meeting 223, 281, 283-84, 298; and Medea, of Jason and Medea, 84, 235, 154, 176-77, 181-96; her speeches 241-42; of Medea; 84, 290 n. 92 of direction to Odysseus, 172-75, Bebryces, 93-99, 132-33, 224 177, 182-83, 194--95, 200-2, 207-8, beds: none for Jason in Colchis, 230; 210-14, 216-17, 302; now lives in on Drepane, 251-52 Italy, I 77, 185-86; own appearance bees, 97-98, 115-16 in Argonaulica, 184--96; and Thetis, birds: from island of Ares, 84; in 159 n. 98, 194--95, 207, 302; and omens, 179, 280 Phineus, 169---76, 184--85; and blood: lack of, at sacrifice, 59; in Aeetes, 176-80; and , 275; boxing match, 67; in battle in Book and , 275; plain of, 16, 161, 2, 96; flows in Jason's aristeia, I O7 174._ 177:, see also animals., mrugc., boar, 105 maids, mo!), Boreas, 74, 276; sons of, 171, 276 Clashing Rocks: see Symplegades Boutes, 203-5, 273 Cleite, 85-88, 92-93 bows, 296 cloak, Jason's, 24--25, 29, 88, I 08, boxing match, 29 n. 106, 62-73 116, 165-67, 296 Brimo, 207 n. 264 , 95 Colchians: killed by Argonauts, 114; Cabeiri, 269, 279 threaten battle on , 115-I 6; Callimachus: and Homer, 4--5, 27; at departure of Argonauts, 115, 124; relationship to Apollonius, 7; altar at like Phaeacians, 226-27, 231-32 Pagasae in, 51 n. 8, Hecal£, I 05; Colchis: vents there and Or!Jssey 9, Argonauts' visit to Drepane in, 245; 133-39; and Or!Jssey's Circe episode, gods in, 273, 283; Rhea in, 275 176-84; and Orfyssey's Phaeacian n. 36; in, 298 episode, 224--44