Torrance Herald
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MEXICO CITY TRIP Mrs. Alma Smilli, 1614 Am«- pola, and her friend. Mrs. Frances Kcmp, of Burbank, relurncd from a 10 day stay in Mexico. They made Ihe trip by planr. and headquar tered at the Rcgis Hotel. Be sides louring Mexico Cily, they visited Taxco. Taluca and EDNA CLOYD, Editor other places of interest on side AUGUST 25, 1957 Thirteen; trips. Interesting Program for Woman's Club Announced A program with appeal for all is in store for the Tor- ranee, Woman's .club for the coming year. Mrs. Don Wolf has served as program chairman and has been assisted by Mmcs. R. E. Moffitt, Grovcr Van Dcventer, V. D. Benard and Hay Richards. The committee attended auditions in Los Angeles a.nd arc presenting a | - -- - - colorful variety of artists, mu- program will be on "Holiday sicals, crafts and socials. Arrangements." The club year will open on : The Junior Pipers will en- Oct. 2. with the outstanding | lcrtajn w|1cn die club observes program of (.he year, the ap-1 Reciprocity and federation pearance of the famous Mitch-1 Day On Dec. 4 and the annual ell Boys Choir. This will be a i Christmas party will be held :atercd luncheon and new of-1 pc(. 19 ficers will preside. The January meetings will At, the Oct. 16 business meet include the new members' tea ing, a program featuring the and a program entitled "The American Field Service stu Magic Mirror." dents will be held. They will Always anticipated is the give talks on "'European Im Chuck Wagon Dinner for club pressiojis." members and their families. Past presidents will be hon-1 This" will" take place ori~Feb. 5. MRS. ROBERT DEWITTE McINTYRE MRS. WILLIAM PIERCE ored on Nov. 6 and Mildred A Western theme is carried out ... Makes Promises ... Married Aug. 10 Younger will speak on "What a,nd Homer Morgan will call Is a Woman?" A silver tea will for Western dancing. follow. "The Life and Music of Rich - Mclntyre Names Are Lawten - Pierce Vows Are Charollel Maben, artist, will Frederic Chopin" will be be the featured speaker at the brought to the club by Nov. 20 potluck luncheon. Her Bach, known as the "Poet of Linkecl in Methodist Rite Spoken at St. Catherine's the Piano." The program by this TV movie actor and mu To the first chords of the wedding march, Miss Sharyn St. Catherine Laboure Catholic Church was Ihe setting J.LWallings, sician will follow a potluck Le« Rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.*Alfred William Rich, on Saturday, Aug. 10, for the 1 o'clock wedding ceremony luncheon. 17038 Ermanita Ave., walked down the aisle of the First uniting Miss Linda Lawten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ann Re'her. lecturer, will Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon at 2 for her mar- Edward Lawten, 16027 Arcturus Ave., and William Pierce, Newlyweds, speak on "Emily Post. Around "riage to Robert DeWitte Mclntyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. son of Mrs. Helen Stephen, 1935 W. 154th Place. The Rev. the World" at the March 5 meeting, preceded by a busi Howard D. Mclntyre, 2533 W., W. M. Hollinger officiated at Honeymoon ness meeting. A silver tea will (Crolty Pholo) 156th, Gardena. j A reception was held at the the vow exchange which took couple left for a Las Vegas follow. Mr. Rich escorted his daugh- j church with Helen Sanchez place before baskets of white honeymoon. Dorothy M. Rogers plighted MISS MARVA BRATTON blossoms her wedding vows with J. Les A delightful Easter program ter: to the altar. She wore a and Leila- Santor registering interspersed with has been ... to Wed Sept. 19 white candles. lie Walling at a lovely double arranged with the gown of white satin and Chan- the guests. High School and was graduat ring ceremony on Thursday appearance of Hans Frisch- In a bouffant gown of im tilly lace detailed with a Sab- After a week's honeymoon at ed from North High in June morning, Aug. 15, at 9:30 at knecht, playing the Hackbrett ported. Swiss embroidered 'or 1956. Marva Bratton's Engagement rina neckline ahd an Empire Lake Tahoe, the newly weds the Presbyterian Church of and his 11-year-old son, Hans gandy, the bride walked to the The bridegroom attended El Pacific Palisades, 15821 Sun Jr., playing the accordion. A waistline. Her full illusion veil will be at home at 616 N. Paul altar on the arm of her father. Camino College following his beautiful film of Switzerland ina, Redondo Beach. set Blvd. The Rev. Eldon Our To Cpl. J. R. Anderson Told cascaded from a pearl tiara The dress was fashioned with Gardena High School gradua ham officiated. will be shown in conjunction jnd she carried a bouquet of The bride is a graduate of a moulded bodice, and a three tion. The bride wore a silk dress with the musicale. Mrs. Vida Bra'llon, 22105 S. Normandie, is today tiered skirt which fell into a Phite orchids, stephanotis and Torrance High school and her 'Backwards' of navy and white with navy Again. Torrance's own libra announcing the engagement of her daughter. Marva, to C'pl. husband was graduated from chapel Irian. Her silk illusion accessories. Her corsage was of nan, .Mrs. Dorothy Jamieson valley lilies atop a small white veil fell from a seed pearl Jerry Robert Anderson. Gardena High School. white orchids. will give several book reviews Bible. tiara and she carried a bou Mrs. Irma M. Powers in at the April 16 potluck lunch The wedding date has been set for Sept. 19. Miss Judith Rae Johnson was quet of white orchids and Party Given black and peacock blue silk eon. The bride-elect was a member of the 1956 Torrance the maid of honor wearing stephanolis. stood as the matron of honor Inaugurated last year and aqua satin trimmed with coral Slumber Party Miss Jean Frame, wearing a and Warren G. Powers was received with much enthusi High School graduating class. She is now employed by a chiffon. Her shower bouquet mint green .organdy gown, By Art Club best man. asm, will be the "Headdress Gardena firm. Fantasy" to be held this year was of pink elf roses. the skirt of which was caught "Backwards" party was Mrs. A,nna M. Rdlman, moth Her fiance is the son of Mrs. Lois Fryer of Rapid City, For Lucienne with miniature bouquets er on May 1. Bridesmaids were Miss Iku- of staged by the Arts and Crafts of the bride, accompanied S. D. He was graduated from the Rapid City High School in ko Lillian Kato, Miss Lorraine A popular American custom, variegated blossoms, was the club last "Friday evening at the the wedding party. She and The foreign students, who the slumber party, was intro maid of honor. She carried a Mrs.' Powers wore pink baby wilf have atte.nded high school 1953 and is now serving in the United Slates Marine Corps, Mclntyre and Mrs. Linda Lou home of Mrs. Vivian Cook, here during Pierce. Their gowns were of duced to Lucienne Elshout, of nosegay bouquet. 2207 Carson St. Scene of the rose corsages. Following the year will be stationed at 29 Palms. Belgium, exchange student who Bridesmaids were Misses the ceremony, a wedding guest speakers at the meeting coral satin trimmed with aqua party was the new rumpus to be held on May 14. and the chiffon and they also carried arrived last week to make her Sharyn Rich and Mrs. Mitzi room. Mrs. Helen Carpenter! breakfast was enjoyed at Santa Davis. Ynez Inn on Sunset Blvd. club year will close with the TOUR OLD MEXICO VISITOR HERE pink elf roses. Junior brides her home with Mr. and Mrs They also wore the mint was co-hostess. installation of officers June 4. maids were Karen Mclntyre Robert Cage, while attending green organdy gowns and car Attending were Mmes. Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Walling are on Mr. aiid Mrs. Larry Stone, Mrs. Florence Brott of Bur- and Sylvia Catherine Rich. North High School next year, ried nosegays. Rea Lu Groover belle Banks, Florence Childs, a weeding trip through north- LEES FAMILY ON the former Maureen McGarry. bank is visiting with her sister, Both wore aqua satin with and Jolynne Groover were jun ern California. They will make i. c... VOD1x are touring Old Mexico. lace The party was given by Bar Cora Bohrer, Leila Everly, Per their home in Lomita. Ntw TUKK. They overskirls and carried pink bara Cage, at her home, 17326 ior bridesmaids. They wore sia Fess, Ruth Kilgore, Mary left Aug. 1 and will return in Mrs. Pearl Dodge, here in Tor- roses. j Glenburn Ave., last Thursday identical gowns as the other McDonald, Ethyl Peverly, The new Mrs. Walling has Mrs. James K. Lees and September. Mrs. Stone is a ranee this week. made her home with her moth- daughters, Allyson and Melin- Tom Traylor performed the evening. The girls watched attendants and carried varie Hazel Ward, Leah Arlerburn. teacher in the Torrance Also entertaining the visitor television late into the night gated bouquets. Guests were mothers of thCj~- «- ----- ...-.~0- -- - da, 28410 Saddle Rd. have re schools, having taught at Cron- duties of best man and ushers turned from a six weeks vaca are Mrs. Broil's niece and her were Bill Pierce, Bob Isaac- enjoying snacks and getting Gary Thomas stood as best hostesses, Mrs. Clyde Borijcy She has been employed as a shaw last year. Mr. Stone is a acquainted. Breakfast the next of Beaumont and Mrs. M., clerk at (he Lomita Elemen- tion in New York.